Ideal Standard Tonic countertop basin
Romas Vieschnickas | 1344879976Ideal Standard Tonic countertop basin 55cm
Car 0106
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164245#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0106 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0105
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164205#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0105 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0107
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164288#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0107 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0108
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164327#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0108 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Motorbike 079
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160109#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg motor bike 079 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060824 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0025
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164694#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0025 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060718 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0111
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164433#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0111 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Snowmobile 119
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160390#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg motor bike 119 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060825 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 029
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346162841#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg029 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060718 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Motorbike 080
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160143#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg motor bike 080 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060824 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Motorbike 077
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160041#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg motor bike 077 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060824 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0102
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164083#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0102 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060719 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0103
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164116#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0103 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060719 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0113
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164511#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0113 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Motorbike 085
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160172#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com bike85 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060713 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0026
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164727#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0026 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060718 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0112
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164462#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0112 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Motorbike 078
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160080#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg motor bike 078 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060824 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0109
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164358#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0109 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Jeroen de Bruin | 1343401031This object is a modification of the steel beams from the standard library. So it has all options of cutting and placement. Special feature is a cross which is drawn in section and elevations automatically. When placed side by side the fills won't merge in the section. The floorplan representation is FPCP and placement height sensitive. Also it calculates the Elastic Modus and other information automatically.
Car 0104
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346222396#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0104 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060719 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Car 0110
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164394#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0110 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060721 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric terminal table with printer table with optional\n- work surface heights\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric artica terminal table with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric multi seat terminal table with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric terminal table with 4 seats with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric terminal table with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric double terminal table with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric double terminal table with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric portable terminal table with optional\n- work surface height\n- steel details standard materials
Double Socket
Thomas Lodge | 1351514588Double power socket. UK Standard size, 3 pin. Mk2 - preview image added, 2D view is now power symbol with text
Single Socket
Thomas Lodge | 1351519755Single Power socket. UK standard, 3 pin. Mk2 - preview image added, 2D view now symbol
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Break line USA-NCS 19
Ransom Ratcliff | 1446148977A break line following the American National CAD Standard •includes a masking fill that can be turned on and off •stretchable with editable hotspots •includes double break line option •can be offset-stretched for use diagonally on stairs
Laszlo Szatmary | 1352116164Standard size snooker table with 4 type of legs.
Tactile walking surface indicator - surface mounted studs or strips
Orsolya Almer | 1683556209Tactile walking surface indicator - surface mounted studs or strips Warning block tactiles: Blister, Offset blister, Lozenge Directional block tactiles: Standard directional or guidance, Corduroy hazard warning, Cycle way Graphisoft Community - Parametric Object Factory Challenge Collection
NCS Drawing Title 22
Karl Ottenstein | 1580340162National CAD Standard Drawing Title
Машина моечно-дезинфекционная Steelco DS 800
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568833904DS 750/800 - моечно-дезинфицирующие машины. Используются в медицинских учреждениях различного профиля для мойки, дезинфекции и сушки хирургического инструментария, наркозно-дыхательной аппаратуры, офтальмологических инструментов, операционной обуви, детских бутылочек, лабораторной посуды и контейнеров. В машинах реализована система предварительного нагрева воды необходимой на фазах мойки, ополаскивания и дезинфекции, осуществляемая в бустерных баках (опционально). Данная опция значительно сокращает общее время цикла. Управление осуществляется с помощью цветного сенсорного дисплея. Систему управления STEELCOTRONIC имеет 65 настраиваемых программ. Есть возможность использовать дополнительные сенсоры, которые входят в стандартную комплектацию. Данные датчики позволяют определить тип вставляемой моечной вставки и правильность ее позиционирования в камере. Designed to meet the increasing reprocessing needs of CSSD, this washer disinfector is available in standard or Fast Cycle configurations saving cycle time and reaching higher levels of energy and water savings (12 DIN 1/1 net basket capacity). The machines assure consistently tested and efficient washing-disinfecting performances thanks to a new washing system technology made by a vertical installed washing pump that grants also a complete drain of the washing circuit. HEPA-filtered H14 forced air drying distribution on double circuit grants a perfect distribution of air on all chamber parts and basket levels ensuring the complete inside and outside drying of all the surgical instruments and tubes. DS 800 models are compatible with Steelco ATS - Automatic Transfer System.
Velino ASME - US standard
|The design escalator for stylish interiors. Velino is a reliable escalator system that operates at the highest level. Proven technologies, like the dual-circuit brake system - an optimum safeguard - or patented acoustic comb segment monitoring, ensure the highest degree of safety and a long service life. In addition, Velino offers a wide array of design options. These are the best prerequisites for adding highlights without compromising the unique style of your shopping centre, multifunctional congress centre, or airport.
Velino EN - European standard
|The design escalator for stylish interiors. Velino is a reliable escalator system that operates at the highest level. Proven technologies, like the dual-circuit brake system - an optimum safeguard, ensure the highest degree of safety and a long service life. In addition, Velino offers a wide array of design options. These are the best prerequisites for adding highlights without compromising the unique style of your shopping centre, multifunctional congress centre, or airport.
KA Series Standard
|The defining characteristics of the KA Series - Customised solutions thanks to a high degree of flexibility - An excellent ratio of size, power and speed - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - Customisable visual design - Virtually indestructible design performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - Supply and signals at KA 34/54 BSY+ for up to 2/3 drives can be looped in series - Special chain stabilisation - Pressure applications up to 700 mm, application tension stroke lengths >1000 mm possible - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Adjustable electronic closing force optimisation - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
CZ Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,17 W/(m²K) d=416 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
CZ Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,13 W/(m²K) d=517 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
CZ Ytong Internal Wall U=1,02 W/(m²K) d=110 mm Ytong Standard R=0,9769 m²K/W
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
SK Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,14 W/(m²K) d=466 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
SK Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,13 W/(m²K) d=517 mm Ytong Standard
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external walls with the Multipor ETIC system. You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry and Multipor ETIC.
SK Ytong Internal Wall U=1,02 W/(m²K) d=110 mm Ytong Standard R=0,9769 m²K/W
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find a commonly used solution for Ytong internal non-load bearing walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Bosnia and Herzegovina ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Croatia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Croatia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Kosovo monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Kosovo ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Serbia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Serbia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Slovenia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Slovenia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external monolithic walls. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Russia ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the standard solution for Ytong external walls with additional ETIC. You can download the whole construction as well as only the Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
42U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite's SR42UB is the ideal solution for secure, high-density server and networking applications in IT environments. This premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top-panel cable routing ports, perforated doors to promote efficient airflow, adjustable mounting rails, toolless vertical PDU mounting and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR42UB is compatible with Tripp Lite's extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR42UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty.
25U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite’s SR25UB premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR25UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR25UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR25UB has 25U of capacity and is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment. The front and rear pairs of vertical rails feature square mounting holes and are numbered by rack space for easy reference. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 4 to 37 inches. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 3000 lb of equipment with included installation hardware (2250-lb rolling capacity). With a locking, reversible front door and locking, removable side panels, SR25UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.
|To offer you delicious culinary possibilities with a convection oven, KitchenAid has created the Twelix oven which combines 2 different cooking methods: <b>standard convection and steam-assisted</b>. The KitchenAid KOTSS 60600 multifunction oven offers 28 cooking modes:<br>- <br>- 11 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette) and Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry)<br>- 9 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 8 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill, Tweli Grill and Favourites.<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>The LCD display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br> This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The decisive accessory needed for an excellent level of cooking. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven, and once you choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with absolute precision, necessary for your requirements to cook, for example, an oustanding “pink inside” roastbeef.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rated oven is equipped with telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking. And the oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.
|The KitchenAid KOLCS 60600 multifunction oven has 14 cooking modes:<br>- 16 Professional cooking functions: Bakery (traditional bread, malt bread, high pizza, thin pizza, salty cake, baguette), Pastry (pate a choux, croissant, sponge cake, plum cake, short pastry) and Roasting (veal pork, roast beef rare, roast beef medium, roast chicken, roast turkey)<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C), Slow cooking of meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The <b>Anti Fingerprint Stainless Steel</b> is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your oven.<br>You can control the degree of heat your food on the LCD display of the oven.<br>Furthermore this A+ energy rating oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass cool door.<br>Plus this oven is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.
|The KitchenAid KOHSS 60601 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven is rated Class A+ and has 13 cooking modes:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking for meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid KOHSS 60601 multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use.<br>Plus this oven is also equipped with a special temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle. <br>This multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray. Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with 1-level telescopic guide to make it easy to look at and taste the results during cooking, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions to the KOHCP 60601 oven that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza. This 60 cm multifunction oven has:<br>- 6 Special functions: Eco forced air, Defrosting, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt prep (50°C), Rising (40°C) and Slow cooking meat or fish<br>- 7 Traditional functions: Conventional, Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake, Turbo Grill and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use. You can also control the degree of heat your food on the Digital display of the oven.<br>In addition this oven is equipped with a temperature probe connected to the oven display so you can check the temperature inside the food whenever you want. You can programme the oven to switch off automatically when the temperature inside the food that is cooking reaches a preset level so you know it’s always cooked to perfection.<br><br>The KitchenAid A+ energy rating oven also comes with a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
|The KitchenAid KOFCS 60900 90 cm multifunction oven is Class A rated and has <br>- the Defrosting function<br>- and standard functions (Forced Air, Grill and Convection Bake).<br><br>Its extra-large 89-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid KOFCS 60900 90 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the blue digital display with touch control means it is even easier to use. <br>Catalytic liners inside the oven cavity allow you to run a self-cleaning programme to clean that space.<br>Furthermore the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control. This appliance is equipped with a turnspit and a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
Series 660 Thermal Single-Hung, Sweep Lock Block and Tackle Standard Tall Sill
|This product family of hung windows retains an AAMA Heavy Commercial and Architectural Grade rating to meet the most demanding specifications and is a proven performer in projects ranging from historical replication to new construction. This hung window series is an attractive and economical product for a wide range of applications. Multiple glazing options offer flexibility to meet specific design requirements. A thermal barrier in the frame and sash improves thermal performance enhancing energy saving potential. Offered with a complete line of sub frames, mullions and architectural sills, this product family provides the complete solution for fenestration needs.
Series 660 Thermal Single-Hung, Outside Glazed Sweep Lock Class 5 Balances Standard Tall Sill
|This product family of hung windows retains an AAMA Heavy Commercial and Architectural Grade rating to meet the most demanding specifications and is a proven performer in projects ranging from historical replication to new construction. This hung window series is an attractive and economical product for a wide range of applications. Multiple glazing options offer flexibility to meet specific design requirements. A thermal barrier in the frame and sash improves thermal performance enhancing energy saving potential. Offered with a complete line of sub frames, mullions and architectural sills, this product family provides the complete solution for fenestration needs.
Rockfon MediCare Standard
|[LIST] Fulfils all standard cleaning and hygienic properties for use in healthcare environments (compliant with HBN 00-10, TDM 4032:0.6 and HTM 60). Does not contribute to the growth of MRSA and ensures low particle emission (ISO Class 5). Highest fire safety (Class A1) and sound absorption (Class A) plus non-hygroscopic and dimensionally stable even at humidity levels of up to 100% RH. [/LIST]
Edith_M Standard
|Edith_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source and opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser result in excellent brightness while guaranteeing reduced consumption. Available in the standard, protection with front IP65 and UGR<19 comfort versions, Edith_M has been developed to provide general lighting facilitating wayfinding and performance of generic activities, especially in industrial environments, offices and public areas.
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer - Standard model 162mm - smooth body, no lift rod or waste
|Single-lever washbasin mixer - Standard model - smooth body, no lift rod or waste - anti-scale aerator, - maximum flow rate 5 l/min, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray - integral, anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin), easier cleaning, - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings, - durable finish.
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer- Standard 132mm - with supply hoses
|Kumin low single-lever washbasin mixer - incl. pop-up drain and side lift rod, - anti-scale aerator, - ceramic disc cartridge, - flow rate: 5 l/min, - integral anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin) and easier cleaning, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray, - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings.
Victoria EN - European standard
|The escalator for extended travel and high-traffic areas. Victoria stands for high performance, steps ahead of the rest. Thanks to a unique technology, this escalator bridges conveyance heights of up to 75 metres and meets the highest standards in all environments – indoors and out. As the market leader in traffic installations, Victoria also features an innovative safety concept, optimum ride comfort and economical energy-saving systems running up to 24h/day. Individual weather packages guarantee trouble-free operation and ensure lasting value, for instance with standard profiles and bases made of stainless steel, or the use of a direct handrail.
Orinoco Horizontal EN - European standard
|The versatile moving walk for longer distances Count on this moving walk to take you to places. Orinoco harmoniously blends into your building's architecture. Perfect for airports, exhibition halls, Metro hubs, indoors or out, wherever visions become reality. Orinoco offers you the maximum in safety and technology for optimum ride comfort. Long or short distances. And you have plenty of choices – from stainless steel fairing to skirt band lighting. The Orinoco moving walk complements your building while maintaining its individual character. Advantages at a glance: [LIST] Maximum availability thanks to superior product quality and extensive experience Up to 1.600mm of usable width. Energy-saving technology cuts operating costs Smooth running and quiet, with an efficient drive Increased safety thanks to patented handrail inlet Space requirements balanced with transport capacity Long service life and low TCO Numerous individual design options [/LIST]
Orinoco Horizontal ASME - US standard
|The versatile moving walk for longer distances Count on this moving walk to take you to places. Orinoco harmoniously blends into your building's architecture. Perfect for airports, exhibition halls, Metro hubs, indoors or out, wherever visions become reality. Orinoco offers you the maximum in safety and technology for optimum ride comfort. Long or short distances. And you have plenty of choices – from stainless steel fairing to skirt band lighting. The Orinoco moving walk complements your building while maintaining its individual character. Advantages at a glance: [LIST] Maximum availability thanks to superior product quality and extensive experience Up to 1.600mm of usable width. Energy-saving technology cuts operating costs Smooth running and quiet, with an efficient drive Increased safety thanks to patented handrail inlet Space requirements balanced with transport capacity Long service life and low TCO Numerous individual design options [/LIST]
Victoria ASME - US standard
|The escalator for extended travel and high-traffic areas. Victoria stands for high performance, steps ahead of the rest. Thanks to a unique technology, this escalator bridges conveyance heights of up to 75 metres and meets the highest standards in all environments – indoors and out. As the market leader in traffic installations, Victoria also features an innovative safety concept, optimum ride comfort and economical energy-saving systems running up to 24h/day. Individual weather packages guarantee trouble-free operation and ensure lasting value, for instance with standard profiles and bases made of stainless steel, or the use of a direct handrail.
Ytong Romania monolithic standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong external monolithic walls.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
Ytong Romania ETIC standard wall
|Ytong – the brand product for all masonry solutions with aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties. It is, for example: non-flammable impermeable to frost and moisture excellent insulating properties. Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings. Here you can find the premium solution for Ytong aerated concrete and additional Multipor ETIC.You can download the whole construction as well as only the premium Ytong masonry. For advanced users, the unitization tool for Ytong blocks gives you a exact amount of block materials as well as supporting materials like lintels and so on. Experts from Ytong help you in the design and construction of sustainable solutions with Ytong masonry.
|Standard is an economical system characterized by a straight narrow profile providing the door with delicate framing which gives the front an impression of lightness. This popular system is often chosen by our clients. The wardrobes which use the Standard system work very well in narrow halls and in the attic. It is a good solution for minimalist interiors in classic, retro or Scandinavian styles. The wood-like version of the profile suits interiors in Provençal style. Unlike in the Lux system, the profile is characterized by a narrow frame and delicate form of the handle. Main advantage: • The unique in the market, proven and very durable system. • Profiles: powder coating or finished with wood-look PVC coating, corrosion resistant. • The biggest range of door height adjustments among all systems. • The special anti-jumping function which prevents the door from falling out of the track. • Smooth sliding of the door thanks to bottom rollers equipped for bearings. • The buffer strips with long and short hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Mechanical lock option is available. Available options: • sliding doors • pivoting doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
AT Ytong ETIC wall - standard U=0,15 W/(m²K) d=477 mm
|The Ytong Verbundstein is suitable for all bearing and reinforcing walls. The low dimensional tolerance and the tongue and groove profiling enable rapid processing in the thin-bed method with a joint thickness of 1 mm. The quality class P2 is ideal for walls that are optimized for thermal insulation. The quality class P4 is particularly suitable for applications where load-bearing capacity and sound insulation are of primary importance. Due to the low weight, aerated concrete blocks are also suitable for internal walls to be retrofitted as well as for reconstruction and renovation measures. The ecological and non-combustible material also makes the construction materials extremely safe and allows their safe use. Advantages: - thermal conductivity from λ = 0.11 W/(mK) - Homogeneous, isotropic - Provides healthy, balanced room climate - Very high fire protection level: EI90 from 7.5 cm - Economical and stable in value - Ergonomic processing
HEWI Standard door fitting 111R01-230
|Standard door fitting in R-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 111.23R U-shaped made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 23 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Roses: model 305.23... and 306.23 roses substructure made of synthetic material-stainless steel composite, can be used for left and right-hand opening doors. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area and second journal in the neck of the lever handle. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M4 screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, flat, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: U Article no.: HEWI 111R01.230
HEWI Standard door fitting 111XAH01-130
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 111X... made of stainless steel tube (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle, for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 111XAH01.130
HEWI Standard door fitting 162PCH01-230
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 162.21P... in mitre cut, made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 21.3 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21P... and 306.23, composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162PCH01.230
HEWI Standard door fitting 162XAH01-230
|Standard door fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 162X... made of stainless steel tube in mitre cut (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162XAH01.230
Standard duty double swing door operator - Pull arm
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100-2 PULL which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal double swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low to medium weight doors in low to medium-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the pull side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices. Besam
Standard duty double swing door operator - Pull and Push arms
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100 PUSH and PULL which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low to medium weight doors in low to medium-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the pull side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices. Besam
Standard duty single swing door operator - Push slide track arm
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100-1 Slide Track PUSH which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low weight doors in low-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the push side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices. Besam
Standard duty single swing door operator - door mounted
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100-1 Push arm, mounted on the door leaf, which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low to medium weight doors in low to medium-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the push side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices.traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the pull side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices. Besam
Standard duty single swing door operator - Full lenght cover - Push arm
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100-1 PUSH with full length cover which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low to medium weight doors in low to medium-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the push side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices. Besam
Standard duty swing door operator - Pull arm
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100 PULL which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low to medium weight doors in low to medium-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the pull side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices. Besam
Standard duty single swing door operator - Push arm
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100 PUSH which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low to medium weight doors in low to medium-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the pull side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices. Besam
Standard duty double swing door operator - Push arm
|You are viewing a ASSA ABLOY SW100-2 PUSH which is a fire-approved electromechanical automatic door operator/opener designed for light duty external and internal double swing doors. Robust and durable, the ASSA ABLOY SW100 is suitable for applications requiring low to medium weight doors in low to medium-traffic environments, like care homes, schools and offices. Mounted onto either an existing transom or transom provided by others on the push side of the door giving maximum opening strength. The ASSA ABLOY SW100 can be combined with the ASSA ABLOY Swing Frame profile system to provide the ulitimate swing door entrance and/or the full range of safety and activation units, including access-control devices.
CZ Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,26 W/(m²K) d=387 mm Ytong Standard
|External block Ytong Standard 375 mm PDK. Ytong Standard together with other elements of the system Ytong creates a unique and simple solution to build your house with minimizing heat bridges. A unique combination of strength, weight and thermal conductivity. Good thermal insulation properties. Suitable for single layer without additional insulation masonry.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.
|KitchenAid KOHSS 60602 multifunction oven offers a wide range of functions. In addition to the traditional functions, KitchenAid has also added special functions that help to improve everyday recipes, such as bread or pizza.<br>This 60 cm multifunction oven is Class A+ rated and has:<br>- 5 Special functions: Defrost, Keep warm (65°C), Yoghurt preparation (50°C), Rising (40°C)<br>- and 5 Traditional functions: Fast Preheating, Forced Air, Grill, Convection Bake and Favourites<br><br>Its extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you five levels to cook your dishes. With this KitchenAid 60 cm multifunction oven you can place dishes on three levels for evenly cooked food that is perfectly golden brown.<br>The Stainless Steel Anti-fingerprint is a special treatment which is present in all KitchenAid ovens and will prevent fingerprints, making it easy the cleaning of your ovenwhile the Digital display allows you to select your programs or cooking temperature with touch control.<br>Furthermore this KitchenAid oven is equipped with the child safety lock and a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool. This A+ energy rating multifunction oven also comes with a grid, a baking tray and a deep tray.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement and no annoying bang once it reaches a certain angle.<br>Furthermore it is equipped with a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking cycles.
Climablock Standard Element
|CLIMABLOCK® Linear is a stay-in-place form for walls made of two parallel insulating panels measuring 120 x 40 cm in EPS TWINPOR facing each other and hold together by plastic webs of a certain measure that defines the thickness of the concrete wall: can be of 16,2 (17 nominal) – 19,2 (20 nominal) – 25 cm. The internal insulating panel is 6,4 cm thick, while the external insulating panel can be of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. The version with concrete wall thickness of 16,2 (17 nominal) and 19,2 (20 nominal) presents linear, corner and height compensator elements. The assemblable elements of thickness 25 cm presents only linear and height compensator elements. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economic way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation. - Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
CZ Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,32 W/(m²K) d=312 mm Ytong Standard hladké
|External block Ytong Standard 300 mm hladké. Ytong Standard together with other elements of the system Ytong creates a unique and simple solution to build your house with minimizing heat bridges. A unique combination of strength, weight and thermal conductivity. Good thermal insulation properties. Suitable for masonry with additional insulation.
CZ Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,32 W/(m²K) d=312 mm Ytong Standard PDK
|External block Ytong Standard 300 mm PDK. Ytong Standard together with other elements of the system Ytong creates a unique and simple solution to build your house with minimizing heat bridges. A unique combination of strength, weight and thermal conductivity. Good thermal insulation properties. Suitable for masonry with additional insulation.
CZ Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,26 W/(m²K) d=387 mm Ytong Standard hladké
|External block Ytong Standard 375 mm hladké. Ytong Standard together with other elements of the system Ytong creates a unique and simple solution to build your house with minimizing heat bridges. A unique combination of strength, weight and thermal conductivity. Good thermal insulation properties. Suitable for masonry with additional insulation.
SK Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,32 W/(m²K) d=312 mm Ytong Standard PDK
|External block Ytong Standard 300 mm PDK. Ytong Standard together with other elements of the system Ytong creates a unique and simple solution to build your house with minimizing heat bridges. A unique combination of strength, weight and thermal conductivity. Good thermal insulation properties. Suitable for masonry with additional insulation.
SK Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,26 W/(m²K) d=387 mm Ytong Standard PDK
|External block Ytong Standard 375 mm PDK. Ytong Standard together with other elements of the system Ytong creates a unique and simple solution to build your house with minimizing heat bridges. A unique combination of strength, weight and thermal conductivity. Good thermal insulation properties. Suitable for masonry with additional insulation.
Tarasafe Standard PUR
|TARASAFE STANDARD with PUR surface treatment is a slip resistant safety vinyl floorcovering, with a PVC wear layer and deeply inlaid mineral crystal particles (patent pending). It is reinforced by a glass fibre grid and available in a sheet format. It is an ideal solution for heavy traffic applications where slip resistance, durability, hygiene and easy maintenance are required. TARASAFE STANDARD is suitable for most contract & commercial areas. It is eco-friendly, 100% recyclable, Floorscore® certified and does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2, it is also 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of volatile organic compounds is < 100 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000 -6). The PUR surface treatment improves the product performance in term of stain resistance and durability.