rampant frame vine
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D arbor frame with\n- variable number of pillars \n- variable slope angle\n- variable number of purlins
Profiled Sheet Inclined
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005593D parametric, inclined profiled sheet with optional\n- profile sizes\n- slope angle\n- angle of the 2 cutting planes
Parking Stall
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Parking stall object to design simple parking places layout.
Single Slope 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single slope steel frame with variable profile heights and optional bottom plate.
Gutter 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Gutter with hanger and profile types.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400864WedgeR.gsm - by TSB A radiused rectangular wedge primitive shape, with parameters for adjusting the slope of the top and bottom surfaces. 01-18-07: Initial version - Wedge.gsm, simple wedge with UI page. 08-04-09: Added radius capability. 08-06-09: Updated UI Page for radius parameter. 08-14-09: Added editable hotspots.3D parametric, WedgeR, curved wedge shape, with optional calculation by angle
Double Slope 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Double slope steel frame with variable profile heights and optional bottom plate.
Roof Slope
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434003982D parametric symbol, roof slope
Slope Symbol 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of 2D slope sign with optional text.
bollards 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, posts / bollards with\n- optional distance between elements\n- variable diameter of elements\n- optional slope angle
bollards 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, large posts / bollards with\n- optional distance between elements\n- variable diameter of elements\n- optional slope angle
bollards 03
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, posts / bollards with\n- optional distance between elements\n- variable diameter of elements\n- optional slope angle
drainage line 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400423Original Object: Stretchy Line Olivier Dentan Nov 2007 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/archilib.od/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified : Vistasp Mehta Date : 24.11.2008 AC Version : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 24.11.2008 1. slightly reduced distance of text from line. 2. changed scaling of text. 3. starting point is no longer stretchable; it made the line length inaccurate. 4. added select by hotline. I prefer that to a couple of hard-to-find hotspots. 5. added ability to write levels at start and end of pipeline. 6. added ability to calculate second point level based on given slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 28.11.2008 1. Olivier Dentan pointed out one error each in the Master Script and Parameter Script. FIXED 2. He also pointed out that #3 above is not the case. Looks like I messed something up. The original object he submitted works perfectly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2D drainage line
Trim - QW Win Sloped
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006453D parametric, trapezoid window with optional roof slope angle
3DMD Polyline Fence
3D Media Design | 1424503876Polyline Fence editable. You can add new point, create arc, modify elevation of the path point, slope, create a close path. Have differente top hight of the whole. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. The fence is ideal bound properties in slope terrains.
3DMD Demo Railing Cable
3D Media Design | 15952402283DMD Railing Cable is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Horiz Bar C
3D Media Design | 15948867453DMD Railing Horiz Bar C is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Hanging
3D Media Design | 15923733283DMD Railing Panel Hanging is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel C
3D Media Design | 15937644693DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Bar
3D Media Design | 15948868773DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Polyline Pathway
3D Media Design | 1424503791Polyline pathway editable. You can add new point, create arc, modify elevation of the path point, create a close path. You can also have the texture follow the path both in 2d and 3d.
Gutter 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Gutter with hanger and profile types.
3DMD Demo Handrail
3D Media Design | 15948868053DMD Handrail is a handrail on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Frameless
3D Media Design | 15948871453DMD Railing Frameless is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Horiz Bar B
3D Media Design | 15948867013DMD Railing Horiz Bar B is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Inner
3D Media Design | 15923732723DMD Railing Panel Inner is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
3DMD Demo Railing Panel Bar Outer
3D Media Design | 15952404723DMD Railing Panel Bar Outer is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel A
3D Media Design | 15937644013DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Bernardo Grasselli | 1401760125Slope annotation that reads from rotation angle
Double Slope 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Double slope steel frame with variable profile heights and optional bottom plate.
Single Slope 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Single slope steel frame with variable profile heights and optional bottom plate.
Slope Symbol 16 JCe
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473"Australian Essentials" object modified to include Top of Footing type arrow style (Type - Style 7 added). Disable minimum A (arrow width) dimension. Edit by Jakub Chruscinski 2014
Slope Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of 2D slope sign with optional text.
3DMD Demo Railing Panel Bar Inner
3D Media Design | 15952404323DMD Railing Panel Bar Inner is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel B
3D Media Design | 15937644393DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Element
3D Media Design | 15948869193DMD Railing Vertical Element is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Outer
3D Media Design | 15923734123DMD Railing Panel Outer is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
3DMD Railing Vertical Bar
Gergely Fehér | 14455505183DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
Parking Stall
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Parking stall object to design simple parking places layout.
Roof Area Fill v2
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Simple dynamic poly area with ability to display it's area and circumreference. Version 2 - added AS/NZS 3500.3.2:1998 slope factor.
Simple Ramp "Trait d'Union"
|The simple ramp Trait d'Union is a removable ramp recessed in the threshold. Only two ramps are deployed on the sidewalk, which reduces the use of public property. It adapts to every step heights up to 22 cm. The two independent ramps adjust to the slope and pavement. The handling is done by integrated ergonomic push handles. Permitted loads: 300 kg for the standard model.
DAA120 mm 280 2,667 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA140 mm 300 3,112 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA160 mm 320 3,556 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA180 mm 340 4,000 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA200 mm 360 4,445 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA220 mm 380 4,889 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA240 mm 400 5,334 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA260 mm 420 5,778 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA280 mm 440 6,223 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA300 mm 460 6,667 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
Bison Versadjust Deck Support Pedestals
|<p>Bison Versadjust Pedestals give maximum design flexibility for a variety of surface materials including wood deck tiles, concrete pavers, stone pavers, and more. Pavers supported by Versadjust Pedestals integrate seamlessly creating a roof deck system that is as simple as it is beautiful.&nbsp;Precise spacer tabs allow for deck drainage, and the screw-to-adjust pedestals ensure perfectly level decks.</p><ul><li>Supports 1250 lbf (5.56 kN) FS:3 per pedestal</li><li>Select 1/8 or 3/16 inch (3.175 or 4.5 mm) tab size for pedestals</li><li>Integrated base levelers accomodate 0 to ½ inch per foot slope (0-4%)</li><li>Adjustable system height range is 2 ¼ to 36 inches (57.15 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Bison Brace System required for 24 to 36 inches (609.6 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Accessories available for heights from 1/8 to 2 ¼ inches (3.175 to 57.15 mm)</li><li>Contains 20% post-industrial recycled material</li><li>Impervious to water, mold, and freeze/thaw cycles</li><li>Made in the U.S.A.</li></ul>
Bison Deck Support Pedestal Accessories
|<p>Bison Model LD4 Base Leveler compensates for a 1/4" per foot slope (2%).</p> <ul><li>Adds 1/4" (6.35 mm) to Pedestal height</li><li>Stack up to 4 total LD4s below the base of a Pedestal (2 total below the base of a V-Series Adjustable Pedestal)&nbsp;to compensate for slopes from 0" to a maximum of 1" per foot slope (0-8%)</li></ul>
Fermacell Powerpanel H2O Drain Outlet Element
|The fermacell Powerpanel H2O Drain Outlet Element consist of two Powerpanel H2O boards. The lower board is 10 mm thick and has a 50 mm rabbeted edge on 3 or 4 sides. The upper board is 25 mm thick at the outer edge and decreases at an approx. 2 % slope to the hole opening. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the Fermacell technical advisors.
Pitched roof with DELTA®-MAXX PLUS (U-value = 0.179 W / m² • K)
|Pitched roof construction with good thermal insulation (U value: 0,179 W / m² • K). The additional measure corresponds to a seam and perforation-proof sarking sheet in accordance with the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and allows a dropping below the standard slope of the tiles up to 8°. The additional measure also corresponds to a closed deck under the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Moisture protection according to DIN 4108-3: non-critical and without the need for further proofs Wood protection according to DIN 68800-2: non-critical and without the need for further proofs The information under the specifications correspond to the reality. When creating the BIM objects, adjustments had to be made to the respective software. For this reason, slight deviations may occur during automatic calculations, which require a check of the results.
Pitched roof with DELTA®-FOXX PLUS (U-value = 0.172 W / m² • K)
|Pitched roof construction with sheathing and with good thermal insulation (U value: 0,172 W / m² • K). The additional measure corresponds to a seam and perforation-proof sarking sheet in accordance with the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and allows a dropping below the standard slope of the tiles up to 8°. The additional measure also corresponds to a closed deck under the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Moisture protection according to DIN 4108-3: non-critical and without the need for further proofs Wood protection according to DIN 68800-2: non-critical and without the need for further proofs The information under the specifications correspond to the reality. When creating the BIM objects, adjustments had to be made to the respective software. For this reason, slight deviations may occur during automatic calculations, which require a check of the results.
Pitched roof with DELTA®-MAXX POLAR AL (U-value = 0.127 W / m² • K)
|Pitched roof construction with very good thermal insulation (U value: 0,127 W / m² • K). The additional measure corresponds to a seam and perforation-proof sarking sheet in accordance with the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and allows a dropping below the standard slope of the tiles up to 8°. The additional measure also corresponds to a closed deck under the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Moisture and Wood protection via hygrothermal simulation according to DIN 68800-2. The information under the specifications correspond to the reality. When creating the BIM objects, adjustments had to be made to the respective software. For this reason, slight deviations may occur during automatic calculations, which require a check of the results.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.
|Buzon Pedestal International is the first and leading European manufacturer of adjustable pedestals for raised floorings and terraces, such as roof and landscape areas, water features, balconies, pool decks, walkways, showrooms, exhibition areas, etc.Buzon screw-jack pedestals offer uninterrupted adjustability, are made from 78% recycled and 100% recyclable polypropylene. They can be adjusted to compensate for up to 5% pitch, or compensate for locally uneven sub-bases up to the same amount. Once pedestals are at the required height, their position is fixed with unique lockable keys. The slope corrector BC-PH5 can compensate a slope from 0 to 5% (slope from 0 to 5 cm per meter). This is placed under the base of the pedestal.