Tree- model like
Pulkit Sudan | 1519565906White model like tree component. Use for model like renders
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401632554Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte 29.4.2014 - Traufpfette(Brett) Neue Anfasser für Ein-Aus, Drehbarkeit und X+Y 4.5.2014 - Folgende Anfasser - Schalter bei Traufe im Schnitt hinzugefügt: Oberdachschichten zuschaltbar Innenschichten Schliessenkranz Gratsparren-Schalter Schalter zur einfachen Darstellung Schichtdicken im Schnitt stellbar. 7.5.2014 - Zusätzlicher Grundriss-Querschnitt ein-ausschaltbar mit fast allen Hotspots.
С-дуга OEC-9900 Elite
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568805999Система OEC 9900 Elite с быстрым и легким позиционированием предназначена для генерации превосходных клинических изображений во время как простых, так и сложных случаев. The OEC 9900 Elite is designed to deliver superb clinical images during both simple and challenging imaging cases, with fast and easy positioning.
Машина моечно-дезинфекционная Steelco DS 800
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568833904DS 750/800 - моечно-дезинфицирующие машины. Используются в медицинских учреждениях различного профиля для мойки, дезинфекции и сушки хирургического инструментария, наркозно-дыхательной аппаратуры, офтальмологических инструментов, операционной обуви, детских бутылочек, лабораторной посуды и контейнеров. В машинах реализована система предварительного нагрева воды необходимой на фазах мойки, ополаскивания и дезинфекции, осуществляемая в бустерных баках (опционально). Данная опция значительно сокращает общее время цикла. Управление осуществляется с помощью цветного сенсорного дисплея. Систему управления STEELCOTRONIC имеет 65 настраиваемых программ. Есть возможность использовать дополнительные сенсоры, которые входят в стандартную комплектацию. Данные датчики позволяют определить тип вставляемой моечной вставки и правильность ее позиционирования в камере. Designed to meet the increasing reprocessing needs of CSSD, this washer disinfector is available in standard or Fast Cycle configurations saving cycle time and reaching higher levels of energy and water savings (12 DIN 1/1 net basket capacity). The machines assure consistently tested and efficient washing-disinfecting performances thanks to a new washing system technology made by a vertical installed washing pump that grants also a complete drain of the washing circuit. HEPA-filtered H14 forced air drying distribution on double circuit grants a perfect distribution of air on all chamber parts and basket levels ensuring the complete inside and outside drying of all the surgical instruments and tubes. DS 800 models are compatible with Steelco ATS - Automatic Transfer System.
Contour generator tool
Dániel Alexander Kovács | 1559632261This contour generator tool utilizes the latest gdl commands to generate contour lines of any element in ARCHICAD (be it a mesh, a morph, etc.) as fast as possible. Still, with bigger elements it might slow regeneration down quite a bit, so it is suggested to explode the object into a 2D linework! 1. Select the mesh you want to slice and go to 'File>Libraries & Objects>Save Selection as...>Object...' 2. Save the object with a name you will remember (e.g. "mesh-01") 3. Place the Contour Generator Object and set up all its settings according to your design 4. Enter the name of the mesh object you just saved into the corresponding field, so that it would load it, and generate the contour lines +1. Explode the Object into 2D lines in the floor plan, to speed up the model
ARMABEAM Brick Lintel
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Armabeam fast wall brick lintel
Glass - Clear Fast copy
Arta Restelica | 1549132006 -
FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 EFO Hydraulic Automatic bollard - Emergency Fast Operation
|FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355HA-M30-P1 EFO bollard has been tested according to the American standards “ASTM F 2656-07 - Standard Test Method for Vehicle Crash Testing of Perimeter Barriers”, obtaining thus the certification for the highest penetration rate. The class M30-P1 indicates that FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 bollard is able to stop a 6800kg truck at a speed of 50Km/h (=30M/h) in 1 meter (P1). Emergency Fast Operation device (EFO) guarantees a very rapid rising speed (1.5s) to increase the offered protection. J355 HA M30-P1 EFO main features are: 1. Tested according to ASTM F 2656-07 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements 6. Very quick emergency rising (1.5s)
FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO Hydraulic Automatic bollard - Emergency Fast Operation
|FAAC J355 HA M50 Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard has been tested according to PAS 68:2013 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems and IWA 14-1:2013 - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard is able to stop a 7.500kg truck at a speed of 80Km/h (=50M/h). Emergency Fast Operation device (EFO) guarantees a very rapid rising speed (2s) to increase the offered protection. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO main features are: 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14-1:2013 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements 6. Very quick emergency rising (2s)
Fast 60
|Fast 60 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table comes with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 80
|Fast 80 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table comes with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 100
|Fast 100 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 120
|Fast 120 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets
Fast 140
|Fast 140 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 180
|Fast 180 has a base consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table has two working areas on each side of a central washing area and comes with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets.
Fast 220
|Fast 220 has a base consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table has two working areas on each side of a central washing area and comes with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets.
Fast 100 H
|Fast 100h has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 100h has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 100 V
|Fast 100v has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 100v has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 120 H
|Fast 120h has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 120h has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 120 V
|Fast 120v has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 120v has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 140 H
|Fast 140h has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 140h has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 140V
|Fast 140V has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 140v has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Cementitious fast anchoring - i.speed ALI FLASH
|i.speed ALI FLASH is a non-structural cementitious binder featuring rapid setting and fast strength gain at the very early ages while ensuring excellent workability. Can be used mixed only with water (as a paste) or mixed with sand and water (mortar). - i.speed ALI FLASH features high compressive strength both at early age and long term. - i.speed ALI FLASH gets low shrinkage hardened products. - i.speed ALI FLASH allows high workability. - i.speed ALI FLASH shows high resistance on chemically aggressive environments.
Repair and levelling fast setting mortar for concrete surfaces - MasterEmaco N 5200
|Reprofiling, levelling and concrete repair mortar acc. EN 1504 part 3 class R2 (Non structural) MasterEmaco 5200 is used inside and outside, on horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces, in dry and wet environments, for the non-structural repair of concrete elements such as: Balconies edges, building facades, parapet walls, precast panels, beam edges, etc
Fine levelling fast setting mortar for concrete surfaces - MasterEmaco N 5100 FC
|Fast-setting concrete repair mortar for finishing and levelling of concrete surfaces acc. EN 1504 part 3 class R2 (Non structural). MasterEmaco 5100 FC is used on large vertical and overhead areas, as a blow hole filler in precast elements or anywhere where minor defects in concrete structures have to be repaired. It can be applied inside and outside, on vertical and overhead surfaces, in dry and wet environments: Balconies edges, building facades, parapet walls, precast panels, beam edges, etc.
Trafficable waterproofing system for parking floors, fast track, skid resistant - MasterSeal Traffic 2257
|MasterSeal Traffic 2257 is a fast track liquid applied, limited crack bridging car park deck waterproofing system based on advanced polymeric materials. It consists of a fast curing polyurethane substrate primer, and a polyaspartic top coat. The seamless coating has an attractive, skid resistant, UV and weather resistant finish which is easy to clean and maintain. It is resistant to fuels, battery acid, de-icing salts and alkaline cleaners.
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, White
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
Katrin System Electric Towel Dispenser - Black
|# Feeds the next sheet automatically # Fast and easy to use; sheet always available # High capacity - 800 sheets to a roll is enough to dry hands 400-530 times - ideal in high traffic areas # Designed to ensure all the paper on the roll is used # Very low power consumption -Powered by 4 x LR20 1.5 V batteries (not supplied) # Controlled consumption for high traffic washrooms
Katrin System Electric Towel Dispenser - White
|# Feeds the next sheet automatically # Fast and easy to use; sheet always available # High capacity - 800 sheets to a roll is enough to dry hands 400-530 times - ideal in high traffic areas # Designed to ensure all the paper on the roll is used # Very low power consumption -Powered by 4 x LR20 1.5 V batteries (not supplied) # Controlled consumption for high traffic washrooms
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element F100
|CI System Glass Element F100 – A crystal clear advantage – Daylight for a sense of well-being CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 – safety and comfort for living space and workspace Whether used in administrative or residential buildings, school or industry. CI-System Glass Element F100 is the optimum, energy-efficient answer to the desire for daylight from flat roofs. The CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 combines the advantages of the CI System Glass Element F100 and of an electrical SHEV. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.7 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in 16 dimensions for standard model and in 9 dimension for smoke lift model Different Opening drive units for standard model Different Shade systems Thermally insulated, jointless GRP upstand, 15 (only standard), 30. 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristics) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE
|CI System Glass Element FE – Variety of transparent design & optimum energy efficiency CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE – individual daylight and smoke ventilation elements for high- class residential and administrative buildings With the LAMILUX CI System Element F series, we offer you beautifully shaped elements for flat roofs which will allow you to implement all aspects of modern, energy-efficient, design-oriented construction and put ambitious architectural ideas into practice. The certified SHEV CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE according to EN 12101-2 stands out due to excellent heat and sound insulation values and to individually selectable RAL-colors. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.6 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in many dimensions Optimal thermal insulation thanks to thermal-bridge-free overall structure Intelligent controls for natural ventilation and solar protection roller blinds Thermally insulated, joinless GRP upstand 15 (only standard model), 30, 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristic) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Pyramid-shaped or hipped-roof daylight systems possible (only by standard, not by smoke lift) fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
Door Closer TS 93
|[LIST] Cam Action Door Closer System The TS 93 cam action door closer system provides a high-quality architectural solution for all project application requirements, featuring the DORMA heart-shaped cam to ensure exceptional ease of opening. Dimension (EN 2-5/EN 5-7) Length 275/285 mm, Depth 53/62 mm, Height 60/71 mm Max. Door Leaf Width Standard Doors (EN 2-5/EN 5-7) 1250/1600 mm Max. Door Leaf Width External doors, outward opening (EN 2-5/EN 5-7) 1250/1600 mm Max. Door Leaf Width Fire and smoke check doors (EN 2-5/EN 5-7) 1250/1600 mm With adjustable power size, "thinking" backcheck and delayed action Suitable for all fixing positions For single- and double-leaf doors Modular system. The TS 93 series comprises a modular system which enables just a few door closer models to be combined with a number of different slide channels to meet virtually every conceivable functional requirement. Benefits: Clear product allocation ensures use of the right models for the right applications. Identical door closer model for single and double doors. Simple, fast installation [/LIST]
Schüco Sliding System ASS 77 PD.HI
|[LIST] Highly thermally insulated sliding system Thermal insulation: from Uf = 1.1 W/m²K Face widths from just 30 mm in the centre section and a concealed outer frame provide maximum transparency and light penetration Fast, quiet and convenient opening and closing at the touch of a button or optionally via manual operation Innovative track solution for large vent weight of up to 500 kg Security class RC 2 (WK2) Wide range of designs with double or triple track outer frames, 90° cornerand electric or manual opening [/LIST]
Sika® FloorJoint PD
|Sika® FloorJoint PD is a vibration-free, noiseless, prefabricated joint panel made of resin. The installed profile causes no thresholds in the floor surface. Main uses; movement joints in parking decks, commercial buildings and industrial floors. Product specifications: • Ultra flat • Noiseless and vibration-free under traffic • Invisible and can be recoated with Sikafloor flooring systems • Waterproof • Corrosion free, made of resin • Good chemical resistance • High movement capacity • Fast installation
Fire safety products AVENAR 4000, automatic fire detector
|AVENAR detector 4000 is a range of automatic fire detectors featuring a superb accuracy and swiftness in detection. The range includes single sensor, double sensor and multi-sensor versions. The versions with two optical sensors are able to detect the lightest smoke. All versions monitor the environment for electromagnetic influence for fast root-cause analysis. Certified according to EN54 standards.
L1690 - Centrifuge, Serological, Multi Speed, Benchtop
|Serological centrifuge. The unit is a multi speed, fast accelerating and braking centrifuge. It can utilize a swinging bucket rotor with inserts that have a capacity of 1.5ml to 4-150ml tubes. The unit's maximum speed is in the range of 10,000 to 15,000 RPM. It is designed for general-purpose serological applications with blood and urine.
X9830 - Scanner, Nuclear, SPECT, Dual Head
|The system shall be a single plane or variable angle dual detector emission system, designed for fast data acquisition and high patient through put for Single Photo Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), whole body and general purpose nuclear medicine procedures. It shall be designed to image at any energy range for any procedure. The unit detects and counts photons emanating from radiopharmaceuticals. Collimators available to suit full range applications. The system shall be DICOM 3.0 or latest version, compatible, for easy linkage to filmless image management systems and review stations.
Ytong Hungary
|Building a masonry with using Ytong blocks results an excellent thermal insulating loadbearing or non-loadbearing wall, but also can be used for internal separator walls. There are produced additional elements (e.g. lintels, frame blocks and insultion elements) wich are complete the blocks to a "building system". With Ytong System the masonries or internal separator walls can be built fast and efficient way. The effect of workability is not only a very fast built wall but quick installation of the mechanical and electrical wires, tubes. Accuracy of the blocks results savings of material regarding the mortar for building the masonry and the surface plaster too. With this advantages the whole "ready wall" structure can be built in work-, energy, and cost efficient way.
O'TOP® , Waterproofing without fixings for metal substrates
|Bituminous waterproofing system for steel-framed structures installed with no metal fixings, giving an aesthetic finish to the underside of the roof. The waterproofing comprises installation of a self-adhesive vapour control layer on to which the insulation is bonded, followed by the installation of the waterproofing by torching. O'TOP can be used on a variety of metal substrates, in particular long-span and lacquered metal trays. No mechanical fastenings are used so installation is fast and there is no need to add false ceilings in buildings such as commercial premises public halls, sports centres, etc.
WICTEC 50SG - Structural glazing
|Reduced profile elevations leading to maximum transparency: With its integrated pressure profile WICTEC 50 offers an inexpensive solution with a design similar to structural glazing. The glazing technology with a flush or low pressure profile the assembly is as fast and easy as for a classic stick system curtain wall. System test results / CE product pass in accordance with DIN EN 13830 Air permeability: Class AE Watertightness: RE 1200 Resistance to wind load: 2000 / –3200 Pa, security 3000 / –4800 Pa Impact resistance: Class E5 / I5 Burglar resistance: RC1N Quality assurance: Certified according to ISO 9001:2008 Environmental management: Certified according to ISO 14001
KA Series TW
|The defining characteristics of the KA Series - Customised solutions thanks to a high degree of flexibility - An excellent ratio of size, power and speed - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - Customisable visual design - Virtually indestructible design performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - Also direct control via 230 V AC possible - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Two drive chains for optimal power application to the sash - Special chain stabilisation - Electronic force and position control - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Adjustable electronic closing force optimisation - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
VCD Series
|Shhhh! Did you hear that? - Probably not. Because our VCD ventilation drives create fresh air while staying as quiet as a mouse. They are our stylish climate control systems for controlled natural ventilation in living and working spaces. Is cabling the problem? Sunshine is all the VCD-S Solar chain drive needs to supply you with fresh air without the need for a cable. The defining characteristics of the VCD Series - Stylish ventilation drive with narrow visible widths - Fast and easy installation - Especially low input power - Virtually inaudible operating noise - VCD-S with solar technology, ideally suited for retrofitting performance features - For façade windows, roof windows and ventilation flaps in conservatories - Also direct control via 230 V AC possible - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - Special chain stabilisation and centred chain outlet - "TMS+" tandem safety function for operating 2 drives on one sash - Option of chain stroke programming via magnet - Reprogrammed opening stroke is transmitted to the tandem drive - Direct cable guidance between the drives for visually appealing solution - Simple connection via plug connector - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
ZA Series
|Up for anything - Heavy windows, humid environments, high function demands while still maintaining low power consumption? Not a problem for this all-rounder! The robust rack and pinion drives of the ZA Series are simply ideal for heavy windows in roofs and façades. The defining characteristics of the ZA Series - Incredible electronic and functional variety - Extremely high efficiency: low power consumption and yet tremendously powerful - Versatile application options - Corrosion-resistant thanks to an encapsulated unit - Available as a 230 V AC SHEV solution Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Low current consumption thanks to high efficiency - Option of cable infeed above and below - Drive unit can be changed from left to right - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection) - Integrated ACB (Advanced Communication Bus) bus interface with Modbus protocol - The drive is integrated directly via open bus communication through the ACB (Advanced Communication Bus), e.g. in a building management system
DXD Series
|Caution, heavy-duty transporter! - The DXD moves virtually anything with the power of two motors. Its favourite task is moving extremely large façade windows, skylights and roof-mounted flaps under a snow load. Here it handles even the heaviest elements with precise synchronisation. It is good to know that it is available in so many different designs. The defining characteristics of the DXD Series - Exceptionally high power and efficiency - Achieves the maximum opening in almost no time even in case of high weights - Precise synchronisation when it comes to extremely heavy elements - A large variety of designs and customised object solutions - Available as a 230 V AC SHEV solution Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 4 drives in one synchronous group - Groove in the drive tube for flexible installation and configuration of the swivel range - Option of cable infeed above and below - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
CDP Series
|Born to be strong - A truly beautiful powerhouse. Experience the elegance with which the high-performance chain drive opens even the heaviest roof and façade windows! And because its visual design blends in beautifully as well, it is ideally suited for architectural SHEV and ventilation applications. The defining characteristics of the CDP Series? - A perfect combination of strength and good looks - A short design thanks to triple chain deflection - Visual design blends in perfectly with the overall look - Exceptionally versatile thanks to Twin and 230 V designs - Unobtrusive in post-latch constructions Performance Features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101 2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 4 drives in one synchronous group - Symmetrical chain outlet for easy installation - Relief of pressure on window gasket after closing process - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
CDC Series
|The defining characteristics of the CDC Series - Mounted installation as well as installation integrated in the profile - Exceptionally compact design - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - A large variety of equipment features Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Integrated tandem safety cut off for the operation of up to 2 drives on one window sash - Supply and signals for up to 3 drives in series without tandem operation (TMS) can be looped - Relief of pressure on window gasket after closing process - Power supply can be connected on the left or right - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection) Drives from the CDC0252 series are available on august 2016.
|<p>ATTRACTION® is a semi-flexible tile constructed by compacting, at high temperature and over 3000 T, a 4mm recycled backing and a 1mm pure vinyl wear layer.<br>This wear layer is incorporating very densely pressed coloured chips, with a mat finishing and without a transparent wear layer.</p> <p>The product comprises a compact backing which is pressed and reinforced with two glass fibre grids.</p> <p>ATTRACTION® has a unique dovetail joint which allows fast loose lay installation and replacement.</p> <p>ATTRACTION® is treated with Protecsol®2, a surface treatment obtained by UV laser crosslinking. This Protecsol®2 ensures easy maintenance and eliminates permanently the need for acrylic emulsion (metallisation). It avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like iodine alcohol, Betadine, eosin and anti-bacterial hand gel.</p> <p>It has a Bfl-s1 fire classification in accordance with standard EN 13501-1.</p> <p>The products emission rate of volatile organic compounds is &lt;10µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000-6).<br>It is made of 100% controlled recycled materials.<br>It does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 and they are 100% compliant with REACH.</p> <p>It is 100% recyclable and made with up to 80% recycled content.</p>
DI50 mm 55 1,112 1000 WE1
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI60 mm 65 1,429 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI80 mm 85 1,905 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI100 mm 105 2,381 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI120 mm 125 2,858 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI140 mm 145 3,334 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI160 mm 165 3,810 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI180 mm 185 4,286 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI200 mm 205 4,762 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI220 mm 225 5,239 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI240 mm 245 5,715 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI260 mm 265 6,191 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI280 mm 285 6,667 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI300 mm 305 7,143 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI60 mm 65 1,334 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI80 mm 85 1,778 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI100 mm 105 2,223 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI120 mm 125 2,667 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI140 mm 145 3,112 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI160 mm 165 3,556 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI180 mm 185 4,000 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI200 mm 205 4,445 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
|This product is a compromise reconciling requirements of strength, permeable surface and the pursuit of maintaining a natural look of the managed surface. It performs perfectly on vast green terrain, access roads, parkings, slopes, and sidewalks. geoSYSTEM is a modern, ecologic ground reinforcement system, also known as porous, cellular paving grid. It is an excellent alternative to „heavy” (physically and aesthetically) concrete pavement slabs, concrete openwork plates, sett, asphalt, and other types of hardened surfaces. These permeable pavers are manufactured in Poland from 100% recycled HDPE. geoSYSTEM is designed for maximum load transfer and support up to 350 t/m2. Grids are connected by means of self-locking catches. Assembly of system elements is fast and easy. After sowing grass or using a gravel filler, the grid becomes practically invisible. Thanks to this, designers and investors can fully exploit the aesthetic qualities of a natural surface and design spaces with changing colors or textures. A surface such as this simultaneously exhibits large resistance to mechanical damage such as: wearing, treading
geoSYSTEM S60s
|This product is a compromise reconciling requirements of strength, permeable surface and the pursuit of maintaining a natural look of the managed surface. It performs perfectly on vast green terrain, access roads, parkings, slopes, and sidewalks. geoSYSTEM is a modern, ecologic ground reinforcement system, also known as porous, cellular paving grid. It is an excellent alternative to „heavy” (physically and aesthetically) concrete pavement slabs, concrete openwork plates, sett, asphalt, and other types of hardened surfaces. These permeable pavers are manufactured in Poland from 100% recycled HDPE. geoSYSTEM is designed for maximum load transfer and support up to 350 t/m2. Grids are connected by means of self-locking catches. Assembly of system elements is fast and easy. After sowing grass or using a gravel filler, the grid becomes practically invisible. Thanks to this, designers and investors can fully exploit the aesthetic qualities of a natural surface and design spaces with changing colors or textures. A surface such as this simultaneously exhibits large resistance to mechanical damage such as: wearing, treading.
KA Series Standard
|The defining characteristics of the KA Series - Customised solutions thanks to a high degree of flexibility - An excellent ratio of size, power and speed - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - Customisable visual design - Virtually indestructible design performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - Supply and signals at KA 34/54 BSY+ for up to 2/3 drives can be looped in series - Special chain stabilisation - Pressure applications up to 700 mm, application tension stroke lengths >1000 mm possible - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Adjustable electronic closing force optimisation - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
|With its large dimensions, the DYNACO M3 COMPACT is an ideal interior flexible high speed roll up door for the industry and logistics. Its fast door cycle enables smooth internal traffic of goods and personnel. The interior high speed door keeps draught, humidity, dust and dirt out of your premises. A superior seal around the full perimeter of the flexible roll up door and the high operating speed result in significant energy savings. Low maintenance requirements and the advanced push-pull drive technology assure a long life time and a reduced cost of ownership for this high speed roll up door. Free of rigid elements in the curtain, DYNACO M3 COMPACT flexible roll up doors are safe for your staff and equipment. When accidentally dislodged, the door curtain will reinsert itself into its side guides, simply by opening and closing the roll up door.
|The medium sized DYNACO M2 COMPACT is an ideal interior high speed door suited for industrial and logistic activities. Its fast operating speed enables smooth traffic of goods, materials and personnel. Powered by advanced push-pull technology, this fast roll up door needs little maintenance and is designed for a long lifetime. Down-time is minimized thanks to the self-reinserting flexible door curtain. The superior seal and the fast cycle of the high speed door keep draught, humidity, dust and dirt out of your premises. Install a DYNACO M2 COMPACT door and you will benefit from lower energy costs and improved working conditions. Free of rigid elements in the curtain, this high speed roll up door is safe for your staff and equipment. It will cause no injuries or damages, even when accidentally hit by a person or vehicle.
|The DYNACO D-501 COMPACT high speed roll up door is a medium sized interior door for intensive use. With its fast cycle, it enables smooth flows of goods, materials, vehicles and personnel. Advanced push-pull drive technology opens and closes the interior roll up door with high speed. Free of rigid elements in the curtain, this interior high speed door is safe for your staff and equipment. Even when dislodged accidentally, it is sufficient to open and close the DYNACO D-501 COMPACT interior roll up door once in order to re-insert the flexible door curtain into its side guides. Business continuity can be assured and production down-time avoided. With very few wearing parts, the DYNACO D-501 COMPACT is maintenance friendly. This tightly sealed high speed roll up door enables significant energy savings and provides a good protection against dust, dirt, humidity and draught.
|The DYNACO D-313 high speed roll up door with compact dimensions and an aesthetic design fits in places where space is limited. Even in a showroom or shop. Its motor is incorporated in the drum and hidden behind black shells. Combined with drum and side guide covers in aluminum color or a color of your choice, this results into a stunning appearance. The flexible PVC door curtain of the high speed roll up door can be printed with pictures of your products or promotions, improving the shopping experience of your customers. Free of any rigid elements in the curtain, this high speed door is intrinsically safe.Thanks to its fast cycle and tight seal the roll up door enables energy savings, smooth traffic flows and improved employee comfort. It protects your environment against draught, humidity, dust and dirt and requires little maintenance.
|Improve your logistics and public areas, warehouse transport and material handling with a DYNACO D-311 high speed roll up door for interior use. Its fast door cycle helps you to gain valuable time in your daily business activities. Significant energy savings, a better climate control and improved employee comfort result from the superior seal of this high speed door. Dust, dirt, humidity and draught are excluded from your working areas. The flexible PVC door curtain of this high speed roll up door can be printed with large pictures, icons, messages, warnings and safety or traffic instructions. This contributes to a safer and better work environment. Low friction side guides, a self-reinserting door curtain and a minimum of wearing parts, make the DYNACO D-311 roll up door maintenance friendly. Thanks to its slim design it can be installed in places where space is limited.
|With dimensions up to 9 m wide and 5,5 m high the DYNACO M3 POWER high speed door is a perfect large sized high speed door for outside use. It is wind resistant up to class 3 according to the European standard EN 12424. Its superior tight seal and fast door cycle allow for significant energy savings. Wind and bad weather are excluded from your building, keeping your infrastructure and goods well protected. Intended for intensive use, the DYNACO M3 Power high speed roll up door allows intensive inbound and outbound traffic in your industrial building, warehouse or hangar. This helps to optimize material handling, traffic flows and transport activities. With a curtain free of rigid elements, the DYNACO M3 POWER roll up door is safe for your staff and equipment. When accidentally dislodged, the door curtain reinserts itself into the side guides after an open and close cycle. This avoids production down-time.
|Install DYNACO M2 ALL WEATHER high speed roll up doors if your building is often exposed to strong winds. Thanks to a superior and tight seal this medium sized high speed door is wind resistant up to class 5 of the European standard EN 12424. The fast door cycle combined with push-pull drive technology ensures uninterrupted continuation of your production, transport or logistic activities, even in bad weather conditions. No ballast is used in order to close the DYNACO M2 ALL WEATHER high speed roll up door. The flexible door curtain is pushed down by the motor. So even with a strong headwind the entrances to your building, warehouse or hangar remain fully operational. With a curtain free of rigid elements, the DYNACO M2 ALL WEATHER is safe for your staff and equipment. When accidentally dislodged, the door curtain reinserts itself into the side guides after an open and close cycle. This avoids production down-time.
|Low maintenance requirements, ease of use and a long life time, make the DYNACO M2 POWER high speed door an ideal exterior door for every industrial building, warehouse, hangar, production or transport facility. This medium sized high speed door is wind resistant up to class 4 of the European standard EN 12424. It remains operational even in bad weather. Combined with its fast door cycle it ensures smooth business activities at all times. The superior and tight seal of the DYNACO M2 POWER high speed roll up door keeps wind, rain, snow, dirt and cold outside your building. Together with the high opening and closing speed significant energy savings can be achieved. With a curtain free of rigid elements, the DYNACO M2 POWER is safe for your staff and equipment. When accidentally dislodged, the door curtain reinserts itself into the side guides after an open and close cycle. This avoids production down-time.
|The DYNACO D-313 EMERGENCY roll up door is the slimmest high speed roll up door in the market with an integrated emergency exit. It offers the benefits of a fast action door and allows an easy escape in case of emergency. The flexible PVC door curtain of the DYNACO D-313 EMERGENCY door has an ingenious T-shaped cut in the middle. When a person pushes on the indicated release spots the curtain splits into two symmetric flaps and the emergency exit opens. This high speed roll up door enables a smooth flow of goods and people. Thanks to its slim design it can be installed in places where space is limited. It is a perfect high speed door for retail stores. Equipped with low friction side guides, a self-reinserting door curtain and a minimum of wearing parts, the DYNACO D-313 EMERGENCY roll up door requires little maintenance. Free of rigid elements in the curtain, this high speed door is safe for your staff and equipment.
|Designed for cold storage applications the DYNACO M2 FREEZER roll up door allows fast traffic in and out your freezer room, minimizing temperature variations. Its excellent seal limits the loss of cooled air and saves energy. An optional insulation curtain mounted on the high speed freezer door reduces condensation and frost. It forms an extra barrier between warm outside temperatures and cold inside temperatures. Low consumption electric heating cables in the side posts of this high speed freezer door reduce frost and avoid down-time. Combined with the self-reinserting door curtain this guarantees a long lifetime of the roll up door. A DYNACO M2 FREEZER roll up door is safe for people, products and vehicles. The flexible door curtain is free of rigid parts. It avoids injuries and damage.
Tork PeakServe® Continuous® Hand Towel, White
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
Spray-Applied Waterproofing System for Roofs, Podiums and Bridge Decks with Sikalastic®-851 R / 851
|Sikalastic®-851 R and Sikalastic®-851 are liquid-applied polyurethane/ polyurea-hybrid waterproofing solutions for use on concrete on flat, pitched or green roofing systems, on podium areas beneath planted or hard landscaping and on bridge decks. Characteristics / advantages: [LIST] Fast application to reduce down time Improved adhesion reduces maintenance costs and increases safety for vehicles Elastic crack-bridging properties under a wide range of temperatures Resistance to chlorides and aggressive chemicals such as fuel, oils and hydraulic fluids Root resistant Lightweight system For new construction or refurbishment [/LIST]
Tork PeakServe® Continuous® Hand Towel, Black
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
klinker Brick Slip Smooth White Ártico
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Blanco Ártico Brick Slip is the most in demand among the wide range of La Paloma Cerámicas Catalogue. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Klinker Brick Slip Smooth Grey Otero
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Gris Otero Brick Slip is presented as the most regular tone within the grey range of La Paloma. With a lighter appearance than Gris Escorial, Gris Otero is one of the most demanded models among klinker quality for architectural trend and its neutral color. Gris Otero is often used in different combinations. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Klinker Brick Slip Smooth Ochre Guadarrama
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Ocre Guadarrama Brick Slip presents the clearest tone of the ocre flashing range. Since company origins this model has accompanied the catalogue and still working perfectly with greater acceptance in residential houses than in buildings, although there are examples of buildings with grat architectural value. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Klinker Brick Slip Smooth Red Bilbao
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Rojo Bilbao Brick Slip is the model within red range that does not present tonality variation. With high demand in the north of Spain, its klinker quality gives excellent perormance to harsh climates. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
|To offer you delicious culinary possibilities with a convection oven, KitchenAid has created the Twelix oven which combines 2 different cooking methods: <b>standard convection and steam-assisted</b>. The KitchenAid KOTSP 60600 multifunction oven offers 28 cooking modes:<br>- <br>- 11 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette) and Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry)<br>- 9 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 8 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill, Tweli Grill and Favourites.<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>The LCD display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br> This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The decisive accessory needed for an excellent level of cooking. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven, and once you choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with absolute precision, necessary for your requirements to cook, for example, an oustanding “pink inside” roastbeef.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rated oven is equipped with telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking. And the oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>This oven also includes the <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|To offer you delicious culinary possibilities with a convection oven, KitchenAid has created the Twelix oven which combines 2 different cooking methods: <b>standard convection and steam-assisted</b>. The KitchenAid KOTSS 60600 multifunction oven offers 28 cooking modes:<br>- <br>- 11 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette) and Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry)<br>- 9 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 8 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill, Tweli Grill and Favourites.<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>The LCD display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br> This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The decisive accessory needed for an excellent level of cooking. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven, and once you choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with absolute precision, necessary for your requirements to cook, for example, an oustanding “pink inside” roastbeef.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rated oven is equipped with telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking. And the oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.
|The KitchenAid KOLSS 60600 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions and other features so you can create a real professional cuisine in your own home.<br>It has professional functions that use intelligent algorithms to replicate the techniques of top chefs and determine which heating elements to use, when to use the fan and at which temperature to cook specific recipes. This means 29 cooking modes:<br>- 16 Professional functions to help to make delicious dish: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette), Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry) and Roasting (veal pork, roast beef rare, roast beef medium, roast chicken, roast turkey)<br>- 6 Special functions (Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking meat or fish)<br>- 7 Traditional functions (Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites). <br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this A+ oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>Furthermore, this oven is equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food during cooking. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection. The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use.It comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|The KitchenAid KOLSS 60600 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions and other features so you can create a real professional cuisine in your own home.<br>It has professional functions that use intelligent algorithms to replicate the techniques of top chefs and determine which heating elements to use, when to use the fan and at which temperature to cook specific recipes. This means 29 cooking modes:<br>- 16 Professional functions to help to make delicious dish: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette), Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry) and Roasting (veal pork, roast beef rare, roast beef medium, roast chicken, roast turkey)<br>- 6 Special functions (Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking meat or fish)<br>- 7 Traditional functions (Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites). <br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this A+ oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>Furthermore, this oven is equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food during cooking. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection. The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use.It comes with 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|The KitchenAid KOLCP 60600 multifunction oven has 14 cooking modes:<br>- 16 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette), Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry) and Roasting (veal pork, roast beef rare, roast beef medium, roast chicken, roast turkey)<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>You can control the degree of heat your food on the LCD display of the oven.<br>Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass cool door.<br>Plus this oven is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>This A+ energy rating oven also includes the <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|The KitchenAid KOLCS 60600 multifunction oven has 14 cooking modes:<br>- 16 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette), Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry) and Roasting (veal pork, roast beef rare, roast beef medium, roast chicken, roast turkey)<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>You can control the degree of heat your food on the LCD display of the oven.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rating oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass cool door.<br>Plus this oven is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.
|The KitchenAid KOHSP 60601 multifunction oven is rated Class A+ and has 13 cooking modes:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking for meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control is even easier to use.<br>Plus it is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle. <br>The oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray. Furthermore it is equipped with 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|The KitchenAid KOHSS 60601 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven is rated Class A+ and has 13 cooking modes:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking for meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid KOHSS 60601 multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use.<br>Plus this oven is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle. <br>This multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray. Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions to the KOHCP 60601 oven that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza. This 60 cm multifunction oven has:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use. You can also control the degree of heat your food on the Digital display of the oven.<br>In addition this oven is equipped with a temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The KitchenAid A+ energy rating oven also comes with a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions to the KOHCP 60601 oven that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza. This 60 cm multifunction oven has:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use. You can also control the degree of heat your food on the Digital display of the oven.<br>In addition this oven is equipped with a temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The KitchenAid A+ energy rating oven also comes with a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|KitchenAid KOHCP 60600 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This 60 cm multifunction oven is Class A+ rated and has:<br>- 5 Special functions: Defrost, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt preparation (50°C), Rising (40°C)<br>- and 5 Traditional functions: Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you five levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br>Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass cool door. The KitchenAid KOHCP 60600 multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray.<br><br>The KitchenAid KOHCP 60600 multifunction oven has also a <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|KitchenAid KOHCS 60600 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This 60 cm multifunction oven is Class A+ rated and has:<br>- 5 Special functions: Defrost, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt preparation (50°C), Rising (40°C)<br>- and 5 Traditional functions: Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you five levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br>Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool. The KitchenAid KOHCS 60600 multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray.
|The KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven is designed to be ever-so easy and intuitive to use: it has 3 practical knobs for managing the functions and temperature.<br>The KitchenAid KOGSS 60600 multifunction oven is Class A+ rated and has:<br>- 2 special cooking functions: Eco forced air and Rising (40°C) <br>- and 7 traditional cooking modes: Conventional, Convection Bake, Forced air, Grill, Turbo grill, Fast preheating and Favourites.<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br>Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|This 40-litre microwave oven can be seen in smart functions, such as jet defrost and rapid preheat, Easy-to-Clean stainless steel surfaces and a hard-wearing, professional design. The KitchenAid 45 cm microwave & grill oven has the <b>Sensor Cooking Technology</b>. The ideal ally, always ready to enhance the flavour of your dishes. Simply select the type of dish you want to cook and the sensor will automatically adjust the microwave’s power level and cooking time actively throughout the cooking process.<br>You can also benefit from the <b>Prosteam technology</b>. The perfect way to steam food in KitchenAid microwave ovens. The KitchenAid oven automatically adjusts to direct its low-level microwaves into the Steamer, an included ProSteam technology dish, so you can explore all the healthy opportunities to cook an outstanding steamed salmon with black bean sauce. The state-of-the-art 3D microwave system guarantees perfect, even and fast cooking. This model is super spacious and has a large 40 cm turntable. It also offers:<br>- 3 Special functions<br>- 6 Traditional functions (jet start, 2 grill, rapid preheat, forced air, forced air combi)<br>- Quick defrost<br>- Quick start
|The unrivalled quality of the KitchenAid brand can be seen in smart functions, such as jet defrost and rapid preheat, Easy-to-Clean stainless steel surfaces and a hard-wearing, professional design. The state-of-the-art 3D microwave system guarantees perfect, even and fast cooking, while the exclusive Crisp Technology helps you to cut cooking times. This model is super spacious and has a large 33 cm turntable.
BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) 4-6-8" Straight Forms
|<p>BuildBlock ICFs are a comprehensive product family of Insulated Concrete Forms. Available in sizes 4"-12"+ they deliver superior energy-efficiency, acoustic, and disaster-reslilience performance. BuildBlock ICFs are available in all the form types necessary for construction including: 90&deg;, 45&deg;, 2'-4'-8'-12'-16'-20' radius, TaperTop, and BrickLedge configurations.</p> <p>BuildBlock ICFs deliver fast construction, multiple reinforcement options including traditional rebar up to #8 in large forms.</p> <p>BuildBlock ICF forms combine the standard features you&rsquo;ve come to expect in&nbsp;a quality ICF. BuildBlock is built for speed with the least waste and many unique benefits you&rsquo;ll find in&nbsp;no other block.</p> <ul> <li>Ready to Stack. No on-site assembly required; start installing right off the truck.</li> <li>Fully Reversible. All forms are fully reversible; no top, bottom, left or right. Longer corner design provides automatic offset for each course.</li> <li>Industry Standard Size. Industry-standard 16-inch (406.4mm) high forms produce less waste when cutting around doors and windows.</li> <li>Tight Interlocking Blocks. Blocks easily stack and securely lock into place resulting in greater strength over the competition. No foam or clips required between courses.</li> <li>2.5-inch (63.5mm) Foam Panels. Allows easy accommodation of electrical and plumbing installation in the foam.</li> <li>High-density Plastic Webs on 6-inch centers. Greater strength, more value.</li> <li>Rebar Support eliminates most steel tying.</li> <li>Easy mechanical chases for plumbing and electrical.</li> <li>Open Web Design for efficient concrete flow and half-height block support.</li> <li>Extra Heavy-duty Attachment Points (450+lbs.) Located every 8-inches vertically, and 6-inches horizontally.</li> <li>Molded-in Tape Measure and Horizontal Cut Lines.</li> <li>1-inch Repeating Cut Pattern on Block Connection.</li> <li>Lowest waste of any ICF on the market today.</li> <li>Attachment Point Markings</li> <li>No special half-height blocks required.</li> </ul>
ODEON UP - Vanity top 80 cm
|Odéon Up 1-hole vanity top 80 cm -80 x 50 cm -self-supporting -chromed overflow cap DESIGN: Cleverly bold with a touch of elegance - a collection for the entire family FUNCTIONALITY: Wide side ledges for optimal comfort of use every day EASIER CARE: Soft corners for fast, easy cleaning -order with Odéon Up base unit EB894, EB895 or EB993
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
Zeag APL
|ZEAG APL is a Pay-In-Lane station that is ideal for installations where car park operators wish to offer payment at the exit of the parking facility. The APL offers a wide range of cash and credit card handling options, allowing secure and fast payment transactions. The stainless steel cabinet is particularly robust and the station offers many interactive features: a multilingual high contrast LCD touchscreen display for user instructions, a read/write ticket unit for magnetic stripe or barcode tickets, and an illuminated navigation to guide customers step-by-step through the payment process.
Speedflow Plus steel
|Part numbers: M17A y M17AB The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom. The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc. Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds. Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W. HEPA filter media that filters solid particles in suspension. Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element. Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure. Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.
Speedflow Plus Stainless Steel
|Part numbers: M17AC & M17ACS The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom. The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc. Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds. Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W. HEPA filter media that filters solid particles in suspension. Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element. Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure. Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.
JENDY JOSS External Wall Single - sp.237
|EXTERNAL SINGLE WALL with Jendy Joss® thermal-acoustic high-performance dry system, with easy and fast construction, ready for shaving and painting, coating or every kind of ventilated facade. Do not require counterframes for doors and windows, maximum height 12m, after structural design, especially at wind pressure/depression. Destination: Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Hotel, Hospital Thickness: 237mm Thermal transmittance: U=0.168 W/mqK
Thermopanel V4
|Thermopanel V4 represents a radiator concept, developed to meet high demands for efficient logistics and modern design. A radiator shipped complete from the factory, with everything in place. No loose parts and no extra assembly work. Just screw the supplied brackets, hang up the radiator and connect to the waterbased heating system. Easy, fast and efficient! Thermopanel has unique and appreciated properties. The patented V4 valve is welded hidden behind the radiator body, with a completely unique method for the industry. No visible pipes and full freedom to install the radiator for either bottom or side connection. Thermopanel V4 is always supplied with side plates and grids. Thermopanel has been developed with the focus on logistic completion. By producing the radiator ready for installation in a modern production line, production, distribution and handling are streamlined by warehouse wholesalers. The installer reduces assembly time and eliminates the risk of incorrect or missing items.
Thermopanel V4 Plan
|Thermopanel V4 Plan represents a radiator concept, developed to meet high demands for efficient logistics and modern design and with a total flat front panel. A radiator shipped complete from the factory, with everything in place. No loose parts and no extra assembly work. Just screw the supplied brackets, hang up the radiator and connect to the waterbased heating system. Easy, fast and efficient! Thermopanel Plan has unique and appreciated properties. The patented V4 valve is welded hidden behind the radiator body, with a completely unique method for the industry. No visible pipes and full freedom to install the radiator for either bottom or side connection. Thermopanel Plan is always supplied with side plates and grids. Thermopanel Plan has been developed with the focus on logistic completion. By producing the radiator ready for installation in a modern production line, production, distribution and handling are streamlined by warehouse wholesalers. The installer reduces assembly time and eliminates the risk of incorrect or missing items.
Thermopanel V4 Ramo
|Thermopanel V4 Ramo represents a radiator concept, developed to meet high demands for efficient logistics and modern design and with a flat front panel with decorative lines. A radiator shipped complete from the factory, with everything in place. No loose parts and no extra assembly work. Just screw the supplied brackets, hang up the radiator and connect to the waterbased heating system. Easy, fast and efficient! Thermopanel Ramo has unique and appreciated properties. The patented V4 valve is welded hidden behind the radiator body, with a completely unique method for the industry. No visible pipes and full freedom to install the radiator for either bottom or side connection. Thermopanel Ramo is always supplied with side plates and grids. Thermopanel Ramo has been developed with the focus on logistic completion. By producing the radiator ready for installation in a modern production line, production, distribution and handling are streamlined by warehouse wholesalers. The installer reduces assembly time and eliminates the risk of incorrect or missing items.
Shower cabins showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. The Alterna Basic Shower Cabinet is delivered in 3 parts: cabinets, rear panel and sliding doors that are quickly assembled by one person. The feet are adjustable and the front of the cabinet is removable for easy cleaning under the cabin. Water trap, shower set, soap holder and mirror are included in the shower cabinet. The Alterna Express Shower Cabinet has silver-colored aluminum profiles, 4 mm hardened safety glass and acrylic tub. Clear glass in doors and side panels. The shower cabinet comes with a shower panel and shower set. Size: H 2 150 x B 900 x D 900 mm. The shower cabinet can be ordered with or without the Mora MMIX thermostatic mixer. Due to its construction, the shower cabinet is very fast to install, and the walls are self-standing, allowing one person to mount it. The assembly is done without tools.
Shower cabins showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. The Alterna Basic Shower Cabinet is delivered in 3 parts: cabinets, rear panel and sliding doors that are quickly assembled by one person. The feet are adjustable and the front of the cabinet is removable for easy cleaning under the cabin. Water trap, shower set, soap holder and mirror are included in the shower cabinet. The Alterna Express Shower Cabinet has silver-colored aluminum profiles, 4 mm hardened safety glass and acrylic tub. Clear glass in doors and side panels. The shower cabinet comes with a shower panel and shower set. Size: H 2 150 x B 900 x D 900 mm. The shower cabinet can be ordered with or without the Mora MMIX thermostatic mixer. Due to its construction, the shower cabinet is very fast to install, and the walls are self-standing, allowing one person to mount it. The assembly is done without tools.
JENDY JOSS External Wall Double - sp.324
|EXTERNAL DOUBLE WALL with Jendy Joss® thermal-acoustic high-performance dry system, with easy and fast construction, ready for shaving and painting, coating or every kind of ventilated facade. Do not require counterframes for doors and windows, maximum height 6,0m, after static project, especially at wind pressure/depression. Destination: Residential Thickness: ≥324mm Thermal transmittance: U=0,168 W/mqK
JENDY JOSS External Wall Double - sp.324 XL
|EXTERNAL DOUBLE WALL with Jendy Joss® thermal-acoustic high-performance dry system, with easy and fast construction, ready for shaving and painting, the coating or every kind of ventilated facade. Do not require counterframes for doors and windows, after static project, especially at wind pressure/depression. Destination: Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Hotel, Hospital Thickness: ≥324mm Thermal transmittance: U=0.129 W/mqK
JENDY JOSS External PREASSEMBLED Wall - sp.237
|EXTERNAL PREASSEMBLED SINGLE WALL with Jendy Joss® thermal-acoustic high-performance dry system, with easy and fast construction, ready for shaving and painting, the coating or every kind of ventilated facade. Predisposed windows and doors, maximum height 12m for each module, after structural calculation, especially at wind pressure/depression. Destination: Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Hotel, Hospital Thickness: 237mm Thermal transmittance: U=0.168 W/mqK
RatioPlan 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 8 DF d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 8 DF d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 175 Interior wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF d=175
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
RatioPlan 240 Interior wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 8 DF d=240
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided right 45°, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
RatioPlan 115 Interior wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 4 DF d=115
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
RatioPlan 175 Separation wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF 2 * d=175
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
Tork PeakServe™ Continuous Hand Towel, Black
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
Tork PeakServe™ Continuous Hand Towel, White
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
HEWI Push/pull handle set 162XADG06
|System 162 push/pull handle set for equipping doors or emergency exits For emergency exits: Approval to EN 179 in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634 and 9 mm square spindle. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Handle made of a stainless steel tube, diameter 30 mm, straight handle with straight connection, height 450 mm, width 124 mm, satin surface, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class 0, A or B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion protection: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of operating element: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI 162XADG06
HEWI Push/pull handle set FSDG550-08
|System 111 push/pull handle set Handle made of polyamide, with steel core diameter 33 mm, closed oval, height 400 mm, width 105 mm, high polished, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Contrasting design in coloured polyamide. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification key: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: Class 6 Use on smoke/fire doors: Class 0. A or B Safety personal security: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security: Class 2 Security - Burglary protection: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI FSDG550.08
Insulation panel Thermano® for floors
|THERMANO THERMAL PIR INSULATION BOARDS FEATURES: [LIST] solid floors for many years, without cracks and dampness heating bills lower by up to 40%! (depending on the type of floor) easy and weldless insulation of standard and critical places, on virtually every surface, at temperatures from -70°C to +140°C unparalleled energy efficiency the best insulator in the market! eliminates thermal bridges, the so-called dew point problem and vapour condensation; more efficient in comparison to polystyrene XPS and EPS stable thermal insulation parameters throughout full lifetime absorbability <2% thanks to closed cell structure easy and fast assembly less material and lower workmanship costs safe for the natural environment [/LIST]
Installation trunking BR65
|Fast installation, simple reinstallation and robust material: The tehalit.BR dado trunking system guarantees advanced installation of electrical systems, with safe line guidance and a contemporary design. The "modern classic" tehalit.BR stands out with its range of different variants and the variable options for device installation.
Insulation panel Thermano® for flat roofs
|THERMANO THERMAL PIR INSULATION BOARDS FOR FLAT ROOFS FEATURES: [LIST] easy and weldless insulation of standard and critical places, on virtually every surface, at temperatures from -70°C to +140°C unparalleled energy efficiency – the best insulator in the market! - eliminates thermal bridges, the so-called dew point problem and vapour condensation; more efficient in comparison to polystyrene and wool easy and incredibly fast assembly - less material, fast joining of the plates, stability of the surface, easy to handle and assemble in all kinds of conditions a durable product, resistant to deterioration, resistant to most solvents commonly used in building industry stable thermal insulation parameters throughout full lifetime safe for the natural environment and pro-ecological (according to Bio-Bauforschung IBBF Institute) [/LIST]
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
DELTA Bicycle Rack, Dual sided, 8 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided left 45°, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
DELTA®-FOXX PLUS - Pitched roof course 0.3mm
|Vapour permeable sheathing membrane for fully insulated pitched roofs. In combination with DELTA system components fulfils the requirements for a rainproof roof lining in accordance with German Roofing Industry Association trade rules. As DELTA®-FOXX PLUS, with an integrated self-adhesive edges for fast, windproof laying.
Quick natural cement - i.speed ALI CEM
|i.speed ALI CEM is a premix based on cement featuring rapid setting times and fast strength gain at the very early ages, while ensuring optimal workability of the mortar, when mixing with water. - i.speed ALI CEM allows high reproducibility, at job site, of the fresh mix with the desired consistency. - i.speed ALI CEM allows high workability during approx. 10 minutes, this reduces the generation of waste material when working. - i.speed ALI CEM features quick setting times. - i.peed ALI CEM features high compressive strength both at early age and long term. - i.speed ALI CEM gets low shrinkage hardened products.
|KitchenAid introduces its new timeless design freestanding refrigerator: the ultimate complement for your kitchen. <b>The new Iconic Fridge</b> was created to keep up an iconic standard that stands forever in a present made of never ending nows, there you find timeless icons.<br><br>The A++ Iconic Fridge features details that make the difference: <b>metal door and top</b>, <b>chrome aluminium handle</b>, the <b>red medaillon</b> on the handle as a signature, <b>metal insert on adjustable balconies</b>. <br>The door is a complete metal construction which makes the fridge more durable. On the inside you will find the superior characteristics that make the Iconic Fridge unique. Electronic controls and touch user interface to make it intuitive and friendly to use. The ProAir System which constantly monitors the temperature and humidity levels inside your refrigerator. <br>With a net capacity of 230 liters (205 liters for the fridge and 25 liters for the freezer), the Iconic Fridge also offers following technical features: 4* freezer cell, fast cooling, LED lighting, adjustable shelves, a noise level of 38 db maximum.<br><br>Also available in two other marvellous colours: Almond Cream and Onyx Black, the Iconic Fridge with its outstanding design will bring a new icon into your kitchen.
ASSA ABLOY HS8010P high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS8010P from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for exterior openings in medium-sized heavy-duty operations. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy. Albany
ASSA ABLOY HS8010 PL high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS8010PL from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for exterior openings in large-sized heavy-duty operations. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy. Albany
ASSA ABLOY RR3000 XXL high speed door
|From ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, the RR3000 XXL can be found in use wherever busy, large doorways are needed. This brilliant fast running door opens at high-speeds, even in doorways up to 6 m high. A special winding mechanism (Disc DriveTM) allows the door curtain to be wound without noise or wear. The flexible slats in particular offer a great benefit in daily use. They protect the door against possible collision damage and also provide noise insulation. The contactless photocell provides the necessary safety.
ASSA ABLOY HS9010P high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS9010P from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for interior use in medium-sized heavy-duty operations. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY HS9010PL high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS9010PL from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for interior use in large-sized heavy-duty operations. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY HS9110P high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS9110P from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is an evolution of the ASSA ABLOY HS9010P. It is designed for medium-sized heavy-duty operations in interior environments. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY HS8010P high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS8010P from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for exterior openings in heavy-duty operations. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY HS8010PL high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS8010PL from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for exterior openings in large-sized heavy-duty operations. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY HS8020P high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS8020P from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for exterior openings in medium-sized heavy-duty operations with extreme wind loads. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy.
ASSA ABLOY HS8020PL high speed door
|The ASSA ABLOY HS8020PL from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed for exterior openings in large-sized heavy-duty operations with extreme wind loads. It protects your environment against drafts, humidity, dust and dirt. With fast opening and closing speed, the door improves your traffic flow, provides employee comfort, and saves energy.
|The KitchenAid KOHCC 60600 multifunction oven is designed to be ever-so easy and intuitive to use: it has 3 practical knobs for managing the functions and temperature.<br>This 60 cm multifunction oven is Class A+ rated and has:<br>- 5 special cooking functions: Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), and Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- and 5 traditional cooking modes: Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake and Favourites.<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control. <br>Furthermore this KitchenAid multifunction oven is equipped with a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|KitchenAid KOHSP 60602 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This 60 cm multifunction oven is Class A+ rated and has:<br>- 5 Special functions: Defrost, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt preparation (50°C), Rising (40°C)<br>- and 5 Traditional functions: Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you five levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br>Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass cool door. The KitchenAid KOHSP 60602 multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray.<br><br>The KitchenAid KOHSP 60602 multifunction oven has also a <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|The KitchenAid KOHSP 60601 multifunction oven is rated Class A+ and has 13 cooking modes:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking for meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control is even easier to use.<br>Plus it is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle. <br>The oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray. Furthermore it is equipped with 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|The KitchenAid KOHSP 60604 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions and other features so you can create a real professional cuisine in your own home. It has professional functions that use intelligent algorithms to replicate the techniques of top chefs and determine which heating elements to use, when to use the fan and at which temperature to cook specific recipes. Professional functions to help to make delicious dish: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette), Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry) and Roasting (veal pork, roast beef rare, roast beef medium, roast chicken, roast turkey) - 6 Special functions (Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking meat or fish) - 7 Traditional functions (Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites).
|KitchenAid KOHSS 60602 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This 60 cm multifunction oven is Class A+ rated and has:<br>- 5 Special functions: Defrost, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt preparation (50°C), Rising (40°C)<br>- and 5 Traditional functions: Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you five levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br>Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool. This A+ energy rating multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>Furthermore it is equipped with a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|The KitchenAid KOHSS 60601 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven is rated Class A+ and has 13 cooking modes:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking for meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid KOHSS 60601 multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use.<br>Plus this oven is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle. <br>This multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray. Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|To offer you delicious culinary possibilities with a convection oven, KitchenAid has created the Twelix oven which combines 2 different cooking methods: <b>standard convection and steam-assisted</b>. The KitchenAid KOTSP 60602 multifunction oven offers 28 cooking modes:<br>- <br>- 11 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette) and Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry)<br>- 9 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 8 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill, Tweli Grill and Favourites.<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>The LCD display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br> This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The decisive accessory needed for an excellent level of cooking. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven, and once you choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with absolute precision, necessary for your requirements to cook, for example, an oustanding “pink inside” roastbeef.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rated oven is equipped with telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking. And the oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>This oven also includes the <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
Cupolex + Beton Stop
|CUPOLEX® is a patented technology from Pontarolo Engineering spa for the construction of aerated floors, raised slabs, and lightweight fill replacement, it is a fast and economic system to cerate the sanitary void. One of the principal advantages of CUPOLEX® system is the healthiness of the building, due to the good air circulation, gas removal e.g. Radon gas, and humidity elimination. The igloo shaped elements, once placed and connected together are able to receive the concrete cast giving the slab a unique geometry with a matrix of small columns 56 cm distant ( 71 for domes heights above 55 cm), a hollowed space underneath and a slab thickness that can be designed to hold and load. The accessory element BETON STOP is used to close the lateral apertures, to prevent the concrete cast to enter the hollowed space, and can also be adjusted to fit any plant design with no need to cut the CUPOLEX® elements. The system also permits the monolithic cast of foundations and aerated slab.
Iron Armoured Heavy Duty Polyurethane - Screed Ucrete IF
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete IF provides an extremely tough surface for environments subject to extreme impact and abrasion. Its dense and impervious iron armoured surface provides protection against severe abrasion making it the ideal floor finish for applications in the waste management, heavy engineering and manufacturing industries and wherever a robust long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete IF is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy Duty Polyurethane Floor Finish - Ucrete MF
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete MF provides a smooth protective floor finish suitable for applications in predominantly dry environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food, pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries including clean room, laboratory, packing hall and warehouse applications and wherever a robust, long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete MF is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed for Flooring - Ucrete UD200
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete UD200 provides a lightly textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process envi-ronments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, phar-maceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust, long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance. Ucrete UD200 is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed for Flooring Ucrete - UD200SR
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete UD200SR provides a highly textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments where high levels of slip resistance are required. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust, long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete UD200SR is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 150 - DMPS3-4K-150-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-150-C from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, mic preamp, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It&trade; functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.<br><br></p> <p>Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. A full-featured microphone input is also included for applications requiring high-quality speech reinforcement. The selected input source and microphone can be mixed and routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Additional DigitalMedia 8G+® inputs and output afford a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources, for the display device, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.</p> <p><strong>4K Ultra HD<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-150-C handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.</p> <p><strong>Crestron Connect It&trade;</strong><br></p> <p>Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-150-C. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-150-C provide power and communications for each cable caddy.<br>A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-150-C can also accommodate two DM® transmitters, one DM receiver, and an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[1,2]<br>No Programming Required!<br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition, multi-format presentation switcher, scaler, mic preamp, audio DSP, and control system</li><li>Out of the box Crestron Connect It&trade; collaboration system functionality</li><li>Supports up to four TT-100 series Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies [1]</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [3]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Includes four auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and stereo analog audio inputs [6]</li><li>Includes two DM 8G+® inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, HDBaseT®, and analog video sources [4,5]</li><li>Input auto-detection configures each input automatically</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes a single microphone input with EQ, gating, and compression</li><li>Provides parallel HDMI and DM 8G+ outputs for one or more display devices</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [9]</li><li>Integrates seamlessly with DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switchers to allow facility-wide signal distribution</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features a built-in, high-performance 4K scaler</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion, and passes 3D video (without scaling) to 3D displays [7]</li><li>Provides a balanced stereo audio output with graphic EQ, limiting, and delay</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding [6]</li><li>Handles Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio [8]</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM extenders [10]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via built-in RC-5 compatible IR receiver</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Includes front panel controls for switching and volume adjustment</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips</li><li>Allows complete AV setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM and HDBaseT PoE powered devices</li><li>Mounts under the table or in a single 19” rack space</li></ul> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101, requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-150-C.<br>3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.<br>6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.<br>7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.<br>8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output (HDMI or DM) requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled and the ability to route the microphone signal to that output is defeated. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.<br>9. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ & HDBaseT Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>10. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-150-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>11. License required. The DMPS3-4K-150-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>12. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 12.95 Watts is delivered at each PoDM or HDBaseT PoE powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or HDBaseT PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.</p> <p></p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 50 - DMPS3-4K-50
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-50 from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It&trade; functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-50 is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.</p><p>Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. The selected input source is routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.<br><br></p><p><strong>4K Ultra HD</strong><br>The DMPS3-4K-50 handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br><br></p><p><strong>Crestron Connect It&trade;<br></strong>Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-50. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-50 provide power and communications for each cable caddy.<br>A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-50 can also accommodate an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[2]<br><br></p><p><strong>No Programming Required!<br></strong>Installing the DMPS3-4K-50 is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.[3]<br><br></p><p><strong>Multi-Format Auto-Switcher<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-50 provides high-performance automatic switching between four groups of inputs, each including HDMI, VGA, and unbalanced stereo audio. The HDMI inputs are compatible with DVI and Dual-Mode DisplayPort sources, and the VGA inputs can handled RGB, composite, S-Video, and component video sources. Digital audio is supported by the HDMI inputs, plus each analog audio input may be used in combination with its corresponding VGA or HDMI video input. Input auto-detection eliminates the need to configure the inputs – simply connect your source and the DMPS3-4K-50 selects the right audio and video combination.[4,5,6]<br><br></p><p><strong>4K Scaler<br></strong>With its high-performance 4K video scaler on board, the DMPS3-4K-50 ensures an optimal image from every video source. It allows all types of video and computer sources to be viewed reliably and look their best on any display up to 4K. It accepts any input resolution, from standard definition NTSC 480i to ultra high-definition DCI 4K, and scales it perfectly to match the native resolution of any screen up to DCI 4K (4096 x 2160). Interlaced sources are converted to progressive scan using motion-adaptive deinterlacing. Intelligent frame rate conversion enables support for 24p and PAL format sources. And, 3D to 2D conversion allows 3D content to be viewed on 2D-only displays.[7]<br><br></p><p><strong>Flexible Audio Outputs<br></strong>The switched audio signal is routed to the HDMI output as well as to a separate balanced analog audio output, with individual level adjustments provided for each output. All inputs and outputs support stereo audio, with the option to configure the analog output for mono. Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and 7.1 linear PCM audio signals can also be routed through the HDMI inputs and output.[8]<br><br></p><p><strong>Professional Audio DSP</strong><br>The analog audio output includes professional digital signal processing, allowing the signal to be adjusted for optimum performance and sound quality. The analog output is ideally designed to be connected to an external power amplifier and used to drive a set of ceiling or wall mount speakers. In addition to volume, bass, treble, and mute controls, the DSP provides 10-band graphic equalization, fully-adjustable limiting, and up to 80 ms of delay. All settings are adjustable using the DMPS3-4K-50’s web browser user interface for easy setup. The output volume level is also adjustable using the front panel volume knob.<br><br></p><p><strong>EDID Format Management<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-50 provides comprehensive management of the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) information that passes between display devices and input sources, ensuring that each source gets displayed at its optimal resolution and format. Most applications require no changes to the default settings. For applications requiring custom configuration, the DMPS3-4K-50 allows for easy assessment of each device’s format and resolution capabilities, with the ability to configure signals appropriately for the most desirable and predictable behavior.<br><br></p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition, multi-format presentation switcher, scaler, audio DSP, and control system</li><li>Out of the box Crestron Connect It&trade; collaboration system functionality</li><li>Supports up to four TT-100 series Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies [1]</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [3]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Includes four auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and stereo analog audio inputs [6]</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and analog video sources [4,5]</li><li>Input auto-detection configures each input automatically</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Provides a single HDMI output</li><li>Features a built-in, high-performance 4K scaler</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion, and passes 3D video (without scaling) to 3D displays [7]</li><li>Provides a balanced stereo audio output with graphic EQ, limiting, and delay</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding [6]</li><li>Handles Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio [8]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via built-in RC-5 compatible IR receiver</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Includes front panel controls for switching and volume adjustment</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips</li><li>Allows complete AV setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Mounts under the table or in a single 19” rack space</li></ul> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101 (sold separately), requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-50.<br>3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.<br>6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.<br>7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.<br>8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.<br>9. License required. The DMPS3-4K-50 supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 100 - DMPS3-4K-100-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-100-C from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, mic preamp, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It&trade; functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-100-C is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.<br></p> <p>Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. A full-featured microphone input is also included for applications requiring high-quality speech reinforcement. The selected input source and microphone can be mixed and routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Additionally, its DigitalMedia 8G+® output affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for the display device, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.<br><br></p> <p><strong>4K Ultra HD<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-100-C handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br><br></p> <p><strong>Crestron Connect It&trade;<br></strong>Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-100-C. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-100-C provide power and communications for each cable caddy.<br>A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-100-C can also accommodate a single DM® receiver and an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[1,2]<br><br></p> <p><strong>No Programming Required!</strong><br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-100-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. .[3]<br><br></p> <p><strong>Multi-Format Auto-Switcher</strong><br>The DMPS3-4K-100-C provides high-performance automatic switching between four groups of inputs, each including HDMI, VGA, and unbalanced stereo audio. The HDMI inputs are compatible with DVI and Dual-Mode DisplayPort sources, and the VGA inputs can handled RGB, composite, S-Video, and component video sources. Digital audio is supported by the HDMI inputs, plus each analog audio input may be used in combination with its corresponding VGA or HDMI video input. Input auto-detection eliminates the need to configure the inputs – simply connect your source and the DMPS3-4K-100-C selects the right audio and video combination. The switched video signal is routed to one HDMI output and one DM 8G+® output simultaneously. The DM 8G+ output is compatible with HDBaseT®.[4,5,6]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul><li>Ultra high-definition, multi-format presentation switcher, scaler, mic preamp, audio DSP, and control system</li><li>Out of the box Crestron Connect It&trade; collaboration system functionality</li><li>Supports up to four TT-100 series Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies [1]</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [3]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Includes four auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and stereo analog audio inputs [6]</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and analog video sources [4,5]</li><li>Input auto-detection configures each input automatically</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes a single microphone input with EQ, gating, and compression</li><li>Provides parallel HDMI and DM 8G+® outputs for one or more display devices</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [9]</li><li>Integrates seamlessly with DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switchers to allow facility-wide signal distribution</li><li>HDBaseT® Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to an HDBaseT certified display device</li><li>Features a built-in, high-performance 4K scaler</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion, and passes 3D video (without scaling) to 3D displays [7]</li><li>Provides a balanced stereo audio output with graphic EQ, limiting, and delay</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding [6]</li><li>Handles Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio [8]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via built-in RC-5 compatible IR receiver</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Includes front panel controls for switching and volume adjustment</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips</li><li>Allows complete AV setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM and HDBaseT PoE powered devices</li><li>Mounts under the table or in a single 19” rack space</li></ul> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101, requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-100-C.<br>3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.<br>6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.<br>7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.<br>8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output (HDMI or DM) requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled and the ability to route the microphone signal to that output is defeated. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.<br>9. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ & HDBaseT Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-100-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>11. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 12.95 Watts is delivered at the PoDM or HDBaseT PoE powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or HDBaseT PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 250 - DMPS3-4K-250-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-250-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-250-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scaler, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-250-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!<br></strong>Installing the DMPS3-4K-250-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]<br></strong>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video<br></strong>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-250-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 8x2 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 8 video sources and 2 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides one HDMI output and one DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) output</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features a high-performance 4K scaler on the HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at either digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license. To obtain the license or for any questions regarding AirMedia activation, please visit https://www.crestron.com/dmps-airmedia-activation. To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-250-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI output does not pass 3D signals. On this output, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ output.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-250-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-250-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 350 - DMPS3-4K-350-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-350-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-350-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scalers, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-350-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!</strong><br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-350-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]</strong><br>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video</strong><br>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-350-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 9x4 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 9 video sources and 4 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides two HDMI and two DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) outputs</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features an independent, high-performance 4K scaler at each HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at any digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license.&nbsp; To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-350-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI outputs do not pass 3D signals. On these outputs, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ outputs.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-350-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-350-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
Curtain wall Forster thermfix light
|Facade with attachment profiles FLEXIBLE, FAST, ECONOMICAL. The system offers great configuration flexibility to both planner and architect because of the unlimited choice in the sub-structures. Forster thermfix light makes it possible to mount a sealing system on commercially-available steel and aluminium profiles as well as on wooden sub-structures. The system is characterized by basic and quick processing allowing improved economics. Possible variants are vertical curtain walls, sloped glazing and sloped glazing with fire protection. Combine the thermally insulated doors and windows from the system forster unico and unico XS with it.
Sloped glazing Forster thermfix light EI30
|Fire resistant sloped glazing EI30 and EI60 with attachment profiles FLEXIBLE, FAST, ECONOMICAL. The system offers great configuration flexibility to both planner and architect because of the unlimited choice in the sub-structures. Forster thermfix light makes it possible to mount a sealing system on commercially-available steel sub-structures. The system is characterized by basic and quick processing allowing improved economics. The advantages of the system • Controlled rain and condense water ducts through overlapping inner seals at the crossing and end-points of the rafters and mullions • Controlled ventilation and drainage of the glass rebates • Continuous screw mounting strip: free positioning of the fixing screws. • Functional outer weatherstripping system: two component seals in an aluminium press bar, crossing points sealed with inserts. • High degree of freedom of sizes and weights of filling elements as the glass carrier pads are laid out to meet the requirements of the specific type of construction. • Hidden or visible screw-fastened pressure strips can be used in the rafter and transom area. • Welded or clipped sub-structure • Combination with existing vertical facade system Forster thermfix light • High structural performance figures certified • Due to the use of a rebate space insulator, highly thermally insulated overhead glazing can be achieved
Sloped glazing Forster thermfix light
|Sloped glazing with attachment profiles FLEXIBLE, FAST, ECONOMICAL. The system offers great configuration flexibility to both planner and architect because of the unlimited choice in the sub-structures. Forster thermfix light makes it possible to mount a sealing system on commercially-available steel and aluminium profiles as well as on wooden sub-structures. The system is characterized by basic and quick processing allowing improved economics. The advantages of the system • Controlled rain and condense water ducts through overlapping inner seals at the crossing and end-points of the rafters and mullions • Controlled ventilation and drainage of the glass rebates • Continuous screw mounting strip: free positioning of the fixing screws. • Functional outer weatherstripping system: two component seals in an aluminium press bar, crossing points sealed with inserts. • High degree of freedom of sizes and weights of filling elements as the glass carrier pads are laid out to meet the requirements of the specific type of construction. • Hidden or visible screw-fastened pressure strips can be used in the rafter and transom area. • Welded or clipped sub-structure • Combination with existing vertical facade system Forster thermfix light • High structural performance figures certified • Due to the use of a rebate space insulator, highly thermally insulated overhead glazing can be achieved
Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed - Ucrete MT
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete MT provides a lightly textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process environ-ments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, pharma-ceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust, long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete MT is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Antistatic Defined Profile Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed - Ucrete DP10AS
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete DP10AS provides a uniformity of surface texture with enhanced aesthetics, with a gloss or matt finish, so providing a safe and attractive working environment. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in explosion hazarded areas. Ucrete DP is a family of products with defined surface pro-files suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments. Two antistatic versions are available with a fine (Ucrete DP10AS) and medium (Ucrete DP20AS) textured surfaces to meet a range of slip resistance, aesthetics and ease of cleaning requirements. Ucrete DP10AS and Ucrete DP20AS comply with the re-quirements of BS5958, EN1081 and DIN51953. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete DP10AS is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Antistatic Defined Profile Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed - Ucrete DP20AS
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete DP20AS provides a uniformity of surface texture with enhanced aesthetics, with a gloss or matt finish, so providing a safe and attractive working environment. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in explosion hazarded areas. Ucrete DP is a family of products with defined surface pro-files suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments. Two antistatic versions are available with a fine (Ucrete DP10AS) and medium (Ucrete DP20AS) textured surfaces to meet a range of slip resistance, aesthetics and ease of cleaning requirements. Ucrete DP10AS and Ucrete DP20AS comply with the re-quirements of BS5958, EN1081 and DIN51953. • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete DP20AS is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy Duty Polyurethane Coloured Quartz Screed - Ucrete HPQ
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete HPQ provides a robust 4-6mm thick coloured quartz floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in pharmaceutical production facilities, clean room areas, amenity rooms, retail, commercial and industry environments and wherever an attractive floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete HPQ is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Antistatic Heavy Duty Polyurethane Coloured Quartz Screed - Ucrete HPQAS
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete HPQAS provides a robust 4-6mm thick coloured quartz floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in pharmaceutical production facilities, clean room areas, amenity rooms, retail, commercial and industry environments and wherever an attractive floor is required. Ucrete HPQAS and complies with the requirements of BS5958, EN1081 and DIN51953. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete HPQAS is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Static Conductive Heavy Duty Polyurethane Floor Finish - Ucrete MFAS-C
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete MFAS-C provides a smooth protective static conductive floor finish suitable for applications in predominantly dry environments. It is used where there is a very high risk of explosion due to electrostatic discharge including where explosives, gases or solvents are handled. Ucrete MFAS-C meets the requirements of BS5958, EN1081, DIN51953, EN61340 and BS2050. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete MFAS-C is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy duty, polyurethane screed with terrazzo effect finish - Ucrete TZ
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete TZ provides a smooth protective floor finish suitable for applications in predominantly dry environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the pharmaceutical production facilities including process areas, clean room, laboratory, packing, hall and warehouse applications and wherever a highly attractive, robust, long lived is required. • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete TZ is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Defined Profile Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed -Ucrete DP10
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete TZ provides a smooth protective floor finish suitable for applications in predominantly dry environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the pharmaceutical production facilities including process areas, clean room, laboratory, packing, hall and warehouse applications and wherever a highly attractive, robust, long lived is required. • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete TZ is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Defined Profile Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed - Ucrete DP20
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete DP20 provides a medium textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments. It is dense and impervious providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust, long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Finishes: Matt and glossy versions are available. • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete DP20 is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Defined Profile Heavy Duty Polyurethane Screed - Ucrete DP30
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete DP30 provides a highly textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments. It is dense and impervious providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust, long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Finishes: Matt and glossy versions are available. • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete DP30 is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy duty polyurethane floor finish - Ucrete HF60RT
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete HF60RT provides a lightly textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry processes environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete HF60RT is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy duty polyurethane floor finish - Ucrete HF100RT
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete HF100RT provides a lightly textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry processes environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust long lived floor is required. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete HF100RT is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy duty polyurethane render - Ucrete RG
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete RG provides a robust render for vertical applications in wet and dry process environments. It is dense and impervious providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and chemical industries and wherever a robust, long lived floor is required. • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete RG is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Antistatic Heavy Duty Polyurethane Floor Finish - Ucrete MF40AS
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete MF40AS provides a smooth protective antistatic floor finish suitable for applications in predominantly dry environments. It is dense and impervious, providing the ideal floor finish for applications in the electronics, food, pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries including clean room, laboratory, packing hall and warehouse applications and wherever a robust long lived floor is required. Ucrete MF40AS meets the requirements of BS5958, EN1081, DIN51953 and EN61340. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete MF40AS is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.
Heavy Duty Polyurethane Antistatic Terrazzo Floor Finish - Ucrete TZAS
|Ucrete is a unique HD Polyurethane resin floor with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and temperatures up to 150°C. Ucrete TZAS provides a smooth protective floor finish suitable for applications in predominantly dry environments. It is dense and impervious providing the ideal floor finish for applications in pharmaceutical production facilities including process areas, clean room, laboratory, packing hall and warehouse applications and wherever a highly attractive, robust, long lived floor is required. Ucrete TZAS, complies with the requirements of BS5958, DIN51953 and EN 61340-5-1. BENEFITS • Durability: Ucrete Industrial Flooring has been widely used through-out industry for more than 40 years, many of the older floors are still in service. • Air quality: Very low VOC emissions. • Non-tainting, even during the application. • Fast application and curing: Specifications are available that enable Ucrete to be installed and cured within a 12 hour application window. • Temperature and thermal shock resistance. • Chemical resistance: Exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemical aggressors. • Impact resistance: Ucrete TZAS is able to withstand severe impact loads. • Substrate moisture tolerance: Can be applied directly onto 7 day old concrete, or old good quality concrete with high moisture contents without the use of special primers. • Cleaning and hygiene: Accredited for use in facilities operating HACCP based food safety systems. • Safe for workers, products and the environment.