Общий Источник Света 22
Али Каримов | 1552844359Общий источник света.
Люстра 22
Лела Квициани | 1566674077 -
Набор Источников Света Потолочный 20
Ангелина Кемайкина | 1492345748Прикрепленный к стене точечный источник света.
Встраиваемый Галогеновый Светильник 21
Elena Sverdlova | 1542713358Утопленный галогеновый потолочный источник света.
David Lozej | 1371472623Patented tent system from Gibus
Sun Shade 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005203D parametric, awning with optional number of posts
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, sun shade / umbrella
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1418154140Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 9.12.2014: Hotspot-Bug entfernt zum Durchschalten der Konstruktionsarten, Gebogene Blechstufen hinzugefügt - Nur stufen, Eingeschweisst zwischen Wangen, Aufgesattelt auf Rand unf Mittelwangen
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Luminária Pendente 19
Breno Matos | 1458279816 -
Spot com Ressalto 18
Wilton Dias | 1439930863Projetor de teto embutido.
Sun Shade 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Aluevalo 22
janita suutari | 1570619230Valoa säteilevä loistava objekti, joka voidaan näyttää tai piilottaa renderoinnissa.
Alle Geschoße - Stiege
Heimo Mooslechner | 1617647117Stiegenverlauf über mehrere Geschoße. Das Script sucht sich die Geschoßhöhen und erstellt durchgehend für alle geschoße eine 2-Läufige gerade U-Stiege mit Zwischenpodest. Die Stufenanzahl wird immer gerade sein. Deshalb kann folgendes Modell hergestellt werden: Im Schnitt und im 3D kann man sich mit Anfassern die deckendicken anpassen. Die maximale Stufenhöhe kann für jedes Geschoß extra eingestellt werden. Das Script errechnet nun daraus die Laufplattendicken und die Podestdicken so, dass sich die Knickpunkte an einem Punkt treffen. In der Grundrissdarstellung wird der Meterschnitt berücksichtigt und die darunterliegende Treppe wird mit symbolischen Schatten versehen. Im Grundriss und im Schnitt können ale Eckpunkte als Hotspots angefasst werden.
Solar Shade Straight 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Tiltable solar shade with different louvre styles.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1393590210Einfache Textfunktion, die beliebig einfachst skaliert werden kann - mit der Möglichkeit, die ID als Text auszugeben. Inkl. verschiebbarem Schatten hinter dem Text (dyn. hotspot)
TextInBoxSchatten 2-Zeilig
Heimo Mooslechner | 1580279810Einfache Textfunktion, die beliebig einfachst skaliert werden kann - mit der Möglichkeit, die ID als Text auszugeben. Inkl. verschiebbarem Schatten hinter dem Text (dyn. hotspot) 2. Zeile als eigene Variable einzugeben - wenn es keinen Eintrag gibt - gibts nur eine Zeile
Estore de Lâminas 19
Alberto Hugo Bessa Santos | 1458347477Persianas horizontais que abrem com ângulo de lâminas opcional.
Solar Shade Curved 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Tiltable curved solar shade with different louvre styles.
Solar Shade Curved 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tiltable curved solar shade with different louvre styles.
Solar Shade Curved 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Tiltable curved solar shade with different louvre styles.
Solar Shade Curved 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tiltable curved solar shade with different louvre styles.
Solar Shade Straight 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tiltable solar shade with different louvre styles.
Oak Shade
|From sand stone to pebble grey, the hues in this single-strip stained oak floor from the Canvas Collection are interspersed with knots and cracks, for a charming expression. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. The matt lacquer finish eliminates glare while protecting the wood from daily wear. Four-sided bevelling at the edges ensures a classic full plank look and feel.
Allgemeinlicht 18
mahmut said öcal | 1422225886generelle allgemeine Lichtquelle..
Drzwi metalowe 18
Agnieszka Cudna | 1432836289Drzwi rozwierane lub wahadłowe.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1568232046Einfache Textfunktion, die beliebig einfachst skaliert werden kann - mit der Möglichkeit, die ID als Text auszugeben. Inkl. verschiebbarem Schatten hinter dem Text (dyn. hotspot) nun mit Umrandung als Kreis, Ellipse und Rechteck 9-2019
ID Inspiration 70
|With iD Inspiration flooring, explore limitless design possibilities in a truly modular range to create spaces that build brand image, evoke emotion and positively shape the customer experience. iD Inspiration offers over 75,000 potential combinations to play with perceptions of space, light and effects through your choice of different format layouts, design, surface structure and bevelling ■Over 75,000 combinations through customisation programme ■Endless combinations of colours, patterns, surface effects and bevelling options ■More personnalisation possibilities with Floorcraft design service and matching accessories ■Ideal for stores, hotels and leisure environments where smart design matters ■0.7mm pure PVC transparent wear layer: exceptionally hardwearing and indentation resistant (also available with 0.55mm wear layer) ■TopClean XP PUR surface treatment for easy, low-cost maintenance and high return on investment
ID Inspiration 55
|With iD Inspiration flooring, explore limitless design possibilities in a truly modular range to create spaces that build brand image, evoke emotion and positively shape the customer experience. iD Inspiration offers over 75,000 potential combinations to play with perceptions of space, light and effects through your choice of different format layouts, design, surface structure and bevelling. ■Over 75,000 combinations through customisation programme ■Endless combinations of colours, patterns, surface effects and bevelling options ■More personnalisation possibilities with Floorcraft design service and matching accessories ■Ideal for stores, hotels and leisure environments where smart design matters ■0.55mm pure PVC transparent wear layer: exceptionally hardwearing and indentation resistant (also available with 0.70mm wear layer) ■TopClean XP PUR surface treatment for easy, low-cost maintenance and high return on investment
iQ Eminent
|Colour harmony contributes to well-being. That’s why Tarkett’s new iQ Eminent brings more design flexibility for architects with additional outstanding design options - for a truly harmonious flooring experience in healthcare, education and other public buildings. iQ Eminent features a palette of primary and neutral colours completed by shades in natural grey and beige in a distinctive non-directional design with 3D effect. ■iQ Unique Surface Restoration system ■Best life cycle cost on the market ■Extreme durability and outstanding flexibility ■Produced with phthalate-free technology ■VOC emissions 100 times lower than the strictest standards in Europe ■100 % recyclable ■The perfect watertight solution that avoids soiling, improves cleaning efficiency and contributes to hygiene and infection control
Screenline 90
|Applications : Lunex SL90 can be used wherever the demand is an effectiv sun shade. Lunex SL90 meets the requirement for natural daylight in addition to provide an effective shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All visible outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum which is anodized or powdercoated to withstand corrotion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available upon surcharge. Ferrari Soltis is the preferred fabric for SL90, but other fabrics are available on request. Operation : Lunex SL90 can be operated by handcrank or electric motor drive operated by switch, remote and/or fully automated solar/wind systems. Sizes: SL90 can be made in all sizes up to 4000 mm wide by 3500 mm high. Minimum width with motor is 700 mm. Use, durability and maintenance : SL90 requires very little maintenance as it contains very few moving parts unlike venetian blinds which often have high maintenance costs. High gloss powder coating makes them very easy to clean and fabrics can be cleaned with a moist cloth.
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element F100
|CI System Glass Element F100 – A crystal clear advantage – Daylight for a sense of well-being CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 – safety and comfort for living space and workspace Whether used in administrative or residential buildings, school or industry. CI-System Glass Element F100 is the optimum, energy-efficient answer to the desire for daylight from flat roofs. The CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 combines the advantages of the CI System Glass Element F100 and of an electrical SHEV. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.7 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in 16 dimensions for standard model and in 9 dimension for smoke lift model Different Opening drive units for standard model Different Shade systems Thermally insulated, jointless GRP upstand, 15 (only standard), 30. 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristics) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
Lop - display
|The inspiration for Lop magazine holder comes from the humble paper clip. The idea is to make the holder itself more or less invisible. Lop, design kaschkasch (2015), is made of white metal and screws directly to the wall and deliver in a packs of 2. Use Lop on its own or group several together to store and display magazines or books.
M5510 - Camera, Fundus, Digital
|The digital fundus camera system is designed for use in diagnosing and recording ocular disorders. It shall consist of a digital imager, computer, monitor, chin rest, joy stick and software to record, store, edit and print digital images. The system may also include a system table and an adjustable patient table.
X1040 - Cabinet, Wall Hung, 1-2 Door, 3 Shelves, 22x18x21
|Wall mounted cabinet with 1 or 2 doors, approximately 22" H X 18" W X 21" D. This unit is designed to organize and store darkroom materials. The unit has two or three adjustable shelves. The construction is a double wall that is utilized throughout. All hardware used is of the highest quality including full length piano hinges, positive action roller latches, and brushed metal wire pulls.
X1050 - Cabinet, Base, With (3) 5 Inch Compartments
|Cassette storage base cabinet. The unit is approximately 36" H x 18" W x 22" D and is constructed with heavy gauge, rust resistant Electro-galvanized steel. It has double wall construction throughout and all hardware used is of the highest quality. The unit is designed to organize and store darkroom materials. The unit has capacity for extra large cassettes. All vertical partitions are removable.
M7420 - Light, Exam, Mobile
|Mobile examination light mounted on a floor stand with casters. Unit features colored corrected light, an air-cooled shade and a balanced floating arm. Unit may also have a center mount detachable and sterilizable control handle. Designed for examination, treatment, and emergency areas where cool, color-corrected light is needed.
HI-MACS® Sheets – Lucia collection
|Lucia collection is composed of natural trendy colours characterised by linear-edged, midsize particles: three of those designed by Dutch Star Designer, Marcel Wanders. Colours: Red Quinoa (W010), Lentil (W007), , Ice Queen (W001), Shadow Queen (W003), Star Queen (W004). Thickness: 12mm. HI-MACS® is a solid surface material that can be moulded into any shape. It is widely used for architectural and interior applications, such as sculptural and high performance wall-cladding or kitchen, bathroom and furniture surfaces, in commercial, residential and public space projects. It is composed of acrylic, natural minerals and pigments that come together to provide a smooth, non-porous and visually seamless surface which meets the highest standards for quality, aesthetics, fabrication, functionality and hygiene – offering manifold advantages over conventional materials. LG Hausys’ HI-MACS® uses a simple heating process to give three-dimensional thermoplastic forming capabilities, allows visually seamless designs, offers a virtually limitless range of colours and – for some shades - exhibits a special translucency when exposed to light. Although HI-MACS® is almost as robust as stone, it can be worked in a similar way as wood: it can be sawn, routed, drilled or sanded. Visit himacs.eu for more information.
EQUITONE [materia]
|EQUITONE [materia] is a through coloured facade material that accentuates the beauty of fibre cement. The material encompasses the characteristics of cement, whereas the fibres render its surface textured yet velvety. The ever-changing atmosphere, gives the material natural subtle shade variations. The material comes in large panel size and can be transformed into any size or shape in the workshop or on site.
Tessera format
|With a distinctive textured construction and a broad colour palette of 18 contemporary and commercially attractive tonal shades, Format has taken low loop pile tiles into a new dimension. This hardwearing heavy contract carpet tile, manufactured using new high tech tufting machines combines rich texture with densely packed low loops for superior aesthetic appeal and real added value. A universally attractive carpet tile suitable for heavy traffic environments in all types of commercial premises, Format boasts a high castor chair rating, making it an ideal and cost-effective solution for busy offices large and small.
Tessera barcode
|Barcode challenges the uniformity and rigidity of conventional linear low level loop pile tiles and, with its confident bands of contrasting colours in varying widths, delivers a more eclectic and exuberant look that is right on trend for today’s commercial environments. Barcode is offered in 18 colourways, each featuring five individual tonal and contrasting shades drawing from the latest colour palette of solution dyed yarns, carefully selected and blended to harmonise with a wide range of interior design schemes. Barcode can be laid in a variety of styles including brick, tessellated, quarter-turn or the quirky alternative, quarter-brick, to create a range of different aesthetic effects.
NF400 (Near & Far Collection)
|Near & Far Collection can be found somewhere between made and found. The organic reference is clear, but we can see the artisan’s hand in the shape and materials. NF400™ studies shade and hue in striations that run the length of our 25cm x 1m skinny plank. NF401™ explores these ideas in greater dimensions with carving and depth and curvilinear movements. The juxtaposition of the two set side by side awakens the edges, adding a third design element to explore. (carpet tile)
NF401 (Near & Far Collection)
|Near & Far Collection can be found somewhere between made and found. The organic reference is clear, but we can see the artisan’s hand in the shape and materials. NF400™ studies shade and hue in striations that run the length of our 25cm x 1m skinny plank. NF401™ explores these ideas in greater dimensions with carving and depth and curvilinear movements. The juxtaposition of the two set side by side awakens the edges, adding a third design element to explore. (carpet tile)
|Yonoh presents a sofa and armchair duo with a Japanese touch. The concept, as its name suggests, takes its inspiration from the powerful silhouette of sumo wrestlers, contrasted with the light wooden clogs that they use to and from the ring (dohyō). The strong curves and reduced dimensions make it an ideal piece for the contract market. The raised seams help to define the curved lines of the model. Despite its hefty appearance, Sumo has a small footprint (178cm and 92cm for the sofa and armchair respectively). The wood chosen for the collection is ash, due to its texture and grain. A wide array of stains is available, from natural shades to vibrant colours like pink or yellow. Sumo can be upholstered in fabric as well as artificial or natural leather. The covers cannot be removed.
SUMO SOFA 178 285.11.T
|Yonoh presents a sofa and armchair duo with a Japanese touch. The concept, as its name suggests, takes its inspiration from the powerful silhouette of sumo wrestlers, contrasted with the light wooden clogs that they use to and from the ring (dohyō). The strong curves and reduced dimensions make it an ideal piece for the contract market. The raised seams help to define the curved lines of the model. Despite its hefty appearance, Sumo has a small footprint (178cm and 92cm for the sofa and armchair respectively). The wood chosen for the collection is ash, due to its texture and grain. A wide array of stains is available, from natural shades to vibrant colours like pink or yellow. Sumo can be upholstered in fabric as well as artificial or natural leather. The covers cannot be removed.
Manual Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
|The DYNACO D-313 EMERGENCY roll up door is the slimmest high speed roll up door in the market with an integrated emergency exit. It offers the benefits of a fast action door and allows an easy escape in case of emergency. The flexible PVC door curtain of the DYNACO D-313 EMERGENCY door has an ingenious T-shaped cut in the middle. When a person pushes on the indicated release spots the curtain splits into two symmetric flaps and the emergency exit opens. This high speed roll up door enables a smooth flow of goods and people. Thanks to its slim design it can be installed in places where space is limited. It is a perfect high speed door for retail stores. Equipped with low friction side guides, a self-reinserting door curtain and a minimum of wearing parts, the DYNACO D-313 EMERGENCY roll up door requires little maintenance. Free of rigid elements in the curtain, this high speed door is safe for your staff and equipment.
Tork PeakServe® Continuous® Hand Towel, White
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
ETICS: Alprotect Nova/Aero
|The first facade system to be classified with European Technical Approval Fire Protection Class A, Alprotect Nova combines unique patented carbon technology and nano-hybrid binders, resulting in a mineral wool external wall insulation system that sets new standards in terms of protection and durability. The system formulations can also be applied with light reflectance values as low as 5, ensuring most shades of colour including dark ones and even black can be used successfully for the façades finish.
ETICS: collection / EPS / Ceramic
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection alsecco ensures creativity for your next project. Alsecco has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: collection / Stone Wool / Ceramic
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection alsecco ensures creativity for your next project. Alsecco has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
|Nursing table Robust is a wall-mounted baby care station intended for public use. It is practical, reliable and eco-friendly. A gas-spring makes it easy to pull down and fold up. Robust was invented about 35 years ago and since then it has been available on the Swedish market. It can be found all over Sweden and also in many European countries. A changing table is needed in many places. Among our customers are hospitals, restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, department stores, churches and libraries. Robust is made in Sweden and the material is mostly solid wood (beech or oak).
Tork PeakServe® Continuous® Hand Towel, Black
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
ETICS: Carbon Extra
|The first facade system to be classified with European Technical Approval Fire Protection Class A, Carbon Extra combines unique patented carbon technology and nano-hybrid binders, resulting in a mineral wool external wall insulation system that sets new standards in terms of protection and durability. The system formulations can also be applied with light reflectance values as low as 5, ensuring most shades of colour including dark ones and even black can be used successfully for the façades finish.
ETICS: Ceratherm 2 (EPS)
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection ensures creativity for your next project. Caparol has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: Ceratherm 2 (Miwo)
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection ensures creativity for your next project. Caparol has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
Tessera Layout
|Featuring a contemporary palette of 32 colours with 8 co-ordinated stripes, our Tessera Layout and Outline carpet tiles offer numerous possibilities for creative inspiration in any flooring scheme. The dynamic colour palette of Layout is hugely versatile featuring a comprehensive choice of modern neutrals in combination with diverse and directional brighter shades. Colours can be used independently or in combination to achieve a myriad of interior styles. Outline is a subtly textured striped loop pile carpet tile with each colourway perfectly matched to 2 Layout colours. Combinations of Outline and Layout allow complete freedom of expression creating connections, highlights and transitions enhancing any style of scheme.
TAW 48
|KOMANDOR TAW48 system works great where a glass wall is required with a very robust construction but fully transparent, without visible stiles. Homogeneous glass sheet will gain spectacular visual effects of each store or exposition and at the same time, thanks to highly durable tempered glass, it will provide a solid barrier against the entry to the separated room. At the time, in which you need a reconfiguration of rooms, they do not require any building reconstruction or any demolition of standard plasterboard walls, because our partition walls are completely demountable. They are ideal to division any space. In the event that we need a wall mounted permanently in the long term, TAW48 glass partition walls is a response to the products high quality demands, but if you frequently require completely open access to the interior, we invite you to use the MAW48 mobile wall from our current offering.
|Quara65_F is an outdoor path marker wall light installed in a recessed position flush with the surface, a drop of light that perfectly blends in with the wall. The powerLED recessed source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_F features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
Quara65_X 2 W
|Quara65_X is a recessed outdoor ceiling wall light, a drop of light in a round resin-potted stainless steel casing, suitable for high salinity environments. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_X features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
Starline 12 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline 24 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline 48 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline DMX 12 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline DMX 24 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline DMX 48 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source and five optics for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
Starline RGB 36 W
|A light profile characterized by high brightness and flexible installation. The wall washer lighting lends itself to illuminating walls higher than 8 metres, and is suitable for spaces presenting limitations in the installation of the electrical system. PowerLED source in the RGB colours and five optics available for countless light effects. The product is fitted with a linear shade made of UV-resistant transparent extruded polycarbonate providing protection including at considerable heights. Among the product pluses, the anti-glare accessory for a lighting that does not hurt the eyes. Starline enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels. Controllable also through DMX protocol.
|A walk-over uplight requiring reduced installation space. It enhances columns and architectural details, thus creating new outdoor scenarios. The powerLED source is housed in a brass or aluminium casing featuring a round flange and available in five finishes to choose from. Beret_R emits a light featuring three shades of white (warm, neutral and cold) and four colours, for highly customized effects. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|A walk-over uplight requiring reduced installation space. It enhances columns and architectural details, thus creating new outdoor scenarios. The powerLED source is housed in a brass or aluminium round casing without flange. Beret_F emits a light featuring three shades of white and four colours, for highly customized effects. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|A walk-over uplight requiring reduced installation space. It enhances columns and architectural details, thus creating new outdoor scenarios. The powerLED source is housed in a brass or aluminium casing featuring a round flange and available in five finishes to choose from. Beret_2R emits a light featuring three shades of white (warm, neutral and cold) and four colours, for highly customized effects. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|A walk-over uplight requiring reduced installation space. It enhances columns and architectural details, thus creating new outdoor scenarios. The powerLED source is housed in a brass or aluminium casing featuring a square flange and available in three finishes to choose from. Beret_Q emits a light featuring three shades of white (warm, neutral and cold) and four colours, for highly customized effects. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|A walk-over uplight requiring reduced installation space. It enhances columns and architectural details, thus creating new outdoor scenarios. The powerLED source is housed in a brass or aluminium casing featuring a square flange and available in five finishes to choose from. Beret_2Q emits a light featuring three shades of white (warm, neutral and cold) and four colours, for highly customized effects. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|A walk-over uplight requiring reduced installation space. It enhances columns and architectural details, thus creating new outdoor scenarios. The powerLED source is housed in a brass or aluminium casing featuring a square flange and available in five finishes to choose from. Beret_2Q emits a light featuring three shades of white (warm, neutral and cold) and four colours, for highly customized effects. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|A walk-over uplight requiring reduced installation space. It enhances columns and architectural details, thus creating new outdoor scenarios. Beret_X can be installed on any floor or wall surface requiring linear lighting. The powerLED source is housed in a brass or aluminium casing featuring a round flange and available in five finishes. It emits a light featuring three shades of white and, upon request, R-G-B-Y colours, for highly customized effects. An anti-glare filter makes it a very efficient and versatile product. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|A compact spotlight for unrivalled versatility. The roundish casing, designed to highlight objects in recesses and display cases, tilts on the practical directional bracket. PowerLED source, available in three shades of white or, upon request, in four different colours. Ideally suited to illuminate hotels and private homes.
|A compact spotlight for unrivalled versatility. The square casing, designed to highlight objects in recesses and display cases, tilts on the practical directional bracket. PowerLED source, available in three shades of white or, upon request, in four different colours. Ideally suited to illuminate hotels and private homes.
|A compact outdoor spotlight for unrivalled versatility. The roundish casing, designed to enhance garden elements such as statues and plants, tilts on the practical directional bracket. PowerLED source, available in three shades of white or, upon request, in the R-G-B-Y colours. Ideal to illuminate the green areas of hotels and urban settings.
|A compact outdoor spotlight for unrivalled versatility. The square-shaped casing, designed to enhance garden elements such as statues and plants, tilts on the practical directional bracket. PowerLED source, available in three shades of white or, upon request, in the R-G-B-Y colours. Ideal to illuminate the green areas of hotels and urban settings.
|Quara65_R is a recessed outdoor path marker wall light, a drop of light in a round resin-potted aluminium casing. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_R features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
|Quara65_RI is a recessed outdoor path marker wall light, a drop of light in a round resin-potted stainless steel casing, suitable for high salinity environments. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_RI features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
|Quara65_Q is a recessed outdoor path marker wall light, a drop of light in a square resin-potted aluminium casing. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_Q features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
|Quara65_QI is a recessed outdoor path marker wall light, a drop of light in a square resin-potted stainless steel casing, suitable for high salinity environments. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_QI features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
Quara65_X 4 W recessed
|Quara65_X is a recessed outdoor ceiling wall light, a drop of light in a round resin-potted stainless steel casing, suitable for high salinity environments. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_X features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
Quara65_X 4 W
|Quara65_X is a recessed outdoor ceiling wall light, a drop of light in a round resin-potted stainless steel casing, suitable for high salinity environments. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of an outdoor staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. The product comes in three shades of warm white and blue; upon request, it is also available in the R-G-Y colours. Quara65_X features the Aquastop® technology, a sealing system for power supply cables preventing corrosion of internal components. This product is suitable to illuminate urban settings, residential spaces and hotels.
Suelo_R 8 W no driver
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_R 8 W
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_R 13 W
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_R 13 W asymmetric
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_R 25 W
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_R 13 W narrow
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_Q 8 W no driver
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy square flange, also available in AISI 316 stainless steel, with directional and non-directional emission. Suelo_Q is synonymous with visual comfort combined with outstanding performances. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_Q 8 W
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy square flange, also available in AISI 316 stainless steel, with directional and non-directional emission. Suelo_Q is synonymous with visual comfort combined with outstanding performances. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
|Made from Anti-fingerprint stainless steel, the hood comes with dishwasher-safe professional greaseproof mesh filters.<b>The ceiling hood uses an external motor. Both products are sold separately. Please refer to your kitchen store to find out more about the optional KEMXX 00000 motor.<br>We also recommend to regularly change your hood filter to maintain the performances of your appliance. See below the reference of the hood filter that matches this ceiling hood.
KNX Motor Controls
|The elaborate and robust motor control is used for shading with façade products like venetian blinds, rolling shutters, awnings and façade awnings and boasts all the necessary features to do so. Thanks to sophisticated end position detection, the system is moved into the shading position and the room is only in shade for a short period of time. Measuring and analyzing the operating time enables the façade product to be moved into the exact position. The aging process and fluctuations in temperature are thereby automatically taken into account. The automatic solar tracking control, which features 4 preset operating positions – privacy, shading below, shading above and transparency –, offers a high level of comfort in the workplace and at home. “Limited operation” also guarantees optimum product protection if it’s windy or frosty. The façade product can still be operated in a reduced, secure area. Standard pushbuttons or control cables can be directly connected to the binary inputs on the device. The connection input statuses affect the motors or they can be sent on the BUS as KNX products.
Four Seasons parasoll
|The Four Seasons parasol is a sturdy year-round design that deflects the heat of the sun and provides shelter from the rain. Made from pieces of sheet steel centred around a steel post, the parasol bolts securely to the ground to withstand gusts of wind. Designed with a striking profile that tilts away from the base, the parasol adds a contemporary element to gardens and courtyards, or any environment where shelter and shade are needed. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Minimal, bench 1 seat
|A suggested by the name, the bench, like its accompanying table, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior décor, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Minimal, bench 2 seats
|A suggested by the name, the bench, like its accompanying table, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior décor, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Minimal, bench 3 seats
|A suggested by the name, the bench, like its accompanying table, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior décor, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Minimal, table
|This streamlined, simple table is part of the Minimal furniture group designed for indoor entertaining. As suggested by the name, the table, like its accompanying bench, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. The table is complemented by a bench in the same furniture group. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
KANECCT - Table 600x700
|The Kanecct table system consists of tables with leg frames and connecting tabletops between the tables. The tables can be handled easily by just one person. Kanecct is ideal where flexibility is key. A room can quickly be transformed from being furnished with individual tables to being furnished with one long table – or from offering maximum seating to no seating at all. The tables can be stacked on top of each other to free up floor space. Store connecting tabletops on a trolley or hang them on the wall. The tables come in a width of 700 mm and lengths of 600, 700 and 1250 mm. Legs come in white or black powder coated steel. Connecting tabletops come in a width of 700 mm and in lengths of 700, 1250 and 1850 mm. All tabletops and connecting tabletops are made of framed construction with tops in veneers of oak, birch or ash, white or black laminate, black desktop or standard stains on ash. The underside of each table includes a sound-absorbent pad, stacking and saftey cover.
KANECCT - Table 1250x700
|The Kanecct table system consists of tables with leg frames and connecting tabletops between the tables. The tables can be handled easily by just one person. Kanecct is ideal where flexibility is key. A room can quickly be transformed from being furnished with individual tables to being furnished with one long table – or from offering maximum seating to no seating at all. The tables can be stacked on top of each other to free up floor space. Store connecting tabletops on a trolley or hang them on the wall. The tables come in a width of 700 mm and lengths of 600, 700 and 1250 mm. Legs come in white or black powder coated steel. Connecting tabletops come in a width of 700 mm and in lengths of 700, 1250 and 1850 mm. All tabletops and connecting tabletops are made of framed construction with tops in veneers of oak, birch or ash, white or black laminate, black desktop or standard stains on ash. The underside of each table includes a sound-absorbent pad, stacking and saftey cover.
KANECCT - Table 700x700
|The Kanecct table system consists of tables with leg frames and connecting tabletops between the tables. The tables can be handled easily by just one person. Kanecct is ideal where flexibility is key. A room can quickly be transformed from being furnished with individual tables to being furnished with one long table – or from offering maximum seating to no seating at all. The tables can be stacked on top of each other to free up floor space. Store connecting tabletops on a trolley or hang them on the wall. The tables come in a width of 700 mm and lengths of 600, 700 and 1250 mm. Legs come in white or black powder coated steel. Connecting tabletops come in a width of 700 mm and in lengths of 700, 1250 and 1850 mm. All tabletops and connecting tabletops are made of framed construction with tops in veneers of oak, birch or ash, white or black laminate, black desktop or standard stains on ash. The underside of each table includes a sound-absorbent pad, stacking and saftey cover.
KANECCT - Connection Top 1250x700
|The Kanecct table system consists of tables with leg frames and connecting tabletops between the tables. The tables can be handled easily by just one person. Kanecct is ideal where flexibility is key. A room can quickly be transformed from being furnished with individual tables to being furnished with one long table – or from offering maximum seating to no seating at all. The tables can be stacked on top of each other to free up floor space. Store connecting tabletops on a trolley or hang them on the wall. The tables come in a width of 700 mm and lengths of 600, 700 and 1250 mm. Legs come in white or black powder coated steel. Connecting tabletops come in a width of 700 mm and in lengths of 700, 1250 and 1850 mm. All tabletops and connecting tabletops are made of framed construction with tops in veneers of oak, birch or ash, white or black laminate, black desktop or standard stains on ash. The underside of each table includes a sound-absorbent pad, stacking and saftey cover.
KANECCT - Connection Top 1850x700
|The Kanecct table system consists of tables with leg frames and connecting tabletops between the tables. The tables can be handled easily by just one person. Kanecct is ideal where flexibility is key. A room can quickly be transformed from being furnished with individual tables to being furnished with one long table – or from offering maximum seating to no seating at all. The tables can be stacked on top of each other to free up floor space. Store connecting tabletops on a trolley or hang them on the wall. The tables come in a width of 700 mm and lengths of 600, 700 and 1250 mm. Legs come in white or black powder coated steel. Connecting tabletops come in a width of 700 mm and in lengths of 700, 1250 and 1850 mm. All tabletops and connecting tabletops are made of framed construction with tops in veneers of oak, birch or ash, white or black laminate, black desktop or standard stains on ash. The underside of each table includes a sound-absorbent pad, stacking and saftey cover.
KANECCT - Connection Top 700x700
|The Kanecct table system consists of tables with leg frames and connecting tabletops between the tables. The tables can be handled easily by just one person. Kanecct is ideal where flexibility is key. A room can quickly be transformed from being furnished with individual tables to being furnished with one long table – or from offering maximum seating to no seating at all. The tables can be stacked on top of each other to free up floor space. Store connecting tabletops on a trolley or hang them on the wall. The tables come in a width of 700 mm and lengths of 600, 700 and 1250 mm. Legs come in white or black powder coated steel. Connecting tabletops come in a width of 700 mm and in lengths of 700, 1250 and 1850 mm. All tabletops and connecting tabletops are made of framed construction with tops in veneers of oak, birch or ash, white or black laminate, black desktop or standard stains on ash. The underside of each table includes a sound-absorbent pad, stacking and saftey cover.
Oak Husk
|Tawny shades are interspersed with pronounced, charred-brown knots in this single-strip oak floor from the Rugged Collection. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Four-sided bevelling at the edges ensures a classic, full plank look and feel. Hand-scraping enhances the worn appearance of the floor.
Reef Oak
|The natural shades of this oak single-strip floor in the Unity Collection, range from subtle tawny to sunset umbers and chocolate browns with just a few scattered knots. The matt lacquer finish eliminates glare while protecting the wood from daily wear. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Four-sided bevelling at the edges ensures a classic, full plank look and feel.
D.01 :Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.06 :Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac T
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.04 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.02 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel Safe+
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.05: Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac Safe+
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.03 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel T
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
Antico Mattone - Reconstructed brick facings
|Experts in construction work through the centuries have used brick as a load-bearing element. The extraordinary beauty of ancient vaults and facades constructed with this material emphasize its aesthetical value. The Antico Mattone collection of Pietre d’Arredo, is a faithful reproduction of old terracotta brick shades. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Fabula ROBUR CHEVRON Wood Effect Tile 20X100
|Natural oak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula ULMUS CHEVRON Wood Effect Tile 20X100
|Natural wood-effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula NUCIS CHEVRON Wood Effect Tile 20X100
|Natural walnut-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula FABALIS CHEVRON Wood Effect Tile 20X100
|Natural wengé-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula JUNGLE 20X120 Wood Effect decorative Tiles MATT
|Natural decorative wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula FOREST 20X120 Wood Effect decorative Tiles MATT
|Natural decorative wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula THECA CHEVRON Wood Effect Tile 20X100
|Natural teak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula THECA 20X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural teak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula ROBUR 20X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural oak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula NUCIS 20X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural walnut-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula FABALIS 20X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural wengé-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula ULMUS 20X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural wood-effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula THECA 30X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural teak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula ROBUR 30X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural oak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula NUCIS 30X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural walnut-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula FABALIS 30X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural wengé-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula ULMUS 30X120 Wood Effect Tiles MATT
|Natural wood-effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula ULMUS 5,7X60 Wood Effect listels MATT
|Natural wood-effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula ROBUR 5,7X60 Wood Effect listels MATT
|Natural oak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula FABALIS 5,7X60 Wood Effect listels MATT
|Natural wengé-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula THECA 5,7X60 Wood Effect listels MATT
|Natural teak-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Fabula NUCIS 5,7X60 Wood Effect listels MATT
|Natural walnut-wood effect porcelain tiles Fabula tells a wonderful tale, which begins with the discovery of five extremely precious kinds of wood and continues with their faithful reproduction. The result is a collection of natural wood effect porcelain stoneware that makes your dreams come true. Ideal for instilling warmth and natural elegance to the most diverse architectural contexts. With stave sizes, 30x120 and 20x120, a Chevron 20x100 pattern and a slat size 5.7x60, Fabula adapts to any natural wood effect floor and wall covering project in residential and commercial environments. Each of the five tones respects the distinctive features - knots, veins, shades - of the reference wood.
Portraits Stromboli 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 119,5x119,5 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 119,5x239 ceramic slabs MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 119,5x239 ceramic slabs MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 20x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 30x120 ceramic listels MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 30x60 tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 45x90 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x120 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x120 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x120 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x120 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 stone effect tiles textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 30x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Fowey 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Versilia 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Tozeur 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Comblanchien 60x60 tiles Bright
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Tecnolito ALHAMBRA 119,5x119,5 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 119,5x119,5 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Magnesium 119,5x119,5 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Chalk 119,5x119,5 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Trachyte 119,5x119,5 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 119,5x119,5 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Ossidiana 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Tan 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Magnesium 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Chalk 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Trachyte 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Bay 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Olympia 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Deepblue 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Chalk 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Ossidiana 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 60x60 ceramic tiles textured
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Magnesium 60x60 ceramic tiles textured
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Alhambra 60x60 ceramic tiles textured
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Magnesium 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Deepblue 60x60 ceramic tiles textured
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 60x60 ceramic tiles textured
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Flint 60x60 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Trachyte 60x60 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Trachyte 60x60 ceramic tiles textured
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Tan 60x60 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Bay 60x60 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Olympia 60x60 ceramic slabs MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Opal 60x60 ceramic tiles textured
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Charcoal 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Tan 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Trachyte 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Olympia 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Alhambra 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Chalk 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Opal 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Magnesium 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Ossidiana 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Deepblue 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Bay 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Flint 29,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Magnesium 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Ossidiana 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Charcoal 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Flint 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Opal 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Chalk 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Alhambra 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Olympia 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Trachyte 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Tan 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Bay 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Deepblue 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 59,5x59,5 porcelain stoneware tiles Polished
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 60x60 ceramic tiles R10 Slip
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Magnesium 60x60 ceramic tiles R10 Slip
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 60x60 ceramic tiles R10 Slip
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Alhambra 60x60 ceramic tiles R10 Slip
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Trachyte 60x60 ceramic tiles R10 Slip
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Opal 60x60 ceramic tiles R10 Slip
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Charcoal 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Opal 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Alhambra 60x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Charcoal 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Alhambra 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Charcoal 30x30 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
CISABAC Clôture Communicante Cassette CM 220 K7
|[LIST] For the protection of pedestrians during construction sites and demonstrations Anti-poster siding 20 shades available Anti-lifting hook Possibility of marking, customization of colors, logos U removable cover for quick and easy replacement of parts Eco version: uniformly white element [/LIST]
CISABAC Covered Passage
|[LIST]Full protection of pedestrian crossings at construction sites. Wire viewing window. Anti-poster siding 20 shades available. Slatted sloping cover for water flow - Thick roof 0.7mm - Possibility of marking, customization of colors, logos. Module 2m long x 1 to 3m width without bulk, height 2m useful. [/LIST]
Portraits Stromboli 60x60 stone effect tiles Textured
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Stromboli 60x60 stone effect tiles MATT
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Faro 60x60 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Portraits Kirkby 60x60 outdoor stone effect tiles
|Stone effect porcelain stoneware tiles Seven natural stones that have been accurately selected inspire the new collection of stone-effect porcelain stoneware, Portraits by Ceramiche Caesar. Seven products with unique features, available in eight different sizes that range from 30x60 cm tiles to the extra large 120x240 cm slabs of porcelain stoneware, and the 20 mm thick tiles for outdoor use. Portraits is a collection that can offer architectural solutions for floors and walls of residential and commercial projects. Products are available with the Bright (honed), Matt and Textured finishes. The seven products of the series, which bear the names of the places from which the reference stones come, will stimulate stylistic research by architects and designers: the bold grey of Kirby, Stromboli and Fowey matches perfectly with the beige shades of Comblanchien, Faro and Tozeur and the light grey of Versilia. The M Composition and Wall mix decorations complete the range of products and offer precious solutions for walls.
Tecnolito Flint 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Opal 30x60 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Karbon 30x30 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Perla 30x30 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Charcoal 30x30 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Tecnolito Opal 30x30 ceramic tiles MATT
|Tecnolito is the collection of porcelain tiles that integrates natural appeal and technical performance. The composition versatility of the ceramic tiles in the large 120x120 size combines with the more traditional formats in 60x60, 30x60, 30x30cm making this collection perfect for any planning need. Available in 14 shades and 5 surface finishes, the Tecnolito porcelain tiles are versatile and heterogeneous, the best solution for your contemporary architecture projects.
Touch Screen User Interface - TS-1542
|Advanced Touch Screen Control A Crestron® touch screen offers an ideal user-interface for controlling all the technology in your home, boardroom, classroom, courtroom, or command center. Touch screens simplify and enhance the way you use technology, doing away with those piles of remote controls, cluttered wall switches, disparate smartphone apps, and cryptic computer screens. For controlling audio, video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other systems, Crestron touch screens are fully-customizable with easy-to-use controls and icons, true feedback and real-time status display, full-motion video windows, and a full-featured media player for an enhanced multiroom entertainment experience. The Crestron TS-1542 delivers the ultimate touch screen experience — blending style and function with advanced high-definition graphics. In one slim device, the TS-1542 integrates a brilliant 15.6” Full HD touch screen display and high-performance digital graphics engine. Its sleek, modern design features premium metallic construction and edge-to-edge glass for a contemporary look that’s perfectly at home placed on an executive boardroom table, installed in a high-tech command center, or mounted on the wall in a luxury residence. Featuring enhanced Smart Graphics™ performance and dual-window HD streaming video display, the TS-1542 delivers an elegant and powerful touch screen control solution for a wide range of applications. Additional features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, browse the Internet, annotate over a video image or whiteboard screen, and communicate using built-in VoIP intercom and phone functions.[1] Single-wire PoE+ connectivity and a choice of tabletop, wall, or VESA mounting options afford an integrator-friendly solution that’s easy to install and fits perfectly in any space. Standard finishes include either white or dark gray metallic, or choose the Signature Series option to design your own custom finish. Sleek, Versatile Design At just 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) deep, the TS-1542 can be mounted virtually anywhere using the supplied wall mount kit or a third-party VESA 100 compliant mounting arm, bracket, or stand. A tabletop tilt model (TS-1542-TILT) is also offered, which features an ultra-stylish, smooth-tilt base for use on a table, desk, podium, or countertop. TS-1542 Signature Series The Signature Series allows the TS-1542 to be transformed into a beautiful showpiece adorned with custom colors and graphics on the tilt base and rear of the touch screen. No design is off limits, as Crestron provides the means for design ideas to be submitted, rendered for approval, and then made real. For more information, please visit: www.crestron.com/signatureseries. Smart Graphics™ Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [1] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Auto-Brightness Control The TS-1542 maintains optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions by automatically adjusting its display brightness according to changes in the ambient light level in the room. HD Streaming Video High-definition streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Up to two video windows can be displayed simultaneously. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TS-1542 to display live streaming video from IP cameras, streaming encoders (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [2]), and DigitalMedia™ switchers. Video is delivered to the touch screen over Ethernet, eliminating the need for any extra video wiring. Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TS-1542 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1] Rava® SIP Intercom Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations. Rava works over Ethernet, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [3], and paging without requiring any special wiring. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with a SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication. Speakers and Microphone The built-in speakers and microphone provide clear audio for intercom and phone calls, as well as for listening to multimedia. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TS-1542 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TS-1542. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1] Multi-Touch Support The TS-1542’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. Keyboard Options Typing in passwords, URLs, and text searches is facilitated using the on-screen multi-language keyboard. A physical USB keyboard (not included) may also be connected. Built-in Annotation Whether conducting a high-level boardroom meeting or training seminar, sharing ideas in a huddle space, or watching sports in your home theater, annotation helps put the fine point on any presentation. Annotation provides the ability to illustrate your thoughts on-the-fly, letting you draw and write over streaming video and computer images, and sketch out ideas on a whiteboard screen. Native to the TS-1542, remote annotation capability allows multiple participants, each with a separate touch screen, to draw with their fingertips over the same video image or whiteboard, enabling enhanced collaboration in a classroom, courtroom, or council chamber. Adding a Crestron Digital Graphics Engine (model DGE-100 [2]) connected to the room’s main display allows the whole annotation session to be viewed by the entire audience. Single-Wire Connectivity A simple Ethernet LAN connection with PoE+ is all that is required to wire the TS-1542, containing all control, video, intercom, and power signals within a single wire. If the LAN does not support PoE+, the TS-1542 may be powered using the supplied 100-240V power pack or 24VDC Cresnet® power.[4] Power over Ethernet Using PoE+ technology, the TS-1542 can get its operating power right through the LAN wiring. PoE (Power over Ethernet) eliminates the need for a local power supply or any dedicated power wiring. To supply PoE+ to a network of TS-1542 touch screens and other devices, Crestron offers the CEN-SWPOE-16 16-Port Managed PoE Switch.[2] Interface Module Each TS-1542 ships with a compact interface module (TS-1542-IMCW), which may be used as required to provide an RJ45 LAN connection for the touch screen. The module can be mounted in a 1-gang electrical box or floor box, under a table, or in a podium or equipment rack. A 6 foot (1.8 meter) long LAN cable is included for connection between the module and touch screen. NOTE: When surface mounted using the wall mount kit (included with models TS-1542-B-S and TS-1542-W-S only), all wiring enters through an electrical box or cut-out and is concealed from view. For this method of installation, the interface module may not be required. Notes: 1. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection. 2. Item(s) sold separately. 3. H.264 compatible IP camera required. 4. Connection to a Cresnet network or power supply is for power only. Does not support Cresnet data communications. 5. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps.
Partition Sensor - GLS-PART-CN
|The GLS-PART-CN is a sleek, surface-mount partition sensor that utilizes the dependable Cresnet® wired network for power and communications. Designed with hospitality environments in mind, this easily installed sensor uses an infrared (IR) beam to sense the position of movable partitions within a space. The IR beam’s signal strength is adjustable and features a sensing distance of up to four feet, making the GLS-PART-CN a versatile partition sensor with optimized sensing accuracy. Three LEDs on the unit provide at-a-glance information on the sensor’s state of power, communications, and partition detection. The GLS-PART-CN offers mounting options for rooms with finished or droptile ceilings. The GLS-PART-CN has plug-in outputs and built-in time delays. Also, the partition sensor easily connects via Cresnet® to a Crestron control processor to manage divisible room environments. Cresnet The GLS-PART-CN uses the dependable Cresnet wired network for communication between devices. Cresnet provides a simple solution for configuring and wiring sensors as part of any complete Crestron system. Cresnet is the communications backbone for Crestron lighting dimmers, keypads, shades, thermostats, and many other devices. This flexible 4-wire bus provides data communications and 24 Volts DC power for all of the devices on the Cresnet network. Versatile Installation The GLS-PART-CN has a white finish and can mount directly into finished ceilings. For droptile ceilings, the GLS-PART-CN installs into a 1-gang, 3-1/2 inch deep electrical box. In both instances, a decorator-style faceplate[1] can be used to match the GLS-PART-CN with the color of the room. Only about 20 mm of the GLS-PART-CN is visible after installation, making it an unobtrusive addition to a room. Digital Output This sleek sensor delivers unparalleled versatility through an additional output on the terminal block, which can be used as an alternate method of integration with a Crestron Control System® or other system. The 5th pin of the Cresnet connector provides either a 24 Volt, 10 mA output or a closure to ground, perfect for connection with a Versiport or digital input port. Notes: 1. Sold separately.
Wireless Touch Screen - TST-902
|The Crestron® TST-902 Wireless Touch Screen is an advanced wireless controller, engineered to deliver ultimate performance, reliability, and customizability for controlling a wide range of technologies in a corporate, government, classroom, or high-end home environment. Its thin, tablet-style design is easy to hold and moves effortlessly between portable and stationary tabletop or in-wall use.[1] Its large-capacity rechargeable battery affords several hours or days of operation between charges. Dual-mode wireless performance with roaming capability assures dependable connectivity throughout a commercial facility or luxury residence. Featuring a high-contrast 8.7” capacitive touch screen with Smart Graphics®, the TST-902 allows completely customizable control over media presentation and teleconferencing systems, lighting and shades, HVAC and BMS, home theater, and a host of other technologies. Additional advanced features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, view full-motion streaming video from cameras and other sources, and browse the Internet.[2,3] Smart Graphics® Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [2] A power-saving screensaver, allowing display of time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TST-902 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, choose a lighting scene, select and play a specific media title or playlist, initiate a conference call, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[2,3] Streaming Video High-performance streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TST-902 to display live streaming video from an IP camera, a streaming encoder (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [4]), or a DigitalMedia™ switcher.[3] Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TST-902 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TST-902. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[2,3] Multi-Touch Support The TST-902’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. On-Screen Keyboard An on-screen multi-language keyboard allows for quick entry of passwords, URLs, and text searches. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded on the TST-902 to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Dual-Mode Wireless To deliver the ultimate in wireless touch screen performance and functionality, the TST-902 employs a combination of Crestron Extended Range 2.4 GHz RF (ER) and Wi-Fi® wireless technologies. Extended Range RF (Required) — Primary functionality is supported via Crestron ER (Extended Range) wireless communications, providing seamless touch screen control with true feedback. A single ER gateway [4] enables ultra dependable wireless performance at a range of up to 200 feet (60 m) indoors.[5] Roaming capability allows for even greater coverage using up to eight ER gateways. Wi-Fi (Optional) — While the TST-902 can be operated using only ER wireless, advanced wireless capabilities such as streaming video, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics can only be supported using both ER and Wi-Fi together (dual-mode). Crestron enhanced Wi-Fi wireless performance achieves a remarkable 50 feet (15 m) omnidirectional coverage indoors.[5] For Wi-Fi networks with multiple access points, the TST-902 supports the ability to hand off communication from one access point to another if the active connection is lost.[6] The choice of 802.11 b, g, and n protocols affords reliable, high-speed wireless performance in virtually any RF environment. For optimal Wi-Fi performance, Crestron offers the CEN-WAP-1500 High Power Dual-Band Wireless Access Point [4]. IMPORTANT: EVERY INSTALLATION OF THE TST-902 REQUIRES A CRESTRON ER WIRELESS GATEWAY TO ENABLE ESSENTIAL WIRELESS CAPABILITY. THE TST-902 WILL NOT WORK WITH WI-FI ALONE.[7] Instant-Waking® To ensure the most transparent user experience possible, the TST-902 has been engineered to wake instantly upon touching the touch screen. Commands are sent immediately — just like an IR remote but with none of IR’s limitations. So spontaneous actions like muting the audio, pausing the video, or changing the channel can be executed on-the-fly without any waiting. Extended Battery Life The TST-902 features a large-capacity, user-replaceable Li-Ion battery pack to enable up to 9 hours of continuous operation and several days of typical use between charges. Intelligent power management and Lithium Ion battery technology afford a perfect balance of long battery life, light weight, and compact size. Table Dock Charger The TST-902 includes a stylish table dock for charging its internal battery while simultaneously allowing it to be used as a stationary tabletop touch screen. The table dock holds the TST-902 firmly at a fixed upright angle while docked, and allows it to be simply lifted off at any time for portable use. Its sleek appearance achieves a look befitting the most contemporary boardroom or luxury living room.[1] Wall Dock Option Available separately, the TST-902-DSW provides a flush mount, in-wall docking solution, allowing the TST-902 to be used as a stationary wall mount touch screen with the ability to go wireless at any time. Notes: 1. The TST-902 ships with (1) TST-902-DS Table Dock included. Additional table docks, or the TST-902-DSW wall dock, may be ordered separately. Refer to the TST-902-DS and TST-902-DSW spec sheets for additional information. 2. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection via Wi-Fi. 3. Voice recognition, streaming video, web browsing, and dynamic graphics capabilities require dual-mode wireless (ER + Wi-Fi). 4. Item(s) sold separately. 5. Wireless range subject to site-specific conditions. 6. True roaming is supported for ER wireless communication only, affording uninterrupted wireless performance for primary touch screen functions. Wi-Fi “handoff” capability enables automatic handoff amongst up to four pre-designated Wi-Fi wireless access points, wherein the last successful Wi-Fi connection is maintained indefinitely until that connection is lost, at which point communication is handed off to the next nearest access point. A very brief interruption to wireless Ethernet communication may occur during the handoff. Primary ER wireless communication is unaffected by the Wi-Fi handoff process. 7. ER (Extended Range) RF wireless communication supports basic wireless touch screen functionality, and is required for all applications. For advanced functionality including streaming video, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics, Wi-Fi wireless communication is also required (dual-mode). The TST-902 will not work with Wi-Fi alone.
Digital Graphics Engine - DM-DGE-200-C
|The DM-DGE-200-C Digital Graphics Engine transforms an HD or Ultra HD touch screen display into an advanced Crestron® controller. Featuring Crestron Smart Graphics™ technology, the DM-DGE-200-C provides for the creation of a completely custom graphical environment combining advanced controls for audio & video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other functions with dual-window video display, annotation, audio feedback, and web browsing. Its low-profile, surface-mountable design allows for a discreet installation behind a flat-panel display, under a table, or inside a lectern or equipment rack. Alternately, the DM-DGE-200-C offers an enhanced presentation and productivity solution for meeting rooms and huddle spaces using Crestron PinPoint™ UX technology. Without requiring a touch screen or any other controls or programming, PinPoint UX leverages the room’s display to create an intelligent meeting space seamlessly integrated as part of a complete Crestron Fusion® Cloud managed enterprise. The DM-DGE-200-C features a 4K UHD capable HDMI® output for connection to the display device, and includes a USB HID port for touch, mouse, and/or keyboard input. Additional control ports are provided to enable control of the display device and other equipment.[1,2] A single HDMI input allows an AirMedia® wireless presentation gateway or other high-definition video source to be connected and displayed on screen. A DM 8G+® input is included to support 4K UHD and DCI 4K sources connected at a DM® transmitter or switcher.[3] Additionally, H.264 streaming video signals can be received over a high-speed Ethernet connection.[4] Ethernet also provides the interface to a Crestron control system, which is required for touch screen and OSM control applications.[5] PinPoint™ UX The DM-DGE-200-C takes any meeting room or huddle space display device to a higher level, enhancing its usability while eliminating the need for any other AV or control equipment in the room. Built-in PinPoint UX technology works with Crestron Fusion Cloud and the PinPoint app to provide an intelligent meeting space that greets attendees with useful on-screen information and facilitates BYOD presentation without the need for a touch screen, button panel, or remote. As attendees enter the room, the personalized welcome screen provides essential details about the current scheduled meeting along with simple instructions to guide presenters through connecting their mobile devices and starting the presentation. As the meeting progresses, gentle notifications appear periodically to indicate how much time is left in the meeting and what’s scheduled next for the room. Pop-up messages may also appear prominently on screen, sent from Fusion, in the event of an emergency or other important announcement. With PinPoint UX, system operation is essentially invisible. Simply connecting a laptop, tablet, or other presentation source causes the video inputs to switch and the display to turn on (if not already on). Sources can be connected via a wired interface or wirelessly via Crestron AirMedia.[6] The display can also be scheduled to turn on and off at set times. The status of the display and any connected devices is reported to Fusion to enable monitoring and logging of equipment usage, and notification if a device is powered off or disconnected. Complete setup and configuration of PinPoint UX is performed through a simple web browser interface or through Fusion, with the ability to configure many PinPoint UX devices at once over the network. Note: PinPoint UX may be used without Crestron Fusion Cloud to provide a simple standalone meeting room presentation solution with customizable welcome screen and automatic operation. PinPoint UX also supports direct integration with Microsoft® Exchange Server. Touch Screen Interface For traditional touch screen control applications, the DM-DGE-200-C pairs perfectly with a Crestron TSD-2220 HD Touch Screen Display to deliver a high-definition 21.5” touch screen control panel that’s ideal for home automation, corporate multimedia presentation, and command center applications. Third-party touch screens of varying sizes can be used with the DM-DGE-200-C to fulfill a range of control, collaboration, video display, and interactive kiosk solutions. The DM-DGE-200-C currently supports either Full HD 1080p60 (1920x1080@60Hz) or 4K UHD (3840x2160@30Hz) display resolutions. OSM Interface On-screen menu (OSM) capability offers an alternative to touch screen control, enabling a fully-customizable control menu to appear on any TV or video display, with simple navigation provided using the same Crestron handheld remote that’s controlling the TV. A USB mouse may also be used. The DM-DGE-200-C delivers stunning menu graphics that pop up unobtrusively at the edge of the screen alongside the video image, letting you quickly adjust lighting and climate control settings, lower the shades, check security system status, and lock or unlock the front door without interrupting the movie or TV program you’re watching. Detailed alert messages can also appear on screen in case of a security alarm, doorbell, or other event. You can even pop up a live streaming camera window to see who’s at the door or coming up the driveway. Smart Graphics™ The DM-DGE-200-C uses Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [7] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across touch screens of varying sizes Notes: 1. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, the onboard RS-232 COM port supports basic on/off power control of a single display device and the IR port is not utilized. The COM and IR ports may all be utilized for fully-customizable control applications through integration with a Crestron control system with custom programming. 2. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, CEC may be utilized at the HDMI output to provide basic on/off power control of a single display device. CEC may be utilized through either HDMI port for fully-customizable control applications through integration with a Crestron control system with custom programming. 3. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, if a DM 8G+ transmitter is connected, the transmitter’s input switching capability is limited to auto-switching mode and any control ports on the transmitter are disabled. Manual switching and control port functionality on the transmitter require a control system with custom programming. Control port functionality is not supported at all on a DM-TX-4K-100-C-1G transmitter. 4. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming video inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps. Streaming video input is not supported using the PinPoint UX application unless connected to a Crestron control system with custom programming. 5. When connected to a DM switcher via DM 8G+, the DM-DGE-200-C can obtain its LAN connection through the switcher but does not receive an IP address on the switcher’s private network. Thus, it requires an IP address on the customer’s LAN. 6. AirMedia wireless presentation support requires a wireless LAN and the addition of an AirMedia presentation gateway, model AM-101, sold separately. 7. Web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection. 8. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) is dependent upon the type of cable, resolution of the video signal, and capabilities of each connected device. Refer to the “DM 8G+ Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for DM system design guidelines. All wire, cables, transmitters, and other devices are sold separately. 9. The audio signal from any source connected to the HDMI or DM input is passed through to the HDMI output without processing, downmixing, volume control, or mute control. 10. The HDMI video input signal cannot be downscaled by more than 4x. For instance, a 1920x1080 source signal can be displayed no smaller than 480x270 pixels. 11. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.
Touch Screen User Interface - TS-1542-C
|Advanced Touch Screen Control A Crestron® touch screen offers an ideal user-interface for controlling all the technology in your home, boardroom, classroom, courtroom, or command center. Touch screens simplify and enhance the way you use technology, doing away with those piles of remote controls, cluttered wall switches, disparate smartphone apps, and cryptic computer screens. For controlling audio, video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other systems, Crestron touch screens are fully-customizable with easy-to-use controls and icons, true feedback and real-time status display, full-motion video windows, and a full-featured media player for an enhanced multiroom entertainment experience. The Crestron TS-1542-C delivers the ultimate touch screen experience — blending style and function with advanced high-definition graphics. In one slim device, the TS-1542-C integrates a brilliant 15.6” Full HD touch screen display and high-performance digital graphics engine. Its sleek, modern design features premium metallic construction and edge-to-edge glass for a contemporary look that’s perfectly at home placed on an executive boardroom table, installed in a high-tech command center, or mounted on the wall in a luxury residence. Featuring enhanced Smart Graphics™ performance and dual-window HD video display, the TS-1542-C delivers an elegant and powerful touch screen control solution for a wide range of applications. Its DM 8G+® input provides a single-wire interface carrying high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, H.264 streaming video, and PoDM++ power, all over a single CAT type cable. Additional features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, browse the Internet, annotate over a video image or whiteboard screen, and communicate using built-in VoIP intercom and phone functions.[1] A choice of tabletop, wall, or VESA mounting options afford an integrator-friendly solution that’s easy to install and fits perfectly in any space. Standard finishes include either white or dark gray metallic, or choose the Signature Series option to design your own custom finish. Sleek, Versatile Design At just 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) deep, the TS-1542-C can be mounted virtually anywhere using the supplied wall mount kit or a third-party VESA 100 compliant mounting arm, bracket, or stand. A tabletop tilt model (TS-1542-TILT-C) is also offered, which features an ultra-stylish, smooth-tilt base for use on a table, desk, podium, or countertop. TS-1542-C Signature Series The Signature Series allows the TS-1542-C to be transformed into a beautiful showpiece adorned with custom colors and graphics on the tilt base and rear of the touch screen. No design is off limits, as Crestron provides the means for design ideas to be submitted, rendered for approval, and then made real. For more information, please visit: www.crestron.com/signatureseries. Smart Graphics™ Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [1] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Auto-Brightness Control The TS-1542-C maintains optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions by automatically adjusting its display brightness according to changes in the ambient light level in the room. DigitalMedia 8G+® & 4K Video Using DM 8G+ technology, the TS-1542-C achieves complete connectivity over a single CAT type twisted pair cable. The cable connects to a Crestron DM® system (i.e., a DM switcher or transmitter [2,3]), which can be located in a central equipment cabinet or some other remote location. The DM system provides the interface for all video, audio, and networking signals to the TS-1542-C. Power for the TS-1542-C can also be carried over the DM 8G+ connection by adding a PoDM++ compatible power source.[4] The DM 8G+ connection transports high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, and stereo audio signals from the DM system to the TS-1542-C. Support for 4K video and HDCP 2.2 encryption ensures compatibility with a complete range of video sources. Any video source connected to the DM system, including 4K and Ultra HD sources, can be viewed right on the touch screen, either full screen or in a window. DM 8G+ supports 1080p, WUXGA, and 2K signals over cable lengths up to 330 feet (100 m) using Crestron DM Ultra or DM 8G Cable, or third-party CAT5e. Higher resolutions up to UHD and 4K are supported at distances up to 330 feet (100 m) using DM Ultra Cable, 230 feet (70 m) using DM 8G Cable, or 165 feet (50 m) using CAT5e.[5] HD Streaming Video High-definition streaming video capability makes it possible to view live streaming video from IP cameras and streaming encoders (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, DMC-STRO, or similar [2]). Up to two streaming video windows can be displayed simultaneously, or a single streaming window can be displayed alongside a DM 8G+ video window. H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported. Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TS-1542-C provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1] Rava® SIP Intercom Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations. Rava works over Ethernet, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [6], and paging without requiring any special wiring. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with a SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication. Speakers and Microphone The built-in speakers and microphone provide clear audio for intercom and phone calls, as well as for listening to multimedia. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TS-1542-C provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TS-1542-C. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1] Multi-Touch Support The TS-1542-C’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. Notes: 1. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an internet connection. 2. Item(s) sold separately. 3. The DM device to which the TS-1542-C is connected must have an Ethernet connection to a Crestron control system. 4. Optional PoDM++ injector, model DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN, sold separately. Any wiring carrying PoDM is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PoDM PSE (power sourcing equipment) is located. 5. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete DM system design guidelines. All wire and cables are sold separately unless noted otherwise. 6. H.264 compatible IP camera required. 7. Connection to a Cresnet network or power supply is for power only. Does not support Cresnet data communications. 8. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps.
Tork PeakServe™ Continuous Hand Towel, Black
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
Tork PeakServe™ Continuous Hand Towel, White
|Tork PeakServe®: the latest innovation designed for high-traffic washrooms where staff needs to maximize cleaning time and maintain a good flow of people. Compatible with Tork PeakServe® Continuous® hand towels, the system has a very high capacity of over 2100 towels, which can be dispensed quickly and without interruption to keep the flow. The compressed refills are fast to fill, can be topped up at any time and are easy to store and transport, enabling staff to focus on cleaning, not refilling. •Towels served in 3 seconds for a better washroom flow with no hold ups for guests •Compression means 250% more hand towels, preventing unexpected run outs* •Top up with hand towels when it suits you. More flexibility means more time to clean •Taking a towel is always smooth and easy with our patented Continuous hand towel system •With market leading capacity of over 2100 towels per dispenser, refilling time is cut * compared to Tork Universal refills and folded hand towel dispenser 552000
Doblo Beige
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Bianco
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Grafit
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Nero
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Silver
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Grys
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Umbra
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Arkesia Beige
|Variety without the excess Living room, hallway or terrace? Light beige or strong graphite? Minimalistic or classic interior? Whatever you choose and however you want to decorate your interior, the Arkesia collection will definitely help you with this! The thing that makes Arkesia tiles stand out is their wide range of colours, shades and elements, that will allow you to create many arrangements that perfectly match your style. As many as seven beautiful colours such as: light beige, warm brown, chocolate mocca, subtle grit and strong graphite will help you with this. What is more, there are also different surface types – from an elegant polish, through delicate satin, to a clearly defined structure. The whole set is complemented by stunning mosaics and decorations with wave motifs and geometric patterns. Still not enough? Lastly, there is a huge rosette that will give the room a classic, traditional look.
Arkesia Bianco
|Variety without the excess Living room, hallway or terrace? Light beige or strong graphite? Minimalistic or classic interior? Whatever you choose and however you want to decorate your interior, the Arkesia collection will definitely help you with this! The thing that makes Arkesia tiles stand out is their wide range of colours, shades and elements, that will allow you to create many arrangements that perfectly match your style. As many as seven beautiful colours such as: light beige, warm brown, chocolate mocca, subtle grit and strong graphite will help you with this. What is more, there are also different surface types – from an elegant polish, through delicate satin, to a clearly defined structure. The whole set is complemented by stunning mosaics and decorations with wave motifs and geometric patterns. Still not enough? Lastly, there is a huge rosette that will give the room a classic, traditional look.
Arkesia Brown
|Variety without the excess Living room, hallway or terrace? Light beige or strong graphite? Minimalistic or classic interior? Whatever you choose and however you want to decorate your interior, the Arkesia collection will definitely help you with this! The thing that makes Arkesia tiles stand out is their wide range of colours, shades and elements, that will allow you to create many arrangements that perfectly match your style. As many as seven beautiful colours such as: light beige, warm brown, chocolate mocca, subtle grit and strong graphite will help you with this. What is more, there are also different surface types – from an elegant polish, through delicate satin, to a clearly defined structure. The whole set is complemented by stunning mosaics and decorations with wave motifs and geometric patterns. Still not enough? Lastly, there is a huge rosette that will give the room a classic, traditional look.
Arkesia Grafit
|Variety without the excess Living room, hallway or terrace? Light beige or strong graphite? Minimalistic or classic interior? Whatever you choose and however you want to decorate your interior, the Arkesia collection will definitely help you with this! The thing that makes Arkesia tiles stand out is their wide range of colours, shades and elements, that will allow you to create many arrangements that perfectly match your style. As many as seven beautiful colours such as: light beige, warm brown, chocolate mocca, subtle grit and strong graphite will help you with this. What is more, there are also different surface types – from an elegant polish, through delicate satin, to a clearly defined structure. The whole set is complemented by stunning mosaics and decorations with wave motifs and geometric patterns. Still not enough? Lastly, there is a huge rosette that will give the room a classic, traditional look.
Arkesia Grigio
|Variety without the excess Living room, hallway or terrace? Light beige or strong graphite? Minimalistic or classic interior? Whatever you choose and however you want to decorate your interior, the Arkesia collection will definitely help you with this! The thing that makes Arkesia tiles stand out is their wide range of colours, shades and elements, that will allow you to create many arrangements that perfectly match your style. As many as seven beautiful colours such as: light beige, warm brown, chocolate mocca, subtle grit and strong graphite will help you with this. What is more, there are also different surface types – from an elegant polish, through delicate satin, to a clearly defined structure. The whole set is complemented by stunning mosaics and decorations with wave motifs and geometric patterns. Still not enough? Lastly, there is a huge rosette that will give the room a classic, traditional look.
Arkesia Grys
|Variety without the excess Living room, hallway or terrace? Light beige or strong graphite? Minimalistic or classic interior? Whatever you choose and however you want to decorate your interior, the Arkesia collection will definitely help you with this! The thing that makes Arkesia tiles stand out is their wide range of colours, shades and elements, that will allow you to create many arrangements that perfectly match your style. As many as seven beautiful colours such as: light beige, warm brown, chocolate mocca, subtle grit and strong graphite will help you with this. What is more, there are also different surface types – from an elegant polish, through delicate satin, to a clearly defined structure. The whole set is complemented by stunning mosaics and decorations with wave motifs and geometric patterns. Still not enough? Lastly, there is a huge rosette that will give the room a classic, traditional look.
Arkesia Mocca
|Variety without the excess Living room, hallway or terrace? Light beige or strong graphite? Minimalistic or classic interior? Whatever you choose and however you want to decorate your interior, the Arkesia collection will definitely help you with this! The thing that makes Arkesia tiles stand out is their wide range of colours, shades and elements, that will allow you to create many arrangements that perfectly match your style. As many as seven beautiful colours such as: light beige, warm brown, chocolate mocca, subtle grit and strong graphite will help you with this. What is more, there are also different surface types – from an elegant polish, through delicate satin, to a clearly defined structure. The whole set is complemented by stunning mosaics and decorations with wave motifs and geometric patterns. Still not enough? Lastly, there is a huge rosette that will give the room a classic, traditional look.
0-10V Heating/Cooling Fan-Coil Thermostat - CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10
|<p>The CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10 thermostat enables precision 0-10 Volt control of fan coil unit (FCU) HVAC systems.&nbsp; &nbsp;Achieve variable heating, cooling, and fan speed control in hotels, apartments, or other multi-dwelling residences.&nbsp; Built with versatility and energy efficiency in mind, this thermostat has the additional benefit of a built-in passive-infrared (PIR) sensor to ensure that energy spent on climate control is never wasted on a vacant room.&nbsp; Whether used as a standalone unit or as part of a complete Crestron® control system, the CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10 delivers superior functionality in a stylish wall mount design – a complement to any décor.</p> <p>The backlit LCD display and large, easy-to-read pushbuttons make this thermostat easy to navigate and use.&nbsp; The screen displays useful information such as the current room temperature, setpoint, mode, and fan setting.&nbsp; Pushbuttons for raising and lowering the temperature, putting the unit in Heat or Cool mode, adjusting the fan speed, and toggling between temperature scales complete the sleek look and intuitive controls of this thermostat. &nbsp;Climate control features include separate heating and cooling setpoints, with an optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® wired communications,[1] a simple 4-wire network bus that acts as the communications backbone for Crestron lighting dimmers, keypads, shades, thermostats, and other devices. Integrate the thermostat network with any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, to enable global temperature and humidity adjustments from any thermostat in the system. Access automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers through two custom remote-function pages.&nbsp; Customized text messages such as maintenance reminders and other alerts can be sent to every thermostat’s LCD display via the control system.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>0-10 Volt FCU thermostat for variable heating, cooling, and fan speed control<br>Additional heating relay for traditional heating elements<br>Built-in PIR sensor to detect room vacancy for energy efficiency<br>Cresnet® communications<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Large, easy-to-use front panel buttons for heating, cooling, fan speed, temperature scale, and temperature adjustments<br>Wall-mount installation</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Unit is a fully functional standalone thermostat. Cresnet communications are for networking or control system integration.</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M5 - MPC-M5
|<p>Crestron® MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M5 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling and wireless remote capability.</p> <p>Available in white or black, the MPC-M5 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. An assortment of programmable control ports provides for interfacing with AV equipment, lighting, shades, screens, and other room devices. Ethernet connectivity allows for integration with Crestron Fusion® Cloud as part of a complete managed enterprise solution.</p> <p>Control Simplified<br>The MPC-M5 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 10 programmable “hard key” buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, volume adjustment, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows the use of any Crestron or third-party IR remote that supports RC-5 commands. Adding a CEN-GWEXER wireless gateway enables support for Crestron infiNET EX® and ER wireless remotes and touch screens.[1]</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through its onboard control ports, the MPC-M5 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensors, and other devices in the room. In addition to high-speed Ethernet, there is a bidirectional RS-232 COM port, an IR/serial port, two relays, and two digital input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Power over Ethernet<br>Using PoE technology, the MPC-M5 gets its operating power right through the LAN wiring. PoE (Power over Ethernet) eliminates the need for a local power supply or any dedicated power wiring. A PoE Injector (PWE-4803RU [1]) simply connects in line with the LAN cable at a convenient location. Crestron PoE switches (CEN-SW-POE-5 or CEN-SWPOE-16 [1]) may also be used to provide a total networking solution with built-in PoE.</p> <p>Crestron Fusion® and SNMP<br>As part of a complete managed network in a corporate enterprise, college campus, convention center, or any other facility, the MPC-M5 works integrally with Crestron Fusion Cloud to enable remote scheduling, monitoring, and control of rooms and technology from a central help desk. Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing control and monitoring in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount Crestron® 2-Series control system<br>10 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>Built-in IR receiver<br>RS-232, IR, 2 input, & 2 relay control ports<br>10/100 Ethernet<br>PoE network powered<br>Crestron Fusion® and SNMP remote management<br>Available in white or black<br>2-gang wall box mountable</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Item(s) sold separately.</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M10 - MPC-M10
|<p>Crestron MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium, delivering the industry's best multimedia room control technology in a convenient, space-saving design. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M10 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling, volume control, and wireless remote capability.<br>Available in white or black, the MPC-M10 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. An assortment of programmable control ports provides connectivity for audio, video, and lighting equipment. The onboard e-Control® Web server provides for complete integration as part of a facility-wide managed control network.</p> <p>Control...Simplified</p> <p>The MPC-M10 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 10 programmable "hard key" buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software. Adjusting audio volume and other parameters is enabled using the continuous-turn control knob and LED bargraph.<br>Configuring a complete media presentation control solution is simplified using Crestron SystemBuilder&trade; software, allowing limitless programmability from the award-winning platform that's familiar to every Crestron dealer. The MPC Wizard included in SystemBuilder enables setup of a full-featured presentation system complete with lighting control and RoomView® remote management without requiring any programming. Uploading and updating a facility full of MPC systems is managed easily over the network, or individually via the front panel USB port.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows use of any Crestron IR wireless touchpanel or handheld remote without requiring a separate receiver or gateway. For greater range and freedom of movement, MPC also supports Crestron's full line of RF wireless and WiFi based products.</p> <p>Wired Expansion<br>Adding a second control panel or just adding a few more buttons is easy using the MP-B10 and MP-B20 Media Presentation Button Panels. Of course, with Cresnet® and Ethernet built-in, the MPC-M10 works seamlessly with Crestron's entire line of keypads and touchpanels, lighting dimmers and shade controllers, signal processors and switchers, and much more.</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through its onboard control ports, the MPC-M10 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, DVD player or TV receiver, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensor, and other devices in the room. In addition to Cresnet and high-speed Ethernet, there is a bidirectional RS-232 COM port, an IR/serial port, two relays, and four input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Audio and Video Control<br>The MPC-M10 is ideal for small room systems utilizing a single display device with computers and other sources connected directly to it. But like any 2-Series control system, MPC is fully scalable to suit larger applications with several program sources, microphones, or even multiple displays. Simply add a C2N-VEQ4 module to enable 4 channels of audio volume and EQ control. Or, use any of Crestron's QuickMedia® wall plate and FlipTop interfaces, switchers, and receivers for a total signal routing, processing, and amplification solution.</p> <p>Ethernet and e-Control®2<br>Built-in 10/100 Ethernet facilitates secure high-speed network connectivity, enabling extensive capabilities for remote system maintenance and control, and providing an interface to other Crestron control systems. The onboard Web server provides the foundation for Crestron's exclusive e-Control 2 Xpanel technology, providing secure IP-based remote control. SSL encryption prevents hackers from breaching the system and accessing its controls.</p> <p>RoomView® and SNMP<br>The MPC-M10 communicates directly with Crestron's exclusive RoomView help desk software, the industry's most comprehensive facility-wide solution for remote monitoring and asset management. Built-in SNMP support also enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing full control and monitoring from the IT Help Desk or NOC in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Cresnet® Slave Mode<br>Selectable Cresnet Slave Mode enables the MPC-M10 to become a Cresnet keypad controller and expansion module as part of a larger Crestron system, providing a user-interface with local control ports built in for interfacing to nearby devices.</p> <p>Ambient Light Sensor<br>The MPC-M10's built-in light sensor has a range of uses, from controlling its own backlight intensity, to providing ambient lighting level data to a central building management system.</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Wall mount 2-Series control system<br>10 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>Volume control knob and LED bargraph<br>Built-in IR receiver and light sensor<br>RS-232, IR, 4 input, & 2 relay control ports<br>Cresnet and 10/100 Ethernet<br>e-Control Web server<br>RoomView and SNMP support<br>SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) network protection<br>Setup via SystemBuilder software<br>Rugged construction<br>3-gang wall-mountable<br>Includes external Cresnet power supply</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M20 - MPC-M20
|<p>Crestron MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium, delivering the industry's best multimedia room control technology in a convenient, space-saving design. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M20 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling, volume control, 5-way navigation pad, and wireless remote capability.<br>Available in white or black, the MPC-M20 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. An assortment of programmable control ports provides connectivity for audio, video, and lighting equipment. The onboard e-Control® Web server provides for complete integration as part of a facility-wide managed control network.</p> <p>Control...Simplified</p> <p>The MPC-M20 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 15 programmable "hard key" buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software. The 5-way directional navigation pad enables full control of DVD players, displays, and other devices that utilize an onscreen menu. Adjusting audio volume and other parameters is enabled using the continuous-turn control knob and LED bargraph.<br>Configuring a complete MPC media presentation control solution is simplified using Crestron SystemBuilder&trade; software, allowing limitless programmability from the award-winning platform that's familiar to every Crestron dealer. The MPC Wizard included in SystemBuilder enables setup of a full-featured presentation system complete with lighting control and RoomView® remote management without requiring any programming. Uploading and updating a facility full of MPC systems is managed easily over the network, or individually via the front panel USB port.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows use of any Crestron IR wireless touchpanel or handheld remote without requiring a separate receiver or gateway. For greater range and freedom of movement, MPC also supports Crestron's full line of RF wireless and WiFi based products.</p> <p>Wired Expansion<br>Adding a second control panel or just adding a few more buttons is easy using the MP-B10 and MP-B20 Media Presentation Button Panels. Of course, with Cresnet® and Ethernet built-in, the MPC-M20 works seamlessly with Crestron's entire line of keypads and touchpanels, lighting dimmers and shade controllers, signal processors and switchers, and much more.</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through its onboard control ports, the MPC-M20 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, DVD player or TV receiver, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensor, and other devices in the room. In addition to Cresnet and high-speed Ethernet, there is a bidirectional RS-232 COM port, an IR/serial port, two relays, and four input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Audio and Video Control<br>The MPC-M20 is ideal for small room systems utilizing a single display device with computers and other sources connected directly to it. But like any 2-Series control system, MPC is fully scalable to suit larger applications with several program sources, microphones, or even multiple displays. Simply add a C2N-VEQ4 module to enable 4 channels of audio volume and EQ control. Or, use any of Crestron's QuickMedia® wall plate and FlipTop interfaces, switchers, and receivers for a total signal routing, processing, and amplification solution.</p> <p>Ethernet and e-Control®2<br>Built-in 10/100 Ethernet facilitates secure high-speed network connectivity, enabling extensive capabilities for remote system maintenance and control, and providing an interface to other Crestron control systems. The onboard Web server provides the foundation for Crestron's exclusive e-Control 2 Xpanel technology, providing secure IP-based remote control. SSL encryption prevents hackers from breaching the system and accessing its controls.</p> <p>RoomView® and SNMP<br>The MPC-M20 communicates directly with Crestron's exclusive RoomView help desk software, the industry's most comprehensive facility-wide solution for remote monitoring and asset management. Built-in SNMP support also enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing full control and monitoring from the IT Help Desk or NOC in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Cresnet® Slave Mode<br>Selectable Cresnet Slave Mode enables the MPC-M20 to become a Cresnet keypad controller and expansion module as part of a larger Crestron system, providing a deluxe user-interface with local control ports built in for interfacing to nearby devices.</p> <p>Ambient Light Sensor<br>The MPC-M20's built-in light sensor has a range of uses, from controlling its own backlight intensity, to providing ambient lighting level data to a central building management system.</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Wall mount 2-Series control system<br>15 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>5-way navigation pad<br>Volume control knob and LED bargraph<br>Built-in IR receiver and light sensor<br>RS-232, IR, 4 input, & 2 relay control ports<br>Cresnet and 10/100 Ethernet<br>e-Control Web server<br>RoomView and SNMP support<br>SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) network protection<br>Setup via SystemBuilder software<br>Rugged construction<br>3-gang wall-mountable<br>Includes external Cresnet power supply</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M25 - MPC-M25
|<p>Crestron MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium, delivering the industry's best multimedia room control technology in a convenient, space-saving design. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M25 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling, volume control, 5-way navigation pad, and wireless remote capability.<br>Available in white or black, the MPC-M25 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. Numerous programmable control ports afford plentiful connectivity for a roomful of audio, video, and lighting equipment. The onboard e-Control® Web server provides for complete integration as part of a facility-wide managed control network.</p> <p>Control...Simplified</p> <p>The MPC-M25 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 15 programmable "hard key" buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software. The 5-way directional navigation pad enables full control of DVD players, displays, and other devices that utilize an onscreen menu. Adjusting audio volume and other parameters is enabled using the continuous-turn control knob and LED bargraph.<br>Configuring a complete MPC media presentation control solution is simplified using Crestron SystemBuilder&trade; software, allowing limitless programmability from the award-winning platform that's familiar to every Crestron dealer. The MPC Wizard included in SystemBuilder enables setup of a full-featured presentation system complete with lighting control and RoomView® remote management without requiring any programming. Uploading and updating a facility full of MPC systems is managed easily over the network, or individually via the front panel USB port.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows use of any Crestron IR wireless touchpanel or handheld remote without requiring a separate receiver or gateway. For greater range and freedom of movement, MPC also supports Crestron's full line of RF wireless and WiFi based products.</p> <p>Wired Expansion<br>Adding a second control panel or just adding a few more buttons is easy using the MP-B10 and MP-B20 Media Presentation Button Panels. Of course, with Cresnet® and Ethernet built-in, the MPC-M25 works seamlessly with Crestron's entire line of keypads and touchpanels, lighting dimmers and shade controllers, signal processors and switchers, and much more.</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through a host of onboard control ports, the MPC-M25 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, DVD player, TV receiver, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensor, and other devices in the room. In addition to Cresnet and high-speed Ethernet, there are two bidirectional RS-232 COM ports, two IR/serial ports, six isolated relays, and four input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Audio and Video Control<br>The MPC-M25 is ideal for small room systems utilizing a single display device with computers and other sources connected directly to it. But like any 2-Series control system, MPC is fully scalable to suit larger applications with several program sources, microphones, or even multiple displays. Simply add a C2N-VEQ4 module to enable 4 channels of audio volume and EQ control. Or, use any of Crestron's QuickMedia® wall plate and FlipTop interfaces, switchers, and receivers for a total signal routing, processing, and amplification solution.</p> <p>Ethernet and e-Control®2<br>Built-in 10/100 Ethernet facilitates secure high-speed network connectivity, enabling extensive capabilities for remote system maintenance and control, and providing an interface to other Crestron control systems. The onboard Web server provides the foundation for Crestron's exclusive e-Control 2 Xpanel technology, providing secure IP-based remote control. SSL encryption prevents hackers from breaching the system and accessing its controls.</p> <p>RoomView® and SNMP<br>The MPC-M25 communicates directly with Crestron's exclusive RoomView help desk software, the industry's most comprehensive facility-wide solution for remote monitoring and asset management. Built-in SNMP support also enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing full control and monitoring from the IT Help Desk or NOC in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Cresnet® Slave Mode<br>Selectable Cresnet Slave Mode enables the MPC-M25 to become a Cresnet keypad controller and expansion module as part of a larger Crestron system, providing a deluxe user-interface with local control ports built in for interfacing to nearby devices.</p> <p>Ambient Light Sensor<br>The MPC-M25's built-in light sensor has a range of uses, from controlling its own backlight intensity, to providing ambient lighting level data to a central building management system.</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Wall mount 2-Series control system<br>15 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>5-way navigation pad<br>Volume control knob and LED bargraph<br>Built-in IR receiver and light sensor<br>2 RS-232, 2 IR, 4 input, & 6 relay control ports<br>Cresnet and 10/100 Ethernet<br>e-Control Web server<br>RoomView and SNMP support<br>SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) network protection<br>Setup via SystemBuilder software<br>Rugged construction<br>3-gang wall-mountable<br>Includes external Cresnet power supply</p>
5.7" Wireless Touch Screen - TST-602
|<p>The Crestron® TST-602 Wireless Touch Screen delivers enhanced wireless control for the home, boardroom, or classroom in a stylish, ergonomic design. Its curved shape feels natural in the hands, with easy-access thumb-operable buttons placed to either side of a perfectly-sized color touch screen display. Dual-mode wireless performance with roaming capability assures dependable connectivity throughout the home or workplace. Wired Ethernet connectivity is also available via the included table dock.</p> <p>Featuring a high-contrast 5.7” capacitive touch screen with Smart Graphics&trade;, the TST-602 allows completely customizable control over audio, video, lighting, shades, climate, security, and other technologies. Scrolling menus of media titles and channel presets make it quick and easy to find and select any TV channel, video title, or music track. Optional tactile pushbuttons provide easy, immediate access to commonly used functions such as volume, mute, power, and on-screen menu navigation. Additional advanced features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, view security cameras and other video sources, communicate using built-in intercom and phone capabilities, and browse the Internet.[1,2]</p> <p>Smart Graphics&trade;<br>Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience.</p> <p>Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more:<br>Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use<br>Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip<br>Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources<br>Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [2]<br>A power-saving screensaver, allowing display of time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level<br>Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season<br>Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming<br>A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes</p> <p>Tactile Pushbuttons<br>In addition to its touch screen display, the TST-602 features illuminated tactile pushbuttons for quick access to volume adjustment, channel selection, and on-screen menu navigation functions. Eight additional pushbuttons, elegantly trimmed by illuminated button dividers, flank the edges of the touch screen to support additional programmable functions.<br>High-quality backlit laser-engraving lends a crisp, legible appearance to button text in both darkened and fully lit rooms. The pushbuttons come pre-engraved with labeling suited to a typical home theater or multimedia presentation application. If needed, customized engraving can be attained simply using Crestron Engraver software. A no-button front bezel is also included, which may be installed in place of the button bezel for a very clean appearance with no front panel pushbuttons.[3]<br>Two additional “trigger” style buttons are positioned on top of the TST-602 for easy control of the display brightness, sleep mode, and other programmable functions.</p> <p>Voice Recognition<br>Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TST-602 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply press the Voice Recognition button on the touch screen and say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1,2]</p> <p>Streaming Video<br>High-performance streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TST-602 to display live streaming video from an IP camera, a streaming server (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [4]), or a DigitalMedia&trade; switcher.[1]</p> <p>Rava® SIP Intercom<br>Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [5], and paging. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with an SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication using the TST-602’s integrated microphone and speakers.[1]</p> <p>Web Browsing<br>Using its built-in web browser, the TST-602 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TST-602. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1,2]</p> <p>On-Screen Keyboard & Mouse<br>On-screen multi-language keyboard and mouse capabilities provide for entry of passwords, URLs, and text search items, and enable the touch screen to be used as a wireless mouse touchpad to control a computer running TouchPoint® Virtual Mouse & Keyboard Software (VMK-WIN).</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Advanced wireless touch screen controller<br>Compact, lightweight contoured design<br>5.7" LED Edgelit color LCD display<br>Capacitive touch screen technology<br>Smart Graphics&trade; support [11]<br>Voice recognition capability [1,2]<br>High-performance H.264 streaming video [1]<br>Rava® SIP intercom and phone technology [1]<br>Customizable audio feedback<br>Web browsing [1,2]<br>On-screen keyboard and mouse<br>Customizable screensaver<br>Built-in microphone and speakers<br>Illuminated buttons and engravable backlit text [3]<br>No-button front bezel option included<br>Dual-mode RF wireless performance &mdash; Extended Range 2.4 GHz RF plus Wi-Fi® [8]<br>Instant-Waking® behavior &mdash; like an IR remote with all the benefits of 2-way RF!<br>Supports roaming for extended wireless coverage [7]<br>Includes wired Ethernet connectivity as an alternative to Wi-Fi [1]<br>Fast charging, long lasting Li-Ion battery<br>Low-profile table dock charger [9]<br>Available in smooth black or white, or textured black finishes</p> <p>Notes:<br>1. The TST-602 requires a LAN connection via either Wi-Fi wireless or wired Ethernet to enable advanced functionality including voice recognition, streaming video, intercom, web browsing, and dynamic graphics. In addition to Wi-Fi or Ethernet, the TST-602 requires ER (Extended Range) wireless communications for all applications to enable basic functionality. The TST-602 will not work with Wi-Fi or Ethernet alone. The wired Ethernet connection is only available when docked.<br>2. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.<br>3. Text engraving is not backlit on the white model. All models include a button bezel with default engraving. Custom engraving is sold separately. All buttons may be removed using the TST-602-FP-NB No-Button Bezel (included).<br>4. Item(s) sold separately.<br>5. H.264 compatible IP camera required.<br>6. Wireless range subject to site-specific conditions.<br>7. True roaming is supported for ER wireless communication only, affording uninterrupted wireless performance for primary touch screen functions. Wi-Fi “handoff” capability enables automatic handoff amongst up to four pre-designated Wi-Fi wireless access points, wherein the last successful Wi-Fi connection is maintained indefinitely until that connection is lost, at which point communication is handed off to the next nearest access point. A very brief interruption to wireless Ethernet communication may occur during the handoff. Primary ER wireless communication is unaffected by the Wi-Fi handoff process.<br>8. ER (Extended Range) RF wireless communication supports basic wireless touch screen functionality, and is required for all applications. For advanced functionality including streaming video, intercom, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics, Wi-Fi wireless communication is also required (dual-mode). The TST-602 will not work with Wi-Fi alone. Advanced functionality can also be enabled while docked through a wired Ethernet LAN connection (in combination with ER wireless).<br>9. The TST-602 ships with (1) TST-600-DS Table Dock and (1) TST-600-IMCW Interface Module included. Additional docking options are available separately. The TST-602 is compatible with any 24VDC powered TPS-6X series docking station (legacy) as long as power is provided using the power pack that ships with the TST-602 (or Cresnet power where supported). When docked in a TPS-6X series docking station, the TST-602 does not interface with Cresnet data or wired analog video. Refer to the spec sheet for each individual docking product for additional information.<br>10. Connection to a Cresnet power supply or network is for power only. Cresnet communication is not supported.<br>11. Supports Smart Graphics only. Not compatible with “traditional” UI projects.<br>12. Internal battery pack included. Battery pack replacement must be performed by a Crestron qualified technician.</p>
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, included swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination (ABS version). Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, bold.
|Glazed porcelain tile with stone texture, soft colors with moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, included swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination (ABS version). Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Stone, Anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold.
|Porcelain tile with soft marbled texture and moderate shade variation, indicated for internal areas of intense traffic. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. White, polished,marble, satin, rectified.
|Porcelain tile with soft marbled texture and moderate shade variation, indicated for internal areas of intense traffic. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. White, polished,marble, satin, rectified.
|Glazed porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold.
|Plus porcelain tile with wood texture and high shade variation among pieces Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Wood, satin, brown, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with wood texture and high shade variation among pieces Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Wood, satin, brown, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with wood texture and high shade variation among pieces Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Wood, satin, brown, rectified.
|An auditorium-like stand. Three seats, back side of frame there is compartments for seat cushions, movable with durable castors. Easy to store with telescope open-close function. Dimensions: in storage position (WxDxH) 225x61x130 cm, opened 225x151x130 cm. Frame white melamine. Three seats that can be detached from each other without any tools to replace the upholstery. For padded upholstery 2 standard color combinations. For the upper level and backrest upholstery, available in turquoise or anthracite fabric. The middle level is always light gray and the lowest level is always anthracite. Fabric Aura UV, 100% treated polyester. 100 000 Martindale, UV protection, waterproof, Anti-microbial treatment, Fire rating EN 1021-1, SL1.
Solid Brown
|Solid – fundament of inspiration Ceramika Paradyż’s Solid collection is characterized by universal decorative patterns and neutral colors thus forming a perfect base for further esthetic choices. Light shades of beige and grey combine with both textures of wood and stone embedded in the latest trends and loft-style industrial elements. Thanks to their rectified edges, the tiles can be laid using minimum size joint accentuating the trendy effect of the uniform shimmering surface. Open spaces reinforce this effect, which is why the tiles look very good when used in apartments where the kitchen, dining room and living room are one space, although their square format is universal enough to use in any arrangement, in smaller rooms, or terraces.
Solid Grafit
|Solid – fundament of inspiration Ceramika Paradyż’s Solid collection is characterized by universal decorative patterns and neutral colors thus forming a perfect base for further esthetic choices. Light shades of beige and grey combine with both textures of wood and stone embedded in the latest trends and loft-style industrial elements. Thanks to their rectified edges, the tiles can be laid using minimum size joint accentuating the trendy effect of the uniform shimmering surface. Open spaces reinforce this effect, which is why the tiles look very good when used in apartments where the kitchen, dining room and living room are one space, although their square format is universal enough to use in any arrangement, in smaller rooms, or terraces.
Solid Grys
|Solid – fundament of inspiration Ceramika Paradyż’s Solid collection is characterized by universal decorative patterns and neutral colors thus forming a perfect base for further esthetic choices. Light shades of beige and grey combine with both textures of wood and stone embedded in the latest trends and loft-style industrial elements. Thanks to their rectified edges, the tiles can be laid using minimum size joint accentuating the trendy effect of the uniform shimmering surface. Open spaces reinforce this effect, which is why the tiles look very good when used in apartments where the kitchen, dining room and living room are one space, although their square format is universal enough to use in any arrangement, in smaller rooms, or terraces.
Solid Silver
|Solid – fundament of inspiration Ceramika Paradyż’s Solid collection is characterized by universal decorative patterns and neutral colors thus forming a perfect base for further esthetic choices. Light shades of beige and grey combine with both textures of wood and stone embedded in the latest trends and loft-style industrial elements. Thanks to their rectified edges, the tiles can be laid using minimum size joint accentuating the trendy effect of the uniform shimmering surface. Open spaces reinforce this effect, which is why the tiles look very good when used in apartments where the kitchen, dining room and living room are one space, although their square format is universal enough to use in any arrangement, in smaller rooms, or terraces.
HI-MACS® Sheets – Concrete collection
|The Concrete Collection : Warm-tones concrete-like finishes are now available in the solid surface material, providing completely new opportunities for architects and designers. Colours: Urban Concrete (G554), Steel Concrete (G555), Chic Concrete (M551), Shadow Concrete (M552), Ebony Concrete(M553). Thickness : 12mm. HI-MACS® is a solid surface material that can be moulded into any shape. It is widely used for architectural and interior applications, such as sculptural and high performance wall-cladding or kitchen, bathroom and furniture surfaces, in commercial, residential and public space projects. It is composed of acrylic, natural minerals and pigments that come together to provide a smooth, non-porous and visually seamless surface which meets the highest standards for quality, aesthetics, fabrication, functionality and hygiene – offering manifold advantages over conventional materials. LG Hausys’ HI-MACS® uses a simple heating process to give three-dimensional thermoplastic forming capabilities, allows visually seamless designs, offers a virtually limitless range of colours and – for some shades - exhibits a special translucency when exposed to light. Although HI-MACS® is almost as robust as stone, it can be worked in a similar way as wood: it can be sawn, routed, drilled or sanded. Visit himacs.eu for more information.
FD8366-V Fixed-Dome Network Camera
|VIVOTEK’s FD8366-V is a compact 2-megapixel IR dome network camera equipped to provide 30 frames per second at H.264 compression. With IP66, IK10 and NEMA 4X-rated rugged design, the camera will withstand shocks, vibration, humidity, dust, and even extreme temperature fluctuations to maintain stable and reliable video no matter how harsh the environment. Armed with built-in IR illumination, the FD8366-V delivers superior image quality for up to 15 meters in total darkness. This all-in-one camera meets a diverse array of needs for outdoor surveillance applications, from retail stores to health care facilities. Employing VIVOTEK’s Smart Stream II technology, the FD8366-V can reduce both bandwidth and storage consumption by up to 50%* while maintaining high standards of image quality. Power over Ethernet (PoE) functionality means the camera can be operated and powered via a single Ethernet cable, allowing greater ease, and lower cost, of installation. Further, in order to facilitate on-board storage, data portability, and localized backup, the camera is equipped with a MicroSD/SDHC/SDXC card slot for local recording. * Depending on scenes
|Thema 1953. Design Yngve Ekström The Thema chair was undoubtedly the piece that launched Yngve Ekström’s career as a furniture designer. It was presented to the enthusiastic interior designers at Nordiska Kompaniet (NK), Stockholm’s most fashionable department store, in 1953 and the rest is design history. Thema is an early example of Swedish flatpack furniture design that was cheap to distribute and could easily be assembled by the customers themselves. The chairs were sold as sets of four in one pack, with the tagline “Four chairs in one box”. The unconventional design with crossed legs and low clothes-hanger-like backs is named after Bach’s piano variations. The frame is made from black lacquered birch with a seat and backrest in oak or walnut.
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, black textured - HTT-B10EX-B-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, white textured - HTT-B10EX-W-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul> <p>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.</p>
3-Series Control System® - PRO3
|<p>The flagship Crestron® PRO3 is an enterprise-class control system with an enhanced feature set including a front panel color LCD display, built-in control card expansion slots, and a dedicated Control Subnet port. Featuring the 3-Series® control engine, the PRO3 forms the core of any modern networked home or commercial building, managing and integrating all the disparate technologies throughout your facility to make life easier, greener, more productive, and more enjoyable.<br></p><p>&nbsp;<br>3-Series® Control Systems<br>Today's commercial buildings and custom homes comprise more technology than ever before, and all these systems need to be networked, managed, and controlled in fundamentally new ways. The IP based 3-Series platform is engineered from the ground up to deliver a network-grade server appliance capable of faithfully handling everything from boardroom AV and home theater control to total building management.</p> <p>3-Series embodies a distinctively robust, dynamic, and secure platform to elevate your system designs to higher levels of performance and reliability. Compared to other control systems, Crestron 3-Series provides a pronounced increase in processing power and speed with more memory, rock solid networking and IP control, and a unique modular programming architecture.<br>&nbsp;<br>Modular Programming Architecture<br>Designed for enhanced scalability, the PRO3 affords high-speed, real-time multi-tasking to seamlessly run multiple programs simultaneously. This exclusive modular programming architecture lets programmers independently develop and run device-specific programs for AV, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, etc., allowing for the optimization of each program, and allowing changes to be made to one program without affecting the whole. Even as your system grows, processing resources can easily be shifted from one 3-Series processor to another without rewriting any code. The end benefit is dramatically simplified upgradability with minimal downtime, whether implementing changes on site or remotely via the network.<br><br></p><p>Robust Ethernet & IP Control<br>IP technology is the heart of 3-Series, so it should be no surprise that its networking abilities are second to none. Gigabit Ethernet connectivity enables integration with IP-controllable devices and allows the PRO3 to be part of a larger managed control network. Whether residing on a sensitive corporate LAN, a home network, or accessing the Internet through a cable modem, the PRO3 provides secure, reliable interconnectivity with IP-enabled touch screens, computers, mobile devices, video displays, media servers, security systems, lighting, HVAC, and other equipment &mdash; whether on premises or across the globe.<br><br></p><p><br></p><p>Dedicated Control Subnet<br>The Crestron Control Subnet is a Gigabit Ethernet network dedicated to Crestron devices. Via the PRO3's Control Subnet port, an installer may simply connect a single touch screen or wireless gateway, or add a Crestron PoE switch (CEN-SW-POE-5 or CEN-SWPOE-16) [1] to handle multiple touch screens, gateways, AV components, and other devices. Auto-configuration of the entire subnet is performed by the PRO3, discovering each device and assigning IP addresses without any extra effort from the installer.<br>A separate LAN port on the PRO3 provides a single-point connection to the primary LAN, requiring just one IP address for the complete control system. The LAN port allows full interconnectivity between devices on the local subnet with other devices, systems, servers, and WAN/Internet connections outside the local subnet. For sensitive applications that require absolute security, the entire Control Subnet can be completely hidden from the primary LAN using Isolation Mode.<br><br></p><p>Control Apps & XPanel<br>Years ago, Crestron pioneered the world's first IP-based control system unleashing vast new possibilities for controlling, monitoring, and managing integrated systems over a LAN, WAN, and the Internet. Today, Crestron offers more ways than ever to control your world the way you want. Using a computer, smartphone, or tablet device, Crestron lets you control anything in your home or workplace from anywhere in the world.<br><br></p><p>Native to every 3-Series control system, Crestron XPanel technology transforms any laptop or desktop computer into a virtual Crestron touch screen. Crestron control apps deliver the Crestron touch screen experience to iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices, letting you safely monitor and control your entire residence or commercial facility using the one device that goes with you everywhere.<br><br></p><p>Crestron Fusion® Cloud<br>Crestron Fusion Cloud provides an integrated platform for creating truly smart buildings that save energy, enhance worker productivity, and prolong the life-span of valuable equipment. As part of a complete managed network in a corporate enterprise, college campus, convention center, or any other facility, the PRO3 works integrally with Crestron Fusion Cloud to enable remote scheduling, monitoring, and control of rooms and technology from a central help desk. It also enables organizations to reduce energy consumption by tracking real-time usage and automating control of lighting, shades, and HVAC.<br><br></p><p>SNMP Support<br>Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party IT management software, allowing network administrators to manage and control Crestron systems on the network in an IT-friendly format.<br><br></p><p>Cresnet®<br>Cresnet provides a dependable network wiring solution for Crestron keypads, lighting controls, shade motors, thermostats, occupancy sensors, and other devices that don't require the higher speed of Ethernet. The Cresnet bus offers easy wiring and configuration, carrying bidirectional communication and 24VDC power to each device over a simple 4-conductor cable. To assist with troubleshooting, the PRO3 includes our patent-pending Network Analyzer which continuously monitors the integrity of the Cresnet network for wiring faults, marginal performance, and other errors.<br><br></p><p>Onboard Control Ports<br>In addition to Ethernet, the PRO3 includes six bidirectional COM ports and eight IR ports to interface directly with all of your centralized AV sources, video displays, and other devices. Eight programmable relay ports are included for controlling projection screens, lifts, power controllers, and other contact-closure actuated equipment. Eight "Versiport" I/O ports enable the integration of power sensors, motion detectors, door switches, alarms, or anything else that provides a dry contact closure, low-voltage logic, or 0-10 Volt DC signal.<br><br></p><p>Control Card Expansion Slots<br>Additional control ports can be added to the PRO3 using 3-Series Control Cards [1]. The PRO3 provides three control card expansion slots on its rear panel, affording great expansion capability without requiring any additional rack space.<br><br></p><p>Front Panel Color LCD Display<br>The PRO3's front panel includes a color LCD display to enable extensive setup and diagnostics without having to connect a computer.<br><br></p><p>BACnet&trade;/IP<br>Native support for the BACnet/IP communication protocol provides a direct interface to third-party building management systems over Ethernet, simplifying integration with HVAC, security, fire & life safety, voice & data, lighting, shades, and other systems. Using BACnet/IP, each system runs independently with the ability to communicate together on one platform for a truly smart building.[2]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Enterprise-class control system</li><li>3-Series® Control Engine &mdash; substantially faster and more powerful than other control systems</li><li>Exclusive modular programming architecture</li><li>Onboard 1GB RAM & 4GB Flash memory</li><li>Expandable storage up to 1TB</li><li>Rear panel memory card slot</li><li>High-speed USB 2.0 host port</li><li>Industry-standard Ethernet and Cresnet® wired communications</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron® devices</li><li>XPanel with Smart Graphics&trade; computer and web based control</li><li>iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control app support</li><li>Crestron Fusion® Cloud Enterprise Management Service support</li><li>SNMP remote management support</li><li>Two RS-232/422/485 COM ports with hardware and software handshaking</li><li>Four RS-232 COM ports with software handshaking only</li><li>Eight IR/serial, eight relay, and eight Versiport I/O ports</li><li>Three built-in 3-Series control card expansion slots</li><li>Programmable event scheduling with astronomical time clock</li><li>Native BACnet&trade;/IP support [2]</li><li>IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity on COM, Versiport, and network connections [3]</li><li>Installer setup via front panel, Crestron Toolbox&trade; software, or web browser</li><li>C#, symbol based, and drag-and-drop programming environments</li><li>Full Unicode (multi-language) support</li><li>Increased network throughput and security</li><li>Secure access through full user/group management or Active Directory integration</li><li>Hardware level security using 802.1X authentication</li><li>TLS, SSL, SSH, and SFTP network security protocols</li><li>FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption</li><li>IIS v.6.0 Web Server</li><li>IPv6 ready</li><li>Front panel color LCD display for setup and diagnostics</li><li>Front panel USB computer console port</li><li>2-space rack-mountable</li></ul><p></p> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. License required. The PRO3 supports a maximum of 2000 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>3. The following connections comply with IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity levels: COM 1 - 6, I/O 1 - 8, NET, LAN, and CONTROL SUBNET.</p>
Swisspearl large size 3050 x 1230 x 8mm Carat
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Translucent lightly pigmented Standard colors: 27 Carat panels are integrally colored with a transparent lightly pigmented acrylic top finish shade in shade. The unique natural look and the timeless beauty of the monolithic material with its delicate vein texture provide an exciting and noble expression to every building.
Swisspearl large size 3050 x 1230 x 8mm Carat F
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat F Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Opaque Standard colors: 27 Providing a slightly unsmooth surface, the thicker coating with opaque pigmentation of this acrylic finish allows vibrant colors. It also provides an increased protection against weathering and UV radiation. Available on request in all standard Carat colors and as custom shades.
Swisspearl large size 3050 x 1230 x 8mm Reflex
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Reflex Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Iridescent Standard colors: 12 These panels are directional, mostly integrally colored and have an iridescent surface coating which is purely acrylic. Changing lighting and angles of vision produce amazing nuances in color shades. For cutting and installation manufacturing direction of sheets is to respect.
Swisspearl large size 2510 x 1230 x 8mm Carat
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Translucent lightly pigmented Standard colors: 27 Carat panels are integrally colored with a transparent lightly pigmented acrylic top finish shade in shade. The unique natural look and the timeless beauty of the monolithic material with its delicate vein texture provide an exciting and noble expression to every building.
Swisspearl large size 2510 x 1230 x 8mm Carat F
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat F Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Opaque Standard colors: 27 Providing a slightly unsmooth surface, the thicker coating with opaque pigmentation of this acrylic finish allows vibrant colors. It also provides an increased protection against weathering and UV radiation. Available on request in all standard Carat colors and as custom shades.
Swisspearl large size 2510 x 1230 x 8mm Reflex
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Reflex Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Iridescent Standard colors: 12 These panels are directional, mostly integrally colored and have an iridescent surface coating which is purely acrylic. Changing lighting and angles of vision produce amazing nuances in color shades. For cutting and installation manufacturing direction of sheets is to respect.
Swisspearl large size 3050 x 1230 x 12mm Carat
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Translucent lightly pigmented Standard colors: 27 Carat panels are integrally colored with a transparent lightly pigmented acrylic top finish shade in shade. The unique natural look and the timeless beauty of the monolithic material with its delicate vein texture provide an exciting and noble expression to every building.
Swisspearl large size 3050 x 1230 x 12mm Carat F
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat F Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Opaque Standard colors: 27 Providing a slightly unsmooth surface, the thicker coating with opaque pigmentation of this acrylic finish allows vibrant colors. It also provides an increased protection against weathering and UV radiation. Available on request in all standard Carat colors and as custom shades.
Swisspearl large size 3050 x 1230 x 12mm Reflex
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Reflex Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Iridescent Standard colors: 12 These panels are directional, mostly integrally colored and have an iridescent surface coating which is purely acrylic. Changing lighting and angles of vision produce amazing nuances in color shades. For cutting and installation manufacturing direction of sheets is to respect.
Swisspearl large size 2510 x 1230 x 12mm Carat
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Translucent lightly pigmented Standard colors: 27 Carat panels are integrally colored with a transparent lightly pigmented acrylic top finish shade in shade. The unique natural look and the timeless beauty of the monolithic material with its delicate vein texture provide an exciting and noble expression to every building.
Swisspearl large size 2510 x 1230 x 12mm Carat F
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat F Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Opaque Standard colors: 27 Providing a slightly unsmooth surface, the thicker coating with opaque pigmentation of this acrylic finish allows vibrant colors. It also provides an increased protection against weathering and UV radiation. Available on request in all standard Carat colors and as custom shades.
Swisspearl large size 2510 x 1230 x 12mm Reflex
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Reflex Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Iridescent Standard colors: 12 These panels are directional, mostly integrally colored and have an iridescent surface coating which is purely acrylic. Changing lighting and angles of vision produce amazing nuances in color shades. For cutting and installation manufacturing direction of sheets is to respect.
Swisspearl large size 3050x 930 x 8mm Carat
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Translucent lightly pigmented Standard colors: 27 Carat panels are integrally colored with a transparent lightly pigmented acrylic top finish shade in shade. The unique natural look and the timeless beauty of the monolithic material with its delicate vein texture provide an exciting and noble expression to every building.
Swisspearl large size 3050x 930 x 8mm Carat F
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat F Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Opaque Standard colors: 27 Providing a slightly unsmooth surface, the thicker coating with opaque pigmentation of this acrylic finish allows vibrant colors. It also provides an increased protection against weathering and UV radiation. Available on request in all standard Carat colors and as custom shades.
Swisspearl large size 2510x 930 x 8mm Carat
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Translucent lightly pigmented Standard colors: 27 Carat panels are integrally colored with a transparent lightly pigmented acrylic top finish shade in shade. The unique natural look and the timeless beauty of the monolithic material with its delicate vein texture provide an exciting and noble expression to every building.
Swisspearl large size 2510x 930 x 8mm Carat F
|Swisspearl large size panels Freedom of design without limits The large-format Swisspearl panels give façades what they need: a face, individuality, character, texture, color and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer. Swisspearl allows an immense range of possibilities for the design of façades, with an extensive selection of surface options, various types of joints and fastenings, and panel formats that can be freely selected within the maximum useable size. For visible creativity and to meet the highest aesthetic requirements, in proven Swisspearl quality. Carat F Base panel: Integrally colored Top layer: Opaque Standard colors: 27 Providing a slightly unsmooth surface, the thicker coating with opaque pigmentation of this acrylic finish allows vibrant colors. It also provides an increased protection against weathering and UV radiation. Available on request in all standard Carat colors and as custom shades.
Reef Oak 1830 mm
|The natural shades of this oak single-strip floor in the Unity Collection, range from subtle tawny to sunset umbers and chocolate browns with just a few scattered knots. The matt lacquer finish eliminates glare while protecting the wood from daily wear. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Four-sided bevelling at the edges ensures a classic, full plank look and feel.
Amber Glass - 8560 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8560
Antique Glass - 8455 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8455
Cobalt Glass - 8485 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8485
Frosted Glass - 8480 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8480
Ruby Glass - 8420 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8420
Sky Glass - 8465 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8465
Black Ice - 7100 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>7100
Cement - 8425 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8425
Cottonwood - 6600 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>6600
Cozumel - 8575 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8575
Crushed Garnet - 8900 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8900
Gold Mine - 8495 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8495
Kaleidoscope - 8200 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8200
Luna - 8586 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8586
Silver Comet - 8585 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8585
Terrazzo - 8910 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8910
White Sands - 6636 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>6636
Midnight Sky - 1050 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>1050
Nougat - 8500 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8500
Calacatta Stone - 1800 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>1800
Honey Onyx - 8750 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8750
Jet Stream - 8730 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8730
Ocean Breeze - 8700 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8700
Tempest - 8710 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8710
Blue Pearl - 8000 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8000
Cat Eye - 8330 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8330
Celestial Pearl - 8346 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8346
Charcoal Pearl - 8344 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8344
New Caldron - 8320 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8320
Night Pearl - 8580 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8580
Pearl - 8343 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8343
Silver Pearl - 8345 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8345
Cirrus II - 8608 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8608
Irish Bell - 8606 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8606
Neptune - 8601 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8601
Red Currant - 8607 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8607
Sirocco - 8600 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8600
Whimsy - 8609 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8609
Catalina - 8820 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8820
Citron - 8850 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8850
Grenadine - 8810 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8810
Harbor Fog - 8800 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8800
Pewter - 8830 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8830
Pure Aqua - 8840 - Studio Collection
|<b>Studio Collection®</b><br><br> The Studio Collection is a specialty material unmatched in depth, clarity, and color-fueled design options. Made from a proprietary resin blend, this design resin is unique from other surface products for its luminous and 3-dimensional characteristics. But it still has the properties of solid surface: it’s thermoformable, durable, safe, and repairable.<br><br> Add brilliance and create dramatic mood settings using the Glass, Petals or Frosted Glass Series for backlit bars, countertops, tables, store fixtures, partitions and more. Or choose the Metallic Series to evoke earth, water and precious metals for a nod to nature with a bit of shimmer, inviting the use of lighting as an added dimension.<br><br> Many customers are now looking to use the Studio Collection as an alternative to glass, porcelain, recycled glass, and other high-end surfaces because of its durability, repairability, seamless look, and unique aesthetic.<br> The most common applications for Studio include but are not limited to:<ul><li> Backlit Bar Tops</li><li> Furniture</li><li> Store Fixtures</li><li> Cash Wraps</li><li> Partitions</li><li> Wall Art</li><li> Countertops</li></ul> The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.<ul><li> Custom color options available with the CHROMATIX™ program </li><li> Translucency gives a 3-dimensional quality and backlighting is possible for a dramatic effect</li><li> Safe, hygienic, and NSF Certified: inconspicuous seams leave no place for bacteria to hide</li><li> Repairable</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> Up to 40% recycled – SCS Certified</li><li> Can be finished to matte, satin, and high polished finishes</li><li> Available in sheets sized 36″ x 120″ x 1/2″ thick (914.mm x 3048mm x 12.mm)</li></ul><br>8840
Way top entry
|WAY is a flexible street luminaire to be mounted on arm or wire. Like the other AART designs, WAY is modern lines in a classic form - a Nordic design that will suit streets and urban space in any city in the world. The unique shade offers optical guidance and reduces discomfort glare to a minimum.
Way side entry
|WAY is a flexible street luminaire to be mounted on arm or wire. Like the other AART designs, WAY is modern lines in a classic form - a Nordic design that will suit streets and urban space in any city in the world. The unique shade offers optical guidance and reduces discomfort glare to a minimum.
Pelee Pendant
|<p>The Pelée Pendant is available with up and downwards light or downwards only.</p><p>The inner conical circles of the Pelée downlighters contribute to a comfortable, non-glaring spread of light. The shade in opal-white acrylate offers excellent diffusion and an elegant finish.&nbsp;<br><br>Also available with uplight.<br></p>
|Wall / ceiling lamp with built-in LED, 2,2W - 250 Lumen. Driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Wall / ceiling lamp with built-in LED, 3,2W - 350 Lumen. Driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Ceiling lamp with built-in LED, 6,3W - 800 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Ceiling lamp with built-in LED, 20W - 2650 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Hanging lamp with built-in LED, 6,3W - 800 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity. LED light available in 2700K, 3000K, 4000K.
|Hanging lamp with built-in LED, 20W - 2650 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Hanging lamp with built-in LED, 28W - 3850 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Hanging lamp with built-in LED, 34W - 4100 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Hanging lamp with built-in LED, 46W - 5600 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure. Structure available in different colours: white, french gold, steel finishing. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity.
|Wall lamp with built-in LED, 17W + 3W - 1800+450 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure, it is possible to have the double lighting: branches and spotlight separately. Structure available in white. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity. Branches are dismantled for better packaging.
|Chandelier with built-in LED, 57,6W + 6W - 6300+880 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure, it is possible to have the double lighting: branches and spotlight separately. Structure available in white. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity. The sphere is made of glass. Branches are dismantled for better packaging.
|Chandelier with built-in LED, 92W+ 6W - 10.000+880 Lumen. Dimmable driver included in the structure, it is possible to have the double lighting: branches and spotlight separately. Structure available in white. Other structure colours are possible on request. The Plexiglas shades enhance the beauty of the light and feature a strippled pattern which improves light diffusion, ensuring high luminosity. The sphere is made of glass. Branches are dismantled for better packaging.