Examination Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Medical examination table.
Night Table 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Night table with shelf and optional drawer.
Hospital Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hospital bed.
Dwight's Fixed SunObject 11
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009033D parametric, Dwight's Fixed SunObject 11, with optional\n- Number of Light Sources\n- Diversion Angle\n- Cast Shadows\n- Different Sunset/Sunrise Color\n- Manually Set Sun Position
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Washbasin with editable drain position and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1418154140Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 9.12.2014: Hotspot-Bug entfernt zum Durchschalten der Konstruktionsarten, Gebogene Blechstufen hinzugefügt - Nur stufen, Eingeschweisst zwischen Wangen, Aufgesattelt auf Rand unf Mittelwangen
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401521938simple logwall with sealing - "tongue and groove" Features: 1. free movable 2d-view with movable hotspots - switchable 2. its possible to draw every single position of any tree-trunk at wall-beginning. 3. in ground-view there is a userinterface to switch tho ofte used settings 4. a polygon to cut contours - switchabele and free placeable 5. 10 free mavable rectangular cutouts - to place windows or else 6. sealing tongue and groove begin at wall crossingpoint 8. switch on simple measurements 9. begin with halften block or full in z-direction 10. implanted inaccuracy to get more reality in 3d-representation
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Hotspot Placement Tool
Eric Bobrow | 1354001448This simple object may be used to set the position of 3D hotspots for custom user-modeled objects. Simply place one or more of these 3D hotspot elements wherever you would like a snapping point. After placement, select them and change the line length to 0 to avoid seeing the short axis guide lines. Then select these 3D hotspots along with your other components and save as a new custom GDL object; the snap points will be embedded into the new object. See my YouTube video for a demonstration of use: http://youtu.be/EOWL8oz5kFU Also, see the original ArchiCAD-Talk discussion here: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=209980
Examination Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Medical examination table.
Hospital Bed 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hospital bed.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Washbasin with editable drain position and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
M4655 - Stretcher, Mobile, CRS, 9 Position
|Mobile stretcher. All corrosion resistant stainless steel construction. It consists of a tubular frame with side rails, a 9-position hydraulic base with pneumatic fowler adjustment, and a 2" pad. Unit is mounted on 8" conductive casters. Designed for patient transport as well as for minor surgical procedures.
BRIVE - Single-lever sink mixer, swivel tube spout - C3 model - with water and energy efficient cartridge (lever in center position = cold water)
|Single-lever sink mixer, swivel tube spout - C3 model - with water and energy efficient cartridge (lever in center position = cold water) - With supply hoses, - temperature limiter ring, - water-saving: sensitive stop, - swivel tube spout, - anti-scale aerator, - drilling Ø35 mm, - flow rate: 10 l/min.
Night Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Night table with shelf and optional drawer.
i8-01 IDO Showerama door
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.archiapu.fi changelog 01.01.2009 -reorganized, 3d position repaired 01.09.2007 -outgoing products 15.06.2006 -initial release
Katrin Inclusive System Towel Dispenser - White
|# The cover opens upwards for for easy refilling # A full range of tissue paper qualities is available # The lock can be used with or without a key # Inserting a roll into the dispenser is done by simply letting the paper drop freely, pulling it until the marked line, and closing the cover # The fully opening cutting mechanism is easily accessible and simple to clean # When paper is not visible, there is an easy-to-use PUSH bar for paper feeding # Braille instructions are provided for visually impaired on the PUSH bar # Controlled consumption, minimum resistance to draw and high capacity: 420 - 800 sheets per roll depending on quality # The whole roll is always used. Almost fully used rolls automatically drop into the stub roll position when the roll has a diameter of approximately 7.5 cm # The empty cores can simply be pulled out sidewards from the back of the dispenser and recycled # Paper consumption is easy to control, thanks to the transparent side panels
Katrin Inclusive System Towel Dispenser - Black
|# The cover opens upwards for for easy refilling # A full range of tissue paper qualities is available # The lock can be used with or without a key # Inserting a roll into the dispenser is done by simply letting the paper drop freely, pulling it until the marked line, and closing the cover # The fully opening cutting mechanism is easily accessible and simple to clean # When paper is not visible, there is an easy-to-use PUSH bar for paper feeding # Braille instructions are provided for visually impaired on the PUSH bar # Controlled consumption, minimum resistance to draw and high capacity: 420 - 800 sheets per roll depending on quality # The whole roll is always used. Almost fully used rolls automatically drop into the stub roll position when the roll has a diameter of approximately 7.5 cm # The empty cores can simply be pulled out sidewards from the back of the dispenser and recycled # Paper consumption is easy to control, thanks to the transparent side panels
Manual Sliding Door System MUTO
|[LIST] Type: Manual sliding door system with self-closing function without external power supply. The door is opened and then closes under its own spring power – thanks to a bungee cord pulley system designed for glass doors up to 120 kg (single panel door) Opening: 1-Leaf, 2-Leaf, Telescopic Panel: Glass and timber with both light and heavy doors (50 kg–200 kg). Laminated safety glass (LSG) Damping: DORMOTION cushioning mechanism – panel is decelerated in both its opening and closing directions and then drawn automatically to the end position. No glass preparation Installation: Wall, ceiling, lintel, glass overpanel installation and suspended ceilings Side lights: Optional Standards: EN 1527 with 200.000 cycles The product will be available mid/end 2015 (depends on variant). [/LIST]
Salida Mesh D 1085 DGL
|A chair from designers that translate technical construction capabilities into functional and aesthetic benefits. Complex functionality is combined with high quality materials, focussing on the essentials of user comfort. The kinematic strength of Salida‘s synchronous mechanics was developed from the drabert concept of ergonomics. At the core of this thinking lies a 3D pressurepoint spring unit, which identifies the weight of the user and relays the intensity of this pressure straight from the seat to the backrest. This individualised tension adjustment, coupled with exact synchronous movement, ensures permanent and complete contact between back and backrest, and permits optimum distribution of pressure on the seat and backrest in every position
Salida D 1085 DL
|A chair from designers that translate technical construction capabilities into functional and aesthetic benefits. Complex functionality is combined with high quality materials, focussing on the essentials of user comfort. The kinematic strength of Salida‘s synchronous mechanics was developed from the drabert concept of ergonomics. At the core of this thinking lies a 3D pressurepoint spring unit, which identifies the weight of the user and relays the intensity of this pressure straight from the seat to the backrest. This individualised tension adjustment, coupled with exact synchronous movement, ensures permanent and complete contact between back and backrest, and permits optimum distribution of pressure on the seat and backrest in every position
Tork Xpressnap® Classic Stand Napkin Dispenser with Drive Thru Face Plate, Black
|The Xpressnap® Classic Stand Napkin Dispenser with Drive Thru Face Plate provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The dispenser holds up to 900 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. Xpressnap® greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Green
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 45XPS.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Blue
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 40XPS.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Red
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 41XPS
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Black
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 32XPS.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Gray
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 31XPS.
|Polstergeist is an upholstered sofa with runners in chromed steel. The system provides possibilities of none, one or two backrests. The backrests can also be placed in a tête à tête position. It is possible to have side panels and edges in contrasting colours. Polstergeist can, among other places, be used on fairgrounds, schools and in waiting areas. Design: Christine Schwarzer.
|<p>Murano is an equally pretty easy chair which hugs your body with a surprisingly high comfort. The backrest and seat are designed so that you can vary the seat position from active- by moving your back, to move out and relax. In the relaxed situation, you also get more contact with the armrests.<br><br>Except of the incredibly high level of comfort, Murano also offers the possibility of hanging a jacket or a computer bag on the backrest.&nbsp;<br><br>Murano is upholstered with lacquered frame.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- Is highly comfortable.<br>- Offers the possibility of hanging a jacket or a bag on the backrest.<br>- Reflects todays needs of “work and relax where you sit”.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
|<p>The Markelius table, that saw the light of day at the same time as Modernism became popular, was designed by the Swedish architect Sven Markelius (1889–1972) for his own villa in the Stockholm suburb of Nockeby. The round table served as a dining table and thanks to its placement in the house it came to be at the centre for conversations about the emerging Swedish welfare state as well as the flourishing international Modernism.</p> <p>“This table has aged very well and looks just as striking in today’s latest signature buildings as it did in the villa it was designed for in 1930. It feels great to be able to launch this table which is a prime example of the modern movement, which is what Offeccts collection rests upon. I hope this table will act “host” for many creative meetings in the future”, says Kurt Tingdal, CEO of Offecct.</p> <p>“This is a flawless table in every respect. The only thing that we have had to adjust is the type of wood used for the table top. The environment and sustainability were important aspects of Sven Markelius work, just as it is for Offecct, that is why we have exchanged ebenholtz, the popular choice of the time and replaced it with walnut veneer, says Anders Englund, Design Manager at Offecct.</p> <p>Markelius 01 has a table top in walnut veneer and a frame in stainless-steel. The position of the legs is marked in the table top.</p> <p><b>Collection Edition&nbsp;<br></b>The table is produced in a limited edition of 125 pcs. Contact Offecct Sales support for stock balance.</p><p><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span></p>
Type 100 Series - Operable Partition
|Hufcor Type 100 Moveable Wall is available in a single point or double point configuration and can offer an acoustic sound rating performance of up to 57 dB, laboratory tested to latest European standards. Choice of panel face finish is endless including melamine, laminate, and lacquered wood veneers and vinyl’s. Additional features can include acoustic sound absorption boards, magnetic display boards, dry wipe marker, pin boards and display rails. Aluminum framing profiles protect the facing boards for durability and long partition life. Alternatively, the panels can be constructed with concealed trims in order to achieve a ‘plain faced’ wall appearance. The aluminum frames and tracks may be powder-coated or color-anodized to coordinate with panel faces, ceiling grids etc. Single point panels are an ideal solution because they set up or stack using just a single length of track across a room. Panels can then be moved quickly, quietly and effortlessly to a stacking position at one or both sides of the room. ESS models have all the features and benefits of Type 100 range with the added benefit of electrically operated panel seals. Suitable for a wide variety of applications including: hotels and conference centers, corporate offices, hospitals, schools, colleges and universities, churches and religious establishments and sports and leisure facilities.
A1067 - Mirror, Float Glass, ADA Accessible
|A high quality 1/4" polished float glass mirror with a stainless steel frame. Frame holds mirror in a tilted position for accessibility and compliance with ADA requirements. Mirror has a galvanized steel back secured to frame with concealed screws with integral horizontal hanging brackets. Mirror shall be approximately 18" wide and 36" high. Other sizes are available.
A5082 - Dispenser, Paper Towel, Sensor, Hands Free
|A surface mounted, sensor activated, automatic, roll paper towel dispenser. The unit dispenses a paper towel automatically only when hands are place in position below the dispenser for maximum sanitation and hygiene. May include adjustable settings for sheet length, time delay, and sensor range. Unit is battery operated or with optional AC power adapter.
D3310 - Chair, Procedure, Dental
|Dental procedure chair/table. Used in oral surgery to place the patient in any position between upright and prone. Unit comes in multiple colors and can be equipped with restraining straps, rails, IV pole and arm-boards. This unit does not have the connections needed to power a dental utility center from the chair base.
L2335 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, bio safety cabinet. This is a freestanding vertical laminar flow unit. It includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust zero-probed. The intake velocity averages 105 fpm. It includes an audible alarm to notify the operator of an unsafe window position, an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, type 304 stainless steel construction with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two grounded key petcocks and a duplex receptacle for grounded plugs. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radio-nucleotides. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
M0505 - Television, Color, Bedside
|Bedside color television. The small size allows the set to be mounted on a "gravity-free" support arm which permits the patient to position the TV for comfortable viewing. The television includes an earphone jack and an AM/FM radio. Database pricing includes television, support arm, support arm wall mount, remote power supply and remote power supply wall mount. Power supply electrical requirement is approximately 1 amp at 120 V per television.
M1803 - Workstation, Computer, Wall Mounted, Adjustable
|A wall mounted computer workstation with height adjustable monitor and keyboard arms. Keyboard and monitor can be stored within 8" to 10" of wall. Fingertip adjustability for keyboard and monitor enable frequent position changes. Unit contains an integrated cable management system to hide wires. A separate wall-mounted CPU holder is included.
M4020 - Scale, Person Weighing, High Capacity
|High capacity, person weighing scale. Large digital readout displays weight in pounds, or kilograms. Hand rails. Shall be supported by fixed heavy-duty legs in stationary position. Capacity up to 800 pounds. Optional equipment: battery pack with rechargeable batteries and built-in recharger. Designed to weigh large ambulatory patients.
M4915 - Chair, Exam/Treatment, ENT, w/Adjustable Light
|ENT exam/treatment chair with adjustable light. Chair can be rotated 330 degrees locking at desired position. Unit is electrically powered for precise positioning and has an adjustable headrest and armrest. It may include an adjustable gooseneck light. Unit is designed for use during examinations, treatments, and minor procedures.
X1405 - Stand, Bucky, Vertical, Tilt, Automatic
|Vertical and tilting bucky stand. This unit is mounted to the floor and wall to provide a vibration-free mounting platform for the universal bucky. The grid line free radiographs are produced at exposure times as short as two milliseconds. Characteristics and components include aluminum interspaced grid with a 36 inch (914 mm) to 40 inch (1016 mm) focal range. The unit's cassette size sensing tray accommodates all cassette sizes between 5 and 17 inches. The unit tilts at angles of +90/-20 degrees from the vertical position. The unit is used in X-ray facilities for processing radiography images.
M8320 - Table, Treatment, Hi/Lo
|Hi/lo metal treatment table. Unit consists of a hydraulic electromechanical power system operated with a hand or foot control. Includes a foam pad, upholstered top with back section adjustable to a full chair position. Adjustable height from 24" to 39". Provides easy access for patients in wheelchair or stretcher. Designed for general examinations as well as orthopedic and Ob-Gyn.
M9115 - Table, Operating, Spinal
|Unit provides an elevated surface for supporting a patient's body during spinal surgical procedures, stabilizing the patient's position and providing optimal exposure of the surgical field. The unit has a C-Spine base allowing unrestricted C-Arm integration for A/P, lateral and oblique views as well as for fluoroscopic procedures. The table is capable of supporting a patient weighing up to 500 pounds. The unit has an electrically adjustable table top height that ranges from 24-48 inches.
X9805 - Stand, Injection, Nuclear Medicine
|An injection stand designed for arm positioning for radionuclide injections. The arm rest holds the patient's arm firmly in place. A utility tray sits adjacent to the armrest to hold supplies and includes a lead-lined multi syringe holder. The stand height is adjustable approximately from 29" to 44." Casters allow the stand to be rolled into position or out of the way for storage. It is structurally balanced so that it won't tip over.
|Wall applique or pathway light? Both. This is APPEAL, a bi-emission product for external uses which creates indirect light all-around or an asymmetrical distribution. A dedicated spring locking system allows the front cover to be mounted in central or decentralized position to choose the most suitable and favorite light distribution. LED source is hidden by a polycarbonate anti-UV diffuser and thanks to this we can obtain a total absence of glare and a visible comfort that matches perfectly the minimal aesthetical design.
|An extremely simple wall recessed fixture that can be integrated in any context. The position of the LED offers a soft and comfortable light effect with superior performances, while the surrounding concrete structure protects the aluminium core, perfect material for heat dissipation. Particularly suitable for recessing into stone walls but also suitable for surface mounted applications on smooth surfaces in concrete or plaster.
Schüco Window AWS 75.SI+, Tilt/slide
|Tilt / slide window doors as the flexible solution for large openings [LIST] Ideally combines the advantages of sliding doors and turn / tilt windows – especially where vents need to be in the tilt position for ventilation Large, heavy vents are also easy and smooth to operate Design Visual symmetry of windows and sliding units Panoramic formats up to 2800 mm width are possible Optimised meeting stile locking Integrated vent engagement mechanism on the frames means operation is one-handed Excellent weathertightness to class 9A (DIN EN 12208) Security [/LIST]
|For working and waiting. Züco Alterno is multifunctional furniture that combines two opposites: waiting and working. One simple movement of the body is enough to set about concentrated work in this truly versatile revolving armchair. The optional auto-return function brings the chair back to its original position when you stand up – to keep everything looking neat and tidy all the time.
HÅG Capisco Puls 8001
|HÅG Capisco 8001 is a flexible stool with a saddle seat. The saddle seat can be adjusted between low and high working positions, all the way up to a sit-stand position, enabling you to be more dynamic in your movements while still sitting balanced. The plastic seat has an integrated cushion for improved comfort. The seat height and the seat depth can be adjusted. The five star base is delivered in black or silver-lacquered aluminium. Standard 200 mm gaslift. A five star base in polished aluminium, black plastic or blue-grey plastic is optional.
Single Leaf Terrace door
|Single Leaf Terrace door A unique design manufactured with aluminium profiles and high density, slow grown, knot-free laminated timber, sourced from sustainable forests. With an elegant design and modern function. Single leaf door (FDG) are secured by a concealed multipoint locking espagnolette bolt mechanism incorporating an integral handle operated friction stay, with a variable hold open position up to either 90° or 165°. Single Leaf Terrace door aluminium/wood 3-glazed products in glass thickness 36 or 48 mm. U-value between 1,0 to 1,3 Sound reduction 42 dB Frame depth 100 mm or 115 mm Secure by design is available
French balcony double door
|Double Leaf Terrace door A unique design manufactured with aluminium profiles and high density, slow grown, knot-free laminated timber, sourced from sustainable forests. With an elegant design and modern function. Single leaf door (FDG) are secured by a concealed multipoint locking espagnolette bolt mechanism incorporating an integral handle operated friction stay, with a variable hold open position up to either 90° or 165°. Single Leaf Terrace door aluminium/wood 3-glazed products in glass thickness 36 or 48 mm. U-value between 1,0 to 1,3 Sound reduction 42 dB Frame depth 100 mm or 115 mm Secure by design is available
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z8/L
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z8/L - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
Premium GLASS Z8/L
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z8/L - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z2/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z2/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z2/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z2/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z3/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z3/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
Premium GLASS Z3/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z3/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z4/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z4/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
Premium GLASS Z4/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z4/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
Inward opening window AT700K 23mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
Inward opening window AT700K 42mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
FAAC J200 SA Semi-Automatic bollard
|FAAC J200 SA Semi-Automatic bollard resolves the problems of transit and/or parking control with no need of electric power supply (particularly suitable for areas difficult to wire). The gas actuator allows it to be lifted automatically with a key. It is lowered by pressing the head of the bollard. J200 SA main features are:: 1. Power supply and wiring not needed 2. Simple and safe movements thanks to the dedicated release key 3. Kept lock in up position (against accidental release) 4. Very low (and easy) maintenance needed 5. No pit needed: laying and civil works performed in a single operation 6. Easy transport, storage and laying thanks to the limited weight
FAAC J275 SA Semi-Automatic bollard
|FAAC J275 SA Semi-Automatic traffic bollard solves any transit and/or park control problems without the need of electric power supply (particularly suitable for old town centers and areas difficult to wire). In fact, thanks to a gas operator, raising occurs automatically by means of a key release. Lowering occurs by a foot pressure on the bollard head. J275 SA main features are:: 1. Power supply and wiring not needed 2. Simple and safe movements thanks to the dedicated release key 3. Kept lock in up position (against accidental release) 4. Very low (and easy) maintenance needed
FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 Hydraulic Automatic bollard
|FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355HA-M30-P1 bollard has been tested according to the American standards “ASTM F 2656-07 - Standard Test Method for Vehicle Crash Testing of Perimeter Barriers”, obtaining thus the certification for the highest penetration rate. The class M30-P1 indicates that FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 bollard is able to stop a 6800kg truck at a speed of 50Km/h (=30M/h) in 1 meter (P1). J355 HA M30-P1 main features are: 1. Tested according to ASTM F 2656-07 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements
FAAC J355 HA M50 Hydraulic Automatic bollard
|FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard has been tested according to PAS 68:2013 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems and IWA 14-1:2013 - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard is able to stop a 7.500kg truck at a speed of 80Km/h (=50M/h). FAAC J355 HA M50 main features are: 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14-1:2013 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements
Roto top-hung roof window Designo R8 PVC
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and stepless pivoting range. The Roto top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. The cleaning position is guided and self-locking. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket-compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings preassembled ex works.
KA Series TW
|The defining characteristics of the KA Series - Customised solutions thanks to a high degree of flexibility - An excellent ratio of size, power and speed - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - Customisable visual design - Virtually indestructible design performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - Also direct control via 230 V AC possible - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Two drive chains for optimal power application to the sash - Special chain stabilisation - Electronic force and position control - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Adjustable electronic closing force optimisation - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
|The uniqueness of the door portal is that it opens inwards but incorporating the outside in the closed position. The frame is hidden behind the panel sheets in the front for a smoother appearance. The portal is provided as standard with 10 x 21 M door leaf. The door leaf can be provided in glass or compact and still reach up to 35 dB noise reduction.
Roto top-hung roof window Designo R8 timber
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and stepless pivoting range. The Roto top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. The cleaning position is guided and self-locking. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
RotoComfort top-hung roof window Designo i8 PVC
|RotoComfort i8 electrical top-hung roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. The Roto i8 top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Electrical top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and semi-automatic cleaning position. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. Delivery content radio-controlled version preassembled ex works: 5 meters connection cable with 230V power plug, concealed motor and locking drive unit, rain sensor to insert into the flashing, integrated control system and triple radio receiver for additional connection of an exterior and an interior sun-screening drive unit, cabling and cable opening for interior sun-screening prepared ex works. Easy connection without electrician, maximal ease of use with plug & play.
Roto top-third pivot roof window Designo R7 PVC
|Roto Designo R7 top-third pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulation block. The Roto top-third pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Top-third pivot roof window with an opening angle of 38° and specified opening position. Lots of headroom thanks to the swing axis being located in the top-third of the window. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-third pivot roof window Designo R7 timber
|Roto Designo R7 top-third pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. The Roto top-third pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Top-third pivot roof window with an opening angle of 38° and specified opening position. Lots of headroom thanks to the swing axis being located in the top-third of the window. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Terasso - storage
|Terasso (Tony Almén Peter Gest, 2016) is a bookshelf inspired by transparency and airiness. The result is shelves that open up and let the light in which creates better surfaces for visual display. Everything from books to magazines and decorative objects can be arranged in various combinations to suit different needs and tastes. You can position Terasso centrally in a room as a room divider or against a wall. It comes in three different heights. Terasso has a frame made of solid wood with shelves made in veneered MDF with solid wood trims. Choose from oak, ash, standard stains on ash. Adjustable feet on the legs.
|PVC-SHEATHED LINEA’TOUCH + (Plus) – 40 mm width Diameter 40 mm Trilobed handrail – Reinforced version Description: The selected handrail (PVC sheathed LINEA’TOUCH + (Plus) as manufactured by Gerflor) is a trilobed handrail with a cross section from 28 to 40 mm to give it an ergonomic and anti-rotation design. It is 42 mm deep and projects 80 or 90 mm from the wall. The axial position of its brackets provides an excellent handhold. It consists of a 5 mm continuous aluminium reinforced profile covered with a 2 mm smooth, antibacterial, solid-colour PVC sheath and a closer underneath. Various accessories (flat or bevelled endcaps, classic or extended and curved wall returns) are available to finish the handrail assembly. All technical solutions are available to ensure continuity around corners (90° or made to measure), in staircases (Rapid’Angle 3-way “universal joints” rotation), across service ducts (Quick-removable assembly wedge) and around curved sections (pre-curved in the factory). These antibacterial PVC accessories connect to the profile with joiner pieces supplied with flexible bactericidal joints. Wall fixing is by 80 mm reinforced aluminium brackets with 2 self-locking attachment points. A protective film is specified to minimise cleaning before acceptance. This handrail achieves Bs2d0 fire-rating and an impact resistance in excess of 110 Joules, i.e., an impact of more than 320 kg travelling at 3 kmh.
FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 EFO Hydraulic Automatic bollard - Emergency Fast Operation
|FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355HA-M30-P1 EFO bollard has been tested according to the American standards “ASTM F 2656-07 - Standard Test Method for Vehicle Crash Testing of Perimeter Barriers”, obtaining thus the certification for the highest penetration rate. The class M30-P1 indicates that FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 bollard is able to stop a 6800kg truck at a speed of 50Km/h (=30M/h) in 1 meter (P1). Emergency Fast Operation device (EFO) guarantees a very rapid rising speed (1.5s) to increase the offered protection. J355 HA M30-P1 EFO main features are: 1. Tested according to ASTM F 2656-07 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements 6. Very quick emergency rising (1.5s)
FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO Hydraulic Automatic bollard - Emergency Fast Operation
|FAAC J355 HA M50 Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard has been tested according to PAS 68:2013 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems and IWA 14-1:2013 - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard is able to stop a 7.500kg truck at a speed of 80Km/h (=50M/h). Emergency Fast Operation device (EFO) guarantees a very rapid rising speed (2s) to increase the offered protection. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO main features are: 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14-1:2013 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements 6. Very quick emergency rising (2s)
My Hive
|Nature is the source of inspiration for Poul Christiansen’s My Hive: an elegant and simplistic workstation with a height-adjustable desk. With My Hive, Poul Christiansen uses the hexagon – a form that is present in the beehive, as well as on turtle shells. The form makes it possible to compose dynamic and surface-efficient desk configurations. Instead of using legs, Poul Christiansen has integrated the table-top into the sound absorbent screens, thus freeing space. Both the cables and the mechanism for adjusting the height are hidden within the screen. My Hive also offers a place for rest, since the desk can be replaced with a sofa. Table-top measurement: width 1655 mm (the widest part). The table-tops position above floor: min 685 mm, max 1185 mm. The floor screens height is 1350 mm.
|Ovo is a multifunctional reception desk dedicated to small rooms or customer service bureaus. Due to a lowered desk top it is easy to communicate with a client in a sitting position. The common part of the desk top allows to deal with documents easily and provides trouble-free communication. The lifted part of the reception desk includes a hidden computer stand and the vertical shelf for files and documents. Apart from ergonomics the Ovo reception desk offers an interesting form connecting a white oval of the desk top with a dark rectangle of the body and the frontal part of furniture produced in two optional colors - cocoa and chestnut.
Ditec Valor L-N-P
|Ditec Valor is the top of the range in Entrematic's offering. It's a high-tech, exceptionally well designed sliding door operator featuring operating speeds of up to 1.6 m/s (2 wings) and door weights of up to 240 kg (2 wings). It's extreme reliability (tested up to 3 million cycles) and safety is TÜV approved. Ditec Valor has gained a leading position in the marketplace thanks to its advanced technology, electromechanical components, innovative Control Unit which make it perfect for everyday use or for heavy-duty and continuous use applications such as in public areas, large shopping centres, airports, etc. Ditec Valor is very quiet due to its vibration proof sliding guide. The product complies with all European directives and EN 16005.
Ditec Neos
|The Ditec Neos range meets a wide range of commercial and residential applications and is designed to work even in case of intense usage and demanding environmental conditions. The powerful gear motor is able to generate a thrust of up to 1,000 N, moving gates of up to 1,000 kg and 20 m of maximum length; the opening speed can be adjusted between 0,1 m/s and 0,25 m/s. Its eye-catching and innovative design make Ditec Neos suitable for every environment thanks to the two high-tech colours (graphite grey and metallic aluminum). This state-of-the- art gate opener is extremely safe: its position and speed are managed in complete safety through a virtual encoder and magnetic limit switches. The Ditec Neos Control Unit is integrated in the gear motor casing and allows for high degree of fine setting of performances and functioning modes. Ditec NeoS has passed the Initial Type Tests (ITT) in accordance with standard EN 12453 and features the TÜV EN ISO 13849-1 certification relative to functional safety. The gate opener can be complemented with the wide range of Ditec command, control and safety devices. Ditec Neos fully complies with European Directives.
KSA Chain drives AC/ACZ
|KSA chain drives from AUMÜLLER are manufactured with the forces of 600 N and 1200 N. Due the compact drive housing, KSA chain drives are ideally suitable for the reliable opening and closing of windows in facades and roofs. [LIST] Electronic speed regulation for synchronised running of the drives and specially low noise development when in ventilation operation Z-version: programmable feedback limit position “OPEN” or “CLOSE” Suitable for surface mounted drives Robust, corrosion-resistant design Universal brackets and casement brackets for all common profile systems Housing of natural, anodised aluminium, RAL9016 or upon request in other RAL colours Particularly easy to install paintable cover profile with a length of up to 4.5 m, suitable for covering one or several drives over the complete window width/height The connection cable can be run out of the housing on either side Programmable parameters of intelligent S12 electronic cut-off switch: Synchronised multi-operation of up to 4 opening and 2 locking drives with sequence control Soft start and soft stop at the end of stroke control Stroke length, closing force, speed Reversing the direction in overload cut-off during the shift Rebate control M-COM for automatic synchronised run of multi drive applications and automatic sequence control with FV locking drives (S3/S12 SW V2) [/LIST]
halo pendant direct / indirect 3000 K
|High-class LED ring luminaire direct/indirect with a seamlessly welded lamp housing in a compact design made of steel sheet. Fitting via cable suspension with max. length 2000 mm, continuously adjustable via quick release. Ring 64mm high, 54mm wide. Diameter 760mm / 1040mm / 1220mm and 1360mm. Equal light spread direct/indirect 1:1. Light control via satined diffuser made of PMMA for an almost homogenous light emission. Direct/indirect diffuser with 8mm height for lateral light emission. Equipped with LEDs of latest generation. Colour rendering index Ra>80. Close colour tolerance MacAdam 3. Ready for connection via 3 or 5 pin, transparent supply and ceiling canopy. Position of canopy optional lateral or central. All versions are delivered with a white canopy RAL9016.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
Plot DPH-0
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
HÅG SoFi mesh back
|The HÅG SoFi 7500 is a mesh chair that provides you with the ventilation benefits of a breathable, transparent backrest. HÅG in Balance® technology ensures more subconscious movement. Adjustable seat height and depth, and a unique fully functional lumbar support. The foot support provides a comfortable way to move and vary the position of your feet. The HÅG SoFi mesh comes with a coherent light grey or black visual look, with a matching mesh backrest and frame. The seat, lumbar support and headrest can be dressed up in a variety of colours from the HÅG Total Colour Standard and extended textile collections to satisfy individual preferences and achieve the desired style. Available with HÅG SlideBack™ armrests which allow you to move closer to your desk, invite you to sit sideways or use the armrests as elbow support. Available in black, silver or white aluminium. Headrest and polished aluminium available as optional extras. Castors can be ordered to suit the type of floor: hard castors for soft flooring and soft castors for hard floors. Also available as a meeting room chair.
halo pendant direct / indirect 4000 K
|High-class LED ring luminaire direct/indirect with a seamlessly welded lamp housing in a compact design made of steel sheet. Fitting via cable suspension with max. length 2000 mm, continuously adjustable via quick release. Ring 64mm high, 54mm wide. Diameter 760mm / 1040mm / 1220mm and 1360mm. Equal light spread direct/indirect 1:1. Light control via satined diffuser made of PMMA for an almost homogenous light emission. Direct/indirect diffuser with 8mm height for lateral light emission. Equipped with LEDs of latest generation. Colour rendering index Ra>80. Close colour tolerance MacAdam 3. Ready for connection via 3 or 5 pin, transparent supply and ceiling canopy. Position of canopy optional lateral or central. All versions are delivered with a white canopy RAL9016.
|Endra is a wall-mounted changing table with a appealing design. The moulded table surface can be pulled down and stowed away smoothly by means of a gas spring. Endra has a patented adjustable height feature that is smooth and easy to use. It allows the correct working position to be easily found whether you are tall or short or work standing or sitting. The working height can be varied by 30 cm manually or electrically. Available in different colours.
HEWI adjustable mirror w/lever
|Range 801 Adjustable mirror - rectangular crystal glass mirror with rounded edges and integrated anti-splinter film - mirror adjustable by max. 28° using cranked cord control and therefore usable in standing or sitting position - for wall mounting - 600 mm wide, 540 mm high and 6 mm thick - mirror is made of plate glass - holding element and crank made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours - with cord re-routing suitable for prewall installation
HEWI shower/tube rail,A1=1100
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 762 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51...100 (only on W2) - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
On-the-floor trunking system AK
|The robust retrofit solution On-the-floor trunking AK for retrospective installation on finished floors is the ideal solution for renovation, redevelopment and modernisation. The preassembled moulded parts enable quick and simple modular assembly on the construction site and, because AK allows the position of the individual covers with their insert openings to be changed as and when required, it is also extremely flexible with regard to future changes. Further advantage:The three millimetre thick blank covers, made of galvanised sheet steel in accordance with DIN EN 10346, make the system extremely stable and also enable it to withstand high loads.In addition, a large number of other on-the-floor trunking parts made of plastic and aluminium are available in cases where it is possible to safely run smaller numbers of lines.
Epitax 2 W
|Epitax is a pull-out downlight characterized by the possibility to be installed semi-recessed or in a recessed position flush with the false ceiling. Having no flange and featuring recessed optics, this product seamlessly blends in with the architecture emphasizing volumes and creating scenic effects. The optical compartment with embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish is a further quality lending a graceful appearance to the product, thus contributing to making it particularly suitable for shops, hotels and private homes.
Epitax 6 W
|Epitax is a pull-out downlight characterized by the possibility to be installed semi-recessed or in a recessed position flush with the false ceiling. Having no flange and featuring recessed optics, this product seamlessly blends in with the architecture emphasizing volumes and creating scenic effects. The optical compartment with embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish is a further quality lending a graceful appearance to the product, thus contributing to making it particularly suitable for shops, hotels and private homes.
Epitax 8 W
|Epitax is a pull-out downlight characterized by the possibility to be installed semi-recessed or in a recessed position flush with the false ceiling. Having no flange and featuring recessed optics, this product seamlessly blends in with the architecture emphasizing volumes and creating scenic effects. The optical compartment with embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish is a further quality lending a graceful appearance to the product, thus contributing to making it particularly suitable for shops, hotels and private homes.
Epitax 15 W
|Epitax is a pull-out downlight characterized by the possibility to be installed semi-recessed or in a recessed position flush with the false ceiling. Having no flange and featuring recessed optics, this product seamlessly blends in with the architecture emphasizing volumes and creating scenic effects. The optical compartment with embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish is a further quality lending a graceful appearance to the product, thus contributing to making it particularly suitable for shops, hotels and private homes.
Epitax_WT 9 W
|Epitax is a pull-out downlight characterized by the possibility to be installed semi-recessed or in a recessed position flush with the false ceiling. Having no flange and featuring recessed optics, this product seamlessly blends in with the architecture emphasizing volumes and creating scenic effects. The optical compartment with embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish is a further quality lending a graceful appearance to the product, thus contributing to making it particularly suitable for shops, hotels and private homes.
|Quara65_F is an outdoor path marker wall light installed in a recessed position flush with the surface, a drop of light that perfectly blends in with the wall. The powerLED recessed source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_F features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
STRUKTURA - Shower bath - 170 x 75cm
|Struktura bath - Dimension 170 x 75cm, - with adjustable feet, - volume 192 liters, - showering comfort : wide, flat-bottomed showering zone comparable to a 90 x 75 cm shower tray - ingenious : flush-fit waste in open position, - bathing enjoyment : raised back, - easier access : height reduced to 51 cm for easier step in.
510300 Removable Comfort shower seat
|Removable, hanging shower seat for people with reduced mobility. To hang on Ø 32mm grab bars Ø 32. Wide model. HR Nylon comfort seat and backrest. Dimensions: 590 x 420 x 510mm. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32 x 1.5mm UltraPolish bright polished finish. Adjustable screw jacks guarantee a good horizontal position. Large protective caps prevent damage to the wall. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
510420 Lift-up Comfort shower seat
|HR Nylon comfort seat for fixed installation, for people with reduced mobility. Wide model. Dimensions: 506 x 420 x 138mm. Folded dimensions: 95 x 540mm. Retained in upright position. Slowed down descent. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32mm. UltraPolish bright polished finish. 6 fixing points. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10 year warranty. CE marked.
510430 Comfort shower seat with leg
|Lift-up comfort shower seat with leg for fixed installation, for PRM. Wide model with HR comfort seat. Dimensions: 506 x 420 x 480mm. Folded dimensions: 130 x 540mm. Retained in upright position. Slowed down descent. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32mm. UltraPolish bright polished finish. Reinforced by a folding, articulated leg made from 304 stainless steel tube Ø 25mm x 1.2mm. 6 fixing points. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 300kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 170kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
Ditec Valor L-N-P (2 wings)
|Ditec Valor is the top of the range in Entrematic's offering. It's a high-tech, exceptionally well designed sliding door operator featuring operating speeds of up to 1.6 m/s (2 wings) and door weights of up to 240 kg (2 wings). It's extreme reliability (tested up to 3 million cycles) and safety is TÜV approved. Ditec Valor has gained a leading position in the marketplace thanks to its advanced technology, electromechanical components, innovative Control Unit which make it perfect for everyday use or for heavy-duty and continuous use applications such as in public areas, large shopping centres, airports, etc. Ditec Valor is very quiet due to its vibration proof sliding guide. The product complies with all European directives and EN 16005.
KNX Motor Controls
|The elaborate and robust motor control is used for shading with façade products like venetian blinds, rolling shutters, awnings and façade awnings and boasts all the necessary features to do so. Thanks to sophisticated end position detection, the system is moved into the shading position and the room is only in shade for a short period of time. Measuring and analyzing the operating time enables the façade product to be moved into the exact position. The aging process and fluctuations in temperature are thereby automatically taken into account. The automatic solar tracking control, which features 4 preset operating positions – privacy, shading below, shading above and transparency –, offers a high level of comfort in the workplace and at home. “Limited operation” also guarantees optimum product protection if it’s windy or frosty. The façade product can still be operated in a reduced, secure area. Standard pushbuttons or control cables can be directly connected to the binary inputs on the device. The connection input statuses affect the motors or they can be sent on the BUS as KNX products.
Top hung and pivot window FPP-V preSelect U3 | FAKRO
|FPP-V U3 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPP-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Top hung and pivot window FPP-V preSelect U5 | FAKRO
|FPP-V U5 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPP-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Top hung and pivot window FPU-V preSelect U3 | FAKRO
|FPU-V U3 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P coated with polyurethane varnish. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPU-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Rekta, litter bin with 3 openings for recycling
|Rekta’s cubic shape is easy to position alongside walls, or in corners. The openings are sized to indicate the types of waste permitted and pre-sort them for recycling. The litterbin may be ordered with perforated sides, which appear to break down its mass and give it a weightless character. Text or logos can be laser-cut into the metal panels shaping the litterbin’s back and sides. Inner rings hold the plastic liners in place, which can be easily replaced through a side door or the lid. Design: Christina Jonsson
Lucky | B17
|A chair in form-pressed wood veneer, as simple and self-evident in its expression as if it has always existed, and yet completely new and never seen before. Lucky is both closed and open, horizontal and vertical. Neat yet simultaneously substantial, and low enough to be pushed beneath a desk. Lucky is the archetypal chair, providing a correct sitting position and almost ritualistic in its exact forms. Traditional, straightforward materials such as stained, form-pressed oak plywood meet a leather or fabric-covered padded seat and back. Generously evident in all its simplicity, the monochrome colour scheme underlines a stringent and classical expression.
KAMÓN DINNER - Seating 1300x656
|In the second year of her course at Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, Moni Beuchel was given the task of designing a piece of furniture for a selected furniture manufacturer. After careful consideration she designed a sofa to suit Karl Andersson & Söner. By chance, we got to see the model and contacted a pleasantly surprised Moni. After some adaptation, the result was Kamón Lounge (2001) armchair, sofa and bench in different lengths. 16 years later, Kamon Dinner (2017) has now been developed. Kamón Dinner is a sofa that offers a more upright sitting position and is suitable to use with tables ranging in height from 720-740 mm. The seat and back cushions are covered entirely in fabric or leather with no visible wood. The filling is polyether. Kamón Dinner also contains a corner unit that can be connected to the sofas. There is the option of having linking devices between sofas and between sofas and corner units. Power connectors can also be positioned near the legs on the front edge under the seat. Read about all products (Lounge, Dinner, Bench) under Product Kamòn.
KAMÓN DINNER - Seating 1950x656
|In the second year of her course at Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, Moni Beuchel was given the task of designing a piece of furniture for a selected furniture manufacturer. After careful consideration she designed a sofa to suit Karl Andersson & Söner. By chance, we got to see the model and contacted a pleasantly surprised Moni. After some adaptation, the result was Kamón Lounge (2001) armchair, sofa and bench in different lengths. 16 years later, Kamon Dinner (2017) has now been developed. Kamón Dinner is a sofa that offers a more upright sitting position and is suitable to use with tables ranging in height from 720-740 mm. The seat and back cushions are covered entirely in fabric or leather with no visible wood. The filling is polyether. Kamón Dinner also contains a corner unit that can be connected to the sofas. There is the option of having linking devices between sofas and between sofas and corner units. Power connectors can also be positioned near the legs on the front edge under the seat. Read about all products (Lounge, Dinner, Bench) under Product Kamòn.
KAMÓN DINNER - Seating 2600x656
|In the second year of her course at Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, Moni Beuchel was given the task of designing a piece of furniture for a selected furniture manufacturer. After careful consideration she designed a sofa to suit Karl Andersson & Söner. By chance, we got to see the model and contacted a pleasantly surprised Moni. After some adaptation, the result was Kamón Lounge (2001) armchair, sofa and bench in different lengths. 16 years later, Kamon Dinner (2017) has now been developed. Kamón Dinner is a sofa that offers a more upright sitting position and is suitable to use with tables ranging in height from 720-740 mm. The seat and back cushions are covered entirely in fabric or leather with no visible wood. The filling is polyether. Kamón Dinner also contains a corner unit that can be connected to the sofas. There is the option of having linking devices between sofas and between sofas and corner units. Power connectors can also be positioned near the legs on the front edge under the seat. Read about all products (Lounge, Dinner, Bench) under Product Kamòn.
KAMÓN DINNER - Seating Corner 656x656
|In the second year of her course at Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, Moni Beuchel was given the task of designing a piece of furniture for a selected furniture manufacturer. After careful consideration she designed a sofa to suit Karl Andersson & Söner. By chance, we got to see the model and contacted a pleasantly surprised Moni. After some adaptation, the result was Kamón Lounge (2001) armchair, sofa and bench in different lengths. 16 years later, Kamon Dinner (2017) has now been developed. Kamón Dinner is a sofa that offers a more upright sitting position and is suitable to use with tables ranging in height from 720-740 mm. The seat and back cushions are covered entirely in fabric or leather with no visible wood. The filling is polyether. Kamón Dinner also contains a corner unit that can be connected to the sofas. There is the option of having linking devices between sofas and between sofas and corner units. Power connectors can also be positioned near the legs on the front edge under the seat. Read about all products (Lounge, Dinner, Bench) under Product Kamòn.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon BC Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
FRA Series
|Performance features » With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor for communication and sequence control of connected BSY+ and PLP window drives for opening windows » To be used in conjunction with an internal chamber gearbox and 43 mm mounting distance » Can be combined with any D+H drive with BSY+ technology » BRV (for PLP) or VP (for BSY+) option required for connected window drive » Up to 4 FRA 11‑BSY+ drives on one window possible » Position display for the locking mechanism » LED status display for the drive » Automatic locking mechanism for the window » Increased burglary protection
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z8/L
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z8/L - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
Premium GLASS Z8/L
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z8/L - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z2/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z2/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z2/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z2/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z3/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z3/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
Premium GLASS Z3/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z3/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z4/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z4/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
Premium GLASS Z4/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z4/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
Top hung and pivot window FPU-V preSelect U5 | FAKRO
|FPU-V U5 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P coated with polyurethane varnish. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPU-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
RUBURBAN Rubber Bollard
|Rubber urban planning item. Ideal for delimiting walkways, pavements, garden areas, etc. [LIST] Prevents the entry of vehicles into forbidden or delimited areas Great flexibility Prevents damage to vehicles and injury to people After an impact it returns to its original position Maximum strength and durability. Does not deform or break easily Measurements: 1000 mm in height x 100 mm in diameter With 30 mm wide reflective band for better visibility in low light conditions Colour: Black [/LIST]
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=160-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 200 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 240 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 100 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=100
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for non-load-bearing interior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 115 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=115
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 150 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 200 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
Partition Sensor - GLS-PART-CN
|The GLS-PART-CN is a sleek, surface-mount partition sensor that utilizes the dependable Cresnet® wired network for power and communications. Designed with hospitality environments in mind, this easily installed sensor uses an infrared (IR) beam to sense the position of movable partitions within a space. The IR beam’s signal strength is adjustable and features a sensing distance of up to four feet, making the GLS-PART-CN a versatile partition sensor with optimized sensing accuracy. Three LEDs on the unit provide at-a-glance information on the sensor’s state of power, communications, and partition detection. The GLS-PART-CN offers mounting options for rooms with finished or droptile ceilings. The GLS-PART-CN has plug-in outputs and built-in time delays. Also, the partition sensor easily connects via Cresnet® to a Crestron control processor to manage divisible room environments. Cresnet The GLS-PART-CN uses the dependable Cresnet wired network for communication between devices. Cresnet provides a simple solution for configuring and wiring sensors as part of any complete Crestron system. Cresnet is the communications backbone for Crestron lighting dimmers, keypads, shades, thermostats, and many other devices. This flexible 4-wire bus provides data communications and 24 Volts DC power for all of the devices on the Cresnet network. Versatile Installation The GLS-PART-CN has a white finish and can mount directly into finished ceilings. For droptile ceilings, the GLS-PART-CN installs into a 1-gang, 3-1/2 inch deep electrical box. In both instances, a decorator-style faceplate[1] can be used to match the GLS-PART-CN with the color of the room. Only about 20 mm of the GLS-PART-CN is visible after installation, making it an unobtrusive addition to a room. Digital Output This sleek sensor delivers unparalleled versatility through an additional output on the terminal block, which can be used as an alternate method of integration with a Crestron Control System® or other system. The 5th pin of the Cresnet connector provides either a 24 Volt, 10 mA output or a closure to ground, perfect for connection with a Versiport or digital input port. Notes: 1. Sold separately.
HEWI L-shaped support rail 801-22-100
|Range 801 L-shaped support rail - vertical and horizontal bars joined at right-angles with fixing roses made of steel - for holding on to and providing support - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - horizontal length 300 mm, vertical length 600 mm, 90 mm deep - bar diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder upgrade kit 801.50.010, can be retrofitted Article no.: HEWI 801.22.100
HEWI L-shaped support rail 801-22-110
|Range 801 L-shaped support rail - vertical and horizontal bars joined at right-angles with fixing roses made of steel - for holding on to and providing support - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - horizontal length 400 mm, vertical length 900 mm, 90 mm deep - bar diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder upgrade kit 801.50.010, can be retrofitted Article no.: HEWI 801.22.110
HEWI L-shaped support rail 801-22-200
|Range 801 L-shaped support rail - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - rails joined at a flat angle and fitted with fixing roses made of steel - for holding on to and providing support - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - centre-to-centre dimensions 295 mm and 325 mm, 135° angle, 200 mm high, 90 mm deep - bar diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm, - increased stability through 3 mounting supports - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder upgrade kit 801.50.010, can be retrofitted Article no.: HEWI 801.22.200
HEWI Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-210
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder - horizontal and vertical rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with fixing roses made of steel and shower holder - vertical length 1100 mm, horizontal lengths both 762 mm - 90 mm deep, diameter of bar 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder adjustable to required angle (smooth adjusting) and height (via lever control) - conical adapter on shower head holder facilitates accommodation of hand spray - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special fixing kit and roses from HEWI - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for all HEWI hanging seats - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.210
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-100
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 600 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.100
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-110
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.110
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-120
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 850 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.120
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 805-50-110
|Range 805 Classic Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend (formed of a continuous tube) - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - wall mounting plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter, tube thickness 2 mm - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - toilet roll holder 805.50.015 as well as WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 805.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.022XA and 950.50.024XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 805.50.110
HEWI Rail with sideways adjustable vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-320
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 962 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51... - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.320
HEWI Hinged support rail 801-50-130
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 900 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm wide, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.130
Hajom Type A - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with two sections, one moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type C - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with four sections, two moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type G - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, one moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type M - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, two moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 - overhead concealed
|Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 ICU/CCU Standard sliding doors offers superior patient privacy while maximizing clear door openings to help you meet the demanding requirements of patient and equipment transport. Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 sliding doors feature patent pending Flush Bolt-Free breakout technology ... you simply slide the door to full open and conveniently swing the door to a breakout position. Optional InteGlass is also available for electronic glass systems, seamlessly integrated within the Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 ICU door and header using UL listed components. Smoke rated packages are available certified to UL1784. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability. Besam ASSA ABLOY
Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 Telescopic - overhead concealed
|With its ability to maximize door opening space by 33%, the Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 Standard Telescopic sliding door system enhances your ability to transport patients and equipment. The equal leaf design provides a more expansive clear door opening, while an internal transmission eliminates noise with a smooth opening and closing. Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 Telescopic sliding doors feature patent pending Flush Bolt-Free breakout technology ... you simply slide the door to full open and conveniently swing the door to a breakout position. For single slide packages, optional InteGlass is also available for electronic glass systems, seamlessly integrated within the Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 ICU door and header using UL listed components. Smoke rated packages are available certified to UL1784. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability. Besam ASSA ABLOY
Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 Fold - overhead concealed
|The Besam ASSA ABLOY VersaMax 2.0 Fold is a great alternative to traditional ICU/CCU sliding door packages offering trackless design and ease of use. The three-panel swing/fold unit combines the advantages of a manual folding door and manual swing door along with the convenience of trackless doors that break out in any position. Also available in fold only in single slide and dual configurations. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability. Besam ASSA ABLOY
Besam ASSA ABLOY RD4-100
|The Besam ASSA ABLOY RD100 revolving door provides a premiere option for customers with pedestrian traffic who want a compact, low-energy revolving door without compromising on quality. Equipped with features that benefit both users and business owners, it is an ideal choice for even pedestrian flow. The outer walls and doors are constructed of aluminum extrusions with the main shaft constructed of sturdy steel. The result is an attractive, open, inviting feeling to your entryway. To start this door, all it needs is a gentle push. The door then adapts to that push and operates at the pedestrian’s speed, always stopping in the preferred position to welcome the next user and maintain a comfortable indoor climate. Braking capabilities, soft door leafs and intuitive Return-to-park position increase sustainability and enhances safety for users. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability. Besam ASSA ABLOY
ASSA ABLOY DL6020STA step autodock
|The ASSA ABLOY 6020STA Stepdock Autodock from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is a dock leveller that provides increased efficiency and safety for the docking process. The leveller is specifically developed to let a truck dock to the loading bay with closed rear doors. First the truck is put in the right position and then preferably an inflatable dock shelter seals off the loading bay before the sectional door is opened. The last step of the complete dock-in procedure is that the rear doors of the truck are opened. This sequence “dock first – open the rear doors later” provides a number of benefits: saving of energy, improving working conditions in particular for the truck driver, increasing safety of people / goods, and improving the efficiency of the docking process. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DS6070R inflatable dock shelter rollo
|The top seal of the ASSA ABLOY DS6070R inflatable dock shelter rollo from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is a roller design – automatically activated for low or high vehicles. In addition, it follows all vertical movements of the docked vehicle, continuously providing high tightness. In rest position, the ASSA ABLOY DS6070R is completely retracted behind the side structures, giving the vehicle driver the possibility to use the complete width of the loading bay when reversing into it. In addition, yellow front line indicators further facilitate the dock-in navigation. Stable collision protectors at the ramp height prevent shelter damages. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DB6050F drawbridge leveller fix version
|The ASSA ABLOY drawbridge from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the best solution for open ramps and for servicing vehicles of roughly the same size. The ASSA ABLOY DB6050F drawbridge leveller fix version is installed in a fix position. When not in use, the drawbridge is secured in the vertical position with a safety lock Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version
|The ASSA ABLOY drawbridge from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the best solution for open ramps and for servicing vehicles of roughly the same size. The ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version is installed in a guidance rails placed in the front edge of the ramp. When not in use, the drawbridge is secured in the vertical position with a safety lock Crawford
|An auditorium-like stand. Three seats, back side of frame there is compartments for seat cushions, movable with durable castors. Easy to store with telescope open-close function. Dimensions: in storage position (WxDxH) 225x61x130 cm, opened 225x151x130 cm. Frame white melamine. Three seats that can be detached from each other without any tools to replace the upholstery. For padded upholstery 2 standard color combinations. For the upper level and backrest upholstery, available in turquoise or anthracite fabric. The middle level is always light gray and the lowest level is always anthracite. Fabric Aura UV, 100% treated polyester. 100 000 Martindale, UV protection, waterproof, Anti-microbial treatment, Fire rating EN 1021-1, SL1.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Nevis is a brand new minimalist toweldryer suitable for projects. The toweldryer is beautifully curved and, in combination with the attached wall brackets, adds an extra shine to the bathroom. The sparse pipes and the wall bracket´s clever position make room for as many towels as possible. The towel dryer is easy to clean from dust and dirt. A nice piping is possible thanks to Purmo's one-pipe valve.
Hajom Type A - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with two sections, one moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
|Rhino, an indoor totally disappearing recessed luminaire made of Coral®, installable on plasterboard ceilings or walls, is a versatile product, characterized by an extractable recess with interchangeable lens. It enlights spaces perfectly and in a very incisive way, enriching them with ever-changing plays of light. The projector can be oriented in several ways, in a completely external position or in a recessed one. The latter, conceived to obtain a minimal visual impact. When the projector is not recessed it is 360° adjustable on the horizontal line and 90° on the vertical one. Coral® body IP40 protection grade Adjustable light beam inclination (+- 360°) Light emission hole Ø 50 Dimensions Ø 110 x 100 mm LED lamp COB professional LED colour temperature: 3000K (2700 K - 4000 K on request)
Hajom Type C - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with four sections, two moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type G - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, one moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type M - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, two moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
aplis 40
|kreon aplis is a range of circular recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four diameters from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon aplis can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
aplis 80
|kreon aplis is a range of circular recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four diameters from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon aplis can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
aplis 120
|kreon aplis is a range of circular recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four diameters from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon aplis can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
aplis 165
|kreon aplis is a range of circular recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four diameters from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon aplis can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
aplis in-line 40
|kreon aplis in-line is a range of circular recessed downlights characterised by a trimless appearance and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four diameters from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon aplis in-line can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
down 40
|kreon down is a range of square recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four dimensions from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon down can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
down 80
|kreon down is a range of square recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four dimensions from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon down can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
down 120
|kreon down is a range of square recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four dimensions from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon down can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.
down 165
|kreon down is a range of square recessed downlights characterised by minimal trim dimensions and deep-set LED position, providing a subtle feeling of light without the uncomfortable sight of light. The range utilises best in class LED modules and is available in four dimensions from 40mm upto 165mm to suit spacial requirements. With a choice of directional, fixed or wall wash formats, kreon down can provide a discreet yet functional solution to general or accent lighting within architecture. Finished in black for a dramatic ceiling contrast and maximum light control, or white for a harmonious ceiling integration.