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Jose Gemez Jimenez | 1343729676Design Bottle rack
Wine Bottle
Alan Enriquez | 1515695228Wine Bottle / Botella de Vino / bottiglia di vino / wijnfles / borosüveg / bouteille de vin
Jeff Schoedler | 1361558405wine bottle, rotatable & materials editable.
Håkan Nyander | 1352193211table setting
Glossy epoxy waterproofing system, for wine tanks vitrification - MasterSeal 6391
|Waterproofing system based on a two component epoxy waterproofing membrane approved for contact with wine according EU Regulation 10/2011. Primer: According substrate. Membrane: MasterSeal M 391 (yellow or red version) Two component epoxy membrane for waterproofing and protection of wine tanks in food industry.