Bus Stop 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- variable numbers of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
Bus Stop 04
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- variable number of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009063D parametric, rotator, with optional\n- name of library part to rotate\n- rotate about "X", "Y", "Z" axis (+ or -)
Surfer 2
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346221608#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg surfer2 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060825 !Mesh name:"lwpg5069" !name:"lwpg128" Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Bus Stop 03
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- barrel roof\n- variable number of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
Tree 1 Plan 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of 2D tree symbols with optional tree name text.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729File name: ABSOLUT_schk.gsm Version: 1.0 Made by: Kamil Sarelo <ksarelo@habra.at> Date of creation: 2004-01-13 History: 2004-01-13 creation, definition of parameters 2004-01-14 I18N, value lists, locks, logic in MasterScript 2004-01-26 heights and HOTSPOTs for heights in MasterScript 2004-01-28 continue with MasterScript, start with 3DScript and UIScript 2004-01-29 continue with MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-01 fix of heights-logic and performance enhancement in MasterScript 2004-02-02 fix of heights-logic in MasterScript, connectors and mouth-plate in MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-03 mouth-plate, connectors, mouth-fromation and logic in MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-04 mouth-fromation CUTs, height correction at mouthType_01, materials and virtual roof in MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-05 corrections, 2D symbol, additional parameters, UI corrections in MasterScript, UIScript, 2DScript and 3DScript 2004-02-06 corrections and improvements in *Script, logo and redisgn of UI, textures 2004-02-08 corrections in *Script 2004-02-10 correction of smoke-connector heights im MasterScript; 2D Symbol in MasterScript, 2DScript and UIScript; new site for 3D pipes in UIScript 2004-02-11 corrections in *Script, materials, 2D Symbol, 3D pipes im *Script 2004-02-12 3D pipes, UI for 3D pipes and additional navigation in UI 2004-02-12 1.0 release 2004-02-17 corrections in *Script 2004-02-18 corrections in *Script 2004-02-23 corrections in UIScript 2004-02-24 corrections in *Script 2004-02-25 correction of virtual roof in 3DScript 2004-03-15 mini correction 2004-04-26 correction from meeting 2004-05-06 equipment 2004-05-16 UIScript 2004-05-06 corrections in all scripts Notes: Copyright A-NULL, Wien
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Bedarfslueftung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Zuluft_Set_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
Bus Stop 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- barrel roof\n- variable number of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
LG Zone 11
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400410//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
LG Zone 13
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400410//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400404//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone stamp with DIN area calculation
nicola gardoni | 1634715663Family name STEP wall recessed lighting fixture bollard lighting fixture
Boxer conference chair
Andres Bruder | 1374604317Armchair. Chassis in chromium or silver lacquered metal. Designer: Claesson Koivisto Rune "The name Boxer originates from the similarity with the Boxer dog. Looked at from the side it has the same springiness in its profile. And not to forget, both the easy-chair and armchair are extremely comfortable."
Column Simes
nicola gardoni | 1634715479Family name COLUMN Bollard lighting fixture
Total Zone
Jeroen de Bruin | 1355176262Total Zone is a zonestamp which will solve all your zone problems. No more duplicated zones for each different output, one zone for all output. With the Model View Options this zone can be different in each view, increasing the BIM factor of your model. CHECK OUT ALL THE FEATURES!
nicola gardoni | 1634715447Family name BLITZ Wall mounted lighting fixture
Blinker wall recessed
nicola gardoni | 1634715434Family name BLINKER wall recessed lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715651Family name RING Ground recessed drive-over lighting fixture
Trim Applique
nicola gardoni | 1634715693Family name TRIM APPLIQUE Wall mounted lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715514Family name MOAI Bollard lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715581Family name PARK Post top / Pole / Wall Mounted lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715595Family name POOL Submersion Wall mounted lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715678Family name TECHNO Projector lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715791Family name ZEN Wall/Ceiling mounted lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715504Family name LOBBY Ceiling recessed lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715494Family name EOS wall recessed lighting fixture bollard lighting fixture
FNS Metal Deck
Frank Green Sr. | 1351803633! Name : Metal Deck.gsm ! Date : Nov. 1, 2012 ! Version : 16.00 ! Written by Frank Green
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
nicola gardoni | 1634715638Family name POSTER Post top lighting fixture
Pool spot
nicola gardoni | 1634715609Family name POOL SPOT Submersion Surface lighting fixture
Trim Bollard
nicola gardoni | 1634715771Family name TRIM BOLLARD Bollard lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715407Family name AVENUE Post top lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715532Family name MOVIT Projector lighting fixture
Simple Zone Stamp ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1444828730Version 3.04
Room Name and Size Label 19
Jakub Chruscinski | 1536544066Improved Room Name and Dimension Label tool. Includes millimeters (mm), meters (m) and inches.
Contour generator tool
Dániel Alexander Kovács | 1559632261This contour generator tool utilizes the latest gdl commands to generate contour lines of any element in ARCHICAD (be it a mesh, a morph, etc.) as fast as possible. Still, with bigger elements it might slow regeneration down quite a bit, so it is suggested to explode the object into a 2D linework! 1. Select the mesh you want to slice and go to 'File>Libraries & Objects>Save Selection as...>Object...' 2. Save the object with a name you will remember (e.g. "mesh-01") 3. Place the Contour Generator Object and set up all its settings according to your design 4. Enter the name of the mesh object you just saved into the corresponding field, so that it would load it, and generate the contour lines +1. Explode the Object into 2D lines in the floor plan, to speed up the model
Tree Plan 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of 2D tree symbols with optional tree name text.
Beam Name Label BETA
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473 -
Column Name Label BETA
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473 -
Room Name Tag
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473BETA v2 - added ability to change dimension tag accuracy (number of decimal places)
UKI Drawing Title ADL 22 DEMO
Applecore Designs | 1532687444Version 2.00
b1 iCon xs washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.01.2009 -outgoing 14121 01.11.2004 -object renamed, name before "a1 Pozzi-Ginori washbasin" 01.11.2003 -corrected product data 14321 01.10.2003 -corrected product data 01.10.2003 -corrected height 14321 01.10.2003 -fixed graphical error in top surface 01.03.2003 -initial release
b2 iCon washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.01.2009 -outgoing 14121 01.11.2004 -object renamed, name before "a1 Pozzi-Ginori washbasin" 01.11.2003 -corrected product data 14321 01.10.2003 -corrected product data 01.10.2003 -corrected height 14321 01.10.2003 -fixed graphical error in top surface 01.03.2003 -initial release
d1 PG Easy wall-hung bide
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.11.2004 -object renamed, name before "d1 Pozzi-Gri wall-hung bide" 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -installation fixture added 01.10.2003 -3D modified 01.03.2003 -initial release
e1 iCon xs vanity unit
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.01.2009 -outgoing 14121 01.11.2004 -object renamed, name before "a1 Pozzi-Ginori washbasin" 01.11.2003 -corrected product data 14321 01.10.2003 -corrected product data 01.10.2003 -corrected height 14321 01.10.2003 -fixed graphical error in top surface 01.03.2003 -initial release
e2 iCon vanity unit
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.01.2009 -outgoing 14121 01.11.2004 -object renamed, name before "a1 Pozzi-Ginori washbasin" 01.11.2003 -corrected product data 14321 01.10.2003 -corrected product data 01.10.2003 -corrected height 14321 01.10.2003 -fixed graphical error in top surface 01.03.2003 -initial release
l8 PG Easy wall-hung bide
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.11.2004 -object renamed, name before "d1 Pozzi-Gri wall-hung bide" 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -installation fixture added 01.10.2003 -3D modified 01.03.2003 -initial release
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
Kit Sunfix aero duo
|The name kit Sunfix aero duo says it all. The high-performance SolarWorld solar modules Sunmodule Plus poly, mono, mono black and Sunmodule Protect poly are installed with the mounting system Sunfix aero duo without penetrating the roof membrane and forms a static interconnection that requires only minimal ballast. The aerodynamic, wind tunnel-tested system design ensures that the solar power system behaves like a Formula 1 racing car at high speeds: the frame literally clings to the roof surface. This reduces point and surface loads to a minimum. In the kit Sunfix aero duo modules are arranged in tent-shaped pairs allowing for maximum utilisation of the available roof area. This double design, which reduces shading between module rows, increases the roof’s yield. The modules should be mounted at an angle of 10 degrees, ideally with an east-west alignment, in order to maximise the yield in relation to the roof surface area.
Serena Wall Shelf 170
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail fi nish and material quality. A beautiful and stylish place for books and small items. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Vardags Table 160+50+50+50+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
E0950 - Cart, Emergency, Mobile, Pediatric
|A pediatric emergency cart specifically designed to support pediatric patients. The cart will have nine drawers of various heights and a full range of accessories including an IV pole, Oxygen tank holder, suction unit shelf, hospital grade socket outlet, defibrillator shelf, locking sharps container, to name a few. The dimensions are for the cart only and do not include accessories.
Ytong Italy
|Ytong autoclaved aerated concrete is a construction product unique, consisting of sand, lime, cement, water and millions of air pores, which give lightness and great performances: thermal and acoustic insulation, fire resistance and strength. Aerated concrete was produced in 1929 in southern Sweden Yxhult, in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy. From the original name “Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong” a short time later Ytong became the first registered building material brand in the world, which made the name Ytong worldwide career and changed the building sustainably, establishing itself as a fixture on the international level in the market. The extensive product range allows the construction of a whole building with aerated concrete, from basement to roof. For each single need Ytong offers the right solution: external and internal walls, load-bearing and infill walls, Ytong is used for residential and industrial, new and renovated buildings. Thanks to its structure comprising millions of tiny pores, Ytong offers optimum solidity at low weight. As air has a low heat conductivity, aerated concrete provides for excellent thermal protection. It protects from cold and heat, allowing for single-shell constructions which provide more space and reduce costs.
Ytong Romania
|YTONG thermal insulation blocks were created in order to provide all essential benefits of construction materials in one product: high level of thermal insulation, easy to cut and shape, fire resistant, sustainable and ecological. YTONG is a premium product, made of mineral and natural raw materials: lime, sand, cement, and water . In 1929, the first autoclaved aerated concrete was produced in the Swedish town of Yxhult, under the name Yxhults Anghardade Gasbetong, from which the brand name YTONG was derived. Following the First World War, Sweden needed a masonry product with thermal insulating properties, easy to cut, shape and install and economical, in order to reduce the fuel consumption, as people had limited access to resources. Dr. Arh. Axel Erikson made the first attempt at autoclaving aerated concrete, that later on the world’s first registered trademark for a building material. YTONG, the name of the brand, is derived from: Yxhult, the place where it was invented, and Gasbetong, Swedish term for autoclaved aerated concrete. Germany adopts this product in the '50s. In Romania, YTONG is the first masonry product to be included in the A energy efficiency class, without the need for additional thermal insulating systems for the facades. Nowadays, YTONG systems include products for exterior walls, repartitioning, lintels, special mortar; all these being the basis of nearly zero-energy buildings.
Ytong Spain
|This stone is white and consists of lime, sand, cement and water. Inside, it contains millions of air pores, which also gave him the name: aerated concrete. Over 70 years ago it was for the first time industrially produced in southern Sweden’s Yxhult in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy due to stricter laws. From the original name "Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong" a short time later became the first registered building materials brand in the world, which pushed the worldwide carrer of Ytong and changed the building construction sustainably. Since then, Ytong with the concise Y of its hometown and the significant yellow color, stands like no other brand for construction with optimal insulation. This material has become a standard element in residential building on an international level. Due to the extensive product range it is possible to build a house from the basement to the roof completely with aerated concrete elements. Ytong aerated concrete offers the right solution for every application with the highest quality masonry. Whether basement masonry, monolithic exterior or interior walls, you will always find the right product. In renovations new room situations can efficiently be created with Ytong aerated concrete masonry. Ytong, the classic building material, stands like no other for optimal thermal insulation and massive quality.
Ytong United Kingdom
|Ytong blocks are a well known global name for aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. For house construction and commercial and industrial buildings. Ytong blocks are not only used to construct inner leaves of cavity walls and dwelling partitioning walls but also internal, external and fire walls in both load-bearing and non loadbearing designs. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. High construction speed In addition to its versatility, the Ytong block is characterised by its ease of working and construction. The blocks can easily be sawn. This results in a relatively high construction speed which can deliver cost savings, particularly in high-volume projects. The construction advantages of the Ytong block are that it is light-weight, simple to lay, quick to assemble, simple to saw/cut and chase and it has unlimited finishing possibilities. All products are manufactured to comply with European standards EN 771-4 (CE-marked).
Automatic Sliding Door (Energy-Efficiency) SLX-M/PST
|The perfect external door. The Gilgen SLX-M sliding-door drive unit is a universally applicable drive system with the very latest functions. It is designed to offer guaranteed, reliable functioning in a wide range of highly demanding applications. It also offers elegant good looks, with its sensor components housed in the drive case. The Gilgen <green wings> PST profile system is the new name for a high performance thermal barrier with a slimline visible width. Heating and air conditioning costs are drastically reduced, which translates into the system's rapid return on investment. The range is completed with optional extras such as a drained bottom guide-way or automatic multi-point locking.
Conference chair Graph
|The Graph conference chair breathes new life into the manageable and decades hardly changed Riege excellently designed conference chair. Because even at first sight captivates the graphic quality of the modern form, referred to by the name. It results from the artifice, only to cut through an organic seat shell horizontally and vertically, in order to then modified again reassemble. The result is a fascinating interplay of flowing form and clear lines of closed surfaces and transparent aperture, of harmony and contrast. The striking design is mirrored in exceptional seating comfort, the graph provides despite the slim contour. The covered with wave springs encased in foam and additionally equipped with padded pad steel frame of the seat and back are upholstered for top class technology. Even more, the supporting leaf spring in the three-point support of the seat ensures without any mechanism for three-dimensional flexibility that activates mind and body. Since it is almost self-evident that graph is also convincing in the detail. That no fittings are to be discovered on the armrests. The fact that shapes and surfaces of the frame perfectly modeled and processed. And that the seams of the precious covers precisely follow the elegant lines.
RBM Low-back Bella 4447O
|RBM Low-back Bella is an extension and further development of the existing chair collection; RBM Bella. Both models and RBM Ana are designed by Tias Eckhoff, one of the most acknowledge Scandinavian industrial designers. As the name indicates, the new RBM Low-back Bella collection features lower back height than the classical RBM Bella, and a generous, but slim, light and open form expression, with a strong appeal. The chair is designed for stability and solidity, making it well-suited for all users in various environments in conferences, canteens, meetings e.g. A characteristic «wing» shape on the top of the back, serves as a comfortable armrest and a practical handle when moving the chair. The reknowned comfort and ergonomy from RBM Bella is kept in the new model, through large and well sculpted surfaces in seat and back. RBM Lowback Bella comes with veneer shells in birch, beech and oak, besides 5 delicate CPL laminate colours, including a new grey colour. The models have 4 legged frames in silver and black paint, and chrome. RBM Low-back Bella is available as unupholstered, seat upholstered or in front inside upholstered versions
RBM Low-back Bella 4447
|RBM Low-back Bella is an extension and further development of the existing chair collection; RBM Bella. Both models and RBM Ana are designed by Tias Eckhoff, one of the most acknowledge Scandinavian industrial designers. As the name indicates, the new RBM Low-back Bella collection features lower back height than the classical RBM Bella, and a generous, but slim, light and open form expression, with a strong appeal. The chair is designed for stability and solidity, making it well-suited for all users in various environments in conferences, canteens, meetings e.g. A characteristic «wing» shape on the top of the back, serves as a comfortable armrest and a practical handle when moving the chair. The reknowned comfort and ergonomy from RBM Bella is kept in the new model, through large and well sculpted surfaces in seat and back. RBM Lowback Bella comes with veneer shells in birch, beech and oak, besides 5 delicate CPL laminate colours, including a new grey colour. The models have 4 legged frames in silver and black paint, and chrome. RBM Low-back Bella is available as unupholstered, seat upholstered or in front inside upholstered versions.
Flex chair
|The Flex chair by Andrés Nilson lives up to its name, at only 3 kg. The chairs bring a flexibility to the look of your home as they are stackable and can easily be brought out or put away. The simple but elaborate details give the chair a light and discrete look. Possible to stack 5 chairs and delivers with a sound absorber under the seat. The Flex chair by Andrés Nilson lives up to its name, at only 3 kg. The chairs bring a flexibility to the look of your home as they are stackable and can easily be brought out or put away. The simple but elaborate details give the chair a light and discrete look. Possible to stack 5 chairs and delivers with a sound absorber under the seat. The Flex chair by Andrés Nilson lives up to its name, at only 3 kg. The chairs bring a flexibility to the look of your home as they are stackable and can easily be brought out or put away. The simple but elaborate details give the chair a light and discrete look. Possible to stack 5 chairs and delivers with a sound absorber under the seat.
Cavetto - storage
|The name Cavetto (kaschkasch, 2016) comes from the moulding on the edges of all Cavetto models – a shelf series that can be configured in endless variations. The ingenious thing about Cavetto is that the edges of the shelves are shaped so that back and side panels can be inserted between them without the need for any fittings. Cavetto can be placed against a wall, positioned as a room divider or used to build a room within a room. It can be accessed from one or two directions depending on how the shelves are filled with the different accessories. The shelf unit comes in four different heights and in widths of 900 mm and 350 mm. A width of 350 mm can be used as a choice of corner shelf. Cavetto is made of round solid wood legs with adjustable feet that are linked by blockboard shelves. Cavetto can then be filled with accessories, mid sides, outer sides, backs, a fully removable drawer and pair of doors (only for width 900 mm). Crates in two different heights can be placed above the shelf or stacked on top of each other. Choose from oak, ash, standard stains on ash and standard colors (only for accesseories). Cavetto is supplied partially assembled and can be fully assembled with simple tools.
Bouquet - table
|The Bouquet (Jesper Ståhl, 2016) series of tables solves the challenge of how to find space for lots of people around a table by the creative design of its trestle. The round, straight, wooden legs and a central knot create geometry that offers legroom combined with stability. The name and appearance of the table are inspired by a bouquet of roses. Bouquet comes in round and rectangular models in a number of different sizes and in a height of 745 mm. The tabletop is in veneered blockboard and the leg trestle in solid wood with a black-lacquered knot. The legs have adjustable feet. Choose from oak, birch, ash, white laminate and standard stains on ash. The table can be used as a conference table, dining table or desk.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Yonoh presents a sofa and armchair duo with a Japanese touch. The concept, as its name suggests, takes its inspiration from the powerful silhouette of sumo wrestlers, contrasted with the light wooden clogs that they use to and from the ring (dohyō). The strong curves and reduced dimensions make it an ideal piece for the contract market. The raised seams help to define the curved lines of the model. Despite its hefty appearance, Sumo has a small footprint (178cm and 92cm for the sofa and armchair respectively). The wood chosen for the collection is ash, due to its texture and grain. A wide array of stains is available, from natural shades to vibrant colours like pink or yellow. Sumo can be upholstered in fabric as well as artificial or natural leather. The covers cannot be removed.
SUMO SOFA 178 285.11.T
|Yonoh presents a sofa and armchair duo with a Japanese touch. The concept, as its name suggests, takes its inspiration from the powerful silhouette of sumo wrestlers, contrasted with the light wooden clogs that they use to and from the ring (dohyō). The strong curves and reduced dimensions make it an ideal piece for the contract market. The raised seams help to define the curved lines of the model. Despite its hefty appearance, Sumo has a small footprint (178cm and 92cm for the sofa and armchair respectively). The wood chosen for the collection is ash, due to its texture and grain. A wide array of stains is available, from natural shades to vibrant colours like pink or yellow. Sumo can be upholstered in fabric as well as artificial or natural leather. The covers cannot be removed.
|The naked table! The Vichy dining tables by the French duo BrichetZiegler flaunts a breathtaking tabletop aloft legs that seem to go on forever. The design casts aside the bland conventions that have, until recently, been hidden under flowing tablecloths. Today’s table designs have been laid bare by the trend for chefs to serve their creations on only the scantiest of placemats. Gingham fabric, or vichy in French, used to dress both people and tables for generations, lends the product more than just its name. This unmistakable pattern of squares has been replicated in oak, sycamore and walnut marquetry. Even if the restaurant shrouds the Vichy in a long table cloth, two slender solid oak legs will peak out cheekily, held in place by a shoe-like stand that will resist even the clumsiest of dates.
|The naked table! The Vichy dining tables by the French duo BrichetZiegler flaunts a breathtaking tabletop aloft legs that seem to go on forever. The design casts aside the bland conventions that have, until recently, been hidden under flowing tablecloths. Today’s table designs have been laid bare by the trend for chefs to serve their creations on only the scantiest of placemats. Gingham fabric, or vichy in French, used to dress both people and tables for generations, lends the product more than just its name. This unmistakable pattern of squares has been replicated in oak, sycamore and walnut marquetry. Even if the restaurant shrouds the Vichy in a long table cloth, two slender solid oak legs will peak out cheekily, held in place by a shoe-like stand that will resist even the clumsiest of dates.
|The naked table! The Vichy dining tables by the French duo BrichetZiegler flaunts a breathtaking tabletop aloft legs that seem to go on forever. The design casts aside the bland conventions that have, until recently, been hidden under flowing tablecloths. Today’s table designs have been laid bare by the trend for chefs to serve their creations on only the scantiest of placemats. Gingham fabric, or vichy in French, used to dress both people and tables for generations, lends the product more than just its name. This unmistakable pattern of squares has been replicated in oak, sycamore and walnut marquetry. Even if the restaurant shrouds the Vichy in a long table cloth, two slender solid oak legs will peak out cheekily, held in place by a shoe-like stand that will resist even the clumsiest of dates.
|The naked table! The Vichy dining tables by the French duo BrichetZiegler flaunts a breathtaking tabletop aloft legs that seem to go on forever. The design casts aside the bland conventions that have, until recently, been hidden under flowing tablecloths. Today’s table designs have been laid bare by the trend for chefs to serve their creations on only the scantiest of placemats. Gingham fabric, or vichy in French, used to dress both people and tables for generations, lends the product more than just its name. This unmistakable pattern of squares has been replicated in oak, sycamore and walnut marquetry. Even if the restaurant shrouds the Vichy in a long table cloth, two slender solid oak legs will peak out cheekily, held in place by a shoe-like stand that will resist even the clumsiest of dates.
Trygg 3 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Trygg 4 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Trygg 5 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Trygg 2 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Sauna Door Himmeli
|The name "Himmeli" reminds about handcrafted straw decorations that gives an relaxing atmosphere. Scandinavian design and simplicity, combined with a traditional pattern equals a light, almost lace-like pattern surface. Himmeli decorates both modern homes, villas and traditional houses as well. The white pattern is printed on greyed, translucent glass. All sauna doors could be combined with a range of wood frames.
Spa Door Himmeli+
|The name "Himmeli" reminds about handcrafted straw decorations that gives an relaxing atmosphere. Scandinavian design and simplicity, combined with a traditional pattern equals a light, almost lace-like pattern surface. Himmeli+ decorates both modern homes, villas and traditional houses as well. The white pattern is printed on greyed, translucent glass. All spa doors could be combined with a range of wood frames.
Minimal, bench 1 seat
|A suggested by the name, the bench, like its accompanying table, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior décor, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Minimal, bench 2 seats
|A suggested by the name, the bench, like its accompanying table, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior décor, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Minimal, bench 3 seats
|A suggested by the name, the bench, like its accompanying table, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior décor, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Minimal, table
|This streamlined, simple table is part of the Minimal furniture group designed for indoor entertaining. As suggested by the name, the table, like its accompanying bench, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. The table is complemented by a bench in the same furniture group. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Delta Laserline
|Purmo’s Delta Laserline column radiators integrate the state of the art technology with remarkable design, providing their Users with highest qualities of climate comfort and functionality. The world-unique laser welding method enables achievement of the perfect quality of execution combined with outstanding visual appearance. The characteristic feature – which inspired the radiators’ name – is the external shape of the columns, of the profile resembling the letter “D”, designed especially to maximize the heating surface area in comparison with analogical columns of the round shape. The construction and shape of the Delta radiators have been so designed as to facilitate maintaining them spotlessly clean, which is a vital feature when considering health care facilities application. High suitability of Purmo’s DELTA radiators for the rooms of elevated sanitary requirements is documented with the dedicated certifi cate, issued by the University of Kiel, Germany. Except for 27 radiator heights available as standard, at Clients’ wish any height can be manufactured in the range between 300 mm and 3000 mm, with the precision of 1 mm. Thanks to five types of the radiator’s segments (from 2 up to 6 columns), and a wide palette of RAL colours, the Delta Laserline radiators can be easily suited to any room, independently on the heat requirements or the Users’ preferences.
Duo, bicycle_bollard
|This strikingly simple bicycle stand was designed by landscape architect Jenny Osuldsen, who is a partner in the award-winning architectural practice Snøhetta. Duo’s streamlined shape and efficient use of material exemplifies Snøhetta’s signature minimalistic style. The bicycle stand makes a perfect complement to modern architecture, and provides a practical design that urban cyclists can easily use and appreciate. As the name suggests, Duo provides space for two bicycles, each parked on either side. Design: Jenny Osuldsen and Snøhetta
Half A Hut
|Half a Hut - a perfect small sound absorbing house that can be used for several purposes: as an individual workstation, a small meeting room or as relax areas combined with the The Hut Sofa. The house’s simple and straight lines are inspired by the classic game Monopoly and its game pieces that gives a timeless shape to the popular and practical activity based office. Half a Hut is as the name suggests - half as big as the popular house The Hut, and is the latest addition to The Hut Collection designed by Workspace and realized and manufactured by Götessons. Contact us for details of Half a Hut and other Hut Collection extras.
|<p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are marked with the following code, according to PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015 standard: </p> <p>EPS-EN 13163-T(1)-L(2)-W(2)-S(2)-P(5)-BS250-CS(10)200-DS(N)2-DS(70,-)1-DLT(1)5 </p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 (EPS 200) insulation panels are manufactured in the form of finished goods in the innovative shape moulding technology. Owing to innovative production process they feature excellent insulation characteristics and very good working properties. They are intended for use as a broadly defined floor thermal insulation in water underfloor heating systems. </p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels are intended for use as floor thermal insulation and for installation of heating pipes in water underfloor heating systems. They are designed for quick and easy installation of the pipes. Panels are made of dense expanded polystyrene and are therefore not susceptible to moisture absorption. Because of their versatility they may be applied in housing construction and public utility facilities. </p> <ul><li>The system of protrusions allows for a quick and easy installation of heating pipes.<br>The shape of protrusions ensures stability of heating pipes after they have been laid, without the necessity of using any additional materials to hold them in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Protrusions that hold the heating pipes in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Innovative edge profiles allow for tight and durable connection of the panels.</li><li>High thermal resistance (λD thermal conductivity = 0,033 W/(mK) – excellent thermal insulating power</li></ul> <p></p> <p><strong>INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 PANELS</strong></p> <p>Steps of laying water underfloor heating system with KNAUF Therm FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels&nbsp;</p> <p>Steps of laying the water underfloor heating system depend on the location of the room in which it is going to be installed.</p> <p>1. Applying the so called additional insulation (if the underfloor heating is installed on soil or over an unheated room) – KNAUF Therm expanded polystyrene panels (KNAUF Therm TECH Dach/Podłoga λ 37, KNAUF Therm PRO Dach/Podłoga EPS 100 λ 36, KNAUF Therm PRO Parking EPS 200 λ 33)&nbsp;<br>2. Gluing in the edge strips at the walls and pillars (if the latter are present in the room that the water underfloor heating is installed in)<br>3. Laying down the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 professional panels intended for water underfloor heating.<br>4. Laying the heating pipes on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel<br>(without the necessity of using any other materials to hold the heating pipes in place)<br>5. Priming the heating pipes with water.<br>6. Making the so called heating slab.<br>7. Covering the pipes with anhydrite or cement screed (it can be KNAUF FE 50 cement screed) – up to the height of “protrusions” on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel.<br>8. Releasing air bubbles from the screed – the heating pipes have to be completely covered with screed without the so called “air pockets” under the pipes.&nbsp;<br>9. Surface levelling – if necessary – using self levelling KNAUF FE 50 screed</p> <p><strong>ATTENTION</strong><br>Do not use the panels in direct contact with substances destructive to polystyrene, e.g. organic solvents (acetone, Nitro, benzene etc.).&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PACKAGING, STORAGE, TRANSPORT</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are only supplied in original manufacture’s packaging, i.e. that of KNAUF Industries Polska Sp. z o.o.&nbsp;</p> <p>The product packaging contains information on: product name, manufacturer’s name, production date, relevant Polish Standard number i.e. PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015, a code in accordance with the standard and declared technical parameters</p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels should be stored in a manner protecting them against mechanical damage and atmospheric conditions.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
|Caryngo 1955. Design Carl Malmsten & Yngve Ekström Caryngo was a unique collaboration between the two biggest Swedish furniture designers of the 1950s: Carl Malmsten and Yngve Ekström. Malmsten created the basic design and Ekström was responsible for the detailing. The first versions went by the name of “Model Yngve” but were later launched as Caryngo. The armchair’s solid oak frame and deeply sloping backrest are combined with glossy leather on the back and seat. The composition and the contrasts in the design and material choices make the chair feel both playful and serious at the same time.
Pillo high
|Pillo. Design Khodi Feiz In his first collaboration with Swedese, international designer Khodi Feiz has created a comfortable easy chair with generous proportions and a timeless feel. As the name suggests, Pillo gives you a spontaneous sense of sinking down into a pile of soft cushions. Everything you need from an easy chair is stacked up in an ingenious design: a neckrest on a backrest on a comfortable seat on a reclining swivel base. The rounded form pays homage to the art of the upholsterer and the reference to Yngve Ekström’s classic Rondino easy chair is hard to miss. The Pillo easy chair is available in two back heights and with a footstool.
Pillo low
|In his first collaboration with Swedese, international designer Khodi Feiz has created a comfortable easy chair with generous proportions and a timeless feel. As the name suggests, Pillo gives you a spontaneous sense of sinking down into a pile of soft cushions. Everything you need from an easy chair is stacked up in an ingenious design: a neckrest on a backrest on a comfortable seat on a reclining swivel base. The rounded form pays homage to the art of the upholsterer and the reference to Yngve Ekström’s classic Rondino easy chair is hard to miss. The Pillo easy chair is available in two back heights and with a footstool.
Pillo stool
|In his first collaboration with Swedese, international designer Khodi Feiz has created a comfortable easy chair with generous proportions and a timeless feel. As the name suggests, Pillo gives you a spontaneous sense of sinking down into a pile of soft cushions. Everything you need from an easy chair is stacked up in an ingenious design: a neckrest on a backrest on a comfortable seat on a reclining swivel base. The rounded form pays homage to the art of the upholsterer and the reference to Yngve Ekström’s classic Rondino easy chair is hard to miss. The Pillo easy chair is available in two back heights and with a footstool.
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance for 80 Endpoints - DM-XIO-DIR-80
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-80, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.<br></p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-80 model supports a total of 80 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.<br><br></p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output to the software-based matrix switcher. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for a physical switcher, providing the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.<br>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-80 assigns all associated endpoints to a single “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity. Each DM-XIO-DIR-80 in a system functions as a separate domain. Other XiO Director models, including the DM-XIO-DIR-160 and DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, can support multiple domains. Refer to each model’s spec sheet for more information and additional available features.<strong><br><br></strong></p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 80 endpoints in a single domain</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of the virtual matrix and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Four Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li><li>Universal 100-240V internal power supply</li></ul> <p>1. Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p>
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance for 160 Endpoints - DM-XIO-DIR-160
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-160, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.</p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-160 model supports a total of 160 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.<br><br></p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output within a “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity, allowing individual rooms and other subsystems to be arranged and controlled independently. It’s like having multiple independent matrix switchers in a single rack space. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for physical switchers in every room, replacing them with the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.<br>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-160 supports a maximum of 20 domains. For larger systems, use multiple units or use model DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, which supports 240 domains and includes additional “enterprise” features. Refer to the DM-XIO-DIR-ENT spec sheet for more information.<br><br></p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 160 endpoints and 20 domains</li><li>Enables grouping of endpoints in up to 20 independent subsystems</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of virtual matrices and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Four Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li><li>Universal 100-240V internal power supply</li></ul> <p>1.Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p>
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance, Enterprise Version - DM-XIO-DIR-ENT
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT model supports a total of 1000 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output within a “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity, allowing individual rooms and other subsystems to be arranged and controlled independently. It’s like having multiple independent matrix switchers in a single rack space. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for physical switchers in every room, replacing them with the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.</p> <p>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT supports a maximum of 240 domains. For larger systems, use multiple units.</p> <p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Copper or Fiber LAN Connectivity</strong><br>The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT includes six 1000Base-T RJ45 LAN ports and six 10GBase-X SFP+ LAN ports. Connection to a Gigabit or 10 Gigabit fiber optic network is facilitated by inserting an appropriate SFP or SFP+ transceiver module (Crestron SFP-1G or SFP-10G series, sold separately) into any SFP+ port. A selection of modules is offered to accommodate various multimode and single-mode fiber types.</p> <p><strong>Redundant Power Supplies</strong><br>Onboard dual redundant power supplies provide enhanced reliability for demanding applications. In the unlikely event of an individual power supply fault, the DM-XIO-DIR-ENT will continue to operate unhindered on only one functioning power supply. A modular, hot-swappable design allows either power supply to be replaced in seconds from the rear panel without powering down or rebooting the system. The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT ships complete with both power supply modules installed.</p><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 1000 endpoints and 240 domains</li><li>Enables grouping of endpoints in up to 240 independent subsystems</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of virtual matrices and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Six Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Six 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ LAN ports</li><li>Fiber optic connectivity via optional SFP or SFP+ transceivers</li><li>Onboard 100-240V hot-swappable redundant power supplies</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li></ul><p>1. Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p><p></p>
Clinker tile - Dream House Collection 08
|<p><strong></strong>Clinker tile Polar&nbsp;night takes the name from frosty landscape far in the north of the city, bathed in one of the most amazing natural phenomena. Deep, gentle colour of anthracite smooth clinker fits in modern inscrutable and ascetic architecture.</p>