Столб забора (арт.СЗ-370.2000 )
Павел Ионов | 1627563483Наборный столб для забора СЗ-370.2000. Служит как несъемная опалубка для постройки опорного столба забора. Экономит время и материал при производстве работ по строительству забора. Не нужно выкладывать столб из кирпича или отливать его из бетона. Ширина: 370х370 мм Высота: 2000 мм
Ограждение Горизонтальные Бруски 18
Павел Павленко | 1459082557Ограждение с параллельными брусками.
Ограждение Деревянное 01 19
Таня Вальчишин | 1567782008Ограждение с деревянными балюстами.
Балясина (БЛ-20.780)
Павел Ионов | 1627577616Арт: БЛ-20.780 Балясина из архитектурного бетона. Применяется как составной элемент балюстрады в комплекте с поручнем и основанием. Устанавливается в виде ограждения на балконах, лестницах и крыльцах дома. Также используется в ланшафте и в парковой архитектуре. Высота: 780 мм Ширина: мм Вес: 22 кг
Крышка на столб забора 410х410 (КС-01.410)
Павел Ионов | 1630400219арт. КС-01.410 Крышка на столб забора из архитектурного бетона. Используют как накрывной элемент для опорного столба забора или подпорной стенки. Защищает от попадания влаги. В разы продлевает срок службы конструкции. Посадочный размер: 410х410 мм
Столбик Ограждения 22
Aleksandra Belo | 1574180908Тумба различных типов и дополнительное основание.
Шар на пьедестале D240 (Арт. ШР-01.240)
Павел Ионов | 1630407106Арт: ШР-01.240/сб. Шар на пьедестале 240 мм из архитектурного бетона. Декоративный элемент. Используется для украшения столбов забора и тумб балюстрады. Может применятся как парковочный барьер. Высота: 410 мм, Диаметр: 240 мм, Вес: 25 кг
Парковочное Место 18
valya osadchaya | 1458947015Распределительный объект автостоянки с возможностью нумерации и размещения столбика ограждения в конце места для парковки.
секция 1400720
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
секция 1400810
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
секция 1400820
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
секция 1400890
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
секция 1400910
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
секция 1400920
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
секция 1400930
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
секция 1400940
Артем Атрашкевич | 1583858042 -
Тележка грузовая межкорпусная ТМГ-01 МСК-509
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568829290Тележка грузовая МСК-509 предназначена для перевозки тяжелых грузов. Тележка изготавливается из тонкостенного профиля (углеродистая сталь) с нанесением полимерного покрытия. Ограждение съемное. Используются импортные колеса диаметром 160 мм., передние колеса фиксированные, задние самоориентирующиеся. Поставляется в разобранном виде. Средний срок службы 10 лет. ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ: Длина: 975мм Ширина: 625мм Высота: 950мм Каркас: стальной профиль Колеса: 160мм Наличие тормозной системы: нет Номинальная нагрузка: 400кг Габариты упаковки: 950*650*100мм, 950*650*250мм Вес изделия: 36 кг Упаковка: гофрокартон Цвет каркаса: серый Тип конструкции: разборная
recinzione cantiere
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1378148106recinzione cantiere
3DMD Polyline Fence
3D Media Design | 1424503876Polyline Fence editable. You can add new point, create arc, modify elevation of the path point, slope, create a close path. Have differente top hight of the whole. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. The fence is ideal bound properties in slope terrains.
Fence with Gate
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, metal fence with gate
Fence Horizontal 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fence with horizontal boards and posts.
Steel Fabric Fence
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, steel fence with pillars and grid
Fence Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fence with vertical boards, battens and posts.
Bruno Ribeiro | 1386096569 -
Michał Kowalczyk | 1493554325Panel prosty ażurowy 180x180
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D wood fence
Zahari Dimitrov | 1578061908Simple iron fence for parks and tree pits with parametric adjustments and inclination option.
Fence Horizontal 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fence with horizontal boards and posts.
Railing - curved balust
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005173D parametric, railing with curved baluster
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 © Piotr Dobrowolski © Rafał Ślęk ©2D automatic gate, top view, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
Hebel Wall - Tile
yudhy novianto | 1342257768tileable Hebel wall finish, create for fence or partition
3DMD Demo Railing Cable
3D Media Design | 15952402283DMD Railing Cable is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Hanging
3D Media Design | 15923733283DMD Railing Panel Hanging is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
3DMD Demo Railing Horiz Bar C
3D Media Design | 15948867453DMD Railing Horiz Bar C is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
Barandilla Vertical 18
Deris Rodriguez | 1443216160 -
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
Vedação Vertical 20
Maiara Agosti | 1537763232Cerca com tábuas verticais, ripas e postes.
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel C
3D Media Design | 15937644693DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Bar
3D Media Design | 15948868773DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Inner
3D Media Design | 15923732723DMD Railing Panel Inner is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
bollard 1
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005053D post / bollard
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
3DMD Demo Handrail
3D Media Design | 15948868053DMD Handrail is a handrail on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Frameless
3D Media Design | 15948871453DMD Railing Frameless is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Horiz Bar B
3D Media Design | 15948867013DMD Railing Horiz Bar B is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 © Piotr Dobrowolski © Rafał Ślęk ©2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
Railing - curved balust
Дарья Карпова | 15734182793D parametric, railing with curved baluster
Fence Vertical 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fence with vertical boards, battens and posts.
i8-20 IDO Showerama enclosure
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.archiapu.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -initial release
IDO Design shower enclosure
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858 -
Metal - Valla Alambre 2
manuel carlos botella mendiela | 1561462294 -
Mobil Fence
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, metal mobile fence
3DMD Demo Railing Panel Bar Outer
3D Media Design | 15952404723DMD Railing Panel Bar Outer is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel A
3D Media Design | 15937644013DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
i8-40 IDO Showerama enclosure
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.archiapu.fi changelog 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -curtain rail and base added 01.03.2003 -initial release
Sentrel Pool Fence
|At last! Sentrel Vertical Cable Pool Fencing is the remarkable new pool fencing solution which is safe, reliable and gorgeous, guaranteed to comply with the latest Australian Standards for Pool Fencing. Previously, cable wire balustrade was unsuitable for swimming pool areas; the ladder-effect of the stainless wire enabled children to climb the cables and risk drowning. Sentrel’s new Vertical Cable system has pioneered the entry of sleek timber and cable fencing into the design of swimming pool areas.
Plot DPH-0
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc. Buzon DPH Pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are 100% recyclable and are made from a co-polymer of recycled polypropylene materials. They can be easily adjusted in height, and compensate for a fall of 5% and beyond, to create a level terrace in all directions, or a ramp for barrier-free access. Height adjustment can be easily realized even with the load on top, and once the Buzon DPH Pedestals are set at the required height, their position can be fixed with proprietary locking keys.
SmartRack 6U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|The SRW6U SmartRack 6U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The side panels and front door lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible front door can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW6U comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 16.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 9U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|The SRW9U SmartRack 9U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The side panels and front door lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible front door can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW9U comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 16.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 10U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW10US SmartRack 10U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW10US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW12US SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 18U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW18US SmartRack 18U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 250 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW18US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet with Clear Acrylic Window, Hinged Back
|The SRW12USG SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The front door features a shatter-resistant clear acrylic window that lets you monitor equipment readouts without unlocking the enclosure. Not only does the window help prevent equipment tampering and reduce acoustic noise, but it also adds visual flair to your IT installation. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12USG comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and 12-24 threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 18U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 18U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR18UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR18UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR18UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR18UB provides safe, secure installation. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
SmartRack 24U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 24U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated front and rear doors and solid side panels promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR24UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR24UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR24UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR24UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment.
42U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite's SR42UB is the ideal solution for secure, high-density server and networking applications in IT environments. This premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top-panel cable routing ports, perforated doors to promote efficient airflow, adjustable mounting rails, toolless vertical PDU mounting and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR42UB is compatible with Tripp Lite's extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR42UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty.
25U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite’s SR25UB premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR25UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR25UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR25UB has 25U of capacity and is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment. The front and rear pairs of vertical rails feature square mounting holes and are numbered by rack space for easy reference. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 4 to 37 inches. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 3000 lb of equipment with included installation hardware (2250-lb rolling capacity). With a locking, reversible front door and locking, removable side panels, SR25UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
3DMD Demo Railing Panel Bar Inner
3D Media Design | 15952404323DMD Railing Panel Bar Inner is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel B
3D Media Design | 15937644393DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Element
3D Media Design | 15948869193DMD Railing Vertical Element is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Outer
3D Media Design | 15923734123DMD Railing Panel Outer is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
3DMD Railing Vertical Bar
Gergely Fehér | 14455505183DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
karma trendz | 1626427439BRC Fence
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
Baseball Field 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Baseball field with different sizes, optional outfield, fence and backstop cage.
Baseball Field 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Baseball field with different sizes, optional outfield, fence and backstop cage.
Baseball Field 18
Ana stasia | 1517078198Baseball field with different sizes, optional outfield, fence and backstop cage.
M2100 - Cart, Shelving, Storage, Mobile, SS
|Mobile storage shelving cart 72" X 48" X 24" with four shelves. Constructed with corrosion resistant stainless steel and mounted on swivel casters. Designed for large carrying capacity and distribution of items from a central source. Options include wire or solid shelves, oversize casters, ledges, rods, tabs, dividers, drawers and bins as well as back and side enclosures. Casters add 6" to equivalent standing shelf height.
geoBORDER 45
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 45 - application: -grass -bark -stone -cobblestone 6 cm -geoSYSTEM G3 -geoSYSTEM G4 -geoSYSTEM G4 max
geoBORDER 58
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 58 - application: -lawn -bark -cobblestone 6 cm -granite paving 6/8 cm -geoSYSTEM G4 -geoSYSTEM G4 max -geoSYSTEM G5 max
geoBORDER 78
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 78 - application: -cobblestone 6/8 cm -granite paving 8/11 cm -geoSYSTEM G5 max
Smooth White Álava
|Facing Brick Smooth White Álava is the affordable choice for those projects that look for a white expression in their façades. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth White Ártico
|It stands as the purest white model of La Paloma Cerámica y Gres. A unique texture combined with its spectacular color, make White Smooth Ártico the most in demand among the wide range of La Paloma Cerámica y Gres. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth White Navarra
|A beautiful white smooth color that offers striking expressions, White Navarra provides high aesthetic and technical characteristics. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth White Oporto
|White Oporto stands out by its smooth sand colour which provides an elegant and shiny look to the façade. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Grey Alicante
|Grey Alicante is the lightest grey of La Paloma Cerámicas. It represents the required transition from white to grey in order to provide an entire color range. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Grey Escorial
|Characterised by slight differences in its tone, Grey Escorial Smooth Brick plays with dark and light tonalities providing spectacular finishes in building façades. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Grey Otero
|Grey Otero Smooth Brick is presented as the most regular tone within the grey range of La Paloma Cerámicas. With a lighter appearance than Gris Escorial, Gris Otero is one of the most demanded models among klinker quality for both, the current architectural trend and its neutral color. Gris Otero is often used in different combinations. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Brown Asturias
|Brown Asturias presents a brown hue that denotes a slight reddish tint, giving to the product strong charcter and to the façade, simplicity and elegance. This is the intermediate model among the brown range, just below Marrón Laredo and with less prone to red tone than Marrón Mieres. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Brown Galicia
|Brown Galicia presents a brown color with slight differences in tone that provides to building façades high aesthetic and technical characteristics. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Brown Laredo
|Brown Laredo is the darkest model with the most intense pigmentation of the brown range. A higher intense and traditional brown that approaches to what in general speaking is known as "chocolate brown". The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Brown Mieres
|Brown Mieres has the lightest tone within the brown range, located in a chromatic scale between brown and red. Keeping on with current market demands, La Paloma Cerámicas offers a wide range of possibilities for projects that address this range of color. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Black Lanzarote
|Negro Lanzarote is the most purely black of La Paloma Cerámicas. Either with clear or dark mortar joints creates in buildings façades an effect of special elegance. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Timanfaya Blue
|Timanfaya Blue especially attracts attention because of its special set of dark chromatics, offering an alternative to traditional blue façades. With sunlight, its sides offer a spectacular and different set of brightness giving a characteristic flashing image to the façade. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Black Orotava
|Black Orotava is the third in joining to the range of different blacks. Each one of these models covers a specific market demand. In this case, Negro Orotava brings to the architcts a less dark version of Negro Lanzarote Facing Brick. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Ochre Aragón
|Aragón Smooth Ochre is halway in intensity among the ochre range characterised for its variety in tones. Guadarrama will be the bick with less intensity and Castilla will be the darkest choice. Aragón works extremely well in natural environments, for this reason, it is widely used in residential areas with parks and gardens. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of the two stretches, saving in costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Clinker brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Ochre Castilla
|Castilla is the original among the ochre flashing range. With an unmistakable appearance countless examples of homes with Castilla Facing Brick are observed along the Spanish geography. Castilla Facing Brick works extremely well in natural environments, for this reason is widely used in residential areas with parks and gardens. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Ochre Guadarrama
|Guadarrama presents the clearest tone of the ochre flashing range. Since company origins this model has accompanied the catalogue and still working perfectly with greater acceptance in residential houses than in buildings, although there are examples of buildings with grat architectural value). The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Ochre Levante
|Levante is a classic model in the catalogue of La Paloma Cerámicas. With an ochre hue and a very slight flashing, Levante draws smooth chromatics in façades. It is ideal for rustic environments. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Red Inglés
|Very characteristic from the British Islands, Red Inglés presents different tones of red which randomly placed, shapes an excellent aesthetic. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Smooth Red Granada
|Red Granada is characterised by its red variety of tones. This unique way of shaping façades, adds aesthetic value in conjuction with a clear mortar joint. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Revet, bicycle shelter, 5 bicycles
|The Revet bicycle shelter is a purpose-built enclosure with plenty of room for bicycles. The easy-to-assemble prefabricated structure is built with a durable roof wooden roof that curves downward to create a wall. Several structures can be combined side-by-side to create a bigger shelter with room for more bicycles. Revet offers a value-for-money shelter with the potential to be extended according to specific requirements. Design: Bengt Isling.
Revet, bicycle shelter start section, 10 bicycles
|The Revet bicycle shelter is a purpose-built enclosure with plenty of room for bicycles. The easy-to-assemble prefabricated structure is built with a durable roof wooden roof that curves downward to create a wall. Several structures can be combined side-by-side to create a bigger shelter with room for more bicycles. Revet offers a value-for-money shelter with the potential to be extended according to specific requirements. Design: Bengt Isling.
MB-45 storefront single panel
|<p><b>MB-45</b>&nbsp;is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<b>&nbsp;MB-60</b>&nbsp;and<b>&nbsp;MB-70</b>&nbsp;window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door&nbsp;<b>MB-45S</b>.</p>
MB-45 two-winged door opening outwards with fixed window
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 80
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 90
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 80x80
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 90x90
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 80x90
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Lusso Shower walls, straight folding doors 90x80
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm hardened safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Shower walls Lusso showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Lusso Shower Walls have a stylish design with straight lines. Easy and adjustable attachment. Adjustable wall profiles. The doors can also be opened inward for space saving and raised 4 mm at opening. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors, folding doors, swing doors and screen walls. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to combine different types of Lusso Shower Walls. Clear glass 6 mm tempered safety glass Polished aluminum profiles Height: 1 950/2 100 mm Adjustable wall profiles 20 mm
Shower walls Luxor showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Luxor Shower Walls in Timeless Glass have clean design. Easy mounting with hinges. No handle, just a hole in the glass. The shower enclosures are available as well as corner solutions, single-packed shower doors and screen walls. Choose between 8 and 10 mm hardened safety glass. Timeless is a new glass that makes the water flow off quickly. This is because the glass has an invisible surface that quickly becomes transparent again without leaving dull tracks. The special surface protects against impacts that otherwise impair the transparent properties of the glass. It has been developed through magnetronic treatment, as a result of new research. The goal is to facilitate the use of glass and take advantage of the possibilities of the glass in the best possible way.
Shower walls Pure Day showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Pure Day Shower Wall. Stylish and innovative shower wall, reddot winner designed by Phoenix Design. The wall combines the benefits of sliding doors and airy space. Pure Day can be combined for many different solutions - such as a niche door, luxury shower enclosure or stand-alone shower enclosure with sliding door. Treated for lime prevention 8 mm tempered safety glass in sliding door and side panel (end wall), 6 mm in fixed door 15 mm adjustability Quick and easy installation Available in 4 widths, from 110 to 180 cm
Granada - Reconstructed stone facings
|Derived from the sandstone typical of the Bergamo valleys, the Granada series is characterized by regular size and split surface. The shape bears the marks of the traditional chisel working of local artisans. The workability of the corner element is excellent to cover columns and arches. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Santiago - Reconstructed stone facings
|<p>Sedimentary rock created by nature further to the build-up and compression of fossils and rock fragments. The Santiago stone is reproduced in a variety of forms and thickness, distinctive for the particularity of edges, conferring to interiors and exteriors an extra decorative appearance.&nbsp; <br>The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. <br></p> <p>WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO?<br>The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight.&nbsp;</p> <p>USES <br> Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.</p> <p></p>
Arenal - Reconstructed stone facings
|Reconstructed stone with irregular shapes and structured surfaces, every detail planned with care, with the cracks and fine individual features reminiscent of natural field sandstone. The variations in tone and colour correspond perfectly to those of natural stone. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Antico Mattone - Reconstructed brick facings
|Experts in construction work through the centuries have used brick as a load-bearing element. The extraordinary beauty of ancient vaults and facades constructed with this material emphasize its aesthetical value. The Antico Mattone collection of Pietre d’Arredo, is a faithful reproduction of old terracotta brick shades. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Sakar - Reconstructed stone facings
|<p>Chipped stone strongly shaped, inserted into rectangular forms, very easy to lay. Very elegant and refined natural effect. <br>The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents.<br></p><p>WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO?<br>The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. <br></p><p>USES<br>Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc. </p>
Cervino - Reconstructed stone facings
|The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Java - Reconstructed stone facings
|The Java series, a particular combination of limestone and marble, creates an harmonious balance between profiles and shapes able to adapt perfectly to both country-style and modern ambiences. The rich details of the surface come together perfectly with the colors used, obtaining a combination balanced and at the same time original. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Lokon - Reconstructed stone facings
|The Lokon stones are distinctive for their scaled form, strongly structured and weathered in parts, which is reminiscent of mountain stone. The variations of tones can be mixed to obtain surprisingly natural effects. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Olkaria - Reconstructed stone facings
|<p>The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents.<br></p><p>WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO?<br>The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight.</p> <p>USES<br>Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.</p>
Teide - Reconstructed stone facings
|<p>From the famous marble quarried in the mountains of Brescia, comes a faithful reproduction of the masonry used for hundreds of years in the construction of the villages of Lake Garda. The several formats, composed of smaller stones to moulds unrivalled for size and texture, give to the finished work a taste now lost. Excellent for the reproduction of country-style atmospheres. <br>The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents.<br></p> <p>WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? <br>The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight.&nbsp;</p> <p>USES <br>Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc. </p>
Muria - Reconstructed stone facings
|The effect is that of a mosaic composed of stone strips, set into shallow staggered rectangular modules. Thin and lightweight, ideal for “do-it-yourself” projects. Envelopes your living space in the unique and elegant atmosphere. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Sasso di fiume - Reconstructed stone facings
|<p>Rounded shapes and smooth surfaces are the characteristics of river stone; an element which returns to the historical use of river cobblestones, used in the past for both paving streets and squares and for the rural building.&nbsp;<br>The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents.&nbsp;</p> <p>WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? <br>The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight.&nbsp;</p> <p>USES <br>Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc. </p>
Taos - Reconstructed stone facings
|<p>The appearance of quarry limestone, medium size with natural and slight nuances of grey and brown. Faithful reproduction of kind of stone used in medieval constructions. <br>The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents.&nbsp;</p> <p>WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? <br>The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight.&nbsp;</p> <p>USES <br>Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc. </p> <p></p>
Misto Campagna - Reconstructed stone facings
|BASE CREMA composition GRANADA crema: 50% GRANADA grigio chiaro: 10% SANTIAGO grigio terra: 10% ARENAL grigio terra: 10% TEIDE bianco: 7% SASSO DI FIUME grigio: 5% ANTICO MATTONE giallo: 5% ANTICO MATTONE rosato: 3% BASE GRIGIO TERRA composition GRANADA grigio terra: 52% SANTIAGO grigio terra: 20% SANTIAGO bianco: 10% SASSO DI FIUME grigio: 10% ANTICO MATTONE rosato: 5% ANTICO MATTONE rosso: 3% BASE GRIGIO CHIARO composition GRANADA grigio chiaro: 55% GRANADA terra: 10% SANTIAGO marrone scuro: 10% TEIDE grigio chiaro: 12% SASSO DI FIUME cenere: 5% ANTICO MATTONE rosato: 5% ANTICO MATTONE giallo: 3% The Misto Campagna collection rediscovers the historical roots of the construction. With the various combinations and tones of the stonework, brickwork and cobblestones, the same elements that were used to build the old rural houses, it recreates the atmosphere of the past and integrates perfectly into the natural environment. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Misto Etrusco - Reconstructed stone facings
|BASE TERRA composition ARENAL terra: 40% ARENAL grigio terra: 10% ARENAL marrone chiaro: 10% TEIDE terra: 30% SASSO DI FIUME cenere: 3% ANTICO MATTONE rosso: 2% ANTICO MATTONE rosato: 5% A perfect harmony of forms and colors. A combination of various interventions unified in a stone-based kind of construction. Particularly beautiful visual nature matching effect. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Misto Toscano - Reconstructed stone facings
|BASE TERRA composition ARENAL terra: 50% ARENAL sabbia: 20% ARENAL marrone chiaro: 15% ANTICO MATTONE rosato: 10% SASSO DI FIUME cenere: 5% The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Misto Veneto - Reconstructed stone facings
|BASE CREMA composition ARENAL crema: 60% ARENAL grigio terra: 5% TEIDE grigio terra: 25% SANTIAGO grigio terra: 10% The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Misto Belmonte - Reconstructed stone facings
|Composition SANTIAGO terra: 20% TEIDE terra: 20% SANTIAGO grigio terra: 20% TEIDE grigio terra: 20% ARENAL marrone scuro: 10% SANTIAGO grigio chiaro: 10% The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Misto Dolomite - Reconstructed stone facings
|BASE MARRONE CHIARO composition SANTIAGO grigio terra: 40% LOKON marrone chiaro: 30% MADERA terra: 30% BASE GRIGIO CHIARO composition SANTIAGO grigio: 40% LOKON grigio chiaro: 30% MADERA grigio chiaro: 30% The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Misto Montano - Reconstructed stone facings
|BASE GRIGIO TERRA composition SANTIAGO grigio terra: 40% SANTIAGO bianco: 10% ARENAL grigio terra: 20% ARENAL marrone chiaro: 10% TEIDE grigio terra: 20% BASE GRIGIO CHIARO composition SANTIAGO grigio chiaro: 40% SANTIAGO grigio terra: 10% TEIDE grigio chiaro: 40% ARENAL marrone chiaro: 10% A composition created in warm shadows with brown elements and light accents, a harmonious geometry of shapes made of jagged and smooth stones, inspired by old mountain structures, barns and shepherds’ huts. Gives warm and peaceful appearance to interiors and a distinctive touch to the exteriors. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Misto Umbro - Reconstructed stone facings
|BASE CREMA composition ARENAL crema: 50% ARENAL sabbia: 10% ARENAL grigio chiaro: 10% SANTIAGO grigio terra: 20% TEIDE bianco: 3% ANTICO MATTONE rosato: 3% ANTICO MATTONE giallo: 4% BASE SABBIA composition ARENAL sabbia: 70% ARENAL marrone chiaro: 10% ARENAL grigio terra: 10% ANTICO MATTONE rosato: 10% The ancient building tradition which developed from the use of materials that were easy to find and continuously adaptated and restructurated by the needs of time, is harmonious and enchanting. The Misto Umbro collection brings these lovely building elements – irregular stone and brick - back into use. The colouring of the base element, Arenal sabbia, is identical to the field sandstone that was widely used in the Umbrian countryside. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD896
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD896 is a very compact speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of an 8” (203 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 60° HF horn with 1.7” (43 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is another 8” driver. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 8” LF drivers work together to achieve an increase in overall output and improved mid-bass impact. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD896 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 1.7 inch (43 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD896 employs two mutually-coupled 8” LF transducers to achieve its high efficiency and impactful performance in a relatively small enclosure. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD896 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CD896 is particularly effective in applications where compact dimensions and targeted pattern control are desirable. Such applications include front fill, delay fill, under-balcony, small front of house, and foreground music, especially when mated with a subwoofer. Its clean appearance facilitates acceptance by architects and interior designers, and its 25° beveled rear corners allow it to be mounted close to walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M6 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1265
|Loudspeaker – Dual 12” Bi-Amplified 3-Way Coaxial 60° x 45° Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1265 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 12” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 12” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1265 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1265 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 12” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1265 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1265 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1295
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1295 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 12” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 12” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1295 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1295 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 12” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1295 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1295 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1565
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1565 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 15” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 15” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1565 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1565 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 15” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz, with a 4” (102 mm) voice coil and powerful ceramic magnet for extra output capacity and higher power handling. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1565 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1565 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate forged shoulder eyebolts (sold separately).[1] Notes: 1. There is no yoke bracket available from Crestron for this model.
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1595
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1595 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 15” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 15” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1595 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1595 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 15” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz, with a 4” (102 mm) voice coil and powerful ceramic magnet for extra output capacity and higher power handling. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1595 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1595 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate forged shoulder eyebolts (sold separately).[1] Notes: 1. There is no yoke bracket available from Crestron for this model.
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS699
|6.5” 2-Way Coaxial 90° x 90° Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS699 is a very compact speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 6.5” (165 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 90° HF horn with 1” (25 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a highly space-efficient design with unusually high output capability and consistent off-axis response. Its coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality. High-Performance Coaxial Transducer The coaxial transducer in the Vector CS699 features a true high-frequency horn and compression driver married to a powerful 6.5” woofer, affording high efficiency and exceptional clarity for both speech and program material. Its broad 90° x 90° coverage pattern works well in small spaces and short-throw applications. Tight integration between the compression driver diaphragm and woofer voice coil achieves coherent summation in the crossover region, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS699 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS699 is particularly effective in applications where compact dimensions and targeted pattern control are desirable. Such applications include front fill, delay fill, under-balcony, control room, and background music, especially when mated with a subwoofer. Its clean appearance facilitates acceptance by architects and interior designers, and its diminutive size allows it to be mounted close to walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M6 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket (sold separately) or third-party pan/tilt type speaker mount.
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1265
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1265 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1265 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1265 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1265 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1295
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1295 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1295 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1295 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1295 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1565
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1565 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1565 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1565 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1565 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1595
|Loudspeaker – 15” 2-Way Coaxial 90° x 45° Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1595 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1595 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1595 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1595 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Subwoofer - VECTOR-SUBD18
|The Vector™ SUBD18 is a direct-radiating, vented subwoofer featuring two high-power, long-excursion 18” (457 mm) transducers. It is designed to provide extended low frequency support for use with CS and CD series Vector Performance Loudspeakers, and is capable of producing articulate and impactful deep bass response for all types of installed music and multimedia applications. The Vector SUBD18 requires use with a Crestron Avia™ DSP to ensure rated performance and reliable operation. It can be driven using either one or two amplifier channels. Its enclosure is optimally tuned to provide maximum low frequency output in a low-profile package designed to fit under low stages and other confined spaces. Vibration isolation feet are provided on the bottom, with aligned recesses on top for stacking of multiple units. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to allow for suspended installation using forged shoulder eyebolts (sold separately).
Subwoofer - VECTOR-SUBS15
|The Vector™ SUBS15 is a direct-radiating, vented subwoofer featuring a single high-power, long-excursion 15” (381 mm) transducer. It is designed to provide extended low frequency support for use with CS and CD series Vector Performance Loudspeakers, and is capable of producing articulate and impactful deep bass response for all types of installed music and multimedia applications. The Vector SUBS15 requires use with a Crestron Avia™ DSP to ensure rated performance and reliable operation. Its enclosure is optimally tuned to provide maximum low frequency output in a compact package, facilitating placement in tight spaces. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to allow for suspended installation using forged shoulder eyebolts (sold separately).
Subwoofer - VECTOR-SUBS18
|The Vector™ SUBS18 is a direct-radiating, vented subwoofer featuring a single high-power, long-excursion 18” (457 mm) transducer. It is designed to provide extended low frequency support for use with CS and CD series Vector Performance Loudspeakers, and is capable of producing articulate and impactful deep bass response for all types of installed music and multimedia applications. The Vector SUBS18 requires use with a Crestron Avia™ DSP to ensure rated performance and reliable operation. Its enclosure is optimally tuned to provide maximum low frequency output in a compact package, facilitating placement in tight spaces. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to allow for suspended installation using forged shoulder eyebolts (sold separately).
Besam ASSA ABLOY SW200i-IG - In Ground Operator
|The Besam ASSA ABLOY SW200i-IG provides reliable in ground mounting provided as a complete and reliable system: the powerful Besam ASSA ABLOY SW200i operator, moisture resistant enclosure and adaptability to multiple arm systems to provide you with the upmost in flexibility. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Bunkka Bed
|The new Bunkka cabinet bed is lower than traditional cabinet beds and thus release wall area for other uses, for example and makes even the smallest space more spacious. The ropes awaken the child's imagination and make it easy to get some fun! Bunkka is lightweight to open and close. The opening mechanism is a two-stage, making it easy for the bed to be safe opening. Once opened, the door can be locked to the bed. By the alongside the cabinet bed, there is possible to get storage cabinet, with adjustable shelves to allow for versatility of storage. In the storage cabinet you can storage, for example, rolled play carpets or linen. Bunkka bed mechanism is a solid birch and birch plywood, the cabinet is melamine-coated furniture board with ABS edging. Bunkka is lightweight to handle and install. In addition to wall mounting, it‘s possible to place the beds on the middle floor with the backs facing each other. 163 cm in height is also useful for renovation projects where different enclosures are lowering the rooms height. Under the cabinet frame is adjustable paws and in the lower bed rubber feet.
|gala*AluRite*Border the proven edge attachment Heights: 64 + 100 + 140 mm + 200mm Lawn edge made of aluminum with ingenious telescope * connection * without screws * from 64mm to 200mm height Technical specifications: • heights: 64mm, 100mm, 140mm, 140mm strong, • Lengths: up to 6m . Order your desired length ! • Thickness: up to 4.5mm • Material: aluminum alloy T6 6063 • Colors: natural * RAL * colors * anodic colors (eloxal). MagicLux Glowin the dark colors * DekoWoodcolors * LotusClean * • Telescope connection without screws Accessories for AluRite*Border: > Sliding ground anchor attachment Set > Aluminum and steel anchor > Jointer > corner > geotextiles Service: > Coloring > Preformed rings, squares, logos, u.v. m. > BIM and CAD solutions for architects and planners > system developments The applications of gala*AluRite*Border: > gala*AluRite*Border are long-established edge attachments > gala*AluRite*Border: the functional and shapely edge limitation : for lawns * gravel areas * paved areas * gravel * chippings * bark mulch * decorative mulch * bulk materials * > gala*AluRite*Border: the edge fixing of paving stones, natural stones, Lawn grid plates, gravel grid > gala*AluRite*Border: the stable enclosure of flowerbeds, vegetable beds, parks, tombs, waterways, tree borders > gala*AluRite*Border: the moldable edge profiles for art and design * Objects: for company logos, parking lot limits, mazes, sculptures, and much more.
DIN Rail Heating & Cooling Fan-Coil Thermostat - DIN-TSTAT-FCU
|<p>The DIN-TSTAT-FCU is a fan coil unit (FCU) controller designed for use in two-pipe applications. It may be operated as a standalone controller or integrated with a home automation system or building management system (BMS). A Cresnet® port is provided for integration with a Crestron® control system or Crestron Pyng®system. An RS-485 port is also included for communication with Modbus® or BACnet&trade;. Full programmability enables use in various types of applications beyond control of FCUs. Configuration is facilitated using a PC based software application.</p> <p>Standard 35 mm DIN rail mounting allows the DIN-TSTAT-FCU to be installed in a DIN rail enclosure (Crestron DIN-EN series or similar). A 9M wide DIN rail is also included for alternate mounting applications. The unit is 230 Volts AC line powered.</p> <p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul><li>Fan coil controller</li><li>System integration via Cresnet® or RS-485</li><li>Supports Cresnet, Modbus®, and BACnet&trade; protocols</li><li>Fully programmable</li><li>Configurable via a PC software application</li><li>Standalone operation option</li><li>35 mm DIN rail mountable</li><li>230 Volts AC line powered</li></ul>
Energy Monitoring Power Conditioner & Controller 200 - PC-200
|<p>The PC-200 is a professional grade, rack-mountable power conditioner and controller designed to provide 120 Volt AC power distribution, switching, surge protection, noise filtering, and energy monitoring for Crestron® control systems, AV systems, computers, and other equipment. Eight switched outlets are provided on the rear panel, plus a single unswitched convenience outlet is provided on the front. All nine outlets are protected, filtered, and monitored. The switched outlets are arranged in four banks of two, three of which are turn-on delay-adjustable when controlled from the front panel power switch. The same three outlet banks are also individually controllable via a control system to enable selective switching of devices, on/off power sequencing, load-shedding, and other custom power control functionality.[1]<br>Built-in RMS voltage and current monitoring enables logging and reporting of the line voltage, current, power, and energy usage at the input. An external temperature sensor is included to keep tabs on heat conditions within the equipment rack or room. Network connectivity allows for setup and operation using a web browser, with extensive custom control and monitoring capabilities enabled through integration with a Crestron control system, the MyCrestron.com residential monitoring service, the Crestron Fusion® Cloud enterprise management service, or an SNMP client.[1,2]<br><br></p><strong>Power Conditioning<br></strong>A quality power conditioner is an essential component of any professional system to prevent sudden equipment failure due to lightning and electrical disturbances, to prolong the lifespan of that equipment, and to maximize overall system performance during everyday operation. The PC-200 includes the following power conditioning features:<br><ul><li><strong>Surge Protection</strong> &mdash; Provides protection against surges and spikes in the AC power line caused by lightning and other electrical disturbances</li><li><strong>Under/Over Voltage Cutoff</strong> &mdash; Shuts off power to the rear panel outlets if the line voltage strays beyond the normal operating range, which is adjustable on the PC-200</li><li><strong>Thermal Breaker</strong> &mdash; Disrupts power to all outlets in case of an overload condition</li><li><strong>EMI/RFI Noise Filtering</strong> &mdash; Prevents electromagnetic and radio frequency interference that can negatively impact sound and video quality</li><li><strong>Wiring Fault Detection</strong> &mdash; Detects faulty wiring of the incoming AC power line and shuts off power to the rear panel outlets until the fault is corrected [3]</li></ul><p><strong>Four-Stage Adjustable Turn-On Delay</strong><br>The switched outlets on the PC-200’s rear panel are arranged in four banks, with two outlets per bank. When operated by its front panel power switch, the first bank turns on immediately while the other three banks can be configured to turn on in any order according to the delay time set for each bank. Each bank is independently adjustable to provide up to 10 seconds of delay before turning on, ensuring that the connected equipment gets powered up in proper order with sufficient time for each piece to stabilize. This helps to prevent dangerous transients that can damage delicate components and potentially trip the main circuit breaker. It can also help to prevent audible pops and thumps through connected audio equipment at power-up. Delayed turn-on is initiated by turning on the front panel power switch, or by applying power to the main line input following a power outage or through an externally switched circuit.<br><br></p><p><strong>Three Remote-Controllable Switched Outlet Banks</strong><br>When connected to a local area network, three of the four outlet banks on the PC-200’s rear panel can be turned on or off independently using a web browser or control system. The other bank is always on as long as the front panel switch is turned on. This energy-saving feature allows select components to be powered down when not needed. Through integration with a control system, custom functionality can be programmed to enable control from a touch screen, keypad, remote, or mobile device. Sequential power-up and power-down functionality can be enabled through programming of the control system. For systems employing a backup generator or UPS, load-shedding can be performed to shut down unnecessary components during a power outage.[1]<br><br></p><strong>Energy Monitoring<br></strong>By sensing the incoming line voltage and the total device load, the PC-200 facilitates a host of solutions for monitoring, automating, and troubleshooting a system.<br><ul><li>Voltage monitoring allows fluctuations in the power line to be tracked and logged, helping to identify and document problems with the power utility or building wiring.</li><li>Energy monitoring provides the real power consumption (watts), current draw (amps), and energy usage (watt-hours) for all of the connected devices combined.</li><li>By connecting and testing one component at a time, the PC-200 allows power-hungry equipment to be identified and replaced with more efficient equipment.</li><li>High inrush current devices can be identified to assist in optimizing the configuration of power sequencing schemes.</li><li>Overall energy usage can be tracked and logged to identify trends and reform energy-wasting behaviors.</li><li>System usage can be tracked to inform the scheduling of maintenance and future purchasing decisions.</li><li>An alert notification can be sent if there’s a sudden or abnormal drop in current draw, potentially indicating a device has been shut off improperly or disconnected due to theft (effective only when outlets are switched on).</li></ul><p><strong>Ambient Temperature Sensing</strong></p><p>The PC-200 offers a complete equipment protection solution by monitoring the ambient temperature within the equipment cabinet or room to prevent overheating. The included temperature sensor connects to the rear of the PC-200 and features a choice of magnetic or adhesive mounting for easy placement within a typical equipment rack enclosure. The over-temperature cutoff threshold can be set to shut down power to the system if conditions exceed a safe operating temperature. Through a control system, the temperature measurement can be utilized to regulate the operation of cooling fans or air-conditioning equipment to keep equipment running cool.</p><p><strong>Ping Monitoring</strong></p><p>No matter how well a system is designed and programmed, even the finest control system or computer has the potential to lock up and stop responding once in a while. The PC-200 can be configured to detect an unresponsive device by sending it a ping command at regular intervals. If the ping request is not returned after four tries, the outlet bank feeding the monitored device cycles off and on to reboot the device, quickly restoring normal operation without any human intervention.</p><p><strong>Remote Management & Control</strong><br></p><p>The PC-200 integrates neatly into any system or facility. Used alone, it can be set up and managed through a web browser. It can also be configured to send email notifications in case of certain specified events. Integration with the MyCrestron.com residential monitoring service provides a cloud based solution for homeowners to monitor and manage the PC-200 as part of a complete Crestron home automation system. Or, Crestron Fusion Cloud provides an enterprise solution for corporations and universities to manage rooms using the PC-200 throughout a building or campus. Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party IT management software, allowing network administrators to manage one or many networked PC-200s in an IT-friendly format. And of course, the PC-200 can be integrated with a Crestron control system via Ethernet or Cresnet® to enable control and monitoring through a touch screen, handheld remote, or mobile device.[1,2]</p><p><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Rack-mountable power conditioner and controller</li><li>Eight switched rear panel outlets, arranged in banks of two</li><li>Adjustable turn-on delay and remote switching per each of three banks</li><li>One unswitched front panel outlet</li><li>Built-in current sensing and energy monitoring</li><li>Line voltage monitoring</li><li>Professional grade surge protection</li><li>UL® 1449 Type 3 Listed</li><li>Thermal breaker overload protection</li><li>Adjustable over-voltage and under-voltage cutoff</li><li>EMI and RFI noise filtering</li><li>Wiring fault detection [3]</li><li>Ambient temperature sensing and over-temperature cutoff</li><li>Ping monitoring (device lockup detection and reboot)</li><li>Built-in energy usage and event logging</li><li>Front panel main power switch and status indicators</li><li>Easy setup and operation via web browser</li><li>Crestron® control system integration via Ethernet or Cresnet®</li><li>Remote management via MyCrestron.com, Crestron Fusion® Cloud, or SNMP [2]</li><li>Single-space 19 inch rack-mountable</li><li>Rated 15 Amps at 120 Volts AC</li><li>Limited Lifetime Product Warranty</li><li>Limited 5 Year Connected Equipment Protection Warranty</li></ul><p>1. Crestron control system and custom programming sold separately.<br>2. Email notification and direct integration with MyCrestron.com, Crestron Fusion, and SNMP will be enabled through a future firmware update. Alternately, these services can be integrated now through a Crestron control system with custom programming.<br>3. Detects most input line wiring faults. Does not detect neutral/ground reversal. Does not discern between ground connections at the AC power line, chassis, or connected equipment (a ground connection at any point will be detected by the PC-200 as normal). The installer is responsible for proper wiring and grounding of this and all connected equipment according to applicable electrical codes, accepted guidelines, and best practices. Proper wiring and function of the AC power source should be verified prior to connecting the PC-200 or any other equipment. Use of this product does not negate the responsibilities of the installer and end-user to exercise all appropriate and required measures for safe and reliable installation and operation.</p>
Energy Monitoring Power Conditioner & Controller 300 - PC-300
|<p>The PC-300 is a professional grade, rack-mountable power conditioner and controller designed to provide 120 Volt AC power distribution, switching, surge protection, noise filtering, and energy monitoring for Crestron® control systems, AV systems, computers, and other equipment. Eight individually-switched outlets are provided on the rear panel, plus a single unswitched convenience outlet is provided on the front. All nine outlets are protected, filtered, and monitored. The switched outlets are each turn-on delay-adjustable when controlled from the front panel power switch. The switched outlets are also individually controllable via a control system to enable independent switching of devices, on/off power sequencing, load-shedding, and other custom power control functionality.[1]</p><p>Built-in RMS voltage and current monitoring enables logging and reporting of line voltage fluctuations at the input, as well as current, power, and energy usage at each outlet. An external temperature sensor is included to keep tabs on heat conditions within the equipment rack or room. Network connectivity allows for setup and operation using a web browser, with extensive custom control and monitoring capabilities enabled through integration with a Crestron control system, the MyCrestron.com residential monitoring service, the Crestron Fusion® Cloud enterprise management service, or an SNMP client.[1,2] Setup and operation can also be performed through the LCD front panel.</p><p> </p><strong>Power Conditioning<br></strong>A quality power conditioner is an essential component of any professional system to prevent sudden equipment failure due to lightning and electrical disturbances, to prolong the lifespan of that equipment, and to maximize overall system performance during everyday operation. The PC-300 includes the following power conditioning features:<br><ul><li><strong>Surge Protection</strong> &mdash; Provides protection against surges and spikes in the AC power line caused by lightning and other electrical disturbances</li><li><strong>Under/Over Voltage Cutoff</strong> &mdash; Shuts off power to the rear panel outlets if the line voltage strays beyond the normal operating range, which is adjustable on the PC-300</li><li><strong>Thermal Breaker</strong> &mdash; Disrupts power to all outlets in case of an overload condition</li><li><strong>EMI/RFI Noise Filtering</strong> &mdash; Prevents electromagnetic and radio frequency interference that can negatively impact sound and video quality</li><li><strong>Wiring Fault Detection</strong> &mdash; Detects faulty wiring of the incoming AC power line and shuts off power to the rear panel outlets until the fault is corrected [3]</li></ul> <p><strong>Eight-Stage Adjustable Turn-On Delay</strong><br>When operated by its front panel power switch, the PC-300 allows each of its rear panel outlets to turn on in any order according to the delay time set for each outlet. Each outlet is individually adjustable to provide up to 10 seconds of delay before turning on, ensuring that the connected equipment gets powered up in proper order with sufficient time for each piece to stabilize. This helps to prevent dangerous transients that can damage delicate components and potentially trip the main circuit breaker. It can also help to prevent audible pops and thumps through connected audio equipment at power-up. Delayed turn-on is initiated by turning on the front panel power switch, or by applying power to the main line input following a power outage or through an externally switched circuit.<br><br></p><p><strong>Eight Remote-Controllable Switched Outlets</strong><br>Any of the PC-300’s eight rear panel outlets can be turned on or off individually through the front panel LCD screen or over the network using a web browser or control system. This energy-saving feature allows select components to be powered down when not needed. Through integration with a control system, custom functionality can be programmed to enable control from a touch screen, keypad, remote, or mobile device. Sequential power-up and power-down functionality can be enabled through programming of the control system, with select outlets designated as always on. For systems employing a backup generator or UPS, load-shedding can be performed to shut down unnecessary components during a power outage.[1]</p><p> </p><strong>Energy Monitoring</strong><br>By sensing the incoming line voltage and individual device loads, the PC-300 facilitates a host of solutions for monitoring, automating, and troubleshooting a system.<br><ul><li>Voltage monitoring allows fluctuations in the power line to be tracked and logged, helping to identify and document problems with the power utility or building wiring.</li><li>Energy monitoring per outlet provides the real power consumption (watts), current draw (amps), and energy usage (watt-hours) for each connected device.</li><li>Allows power-hungry equipment to be identified and replaced with more efficient equipment.</li><li>High inrush current devices can be identified to assist in optimizing the configuration of power sequencing schemes.</li><li>Overall energy usage can be tracked and logged to identify trends and reform energy-wasting behaviors.</li><li>Individual device usage can be tracked to inform the scheduling of maintenance and future purchasing decisions.</li><li>The power state of an IR controlled device can often be determined by sensing its AC current draw, ensuring it’s on when it should be on.</li><li>An alert notification can be sent if there’s a sudden or abnormal drop in current draw, potentially indicating a device has been shut off improperly or disconnected due to theft (effective only when outlets are switched on).</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Ambient Temperature Sensing</strong><br>The PC-300 offers a complete equipment protection solution by monitoring the ambient temperature within the equipment cabinet or room to prevent overheating. The included temperature sensor connects to the rear of the PC-300 and features a choice of magnetic or adhesive mounting for easy placement within a typical equipment rack enclosure. The over-temperature cutoff threshold can be set to shut down power to the system if conditions exceed a safe operating temperature. Through a control system, the temperature measurement can be utilized to regulate the operation of cooling fans or air-conditioning equipment to keep equipment running cool.</p> <p><strong>Ping Monitoring</strong><br>No matter how well a system is designed and programmed, even the finest control system or computer has the potential to lock up and stop responding once in a while. The PC-300 can be configured to detect an unresponsive device by sending it a ping command at regular intervals. If the ping request is not returned after four tries, the outlet feeding the monitored device cycles off and on to reboot the device, quickly restoring normal operation without any human intervention.</p> <p><strong>Built-In Logging</strong><br>Events such as power surges, over/under voltage conditions, over-temperature conditions, ping failures, outlet switching activity, and sudden changes in current draw (indicative of a device being improperly shut off or disconnected) can all be logged as they occur to document the time and cause of problems and to track device usage. All sensor readings are logged at a configurable interval as short as five seconds providing a minimum of one week’s worth of data. Logs can be retrieved periodically to record a detailed history of events and energy usage over time.</p> <strong>UL® 1449 Certified</strong><br>The PC-300 has been tested and certified by UL as compliant with the UL 1449 safety and performance standard for surge protective devices (SPD).<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Rack-mountable power conditioner and controller</li><li>Eight individual-switched rear panel outlets</li><li>Adjustable turn-on delay and local/remote switching per outlet</li><li>One unswitched front panel outlet</li><li>Built-in current sensing and energy monitoring per outlet</li><li>Line voltage monitoring</li><li>Professional grade surge protection</li><li>UL® 1449 Type 3 Listed</li><li>Thermal breaker overload protection</li><li>Adjustable over-voltage and under-voltage cutoff</li><li>EMI and RFI noise filtering</li><li>Wiring fault detection [3]</li><li>Ambient temperature sensing and over-temperature cutoff</li><li>Ping monitoring (device lockup detection and reboot)</li><li>Built-in energy usage and event logging</li><li>Front panel main power switch, status indicators, and color LCD</li><li>Easy setup and operation via front panel or web browser</li><li>Crestron® control system integration via Ethernet or Cresnet®</li><li>Remote management via MyCrestron.com, Crestron Fusion® Cloud, or SNMP [2]</li><li>Single-space 19 inch rack-mountable</li><li>Rated 15 Amps at 120 Volts AC</li><li>Limited Lifetime Product Warranty</li><li>Limited 5 Year Connected Equipment Protection Warranty</li></ul> <p>1. Crestron control system and custom programming sold separately.<br>2. Email notification and direct integration with MyCrestron.com, Crestron Fusion, and SNMP will be enabled through a future firmware update. Alternately, these services can be integrated now through a Crestron control system with custom programming.<br>3. Detects most input line wiring faults. Does not detect neutral/ground reversal. Does not discern between ground connections at the AC power line, chassis, or connected equipment (a ground connection at any point will be detected by the PC-300 as normal). The installer is responsible for proper wiring and grounding of this and all connected equipment according to applicable electrical codes, accepted guidelines, and best practices. Proper wiring and function of the AC power source should be verified prior to connecting the PC-300 or any other equipment. Use of this product does not negate the responsibilities of the installer and end-user to exercise all appropriate and required measures for safe and reliable installation and operation.</p>
MB-45 door opening outwards with top fixed window
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p>
MB-45 door opening outwards
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p>
MB-45 two-winged door opening outwards with top fixed window
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p>
MB-45 storefront double panel
|<p><b>MB-45</b>&nbsp;is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<b>&nbsp;MB-60</b>&nbsp;and<b>&nbsp;MB-70</b>&nbsp;window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door&nbsp;<b>MB-45S</b>.</p>
MB-45 two-winged door opening outwards
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
MB-45 system
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
QuarryView Fire Pit
|<p>QuarryView wood burning fire pits features masonry planter pedestal bases and include a stainless steel bowl for embers. Each pedestal consists of four separate panels using hand laid courses of thin veneer which are bonded to a powder coated light weight steel frame. Panels are easily assembled by hand and do not require any tools. QuarryView Stonework is perfect for natural settings and pairs great with planter beds and foliage.&nbsp;<br><br>All QuarryView fire features are designed, engineered and manufactured with 100% non-combustible materials in the body. They can be installed on a flat, stable surface away from any combustible materials. Install fire feature on any level, outdoor non-combustible, flat stable surface or a combustible floor according. NOTE: Do not place fire pit directly on grass, dirt, or rocks this may prevent proper ventilation. Ensure proper water drainage is also incorporated into the fire pit enclosure.&nbsp;</p>