Boat 4
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160773#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg wasa jr sail boat @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
painel de parede 4
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006273D parametric, scenery / tiles in the wall, Spanish
Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400797Design: Bønnelycke MDD http://www.bonnelycke.com Forhandler: http://www.schmitz-leuchten.de3D parametric, Scmitz Stage 3, 4 pendant light
Sliding Door with 2 Sidelights
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and 2 sidelights.
Sliding Door 2 Sidelights Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, 2 sidelights and transom.
Bush 4 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D bush on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Tree 4 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view.
Arch Sliding Door 2 Sidelights Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
Arch Sliding Door 2 Sidelights Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, 4 seat bench
Sliding Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves.
Sliding Door 2 Sidelights Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, 2 sidelights and transom.
Sliding Door Sidelight Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, sidelight and transom.
Cabinets on castors 4 drawers 600x415
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Cabinets on castors 4 drawers 600x565
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Escape Route 4 NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Fused Connection Unit with 4 Gangs 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D electric symbol with optional text and listing parameters.
Int. Elev.4 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Interior elevation 2D marker head sign with optional text settings.
Pine 4 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D pine on side view.
Switch 4 Poles 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D electric symbol with listing parameters.
Underbench cabinet 4 drawer 875x456x450
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawer 875x456x650
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawer 875x656x450
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawer 875x656x650
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawers 600x1130
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawers 600x415
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawers 600x565
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawers 600x705
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Underbench cabinet 4 drawers 600x830
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
WC 4 Symbol 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D WC on top, side or front view.
Arch Sliding Door Sidelight Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, sidelight and transom.
Arch Sliding Door Sidelight Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, sidelight and transom.
Arch Sliding Door with Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top and transom.
Arch Sliding Door with Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top and transom.
Bench 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Park bench with 4 legs.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bended 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bended 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bended 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, 4 seat bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 4 seats
LG Zone 11
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400410//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
LG Zone 13
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400410//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric terminal table with 4 seats with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400404//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool
Sliding Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves.
Sliding Door Sidelight Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, sidelight and transom.
Sliding Door with 2 Sidelights 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and 2 sidelights.
Sliding Door with Sidelight
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and sidelight.
Sliding Door with Sidelight 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and sidelight.
Sliding Door with Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and transom.
Sliding Door with Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and transom.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone tool with DIN area calculation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400405//Intl zone stamp with DIN Area calculation// - Use Category as Name : temporarily replaces current zonen name with the Name of the Zone Category - Midpoint Hotspots: generates 4 additional Hotspots at the midpoints of the stamp edges - DIN area calculation: calculates Area groups as components in the Zone List2D parametric zone stamp with DIN area calculation
Mesa 4 Cadeiras - 01
Beto Majollo | 1525481584 -
Candélabre ECLATEC-ELYXE LED-mat de 4,00m
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1432397500Candélabre d'éclairage public à LED de marque ECLATEC et modèle ELYXE, sur mât cylindro conique de 4,00m. Modèle plus simple que celui à télécharger sur le site du fabricant.
sofa 4 plazas
JOSE JUAN Marquez | 1351100941sofa
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398691718Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Daniel Dusoswa | 1348250998first price morphing competition at the ArchiCad Summerschool organised by ACUA_Int. Was done a around 4 hours without prior knowledge of the Morph tool, very impressed with the amazing morph tool. Now we can model almost verything!
V10 Bolt Object
Darin Fenwick | 1379964994Bolt Data Arrays engData - Engineering Bolts 1 - Diameter of Bolt 2 - Pitch of Thread 3 - Width Across Flat of Head and Nut 4 - Width Across Corners 5 - Head Thickness 6 - Nut Thickness coachData - Coach Bolt Data 1 - Size of Bolt 2 - Pitch of Thread 3 - Body Diameter 4 - Head Diameter 5 - Head Thickness 6 - Width Across Flat of Nuts 7 - Width Across Corner of Nuts 8 - Nut Thickness 9 - Thread Length when O/A Lenght <=125mm 10 - Thread Length when O/A Length between 125 and 200mm 11 - Thread Length when O/A Length >200mm screwData - Coach Screw Data 1 - Nominal Size of Screw 2 - Pitch of Thread 3 - Diameter of Screw 4 - Width Across Flat of Head 5 - Width Across Corners 6 - Head Thickness 7 - Root Diameter
Road Arrows
Michael Wilson | 1360715882Edited by Michael Wilson Jan '13 AS 2890.1:2004 Figure 4.3
Biertischgarnitur Susan_Cloud
Ruth Gall | 1357540580Biertischgarnitur "Susan" Die Holzelemente dieser edlen Biertischgarnitur wurden aus massiver Eiche gehobelt und mit einem eingefärbten Naturöl behandelt. Sie ergeben einen stilvollen Kontrast zu den Fußgestellen aus schwarz verzinktem Stahl. Die Garnitur besteht aus einem Tisch und zwei Bänken. Mit 3 Tischen und 4 Bänken ergibt sich eine quadratische Anordnung für 16 gesellige Personen. (Material mit Textur Eiche einstellen)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401521938simple logwall with sealing - "tongue and groove" Features: 1. free movable 2d-view with movable hotspots - switchable 2. its possible to draw every single position of any tree-trunk at wall-beginning. 3. in ground-view there is a userinterface to switch tho ofte used settings 4. a polygon to cut contours - switchabele and free placeable 5. 10 free mavable rectangular cutouts - to place windows or else 6. sealing tongue and groove begin at wall crossingpoint 8. switch on simple measurements 9. begin with halften block or full in z-direction 10. implanted inaccuracy to get more reality in 3d-representation
Teka Oven - HKL 970 SC
ciobanu ciprian | 1406898999- Cooking functions - steam, grill, fan-forced - 4 cooking levels - Defrost function - Removeable 1.2 litre water tank - 1 x perforated tray, 1 x solid tray + 1 x chrome rack included
4.11 Folding Screen
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401521870Einfache Blockbau-Wand mit cones als Block - übergreifend mit Fugen-Abdichtungs-Feder. Features: 1. Zuschaltbare 2D-Ansicht in Grundreiisdarstellung - frei verschiebbar. 2. Die einzelnen Vorköpfe sind im 3D und in der optional zuschaltbaren 2D-Ansicht verschiebbar 3. Im Grundriss mittig gibt es ein Hotspot-schaltbares Interface mit den wichtigsten Parametern 4. Es gibt ein frei verschiebliches 6-seitiges Polygon zum Wegschnitt von Kontouren 5. Es gibt 10 frei verschiebbare Durchbrüche - zB. für Fenster 6. Die Abdichtungs-Federn sind zuschaltbar und beginnen erst am Kreuzungspunkt. 8. Zuschaltbare Bemassung in Grundriss und Ansicht 9. Höhenverschiebung des untersten Blockes um die Hälfte möglich 10. Zur realitätsnaheren Darstellung wurde bei den Vorköpfen und bei den Übergriffen zur Stapelung eine Ungenauigkeit eingebaut.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401632554Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte 29.4.2014 - Traufpfette(Brett) Neue Anfasser für Ein-Aus, Drehbarkeit und X+Y 4.5.2014 - Folgende Anfasser - Schalter bei Traufe im Schnitt hinzugefügt: Oberdachschichten zuschaltbar Innenschichten Schliessenkranz Gratsparren-Schalter Schalter zur einfachen Darstellung Schichtdicken im Schnitt stellbar. 7.5.2014 - Zusätzlicher Grundriss-Querschnitt ein-ausschaltbar mit fast allen Hotspots.
Laszlo Szatmary | 1352116164Standard size snooker table with 4 type of legs.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397147635Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Für die 16er Version.. Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397839915Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt
Heimo Mooslechner | 1396935930Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar Änderung 7.4.2014: Zeilenhöhe im Grundriss = nun Maßstabs-unabhängig
Облучатель Дезар-3
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1566599353Облучатель-рециркулятор воздуха ультрафиолетовый бактерицидный настенный "ОРУБн-3-3-"КРОНТ" (Дезар-3) Ультрафиолетовые бактерицидные рециркуляторы ДЕЗАР-3 и 4 предназначены для помещений II-V категорий (процедурные кабинеты, перевязочные палаты, реанимационные отделения, станции переливания крови). Рекомендованы для использования в детских учреждениях (сады, школы, ясли и т.д.), в учреждениях службы быта и сферы обслуживания (парикмахерские, косметологические и массажные салоны, санатории и т.д.) Существуют настенная (ДЕЗАР-3) и передвижная (ДЕЗАР-4) модели.
Fachwerkträger 1,00x0,50x2,00m
Leon Schäfer | 1547633099Large scale aluminium truss, CroSec 1,00 x 0,50 m
Contour generator tool
Dániel Alexander Kovács | 1559632261This contour generator tool utilizes the latest gdl commands to generate contour lines of any element in ARCHICAD (be it a mesh, a morph, etc.) as fast as possible. Still, with bigger elements it might slow regeneration down quite a bit, so it is suggested to explode the object into a 2D linework! 1. Select the mesh you want to slice and go to 'File>Libraries & Objects>Save Selection as...>Object...' 2. Save the object with a name you will remember (e.g. "mesh-01") 3. Place the Contour Generator Object and set up all its settings according to your design 4. Enter the name of the mesh object you just saved into the corresponding field, so that it would load it, and generate the contour lines +1. Explode the Object into 2D lines in the floor plan, to speed up the model
Mesa de recepción
Fabio Portocarrero | 1466545417Mesa de recepción de 4.00x0.50 metros. Minimalista
Камера уф бактерицидная КБ-Я-ФП
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333169Бактерицидная камера КБ-Я-ФП Ультралайт позволяет сохранить инструменты стерильными после дезинфекции, не позволяя бактериям повторно заразить предметы. Материалы сохраняют чистоту до 7 суток, благодаря УФ-излучению, которое не выходит за пределы камеры. Камера состоит из: металлического корпуса, с шарнирно поднимающейся и опускающейся металлической крышкой с установленным свето-теплозащитным стеклом, полностью задерживающим УФ-излучение; металлических решеток для укладки стерильных инструментов; светотехнической части (ультрафиолетовая бактерицидная лампа мощностью 30W, пускорегулирующая аппаратура, блок управления и индикации). Камера используется как напольный вариант. Возможность установки решеток в двух уровнях позволяет увеличить загрузку медицинского инструмента в 1,5 раза по сравнению с аналогами, укомплектованными решетками одного уровня. Конструкция камеры имеет запатентованное решение, выраженное в вынесении цоколей и креплений бактерицидной УФ-лампы за пределы рабочего объема камеры, что существенно улучшает режимы поддержания стерильности. Эффективность данной конструкции доказана ВНИИ Профилактической Токсикологии и Дезинфектологии МЗ РФ. Наружные поверхности камеры допускают дезинфекцию способом протирания дезинфицирующими средствами, зарегистрированными и разрешенными в РФ для дезинфекции поверхностей по режимам, регламентированным действующими документами по применению дезинфицирующих средств, утвержденными в установленном порядке. Внутренние поверхности камеры устойчивы к обработке способом протирания средствами дезинфекции по МУ 287-113. Условия эксплуатации камеры соответствуют климатическому исполнению УХЛ 4.2 по ГОСТ Р 50444-92: температура от +10 С до + 35 C ; относительная влажность – 80 % при температуре 25 С. Тип камеры напольная Объем, л 107 Тип лампы TUV-30 Ширина, мм 950 Глубина, мм 600 Высота, мм 1170 Габаритные размеры столика, мм 900х430х805
4.01 Global Catheter
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
4.02 Global Lux
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
4.03 Mobile Catheter
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
4.04 Catheter with drawers
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
4.06 Casette
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
4.07 Drawer
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
4.08 Max Workplace
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
4.09 Max Pull Cabinet
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397376935Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Elegance 4
Eeva Liesirova | 1713854802 -
Escape Route 4 NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Fused Connection Unit with 4 Gangs 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D electric symbol with optional text and listing parameters.
New Object 4
KEVIN JUMA | 1432726836 -
S 2020-Y30R 보조 4
동열 박 | 1618358978 -
sifon de piso 4
Adolfo Serrano Sanchez | 1562275458 -
Switch 4 Poles 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D electric symbol with listing parameters.
Revolving Door KTV 4
|[LIST] Revolving doors with 4 leafs The KTV revolving door range is designed for installation in entrance areas where interior environmental control coupled with elegant aesthetics are desired. Available as Manual, Automatic, Positional or Servomatic, the KTV range offers flexibility in design and function. Operation Modes Manual, Automatic, Positional and Servomatic operation Diamater any from 2000 mm to 3400 mm. Standard fixed diameters of 3600 mm and 3800 mm are also available. Floor mounted or ceiling mounted drive units for powered doors Glazed or solid canopy Robust framing or fine frame option Optional: Night shields for additional protection Integrated with DORMA CODIC MasterCard or MATRIX Professional Access Control solutions Certification BS EN 16005 Benefits are flexible design options to meet project specific requirments, DORMA KTV revolving doors effectively reduce noise, dust and dirt as well as greatly contributing to a reduction in building climate control when compared with conventional automatic doors. [/LIST]
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
Allura® 0.70/0.55/0.4
|Forbo’s Allura LVT collection presents the ultimate finesse in realistic wood and stone designs, produced and designed in Europe with high-end production techniques to offer unique embossing effects. The eye-catching abstract designs offer something a little different and include textile, metallic and digital stripe effects.
K8250 - Toaster, Pop-Up, 4 Slice, Electric
|Four (4) slice, electric pop-up toaster. The toaster casing is made from stainless steel and can produce up to 290 slices/hr. This is used to toast sliced bread in food service kitchens and hospital cafeteria operations. Several electrical power configurations are available; some may require special wall receptacles. Refer to manufacturers' specifications.
M7845 - Monitor, Physiological, Bedside, 4 Channel
|4 channel bedside physiological monitor. The unit consist of a four-channel non-fade monochrome display monitor, an alarm system and printer-recording capabilities. The monitor has color coded controls and automatic calibration. The unit displays up to four waveforms simultaneously. The parameters to be monitored are user selectable. The monitor may be connected to a central monitoring station. The unit monitors patients in most acute care areas, step-down units, procedure rooms and emergency rooms.
M9060 - Table, Minor Surgery, Pedestal, 4 Section, Mobile
|A 4-section, mobile, pedestal mounted minor surgery exam table. Pedestal is mounted on a base with locking casters. Table is made from all stainless steel construction with chromium plated surfaces. Table has a foot control pedal for Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg positions. Table padding is removable for cleaning. Table top consists of four hinged sections. Designed for minor operating rooms or outpatient surgery centers.
KALEIDOS a 4 razze
|Kaleidos has pure lines, enriched by the unique surface of the seat, giving three-dimensional optical effects and wonderful reflections; in addition, the particular texture is unusually pleasing to the touch. The shell is made of a single piece in recyclable high-tech polymer. The steel support frames are available in different models. PA6 glass-filled polyamide shell with a special "watermark" surface finish that gives the chair extraordinary three-dimensional optical and tactile effects. The chair shells are available in white, black, red and grey. The frame has 4 chrome-plated tapered steel legs with high-tech polymer feet. The frame is assembled by connecting 4 screws to the 4 threaded metal bushings inserted directly inside the chair shell.
WAP180 mm 194 4,000 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP200 mm 214 4,445 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP220 mm 234 4,889 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WI180 mm 190 4,286 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,286 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
DI180 mm 185 4,286 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI200 mm 205 4,762 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,000 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
DI180 mm 185 4,000 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI200 mm 205 4,445 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI175 mm 185 4,070 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI200 mm 210 4,562 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,445 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI175 mm 180 4,070 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,562 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,445 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP175 mm 189 4,070 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,562 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DAA180 mm 340 4,000 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA200 mm 360 4,445 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA220 mm 380 4,889 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
LS180 mm 186 4,314 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 206 4,790 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 189 4,330 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 209 4,807 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 194 4,358 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 214 4,834 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 200,5 4,402 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 220,5 4,878 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
Praga filter Ø1050-3000 mm - 2,5 kg/cm² or 4 kg/cm²
|This filter is manufactured with fibre-glass and polyester resin. Totally anticorrosive. Lid of Ø 400 mm. Supplied with manual air relief valve and water purge, media purge and pressure gauge panel. Fitted with collector arms and diffuser made from unplasticised PVC and polypropilene. Resistant to salt water. It contains newly designed larger and more resistant ABS collector arms. Filter bed height 1m. Maximum temperature: 50º C. Maximum pressure of either 2,5 kg/cm² or 4 kg/cm².
|Solid colour round studded tiles [LIST] Flooring in synthetic rubber with a nominal thickness of 3.0 mm, in solid color, with four-dimensional circular markings: respectively with a diameter of 16 mm, 12 mm, 8 mm, 4 mm and height 0.5 mm, compact, wear-resistant and non-slip Tiles 100 x 100 cm Improved performance and cleanability surface by the special TXL surface curing treatment Slightly sanded backhand for adhesive attachment Safe in case of fire Free from carcinogenic nitrosamines, from pentachlorophenol pcp, from pvc and from any halogens (chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine), cadmium, formaldehyde, asbestos. Free of phthalates and plasticizers It complies with the German AgBB regulation on the emission of volatile organic compounds VOC "Non-toxic" certified in case of fire according to DIN 53436 Classified according to the European waste catalog (CER) as non-hazardous special waste, and therefore similar to urban waste according to DCI 27/7/84. [/LIST]
Robust 4 compartments 6 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 4 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Trygg 4 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
01_Mailbox vertical single section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 4 boxes, height 917 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 4 boxes, height 1061 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l
|Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l - for flush plates Visign - for pre-wall mounting please order separately: Viega Eco Plus fixing set model 8173 - flush actuation from front, dual flush technology, adjustable ceramic height, barrier-free Components powder-coated steel frame, concealed cistern 2H, WC connection elbow DN90 (depth-adjustable) made of PP, eccentric adapter DN90/100 made of PP, WC connection fitting, fixing material for element (for floor) and ceramic, screws (self-drilling) for fixing to metal support profiles, hole Ø 11 mm for fixing in wooden frame construction or application of fixing element for support arm (model8169.2), alignment help Cistern components corner valve with pre-mounted water connection Rp½, filling valve set, drain valve set Technical data partial flush volume factory setting approx. 3 l partial flush volume setting range approx. 2.5–3 l full flush volume factory setting approx. 4.5 l full flush volume setting range approx. 4.5–6 l Note Immediate reflushing is possible at the factory settings! Flush plates and accessories: product group WC and urinal actuation accessories! Model8161.45 (article 686 154)
Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l
|Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l - for flush plates Visign, wall-hung WC - for pre-wall mounting please order separately: Viega Eco Plus fixing set model 8173 - flush actuation from front or top, dual flush technology Components powder-coated steel frame, concealed cistern 2L, WC connection elbow DN90 (depth-adjustable) made of PP, eccentric adapter DN90/100 made of PP, WC connection fitting, fixing material for element (for floor) and ceramic, screws (self-drilling) for fixing to metal support profiles, hole Ø 11 mm for fixing in wooden frame construction, alignment help Cistern components corner valve with pre-mounted water connection Rp½, filling valve set, drain valve set Technical data partial flush volume factory setting approx. 3 l partial flush volume setting range approx. 2.5–3 l full flush volume factory setting approx. 4.5 l full flush volume setting range approx. 4.5–6 l Note Immediate reflushing is possible at the factory settings! Dependent of the WC ceramic, the open WC lid may partially cover the flush plate while front actuation! When dealing with WC ceramic with a projection of less than 500 mm, such as e.g.: V & B Viala 765310, Viala 765210, Keramag Renova-Comprimo 204550, Joly 203060, the WC lid may fall shut, and therefore actuation from top should be applied! Flush plates and accessories: product group WC and urinal actuation accessories! Model8130.45 (article 718 992)
Phoenix, 4 legs
|The look of Phoenix is derived from a recycled aluminum frame with a trademark Y-shaped base. The upholstered parts can be easily removed and replaced when needed — or when the client wants a new color or material for novel functions and/or styles. The result is a brand new chair whose used parts are recycled.
Periskop 4.5 W
|Outdoor spotlight, ideal for accent lighting. The black anodized aluminium bracket allows tilting of casing up to 180 degrees. PowerLED source integrated in an aluminium casing, available in four finishes. Three optics to choose from allow customized light management. Periskop is the ideal solution to create amazing light patterns enhancing statues and any green areas such as gardens rich in details or large parks.
Portik_R 4 W
|Cylindrical outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_R distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
Portik_Q 4 W
|Parallelepipedal outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_Q distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
Quara65_X 4 W recessed
|Quara65_X is a recessed outdoor ceiling wall light, a drop of light in a round resin-potted stainless steel casing, suitable for high salinity environments. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_X features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
Quara65_X 4 W
|Quara65_X is a recessed outdoor ceiling wall light, a drop of light in a round resin-potted stainless steel casing, suitable for high salinity environments. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_X features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
Vedette_RI Double emission 4 W 630mA
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_RI Double emission 4 W 220mA
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Double emission 4 W 630mA
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Double emission 4 W 220mA
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Xenia 4.5 W
|Xenia is a linear profile whose distinguishing features are its high brightness and flexible installation. It has been conceived for lighting indoor spaces, in particular shops, hotels, and places of art and worship. Lines of light can be created even in areas that are difficult to access thanks to the different kinds of brackets proposed as accessories. The model, fitted with powerLED technology, can be combined with four different kinds of optics for countless lighting effects.
Xenia66 4.5 W
|An easy-to-install light profile. The powerLED source is matched to six different optics, thus creating a wealth of light effects. Xenia66 also includes the possibility to aim light (in the bracket-mounted version). A product creating lines of light in areas that are difficult to access, enhancing architectural lines in the illumination of urban settings and hotels.
Cuzco Sliding 2 rails 4 leaves
|CUZCO® series 712 is the latest range of High Insulation Performance aluminum Sliding Systems created by Profiles Systèmes. With a 70mm frame, it fully harmonizes with the CUZCO® casement windows and doors. Complies with RT 2012 Reduced junction option. Reduced weight of aluminum by 40% Eligible for the Energy Transition Tax Credit Optimized solar contributions Excellent light transmission Glazing until 32mm Design Factory Spirit® medalist Preservation of tint guaranteed 25 years
440006 Electronic basin tap TEMPOMATIC 4
|Deck-mounted electronic basin tap: Battery-operated with integrated 223 6V Lithium battery. Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the tap. Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted 1.5 - 6 lpm. Scale-resistant flow straightener. Duty flush (~60 sec. every 24hr after last use). Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection. Chrome-plated solid brass body. Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws. PEX flexible with stopcock and filter. Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods. Anti-blocking security. 10-year warranty.
440106 Electronic basin tap TEMPOMATIC 4
|Deck-mounted electronic basin tap : Battery-operated with integrated 223 6V Lithium battery. Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the tap. Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted 1.5 - 6 lpm. Scale-resistant flow straightener. Duty flush (~60 sec. every 24hr after the last use). Active infrared movement detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection. Chrome-plated solid brass body. Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws. PEX flexibles F3/8" with filter. Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods. Anti-blocking security. 10-year warranty.
479406 Electronic urinal valve TEMPOMATIC 4
|Electronic valve for individual urinal : Battery-operated with integrated 223 6V Lithium battery. Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the valve. Shockproof infrared presence detection sensor. Detection delay is 10 sec. 3 programmes (rinsing volume can be adjusted according to the type of urinal). High-frequency mode (DELABIE exclusivity) : - short rinse after each user, - complementary rinse after busy period. Hygienic duty flush, every 24hr after last use, prevents vacuums in the siphon. Flow rate 0.25 l/sec. at 3 bar, can be adjusted. Stopcock and flow rate adjuster. One-piece chrome-plated metal body. M½" connection. Straight for in-line supply, outlet M½". 10-year warranty.
490000 Electronic basin mixer TEMPOMATIC MIX 4
|Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer: 230/12V recessed mains supply. Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integratedinto the body of the mixer. Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm. Scale-resistant flow straightener. Duty flush (~60 sec. every 24hr after last use). Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection. Chrome-plated solid brass body. Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws. PEX flexibles F3/8" with stopcocks, filters and non-return valves. Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods. Anti-blocking security. Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter. 10-year warranty.
490001 Electronic basin mixer TEMPOMATIC MIX 4
|Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer : 230/12V plug-in mains supply. Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the mixer. Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted 1.5 - 6 lpm. Scale-resistant flow straightener. Duty flush (~60 sec. every 24hr after the last use). Active infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection. Chrome-plated solid brass body. Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws. PEX flexibles F3/8" with stopcocks, filters and non-return valves. Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods. Anti-blocking security. Standard side temperature control lever with adjustable maximum temperature limiter. 10-year warranty.
490006 Electronic basin mixer TEMPOMATIC MIX 4
|Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer : Battery-operated with integrated 223 6V Lithium battery. Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the mixer. Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm. Scale-resistant flow straightener. Duty flush (~60 sec. every 24hr after the last use). Active infrared presence detection sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection. Chrome-plated solid brass body. Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws. PEX flexibles F3/8" with stopcocks, filters and non-return valves. Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods. Anti-blocking security. Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter. 10-year warranty.
490106 Electronic basin mixer TEMPOMATIC MIX 4
|Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer : Battery-operated with integrated 223 6V Lithium battery. Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the mixer. Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted 1.5 - 6 lpm. Scale-resistant flow straightener. Duty flush (~60 sec. every 24hr after the last use). Active infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection. Chrome-plated solid brass body. Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws. PEX flexibles F⅜" with filters and non-return valves. Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods. Anti-blocking security. Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter. 10-year warranty.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD32xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
4.1.1 CEILINGS - Semi-direct
|Semi-direct ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles over a base of Pladur® metal furring fastened directly to the support, on whose exterior side one or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.2.1 CEILINGS - Suspended single frame T-47 / T-45
|Suspended ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles over a base of Pladur® T-47/T-45 profiles hung from the framing by means of Pladur® T-47/T-45 clips + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® profiles mechanically attached around the whole perimeter. One or two Pladur® plasterboards are screwed to this frame. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.2.2 CEILINGS - Suspended single frame T-47 / T-45 + PL (multi-purpose)
|Suspended ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles over a base of Pladur® T-47/T-45 profiles or mullions hung from the framing by means of Pladur® standard reach brackets + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® profiles attached mechanically along the whole perimeter. One or two Pladur® plasterboards are screwed to this frame. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.2.3 CEILINGS - Suspended single frame TF
|Suspended ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles over a base of Pladur® TF profiles hung from the framing by means of Pladur® hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported on Pladur® profiles mechanically attached to the whole perimeter. One or two Pladur® plasterboards are screwed to this frame. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.2.4 CEILINGS - Suspended single frame T-60
|Suspended ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles over a base of Pladur® T-60 profiles hung from the framing by means of Pladur® T60 clips + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported on Pladur® profiles attached mechanically around the whole perimeter. One or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed to this frame. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.2.5 CEILINGS - Suspended single frame with mullions
|Suspended ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles over a base of Pladur® hung from the framing by means of Pladur® hanger brackets + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported on Pladur® channels mechanically attached around the whole perimeter. One or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed to this frame. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.3.1 CEILINGS - Without hangers
|Continuous ceiling made up of a unique frame of Pladur® mullions supported on lateral support walls by means of Pladur® channels and attached mechanically around the whole perimeter. A Pladur® plasterboard is screwed onto this frame of profiles, with commensurate amounts of anchors, screws, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, joint tapes, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Mineral wool over the back of the plasterboards and profiles. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.4.1 CEILINGS - Suspended twin frame PH-45 + T-47 / T-45
|Suspended ceiling made up of a twin frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles installed at different levels. The primary frame is made up of Pladur® PH-45 hung from the framing by means of Ø 6 mm threaded rod, nut and locking nut. The secondary frame is made up of Pladur® T-47/T-45 profiles fitted perpendicularly to the lower part of the primary frame by fitting directly on the double, die-cut hangers of the Pladur® PH-45 profile and supported around the perimeter on Pladur® angular profiles or U track Clip, which is attached mechanically along its whole length. One or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed perpendicularly onto the secondary frame. Commensurate amounts of anchors, hangers, hangers, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, joint compounds and tapes, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design.) Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
4.4.2 CEILINGS - Suspended twin frame T-60 (D)
|Suspended ceiling made up of a twin frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles installed at different levels (D). The primary frame is made up of Pladur® T-60 profiles hung from the framing by means of Pladur® T-60 hanger brackets and Ø 6 mm threaded rod. The secondary frame is made up of Pladur® T-60 profiles hung from the primary one by means of Pladur® channel intersection connector T-60 and supported around the perimeter with angular profiles o U track, which are attached mechanically around its whole length. One or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed perpendicularly onto the secondary frame. Commensurate amounts of anchors, hangers, screws, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, joint compounds and tapes, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.4.3 CEILINGS - Suspended twin frame T-60 (H)
|Suspended ceiling made up of a twin, primary and secondary, frame of Pladur® T-60 profiles in a "C" shape by means of the Pladur® H T-60 connection placed at the same level and suspended from the framing by means of Pladur® T-60 hanger brackets and Ø 6 mm threaded rod, supported on angular or U track profiles which are attached mechanically along the whole length. One or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed perpendicularly onto the secondary frame. Commensurate amounts of anchors, hangers, hangers, screws, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, joint compounds and tapes, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.4.4 CEILINGS - Suspended twin frame GL + T-47
|Suspended ceiling made up of a twin frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles installed at different levels. The primary frame is made up of Pladur® GL U track with a thickness of 1.5 mm, hung from the framing by means of M-50 hangers and Ø 6 mm threaded rod with nut and locking nut. The second frame is made up of Pladur® T-47 profiles fitted to the primary frame by means of Pladur® channel connectors GL and supported around the perimeter on Pladur® angular profiles and U track Clip, which are attached mechanically along its whole length. One or two Pladur® plasterboards are screwed perpendicular to the secondary frame. Commensurate amounts of anchors, hangers, screws, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, joint compound, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.5.1 CEILINGS - Sound conditioning continuous FON+ T-60
|Suspended ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles over a base of Pladur® T-60 profiles set 300 mm apart, properly hung from the framing by means of Pladur® T-60 hanger brackets + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported on Pladur® profiles attached mechanically around the whole perimeter. Pladur® Fon+ plasterboards are screwed to this frame. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.5.2 CEILINGS - Sound conditioning continuous FON+ T-60 (D)
|Suspended ceiling made up of a twin frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles installed at different levels (D). The primary frame is made up of Pladur® T-60 profiles hung from the framing by means of Pladur® T-60 hanger brackets and Ø 6 mm threaded rod. The secondary frame is made up of Pladur® T-60 profiles spaced 300 mm apart, hung from the primary frame by means of Pladur® T-60 hanger brackets supported around the perimeter on angular or U track profiles which are attached mechanically along their whole length. Pladur® Fon+ plasterboards are screwed perpendicularly onto the secondary frame. Commensurate amounts of anchors, hangers, hangers, screws, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, joint compounds and tapes, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
4.5.3 CEILINGS - Sound conditioning and decorative registrable FON+ and DECOR
|Suspended ceiling made up of a frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles covered with a pre-lacquered laminate on its face side. This frame forms a square 600 mm x 600 mm composed of primary, secondary and angular Pladur® galvanised sheet steel profiles attached mechanically around the whole perimeter. The frame is hung from the framing by means of anchors, threaded bar and pieces of Pladur® TR, on which the Pladur® Fon+ Decor plasterboards are supported. Commensurate amounts of anchors, hangers, hangers, etc. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided right 45°, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
KAPPA Cycle Shelter 4,5m 8 bicycles
|<p>The cycle shelter KAPPA has become a popular feature in the public space. It´s designed mainly to function as a protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. Together with the bicycle rack DELTA (or any other of our bicycle racks) it creates a complete and functional bikeparking solution.</p>
YPSILON Cycle Shelter 4,5m 16 bicycles
|Cycle shelter YPSILON is the double-sided version of KAPPA. Just like KAPPA, it´s main function is protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. It is often combined with the bicycle rack DELTA. However, the bollards BETA and OMEGA is also popular choices with YPSILON.
RatioPlan 115 Interior wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 4 DF d=115
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided left 45°, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
Kebne 4, outdoor gym
|Kebne is not just another outdoor gym, but a centre for activity and exercise for the whole community. Designed with outdoor fitness in mind, Kebne is a system of three-dimensional frames for low-impact resistance training, overall body conditioning, stretching, flexing, fun and play. The design is comprised of five ergonomic units that provide stations for exercise in urban parks or in landscapes outside the city centre. Easy-to-understand diagrams are attached to the frames to show how the system can be used. Design: Kauppi & Kauppi
DE Hebel Wall d=150 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=175 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=200 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=250 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=300 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=365 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel internal Firewall d=175 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel fire wall panels – 360 minutes fire protection Structural fire protection at the highest level. Hebel fire wall panels are suitable for external and internal walls. Being an incombustible material of fire class A1 (non-flammable), aerated concrete does not contribute to the fire, does not produce smoke or other gases in a case of fire and furthermore effectively blocks off smoke and heat. Hebel aerated concrete meets the requirements of all fire resistance classes from F30 to F180 respectively EI30 to EI180 regulated by national and European standards. Fire behavior of Hebel aerated concrete: - non-flammable - great thermal insulation against heat - not dripping - no smoke or toxic gases - no functional impairment External walls made of Hebel fire wall panels have the same fire resistance than Hebel fire walls and therefore offer a maximum safety against fire flashover. Proofed Safety: A fire behavior test at a German material testing institute for the construction industry (Institute of Building Materials, Solid Construction and Fire Protection at the Technical University of Braunschweig) prooves the high standard of the Hebel fire wall panels. Result: The material resists fire for 360 minutes without any relevant functional impairment. During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=150 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=200 mm + insulation d=140 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=250 mm + insulation d=40 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=300 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel external Firewall d=175 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel fire wall panels – 360 minutes fire protection Structural fire protection at the highest level. Hebel fire wall panels are suitable for external and internal walls. Being an incombustible material of fire class A1 (non-flammable), aerated concrete does not contribute to the fire, does not produce smoke or other gases in a case of fire and furthermore effectively blocks off smoke and heat. Hebel aerated concrete meets the requirements of all fire resistance classes from F30 to F180 respectively EI30 to EI180 regulated by national and European standards. Fire behavior of Hebel aerated concrete: - non-flammable - great thermal insulation against heat - not dripping - no smoke or toxic gases - no functional impairment External walls made of Hebel fire wall panels have the same fire resistance than Hebel fire walls and therefore offer a maximum safety against fire flashover. Proofed Safety: A fire behavior test at a German material testing institute for the construction industry (Institute of Building Materials, Solid Construction and Fire Protection at the Technical University of Braunschweig) prooves the high standard of the Hebel fire wall panels. Result: The material resists fire for 360 minutes without any relevant functional impairment. During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
JS 4 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS90 4 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
UL 4 ULTRIMIS W Ultrasonic Water Meter
|High-quality Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meters: The Ultrimis W is an ultrasonic water meter with many patented design and technological features, such as the proprietary "W-Sonic Technology" ultrasonic measuring method. None of the materials in contact with water used for the construction of this meter contain heavy metals. The standard version of this water meter is fully waterproof. The innovative structure makes our product arguably the lightest and smallest ultrasonic water meter available to our customers. Use: Our ultrasonic water meters measure the flow and volume of water up to a max. temperature of 50°C using a closed-loop system, with the full flow rates up to a max. pressure of 16 bar (PN16). This is important, especially when precision measurement of water consumption and the application of modern communication technologies are required, including NFC and radio reading systems. The water meters feature an e-display (IP68); may be installed in any orientation (H, V, H/V) and do not require the use of U0D0 straight sections, filters or check valves.
Radius Planter Divider Crossroad 4 Small
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
|The ADJUSTABLE PAVING SUPPORT "SPECIAL" WITH SELF-LEVELLING HEAD is designed to give a strong and robust support for raised floors. The Adjustable Paving Support Special for raised floors also has one of the highest load capacities available on the market today. Because of its versatility it can be used on both internal or external projects, it can also be used with a wide range of different types of paving, for example porcelain, marble or stone. It is the perfect solution for turning non practicable areas into practicable ones, whether they are waterproofed and not, it also allows for the passage of cables, pipes etc that are normally present in offices, shops and work environments. For this reason, raised floors are mainly used in new buildings or in renovation where maximum design and flexibility is required or simply to ease the inspection of the waterproofing layer or any pipes, cables etc. The Adjustable Paving Support Special is produced using only the finest top grade polypropylene and additives, these top quality raw materials ensure its long durability and also increase the load capacity.
|The ADJUSTABLE PAVING SUPPORT “SPECIAL LIGHT” can be used on both internal or external projects, it can also be used with a wide range of different types of paving, for example porcelain, marble or stone. It is the perfect solution for turning non practicable areas into practicable ones, whether they are waterproofed and not, it also allows for the passage of cables, pipes etc that are normally present in offices, shops and work environments. For this reason, raised floors are mainly used in new buildings or in renovation where maximum design and flexibility is required or simply to ease the of inspection the waterproofing layer or any pipes, cables etc. The Adjustable Support Special Light is produced using only the finest top grade polypropylene and additives, these top quality raw materials ensure its long durability and also increase the load capacity.
Radiator Tesi 4
|Tesi Termoarredi represent the most functional, modular and elegant system for heating all environments. Thanks to the rounded shapes, which minimize the risk of accidents, they can also be placed in public places, institutions, schools and hospitals. Tesi 4 has a depth of 139 mm and heights from 200 to 2500 mm.
Kompakt 270 4 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 4 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Moon light 4 metal legs armchair
|Designed by Gabriel Teixidó. The multifunctionality is one of the main features of the MOON Collection, two shells and different bases allow us to adapt it to any space or use, meetings, eat, wait, relax at home, at the office, at the hotel... with a common denominador: comfort and aesthetic. MOON has as many faces as the moon.
Mark Beauman | 1471504085 -
Arch Sliding Door with Sidelight on Side 1 and Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, sidelight and transom.
Arch Sliding Door with Sidelight on Side 2 and Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, sidelight and transom.
Arch Sliding Door with Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top and transom.
Arch Sliding Door, 2 Sidelights, Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
Bench 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Park bench with 4 legs.
Dachkonstruktion V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398228791Dachstuhlkonstruktion - für die 16er Version und somit meine Schüler wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch)
Mobile Tray
Graphisoft NO GS | 1364207265#http://bimcomponents.com Aarsland Office Tray Office Trolley 43x60x63cm with 3 or 4 drawers. developed by [eptar] ltd.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 26.02.2010 JH Ready for use 1.1 24.09.2010 JH Simplier materials, Margins 2d / 3d, Margin hotspots 1.2 13.10.2010 JH Works together with all Molok-objects 1.3 21.10.2010 JH Modifications on volyme of biowaste / Composite framing option 1.4 16.12.2013 JH Fixed Lithera, updated usability 1.5 05.02.2015 JH UI-update compatible AC18, Lifting hook & Container 3D Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokClassic Light
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 26.02.2010 JH Ready for use 1.1 24.09.2010 JH Simplier materials, Margins 2d / 3d, Margin hotspots 1.2 13.10.2010 JH Works together with all Molok-objects 1.3 21.10.2010 JH Modifications on volyme of biowaste / Composite framing option 1.4 16.12.2013 JH Fixed Lithera, updated usability 1.5 05.02.2015 JH UI-update compatible AC18, Lifting hook & Container 3D Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokClassic Plus
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 26.02.2010 JH Ready for use 1.1 24.09.2010 JH Simplier materials, Margins 2d / 3d, Margin hotspots 1.2 13.10.2010 JH Works together with all Molok-objects 1.3 21.10.2010 JH Modifications on volyme of biowaste / Composite framing option 1.4 16.12.2013 JH Fixed Lithera, updated usability 1.5 05.02.2015 JH UI-update compatible AC18, Lifting hook & Container 3D Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino 3m3
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Global
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Light
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Plus
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Schichten-Aufbauten MIT ZEICHNUNG Objekt
Heimo Mooslechner | 1614674145Tabelle als Etikett: Es kann entweder 1. eine Text-Liste mit zusätzlich angegebenen Zahlen addieren oder 2. die Schichten-Aufbauten (Schraffuren) von Decken, Wänden, Schalen und Dächern auslesen, tabellarisch darstellen und die Dicken addieren. Eingebaut auch deckende Hintergrundschraffuren, sowie zusätzliche bauteilbezogene Infos darunter. 3. die Schichten-Aufbauten (Baumaterialien) von Decken, Wänden, Schalen und Dächern auslesen, tabellarisch darstellen und die Dicken addieren. 4. Diese Aufbauten kann man nun auch als kleine Piktigramme darstellen lassen - eventuell für das Zusammenstellen einer Legende - da diese Piktogramme frei verschiebbar, drehbar und skalierbar sind.(3-2021) Nun kann es auch die im System integrierten Schriftarten direkt zur Auswahl anzeigen. (3-2021) Dient als Programmierdemo - ist aber durchaus in echter Planung verwendbar - etwa in Darstellung von Schnitten und Grundrissen
Sliding Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves.
Sliding Door 19
Ömer Talha Yağcı | 1462358780Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves.
Sliding Door with 2 Sidelights 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and 2 sidelights.
Sliding Door with Sidelight on Side 1 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and sidelight.
Sliding Door with Sidelight on Side 1 and Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, sidelight and transom.
Sliding Door with Sidelight on Side 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and sidelight.
Sliding Door with Sidelight on Side 2 and Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, sidelight and transom.
Sliding Door with Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and transom.
Sliding Door, 2 Sidelights, Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, 2 sidelights and transom.
Stock Cabinet
Graphisoft NO GS | 1364207265#http://bimcomponents.com Aarsland Office Cabinet Full cabinet configurator 4 heights and several options shelfs, sliding or opening doors developed by [eptar] ltd.
Тележка Menu Mobil SYTW-48_CL
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568806026Открытая транспортная усиленная тележка для транспортировки 48 термобоксов Menu Mobil Classic. Удобство в порционировании таблет-питания. 12 уровней (48 пар Г-образных направляющих) по 4 термобокса, загрузка с 2 сторон, 4 ограничителя для фиксации термобоксов (по 2 с каждый стороны). 4 защитных полимерных бампера на нижней раме, 4 вращающихся колеса Ø 160 мм (2 из которых с тормозов). Каркас из труб квадратного сечения: 25х25 мм. Нижняя рама изготовлена из труб квадратного сечения 40х40 мм. Вертикальное расстояние между Г-образными направляющими: 115 мм. Горизонтальное расстояние между Г-образными направляющими: 315 мм.
Tork Elevation® Foam Soap Manual Dispenser, black
|The perfect balance between luxury and value, our Tork Elevation® Foam Soap Manual Dispensing System uses highly concentrated, rich foam in a controlled closed dispensing system. This new system delivers nearly four times more hand washes per refill than liquid soap while offering a unique, luxurious, refreshing, and hygienic experience. Controlled usage 0.4 ml per dose. Low maintenance easy and quick to replace refills. More hand washings per refill & high capacity results in low cost-in-use – Sealed collapsible bottle refills reducing contamination and ensuring complete usage of the product.
PL1 SINGLE - Single flush operating plate for concealed cistern
|PL1 SINGLE - Single flush operating plate for concealed cistern Compatible with: 890090700 In-Wall DUPLO WC FREESTANDING - Concealed free-standing structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890080110 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890080200 In-Wall BASIC TANK COMPACT - Compact concealed cistern (8 cm) with dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L) 890090200 In-Wall BASIC TANK - Concealed cistern with dual flush (6/3 L) 890080000 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow. 890090000 In-Wall DUPLO WC - Concealed structure for toilet with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890080100 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow. 890080010 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890090100 In-Wall BASIC WC – Concealed structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L)
Dama WC
|Vitreous china close-coupled WC with dual outlet Compatible with: 80178B..4 Dama Compact lacquered seat and cover for toilet 341784..0 Dama Dual flush 4,5/3L WC cistern without lid (one piece) 341782..0 Dama Dual flush 4,5/3L WC cistern 80178C..4 Dama Soft-closing compact lacquered seat and cover for toilet
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - White
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - Black
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
Katrin System Electric Towel Dispenser - Black
|# Feeds the next sheet automatically # Fast and easy to use; sheet always available # High capacity - 800 sheets to a roll is enough to dry hands 400-530 times - ideal in high traffic areas # Designed to ensure all the paper on the roll is used # Very low power consumption -Powered by 4 x LR20 1.5 V batteries (not supplied) # Controlled consumption for high traffic washrooms
Katrin System Electric Towel Dispenser - White
|# Feeds the next sheet automatically # Fast and easy to use; sheet always available # High capacity - 800 sheets to a roll is enough to dry hands 400-530 times - ideal in high traffic areas # Designed to ensure all the paper on the roll is used # Very low power consumption -Powered by 4 x LR20 1.5 V batteries (not supplied) # Controlled consumption for high traffic washrooms
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin bowl, undersurface ground 520 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 520 x 390 mm, oval, without tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, and overflow, without tap holes, overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81296.4
Window awning with ZIP guidance
|Here, the awning is guided by a zipper fused to the fabric and by a flexible PVC inlay in the guide rail. This increases stability and prevents annoying light gaps from forming between the awning fabric and the guide. At a width of just 25 mm, the guide rail enables optimal integration of the sun shading system into the building facade. Since the start of the current year, our lineup of window awnings with ZIP guidance has been expanded to include two new cover panel sizes: the size 9 cover panel (our smallest model) and the size 15 cover panel (our largest model). For a smooth transition from the unit to the facade, the flush-mount deep guide rail (on the size 13 cover panel) can be used. When extended, the window awnings with ZIP guidance can withstand max. wind speeds of up to 24.4 m/s. Construction limit values: [LIST] max. width: 4000 mm max. height: 6000 mm [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE energysave
|CI System Glass Element FEenergysave - flat roof windows for passive house The CI System Glass Element FEenergysave combines the outstanding heat insulation and airtightness with a generous light incidence. It has been certified by the renowned Passive Houses Institute in Darmstadt, Germany, as the first skylight suitable for passive buildings and achieves the top efficiency class. [LIST] top Passive House efficiency class - phA advanced component heat transfer coefficient (USL): 0.84 W/(m²K) minor heat losses and hight solar gain of heat overall system with flawless isothermal characteristics and free of thermal bridges outstanding airtightness by double balloon sealing: performance class 4 - certified according to EN 1207 enviromental product declaration according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 (EPD - modules A1 - D) permanent fall-through protection (GS-BAU-18) available in nine dimensions [/LIST]
CWS Stainless Steel Superroll
|Paradise Stainless Steel Superroll jumbo toilet roll paper dispenser for 380 m jumbo rolls. Changeover to 4 small toilet paper rolls possible. Window for checking filling level. Roll brake and cylinder lock prevent abuse and theft. Serrated edges with blunt teeth help avoid injuries. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Superroll: 7630000 Roll Rotary spray (optional): 307630000; Weight: 1.14 Kg Toilet paper: various toilet paper types in different qualities
Saint-Gobain Glass BIM Fenster w/o frame
|The glasss is designed to be used with other manufacturers products [LIST] Transmittance TL [%] 18 - 83 Transmission Colour bluish, bronze, yellowish, greenish, slightly greenish, neutral Outdoor Reflection Colour bluish, bronze, champagne, golden, green-bluish, slightly bluish, neutral, silver Outdoor reflectance Rle [%] 11 - 42 Indoor reflectance Rli [%] 13 - 40 Transmittance Ra [%] 80 - 99 g-value 0.16 - 0.67 Shading coefficient SC 0.18 - 0.77 Selectivity [TL/g] 1.00 - 2.35 Ug [W/m²K] 0.4 - 1.2 Rw(C;Ctr) [dB] 36(-1;-5), 36(-2;-5), 37(-2;-7), 38(-2;-6) Nominal thickness [mm] 22.0, 26.0, 38.0 Weight [kg/m²] 25.0, 35.0 [/LIST]
Revolving Door KTV
|[LIST] Revolving doors with 3 or 4 leafs The KTV revolving door range is designed for installation in entrance areas where interior environmental control coupled with elegant aesthetics are desired. Available as Manual, Automatic, Positional or Servomatic, the KTV range offers flexibility in design and function. Operation Modes Manual, Automatic, Positional and Servomatic operation Diamater any from 2000 mm to 3400 mm. Standard fixed diameters of 3600 mm and 3800 mm are also available. Floor mounted or ceiling mounted drive units for powered doors Glazed or solid canopy Robust framing or fine frame option Optional: Night shields for additional protection Integrated with DORMA CODIC MasterCard or MATRIX Professional Access Control solutions Certification BS EN 16005 Benefits are flexible design options to meet project specific requirments, DORMA KTV revolving doors effectively reduce noise, dust and dirt as well as greatly contributing to a reduction in building climate control when compared with conventional automatic doors. [/LIST]
CWS Stainless Steel Paper Bin
|Paper Bins Paradise Stainless Steel Paper Bin in 25, 40 l, and 60 l. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushed, optionally available with automatically closing lid or opening frame and wall mount. Mount for bin bag is preinstalled. Box made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Paper Bins: Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l: 7752000, Weight: 4.19 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Lid: 307752000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Coverage: 307752100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 450 × 300 × 200 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l: 7751000, Weight: 6.0 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Lid: 307751000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Coverage: 307751100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 550 × 335 × 230 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l: 7750000, Weight: 6.5 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Lid: 307750000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Coverage: 307750100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 740 × 350 × 250 mm Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
Saint-Gobain Glass BIM Pfosten-Riegel-Fassade
|[LIST] Transmittance TL [%] 17 - 82 Transmission Colour bluish, bronze, yellowish, greenish, slightly greenish, neutral Outdoor Reflection Colour bluish, bronze, champagne, golden, green-bluish, slightly bluish, neutral, silver Outdoor reflectance Rle [%] 11 - 40 Indoor reflectance Rli [%] 12 - 37 Transmittance Ra [%] 79 - 99 g-value 0.14 - 0.62 Shading coefficient SC 0.16 - 0.71 Selectivity [TL/g] 1.05 - 2.42 Ug [W/m²K] 0.4 - 1.2 Rw(C;Ctr) [dB] 35(-2;-6), 36(-3;-7), 37(-2;-5), 38(-3;-7), 39(-2;-5), 41(-2;-5), 41(-2;-4) Nominal thickness [mm] 24.8 - 51.1 Weight [kg/m²] 30.8 - 66.2 [/LIST]
Sliding Door ST FLEX Green
|[LIST] Energy saving automatic sliding door system DORMA's ST Flex Green satisfies the requirements of the latest energy-saving building regulations for England and Wales - Approved Document L (2010) while also harmonizing perfectly with the existing DORMA sliding door range. Ideal for Exterior doors, porch Max. system width 6250 mm Max. passage width 3000 mm Max. passage height 3000 mm Energy Efficiency EnEV 2014, UD-Values from 1,4 to max.1,8W/m²K Thermal Insulation EN ISO 10077 Drive DORMA ES 200, ES 200-D Durability Min. 1000000 cycles Escape Route ES 200-2D Certification Fabrication DIN ISO 9001, Environmental product declarations ISO 14025, DIN 18650 and EN 16005 Benefits are Excellent insulation features thanks to interlocking side seals and top and bottom seals, Suitable for use on emergency escape routes, Activation via radar, push pad or access control (further options on request) [/LIST]
Saint-Gobain Glass BIM Fenster
|[LIST] Transmittance TL [%] 18 - 83 Transmission Colour bluish, bronze, yellowish, greenish, slightly greenish, neutral Outdoor Reflection Colour bluish, bronze, champagne, golden, green-bluish, slightly bluish, neutral, silver Outdoor reflectance Rle [%] 11 - 42 Indoor reflectance Rli [%] 13 - 40 Transmittance Ra [%] 80 - 99 g-value 0.16 - 0.67 Shading coefficient SC 0.18 - 0.77 Selectivity [TL/g] 1.00 - 2.35 Ug [W/m²K] 0.4 - 1.2 Rw(C;Ctr) [dB] 36(-1;-5), 36(-2;-5), 37(-2;-7), 38(-2;-6) Nominal thickness [mm] 22.0, 26.0, 38.0 Weight [kg/m²] 25.0, 35.0 [/LIST]
HUECK Lambda DS 075
|Product and processing advantages [LIST] Sturdy profile construction for doors with 75 mm profile depth Glass thicknesses and door inserts up to 54 mm can be used Flush inside and outside for doors opening in and out Leaf-enclosing door inserts on one or both sides Differently designable interior and exterior views – from gentle curves through to consistent rectilinearity Optimised "Lambdatherm" insulation zone with insulating bridges for direct screwing of hardware parts Production-optimised through use of the same parts and the same hardware (door hinges) for doors opening in and out Realisable door sizes (max. width / max. height): 1,500 mm / 3,100 mm Max. door leaf weight of 250 kg Compatible with the front door series HUECK Lambda DS 075 FD and the window series HUECK Lambda WS 075 [/LIST] System data Thermal transmittance: Uf ≥ 1,3 W/m²K Water tightness: (EN 12208): up to class 7 A Air permeability (EN 12207): up to class 4 Resistance to wind load (EN 12210): up to class C2/B2 Burglar resistance (EN 1627): classes RC1N, RC2N and RC2
Sikafloor® MultiDur EB-24
|Sikafloor® MultiDur EB-24 is a robust and hard industrial and parking deck flooring system with textured anti-slip surface. Typical layer thickness 2 - 4 mm. Available with number colors from RAL color chart. It is designed for use in areas in which slip resistance, medium chemical and high mechanical resistance is required. Product specifications: • High mechanical resistance • Good chemical resistance • Seamless • Anti-slip surface • Lot of colours available
MQ41D 2xMQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 D 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41 HKD M10
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Flush anchor HKD M10x40 Bored plate MQZ-L11 Threaded rod AM10x2000 4.8 zinced Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Flat washer A 10,5/28 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41 MQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
Tork Elevation® High Capacity Bath Tissue Roll Dispenser, White
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Elevation High-Capacity Bath Tissue Dispensing System is a perfect fit for washrooms with limited space. The innovative auto-transfer feature promotes hygiene and reduces refill maintenance time. Innovative and Hygienic Design - Promotes hygiene with covered roll and auto-transfer features. Prevents waste by dropping the reserve roll only after the primary roll is depleted. Keeps used roll core in the unit, keeping washroom floors clear of debris. High Capacity - Holds up to 2,000 two-ply sheets or 4,000 one-ply sheets. Contains 60 percent more tissue than conventional bath tissue dispensers. Reduced Costs - Permits quicker, easier loading and fewer refills, reducing maintenance time. Prevents pilferage and reduces waste with enclosed design. Requires rolls with core plugs.
Tork Elevation® High Capacity Bath Tissue Roll Dispenser, Black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Elevation High-Capacity Bath Tissue Dispensing System is a perfect fit for washrooms with limited space. The innovative auto-transfer feature promotes hygiene and reduces refill maintenance time. Innovative and Hygienic Design - Promotes hygiene with covered roll and auto-transfer features. Prevents waste by dropping the reserve roll only after the primary roll is depleted. Keeps used roll core in the unit, keeping washroom floors clear of debris. High Capacity - Holds up to 2,000 two-ply sheets or 4,000 one-ply sheets. Contains 60 percent more tissue than conventional bath tissue dispensers. Reduced Costs - Permits quicker, easier loading and fewer refills, reducing maintenance time. Prevents pilferage and reduces waste with enclosed design. Requires rolls with core plugs.
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅300
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅130
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
|Cistern LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic dimensions 380 x 175 x 400 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 291 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 753 (Green Version) water inlet bottom left (1/2“) matching floorstanding WC pan order no. 82454.1 and wall-hung WC pan order no. 82054.5 Special feature: without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82654.3
|Cistern LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 380 x 175 x 400 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 278/778 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 750/760 (Green Version) water inlet side left, side right (3/8”) matching floorstanding WC pan order no. 82454.1 and wall-hung WC pan order no. 82054.5 Special feature: with or without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82654.2
Schüco Façade USC 65 F
|Unitized facades with high level of cost-effectiveness, functionality as well as an attractive appearance – and façade bracket for universal load connection [LIST] The design of the Schüco Façade USC 65 F (Unitised System Construction) is flexible and can be fabricated efficiently. With its all-round narrow face width of only 65 mm as well as maximum unit weights up to 500 kg, it enables large architecturally appealin For using opening units in unitised façades, there is a wide range of Schüco windows from the AWS to the super-insulated Schüco AWS 114 SG.SI series Different lengths of insulating bar with Uf values of 1.4 W/(m²K) to 2.9 W/(m²K) for variable adjustment to different thermal insulation requirements Comprehensive system tests in accordance with European and American test standards Large unit dimensions and heavy unit weights of up to 500 kg possible; 125 mm and 150 mm basic depths Glass thicknesses : Single glazing from 4 - 16 mm; Insulating glass from 16 - 56 mm Excellent weathertightness due to overlapping gasket for coupling gasket and saddle gasket; 3-chamber principle Burglar resistance WK2 in accordance with DIN ENV 1627 [/LIST]
E0078 - Workstation, L-Shaped w/Peninsula, Free Std
|This section will provide a whole work station typical to quickly plan work areas in clinical or administrative spaces. There will be a price decrease if typical work stations are used with vertical hanging strips instead of panels. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 standard solid panels; 2 panel connectors, 2-way corner; 1 panel-to-panel connector; 2 finished end hardware; 1 cantilevered work surface; 1 peninsula work surface; 2 lockable flipper units; 2 shelf, storage/display; 2 lights; 1 tack board, 48"W; 1 tool rail, 30"W; 1 paper tray; 1 diagonal tray; 1 adjustable keyboard tray; 1 mobile pedestal, box/file.
E0123 - Workstation, Straight, Free Standing
|This JSN will provide a whole work station typical to quickly plan work in areas in clinical or administrative spaces. There will be a price decrease if typical work stations are used with vertical hanging strips instead of panels. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Standard Solid Panels 2 Panel Connectors, 2-Way Corner 1 Panel-to-Panel Connector 2 Finished End Hardware 1 Cantilevered, Work Surface 2 Lockable Flipper Units 2 Shelf, Storage/Displays 2 Lights 1 Tack board 1 Tool Rail 1 Paper Tray 1 Diagonal Tray 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File
E0418 - Nurse Station, Medium, Free Standing
|Nurse station typicals have non-powered steel frames with a pre-installed metal junction box for user defined electrical solutions. Data modules and low voltage cabling can be routed freely within the frame. Electrical and/or data devices are not provided with the nurse station. Panel inserts are available in fabric, painted metal, tackable, acoustical, paper management, rail, glass, open and electrical/data accessible styles. Typicals include panel inserts for both sides of the steel frame. All electrical connections must be made by an electrical contractor. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 5 steel frames, 70"H x 24"W; 1 steel frame, 70"H x 48"W; 2 steel frames, 38"W x 48"W; 4 steel frames, 38"H x 24"W; 1 steel frame w/low access, 38"H x 48"W; 2 frame connectors, 3-way corner, 70"H; 1 frame connector, 2-way corner, 38"H; 2 frame connectors, 135 degree, 2-way, 38"H; 9 finished end hardware; 6 frame-to-frame connectors; 3 cantilevered work surface, 48"W; 2 cantilevered, work surface, 72"W; 1 cantilevered low access work surface, 135 degree, 48"W; 2 pedestal box/box/files; 2 panel inserts, painted metal, 8"H x 24"W; 50 panel inserts, painted metal, 16"H x 24"W; 10 panel inserts, painted metal, 16"H x 48"W; 2 panel inserts, painted metal, 20"H x 48"W : 2 panel inserts, tackable, 16"H x 24"W; 2 panel inserts, paper mgmt., 8"H x 48"W; 1 countertop w/light support assembly, 16"D x 14'-0"L; 18 paper tray, 10"W; 2 chart shelf, pass-thru, 24"W; 2 chart shelf, pass-thru, 48"W.
E0572 - Workstation, Hematology Lab, Minimal
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Vertical Hanger Strips 1 Equipment Rail, System-Mt, 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Module, 80"H x 24"W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 2 Module, 80"H x 48"W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Vertical Chase Cover; 2 Service Shelf 48"W; 2 Light 24"W; 2 Light 30"W; 2 Light 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 60"W; 2 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 72"W 3 DR, 3"H; 5 DR, 6"H 1 DR, 9"H; 1 Storage Frame; 1 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 4 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 24"W; 2 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, Dbl. Door, Backsplash, 30"D x 48"W 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; 1 Coat Hook; Drawer Organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0579 - Workstation, Chemistry Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equip Rail. Wall-MT 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry Elec./Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry Elec./Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Light, 24"W; 2 Light, 30"W; 5 Light, 48"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 96"W; 2 Electrical/ Data Channel, Corner 4 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 72"W; 1 Drw., 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 1 Storage Frame; 1 Mobile Cart w/ Top Surface; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door 48"W; 6 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 30"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, w Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet Assay, with Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0581 - Workstation, Hematology Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES 2 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48"W; 4 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W 4 Clinical Panel, 48H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"W x 48"W; 8 Light 48"W; 8 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 8 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 4 Drw, 3"H; 5 Drw, 6"H; 7 Lockable flipper Unit, 48"W; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 2 Storage Cabinet w/Door; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 8 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, w/Door, w/Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, w/Door, w/Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x21"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0582 - Workstation, Shipping/Receiving Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 24"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 2 Light, 24"W; 5 Light 48"W 4 Electric/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner 3 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 72"W; 2 Drw, 3"H; 2 Drw, 6"H; 1 Storage Cabinet w/Door; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 3 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 3 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 2 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 2 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered ADA Sink Cab, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS ADA Sink 19"D x 21"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet Assay. With Wristbands 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0583 - Workstation, Microbiology Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"H; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 48"W; 1 Light, 24"W; 5 Light 48"W; 4 Electric/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 6 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 72"W; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Transaction Countertop 48"W; 8 Drw 3"H; 10 Drw 6"H; 2 Storage Frame; 2 Storage Cabinet w/Door; 2 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 4 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 6 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, w/Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet Assay. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation
E0584 - Workstation Blood Bank/Serology Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 2 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Light, 24"W; 5 Light 48"W; 2 Electric/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 4 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 3 Drw, 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, Dbl Doors, Backsplash, w/Corian Top 30"D x 48"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. with Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; 1 Coat Hook; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0589 - Workstation, Chemistry Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Module, 80"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Floor Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 48"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 30"W; 8 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 9 Light, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 24"W, With Supports; 10 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 6 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 5 DR, 3"H; 11 DR, 6"H; 1 DR, 9"H; 2 Storage Frame; 3 Storage Cabinet With Door; 1 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 8 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 8 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 19"D; 2 Cup Sink 6"D x 3"D; 3 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands;
E0590 - Workstation, Urinalysis Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equipment Rail, Wall MNTD. 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 30"W; 3 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 6 Light, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W; 3 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 3 Drw, 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 2 Storage Cabinet With Door; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 5 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 5 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0591 - Workstation, Hematology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 4 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Floor Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 48"H x 30"W; 7 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Vertical Chase Cover; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 30"W; 6 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 7 Light, 48"W; 9 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 60"W; 3 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface,30"D x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 7 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 14 Drw, 3"H; 7 Drw, 6"H; 4 Storage Cabinet With Door; 6 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 6 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 6 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Sink 19"D x 19"W; 1 Cup Sink 6"D x 3"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0592 - Workstation, Shipping/Receiving Lab, Medium
|TTHIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equipment Rail, Wall MNTD. 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel 30"W; 3 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 6 Light, 48"W; 3 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W, With Supports; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Cantilevered ADA Sink Cabinet w/ Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 3 Drw, 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 5 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 5 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 SS ADA Sink 19"D x 19"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation
E0593 - Workstation, Histopathology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Module, 48"H x 24"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 5 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 7 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 4 Light, 30"W; 8 Light, 48"W; 12 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 51"W,With Supports ; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 60"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W,With Supports ; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 4 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 8 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 21 DR, 3"H; 8 DR, 6"H; 7 Storage Cabinet With Door; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 7 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 24"W; 14 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 2 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Swing-Away Eyewash; 2 SS Sink 19"D x 19"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0594 - Workstation, Microbiology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Module, 48"H x 24"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 4 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 4 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry Elec/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 5 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 2 Light, 30"W; 8 Light, 48"W; 7 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Support; 5 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W, With Support; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 11 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 13 DR, 3"H; 11 DR, 6"H; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 7 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 12 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 2 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Swing-Away Eyewash; 3 SS Sink 19"D X 19"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0595 - Workstation, Blood Bank Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Module, 80"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 24"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Floor Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 48"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 24"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 3 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner 1 Light, 24"W; 11 Light, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 24"W, With Support; 6 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Support; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 60"W, With Support; 3 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 4 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 6 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers 6 Drw, 3"H; 10 Drw, 6"H; 1 Drw, 9"H; 2 Storage Frame 1 Storage Cabinet With Door; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 10 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 10 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 6 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Cantilevered Sink Cabinet, w/Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 3 Swing-Away Eyewash; 3 SS Sink 19"D x 33"D; 2 Cup Sink 6"D x 3"D; 5 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY.
E0665 - Pharmacy Bulk Storage Low Volume
|Pharmacy bulk storage. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 53"H x 24"W; 12 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 18"W; 1 Panel, Hard Power 85"H x 24"W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 24"W; 2 Panel, Hard Power, 85"H x 48"W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 24"W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 4 Conn, 2-Way 90 Deg Hard 84"H; 7 Conn, 3-Way 90 Deg Hard 84"H; 1 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Pwr 85"H; 2 Work Surface, Lam 48"W; 36 Shelf Storage Display 24"W; 40 Shelf Storage Display 48"W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 48"W; 1 Tackboard, 48"W; 1 Tool Bar 24"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 48"W; 6 Shelf, 24"W; 6 Shelf, 48"W; 6 Shelf, Add-On 24"W; 6 Shelf, Add-On 48"W; 3 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves 24"W; 1 Cart, Enclosed Body, Top Spine, 2 Drawers, 2 Dbl Wide Wire Shelf, Dividers, Solid Dbl Wide Doors, 36"H; 1 Cart, W/Push Handles, Mobile, 2 Wire Shelf, Solid Shelf 21"D x 36"W; 1 Cart, Mobile Dolly Base, 4 Wire Shelf, Solid Shelf, 24"D x 36"W; 1 Mobile Pedestal, File/File 2 Task Light, 42"W; 1 Diag Tray 2 Keyboard Tray, Fully Adj. *Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0666 - Pharmacy Manufacturing &amp; Prepack Low Volume
|Pharmacy manufacturing and prepack (low volume). THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 36"W 4 Wall Strip 84"H 1 Equipment Rail, 24"W; 1 Adapter Rail, 36"W 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 72"W 1 Module, Cant Sink-Adaptable, w/Corian Top, 24"D x 24"W; 1 Storage Case, 3 Bottle Dwrs, Legs 1 Eyewash 1 Keyboard Tray, Fully Adj. 1 Sink and Faucet Assemble
E0673 - Pharmacy Bulk Storage Medium Volume
|E0673 BULKSTOR, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 24”W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 48”W; 2 Panel ,Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 48”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 53”H x 24”W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 19 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 42”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x48”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x48”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 36”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Open Panel Frame Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 3 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, 47”H; 3 Ceiling Pwr Entry, 85”H; 2 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 48”W; 3 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Wk Surf, Corner, Lam 24”D x 48”W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 48”W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 72”W; 2 Lateral File, Lam 24”W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 36”W; 147 Shelf ,Storage/Display 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 24”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 36”W; 3 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 48”W; 3 Tackboard, 36”W; 4 Tackboard, 48”W; 1 Tool Bar, 24”W; 3 Tool Bar, 36”W; 7 Tool Bar, 48”W; 1 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 1 Adapter Rail,48"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf 24”D x 48”W; 24 Shelf, 48”W; 24 Shelf
E0674 - Pharmacy Manuf &amp; Prepack Medium Volume
|E0674 MFG PRPK, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Shelf Storage Display 24"W; 6 Shelf Storage Display 48"W; 8 Wall Strip, 84"H; 1 Adapter Rail, 48"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 48"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 72"W; 1 Module, Cant Sink-Adaptable w/Corian Top, 24"D x 48"W; 1 Table, Process w/Casters, Adj Ht 30"D x 48"W; 1 Storage Case, 3 Bottle Dwrs, Legs 1 Storage Frame 2 Drawer, 3{"H; 2 Drawer, 9"H; 2 Task Light, 42"W; 1 Eyewash 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Sink and Faucet Assembly Drawer Organizer Bins *Connecting hardware required to complete the installation.
E0675 - Pharmacy Dispensing &amp; Storage Medium Volume
|Pharmacy Dispensing & Storage. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 14 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 6 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x48”W; 10 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x30”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x42”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Duplex Rap, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rap, Dedicated 6/Pkg 7 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Penin, Round-End Lam 30”D x 48”W; 1 Support Panel, Wk Surf, End Lam 24”D; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 30”W; 72 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 24”W; 5 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 30”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 42”W; 4 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 48”W; 7 Tackboard, 24”W; 5 Tackboard, 30”W; 1 Tackboard, 42”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 1 Tool Bar, 24”W; 1 Tool Bar, 30”W; 1 Tool Bar, 42”W; 3 Tool Bar, 48”W; 10 Wall Strip 84”H; 2 Module, Pass-Through 80”H x 48”W; 4 Panel, Support 48”H x 24”W; 1 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 3 Acc Panel Assy, Combo 42”H x 43-1/4”W 2/Pkg; 1 Vert Chase Cover; 1 Adapter Rail,24”W; 1 Adapter Rail,30”W; 18 Adapter Rail,48”W; 20 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 5 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 60”W; 3 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 72”W
E0676 - Pharmacy Offsite Satellite Medium Volume
|E0676 OFFSITE SAT. PHARM. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 10 Panel, Hard Npwr 53"H x 24"W; 19 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 18"W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85"H x 24"W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 24"W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 30"W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85"H x 48"W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 30"W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 2 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Prw Entry, Npwr 85"H; 3 Wk Surf, Lam 24"D x 48"W; 1 Penin, Round-End Lam 30"D x 60"W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 24"W; 42 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 61 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 Flip Door Unit, Fab, W/Lock 30"W; 2 Flip Door Unit, W/Lock 48"W; 1 Tack board 30"W; 5 Tack board 48"W; 1 Tool Bar, 24"W; 1 Tool Bar, 30"W; 1 Tool Bar, 48"W; 5 Wall Strip, 84"H; 1 Equipment Rail, Wall-Mt 48"W; 7 Adapter Rail, 48"W; 6 Work Surface, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 48"W; 2 Work Surface, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 72"W; 1 Sink Support, ADA Systems Mounted, w/Corian Top 24"D x 48"W; 7 Shelf, 24"W; 8 Shelf, 48"W; 7 Shelf, Add-On 24"W; 8 Shelf, Ad-On 48"W; 5 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24"D x 48"W; 1 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24"D x 72"W; 7 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 24"W; 7 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 48"W; 6 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 30"W; 1 Shelf Unit, Add-On, 48"W; 1 Shelf Unit, Dbl Drs, 48"W; 9 Storage Case; 4 Storage Case Shelf; 4 Storage Case Drw, 5"H; 15 Storage Case Bottle Dwr; 9 Storage Case Leg; 1 Wk Surf w/Backsplash 24"D x 48"W
E0677 - Pharmacy IV Admixture Medium Volume
|E0677 UNIT DOSE/IV ADMIX, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 48”W; 8 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 12”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 6 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Open Panel Frame Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 36”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 2 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Npwr 67”H; 3 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Npwr 85”H; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 24”W; 5 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 48”W; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Trans Surf, Rect Lam Top 72”W; 10 Shelf, Storage/Display 24”W; 5 Shelf, Storage/Display 30”W; 18 Shelf, Storage/Display 36”W; 16 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 36”W; 4 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 36”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 2 Tool Bar, 36”W; 3 Tool Bar, 48”W; 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48”W; 1 Adapter Rail, 30”W; 3 Adapter Rail, 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 30”W; 7 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 72”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 30”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 30”D x 72”W
E0685 - Pharmacy Bulk Storage High Volume
|E0685 PHARMACY BULK STORAGE HIGH VOLUME, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Panel, Hard Npwr, 47”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr, 47”H x 24”W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr, 47”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr, 47”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr, W/Com Port, 47”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr, 47”H x 48”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr, W/Com Port, 47”H x 48”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr, 53”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr, 53”H x 24”W; 33 Panel, Hard Npwr, 85”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr, 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr, 85”H x 24”W; 5 Panel, Hard Pwr, 85”H x 30”W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr, 85”H x 30”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr, 85”H x 36”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr, 85”H x 42”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr, 85”H x 48”W; 23 Panel, Hard Npwr, 85”H x 48”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr, 85”H x 24”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr W/Com Port, 85”H x 36”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Pwr W/Com Port, 85"H x 48"W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr, 85”H x 48”W; 2 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 2 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Pwr 47”H; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Pwr 85”H; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam, 24”D x 48”W; 3 Wk Surf, Rect Lam, 24”D x 72”W; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam, 24”D x 84”W; 1 Wk Surf, Cor Lam, 24”D x 48”W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 48”W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 72”W; 2 Lateral File, Susp Lam, 24”W; 6 Shelf, Storage/Display, 24”W; 30 Shelf, Storage/Display, 30”W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display, 36”W; 239 Shelf, Storage/Display, 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock, 24”W; 4 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock, 36”W
E0686 - Pharmacy Manuf &amp; Prepack High Volume
|E0686 MANUF & PREPACK, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Panel, Hard Npwr, 53”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr, 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr, 85”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Pwr, W/Com Port, 85”H x 48”W; 1 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 9 Shelf, Storage/Display, 48”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock, 48”W; 1 Tackboard, 48”W; 1 Tool Bar, 48”W; 4 Wall Strip 84”H; 1 Adapter Rail, 48”W; 4 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty Cor 24”D x 48”W; 1 Cantilevered Sink Module, w/Corian Top, 24”D x 48”W; 1 Shelf, 48”W; 1 Table, Process w/Casters Adj Ht 30”D x 48”W; 1 Storage Unit; 3 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves 24”W; 1 Storage Case,3 Bottle Drws, W/Leg; 1 Storage Case, W/Shelf, 5”H Dwr, W/Legs; 5 Drw, 3”H; 1 Dbl Sink and Faucet Assy; 1 Eyewash; 5 Task Light, 42”W; 1 Diag Tray; 1 Keybd Tray, Fully Adj. *Connecting hardware required to complete the installation.
E0687 - Pharmacy Dispensing, Storage High Volume
|E0687 DISPENSING & STORAGE, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 39”H x 24”W; 14 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 67”H x 18”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 67”H x 48”W; 25 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 10 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 16 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port, 85”H x 48”W; 13 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 30”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 2 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 7 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 72”W; 2 Penin, Round-End Lam 30”D x 60”W; 2 Support Panel, Wk Surf, End Lam 24”D; 70 Shelf, Storage/Display, 30”W; 123 Shelf, Storage/Display, 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 24”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 30”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 24”W; 2 Tackboard, 30”W; 4 Tackboard, 48”W; 4 Tackboard, 30”H x 30W; 2 Tool Bar, 24”W; 2 Tool Bar, 30”W; 7 Tool Bar, 48”W; 2 Wall Strip 60”H; 2 Wall Strip 84”H; 3 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 8 Adapter Rail,30”W; 3 Adapter Rail,48”W; 6 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 8 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 60”W; 1 Cantilevered Sink Module 24”D x 48”W; 48 Shelf, 48”W; 4 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 48”W; 8 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 72”W; 1 Table
E0689 - Pharmacy IV Admixture High Volume
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 11 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H X 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 36”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 48”W; 8 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 13 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 4 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 47”H; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Npwr 67”H; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 4 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 48”W; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 72”W; 2 Wk Surf, Cor Lam 24”D x 48”W; 88 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 6 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 36”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 2 Tool Bar, 36”W; 2 Tool Bar, 48”W; 4 Wall Strip 84”H; 2 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 2 Adapter Rail,30”W; 4 Adapter Rail,48”W; 2 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 30”W; 10 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 2 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty Cor 24”D x 48”W; 30 Shelf, 16”D , 48”W; 1 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 48”W; 4 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 60”W; 1 Table, Process w/Casters Adj Ht 30”D x 60”W; 3 Shelf Unit,3 Shelves and 24”H x 16”D x 24”W; 11 Shelf Unit,3 Shelves and 24”H x 16”D x 48”W; 2 Shelf Unit,5 Shelves and 34”H x 16”D x 30”W; 2 Shelf Unit,5 Shelves and 34”H x 16”D x 48”W
E0912 - Locker, Supply, Med Surg, Wall Mtd
|Medical/Surgical Supply locker, Wall Mounted, approximately 23"W x 20"D. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Wall Mounted Rail 1 Locked Storage Container 4 Tray/Shelves 5 Drawers, 3"H 2 Drawers, 6"H 2 Tray/Shelf Dividers Drawer Organizer Bins Consider the need for anE0921 to transport the locker from place to place.
E0954 - Cart, Emergency, Mobile
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Cart body, style-A narrow, w/raised edge top 1 Accessory rail, side 1 Accessory rail, back 1 Defibrillator tray 1 IV pole 1 Breakaway bar 1 Flip-up shelf 1 Wastebasket 1 Oxygen tank holder 1 Electrical box-4 outlet 1 Cord wrap 4 Drawer, 3"H 3 Drawer, 6"H Drawer organizer bins.
L1075 - Bath, Cryoprecipitate Thawing
|A 17 gallon cryoprecipitate thawing water bath or equivalent. Unit designed to operate at plus 4 degrees centigrade for thawing units of cryoprecipitate in the blood bank. Unit includes both heating (650 watts) and cooling systems (1/4 HP) to maintain a constant temperature plus or minus 0.02 degrees centigrade around a plus 4 degree centigrade operating temperature. Unit includes dual stage circulating pump to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the tank. Unit capable of thawing twelve (12), 250ml plasma bags in approximately 2 hours.
L1930 - Analyzer, pH/Blood Gas
|PH/blood gas analyzer. The unit measures pH, PCO2 and P02 and performs calculations for CO2, HCO3, and base excess. Characteristics of the unit include: an automatic calibration capability and measurement ranges of 6.4 to 8.0 for pH; 0 to 800 mmHg for PO2; and 8.0 to 200.mmHg. for PCO2. Used in laboratories to conduct pH/blood gas determinations.
L1931 - Analyzer, Blood Gas
|Blood/gas analyzer. The unit measures for pH, PO2, and PCO2 using a standard sample of 90 microliters or greater. A measurement range of 6.4 to 8.0 for pH, 8 to 200mmHg for PCO2 and 0 to 800 mmHg for PO2 is accommodated by the unit. Used in laboratories to measure blood gas parameters of patient samples. System to provide for the measurement of: pH, pCO2, pO2, BP, tHb, NA+, K+, and CL-, or CA++. Calculated values to include: tCO2, O2 Saturation, CT, HCO3 (actual and standardized), BE (vv and vt) and Hct.
L2200 - Hood, Fume, Floor Standing
|Floor standing fume hood. The unit presented is 4 Ft but is available in other sizes. It will include a fluorescent light fixture, blower switch with pilot light, at least one duplex receptacle, a cup sink and shall be acid resistant. The minimum average face velocity shall be 100 fpm. It Includes a safety glass sash resistant to heat of up to 71 degrees centigrade. Static pressure loss is not to exceed 0.22 inches. The fume hood also has adjustable baffles. Other custom options are available. Used in laboratories to prepare samples requiring the use of toxic and or flammable materials.
L2290 - Hood, Laminar Flow, Horizontal, Bench To
|Bench top horizontal laminar flow fumehood. The unit meets or exceeds Class 100 requirements set for Federal Standard 209B. The unit characteristics/components are: HEPA filters, a washable and reusable pre-filter, work surface and side walls of type 304 stainless steel, duplex electrical receptacles, high velocity return air slots to provide an air curtain at the work area, work surface and side walls and a blower to provide an average velocity of 100 fpm. Used for work with non-hazardous materials where clean particle-free air is required. 4 Foot model represented, other sizes are available.
L2310 - Cabinet, Bio Safety, Class
|Bio safety cabinet, Class II, Type A1. This is a vertical freestanding unit with a face velocity of 100 fpm, constructed of type 304 stainless steel. The inside walls have a high velocity air return. The unit utilizes 70% air recirculation 30% exhaust either into room or through to the outside. It requires HEPA and includes a removable work tray, built-in drain valve, two valve penetrations with blanking plugs, duplex outlet and a fluorescent lamp. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents with the absence of volatile toxic chemicals and radionuclides. 4 foot model, other sizes available.
L2320 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, type B1, bio safety cabinet. This is a vertical, freestanding unit. The interior work surfaces shall be constructed of type 304 stainless steel and the exterior shall be of 16 gauge or heavier steel. The unit utilizes a 30% recirculated air and 70% direct exhaust through an in-house duct system, the face velocity is 100 fpm and includes an audible alarm when the window is at an unsafe operating level. It includes grounded duplex receptacles and two HEPA filters zero-probed. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with minute quantities of toxic chemicals and trace amounts of radionuclides. A 4 foot cabinet is presented, other sizes are available.
L2335 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, bio safety cabinet. This is a freestanding vertical laminar flow unit. It includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust zero-probed. The intake velocity averages 105 fpm. It includes an audible alarm to notify the operator of an unsafe window position, an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, type 304 stainless steel construction with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two grounded key petcocks and a duplex receptacle for grounded plugs. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radio-nucleotides. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
L2336 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, benchtop biological safety cabinet. The unit includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust, zero probed, high intake velocity that averages 105 fpm, an audible alarm to notify operator of unsafe window positions an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, interior of type 304 stainless steel with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two ground key petcocks, a grounded duplex receptacle. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radionucleotides. This unit requires 100% exhaust to the atmosphere. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
M0040 - Booth, Audio, Single Wall
|Single wall audiological booth. Prefabricated. Unit is constructed with 4 inch total absorptive panels with vibration isolators. Inside dimensions are approximately 78 inches high, 40 inches wide, and 36 inches long. Booth includes a double-glazed window with moisture control desiccant between window sheets, and a magnetic seal door. Used for audiometric testing.
M4905 - Chair, Dialysis
|Dialysis chair. Unit consists of a welded steel frame. It has durable stain resistant vinyl upholstery and is mounted on 4 casters. It contains an IV attachment and drainage bag hook. Unit has built-in Trendelenburg positioning. Chair is designed for long term seating comfort during dialysis treatment or any other extended chair treatment.
IN WALL PL3 DUAL - Vandal-proof operating plate for concealed cistern
|PL3 DUAL - Vandal-proof stainless steel dual flush operating plate for concealed cistern Compatible with: 890080200 In-Wall BASIC TANK COMPACT - Compact concealed cistern (8 cm) with dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L) 890080020 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø / 110 ø elbow 890090200 In-Wall BASIC TANK - Concealed cistern with dual flush (6/3 L) 890080110 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890080100 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow. 890080120 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø / 110 ø elbow 890090700 In-Wall DUPLO WC FREESTANDING - Concealed free-standing structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890090800 In-Wall DUPLO SMART WC - Concealed structure for Smart Toilets with dual flush cistern 890080010 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890080000 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow.
|To enlighten driveways without diggings into the paving it is now possible with SUIT, an high performance product that allows an easy and safe installation without recess thanks to its anchor flange. For application in non drive-over areas SUIT can be installed without flange. It is available with 1 window, 2 windows at 180° or 90° and 4 windows.
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket EU, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
PALOMBA COLLECTION Floorstanding washbasin with wall connection 520 mm
|Floorstanding washbasin with wall connection, LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 525 x 435 mm, asymmetric, 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, with integrated pedestal, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81180.4
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 500 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, towel rail 38180.1, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81480.4
LAUFEN PRO Raised floorstanding WC, washdown, vertical outlet
|Floorstanding WC combination, washdown, LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 445 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, holes, cistern 82868.0, 82868.2, 82868.3, 82868.5, 82868.7, WC seat and, cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering, 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82468.4
PALOMBA COLLECTION Cistern, for 82480.6/option 231
|Cistern Laufen-PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic dimensions 360 x 175 x 435 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 291 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 753 (Green Version) water inlet bottom left (1/2“) matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82480.6/option 231 Special feature: without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82880.3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and ambient light, with socket EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, ambient light and socket CH without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3