Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Tree 8 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view with optional contour only view.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Bedarfslueftung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Zuluft_Set_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
FreeForma_BEND (m)
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400863#http://www.3dsmile.it developed by Mirco Sorgato Architect mircosorgato@libero.it - ITALY - AC 7 R3 : 26-IX-2002 AC 8.1 R2 : 06-II-2004 Re edit for AC 10 + CU mirco3D parametric, FreeForma Bend, with optional\n- bend ray\n- X rotation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 8 seats
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station, bench, 8 seats
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100713Bramka piłkarska, kratowa z koszem do koszykówki : Bramka służy do gry w piłkę nożną lub ręczną oraz mini koszykówkę, Konstrukcja bramki wykonana z rury 48,3x2,9 mm i 38x2,6 mm, Siatka bramki wykonana jest z prętów stalowych fi 12 mm i fi 8 mm oraz łańcucha chromowego fi 5 mm, Cała konstrukcja bramki kratowej zabezpieczona antykorozyjnie, W komplecie znajdują się prefabrykaty betonowe ułatwiające montaż bramki w gruncie. Gateway football, mesh with a basket for basketball: Gateway is used to play football or handball and mini basketball, The design goal is made of pipe 48.3 x2, 9, and 38x2 mm, 6 mm, Grid gateway is made of steel rods fi fi 12 mm and 8 mm and chrome chain Ø 5 mm, The whole structure of the goal mesh corrosion-resistant, The set includes precast concrete goal to facilitate installation in the ground.
V10 Bolt Object
Darin Fenwick | 1379964994Bolt Data Arrays engData - Engineering Bolts 1 - Diameter of Bolt 2 - Pitch of Thread 3 - Width Across Flat of Head and Nut 4 - Width Across Corners 5 - Head Thickness 6 - Nut Thickness coachData - Coach Bolt Data 1 - Size of Bolt 2 - Pitch of Thread 3 - Body Diameter 4 - Head Diameter 5 - Head Thickness 6 - Width Across Flat of Nuts 7 - Width Across Corner of Nuts 8 - Nut Thickness 9 - Thread Length when O/A Lenght <=125mm 10 - Thread Length when O/A Length between 125 and 200mm 11 - Thread Length when O/A Length >200mm screwData - Coach Screw Data 1 - Nominal Size of Screw 2 - Pitch of Thread 3 - Diameter of Screw 4 - Width Across Flat of Head 5 - Width Across Corners 6 - Head Thickness 7 - Root Diameter
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398244Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 16
Rafał Ślęk | 1356735723www.archibloq.com ------------------ Kolekcja EGO - Ceramika Łazienkowa www.kolo.com.pl ________________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 POL ________________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 8.1 ________________________________
Multi Pictures INT
manuBIM | 1376913432High parametric multi pictures with frame, glass and paper mount options. Custom and built-in pictures number from 1 to 8. Hanging, Standing and Stand out wall pictures types.
Glasvordach mit Abhängern
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409397587Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts Änderung 30.8.2014: letzte Abhängerlage verschirbbar gemacht
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398011Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1418154140Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 9.12.2014: Hotspot-Bug entfernt zum Durchschalten der Konstruktionsarten, Gebogene Blechstufen hinzugefügt - Nur stufen, Eingeschweisst zwischen Wangen, Aufgesattelt auf Rand unf Mittelwangen
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401521938simple logwall with sealing - "tongue and groove" Features: 1. free movable 2d-view with movable hotspots - switchable 2. its possible to draw every single position of any tree-trunk at wall-beginning. 3. in ground-view there is a userinterface to switch tho ofte used settings 4. a polygon to cut contours - switchabele and free placeable 5. 10 free mavable rectangular cutouts - to place windows or else 6. sealing tongue and groove begin at wall crossingpoint 8. switch on simple measurements 9. begin with halften block or full in z-direction 10. implanted inaccuracy to get more reality in 3d-representation
Stiege gerade grafisch interaktiv12_2013
Heimo Mooslechner | 1386490870Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster. Weitere fixe Anfasserpunkte rund um die Kontour angebracht, damit die Zusammenstellung der Treppe leichter wird 8.12.2013
Multi Pictures US
manuBIM | 1376913607High parametric multi pictures with frame, glass and paper mount options. Custom and built-in pictures number from 1 to 8. Hanging, Standing and Stand out wall pictures types.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401521870Einfache Blockbau-Wand mit cones als Block - übergreifend mit Fugen-Abdichtungs-Feder. Features: 1. Zuschaltbare 2D-Ansicht in Grundreiisdarstellung - frei verschiebbar. 2. Die einzelnen Vorköpfe sind im 3D und in der optional zuschaltbaren 2D-Ansicht verschiebbar 3. Im Grundriss mittig gibt es ein Hotspot-schaltbares Interface mit den wichtigsten Parametern 4. Es gibt ein frei verschiebliches 6-seitiges Polygon zum Wegschnitt von Kontouren 5. Es gibt 10 frei verschiebbare Durchbrüche - zB. für Fenster 6. Die Abdichtungs-Federn sind zuschaltbar und beginnen erst am Kreuzungspunkt. 8. Zuschaltbare Bemassung in Grundriss und Ansicht 9. Höhenverschiebung des untersten Blockes um die Hälfte möglich 10. Zur realitätsnaheren Darstellung wurde bei den Vorköpfen und bei den Übergriffen zur Stapelung eine Ungenauigkeit eingebaut.
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Стерилизатор Steelco VS 1 TT L
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333419With proven and reliable high performance sterilizing technology, the new Steelco autoclave’s chamber is made of AISI 316L stainless steel and a full jacket system for even steam/heat distribution. Versatility, easy handling and high performance with the low cost of ownership of a tabletop unit, to single or double door versions. • All in one compact solution for easy installation into existing rooms • EN 285 compliant: 3 process cycles and Bowie-Dick, Helix test cycles • 8 additional custom cycles • PED marking Stand upon request: 820mm/32.28” height stand, equipped with lockable doors Паровые настольные стерилизаторы VS TT L Steelco Главные особенности: Объемы камер 85 л и 94 л Встроенный электрический парогенератор Горизонтальная загрузка Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L имеют микропроцессорное управление с цветным сенсорным дисплеем 7» и независимой системой регистрации параметров. Сплошная рубашка камеры. Быстросъемные соединения. Глянцевая полировка (2 мкм) камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Обезжиривание и пассивация камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Встроенный термопринтер. Стерилизаторы имеют встроенные рабочие программы с температурами стерилизации: 121°С и 134°С, а также тестовые/сервисные программы: Нагрев, Бови-Дик и вакуумный тест на утечку. Область применения Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L предназначены для стерилизации различных материалов (пористых, материалов устойчивых к нагреву, оборудования, инструментов, посуды, клеток для животных и т.д.); жидкостей и сред в вентилируемых и укупоренных контейнерах; или деконтаминации материалов после лабораторного использования и т.д.
Designstuhl 8 19
Marco Gietzen | 1465998768verschiedene Polstersessel, Lounge Chair, Ohrensessel, mit 2D Symbolen und Anzeige für minimalen Platzbedarf.
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 SU - Version 01.00.04 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
MS-Plate v2.8 EN
Victor Obvintsev | 1363698917My Simple Plate - объект для моделлирования плоских элементов имеющих вставки, отверстия Компонент разработан для конкурс Зимний GDL-креатив
MS-Plate v2.8 RUS
Victor Obvintsev | 1363698917My Simple Plate - объект для моделлирования плоских элементов имеющих вставки, отверстия Компонент разработан для конкурс Зимний GDL-креатив
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
X3940- Illuminator, Film, 8 Panels, Wall Mounted
|Film illuminator, 8 panels, wall mounted. This unit has a stainless steel or light gray baked enamel finish. It consists of two 4-panel illuminators, with dual switches and torque grip film holders. The lower illuminator is tilted 35 degrees from the vertical while the upper illuminator is vertical (on two tier unit). It is arranged to facilitate handling of the films and especially effective for seated viewing. The unit is used to review and analyze X-ray films.
STAR.T - from 8 - to 15 mm
|Adjustable Paving Support STAR-T. The Support Star-T has an adjustable height from 8 mm to 15 mm. Features: - Height adjustment with regulation key - The thinnest and most adjustable in the world - Millimetric regulation from 8 to 30 mm - Highly technical - Pre-cut tabs - The starting point for renovations - Possibility to raise of 8 mm with one of the two components, then adding 5 mm extra with Star.T extension
Kompakt 8 compartments E, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments D, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments E, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments D, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
Fixa 8 tray wide
|The possibilities of Fix storage range is verging on the infinite. It offers complete solutions, which is available in its entirety or to be inspired and start from when creating their own storage solution. Build your own fix with the help of shelves, partitions and frame. Let your needs represent how many bins you want. Sometimes you want to close your storage. Select the door or drawer and between different sizes, colors and designs. Everything is color-coordinated with the rest of the range. Sometimes you also want to lock, then you amount it on the drawer or door. Frame is in birch and white pigmented manufactured in 15 mm birch plywood. Doors in plywood with high-pressure laminate thickness 16 mm. Or choose painted MDF in 16 mm thickness. As a novelty, we now offer the doors in durable high-pressure laminate and also fresh colors such as pastels and door entirely in white.
Window Forster unico XS, frame 8 mm, single leaf
|Only 23 mm: Unique ultra-slim profiles for thermal insulated windows Forster unico XS is a system addition that provides thermal insulated window elements and fixed glazing with ultra-slim facings. At the same time, it opens up a diversity of applications. This applies to the numerous opening variations as well as the possibility of installing fillings up to 60 mm to achieve very low U values and excellent sound insulation values. The unique profile design made of 100% steel is ideally suited for renovating old or historic buildings and for modern glass constructions.
Window Forster unico XS, frame 8 mm, double leaf
|Only 23 mm: Unique ultra-slim profiles for thermal insulated windows Forster unico XS is a system addition that provides thermal insulated window elements and fixed glazing with ultra-slim facings. At the same time, it opens up a diversity of applications. This applies to the numerous opening variations as well as the possibility of installing fillings up to 60 mm to achieve very low U values and excellent sound insulation values. The unique profile design made of 100% steel is ideally suited for renovating old or historic buildings and for modern glass constructions.
Window Forster unico XS HI, frame 8 mm, single leaf
|Only 23 mm: Unique ultra-slim profiles for thermal insulated windows Forster unico XS is a system addition that provides thermal insulated window elements and fixed glazing with ultra-slim facings. At the same time, it opens up a diversity of applications. This applies to the numerous opening variations as well as the possibility of installing fillings up to 60 mm to achieve very low U values and excellent sound insulation values. The unique profile design made of 100% steel is ideally suited for renovating old or historic buildings and for modern glass constructions. Forster unico Hi Forster unico Hi combines all the benefits of standard Forster unico systems with even higher insulation parameters. The system complies with the latest requirements for heat protection, e.g. EnEV 2009 (DE) and SIA 380/1 (CH). The structural profile depth allows the integration of 2- or 3-pane insulated glazing – for Uw values of up to 0.9 W/(m2.K). Simple construction: Only two additional components are needed to make Forster unico into a very efficient heat insulating Forster unico Hi element.
Window Forster unico XS HI, frame 8 mm, double leaf
|Only 23 mm: Unique ultra-slim profiles for thermal insulated windows Forster unico XS is a system addition that provides thermal insulated window elements and fixed glazing with ultra-slim facings. At the same time, it opens up a diversity of applications. This applies to the numerous opening variations as well as the possibility of installing fillings up to 60 mm to achieve very low U values and excellent sound insulation values. The unique profile design made of 100% steel is ideally suited for renovating old or historic buildings and for modern glass constructions. Forster unico Hi Forster unico Hi combines all the benefits of standard Forster unico systems with even higher insulation parameters. The system complies with the latest requirements for heat protection, e.g. EnEV 2009 (DE) and SIA 380/1 (CH). The structural profile depth allows the integration of 2- or 3-pane insulated glazing – for Uw values of up to 0.9 W/(m2.K). Simple construction: Only two additional components are needed to make Forster unico into a very efficient heat insulating Forster unico Hi element.
Epitax 8 W
|Epitax is a pull-out downlight characterized by the possibility to be installed semi-recessed or in a recessed position flush with the false ceiling. Having no flange and featuring recessed optics, this product seamlessly blends in with the architecture emphasizing volumes and creating scenic effects. The optical compartment with embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish is a further quality lending a graceful appearance to the product, thus contributing to making it particularly suitable for shops, hotels and private homes.
Loro_R 8 W
|Loro_R is a recessed-mounting downlight that particularly lends itself to false ceilings with limited installation space. In fact, the curved rear heat sink has been devised so as to require a reduced depth. The aesthetical appearance is a plus of this product featuring an embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish and a roundish shape in harmony with the optical compartment soft lines, for perfect integration with the ceiling. The recessed LED light source ensures maximum visual comfort. Loro_R is perfect for illuminating shop windows and interiors, private homes and hotels.
Loro_Q 8 W
|Loro_Q is a recessed-mounting downlight that particularly lends itself to false ceilings with limited installation space. In fact, the curved rear heat sink has been devised so as to require a reduced depth. The aesthetical appearance is a plus of this product featuring an embossed or “warm&chic” golden finish and a roundish shape in harmony with the optical compartment soft lines, for perfect integration with the ceiling. The recessed LED light source ensures maximum visual comfort. Loro_Q is perfect for illuminating shop windows and interiors, private homes and hotels.
Suelo_R 8 W no driver
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_R 8 W
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_Q 8 W no driver
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy square flange, also available in AISI 316 stainless steel, with directional and non-directional emission. Suelo_Q is synonymous with visual comfort combined with outstanding performances. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_Q 8 W
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy square flange, also available in AISI 316 stainless steel, with directional and non-directional emission. Suelo_Q is synonymous with visual comfort combined with outstanding performances. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Vedette_R Single emission 8 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_R Double emission 8 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_Q Single emission 8 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q Double emission 8 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vos_R 8 W
|Round downlight with recessed installation characterized by a minimalist design. VOS_R is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire featuring a reflector and a F.O.L.™ filtering system. With its PIN-HOLE controlled-reflectance system, the recessed source with power LED or array LED technology and screening ensures glare protection. This product is therefore particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Vos_RJ 8 W
|Round directional downlight with recessed installation characterized by a minimalist design. VOS_RJ is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire featuring a reflector and a F.O.L.™ filtering system. With its PIN-HOLE controlled-reflectance system, the recessed source with power LED or array LED technology and screening ensures glare protection. This product is therefore particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Vos_Q 8 W
|Square downlight with recessed installation characterized by a minimalist design. VOS_Q is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire featuring a reflector and a F.O.L.™ filtering system. With its PIN-HOLE controlled-reflectance system, the recessed source with power LED or array LED technology and screening ensures glare protection. This product is therefore particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Vos_QJ 8 W
|Square directional downlight with recessed installation characterized by a minimalist design. VOS_QJ is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire featuring a reflector and a F.O.L.™ filtering system. With its PIN-HOLE controlled-reflectance system, the recessed source with power LED or array LED technology and screening ensures glare protection. This product is therefore particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Warp 8 W
|The Warp downlight has been designed in search for the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. The thin flange blends in well with the false ceiling; the optical compartment, in its embossed or "warm&chic" golden finishes, enhances the overall aesthetic value. Its shape was conceived so as to achieve optimum light efficiency, whilst providing maximum visual comfort thanks to a powerLED or arrayLED source. Warp is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Warp_Y 8 W
|The Warp_Y downlight, featuring an optical unit with asymmetric emission, has been designed in search for the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. The thin flange blends in well with the false ceiling; the optical compartment, in its embossed or "warm&chic" golden finishes, enhances the overall aesthetic value. Its shape was conceived so as to achieve optimum light efficiency, whilst providing maximum visual comfort thanks to a powerLED or arrayLED source. Warp_Y is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Via Postumia® 8,2cm - paving system
|Architectural interlocking concrete paving system for pedestrian and medium traffic loads area. The system is composed by 4 elements that could be assembled together. (Pavimentazione autobloccante architettonica per aree pedonali e a traffico medio. Il sistema è composto da 4 elementi modulari che possono essere assemblati assieme).
BK 8 - lightweight waterproof concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 8 - lightweight concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 8 - lightweight concrete blocks - rough finish for plaster
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 8 - waterproof concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 8 - concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 8 - concrete blocks - rough finish for plaster
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
RatioPlan 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 8 DF d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 8 DF d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 240 Interior wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 8 DF d=240
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
KAPPA Cycle Shelter 4,5m 8 bicycles
|<p>The cycle shelter KAPPA has become a popular feature in the public space. It´s designed mainly to function as a protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. Together with the bicycle rack DELTA (or any other of our bicycle racks) it creates a complete and functional bikeparking solution.</p>
DELTA Bicycle Rack, Dual sided, 8 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
KAPPA Cycle Shelter 8,5m 16 bicycles
|<p>The cycle shelter KAPPA has become a popular feature in the public space. It´s designed mainly to function as a protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. Together with the bicycle rack DELTA (or any other of our bicycle racks) it creates a complete and functional bikeparking solution.</p>
DigitalMedia™ Card Chassis for DM-NVX-C & DMCF, 8 Slots - DMF-CI-8
|The DMF-CI-8 is a 2-space rack-mountable chassis designed to house up to eight Crestron® DM-NVX-C or DMCF series cards. Any of these cards may be installed in any slot.<strong><br></strong><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Eight-slot card frame for Crestron® DM-NVX-C and DMCF series cards</li><li>Provides a high-density, multi-endpoint 4K video solution</li><li>Hot-swappable card serviceability</li><li>Front panel 2 inch color LCD display and status indicators</li><li>Network setup for each card through front panel</li><li>Variable-speed fan cooling</li><li>Universal 100-240V internal power supply</li><li>2-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul>
Kompakt 270 8 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
LIGHT Bicycle shelter 4m 8 bicycles
|<p></p><p>The bicycle shelter LIGHT is designed to function as a protection for bicycles, charging stations, seat benches or elsewhere where needed in the public space. LIGHT is also available with an integrated solar cell system - SUNLIGHT. Together with the bicycle rack DELTA (or any other of our bicycle racks) it creates a complete and functional bike parking solution. </p>
YPSILON Cycle Shelter 8,5m 32 bicycles
|Cycle shelter YPSILON is the double-sided version of KAPPA. Just like KAPPA, it´s main function is protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. It is often combined with the bicycle rack DELTA. However, the bollards BETA and OMEGA is also popular choices with YPSILON.
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S193 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006/2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SBG197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 18 - Version 01.00.01 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Низкотемпературный плазменный стерилизатор Steelco PL 70
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333403Удобная для пользователя низкотемпературная испаренная технология H2O2 (VH2O2) с низким энергопотреблением. Благодаря газоплазменному действию перекись водорода, используемая в процессе, разлагается на воду и кислород для безопасного выброса в окружающую среду. Стерилизация VH2O2 обеспечивает безопасность пользователя и является экологически чистой. PL 70/1 Одностворчатая дверь, 81,7 л / вместимость 2,88 фута3 Размер камеры W x D x H 450 x 825 x 220 мм / 17,72" x 32,48" x 8,66" Внешний размер W x D x H 642 x 920 x 1630 мм / 25,28" x 36,22" x 64,17" PL 70/2 двойная дверь, 84,1 литра / вместимость 2,97 фута3 Размер камеры W x D x H 450 x 850 x 220 мм / 17,72" x 33,46" x 8,66" Внешний размер W x D x H 642 x 990 x 1630 мм / 25,28" x 38,97" x 64,17" User friendly low temperature vaporized H2O2 technology (VH2O2) with low power and energy consumption. Thanks to the gas plasma action the hydrogen peroxide used during the process decomposes into water and oxygen for safe release into the environment. VH2O2 sterilization provides user safety and is environmental friendly. PL 70/1 Single door, 81.7 litres / 2.88 ft3 capacity Chamber dimension W x D x H 450 x 825 x 220 mm / 17.72” x 32.48” x 8.66” External dimension W x D x H 642 x 920 x 1630 mm / 25.28” x 36.22” x 64.17” PL 70/2 double door, 84.1 litres / 2.97 ft3 capacity Chamber dimension W x D x H 450 x 850 x 220 mm / 17.72” x 33.46” x 8.66" External dimension W x D x H 642 x 990 x 1630 mm / 25.28” x 38.97” x 64.17"
Betontrappe, skakt, fra E7 til E8
Søren Jensen | 1441088409Trappe fra etage 7 til etage 8 H = 3700
Vieser Dot - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
karma trendz | 1708581004Furniture Foot/Leg 8 X 8.5 cm
MolokDomino 3m3
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Global
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Light
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Plus
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
LAUFEN PRO S Drop-in washbasin 560 mm
|Drop in basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic dimensions 560 x 440 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes, without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81896.3
Balcony with Vinstra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Vinstra: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel holders to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Glitra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Glitra: Glass panels mounted in continuous aluminum profiles, attached to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
|Lunex zipscreen fullfilles the requirementes of EU- standard EN 13659 regarding wind and efficient sunshade. It has been testet to endure forces up to 400 Newton per m2 on most common window sizes. Lunex Zipscreen is made with half a zipper which is welded to the fabric on both sides. The zipper halfes is entered into plastic guides which leads the fabric inside the guiderails and leaves no gap for sunrays to leak trough. This is the big difference between a zipscreen and a traditional screen which have no other guidance than a weighted bottom profile and where in some cases light gaps are inevitably. Applications : Lunex Zipscreen can be used wherever the requirement is an effective sunshade and where high winds might be a challenge for a traditional screen. A zipscreen can withstand up to 20 m/s where as a traditional screen often has limits down to 8 m/s. Lunex Zipscreen meets the requirements of access to normal daylight while it provides an optimal shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All vivble outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum profiles which are powdercoated or anodized to withstand corrosion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available for a surcharge. Operation : Lunex Zipscreen is only available with electric motor drive operated by switch, remote or fully automated solar/wind systems.
Balcony with Orkla glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Orkla: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel clamps between railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Folla alu railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Folla: Aluminium balustrades attached to the inside of railing studs made of steel.
Balcony with Gaula steel railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Gaula: Steel balustrades attached between railing studs made of steel.
Horizontal Sliding Wall System HSW R
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with single-point stainless steel fixings Ideal for Shopfront, Shopfront with thermal insulation requirements, internal room partition The HSW-GP is characterised by the use of MANET single-point fixings in combination with a standard track rail. The system’s high-quality stainless steel components and flush-mounted single-point fixings perfectly match the demands of modern architecture. Different parking layouts available Glass types Toughened safety glass 8 mm to 24 mm, Toughened laminated safety glass 12 mm to 28mm. Insulating glass on request Max. system height 3000 mm Max. panel width 1100 mm. Max. panel weight 120 kg (depends on type of panel) Panel types Bedstop end panel, Single action sliding panel, Sliding panel [/LIST]
Schüco Sliding System ASS 43
|[LIST] Thermally insulated sliding systems with a high degree of flexibility Uw values of ≤ 1.8 W/(m²K), depending on the design Vent size: maximum width 2,500 mm, maximum height 2,600 mm Vent weight up to 230 kg Watertightness up to class 8A in accordance with DIN EN 12208 Burglar resistance up to RC 2 (WK2)" [/LIST]
Saint-Gobain Glass BIM Pfosten-Riegel-Fassade
|[LIST] Transmittance TL [%] 17 - 82 Transmission Colour bluish, bronze, yellowish, greenish, slightly greenish, neutral Outdoor Reflection Colour bluish, bronze, champagne, golden, green-bluish, slightly bluish, neutral, silver Outdoor reflectance Rle [%] 11 - 40 Indoor reflectance Rli [%] 12 - 37 Transmittance Ra [%] 79 - 99 g-value 0.14 - 0.62 Shading coefficient SC 0.16 - 0.71 Selectivity [TL/g] 1.05 - 2.42 Ug [W/m²K] 0.4 - 1.2 Rw(C;Ctr) [dB] 35(-2;-6), 36(-3;-7), 37(-2;-5), 38(-3;-7), 39(-2;-5), 41(-2;-5), 41(-2;-4) Nominal thickness [mm] 24.8 - 51.1 Weight [kg/m²] 30.8 - 66.2 [/LIST]
Tork Elevation® Matic® Hand Towel Roll Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor, black
|The Tork Elevation® Matic® Roll Hand Towel Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor presents the most advanced electronic system in the industry today. The touch-free electronic virtually eliminates cross contamination while cutting back on supply waste. Each unit features a choice of two dispensing modes. The towel remains inside the cabinet until the user activates the sensor, delivers maximum hygiene. An adjustable towel length of 8 inches to 24 inches, and a stub roll compartment combine to deliver more precise control of consumption are a few of the features available. Batteries lasts up to 40 rolls on average with normal usage. It's easy to reach and simple to reload. Versatile Installation- can be mounted directly to wall or within a recessed compartment. Numerous back-plate mounting slots fit most any pattern. Utilizes any Tork H1 Roll Towel. Uses 3 "D size" batteries.
MQ41D 2xMQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 D 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41 HKD M10
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Flush anchor HKD M10x40 Bored plate MQZ-L11 Threaded rod AM10x2000 4.8 zinced Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Flat washer A 10,5/28 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41 MQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
Tork Elevation® Matic® Hand Towel Roll Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor, white
|The Tork Elevation® Matic® Roll Hand Towel Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor presents the most advanced electronic system in the industry today. The touch-free electronic virtually eliminates cross contamination while cutting back on supply waste. Each unit features a choice of two dispensing modes. The towel remains inside the cabinet until the user activates the sensor, delivers maximum hygiene. An adjustable towel length of 8 inches to 24 inches, and a stub roll compartment combine to deliver more precise control of consumption are a few of the features available. Batteries lasts up to 40 rolls on average with normal usage. It's easy to reach and simple to reload. Versatile Installation- can be mounted directly to wall or within a recessed compartment. Numerous back-plate mounting slots fit most any pattern. Utilizes any Tork H1 Roll Towel. Uses 3 "D size" batteries.
D6050 - Light, Dental, Operating, Ceiling, Track
|Dental operating light used to illuminate the field of work. This is a single light unit on a cantilever arm mounted from a column which is suspended from a moving trolley in a ceiling track. The light can be used in installations where the ceiling height is between 8 and 10.5 feet; some units can mount to ceilings as high as 13 feet. Database physical dimensions refer to the light's maximum travel dimensions centered on the ceiling mounting track. The database weight includes the light, arm and trolley. Mounting this light may require reinforcing the ceiling or hanging the mount from the underside of the slab above a suspended ceiling.
D6150 - Light, Dental, Operating, Dual, Ceiling Mounted
|Dental operating light. The unit is a dual ceiling column mount with variable intensity control. The light illuminates the field of work for the dentist. Most units require the ceiling to be between 8 and 10.5 feet for installation. Each head is on a cantilever arm mounted from a column which is suspended from the ceiling. The database physical dimensions refer to the maximum extension of the light on its mount.
D6155 - Light, Dental, Operating, Ceiling, Column
|Dental operating light. The unit is a single head, ceiling column mounted with a variable intensity controller on the light head. The light illuminates the field of work for the dentist. Most units require the ceiling to be between 8 and 10.5 feet for installation. The database physical dimensions refer to the maximum extension of the light on its mount.
E0580 - Workstation, Urinalysis Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Vertical Hanging Strips; 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 24"W; 2 Light, 30W; 1 Light 48"W; 2 Tool Rail, 30W; 1 Tackboard, 30"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Drw, 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawer; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 48 "W; 1 Pedestal, Box, File; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 24"D x 48"W; 2 Paper Tray; 1 Diagonal Tray; 8 Shelf Dividers; 1 Cantilevered Sink Cab, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 21"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet Assay. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer * Hardware required to complete installation.
E0581 - Workstation, Hematology Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES 2 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48"W; 4 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W 4 Clinical Panel, 48H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"W x 48"W; 8 Light 48"W; 8 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 8 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 4 Drw, 3"H; 5 Drw, 6"H; 7 Lockable flipper Unit, 48"W; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 2 Storage Cabinet w/Door; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 8 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, w/Door, w/Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, w/Door, w/Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x21"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0583 - Workstation, Microbiology Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"H; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 48"W; 1 Light, 24"W; 5 Light 48"W; 4 Electric/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 6 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 72"W; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Transaction Countertop 48"W; 8 Drw 3"H; 10 Drw 6"H; 2 Storage Frame; 2 Storage Cabinet w/Door; 2 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 4 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 6 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, w/Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet Assay. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation
E0589 - Workstation, Chemistry Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Module, 80"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Floor Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 48"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 30"W; 8 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 9 Light, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 24"W, With Supports; 10 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 6 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 5 DR, 3"H; 11 DR, 6"H; 1 DR, 9"H; 2 Storage Frame; 3 Storage Cabinet With Door; 1 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 8 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 8 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 19"D; 2 Cup Sink 6"D x 3"D; 3 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands;
E0593 - Workstation, Histopathology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Module, 48"H x 24"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 5 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 7 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 4 Light, 30"W; 8 Light, 48"W; 12 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 51"W,With Supports ; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 60"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W,With Supports ; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 4 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 8 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 21 DR, 3"H; 8 DR, 6"H; 7 Storage Cabinet With Door; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 7 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 24"W; 14 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 2 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Swing-Away Eyewash; 2 SS Sink 19"D x 19"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0594 - Workstation, Microbiology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Module, 48"H x 24"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 4 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 4 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry Elec/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 5 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 2 Light, 30"W; 8 Light, 48"W; 7 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Support; 5 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W, With Support; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 11 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 13 DR, 3"H; 11 DR, 6"H; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 7 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 12 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 2 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Swing-Away Eyewash; 3 SS Sink 19"D X 19"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0674 - Pharmacy Manuf &amp; Prepack Medium Volume
|E0674 MFG PRPK, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Shelf Storage Display 24"W; 6 Shelf Storage Display 48"W; 8 Wall Strip, 84"H; 1 Adapter Rail, 48"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 48"W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 72"W; 1 Module, Cant Sink-Adaptable w/Corian Top, 24"D x 48"W; 1 Table, Process w/Casters, Adj Ht 30"D x 48"W; 1 Storage Case, 3 Bottle Dwrs, Legs 1 Storage Frame 2 Drawer, 3{"H; 2 Drawer, 9"H; 2 Task Light, 42"W; 1 Eyewash 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Sink and Faucet Assembly Drawer Organizer Bins *Connecting hardware required to complete the installation.
E0676 - Pharmacy Offsite Satellite Medium Volume
|E0676 OFFSITE SAT. PHARM. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 10 Panel, Hard Npwr 53"H x 24"W; 19 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 18"W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85"H x 24"W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 24"W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 30"W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85"H x 48"W; 5 Panel, Hard Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 30"W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85"H x 48"W; 2 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Prw Entry, Npwr 85"H; 3 Wk Surf, Lam 24"D x 48"W; 1 Penin, Round-End Lam 30"D x 60"W; 2 Trans Surf, Lam Top 24"W; 42 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 61 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 Flip Door Unit, Fab, W/Lock 30"W; 2 Flip Door Unit, W/Lock 48"W; 1 Tack board 30"W; 5 Tack board 48"W; 1 Tool Bar, 24"W; 1 Tool Bar, 30"W; 1 Tool Bar, 48"W; 5 Wall Strip, 84"H; 1 Equipment Rail, Wall-Mt 48"W; 7 Adapter Rail, 48"W; 6 Work Surface, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 48"W; 2 Work Surface, Hvy-Duty 24"D x 72"W; 1 Sink Support, ADA Systems Mounted, w/Corian Top 24"D x 48"W; 7 Shelf, 24"W; 8 Shelf, 48"W; 7 Shelf, Add-On 24"W; 8 Shelf, Ad-On 48"W; 5 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24"D x 48"W; 1 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24"D x 72"W; 7 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 24"W; 7 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 48"W; 6 Shelf Unit, 3 Shelves, 30"W; 1 Shelf Unit, Add-On, 48"W; 1 Shelf Unit, Dbl Drs, 48"W; 9 Storage Case; 4 Storage Case Shelf; 4 Storage Case Drw, 5"H; 15 Storage Case Bottle Dwr; 9 Storage Case Leg; 1 Wk Surf w/Backsplash 24"D x 48"W
E0677 - Pharmacy IV Admixture Medium Volume
|E0677 UNIT DOSE/IV ADMIX, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 48”W; 8 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 12”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 6 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 3 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Open Panel Frame Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 36”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 2 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Npwr 67”H; 3 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Npwr 85”H; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 24”W; 5 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 48”W; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Trans Surf, Rect Lam Top 72”W; 10 Shelf, Storage/Display 24”W; 5 Shelf, Storage/Display 30”W; 18 Shelf, Storage/Display 36”W; 16 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 36”W; 4 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 36”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 2 Tool Bar, 36”W; 3 Tool Bar, 48”W; 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48”W; 1 Adapter Rail, 30”W; 3 Adapter Rail, 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 30”W; 7 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 72”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 30”D x 48”W; 1 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 30”D x 72”W
E0687 - Pharmacy Dispensing, Storage High Volume
|E0687 DISPENSING & STORAGE, THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 39”H x 24”W; 14 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 67”H x 18”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 67”H x 48”W; 25 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 10 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 16 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 36”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port, 85”H x 48”W; 13 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 30”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x 48”W; 2 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 2 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 7 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 72”W; 2 Penin, Round-End Lam 30”D x 60”W; 2 Support Panel, Wk Surf, End Lam 24”D; 70 Shelf, Storage/Display, 30”W; 123 Shelf, Storage/Display, 48”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 24”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 30”W; 2 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock, 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 24”W; 2 Tackboard, 30”W; 4 Tackboard, 48”W; 4 Tackboard, 30”H x 30W; 2 Tool Bar, 24”W; 2 Tool Bar, 30”W; 7 Tool Bar, 48”W; 2 Wall Strip 60”H; 2 Wall Strip 84”H; 3 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 8 Adapter Rail,30”W; 3 Adapter Rail,48”W; 6 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 8 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 60”W; 1 Cantilevered Sink Module 24”D x 48”W; 48 Shelf, 48”W; 4 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 48”W; 8 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 72”W; 1 Table
E0689 - Pharmacy IV Admixture High Volume
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 11 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H X 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr 47”H x 36”W; 1 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 36”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 47”H x 48”W; 8 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 67”H x 48”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 4 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 24”W; 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 48”W; 13 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 4 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 3 Duplex Rcp, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rcp, Dedicated 6/Pkg; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 47”H; 1 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Npwr 67”H; 2 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 4 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 48”W; 2 Wk Surf, Rect Lam 24”D x 72”W; 2 Wk Surf, Cor Lam 24”D x 48”W; 88 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 6 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, w/Lock 48”W; 2 Tackboard, 36”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 2 Tool Bar, 36”W; 2 Tool Bar, 48”W; 4 Wall Strip 84”H; 2 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 2 Adapter Rail,30”W; 4 Adapter Rail,48”W; 2 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 30”W; 10 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 2 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty Cor 24”D x 48”W; 30 Shelf, 16”D , 48”W; 1 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 48”W; 4 Table, Process w/Glides Adj Ht 24”D x 60”W; 1 Table, Process w/Casters Adj Ht 30”D x 60”W; 3 Shelf Unit,3 Shelves and 24”H x 16”D x 24”W; 11 Shelf Unit,3 Shelves and 24”H x 16”D x 48”W; 2 Shelf Unit,5 Shelves and 34”H x 16”D x 30”W; 2 Shelf Unit,5 Shelves and 34”H x 16”D x 48”W
L1930 - Analyzer, pH/Blood Gas
|PH/blood gas analyzer. The unit measures pH, PCO2 and P02 and performs calculations for CO2, HCO3, and base excess. Characteristics of the unit include: an automatic calibration capability and measurement ranges of 6.4 to 8.0 for pH; 0 to 800 mmHg for PO2; and 8.0 to 200.mmHg. for PCO2. Used in laboratories to conduct pH/blood gas determinations.
L1931 - Analyzer, Blood Gas
|Blood/gas analyzer. The unit measures for pH, PO2, and PCO2 using a standard sample of 90 microliters or greater. A measurement range of 6.4 to 8.0 for pH, 8 to 200mmHg for PCO2 and 0 to 800 mmHg for PO2 is accommodated by the unit. Used in laboratories to measure blood gas parameters of patient samples. System to provide for the measurement of: pH, pCO2, pO2, BP, tHb, NA+, K+, and CL-, or CA++. Calculated values to include: tCO2, O2 Saturation, CT, HCO3 (actual and standardized), BE (vv and vt) and Hct.
L2275 - Hood, Fume, Radioisotope, Bench
|Bench type radioisotope fumehood. Characteristics/components include a glove-box, a 75 cfm. blower with indicating switch and variable speed power stat and manometer mounted on box front to indicate air flow, 1/4" safety glass viewing panel, three polarized and grounded electrical outlets with indicating switches, a 24 inch fluorescent light with fixtures and switch, two 8 inch double grooved glove ports and neoprene gloves, an inlet filter, two absolute filters with connecting hoses and 40 inches of 2 inch spiral exhaust hose with clamps and a variable height mobile bench, 30-37"H. Unit is customized to fit the specified use requirements.
L9720 - Station, Pathology, Gross
|Gross pathology station. The unit contains four, two-speed electronic fans to reduce the danger of formaldehyde toxicity, an exhaust system with filters that last 2 to 8 months to convert the formaldehyde to CO2 and water, built in fluorescent lamps for shadow-free illumination, a "voice capturing option" to allow the pathologist to dictate without having to fumble with a hand or foot control and a built-in faucet with catch pan in the rear. Used for gross preparation of pathology specimens.
M1801 - Computer, Microprocessing, w/Flat Panel Monitor
|Desk top microprocessing computer. The unit shall consist of a central processing mini tower, flat panel monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers. The system shall have the following minimum characteristics: a 2.8 GHz Pentium processor; 512 MB memory; 80GB hard drive; 32/48x CD-ROMDVD combo; 1.44MB network interface card; video 32 MB NVIDIA; a 18 inch flat panel monitor. The computer is used throughout the facility to input, manipulate and retrieve information.
M7470 - Light, Surgical, Ceiling, Single, Small
|Ceiling mounted surgical light. Consists of a single lamp head up to 24" in diameter depending on the manufacturer. Unit provides heat filtered, color corrected light. Most lights require a minimum ceiling height of 8 feet 2 inches; check manufacturers' specific recommendations. Light head is in a movable yoke attached to a column hanging from the ceiling. For minor surgery and obstetrical procedures. Physical dimensions refer to the retracted light; one length of the dual swing arm around the center mount for width and depth and the height is the combined lamp head and folded arms height.
M8920 - Stand, Basin, CRS, Mobile, Double
|CRS, mobile, double basin stand with shelf. Stainless steel corrosion resistant frame constructed from two continuous inverted "U" shaped tubes, forming four legs and mounted on casters. Circular rings welded to top receive two removable 8 quart stainless steel basins. For open heart and other procedures.
Shower channels CeraLine W 500-1200 mm, DN 50
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine W contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine W shower channel can be installed directly at wall, the flow capacity is 0,8 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket EU, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
PALOMBA COLLECTION Washbasin 1600 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1600 x 500 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, towel rail 38180.3, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81480.8
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and ambient light, with socket EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, ambient light and socket CH without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
VAL Washbasin 600 mm
|Countertop basin Laufen VAL, SaphirKeramik EN 31 dimensions 600 x 420 mm 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture
VAL Washbasin 650 mm
|Countertop basin Laufen VAL, SaphirKeramik EN 31 dimensions 650 x 420 mm 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture
LB3 Countertop washbasin 850 x 520 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 850 x 520 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated vertical cover, Special feature: cutable to 700 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, siphon, cover, pedestal, side cover, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81068.6
LB3 Countertop washbasin 1250 x 520 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1250 x 520 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated vertical cover, Special feature: cutable to 700 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, siphon, cover, pedestal, side cover, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81068.8
LIBERTYLINE barrier free washbasin 800 x 550 mm
|Barrier free washbasin LAUFEN LIBERTYLINE, sanitary ceramic, DIN 18024/18025, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 550 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, accessible by wheelchair, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, run off and overflow system Clou GEBERIT, Order no. 81147.8
LB3 Drop-in washbasin 650 x 490 mm
|Drop in basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 650 x 490 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated, vertical cover, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81168.2
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin, undersurface ground 1050 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1050 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integrated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81295.8
LAUFEN PRO Countertop washbasin 1050 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1050 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integrated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, washbasin base, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81395.8
VAL Washbasin undersurface ground 550 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground Laufen VAL, SaphirKeramik EN 31 dimensions 550 x 420 mm 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture
VAL Washbasin undersurface ground 600 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground Laufen VAL, SaphirKeramik EN 31 dimensions 600 x 420 mm 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture
VAL Washbasin undersurface ground 650 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground Laufen VAL, SaphirKeramik EN 31 dimensions 650 x 420 mm 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture
LAUFEN PRO Seat without cover
|Seat without cover WC seat Spezial LAUFEN PRO, Duroplast not removable matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82195.6, 82195.7, 82195.8, 82195.9, 82295.1, 82495.5, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8, 82495.9, 82595.5, 82595.6, 82595.7 and wallhung WC pan, order no. 82095.0, 82095.1, 82095.2, 82095.3, 82095.4, 82095.5
Solo™ Circle XL
|Ecophon Solo Circle XL is an acoustic solution, primarily when it is not possible to install a wall-to-wall ceiling. Solo Circle XL is suitable in buildings where the room volume could be maintained or as an option when TABS (Thermally Activated Building System) is selected as cooling system. Solo Circle XL is an unframed free hanging unit. The unit is suspended with Adjustable wire hangers which are attached to Connect Main runners. This, in combination with, the engineered Connect Absorber anchor (patent) give opportunities to create several layers. The Solo Circle XL panel consists of two semicircles. The complete panel is available in size Ø1600x40 mm with a weight of 8 kg. The panel is manufactured from high density glass wool, with Akutex™ FT surface on both sides. The edges are straight cut and painted.
WW860 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW865 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW870 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW880 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW890 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW895 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
Fixed light window
|Fixed Light window A unique design manufactured with aluminium profiles and high density, slow grown, knot-free laminated timber, sourced from sustainable forests. The side swing projecting windo has an elegant and mordern function. The fixed light can be used in vision areas and at spandrel locations as part of a screen assembly when opaque glazed or when fitted with aluminium sandwich panels. Fixed Light window aluminium/wood windows 3-glazed products in glass thickness 36 or 48 mm. U-value between 0,8 to 1,2 Fire rated EI45 Sound reduction between 40 dB and 48 dB Frame depth 100 mm or 115 mm Secure by design is available
Inward opening window AT700K 23mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
Inward opening window AT700K 42mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
Top swing window 25mm glass
|The top swing window is a maintenance free window which is easy to operate and wash. The window can be locked in “air position” or completely turned around without touching drapes or other objects. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values between 0.8 and 1.2. The Top Swing window is maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years.
Top swing window 48mm glass
|The top swing window is a maintenance free window which is easy to operate and wash. The window can be locked in “air position” or completely turned around without touching drapes or other objects. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values between 0.8 and 1.2. The Top Swing window is maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years.
Cromie 10x10
|CROMIE COLLECTION Glass mosaics consisting of a mix of square chips, arranged at random, with a variety of finishes (iridescent, glazed, gleaming, deep, corrugated, glossy, matt, gilded...) with the chip dimensions changing depending on the size: 10x10, 15x15 and 20x20 all with 4 mm thickness, and 23x23 with thickness of 8 mm. The chips are mounted on glass fibre mesh.
Cromie 15x15
|CROMIE COLLECTION Glass mosaics consisting of a mix of square chips, arranged at random, with a variety of finishes (iridescent, glazed, gleaming, deep, corrugated, glossy, matt, gilded...) with the chip dimensions changing depending on the size: 10x10, 15x15 and 20x20 all with 4 mm thickness, and 23x23 with thickness of 8 mm. The chips are mounted on glass fibre mesh.
Cromie 20x20
|CROMIE COLLECTION Glass mosaics consisting of a mix of square chips, arranged at random, with a variety of finishes (iridescent, glazed, gleaming, deep, corrugated, glossy, matt, gilded...) with the chip dimensions changing depending on the size: 10x10, 15x15 and 20x20 all with 4 mm thickness, and 23x23 with thickness of 8 mm. The chips are mounted on glass fibre mesh.
Cromie 23x23
|CROMIE COLLECTION Glass mosaics consisting of a mix of square chips, arranged at random, with a variety of finishes (iridescent, glazed, gleaming, deep, corrugated, glossy, matt, gilded...) with the chip dimensions changing depending on the size: 10x10, 15x15 and 20x20 all with 4 mm thickness, and 23x23 with thickness of 8 mm. The chips are mounted on glass fibre mesh.
ZA Series
|Up for anything - Heavy windows, humid environments, high function demands while still maintaining low power consumption? Not a problem for this all-rounder! The robust rack and pinion drives of the ZA Series are simply ideal for heavy windows in roofs and façades. The defining characteristics of the ZA Series - Incredible electronic and functional variety - Extremely high efficiency: low power consumption and yet tremendously powerful - Versatile application options - Corrosion-resistant thanks to an encapsulated unit - Available as a 230 V AC SHEV solution Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Low current consumption thanks to high efficiency - Option of cable infeed above and below - Drive unit can be changed from left to right - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection) - Integrated ACB (Advanced Communication Bus) bus interface with Modbus protocol - The drive is integrated directly via open bus communication through the ACB (Advanced Communication Bus), e.g. in a building management system
CDC Series
|The defining characteristics of the CDC Series - Mounted installation as well as installation integrated in the profile - Exceptionally compact design - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - A large variety of equipment features Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Integrated tandem safety cut off for the operation of up to 2 drives on one window sash - Supply and signals for up to 3 drives in series without tandem operation (TMS) can be looped - Relief of pressure on window gasket after closing process - Power supply can be connected on the left or right - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection) Drives from the CDC0252 series are available on august 2016.
Taralay Impression Compact
|TARALAY IMPRESSION COMPACT 0,7 is a multi-layered vinyl floorcovering, available in 2m wide sheet, with a group T wear rating. The product comprises a compacted backing reinforced with a glass fibre and a printed design that is protected by a transparent wear layer (0.70 mm thick). It offers 8 dB sound insulation and an indentation resistance of ca. 0.03 mm. The flooring is equipped with Protecsol® 2, patented surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking offering the best chemical resistance to the main products used in healthcare environment as betadine, eosin, hydro alcoholic solutions, making the maintenance easy and the floor long lasting. This treatment avoids applying any acrylic emulsion throughout the lifetime of the product. It is free of formaldehyde, heavy metals and CMR 1 & 2 or vPvB (very persistent and very bio accumulative) or PBT (persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic) and is 100% REACH compliant. Its VOC emissions after 28 days (ISO 16000-6) are below detection levels (<10 μg / m3) and this product is classified A + (the best class) and Floorscore® & M1 certified for indoor air quality. Taralay Impression Compact has antibacterial efficacy (E.coli / S.aureus / MRSA) : >99% after 24 hours according to ISO22196.
COLLINS COTTAGE (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
MOD CAFE' (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
SCOTTISH SETT (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
FAAC J275 HA_V2 Hydraulic Automatic bollard
|FAAC J275 HA V2 automatic retractable traffic bollard is recommended when many transits are expected per day. It can be operated by means of commands performed by authorized personnel or by means of automatic commands. J275 HA_V2 main features are:: 1. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 2. Guaranteed for a high use frequency 3. Simple maintenance (can be performed by a single person) 4. Rapid and silent movements 5. “Full optional configuration” product; it is supplied already equipped with all relevant accessories 6. Perfect interchangeability with first generation bollards (FAAC City Series) 7."Gentle Stop” function to grant soft stop on the limit switch 8. Supplied with emergency manual release, pressure switch and solenoid valve
KA Series Standard
|The defining characteristics of the KA Series - Customised solutions thanks to a high degree of flexibility - An excellent ratio of size, power and speed - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - Customisable visual design - Virtually indestructible design performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - Supply and signals at KA 34/54 BSY+ for up to 2/3 drives can be looped in series - Special chain stabilisation - Pressure applications up to 700 mm, application tension stroke lengths >1000 mm possible - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Adjustable electronic closing force optimisation - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, single-vent - side-hung - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
One Side 30deg Diagonal
|ONE SIDE 30deg DIAGONAL BK1004 4 rails / for 8 bicycles BikeKeeper ® bicycle parking stations with frame locking. One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics.
Dual Side Shelter
|DUAL SIDE SHELTER 16, BK3002 8 rails / for 16 bicycles BikeKeeper Shelter is an outdoor shelter comprising, in addition to bicycle shelters, of shelters for scooters, buggies, rubbish bins and recreational breaks. The advantage of a free-standing BikeKeeper Shelter over other bicycle shelters is the fact that it offers a sturdily structured shelter without expensive foundation works. For the same reason it can be removed during yard clean-up work, for example. By combining single Shelters it is possible to build bicycle parking stations of different sizes.
Wall Side
|WALL SIDE BK5001 4 rails / for 8 bicycles, Instalment to the height of 1.1 metres Wall Side is the saviour of narrow indoor storages. This way wall surfaces are also used for storing bicycles and very little floor surface is required. Just like with other BikeKeeper products the bicycles are locked securely by their frames.
Dual Side 16
|One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics. DUAL SIDE 16 BK2001 8 rails / for 16 bicycles
Dual Side Junior
|DUAL SIDE JUNIOR BK2003 8 rails / for 16 children's bicycles One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics.
Shower channels CeraLine F 500-1200 mm, DN 50
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine F contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine F shower channel can be installed at any point in the floor surface, the flow capacity is 0,8 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
Silka XL 20-2,0 100 DE - non load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 115 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Separation wall - 2*Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE -ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - Double Layer wall 140 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - Double Layer wall 160 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - Double Layer wall 140 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - Double Layer wall 160 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Slabs flooring
|Concrete slabs, 3, 6 and 8 cm thick, suitable for almost all paving needs: for yards, porches, garden areas, cycling paths, pedestrian areas and terraces ( in 3 cm H) They are manufactured in different trendy colors and textures. A photocatalytic version is also available. Brand new is size 50 x 100 with only 3 cm thickness.
Mineral Wool Insulated Panel Promistyl® V
|Promistyl® V is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of mineral woolcore between prepainted steel with visible fixing Several finishings such as ribbed : standard, Linéa 100, Microline or Liss Thicknesses from 60 mm up to 300 mm according to requested thermal performances, Standard width 1000mm , on request 900mm or 1200 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® and material guide according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 8,5 ml
|Solid colour round studded tiles [LIST] Flooring in synthetic rubber with a nominal thickness of 3.0 mm, in solid color, with four-dimensional circular markings: respectively with a diameter of 16 mm, 12 mm, 8 mm, 4 mm and height 0.5 mm, compact, wear-resistant and non-slip Tiles 100 x 100 cm Improved performance and cleanability surface by the special TXL surface curing treatment Slightly sanded backhand for adhesive attachment Safe in case of fire Free from carcinogenic nitrosamines, from pentachlorophenol pcp, from pvc and from any halogens (chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine), cadmium, formaldehyde, asbestos. Free of phthalates and plasticizers It complies with the German AgBB regulation on the emission of volatile organic compounds VOC "Non-toxic" certified in case of fire according to DIN 53436 Classified according to the European waste catalog (CER) as non-hazardous special waste, and therefore similar to urban waste according to DCI 27/7/84. [/LIST]
Tessera Layout
|Featuring a contemporary palette of 32 colours with 8 co-ordinated stripes, our Tessera Layout and Outline carpet tiles offer numerous possibilities for creative inspiration in any flooring scheme. The dynamic colour palette of Layout is hugely versatile featuring a comprehensive choice of modern neutrals in combination with diverse and directional brighter shades. Colours can be used independently or in combination to achieve a myriad of interior styles. Outline is a subtly textured striped loop pile carpet tile with each colourway perfectly matched to 2 Layout colours. Combinations of Outline and Layout allow complete freedom of expression creating connections, highlights and transitions enhancing any style of scheme.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>Pyrolitic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.
|To offer you delicious culinary possibilities with a convection oven, KitchenAid has created the Twelix oven which combines 2 different cooking methods: <b>standard convection and steam-assisted</b>. The KitchenAid KOTSP 60600 multifunction oven offers 28 cooking modes:<br>- <br>- 11 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette) and Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry)<br>- 9 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 8 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill, Tweli Grill and Favourites.<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>The LCD display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br> This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The decisive accessory needed for an excellent level of cooking. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven, and once you choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with absolute precision, necessary for your requirements to cook, for example, an oustanding “pink inside” roastbeef.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rated oven is equipped with telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking. And the oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>This oven also includes the <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
|To offer you delicious culinary possibilities with a convection oven, KitchenAid has created the Twelix oven which combines 2 different cooking methods: <b>standard convection and steam-assisted</b>. The KitchenAid KOTSS 60600 multifunction oven offers 28 cooking modes:<br>- <br>- 11 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette) and Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry)<br>- 9 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 8 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill, Tweli Grill and Favourites.<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>The LCD display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br> This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The decisive accessory needed for an excellent level of cooking. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven, and once you choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with absolute precision, necessary for your requirements to cook, for example, an oustanding “pink inside” roastbeef.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rated oven is equipped with telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking. And the oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.
Shower channels CeraLine vertical F 500-1200 mm, DN 50
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine vertical F contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine vertical F shower channel can be installed at any point in the floor surface, the flow capacity is 0,8 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
Shower channels CeraLine F Flex 500-1200 mm, BS 56 mm/2"
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine F Flex contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine F Flex shower channel can be installed at any point in the floor surface, the flow capacity is 0,8 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
XLERATOReco® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, BMC White
|<b><br><br>FEATURES</b><ul><li>New "No Heat" Technology</li><li>15 Second Dry Time*</li><li>Uses Only <strong>500 Watts</strong> Of Energy</li><li>95% Cost Savings Vs. Paper Towels</li><li>Can Install Multiple <strong>XLERATOR</strong> Units On One 20 Amp Circuit</li><li>5-Year Limited Warranty</li><li>Made In USA Certified&reg;</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for several LEED&reg; credits</li><li>Virtually Maintenance Free</li><li>A Hygienic Hand Drying Solution</li></ul><b>SPECIFICATIONS</b><p><strong>Dimensions:</strong></p><p><strong>Width</strong> 11 3/4" (298 mm)<br><strong>Height</strong> 12 11/16" (322 mm)<br><strong>Depth</strong> 6 11/16" (170 mm)</p><p><strong>Weight:</strong></p><p><strong>XL-BW:</strong> 15 lbs. (6.8 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-SB:</strong> 16 lbs. (7.26 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-W, GR, C, SI, SP:</strong> 17 lbs. (7.71 kgs.)</p><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br><p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
XLERATOReco® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, Zinc
|<b><br><br>FEATURES</b><ul><li>New "No Heat" Technology</li><li>15 Second Dry Time*</li><li>Uses Only <strong>500 Watts</strong> Of Energy</li><li>95% Cost Savings Vs. Paper Towels</li><li>Can Install Multiple <strong>XLERATOR</strong> Units On One 20 Amp Circuit</li><li>5-Year Limited Warranty</li><li>Made In USA Certified&reg;</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for several LEED&reg; credits</li><li>Virtually Maintenance Free</li><li>A Hygienic Hand Drying Solution</li></ul><b>SPECIFICATIONS</b><p><strong>Dimensions:</strong></p><p><strong>Width</strong> 11 3/4" (298 mm)<br><strong>Height</strong> 12 11/16" (322 mm)<br><strong>Depth</strong> 6 11/16" (170 mm)</p><p><strong>Weight:</strong></p><p><strong>XL-BW:</strong> 15 lbs. (6.8 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-SB:</strong> 16 lbs. (7.26 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-W, GR, C, SI, SP:</strong> 17 lbs. (7.71 kgs.)</p><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br><p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
XLERATOReco® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, Stainless Steel
|<b><br><br>FEATURES</b><ul><li>New "No Heat" Technology</li><li>15 Second Dry Time*</li><li>Uses Only <strong>500 Watts</strong> Of Energy</li><li>95% Cost Savings Vs. Paper Towels</li><li>Can Install Multiple <strong>XLERATOR</strong> Units On One 20 Amp Circuit</li><li>5-Year Limited Warranty</li><li>Made In USA Certified&reg;</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for several LEED&reg; credits</li><li>Virtually Maintenance Free</li><li>A Hygienic Hand Drying Solution</li></ul><b>SPECIFICATIONS</b><p><strong>Dimensions:</strong></p><p><strong>Width</strong> 11 3/4" (298 mm)<br><strong>Height</strong> 12 11/16" (322 mm)<br><strong>Depth</strong> 6 11/16" (170 mm)</p><p><strong>Weight:</strong></p><p><strong>XL-BW:</strong> 15 lbs. (6.8 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-SB:</strong> 16 lbs. (7.26 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-W, GR, C, SI, SP:</strong> 17 lbs. (7.71 kgs.)</p><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br><p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Bison Level.It Deck Support Pedestals
|<p>Bison Level.It adjustable deck supports are the simple solution to your decking needs! Use on rooftops, balconies, over cracked concrete patios, even on-grade! Works with any surface material, from wood tiles, traditional stringer and plank decks, natural stone, composites or concrete. With Level.it, if you can dream it, you can do it!&nbsp;Ideal for contractors or the do-it-yourself homeowner.</p><ul><li>Supports 750 lbf (3.34 kN) FS:3 per pedestal</li><li>Select 1/8 or 3/16 inch (3.175 or 4.5 mm) tab size for pedestals</li><li>Level.it adjustable system height range is 2 to 12 inches (51 to 304.8 mm)</li><li>Accessories available for heights from 1/8 to 2 inches (3.175 to 51 mm)</li><li>Pedestals made of high density copolymer polypropylene</li><li>Contains 20% post-industrial recycled material</li><li>Impervious to water, mold, and freeze/thaw cycles</li><li>Made in the U.S.A.<span></span></li></ul>
Iris67 13 W
|Directional outdoor spotlight, adjustable up to 220 degrees on the horizontal axis. Thanks to its front adjustable ring nut, the light beam opening ranges from a minimum of 8 degrees up to a maximum of 50 degrees. The spotlight casing, available in three different sizes, includes an arrayLED source with varying power. Iris67 has been designed to illuminate green areas: the adjustable light follows the plant growth whereas the peculiar focus enhances well-defined areas.
Iris67 20 W
|Directional outdoor spotlight, adjustable up to 220 degrees on the horizontal axis. Thanks to its front adjustable ring nut, the light beam opening ranges from a minimum of 8 degrees up to a maximum of 50 degrees. The spotlight casing, available in three different sizes, includes an arrayLED source with varying power. Iris67 has been designed to illuminate green areas: the adjustable light follows the plant growth whereas the peculiar focus enhances well-defined areas.
Iris67 30 W
|Directional outdoor spotlight, adjustable up to 220 degrees on the horizontal axis. Thanks to its front adjustable ring nut, the light beam opening ranges from a minimum of 8 degrees up to a maximum of 50 degrees. The spotlight casing, available in three different sizes, includes an arrayLED source with varying power. Iris67 has been designed to illuminate green areas: the adjustable light follows the plant growth whereas the peculiar focus enhances well-defined areas.
Starline 12 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline 24 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline 48 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline DMX 12 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline DMX 24 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline DMX 48 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline RGB 36 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source in the RGB colours and five optics available for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Via Del Centro® - paving system
|Architectural interlocking concrete paving system for high traffic loads. The system is composed by 8 archs and 1 angular elements that could be assembled together. The special Einstein® spacers improve the interlocking capacity of the paving system. (Pavimentazione autobloccante architettonica per aree a traffico veicolare pesante. Il sistema è composto da 8 archi, 1 angolare e 3 cubetti che possono essere composti assieme. Gli speciali distanziali Einstein® aumentano l'autobloccanza della pavimentazione).
|The 45 cm 5-in-1 cooking module offers various possibility to cook your favorite dishes and try new recipes. This is a simple yet harmonious design that has been specially created to ensure you a unique cooking experience.<br>This module delivers 2.8 kW of total power.<br>It features 5 Cooking modes: steam, boiling, roasting, frying as well as low temperature.<br>It also includes 2 Induction grid and an interface with slide control.<br>Standar installation
|The 45 cm 5-in-1 cooking module offers various possibility to cook your favorite dishes and try new recipes. This is a simple yet harmonious design that has been specially created to ensure you a unique cooking experience.<br>This module delivers 2.8 kW of total power.<br>It features 5 Cooking modes: steam, boiling, roasting, frying as well as low temperature.<br>It also includes 2 Induction grid and an interface with slide control.<br>Once installed, this induction hob is perfectly aligned with your worktop.
120250 Wall-mounted CANAL wash trough
|Wall-mounted wash trough for 2 services. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surround and fixing brackets. Easy to install: no joint concealers to install, lightweight wash trough. Drainage on the right. Supplied with 1½" waste. Without overflow. Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296. Weight: 8.4kg. Option to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback, stainless steel thickness 1.2mm. 10-year warranty.
Neva 50
|Linear profile for outdoor applications, walkover; surface mounted (ceiling, wall, ground) with brackets, recessed (ceiling, wall, ground) with outer casing; body in anodized extruded aluminium alloy EN AW 6060, screen in tempered and serigraphed glass; 6 LED RGB groups pitch 120 mm; 20W - 24Vdc; DMX version: 24Vdc + DMX 512; includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, 05RN-F 4x0,50 Ø5,8 mm; DMX version: includes 1,5 m neoprene cables, H05RN-F 2x0,75 Ø6,3 mm and 05RN-F 4x0,50 Ø5,8 mm; total delivered lumens: R: 207 lm, G: 621 lm, B: 414 lm; optics: 18°, 26°, 32°, 18°x42°; LED colour: RGB; ingress protection: IP67; impact resistance: IK06; IPS built into the cable gland; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); Glow wire test: 960°; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 1,25 kg; dimensions 677x37x29mm; control with a DMX; accessories: outer casing WC6520, outer casing for plasterboard WC6720, pair of brackets h 75 mm WM0601, pair of brackets h 140 mm WM0602, anti-fall kit WN6001, honeycomb louvre WH6020, stainless steel painted black anti-glare shield WB6520
Rio Sub 1
|Linear profile for outdoor and underwater applications; surface mounted (wall, ground); body in stainless steel, screen in PMMA; 48 SMD low power LEDs; RGB: SMD full colour LED; 6W - 24Vdc; RGB: 8,5W - 24Vdc; includes 5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x1,00 Ø6,8 mm; RGB: includes 5 m FEP+PCP cable (equivalent to H05RN-F cable), 4x0,50/0,50 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 140 lm (2800K); R: 22 lm, G: 64 lm, B: 14 lm; diffuse optics; LED colour: white - 2600K, 2800K, 3700K; RGB; ingress protection: IP68; impact resistance: IK10; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 2 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0,70 kg/m; dimensions 510x20x58 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: aluminium outer casing WC8551
Rio Sub 2
|Linear profile for outdoor and underwater applications; surface mounted (wall, ground); body in stainless steel, screen in PMMA; 96 SMD low power LEDs; RGB: SMD full colour LED; 10W - 24Vdc; 8,5W - 24Vdc; includes 5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x1,00 Ø6,8 mm; RGB: includes 5 m FEP+PCP cable (equivalent to H05RN-F cable), 4x0,50/0,50 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 290 lm (2800K); R: 22 lm, G: 64 lm, B: 14 lm; diffuse optics; LED colour: white - 2600K, 2800K, 3700K; RGB; ingress protection: IP68; impact resistance: IK10; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 2 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 1,20 kg/m; dimensions 510x37x61 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: aluminium outer casing WC8651
Mora MMIX Kitchen Mixer K5 with dish washer valve
|Kitchen mixer with soft closing, dish washer valve and C-spout. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. 4MS approved lead free brass. Energy class C. Chrome. RSK 8318391 LVI 6261186 732150.CA Constant flow 8 l/min. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Lead free. Energy class C. Chrome. RSK 8318392 732150.TT With Turbo-Jet function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Lead free. Energy class B. Chrome. RSK 8318405 LVI 6261182 732151 Flow 9 l/min. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8". Lead free. Chrome. RSK 8318390 NRF 4290241 732151.CA CA Constant flow 8 l/min. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8". Lead free. Chrome. RSK 8318393 732151.TT With Turbo-Jet function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8". Lead free. Chrome. RSK 8318401 Mora MMIX combines elegance and ergonomic design with energy-efficiency. Soft geometric curves and a timeless style characterise the entire Mora MMIX range. The mixers were developed according to our unique EcoSafe™ concept focusing on low energy consumption and long-term environmental care.
Magnetic Access XL2/XXL
|"You are looking for a reliable barrier to control vehicle access to an access road or industry facility with a lane width of more than 6.0m? Here you go: Magnetic.Access XL or Magnetic.Access XXL. Magnetic.Access XL barriers were developed for lane widths between 6.0m and 8.5m, Magnetic.Access XXL for lane widths between 6.0m and 10.0m. Compared to other models of the award-winning MHTM™ MicroDrive series, these barriers come with an inner support frame that guarantees a very high stability. Magnetic.Access XL and Magnetic.Access XXL barriers contain the complete barrier including the MGC Pro control unit, a MicroBoom XL barrier boom and an integrated 2-channel loop detector. The functionality of the barrier can be easily extended via pluggable modules (optional)."
Speedflow Plus steel
|Part numbers: M17A y M17AB The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom. The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc. Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds. Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W. HEPA filter media that filters solid particles in suspension. Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element. Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure. Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.
Liquid soap dispenser - Automatic
|Part numbers: DJ0037A, DJ0037AB, DJ0037AC & DJ0037ACS Automatic wall-mounted liquid soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses liquid soaps with neutral pH, chlorine free and density between 0.9 and 1.35 kg/dm3. Surgical soaps and soaps with solid abrasive particles are not supported.
Foam soap dispenser - Automatic
|Part numbers: DJF0038A, DJF0038AB, DJF0038AC & DJF0038ACS Automatic wall-mounted foam soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses foam soaps with neutral pH, chlorine free and density between 0.95 and 1.05 kg/dm3. Surgical soaps and soaps with solid abrasive particles are not supported.
Liquid soap dispenser - Lever
|Part numbers: DJP0034, DJP0034B, DJP0034C & DJP0034CS Liquid soap dispenser lever activated, of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses liquid soaps or hydro-alcoholic gel. Surgical soaps and soaps with solid abrasive particles are not supported.
Foam soap dispenser - Lever
|Part numbers: DJFP0035, DJFP0035B, DJFP0035C & DJFP0035CS Foam soap dispenser lever activated, of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these foam soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses foam soaps.
Spray soap dispenser - Lever
|Part numbers: DJSP0036, DJSP0036B, DJSP0036C & DJSP0036CS Spray soap dispenser lever operated, of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these foam soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses liquid disinfectant soaps.
Speedflow Plus Stainless Steel
|Part numbers: M17AC & M17ACS The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom. The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc. Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds. Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W. HEPA filter media that filters solid particles in suspension. Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element. Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure. Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.
Rockpanel Stones
|Rockpanel Stones façade panels combine the puristic impression of stone with processing ease: these panels can be easily cut and installed. These panels made of volcanic basalt are lightweight and can be worked as easily as wood, e.g. bent without any special pretreatment, and yet they are as robust as stone. Rockpanel Stones is available in 11 different designs and comes with the ProtectPlus finish as standard. Fire classification: Durable quality 8 mm: B-s2, d0 Xtreme quality 8 mm: B-s2, d0 FS-Xtra quality 9 mm: A2-s1, d0 Artificial Weathering Resistance: after 3000 hr: class 4-5 according ISO 105-A02 after 5000 hr: class 4 according ISO 105-A02 Coefficient thermal expansion: Durable quality: 10,5 · 10-3 mm/m·K Xtreme quality: 11 · 10-3 mm/m·K FS-Xtra quality: 9,7 · 10-3 mm/m·K
A.05 : Solar Cntrl - Window - IGU Sunergy
|Applauded for its superb appearance and visual comfort, Sunergy combines very low light reflection with a large range of colours. This range of solar control hard-coated glass (type A following EN 1096-1) guarantees a good comfort level by combining low E performance (low U value) and high solar control properties (low solar factor). It also offers architects and glass processors limitless creativity to use a single glass in several ways: single glass, double and triple glazed units, laminated, bent, toughened, enamelled, etc.). Thanks to its pyrolitic technology, this range delivers good light and energy performances and good thermal insulation and is very easy to process. •Infinite shelf life •Thanks to the low E characteristics, it has a U value 1,8 W/sqmK, and can be combined with a second low E glass to reduce the U value even more •Lowers air-conditioning costs thanks to its low solar factor
A.06 : Solar Cntrl - Curtain Wall - IGU Sunergy
|Applauded for its superb appearance and visual comfort, Sunergy combines very low light reflection with a large range of colours. This range of solar control hard-coated glass (type A following EN 1096-1) guarantees a good comfort level by combining low E performance (low U value) and high solar control properties (low solar factor). It also offers architects and glass processors limitless creativity to use a single glass in several ways: single glass, double and triple glazed units, laminated, bent, toughened, enamelled, etc.). Thanks to its pyrolitic technology, this range delivers good light and energy performances and good thermal insulation and is very easy to process. •Infinite shelf life •Thanks to the low E characteristics, it has a U value 1,8 W/sqmK, and can be combined with a second low E glass to reduce the U value even more •Lowers air-conditioning costs thanks to its low solar factor
INTRA Easy wall mounted waste
|Wall mounted waste holds 6.5 gal. [24.8 liters] of dry solid waste. Receptacle includes four (4) interior hooks for hanging a reusable heavy gauge vinyl liner bag with grommets. Receptacle is screw mounted to wall through keyhole slots on back of unit and is theft resistant after nstallation of concealed locking screw.
Shower walls Luxor showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Luxor Shower Walls in Timeless Glass have clean design. Easy mounting with hinges. No handle, just a hole in the glass. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors and screen walls. Choose between 8 and 10 mm hardened safety glass. Timeless is a new glass that makes the water flow off quickly. This is because the glass has an invisible surface that quickly becomes transparent again without leaving dull tracks. The special surface protects against impacts that otherwise impair the transparent properties of the glass. It has been developed through magnetronic treatment, as a result of new research. The goal is to facilitate the use of glass and take advantage of the possibilities of the glass in the best possible way.
Shower walls Pure Day showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Pure Day Shower Wall. Stylish and innovative shower wall, reddot winner designed by Phoenix Design. The wall combines the benefits of sliding doors and airy space. Pure Day can be combined for many different solutions - such as a niche door, luxury shower enclosure or stand-alone shower enclosure with sliding door. Treated for lime prevention 8 mm tempered safety glass in sliding door and side panel (end wall), 6 mm in fixed door 15 mm adjustability Quick and easy installation Available in 4 widths, from 110 to 180 cm
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=160-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 150 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=160-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 150 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 200 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 200 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
RatioPlan 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 200 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 240 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLPlus 150 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=150
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 175 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=175
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 200 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=200
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 240 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=240
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
RatioPlan 175 Interior wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF d=175
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
XLBasic 100 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=100
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for non-load-bearing interior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 115 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=115
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLPlus 100 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=100
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 115 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=115
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
RatioPlan 115 Interior wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 4 DF d=115
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
XLBasic 150 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 200 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLPlus 150 Separation wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 2 * d=150
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 175 Separation wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 2 * d=175
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 200 Separation wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 2 * d=200
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
RatioPlan 175 Separation wall - Silka KS-R P 20-2,0 6 DF 2 * d=175
|Silka Ratio high precision units are suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. As a consequence of the tongue and groove system building can be carried out fast and simple. Hand grips enable an ergonomic handling. Due to the high precision of the units Silka Secure thin layer mortar can be used. Advantages: - Higher characteristic masonry compressive strength in comparision with general purpose mortar (=> Reduction of wall thickness, gain of living space) - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Opimized hand grips and the tongue and groove system facilitate laying units by hand up to an unit-weight of 25 kg - Lower humidity as a consequence of using Silka Secure thin layer mortar inspite of general purpose mortar (=> reduction of drying period) - Available also as perforated units mit lower weight
IDEALRAIN M1 SHK 1F/100 720MM IF/1750 SD
|M1 / M3 shower rod, 100 mm diameter handshower with anti-scale system. Flow reducer at 8 l / min. 720 mm wall rail with diameter 21 mm. Wall brackets with variable center distance from 675 to 550 mm. Shower holder with pressure sliding. Idealflex flexible hose, made of plastic with a metallic effect, from 1750 mm. Transparent soap dish.
Touch Screen User Interface - TS-1542
|Advanced Touch Screen Control A Crestron® touch screen offers an ideal user-interface for controlling all the technology in your home, boardroom, classroom, courtroom, or command center. Touch screens simplify and enhance the way you use technology, doing away with those piles of remote controls, cluttered wall switches, disparate smartphone apps, and cryptic computer screens. For controlling audio, video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other systems, Crestron touch screens are fully-customizable with easy-to-use controls and icons, true feedback and real-time status display, full-motion video windows, and a full-featured media player for an enhanced multiroom entertainment experience. The Crestron TS-1542 delivers the ultimate touch screen experience — blending style and function with advanced high-definition graphics. In one slim device, the TS-1542 integrates a brilliant 15.6” Full HD touch screen display and high-performance digital graphics engine. Its sleek, modern design features premium metallic construction and edge-to-edge glass for a contemporary look that’s perfectly at home placed on an executive boardroom table, installed in a high-tech command center, or mounted on the wall in a luxury residence. Featuring enhanced Smart Graphics™ performance and dual-window HD streaming video display, the TS-1542 delivers an elegant and powerful touch screen control solution for a wide range of applications. Additional features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, browse the Internet, annotate over a video image or whiteboard screen, and communicate using built-in VoIP intercom and phone functions.[1] Single-wire PoE+ connectivity and a choice of tabletop, wall, or VESA mounting options afford an integrator-friendly solution that’s easy to install and fits perfectly in any space. Standard finishes include either white or dark gray metallic, or choose the Signature Series option to design your own custom finish. Sleek, Versatile Design At just 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) deep, the TS-1542 can be mounted virtually anywhere using the supplied wall mount kit or a third-party VESA 100 compliant mounting arm, bracket, or stand. A tabletop tilt model (TS-1542-TILT) is also offered, which features an ultra-stylish, smooth-tilt base for use on a table, desk, podium, or countertop. TS-1542 Signature Series The Signature Series allows the TS-1542 to be transformed into a beautiful showpiece adorned with custom colors and graphics on the tilt base and rear of the touch screen. No design is off limits, as Crestron provides the means for design ideas to be submitted, rendered for approval, and then made real. For more information, please visit: www.crestron.com/signatureseries. Smart Graphics™ Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [1] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Auto-Brightness Control The TS-1542 maintains optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions by automatically adjusting its display brightness according to changes in the ambient light level in the room. HD Streaming Video High-definition streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Up to two video windows can be displayed simultaneously. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TS-1542 to display live streaming video from IP cameras, streaming encoders (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [2]), and DigitalMedia™ switchers. Video is delivered to the touch screen over Ethernet, eliminating the need for any extra video wiring. Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TS-1542 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1] Rava® SIP Intercom Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations. Rava works over Ethernet, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [3], and paging without requiring any special wiring. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with a SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication. Speakers and Microphone The built-in speakers and microphone provide clear audio for intercom and phone calls, as well as for listening to multimedia. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TS-1542 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TS-1542. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1] Multi-Touch Support The TS-1542’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. Keyboard Options Typing in passwords, URLs, and text searches is facilitated using the on-screen multi-language keyboard. A physical USB keyboard (not included) may also be connected. Built-in Annotation Whether conducting a high-level boardroom meeting or training seminar, sharing ideas in a huddle space, or watching sports in your home theater, annotation helps put the fine point on any presentation. Annotation provides the ability to illustrate your thoughts on-the-fly, letting you draw and write over streaming video and computer images, and sketch out ideas on a whiteboard screen. Native to the TS-1542, remote annotation capability allows multiple participants, each with a separate touch screen, to draw with their fingertips over the same video image or whiteboard, enabling enhanced collaboration in a classroom, courtroom, or council chamber. Adding a Crestron Digital Graphics Engine (model DGE-100 [2]) connected to the room’s main display allows the whole annotation session to be viewed by the entire audience. Single-Wire Connectivity A simple Ethernet LAN connection with PoE+ is all that is required to wire the TS-1542, containing all control, video, intercom, and power signals within a single wire. If the LAN does not support PoE+, the TS-1542 may be powered using the supplied 100-240V power pack or 24VDC Cresnet® power.[4] Power over Ethernet Using PoE+ technology, the TS-1542 can get its operating power right through the LAN wiring. PoE (Power over Ethernet) eliminates the need for a local power supply or any dedicated power wiring. To supply PoE+ to a network of TS-1542 touch screens and other devices, Crestron offers the CEN-SWPOE-16 16-Port Managed PoE Switch.[2] Interface Module Each TS-1542 ships with a compact interface module (TS-1542-IMCW), which may be used as required to provide an RJ45 LAN connection for the touch screen. The module can be mounted in a 1-gang electrical box or floor box, under a table, or in a podium or equipment rack. A 6 foot (1.8 meter) long LAN cable is included for connection between the module and touch screen. NOTE: When surface mounted using the wall mount kit (included with models TS-1542-B-S and TS-1542-W-S only), all wiring enters through an electrical box or cut-out and is concealed from view. For this method of installation, the interface module may not be required. Notes: 1. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection. 2. Item(s) sold separately. 3. H.264 compatible IP camera required. 4. Connection to a Cresnet network or power supply is for power only. Does not support Cresnet data communications. 5. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps.
Wireless Touch Screen - TST-902
|The Crestron® TST-902 Wireless Touch Screen is an advanced wireless controller, engineered to deliver ultimate performance, reliability, and customizability for controlling a wide range of technologies in a corporate, government, classroom, or high-end home environment. Its thin, tablet-style design is easy to hold and moves effortlessly between portable and stationary tabletop or in-wall use.[1] Its large-capacity rechargeable battery affords several hours or days of operation between charges. Dual-mode wireless performance with roaming capability assures dependable connectivity throughout a commercial facility or luxury residence. Featuring a high-contrast 8.7” capacitive touch screen with Smart Graphics®, the TST-902 allows completely customizable control over media presentation and teleconferencing systems, lighting and shades, HVAC and BMS, home theater, and a host of other technologies. Additional advanced features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, view full-motion streaming video from cameras and other sources, and browse the Internet.[2,3] Smart Graphics® Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [2] A power-saving screensaver, allowing display of time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TST-902 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, choose a lighting scene, select and play a specific media title or playlist, initiate a conference call, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[2,3] Streaming Video High-performance streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TST-902 to display live streaming video from an IP camera, a streaming encoder (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [4]), or a DigitalMedia™ switcher.[3] Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TST-902 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TST-902. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[2,3] Multi-Touch Support The TST-902’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. On-Screen Keyboard An on-screen multi-language keyboard allows for quick entry of passwords, URLs, and text searches. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded on the TST-902 to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Dual-Mode Wireless To deliver the ultimate in wireless touch screen performance and functionality, the TST-902 employs a combination of Crestron Extended Range 2.4 GHz RF (ER) and Wi-Fi® wireless technologies. Extended Range RF (Required) — Primary functionality is supported via Crestron ER (Extended Range) wireless communications, providing seamless touch screen control with true feedback. A single ER gateway [4] enables ultra dependable wireless performance at a range of up to 200 feet (60 m) indoors.[5] Roaming capability allows for even greater coverage using up to eight ER gateways. Wi-Fi (Optional) — While the TST-902 can be operated using only ER wireless, advanced wireless capabilities such as streaming video, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics can only be supported using both ER and Wi-Fi together (dual-mode). Crestron enhanced Wi-Fi wireless performance achieves a remarkable 50 feet (15 m) omnidirectional coverage indoors.[5] For Wi-Fi networks with multiple access points, the TST-902 supports the ability to hand off communication from one access point to another if the active connection is lost.[6] The choice of 802.11 b, g, and n protocols affords reliable, high-speed wireless performance in virtually any RF environment. For optimal Wi-Fi performance, Crestron offers the CEN-WAP-1500 High Power Dual-Band Wireless Access Point [4]. IMPORTANT: EVERY INSTALLATION OF THE TST-902 REQUIRES A CRESTRON ER WIRELESS GATEWAY TO ENABLE ESSENTIAL WIRELESS CAPABILITY. THE TST-902 WILL NOT WORK WITH WI-FI ALONE.[7] Instant-Waking® To ensure the most transparent user experience possible, the TST-902 has been engineered to wake instantly upon touching the touch screen. Commands are sent immediately — just like an IR remote but with none of IR’s limitations. So spontaneous actions like muting the audio, pausing the video, or changing the channel can be executed on-the-fly without any waiting. Extended Battery Life The TST-902 features a large-capacity, user-replaceable Li-Ion battery pack to enable up to 9 hours of continuous operation and several days of typical use between charges. Intelligent power management and Lithium Ion battery technology afford a perfect balance of long battery life, light weight, and compact size. Table Dock Charger The TST-902 includes a stylish table dock for charging its internal battery while simultaneously allowing it to be used as a stationary tabletop touch screen. The table dock holds the TST-902 firmly at a fixed upright angle while docked, and allows it to be simply lifted off at any time for portable use. Its sleek appearance achieves a look befitting the most contemporary boardroom or luxury living room.[1] Wall Dock Option Available separately, the TST-902-DSW provides a flush mount, in-wall docking solution, allowing the TST-902 to be used as a stationary wall mount touch screen with the ability to go wireless at any time. Notes: 1. The TST-902 ships with (1) TST-902-DS Table Dock included. Additional table docks, or the TST-902-DSW wall dock, may be ordered separately. Refer to the TST-902-DS and TST-902-DSW spec sheets for additional information. 2. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection via Wi-Fi. 3. Voice recognition, streaming video, web browsing, and dynamic graphics capabilities require dual-mode wireless (ER + Wi-Fi). 4. Item(s) sold separately. 5. Wireless range subject to site-specific conditions. 6. True roaming is supported for ER wireless communication only, affording uninterrupted wireless performance for primary touch screen functions. Wi-Fi “handoff” capability enables automatic handoff amongst up to four pre-designated Wi-Fi wireless access points, wherein the last successful Wi-Fi connection is maintained indefinitely until that connection is lost, at which point communication is handed off to the next nearest access point. A very brief interruption to wireless Ethernet communication may occur during the handoff. Primary ER wireless communication is unaffected by the Wi-Fi handoff process. 7. ER (Extended Range) RF wireless communication supports basic wireless touch screen functionality, and is required for all applications. For advanced functionality including streaming video, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics, Wi-Fi wireless communication is also required (dual-mode). The TST-902 will not work with Wi-Fi alone.
Digital Graphics Engine - DM-DGE-200-C
|The DM-DGE-200-C Digital Graphics Engine transforms an HD or Ultra HD touch screen display into an advanced Crestron® controller. Featuring Crestron Smart Graphics™ technology, the DM-DGE-200-C provides for the creation of a completely custom graphical environment combining advanced controls for audio & video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other functions with dual-window video display, annotation, audio feedback, and web browsing. Its low-profile, surface-mountable design allows for a discreet installation behind a flat-panel display, under a table, or inside a lectern or equipment rack. Alternately, the DM-DGE-200-C offers an enhanced presentation and productivity solution for meeting rooms and huddle spaces using Crestron PinPoint™ UX technology. Without requiring a touch screen or any other controls or programming, PinPoint UX leverages the room’s display to create an intelligent meeting space seamlessly integrated as part of a complete Crestron Fusion® Cloud managed enterprise. The DM-DGE-200-C features a 4K UHD capable HDMI® output for connection to the display device, and includes a USB HID port for touch, mouse, and/or keyboard input. Additional control ports are provided to enable control of the display device and other equipment.[1,2] A single HDMI input allows an AirMedia® wireless presentation gateway or other high-definition video source to be connected and displayed on screen. A DM 8G+® input is included to support 4K UHD and DCI 4K sources connected at a DM® transmitter or switcher.[3] Additionally, H.264 streaming video signals can be received over a high-speed Ethernet connection.[4] Ethernet also provides the interface to a Crestron control system, which is required for touch screen and OSM control applications.[5] PinPoint™ UX The DM-DGE-200-C takes any meeting room or huddle space display device to a higher level, enhancing its usability while eliminating the need for any other AV or control equipment in the room. Built-in PinPoint UX technology works with Crestron Fusion Cloud and the PinPoint app to provide an intelligent meeting space that greets attendees with useful on-screen information and facilitates BYOD presentation without the need for a touch screen, button panel, or remote. As attendees enter the room, the personalized welcome screen provides essential details about the current scheduled meeting along with simple instructions to guide presenters through connecting their mobile devices and starting the presentation. As the meeting progresses, gentle notifications appear periodically to indicate how much time is left in the meeting and what’s scheduled next for the room. Pop-up messages may also appear prominently on screen, sent from Fusion, in the event of an emergency or other important announcement. With PinPoint UX, system operation is essentially invisible. Simply connecting a laptop, tablet, or other presentation source causes the video inputs to switch and the display to turn on (if not already on). Sources can be connected via a wired interface or wirelessly via Crestron AirMedia.[6] The display can also be scheduled to turn on and off at set times. The status of the display and any connected devices is reported to Fusion to enable monitoring and logging of equipment usage, and notification if a device is powered off or disconnected. Complete setup and configuration of PinPoint UX is performed through a simple web browser interface or through Fusion, with the ability to configure many PinPoint UX devices at once over the network. Note: PinPoint UX may be used without Crestron Fusion Cloud to provide a simple standalone meeting room presentation solution with customizable welcome screen and automatic operation. PinPoint UX also supports direct integration with Microsoft® Exchange Server. Touch Screen Interface For traditional touch screen control applications, the DM-DGE-200-C pairs perfectly with a Crestron TSD-2220 HD Touch Screen Display to deliver a high-definition 21.5” touch screen control panel that’s ideal for home automation, corporate multimedia presentation, and command center applications. Third-party touch screens of varying sizes can be used with the DM-DGE-200-C to fulfill a range of control, collaboration, video display, and interactive kiosk solutions. The DM-DGE-200-C currently supports either Full HD 1080p60 (1920x1080@60Hz) or 4K UHD (3840x2160@30Hz) display resolutions. OSM Interface On-screen menu (OSM) capability offers an alternative to touch screen control, enabling a fully-customizable control menu to appear on any TV or video display, with simple navigation provided using the same Crestron handheld remote that’s controlling the TV. A USB mouse may also be used. The DM-DGE-200-C delivers stunning menu graphics that pop up unobtrusively at the edge of the screen alongside the video image, letting you quickly adjust lighting and climate control settings, lower the shades, check security system status, and lock or unlock the front door without interrupting the movie or TV program you’re watching. Detailed alert messages can also appear on screen in case of a security alarm, doorbell, or other event. You can even pop up a live streaming camera window to see who’s at the door or coming up the driveway. Smart Graphics™ The DM-DGE-200-C uses Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [7] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across touch screens of varying sizes Notes: 1. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, the onboard RS-232 COM port supports basic on/off power control of a single display device and the IR port is not utilized. The COM and IR ports may all be utilized for fully-customizable control applications through integration with a Crestron control system with custom programming. 2. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, CEC may be utilized at the HDMI output to provide basic on/off power control of a single display device. CEC may be utilized through either HDMI port for fully-customizable control applications through integration with a Crestron control system with custom programming. 3. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, if a DM 8G+ transmitter is connected, the transmitter’s input switching capability is limited to auto-switching mode and any control ports on the transmitter are disabled. Manual switching and control port functionality on the transmitter require a control system with custom programming. Control port functionality is not supported at all on a DM-TX-4K-100-C-1G transmitter. 4. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming video inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps. Streaming video input is not supported using the PinPoint UX application unless connected to a Crestron control system with custom programming. 5. When connected to a DM switcher via DM 8G+, the DM-DGE-200-C can obtain its LAN connection through the switcher but does not receive an IP address on the switcher’s private network. Thus, it requires an IP address on the customer’s LAN. 6. AirMedia wireless presentation support requires a wireless LAN and the addition of an AirMedia presentation gateway, model AM-101, sold separately. 7. Web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection. 8. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) is dependent upon the type of cable, resolution of the video signal, and capabilities of each connected device. Refer to the “DM 8G+ Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for DM system design guidelines. All wire, cables, transmitters, and other devices are sold separately. 9. The audio signal from any source connected to the HDMI or DM input is passed through to the HDMI output without processing, downmixing, volume control, or mute control. 10. The HDMI video input signal cannot be downscaled by more than 4x. For instance, a 1920x1080 source signal can be displayed no smaller than 480x270 pixels. 11. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.
Touch Screen User Interface - TS-1542-C
|Advanced Touch Screen Control A Crestron® touch screen offers an ideal user-interface for controlling all the technology in your home, boardroom, classroom, courtroom, or command center. Touch screens simplify and enhance the way you use technology, doing away with those piles of remote controls, cluttered wall switches, disparate smartphone apps, and cryptic computer screens. For controlling audio, video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other systems, Crestron touch screens are fully-customizable with easy-to-use controls and icons, true feedback and real-time status display, full-motion video windows, and a full-featured media player for an enhanced multiroom entertainment experience. The Crestron TS-1542-C delivers the ultimate touch screen experience — blending style and function with advanced high-definition graphics. In one slim device, the TS-1542-C integrates a brilliant 15.6” Full HD touch screen display and high-performance digital graphics engine. Its sleek, modern design features premium metallic construction and edge-to-edge glass for a contemporary look that’s perfectly at home placed on an executive boardroom table, installed in a high-tech command center, or mounted on the wall in a luxury residence. Featuring enhanced Smart Graphics™ performance and dual-window HD video display, the TS-1542-C delivers an elegant and powerful touch screen control solution for a wide range of applications. Its DM 8G+® input provides a single-wire interface carrying high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, H.264 streaming video, and PoDM++ power, all over a single CAT type cable. Additional features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, browse the Internet, annotate over a video image or whiteboard screen, and communicate using built-in VoIP intercom and phone functions.[1] A choice of tabletop, wall, or VESA mounting options afford an integrator-friendly solution that’s easy to install and fits perfectly in any space. Standard finishes include either white or dark gray metallic, or choose the Signature Series option to design your own custom finish. Sleek, Versatile Design At just 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) deep, the TS-1542-C can be mounted virtually anywhere using the supplied wall mount kit or a third-party VESA 100 compliant mounting arm, bracket, or stand. A tabletop tilt model (TS-1542-TILT-C) is also offered, which features an ultra-stylish, smooth-tilt base for use on a table, desk, podium, or countertop. TS-1542-C Signature Series The Signature Series allows the TS-1542-C to be transformed into a beautiful showpiece adorned with custom colors and graphics on the tilt base and rear of the touch screen. No design is off limits, as Crestron provides the means for design ideas to be submitted, rendered for approval, and then made real. For more information, please visit: www.crestron.com/signatureseries. Smart Graphics™ Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [1] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Auto-Brightness Control The TS-1542-C maintains optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions by automatically adjusting its display brightness according to changes in the ambient light level in the room. DigitalMedia 8G+® & 4K Video Using DM 8G+ technology, the TS-1542-C achieves complete connectivity over a single CAT type twisted pair cable. The cable connects to a Crestron DM® system (i.e., a DM switcher or transmitter [2,3]), which can be located in a central equipment cabinet or some other remote location. The DM system provides the interface for all video, audio, and networking signals to the TS-1542-C. Power for the TS-1542-C can also be carried over the DM 8G+ connection by adding a PoDM++ compatible power source.[4] The DM 8G+ connection transports high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, and stereo audio signals from the DM system to the TS-1542-C. Support for 4K video and HDCP 2.2 encryption ensures compatibility with a complete range of video sources. Any video source connected to the DM system, including 4K and Ultra HD sources, can be viewed right on the touch screen, either full screen or in a window. DM 8G+ supports 1080p, WUXGA, and 2K signals over cable lengths up to 330 feet (100 m) using Crestron DM Ultra or DM 8G Cable, or third-party CAT5e. Higher resolutions up to UHD and 4K are supported at distances up to 330 feet (100 m) using DM Ultra Cable, 230 feet (70 m) using DM 8G Cable, or 165 feet (50 m) using CAT5e.[5] HD Streaming Video High-definition streaming video capability makes it possible to view live streaming video from IP cameras and streaming encoders (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, DMC-STRO, or similar [2]). Up to two streaming video windows can be displayed simultaneously, or a single streaming window can be displayed alongside a DM 8G+ video window. H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported. Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TS-1542-C provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1] Rava® SIP Intercom Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations. Rava works over Ethernet, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [6], and paging without requiring any special wiring. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with a SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication. Speakers and Microphone The built-in speakers and microphone provide clear audio for intercom and phone calls, as well as for listening to multimedia. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TS-1542-C provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TS-1542-C. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1] Multi-Touch Support The TS-1542-C’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. Notes: 1. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an internet connection. 2. Item(s) sold separately. 3. The DM device to which the TS-1542-C is connected must have an Ethernet connection to a Crestron control system. 4. Optional PoDM++ injector, model DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN, sold separately. Any wiring carrying PoDM is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PoDM PSE (power sourcing equipment) is located. 5. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete DM system design guidelines. All wire and cables are sold separately unless noted otherwise. 6. H.264 compatible IP camera required. 7. Connection to a Cresnet network or power supply is for power only. Does not support Cresnet data communications. 8. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps.
HEWI Standard door fitting 111R01-230
|Standard door fitting in R-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 111.23R U-shaped made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 23 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Roses: model 305.23... and 306.23 roses substructure made of synthetic material-stainless steel composite, can be used for left and right-hand opening doors. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area and second journal in the neck of the lever handle. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M4 screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, flat, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: U Article no.: HEWI 111R01.230
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 111R02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in R-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 111.23R U-shaped made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 23 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Roses: model 305.23... and 306.23NR roses substructure made of synthetic material-stainless steel composite, can be used for left and right-hand opening doors. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area and second journal in the neck of the lever handle. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M4 screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, flat, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: U Article no.: HEWI 111R02.230
HEWI Standard door fitting 111XAH01-130
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 111X... made of stainless steel tube (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle, for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 111XAH01.130
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 111XAH02-130
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 111X... made of stainless steel tube (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle, for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 111XAH02.130
HEWI Standard door fitting 162PCH01-230
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 162.21P... in mitre cut, made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 21.3 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21P... and 306.23, composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162PCH01.230
HEWI Push/pull handle set 162XADG06
|System 162 push/pull handle set for equipping doors or emergency exits For emergency exits: Approval to EN 179 in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634 and 9 mm square spindle. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Handle made of a stainless steel tube, diameter 30 mm, straight handle with straight connection, height 450 mm, width 124 mm, satin surface, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class 0, A or B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion protection: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of operating element: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI 162XADG06
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 162XAH02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 162X... made of stainless steel tube in mitre cut (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162XAH02.230
HEWI Push/pull handle set FSDG550-08
|System 111 push/pull handle set Handle made of polyamide, with steel core diameter 33 mm, closed oval, height 400 mm, width 105 mm, high polished, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Contrasting design in coloured polyamide. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification key: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: Class 6 Use on smoke/fire doors: Class 0. A or B Safety personal security: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security: Class 2 Security - Burglary protection: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI FSDG550.08
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 162PCB02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in B-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 162.21P... in mitre cut, made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 21.3 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21P... and 306.23NR, composite synthetic material rose substructure, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with 5 mm Spax screws as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 2 or Class 3 Category of use: Class 2 fitting with spindle 7 mm Category of use: Class 3 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 0 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162PCB02.230
HEWI Standard door fitting 162XAH01-230
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 162X... made of stainless steel tube in mitre cut (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162XAH01.230
Tork Mini Mechanical Handtowel Dispenser, Black
|The Tork Mini Mechanical Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is ideal for environments where space is limited. Designed to fit tight spaces previously reserved for folded towels, the Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser provides the operational benefits of a larger roll towel dispenser in a compact and attractive design. At just over 12 inches high, it is nearly six inches shorter than a full-size dispenser so it can fit into tight spaces like those between cabinets and countertops. Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser does not require external electricity, wiring or batteries and the reversible cover can be installed to open from the left or right, increasing the options for placement. Dispenses and cuts a single 11-inch towel is ready and waiting for the next patron. There are no settings to adjust and no levers or buttons are required to operate the dispenser, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. The translucent cover saves maintenance time as staff can see at a glance when it is time to refill the dispenser, and the locking cover prevents pilferage. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Tork Mini Mechanical Handtowel Dispenser, White
|The Tork Mini Mechanical Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is ideal for environments where space is limited. Designed to fit tight spaces previously reserved for folded towels, the Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser provides the operational benefits of a larger roll towel dispenser in a compact and attractive design. At just over 12 inches high, it is nearly six inches shorter than a full-size dispenser so it can fit into tight spaces like those between cabinets and countertops. Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser does not require external electricity, wiring or batteries and the reversible cover can be installed to open from the left or right, increasing the options for placement. Dispenses and cuts a single 11-inch towel is ready and waiting for the next patron. There are no settings to adjust and no levers or buttons are required to operate the dispenser, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. The translucent cover saves maintenance time as staff can see at a glance when it is time to refill the dispenser, and the locking cover prevents pilferage. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Tork Electronic Hand Towel Dispenser, Black
|Tork Electronic Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is designed to last in busy restrooms, so you can rest assured it will always function as smoothly as day one. The paper roll index allows for quick and easy loading. An intuitive, one-touch, control panel helps you manage the length of the hand towel being dispensed at either 10 inches and 18 inches, and Sensor Mode for patron-activated dispensing, or Hanging Mode for ready-for-use hanging towel. The roll consumption indicator informs your staff at a glance, when it's time to refill. And hygienic, one-at-a-time dispensing encourages guests to only use as many hand towels as they need, helping you reduce waste and save on cost. The long-lasting battery life allows for dispensing up to 80 rolls of 1,000 feet of toweling. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Tork Electronic Hand Towel Dispenser, White
|Tork Electronic Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is designed to last in busy restrooms, so you can rest assured it will always function as smoothly as day one. The paper roll index allows for quick and easy loading. An intuitive, one-touch, control panel helps you manage the length of the hand towel being dispensed at either 10 inches and 18 inches, and Sensor Mode for patron-activated dispensing, or Hanging Mode for ready-for-use hanging towel. The roll consumption indicator informs your staff at a glance, when it's time to refill. And hygienic, one-at-a-time dispensing encourages guests to only use as many hand towels as they need, helping you reduce waste and save on cost. The long-lasting battery life allows for dispensing up to 80 rolls of 1,000 feet of toweling. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Tork Electronic Hand Towel Dispenser, Black
|Tork Electronic Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is designed to last in busy restrooms, so you can rest assured it will always function as smoothly as day one. The paper roll index allows for quick and easy loading. An intuitive, one-touch, control panel helps you manage the length of the hand towel being dispensed at either 10 inches and 18 inches, and Sensor Mode for patron-activated dispensing, or Hanging Mode for ready-for-use hanging towel. The roll consumption indicator informs your staff at a glance, when it's time to refill. And hygienic, one-at-a-time dispensing encourages guests to only use as many hand towels as they need, helping you reduce waste and save on cost. The long-lasting battery life allows for dispensing up to 80 rolls of 1,000 feet of toweling. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Tork Electronic Hand Towel Dispenser, White
|Tork Electronic Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is designed to last in busy restrooms, so you can rest assured it will always function as smoothly as day one. The paper roll index allows for quick and easy loading. An intuitive, one-touch, control panel helps you manage the length of the hand towel being dispensed at either 10 inches and 18 inches, and Sensor Mode for patron-activated dispensing, or Hanging Mode for ready-for-use hanging towel. The roll consumption indicator informs your staff at a glance, when it's time to refill. And hygienic, one-at-a-time dispensing encourages guests to only use as many hand towels as they need, helping you reduce waste and save on cost. The long-lasting battery life allows for dispensing up to 80 rolls of 1,000 feet of toweling. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Tork Mini Mechanical Handtowel Dispenser, Black
|The Tork Mini Mechanical Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is ideal for environments where space is limited. Designed to fit tight spaces previously reserved for folded towels, the Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser provides the operational benefits of a larger roll towel dispenser in a compact and attractive design. At just over 12 inches high, it is nearly six inches shorter than a full-size dispenser so it can fit into tight spaces like those between cabinets and countertops. Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser does not require external electricity, wiring or batteries and the reversible cover can be installed to open from the left or right, increasing the options for placement. Dispenses and cuts a single 11-inch towel is ready and waiting for the next patron. There are no settings to adjust and no levers or buttons are required to operate the dispenser, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. The translucent cover saves maintenance time as staff can see at a glance when it is time to refill the dispenser, and the locking cover prevents pilferage. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Tork Mini Mechanical Handtowel Dispenser, White
|The Tork Mini Mechanical Hand Towel Roll Dispenser is ideal for environments where space is limited. Designed to fit tight spaces previously reserved for folded towels, the Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser provides the operational benefits of a larger roll towel dispenser in a compact and attractive design. At just over 12 inches high, it is nearly six inches shorter than a full-size dispenser so it can fit into tight spaces like those between cabinets and countertops. Tork Mini Mechanical Dispenser does not require external electricity, wiring or batteries and the reversible cover can be installed to open from the left or right, increasing the options for placement. Dispenses and cuts a single 11-inch towel is ready and waiting for the next patron. There are no settings to adjust and no levers or buttons are required to operate the dispenser, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. The translucent cover saves maintenance time as staff can see at a glance when it is time to refill the dispenser, and the locking cover prevents pilferage. Accommodates a variety of 8 inch controlled roll towels.
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, single-vent - side-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, double-vent - side-hung - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, double-vent - side-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, bottom-hung - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, top-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, projected top-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, horizontal pivot - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, fix fields - glazing inside (2x2)
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
|The collection of white modular wall tiles available in a wide range of formats: 25 x 33.3 cm / 25 x 40cm / 20 x 60 cm / 30 x 60 cm / 29.5 x 59.5 cm / 25 x 75 cm / 29.8 x 89.8 cm / 32.5 x 97.7 cm and two surface types: opaque and shiny. The product is intended for both investors constructing multi-residential structures, public areas, hotels, or sports facilities, and individual clients who seek classic white wall tiles for kitchen or bathroom interiors.
Mistral Beige
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Brown
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Grafit
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Grys
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Nero
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
|KitchenAid has created the first Black Stainless Steel collection: pure black stainless steel, brushed for a unique, warm effect, elegant and stylish. This range use the PrintShield™ technology that preserves the beauty of this appliances from fingerprints. Each piece offers not only the professional performance but also the iconic design and artisan quality you are accustomed to.<br>This color has been applied to KitdchenAid Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br> The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>Pyrolitic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.
|To offer you delicious culinary possibilities with a convection oven, KitchenAid has created the Twelix oven which combines 2 different cooking methods: <b>standard convection and steam-assisted</b>. The KitchenAid KOTSP 60602 multifunction oven offers 28 cooking modes:<br>- <br>- 11 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette) and Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry)<br>- 9 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 8 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill, Tweli Grill and Favourites.<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>The LCD display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br> This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The decisive accessory needed for an excellent level of cooking. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven, and once you choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with absolute precision, necessary for your requirements to cook, for example, an oustanding “pink inside” roastbeef.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rated oven is equipped with telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking. And the oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>This oven also includes the <b>pyrolytic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven. This function burns off spatter occurring inside the oven during cooking at a temperature of approximately 500 °C. At this high temperature, the deposits turn into a light ash which can be easily wiped away with a damp cloth, once the oven is cool.
Metawell® acoustic element Perfect 2000-W
|Metawell® acoustic elements are suitable for all rooms where the reverberation time impairs speech intelligibility. The elements have performed so well in acoustic tests that they have been classified as „Absorber class A“. The aluminium sandwich construction results in a high rigidity with an elegant and filigree appearance. With only 6 mm of visible edge, the element is very thin, but at the same time so rigid that the suspension ropes can be arranged far in the centre of the board and are therefore barely visible. With the included suspension ropes, the sail can be mounted in no time at all. With a weight of only 8.9 kg, the element is a lightweight under the acoustic elements. The elements are delivered in individual stackable cardboard packaging. Due to the stable construction of the element, it cannot break even during transport and installation. The element is delivered with a high-quality surface in the color RAL 9010 (pure white). If a renovation is required after years, the element can be easily covered; the acoustic values are still preserved. Even repeated overcoating is possible without performance loss. The acoustic elements are packed in quantities of 10 pieces on a disposable pallet.
Metawell® acoustic element Perfect 2000-W with LED
|Metawell® acoustic elements are suitable for all rooms where the reverberation time impairs speech intelligibility. The elements have performed so well in acoustic tests that they have been classified as „Absorber class A“. The aluminium sandwich construction results in a high rigidity with an elegant and filigree appearance. With only 6 mm of visible edge, the element is very thin, but at the same time so rigid that the suspension ropes can be arranged far in the centre of the board and are therefore barely visible. With the included suspension ropes, the sail can be mounted in no time at all. With a weight of only 8.9 kg, the element is a lightweight under the acoustic elements. The elements are delivered in individual stackable cardboard packaging. Due to the stable construction of the element, it cannot break even during transport and installation. The element is delivered with a high-quality surface in the color RAL 9010 (pure white). If a renovation is required after years, the element can be easily covered; the acoustic values are still preserved. Even repeated overcoating is possible without performance loss. The elements include a LED workplace lighting.
|Evo Jet Diamond shower bar, 125 mm handshower with anti-limescale system. 3 functions (rain effect, massage, drop jet) selectable through Navigo technology 8 l/min. Perfettamente funzionante a partire da una pressione di 0,1 bar. Ugelli facili da pulire per prevenire l’accumulo di calcare. Tubo flessibile Idealflex, in materiale plastico con effetto metallico, da 1750 mm.
|Evo Round shower kit, 110 mm diameter handshower with anti-limescale system. 3 functions (rain effect, massage, air) selectable through Navigo technology. Perfectly working starting from a pressure of 0.1 bar. Easy-to-clean nozzles to prevent scale build-up. Flow reducer at 8 l / min. Wall support with inclinationregolabile. Tubo flessibile Idealflex, in materiale plastico con effetto metallico da 1750 mm.
Mino easy chair
|Inspired by the iconic Lamino chair, Mino is designed with the shape and needs of the human body in mind. This is a chair that has been meticulously designed for the comfort of the user. For 2018 the stylish Mino series is gaining an easy chair with footstool, an extra wide armchair and a wheeled armchair. As with the original chair, they are easy to get in and out of, simple to clean and proof that a truly comfortable chair can also look fantastic. Designer Thomas Sandell has managed to achieve an even better ergonomic standard with the new Mino XL armchair, which is 8 cm wider than the original. The new wheeled version is easier to move around. And despite its slim profile, the easy chair with footrest is as robust as it is comfortable.
Mino stool
|Inspired by the iconic Lamino chair, Mino is designed with the shape and needs of the human body in mind. This is a chair that has been meticulously designed for the comfort of the user. For 2018 the stylish Mino series is gaining an easy chair with footstool, an extra wide armchair and a wheeled armchair. As with the original chair, they are easy to get in and out of, simple to clean and proof that a truly comfortable chair can also look fantastic. Designer Thomas Sandell has managed to achieve an even better ergonomic standard with the new Mino XL armchair, which is 8 cm wider than the original. The new wheeled version is easier to move around. And despite its slim profile, the easy chair with footrest is as robust as it is comfortable.
Mino XL
|Inspired by the iconic Lamino chair, Mino is designed with the shape and needs of the human body in mind. This is a chair that has been meticulously designed for the comfort of the user. For 2018 the stylish Mino series is gaining an easy chair with footstool, an extra wide armchair and a wheeled armchair. As with the original chair, they are easy to get in and out of, simple to clean and proof that a truly comfortable chair can also look fantastic. Designer Thomas Sandell has managed to achieve an even better ergonomic standard with the new Mino XL armchair, which is 8 cm wider than the original. The new wheeled version is easier to move around. And despite its slim profile, the easy chair with footrest is as robust as it is comfortable.
Mino w castors
|Inspired by the iconic Lamino chair, Mino is designed with the shape and needs of the human body in mind. This is a chair that has been meticulously designed for the comfort of the user. For 2018 the stylish Mino series is gaining an easy chair with footstool, an extra wide armchair and a wheeled armchair. As with the original chair, they are easy to get in and out of, simple to clean and proof that a truly comfortable chair can also look fantastic. Designer Thomas Sandell has managed to achieve an even better ergonomic standard with the new Mino XL armchair, which is 8 cm wider than the original. The new wheeled version is easier to move around. And despite its slim profile, the easy chair with footrest is as robust as it is comfortable.
|Audim consists of a chassis and various seat cushions. Seating for 21 children. Equipped with wheels. Overall Dimensions (WxDxH): 118 x 72.8 x 79.7 cm. Two seat levels. Trays in the body for the storage of seat lashes. Aura fabric upholstery and seat cushions (3 pcs big, color Margarita, 3 pcs medium, color Plum, 9 pcs small, color for the Forest) in standard colors. The upholstery fabric is a dirt repellent, ultra-hardwearing Aura UV fabric. 100% polyester. 100,000 Martindale, UV Protection, Waterproof, Antimicrobial Treatment. Fire rating EN 1021-1, SL1.
3-Series Control System® - PRO3
|<p>The flagship Crestron® PRO3 is an enterprise-class control system with an enhanced feature set including a front panel color LCD display, built-in control card expansion slots, and a dedicated Control Subnet port. Featuring the 3-Series® control engine, the PRO3 forms the core of any modern networked home or commercial building, managing and integrating all the disparate technologies throughout your facility to make life easier, greener, more productive, and more enjoyable.<br></p><p>&nbsp;<br>3-Series® Control Systems<br>Today's commercial buildings and custom homes comprise more technology than ever before, and all these systems need to be networked, managed, and controlled in fundamentally new ways. The IP based 3-Series platform is engineered from the ground up to deliver a network-grade server appliance capable of faithfully handling everything from boardroom AV and home theater control to total building management.</p> <p>3-Series embodies a distinctively robust, dynamic, and secure platform to elevate your system designs to higher levels of performance and reliability. Compared to other control systems, Crestron 3-Series provides a pronounced increase in processing power and speed with more memory, rock solid networking and IP control, and a unique modular programming architecture.<br>&nbsp;<br>Modular Programming Architecture<br>Designed for enhanced scalability, the PRO3 affords high-speed, real-time multi-tasking to seamlessly run multiple programs simultaneously. This exclusive modular programming architecture lets programmers independently develop and run device-specific programs for AV, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, etc., allowing for the optimization of each program, and allowing changes to be made to one program without affecting the whole. Even as your system grows, processing resources can easily be shifted from one 3-Series processor to another without rewriting any code. The end benefit is dramatically simplified upgradability with minimal downtime, whether implementing changes on site or remotely via the network.<br><br></p><p>Robust Ethernet & IP Control<br>IP technology is the heart of 3-Series, so it should be no surprise that its networking abilities are second to none. Gigabit Ethernet connectivity enables integration with IP-controllable devices and allows the PRO3 to be part of a larger managed control network. Whether residing on a sensitive corporate LAN, a home network, or accessing the Internet through a cable modem, the PRO3 provides secure, reliable interconnectivity with IP-enabled touch screens, computers, mobile devices, video displays, media servers, security systems, lighting, HVAC, and other equipment &mdash; whether on premises or across the globe.<br><br></p><p><br></p><p>Dedicated Control Subnet<br>The Crestron Control Subnet is a Gigabit Ethernet network dedicated to Crestron devices. Via the PRO3's Control Subnet port, an installer may simply connect a single touch screen or wireless gateway, or add a Crestron PoE switch (CEN-SW-POE-5 or CEN-SWPOE-16) [1] to handle multiple touch screens, gateways, AV components, and other devices. Auto-configuration of the entire subnet is performed by the PRO3, discovering each device and assigning IP addresses without any extra effort from the installer.<br>A separate LAN port on the PRO3 provides a single-point connection to the primary LAN, requiring just one IP address for the complete control system. The LAN port allows full interconnectivity between devices on the local subnet with other devices, systems, servers, and WAN/Internet connections outside the local subnet. For sensitive applications that require absolute security, the entire Control Subnet can be completely hidden from the primary LAN using Isolation Mode.<br><br></p><p>Control Apps & XPanel<br>Years ago, Crestron pioneered the world's first IP-based control system unleashing vast new possibilities for controlling, monitoring, and managing integrated systems over a LAN, WAN, and the Internet. Today, Crestron offers more ways than ever to control your world the way you want. Using a computer, smartphone, or tablet device, Crestron lets you control anything in your home or workplace from anywhere in the world.<br><br></p><p>Native to every 3-Series control system, Crestron XPanel technology transforms any laptop or desktop computer into a virtual Crestron touch screen. Crestron control apps deliver the Crestron touch screen experience to iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices, letting you safely monitor and control your entire residence or commercial facility using the one device that goes with you everywhere.<br><br></p><p>Crestron Fusion® Cloud<br>Crestron Fusion Cloud provides an integrated platform for creating truly smart buildings that save energy, enhance worker productivity, and prolong the life-span of valuable equipment. As part of a complete managed network in a corporate enterprise, college campus, convention center, or any other facility, the PRO3 works integrally with Crestron Fusion Cloud to enable remote scheduling, monitoring, and control of rooms and technology from a central help desk. It also enables organizations to reduce energy consumption by tracking real-time usage and automating control of lighting, shades, and HVAC.<br><br></p><p>SNMP Support<br>Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party IT management software, allowing network administrators to manage and control Crestron systems on the network in an IT-friendly format.<br><br></p><p>Cresnet®<br>Cresnet provides a dependable network wiring solution for Crestron keypads, lighting controls, shade motors, thermostats, occupancy sensors, and other devices that don't require the higher speed of Ethernet. The Cresnet bus offers easy wiring and configuration, carrying bidirectional communication and 24VDC power to each device over a simple 4-conductor cable. To assist with troubleshooting, the PRO3 includes our patent-pending Network Analyzer which continuously monitors the integrity of the Cresnet network for wiring faults, marginal performance, and other errors.<br><br></p><p>Onboard Control Ports<br>In addition to Ethernet, the PRO3 includes six bidirectional COM ports and eight IR ports to interface directly with all of your centralized AV sources, video displays, and other devices. Eight programmable relay ports are included for controlling projection screens, lifts, power controllers, and other contact-closure actuated equipment. Eight "Versiport" I/O ports enable the integration of power sensors, motion detectors, door switches, alarms, or anything else that provides a dry contact closure, low-voltage logic, or 0-10 Volt DC signal.<br><br></p><p>Control Card Expansion Slots<br>Additional control ports can be added to the PRO3 using 3-Series Control Cards [1]. The PRO3 provides three control card expansion slots on its rear panel, affording great expansion capability without requiring any additional rack space.<br><br></p><p>Front Panel Color LCD Display<br>The PRO3's front panel includes a color LCD display to enable extensive setup and diagnostics without having to connect a computer.<br><br></p><p>BACnet&trade;/IP<br>Native support for the BACnet/IP communication protocol provides a direct interface to third-party building management systems over Ethernet, simplifying integration with HVAC, security, fire & life safety, voice & data, lighting, shades, and other systems. Using BACnet/IP, each system runs independently with the ability to communicate together on one platform for a truly smart building.[2]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Enterprise-class control system</li><li>3-Series® Control Engine &mdash; substantially faster and more powerful than other control systems</li><li>Exclusive modular programming architecture</li><li>Onboard 1GB RAM & 4GB Flash memory</li><li>Expandable storage up to 1TB</li><li>Rear panel memory card slot</li><li>High-speed USB 2.0 host port</li><li>Industry-standard Ethernet and Cresnet® wired communications</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron® devices</li><li>XPanel with Smart Graphics&trade; computer and web based control</li><li>iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control app support</li><li>Crestron Fusion® Cloud Enterprise Management Service support</li><li>SNMP remote management support</li><li>Two RS-232/422/485 COM ports with hardware and software handshaking</li><li>Four RS-232 COM ports with software handshaking only</li><li>Eight IR/serial, eight relay, and eight Versiport I/O ports</li><li>Three built-in 3-Series control card expansion slots</li><li>Programmable event scheduling with astronomical time clock</li><li>Native BACnet&trade;/IP support [2]</li><li>IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity on COM, Versiport, and network connections [3]</li><li>Installer setup via front panel, Crestron Toolbox&trade; software, or web browser</li><li>C#, symbol based, and drag-and-drop programming environments</li><li>Full Unicode (multi-language) support</li><li>Increased network throughput and security</li><li>Secure access through full user/group management or Active Directory integration</li><li>Hardware level security using 802.1X authentication</li><li>TLS, SSL, SSH, and SFTP network security protocols</li><li>FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption</li><li>IIS v.6.0 Web Server</li><li>IPv6 ready</li><li>Front panel color LCD display for setup and diagnostics</li><li>Front panel USB computer console port</li><li>2-space rack-mountable</li></ul><p></p> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. License required. The PRO3 supports a maximum of 2000 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>3. The following connections comply with IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity levels: COM 1 - 6, I/O 1 - 8, NET, LAN, and CONTROL SUBNET.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 250 - DMPS3-4K-250-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-250-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-250-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scaler, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-250-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!<br></strong>Installing the DMPS3-4K-250-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]<br></strong>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video<br></strong>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-250-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 8x2 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 8 video sources and 2 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides one HDMI output and one DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) output</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features a high-performance 4K scaler on the HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at either digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license. To obtain the license or for any questions regarding AirMedia activation, please visit https://www.crestron.com/dmps-airmedia-activation. To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-250-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI output does not pass 3D signals. On this output, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ output.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-250-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-250-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>