iMac desktop
Jonny Breen | 1347591365An iMac 21" desktop modelled to every detail with all connectors, ports, speakers etc modelled. Come with custom material showing Mac desktop. Made in Bootcamp :)
Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Hinged gate as an object.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Odd Goderstad | 1456161580Just a lamp I made :) Rememger to set illuminating surfaces (in photorendering settings) to a suitable value. It might be an idea to set a general light with no shadowcasting below if you want more light
Jonny Breen | 1365742558An iPad 3 - drawn to full detail with buttons & ports
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Philips - BPP007 - LIGHT + ROD
victor dan | 1408526270BPP007 LED-MP/740 PSU II GR 60P BPP007 - LED Medium Power - Power supply unit - Posttop for diameter 60 mm Under new regulations, all mercury-based lamps are prohibited from 2015 onwards. This means that all luminaires using these lamps need to be replaced as well. However, the installed base of these luminaires is huge, and the municipalities do not have the budget for such largescale replacement, especially in this period of economic austerity. At the same time, the municipal authorities are facing tremendous pressure to save energy and to reduce light pollution of the night sky (many mercury installations have a transparent bowl, sending light everywhere).StreetSaver is an affordable, high-quality solution that enables the municipalities to address all these issues at once by changing their mercury- based luminaires to a LED system – for only limited investment.
Polyfenster 1 (1)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1450557413Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Dabei ist allerdings die Trennlinie aussen sichtbar. bei automatischer Überdämmung nicht. Die Nutzung der Solidelemente Befehle wurde besser eingabaut. nun werden eingezogene Fensterflügel von allen Rahmenelementen abgezogen. Die Rahmenelemente werdengenauso wie die Fensterflügel vom Glas abgezogen. Bei automatischer Überdämmungsdarstellung wurde mit den Wallnichen befehlen gearbeitet. Dazu wurde eine Funktion zum Parallelverschieben der Kontur eingebaut - nicht die addon derPOLYGON-OPERATIONSERWEITERUNG genutz, sondern eine eigene GDL-Lösung. Es wurden im Grundriss ein zusätzlicher Anfasser eingebaut, um den Stock in der Tiefe verschieben zu können. Die Grundrissdarstellung wurde mit Wallblock ergänzt und die Schichten des Putzeinzuges erkennen nun die Schichtdicken. 19.12.2015: Im Grundriss wietere Hotspots für symbolische Darstellung hinzugefügt: nun ist nicht nur für Stockprofilmaße, sondern auch für Rahmenelemente und Fensterrahmen das Profil beim 1. Element stellbar. Die Tiefe des gesamt-Elementes in der Wand kann verstellt werden. Das Einsetzen in eine einschalige Wand ist möglich. Die Kontur kann nun bis an den Rand von A und B geführt werden. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster9_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Heimo Mooslechner | 1560080379GFK-Lichtschacht einfach parametrisch: Aufgrund vieler Hersteller - Lichtschacht schematisch aber maßlich an Hersteller-Maße anpassbar. Man setzt ihn im Keller ein und stellt sich die Sichtbarkeit auch im Geschoß darüber ein. Texturen (Materialien) müssen vor Nutzung angepasst werden. Man zieht den Lichtschacht vom Gelände mit SEO - Abzug mit Verlängerung nach oben ab (Ein Abzugskörper für SEO-Abzug vom umgebenden Erdreich wurde eingearbeitet - kann Ein und ausgeschaltet werden. entfernt, weil SEO mit Verlängerung nach oben ohnehin funktioniert.) Aufsatzkränze wurden hinzugefügt. https://youtu.be/SRMmumSVWhI
Heimo Mooslechner | 1384668771Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414943970editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014 Bug entfernt - Startpunkt Tube - Phantompunkt. weiteres hinzugefügt: Querschnitt auch im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche!
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414240569Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 25.10.2014 Schraffuren der Körper in 3D hinzugefügt
Polyfenster 1
Heimo Mooslechner | 1449613065Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster8_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a2
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560084323D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1385220105Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013: Hotspot - Schalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt
PsynPoly2 mit Boegen 3
Heimo Mooslechner | 1601098706Straßenzug - GDL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6cjzbg4Pt8 erweiterbares Polygon in 3D mit Hotspots wird an allen Ecken mit Bezierkurven ausgerundet. Dies ist auch in den Höhen-Ecken möglich. Somit ist ein sehr intuitives Arbeiten möglich. Als Querprofil werden die Profilmanager-Profile eingebunden Es kann im Grundriss eine Längenabwicklung des Polygones als Längenschnitt dargestellt werden. Dieser Längenschnitt kann mit einem Anfasserpunkt frei positioniert werden. Zusätzlich können die maßgeblichen Höhenpunkte im Längenschnitt grafisch editiert werden - ähnlich wie im 3D.
Rundbogen gemauert 16c
Heimo Mooslechner | 1354983457gemauerter Bogen - fachlich richtig hergestellt: Rundbogen: Der Schlußstein oben ist immer in der Ansicht stehend. Dies bedeutet, daß der Bogen aus ungerader Anzahl Steine betehen muß! Jede 2. Schar ist gedreht, damit der Ziegelverband stimmt. Die Ziegelschar-Anzahl und somit die Fugendicke wird über die Öffnungsbreite immer auf die obigen Regeln angepaßt. Noch in Zukunft anzupassen: Der Widerlager-Stein zu Anfang und zu Ende liegt um eine halbe Ziegelhöhe zu tief (geometrisch aber richtig, fachlich falsch). In der Praxis wird der natürlich der Widerlagerstein eben mit dem Bogenfuß gelegt und die weiteren Steine nicht nach der Achse und dem Bogenmittelpunkt, sondern nach der unteren Kante und einer Tangente an denem Hilfkreis im Mittelpunkt ausgerichtet. Segmentbogen: kommt später dazu..
Polyfenster 1 (english)
Michell Kreem | 1494584102Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Dabei ist allerdings die Trennlinie aussen sichtbar. bei automatischer Überdämmung nicht. Die Nutzung der Solidelemente Befehle wurde besser eingabaut. nun werden eingezogene Fensterflügel von allen Rahmenelementen abgezogen. Die Rahmenelemente werdengenauso wie die Fensterflügel vom Glas abgezogen. Bei automatischer Überdämmungsdarstellung wurde mit den Wallnichen befehlen gearbeitet. Dazu wurde eine Funktion zum Parallelverschieben der Kontur eingebaut - nicht die addon derPOLYGON-OPERATIONSERWEITERUNG genutz, sondern eine eigene GDL-Lösung. Es wurden im Grundriss ein zusätzlicher Anfasser eingebaut, um den Stock in der Tiefe verschieben zu können. Die Grundrissdarstellung wurde mit Wallblock ergänzt und die Schichten des Putzeinzuges erkennen nun die Schichtdicken. 19.12.2015: Im Grundriss wietere Hotspots für symbolische Darstellung hinzugefügt: nun ist nicht nur für Stockprofilmaße, sondern auch für Rahmenelemente und Fensterrahmen das Profil beim 1. Element stellbar. Die Tiefe des gesamt-Elementes in der Wand kann verstellt werden. Das Einsetzen in eine einschalige Wand ist möglich. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster9_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Магнитнорезонансный томограф Brivo MR 355 Inspire
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568805925Brivo MR355 Inspire с магнитным полем 1.5 Тл представляет собой простую, но эффективную систему, которая повышает достоверность диагностики и уровень медицинского обслуживания пациентов. В GE радикально изменили прежнюю МРТ платформу, создав интуитивно понятное устройство, которое расширяет профессиональные горизонты. Built on an energy-efficient and easy to use 1.5T MR platform, the Brivo* MR355 Inspire can help you increase imaging productivity and decrease ownership costs.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401632554Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte 29.4.2014 - Traufpfette(Brett) Neue Anfasser für Ein-Aus, Drehbarkeit und X+Y 4.5.2014 - Folgende Anfasser - Schalter bei Traufe im Schnitt hinzugefügt: Oberdachschichten zuschaltbar Innenschichten Schliessenkranz Gratsparren-Schalter Schalter zur einfachen Darstellung Schichtdicken im Schnitt stellbar. 7.5.2014 - Zusätzlicher Grundriss-Querschnitt ein-ausschaltbar mit fast allen Hotspots.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398691718Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a
Heimo Mooslechner | 13557717523D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser und auch drehen. Ein Verlegen im "Verband" ist möglich.. 18 Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht.
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 b
Heimo Mooslechner | 13559381683D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Größenänderung nur im Grundriss, dann "aufdrehen" zu Wand 19.12.2012 - Radteranfasser im 2D hinzugefügt
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415039090editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014: 2 weitere Querprofile hinzugefügt. Die 3 Polygon-Querschnitte sind nun auch direkt im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche! 3.10.2014 Additional possible 50 rectangular tubes generated from Array
Alle Geschoße - Stiege
Heimo Mooslechner | 1617647117Stiegenverlauf über mehrere Geschoße. Das Script sucht sich die Geschoßhöhen und erstellt durchgehend für alle geschoße eine 2-Läufige gerade U-Stiege mit Zwischenpodest. Die Stufenanzahl wird immer gerade sein. Deshalb kann folgendes Modell hergestellt werden: Im Schnitt und im 3D kann man sich mit Anfassern die deckendicken anpassen. Die maximale Stufenhöhe kann für jedes Geschoß extra eingestellt werden. Das Script errechnet nun daraus die Laufplattendicken und die Podestdicken so, dass sich die Knickpunkte an einem Punkt treffen. In der Grundrissdarstellung wird der Meterschnitt berücksichtigt und die darunterliegende Treppe wird mit symbolischen Schatten versehen. Im Grundriss und im Schnitt können ale Eckpunkte als Hotspots angefasst werden.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1396935930Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar Änderung 7.4.2014: Zeilenhöhe im Grundriss = nun Maßstabs-unabhängig
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415096942Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013 Hotspotschalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt blaues Inteface schaltet die wichtigsten Zustände über Anfasser im Grundriss
Element Orientation_Length Check
Steve Nortcliffe | 1634035564Angle and length checking label with defineable accuracy . Use to audit walls, beams, columns and objects to check if the orientation and length is out by fractional amounts. This was designed to serve as a tool to check walls, beams, columns, and object placement, rotation and lengths. The best way to use it is to create an audit layer and set the label to the audit layer, modify the accuracy properties to suit your needs (If you want to make sure element lengths are to the nearest 1mm set the accuracy property to 1mm - if you want to check if the angle of the placed element is orthogonal set the angle accuracy to 90 ,select the elements to be checked either by selecting the relevant tool and Ctrl A or just selecting then Ctrl Shift L to label all. It will give an instant indication of all elements that may require attention by highlighting the label elements in red. It is very useful when converting design drawings to construction drawings.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413648498Polygonal verstellbares Bauteil zur Perimeter - Sockeldarstellung. Man setzt es im Grundriss ein und folgt mit dem Polygonzug der Außenkante des tragenden Mauerwerks. im Grundriss gibt es einen abschaltbaren Querschnitt. Diesen kann man beliebig in der Lage verändern und mit diesem kann man die Querschnittsmaße mit Hotspots ändern und somit Bauteildicken an bestehende Schichtendicken der Wand anpassen. Im 3D kann man dann dem schrägen Gelände folgen. Die Sockeltrogprofile passen sich in der Höhe an, Die UK der Perimeterdämmung bleibt gleich wie zuvor. Mit einem SOE-Befehl - Abzug mit verlängerung nach unten - zieht man das GDL von der berührten Wand ab.
Pony Wall EMK 12
Erich Karp | 1431204959An object for simple pony wall framing
Rampe mit harmonisch anpassendem Gefälle - Winkel
Heimo Mooslechner | 1585510461Weil mich an den bisherigen ArchiCad-GDL-Rampen das gleichmäßige Gefälle immer schon gestört hat, habe ich nun eine andere Lösung entwickelt, welche das Gefälle harmonisch mit einer Sinusfunktion horizontal beginnen und enden lässt. Das GDL ist mit Anfassern im 2D und 3D komplett editierbar. Außerdem kann die Drehung entweder mit einem Anfasser-Winkel oder mit Abwicklungslänge darstellbar. Im zweiten Fall ist es dann möglich, überlappende Spiralen darzustellen.
Rampe mit harmonisch anpassendem Gefälle - Winkel und Profile
Heimo Mooslechner | 1585851648Weil mich an den bisherigen ArchiCad-GDL-Rampen das gleichmäßige Gefälle immer schon gestört hat, habe ich nun eine andere Lösung entwickelt, welche das Gefälle harmonisch mit einer Sinusfunktion horizontal beginnen und enden lässt. Das GDL ist mit Anfassern im 2D und 3D komplett editierbar. Außerdem kann die Drehung entweder mit einem Anfasser-Winkel oder mit Abwicklungslänge darstellbar. Im zweiten Fall ist es dann möglich, überlappende Spiralen darzustellen. 30.3.2020 Profilmanager-Profile hinzugefügt, dann auch als gerade Rampe möglich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIxTsEKT9uA https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8o4pnx2nms08hh/Archicad23%20GDL%20Rampe%20mit%20harmonisch%20anpassendem%20Winkel4.pln?dl=0 To do: Spirale im Grundriss Längenschnitt - Beschriftung
Victor Baboi | 1536453969An object to help in the placement of lights in a room.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397839915Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13559392053D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 19.12.2012:Rasterverschieber im 2D hinzugefügt, Randverschieber im 2D hinzugefügt
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 b1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560083813D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Größenänderung nur im Grundriss, dann "aufdrehen" zu Wand 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1358865207Ein in 3D streckbarer Zylinder zum Anpassen an zB. Morph-Linien im 3D mit Endkugeln zum scheinbaren nahtlosen aneinanderreihen zB. als Handläufe mit Auswahl der Art des Stabes
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401805662Balkonelement für Stahlbetonbalkone inkl Isokorb, Anpassung der Abdichtungsebenen bei Terrassentüren mit Rücksprung des Isokorb unter die Stockverlängerung des Türstockes. Stahl-Beton-Balkon mit: Isokorb Tropfkante Oberflächengefälle Dreikantleisten-Abschluss der unteren Betonkante Blechanschluß an Fassade, Blechwinkel als Aussenkante Feuchtigkeitsisolierschichte mit Hochzug Blechabdeckung an Fassade vor Isolierung. Wegschnittebenen für die Ausbildung von Gehrungen zum Anainanderfügen über Eck alles mit Anfassern im Editor direkt einstellbar - wie etwa auch WD-Dicke der Wand oder Belagsdicke usw. Zusätzlich: Balkontüren haben unter dem Türrahmen noch eine wärmegedämmte Stockaufdoppelung bis zur Rohdecke. Dies ist hier im Element mit eingebaut - inkl. Estrichrandstreifen. Ich habe derzeit 6 mögliche Türöffnungen eingebaut. Die Anzahl kann mit einem Hotspot geschaltet werden. Die Türöffnungen können im Grundriss an die echten in der Wand eingesetzten Türen angepasst werden. Im Einstellungsdialog des Elementes muss noch angeklickt werden, dass zur Darstellung im die Atribute des Elementes verwendet werden sollen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ff5wdqj590rjeb/Balkon1.pln Wie immer bei mir - Edu17-Aut version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYVXCqiRHQ&feature=youtu.be
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397147635Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Für die 16er Version.. Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Donglenummer 2016
Ralph Schwaiger | 1487256071www.ArchiCARD.com Das Donglenummer Objekt zeigt die Donglenummer ohne die erste Zahl an. Des Weiteren wird der "reale", nicht aber die CmActLicense Nummer angezeigt.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414944007editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014: 2 weitere Querprofile hinzugefügt. Die 3 Polygon-Querschnitte sind nun auch direkt im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche!
Grid 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Horizontal an vertical grid with optional filling.
Map Grid
ioannis spyridis | 1436041479Credis to SinceV6 from Archicad talk for his valuable guidance. This is an object for Maps or Site plans.
Thaleskreis für Tangenten an 2 Kreisen
Heimo Mooslechner | 1603812183Thaleskreise zum Ermitteln von Tangenten an 2 Kreisen - geometrische Methode im GDL nachgestellt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jdjNWaZPA4 Programmierbeispiel. Um Tangentenpunkte an 2 Kreisen zu zeichnen existiert in Archicad keine eigene Funktion. Mit Hilfslinien kann man es sehr wohl zeichnen, aber das zeigt nicht die dahinterliegenden Überlegungen. Diese GDL zeigt die Konstruktionsmethode auch, wenn man das will.
Thaleskreis für Tangenten an 2 Kreisen XO
Heimo Mooslechner | 1603961726Thaleskreise zum Ermitteln von Tangenten an 2 Kreisen - geometrische Methode im GDL nachgestellt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jdjNWaZPA4 Programmierbeispiel. Um Tangentenpunkte an 2 Kreisen zu zeichnen existiert in Archicad keine eigene Funktion. Mit Hilfslinien kann man es sehr wohl zeichnen, aber das zeigt nicht die dahinterliegenden Überlegungen. Diese GDL zeigt die Konstruktionsmethode auch, wenn man das will. 29.10.2020 Innentangenten hinzugefügt
Dachkonstruktion V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398228791Dachstuhlkonstruktion - für die 16er Version und somit meine Schüler wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397376935Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Hinged gate as an object.
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076A stable, visually timeless and attractive chair with an always fashionable retro flair. The REX 120 chair, the ancestor of the cult REX chair, was designed by Niko Kralj in 1953 and is a symbol of successful industrial design. In the development of the REX family of chairs, the then REX chair reached a new level of comfort and economy. Because of its elegance, comfort, safety and the fact that it does not fold, the REX 120 provides true comfort for your spine, is pleasing to the eye and offers all the support needed for your everyday rest. http://www.rex-kralj.si
Surface Viewer 23 USA
Ransom Ratcliff | 1582242666Object for displaying a sample of each surface in an ArchiCAD model, and its index number. Shows where there are gaps in the surface index sequence. (Turn off Spheres and 3D text for faster speed.)
Стерилизатор Steelco VS 3-2
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568823197Стерилизатор, 1000х1900х1292 мм VS 3/2 Steelco, Италия With an innovative high performance sterilizing technology, this small/medium capacity autoclaves are characterized by a chamber completely made of stainless steel AISI 316L and entirely covered by a full jacket system. The insulation is guaranteed by an innovative and practical textile covering. This new chamber design guarantees excellent performances during the sterilization cycles optimizing and reducing water and steam consumption. The vertically sliding doors made of stainless steel AISI 316L are obtained from a single moulding without weldings. Innovative and highly sensitive anti-finge trapping device.
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
iQ Optima
|With outstanding performance and an exceptional range of colours, formats and accessories, iQ Optima brings design into line with potential to create a genuine multi-solution offer. From hospitals to schools, hotels or offices, from wetroom to bedroom, iQ Optima can provide a single solution or a complete co-ordinated design that flows seamlessly between ambience and functions. ■A timeless classic revisited in an amazing palette of 64 colours and designs ■New Essence collection with exclusive embossed surface and innovative formats ■iQ Unique self regenerating properties ■Best life cycle costs on the market ■VOC below quantifiable level and phthalate free ■100% recyclable
INDI Circle
|The INDI family luminaries have a minimalistic and simple design. They consist of an aluminium profile and are fitted with LED boards with a high efficiency. There is a built-in suspension system in the luminary to which different components as hooks etc. can be inserted. They are distinguished by a soft light the intensity of which can be set up. They can be used separately or extended to long lines and other shapes. The luminary can be mounted as suspended, surface mounted or wall one . The luminaries are suitable for business and administrative premises, corridors, hotels, cultural facilities and households. Luminaires from INDI family are available from 2015. Type of installation: [LIST] Suspended [/LIST]
Linoleum Silencio xf²
|To reduce impact and ambient noise and enhance underfoot comfort and wellbeing, Tarkett’s Silencio xf™2 offers an acoustic linoleum solution with sound reduction of 18dB. With a total thickness of 3.8mm, it’s made in a two-layer construction of 2.5mm linoleum with a 1.3mm pre-bonded foam underlay. ■ Floor covering with 18dB sound reduction ■ 2.5mm Linoleum Veneto xf² on jute backing ■ 1.3mm recycled polyurethane foam backing ■ Xf² surface treatment for a smoother appearance and improved performance ■ Easy cleaning and maintenance, no need for polish and wax, for highly cost effective flooring ■ Available in all Veneto colours.
|The INDI family luminaries have a minimalistic and simple design. They consist of an aluminium profile and are fitted with LED boards with a high efficiency. There is a built-in suspension system in the luminary to which different components as hooks etc. can be inserted. They are distinguished by a soft light the intensity of which can be set up. They can be used separately or extended to long lines and other shapes. The luminary can be mounted as suspended, surface mounted or wall one . The luminaries are suitable for business and administrative premises, corridors, hotels, cultural facilities and households. Luminaires from INDI family are available from 2015. Type of installation: [LIST] Surface Suspended Wall mounted [/LIST]
INDI Corner
|The INDI family luminaries have a minimalistic and simple design. They consist of an aluminium profile and are fitted with LED boards with a high efficiency. There is a built-in suspension system in the luminary to which different components as hooks etc. can be inserted. They are distinguished by a soft light the intensity of which can be set up. They can be used separately or extended to long lines and other shapes. The luminary can be mounted as suspended, surface mounted or wall one . The luminaries are suitable for business and administrative premises, corridors, hotels, cultural facilities and households. Luminaires from INDI family are available from 2015. Type of installation: [LIST] Surface Wall mounted [/LIST]
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, White
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - White
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
Katrin Inclusive System Towel Dispenser - White
|# The cover opens upwards for for easy refilling # A full range of tissue paper qualities is available # The lock can be used with or without a key # Inserting a roll into the dispenser is done by simply letting the paper drop freely, pulling it until the marked line, and closing the cover # The fully opening cutting mechanism is easily accessible and simple to clean # When paper is not visible, there is an easy-to-use PUSH bar for paper feeding # Braille instructions are provided for visually impaired on the PUSH bar # Controlled consumption, minimum resistance to draw and high capacity: 420 - 800 sheets per roll depending on quality # The whole roll is always used. Almost fully used rolls automatically drop into the stub roll position when the roll has a diameter of approximately 7.5 cm # The empty cores can simply be pulled out sidewards from the back of the dispenser and recycled # Paper consumption is easy to control, thanks to the transparent side panels
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - Black
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
Katrin Ease Air Freshener Dispenser - Black
|# Electronic dispenser that produces an even aroma level 24 hours a day for one month # Easy to open with a button on top of the dispenser # Silent # Low energy consumption. Powered by one LR20 1.5 V battery (not supplied) # Three different modes: light detection, ON 24/7, OFF (to disconnect mode).
Katrin Inclusive System Towel Dispenser - Black
|# The cover opens upwards for for easy refilling # A full range of tissue paper qualities is available # The lock can be used with or without a key # Inserting a roll into the dispenser is done by simply letting the paper drop freely, pulling it until the marked line, and closing the cover # The fully opening cutting mechanism is easily accessible and simple to clean # When paper is not visible, there is an easy-to-use PUSH bar for paper feeding # Braille instructions are provided for visually impaired on the PUSH bar # Controlled consumption, minimum resistance to draw and high capacity: 420 - 800 sheets per roll depending on quality # The whole roll is always used. Almost fully used rolls automatically drop into the stub roll position when the roll has a diameter of approximately 7.5 cm # The empty cores can simply be pulled out sidewards from the back of the dispenser and recycled # Paper consumption is easy to control, thanks to the transparent side panels
Katrin Ease Air Freshener Dispenser - White
|# Electronic dispenser that produces an even aroma level 24 hours a day for one month # Easy to open with a button on top of the dispenser # Silent # Low energy consumption. Powered by one LR20 1.5 V battery (not supplied) # Three different modes: light detection, ON 24/7, OFF (to disconnect mode).
Balcony with Vinstra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Vinstra: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel holders to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Glitra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Glitra: Glass panels mounted in continuous aluminum profiles, attached to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
|Lunex zipscreen fullfilles the requirementes of EU- standard EN 13659 regarding wind and efficient sunshade. It has been testet to endure forces up to 400 Newton per m2 on most common window sizes. Lunex Zipscreen is made with half a zipper which is welded to the fabric on both sides. The zipper halfes is entered into plastic guides which leads the fabric inside the guiderails and leaves no gap for sunrays to leak trough. This is the big difference between a zipscreen and a traditional screen which have no other guidance than a weighted bottom profile and where in some cases light gaps are inevitably. Applications : Lunex Zipscreen can be used wherever the requirement is an effective sunshade and where high winds might be a challenge for a traditional screen. A zipscreen can withstand up to 20 m/s where as a traditional screen often has limits down to 8 m/s. Lunex Zipscreen meets the requirements of access to normal daylight while it provides an optimal shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All vivble outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum profiles which are powdercoated or anodized to withstand corrosion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available for a surcharge. Operation : Lunex Zipscreen is only available with electric motor drive operated by switch, remote or fully automated solar/wind systems.
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
Screenline 90
|Applications : Lunex SL90 can be used wherever the demand is an effectiv sun shade. Lunex SL90 meets the requirement for natural daylight in addition to provide an effective shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All visible outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum which is anodized or powdercoated to withstand corrotion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available upon surcharge. Ferrari Soltis is the preferred fabric for SL90, but other fabrics are available on request. Operation : Lunex SL90 can be operated by handcrank or electric motor drive operated by switch, remote and/or fully automated solar/wind systems. Sizes: SL90 can be made in all sizes up to 4000 mm wide by 3500 mm high. Minimum width with motor is 700 mm. Use, durability and maintenance : SL90 requires very little maintenance as it contains very few moving parts unlike venetian blinds which often have high maintenance costs. High gloss powder coating makes them very easy to clean and fabrics can be cleaned with a moist cloth.
Balcony with Orkla glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Orkla: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel clamps between railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Folla alu railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Folla: Aluminium balustrades attached to the inside of railing studs made of steel.
Balcony with Gaula steel railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Gaula: Steel balustrades attached between railing studs made of steel.
Metawell® Jointless ceiling
|Suspended plaster ceilings are usually made of plasterboard. In contrast, Metawell® jointless ceilings consist of aluminium sandwich panels, and because of the aluminium and copper used offer greater performance and a high response speed. The unusually lightweight support panel is very bending-resistant. Therefore, the grid dimension of the substructure can be double that of plasterboard panels. The advantages: greater flexibility with ceiling fixtures and a tighter meander layout. Metawell® panels offer many different edge finishes. They are provided at the butt joints with stop chamfers to ensure a perfectly levelled filling. Thanks to the extraordinarily flat surface, only the joints, not the entire panel area, need to be evened. Up to 110 W/sqm cooling performance (at 10 K under temperature). Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Object roller blind
|When it comes to large surfaces, the WAREMA object roller blinds are the sun shading system of choice. This type of roller blind can be delivered either with a bracket or a 115 x 115 mm cassette. The roller blind is laterally guided by a polyamide-sheathed steel wire cord or an aluminium guide rail. Object roller blinds are also optionally available without lateral guidance. The roller blinds can be comfortably operated with the standard 230-volt motor. The aluminium parts can be coated in any colour on the applicable RAL Classic colour chart (except for camouflage and luminous colours). Construction limit values: [LIST] min. width: 650 mm min. height: 200 mm max. width: 4000 mm max. height: 4000 mm [/LIST]
Munich Stool
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2012; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. The Munich Stool is the perfect addition to the furniture series by Sauerbruch Hutton. Combined with the Munich Lounge Chair, it invites the sitter to relax and put his feet up, but it can also be used on its own as extra seating. Frame of solid wood. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather.
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element F100
|CI System Glass Element F100 – A crystal clear advantage – Daylight for a sense of well-being CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 – safety and comfort for living space and workspace Whether used in administrative or residential buildings, school or industry. CI-System Glass Element F100 is the optimum, energy-efficient answer to the desire for daylight from flat roofs. The CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 combines the advantages of the CI System Glass Element F100 and of an electrical SHEV. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.7 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in 16 dimensions for standard model and in 9 dimension for smoke lift model Different Opening drive units for standard model Different Shade systems Thermally insulated, jointless GRP upstand, 15 (only standard), 30. 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristics) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
Metawell® Grid Ceilings
|The run-of-the-mill frame ceilings in the standard format are seen (all too) often. In contrast Metawell® grid ceilings do not have standard sizes and show their advantages especially when used in large formats. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings and frame ceilings allow for the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. For panel sizes with more than 2 sqm modular ceilings are usually a cheaper alternative, especially when considering the installation costs. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Esencia D 1075 DGLM
|WITH A FEELING FOR DETAIL The Esencia task chair from Drabert is well-designed and thought-through down to the last detail. Each design choice is made to create both an appealing, flexible and functional chair. It is ideal both aesthetically and functionally in many different environments, either as a task chair or a meeting chair. As it is so user-friendly and has automatic weight detection, it is also ideal in the Kinnarps’ Next Office (Activity Based Working) concept, where the chair can be used by many different people. It is available in many exciting colours and fabric combinations. The back is upholstered with a durable 3D mesh that provides both great comfort and a beautiful finish. In terms of weight, Esencia is one of the lightest chairs on the market. It is also an eco-friendly option as it is possible to dismantle and recycle it.
Metawall® A2 Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 15 mm, weight only 6,8kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilities, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1460 x 6000 mm), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: A2 - s1, d0 (non-combustible), 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
Munich Armchair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Metawell® Modular Ceilings
|Metawell® modular ceilings do not require visible rails or longitudinal frames. Instead, the individual ceiling elements are suspended directly from a concealed substructure. The ceiling elements can be pushed together within a few millimetres to each other. Passive installation strips are placed on the ceiling elements for subsequent installation of partition walls. If necessary, they can be removed easily and the wall can be erected without affecting the ceiling structure. Due to the big dimension of the ceiling panels, the hydraulic connection of the panels is not necessary, which minimizes installation errors and installation times significantly. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings allow the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Munich Lounge Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2009; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum, which opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Frame of steel tubing with rubber webbing. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
External venetian blind
|The standard model of the external venetian blind with 80 mm beaded slats is the most popular external venetian blind on the market. WAREMA external venetian blinds create an optimal lighting atmosphere at any time of day and allow perfect daylight utilisation. The individually adjustable slat angle ensures that rooms receive just the right amount of daylight while protecting against prying eyes. With our external venetian blinds, we are therefore able to provide flexible daylight utilisation for both maximum energy efficiency and a truly comfortable setting. Construction limit values: [LIST] min. width: 600 mm max. width: 5000 mm max. height: 5000 mm [/LIST]
Metawell® Radiant Island
|Ceiling sails hang from the base ceiling as single panels, or are combined into islands. In this way they can take on any contours, edge configurations and surface coatings. The radiant ceiling sail, a functional component of building technology, becomes a custom design element. Compared to enclosed ceilings, the open structure of ceiling sails offers clear advantages: greater specific performance, better accessibility, simpler assembly and lower investment costs. Metawell® radiant islands made of aluminium sandwich panels improve the room acoustics without reducing the cooling and heating efficiency of building structure core-tempered ceilings. Moreover, performance deficiencies can be compensated specifically. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Munich Sofa
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2010; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Frame of steel tubing with rubber webbing. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details and colours see price list.
Kit Sunfix aero duo
|The name kit Sunfix aero duo says it all. The high-performance SolarWorld solar modules Sunmodule Plus poly, mono, mono black and Sunmodule Protect poly are installed with the mounting system Sunfix aero duo without penetrating the roof membrane and forms a static interconnection that requires only minimal ballast. The aerodynamic, wind tunnel-tested system design ensures that the solar power system behaves like a Formula 1 racing car at high speeds: the frame literally clings to the roof surface. This reduces point and surface loads to a minimum. In the kit Sunfix aero duo modules are arranged in tent-shaped pairs allowing for maximum utilisation of the available roof area. This double design, which reduces shading between module rows, increases the roof’s yield. The modules should be mounted at an angle of 10 degrees, ideally with an east-west alignment, in order to maximise the yield in relation to the roof surface area.
Munich Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Mento Mesh D 1034 DGLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Horizontal Sliding Wall System HSW FLEX Therm
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with double glazing and a surrounding frame made of thermally insulated profiles Different parking layouts available Bottom profile Thermal break and water channel (optional) Track rail with optional thermal break Insulation value U of approx. 1,5 W/m²K (with standard insulating glass) Meets the requirements of the German Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV Combined with door closer types TS 92, ITS 96 3-6, Push handles, ISEO Multilock Pivoting-sliding panels equipped with an ITS 96 3-6 concealed door closer Operation Easy, one-handed single throw of the lock bar to switch between the door and sliding functions, with no bending and no crank operation 40% improvement in thermal separation value (compared to the predecessor model) Heat transfer coefficient in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10077-1 and 10077-2 Endurance DIN 1527 Class 3 (25000 cycles) for suspend sliding doors > 100kg Impact DIN EN 13049 Class 3 Corrosion DIN EN 1670 Class 3 The product will be available end 2015 [/LIST]
Horizontal Sliding Wall System HSW EASY Safe
|[LIST] Horizontal Sliding Wall HSW EASY Safe, Standard Stacking Laminated safety glass with Clamp & Glue fixing technology Glass thicknesses from 10 to 19 mm Support profile for single-action and double-action pivoting-sliding panels with integrated slide channel Top rail can be optionally provided with an adhesive channel for the secure fixing of laminated safety glass Roller carrier mounting can be variably adjusted both at the support profile and at the door/glazing rail profile Combined with: Door Closers TS 92, ITS 96, ITS 96 2-4, BTS 80, BTS 84 Push handles, Office locks, center/corner locks, HSW-GP Double top and bottom brush seal profiles available Easy installation thanks to three-in-one multilock assembly Status indicator showing whether the panel is in the pivoting or sliding mode for enhanced safety The product will be available mid 2015. [/LIST]
Munich Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. The brief for the museum, which opened in 2009, included designing a dining table for use in the cafeteria. In close cooperation with the architects, ClassiCon took their draft a step further, resulting in a reinterpretation of the original design. The way the straight-edged tabletop with its rounded corners floats atop the oblique legs lends the table a special lightness. Together with the Munich Chair and Munich Armchair a harmonious ensemble is created for use either in the public or private realm. Frame of solid wood. Tabletop with rounded edges in clearly varnished MDF veneered with real wood. Details, colours and European standards see price list.
Metawall® Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 10 mm, weight only 5.7 kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (Glueing , Riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilites, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1470 x 6000 mm), building inspectorate approval: Z-33.2-889 (DIBt Germany), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: B - s2, d0, 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
Schüco Skylight FW 50+.SI
|[LIST] With the FW 50+ systems, the design of even complex geometrical skylight constructions, such as arcades, glass domes, pyramids and barrel vaults is straightforward and can produce stunning result Elegant skylight constructions with broad spans are also possible for large projects, such as shopping centres, adminsistrative buildings, hotels, eshibition halls ans leisure centres The highly functional Schüco Roof Window AWS 57 RO is another example of a powerful opening unit Schüco Roof Window AWS 57 RO: High level of flexibility thanks to two different heights of outer frame and two different thermal insulation standards, high level of weathertightness due to an additional centre gasket, Glass thicknesses of 26 mm - 48 mm can be installed, i. e. also suitable for special glazing and stepped glazing, concealed hinges (WK2 / RC 2) increase security against break-in Opening angle of up to 90° is possible, can be used for roofs with slopes from 7° to 75°, Roof slopes < 7° or > 75° on request [/LIST]
Mento D 1034 DRLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Kit Sundeck
|The roof-integrated system for customers with high standards: the Sundeck kit enables SolarWorld high-performance solar modules Sunmodule Plus poly, mono, mono black and Sunmodule Protect poly to be elegantly positioned at the same level as the rest of the roof. Sundeck sets new standards in terms of aesthetics as a complete roof solution. The Sundeck can be used for pitched roofs with an inclination of 15 to 60 degrees. This system will also save your customers the costs of a conventional rooftop covering. The Sundeck is technologically impressive and economical, with its small number of perfectly matched system elements. The cleverly designed rain-proof substructure is attached directly to the roof battens, making it easier to install solar power systems and simultaneously saving you time. During the planning phase, the kit is adjusted to ideally suit the building’s individual requirements.
LAMILUX CI System Continuous Rooflight B
|CI System Continuous Rooflight B - Energy-efficient and superior statics The first continuous rooflight with complete thermal separation with approval for use in Germany and throughout Europe – for an optimised energy balance. With the CI System Continuous Rooflight B, we have developed a daylight system for intelligent building management that breaks new ground in terms of energy efficiency and structural design. In doing so, we have closely focused on intelligence – on well-engineered individual components in a completely heat-insulated, very economical and sturdy overall system. We call it TIP: Total Insulated Product. [LIST] Numerous glazing types Dimensions: length: endless width: 0.84 m to 6.00 m (inside dimension of frame) Ug values of 3.1 to 1.2 W/m²K Available Smoke and heat ventilation units (tested to EN 12101-2) European Technical Approval -ETA and German General Technical Approvals (ABZ) Enviromental product declararation acc. to EN 15804 [/LIST]
Munich Coffee Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2010; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Tabletop with reounded edges. Details and colours see price list.
Tork Elevation® Matic® Hand Towel Roll Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor, black
|The Tork Elevation® Matic® Roll Hand Towel Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor presents the most advanced electronic system in the industry today. The touch-free electronic virtually eliminates cross contamination while cutting back on supply waste. Each unit features a choice of two dispensing modes. The towel remains inside the cabinet until the user activates the sensor, delivers maximum hygiene. An adjustable towel length of 8 inches to 24 inches, and a stub roll compartment combine to deliver more precise control of consumption are a few of the features available. Batteries lasts up to 40 rolls on average with normal usage. It's easy to reach and simple to reload. Versatile Installation- can be mounted directly to wall or within a recessed compartment. Numerous back-plate mounting slots fit most any pattern. Utilizes any Tork H1 Roll Towel. Uses 3 "D size" batteries.
Tork Elevation® Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Tork Centerfeed high capacity cabinets are ideal for high traffic environments. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Sikafloor® PurCem® HS-21 Gloss
|Sikafloor® PurCem® HS-21 Gloss is an industrial and commercial flooring system based on polyurethane cement hybrid technology. The flooring has a a hard, glossy and smooth surface, normally applied 3 - 6 mm thickness. The main uses for example: industrial environments, coolers, "back of house" areas, storages, kitchens and ground floor garages. Product specifications: • Glossy, smooth and dense surface • High scratch resistance • Very good chemical resistance • Dense and impervious • Seamless • Low dirt pick-up • Easy to keep clean and maintain • Odourless • VOC free and environmental friendly • Can be applied on concrete substrates with high moisture content
MQ41D 2xMQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 D 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41 HKD M10
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Flush anchor HKD M10x40 Bored plate MQZ-L11 Threaded rod AM10x2000 4.8 zinced Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Flat washer A 10,5/28 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41 MQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Red
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Replaces 41XPT. Also available in Black 6232000, Gray 6234000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Blue
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 40XPT and 6237000. Also available in Gray 6234000, Red 6236000, Green 6239000, Black 6232000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Stainless finish
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Also available in Black 6232000, Gray 6234000, Red 6236000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Black
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Replaces 32XPT. Also available in Gray 6234000, Red 6236000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Gray
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Replaces 31XPT. Also available in Black 6232000, Red 6236000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Green
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 45XPT.
Tork Elevation® Matic® Hand Towel Roll Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor, white
|The Tork Elevation® Matic® Roll Hand Towel Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor presents the most advanced electronic system in the industry today. The touch-free electronic virtually eliminates cross contamination while cutting back on supply waste. Each unit features a choice of two dispensing modes. The towel remains inside the cabinet until the user activates the sensor, delivers maximum hygiene. An adjustable towel length of 8 inches to 24 inches, and a stub roll compartment combine to deliver more precise control of consumption are a few of the features available. Batteries lasts up to 40 rolls on average with normal usage. It's easy to reach and simple to reload. Versatile Installation- can be mounted directly to wall or within a recessed compartment. Numerous back-plate mounting slots fit most any pattern. Utilizes any Tork H1 Roll Towel. Uses 3 "D size" batteries.
Riff - 345
|Riff is a lightweight, durable chair offering good seating comfort. The back and seat are made of moulded wood. The seat is available with or without upholstery. Riff is now also available with black, white, red, green or blue laminate as an alternative to the wood finishes (beech, birch and oak). The chair is equipped with glides and stands stable on all surfaces. Riff can be either stacked (6 chairs) or hung on the edge of a table. All details can be recycled.
Purusline Living Grating Drop 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living 600mm with outlet Ø50 side side and grating in stainless steel with DROP pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Fri 1800x1200
|Design: Bror Boije The furniture serie Fri is designed for creative interior design with an emphasis on mobility and flexibility. The Fri serie offers a great variety of combination possibilities for you to put your personal stamp in the workplace. Plan. Combine. Drop the thought free. You can choose from more than 1,000 forms on your desktop, different edge profiles, different woods, different kinds of legs and equal kinds of storage. Create your location. Create free. Choose between birch, beech, oak, walnut and white laminate to your desktop. Legs in silver, white or chrome. The furniture serie Fri is awarded the title of "Excellent Swedish Design" for its innovative form. Fri is also marked the Nordic Ecolabel Svanen.
V131 Wall Hung Toilet
|Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Front mounted. Combination with wall fixture and build in flushing cistern. Can be equipped with seat pads or seat with cover. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
Koja Sofa High
|Koja Sofa High is a sofa with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as easy-chair with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Purusline Living Grating Twist 800mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living 800mm with outlet Ø50 side side and grating in stainless steel with TWIST pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Thermostatic Shower Mixer 9000E Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
|Polstergeist is an upholstered sofa with runners in chromed steel. The system provides possibilities of none, one or two backrests. The backrests can also be placed in a tête à tête position. It is possible to have side panels and edges in contrasting colours. Polstergeist can, among other places, be used on fairgrounds, schools and in waiting areas. Design: Christine Schwarzer.
|Ginkgo is an attractive sound-absorbing solution that combines Japanese tradition with a contemporary European perspective. Ginkgo inspires you to dream of nature and brings the most amazing landscapes from all over the world into your indoor environment. Ginkgo can be a cloudy sky in winter or a forest ablaze with colour during the autumn. Merely by changing the colours, this simple shape can morph into millions of different inspirational landscapes.
Koja High
|Koja High is an easy chair with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as a sofa with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Björka Pedestal Table 115+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. The pedestal table can easily be changed from an attractive, easy-to-place table into a generous dining table by supplementing it with 1-4 table extensions. The table is available in special heights, max 77 cm. Birch support legs and birch laminate tabletop is available as an optional extra. The Björka range also includes a table, semicircular table and semicircular pedestal table. Supplied preassembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
JW Door Tahoe - Exterior
|Tahoe is an exterior door in the range Function. Here you find designes with inspiration from both the 1930s functionalism and the neo-functional style that we are experiencing today. The doors have many innovative solutions, including a unique glazing method with solid strips without seams or screws. Here in out-swing version.
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Inward 3-glazed window
|With Elitfönster’s inward opening triple glazed window, you are offered a good insulation capability and efficient sound reduction giving you a good living comfort throughout the year. Exterior aluminium cladding for extra long durability making it virtually maintenance free. The freedom of choices and combinations is great. Window construction - Sidehung wooden window with an exterior aluminium cladding - Single sash with triple glazed isolation glass sealed unit - U value between 1,0 and 1,3 - Sound reduction between Rw 33 dB and Rw 41 dB - Available fire classes are E30, EW30, EI30 - Frame depth: 115 mm - Opening: sidehung or Kipp-Dreh* - Many possible combinations with opening and fixed windows in the same frame *Kipp-Dreh is a double-functioning fitting where the window is hung both on the side and at the bottom Please refer to Elitfönster's size matrixes for possible combinations with minimum and maximum constraints
OPPO 050
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
RBM Noor 6070
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Focus F
|For applications requiring a ceiling which is mechanically secured to the structural soffit. Ecophon Focus F is installed directly to an existing plaster ceiling, boarding, battens or concrete, creating a ceiling with a smooth appearance. The bevelled edges create a narrow groove between each tile. The tiles are not demountable. The tiles are manufactured from high density, 3rd generation glass wool. The visible surface has an Akutex™ FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are reinforced and painted. The weight is approximately 2,5 kg/m². Ecophon recommend Connect screws for a quick and secure installation.
Hundranian Chair
|With the Hundranian, Jonas has taken inspiration from the chairs of the 1910s and 1920s, and developed a modern café chair. It offers an idiomatic simplicity that makes the chair ideal in environments where a large number of seats are required, and where demands are placed on both form and function. The Hundranian is stackable (6 chairs) and highly stable, thanks to its aluminium frame underneath the seat. It is also very comfortable, due to the generous and embracing backrest. The choice of fi nish and colour determines the chair's fi nal expression. Hundranian will also be available with armrests. The aluminium frame can also be lacquered in Stolab's standard colours. Standard on the frame is silver.
JW Door Erie Double - Exterior
|Erie is an exterior door in the range Function. Here you find designes with inspiration from both the 1930s functionalism and the neo-functional style that we are experiencing today. The doors have many innovative solutions, including a unique glazing method with solid strips without seams or screws. Here in out-swing version.
JW Door Elbe - Exterior
|Elbe is an exterior door in the range Function. Here you find designes with inspiration from both the 1930s functionalism and the neo-functional style that we are experiencing today. The doors have many innovative solutions, including a unique glazing method with solid strips without seams or screws. Here in out-swing version.
RBM Noor 6050
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Serena Wall Shelf 170
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail fi nish and material quality. A beautiful and stylish place for books and small items. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Bath Mixer 9000E 160 c/c Downward outlet Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Norwegian Exterior wall solutions
|Our products are manufactured with ECOSE-Technology, a revolutionary formaldehyde-free binder mendel, which makes the products easier to cut and softer to handle. The high tensile strength makes it possible for rough handling without damage to edges and corners - it can even be bent double without snapping! The exterior walls of a building protects against cold, rain, snow, wind, noise and fire. An outer wall which is correctly built and insulated helps to create a healthy environment. Knauf Insulation recommends Facade panels 032, EcoBatt 033 and EcoBatt 036.
Danish Exterior wall solutions
|Our products are manufactured with ECOSE-Technology, a revolutionary formaldehyde-free binder mendel, which makes the products easier to cut and softer to handle. The high tensile strength makes it possible for rough handling without damage to edges and corners - it can even be bent double without snapping! The exterior walls of a building protects against cold, rain, snow, wind, noise and fire. An outer wall which is correctly built and insulated helps to create a healthy environment. Knauf Insulation recommends Facade panels 032, EcoBatt 033 and EcoBatt 036.
Orbit Network Chair
|Orbit Network comes as a cantilever and a boardroom chair for high-quality conference furnishings. The comfortable upholstery of the cantilever chair rests on an elegant frame. The boardroom chair with its return mechanism creates order. The unusually comfortable mesh in the backrest of both conference versions appears visually light and transparent.
|Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Floor standing and wall mounted. Can be combined with wall fixture and built in flushing cistern. Tested according to EN 997, approved by TÜV. Vandal-proof is optional. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
V130 S-trap HCP
|Handicap model Outlet Ø110mm to floor Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
V130 P-trap
|Outlet Ø110mm to wall Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
|Aircone is a diffusing, hanging partition ideal for screening off areas in an open space. Combine Aircone with sound-absorbing products to ensure excellent acoustics. Aircone comprises triangular modules made from moulded fibre felt. The modules can be connected with clips to create different types of pattern formation. Attached to ceiling or wall using a white or silver anodised aluminium rail.
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅300
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅130
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
Softline table screen
|Create a functional acoustic environment in your office with Softline table screens. The series features table screen models with the same soft look. Create lively or discreet table screen combinations using a choice of colours and fabrics. The table screen consists of a soundabsorbent filling mounted within a solid wood frame. The screen is upholstered with fabric on both sides. Steel desk fittings (colours: black, white, and grey). 90-degree fittings are available so that two screens can be joined to maintain stability when used at an angle.
V130 P-trap HCP
|Handicaped model. Outlet Ø110mm to wall Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
V135 HCP
|Handicap model Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Floor standing and wall mounted. Can be combined with wall fixture and built in flushing cistern. Tested according to EN 997, approved by TÜV. Vandal-proof is optional. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
Softline floor screen
|It’s no coincidence that Softline has become a timeless classic. Its ingeniously simple design and friendly feel, combined with its excellent sound-absorbency properties, make it a functional favourite in workplaces worldwide. The screen consists of a sound-absorbent filling mounted inside a solid wood frame. The screen is upholstered with fabric on both sides. Metal feet (colours: chrome, black, white, and grey). Heights available: 5, 50 or 100 mm. The connectors make it possible to link multiple screens in a row or at an angle.
V130 S-trap
|Outlet Ø110mm to floor Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
V131 HCP Wall Hung Toilet
|Handicap model Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Front mounted. Combination with wall fixture and build in flushing cistern. Can be equipped with seat pads or seat with cover. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE5 - from 170 - to 215 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE5 has an adjustable height that goes from 170 mm to 215 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 170 to 215 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE8 - from 235 - to 325 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE8 has an adjustable height that goes from 235 mm to 325 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 235 to 325 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE2 - from 50 - to 75 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE2 has an adjustable height that goes from 50 mm to 75 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 50 to 75 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE0 - from 28 - to 38 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE0 has an adjustable height that goes from 28 mm to 38 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 28 to 38 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE9 - from 205 - to 345 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE9 has an adjustable height that goes from 205 mm to 345 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 205 to 345 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE3 - from 75 - to 120 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE3 has an adjustable height that goes from 75 mm to 120 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 75 to 120 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE11 - from 300 - to 400 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE11 has an adjustable height that goes from 300 mm to 400 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 300 to 400 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE14 - from 365 - to 550 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE14 has an adjustable height that goes from 365 mm to 550 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 365 to 550 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE4 - from 120 - to 170 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE4 has an adjustable height that goes from 120 mm to 170 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 120 to 170 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE1 - from 37,5 - to 50 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE1 has an adjustable height that goes from 37,5 mm to 50 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 37,5 to 50 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE7 - from 185 - to 275 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE7 has an adjustable height that goes from 185 mm to 275 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 185 to 275 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE13 - from 315 - to 500 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE13 has an adjustable height that goes from 315 mm to 500 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 315 to 500 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE10 - from 250 - to 385 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE10 has an adjustable height that goes from 250 mm to 385 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 250 to 385 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE6 - from 140 - to 230 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE6 has an adjustable height that goes from 140 mm to 230 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 140 to 230 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
SE12 - from 270 - to 455 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE12 has an adjustable height that goes from 270 mm to 455 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 270 to 455 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
In Between Table (SK3)
|The In Between chair was the first chair to be added to the &tradition stable of furniture and Kallio has reinterpreted certain aspects of the chair in the creation of the table. The curvature of the circular table is for example reminiscent of the negative space in the form of the chair’s backrest. Similarly the angles of the legs of the table reflect the angles of the chair legs. The table legs were created using woodturning, a traditional technique that uses a lathe to shape wood. For &tradition a connection to the past is an essential component for any item in the collection. Although some of the manufacturing processes are traditional, the table still comes disassembled as a flat-pack, addressing ease of transport in a modern world. Furthermore, the shape of the table has been chosen to address issues within modern interiors. Its round shape means it must be brought away from walls, therefore taking an active role in any room. The circular form of the table also means that interaction when sat at the table is a more intimate and egalitarian affair. Product type: - Dining tables Materials: - Solid oak Colours: - White oiled oak. Smoked oiled oak. Black stained oak (RAL 9005). Production: - The In Between table is built from solid oak and treated with either lacquer or oil.
Mora Izzy F+ Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer with integrated tap function for connector to water filters. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut . Chrome. RSK 8304014 NRF 4290183 Mora Izzy exudes harmony and elegance and enhances even the most beautiful kitchen. Mora Izzy owes its characteristic look to the elegant curves of the pipe. The version shown here is a kitchen mixer with a fixed or swivel spout. You can change the spout from fixed to swivel mode with an easy adjustment on the back of the mixer.
Mora Izzy Miniprofi Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer with combination spout and rinsing system. Nozzle with two jet settings. Copper pipes 10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8304013 NRF 4290232 LVI 6260921 VVS 716272504 The kitchen mixer for discerning home professionals. Mora Izzy Miniprofi brings the advantages of professional kitchens into your home, adding an exciting and untraditional touch to your kitchen interior. The mixer has a detachable nozzle and adjustable jet settings: choose between a concentrated jet and a shower jet. Mora Izzy Miniprofi makes your kitchen work easier, more efficient, more attractive and – with ESS function – kinder to the environment.
Mora Inxx A2 Bath Mixer
|Safety mixer for bath with safety stop and Eco function. 160 c/c. Chrome. RSK 8344036 Thermostatic mixer with secure comfort. Bath spout with built-in diverter. Downward outlet. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It does its job admirably - both in terms of providing a bath or shower with the perfect temperature water, as to convey an individual expression in your bathroom. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A5 Basin mixer with lift valve
|Basin mixer with lift valve and Eco function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8344388 NRF 4290824 LVI 6160280 702676 Without lift valve. Chrome. RSK 8344391 NRF 4290826 With lift valve. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with raised base and lift valve. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Steni Colour SN 8013
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8010
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8001
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8002
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8005
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 5520
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 6520
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 5550
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 7013
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 3413
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 6510
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8011
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4072
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8003
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8020
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8004
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8007
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8008
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8900
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 2008
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 7020
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 7534
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4500
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 5010
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4012
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4350
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4353
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4357
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni System Solution
|Steni AS delivers architectural expression that people notice and remember. Façade solutions from Steni allow architects to design buildings with a unique expression that lasts for generations. Our flexible façade panels are available as downloadable Steni BIM objects for Revit. Our products are ideal for use in BIM because they are industrialised, prefabricated and format-flexible. This is an add-in installer for Revit 2013 - 2016.
Shift Ottoman
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
|<p>Murano is an equally pretty easy chair which hugs your body with a surprisingly high comfort. The backrest and seat are designed so that you can vary the seat position from active- by moving your back, to move out and relax. In the relaxed situation, you also get more contact with the armrests.<br><br>Except of the incredibly high level of comfort, Murano also offers the possibility of hanging a jacket or a computer bag on the backrest.&nbsp;<br><br>Murano is upholstered with lacquered frame.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- Is highly comfortable.<br>- Offers the possibility of hanging a jacket or a bag on the backrest.<br>- Reflects todays needs of “work and relax where you sit”.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Soufflé Small
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
On Point
|On Point table is designed by Mattias Stenberg, the designer behind the successful stool Carry On. With its soft and elegance appearance the table is great for meeting between people but can also be used, with plants and greenery, for seperate private conversations. On Point is a part of Offecct’s O2asis concept and its different center modules makes it possible to fit different sizes of plants into the table. The table is also available with power source which makes it perfect for all public places where electronic devices are used. “The On Point table is a further development of the ideas that originated from the Carry On stool. The series is based on the idea of the informal meeting in a workplace or a public space, for example an airport. With their very obvious handles, the stool provoke mobility and spontaneous meetings. The table is designed to allow full contact between up to eight people around it, while it’s also perfect for more private and intimate gatherings among a few individuals. It is part of Offecct’s O2asis-concept, with vegetation integrated into furniture pieces in order to improve wellbeing and air quality. The table can hold plants and trees of different dimensions, with rings of two sizes placed in the table’s centre. It’s also a way of creating a micro architecture in the room, with the tree’s natural ceiling that makes us feel pleasantly enwrapped and comforted.” /Mattias Stenberg
Soundwave Sky
|Soundwave® Sky is designed by Marre Moerel who got the inspiration for the sound absorbing panel from the silhouette of cities, in particular that of New York, but the pattern can also be seen as an abstraction of nature. The panels have a regular, rectangular form. When placed horizontally a straight line is formed at the top which is then broken into slightly angled horizontal lines. The pattern reflects New York’s grid of streets and can also be seen as an enormous mountain range from a bird’s eye view. Vertically the pattern is transformed into skyscrapers or primeval rock formations. The sound absorbing effect can be varied depending on how the panel is mounted. Vertically placed Sky reflects the sound back and forth. Horizontally place it instead absorbed the sound. “I have spent a lot of time in New York, and in cities like that everything is about sound and noise and about how the inhabitants can reach through that barrier of sound. That is why I felt so motivated to start developing a personally designed panel when Offecct gave me the possibility”, says Marre Morel.
Bop bar stool
|The chair Bop is developed by Offecct in collaboration with Norwegian design bureau Knudsen Berg Hindenes. Originally, Bop was designed for USF Verftet, an arts arena for music, theater, film and modern art in Bergen, Norway. USF was established in 1993 and is an important actor within arts and culture in Bergen and Norway with the aim of collaborating, strengthening and participating in the development of culture and creativity. Bop has been further developed and is now available with arm rests and also as a bar stool. Bop lives up to the high standards of comfort, durability and adaptability required of a concert chair, but fits perfectly well in other interiors as well. ”When we were redoing the cultural center and creating a larger concert hall we wanted a new concert chair. The development has been a close process between us here at the cultural center, the designers and Offecct”, says Jon Tvilde, head of the cultural center.
Bop Wood bar stool
|Bop is a serie of chairs developed by Offecct in collaboration with Norwegian design bureau Knudsen Berg Hindenes. Originally, Bop was designed for USF Verftet, an arts arena for music, theater, film and modern art in Bergen, Norway. USF was established in 1993 and is an important actor within arts and culture in Bergen and Norway with the aim of collaborating, strengthening and participating in the development of culture and creativity. The chair has since then further developed and is available with elegant wooden legs stained in whitepigmented oak. 2016 Bop Wood became a serie with a bar stool. Also that one with legs in massive wood. Bop lives up to the high standards of comfort, durability and adaptability required of a concert chair, but fits perfectly well in other public interiors as well. ”When we were redoing the cultural center and creating a larger concert hall we wanted a new concert chair. The development has been a close process between us here at the cultural center, the designers and Offecct”, says Jon Tvilde, head of the cultural center.
|Membrane is a acoustic room divider designed by David Trubridge. The room divider consits of smaller acoustic panels which together creates a modular system with two inspiring finished patterns. Membrane filter sound at the same time as it’s letting through light and create a unique expression. “This dividing screen, which filters sound, was commissioned exclusively by Offecct for their ambitious acoustic control line. It can be used to semi-divide spaces and can also be placed against a wall in order to dampen sound. Of course in addition to its strong acoustic control function, it also has a decorative element and can be assembled in various shapes and patterns. An interesting architectonic quality is added in that it is easy to light, creating layers of shadows. My inspiration, as usual, is nature, from where I draw most of my patterns. I love to go out on hikes and sleep under a tree for a few days, and it’s nice to bring a bit of the forest in to the indoor environment. Membrane is made from polyester fiber produced from recycled water bottles. We conduct a great deal of life circle research of our own and this material is actually environmentally smarter than natural wool, for example, as the sourcing of wool is very polluting.” /David Trubridge.
|Montparnasse is an easy chair designed by the French designer Christophe Pillet. Pillet got inspired by, amongst other products, ordinary camping gear and has then added elegance and quality - which has created Montparnasse. “I have always been interested in Offecct’s philosophy and method. They are into developing alternative solutions and finding new paths instead of just following trends. This easy chair is designed with the ambition of using less material. Traditionally, easy chairs, like other furniture, are based on the idea of quantity, which is not at all updated to our contemporary time. It’s unbelievable, a shame, that quality and status is still valued in terms of size and quantity in cars, sofas, bathrooms etcetera. We developed this chair with a high-tech textile mounted on a mechanical construction, making the easy chair light, while using minimal amounts of material. It’s inspired by camping gear and military furniture. The exciting challenge has been to apply the cleverness and economical thinking of camping gear, but with the comfort and finish of high-end domestic furniture. It is about providing people with space, being light and transparent in the contemporary environment.” /Christophe Pillet
Soufflé Medium
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
Soufflé Large
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
Soufflé Table
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
Bop Armchair
|The chair Bop is developed by Offecct in collaboration with Norwegian design bureau Knudsen Berg Hindenes. Originally, Bop was designed for USF Verftet, an arts arena for music, theater, film and modern art in Bergen, Norway. USF was established in 1993 and is an important actor within arts and culture in Bergen and Norway with the aim of collaborating, strengthening and participating in the development of culture and creativity. Bop has been further developed and is now available with arm rests and also as a bar stool. Bop lives up to the high standards of comfort, durability and adaptability required of a concert chair, but fits perfectly well in other interiors as well. ”When we were redoing the cultural center and creating a larger concert hall we wanted a new concert chair. The development has been a close process between us here at the cultural center, the designers and Offecct”, says Jon Tvilde, head of the cultural center.
|<p>Surf – a new mobile table for Offecct by&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. Berlin based&nbsp;Maximilian is one of the new designer&nbsp;names in Offecct's 2018 news collection.&nbsp;In his capacity as an acclaimed contemporary designer, trying to&nbsp;reinvent the wheel is not in Maximilian Schmahl's nature. But wheels&nbsp;have in any event once again become a key element under furniture in&nbsp;activity-based venues.&nbsp;– Of course, the development has to do with the fact that we now&nbsp;work practically anywhere. And practically anyway, highlights&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. If nothing else, both the Swedish and German&nbsp;word for “furniture” comes from the Latin mobilis – which designates&nbsp;something that is moved around.&nbsp;Surf is moved around easily, yet it is no “furniture” according to the&nbsp;designer, rather “a tool for achieving maximum flexibility in activitybased&nbsp;venues.” Whether there is a computer or a couple of cups of&nbsp;coffee sitting on top of it. The light table blends well into Offecct's&nbsp;Life-circle philosophy.&nbsp;Surf has a table top in lacquered ash and handle in white-pigmented&nbsp;solid ash, metal frame and black castors.</p><p>Architect&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl was born 1983 and raised in&nbsp;Munich. After graduating from Bauhaus-University&nbsp;Weimar in 2013 he started his own studio in Berlin,&nbsp;working in different fields of furniture and interior&nbsp;design.</p>
|<p><span></span></p> <p>Dune offers an exciting new response to the constantly changing needs of our work places and public spaces. Dune has been developed for the spheres where the need for informal meetings intersects with the demand for relaxed seating.<br><br>“We are really satisfied with the lightness of Dune. Despite being so delicate, Dune stands firmly on the ground and offers possibilities to interaction, face to face and digital”, says designers Anna Lindgren and Sofia Lagerkvist, the members of Front.&nbsp;<br><br>Dune is upholstered with a lacquered frame and table tops in MDF.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can easily seat up to eight people.<br>- The table tops can be equipped with the latest generation USB-sockets. The sockets are available in aluminium or brass.<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or artificial leather.<br>- The table tops can be equipped with a jacket hanger.&nbsp;<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.<br></p><p></p> <p></p>
On Point High
|<p>“On Point is designed to allow full contact between up to eight people around it, while it’s also perfect for more private and intimate gatherings among a few individuals It’s also a way of creating a micro architecture in the room, with the tree’s natural ceiling that makes us feel pleasantly enwrapped and comforted”, says Mattias Stenberg.</p><p>On Point High, has an upholstered frame with a table top in white-pigmented oak. The center module in the middle of the table top is in lacquered MDF. It is available in different dimensions and makes it possible to fit different sizes of plants into the table. The tables heights make it possible to choose between standing or sitting on a bar stool.</p><p><strong>Benefits & functions</strong><br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leath<br>- Can be equipped with a powerbox.<br>- It fits up to eight people.<br>- The center module is available in three different spaces, see images below<span></span></p>
Shift high easy chair
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Shift Low easy chair
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Swedish Exterior wall solutions
|Our products are manufactured with ECOSE-Technology, a revolutionary formaldehyde-free binder mendel, which makes the products easier to cut and softer to handle. The high tensile strength makes it possible for rough handling without damage to edges and corners - it can even be bent double without snapping! The exterior walls of a building protects against cold, rain, snow, wind, noise and fire. An outer wall which is correctly built and insulated helps to create a healthy environment. Knauf Insulation recommends Facade panels 032, EcoBatt 033 and EcoBatt 035.
High Performance 87mm Sound Rw47dB - Interior
|This is a high performance (HP) interior sound door, built for professional demands. A wood-based, rebated construction with a reinforced kernel that reduce sound in an extremly good way. Equipped with strong hinges and locks for cylinders. The construction reduces sound as much as 47dB and is therefore suitable for interrogation rooms or for example between a machine room and an office.
High Performance 40mm Wet Room - Interior
|The Wet Room door is an example of Swedoors possibilities to provide solutions for special purposes. The Wet Room door is a water resistant composite-based high-performance (HP) door. Normally it's used in places with heavy water load in g. public baths, shower-rooms, proffessional kitchens, butcheries, etc.
High Performance 40mm Anti-finger-trap - Interior
|The Anti-finger-trap door is an example of Swedoors possibilities to provide solutions for special purposes. This door is a wood-based high-performance (HP) door with a functionality that limits crushing injuries. Normally it's used in the nursery, playroom, nursery schools and other public places where children are present.
Interior Door Compact - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage. All doors in this range are also offered as sliding doors.
Interior Door Compact Double - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage. All doors in this range are also offered as sliding doors.
Interior Door Craft Double - Interior
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Doors in this range is offered in the same way as our other interior doors, also as sliding doors. Craft is an interior door, designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Compact Sliding In-wall - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage, here as slinding doors. Most of Swedoors interior doors can be adapted to sliding performance and combined with built-in wall cassettes. The cassettes provide a stable construction while the wall thickness can be minimized down to 96mm finished wall thickness. The cassettes can also be combined with 40mm HP (High Performance) doors.
Interior Door Compact Sliding In-wall Double - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage, here as slinding doors. Most of Swedoors interior doors can be adapted to sliding performance and combined with built-in wall cassettes. The cassettes provide a stable construction while the wall thickness can be minimized down to 96mm finished wall thickness. The cassettes can also be combined with 40mm HP (High Performance) doors.
G3000 Series - Glass Wall
|Type G3000 mobile glass wall partitions Possible applications of type G 3000 movable glass wall partitions are manifold in today's modern and sophisticated architecture. They offer transparency and freely accessible illumination, for example in hotels and conference centers, corporate offices, hospitals, schools, colleges and universities, churches and religious establishments and sports and leisure facilities. Glass wall partitions harmonies with almost every ambiance. Glasswall is the creative answer for facilities requiring a physical, but not a visual, barrier. Let the light shine in! Glasswalls are available in the following styles: frameless (glass with polished edges); framed (aluminum trim edges). Glass is a material ensuring many creative alternatives of color, surface and individual conditioning. The crystal clear and colored glasses of ESG are an ideal solution. Complete glass elements with vertically bordered profile are also included in the delivery program. HUFCOR-movable partitions offer manifold design variants, from the planning and draft stages onwards
Type 100 Series - Operable Partition
|Hufcor Type 100 Moveable Wall is available in a single point or double point configuration and can offer an acoustic sound rating performance of up to 57 dB, laboratory tested to latest European standards. Choice of panel face finish is endless including melamine, laminate, and lacquered wood veneers and vinyl’s. Additional features can include acoustic sound absorption boards, magnetic display boards, dry wipe marker, pin boards and display rails. Aluminum framing profiles protect the facing boards for durability and long partition life. Alternatively, the panels can be constructed with concealed trims in order to achieve a ‘plain faced’ wall appearance. The aluminum frames and tracks may be powder-coated or color-anodized to coordinate with panel faces, ceiling grids etc. Single point panels are an ideal solution because they set up or stack using just a single length of track across a room. Panels can then be moved quickly, quietly and effortlessly to a stacking position at one or both sides of the room. ESS models have all the features and benefits of Type 100 range with the added benefit of electrically operated panel seals. Suitable for a wide variety of applications including: hotels and conference centers, corporate offices, hospitals, schools, colleges and universities, churches and religious establishments and sports and leisure facilities.
E0915 - Supply Locker
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Wall Mounted Rail; 1 Locked Storage Container; 2 Tray/Shelves; 1 Locked Drawer w/Locked Lid, 6"H (152mm); 5 Drawers, 3"H (76mm); 3 Drawers, 6"H (152mm); 2 Tray/Shelves Divider; Drawer Organizer Bins; Consider the need for an E0921 to transport the locker from place to place.
DK (Tilt & Turn Window)
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
MEKA (Fixed Window)
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
Schüco Façade USC 65 F
|Unitized facades with high level of cost-effectiveness, functionality as well as an attractive appearance – and façade bracket for universal load connection [LIST] The design of the Schüco Façade USC 65 F (Unitised System Construction) is flexible and can be fabricated efficiently. With its all-round narrow face width of only 65 mm as well as maximum unit weights up to 500 kg, it enables large architecturally appealin For using opening units in unitised façades, there is a wide range of Schüco windows from the AWS to the super-insulated Schüco AWS 114 SG.SI series Different lengths of insulating bar with Uf values of 1.4 W/(m²K) to 2.9 W/(m²K) for variable adjustment to different thermal insulation requirements Comprehensive system tests in accordance with European and American test standards Large unit dimensions and heavy unit weights of up to 500 kg possible; 125 mm and 150 mm basic depths Glass thicknesses : Single glazing from 4 - 16 mm; Insulating glass from 16 - 56 mm Excellent weathertightness due to overlapping gasket for coupling gasket and saddle gasket; 3-chamber principle Burglar resistance WK2 in accordance with DIN ENV 1627 [/LIST]
Fire safety products Remote Keypad
|The Remote Keypad is designed for the remote operation of the FPA‑1200 Fire Panel, the FPA‑5000 Modular Fire Panel or a complete network. The design of the user interface is identical with that of the FPA‑1200 and FPA‑5000 Panel Controllers and therefore enables an intuitive and quick operation. Suitable for surface and flush mounting. Certified according to EN54 standards.
Schüco Façade FWS 35 PD.SI
|Highly thermally insulated aluminium façade system with optimum thermal insulation properties including FWS 35 PD.SI [LIST] Uf values to 0.88 W/(m²K) As a mullion/transom construction with an internal and external face width of 35 mm. Construction for vertical, straight façades Passive house-certified system by the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt (Germany) Two thermal insulation standards: HI and SI isolators available Triple glazing with a glass thickness of up to 50 mm is possible For glass loads up to 400 kg per transom in the standard system Modular system: profile face widths of 35 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm can be combined with one another [/LIST]
Schüco Façade FWS 60 CV.HI
|Thermally insulated aluminium façade system with concealed opening units [LIST] Slimline profiles with the same look for vents and fixed fields Similar to a mullion/transom construction with an internal and external face width of 60 mm Uf value to 1.5 W/(m²K) including screw factor with 50 mm glass Merging of the vent and load-bearing structure: no additional insert outer frame required Vent and outer frame flush-fitted with minimal shadow gap Turn/tilt window possible Can be used for classic, floor-to-ceiling ribbon windows including safety barrier and punched opening [/LIST]
A0911 - Power Supply, Uninterruptable, Rack Mounted
|Uninterruptable Power Supply, Approximately 2200VA/1600W, Rack Mount with extendable Run Time. Unit must incorporate hot user swappable batteries and must have an overload indicator, replace battery indicator, audible alarm, automatic voltage regulation and include Smart Slot card and software. It must use RS232 DB-9 interface for communication. NEMA L5-30P power connector, and (8) NEMA 5-15R outlets.
A1090 - Mirror, Float Glass, With SS Frame &amp; Shelf
|A high quality 1/4" polished float glass mirror, approximately 36' H X 18' W framed in a one-piece, bright polished, stainless steel channel frame with 90° mitered corners and an integral stainless steel, stain finish, shelf. All edges of the mirror are protected by absorbing filler strips. Mirror has a galvanized steel back with integral horizontal hanging brackets and wall hanger for concealed mounting. For mounting above single wall mounted lavatories located in restroom areas, Doctor examination areas, offices, etc. May also be used above double lavatories, either wall or countertop mounted.
A1125 - Headwall, Suspended System
|A wall mounted articulating boom system that provides the flexibility of a ceiling boom and the practicality of a headwall. Unit has an arm range of 190 degrees and 330 degree head rotation. Provides availability of retractable or fixed, single or double arms. Unit can supply up to 16 gas outlets and up to 40 line voltage receptacles and 12 low voltage provisions. Unit provides multiple bed/caregiver interface positions. A variety of accessories are available.
A1200 - Lift System, Overhead, Patient Room
|An overhead rail system specifically designed for patient lifting and movement for a single bed patient room. The system will consist of recessed or ceiling mounted primary and secondary rails, lift motor with rolling carriage, patient harness or seat, and a hand controller or control box with charger. System will facilitate lifting and movement of patient to and from bed to gurney, chair or other requirement. Minimum lift capability is 550 pounds. Custom design of track layout by manufacturer is essential to meet individual facility requirements.
A1205 - Lift System, Overhead, Patient Room w/Bath
|An overhead rail system specifically designed for patient lifting and movement for a single bed patient room including the bathroom. The system will consist of recessed or ceiling mounted primary and secondary rails, lift motor with rolling carriage, patient harness or seat, and a hand controller or control box with charger. System will facilitate lifting and movement of patient to and from bed to gurney, chair, bath, commode, or other requirement. Minimum lift capability is 550 pounds. Custom design of track layout by manufacturer is essential to meet individual facility requirements.
A4995 - Table, Diaper Changing, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted diaper changing table for use in public restrooms. Unit is a fold down system that folds upward when not in use for minimal intrusion into the room. Changing surface is contoured and has safety belt to insure that an infant will not fall from the table. Table is designed to hold no less than 250 pounds static weight. Closed dimensions are approximately 21" H x 36" W x 5" D. Open dimensions vary according to style. One system's open dimensions are 15 " high, 32" wide and 19" deep.
A5045 - Hair Dryer, Wall-Mounted, Patient Room
|A wall mounted hair dyer with 2 speed and 2 heat settings for use in a bathroom of a patient room. The dyer will be 1500 watts minimum and plug into a nearby outlet in close proximity to the room sink and mirror. The dryer will have an automatic shut-off when returned to the holder. The motor will be smooth and quite in operation.
C0025 - Cabinet, Wardrobe, 1 Door
|Wardrobe cabinet with a fixed shelf, clothing rod, and a solid or louvered right or left-hinged door (appropriate door hinge configuration to be indicated on the equipment elevation drawings), an optional locking door is available. Also referred to as a wardrobe case, unit or storage unit. Used for storage of clothing and personal items.
C0035 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0036 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two steel base cabinets or a steel base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support. Constructed of steel.
C0037 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0038 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0039 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0040 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0041 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0052 - Pegboard, Glassware
|Glassware pegboard with drip trough and pegs, suitable for holding a wide variety of lab glassware. The pegboard is available in various materials (epoxy resin, stainless steel, and wood) and with or without finished back. The pegs are generally made of polypropylene and are available in various lengths which determines the number of pegs that are provided. Pricing is based upon an epoxy resin construction without finished back, 6.5" length pegs, and a 5" depth drip trough.
C01C0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 Shelf, 1 Drawer, 1 DO
|Standing height under counter base cabinet with an adjustable shelf and a full width drawer above a solid right or left-hinged door (appropriate door hinge configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings). Also referred to as a combination cabinet or a drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
C02C0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 Shelf, 1 Drawer, 1 DO
|Standing height under counter base cabinet with an adjustable shelf and a full width drawer above a solid right or left-hinged door (appropriate door hinge configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings). Also referred to as a combination cabinet or a drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CT020 - Countertop, Solid Surface
|A solid, nonporous countertop with a smooth seamless appearance. Easy to clean and maintain and with proper cleaning does not support the growth of mold. An acrylic-based solid surface product. Standard thickness of 1", and a 4" butt backsplash/curb. Also referred to as a work surface or work top. Available in a choice of colors and depths. Used in lab and other hospital areas requiring optimum physical and chemical resisting properties.
D0675 - Console, Central, Dual Access, Dental Operatory
|A dual access, central console for use between two dental operatories. Used in an open floor plan to create a functional wall between operatories to allow sharing of equipment (x-ray), utilities, and a wash station. Unit is approximately 106"W x 24"D x 85"H. Also comes in other widths and heights. This unit is priced with similar components on each side including a dual access x-ray cabinet, storage and dispensing cabinets in the upper section and storage, slide-out shelves and equipment drawers in the base unit. Unit can be configured with various options to meet facility unique requirements. Price may vary.
D0680 - Console, Accessory/Side, Dental Operatory
|An accessory or side console/cabinet approximately 60" W x24"D x 32"H for use in a single chair dental operatory. The console may be a left or a right unit used for the dentist or the assistant depending configuration of the operatory. The unit may contain a sink component with waste drop, a round SS sink with faucet and soap dispenser, a solid surface counter top, a drawer storage module with writing surface and equipment drawers, a double door component with swing out shelves and a glove dispenser. Various combinations are available as well as different widths. Configuration of the unit, including whether the unit is right or left, to be determined at time of purchase.
D0685 - Cabinet, Storage, Dental Operatory, Wall MNTD
|An upper wall mounted storage cabinet with two adjustable shelves providing additional space for dental supplies and equipment in a dental operative. Cabinet is approximately 34"W x 12"D x 24"H with other widths available. Cabinet is frequently mounted above JSND0680, Console, Accessory/Side, Dental Operatory.
D3320 - Chair, Operating, Dental
|Dental operating chair designed for the treatment and comfort of dental patients. The chair shall be capable of multiple positions, shall swivel, contain an adjustable headrest and arm rests that pivot up and down. The chair shall operate by means of electrohydraulics. The upholstery shall be seamless with no crevices to catch debris and be easy to clean.
D3380 - Stool, Operating, Dental, Doctor
|Dental operating stool. Used by the dentist in the care and treatment of patients. This chair has a gas cylinder to adjust the height of the chair. It also has backrest as an integral part of the unit. The unit is to be equipped with casters. Various color combinations of vinyl or fabric are available.
D4310 - Press, Flask, Pneumatic
|Pneumatic press for a single denture molding flask. The unit applies 3000 or more pounds of pressure to the denture molding flask to obtain as hard a curing set of the denture material as possible. Depending on the manufacturer, a unit will operate directly from an air supply line or generate its own internal pneumatic pressure.
D8510 - Oven, Drying, Dental
|Dental model drying oven. The oven is used to dehydrate refractory models prior to bee's wax dipping. The unit provides efficient circulation of air to eliminate moisture as it evaporates. The unit has an adjustable damper, two shelves, a built-in thermostat, a secondary temperature controller and a glass thermometer.
D8560 - Oral Surgery System, Mobile
|Mobile oral surgical unit. The unit includes an air-drive for dental handpieces, a mobile stand, a variable foot control, a removable instrument holder, one high speed surgical handpiece, one surgical straight air turbine handpiece, an instrument tray, a three function syringe and 10 feet of electrically conductive tubing with fittings. The unit requires a utility mounting box, see JSN D7090, which is often included. The unit is also available in a doctor/assistant configuration with all the instruments for both. The unit is used in dental operatories where the delivery system is not part of the dental chair.
E0130 - Workstation, Documentation, OR, L-Shaped
|A 60" L-shaped documentation workstation for use in the OR. The workstation may be either a right or left hand configuration. It will consist of a back panel with dry-erase whiteboard, marker storage tray, optional mounting for monitors, an articulating task light and a keyboard tray. The workstation will also include electrical, data, telecommunication and video cable channels and wire ways to support various applications. An integrated power source will be desk-top mounted and provide two electrical outlets, a telephone jack and a computer network jack.
E0406 - Nurse Station, Angle, Free Standing
|Nurse Station typicals have non-powered steel frames with a pre-installed metal junction box for user defined hard-wired electrical solutions. Data modules and low voltage cabling can be routed freely within the frame. Electrical and/or data devices are not provided as part of the typical. Panel inserts are available in fabric, painted metal, tackable, acoustical, paper management, rail, glass, open and electrical/data accessible configurations. Typicals include panel inserts for both sides of the steel frame. All electrical connections must be made by an electrical contractor. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 steel frames; 1 cantilevered work surface, 135 Degrees; 1 panel insert, tackable, 16"H; 2 panel inserts, paper mgmt., 16"H; 9 panel inserts, painted metal; 1 countertop w/light support assembly, 16"D; 2 paper trays, 10"W; 1 binder/file holder.
E0418 - Nurse Station, Medium, Free Standing
|Nurse station typicals have non-powered steel frames with a pre-installed metal junction box for user defined electrical solutions. Data modules and low voltage cabling can be routed freely within the frame. Electrical and/or data devices are not provided with the nurse station. Panel inserts are available in fabric, painted metal, tackable, acoustical, paper management, rail, glass, open and electrical/data accessible styles. Typicals include panel inserts for both sides of the steel frame. All electrical connections must be made by an electrical contractor. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 5 steel frames, 70"H x 24"W; 1 steel frame, 70"H x 48"W; 2 steel frames, 38"W x 48"W; 4 steel frames, 38"H x 24"W; 1 steel frame w/low access, 38"H x 48"W; 2 frame connectors, 3-way corner, 70"H; 1 frame connector, 2-way corner, 38"H; 2 frame connectors, 135 degree, 2-way, 38"H; 9 finished end hardware; 6 frame-to-frame connectors; 3 cantilevered work surface, 48"W; 2 cantilevered, work surface, 72"W; 1 cantilevered low access work surface, 135 degree, 48"W; 2 pedestal box/box/files; 2 panel inserts, painted metal, 8"H x 24"W; 50 panel inserts, painted metal, 16"H x 24"W; 10 panel inserts, painted metal, 16"H x 48"W; 2 panel inserts, painted metal, 20"H x 48"W : 2 panel inserts, tackable, 16"H x 24"W; 2 panel inserts, paper mgmt., 8"H x 48"W; 1 countertop w/light support assembly, 16"D x 14'-0"L; 18 paper tray, 10"W; 2 chart shelf, pass-thru, 24"W; 2 chart shelf, pass-thru, 48"W.
E0950 - Cart, Emergency, Mobile, Pediatric
|A pediatric emergency cart specifically designed to support pediatric patients. The cart will have nine drawers of various heights and a full range of accessories including an IV pole, Oxygen tank holder, suction unit shelf, hospital grade socket outlet, defibrillator shelf, locking sharps container, to name a few. The dimensions are for the cart only and do not include accessories.
F2245 - Camera, Video Surveillance, HD, IP Powered
|A high definition, full functional video surveillance camera. The camera is capable of full 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second while optimizing network usage with H.264, MPEG-4 and JPEG compression formats. Camera will have an open, standards-based design providing a platform for integration and operation as an independent device or as part of a surveillance network.
G1026 - Exercise Apparatus, Weight Training, Multi-Station
|Multi-station weight training apparatus for physical development and rehabilitation. Unit features a variety of benches, pull bars, supports and seats grouped around a central frame containing one or more weight stacks. Each station is designed to exercise specific muscle groups. A person can perform an extensive weight training routine by moving around the apparatus from station to station. More than one person can use the apparatus simultaneously by training at different stations. The number and types of exercises available depend on the specific model of equipment chosen. Greater system weight capacities for high level athletic competition training are available on some models. The room ceiling may have to be raised to accommodate this equipment. The database specifications refer to a higher end system with a large number of training stations and a standard weight set.
K2515 - Dishwasher, Household
|Household dishwasher. The unit features several wash cycles for different types of tableware, electronic or push button controls, a sound insulation package, an integral filter and disposal unit and adjustable racks. This unit is used for light work in a laboratory or patient rehabilitation in daily living area of occupational therapy.
L0105 - Microscope, Binocular, Phase Contrast
|Binocular laboratory microscope. Characteristics include a 6V, 20W tungsten halogen lamp, quadruple revolving nosepiece, a binocular body, un-graduated mechanical stage, 4X,10X,40X and 100X plan achromatic objectives. Unit has a 1.25 condenser with mount, an auxiliary swing-in condenser, two (10X) widefield eyepieces, dual diopter adjustment and may include a carrying case. Used in the laboratory to perform observations on laboratory cultures and samples. Microscope to be provided with appropriate light source and filters for phase contrast microscopy.
L1000 - Analyzer, Blood Chem, Auto, 60 Samples/Hour
|Automatic blood/chemistry analyzer. It is a four parameter electrolyte analyzer. The unit measures Na, K, Cl concentrations using an ion selective electrode and CO2 concentrations using differential pH. The analyzer also accepts whole blood, plasma, serum and urine and has an automatic calibration capability.
L1182 - Refractometer
|Refractometer. Characteristics/ components include an accommodation of liquids, solids, solids-in-liquids and powders, temperature measured at interface of samples, photosensors measurement, automatic calibration, multi-channel programming, an accuracy of +/-.0001 refractive unit and automatic temperature compensation. Used for glucose and urine refractive indexes.
L1500 - Centrifuge, Medium Duty, Refrigerated, Floor Model
|Laboratory centrifuge. This is a medium to large capacity unit with an operating range of -20 degrees to 40 degrees C. It permits running samples at body temperature. It also has a rotor imbalance detector and an auto-shut down capability if the rotor load is out of balance. The unit is constructed of a stainless steel chamber with a rear exhaust and is a low heat output unit. Used in laboratories to spin samples for further analysis.
L1930 - Analyzer, pH/Blood Gas
|PH/blood gas analyzer. The unit measures pH, PCO2 and P02 and performs calculations for CO2, HCO3, and base excess. Characteristics of the unit include: an automatic calibration capability and measurement ranges of 6.4 to 8.0 for pH; 0 to 800 mmHg for PO2; and 8.0 to 200.mmHg. for PCO2. Used in laboratories to conduct pH/blood gas determinations.
L2250 - Hood, Fume, Bench
|Benchtop fumehood. This is an auxiliary air type to be sized as required. The unit will have a remote switch with a pilot light, a fluorescent light, an acid resistant fan and blower housing. The minimum average face velocity shall be 100 fpm. It shall include a steel frame sash that is heat resistant to 71 degrees centigrade. The static pressure loss shall not exceed 0.22 inches of water at 100 fpm face velocity. Other accessories and gases are as defined during the design of the facility.
L2275 - Hood, Fume, Radioisotope, Bench
|Bench type radioisotope fumehood. Characteristics/components include a glove-box, a 75 cfm. blower with indicating switch and variable speed power stat and manometer mounted on box front to indicate air flow, 1/4" safety glass viewing panel, three polarized and grounded electrical outlets with indicating switches, a 24 inch fluorescent light with fixtures and switch, two 8 inch double grooved glove ports and neoprene gloves, an inlet filter, two absolute filters with connecting hoses and 40 inches of 2 inch spiral exhaust hose with clamps and a variable height mobile bench, 30-37"H. Unit is customized to fit the specified use requirements.
L2280 - Hood, Laminar Flow, Horizontal, Free Standing
|Horizontal laminar flow hood. This is a freestanding unit that meets or exceeds Class 100 requirements set for Federal Standard 209B. The unit will have HEPA filters, a washable and reusable pre-filter, a work surface and side walls of type 304 stainless steel construction, duplex electrical receptacles, high velocity return air slots that provide an air curtain at the work area, work surface and side walls and blowers with an average velocity of 100 fpm. Used for work with non-hazardous materials where clean particle free air is required. 6 foot model, other sizes available.
L2290 - Hood, Laminar Flow, Horizontal, Bench To
|Bench top horizontal laminar flow fumehood. The unit meets or exceeds Class 100 requirements set for Federal Standard 209B. The unit characteristics/components are: HEPA filters, a washable and reusable pre-filter, work surface and side walls of type 304 stainless steel, duplex electrical receptacles, high velocity return air slots to provide an air curtain at the work area, work surface and side walls and a blower to provide an average velocity of 100 fpm. Used for work with non-hazardous materials where clean particle-free air is required. 4 Foot model represented, other sizes are available.
L2320 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, type B1, bio safety cabinet. This is a vertical, freestanding unit. The interior work surfaces shall be constructed of type 304 stainless steel and the exterior shall be of 16 gauge or heavier steel. The unit utilizes a 30% recirculated air and 70% direct exhaust through an in-house duct system, the face velocity is 100 fpm and includes an audible alarm when the window is at an unsafe operating level. It includes grounded duplex receptacles and two HEPA filters zero-probed. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with minute quantities of toxic chemicals and trace amounts of radionuclides. A 4 foot cabinet is presented, other sizes are available.
L2335 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, bio safety cabinet. This is a freestanding vertical laminar flow unit. It includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust zero-probed. The intake velocity averages 105 fpm. It includes an audible alarm to notify the operator of an unsafe window position, an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, type 304 stainless steel construction with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two grounded key petcocks and a duplex receptacle for grounded plugs. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radio-nucleotides. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
L2336 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, benchtop biological safety cabinet. The unit includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust, zero probed, high intake velocity that averages 105 fpm, an audible alarm to notify operator of unsafe window positions an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, interior of type 304 stainless steel with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two ground key petcocks, a grounded duplex receptacle. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radionucleotides. This unit requires 100% exhaust to the atmosphere. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
L2575 - ncubator, Platelet, Freestanding, w/Rotator
|Freestanding platelet incubator. Unit is equipped with a rotator. The unit can be a single or dual capacity unit and can hold platelet rotators and agitators for continual mixing at 22 degrees centigrade. It has forced air circulation to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the incubator, a temperature range of 15-40 degrees centigrade, an alarm system for temperature deviations or power failure and a rotation speed of 6 rpm to maintain the viability of platelet concentrations.
L2660 - Microbiological Identification System
|Microbiological identification system. The systems basic principles of operation consists of: photometry, fluorescence, radiometry, infrared spectrophotometry, and video image analysis, together with a MPLS (multiple-parameter light scattering technique) and a continuous flow-through detection system. It consists of an auto-prep station, auto filter, incubator, detector/reader, waste reservoir, and computer sample throughput of over 200/day. Designed to detect presence of micro organisms in body fluids, test susceptibility of micro organisms to anti microbial agents, and/or determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in order to identify pathogens.
L3400 - Microtome, Rotary, Tilt, Bench Mounted
|Bench mounted tilting rotary microtome. The unit's features include horizontal advancement, a feed indicator and selection dial that provide settings from 1 to 30 microns, a quick change holder system that allows the use of different holders, an angle adjustment from 0 to 15 degrees and a hand wheel that allows speed control without backflash. Used for histological techniques and slide preparation.
L3430 - Microtome, Rotary, Tilt, Refrigerated
|Refrigerated rotary microtome/cryostat. The unit's features include horizontal advancement, sectioning from 2-20 microns, combination unit consisting of an automatic defrost of chamber and microtome, a temperature range from -30 degrees centigrade to room temperature, and a defrost cycle of 10 minutes every 24 hours. Used to prepare samples for slide studies.
L8130 - Incubator, Bacteriological, 2 Compartment
|Two compartment bacteriological incubator. The unit requires carbon dioxide and has a 10 cubic foot capacity. It is a radiant heat system made of stainless steel with an automatic carbon dioxide controller and an optional interior electrical outlet. Used for tissue culturing and for work with CO2-obligate organisms at atmospheric pressure.
L9020 - Tissue Processor, Automatic, 2 Level
|Automatic tissue processor. This is a rotating basket immersion type unit that uses a minimum of 10 solvents and two paraffin processing stations. It is controlled by an electrical or electronic timer. The paraffin bath temperature ranges from 50-65 degrees centigrade and is agitated. The fumes are removed by an integral fume collecting system. The process time/step is adjustable between 15 minutes to 24 hours. The drain time/step is 0 to 1 minute. Used to fix, dehydrate, clear and infiltrate tissue specimens to preserve the integrity of their cellular components for light microscopy.
L9720 - Station, Pathology, Gross
|Gross pathology station. The unit contains four, two-speed electronic fans to reduce the danger of formaldehyde toxicity, an exhaust system with filters that last 2 to 8 months to convert the formaldehyde to CO2 and water, built in fluorescent lamps for shadow-free illumination, a "voice capturing option" to allow the pathologist to dictate without having to fumble with a hand or foot control and a built-in faucet with catch pan in the rear. Used for gross preparation of pathology specimens.
L9835 - Counter, Radioimmunoassay, Multichannel
|Multi-channel gamma counter. Unit shall be an automatic gamma counter capable of quantitating hormones, vitamins, drugs, cancer antigen, enzymes, receptors, viruses, antibodies, polypeptides and other proteins. Shall provide a sensitive and specific analytical technique for measuring these analytes in patient samples (Serum, Urine or other body fluids) with detection limits in the nanogram (ng) (10-9g ) to picogram (10-12 g) range. Characteristics and components include personal computer data acquisition and analysis software, disk storage, constant quanta detector and dedicated computer.
L9836 - Counter, Radioimmunoassay, Single Channel
|Single-channel gamma counter. Unit shall be an automatic gamma counter capable of quantitating hormones, vitamins, drugs, cancer antigen, enzymes, receptors, viruses, antibodies, polypeptides and other proteins. Shall provide a sensitive and specific analytical technique for measuring these analytes in patient samples (serum, urine or other body fluids) with detection limits in the nanogram (ng) (10-9g ) to picogram (10-12 g) range. Characteristics and components include personal computer data acquisition and analysis software, disk storage, constant quanta detector and dedicated computer.
M0010 - Recorder, Tape, w/Delayed Audio Feedback
|Delayed audio feedback tape recorder. Unit consists of a recorder and playback mechanism which delays speech playback so the patient can directly associate what was said with how it sounds. The unit includes a delay mode/time selector, amplifier and microphone. Electrical specifications are for an optional battery recharger. Some manufacturers equipment requires an ancillary computer for operation; refer to the specific maker's literature. See JSN M1800 for computer equipment. Used for speech modification training and therapy.
M0505 - Television, Color, Bedside
|Bedside color television. The small size allows the set to be mounted on a "gravity-free" support arm which permits the patient to position the TV for comfortable viewing. The television includes an earphone jack and an AM/FM radio. Database pricing includes television, support arm, support arm wall mount, remote power supply and remote power supply wall mount. Power supply electrical requirement is approximately 1 amp at 120 V per television.
M0630 - Anesthesia Apparatus, 3 Gas
|Three gas anesthesia apparatus. Basic unit consists of steel cabinet with casters with one shallow, one medium, and one deep drawer, seven long scale eleven-inch flowmeters, five cylinder yokes, and telescoping absorber post. It includes two-canister model carbon dioxide absorber with inhalation and exhalation check valves, switch valve, switch valve elbow, sidearm Vernitrol, flow calculator, mounting kit, ventilator calculator, ventilator and an oxygen piping inlet. Also features nitrous oxide fail safe valve kit, aspirator kit, gas evacuator with vacuum and a flow meter safety cover. Used to dispense a mixture of gases during surgical procedures.
M0750 - Flowmeter, Air, Connect w/50 PSI Supply
|Air flowmeter. Unit has a stainless steel needle valve with clear flowtube for connection to 50 PSI air outlet from central pipeline system. Requires the appropriate adapter for connection to the wall outlet and fitting to connect to tubing. Database prices reflect fittings with an attached DISS power outlet. Other outlet and adapter configurations are available.
M0760 - Proportioner (Blender), Oxygen/Air
|An air/oxygen mixer is designed to accurately control a pressurized gas mixing with an oxygen concentration. Unit contains audible alarms to warn of supply failure, an auxiliary outlet and an oxygen concentration control adjustment range from 21% to 100%. The unit can also be used to supply an accurate pre-mixed gas source to respiration or ventilator units. A specific application may require an additional air inlet filter/water trap.
M0800 - Warmer, Bassinet, Mobile, Neonatal
|A mobile warmer/bassinet consisting of a radiant warmer with proportional controller and an integral bassinet/procedure table. Also includes a warm weigh scale and phototherapy capabilities. All four sides of the bassinet fold out of the way for access to the infant. Bassinet bed can be tilted. Bassinet cabinet has storage drawers. Unit has shelving above bassinet to accommodate monitoring and resuscitation equipment. The entire unit is mounted on conductive casters, two with locking brakes. Designed for use in the neonatal intensive care unit, nursery, delivery room and special birthing units.
M0875 - Nebulizer, Ultrasonic
|Ultrasonic nebulizer. The nebulizer consists of two units, an oscillator and a nebulizer. The oscillator converts electric power to ultrasonic vibrations. The ultrasonic vibrations agitate a therapeutic solution causing droplets to form in a moving air stream above the liquid. The patient inhales the air containing the medication(s).
M0910 - Ventilator, High Frequency, Infant
|High frequency infant ventilator. Automatic unit consists of a breathing circuit, controls, monitors, and alarms. The system has several operating modes depending on the specific configuration. The unit assists and regulates the patient's breathing. For use in the intensive care nursery to initiate respiration when changes in the breathing condition of an infant occur.
M0925 - Ventilator, ICU, Adult
|Volume ventilator with options for pressure controlled respiration, respiratory mechanics, graphics and display. Unit allows variable flow according to the balance between control pressure and the patient resistance. The respiration unit features adjustable control pressure, cycling rate, sensitivity and oxygen concentration. The respiration unit functions as an assistor and controller of the patient's breathing.
M1110 - Resuscitator, Bag-Mask, Hand Op, Infant
|Hand operated bag-mask resuscitator. Consists of an infant face mask, non-rebreathing, pressure limiting safety valve, compression bag, tidal bag, oxygen reservoir bag and manometer connection and wall bracket. Cleaning and decontamination methods include disinfecting, pasteurization, boiling and steam autoclaving. Used for resuscitation of infants in life saving situations.
M1803 - Workstation, Computer, Wall Mounted, Adjustable
|A wall mounted computer workstation with height adjustable monitor and keyboard arms. Keyboard and monitor can be stored within 8" to 10" of wall. Fingertip adjustability for keyboard and monitor enable frequent position changes. Unit contains an integrated cable management system to hide wires. A separate wall-mounted CPU holder is included.
M1820 - Imprinter, Data Record, Electric
|Electric data record imprinter. The device accepts embossed plastic patient cards in either the 50 column or the 80 column format and adjusts automatically for card size and form thickness. Device will provide clear readable impressions with a cycle that is less than 1 second in length. Electro-mechanical design provides for a consistent impression that is independent of operator knowledge or technique. Unit may include a date/time stamp as an accessory.
M2020 - Cabinet, Storage, Safety, Built-In, Vented
|Safety storage cabinet. This unit is of double steel wall construction, with vented grounding attachment, raised leak proof door sill, and adjustable shelving. Equipped with two doors and three-point key lock. The construction meets standards set by OSHA and NFPA Code 30 requirements. Designed for storage of flammable type liquids. The cabinet fits into a laboratory casework configuration and its ventilation ports are in the back to leave the counterspace free. The cabinet requires ventilation ducting and an exhaust fan as part of the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system.
M3105 - Cabinet, Warming, F/S, 1 Heated Compartment, Elect
|Freestanding, single or double door warming cabinet with 1 compartment. Compartment and exterior walls are made of stainless steel. Thick fiberglass insulation maintains the interior temperature and prevents the exterior surface from becoming too hot. Equipped with a sealing door, thermostatic temperature control, status display, heat indicating light, over temperature protection, alarms and an air circulating fan. Unit may have an optional temperature recorder. Manufacturer recommends using a fused disconnect switch in the electrical power circuit. Cabinet may also be installed in a recess. Designed for heating and storing of solutions and blankets used in patient care areas.
M3110 - Cabinet, Warming, F/S, 2 Heated Compartment, Elect
|Freestanding, single or double door warming cabinet with 2 heated compartments. Compartment and exterior walls are made from stainless steel. Thick fiberglass insulation maintains the interior temperature and keeps the exterior from becoming too hot. Equipped with a sealing door, thermostatic temperature control, status display, heat indicating light, over temperature protection, alarms and an air circulating fan. Unit may have an optional temperature recorder. Manufacturer recommends using a fused disconnect switch in the electrical power circuit. Cabinet may also be installed in a recess. Designed for heating and storing solutions and blankets used in patient care areas.
M3185 - Electrosurgical Unit, Monopolar, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted monopolar electrosurgical unit. It has a wall mounted hyfrecator. Unit features solid-state transistorized circuitry, dual power output, output dial with timer control, bipolar forceps, and isolated bipolar output. Unit has a monopolar mode where the current passes through an active cable and active electrode to the patient and back to the generator through a return electrode. It can be table mounted and is designed for routine applications in dermatology, gynecology, proctology, dentistry, podiatry and other clinical areas. Wall mounting bracket not included in system size.
M4010 - Scale, Infant, 0-35 Pounds
|Infant scale with approximately 35 pound capacity. Unit consists of a removable acrylic cradle with built-in tape measure. Weighs in pounds and ounces or kilograms and grams, and it has an automatic weight lock, automatic averaging, zeroing and re-weight feature with tare function. Used to weigh newborns and infants.
M4275 - Pump, Continuous, Analgesia (PCA)
|Continuous analgesia pump. Also known as a PCA or patient controlled analgesia pump. The unit provides a controlled, continuous or as required (PRN) dose of analgesia medications for postoperative patients. The patient can control administration of the prescribed drug up to a preset rate. The unit can be mounted to an IV pole and/or be small enough to be carried in a pouch. Use of this device speeds patient ambulation and reduces the length of hospital stays. Depending on the manufacturer, electrical requirements refer to either the unit itself or the battery recharging unit.
M4905 - Chair, Dialysis
|Dialysis chair. Unit consists of a welded steel frame. It has durable stain resistant vinyl upholstery and is mounted on 4 casters. It contains an IV attachment and drainage bag hook. Unit has built-in Trendelenburg positioning. Chair is designed for long term seating comfort during dialysis treatment or any other extended chair treatment.
M4915 - Chair, Exam/Treatment, ENT, w/Adjustable Light
|ENT exam/treatment chair with adjustable light. Chair can be rotated 330 degrees locking at desired position. Unit is electrically powered for precise positioning and has an adjustable headrest and armrest. It may include an adjustable gooseneck light. Unit is designed for use during examinations, treatments, and minor procedures.
M5016 - Desk, Refraction w/console, w/o Sink
|The ophthalmic refraction desk shall be specifically designed to conduct eye examinations in ophthalmic clinics and hospital. It shall have a control console consisting of three rechargeable instrument wells, two 110v auxiliary switches to control accessories, two low voltage switches to control fixation lights, a separate on/off dimmer control for room lights and an indirect ophthalmoscope control with hanger that provides power to the instrument when lifted. This item may include an optional equipment stand/pole with one to three arms and the ability to accept a phoropter arm. There shall be a swivel Lamp and a trial lens drawer.
M5510 - Camera, Fundus, Digital
|The digital fundus camera system is designed for use in diagnosing and recording ocular disorders. It shall consist of a digital imager, computer, monitor, chin rest, joy stick and software to record, store, edit and print digital images. The system may also include a system table and an adjustable patient table.
M5530 - Lamp, Slit, w/Applanation Tonometer
|Slit lamp with applanation tonometer. Unit consists of a base mounted ophthalmological slit lamp with head and chin rest and manual height and focusing adjustments. The instrument features a microscope head with parallel optics that will accept an applanation tonometer. Designed for use in ophthalmology during diagnostic examinations.
M5562 - Tester, Visual Acuity, Video/Microprocessor Based
|Visual acuity tester using video (television monitor) and microprocessor technology. This equipment replaces the projector chart and projector in an eye examination lane. Wall bracing is required for mounting the unit directly to the wall without support from below. An optional floor stand can also be used. The unit requires an electrical outlet on the far end wall of the examination lane. This differs from standard eye examination room configurations which normally do not have electrical outlets in that wall. Other options include binocular vision and contrast sensitivity testing.
M5600 - Unit, Exam, Eye, w/Motor Chair, Phoropter
|Eye exam phoropter unit with motor operated chair. Unit consists of an adjustable chair, and phoropter unit for eye examination, mounted on a stand. Stand includes an additive tray with keratometer arm and tray and a integral instrument tray. Unit is designed for use during ophthalmic examinations.
M7260 - Counter/Dispenser, Pill/Tablet
|Automated pill, capsule and tablet counter. The unit consists of an array of holding cells each of which dispenses a set number of pills into a prescription bottle. The counter has a control unit to start and stop pill flow. Each cell has a straight line pill flow pattern, a photoelectric counter which signals the controller, a count range from 1 to 10,000 and can dispense products at a rate up to 600 tablets per minute. A built-in sensor indicates dust build up or misalignment of the photoelectric counter. Each cell has easily removable bins and mechanisms for cleaning and refilling. Each cell features an LED display and there are varying sizes of cells for handling more frequently issued or physically larger drugs. Many different, including custom, array of sizes and configurations are possible and the final design depends on the facility layout and pharmacy practice preferences. Individual cells can also be equipped with coded locks. The entire array can be interfaced with a pharmacy computer system. These units are commonly leased rather than sold because of maintenance requirements.
M7275 - Packager, Unit Dose, Solids
|Automated packager for inpatient unit dose pharmacy applications. The unit consists of an array of cells which hold pills and tablets. The system computer takes user instructions and directs the system to select the proper pill cell and dispense a tablet onto a plastic bottom sheet. At the same time, the system prints a plastic cover sheet for the pill which includes the type of pill and any facility specific coding necessary. The system then marries the two sheets (with the pill between them) and heat seals the sheets enclosing the pill. The system is designed to limit cross contamination by containing tablet dust and to alert the operator in case of malfunction. Several configurations are available depending on the size of the pharmacy and workload.
M7400 - Light, Exam, Table Mounted, Spotlight
|The exam light shall be table mounted. The light will be a halogen bulb that can produce a continuous and homogeneous spot of light adjustable from 5 to 9 inches in diameter from a set distance. The light intensity shall be a minimum of 750 foot-candles at a distance of 16 inches and have a color temperature of 3,200 degrees Kelvin. The unit will consist of an arm or sleeve of approximately 45 inches in length to allow for easy arm rotation and arm movement up and down.
M7401 - Light, Exam, Mobile, Spotlight, Mobile Stand
|The exam light shall be a mobile floor unit. The light will be a halogen bulb or LED that can produce a continuous and homogeneous spot of light adjustable from 5 to 9 inches in diameter from a set distance. The light intensity shall be a minimum of 750 foot-candles at a distance of 16 inches and have a color temperature of 3,200 degrees Kelvin. The unit will consist of an arm or sleeve of approximately 45 inches in length to allow for easy arm rotation and arm movement up and down. The unit shall be mounted on a caster base for easy movement.
X1425 - Imager, Laser
|Laser imager. Solid state laser that provides high resolution images of superior quality and accuracy. An infrared laser beam is scanned across each film by a precision rotating polygon, while correcting optics focus and control the beam's intensity. Can be interfaced to as many as eight (8) modalities with interface kit. For use with digital output imaging modalities.
M7420 - Light, Exam, Mobile
|Mobile examination light mounted on a floor stand with casters. Unit features colored corrected light, an air-cooled shade and a balanced floating arm. Unit may also have a center mount detachable and sterilizable control handle. Designed for examination, treatment, and emergency areas where cool, color-corrected light is needed.
M7485 - Light, Surg, Ceiling Mtd, Dual, Equal Dia Heads
|Dual head surgical light mounted from a single pole. Both heads are of equal size and hang from individual swing arms. Each light head contains several light sources, an intensity control and a detachable, sterilizable handle. The minimum required ceiling height for most models is 9'-2"; refer to the manufacturers' specifications. The database height dimension below refers to the height of the lamp heads themselves. Width and depth are the sum of the swing arm length and lamp head diameter. This light is for use in major and minor surgical procedures.
M7665 - Defibrillator/Monitor/Recorder Automatic
|Portable defibrillator-monitor-recorder with built in advisory protocol. Unit is designed for use by ambulance crews and cardiac arrest teams where a physician will not be available to determine if defibrillation is appropriate. System provides lead II ECG monitoring only, recording and logging of a resuscitation event for later review. This system provides up to 360 joules output and has an external battery charger available. Unit is sometimes referred to as an "Automatic Advisory Defibrillator" or "AAD". Unit may be line powered with an optional battery substitute pack.
M7710 - Electrocardiograph, 12 Lead, Portable
|Used to detect the electrical signals associated with cardiac activity, diagnose cardiac abnormalities, determine a patients response to drug therapy and reveal trends or changes in heart function. Capable of recording two or more leads simultaneously, recording an entire 12 lead ECG in about 10 seconds. Includes of a 3.5 inch, high density, floppy disk drive for test storage. Portable.
M7723 - Electroencephalograph, 32 Channel
|32 channel electroencephalograph. Unit consists of a cart, regulated power supply, a chart drive, an input cable, a master electrode selector, a monitor, electronic data storage devices, a computer and a plastic stimulator. Unit features fully automatic or manual operation, photic stimulation and a built-in impedance meter. The unit is designed for maximum efficiency in recording and performing encephalographic studies. The system offers a full range of electrode selection and programmed protocols. This is an advanced diagnostic unit for use in neurology clinics.
M7725 - Electromyograph
|Unit consists of a microcomputer, leads, electrically isolated amplifiers, stimulators, display and storage capabilities. The system measures muscular electrical activity during contractions which the patient or a stimulator can induce. Specific applications include nerve conduction studies to detect myelopathies (myelin degradation), neuropathies (nerve compression) or myopathies (muscle disease). Most units also include an evoked potential capability. See related auditory evoked potential units at JSN M0035 and similar electronystagmographs at JSN M7730.
M7845 - Monitor, Physiological, Bedside, 4 Channel
|4 channel bedside physiological monitor. The unit consist of a four-channel non-fade monochrome display monitor, an alarm system and printer-recording capabilities. The monitor has color coded controls and automatic calibration. The unit displays up to four waveforms simultaneously. The parameters to be monitored are user selectable. The monitor may be connected to a central monitoring station. The unit monitors patients in most acute care areas, step-down units, procedure rooms and emergency rooms.
M8030 - Whirlpool, Mobile, Extremity, Medium
|Mobile extremity whirlpool with a single or dual tanks for treating feet, ankles, calves, knees and arms. The tank is made from heavy-gauge corrosion resistant stainless steel or fiberglass which has fully finished seams, is leak-proof and is mounted on casters. The unit has a turbine ejector and aerator, thermometer and an auxiliary floor drain valve. Unit may require a ground fault interrupt power circuit and may use a thermostatic mixing valve for controlling water temperature when filling. Used for hydrotherapy treatments.
M8050 - Whirlpool, Leg, CRS, Floor Mounted
|Floor mounted leg whirlpool. The whirlpool consists of a heavy gauge, leak proof, stainless steel corrosion resistant tank, an electric turbine ejector and aerator, a dial thermometer, a thermostatic water mixing console, a treatment timer and a built-in overflow lip. The database height dimension includes the turbine and the database weight figure is for a filled unit.
M8055 - Whirlpool, Leg, Floor Mounted
|Floor mounted leg whirlpool. The whirlpool consists of a heavy gauge stainless steel leak proof tank, an electric turbine ejector and aerator, a dial inside thermometer, hand grips, a drain valve and a thermostatic water mixing console. The unit is used for leg whirlpool treatments. The database weight figure is for a filled tank.
M8150 - Exerciser, Ramp and Curbs
|Heavily constructed ramp and curbs exerciser. Unit includes three wide, deep curbs which are 2", 4" and 6" high. The ramp section is also deep and wide and rises gradually from 1/2" to 8" high. The end portion of the ramp section is an 8" high platform which the curb sections meet. The curbs and ramp have a sure-grip, long wearing, non-slip surface. The exerciser is used for training in walking techniques as well as balance.
M8185 - System, Stress Exercise, w/Treadmill
|Stress exercise system with treadmill and respiratory/metabolic assessment. The system includes an ECG amplifier, chart recorder, display, console, treadmill and modules for respiratory/metabolic assessment. Used to determine patient's functional capacity, predict and diagnose cardiopulmonary and vascular diseases and for rehabilitation of patients recovering from leg injuries or other type of illness. Some vendors require a NEMA 5-20R non-locking receptacle for their treadmills.
M8502 - Bronchoscope, Fiberoptic, Examination Only
|Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. This scope is designed for bronchial observation/exploration only. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with light guides, an objective lens with optical image fiber cluster, an eyepiece and a cable for connection to a light source. The eyepiece may include an automatic camera shutter feature.
M8503 - Bronchoscope, Fiberoptic, Therapeutic
|Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. This scope is designed for bronchial exploration, volume washings, large biopsy or tissue removal and suctioning. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with a suction adapter, a disposable suction valve, an instrument channel, light guides, an objective lens with an optical image fiber cluster, an eyepiece and a cable for connection to a light source. Casings and instrument channels can have varying dimensions depending on bronchoscope design and intended procedure. May feature dual instrument channels for more complex procedures.
M8504 - Bronchoscope, Video, Therapeutic
|Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. This scope is designed to function with video equipment and for bronchial exploration, washings, biopsy or tissue removal and suctioning. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with a suction adapter, a disposable suction valve, an instrument channel, light guides, an objective lens with a charge-coupled device (CCD) chip, electronic image cable and a cable for connection to the light source and video equipment.
M8505 - Bronchoscope, Fiberoptic, Adult, Slim Casing
|Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. This scope is designed for bronchial exploration, washings, biopsy and suctioning. The bronchoscope consists of a thin submersible operating section with a suction adapter, a disposable suction valve, an instrument channel, light guides, an optical image fiber cluster and an automatic camera shutter/eyepiece. The bronchoscope's slimmer casing size allows for upper bronchial tree observations.
M8506 - Bronchoscope, Fiberoptic, Adult, Large Channel
|Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. This scope is designed for bronchial washings, biopsy or suctioning. The scope consists of a headpiece, a thin flexible casing and connections to a light source, suction apparatus or other instruments. The headpiece includes an observation lens, a suction adapter and an automatic camera shutter. The flexible casing houses the fiberoptic bundles for illumination and observation, a suction tube and an instrument channel. The larger diameter instrument channel enhances therapeutic capabilities.
M8507 - Bronchoscope, Fiberoptic, Pediatric
|Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope for pediatric use. This scope is designed for bronchial washings, biopsy or suctioning. The scope consists of a headpiece, a thin flexible casing and connections to a light source, suction apparatus or other instruments. The headpiece includes an observation lens, a suction adapter and an automatic camera shutter. The flexible casing houses the fiberoptic bundles for illumination and observation, a suction tube and an instrument channel.
M8508 - Bronchoscope, Fiberoptic, Adult
|lexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. The scope consists of a headpiece, a thin flexible casing and connections to a light source, suction apparatus or other instruments. The headpiece includes an observation lens, a suction adapter and an automatic camera shutter. The flexible casing houses the fiberoptic bundles for illumination and observation, a suction tube and an instrument channel. The scope is designed for bronchial washings, biopsy or suctioning. Refer to JSNs M8550, M8600, M8605 or M8610 for supporting equipment.
M8510 - Colonoscope, Fiberoptic, Therapeutic
|Flexible fiberoptic colonoscope. This scope is designed for colon/large intestine exploration, washing, biopsy or tissue removal and suctioning. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with a suction adapter, an instrument channel, light guides, an air/water channel, an objective lens with an optical image fiber cluster, an eyepiece and a cable for connection to a light source. Casings and instrument channels can have varying dimensions depending on colonoscope design and intended procedure.
M8513 - Duodenoscope, Fiberoptic, Therapeutic
|Flexible fiberoptic Duodenoscope. This scope is designed for duodenal exploration, volume washings, biopsy or tissue removal and suctioning. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with a suction adapter, an instrument channel, an air/water channel, a light guide, an objective lens with an optical image fiber cluster, a forceps raiser, an eyepiece and a cable for connection to a light source. Casings and instrument channels can have varying dimensions depending on Duodenoscope design and intended procedure.
M8515 - Gastroscope, Fiberoptic, Therapeutic
|Flexible fiberoptic Gastroscope. This scope is designed for gastrointestinal exploration, cleaning, biopsy, tissue removal and suctioning. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with a suction adapter, an instrument channel, light guides, an objective lens with an optical image fiber cluster, an air/water channel, an eyepiece and a cable for connection to a light source. Casings and instrument channels can have varying dimensions based on Gastroscope design and intended procedure. Some scopes feature dual instrument channels for more complex procedures.
M8517 - Enteroscope, Fiberoptic, Therapeutic
|Flexible fiberoptic Enteroscope. This scope is designed for small bowel exploration, washing, biopsy or tissue removal and suctioning. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with a suction adapter, an instrument channel, light guides, an air/water channel, an objective lens with an optical image fiber cluster, an eyepiece and a cable for connection to a light source. Casings and instrument channels can have varying dimensions depending on Enteroscope design and intended procedure. Sonde-type scopes feature a second water channel for balloon cuff inflation.
M8525 - Laser, Surgical, CO2, Mobile
|CO2, mobile, surgical laser. Unit consists of a laser tube containing the laser medium laser pump, cooling system and an aiming system enclosed in a wheeled steel frame. Unit delivers up to 80 watts-on tissue. It includes a microprocessor based control, variable operation and delivery modes, regulated gas system and a spring-balanced articulated arm. Designed for a variety of therapeutic procedures, to create a surgical incision, to excise or necrose deeper tissues or for oblation of delicate tissue.
M8541 - Microscope, Operating Endodontic
|An operating microscope for use during endodontic procedures. Microscope has six steps of magnification with a range of 2.1x to 19.2. Unit is easily maneuverable and ergonomically and modularly designed for operator comfort and upgrade accommodation. Unit comes with various mounting options available.
M8545 - Sigmoidoscope, Fiberoptic, Therapeutic
|Flexible fiberoptic sigmoidoscope. This scope is designed for colon (sigmoid bend) exploration, washing, biopsy or tissue removal and suctioning. Unit consists of a thin flexible casing with a suction adapter, an instrument channel, light guides, an air/water channel, an objective lens with an optical image fiber cluster, an eyepiece and a cable for connection to a light source. Casings and instrument channels can have varying dimensions depending on scope design and intended procedure.
M8605 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, Basic
|Endoscopic procedure cart. System contains a cart, light source, heat probe unit, electrosurgical unit, insufflator and a suction pump. This cart does not contain an endoscope or video equipment and does not support video endoscopes. Refer to JSNs M8500-M8550 for endoscopes and JSNs M8606-M8607 for fiberoptic endoscope video carts. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. Database pricing and physical information are for a higher cost system which contains one of each of the above components.
M8606 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, w/Video Accessories
|Endoscopy cart with video and print capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording. A typical system cart includes the cart, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, a heat probe unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a digital camera converter or color video camera, a camera controller, a monitor, a video/DVD recorder and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscopes at JSNs M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscope and should be specifically tailored to its intended use(s). This cart can be configured to interface with a network endoscopy information management system; refer to JSN M8600. Database physical information and pricing is for a higher cost system containing one of each of the above components.
M8607 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic
|Endoscopy cart with video, print and information management capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording and enhancement. A typical system includes two carts, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a heat probe unit, a digital camera converter, a camera controller, a monitor, a video recorder, a computer system with software and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscope JSNs from M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. This cart is intended for stand alone use although it may be connected to an endoscopy information management system. Database physical information and pricing is for a high end system on two carts containing one of each of the mentioned components. The electrical power draw will require two separate circuits.
M8965 - Cart, Fetal Monitoring, Birthing Room
|Physiological monitoring cart for use in birthing rooms. Multiple section mobile cabinet for storing monitoring equipment and bedside supplies. Includes one deep drawer and an enclosed cabinet area in addition to the monitor storage area which is equipped with a door. Monitor shelf location is waist high and includes a pull out writing surface. Cart may include CPU storage shelf.
M8970 - Warmer, Blood, High Volume
|Unit contains a proportional controller to regulate temperature in the heat exchanger and an audible high temperature alarm. Designed to provide a stable temperature for the controlled warming of blood or other fluids prior to being transfused to a patient. Unit may be a cuff type or circulating water heat exchanger.
M9065 - Table, Examination, Proctology, Electro/Hydraulic
|Electro-hydraulic proctology examination table. Unit consists of a stainless steel base with an Electro-hydraulic system and foot controls. It includes a vacuum formed vinyl contoured top, a padded arm rest, an adjustable knee rest, a stainless steel drainage pan and a built-in paper roll retainer/cutter. The table is designed for proctology, urology and OB/GYN exams.
M9066 - Table, Examination, Treatment, Electro/Hydraulic
|Electro-hydraulic examination treatment table. Unit consists of a stainless steel base with an Electro-hydraulic system with foot controls. It includes vacuum formed vinyl contoured top, padded arm rest, adjustable knee rest, stainless steel drainage pan and built-in paper roll retainer/cutter. Designed for general use in treatment rooms for minor surgical procedures.
M9095 - Table, Operating, Remote Control
|Remote control surgical table. Table is a stainless steel pedestal type mounted on conductive locking casters. It consists of an Electro-hydraulic system with remote control and foot pedals. Unit's positioning capabilities include lateral tilt of 30 degrees, Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg. It is equipped with side rails, kidney bridge and a radio translucent top. Table is designed for a variety of procedures in the operating room.
M9100 - Table, Procedure, Urological
|Manual or electric tilt urological table. The unit consists of a heavy duty metal base and an upholstered patient cushion. The unit includes a screened stainless steel basin which drains into a reservoir, adjustable Bierhoff crutches, steel storage drawer(s), pullout leg rests and an adjustable foot section. The unit is equipped with foot controls for height and positioning adjustments. The table is designed for use during urological procedures, treatment, examinations and minor surgery.
M9115 - Table, Operating, Spinal
|Unit provides an elevated surface for supporting a patient's body during spinal surgical procedures, stabilizing the patient's position and providing optimal exposure of the surgical field. The unit has a C-Spine base allowing unrestricted C-Arm integration for A/P, lateral and oblique views as well as for fluoroscopic procedures. The table is capable of supporting a patient weighing up to 500 pounds. The unit has an electrically adjustable table top height that ranges from 24-48 inches.
P1150 - Valve, Rinse, Bedpan, With Disinfectant Injector
|Bedpan rinsing valve with deodorant/disinfectant spray. Unit is wall mounted above a water closet having an exposed flush valve. Flush water shall be available to rinse the pan with the balance used to flush the waste. Used in dirty utility rooms located in patient care areas throughout the hospital. Unit is used to flush and disinfect a dirty bedpan.
P3070 - Lavatory, Vitreous China, Under or Counter Top Mtd
|An undercounter or countertop mounted vitreous china lavatory (approximate bowl size 6"x17"x14") with gooseneck spout, wrist blade handles, and grid drain. Counter top mounted lavatory to be self rimming with mounting kit provided. Undercounter lavatory to have unglazed rim with a mounting kit also provided. For general purpose use in vanity tops in public, patient and staff toilet rooms.
P6350 - Sink, Flushing Rim, China
|Flushing rim sink approximately 18" H x 26" D x 22" W. Also called a clinic service sink. Unit is constructed of vitreous china with an integral flushing rim. It includes: faucet with a fork brace; 6 inch wrist control handles; plain end spout with bucket hook; stainless steel spring type front rim guard; and grid drain. If it is to be floor mounted, a base must be provided. Unit is used in utility rooms to clean equipment and materials.
P8710 - Utility Center, Plumbing Connection
|Plumbing connection utility center, sometimes referred to as a 'GUY GRAY BOX'. This recessed utility center provides for hot and cold water connections and a drain connection at sink and other equipment locations. The utility center includes cutoff valves for the water connections, a plug seal for the drain and an outside cover to provide an aesthetic appearance when connections are no longer required. This center may be installed in locations where no plumbing fixtures are included in a design as a future flexibility device, saving many dollars for later facility modifications to incorporate sinks as functions change.