ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station 2 x gr1 20 bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station gr1 20 bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station gs1 20 bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station gs1 20 bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station gs2 20 bench
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399722Length and Width parameters are not used Height: 1,20 m Diameter: 0,36 m
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399722Value of length and width parameters : min. 0,20 m
Shape Label JM9
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400403#http://www.onland.info/archives/000403.php SHAPE TAG JM9 10 Aug 2005 © JAMES MURRAY May be freely modified, have fun. Previous: NUMBER CIRCLE JAM 3-29-2K LETTER SQUARE JAM 4-24-1 ========================== Made as a Label SubType by David Pacifico 6/20/20062D parametric label with arrow
Wood - 20
Sofia Xiaohe Heen | 1494264275 -
ISO Contenedor 20
Mariano Luna | 1543784176ISO Contenedor de 20 pulgadas (6 metros) de largo. Medidas exteriores: 6,05m de largo, 2,43m de ancho y 2,60m de alto.
Railing Horizontal 20
ömer dündar | 1491592704Rail with posts and bars.
Vedação Vertical 20
Maiara Agosti | 1537763232Cerca com tábuas verticais, ripas e postes.
Мужчина Идущий 20
Екатерина Полянская | 1496398141 -
Parking Place 20
Mohamad Almas | 1494068533Parking place distribution object with optional numbering and bollard at the stall ends.
Кровать 20
Юлия Теслюк | 1493977906Односпальная кровать на основании (без ножек) или на ножках.
Набор Источников Света Потолочный 20
Ангелина Кемайкина | 1492345748Прикрепленный к стене точечный источник света.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1418154140Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 9.12.2014: Hotspot-Bug entfernt zum Durchschalten der Konstruktionsarten, Gebogene Blechstufen hinzugefügt - Nur stufen, Eingeschweisst zwischen Wangen, Aufgesattelt auf Rand unf Mittelwangen
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Polyfenster 1 (1)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1450557413Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Dabei ist allerdings die Trennlinie aussen sichtbar. bei automatischer Überdämmung nicht. Die Nutzung der Solidelemente Befehle wurde besser eingabaut. nun werden eingezogene Fensterflügel von allen Rahmenelementen abgezogen. Die Rahmenelemente werdengenauso wie die Fensterflügel vom Glas abgezogen. Bei automatischer Überdämmungsdarstellung wurde mit den Wallnichen befehlen gearbeitet. Dazu wurde eine Funktion zum Parallelverschieben der Kontur eingebaut - nicht die addon derPOLYGON-OPERATIONSERWEITERUNG genutz, sondern eine eigene GDL-Lösung. Es wurden im Grundriss ein zusätzlicher Anfasser eingebaut, um den Stock in der Tiefe verschieben zu können. Die Grundrissdarstellung wurde mit Wallblock ergänzt und die Schichten des Putzeinzuges erkennen nun die Schichtdicken. 19.12.2015: Im Grundriss wietere Hotspots für symbolische Darstellung hinzugefügt: nun ist nicht nur für Stockprofilmaße, sondern auch für Rahmenelemente und Fensterrahmen das Profil beim 1. Element stellbar. Die Tiefe des gesamt-Elementes in der Wand kann verstellt werden. Das Einsetzen in eine einschalige Wand ist möglich. Die Kontur kann nun bis an den Rand von A und B geführt werden. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster9_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412933229Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt.. 2.10.2014 - Version für V16 10.10.2014 - Neuer Vektor im 2D-Querschnitt zur Verbreiterung der Rinne und der Konsolen zum Balkon hin
Barre Parallele 20
Federica Bassetto | 1568580490Parapetto a Barre Parallele.
Terrassentür 1-Fl 20
Hagen Wolf | 1497364710Terrassentür 1 Flügel
Автомобиль 01 20
Владимир Боярчук | 1497456178 -
Кирпич - Бежевый Песочный 20
Максим Солдатов | 1496232419 -
Polyfenster 1
Heimo Mooslechner | 1449613065Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster8_12_2015.pln?dl=0
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154603VARIO R 921 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
Polyfenster 1 (english)
Michell Kreem | 1494584102Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Dabei ist allerdings die Trennlinie aussen sichtbar. bei automatischer Überdämmung nicht. Die Nutzung der Solidelemente Befehle wurde besser eingabaut. nun werden eingezogene Fensterflügel von allen Rahmenelementen abgezogen. Die Rahmenelemente werdengenauso wie die Fensterflügel vom Glas abgezogen. Bei automatischer Überdämmungsdarstellung wurde mit den Wallnichen befehlen gearbeitet. Dazu wurde eine Funktion zum Parallelverschieben der Kontur eingebaut - nicht die addon derPOLYGON-OPERATIONSERWEITERUNG genutz, sondern eine eigene GDL-Lösung. Es wurden im Grundriss ein zusätzlicher Anfasser eingebaut, um den Stock in der Tiefe verschieben zu können. Die Grundrissdarstellung wurde mit Wallblock ergänzt und die Schichten des Putzeinzuges erkennen nun die Schichtdicken. 19.12.2015: Im Grundriss wietere Hotspots für symbolische Darstellung hinzugefügt: nun ist nicht nur für Stockprofilmaße, sondern auch für Rahmenelemente und Fensterrahmen das Profil beim 1. Element stellbar. Die Tiefe des gesamt-Elementes in der Wand kann verstellt werden. Das Einsetzen in eine einschalige Wand ist möglich. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster9_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a2
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560084323D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401632554Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte 29.4.2014 - Traufpfette(Brett) Neue Anfasser für Ein-Aus, Drehbarkeit und X+Y 4.5.2014 - Folgende Anfasser - Schalter bei Traufe im Schnitt hinzugefügt: Oberdachschichten zuschaltbar Innenschichten Schliessenkranz Gratsparren-Schalter Schalter zur einfachen Darstellung Schichtdicken im Schnitt stellbar. 7.5.2014 - Zusätzlicher Grundriss-Querschnitt ein-ausschaltbar mit fast allen Hotspots.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398691718Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte
robin brown | 1503352566 -
D3 Sliding 01 20
Victor Acuña | 1525189507Sliding Door Three Panels Bypass
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1411576766Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt..
Water heater Ariston Velis
Dragutin Dubljevic | 1505260981VELIS 50 H77.6cm L50.6cm D27.5cm VELIS 80 H106.6cm L50.6cm D27.5cm VELIS 100 H125.1cm L50.6cm D27.5cm Osovinsko rastojanje prikljucka tople i hladne vode je 40.8cm Udaljenost od zida do osovine prikljucka tople i hladne vode je 14.2cm Nosac kacenja od donje ivice bojlera na osovinskom rastojanju od 20.3cm Nosac kacenja od gornje ivice bojlera na osovinskom rastojanju od 16.8cm Vertikalno rastojanje izmedju osovina kacenja za VELIS 50-40.5cm, VELIS 80-69.5cm a VELIS 100-88cm
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 b1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560083813D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Größenänderung nur im Grundriss, dann "aufdrehen" zu Wand 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Petr Vokoun | 1456409106Softub Resort 300+ má o 20 cm větší průměr, než model Legend, je o 8cm vyšší, což umožňuje větší počet osob bez rozlití vody nebo "živější" využití vířivky. Model Resort 300+ má navíc na dně půlkruhový vyvýšený schod, který využijí především děti, pro které by mohl být největší model při plném obsazení hluboký. Samozřejmostí je barevné osvětlení a vyšší počet trysek oproti menším modelům. Vířivka Softub Resort 300+ pojme pohodlně 5 6 osob a je právem vlajkovou lodí celé nabídky vířivek Softub.
AP - Pflaster - Asphalt hell 20
Andras Peer | 1605266052 -
Arbustos 20
Flor Ruiz | 1493366660Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de arbustos con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Beton - 20 22-Kopie-Kopie
David Herrmann | 1560605927 -
D1 Pocket 20
Victor Acuña | 1525190057Pocket door. Or Single Pocket Door
D1 Sliding Ext 20
Victor Acuña | 1525190190Wall Sliding Door Single Panel
D2 Pocket 20
Victor Acuña | 1525190318Pocket double door. Or Converging Pocket Doors
D2 Sliding 20
Victor Acuña | 1525190664Sliding Door Two Panels OR French Door Vent-Fixed
D2 Sliding Ext 20
Victor Acuña | 1525190796Wall Sliding Door Two Panels
D3 Sliding 02 20
Victor Acuña | 1525189646Sliding Door Three Panels OR French Door Vent-Fixed-Vent.
D4 Sliding 20
Victor Acuña | 1525191110Sliding Door Four Panels OR French Door Fixed-Vent-Vent-Fixed.
Peer - Asphalt hell 20
Andras Peer | 1604414148Asphalt hell
Peer - Metall - perforiert mittlere Punkte 20
Andras Peer | 1604420657Metall - perforiert mittlere Punkte
Regel 20
Andreas Svensson | 1569226651 -
Stair Straight 20
David Thompson | 1525239062walker stair
Türstempel 20
Hagen Wolf | 1497364710 -
Zone 20 Marquage au sol selon norme VSS
Mickaël Dondainaz | 1464797734Marquage au sol zone 20km/h selon normes VSS
Контуры Камней 20
Алексей Алексей | 14959236912D-вид сбоку камней.
Секция с Духовкой и Варочной Панелью 20
Dmitriy Zolotenkov | 1493607642Секция кухонного шкафа напольного со встроенной духовкой и дополнительной плитой.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 20 Inches, Stainless finish
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go. Replaces 30XPIC.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 20 Inches, Black
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go. The dispenser has a generous capacity of 1,000 napkins.
|COLLEZIONE DIALOGHI The Dialoghi collection, designed by Francesco Lucchese, is the fruit of a stylistic meditation on the experience of matter. Experience as a tool for exploring the world of creativity and design, matter as the starting and end point for enhancing the fundamentals that underlie a new approach to the mosaics. The Dialoghi collection makes it possible to create original and personalised mosaics choosing from a variety of woods, natural stones, glass and metal in an infinite exchange of forms and substances. For its Dialoghi collection, Mosaico+ has used the choicest raw materials and all-Italian high-tech production processes. Design: Francesco Lucchese.
R5130 - Freezer, Plasma, Upright, -35c, 20 Cubic Feet
|Upright plasma freezer. This unit is used to provide uniform cold storage of plasma and related blood components that are produced in accordance with AABB, ANRC, and FDA guidelines for temperature uniformity, alarm and monitoring. This unit is used in laboratories and hospitals for storage of plasma and related blood components.
Paseo_X DMX 20 W
|Walk-over linear profile equipped with an integrated driver. Paseo_X RGBW features a transparent polycarbonate powerLED source. The wide selection of available optics offers unrivalled design flexibility. Paseo_X RGBW is suitable for installation on false ceilings, on the ground or on the walls with bracket, as it is compatible with a wide range of accessories. The cable outlet located on the lower side allows creating long coloured continuous lines of light. A valuable linear element for architectural and urban lighting and for the illumination of hotels.
Iris67 20 W
|Directional outdoor spotlight, adjustable up to 220 degrees on the horizontal axis. Thanks to its front adjustable ring nut, the light beam opening ranges from a minimum of 8 degrees up to a maximum of 50 degrees. The spotlight casing, available in three different sizes, includes an arrayLED source with varying power. Iris67 has been designed to illuminate green areas: the adjustable light follows the plant growth whereas the peculiar focus enhances well-defined areas.
Pound_2 20 W
|Pound is a three-phase track spotlight featuring high versatility and easy installation. The sleek essential design perfectly combines with excellent light performance, ensured by a arrayLED light source. The model can be matched with three different types of optics and fitted with a variety of accessories, including an anti-glare filtering system. Thanks to its high technical performances, Pound is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Iris_T 20 W
|Iris_T is a three-phase track spotlight with highly customizable functions. The focus-on-board graduated ring nut and the dim-on-board knob ensure easy and functional adjustment of the emission width and of light beam intensity, respectively. The arrayLED source provides clean well-defined top-quality light. This product is the ideal solution to illuminate places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
BK S 20 - concrete blocks - splitted finish
|Splitted concrete masonry units, with waterproof treatment, for internal and external wall applications. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation, sound insulation and sound absorption. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
Kleo 20
|Projector for outdoor applications; surface mounted (ceiling, wall, ground, stake); body in aluminium, screen in tempered, serigraphed glass; finishes: anthracite, white, cor-ten, grey; 1 COB LED; 20W - 230Vac; built in power supply unit; includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 3x1,0 Ø7 mm; total delivered lumens: 1308 lm (3000K, CRI 80), 805 lm (3000K, aspheric 16°, CRI 80), 1112 lm (3000K, CRI 90), 685 lm (3000K, aspheric 16°, CRI 90); optics: aspheric 16°, 22°, 38°, 64°; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; CRI 80 and CRI 90 versions; ingress protection: IP66; impact resistance: IK07; equipped with IPS and SPD; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: I; weight 2,30 kg; dimensions Ø109x165x94,5 mm; accessories: honeycomb louvre, standard snoot, asymmetrical snoot, painted black light barn doors, stake for installation in the ground
Neva 20
|Linear profile for outdoor applications, walkover; surface mounted (ceiling, wall, ground) with brackets, recessed (ceiling, wall, ground) with outer casing; body in anodized extruded aluminium alloy EN AW 6060, screen in tempered and serigraphed glass; 6 power LEDs pitch 120 mm; 11W, 15W - 24Vdc; includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x0,75 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 690 lm (3000K); optics: 11°, 30°, 45°, 12°x40°; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; ingress protection: IP67; impact resistance: IK06; IPS built into the cable gland; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); Glow wire test: 960°; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 1,25 kg; dimensions 677x37x29mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: outer casing WC6520, outer casing for plasterboard WC6720, pair of brackets h 75 mm WM0601, pair of brackets h 140 mm WM0602, anti-fall kit WN6001, honeycomb louvre WH6020, stainless steel painted black anti-glare shield WB6520
Siri Track 20
|Projector for indoor applications; on horizontal track; body in die-cast aluminium, screen in serigraphed plexiglass; finishes: white, black; 4 power LEDs; 16W - 230vac; built in power supply unit; total delivered lumens: 1010 lm (3000K, CRI 80), 960 lm (3000K, CRI 90); optical filter kit: 11°, 18°, 29°, 55°, 24°x55°; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; CRI 80 and CRI 90 versions; impact resistance: IK06; operating temperature: 0°C +45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); Glow wire test: 960°; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: I; weight 1,60 kg; dimensions 254x123x58 mm; spare parts: optical filter kit WR0300, suction cup WL0100
Goggle, bicycle rack double sided, 20 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top.
Seagull, bicylce shelter double sided, 20 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén
Seagull, bicylce shelter single sided, 20 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén.
Hollow clay infill block 20 x 70 cm
|Hollow clay infill blocks are especially recommended for one-way ribbed slabs with block filler with either steel or precast concrete joists. These hollow blocks are manufactured according to the highest quality and environmental standards. The design of the hollow clay infill block, with vertical partitions and triangular reinforcements at the top and bottom, provides optimum resistance. This feature, along with a near zero breakage rate, make the hollow clay infill block for ribbed slabs an essential constructive element in any high quality and energy-efficient building. The main advantages of ribbed floor slabs over solid concrete slabs are: [LIST] Savings in structural steel, due to its lighter weight Lower labour costs due to its easy assembly Better acoustic and thermal insulation Safe usage due to its high mechanical resistance Excellent adherence with gypsum, mortar and concrete [/LIST] The 20x70 cm format is a great choice for medium-depth slabs, and it is easy to use.
Ytong France COMPACT 20 U=0,49 W/(m²K) ep=200 mm
|The Ytong COMPACT 20 wall has exceptional thermal, mechanical and fire protection properties. It is intended for the - load bearing walls for single-family houses and multi-familly and tertiary buildings - filling walls - Fire-protection partition walls in public or commercial buildings and tunnels. Its lightness and ease of handling make it particularly suitable for renovation and extension projects. Its thermal efficiency is 3 in 1: insulating masonry + thermal bridges correction + air tightness. The Ytong COMPACT 20 wall contributes to the well-being of the occupants by its hygrothermal and environmental performance. The Ytong blocks constitues a simple, sustainable and economic constructive system.
Ytong France THERMO 42 R=4,84 U=0,20 W/(m²K) ep=420 mm
|The Ytong THERMO 42 wall has exceptional thermal, mechanical and fire protection properties. It is intended for the - load bearing walls for single-family houses and multi-familly and tertiary buildings - filling walls - Fire-protection partition walls in public or commercial buildings and tunnels. Its lightness and ease of handling make it particularly suitable for renovation and extension projects. Its thermal efficiency is 3 in 1: insulating masonry + thermal bridges correction + air tightness. The Ytong THERMO 42 wall contributes to the well-being of the occupants by its hygrothermal and environmental performance. The Ytong blocks constitues a simple, sustainable and economic constructive system.
Ytong France VERTI 20 U=0,61 W/(m²K) ep=200 mm
|The Ytong VERTI 20 wall has exceptional thermal, mechanical and fire protection properties. It is intended for the - load bearing walls for single-family houses and multi-familly and tertiary buildings - filling walls - Fire-protection partition walls in public or commercial buildings and tunnels. Its lightness and ease of handling make it particularly suitable for renovation and extension projects. Its thermal efficiency is 3 in 1: insulating masonry + thermal bridges correction + air tightness. The Ytong VERTI 20 wall contributes to the well-being of the occupants by its hygrothermal and environmental performance. The Ytong blocks constitues a simple, sustainable and economic constructive system.
BK 20 2F - lightweight waterproof concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 20 2F - lightweight concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 20 2F - lightweight concrete blocks - rough finish for plaster
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 20 2F - waterproof concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 20 2F - concrete blocks - smooth finish
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
BK 20 2F - concrete blocks - rough finish for plaster
|Concrete masonry units for internal and external wall applications. The blocks are available in "dense" or "lightweight" concrete, "intonaco" (rough) or "facciavista" (smooth) surface and with or without wateprof treatment. The units are suitable for several use: partition, curtain, facing and cavity wall. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation and sound insulation. The blocks are not suitable for load bearing walls.
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,20 W/(m²K) d=444 mm
|Ytong AAC convinc with its sophisticated and well matched construction systems and the use of pre-fabricated products where they are most utilized. High quality primary products sand, lime, water, cement and the energy-saving fabrication of those stand for a high grade of environmental sustainability. Builder-owners benefit from the special advantages of solid constructions throughout the whole average life. This is not only due to the comfort as a result of the high grade of thermal protection in wintertime and on the other hand a pleasant cool indoor climate in summertime, but it also ensures the clinical safety of the building materials on mineral basis, certified by several approved institutes. Contaminant-free habitation, protection against electromagnetic pollution and other environmental influences as well as the use of non-combustible building materials assures secureness for your whole family and the conservation of value of your capital investment. Benefits: • Pure building materials on mineral basis • Clinical safety • Construction components can be cropped accurately • Improved thermal conductivity due to tiny air spaces
IT Ytong Sismiclima U=0,20 W/(m²K) d=414mm Italy Monolithic Wall Sismico
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties; it is non-flammable, impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. Here you can find the SismiClima one-layer solution for Ytong load-bearing walls in seismic areas and not with good insulation properties. You can download the whole construction as well as only the standard Ytong masonry. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong external load-bearing walls in seismic areas.
KAPPA Cycle Shelter 10,5m 20 bicycles
|<p>The cycle shelter KAPPA has become a popular feature in the public space. It´s designed mainly to function as a protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. Together with the bicycle rack DELTA (or any other of our bicycle racks) it creates a complete and functional bikeparking solution.</p>
KAPPA Cycle Shelter 20,5m 40 bicycles
|<p>The cycle shelter KAPPA has become a popular feature in the public space. It´s designed mainly to function as a protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. Together with the bicycle rack DELTA (or any other of our bicycle racks) it creates a complete and functional bikeparking solution.</p>
Piterak® slim 20
|Piterak® Slim is a large size terracotta rainscreen cladding with overlapping horizontal joints. It is installed with clips fixed on vertical profiles. Piterak® Slim is tough, rated Q4 for impact resistance and versatile with large range of colours standards or glazed and custom shape possibilities.
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154305CARBONA R565 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154369CLASSIC R 400 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154447SALINA R 580 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154677VARIO R 931 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154732VARIO R 932 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154799VARIO R 941 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154871Vascu R 752 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154931Vascu_R 757 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442155014VASCU R 764 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442155096VASCU R 773 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442155162VASCU R 775 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
01 Пирамида
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Перемещение мяча: Если мяч проходит состояние покоя в секторе B он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см по радиусу от пирамиды. Если расстояние между препятствием и бортом слишком мало для перемещения, применяются нижеследующие правила: Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя перед или непосредственно на самой узкой части дорожки между пирамидой и бортом (два указателя А на рис.), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см в направлении ти. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя позади этой части, он должен быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от борта и препятствия направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
08 Палочки
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Перемещение мяча только между препятствиями (не через них) Вспомогательные линии: Проводятся строго по окончании второго и третьего препятствия. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя до или на вспомогательной линии (по точке касания), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от препятствия в направлении ти. Если он прошел вспомогательную линию, он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 30 см от препятствия в направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
09 Лабиринт
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина входа в лабиринт 12 – 20 см Примечание: Перемещение мяча в лабиринте происходит только через второй вход справа. Все остальные должны быть закрыты таким образом, чтобы мяч не мог, пройдя через них, достичь цели. Цель: Цель определяется строго как область между двумя параллельными вертикальными пластинами в центре лабиринта. Допустим вариант конструкции с лункой или без нее. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Dachkonstruktion V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398228791Dachstuhlkonstruktion - für die 16er Version und somit meine Schüler wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch)
karma trendz | 1708758699Roster 20 x 20 x 10 cm
karma trendz | 1708768544Roster 005 20 x 20 x 10 cm
karma trendz | 1708845879Roster 008 20 x 20 x 10
Мини гольф 01 Пирамида
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Перемещение мяча: Если мяч проходит состояние покоя в секторе B он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см по радиусу от пирамиды. Если расстояние между препятствием и бортом слишком мало для перемещения, применяются нижеследующие правила: Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя перед или непосредственно на самой узкой части дорожки между пирамидой и бортом (два указателя А на рис.), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см в направлении ти. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя позади этой части, он должен быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от борта и препятствия направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 08 Палочки
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Перемещение мяча только между препятствиями (не через них) Вспомогательные линии: Проводятся строго по окончании второго и третьего препятствия. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя до или на вспомогательной линии (по точке касания), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от препятствия в направлении ти. Если он прошел вспомогательную линию, он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 30 см от препятствия в направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 09 Лабиринт
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина входа в лабиринт 12 – 20 см Примечание: Перемещение мяча в лабиринте происходит только через второй вход справа. Все остальные должны быть закрыты таким образом, чтобы мяч не мог, пройдя через них, достичь цели. Цель: Цель определяется строго как область между двумя параллельными вертикальными пластинами в центре лабиринта. Допустим вариант конструкции с лункой или без нее. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
|Lunex zipscreen fullfilles the requirementes of EU- standard EN 13659 regarding wind and efficient sunshade. It has been testet to endure forces up to 400 Newton per m2 on most common window sizes. Lunex Zipscreen is made with half a zipper which is welded to the fabric on both sides. The zipper halfes is entered into plastic guides which leads the fabric inside the guiderails and leaves no gap for sunrays to leak trough. This is the big difference between a zipscreen and a traditional screen which have no other guidance than a weighted bottom profile and where in some cases light gaps are inevitably. Applications : Lunex Zipscreen can be used wherever the requirement is an effective sunshade and where high winds might be a challenge for a traditional screen. A zipscreen can withstand up to 20 m/s where as a traditional screen often has limits down to 8 m/s. Lunex Zipscreen meets the requirements of access to normal daylight while it provides an optimal shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All vivble outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum profiles which are powdercoated or anodized to withstand corrosion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available for a surcharge. Operation : Lunex Zipscreen is only available with electric motor drive operated by switch, remote or fully automated solar/wind systems.
CWS Stainless Steel Hygiene Bag Holder
|Hygiene bag holder, can be mounted separately on the wall or stuck to the hygiene box. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushe. For hygiene bags out of plastic or paper. Holder made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Hygiene Bag Holders: Stainless Steel Bag Holder (plastic bag): 7756000 Format: 95 × 130 × 20 mm Weight: 0.28 Kg Stainless Steel Bag Holder (paper bag): 7755000 Format: 113,5 × 205 × 32 mm Weight: 0.60 Kg Hygiene bags: hygiene bags in paper and plastic
E0675 - Pharmacy Dispensing &amp; Storage Medium Volume
|Pharmacy Dispensing & Storage. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 16 Panel, Hard Npwr 53”H x 24”W; 14 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 18”W; 6 Panel, Hard Npwr 47”H x 24”W; 2 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 3 Panel, Hard Pwr 85”H x48”W; 10 Panel, Hard Pwr W/Com Port 85”H x 48”W; 4 Panel, Hard Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x30”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 67”H x42”W; 1 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 24”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 30”W; 2 Open Panel Frame Npwr 85”H x 48”W; 1 Duplex Rap, 6/Pkg; 1 Duplex Rap, Dedicated 6/Pkg 7 Ceiling Pwr Entry, Int Direct Conn, Pwr 85”H; 1 Wk Surf, Lam 24”D x 72”W; 1 Penin, Round-End Lam 30”D x 48”W; 1 Support Panel, Wk Surf, End Lam 24”D; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 30”W; 72 Shelf, Storage/Display 48”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 24”W; 5 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 30”W; 1 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 42”W; 4 Flip Dr Unit, Fab, W/Lock 48”W; 7 Tackboard, 24”W; 5 Tackboard, 30”W; 1 Tackboard, 42”W; 3 Tackboard, 48”W; 1 Tool Bar, 24”W; 1 Tool Bar, 30”W; 1 Tool Bar, 42”W; 3 Tool Bar, 48”W; 10 Wall Strip 84”H; 2 Module, Pass-Through 80”H x 48”W; 4 Panel, Support 48”H x 24”W; 1 Equip Rail,Wall-Mt,48”W; 3 Acc Panel Assy, Combo 42”H x 43-1/4”W 2/Pkg; 1 Vert Chase Cover; 1 Adapter Rail,24”W; 1 Adapter Rail,30”W; 18 Adapter Rail,48”W; 20 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 48”W; 5 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 60”W; 3 Work Surf, Hvy-Duty 24”D x 72”W
L1180 - Dilutor
|Pipetter/Diluter. It has a sample volume of 20 micro liters and a diluent volume of 5 ml and is compatible with most caustic lab solutions such as HCL, H2SO4 glacial acetic acid, cholesterol reagent, total lipid reagent and a vast number of other corrosives. Each instrument is precisely calibrated to assure dilution accuracy and reproducibility with in 1%. The system also has a factory preset volume ration. The cycle light indicates when units are ready to sample or the dispense hand has a reagent draw-back feature that prevents sample reagent mixing inside the pipette after the dispensing cycle. This is a precise automatic instrument for sampling and dispensing. Used for hemoglobin determinations, and other required dilutions.
P2450 - Valve, Mixing, Thermostatic
|Thermostatic mixing valve with washout hose. Used with portable whirlpool equipment. Thermostatic valve is used to maintain temperature between 70 and 110 degree Fahrenheit, with a flow rate of 20 gallons a minute. The washout hose assembly is used to wash out tanks after treatment. Used in physical therapy department to provide comfortable water temperature for patient treatments.
Mipolam Technic EL5
|MIPOLAM TECHNIC EL5 is a conductive flexible homogeneous compacted available in tiles. The conductive carbon coated PVC pellets create a perfect conductive network for permanent conductive properties and antistatic properties (< 20 V) throughout its full life expectancy. It acts as a continuous conductive 10^4 ≤ Rt ≤ 10^6 (EN 1081) and complies with EN 649. Reaction on fire group Bfl-s1, classification 34/43, slip resistance approved for public areas. TVOC ater 28 days less than 10 μg/ m3 due to ISO 16000-6. Without any content listed as CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxical due to REACH).
Mipolam Elegance EL5
|<p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 is a conductive flexible homogeneous vinyl floorcovering available in sheet form.<br>The 2 mm homogeneous material incorporates carbon encapsulated granules throughout its full thickness and has a conductive backing to ensure optimal and consistent conductive properties throughout its full life expectancy. <br>It has permanent antistatic properties (&lt; 20 V).</p> <p>This floorcovering is treated with Evercare&trade; or the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare&trade; avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring.<br>This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!</p> <p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 acts as a continuous conductive 5.104 ≤ Rt ≤ 106 (EN 1081) and complies with EN 649.</p> <p>The product is non-reactive to residual indentation with a value ≤ 0,02 mm (EN 433)<br>The flooring complies with the EN 649 (34-43) offering a group P wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.<br>The product is non-emissive of volatile organic compounds with &lt;10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).</p>
Cosmo Concealed thermostatic bath/shower mixer.
|Concealed thermostatic bath / shower mixer (3 outlets). Optional accessories: Round Ø 20 cm. overhead rain shower with limescale protection “easy-clean”. Cylindrical wall arm for overhead rain shower. Cylindrical hand shower. Water feed and hand shower holder. 175 cm. flexible shower hose. Wall spout.
|The 3 CEP Multi +system (internal version) is a specially designed concentric common shared system chimney for flue gas evacuation and air supply for domestic room-sealed C42, C43, C42P & C43P boilers in flats & apartments, ideally suited for new build projects. This innovative system allows the connection of 2 up to 20 boilers. In renovation projects, it is an ideal solution in cases where multiple room-sealed condensing boilers cannot be installed on the face of the building and there is a usable service shaft or existing U-duct. This system requires the use of the Poujoulat flue gas non-return valve unless the boiler is provided with its own non-return valve. All of the products offered by Cheminées Poujoulat have been rigorously tested in every configuration by the CERIC Laboratory to ensure they meet highest standards (Building Regulation Document J - Amendements to Approved Documents).
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, single-vent - side-hung - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
JULY - Shower column with thermostatic mixer and square showerhead
|July thermostatic shower column with square shower head - Showerhead: 20 x 20 cm (plastic material), - citrus handshower Ø 90 mm - 4 sprays, - july thermostatic mixer, - safety stop at 37°C, - integrated non-return valves, - discreetly-positioned diverter, - smooth anti-twist metal-look hoses, 160 cm, - suitable for instant water heater, - flow rate: shower head 10l/min, handshower 9.5 l/min. MAXIMUM SAFETY: Maximum temperature set at 50°C EASY INSTALLATION: Swivel shower arm
Ditec Neos
|The Ditec Neos range meets a wide range of commercial and residential applications and is designed to work even in case of intense usage and demanding environmental conditions. The powerful gear motor is able to generate a thrust of up to 1,000 N, moving gates of up to 1,000 kg and 20 m of maximum length; the opening speed can be adjusted between 0,1 m/s and 0,25 m/s. Its eye-catching and innovative design make Ditec Neos suitable for every environment thanks to the two high-tech colours (graphite grey and metallic aluminum). This state-of-the- art gate opener is extremely safe: its position and speed are managed in complete safety through a virtual encoder and magnetic limit switches. The Ditec Neos Control Unit is integrated in the gear motor casing and allows for high degree of fine setting of performances and functioning modes. Ditec NeoS has passed the Initial Type Tests (ITT) in accordance with standard EN 12453 and features the TÜV EN ISO 13849-1 certification relative to functional safety. The gate opener can be complemented with the wide range of Ditec command, control and safety devices. Ditec Neos fully complies with European Directives.
Ditec CROSS18
|Ditec Cross18 is the powerful and sturdy sliding gate opener for commercial and industrial applications of up to 1,800 kg of gate weight and up to 20 m maximum stroke. It's the ideal choice for heavy-duty service and features three different limit switch options for its powerful gear motor. The key lock release is easily accessible through the removable cover opening. Ditec Cross 18 comes with built-in radio. The gate opener can be complemented with the wide range of Ditec command, control and safety devices. Ditec Cross fully complies with European Directives.
Ditec CROSS30E
|Ditec Cross 30 is a rugged, powerful gate opener suitable for gates up to 3000 kg heavy and 20 m wide. It's the ideal solution for automatic gates for intensive service (community and industrial entrances) and feature easy and trouble-free installation. Ditec Cross30E is equipped with built-in electronic control panel, magnetic limit switches and the whole system is housed in a robust steel cabinet. The internal components and Control Unit are in easy reach through the large front removable cover. The gate opener can be complemented with the wide range of Ditec command, control and safety devices. Ditec Cross fully complies with European Directives.
Siniat NIDA - solutions
|Plasterboards can be used to the construction of interior and exterior walls. They are of particular use in the repair of all types of buildings. The surface of the drywall is smooth and forms a perfect base for further finishing works. Plasterboards can be fixed to the wall with plasterboard adhesive or directly on the steel framework using steel partitions. By using plasterboard it is possible to increase the protection for fire resistance of the load-bearing walls of the building up to EI120 class. Building such constructions with an additional layer of mineral wool increases the acoustic and thermal insulation of the external walls. The interior walls are used to separate the individual rooms in the building and, depending on their functions, they meet stringent requirements in terms of statics, acoustics and fire protection. Partition walls are mostly made of drywall systems of profiles with different width dimensions: 50, 75 or 100 mm with a single or double layer of plasterboard or cement board. The materials used to make partition walls have important properties, such as acoustic insulation, fire insulation and moisture resistance; they also must be easy to install and remove to ensure the highest comfort of the room. Suspended ceilings function aesthetically, hiding installations or structural components of the ceiling above. They also create a fire resistant barrier and insulate the room acoustically and thermally. The sheathing of the ceiling construction is usually a 12.5 mm or 15 mm plasterboard. Special sound-absorbing ceilings use perforated plasterboards. The construction of a suspended ceiling grid consists of cold-formed sections installed in a single or double layered crossover. Suspended ceilings are hung on either rotary hangers with a spring and fixing rods or, in the case of fire protection ceilings, on nonius hangers or components for direct installation. A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 75A50
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 80A50
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 110A50
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 100A75
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 105A75
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 135A75
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 125A100
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 130A100
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 160A100
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
HEWI Shower curtain rail A1=983
|Range 801 Shower curtain rail - horizontal rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with curtain rings - for installing a shower curtain - with aluminium core - fixing with roses to wall and ceiling, ceiling support required - with 20 curtain rings - for shower tray 1000 x 1000 mm (centre-to-centre 983 x 983 mm), rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - length at rose ends can be shortened on site up to 220 mm - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
SmartRack 10U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW10US SmartRack 10U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW10US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW12US SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 18U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW18US SmartRack 18U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 250 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW18US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet with Clear Acrylic Window, Hinged Back
|The SRW12USG SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The front door features a shatter-resistant clear acrylic window that lets you monitor equipment readouts without unlocking the enclosure. Not only does the window help prevent equipment tampering and reduce acoustic noise, but it also adds visual flair to your IT installation. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12USG comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and 12-24 threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
Series A - AS 500 Surface Caps
|Surface cap with integrated frame and non-flammable ground plate for inserts with covers of the A range (except key switches ref.-no. ..15, 3-level-switch and socket for Switzerland type 13). 1-gang, 85 x 85 x 47 mm Spare part mounting box ref.-no.: 581 A The max. load of dimmers applies also to installation into surface caps. Only when several dimmers are used in combination, the max. load of the installed dimmers has to be reduced by 20 %.
XLERATOR® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, Zinc
|Excel Dryer is proud to announce a breakthrough in hand drying technology. The XLERATOR hand dryers deliver 3 times faster hand drying power. A user's hands will be thoroughly dry in only 10 to 15 seconds. The XLERATOR hand dryer is the result of a two-year research project, in which we studied every detail of the hand-drying process, with countless hours of field testing, listening to what users had to say, and, as a result, developed the patented technology behind the best hand dryer in the business. The benefits of the XLERATOR include:<br><ul><li>FAST! Dry hands completely in 10-15 Seconds</li><li>Uses 80% Less Energy than other hand dryers</li><li>95% Cost Savings vs. Paper Towels</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for LEED&reg; Credits</li><li>Promotes Hygiene (automatic sensor activated)</li><li>Source Reduction Alternative</li></ul><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br>Product Images<br><br><br>Click diagram for enlargement.<br><br><b>Construction</b><br><br><ol><li>Hand dryer cover shall be a one-piece, heavy-duty, rib-reinforced, die-cast zinc alloy. It shall be lightweight, unbreakable, rustproof and all exposed surfaces shall be bright chrome plated or finished with chip-proof, electrostatically applied epoxy paint and fastened to a wall plate by two chrome plated tamper-proof bolts.</li><li>Hand dryer wall plate shall be equipped with (3) 7/8" (22 mm) diameter holes, one of which shall be suitable for use with surface conduit, for ease of wiring.</li><li>All internal hand dryer parts shall be coated according to Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. requirements.</li><li>Entire mechanism shall be internally grounded.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br><br><b>Mechanism</b><br><br><ol><li>Hand dryer motor shall be a series commutated through-flow discharge vacuum motor/blower (5/8 HP / 20,000 RPM) which provides air velocity of 16,000 LFM (linear feet per minute) at the air outlet and 14,000 LFM at the hands (4 inches [102 mm] below air outlet).</li><li>Hand dryer heating element (970 W) is constructed of Nichrome wire and mounted inside the blower housing, thereby being vandal proof. It shall be protected by an automatic resetting thermostat, which shall open whenever air flow is cut off and shall close when flow of air is resumed. It shall produce an air temperature of up to 135°F (57°C) at a 72°F (22°C) ambient room temperature at the hands (4 inches [102 mm] below air outlet).</li><li>Hand dryer Control assembly is activated by an infrared optical sensor located next to the air outlet. The dryer shall operate as long as hands are under the air outlet. There is a 35-second lockout feature if hands are not removed.</li></ol><br><br><b>Limited Warranty</b><br>The hand dryer shall be guaranteed to be free from defects for a period of five (5) years. Warranty shall include factory performed labor as well as the repair or exchange of defective parts, at manufacturer's option.
XLERATOR® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, Stainless Steel
|Excel Dryer is proud to announce a breakthrough in hand drying technology. The XLERATOR hand dryers deliver 3 times faster hand drying power. A user's hands will be thoroughly dry in only 10 to 15 seconds. The XLERATOR hand dryer is the result of a two-year research project, in which we studied every detail of the hand-drying process, with countless hours of field testing, listening to what users had to say, and, as a result, developed the patented technology behind the best hand dryer in the business. The benefits of the XLERATOR include:<br><ul><li>FAST! Dry hands completely in 10-15 Seconds</li><li>Uses 80% Less Energy than other hand dryers</li><li>95% Cost Savings vs. Paper Towels</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for LEED&reg; Credits</li><li>Promotes Hygiene (automatic sensor activated)</li><li>Source Reduction Alternative</li></ul><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br>Product Images<br><br><br>Click diagram for enlargement.<br><br><b>Construction</b><br><br><ol><li>Hand dryer cover shall be a one-piece, heavy-duty, rib-reinforced, die-cast zinc alloy. It shall be lightweight, unbreakable, rustproof and all exposed surfaces shall be bright chrome plated or finished with chip-proof, electrostatically applied epoxy paint and fastened to a wall plate by two chrome plated tamper-proof bolts.</li><li>Hand dryer wall plate shall be equipped with (3) 7/8" (22 mm) diameter holes, one of which shall be suitable for use with surface conduit, for ease of wiring.</li><li>All internal hand dryer parts shall be coated according to Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. requirements.</li><li>Entire mechanism shall be internally grounded.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br><br><b>Mechanism</b><br><br><ol><li>Hand dryer motor shall be a series commutated through-flow discharge vacuum motor/blower (5/8 HP / 20,000 RPM) which provides air velocity of 16,000 LFM (linear feet per minute) at the air outlet and 14,000 LFM at the hands (4 inches [102 mm] below air outlet).</li><li>Hand dryer heating element (970 W) is constructed of Nichrome wire and mounted inside the blower housing, thereby being vandal proof. It shall be protected by an automatic resetting thermostat, which shall open whenever air flow is cut off and shall close when flow of air is resumed. It shall produce an air temperature of up to 135°F (57°C) at a 72°F (22°C) ambient room temperature at the hands (4 inches [102 mm] below air outlet).</li><li>Hand dryer Control assembly is activated by an infrared optical sensor located next to the air outlet. The dryer shall operate as long as hands are under the air outlet. There is a 35-second lockout feature if hands are not removed.</li></ol><br><br><b>Limited Warranty</b><br>The hand dryer shall be guaranteed to be free from defects for a period of five (5) years. Warranty shall include factory performed labor as well as the repair or exchange of defective parts, at manufacturer's option.
XLERATOReco® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, BMC White
|<b><br><br>FEATURES</b><ul><li>New "No Heat" Technology</li><li>15 Second Dry Time*</li><li>Uses Only <strong>500 Watts</strong> Of Energy</li><li>95% Cost Savings Vs. Paper Towels</li><li>Can Install Multiple <strong>XLERATOR</strong> Units On One 20 Amp Circuit</li><li>5-Year Limited Warranty</li><li>Made In USA Certified&reg;</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for several LEED&reg; credits</li><li>Virtually Maintenance Free</li><li>A Hygienic Hand Drying Solution</li></ul><b>SPECIFICATIONS</b><p><strong>Dimensions:</strong></p><p><strong>Width</strong> 11 3/4" (298 mm)<br><strong>Height</strong> 12 11/16" (322 mm)<br><strong>Depth</strong> 6 11/16" (170 mm)</p><p><strong>Weight:</strong></p><p><strong>XL-BW:</strong> 15 lbs. (6.8 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-SB:</strong> 16 lbs. (7.26 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-W, GR, C, SI, SP:</strong> 17 lbs. (7.71 kgs.)</p><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br><p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
XLERATOReco® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, Zinc
|<b><br><br>FEATURES</b><ul><li>New "No Heat" Technology</li><li>15 Second Dry Time*</li><li>Uses Only <strong>500 Watts</strong> Of Energy</li><li>95% Cost Savings Vs. Paper Towels</li><li>Can Install Multiple <strong>XLERATOR</strong> Units On One 20 Amp Circuit</li><li>5-Year Limited Warranty</li><li>Made In USA Certified&reg;</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for several LEED&reg; credits</li><li>Virtually Maintenance Free</li><li>A Hygienic Hand Drying Solution</li></ul><b>SPECIFICATIONS</b><p><strong>Dimensions:</strong></p><p><strong>Width</strong> 11 3/4" (298 mm)<br><strong>Height</strong> 12 11/16" (322 mm)<br><strong>Depth</strong> 6 11/16" (170 mm)</p><p><strong>Weight:</strong></p><p><strong>XL-BW:</strong> 15 lbs. (6.8 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-SB:</strong> 16 lbs. (7.26 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-W, GR, C, SI, SP:</strong> 17 lbs. (7.71 kgs.)</p><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br><p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
XLERATOReco® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, Stainless Steel
|<b><br><br>FEATURES</b><ul><li>New "No Heat" Technology</li><li>15 Second Dry Time*</li><li>Uses Only <strong>500 Watts</strong> Of Energy</li><li>95% Cost Savings Vs. Paper Towels</li><li>Can Install Multiple <strong>XLERATOR</strong> Units On One 20 Amp Circuit</li><li>5-Year Limited Warranty</li><li>Made In USA Certified&reg;</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for several LEED&reg; credits</li><li>Virtually Maintenance Free</li><li>A Hygienic Hand Drying Solution</li></ul><b>SPECIFICATIONS</b><p><strong>Dimensions:</strong></p><p><strong>Width</strong> 11 3/4" (298 mm)<br><strong>Height</strong> 12 11/16" (322 mm)<br><strong>Depth</strong> 6 11/16" (170 mm)</p><p><strong>Weight:</strong></p><p><strong>XL-BW:</strong> 15 lbs. (6.8 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-SB:</strong> 16 lbs. (7.26 kgs.)<br><strong>XL-W, GR, C, SI, SP:</strong> 17 lbs. (7.71 kgs.)</p><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br><p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
XLERATOR® Hand Dryer, High-Speed, Energy-Efficient, Surface Mount, BMC White
|Excel Dryer is proud to announce a breakthrough in hand drying technology. The XLERATOR hand dryers deliver 3 times faster hand drying power. A user's hands will be thoroughly dry in only 10 to 15 seconds. The XLERATOR hand dryer is the result of a two-year research project, in which we studied every detail of the hand-drying process, with countless hours of field testing, listening to what users had to say, and, as a result, developed the patented technology behind the best hand dryer in the business. The benefits of the XLERATOR include:<br><ul><li>FAST! Dry hands completely in 10-15 Seconds</li><li>Uses 80% Less Energy than other hand dryers</li><li>95% Cost Savings vs. Paper Towels</li><li>GREENSPEC&reg; Listed and Helps Qualify for LEED&reg; Credits</li><li>Promotes Hygiene (automatic sensor activated)</li><li>Source Reduction Alternative</li></ul><br><br>Specification Tools<br><br>Product Images<br><br><br>Click diagram for enlargement.<br><br><b>Construction</b><br><br><ol><li>Hand dryer cover shall be a one-piece, heavy-duty, rib-reinforced, die-cast zinc alloy. It shall be lightweight, unbreakable, rustproof and all exposed surfaces shall be bright chrome plated or finished with chip-proof, electrostatically applied epoxy paint and fastened to a wall plate by two chrome plated tamper-proof bolts.</li><li>Hand dryer wall plate shall be equipped with (3) 7/8" (22 mm) diameter holes, one of which shall be suitable for use with surface conduit, for ease of wiring.</li><li>All internal hand dryer parts shall be coated according to Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. requirements.</li><li>Entire mechanism shall be internally grounded.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br><br><b>Mechanism</b><br><br><ol><li>Hand dryer motor shall be a series commutated through-flow discharge vacuum motor/blower (5/8 HP / 20,000 RPM) which provides air velocity of 16,000 LFM (linear feet per minute) at the air outlet and 14,000 LFM at the hands (4 inches [102 mm] below air outlet).</li><li>Hand dryer heating element (970 W) is constructed of Nichrome wire and mounted inside the blower housing, thereby being vandal proof. It shall be protected by an automatic resetting thermostat, which shall open whenever air flow is cut off and shall close when flow of air is resumed. It shall produce an air temperature of up to 135°F (57°C) at a 72°F (22°C) ambient room temperature at the hands (4 inches [102 mm] below air outlet).</li><li>Hand dryer Control assembly is activated by an infrared optical sensor located next to the air outlet. The dryer shall operate as long as hands are under the air outlet. There is a 35-second lockout feature if hands are not removed.</li></ol><br><br><b>Limited Warranty</b><br>The hand dryer shall be guaranteed to be free from defects for a period of five (5) years. Warranty shall include factory performed labor as well as the repair or exchange of defective parts, at manufacturer's option.
Floor boxes VE-EE
|A system of perfectly matched components Different sizes, shapes, materials and colours for different heights. Device installation solutions from Hager are available in various designs: rectangular, square or round, for dry-cleaned or wet-cleaned floors, for loads from 1,500 to 20,000 N, in various colours and materials, for the most diverse applications and screed heights of 40 to 100 mm. Of course, these products offer all benefits of Hager system engineering: One mounting kit is all you need to install any service unit into any Electraplan underfloor trunking systems from Hager. The makes ordering easier because all service units, except VANR12 for wet-cleaned floors, are fitted at the factory with this mounting kit. This means: minimal effort and maximum reliability when ordering!
JULY - Shower column with thermostatic mixer and round showerhead
|July thermostatic shower column with round shower head -showerhead: Ø 20 cm (plastic material) -Citrus handshower Ø 90 mm - 4 sprays -July thermostatic mixer -maximum temperature 50°C -safety stop at 37°C -integrated non-return valves -discreetly-positioned diverter -anti-twist metal-look hoses, 160 cm -suitable for instant water heater -flow rate: shower head 10l/min., handshower 9.5 l/min. ANTI-TWIST SYSTEM: Smooth, anti-twist shower hose INCONSPICUOUS: Discreet diverter near the shower hose SAFETY: Safety stop at 37°C MAXIMUM SAFETY: Temperature will not exceed 50°C
Bright 1
|Recessed uplight for outdoor applications (not suitable for immersion in swimming pools or fountains); recessed (ceiling, wall, ground); body and trim in AISI 316L stainless steel, screen in tempered glass; 1 power LED; 2W - 24Vdc; includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x0,35/0,75 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 88 lm (3000K); optics: 10°, 19°, 20°, 40°, 54°, 10°x45°, diffuse; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, 5000K; blue; ingress protection: IP68; impact resistance: IK10; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0,20 kg; dimensions Ø35x52 mm; cut-out size Ø30 mm; overall volume Ø80x100 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: outer casing WC0201, outer casing WC0202, fixing springs WG0301 for installation on plasterboard, honeycomb louvre WH0101
Bright Mini 10
|Recessed uplight for outdoor applications (not suitable for underwater applications); recessed (ceiling, wall, ground); body and trim in AISI 316L stainless steel, screen in tempered glass; 1 mid power LED; 0,6W (12Vdc) - 1,2W (24Vdc) - 0,5W (12Vac); includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x0,35 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 20 lm (3000K, 24Vdc), 11 lm (3000K, 12Vdc); diffuse optics; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, 5000K; ingress protection: IP68; impact resistance: IK10; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -10°C +45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); Glow Wire Test: 960°; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0,145 kg; dimensions ø35x41 mm; cut-out size ø30 mm; overall volume ø80x100 mm; dimming using a dimmable power supply unit; accessories: outer casing WC0201, outer casing WC0202, fixing springs WG0302 for installation on plasterboard
Geko 61
|Wall mounted for outdoor applications, double beam; surface mounted (wall); body in die-cast aluminium alloy EN AB 47100, screen in tempered glass; finishes: anthracite, white, cor-ten, grey; 10 (5+5) power LEDs; 20W (10W+10W) - 230Vac; built in power supply unit; connection box with 0.30 m cable; total delivered lumens: 521 lm (3000K) per emission; optics: 7°, 10°, 30°, 70°, 10°x45°, asymmetrical; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, 5000K; ingress protection: IP65; impact resistance: IK07; operating temperature: -10°C +45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); Glow Wire Test: 960°; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: I; weight 2.20 kg; dimensions 170x100x100 mm; accessories: spacer WD0300E / WD0300G / WD0300H / WD0300R
Gem 10
|Projector for indoor applications; surface mounted (ceiling, wall, floor); body in anticorodal aluminium; finishes: white, chrome, pearl chrome, black; 1 power LED; max 2W - max 500mA; includes 0.50 m PVC cable, 1.5 m HT105° 2x0.20 Ø3.0 mm; series connection; total delivered lumens: 95 lm (3000K, 500mA); optics: 10°, 20°, 40°; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, 5000K; blue; ingress protection: IP40; operating temperature: 0°C +45°C; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0.15 kg; dimensions ø25x30 mm; dimming using a dimmable power supply unit
Goccia 2 Round
|Recessed for outdoor applications; recessed (wall, ground); body in anodized aluminium alloy EN AW 6082, screen in tempered and sandblasted glass; 1 LED full-colour; max 3W - max 350mA; includes 1,5 m FEP+PCP cable (equivalent to H05RN-F cable) 6x0,50/0,50 Ø6,3 mm; series connection; total delivered lumens: 45 lm (R: 15,4 lm, G: 28 lm, B: 6,7 lm); diffuse optics; LED colour: white - RGB; ingress protection: IP67; impact resistance: IK10; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -10°C +45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); Glow Wire Test: 960°; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0,20 kg; dimensions Ø46x35 mm; overall volume Ø45x35 mm; dimming using a dimmable power supply unit; accessories: outer casing WC0400, outer casing WC0401
Litus 1 Round
|Recessed uplight for outdoor applications; recessed (ground); body in anodized aluminium alloy EN AW 6082, screen in tempered glass; 1 power LED; 2W - 24Vdc; includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x0,35/0,75 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 108 lm (3000K); optics: 10°, 20°, 46°, diffuse; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; ingress protection: IP67; impact resistance: IK08; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); Glow Wire Test: 960°; photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0,20 kg; dimensions Ø48x63 mm; overall volume Ø120x110 mm; dimming using a dimmer; accessories: outer casing WC4010, suction cup WL0100, honeycomb louvre WH0100
Rio 2
|Linear profile for outdoor applications, drive-over up to 5000 kg; recessed (ceiling, wall, ground); body in stainless steel, screen in PMMA; 48 SMD low power LEDs; RGB: SMD full colour LED; 5W - 24Vdc; RGB: 4,5W - 24Vdc; includes 1,5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x0,35/0,75 Ø6,3 mm; RGB: includes 1,5 m FEP+PCP cable (equivalent to H05RN-F cable), 4x0,50/0,50 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 145 lm (2800K); diffuse optics; LED colour: white - 2600K, 2800K, 3700K; RGB; ingress protection: IP67; impact resistance: IK10; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 2 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 1,20 kg/m; dimensions 260x37x56 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: aluminium outer casing WC8220, outer casing for plasterboard WC8420, stainless steel outer casing WC8250, anti-fall kit WN8102
Rio Sub 2
|Linear profile for outdoor and underwater applications; surface mounted (wall, ground); body in stainless steel, screen in PMMA; 96 SMD low power LEDs; RGB: SMD full colour LED; 10W - 24Vdc; 8,5W - 24Vdc; includes 5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x1,00 Ø6,8 mm; RGB: includes 5 m FEP+PCP cable (equivalent to H05RN-F cable), 4x0,50/0,50 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: 290 lm (2800K); R: 22 lm, G: 64 lm, B: 14 lm; diffuse optics; LED colour: white - 2600K, 2800K, 3700K; RGB; ingress protection: IP68; impact resistance: IK10; equipped with IPS; operating temperature: -20°C+45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 2 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 1,20 kg/m; dimensions 510x37x61 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: aluminium outer casing WC8651
578305 + 578222 Frame system TEMPOFIX 3 with TEMPOFLUX 2
|Self-standing frame system W. 350mm for wall-hung WC: Black epoxy coated steel frame. Fixes to load-bearing floors. Frame height can be adjusted from 0 to 200mm (with 1m mark). Ø 32mm flush tube with Ø 55mm connection washer. Ø 100mm soil pipe with waterproof seal, with 2 settings positions. Supplied pre-mounted. Conforms to standard NF D12-208. For drywall 20 - 40mm. Fitted with TEMPOFLUX 2 direct flush time flow valve: Ø 195mm chrome-plated wall plate with concealed fixings. 3L/6L dual flush (can be adjusted to 2L/4L). Soft-touch operation. Vacuum breaker. Stopcock and flow rate/volume adjuster. Solid brass body and shockproof, scale-resistant mechanism. In-line inlet M3/4". Acoustic level conforms to European standard EN class II. 10-year warranty.
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 80
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 90
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 80x80
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 90x90
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 80x90
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 90x80
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Ytong France COMPACT 20+ITI R=5,16 U=0,19 W/(m²K) ep=328 mm
|The Ytong COMPACT 20 wall with internal insulation (ITI) has exceptional thermal, mechanical and fire protection properties. It is intended for the - load bearing walls for single-family houses and multi-familly and tertiary buildings - filling walls - Fire-protection partition walls in public or commercial buildings and tunnels. Its lightness and ease of handling make it particularly suitable for renovation and extension projects. Its thermal efficiency is 3 in 1: insulating masonry + thermal bridges correction + air tightness. The Ytong COMPACT 20 + ITI wall contributes to the well-being of the occupants by its hygrothermal and environmental performance. The Ytong blocks constitues a simple, sustainable and economic constructive system.
Bath walls showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Lusso Bathtub wall in 6 mm clear hardened safety glass and chromed profile. Comes with Lusso wall profile with easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustability: 20 mm. Picto Bathtub wall in 5 mm clear hardened safety glass, with white or chromed aluminum profile in classic design. For wall mounting. Adjustability: 10 mm.
Shower walls Lusso showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm tempered safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950/2 100 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Ytong France VERTI 20+ITI R=4,17 U=0,24 W/(m²K) ep=308 mm
|The Ytong VERTI 20 wall with internal insulation (ITI) has exceptional thermal, mechanical and fire protection properties. It is intended for the - load bearing walls for single-family houses and multi-familly and tertiary buildings - filling walls - Fire-protection partition walls in public or commercial buildings and tunnels. Its lightness and ease of handling make it particularly suitable for renovation and extension projects. Its thermal efficiency is 3 in 1: insulating masonry + thermal bridges correction + air tightness. The Ytong VERTI 20 + ITI wall contributes to the well-being of the occupants by its hygrothermal and environmental performance. The Ytong blocks constitues a simple, sustainable and economic constructive system.
D.01 :Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.06 :Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac T
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.04 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.02 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel Safe+
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.05: Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac Safe+
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.03 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel T
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=160-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 200 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 240 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 100 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=100
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for non-load-bearing interior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 115 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=115
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 150 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 200 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
Portraits Stromboli 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 119,5x239 ceramic slabs MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 119,5x239 ceramic slabs MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 20x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 45x90 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x120 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x120 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x120 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
CISABAC Clôture Communicante Cassette CM 220 K7
|[LIST] For the protection of pedestrians during construction sites and demonstrations Anti-poster siding 20 shades available Anti-lifting hook Possibility of marking, customization of colors, logos U removable cover for quick and easy replacement of parts Eco version: uniformly white element [/LIST]
CISABAC Covered Passage
|[LIST]Full protection of pedestrian crossings at construction sites. Wire viewing window. Anti-poster siding 20 shades available. Slatted sloping cover for water flow - Thick roof 0.7mm - Possibility of marking, customization of colors, logos. Module 2m long x 1 to 3m width without bulk, height 2m useful. [/LIST]
Portraits Stromboli 60x60 stone effect tiles Textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Partition Sensor - GLS-PART-CN
|The GLS-PART-CN is a sleek, surface-mount partition sensor that utilizes the dependable Cresnet® wired network for power and communications. Designed with hospitality environments in mind, this easily installed sensor uses an infrared (IR) beam to sense the position of movable partitions within a space. The IR beam’s signal strength is adjustable and features a sensing distance of up to four feet, making the GLS-PART-CN a versatile partition sensor with optimized sensing accuracy. Three LEDs on the unit provide at-a-glance information on the sensor’s state of power, communications, and partition detection. The GLS-PART-CN offers mounting options for rooms with finished or droptile ceilings. The GLS-PART-CN has plug-in outputs and built-in time delays. Also, the partition sensor easily connects via Cresnet® to a Crestron control processor to manage divisible room environments. Cresnet The GLS-PART-CN uses the dependable Cresnet wired network for communication between devices. Cresnet provides a simple solution for configuring and wiring sensors as part of any complete Crestron system. Cresnet is the communications backbone for Crestron lighting dimmers, keypads, shades, thermostats, and many other devices. This flexible 4-wire bus provides data communications and 24 Volts DC power for all of the devices on the Cresnet network. Versatile Installation The GLS-PART-CN has a white finish and can mount directly into finished ceilings. For droptile ceilings, the GLS-PART-CN installs into a 1-gang, 3-1/2 inch deep electrical box. In both instances, a decorator-style faceplate[1] can be used to match the GLS-PART-CN with the color of the room. Only about 20 mm of the GLS-PART-CN is visible after installation, making it an unobtrusive addition to a room. Digital Output This sleek sensor delivers unparalleled versatility through an additional output on the terminal block, which can be used as an alternate method of integration with a Crestron Control System® or other system. The 5th pin of the Cresnet connector provides either a 24 Volt, 10 mA output or a closure to ground, perfect for connection with a Versiport or digital input port. Notes: 1. Sold separately.
HEWI Toilet brush unit 162-20-100XA
|System 162 Toilet brush unit - toilet brush unit consisting of bracket, toilet brush holder and brush - brush head can be replaced due to bayonet fixing - inner container can be removed for cleaning - made of stainless steel, satin finish - 89 mm wide, 440 mm high, 109 mm deep - for wall mounting, concealed fixing - including non-corrosive HEWI fixing material Article no.: HEWI 162.20.100XA
HEWI Toilet brush unit 477-20-100
|Range 477 Toilet brush unit - brush handle with replaceable brush head made of black polyamide - brush holder with curved bottom and spherical, semi-open top in ring-shaped bracket - top part can be rotated - container is removable, but can also be fitted to prevent theft - brush head can be replaced due to bayonet fixing - anti-theft protection through concealed screw fixing - 141 mm wide, 470 mm high and 140 mm deep - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 477.20.100
HEWI Hygiene combination 805-05-210
|Range 805 Hygiene combination - cubic body with recessed wall base - used as container for hygiene waste, capacity approx. 6 l - concealed, integrated bag holder - with an integrated holder for standard hygiene bags made of synthetic material. (max. package size L 130 x B 90 x H 20 mm) - lid with lifting flap - 160 mm wide, 300 mm high and 140 mm deep - for wall mounting - bin and lid made of high-quality stainless steel with satin surface finish - opening made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI 90 (jet black), 92 (anthracite grey), 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) - including non-corrosive HEWI fixing material. Article no.: HEWI 805.05.210
HEWI Hygiene bag dispenser 805-06-700
|Range 805 Hygiene bag dispenser - cubic body with recessed wall base - holds and dispenses proprietary hygiene bags made of synthetic material, max. Pack size L 130 x W 90 x H 20 mm - for wall mounting - 150 mm wide, 92 mm high and 37 mm deep - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - including non-corrosive HEWI fixing material Article no.: HEWI 805.06.700
HEWI Toilet brush unit 805-20-100
|Range 805 Classic Toilet brush unit - brush handle with replaceable brush head made of black polyamide - brush holder with curved bottom and spherical, semi-open top in ring-shaped bracket - suspended brush - top part can be rotated - container is removable, but can also be fitted to prevent theft - brush head can be replaced due to bayonet fixing - anti-theft protection through concealed screw fixing - 141 mm wide, 470 mm high and 140 mm deep - container made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI colours 90 (jet black), 92 (anthracite grey), 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) - holder and brush handle made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish Article no.: HEWI 805.20.100
HEWI Toilet brush unit 805-20-200
|Range 805 Toilet brush unit - cubic body with recessed wall base - insert conical shaped and removable for cleaning - with inner reservoir for disinfectant - brush handle made of stainless steel, brush head easily replaceable due to bayonet fixing - 100 mm wide, container 285 mm high and 100 mm deep, wall-mounted base 10 mm - for wall mounting - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - Insert made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI colours 90 (jet black), 92 (anthracite grey), 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) Article no.: HEWI 805.20.200
Forsa quadrant corner 70x90
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 101-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa quadrant corner 80x80
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 101-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa quadrant corner 80x90
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 101-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa quadrant corner 90x90
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 101-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa straight corner 70x70
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa straight corner 70x80
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa straight corner 70x90
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa straight corner 80x80
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa straight corner 80x90
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa straight corner 90x90
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-130 cm. The measurements are reversible for right or left fitting.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen 70x70
|Consists of two folding doors (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The doors can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the doors, and to free up floor space.. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-116 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen 70x80
|Consists of two folding doors (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The doors can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the doors, and to free up floor space.. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-116 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen 70x90
|Consists of two folding doors (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The doors can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the doors, and to free up floor space.. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-116 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen 80x80
|Consists of two folding doors (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The doors can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the doors, and to free up floor space.. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-116 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen 80x90
|Consists of two folding doors (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The doors can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the doors, and to free up floor space.. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-116 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen 90x90
|Consists of two folding doors (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The doors can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the doors, and to free up floor space.. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm. Door opening 88-116 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 70x70
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 70x80
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 70x90
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 80x80
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 80x90
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 90x90
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa round
|Consists of two doors with transparent sealing strip at the bottom. The doors can be folded inwards when the shower is not in use,Maximize the free floor space. No threshold - allows disabled access. Tempered safety glass 6 mm. Wall Profile allows piping 25mm from the wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with wall profiles 20 or 40 mm. Height 198 cm.
Delta quadrant corner 80x80
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm.
Delta quadrant corner 90x90
|Has two opening doors with transparent seals on bottom edges. Doors can be folded inwards when shower is not in use to maximise floor space. No threshold – allows disabled access. 6 mm toughened safety glass.Wall profile allows pipe installation 30 mm from wall. The shower walls can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 80x70
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 90x70
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Forsa Corner shower with folding screen fixed wall/door 90x80
|Consists of a fixed screen with curtain rail (max. 105 cm), floor mounting and transparent rubber seal against the floor, plus one folding door (180°) with transparent rubber seal against the floor and between the glass panels. The door can be opened/folded inwards. Practical if you have furniture in front of the door. No threshold – disabled-friendly. Toughened safety glass 6 mm. Wall profiles allow pipe installation 30 mm from wall. Showers can be supplemented with 20 or 40 mm wall profiles. Height 198 cm (199 cm upper edge of rod). Door opening 61-81 cm. Available for right-hand or left-hand installation. Not reversible.
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, single-vent - side-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, double-vent - side-hung - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, double-vent - side-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, bottom-hung - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, top-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, projected top-hung - outward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, horizontal pivot - inward opening
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
Window Janisol Arte 2.0, fix fields - glazing inside (2x2)
|The second generation of the Janisol Arte window system now offers profiles made from stainless steel and Corten steel as well as a wide range of profiles. The integrated weatherstrip groove simplifies and speeds up fabrication. A large selection of glazing beads is also available in a variety of different materials. The wide range of opening types is ideally suited for the renovation of old windows but also for modern residential construction. With the narrowest profile face widths of only 25 or 40 mm for fixed glazing and a basic depth of 60 mm, intricate yet stable constructions with a large proportion of glass and excellent thermal insulation can be created. Design benefits: • Unit thicknesses from 20 to 47 mm • Uw value from 0.8 W/m2K • Multi-point window locking • New materials for profiles: stainless steel and Corten
BG Ytong ETIC wall more space Passive solution U=0.15 W/(m²K) d=422 mm
|Combination Ytong Thermo 20 cm and Multipor mineral insulation plates is suitable for walls for passive and low energy buildings. The low dimensional tolerance enable rapid processing in the thin-bed method with a joint thickness of 1 to 3 mm. The result is a high-quality wall with excellent thermal insulation. Due to the low weight, aerated concrete blocks are also suitable for internal walls to be retrofitted as well as for reconstruction and renovation measures. The ecological and non-combustible material allows a safe use and provide high fire protection. Advantages: - Thermal conductivity for YTONG λ10, dry = 0.09 W/(mK) - Thermal conductivity for Multipor λ10, dry = 0.042 W/(mK) - Provides healthy, balanced indoor climate - Very high fire protection level at least EI240 - Economical and stable in value - Ergonomic processing
BG Ytong ETIC wall more space solution U=0.24 W/(m²K) d=347 mm
|Combination Ytong Massive 20 cm and Multipor mineral insulation plates is suitable for walls for low energy buildings in combination with very good compressive strenght. The low dimensional tolerance enable rapid processing in the thin-bed method with a joint thickness of 1 to 3 mm. The result is a high-quality wall with excellent thermal insulation. Due to the low weight, aerated concrete blocks are also suitable for internal walls to be retrofitted as well as for reconstruction and renovation measures. The ecological and non-combustible material allows a safe use and provide high fire protection. Advantages: - Thermal conductivity for YTONG λ10, dry = 0.18 W/(mK) - Thermal conductivity for Multipor λ10, dry = 0.042 W/(mK) - Provides healthy, balanced indoor climate - Very high fire protection level at least EI240 - Economical and stable in value - Ergonomic processing
|The collection of white modular wall tiles available in a wide range of formats: 25 x 33.3 cm / 25 x 40cm / 20 x 60 cm / 30 x 60 cm / 29.5 x 59.5 cm / 25 x 75 cm / 29.8 x 89.8 cm / 32.5 x 97.7 cm and two surface types: opaque and shiny. The product is intended for both investors constructing multi-residential structures, public areas, hotels, or sports facilities, and individual clients who seek classic white wall tiles for kitchen or bathroom interiors.
Gamma Carmel
|The color craze As many as 20 different colors, each available in gloss and matte. This allows for limitless possibilities in arranging your interior to achieve any effect you desire. Mix and match the colors and surfaces to create unique interior arrangements. The wall and floor tiles are compatible and complement each other, together they allow to conjure up interesting and colorful interiors. Excellent technical parameters of the collection allow it to be used in public utility locations.
|ALZATINA is an accessory element of CLIMABLOCK® for height compensation of the walls made with the CLIMABLOCK® construction system of Pontarolo Engineering spa. ALZATINA is made in EPS Twinpor in the measures of H 5 – 10 – 20 – 40 cm, with thicknesses of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. CLIMABLOCK® is an ICF-like technology to create structural insulated walls. These stay-in-place forming elements in EPS CS(10)150 Twinpor permit to cast a steel reinforced wall with an outer and an inner insulation layer in EPS, in just one step. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economic way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation.- Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
|gala*AluFlex*Border...the heights: 19 + 26 + 38 + 51 + 64 + 77 + 102 + 150 mm In L-shape * professional border * universal * malleable for curves and angles Technical specifications: • Length: up to 6m • Heights: 19, 26, 38, 51, 64, 77, 102, 150 mm • Material thickness: approx. 4mm • Material: aluminum alloy T6 6063 • Colors: silver * natural + RAL * colors + anode (anodized) • New : MagicLux * LotusClean * Color Yourself * gala*AluFlex*Border is designed for professional edge attachment with applications like : * Asphalt: paths and roads * Pavement made of concrete and natural stone * Concrete interlocking pavers * Gravel borders around the house and garden * Gravel paths and water-bound paths * Ceramic plates and concrete slabs * Bulk materials of all kinds * Garden paths and parking paths gala*AluFlex*Border accessories : Recommended spiral Steelnails 250mm : • Walkways: every 40 cm • Roads: every 30cm • Asphalt roads and driveways: every 20 cm Connection of AluFlex*Border : • AluFlex*Border is simply connected with the jointers: • AluFlex*Border with height: 19mm: Jointer Small • AluFlex*Border with heights: 26, 38, 51, 64, 77, 102mm: Jointer Big • AluFlex*Border with height 150mm: 2 x Jointer Big
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance for 160 Endpoints - DM-XIO-DIR-160
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-160, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.</p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-160 model supports a total of 160 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.<br><br></p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output within a “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity, allowing individual rooms and other subsystems to be arranged and controlled independently. It’s like having multiple independent matrix switchers in a single rack space. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for physical switchers in every room, replacing them with the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.<br>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-160 supports a maximum of 20 domains. For larger systems, use multiple units or use model DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, which supports 240 domains and includes additional “enterprise” features. Refer to the DM-XIO-DIR-ENT spec sheet for more information.<br><br></p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 160 endpoints and 20 domains</li><li>Enables grouping of endpoints in up to 20 independent subsystems</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of virtual matrices and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Four Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li><li>Universal 100-240V internal power supply</li></ul> <p>1.Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p>
|<p>The pure and simple lines of the geometrical shape par excellence &mdash; the circle &mdash; whose harmony come together with light to enhance spaces and situations: Basic Round is a totally disappearing recessed luminaire made of Coral®, installable on plasterboard or brick ceilings with a unique and minimal design, perfect for illuminating spaces in a discreet and elegant way. Designed for the indoor, it can be only provided with LED luminescent sources positioned 20 mm backwards from the ceiling level. Basic Round suits any architectonic projects, spontaneously emphasizing the surfaces it is installed on.</p> <p>Coral® body<br>IP20 protection grade<br>90° light beam inclination<br>Light emission hole Ø 50<br>Dimensions 140 x 140 x 70 mm / 140 x 140 x 80 mm<br>Lamp<br>dicroic QR CB 51 (LED version)<br>QPAR 16 (LED version)<br>LED COB professional<br>LED colour temperature: 3000K (2700 K - 4000 K on request)<br>On request: LED dimmable PUSH or DALI</p>
|<p>A bright product starting from its shape, discreet and elegant, able to perfectly integrate itself inside architectures achieving extraordinary complete disappearance effects. Genius guarantees a perfect lighting in every environment is may be installed in: totally disappearing recessed luminaire for indoor spaces, made of AirCoral® and installable on plasterboard or brick ceilings, is able to emit an incredible light intensity for just a 20 mm emission hole, so tiny that it disappears when the product is turned off.</p> <p>With a simple hand gesture, the electric part can be extracted directly from the hole which allows the light to pour out. This is possible thanks to the push-pull mechanism, which makes the eventual extraction and replacement of the LED source easier in case of maintenance.</p> <p>AirCoral® body<br>IP20 protection grade<br>90° light beam inclination<br>Light emission hole Ø 20<br>Dimensions 125 x 100 x 110 mm<br>LED lamp COB professional<br>LED colour temperature: 3000K</p><p></p>