Colorbond Roof
Ben Hanna | 1425845809Colorbond Gully Custom Orb Roofing
Roof Tiles - Eternit 19
Velina Ivanova | 1497605501 -
David Lozej | 1371472623Patented tent system from Gibus
Battens for Roof Tiles 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Parallel battens for roof tiles.
Roof Tiles ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1445424247Version 2.01
Scooter 118
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160307#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg motor bike 118 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060824 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Roto Anschluss-fenster
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400600#http://www.cadstudio.hu ROTO CAD 2008 Developed by: Graphisoft CAD Stúdió Budapest http://www.cadstudio.hu © All rights reserved3D parametric, wall-roof connection window, Roto
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. The seamed joint is very descreet, being only 25mm high, and the pan of the tray is flat. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
02 Roof Tile_Alfa
Владимир Вовк | 1438748467покрытие крыши Rukki
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005823D parametric, skylight dome, Hungarian, with optional\n- frame\n- opening angle\n- wind deflector\n- fixing profile3D parametric, skylight dome, Hungarian, with optional\n- frame\n- opening angle\n- wind deflector\n- fixing profile
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Graphite® elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398244Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 16
Ridge Tile
Gabriel Canela | 1344541557 -
Folha Perfilada 21
J. James Ouana | 1554369622Folha de metal com diferentes perfis e planos de corte.
Glasvordach mit Abhängern
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409397587Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts Änderung 30.8.2014: letzte Abhängerlage verschirbbar gemacht
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005823D parametric, skylight, Everlite roofing sheet, 5 panel, with optional beams, Hungarian3D parametric, skylight, Everlite roofing sheet, 5 panel, with optional beams, Hungarian
Regenrinne (ArchiCAD) Pro 9
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005833D parametric, gutter, German, with optional hanger
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398011Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 17
Ridge Tile 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Ridge tile in series with optional inclination and radius.
Profiled Sheet Inclined
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005593D parametric, inclined profiled sheet with optional\n- profile sizes\n- slope angle\n- angle of the 2 cutting planes
Ridge Tile 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Ridge tile in series with optional inclination and radius.
Window for Shell
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Single window with optional transoms and different opening types to place in shells.
Skylight Flat Panel
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Flat, fixed panel skylight with mullion settings.
Ronald Schipper | 1637139525OVH 200 mono ridge cloak verge lh 90 MONIER - Netherlands www.monier.nl https://bimobject.com
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Rainbow® Blue elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Rainbow® Gold elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Lava® elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Skylight Top Hung
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Top hung flat skylight.
Roof Angle Label v2
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473 -
Roof Riverfront
William Jarratt | 1559834069 -
Dormer Pitched
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Pitch roof dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable pitch angle.
Skylight Pyramid
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Pyramid shape skylight.
Skylight Pyramid 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Pyramid shape skylight.
TONDACH doplňkové tašky okrajové
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky okrajové Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
Skylight Flat Panel 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Flat, fixed panel skylight with mullion settings.
Skylight Pivot Hung
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Pivot hung flat skylight.
Skylight Top Hung 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Top hung flat skylight.
Sparrendach einfach
Heimo Mooslechner | 1437992341einfacher Sparrendachstuhl - Fußpunkt mit Anfassern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PGUgeOM55Y
Фонарь Пирамидальный 19
Диана Зиннатуллина | 1522434690Световой люк пирамидальный.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005823D parametric, skylight, ridge3D parametric, skylight, ridge
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005823D parametric, everlite ribbon, inclined, Hungarian3D parametric, everlite ribbon, inclined, Hungarian
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels with opening, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels with opening, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels with opening, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels with opening, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels, Plastmo
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Rainbow® Brown elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Slate® elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Dormer Ox-Eye
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Ox-eye dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable shed roof pitch.
Dormer Ox-Eye 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Ox-eye dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable shed roof pitch.
Dormer Shed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Shed roof dormer.
Post 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Post for roof structure.
Roto Rauch und Warmeabzug
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400600#http://www.cadstudio.hu ROTO CAD 2008 Developed by: Graphisoft CAD Stúdió Budapest http://www.cadstudio.hu © All rights reserved3D parametric, roof window, Roto
Barrel Vault 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Barrel vault with optional wall connection.
Collar Beam RM 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Dachfenster Kippflügel 18
Christoph Bucher | 1423583955Dachfenster Kippflügel.
Eavespurlin2_1 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Post RM 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Skylight Dome Circular
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Round skylight dome with scale sensitive section and lining options.
Skylight Dome Polygon 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Multi-side skylight dome with scale sensitive section and lining options.
Skylight Dome Rect
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Rectangular skylight dome.
Skylight Pyramid 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pyramid shape skylight.
Skylight Ridge 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pitched glass skylight.
Фонарь Прямоугольный Куполообразный 18
Ylym Hazynasy | 1406870678Прямоугольный световой люк куполообразный.
_Ceiling - LivingRoom Roof
Akif Duran | 1503837860 -
3DMD Al Truss Corner Roof
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Cross Roof
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Roof
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
Battens for Roof Tiles 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Parallel battens for roof tiles.
Roof Area Fill v2
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Simple dynamic poly area with ability to display it's area and circumreference. Version 2 - added AS/NZS 3500.3.2:1998 slope factor.
Roof Slope
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434003982D parametric symbol, roof slope
Sign Soft Roof
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Soft Roof
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Tensile Roof 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rotatable tensile roof.
Tensile Roof 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rotatable tensile roof.
LAMILUX CI System Roof Exit Hatch Comfort - single flap
|Roof Exit Hatch Comfort - single flap The CI System Roof Exit Hatch Comfort - single flap opens up a new dimension in roof access. It offers previously unprecedented light incidence and convenient access to the roof for exclusive penthouse apartments (maximum opening dimension 111cm x 318cm/ top roof edge size 120cm x 350cm). The indoor climate also benefits from the high energy efficiency of the system and triple glaszing. [LIST] self-cleaning with 6° inclined upstand variety of colours as per RAL chart (surround profiles) standard triple glazing with Ug value 0.6 W/m²K overall construction avoids thermal bridges emergency stop function: closing process monitored by light berrier complies with DIN 18234 without any additional measures required (prevention of fire spread on flat roofs) [/LIST]
Norwegian Roof solutions
|Speed up the installation process with glass wool. It is easily mounted and its robust nature neither decreases the insulation in the construction or may subsidence over time. Because wool is on average 30% lighter than stone wool, when compared with similar products, it is easier to carry and install. The roof is the most important part of the house when it comes to energy savings. It is here that the insulation product thickness and weight are of paramount importance. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 0,036 to the outer layer and EcoBlanket 0,036 to the inner layer.
Danish Roof solutions
|Speed up the installation process with glass wool. It is easily mounted and its robust nature neither decreases the insulation in the construction or may subsidence over time. Because wool is on average 30% lighter than stone wool, when compared with similar products, it is easier to carry and install. The roof is the most important part of the house when it comes to energy savings. It is here that the insulation product thickness and weight are of paramount importance. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 0,036 to the outer layer and EcoBlanket 0,036 to the inner layer.
Swedish Pitched roof solutions
|Speed up the installation process with glass wool. It is easily mounted and its robust nature neither decreases the insulation in the construction or may subsidence over time. Because wool is on average 30% lighter than stone wool, when compared with similar products, it is easier to carry and install. The roof is the most important part of the house when it comes to energy savings. It is here that the insulation product thickness and weight are of paramount importance. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 0,035 to the outer layer and EcoBlanket 0,035 to the inner layer.
Bramac 7 ° Roof System
|The Bramac 7 ° roof system is the first hard cover for the flat sloping roofs. The technical uniqueness extends the leeway, allowing the best integration of flat roofs from 7 ° in existing townscapes. The Bramac 7 ° roof system consists of an innovative roof tile "Bramac Max" and an especially high-quality underlay. This solution can be laid only by certified Roofing contractors. Bramac gives a guarantee on function of 15 Years on material and work, when laid by a certified roofer.
Bramac Tegalit Roof System
|Clear forms for new architecture. That's the Bramac Tegalit. A roof tile for the highest demands of contemporary design and pioneering style trends. Its flat appearance and classic colors indicate conscious clarity and let modern architecture speak for themselves. Its special feature: for lasting beauty, durability and 5 -fold protection guarantees its smooth pored Bramac Protector Plus surface.
Kingspan Therma TP10 Pitched Roof Board
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Roto top-hung roof window Designo R8 PVC
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and stepless pivoting range. The Roto top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. The cleaning position is guided and self-locking. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket-compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 timber Tronic
|Roto Designo R6 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings. Chain drive, control centre and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 Plus timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 plus (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block, external covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, two-pieced thermal insulating block. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Centre-pivot roof window with a handle for one handed operation at the top. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation without exterior screws.
RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber, external covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Centre-pivot roof window with a handle for one handed operation at the top. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation without exterior screws.
Roto top-hung emergency escape roof window Designo R8 PVC
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung emergency escape roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Multifunctional top-hung roof window, equipped with additional features for a safe escape via the roof. Meets all requirements of a second escape route. Please take into account the respective local state building regulation. The top-hung emergency escape roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-hung emergency escape roof window Designo R8 timber
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung emergency escape roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Multifunctional top-hung roof window, equipped with additional features for a safe escape via the roof. Meets all requirements of a second escape route. Please take into account the respective local state building regulation. The top-hung emergency escape roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 PVC
|Roto Designo R4 centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC. The Roto centre-pivot roof-window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 timber
|Roto Designo R4 centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 PVC Tronic
|Roto Designo R4 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Chain drive, control system and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 timber Tronic
|Roto Designo R4 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Chain drive, control system and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 PVC
|Roto Designo R6 centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 timber
|Roto Designo R6 centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without open screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 PVC Tronic
|Roto Designo R6 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings. Chain drive, control centre and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
Roto side-hung roof window Designo R3 PVC
|Roto Designo R3 side-hung emergency escape (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Left (L) or right (R) handed opening. Lateral opening turn-only sash with anti-slam protection. Suitable as an escape for tradesmen and chimney sweepers in heated living areas. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto side-hung roof window Designo R3 timber
|Roto Designo R3 side-hung emergency escape (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Left (L) or right (R) handed opening. Lateral opening turn-only sash with anti-slam protection. Suitable as an escape for tradesmen and chimney sweepers in heated living areas. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto smoke extraction roof window Designo R5 PVC
|Roto Designo R5 roof window for smoke and heat venting release systems (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Bottom opening roof window. In the event of a fire the window opens per chain drive. The result is an optimal smoke extraction. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. Plug-in installation without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto smoke extraction roof window Designo R5 timber
|Roto Designo R5 roof window for smoke and heat venting release systems (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Bottom opening roof window. In the event of a fire the window opens per chain drive. The result is an optimal smoke extraction. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. Plug-in installation without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-hung roof window Designo R8 timber
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and stepless pivoting range. The Roto top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. The cleaning position is guided and self-locking. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
RotoComfort top-hung roof window Designo i8 PVC
|RotoComfort i8 electrical top-hung roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. The Roto i8 top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Electrical top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and semi-automatic cleaning position. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. Delivery content radio-controlled version preassembled ex works: 5 meters connection cable with 230V power plug, concealed motor and locking drive unit, rain sensor to insert into the flashing, integrated control system and triple radio receiver for additional connection of an exterior and an interior sun-screening drive unit, cabling and cable opening for interior sun-screening prepared ex works. Easy connection without electrician, maximal ease of use with plug & play.
Roto top-third pivot roof window Designo R7 PVC
|Roto Designo R7 top-third pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulation block. The Roto top-third pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Top-third pivot roof window with an opening angle of 38° and specified opening position. Lots of headroom thanks to the swing axis being located in the top-third of the window. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-third pivot roof window Designo R7 timber
|Roto Designo R7 top-third pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. The Roto top-third pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Top-third pivot roof window with an opening angle of 38° and specified opening position. Lots of headroom thanks to the swing axis being located in the top-third of the window. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
RotoQ Tronic centre-pivot roof window QT4 Plus timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window QT4 plus (timber) with integrated electrical engineering. With safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Electric-operable centre-pivot roof window with central swing axis. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, two-pieced thermal insulating block. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation system without exterior screws, preassembled ex works.
RotoQ Tronic centre-pivot roof window QT4 timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window QT4 (timber) with integrated electrical engineering. With safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber. Electric-operable centre-pivot roof window with central swing axis. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation system without exterior screws, preassembled ex works.
Roto side-hung roof window Designo R8 PVC
|Roto Designo R8 side-hung emergency escape (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Left (L) or right (R) handed opening (arbitrary). Suitable as an escape for tradesmen and chimney sweepers in heated living areas. Lateral opening turn-only sash with anti-slam protection, opening support by a gas compression spring. External cover as plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather-resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic).
Spray-Applied Waterproofing System for Roofs, Podiums and Bridge Decks with Sikalastic®-851 R / 851
|Sikalastic®-851 R and Sikalastic®-851 are liquid-applied polyurethane/ polyurea-hybrid waterproofing solutions for use on concrete on flat, pitched or green roofing systems, on podium areas beneath planted or hard landscaping and on bridge decks. Characteristics / advantages: [LIST] Fast application to reduce down time Improved adhesion reduces maintenance costs and increases safety for vehicles Elastic crack-bridging properties under a wide range of temperatures Resistance to chlorides and aggressive chemicals such as fuel, oils and hydraulic fluids Root resistant Lightweight system For new construction or refurbishment [/LIST]
SOPREMA - SOPRANATURE's Green Roof waterproofing systems
|SOPRANATURE® is a green roofing sytem for terrace roof on steeldeck, wood or concret support. It combine one vegetalisation system and a reinforced root barrier bilayer waterproofing system from the SOPREMIUM range of SOPREMA group. Available in extensible, semi-intensive and intensive (gardent), SOPRANATURE® adapts to each project, each climate and every type of building, in new or in rehabilitation.
RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 Plus PVC
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 plus (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block, external covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, two-pieced thermal insulating block. The RotoQ centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Centre-pivot roof window with a handle for one handed operation at the top. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation without exterior screws.
RotoQ Tronic centre-pivot roof window QT4 Plus PVC
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window QT4 plus (PVC) with integrated electrical engineering. With safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Electric-operable centre-pivot roof window with central swing axis. The RotoQ centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, two-pieced thermal insulating block. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation system without exterior screws, preassembled ex works.
Centre pivot roof window FTP-V P2 Secure | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTP-V P2 Secure dedicated for roof pitches from 15 to 90 degrees. Window equipped with reinforcement structure provided by the topSafe system, a new system preventing removal of antiburglary, laminated glass Class P2A and handle with a lock. Such a window no longer requires any additional safeguards, such as additional locks that hinder the use of windows. Cleaning the outer pane and setting the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when sash rotated through 180 degrees. Handle with two-stage micro-opening is situated at the bottom of the sash. A wide range of accessories. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Centre pivot roof window FTP-V U3 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTP-V U3, manufactured in pine, vacuum impregnated and coated with acrylic lacquer roof window. Dedicated for roof pitches from 15 to 90 degrees. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when rotated through 180 degrees. The handle is located at the bottom of the sash and it's equipped with a two step micro-opening facilty. A wide range of accessories. Ability to install electrical controls. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Centre pivot roof window FTP-V U5 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTP-V U5, manufactured in pine, vacuum impregnated and coated with acrylic lacquer roof window. Dedicated for roof pitches from 15 to 90 degrees. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when rotated through 180 degrees. The handle is located at the bottom of the sash and it's equipped with a two step micro-opening facilty. A wide range of accessories. Ability to install electrical controls. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Flat roof window DEC-C P2 | FAKRO
|The type C flat roof window is equipped with a double glazed unit with laminated internal glass which is anti-burglary P2A class as standard. Should the pane crack, shards of glass do not pose a danger but remain on the laminate film. The P2 glazing unit has an innovative and patent-pending dome installation system which increases its anti-burglary resistance. The dome is made of durable polycarbonate. It is characterised by high resistance to impacts and adverse weather conditions such as rain or hail. Special coatings on the outer and inner surface of the dome protect it against UV radiation. GLAZING UNITS The heat transmittance co-efficient for the whole window is U=1.2 W/m²K (to EN 12567-2) which is as much as 14% better result than compared with other manufacturer’s windows of a similar size. The product range also includes a quadruple U8 glazing unit. Heat transmittance co-efficient for the whole D_C U8 window is U=0.72 W/m²K (to EN 12567-2) (U=0.55 W/m²K to EN 1873) and makes the window suitable for energy-efficient and passive buildings. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. A patent-pending system of profiles enables the installation of the awning blind under the dome of the flat roof window, thus protecting the blind against damage as a result of strong winds etc. INSTALLATION RANGE The type C flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. AVAILABLE SIZES The wide range of sizes available has been matched to standard skylights, enabling the quick and easy replacement of an existing skylight for a new window. FAKRO DEC flat roof window is electrically opened with wireless Z-Wave system
Highly energy efficient roof window FTT U6 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTT U6, for energy-efficient construction and passive buildings roof windows. Dedicated for roof pitches 15 to 70 degrees. The glazing units are installed to the specially designed sash frames. The sashes have widened frames when compared to standard windows. Such a structure minimises the phenomenon of thermal bridges and better window insulation. The pivot window with hinge situated above the centre of the window height, so even a tall person can comfortably stand at the open window. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when sash rotated through 180 degrees. High quality pine wood, glued in layers, vacuum impregnated. Double coated wood with ecological acrylic lacquer in natural colour. Increased resistance to burglary - topSafe system. A wide range of accessories. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Highly energy efficient roof window FTT U8 Thermo | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTT U8 Thermo, for energy-efficient construction and passive buildings roof windows. Dedicated for roof pitches 15 to 70 degrees. The glazing units are installed to the specially designed sash frames. The sashes have widened frames when compared to standard windows. Such a structure minimises the phenomenon of thermal bridges and better window insulation. The pivot window with hinge situated above the centre of the window height, so even a tall person can comfortably stand at the open window. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when sash rotated through 180 degrees. High quality pine wood, glued in layers, vacuum impregnated. Double coated wood with ecological acrylic lacquer in natural colour. Increased resistance to burglary - topSafe system. A wide range of accessories. Certificate PASSIVHAUS for FAKRO FTT U8 Thermo The window with innovative structure, designed to be widely used in passive construction, offers very good overall heat-transfer coefficient for the whole window, guaranteeing significant energy savings. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Centre pivot roof window FTU-V U3 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTU -V U3 window is a pivot window coated with a white, polyurethane finish. Specially prepared wood with three coats of varnish ensure a durable and smooth surface of the window profiles. Window surface is homogeneous without a trace of wood grains. The FTU-V U3 window is much more moisture resistant than the acrylic lacquer coated window e.g. FTP-V. The FTU-V U3 window has a broad range of applications and can be installed even in rooms with periodically elevated humidity levels e.g. kitchens and bathrooms. In rooms where elevated humidity level stays for long time, aluminium-plastic windows are recommended. Suitable for roofs with pitches between 15 to 90 degrees (when fitted with correct flashing) Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Centre pivot roof window FTU-V U5 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTU -V U5 window is a pivot window coated with a white, polyurethane finish. Specially prepared wood with three coats of varnish ensure a durable and smooth surface of the window profiles. Window surface is homogeneous without a trace of wood grains. The FTU-V U5 window is much more moisture resistant than the acrylic lacquer coated window e.g. FTP-V. The FTU-V U5 window has a broad range of applications and can be installed even in rooms with periodically elevated humidity levels e.g. kitchens and bathrooms. In rooms where elevated humidity level stays for long time, aluminium-plastic windows are recommended. Suitable for roofs with pitches between 15 to 90 degrees (when fitted with correct flashing) Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Logica Plana roof tile
|Flat roof tile with an ultramodern appearance and a perfect design, it is a high-quality flat tile manufactured through high-end technology production systems. The ceramic tile Lógica® Plana is a modern tile designed by the prestigious Benedito Design Studio. With straight lines, minimalist and clean looks that make this tile a unique piece of architecture. The ceramic tile Lógica® Plana is pressed into plaster molds and fired at high temperatures, in H-Cassette individual supports, getting with this, not only to eliminate any visual manufacturing defect, but providing the product with unbeatable technical characteristics ( absorption levels below 5%, high resistance to transit, frost, etc..). It has a lace system with reinforced ribs on the inside for an easier installation. Like other roof tiles of the Lógica® range, Cobert Roof Tiles offers a 50 year-warranty on this product. The ceramic tile Lógica® Plana is truly versatile because it can be placed not only on the roof but also on the facade. This model is available in a wide variety of finishes, from the red to the exclusive finish Satin Moon. Tejas Cobert applies the latest technology in the manufacturing system of these tiles offering through it an authentic flat tile.
Logica Marselha roof tile
|Typical flat roof tile of Mediterranean countries made in plaster molds and baked in H-Cassette. Maximum quality for a traditional classic design. The Ceramic tile Lógica® Marselha is known by beauty combining traditional aesthetics with a modernly lined finishing. The Lógica® Marsella represents the heritage of tradition as it transforms old roofs into modern roofs perfect to be combined with any style and period. The Lógica® Marsella is pressed into plaster molds and fired at high temperatures in H Casette individual supports, giving it a perfect end look and a unique quality. The uniformity of the roof tiles, along with the guided assembly system, allow quick and easy installation on any roof. It has high and steep set of nerves that guarantees a perfect sealing. Tejas Cobert designed a wide range of exclusive special pieces to this model of mixed tile which use allows the roofer to seal any singular point easily.
Logica Lusa roof tile
|A high-quality tile with harmonious lines. Its clean lines, combined with outstanding quality, make this tile an example of beauty and durability Lógica® Lusa is an excellent tile. Its harmonious lines, coupled with its inexhaustible quality, make it perfect to meet the goal of beauty and durability behind it. Lógica® Lusa is pressed into plaster molds on the upper and lower sides, which make its final appearance immaculate. It is fired at high temperatures, which reduces the absorption level and allows a unique tightness. Lógica® Lusa is available in different colors and finishes.
Ytong Italy Roof d=337mm
|Ytong Multipor boards are a silicate insulating material and are classified as ecological and completely recycleable. Ytong Multipor panels provide a lot of advantages particurarly for renovating old building: they are open for vapour diffusion, but water repellent, with high thermal insulation factor. They are suitable to insulate Ytong slab panels roofs without vapour barrier. In addition to the thermal insulation, Multipor panel is a non-combustible material and it doesn't develop toxic gases in case of fire; Multipor is a non-compressible material, with a good mechanical resistance. Particularly suited for insulation work on large areas as well as for angular and highly articulated ceilings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong Multipor insulation for Ytong slab panel roofs, applied with Multipor light mortar used for gluing, reinforcing and plastering. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of panels. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong Multipor boards insulation of Ytong slab panels.
Flat roof window DEF DU8| FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DEF - Electrically opened with wireless Z-Wave system. The kit includes AC adapter, remote control and rain sensor. Sash tilts 15cm. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty 2 years for control elements in electric versions 2 years for gas springs
Flat roof window DMF DU8 | FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DMF - manually opened by means of ZSD control rod. Sash tilts 30cm. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty 2 years for gas springs
Flat roof window DXF DU8 | FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DXF - non opening Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty
Roof sandwich panels with PIR core (PU-PIR-R)
|ROOF SANDWICH PANELS WITH POLYURETHANE PIR CORE BALEXTHERM-PU-PIR-R FEATURES: [LIST] high thermal insulation properties: the core is made of rigid polyurethane foam and the gasket is introduced in the production process. appropriate profiling of the lock and conical inclination of internal joint surface highly durable anti-corrosion layers – appropriate lining shape profiling technology high load bearing capacity: trapezoidal profiling of external lining good rainwater drainage [/LIST]
Roof sandwich panels with mineral wool core (MW-R)
|ROOF SANDWICH PANELS WITH MINERAL WOOL CORE BALEXTHERM-MW-R FEATURES: [LIST] FIRESTOP – high fire resistance properties; unique, two sided shaping of panel and lock joint high thermal insulation properties – tightly fitted panel connections easy assembly – the lock is profiled with a clamp and conical inclination of internal joint surface SUPERIOR GASKET – the panels provide a maximum increase in tightness and shorter assembly time, thanks to the option of applying a gasket in the lock joint in production, on the internal side high durability: special line prefabricated mineral wool core highly durable anti-corrosion layers – appropriate lining shape profiling technology high load bearing capacity – trapezoidal profile of external lining good rainwater drainage [/LIST]
Insulation panel Thermano® for flat roofs
|THERMANO THERMAL PIR INSULATION BOARDS FOR FLAT ROOFS FEATURES: [LIST] easy and weldless insulation of standard and critical places, on virtually every surface, at temperatures from -70°C to +140°C unparalleled energy efficiency – the best insulator in the market! - eliminates thermal bridges, the so-called dew point problem and vapour condensation; more efficient in comparison to polystyrene and wool easy and incredibly fast assembly - less material, fast joining of the plates, stability of the surface, easy to handle and assemble in all kinds of conditions a durable product, resistant to deterioration, resistant to most solvents commonly used in building industry stable thermal insulation parameters throughout full lifetime safe for the natural environment and pro-ecological (according to Bio-Bauforschung IBBF Institute) [/LIST]
DE Hebel Roof d=150 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=200 mm + insulation d=140 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=250 mm + insulation d=40 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=300 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DELTA®-MAXX PLUS - Pitched roof course 0.4mm
|Vapour permeable windproof underlay with integrated self-adhesive edge. For use on fully insulated pitched roofs. Also suitable for use as a sheathing membrane. The roof system DELTA-MAXX PLUS energy saver membrane represents a new dimension in energy conservation. Up to 30 % lower air exchange rates means up to 9 % less energy consumed for heating. Is highly robust as well as extremely impact- and tear - resistant Is easy to lay thanks to the checkers embossed on their surface, which ensure straight cutting
DELTA®-FOXX PLUS - Pitched roof course 0.3mm
|Vapour permeable sheathing membrane for fully insulated pitched roofs. In combination with DELTA system components fulfils the requirements for a rainproof roof lining in accordance with German Roofing Industry Association trade rules. As DELTA®-FOXX PLUS, with an integrated self-adhesive edges for fast, windproof laying.
Innoslate roof ventilation
|roof_ventilation This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Pitched roof with DELTA®-MAXX PLUS (U-value = 0.179 W / m² • K)
|Pitched roof construction with good thermal insulation (U value: 0,179 W / m² • K). The additional measure corresponds to a seam and perforation-proof sarking sheet in accordance with the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and allows a dropping below the standard slope of the tiles up to 8°. The additional measure also corresponds to a closed deck under the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Moisture protection according to DIN 4108-3: non-critical and without the need for further proofs Wood protection according to DIN 68800-2: non-critical and without the need for further proofs The information under the specifications correspond to the reality. When creating the BIM objects, adjustments had to be made to the respective software. For this reason, slight deviations may occur during automatic calculations, which require a check of the results.
Pitched roof with DELTA®-FOXX PLUS (U-value = 0.172 W / m² • K)
|Pitched roof construction with sheathing and with good thermal insulation (U value: 0,172 W / m² • K). The additional measure corresponds to a seam and perforation-proof sarking sheet in accordance with the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and allows a dropping below the standard slope of the tiles up to 8°. The additional measure also corresponds to a closed deck under the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Moisture protection according to DIN 4108-3: non-critical and without the need for further proofs Wood protection according to DIN 68800-2: non-critical and without the need for further proofs The information under the specifications correspond to the reality. When creating the BIM objects, adjustments had to be made to the respective software. For this reason, slight deviations may occur during automatic calculations, which require a check of the results.
Pitched roof with DELTA®-MAXX POLAR AL (U-value = 0.127 W / m² • K)
|Pitched roof construction with very good thermal insulation (U value: 0,127 W / m² • K). The additional measure corresponds to a seam and perforation-proof sarking sheet in accordance with the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and allows a dropping below the standard slope of the tiles up to 8°. The additional measure also corresponds to a closed deck under the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Moisture and Wood protection via hygrothermal simulation according to DIN 68800-2. The information under the specifications correspond to the reality. When creating the BIM objects, adjustments had to be made to the respective software. For this reason, slight deviations may occur during automatic calculations, which require a check of the results.
|<p>The <strong>87° ANGLED ROOF DRAIN WITH MESHED FLANGE</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe from flat roofs, balconies with free discharge into down-pipes or collector boxes. It has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes. </p><p></p>
Polyurethane roof waterproofing system, fire retardant, ETA approved - MasterSeal Roof 2103
|Roof waterproofing system with polyurethane membrane. With ETA approval according ETAG 005 part 6 Primer: According substrate. Membrane: MasterSeal M 803, Two component polyurethane, pigmented, elastic, highly reactive, spray applied waterproofing membrane with short curing time. Topcoat: MasterSeal TC 259 or TC 269, UV resistant protective top sealer for use on roofing applications.
Hybrid polyurea roof waterproofing system - MasterSeal Roof 2111
|Roof waterproofing system with hybrid polyurea membrane. Primer: According substrate. Membrane: MasterSeal M 811, Two component hybrid polyurea, pigmented, elastic, highly reactive, spray applied waterproofing membrane with short curing time. Topcoat: MasterSeal TC 259 or TC 269, UV resistant protective top sealer for use on roofing applications.
Polyurea roof waterproofing system, ETA approved - MasterSeal Roof 2689
|Roof waterproofing system with polyurea membrane. With ETA approval according ETAG 005 part 6 Primer: According substrate. Membrane: MasterSeal M 689, Two component polyurea, pigmented, elastic, highly reactive, spray applied waterproofing membrane with short curing time. Topcoat: Not mandatory. MasterSeal TC 259 or TC 269, UV resistant protective top sealer optional use.
|<p><strong>ANTI-BACKUP ROOF DRAIN R WITH MESHED FLANGE</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe on flat roofs. ls has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes.</p>
|<p>The <strong>87° ANGLED ROOF DRAIN WITH MESHED FLANGE</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe from flat roofs, balconies with free discharge into down-pipes or collector boxes. It has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes.</p>
TONDACH doplňkové tašky
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
TONDACH střešní krytina
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
HIDEO AMOH | 1423710249三角屋根 ボリュームチェック用の屋根 底辺と屋根勾配、長さで三角屋根を作成 パラメータを変更することにより、いろいろな屋根に対応
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo2D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, Twinlite roof window2D detail, Twinlite roof window
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric Everlite panel2D / 3D parametric Everlite panel
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric Everlite pyramid2D / 3D parametric Everlite pyramid
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo2D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo2D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo2D detail, glass panel roof, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, roof wall connection, Plastmo2D detail, roof wall connection, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, roof wall connection, Plastmo2D detail, roof wall connection, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, glass roof panel connection, Plastmo2D detail, glass roof panel connection, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, curtain wall window connection, Plastmo2D detail, curtain wall window connection, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, wall half-galbe roof connection, Plastmo2D detail, wall half-galbe roof connection, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D detail, gable roof window, Plastmo2D detail, gable roof window, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005823D parametric, skylight, Everlite roofing sheet, 1 panel, Hungarian3D parametric, skylight, Everlite roofing sheet, 1 panel, Hungarian
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005823D parametric, skylight, Everlite roofing sheet, 3 panel, with optional beams, Hungarian3D parametric, skylight, Everlite roofing sheet, 3 panel, with optional beams, Hungarian
House Model 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851House model for urban planning.
House Model 17
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ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, opening, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, opening, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, opening, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, opening, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, stave glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass panel with window, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass panel with window, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass panel, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass panel, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels with opening, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, glass roof panels with opening, Plastmo
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Rainbow® Black elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Crystal® elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Rainbow® Green elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc® Natural elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Oliva® elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
Алексей Бродский | 1573477927Standing seam roofing elZinc Rainbow® Red elZinc® standing seam is a traditional fully supported architectural roofing system composed of site-seamed zinc trays. https://www.elzinc.es/ https://www.bimobject.com/
|Harzer profile concrete tiles are a optimized development of the classic concrete tiles. It is produced on special molds in which concrete mixture is rolled out. This production method allows a great uniformity of the final products. The Harzer profile roof tile is manufactured in one of Monier's factories in Finland and shipped from our warehouses in Finland and Baltics
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element F100
|CI System Glass Element F100 – A crystal clear advantage – Daylight for a sense of well-being CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 – safety and comfort for living space and workspace Whether used in administrative or residential buildings, school or industry. CI-System Glass Element F100 is the optimum, energy-efficient answer to the desire for daylight from flat roofs. The CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 combines the advantages of the CI System Glass Element F100 and of an electrical SHEV. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.7 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in 16 dimensions for standard model and in 9 dimension for smoke lift model Different Opening drive units for standard model Different Shade systems Thermally insulated, jointless GRP upstand, 15 (only standard), 30. 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristics) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
|Minster is a completely flat, modern concrete slate. It has a uinique suface Production takes place in special molds in which concrete mixture is rolled out. This production method allows a great uniformity of the final products. The Minster roof tile is manufactured in one of Monier's factories in Germany and shipped from our warehouse in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE
|CI System Glass Element FE – Variety of transparent design & optimum energy efficiency CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE – individual daylight and smoke ventilation elements for high- class residential and administrative buildings With the LAMILUX CI System Element F series, we offer you beautifully shaped elements for flat roofs which will allow you to implement all aspects of modern, energy-efficient, design-oriented construction and put ambitious architectural ideas into practice. The certified SHEV CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE according to EN 12101-2 stands out due to excellent heat and sound insulation values and to individually selectable RAL-colors. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.6 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in many dimensions Optimal thermal insulation thanks to thermal-bridge-free overall structure Intelligent controls for natural ventilation and solar protection roller blinds Thermally insulated, joinless GRP upstand 15 (only standard model), 30, 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristic) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Pyramid-shaped or hipped-roof daylight systems possible (only by standard, not by smoke lift) fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE energysave
|CI System Glass Element FEenergysave - flat roof windows for passive house The CI System Glass Element FEenergysave combines the outstanding heat insulation and airtightness with a generous light incidence. It has been certified by the renowned Passive Houses Institute in Darmstadt, Germany, as the first skylight suitable for passive buildings and achieves the top efficiency class. [LIST] top Passive House efficiency class - phA advanced component heat transfer coefficient (USL): 0.84 W/(m²K) minor heat losses and hight solar gain of heat overall system with flawless isothermal characteristics and free of thermal bridges outstanding airtightness by double balloon sealing: performance class 4 - certified according to EN 1207 enviromental product declaration according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 (EPD - modules A1 - D) permanent fall-through protection (GS-BAU-18) available in nine dimensions [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Smoke Lift Twin
|CI System Smoke Lift Twin The CI System Smoke Lift Twin combines a SHEV function, optimum daylight intake and natural ventilation in a compact system. [LIST] variable dimensions from 1,2m x 0,8m to 3,0m x 3,0m possible independent opening double flap (95°) pneumatical or electrical opening established flaps free of thermal bridges from the continuous rooflight systems numerous glazings selectable multifunctional at different supporting substructures mountable optional available with GRP upstand (fixed dimensions) [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Rooflight Dome F100
|CI System Rooflight Dome F100 – Energy efficiency, stability, safety – Exceeds international standards The Rooflight Dome is also available as SHEV: CI System Smoke Lift F100 - versatile and economical. Smoke and heat ventilation units are essential components in any fire-protection concept. We provide for a whole range of requirements tailored to your project's needs: [LIST] Available in many dimensions The rooflight dome is ventilated and locked as standard – ventilation units can be retrofitted at any time As Smoke Lift: Pneumatic (CO2), electric (24 V, 48 V) tested to EN 12101-2 Complies with DIN 18234 without the need for extra work or expense Certified to EN 12101-2, SHEV designed, dimensioned in accordance with DIN 18232-2, regional building regulations and industrial construction guidelines Optional: Upstand with optimized Aa-values Thermally insulated, jointless GRP upstand 30, 40 or 50cm in height, with U values of 0.5 to 0.9 W/m²K EPD acc. to EN 15804 [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Continuous Rooflight B
|CI System Continuous Rooflight B - Energy-efficient and superior statics The first continuous rooflight with complete thermal separation with approval for use in Germany and throughout Europe – for an optimised energy balance. With the CI System Continuous Rooflight B, we have developed a daylight system for intelligent building management that breaks new ground in terms of energy efficiency and structural design. In doing so, we have closely focused on intelligence – on well-engineered individual components in a completely heat-insulated, very economical and sturdy overall system. We call it TIP: Total Insulated Product. [LIST] Numerous glazing types Dimensions: length: endless width: 0.84 m to 6.00 m (inside dimension of frame) Ug values of 3.1 to 1.2 W/m²K Available Smoke and heat ventilation units (tested to EN 12101-2) European Technical Approval -ETA and German General Technical Approvals (ABZ) Enviromental product declararation acc. to EN 15804 [/LIST]
ALPAL® SECUR No-flame waterproofing
|Single-layer ALPA®-modified bituminous waterproofing system exclusively developed by Axter. This waterproofing system is mechanically fixed and lap joints are hot air welded, meaning that no flame is involved in the installation. This means that ALPAL® SECUR provides optimum safety and is particularly recommended for structures within a sensitive environment (factory, service station etc ...), for timber-framed structures and in industrial workshops where pre-fabricated structures are manufactured. ALPAL® SECUR is available as a self-protected waterproofing system or can be used under added protection (gravel) or vegetation.
O'TOP® , Waterproofing without fixings for metal substrates
|Bituminous waterproofing system for steel-framed structures installed with no metal fixings, giving an aesthetic finish to the underside of the roof. The waterproofing comprises installation of a self-adhesive vapour control layer on to which the insulation is bonded, followed by the installation of the waterproofing by torching. O'TOP can be used on a variety of metal substrates, in particular long-span and lacquered metal trays. No mechanical fastenings are used so installation is fast and there is no need to add false ceilings in buildings such as commercial premises public halls, sports centres, etc.
TOPREFLECT Reflective waterproofing
|Range of waterproofing systems with white surfaced capsheets that reflect the sun’s rays and limit the heating effect on flat roofs. TOPREFLECT is available as a bituminous membrane with white lacquered aluminum facing, as a polyurethane version with a bi-component coating for installation on “sanded” bituminous waterproofing membrane and as a white version of the Hyperflex PVC membrane. This development is part of the CoolRoof concept.
Roto facade connection window Designo R1 PVC
|Roto Designo facade connection window (PVC) in white PVC. Facade connection window with tilt-only hardware increases the light transmittance and is ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto roof windows. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash, edge-fused, frame cover profile optionally.
Roto facade connection window Designo R1 timber
|Roto Designo facade connection window (timber) in natural timber. Facade connection window with tilt-only hardware increases the light transmittance and is ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto roof windows. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash, edge-fused, frame cover profile.
DAA120 mm 280 2,667 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA140 mm 300 3,112 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA160 mm 320 3,556 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA180 mm 340 4,000 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA200 mm 360 4,445 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA220 mm 380 4,889 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA240 mm 400 5,334 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA260 mm 420 5,778 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA280 mm 440 6,223 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA300 mm 460 6,667 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
|The Belmont® is a very stylish ceramic tile with the practical benefits of a larger size. The Belmont® offers an aesthetic sound solution for renovation and new construction. With a look that fits perfectly in the landscape of the Benelux. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Grote Romaanse
|The Grote Romaanse has a deep well pronounced roll. Therefore, this special pan gives a Mediterranean roofing style . This exclusive model has long been the first choice for the renovation of historic buildings. The Grote Romaanse is also well suited for large roof surfaces giving the roof a stylish feel. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
|There are buildings that require creativity. A roof that deviates from the beaten path. Such a property is an ideal combination with the Kruispan. This tile fits both classical and modern construction. The Kruispan bulb has a distinctive spoon-shaped and is always placed in broken bond. That gives a unique look that really attracts attention. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Oude Holle
|Old Hollow is our original model. It is well proven and fitted to countless Dutch roofs over the centuries which are all covered in this long, narrow pan. Thus this characteristic pan has left its mark on our streets. With its strong wave and historical old colors of red and blue. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
OVH 200
|OVH stands for again improved Hollow. Again: it's a new twist on the traditional Old Hollow, which for centuries covered the Dutch roofs. The OVH 200 delivers authentic, familiar streets that we all know. The OVH 200 comes in high quality glazed colours with nice effect, with light and dark lines. Of course OVH 200 also offers reliability, protection and comfort. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
|The Renova is a profiled pan with large dimensions. The Renova is ideal for renovating roofs on which original concrete roof tiles are used. Thanks to the classical wave, typical of a pan tile the roof gets a traditional look. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Rubin 9V
|The Rubin 9V is a roof tile model that is characterized by a flat portion merging into a roll. It is extensively used in Germany, and the Netherlands, with growing interest in recent years - particularly in large and small scale construction. Thanks to continuous improvements the Rubin 9V can also be used on flatter roofs from 10 ° - 15 ° For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
|Quality assured, with the Utrecht. A concrete roof tile with all the benefits of this material, plus the traditional appearance of commonly used roofing material. The Utrecht is a lively, corrugated roof tile with a typical old hollow shape that suits both new construction and renovation projects. The result is a roof that is vibrant and classic. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
|It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Vlakke Mulden
|Flat Mulden is a ceramic pan with a large format. Used for many years in numerous Dutch streets for an authentic roof. Flat Mulden owes its popularity to its secure appearance and special design of the surface. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Dantegl Gammel Dansk
|The classic danish extruded clay roof tile: The shape and beautiful colour is the very image of Denmark. Dantegl is a typical danish natural product - based on proud craftsmanship that has a history of more than a thousand years. It is the perfect roof solution for new constructions and renovation in traditional style. A strong roof solution, which will grow even more beautiful with time. Dantegl comes in two models and Gammel Dansk has the biggest overlay, which provides a very resistant roof.
|A roof should be reliable ,year after year in rain or shine. The Sneldek® has the timeless double pan shape that has been applied on residential property for decades and provides a recognizable, friendly roof. Apart from an excellent price to quality ratio the Sneldek® offers the comfort of knowing you will get years of security from this product. For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
|<p><strong>ALSAN® 770 </strong>products are high-grade, PMMA-based resins with low-temperature flexibility and are used to create durable and reliable roof waterproofing membranes on balconies, parking, terraces or flat-roof and to waterproof joints on water impermeable concrete with fleece reinforcement.</p>
SOPREMA - Paving slabs on pad waterproofing system
|Autoadhesive semi-adherent bilayer waterproofing system under paving slabs on pad from the SOPREMIUM range of SOPREMA Group. It consist of vapor barrier membrane on concret support, one insulation in polyurethane from EFYOS range, bitumen bilayer membranes, SOPREMA pads (wide choice size of height - max 260 mm) and paving slabs (ceramic, wood or concrete). That is one solution for pieton accessible roof.
LAMILUX CI System Rooflight Dome F100 round
|CI System Rooflight Dome F100 Round - With the CI System Rooflight Dome F100 Round the classic on the flat roof was reinvented Convince yourself about energy efficiency, stability, safety, SHEV and comfort in the area of the roof light • Double or triple plastic- and plastic shock resistant glazing as well as in double plastic and plastic shock resistant glazing with folded polycarbonate glazing with Ut-Values from 2,7 to 1,3 W/(m²K) • Seven sizes are possible from 60 to 180 cm • Heat insulated, seamless GRP-Frame in 30, 50 and 70 cm height with U-Values from 0,5 to 0,9 W/(m²K) (depends on the form) • Equipped with a 24V strong SHEV in the fan variant • An overall system which avoids thermal bridges • Ur-Value from 2,1 to 1,2 W/(m²K) with EN ISO 10077-1 per Ø of 120
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element F100 round
|CI System Glass Element F100 Round – Aesthetic, architectural charm and excellent energy values With the CI System Glass Element F100 round LAMILUX brings a true design object to the market setting stylish lighting emphasis in the private residential construction as well as in discerning administration buildings. The round solution for flat roof windows combines aesthetic, architectural charm and excellent energy values. • Available with double or triple isolation glazing with Ug-Values from 1,1 to 0,6 W/(m²K) • Seven sizes are possible from 60 to 180 cm • Heat insulated, seamless GRP-Frame in 30, 50 and 70 cm height with U-Values from 0,55 to 0,68 W/(m²K) (depends on the form) • Equipped with a 24V strong SHEV in the fan variant • An overall system which avoids thermal bridges • Uw-Value from 1,3 to 1,0 W/(m²K) (with EN ISO 10077-1) für Ø120cm
Bison Level.It Deck Support Pedestals
|<p>Bison Level.It adjustable deck supports are the simple solution to your decking needs! Use on rooftops, balconies, over cracked concrete patios, even on-grade! Works with any surface material, from wood tiles, traditional stringer and plank decks, natural stone, composites or concrete. With Level.it, if you can dream it, you can do it!&nbsp;Ideal for contractors or the do-it-yourself homeowner.</p><ul><li>Supports 750 lbf (3.34 kN) FS:3 per pedestal</li><li>Select 1/8 or 3/16 inch (3.175 or 4.5 mm) tab size for pedestals</li><li>Level.it adjustable system height range is 2 to 12 inches (51 to 304.8 mm)</li><li>Accessories available for heights from 1/8 to 2 inches (3.175 to 51 mm)</li><li>Pedestals made of high density copolymer polypropylene</li><li>Contains 20% post-industrial recycled material</li><li>Impervious to water, mold, and freeze/thaw cycles</li><li>Made in the U.S.A.<span></span></li></ul>
Bison ScrewJack Deck Support Pedestals
|<p>Bison ScrewJack Pedestals are designed to support heavy pavers over any waterproofed structural surface. Each pedestal utilizes a patented threaded design, making the leveling process during installation a simple turn of the pedestal base. This allows contractors, designers and installers to accurately plan, precisely align, and uniformly install level decks with a combination of ease, speed and accuracy. Integrated spacer tabs ensure accurate spacing, lock the pavers in place, and allow water to drain.&nbsp;<em>Note: Bison ScrewJack Pedestals are sold exclusively in the US and Canada through Oldcastle Westile&nbsp;and their distributors.</em></p> <ul><li>Supports 1000 lbf (4.45 kN) FS:3 per pedestal</li><li>Pedestal tab width 3/16 inch (4.5 mm)</li><li>Adjustable system height range is 1 ¼ to 36 inches (32 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Bison Brace System required for 24 to 36 inches (609.6 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Accessories available for heights from 1/8 to 1 ¼ inches (3.175 to 57.15 mm)</li><li>Pedestals made of High Density Copolymer Polypropylene</li><li>Contains 20% post-industrial recycled material</li><li>Impervious to water, mold, and freeze/thaw cycles</li><li>Made in the U.S.A.</li></ul>
Bison Versadjust Deck Support Pedestals
|<p>Bison Versadjust Pedestals give maximum design flexibility for a variety of surface materials including wood deck tiles, concrete pavers, stone pavers, and more. Pavers supported by Versadjust Pedestals integrate seamlessly creating a roof deck system that is as simple as it is beautiful.&nbsp;Precise spacer tabs allow for deck drainage, and the screw-to-adjust pedestals ensure perfectly level decks.</p><ul><li>Supports 1250 lbf (5.56 kN) FS:3 per pedestal</li><li>Select 1/8 or 3/16 inch (3.175 or 4.5 mm) tab size for pedestals</li><li>Integrated base levelers accomodate 0 to ½ inch per foot slope (0-4%)</li><li>Adjustable system height range is 2 ¼ to 36 inches (57.15 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Bison Brace System required for 24 to 36 inches (609.6 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Accessories available for heights from 1/8 to 2 ¼ inches (3.175 to 57.15 mm)</li><li>Contains 20% post-industrial recycled material</li><li>Impervious to water, mold, and freeze/thaw cycles</li><li>Made in the U.S.A.</li></ul>
Bison Wood Deck Tiles
|<p>Bison Wood Deck Tiles offer the design flexibility to create versatile, unique outdoor spaces. Commercial grade, responsibly harvested, hardwood tiles weather well, and are available in standard and FSC® Certified species.&nbsp;Bison Wood Tiles are designed for deck construction over exterior surfaces including rooftops, courtyards, terraces, pool decks, and more in both residential and commercial applications.&nbsp;Installed on Bison Pedestals, these wood tiles reduce labor costs and create a custom look at a cost-effective price.&nbsp;Bison Wood Tiles weather over time, developing a silvery-gray patina. If maintaining the natural wood color is desired, wood tiles can be periodically cleaned and sealed.<br><em>Note: Wood is a natural product and actual tile colors may differ from photo.</em>&nbsp;</p> <ul><li>Species Include: Bamboo, Cumaru, Garapa, Ipê, Mahogany, and Massaranduba</li><li>Exclusive Bison FS-1 Fastening Kit and Continuous Kerf Cut Design* allows easy tile attachment, removal, and replacement</li><li>Modular sizes 2’ x 2’, 4’ x 2’, and 30” x 30”</li><li>Custom sizes available</li><li>FSC® Certified (SCS-COC-002585) species available</li><li>Full System Warranty with Bison Pedestals</li><li>Bison Ipê WoodTile Systems Meet: ASTM E108-07a Class A Fire Rating, ASTM C1028-07 Slip Resistance, ASTM TAS108-95 Wind Uplift, Seismic Design Categories (SDC) A-F</li></ul> <p>*US #8,302,356 Patent and Patents Pending</p>
Top hung and pivot window FPP-V preSelect U3 | FAKRO
|FPP-V U3 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPP-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Top hung and pivot window FPP-V preSelect U5 | FAKRO
|FPP-V U5 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPP-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Top hung and pivot window FPU-V preSelect U3 | FAKRO
|FPU-V U3 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P coated with polyurethane varnish. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPU-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Hipped 2100
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1600 mm, 2100 mm and 2600 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Classic 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Classic 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Classic 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Hipped 1600
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1600 mm, 2100 mm and 2600 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Hipped 2600
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1600 mm, 2100 mm and 2600 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Box Classic 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Box Classic 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Box Classic 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Rainbow 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm and 2000 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Rainbow 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm and 2000 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Simple Classic 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Simple Classic 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Simple Classic 2430
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Open Angled 1600
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1600 mm and 2100 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Open Angled 2100
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1600 mm and 2100 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Simple Angled 1400
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1400 and 1800 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Simple Angled 1800
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1400 mm and 1800 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Simple Classic Small 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Simple Classic Small 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Rainbow Small 1400
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1400 mm and 2000 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Rainbow Small 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1400 mm and 2000 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Angled 1600
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1600 mm and 2100 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Angled 2100
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1600 mm and 2100 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Box Modern Classic 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Box Modern Classic 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Box Modern Classic 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Top hung and pivot window FPU-V preSelect U5 | FAKRO
|FPU-V U5 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P coated with polyurethane varnish. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPU-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Modern Classic 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Classic 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Classic 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Simple Classic 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Simple Classic 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Simple Classic 2430
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Inner Corner 1550 Right
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1550 mm, 2050 mm and 2550 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Inner Corner 2050 Right
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1550 mm, 2050 mm and 2550 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Inner Corner 2550 Right
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1550 mm, 2050 mm and 2550 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Console 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Console 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Console Seamed 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Console Seamed 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Console Seamed 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Console 2430
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat 2430
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2430 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Seamed 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Seamed 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Modern Flat Seamed 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Inner Corner 1550 Left
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1550 mm, 2050 mm and 2550 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Inner Corner 2050 Left
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1550 mm, 2050 mm and 2550 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Inner Corner 2550 Left
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of sheet metal built on a sturdy aluminum frame. This model also has recessed spotlights in the ceiling. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in six different colors, all with ceiling in white lacquered aluminum sheet. In width: 1550 mm, 2050 mm and 2550 mm ADVANTAGES Integrated gutter with drainage to the right or left. Optional spotlights. One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of sheet metal. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
VH-Variabel mono ridge cloak verge lh 70°
|mono ridge cloak verge lh 70° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel mono ridge cloak verge lh 90°
|mono ridge cloak verge lh 90° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video” For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
VH-Variabel mono ridge cloak verge rh 70°
|mono ridge cloak verge rh 70° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video” For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel mono ridge cloak verge rh 90°
|mono ridge cloak verge rh 90° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel mono ridge main 90°
|mono ridge main 70° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel mono ridge main 70°
|mono ridge main 90° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel main tile
|main tile It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel through ventilation
|through ventilation It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel verge lh
|verge lh It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel eave cloak verge lh
|eave cloak verge lh It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel eave cloak verge rh
|eave cloak verge rh It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel cloak verge lh
|cloak verge lh It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel cloak verge rh
|cloak verge rh It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel special tile swift
|special tile swift It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel special tile sparrow
|special tile sparrow It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel mansard cloak verge lh 140°
|mansard cloak verge lh 140° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel mansard cloak verge rh 140°
|mansard cloak verge rh 140° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel mansard main 140°
|mansard main 140° It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel main eave
|main eave It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
VH-Variabel roof_ventilation
|roof ventilation It is a classic and robust model, this improved Hollow has a smooth wave appearance. This model can be supplied in red and in blue body. That provides a huge range of colors. Including glazed tiles. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Easy Collection Console Flat 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Flat 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Flat 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold Small 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Stainless Tube 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold Small 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Stainless Tube 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold Small 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Stainless Tube 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge 2/3 90°
|Mono ridge 2/3 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard 2/3 140
|Mansard 2/3 140 A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V eave 2/3 tile
|Eave 2/3 tile A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V 2/3 tile
|2/3 tile A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge cloak verge lh 90°
|Mono ridge cloak verge lh 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge cloak verge rh 90°
|Mono ridge cloak verge rh 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge main 90°
|Mono ridge main 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V main tile
|Main tile A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V through ventilation
|Through ventilation A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V verge lh
|Verge lh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V eave cloak verge lh
|Eave cloak verge lh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V eave cloak verge rh
|Eave cloak verge rh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V cloak verge lh
|Cloak verge lh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V cloak verge rh
|Cloak verge rh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V special tile swift
|Special tile swift A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V special tile sparrow
|Special tile sparrow A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard cloak verge lh 140°
|Mansard cloak verge lh 140° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard cloak verge rh 140°
|Mansard cloak verge rh 140° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard main 140°
|Mansard main 140° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V main eave
|Main eave A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V main outlet tile
|Main outlet tile"A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V roof_ventilation
|Roof_ventilation A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Structural Trapezoidal Sheets
|FEATURES high bearing capacity and rigidity of profiles light and suitable for quick assembly purlin-free roof constructions large span bearing constructions economical solutions for medium and large surfaces stay in place formwork for reinforced concrete constructions APPLICATION - industrial and services facilities - agricultural facilities - new and renovated facilities - carports, garages - logistics centres
PIR Insulated Panel Ondatherm® T
|Ondatherm® T is an insulating sandwich panel made of polyisocyanurate PIR foam injected between 2 prepainted steel sheets. The main use is the covering of buildings. The outer surface has trapezoidal waves. Width 1000 mm. Thickness from 30 to 140 mm. Coatings and colors to choose from in the color chart and guide material Colorissime® ArcelorMittal Construction.
Mineral Wool Insulated Panel Ondastyl® T
|Ondastyl® T is an insulating sandwich panel made of mineral wool core between prepainted steel. The main use is the covering of buildings. The outer surface has trapezoidal waves. Width 1000. Thickness from 40 to 240 mm. Coatings and colors to choose from in the color chart and guide material Colorissime® ArcelorMittal Construction.
Bison Deck Support Pedestal Accessories
|<p>Bison Model LD4 Base Leveler compensates for a 1/4" per foot slope (2%).</p> <ul><li>Adds 1/4" (6.35 mm) to Pedestal height</li><li>Stack up to 4 total LD4s below the base of a Pedestal (2 total below the base of a V-Series Adjustable Pedestal)&nbsp;to compensate for slopes from 0" to a maximum of 1" per foot slope (0-8%)</li></ul>
Innoslate mono ridge 3/4 cloak verge lh 90°
|mono ridge 3/4 cloak verge lh 90° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mono ridge 3/4 cloak verge rh 90°
|mono ridge 3/4 cloak verge rh 90° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate eave 3/4 cloak verge lh
|eave 3/4 cloak verge lh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate eave 3/4 cloak verge rh
|eave 3/4 cloak verge rh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate 3/4 cloak verge lh
|3/4 cloak verge lh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate 3/4 cloak verge rh
|3/4 cloak verge rh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mansard 3/4 cloak verge lh 140°
|mansard 3/4 cloak verge lh 140° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mansard 3/4 cloak verge rh 140°
|mansard 3/4 cloak verge rh 140° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mono ridge 5/4 cloak verge lh 90°
|mono ridge 5/4 cloak verge lh 90° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mono ridge 5/4 cloak verge rh 90°
|mono ridge 5/4 cloak verge rh 90° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate eave 5/4 cloak verge lh
|eave 5/4 cloak verge lh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate eave 5/4 cloak verge rh
|eave 5/4 cloak verge rh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate 5/4 cloak verge lh
|5/4 cloak verge lh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate 5/4 cloak verge rh
|5/4 cloak verge rh This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mansard 5/4 cloak verge lh 140°
|mansard 5/4 cloak verge lh 140° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mansard 5/4 cloak verge rh 140°
|mansard 5/4 cloak verge rh 140° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate verge lh 200
|verge lh 200 This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mono ridge main 90°
|mono ridge main 90° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate main tile
|main tile This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate main tile with nailholes
|main tile with nailholes This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate double tile
|double tile This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate mansard main 140°
|mansard main 140° This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Innoslate main eave
|main eave This new and exciting tile has a small slate appearance, enhanced by its fine nose. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Stonewold cloak verge lh
|cloak verge lh. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold cloak verge rh
|cloak verge rh. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold double tile
|double tile. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold eave cloak verge lh
|eave cloak verge lh. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold eave cloak verge rh
|eave cloak verge rh. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold main eave
|main eave. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold eave verge lh
|eave verge lh. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold half
|half. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold half eave
|half eave. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold main tile
|main tile. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold main tile with nailholes
|main tile with nailholes. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mansard cloak verge lh 140°
|mansard cloak verge lh 140°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mansard cloak verge rh 140°
|mansard cloak verge rh 140°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mansard half 140°
|mansard half 140°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mansard main 140°
|mansard main 140°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mono ridge cloak verge lh 90°
|mono ridge cloak verge lh 90°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mono ridge cloak verge rh 90°
|mono ridge cloak verge rh 90°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mono ridge half 90°
|mono ridge half 90°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mono ridge main 90°
|mono ridge main 90°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold mono ridge verge lh 90°
|mono ridge verge lh 90°. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold roof_ventilation
|roof_ventilation. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold special tile swift
|special tile swift. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold through ventilation combipan
|through ventilation combipan. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold through ventilation combivent
|through ventilation combivent. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold verge lh
|verge lh. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold verge lh connecting
|verge lh connecting. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
Stonewold special tile sparrow
|special tile sparrow. "The Stonewold is deliberately chosen to work with modern architecture with its strong lines. It comes with a modern color range. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729File name: ABSOLUT_schk.gsm Version: 1.0 Made by: Kamil Sarelo <ksarelo@habra.at> Date of creation: 2004-01-13 History: 2004-01-13 creation, definition of parameters 2004-01-14 I18N, value lists, locks, logic in MasterScript 2004-01-26 heights and HOTSPOTs for heights in MasterScript 2004-01-28 continue with MasterScript, start with 3DScript and UIScript 2004-01-29 continue with MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-01 fix of heights-logic and performance enhancement in MasterScript 2004-02-02 fix of heights-logic in MasterScript, connectors and mouth-plate in MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-03 mouth-plate, connectors, mouth-fromation and logic in MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-04 mouth-fromation CUTs, height correction at mouthType_01, materials and virtual roof in MasterScript and 3DScript 2004-02-05 corrections, 2D symbol, additional parameters, UI corrections in MasterScript, UIScript, 2DScript and 3DScript 2004-02-06 corrections and improvements in *Script, logo and redisgn of UI, textures 2004-02-08 corrections in *Script 2004-02-10 correction of smoke-connector heights im MasterScript; 2D Symbol in MasterScript, 2DScript and UIScript; new site for 3D pipes in UIScript 2004-02-11 corrections in *Script, materials, 2D Symbol, 3D pipes im *Script 2004-02-12 3D pipes, UI for 3D pipes and additional navigation in UI 2004-02-12 1.0 release 2004-02-17 corrections in *Script 2004-02-18 corrections in *Script 2004-02-23 corrections in UIScript 2004-02-24 corrections in *Script 2004-02-25 correction of virtual roof in 3DScript 2004-03-15 mini correction 2004-04-26 correction from meeting 2004-05-06 equipment 2004-05-16 UIScript 2004-05-06 corrections in all scripts Notes: Copyright A-NULL, Wien
Block Inclined 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Inclined block for roof structure.
Block Inclined 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Inclined block for roof structure.
Collar Beam 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Collar beam for roof structure.
Collar Beam 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Collar beam for roof structure.
Dormer Ox-Eye 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Ox-eye dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable shed roof pitch.
Dormer Pitched 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Pitch roof dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable pitch angle.
Dormer Pitched 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pitch roof dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable pitch angle.
Dormer Shed
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Shed roof dormer.
Dormer Shed 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Shed roof dormer.
Fielders Gutters
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Fielders roof accessories, gutters and fascias. 2d profiles.
Fielders Roofing
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Fielders roof accessories, gutters and fascias. 2d profiles.
House 11
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400513This is parametric house to use for landscaping. You can choose how detailed it would be, roof type, colors, eaves width, roof thickness, and the shape of the house. ldragon@t-com.me3D parametric, house with\n- squared or L-shape house type\n- optional roof types\n- optional hip roof
Post 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Post for roof structure.
Purlin 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Purlin for roof structure.
Purlin 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Purlin for roof structure.
Rafter 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter for roof structure.
Rafter 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter for roof structure.
Rafter Base Recess 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter with base recess for roof structure.
Rafter Base Recess 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter with base recess for roof structure.
Rafter Ridge Recess 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter with ridge recess for roof structure.
Rafter Ridge Recess 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter with ridge recess for roof structure.
Roto Dachausstiege
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400600#http://www.cadstudio.hu ROTO CAD 2008 Developed by: Graphisoft CAD Stúdió Budapest http://www.cadstudio.hu © All rights reserved3D parametric, roof window, Roto
Roto Wohndachfenster
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400600#http://www.cadstudio.hu ROTO CAD 2008 Developed by: Graphisoft CAD Stúdió Budapest http://www.cadstudio.hu © All rights reserved3D parametric, roof window Roto
Strut 1 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Lower supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 1 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Lower supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 2 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Upper supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Upper supporting strut for roof structure.