Hotspot Placement Tool
- Description This simple object may be used to set the position of 3D hotspots for custom user-modeled objects. Simply place one or more of these 3D hotspot elements wherever you would like a snapping point. After placement, select them and change the line length to 0 to avoid seeing the short axis guide lines. Then select these 3D hotspots along with your other components and save as a new custom GDL object; the snap points will be embedded into the new object. See my YouTube video for a demonstration of use: Also, see the original ArchiCAD-Talk discussion here:
- Keywords hotspot custom object 3D snap point GDL tool
- Uploaded by Eric Bobrow
- Upload time
- License Public Domain Dedication 1.0
- Version ArchiCAD 16
- File size 6.8 KB
- Downloads 3300 downloads