Polyfenster 1 (1)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1450557413Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Dabei ist allerdings die Trennlinie aussen sichtbar. bei automatischer Überdämmung nicht. Die Nutzung der Solidelemente Befehle wurde besser eingabaut. nun werden eingezogene Fensterflügel von allen Rahmenelementen abgezogen. Die Rahmenelemente werdengenauso wie die Fensterflügel vom Glas abgezogen. Bei automatischer Überdämmungsdarstellung wurde mit den Wallnichen befehlen gearbeitet. Dazu wurde eine Funktion zum Parallelverschieben der Kontur eingebaut - nicht die addon derPOLYGON-OPERATIONSERWEITERUNG genutz, sondern eine eigene GDL-Lösung. Es wurden im Grundriss ein zusätzlicher Anfasser eingebaut, um den Stock in der Tiefe verschieben zu können. Die Grundrissdarstellung wurde mit Wallblock ergänzt und die Schichten des Putzeinzuges erkennen nun die Schichtdicken. 19.12.2015: Im Grundriss wietere Hotspots für symbolische Darstellung hinzugefügt: nun ist nicht nur für Stockprofilmaße, sondern auch für Rahmenelemente und Fensterrahmen das Profil beim 1. Element stellbar. Die Tiefe des gesamt-Elementes in der Wand kann verstellt werden. Das Einsetzen in eine einschalige Wand ist möglich. Die Kontur kann nun bis an den Rand von A und B geführt werden. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster9_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Q-Railing Easy Glass Fascia Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Polyfenster 1 (english)
Michell Kreem | 1494584102Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Dabei ist allerdings die Trennlinie aussen sichtbar. bei automatischer Überdämmung nicht. Die Nutzung der Solidelemente Befehle wurde besser eingabaut. nun werden eingezogene Fensterflügel von allen Rahmenelementen abgezogen. Die Rahmenelemente werdengenauso wie die Fensterflügel vom Glas abgezogen. Bei automatischer Überdämmungsdarstellung wurde mit den Wallnichen befehlen gearbeitet. Dazu wurde eine Funktion zum Parallelverschieben der Kontur eingebaut - nicht die addon derPOLYGON-OPERATIONSERWEITERUNG genutz, sondern eine eigene GDL-Lösung. Es wurden im Grundriss ein zusätzlicher Anfasser eingebaut, um den Stock in der Tiefe verschieben zu können. Die Grundrissdarstellung wurde mit Wallblock ergänzt und die Schichten des Putzeinzuges erkennen nun die Schichtdicken. 19.12.2015: Im Grundriss wietere Hotspots für symbolische Darstellung hinzugefügt: nun ist nicht nur für Stockprofilmaße, sondern auch für Rahmenelemente und Fensterrahmen das Profil beim 1. Element stellbar. Die Tiefe des gesamt-Elementes in der Wand kann verstellt werden. Das Einsetzen in eine einschalige Wand ist möglich. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster9_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Q-Railing Easy Glass Curved Fascia Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Glas - Spiegel 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Q-Railing Easy Glass Top Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
AP - Glas - Fenster másolata
Andras Peer | 1604733149Glas - Fenster
Glas - Blauw 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - bruin
Anne de Ruijtter | 1568296005 -
Glas - GI Portal 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Helder hard 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Lamp 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Ruis 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Satijn 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Blauw 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Blauw Licht 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Bruin 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Geel 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Groen 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Groen Licht 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Oranje 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Paars 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Simpel Rood 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Spiegel Semi-transparant 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas - Verlichting 18
Mario Moerman | 1411506652 -
Glas Glasbaustein
Nora Puhle | 1526152527 -
Glas Normalglas
Lukas Sigrist | 1536838727lukas sigrist spiegel
Glas Normalglas
Christian Leitgeb | 1562750170 -
Glas Profilit
Adel Dakkak | 1580830381 -
Glas satiniert
Lukas Nunnemann | 1562082217 -
Peer - Glas - durchlassig
Andras Peer | 1604416132Glas - durchlassig
Peer - Glas - Fenster
Andras Peer | 1604416155Glas - Fenster
Peer - Glas - Gehweg hilfsmaterial - durchlassig
Andras Peer | 1604416206Glas - Gehweg hilfdmaterial - durchlassig
Peer - Glas - IDL_Light_Glass - ganz weisses Glas
Andras Peer | 1604416264Glas - IDL_Light_Glass - ganz weisses Glas
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 9 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with a handle. 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD32xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD32xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Q-Railing Easy Glass Curved Top Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Premium GLASS Z8/L
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z2/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking positionZ2/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z3/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z4/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z8/L
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z2/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking positionZ2/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z3/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z4/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Shower Doors Picto showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Picto Shower Walls are single-packed and reversible shower doors that can be combined in any way. Combine between straight and curved shower doors, 4 sizes and 3 glas types. For a pre-assembled standard solution, you can choose Picto Shower Corner. With Picto Shower Walls you will find a solution for most needs. All shower doors have adjustable wall profiles, they are raised 4.5 mm at opening and are delivered complete with bottom barrier, handle, screw and plug. 3 glass types: clear, grayscale and frosted glass 70, 80, 90 and 100 cm Reversible doors 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Door knobs in chromed brass
Easy Collection Console Flat 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Flat 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Flat 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold Small 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Stainless Tube 1500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold Small 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Stainless Tube 2000
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Bold Small 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3
Easy Collection Console Stainless Tube 2500
|Create a welcoming entrance with an attractive canopy over the front door! Complete and unique entrance roofs of Glass/Aluminium and stainless steel. Småland craft with a timeless design suitable for all building types. Available in three different colors, and also in three different type of glas with four different consoles. width: 1500 mm, 2000 mm and 2500 mm ADVANTAGES One of the most maintenance-free entrance roofs of glass and stainless steel. Craft-built. Follows the building standards and the CE marking according EN1090-3