ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009063D parametric, rotator, with optional\n- name of library part to rotate\n- rotate about "X", "Y", "Z" axis (+ or -)
Rafał Ślęk | 1344006158Obiekt zaimportowany do ArchiCADa z formatu 3DS i sparametryzowany. www.archibloq.com
Z Beams 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Z-shaped steel beam with cutting planes at the ends, rotation along axis or cross section and different sizes according to EN Standards.
Z Column 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Z-shaped steel column with cutting planes at the ends and different sizes according to EN Standards.
Z Section Beam 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Z section light steel beam with different sizes, cutting planes at the ends and rotation along axis or cross section.
Z Section Column 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Z section light steel column.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400861#http://www.acrmim.com Régnier Jean-Luc Arch-brick (another version of the arch) note that the texture fit nicely with the direction of the radius, if you have enough bricks ! number of brick fix the value of the brick's width. Thickness and lenght of the bricks are independant value3D parametric, brick arch, with optional\n- lenght of arch (internal)\n- height of arch (internal)\n- Z dimension\n- brick's height\n- brick's thickness\n- number of brick\n- curved bricks\n- reflection /XY
EL 100 goscinne
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
EL 100 obrotowe
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
ESTATE konferencyjny
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
ESTATE obrotowy
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
NATURA konferencyjne
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
NATURA obrotowe
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2011© !piotr.dobrowolski@kr.onet.pl !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
Pillow 2
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436479453D parametric, Skandiform Pillow 2 with optional\n- bend distance in x, y, z direction\n- plus bend distance in z top\n- side modification\n- upper bending radius front and back\n- lower bending radius\n- edge sharpener
PLIO goscinne
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
PLIO stol
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
REALITY goscinne
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
REALITY obrotowe
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
REALY goscinne
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
REALY hoker
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric deskshelf z with optional\n- starter unit / add-on unit\n- tabletop, kickplate material
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric table z with optional\n- starter unit / add-on unit / add-on unit with L-shape panel\n- kickplate\n- tabletop, kickplate material
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
VITO trawers
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !meble z kolekcji firmy SITAG Formy Siedzenia !www.sitag.pl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Piotr Dobrowolski 2008-2009© !www.archicad.pl !----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100713Bramka piłkarska, kratowa z koszem do koszykówki : Bramka służy do gry w piłkę nożną lub ręczną oraz mini koszykówkę, Konstrukcja bramki wykonana z rury 48,3x2,9 mm i 38x2,6 mm, Siatka bramki wykonana jest z prętów stalowych fi 12 mm i fi 8 mm oraz łańcucha chromowego fi 5 mm, Cała konstrukcja bramki kratowej zabezpieczona antykorozyjnie, W komplecie znajdują się prefabrykaty betonowe ułatwiające montaż bramki w gruncie. Gateway football, mesh with a basket for basketball: Gateway is used to play football or handball and mini basketball, The design goal is made of pipe 48.3 x2, 9, and 38x2 mm, 6 mm, Grid gateway is made of steel rods fi fi 12 mm and 8 mm and chrome chain Ø 5 mm, The whole structure of the goal mesh corrosion-resistant, The set includes precast concrete goal to facilitate installation in the ground.
old ship cannon
Rafał Ślęk | 1358260948Czy ktoś na sali pamięta jeszcze program ZoomGDL Abventu? :-) Obiekt wyrzeźbiony został właśnie za jego pomocą w ramach testów pierwszych dwóch wersji. Element z wersji 6.5 po drobnych szlifach udostępniam do wersji ArchiCAD 16 POL oraz INT. Object for ZoomGDL fans :-) Prepared for ArchiCAD 6.5 now after some cleaning is ready for version ArchiCAD 16 (INT and POL) .
Petr Kasík | 1352725293Diagram zastínění 50° s.z.š. a den 1. března (ČSN 734301)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1384809325Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert und ergänzt durch Heimo Mooslechner ermöglicht verschiedene "Wandzüge" entlang einer Führungslinie. Im 3D kann dann jeder Knotenpunkt der Führungslinie in Z verschoben werden. Die "Wand " kann im 3D über einen Z-Offset zur einfacheren Bearbeitung der Z-Punkte nach oben geschoben werden. Verschiedene Arten der "Wand" sind möglich: Nur Linienzug im 3D, Linienzüge nur hochgezogen, stehende 3D-Flächen, "Wand" bestehend aus 3D-Flächen, Volumenmodell mit "Morph"-Grund-Elementen. Achtung - negative Z-Werte sind zu vermeiden.
trilux is500 z wozkami
Piotr Antosz | 1385657144TRILUX IS 500 ceiling supply system
TONDACH doplňkové tašky okrajové
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky okrajové Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
NCP® Rio Z Junior og Mini
Christoffer Reina | 1512473634 -
Z Beams 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Z-shaped steel beam with cutting planes at the ends, rotation along axis or cross section and different sizes according to EN Standards.
Z Column 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Z-shaped steel column with cutting planes at the ends and different sizes according to EN Standards.
Z Section Beam 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Z section light steel beam with different sizes, cutting planes at the ends and rotation along axis or cross section.
Z Section Column 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Z section light steel column.
KomínStar komínový systém
Team BIMsoft | 1425397438#http://www.kominy-kominy.cz Kompketní komínová sestava Komín-Stav s.r.o. Nová Lipová 638 251 69 Velké Popovice www.kominy-kominy.cz Checked & Updated by BIMsoft s.r.o. www.bimsoft.cz © BIMsoft s.r.o. 2013 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
Petr Vokoun | 1456409106Softub Sportster 140 je nejmenší vířivka z nabídky Softub. Vířivka Sportster je určena pro jednu až dvě osoby. Mezi hlavní výhody patří velmi nízká hmotnost napuštěné vířivky a skromné rozměry. Díky tomu je vhodná všude tam, kde jste omezeni prostorem nebo nosností.
TONDACH doplňkové tašky
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
TONDACH střešní krytina
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
Open Cell raster ceiling
|Aluminium suspended raster ceilings are an alternative to other types of suspended ceilings. Raster ceilings, in addition to their unquestionable aesthetic values, are non-flammable and non dripping in case of fire, and they do not interfere with technical installations such as air conditioning, ventilation systems, electrical and telecommunication wirings. Due to the open nature of the raster ceiling, any fire protection system, both signalling and sprinkling can be installed above the suspended ceiling. Suspended raster ceilings are also lightweight and easy to install. Due to these features, suspended raster ceilings are increasingly used in objects such as banks, offices, shopping malls and showrooms, airports and railway stations, etc. Open cell ceiling components are manufactured by BARWA SYSTEM Sp. z o.o., with high quality pre-finished aluminium sheet with a thickness from 0.43 to 0.6 mm. Varnish is applied to pre-treated aluminium tapes with the use of double-layer “Coil Coating” method, and then baked.
PP200 baffle ceiling
|PP200 vertical panels are functional interior finishing elements, dedicated to large rooms with high noise level, such as airports, waiting rooms, entry halls, conference rooms, restaurants, dining halls and manufacturing halls of high noise intensity. Due to the open nature of panel ceilings, any fire protection system both sprinkling and signalling can be installed above the suspended ceiling. Open cell ceilings are also lightweight and easy to install. The PP ceiling elements are manufactured by the BARWA SYSTEM SP. z o.o. using top quality, factory-painted aluminium sheet metal. Varnish is applied in powder on specially pre-treated aluminium tapes.
|<p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are marked with the following code, according to PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015 standard: </p> <p>EPS-EN 13163-T(1)-L(2)-W(2)-S(2)-P(5)-BS250-CS(10)200-DS(N)2-DS(70,-)1-DLT(1)5 </p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 (EPS 200) insulation panels are manufactured in the form of finished goods in the innovative shape moulding technology. Owing to innovative production process they feature excellent insulation characteristics and very good working properties. They are intended for use as a broadly defined floor thermal insulation in water underfloor heating systems. </p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels are intended for use as floor thermal insulation and for installation of heating pipes in water underfloor heating systems. They are designed for quick and easy installation of the pipes. Panels are made of dense expanded polystyrene and are therefore not susceptible to moisture absorption. Because of their versatility they may be applied in housing construction and public utility facilities. </p> <ul><li>The system of protrusions allows for a quick and easy installation of heating pipes.<br>The shape of protrusions ensures stability of heating pipes after they have been laid, without the necessity of using any additional materials to hold them in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Protrusions that hold the heating pipes in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Innovative edge profiles allow for tight and durable connection of the panels.</li><li>High thermal resistance (λD thermal conductivity = 0,033 W/(mK) – excellent thermal insulating power</li></ul> <p></p> <p><strong>INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 PANELS</strong></p> <p>Steps of laying water underfloor heating system with KNAUF Therm FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels&nbsp;</p> <p>Steps of laying the water underfloor heating system depend on the location of the room in which it is going to be installed.</p> <p>1. Applying the so called additional insulation (if the underfloor heating is installed on soil or over an unheated room) – KNAUF Therm expanded polystyrene panels (KNAUF Therm TECH Dach/Podłoga λ 37, KNAUF Therm PRO Dach/Podłoga EPS 100 λ 36, KNAUF Therm PRO Parking EPS 200 λ 33)&nbsp;<br>2. Gluing in the edge strips at the walls and pillars (if the latter are present in the room that the water underfloor heating is installed in)<br>3. Laying down the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 professional panels intended for water underfloor heating.<br>4. Laying the heating pipes on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel<br>(without the necessity of using any other materials to hold the heating pipes in place)<br>5. Priming the heating pipes with water.<br>6. Making the so called heating slab.<br>7. Covering the pipes with anhydrite or cement screed (it can be KNAUF FE 50 cement screed) – up to the height of “protrusions” on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel.<br>8. Releasing air bubbles from the screed – the heating pipes have to be completely covered with screed without the so called “air pockets” under the pipes.&nbsp;<br>9. Surface levelling – if necessary – using self levelling KNAUF FE 50 screed</p> <p><strong>ATTENTION</strong><br>Do not use the panels in direct contact with substances destructive to polystyrene, e.g. organic solvents (acetone, Nitro, benzene etc.).&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PACKAGING, STORAGE, TRANSPORT</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are only supplied in original manufacture’s packaging, i.e. that of KNAUF Industries Polska Sp. z o.o.&nbsp;</p> <p>The product packaging contains information on: product name, manufacturer’s name, production date, relevant Polish Standard number i.e. PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015, a code in accordance with the standard and declared technical parameters</p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels should be stored in a manner protecting them against mechanical damage and atmospheric conditions.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
Z-Locker Laminate Door W:300 D:500 H:1700
|<p>The Z locker is available in two variants. Either the interior of clothing locker or school locker is adapted. Strong lockers made of 1mm steel sheet. The locker can be delivered with both flat and sloping ceilings. The surface and reinforced door is made of 10mm high pressure laminate and fitted with pianohinge.<br>Interior Z-clothing locker: Clothes bar with anchor hook.<br>Interior Z-school lockers: Two shelves and wardrobe.&nbsp; <br>Ideal for colleges, high schools, locker rooms, employee changing rooms, government agencies, gyms and many other applications.</p> <p>The clean lines, durability and quality, of Dalform lockers makes them an ideal choice for virtually any facility. Available in a wide range of sizes and designer colors, Dalform lockers are an attractive and effective storage solution.</p> <p>Dalform have manufactured sheet metal lockers since 2008.</p> <p>A few types of lockers that we are manufacturing </p> <ul><li>Clothing Locker </li><li>Z-locker </li><li>Storage Locker </li><li>School Locker </li><li>Personal Locker </li><li>Student Locker </li><li>Sheet Metal Locker </li></ul> <p><br></p>
Z-Locker Flat Steel Door W:300 D:500 H:1700
|<p>The Z locker is available in two variants. Either the interior of clothing locker or school locker is adapted. Strong lockers made of 1mm steel sheet. The locker can be delivered with both flat and sloping ceilings. The surface and reinforced door is made of 3mm steel sheet and fitted with pianohinge.<br>Interior Z-clothing locker: Clothes bar with anchor hook.<br>Interior Z-school locker: Two shelves and wardrobe.&nbsp; <br>Ideal for colleges, high schools, locker rooms, employee changing rooms, government agencies, gyms and many other applications.</p> <p>The clean lines, durability and quality, of Dalform lockers makes them an ideal choice for virtually any facility. Available in a wide range of sizes and designer colors, Dalform lockers are an attractive and effective storage solution.</p> <p>Dalform have manufactured sheet metal lockers since 2008.</p><p>A few types of lockers that we are manufacturing </p> <ul><li>Clothing Locker </li><li>Z-locker </li><li>Storage Locker </li><li>School Locker </li><li>Personal Locker </li><li>Student Locker </li><li>Sheet Metal Locker </li></ul><p><br></p>
Z-Locker Arched Steel Door W:300 D:500 H:1700
|<p>The Z locker is available in two variants. Either the interior of clothing locker or school locker is adapted. Strong lockers made of 1mm steel sheet. The locker can be delivered with both flat and sloping ceilings. The surface and reinforced door is made of 3mm steel sheet and fitted with pianohinge.<br>Interior Z-clothing locker: Clothes rack with anchor hook.<br>Interior Z-school locker: Two shelves and wardrobe. <br>Ideal for colleges, high schools, locker rooms, employee changing rooms, government agencies, gyms and many other applications.</p> <p>The clean lines, durability and quality, of Dalform lockers makes them an ideal choice for virtually any facility. Available in a wide range of sizes and designer colors, Dalform lockers are an attractive and effective storage solution.</p> <p>Dalform have manufactured sheet metal lockers since 2008.</p> <p>A few types of lockers that we are manufacturing </p> <ul><li>Clothing Locker </li><li>Z-locker </li><li>Storage Locker </li><li>School Locker </li><li>Personal Locker </li><li>Student Locker </li><li>Sheet Metal Locker </li></ul> <p><br></p>
Z-Locker Laminate Door W:400 D:500 H:1700
|<p>The Z locker is available in two variants.Either the interior of clothing locker or school locker is adapted. Strong lockers made of 1mm steel sheet. The locker can be delivered with both flat and sloping ceilings. The surface and reinforced door is made of 10mm high pressure laminate sheet and fitted with pianohinge.<br>Interior Z-clothing locker: Clothes bar with anchor hook.<br>Interior Z-school lockers: Two shelves and wardrobe.&nbsp; <br>Ideal for colleges, high schools, locker rooms, employee changing rooms, government agencies, gyms and many other applications.</p> <p>The clean lines, durability and quality, of Dalform lockers makes them an ideal choice for virtually any facility. Available in a wide range of sizes and designer colors, Dalform lockers are an attractive and effective storage solution.</p> <p>Dalform have manufactured sheet metal lockers since 2008.</p> <p>A few types of lockers that we are manufacturing </p> <ul><li>Clothing Locker </li><li>Z-locker </li><li>Storage Locker </li><li>School Locker </li><li>Personal Locker </li><li>Student Locker </li><li>Sheet Metal Locker </li></ul> <p><br></p>
Z-Locker Flat Steel Door W:400 D:500 H:1700
|<p>The Z locker is available in two variants.Either the interior of clothing locker or school locker is adapted. Strong lockers made of 1mm steel sheet. The locker can be delivered with both flat and sloping ceilings. The surface and reinforced door is made of 3mm steel sheet and fitted with pianohinge.<br>Interior Z-clothing locker: Clothes bar with anchor hook.<br>Interior Z-school lockers: Two shelves and wardrobe.&nbsp; <br>Ideal for colleges, high schools, locker rooms, employee changing rooms, government agencies, gyms and many other applications.</p> <p>The clean lines, durability and quality, of Dalform lockers makes them an ideal choice for virtually any facility. Available in a wide range of sizes and designer colors, Dalform lockers are an attractive and effective storage solution.</p> <p>Dalform have manufactured sheet metal lockers since 2008.</p><p>A few types of lockers that we are manufacturing </p> <ul><li>Clothing Locker </li><li>Z-locker </li><li>Storage Locker </li><li>School Locker </li><li>Personal Locker </li><li>Student Locker </li><li>Sheet Metal Locker </li></ul><p><br></p>
Z-Locker Arched Steel Door W:400 D:500 H:1700
|<p>The Z locker is available in two variants. Either the interior of clothing locker or school locker is adapted. Strong lockers made of 1mm steel sheet. The locker can be delivered with both flat and sloping ceilings. The surface and reinforced door is made of 3mm steel sheet and fitted with pianohinge.<br>Interior Z-clothing locker: Clothes bar with anchor hook.<br>Interior Z-school locker: Two shelves and wardrobe. <br>Ideal for colleges, high schools, locker rooms, employee changing rooms, government agencies, gyms and many other applications.</p> <p>The clean lines, durability and quality, of Dalform lockers makes them an ideal choice for virtually any facility. Available in a wide range of sizes and designer colors, Dalform lockers are an attractive and effective storage solution.</p> <p>Dalform have manufactured sheet metal lockers since 2008.</p><p>A few types of lockers that we are manufacturing </p> <ul><li>Clothing Locker </li><li>Z-locker </li><li>Storage Locker </li><li>School Locker </li><li>Personal Locker </li><li>Student Locker </li><li>Sheet Metal Locker </li></ul><p><br></p>