GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, tool shed, small
Snug chair - Abalos
Rafał Ślęk | 1344001200Chair Snug imported to ArchiCAD 16 as .skp file from designconnected.com portal. It was reworked and smothed using Morph tool and saved as ArchiCAD object with parameter set for attributes. Object is multilingual - it is possible to switch parameter names from polish language to english.
ArchiPipe 1.3_AC11_ENG
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216634ArchiPIPE 1.3 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt Jun 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, ArchiPipe 1.3 AC11, pipe, with optional\n- horizontal or vertical position\n- circular or rectangular section\n- pipe slope\n- start and end connection\n- 2D and 3D detail level
Tube - editable
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008623D parametric, editable 3-part tube, with optional\n- diameter\n- radius of bend\n- X angle\n- Y angle\n- 1st tube length\n- 2nd tube length
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400422ArchiGRID 1.0 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º mail:phsantos.arq@clix.pt DEC 2007 S.J. da Madeira/Portugal2D parametric, structural grid
ArchiPipe 1.3_AC11_POR
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216634ArchiPIPE 1.3 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt Jun 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, ArchiPipe 1.3 AC11, pipe, with optional\n- horizontal or vertical position\n- circular or rectangular section\n- pipe slope\n- start and end connection\n- 2D and 3D detail level, Portugal
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009063D parametric, rotator, with optional\n- name of library part to rotate\n- rotate about "X", "Y", "Z" axis (+ or -)
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400427Interpolator By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º Helped by Olivier Dentan phsantos.arq@clix.pt Nov 2008 Made in Portugal2D parametric, interpolation tool
Fire Hose Cabinet 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fire hose cabinet with optional tool sets; recessed or surface mounted.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, tool shed, large
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400864WedgeR.gsm - by TSB A radiused rectangular wedge primitive shape, with parameters for adjusting the slope of the top and bottom surfaces. 01-18-07: Initial version - Wedge.gsm, simple wedge with UI page. 08-04-09: Added radius capability. 08-06-09: Updated UI Page for radius parameter. 08-14-09: Added editable hotspots.3D parametric, WedgeR, curved wedge shape, with optional calculation by angle
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400422ArchiGRID By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º mail:phsantos.arq@sapo.pt December 2005 Made in Portugal2D parametric, structural grid, Portugal version
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station freeform shape MIM33
FreeForma_BEND (m)
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400863#http://www.3dsmile.it developed by Mirco Sorgato Architect mircosorgato@libero.it - ITALY - AC 7 R3 : 26-IX-2002 AC 8.1 R2 : 06-II-2004 Re edit for AC 10 + CU mirco3D parametric, FreeForma Bend, with optional\n- bend ray\n- X rotation
Gradient Marker
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434004162D gradient marker
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station holding
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D lawnmower
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station pinne
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station sits
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station sits 2
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, wood teacart
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, tool shed, medium
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005852D / 3D parametric, wallniche fill tool
LG Zone 11
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400410//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
LG Zone 13
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400410//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400404//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
Hotspot Placement Tool
Eric Bobrow | 1354001448This simple object may be used to set the position of 3D hotspots for custom user-modeled objects. Simply place one or more of these 3D hotspot elements wherever you would like a snapping point. After placement, select them and change the line length to 0 to avoid seeing the short axis guide lines. Then select these 3D hotspots along with your other components and save as a new custom GDL object; the snap points will be embedded into the new object. See my YouTube video for a demonstration of use: http://youtu.be/EOWL8oz5kFU Also, see the original ArchiCAD-Talk discussion here: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=209980
Random City INT
manuBIM | 1371231502Urban context modeler tool with a wide variety of parametric building types and forms.
Daniel Dusoswa | 1348250998first price morphing competition at the ArchiCad Summerschool organised by ACUA_Int. Was done a around 4 hours without prior knowledge of the Morph tool, very impressed with the amazing morph tool. Now we can model almost verything!
Random City US
manuBIM | 1371231600Urban context modeler tool with a wide variety of parametric building types and forms.
David Lozej | 1413901456Qbiss One Curtain Wall system by Trimo-Slovenia (only link to the entire library) This is a preview object of the 'Qbiss One' facade system by Trimo. Use the 'Download link' from the Settings to get the entire library. 'Qbiss One BIM' library contains parametric elements working in the Curtain Wall tool (Panels, Windows/Doors, Frames). Also Schedules for calculations are included. Video instructions at:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9eKzOhBDQOKBUWS1jkE2uQ
Graeme Mair | 1376993452Joist tool with some bells and whistles added
Element Orientation_Length Check
Steve Nortcliffe | 1634035564Angle and length checking label with defineable accuracy . Use to audit walls, beams, columns and objects to check if the orientation and length is out by fractional amounts. This was designed to serve as a tool to check walls, beams, columns, and object placement, rotation and lengths. The best way to use it is to create an audit layer and set the label to the audit layer, modify the accuracy properties to suit your needs (If you want to make sure element lengths are to the nearest 1mm set the accuracy property to 1mm - if you want to check if the angle of the placed element is orthogonal set the angle accuracy to 90 ,select the elements to be checked either by selecting the relevant tool and Ctrl A or just selecting then Ctrl Shift L to label all. It will give an instant indication of all elements that may require attention by highlighting the label elements in red. It is very useful when converting design drawings to construction drawings.
karma trendz | 1627354733Trolley Box
Contour generator tool
Dániel Alexander Kovács | 1559632261This contour generator tool utilizes the latest gdl commands to generate contour lines of any element in ARCHICAD (be it a mesh, a morph, etc.) as fast as possible. Still, with bigger elements it might slow regeneration down quite a bit, so it is suggested to explode the object into a 2D linework! 1. Select the mesh you want to slice and go to 'File>Libraries & Objects>Save Selection as...>Object...' 2. Save the object with a name you will remember (e.g. "mesh-01") 3. Place the Contour Generator Object and set up all its settings according to your design 4. Enter the name of the mesh object you just saved into the corresponding field, so that it would load it, and generate the contour lines +1. Explode the Object into 2D lines in the floor plan, to speed up the model
Fire Hose Cabinet 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fire hose cabinet with optional tool sets; recessed or surface mounted.
Room Name and Size Label 19
Jakub Chruscinski | 1536544066Improved Room Name and Dimension Label tool. Includes millimeters (mm), meters (m) and inches.
Surface Viewer 23 USA
Ransom Ratcliff | 1582242666Object for displaying a sample of each surface in an ArchiCAD model, and its index number. Shows where there are gaps in the surface index sequence. (Turn off Spheres and 3D text for faster speed.)
kwi kelbert | 1504116409surfaces
Zahari Dimitrov | 1460393813A simple tool for creating 2D concentric arcs and circles.
RCP Label 17
Ransom Ratcliff | 1372893361Slab Label for automatically showing the height of the underside of any ceiling slab, relative to its home story. Independent of Zone height, so it works for complex ceilings with different heights and is a great QAQC tool to verify modeled ceiling heights with a glance at the plan.
Rietveld Military Stool
Jim McGlothlin | 1614869618Military Tool (1923) by Gerrit Rietveld for the Catholic Military Home in Utrecht. Currently manufactured by Rietveld Originals: rietveldoriginals.com
Timber Detail
Jakub Chruscinski | 14139604732d timber section tool with preset LVL and MGP10 sizes built-in. Custom size option also avaliable.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|<p>Surf – a new mobile table for Offecct by&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. Berlin based&nbsp;Maximilian is one of the new designer&nbsp;names in Offecct's 2018 news collection.&nbsp;In his capacity as an acclaimed contemporary designer, trying to&nbsp;reinvent the wheel is not in Maximilian Schmahl's nature. But wheels&nbsp;have in any event once again become a key element under furniture in&nbsp;activity-based venues.&nbsp;– Of course, the development has to do with the fact that we now&nbsp;work practically anywhere. And practically anyway, highlights&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. If nothing else, both the Swedish and German&nbsp;word for “furniture” comes from the Latin mobilis – which designates&nbsp;something that is moved around.&nbsp;Surf is moved around easily, yet it is no “furniture” according to the&nbsp;designer, rather “a tool for achieving maximum flexibility in activitybased&nbsp;venues.” Whether there is a computer or a couple of cups of&nbsp;coffee sitting on top of it. The light table blends well into Offecct's&nbsp;Life-circle philosophy.&nbsp;Surf has a table top in lacquered ash and handle in white-pigmented&nbsp;solid ash, metal frame and black castors.</p><p>Architect&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl was born 1983 and raised in&nbsp;Munich. After graduating from Bauhaus-University&nbsp;Weimar in 2013 he started his own studio in Berlin,&nbsp;working in different fields of furniture and interior&nbsp;design.</p>
E0063 - Workstation, L-Shaped w/Peninsula, Wall Mtd
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 Vertical Hanging Strips 2 Lockable Flipper Units 2 Shelves, Storage/Display 2 Lights 1 Tackboard 2 Tool Rails 2 Paper Trays 1 Diagonal Tray 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 1 Peninsula Work Surface 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File 1 Pencil Drawer 1 Cpu Holder
E0072 - Workstation, Corner Work Surface, Wall Mtd
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 5 Vertical Hanging Strips 3 Lockable Flipper Units 3 Shelves, Storage/Display 3 Lights 2 Tackboards 2 Tool Rails 2 Paper Trays 1 Diagonal Tray 2 Cantilevered Work Surfaces 1 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File 1 Pencil Drawer 1 Cpu Holder
E0078 - Workstation, L-Shaped w/Peninsula, Free Std
|This section will provide a whole work station typical to quickly plan work areas in clinical or administrative spaces. There will be a price decrease if typical work stations are used with vertical hanging strips instead of panels. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 standard solid panels; 2 panel connectors, 2-way corner; 1 panel-to-panel connector; 2 finished end hardware; 1 cantilevered work surface; 1 peninsula work surface; 2 lockable flipper units; 2 shelf, storage/display; 2 lights; 1 tack board, 48"W; 1 tool rail, 30"W; 1 paper tray; 1 diagonal tray; 1 adjustable keyboard tray; 1 mobile pedestal, box/file.
E0117 - Workstation, Straight, Free Standing
|This JSN provides a typical work station to quickly plan work areas in clinical or administrative spaces. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 standard solid panels; 1 panel connector, 2-way corner; 2 finished end hardware kits; 1 cantilevered work surface; 1 lockable flipper unit; 1 light; 1 tack board; 1 tool rail; 1 diagonal tray; 1 adjustable keyboard tray; 1 mobile pedestal, box/file; 1 support panel.
E0123 - Workstation, Straight, Free Standing
|This JSN will provide a whole work station typical to quickly plan work in areas in clinical or administrative spaces. There will be a price decrease if typical work stations are used with vertical hanging strips instead of panels. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Standard Solid Panels 2 Panel Connectors, 2-Way Corner 1 Panel-to-Panel Connector 2 Finished End Hardware 1 Cantilevered, Work Surface 2 Lockable Flipper Units 2 Shelf, Storage/Displays 2 Lights 1 Tack board 1 Tool Rail 1 Paper Tray 1 Diagonal Tray 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File
E0580 - Workstation, Urinalysis Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Vertical Hanging Strips; 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 24"W; 2 Light, 30W; 1 Light 48"W; 2 Tool Rail, 30W; 1 Tackboard, 30"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Drw, 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawer; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 48 "W; 1 Pedestal, Box, File; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 24"D x 48"W; 2 Paper Tray; 1 Diagonal Tray; 8 Shelf Dividers; 1 Cantilevered Sink Cab, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 21"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet Assay. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer * Hardware required to complete installation.
E0665 - Pharmacy Bulk Storage Low Volume
|Pharmacy bulk storage. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 53"H x 24"W; 12 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 18"W; 1 Panel, Hard Power 85"H x 24"W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 24"W; 2 Panel, Hard Power, 85"H x 48"W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 24"W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 4 Conn, 2-Way 90 Deg Hard 84"H; 7 Conn, 3-Way 90 Deg Hard 84"H; 1 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Pwr 85"H; 2 Work Surface, Lam 48"W; 36 Shelf Storage Display 24"W; 40 Shelf Storage Display 48"W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 48"W; 1 Tackboard, 48"W; 1 Tool Bar 24"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 48"W; 6 Shelf, 24"W; 6 Shelf, 48"W; 6 Shelf, Add-On 24"W; 6 Shelf, Add-On 48"W; 3 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves 24"W; 1 Cart, Enclosed Body, Top Spine, 2 Drawers, 2 Dbl Wide Wire Shelf, Dividers, Solid Dbl Wide Doors, 36"H; 1 Cart, W/Push Handles, Mobile, 2 Wire Shelf, Solid Shelf 21"D x 36"W; 1 Cart, Mobile Dolly Base, 4 Wire Shelf, Solid Shelf, 24"D x 36"W; 1 Mobile Pedestal, File/File 2 Task Light, 42"W; 1 Diag Tray 2 Keyboard Tray, Fully Adj. *Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0673 - Pharmacy Bulk Storage Medium Volume
|E0673 BULKSTOR, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 24”W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 48”W; 2 Panel ,Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 48”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 53”H x 24”W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 19 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 42”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x48”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x48”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 36”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Open Panel Frame Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 3 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, 47”H; 3 Ceiling Pwr Entry, 85”H; 2 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 48”W; 3 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Wk Surf, Corner, Lam 24”D x 48”W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 48”W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 72”W; 2 Lateral File, Lam 24”W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 36”W; 147 Shelf ,Storage/Display 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 24”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 36”W; 3 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 48”W; 3 Tackboard, 36”W; 4 Tackboard, 48”W; 1 Tool Bar, 24”W; 3 Tool Bar, 36”W; 7 Tool Bar, 48”W; 1 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 1 Adapter Rail,48"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf 24”D x 48”W; 24 Shelf, 48”W; 24 Shelf
E0675 - Pharmacy Dispensing &amp; Storage Medium Volume
|Pharmacy Dispensing & Storage. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 14 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 6 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x48”W; 10 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x30”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x42”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Duplex Rap, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rap, Dedicated 6/Pkg 7 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Penin, Round-End Lam 30”D x 48”W; 1 Support Panel, Wk Surf, End Lam 24”D; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 30”W; 72 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 24”W; 5 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 30”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 42”W; 4 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 48”W; 7 Tackboard, 24”W; 5 Tackboard, 30”W; 1 Tackboard, 42”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 1 Tool Bar, 24”W; 1 Tool Bar, 30”W; 1 Tool Bar, 42”W; 3 Tool Bar, 48”W; 10 Wall Strip 84”H; 2 Module, Pass-Through 80”H x 48”W; 4 Panel, Support 48”H x 24”W; 1 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 3 Acc Panel Assy, Combo 42”H x 43-1/4”W 2/Pkg; 1 Vert Chase Cover; 1 Adapter Rail,24”W; 1 Adapter Rail,30”W; 18 Adapter Rail,48”W; 20 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 5 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 60”W; 3 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 72”W
E0676 - Pharmacy Offsite Satellite Medium Volume
|E0676 OFFSITE SAT. PHARM. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 10 Panel, Hard Npwr 53"H x 24"W; 19 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 18"W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85"H x 24"W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 24"W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 30"W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85"H x 48"W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 30"W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 2 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Prw Entry, Npwr 85"H; 3 Wk Surf, Lam 24"D x 48"W; 1 Penin, Round-End Lam 30"D x 60"W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 24"W; 42 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 61 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 Flip Door Unit, Fab, W/Lock 30"W; 2 Flip Door Unit, W/Lock 48"W; 1 Tack board 30"W; 5 Tack board 48"W; 1 Tool Bar, 24"W; 1 Tool Bar, 30"W; 1 Tool Bar, 48"W; 5 Wall Strip, 84"H; 1 Equipment Rail, Wall-Mt 48"W; 7 Adapter Rail, 48"W; 6 Work Surface, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 48"W; 2 Work Surface, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 72"W; 1 Sink Support, ADA Systems Mounted, w/Corian Top 24"D x 48"W; 7 Shelf, 24"W; 8 Shelf, 48"W; 7 Shelf, Add-On 24"W; 8 Shelf, Ad-On 48"W; 5 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24"D x 48"W; 1 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24"D x 72"W; 7 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 24"W; 7 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 48"W; 6 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 30"W; 1 Shelf Unit, Add-On, 48"W; 1 Shelf Unit, Dbl Drs, 48"W; 9 Storage Case; 4 Storage Case Shelf; 4 Storage Case Drw, 5"H; 15 Storage Case Bottle Dwr; 9 Storage Case Leg; 1 Wk Surf w/Backsplash 24"D x 48"W
E0677 - Pharmacy IV Admixture Medium Volume
|E0677 UNIT DOSE/IV ADMIX, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 48”W; 8 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 12”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 6 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Open Panel Frame Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 36”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 2 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Npwr 67”H; 3 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Npwr 85”H; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 24”W; 5 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 48”W; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Trans Surf, Rect Lam Top 72”W; 10 Shelf, Storage/Display 24”W; 5 Shelf, Storage/Display 30”W; 18 Shelf, Storage/Display 36”W; 16 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 36”W; 4 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 36”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 2 Tool Bar, 36”W; 3 Tool Bar, 48”W; 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48”W; 1 Adapter Rail, 30”W; 3 Adapter Rail, 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 30”W; 7 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 72”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 30”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 30”D x 72”W
E0686 - Pharmacy Manuf &amp; Prepack High Volume
|E0686 MANUF & PREPACK, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Panel, Hard Npwr, 53”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr, 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr, 85”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Pwr, W/Com Port, 85”H x 48”W; 1 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 9 Shelf, Storage/Display, 48”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock, 48”W; 1 Tackboard, 48”W; 1 Tool Bar, 48”W; 4 Wall Strip 84”H; 1 Adapter Rail, 48”W; 4 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty Cor 24”D x 48”W; 1 Cantilevered Sink Module, w/Corian Top, 24”D x 48”W; 1 Shelf, 48”W; 1 Table, Process w/Casters Adj Ht 30”D x 48”W; 1 Storage Unit; 3 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves 24”W; 1 Storage Case,3 Bottle Drws, W/Leg; 1 Storage Case, W/Shelf, 5”H Dwr, W/Legs; 5 Drw, 3”H; 1 Dbl Sink and Faucet Assy; 1 Eyewash; 5 Task Light, 42”W; 1 Diag Tray; 1 Keybd Tray, Fully Adj. *Connecting hardware required to complete the installation.
E0687 - Pharmacy Dispensing, Storage High Volume
|E0687 DISPENSING & STORAGE, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 39”H x 24”W; 14 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 67”H x 18”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 67”H x 48”W; 25 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 10 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 16 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port, 85”H x 48”W; 13 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 30”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 2 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 7 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 72”W; 2 Penin, Round-End Lam 30”D x 60”W; 2 Support Panel, Wk Surf, End Lam 24”D; 70 Shelf, Storage/Display, 30”W; 123 Shelf, Storage/Display, 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 24”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 30”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 24”W; 2 Tackboard, 30”W; 4 Tackboard, 48”W; 4 Tackboard, 30”H x 30W; 2 Tool Bar, 24”W; 2 Tool Bar, 30”W; 7 Tool Bar, 48”W; 2 Wall Strip 60”H; 2 Wall Strip 84”H; 3 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 8 Adapter Rail,30”W; 3 Adapter Rail,48”W; 6 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 8 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 60”W; 1 Cantilevered Sink Module 24”D x 48”W; 48 Shelf, 48”W; 4 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 48”W; 8 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 72”W; 1 Table
E0689 - Pharmacy IV Admixture High Volume
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 11 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H X 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 36”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 48”W; 8 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 13 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 4 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 47”H; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Npwr 67”H; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 4 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 48”W; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 72”W; 2 Wk Surf, Cor Lam 24”D x 48”W; 88 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 6 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 36”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 2 Tool Bar, 36”W; 2 Tool Bar, 48”W; 4 Wall Strip 84”H; 2 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 2 Adapter Rail,30”W; 4 Adapter Rail,48”W; 2 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 30”W; 10 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 2 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty Cor 24”D x 48”W; 30 Shelf, 16”D , 48”W; 1 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 48”W; 4 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 60”W; 1 Table, Process w/Casters Adj Ht 30”D x 60”W; 3 Shelf Unit,3 Shelves and 24”H x 16”D x 24”W; 11 Shelf Unit,3 Shelves and 24”H x 16”D x 48”W; 2 Shelf Unit,5 Shelves and 34”H x 16”D x 30”W; 2 Shelf Unit,5 Shelves and 34”H x 16”D x 48”W
Creation 30 X Press
|<p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T product available in tiles and planks with bevelled edges. It comprises a 0,30mm thick transparent wearlayer. <br>It is a 4mm compact product, compressed and grained at high pressure, made with a design film, two compact underlayers reinforced with a fibre grid. It includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. <br>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is treated with a PUR+ treatment for easy maintenance properties. </p> <p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is made with 73% of mineral and 12% inexhaustible materials. It is made with 100% control recycled materials. It is 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC &lt;28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable. </p> <p>ARGUMENTAIRES</p> <p>Ready to use :</p> <p>• Looselay = Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) included on the backing of the product<br>• Direct installation on existing subfloor (In compliance with Gerflor's installation guidelines)<br>• Clean and quiet for easy installation in busy areas</p> <p>Removable:</p> <p>• No tools needed to remove floor<br>• Easy to replace a single plank<br>• Subfloor is clean after removal: no messy adhesive residue</p> <p>Easy :</p> <p>• One tool required: a sharp blade<br>• Just press to install the product</p>
ALEO - Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supply hoses
|Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supply hoses - Temperature limiter ring, - metal waste, - flow restricted to 5L/min for water efficiency and comfort of use – less risk of splashing, - technological innovation: Water flows inside tap body without coming into contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene; safety, savings, - discreetly-positioned. anti-scale aerator: Easy replacement with no special tool (you can use a coin) and easier cleaning, - safety :Cold body. No heat transferred to the surface, - esthetic: Discrete anti-scale aerator (no exposed aerator), - anti-twist supply hoses: Easier tap mounting. no problems with tangled hoses, - side lift rod: Easier installation on small washbasins. more user accessibility, - height under aerator: 86 mm.
ALEO - Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supplies
|ALEO - Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supplies - Temperature limiter ring, - metal waste, - side lift rod: Easy installation on small basins (no problem with wall or mirror) and enhanced - accessibility for user, - height under spout aerator: 86 mm, - included pop-up drain, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray, - discreet, anti-scale aerator: Easy to remove without a special tool and easier care.
CZ Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,21 W/(m²K) d=387 mm Ytong YQ Alternative
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
CZ Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,18 W/(m²K) d=462 mm Ytong YQ
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
CZ Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,17 W/(m²K) d=416 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
CZ Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,13 W/(m²K) d=517 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
CZ Ytong Internal Wall U=0,46 W/(m²K) d=260 mm Ytong Statik R=2,1617 m²K/W
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
CZ Ytong Internal Wall U=1,02 W/(m²K) d=110 mm Ytong Standard R=0,9769 m²K/W
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
SK Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,18 W/(m²K) d=462 mm Ytong YQ
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
SK Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,16 W/(m²K) d=512 mm Ytong YQ Alternative
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
SK Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,14 W/(m²K) d=466 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
SK Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,13 W/(m²K) d=517 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
SK Ytong Internal Wall U=0,46 W/(m²K) d=260 mm Ytong Statik R=2,1617 m²K/W
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
SK Ytong Internal Wall U=1,02 W/(m²K) d=110 mm Ytong Standard R=0,9769 m²K/W
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina monolithic premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina Multipor ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina double layer wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina non load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Croatia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Croatia monolithic premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Croatia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Croatia ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Croatia load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Croatia non load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Kosovo monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Kosovo monolithic premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Kosovo ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Kosovo ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Kosovo double layer wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Kosovo load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Kosovo non load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Serbia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Serbia monolithic premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Serbia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Serbia ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Serbia Multipor ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Serbia double layer wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Serbia load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Serbia non load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Slovenia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Slovenia monolithic premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Slovenia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Slovenia non load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Slovenia Multipor ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Slovenia load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia monolithic premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
Ytong Russia load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia non load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia double layer wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer- Medium model 162mm - With supply hoses
|Kumin single-lever washbasin mixer - Incl. pop-up drain and side lift rod - anti-scale aerator - ceramic disc cartridge - flow rate: 5 l/min. - integral anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin) and easier cleaning, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings.
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer - Standard model 162mm - smooth body, no lift rod or waste
|Single-lever washbasin mixer - Standard model - smooth body, no lift rod or waste - anti-scale aerator, - maximum flow rate 5 l/min, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray - integral, anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin), easier cleaning, - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings, - durable finish.
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer- Standard 132mm - with supply hoses
|Kumin low single-lever washbasin mixer - incl. pop-up drain and side lift rod, - anti-scale aerator, - ceramic disc cartridge, - flow rate: 5 l/min, - integral anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin) and easier cleaning, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray, - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings.
Rondò 1
|Recessed for outdoor applications double beam; drive-over up to 2000 kg; recessed (ground); body in AISI 316L stainless steel, screen in polycarbonate; finishes: anthracite, cor-ten, micro blasted; 2 power LEDs; 4W (2W + 2W) - 24Vdc; includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x0,35/0,75 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 65 lm (3000K) per beam; optics: radial, 10°; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; ingress protection: IP67; impact resistance: IK08; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0,60 kg; dimensions Ø100x48 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: outer casing WC0100, outer casing WC0103, tool for vandal-resistant screws WE0100
Rondò 3
|Recessed for outdoor applications single beam; drive-over up to 2000 kg; recessed (ground); body in AISI 316L stainless steel, screen in polycarbonate; finishes: anthracite, cor-ten, micro blasted; 1 power LED; 3W - 230Vac, 24Vdc; 230Vac version: built-in power supply unit, 24Vdc version: power supply unit not included; 230Vac version: includes 1,5 m neoprene cable H05RN-F 3x1,0 Ø7 mm, 24Vdc version: includes 1,5 m neoprene cable H05RN-F 2x0,75/0,75 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 90 lm (3000K); optics: radial, 10°; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; ingress protection: IP67; impact resistance: IK08; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; 230Vac version: appliance class: I, 24Vdc version: appliance class: III; weight 1,80 kg; dimensions Ø160x87 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: outer casing WC0601, outer casing WC0701, tool for vandal-resistant screws WE0100
Ytong Romania monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Romania monolithic premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Romania ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong aerated concrete and additional Multipor ETIC.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Romania ETIC premium wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong aerated concrete and additional Multipor ETIC.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Romania load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong internal load bearing walls.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Romania non load bearing inner wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Norden wood/metal cabinets B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet for wood and metal craft with frame in direct laminate. Front is available in 10 different variants of either direct laminate or laminate. Frame is available in 3 different designs. Decorated with 12 drawers, tool plate with fixings and 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden wood/metal cabinets B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet for wood and metal craft with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Tool plate with fixings and 12 boxes, 2 full doors with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Ytong Italy Monolithic Wall U=0,21 W/(m²K) d=373mm
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external monolithic walls.
Ytong Italy Monolithic Wall U=0,15 W/(m²K) d=493mm
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external monolithic walls.
Ytong Italy ETIC Wall U=0.14 W/(m²K) d=442 mm
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external monolithic walls.
Ytong Italy ETIC Wall U=0.2 W/(m²K) d=442 mm
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external monolithic walls.
Ytong Italy load bearing inner wall d=250 mm REI180
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external monolithic walls.
Ytong Italy non load bearing inner wall d=110mm
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external monolithic walls.
Ytong Italy separation wall d=290mm double layer
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external monolithic walls.
Ytong Italy Ceiling d=337mm
|Ytong Multipor boards are a silicate insulating material and are classified as ecological and completely recycleable. Ytong Multipor panels provide a lot of advantages particurarly for renovating old building: they are open for vapour diffusion, but water repellent, with high thermal insulation factor. They are suitable to insulate Ytong slab panels roofs without vapour barrier. In addition to the thermal insulation, Multipor panel is a non-combustible material and it doesn't develop toxic gases in case of fire; Multipor is a non-compressible material, with a good mechanical resistance. Particularly suited for insulation work on large areas as well as for angular and highly articulated ceilings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong Multipor insulation for Ytong slab panel roofs, applied with Multipor light mortar used for gluing, reinforcing and plastering. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of panels. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong Multipor boards insulation of Ytong slab panels.
Ytong Italy Roof d=337mm
|Ytong Multipor boards are a silicate insulating material and are classified as ecological and completely recycleable. Ytong Multipor panels provide a lot of advantages particurarly for renovating old building: they are open for vapour diffusion, but water repellent, with high thermal insulation factor. They are suitable to insulate Ytong slab panels roofs without vapour barrier. In addition to the thermal insulation, Multipor panel is a non-combustible material and it doesn't develop toxic gases in case of fire; Multipor is a non-compressible material, with a good mechanical resistance. Particularly suited for insulation work on large areas as well as for angular and highly articulated ceilings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong Multipor insulation for Ytong slab panel roofs, applied with Multipor light mortar used for gluing, reinforcing and plastering. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of panels. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong Multipor boards insulation of Ytong slab panels.
HEWI Standard door fitting 111R01-230
|Standard door fitting in R-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 111.23R U-shaped made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 23 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Roses: model 305.23... and 306.23 roses substructure made of synthetic material-stainless steel composite, can be used for left and right-hand opening doors. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area and second journal in the neck of the lever handle. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M4 screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, flat, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: U Article no.: HEWI 111R01.230
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 111R02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in R-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 111.23R U-shaped made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 23 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Roses: model 305.23... and 306.23NR roses substructure made of synthetic material-stainless steel composite, can be used for left and right-hand opening doors. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area and second journal in the neck of the lever handle. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M4 screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, flat, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: U Article no.: HEWI 111R02.230
HEWI Fire door fitting 111R11-230
|Fire door fitting in R-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 111.23R U-shaped made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 23 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Roses: model 305.23... and 306.23FS roses substructure made of synthetic material-stainless steel composite, can be used for left and right-hand opening doors. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area and second journal in the neck of the lever handle. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M4 screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, flat, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fire door fitting with spindle 9 mm, according to DIN 18273 Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class D1 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: U Article no.: HEWI 111R11.230
HEWI Standard door fitting 111XAH01-130
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 111X... made of stainless steel tube (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle, for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 111XAH01.130
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 111XAH02-130
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 111X... made of stainless steel tube (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle, for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 111XAH02.130
HEWI Fire door fitting 111XAH11-130
|Fire door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 111X... made of stainless steel tube (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle, for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fire door fitting with spindle 9 mm, according to DIN 18273 Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class B1 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 111XAH11.130
HEWI Standard door fitting 162PCH01-230
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 162.21P... in mitre cut, made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 21.3 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21P... and 306.23, composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162PCH01.230
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 162XAH02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 162X... made of stainless steel tube in mitre cut (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162XAH02.230
HEWI Fire door fitting 162XAH11-230
|Fire door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 162X... made of stainless steel tube in mitre cut (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fire door fitting with spindle 9 mm, according to DIN 18273 Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class B1 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162XAH11.230
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 162PCB02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in B-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 162.21P... in mitre cut, made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 21.3 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21P... and 306.23NR, composite synthetic material rose substructure, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with 5 mm Spax screws as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 2 or Class 3 Category of use: Class 2 fitting with spindle 7 mm Category of use: Class 3 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 0 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162PCB02.230
HEWI Standard door fitting 162XAH01-230
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 162X... made of stainless steel tube in mitre cut (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162XAH01.230
holon 40
|kreon holon directional is a recessed, surface or track mounted spotlight with a rotational adjustment of 360º and an angular adjustment of 90º, which, when combined with the choice of spot, flood and wide flood TIR reflector, provides a truly versatile accent lighting tool. kreon holon fixed is the perfect solution for general lighting and features a flood beam mirror reflector set above the black or white internal louvre, optimised to create pools of light on horizontal surfaces or dramatic scalloping effects on verticals.
holon 80
|kreon holon directional is a recessed, surface or track mounted spotlight with a rotational adjustment of 360º and an angular adjustment of 90º, which, when combined with the choice of spot, flood and wide flood TIR reflector, provides a truly versatile accent lighting tool. kreon holon fixed is the perfect solution for general lighting and features a flood beam mirror reflector set above the black or white internal louvre, optimised to create pools of light on horizontal surfaces or dramatic scalloping effects on verticals.