Tube - editable
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008623D parametric, editable 3-part tube, with optional\n- diameter\n- radius of bend\n- X angle\n- Y angle\n- 1st tube length\n- 2nd tube length
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009063D parametric, rotator, with optional\n- name of library part to rotate\n- rotate about "X", "Y", "Z" axis (+ or -)
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric deskshelf y with optional\n- starter unit / add-on unit\n- tabletop, kickplate material
Coordinate Dimension 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D sign to indicate the insertion point's x, y coordinates.
Pillow 2
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436479453D parametric, Skandiform Pillow 2 with optional\n- bend distance in x, y, z direction\n- plus bend distance in z top\n- side modification\n- upper bending radius front and back\n- lower bending radius\n- edge sharpener
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D Eurobib shelf for module y/z
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric table y with optional\n- starter unit / add-on unit / add-on unit with L-shape panel\n- kickplate\n- tabletop, kickplate material
Armario Lavabo 18
andrea botta | 1514303149Fregadero empotrado en mueble con puerta y un cajón opcional. Editable con el Modelador MEP.
Tubo Recto 19
Gaston Ariel | 1498577035Tubo con conexión soldada o con brida y aislamiento opcional.
Q-Railing Easy Glass Fascia Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
ISO Contenedor 20
Mariano Luna | 1543784176ISO Contenedor de 20 pulgadas (6 metros) de largo. Medidas exteriores: 6,05m de largo, 2,43m de ancho y 2,60m de alto.
Vidrio - Celeste R
Ricardo Espinosa | 1441726530Vidrio celeste para oficinas, con buen reflejo y transparencia
ISO Contenedor 40HQ
Mariano Luna | 1543784176ISO Contenedor de 40 pulgadas (12 metros) High Cube. Medidas exteriores: 12,19m de largo, 2,43m de ancho y 2,90m de alto.
Ventana Triple con Tarja en Medio 18
Adan Bautista Bautista | 1424362621Ventana triple con travesaño en segmento central y diferentes tipos de apertura.
Lamas Verticales 19
Esther Alicia | 1520634867Cortina practicable con lamas verticales y ángulo opcional.
Detalle 2D Paramétrico de Unidades de Albañeria Y Fábricas
Nader Belal | 1421002503Detalle 2d parámetrico de unidades de fábrica o de albañería, in planta, alzado y vista lateral (vistos como alzados or como sección - ver 2015.01). Para más información contactar Nader Belal naderbelal@hotmail.com o visita mi blog http://nbbim.wordpress.com/
ISO Contenedor 40
Mariano Luna | 1543784176ISO Contenedor de 40 pulgadas (12m) de largo. Medidas exteriores: 12,19m de largo, 2,43m de ancho y 2,60m de alto.
Starvault 1 int
Heimo Mooslechner | 1360876198Star-Vault, certain material-def's within, full or shell, klick and drag x + y - open measure arc. very slow but functional..
robin brown | 1503352566 -
Q-Railing Easy Glass Top Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Cajetin Rectangular 2x4
Jose Morillo | 1493485141Cajetin Metalico Rectangular 2x4x1 1/2 pulgadas Salidas 3/4 y 1/2 pulgadas
Coordinate Dimension 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D sign to indicate the insertion point's x, y coordinates.
Mesa Rectangular 02 21
Mauricio Monterrosa | 1527300038Mesa rectangular, con sobre sólido o múltiples tableros, y espacio mínimo.
Constanza Mir Franken | 1574112996multicancha de voley, basquet y futbol
Plantas 19
Gabriela Angarita | 1463127546Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de plantas con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Plataforma con Escalera 19
Paola Daza | 1459014129Plataforma y escalera con barandilla y símbolo 2D sensible a piso.
Silla Diseño 04 18
Remus Bogdan Dale | 1423139957Silla de diseño con símbolos 2D y espacio mínimo.
barandal marco y X
Jorge Arreguin Galindo | 1587751055marco personalisable con equis , se pueden cambiar todos los espesores y materiales
Carlos Lopez Figueroa | 1367472758 -
Arbustos 20
Flor Ruiz | 1493366660Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de arbustos con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Calefactor tiro balanceado 2000KC Longvie
René Guzmán Gil | 1463882561Tiro Balanceado. Potencia: 2.000 Kcal/h. Salida horizontal incluida. Salida en "U" opcional. Encendido piezoeléctrico. Reja de aluminio macizo inyectado. Válvula de seguridad. Regulador de presión multigas. Cámara de combustión estanca, totalmente enlozada. Incluye kit de instalación. Multigas. Color: gabinete tiza y parrilla gris. Medidas: ancho 30,0 cm, alto 57,5 cm, profundidad 16,0 cm. Superficie calefaccionada aprox.: 18 m², Origen: Argentina. - See more at: http://www.longvie.com/producto.php?idprod=375&idcat=40#descrip
Chapa Colaborante
Javier Farratell | 1423051410Este accesorio de forjado permite crear un forjado colaborante recubriendo con una chapa laminada la superficie del forjado. Con una fácil e intuitiva interfaz, podemos mover el punto caliente en planta para dirigir la dirección de la chapa, en las propiedades del elemento podemos crear a nuestra medida el perfil de las láminas y en el 3D, y en las propiedades del elemento, podemos poner a la altura que queramos la chapa para crear nuestro forjado colaborante a gusto. El último paso sería utilizar el objeto como elemento de sustracción con extrusión en la dirección que deseamos para que nuestro forjado sea totalmente real.
Cimbra L
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Cimbra en "L" para trabes y contra trabes de concreto. Formwork for L beams.
Local Coordinate System 19
GRAPHISOFT SE | 15033527892D sign to indicate the insertion point's x, y coordinates.
Mesita de Noche 18
sebastian lopez | 1495950376Mesita de noche con estante y cajón opcionales.
Pérgola 19
jorge leon rivas | 1500073989Pérgola con soporte y número de patas opcionales.
Silla Diseño 01 18
Dayana Díaz Faccini | 1439800411Diferentes tipos de silla de diseño con símbolos 2D y espacio mínimo.
Ytong Spain
|This stone is white and consists of lime, sand, cement and water. Inside, it contains millions of air pores, which also gave him the name: aerated concrete. Over 70 years ago it was for the first time industrially produced in southern Sweden’s Yxhult in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy due to stricter laws. From the original name "Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong" a short time later became the first registered building materials brand in the world, which pushed the worldwide carrer of Ytong and changed the building construction sustainably. Since then, Ytong with the concise Y of its hometown and the significant yellow color, stands like no other brand for construction with optimal insulation. This material has become a standard element in residential building on an international level. Due to the extensive product range it is possible to build a house from the basement to the roof completely with aerated concrete elements. Ytong aerated concrete offers the right solution for every application with the highest quality masonry. Whether basement masonry, monolithic exterior or interior walls, you will always find the right product. In renovations new room situations can efficiently be created with Ytong aerated concrete masonry. Ytong, the classic building material, stands like no other for optimal thermal insulation and massive quality.
Smooth White Ártico
|It stands as the purest white model of La Paloma Cerámica y Gres. A unique texture combined with its spectacular color, make White Smooth Ártico the most in demand among the wide range of La Paloma Cerámica y Gres. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
klinker Brick Slip Smooth White Ártico
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Blanco Ártico Brick Slip is the most in demand among the wide range of La Paloma Cerámicas Catalogue. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Klinker Brick Slip Smooth Grey Otero
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Gris Otero Brick Slip is presented as the most regular tone within the grey range of La Paloma. With a lighter appearance than Gris Escorial, Gris Otero is one of the most demanded models among klinker quality for architectural trend and its neutral color. Gris Otero is often used in different combinations. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Klinker Brick Slip Smooth Ochre Guadarrama
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Ocre Guadarrama Brick Slip presents the clearest tone of the ocre flashing range. Since company origins this model has accompanied the catalogue and still working perfectly with greater acceptance in residential houses than in buildings, although there are examples of buildings with grat architectural value. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Klinker Brick Slip Smooth Red Bilbao
|The range of Brick Slips Klinker of La Paloma Cerámicas is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). Easy to fix with adhesive (cement, glue…) and simple tools (trowel, toothed spatula, tile cutter and nails). Fast and easy. Both for renovation or new work, Brick Slip is a fast and clean choice for cladding. Rojo Bilbao Brick Slip is the model within red range that does not present tonality variation. With high demand in the north of Spain, its klinker quality gives excellent perormance to harsh climates. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the stoneware bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámica y Gres is permanent because it achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
FABRIC & TWEED Tile Collection
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Blanco 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Blanco 60x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Blanco 60x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Blanco 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Arena 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Arena 60x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Arena 60x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Arena 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Gris 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Gris 60x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Gris 60x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Gris 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Grafito 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Grafito 60x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Grafito 60x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Base Grafito 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Blanco 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Blanco 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Arena 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Arena 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Gris 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Gris 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Grafito 30x60 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Base Grafito 19.5x120 R
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Peldaño Blanco 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Peldaño Arena 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Peldaño Gris 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Peldaño Grafito 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Rodapié Blanco 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Rodapié Arena 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Rodapié Gris 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
FABRIC Rodapié Grafito 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Peldaño Blanco 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Peldaño Arena 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Peldaño Gris 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Peldaño Grafito 30x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Rodapié Blanco 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Rodapié Arena 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Rodapié Gris 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
TWEED Rodapié Grafito 10x60
|Fabric-Tweed, a tribute to fabrics, to the warmth of rugs and the well-being of domestic interiors. A touch of fabrics and knitwear makes up this floor tile that combines the smoothness of carpets along with the technical qualities of ceramics. Included in the Rock&Rock tuttomassa full body porcelain range, these floor tiles create a new range of ideal finishes for the contract market niche. The Fabric decoration pays a tribute to the monochrome sobriety in different colours while Tweed, with its spike-shaped design, is a creative example that celebrates the traditional Jacquard in a perfect range to carry out combinations. Range available in 19.5x120 R cm., 30x60 R cm. y 61.5x61.5 cm. (only available in Fabric).
Speedflow Plus steel
|Part numbers: M17A y M17AB The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom. The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc. Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds. Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W. HEPA filter media that filters solid particles in suspension. Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element. Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure. Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.