Candélabre ECLATEC-ELYXE LED-mat de 4,00m
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1432397500Candélabre d'éclairage public à LED de marque ECLATEC et modèle ELYXE, sur mât cylindro conique de 4,00m. Modèle plus simple que celui à télécharger sur le site du fabricant.
Property Line
Tim Boeckman | 1416956791Property Line - a site boundary object with surveyor labels. Use the stretchable hotspots to define the boundary and create curved segments. Boundary dimensions update automatically. To use: 1) draw the boundary with 2D elements 2) place this object and stretch the nodes to the boundary points 3) delete the original 2D elements
Random City FRA
Tibor SEIDL | 1371477468Outil pour présenter un site autour du notre projet, de bâtiments différents en type et form, parametres pour jour et nuit, hauteur et plusieurs d'options.
3DMD Vase
3D Media Design | 1415515209Vase by Web Site http://www.3dmediadesign.it/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/3DMD.3DMediaDesign
Indoor Plants_INT
manuBIM | 13705189023D parametric, randomly generated, realistic indoor plants with or without flowerpot for decoration.
Indoor Plants_US
manuBIM | 13705187753D parametric, randomly generated, realistic indoor plants with or without flowerpot for decoration.
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100713Bramka piłkarska, kratowa z koszem do koszykówki : Bramka służy do gry w piłkę nożną lub ręczną oraz mini koszykówkę, Konstrukcja bramki wykonana z rury 48,3x2,9 mm i 38x2,6 mm, Siatka bramki wykonana jest z prętów stalowych fi 12 mm i fi 8 mm oraz łańcucha chromowego fi 5 mm, Cała konstrukcja bramki kratowej zabezpieczona antykorozyjnie, W komplecie znajdują się prefabrykaty betonowe ułatwiające montaż bramki w gruncie. Gateway football, mesh with a basket for basketball: Gateway is used to play football or handball and mini basketball, The design goal is made of pipe 48.3 x2, 9, and 38x2 mm, 6 mm, Grid gateway is made of steel rods fi fi 12 mm and 8 mm and chrome chain Ø 5 mm, The whole structure of the goal mesh corrosion-resistant, The set includes precast concrete goal to facilitate installation in the ground.
Parking Bar
Alan Enriquez | 1461694814Parking Lot Bar
Plant 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Indoor palm tree in ceramic plant holder.
e-studio bit | 1388671773Barcelona Pavilion Sculpture
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412933229Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt.. 2.10.2014 - Version für V16 10.10.2014 - Neuer Vektor im 2D-Querschnitt zur Verbreiterung der Rinne und der Konsolen zum Balkon hin
Heimo Mooslechner | 1384668771Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414943970editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014 Bug entfernt - Startpunkt Tube - Phantompunkt. weiteres hinzugefügt: Querschnitt auch im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche!
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Модель Травы 21
Эдуард Щеглов | 1547512050 -
Basketball Court 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Basketball court with different sizes.
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414240569Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 25.10.2014 Schraffuren der Körper in 3D hinzugefügt
Nummerierung POLY Line
Heimo Mooslechner | 1387611403Polygon ziehen zum Nummerieren von Planinhalten. Start - Nummer eintragbar, Extra Startummer, Mit Rechteck oder Kreis einkringelbar, geminsamer Textwinkel, Polygon ein und ausschaltbar, to do: Rauf - Runterzählen, jeder Text extra noch verschiebbar + drehbar, "einkringelbar", deckend stellbar, mit Anfasser Polygon ein und ausschaltbar, Suffix - Präfix, Schrittweite einstellbar. (irgendeine Nummern extra nachstellbar - zählt dann von dort neu weg) Später - alles auch in 3D..
Tree Model Detailed 21
Pulkit Sudan | 1519565906Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415095874Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 original Author of polygone-methode: sinceV6 changed and added by Heimo Mooslechner for sewer purposes. Version 1 - 3D - variable hights von sewer beds, slopes und pipes to loose hights on a shaft.. Till now its justr the hight of th sewer-beds KSZ[i] following the rules of self-growing of the polygone, Other parameters go up to 50t - mental slothfulness ;-) Its possible to edit nearly everything in the floorplan and in 3D its possible to follow the site-hights.
Hedge Element 3D Linear 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Linear hedge element with variable leaf options.
Nummerierung POLY Line
Heimo Mooslechner | 1388094541Polygon ziehen zum Nummerieren von Planinhalten. Start - Nummer eintragbar, Extra Startummer, Mit Rechteck oder Kreis einkringelbar, geminsamer Textwinkel, Polygon ein und ausschaltbar, 26.12.2013 - Etiketten ähnlich wie im Archicad - Etikettenwerkzeug eigenes verschiebbareas Interface in Zeichnung mit wichtigsten Schaltern. Deckende Hintergründe to do: Rauf - Runterzählen, Suffix - Präfix, Schrittweite einstellbar. (irgendeine Nummern extra nachstellbar - zählt dann von dort neu weg) Später - alles auch in 3D..
Supermini 19
jhoselyn vasquez aguilar | 1533522764Supermini car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100646Two seats swing from Muller manufacturer catalogue.
3DMD Candle
3D Media Design | 1415515209Vase by Web Site http://www.3dmediadesign.it/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/3DMD.3DMediaDesign
Heimo Mooslechner | 1385220105Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013: Hotspot - Schalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt
Man Sitting 1 19
TUAN AN | 1446296889Sitting man in casual or business clothes.
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Car 05 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
horse 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071horse
Soccer Field 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Soccer field with optional running track.
Spheric Bollard
Martin Halachev | 1379337484This spherical bollard is intended for traffic-control purposes.
Traffic Cone
Martin Halachev | 1379065756This generic cone-shaped plastic marker is intended for temporary traffic redirection.
Wheelchair Man 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Футбольное Поле 18
первый последний | 1453316446Футбольное поле с дополнительными беговыми дорожками.
Bowling Alley 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Bowling alley with variable number of lanes, optional ball return system, pinsetter, curtain wall and player's display.
cow 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071cow
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415039090editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014: 2 weitere Querprofile hinzugefügt. Die 3 Polygon-Querschnitte sind nun auch direkt im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche! 3.10.2014 Additional possible 50 rectangular tubes generated from Array
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427307136Weglängen mit freiem Polygon messen - zB. für Fluchtwegpläne Gesamtlänge, Einzellängen der Polygonsegmente, Aufsummierte Segmentlängen können dargestellt werden. alle Texte können verschoben und gedreht werden
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug
Heimo Mooslechner | 1411764001Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug..
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413143466Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 11.10.2014 Querschnitt mit editierbaren Hotspots in der Grundriss-Darstellung hinzugefügt. 12.10.2014 - Hinterfüllung für den Gebrauch als Solid-Elementbefehl-Sequenz hinzugefügt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOmcAoJB6zI
Modèle plante d'intérieur 19
ophelie mathon | 1526313559Plante d'intérieure haute dans pot.
Мужчина Идущий 20
Екатерина Полянская | 1496398141 -
Bollard with Lamp
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895 -
Executive Car 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Executive car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz Für V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269037Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 2.10.2014 - Version für V AC-16
Geländer Polygonal V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1410527024Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden.
Hedge Element 3D Bended 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Curved corner hedge element with adjustable leaves.
Houseplants 18
Ruth Jireh | 1455003612Rendered and sketch pictures of houseplants with optional 3D bitmap plan view and elevation.
Parking Hoop Barrier
Martin Halachev | 1365156965This folding parking hoop barrier serves for blocking access to individual parking lots and/or other restricted areas.
Parking Place 20
Mohamad Almas | 1494068533Parking place distribution object with optional numbering and bollard at the stall ends.
Pick-up 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pick-up truck with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Plant 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Short indoor plant in pot.
Soil Holder 18
Milica Marinkovic | 1491867204Rectangular wooden soil holder.
Standing Man 2 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a standing man with optional planar 3D.
Tennis Court 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tennis court.
Tree Deciduous 05 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Woman Sitting 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Sitting woman in casual or business clothes.
Dynamic Pole
Frank Green | 1650379757Power pole for site plans with the optons of light, power and/or telecommunicatons. The 2D display is a symbolic notation for site plans and will adjust with the drawing scale.
Property Line Text FT
Frank Green | 1650379757Property Line - a site boundary object with surveyor labels. Use the stretchable hotspots to define the boundary and create curved segments. Boundary dimensions update automatically. To use: 1) draw the boundary with 2D elements 2) place this object and stretch the nodes to the boundary points 3) delete the original 2D elements Frank Green modified so the user could change the location of the text. Another modifier is a 'switch' found 1/3 of the distance along the property line. if the 'switch' is moved inside the property line the stack configuration of a straight property line meets and bounds can be 'unstacked'
Altalena 19
maria zagaria | 1500039719 -
Arbustes 18
djime diarra | 1420242824Images de rendu et d'esquisse d'arbustes avec vue de plan bitmap 3D et élévation optionnelle.
Bench 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Park bench.
Berline 01 19
djime diarra | 1457466533Voiture de luxe avec option de volant à droite et affichage intérieur.
Bicycle 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
dog 02
e-studio bit | 1388669071dog
Heimo Mooslechner | 1396935930Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar Änderung 7.4.2014: Zeilenhöhe im Grundriss = nun Maßstabs-unabhängig
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415096942Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013 Hotspotschalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt blaues Inteface schaltet die wichtigsten Zustände über Anfasser im Grundriss
Evergreens 19
DEOMAR FRANCISCO DOS SANTOS | 1462978458Rendered and sketch pictures of evergreen trees with optional 3D bitmap plan view and elevation.
Frau stehend 18
Isidora Ristov | 1423225433 -
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1411576766Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt..
Geländer Polygonal V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1410527231Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden.
Microcar 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Micro car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Parking Place 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Parking place distribution object with optional numbering and bollard at the stall ends.
Parking Places Polyline
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Editable parking places object to design large-scale parking lots with freeform polygonal perimeter. With optional disabled parking places.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413648498Polygonal verstellbares Bauteil zur Perimeter - Sockeldarstellung. Man setzt es im Grundriss ein und folgt mit dem Polygonzug der Außenkante des tragenden Mauerwerks. im Grundriss gibt es einen abschaltbaren Querschnitt. Diesen kann man beliebig in der Lage verändern und mit diesem kann man die Querschnittsmaße mit Hotspots ändern und somit Bauteildicken an bestehende Schichtendicken der Wand anpassen. Im 3D kann man dann dem schrägen Gelände folgen. Die Sockeltrogprofile passen sich in der Höhe an, Die UK der Perimeterdämmung bleibt gleich wie zuvor. Mit einem SOE-Befehl - Abzug mit verlängerung nach unten - zieht man das GDL von der berührten Wand ab.
sheep 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071sheep01
Автомобиль 01 20
Владимир Боярчук | 1497456178 -
Hedge Element 3D End 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723End hedge element with adjustable leaves.
Map Grid
ioannis spyridis | 1436041479Credis to SinceV6 from Archicad talk for his valuable guidance. This is an object for Maps or Site plans.
Bicicleta 18
JOHNY RAMOS | 1540259012 -
Bicycle Holder 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Linear bicycle holder.
Bush Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D bush on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Campo de Handebol 22
Daniel Felipe Jacobi | 1573906007Campo de handebol.
Car 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Compact Car 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Compact car with optional right-side steering steering wheel and interior display.
Couple 1 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a couple with optional planar 3D.
Cypress Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D cypress on side view.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414944007editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014: 2 weitere Querprofile hinzugefügt. Die 3 Polygon-Querschnitte sind nun auch direkt im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche!
Giration Camion 16 (LLoc)
A7 Architecture | 1418219916Giration camion semi
Hedge Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D hedge on side view.
horse 02
e-studio bit | 1388669071horse
Lorry 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Lorry truck with variable superstructure style and optional top spoiler and side panel.
Man Waiting 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Mobile Crane 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Mobile crane with optional control arc.
Motorboat 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Motorboat with different flags.
ostrich 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071ostrich
Plantas 19
Gabriela Angarita | 1463127546Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de plantas con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Sail Boat 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Sailboat with optional mast, keel and flag.
Sail Boat 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Sign Disabled 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D sign to indicate "Disabled".
Simbolo Camion 18
fedele maradei | 1442574108Camion 2D con vista di pianta, lato o fronte.
Trash Can 1 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Round trash can with different sizes.
Trash Can 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular trash can with different sizes.
Trash Container 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Trash container with different sizes.
Trawa Model 22
Oleksandra Lukavska | 1560702773 -
Tree Bitmap 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tree with floor plan symbol, plus choice of photos for use in 3D; photo automatically faces camera direction.
Tree Deciduous 07 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D tree on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Tree Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D tree on side view.
Tree Palm 3D 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Date palm tree.
Tree Plan 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of 2D tree symbols with optional tree name text.
Truck Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D truck on top, side or front view.
Woman Hurrying 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Автомобиль 01 18
Елизавета Баранова | 1464371474 -
Парковочное Место 18
valya osadchaya | 1458947015Распределительный объект автостоянки с возможностью нумерации и размещения столбика ограждения в конце места для парковки.
Столбик Ограждения 22
Aleksandra Belo | 1574180908Тумба различных типов и дополнительное основание.
site sign
Frank Green | 1650379757 -
bumper block
Frank Green | 1650379757 -
RUBCHUTE Rubber Rubble Chute - Straight section
|The "RUBCHUTE" standard section attaches perfectly to top and side hoppers and to all other chute accessories. The "RUBCHUTE" standard section is the main and major component of all "RUBCHUTE" rubble chute columns. RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes are without doubt the most economical and safest way to move rubble and other site waste from higher floors to containers at street level. The resistance and ease of use of RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes means that they are recommended for use in any construction work over several floors. Because of their capacity for noise absorption and dust reduction and containment, "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes are particularly suitable for use in urban environments, such as: hospitals, historical buildings, etc. Owing to the ribbing inside RUBI-KANGURO rubble chutes, friction with the rubble is minimised and wear of the chute cone is reduced, thus extending the product’s lifespan. RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes have in-built nylon fibres, which gives them greater strength and durability. The chains of all "RUBCHUTE” rubble chute models are extra-reinforced, with 7 mm diameter links, and they comply with the DIN 763 standard. Because they are stackable, users save space in storage and they are easy to transport. All RUBI-KANGURO rubber products stand out for their excellent performance in low temperatures, remaining unchanged up to - 60 ° C and for being made of 100% recyclable materials. At RUBI we have always had a very close relationship with construction professionals and it is vital for us to have constant, fluent communication with them. That's why we have all the necessary tools to offer industry professionals an innovative product able to provide solutions to their daily needs while working.
RUBCHUTE Rubber Rubble Chute - Side-entry section
|The "RUBCHUTE" chute with side hopper is ideal for unloading building rubble at an intermediate section of the chute column. The use of "RUBCHUTE" rubber chutes with side hopper is especially suitable for unloading rubble from windows and balconies. RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes are without doubt the most economical and safest way to move rubble and other site waste from higher floors to containers at street level. The resistance and ease of use of RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes means that they are recommended for use in any construction work over several floors. Because of their capacity for noise absorption and dust reduction and containment, "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes are particularly suitable for use in urban environments, such as: hospitals, historical buildings, etc. Owing to the ribbing inside RUBI-KANGURO rubble chutes, friction with the rubble is minimised and wear of the chute cone is reduced, thus extending the product’s lifespan. RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes have in-built nylon fibres, which gives them greater strength and durability. The chains of all "RUBCHUTE” rubble chute models are extra-reinforced, with 7 mm diameter links, and they comply with the DIN 763 standard. Because they are stackable, users save space in storage and they are easy to transport. All RUBI-KANGURO rubber products stand out for their excellent performance in low temperatures, remaining unchanged up to - 60 ° C and for being made of 100% recyclable materials. RUBI is now present in over 120 countries, thanks to our network of sales offices, subsidiaries and authorized dealers. For this reason we make it easy for users around the world to find our tools and spare parts.
RUBCHUTE Rubber Rubble Chute - With top metal hopper
|First segment of the “RUBCHUTE” rubber rubble chute with metal top hopper. Designed for loading waste from a wheelbarrow or shovel. RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes are without doubt the most economical and safest way to move rubble and other site waste from higher floors to containers at street level. The resistance and ease of use of RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes means that they are recommended for use in any construction work over several floors. Because of their capacity for noise absorption and dust reduction and containment, "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes are particularly suitable for use in urban environments, such as: hospitals, historical buildings, etc. Owing to the ribbing inside RUBI-KANGURO rubble chutes, friction with the rubble is minimised and wear of the chute cone is reduced, thus extending the product’s lifespan. RUBI-KANGURO "RUBCHUTE" rubber rubble chutes have in-built nylon fibres, which gives them greater strength and durability. The chains of all "RUBCHUTE” rubble chute models are extra-reinforced, with 7 mm diameter links, and they comply with the DIN 763 standard. Because they are stackable, users save space in storage and they are easy to transport. All RUBI-KANGURO rubber products stand out for their excellent performance in low temperatures, remaining unchanged up to - 60 ° C and for being made of 100% recyclable materials. Thanks to the work and cooperation of all the departments at the company and the great loyalty of our customers, scattered all around the world, we are aware of demands and specific needs of each market. For these reasons, we design and manufacture products and tools that are tailored to each type of market and that meet the needs of the professional.
LIGHTCHUTE Plastic Rubble Chute - Straight section
|The "LIGHTCHUTE" standard section of plastic rubble chutes attaches perfectly to sections with top hopper and to all other RUBI-KANGURO plastic chute accessories. The "LIGHTCHUTE" standard section is the main and major component of all "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chute columns. RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chutes are a very economical and safe option for transferring construction waste from high floors to containers at street level, and are particularly suitable for use in urban environments owing to their large dust and noise reduction capacities. The ease of use of RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chutes means that they are recommended for any construction work over several floors. Made of high density polyethylene, and with walls of 6 mm thickness, RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chutes offer excellent impact resistance, due to their flexibility, and great durability. Owing to the ribbing inside RUBI-KANGURO rubble chutes, friction with the rubble is minimised and wear of the chute cone is reduced, thus extending the product’s lifespan. The chains of all the "LIGHTCHUTE" rubble chute models are extra-reinforced, with links of 6 mm in diameter, and they comply with the DIN 763 standard. Because they are stackable, users save space in storage and they are easy to transport. RUBI has more than 65 years’ experience of manufacturing tools for the construction industry. During this long period of time, our products have earned the trust of millions of users around the world. Today, RUBI continues to design and manufacture new products to keep this trust at the highest level possible. Our brand, as well as our products, is synonymous with quality and satisfaction guarantee. Construction professionals trust us, and we therefore focus our efforts and our passion in all our products.
LIGHTCHUTE Plastic Rubble Chute - With top hopper
|The RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic chute with top hopper should always be used as the first segment of the "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chute column. The hopper of this "LIGHTCHUTE" rubble chute section is specially designed for easy loading of construction rubble by wheelbarrow, bucket or basket, or shovel. The RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic chute with top hopper can be used as intermediate or side hopper. It is ideal for facilitating a debris removal hopper at any point in the plastic chute column, and allowing construction professionals to access the plastic chute column from a balcony, a window or between intermediate floors. RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chutes are a very economical and safe option for transferring construction waste from high floors to containers at street level, and are particularly suitable for use in urban environments owing to their large dust and noise reduction capacities. The ease of use of RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chutes means that they are recommended for any construction work over several floors. Made of high density polyethylene, and with walls of 6 mm thickness, RUBI-KANGURO "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic rubble chutes offer excellent impact resistance, due to their flexibility, and great durability. Owing to the ribbing inside RUBI-KANGURO rubble chutes, friction with the rubble is minimised and wear of the chute cone is reduced, thus extending the product’s lifespan. The chains of all the "LIGHTCHUTE" rubble chute models are extra-reinforced, with links of 6 mm in diameter, and they comply with the DIN 763 standard. Because they are stackable, "LIGHTCHUTE" plastic chutes allow users to save space in storage and are easy to transport.
CISABAC Clôture Communicante Cassette CM 220 K7
|[LIST] For the protection of pedestrians during construction sites and demonstrations Anti-poster siding 20 shades available Anti-lifting hook Possibility of marking, customization of colors, logos U removable cover for quick and easy replacement of parts Eco version: uniformly white element [/LIST]
CISABAC Covered Passage
|[LIST]Full protection of pedestrian crossings at construction sites. Wire viewing window. Anti-poster siding 20 shades available. Slatted sloping cover for water flow - Thick roof 0.7mm - Possibility of marking, customization of colors, logos. Module 2m long x 1 to 3m width without bulk, height 2m useful. [/LIST]
Screed-covered trunking system UK
|The quick installation system for every application The flexible solution for all types of screed delivers impressive and practical installation advantages: Pre-assembled underfloor trunking enables quick and easy installation at the construction site, and the snapped-on trunking covers can easily be taken off before the screed is poured to allow simple insertion of the lines from above – rendering complex cable drawing-in processes completely unnecessary. And because all underfl oor trunking and junction boxes are made of zinc-plated steel plate in accordance with DIN EN 10346, the entire system is perfectly protected against corrosion.
M7475 - Light, Surgical, Ceiling Mounted, Single, Large
|Ceiling mounted surgical light generally 30-34" or larger in diameter depending on manufacturer. Light head is suspended from the ceiling by a mounting plate and pole. Light head contains several individual pods each with its own light source. Unit also has a detachable sterilizable handle. Minimum ceiling height for most models is 8'-9"; check the manufacturers' specific recommendations. Height dimension below refers to the height of the lamp housing. Width and depth are the length of the swing arm plus the light head diameter. This light is suitable for dual site surgery.
X4160 - Information System, DIN-PACS
|The Digital Imaging Network – Picture Archiving and Communications System (DIN-PACS) is an open system network of digital devices designed for the acquisition, transmission, display and management of diagnostic imaging studies. Equipment for DIN-PACS will include workstations, storage devices, servers, interconnecting cables, and all software, hardware, firmware and ancillary devices required for full functionality. Systems will meet DICOM and HL7 standards. Turnkey installation and integration with existing networks and legacy systems is required. Size of system is based on volume of exams taken and file size. Equipment configuration and site preparation, if required, is unique and specific to each medical facility.
EQUITONE [materia]
|EQUITONE [materia] is a through coloured facade material that accentuates the beauty of fibre cement. The material encompasses the characteristics of cement, whereas the fibres render its surface textured yet velvety. The ever-changing atmosphere, gives the material natural subtle shade variations. The material comes in large panel size and can be transformed into any size or shape in the workshop or on site.
EQUITONE [linea]
|<p>EQUITONE [linea] is a unique 3D shaped, through-coloured facade material that plays with light and shadow. Linea displays a linear texture that highlights the raw inner texture of the core fibre cement material. Every moment of the day, the changing angle of the daylight gives the facade material a different aspect. The material comes in a large panel size and can be transformed into any size or shape in the workshop or on site. No matter what design options you explore, EQUITONE’s through-coloured nature guarantees crisp, monolithic details.</p> <p>Both visible and invisible fixing options exist for EQ2UITONE [linea].</p>
Schüco Façade FWS 50
|Schüco FWS 50 mullion/transom façade combines simple fabrication with high energy efficiency to passive house standard. The Schüco Façade FWS 50 sets new standards of fabrication and energy efficiency. The focus of the development of the tried-and-tested systems was particularly the optimisation of fabrication in the workshop and on the construction site. New prepared system components ensure, for example in the workshop, much faster and therefore more efficient fabrication processes. The Schüco FWS 50 façade provides architects with a diverse range of design options – including the passive house-certified SI version – in the popular face widths. [LIST] Passive house-certified SI system with new isolator technology: Uf values up to 0.70 W/(m²K) New HI isolator to passive house standard: Uf values of up to 0.90 W/(m²K) Complete solutions for the integration of Schüco BIPV systems Units from the Schüco systems AWS, ADS, ASS New glazing supports for maximum weights and simple fabrication Burglar resistance to RC 2 / RC 3 / FB4 Glass loads up to 910 kg [/LIST]
WIC30 mm 40 0,667 1100 WE2
|Multipor inside insulation WI COMPACTplus The interior insulation system Multipor WI compact plus is a mineral insulation system for preventing mould and thermal bridge minimization. The compact and ecological interior insulation system showing its strengths where low insulation thickness (30 and 40 mm) an energetic improvement is to be achieved. It is purely mineral and can be ideally in the renovation of existing buildings to use, because it is flexible enough to adapt any geometry, and is quick and easy to process. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI compact plus makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Minimized thermal bridges • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Prevents mold build-up • Improves the living comfort • Quick and easy processing • Effortless transport and simple site logistics Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WIC40 mm 50 0,889 1100 WE2
|Multipor inside insulation WI COMPACTplus The interior insulation system Multipor WI compact plus is a mineral insulation system for preventing mould and thermal bridge minimization. The compact and ecological interior insulation system showing its strengths where low insulation thickness (30 and 40 mm) an energetic improvement is to be achieved. It is purely mineral and can be ideally in the renovation of existing buildings to use, because it is flexible enough to adapt any geometry, and is quick and easy to process. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI compact plus makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Minimized thermal bridges • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Prevents mold build-up • Improves the living comfort • Quick and easy processing • Effortless transport and simple site logistics Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
|The Tradinov chimney stack is our traditional solution for the new-build market. Light and economical, this chimney stack has already been installed on many dwellings. Supplied with an insulated chimney, it secures a good smoke exhaust. A true industrial custom-built solution, the flashing is made to measure and to suit the roofing material for an immediate and perfect water-tightness and guarantees immediate complete sealing, whatever the pitch of the roof or the roofing material. This chimney stack can be adjusted (up to 10%) on site to the roof pitch for a perfect verticality. The Tradinov chimney stack is installed without structural work and without roof-frame reinforcement. It is intended for use in new-build dwellings and is perfectly in conformity with the new regulations. It is available in numerous finishes (smooth paint, roughcast or bricks) and can be fitted with different types of cap. The quality of Poujoulat products is recognized and recommended by the largest European heating appliance manufacturers.
HAWA-Frontego 30/matic folding sliding shutters
|Automated hardware system for flush-front folding sliding shutters weighing up to 30 kg. HAWA-Frontego 30/matic is a motorised hardware system for folding sliding shutters. A well-thought-out suspension system enables a flush-front construction and extensive freedom of design for the façade. A variety of mounting options leave virtually no wish unfulfilled. The automatic hardware system folds up to six sliding shutters and parks the package to one side at 90° to the slide axis. The drive system is powered by a brushless electric motor with a high-quality gear system and a proven drive belt; it is both wear-resistant and durable. The power supply unit (to be connected on site by others) with integrated feed and distribution and the Hirschmann plug do not need any additional connection cables. The electrical installation therefore corresponds to the usual standard for sunblind designs incorporating commercially available operating elements.
Silka XL 20-2,0 100 DE - non load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 115 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Separation wall - 2*Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE -ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - Double Layer wall 140 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - Double Layer wall 160 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - Double Layer wall 140 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - Double Layer wall 160 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Blocco Ambiente - hemp & lime blocks
|Hemp & Lime building blocks. This range of blocks is made of hemp, lime and other natural materials. Drying is made naturally at the manufacturing site. It provides an enhanced thermal insulation, better building's air quality and humidity control. It reduces the growth of moulds and fungi. Among the results obtained in using hemp blocks there are :energy cost saving and a safer living environment
|DOORTAL insulated doors are universal and the ideal solution for all buildings: public places, industrial premises, offices, housing etc. Their thermal performance and high resistance to weather will provide comfort in all seasons. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. The strength of our doors comes from the steel box section frame, 1.5 or 2 mm steel on the leaf and steel or stainless steel ball bearing hinges. In the context of sustainable development and environment awareness, the INSUPLUS Doortal insulated doors score high ratings: Ud value of 2.1 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 2.1 door set, 1.5 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.5 door set and 1.2 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.2 door set. The lower the figure, the higher the performance (which means the lower the energy loss). These ratings have been achieved by carefully selected insulated materials to create thermal breaks. INSUPLUS door sets can be equipped with a whole range of door furniture: single or 3 point locks, panic bars, door closers or 90° door opening limiters, electric latches or locks, circular or rectangular vision panels or overpanels etc. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix. The INSUPLUS door sets are made of galvanized steel, coated in any RAL or BS colour. They are also available in stainless steel.
|DOORTAL insulated doors are universal and the ideal solution for all buildings: public places, industrial premises, offices, housing etc. Their thermal performance and high resistance to weather will provide comfort in all seasons. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. The strength of our doors comes from the steel box section frame, 1.5 or 2 mm steel on the leaf and steel or stainless steel ball bearing hinges. In the context of sustainable development and environment awareness, the INSUPLUS Doortal insulated doors score high ratings: Ud value of 2.1 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 2.1 door set, 1.5 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.5 door set and 1.2 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.2 door set. The lower the figure, the higher the performance (which means the lower the energy loss). These ratings have been achieved by carefully selected insulated materials to create thermal breaks. INSUPLUS door sets can be equipped with a whole range of door furniture: single or 3 point locks, panic bars, door closers or 90° door opening limiters, electric latches or locks, circular or rectangular vision panels or overpanels etc. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix. The INSUPLUS door sets are made of galvanized steel, coated in any RAL or BS colour. They are also available in stainless steel.
|DOORTAL insulated doors are universal and the ideal solution for all buildings: public places, industrial premises, offices, housing etc. Their thermal performance and high resistance to weather will provide comfort in all seasons. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. The strength of our doors comes from the steel box section frame, 1.5 or 2 mm steel on the leaf and steel or stainless steel ball bearing hinges. In the context of sustainable development and environment awareness, the INSUPLUS Doortal insulated doors score high ratings: Ud value of 2.1 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 2.1 door set, 1.5 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.5 door set and 1.2 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.2 door set. The lower the figure, the higher the performance (which means the lower the energy loss). These ratings have been achieved by carefully selected insulated materials to create thermal breaks. INSUPLUS door sets can be equipped with a whole range of door furniture: single or 3 point locks, panic bars, door closers or 90° door opening limiters, electric latches or locks, circular or rectangular vision panels or overpanels etc. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix. The INSUPLUS door sets are made of galvanized steel, coated in any RAL or BS colour. They are also available in stainless steel.
|The PYROPLUS door sets from DOORTAL have been designed to suit both public and private buildings, where they will stand the test of time and intensive use. They represent the highest standard for mechanical resistance with 1.5 mm thick steel, a strong sectional frame and steel hinges with stainless steel ball bearings. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. These door sets have EI 30 and EI 60 ratings (integrity and insulation). They can also be acoustic rated (40 and 50 dB) and thermal rated (U value from 1.7 to 1.4 W/m².K). Made of galvanized steel, PYROPLUS door sets are protected from rust with weather seals fixed on all four sides in order to be completely watertight. They are suitable for interior or exterior use. The PYROPLUS 30 and 60 door sets have been laboratory tested with varying door equipment: standard locks, 3 point, panic bars, electric locks for access control, door closers, vision panels etc. This opens up a wide range of fire resistant choices to suit premises open to the public, whatever functions are required. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix.
|The PYROPLUS door sets from DOORTAL have been designed to suit both public and private buildings, where they will stand the test of time and intensive use. They represent the highest standard for mechanical resistance with 1.5 mm thick steel, a strong sectional frame and steel hinges with stainless steel ball bearings. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. These door sets have EI 30 and EI 60 ratings (integrity and insulation). They can also be acoustic rated (40 and 50 dB) and thermal rated (U value from 1.7 to 1.4 W/m².K). Made of galvanized steel, PYROPLUS door sets are protected from rust with weather seals fixed on all four sides in order to be completely watertight. They are suitable for interior or exterior use. The PYROPLUS 30 and 60 door sets have been laboratory tested with varying door equipment: standard locks, 3 point, panic bars, electric locks for access control, door closers, vision panels etc. This opens up a wide range of fire resistant choices to suit premises open to the public, whatever functions are required. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix.
HEWI Shower curtain rail A1=983
|Range 801 Shower curtain rail - horizontal rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with curtain rings - for installing a shower curtain - with aluminium core - fixing with roses to wall and ceiling, ceiling support required - with 20 curtain rings - for shower tray 1000 x 1000 mm (centre-to-centre 983 x 983 mm), rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - length at rose ends can be shortened on site up to 220 mm - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
HEWI backrest for combination
|Range 801 Backrest rail - padded backrest with right-angled fixing rails on each side - serves as back support for toilet users - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for fitting onto hinged support rails or stationary supports with wall mounting plate, adjustable on site - 670 to 730 mm wide, 220 mm high and 150 mm deep, backrest 350 mm wide, rail diameter 33 mm - backpad made of black PUR - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours - fulfils the DIN 18040 and ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements
On-the-floor trunking system AK
|The robust retrofit solution On-the-floor trunking AK for retrospective installation on finished floors is the ideal solution for renovation, redevelopment and modernisation. The preassembled moulded parts enable quick and simple modular assembly on the construction site and, because AK allows the position of the individual covers with their insert openings to be changed as and when required, it is also extremely flexible with regard to future changes. Further advantage:The three millimetre thick blank covers, made of galvanised sheet steel in accordance with DIN EN 10346, make the system extremely stable and also enable it to withstand high loads.In addition, a large number of other on-the-floor trunking parts made of plastic and aluminium are available in cases where it is possible to safely run smaller numbers of lines.
INTRA Perfect Time 1000TB shower panel
|Electronically operated self closing shower panel.Activated by touching the designated area in the middle of the piezo button. Includes a thermostatic mixer, non return valves, filters and thermostop at 38 °C. Aluminum panel. Battery box located behind the panel with easy access . Includes a vandal resistant shower head with a 9 LPM flow restrictor. The shower will automatically sut off after a factory set flow time of 2 minutes passes.The flow time is adjustable on site if required.
INTRA Perfect Time 1000TB shower panel w. hand shower
|Electronically operated self closing shower panel with hand shower. Activated by touching the designated area in the middle of the piezo button. Includes a thermostatic mixer, non return valves, filters and thermostop at 38 °C. Aluminum panel. Battery box located behind the panel with easy access . Includes a vandal resistant shower head with a 9 LPM flow restrictor. The shower will automatically sut off after a factory set flow time of 2 minutes passes.The flow time is adjustable on site if required.
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=160-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 200 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 150 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=160-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 150 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=150 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 175 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 175 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=175 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 200 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 200 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=200 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 240 + ETIC Multipor U≥0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=140-220
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLPlus 240 + ETIC Multipor U<0,19 - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=240 / Multipor d=260-300
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer Multipor external thermal insulation The Multipor external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls. Advantages: - Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt - Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system - Protection against algae and fungi - without biocides - Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe - High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ - physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
XLBasic 150 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 200 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLBasic 240 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=240
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLPlus 150 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=150
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 175 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=175
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 200 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=200
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 240 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=240
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided right 45°, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
XLBasic 100 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=100
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for non-load-bearing interior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 115 Interior wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 d=115
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLPlus 100 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=100
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 115 Interior wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 d=115
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLBasic 150 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=150
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 175 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=175
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra cost
XLBasic 200 Separation wall - Silka XL Basic 20-2,0 2 * d=200
|Silka XL Basic is the construction system for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Basic is applied in case of short lead times and high demands on the execution safety. The advantages of the system are played off, if the planning is carried out in a 12,5 cm pattern. In consequence tedious sawing on site can be avoided. The required wall length can be achieved by combination of different directly available elements length. Advantages: - The official fastes KS XL System, up to 0,20 h/m² - Shortest delivery times - stock goods are available at any time - Length compensation possible in any position of the wall length - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer - Laying plan creation possible at extra costs
XLPlus 150 Separation wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 2 * d=150
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 175 Separation wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 2 * d=175
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
XLPlus 200 Separation wall - Silka XL Plus 20-2,0 2 * d=200
|Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in the factory. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages: - Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in the factory - Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" - Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain - Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 - Optimal heat protection in summer
HEWI Shower curtain rail 801-34-400
|Range 801 Shower curtain rail - rail with curtain rings - for installing a shower curtain - with aluminum core - fixed onto wall with roses - can be shortened to 200 mm on site - with 10 curtain rings - 1000 mm long, rail diameter 33 mm and rose diameter 70 mm - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.34.400
HEWI Back rest rail 805-51-900
|Range 805 Backrest rail - padded backrest with right-angled fixing rails on each side - serves as back support for toilet users - for fitting onto Range 805 hinged support rails - centre-to-centre from 670 to 730 mm, adjustable on site - 220 mm high and 150 mm deep, backrest 350 mm wide, rail diameter 33 mm, tube thickness 2 mm - backpad made of black PUR - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - fulfils the DIN 18040 and ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements Article no.: HEWI 805.51.900
HEWI Back rest rail 950-51-90090
|Backrest rail - backrest with mounting brackets attached to both sides - serves as back support for toilet users - installed on support rails with lift-up feature or stationary supports 950.50.... - centre-to-centre from 650 to 700 mm can be adjusted on site, 150 mm deep - backrest 350 mm wide, 390 mm long - backrest made of glass fibre reinforced polyamide - mounting bracket made of metal, powder coated - available in HEWI colours 98 (signal white) and 92 (anthracite grey) - fulfils the DIN 18040 and ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements Article no.: HEWI 950.51.90090
HEWI Shower curtain rail with ceiling support 801-34-1161
|Range 801 Shower curtain rail with ceiling support - vertically and horizontally arranged rails connected at right-angles, with curtain rings - for installing a shower curtain - mounted on the wall and ceiling using non-corrosive HEWI fixing materials and roses - curtain rail for shower tray 1200 x 1200 mm, centre-to-centre dimension 1183 x 1183 mm, can be shortened at the ends on site to 220 mm minimum - ceiling support 500 mm long, length can be adjusted by 10 mm and can be shortened at the rose by a maximum of 100 mm - rail diameter 33 mm - with 24 curtain rings - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - with aluminum core Article no.: HEWI 801.34.1161
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
DELTA Bicycle Rack, Dual sided, 8 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
DELTA Bicycle Rack, single sided left 45°, 4 bicycles
|DELTA is a modern bicycle rack with the ability to lock the bicycle in the frame. The layout of the rack creates order at the parking site. Very popular at TravelCenters, stops or other bicycle parking alternatives, where intuitive, fast and easy parking is required. The rack also saves space when mounted in an angle.
Quick natural cement - i.speed ALI CEM
|i.speed ALI CEM is a premix based on cement featuring rapid setting times and fast strength gain at the very early ages, while ensuring optimal workability of the mortar, when mixing with water. - i.speed ALI CEM allows high reproducibility, at job site, of the fresh mix with the desired consistency. - i.speed ALI CEM allows high workability during approx. 10 minutes, this reduces the generation of waste material when working. - i.speed ALI CEM features quick setting times. - i.peed ALI CEM features high compressive strength both at early age and long term. - i.speed ALI CEM gets low shrinkage hardened products.
3-Series Control System® - PRO3
|<p>The flagship Crestron® PRO3 is an enterprise-class control system with an enhanced feature set including a front panel color LCD display, built-in control card expansion slots, and a dedicated Control Subnet port. Featuring the 3-Series® control engine, the PRO3 forms the core of any modern networked home or commercial building, managing and integrating all the disparate technologies throughout your facility to make life easier, greener, more productive, and more enjoyable.<br></p><p>&nbsp;<br>3-Series® Control Systems<br>Today's commercial buildings and custom homes comprise more technology than ever before, and all these systems need to be networked, managed, and controlled in fundamentally new ways. The IP based 3-Series platform is engineered from the ground up to deliver a network-grade server appliance capable of faithfully handling everything from boardroom AV and home theater control to total building management.</p> <p>3-Series embodies a distinctively robust, dynamic, and secure platform to elevate your system designs to higher levels of performance and reliability. Compared to other control systems, Crestron 3-Series provides a pronounced increase in processing power and speed with more memory, rock solid networking and IP control, and a unique modular programming architecture.<br>&nbsp;<br>Modular Programming Architecture<br>Designed for enhanced scalability, the PRO3 affords high-speed, real-time multi-tasking to seamlessly run multiple programs simultaneously. This exclusive modular programming architecture lets programmers independently develop and run device-specific programs for AV, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, etc., allowing for the optimization of each program, and allowing changes to be made to one program without affecting the whole. Even as your system grows, processing resources can easily be shifted from one 3-Series processor to another without rewriting any code. The end benefit is dramatically simplified upgradability with minimal downtime, whether implementing changes on site or remotely via the network.<br><br></p><p>Robust Ethernet & IP Control<br>IP technology is the heart of 3-Series, so it should be no surprise that its networking abilities are second to none. Gigabit Ethernet connectivity enables integration with IP-controllable devices and allows the PRO3 to be part of a larger managed control network. Whether residing on a sensitive corporate LAN, a home network, or accessing the Internet through a cable modem, the PRO3 provides secure, reliable interconnectivity with IP-enabled touch screens, computers, mobile devices, video displays, media servers, security systems, lighting, HVAC, and other equipment &mdash; whether on premises or across the globe.<br><br></p><p><br></p><p>Dedicated Control Subnet<br>The Crestron Control Subnet is a Gigabit Ethernet network dedicated to Crestron devices. Via the PRO3's Control Subnet port, an installer may simply connect a single touch screen or wireless gateway, or add a Crestron PoE switch (CEN-SW-POE-5 or CEN-SWPOE-16) [1] to handle multiple touch screens, gateways, AV components, and other devices. Auto-configuration of the entire subnet is performed by the PRO3, discovering each device and assigning IP addresses without any extra effort from the installer.<br>A separate LAN port on the PRO3 provides a single-point connection to the primary LAN, requiring just one IP address for the complete control system. The LAN port allows full interconnectivity between devices on the local subnet with other devices, systems, servers, and WAN/Internet connections outside the local subnet. For sensitive applications that require absolute security, the entire Control Subnet can be completely hidden from the primary LAN using Isolation Mode.<br><br></p><p>Control Apps & XPanel<br>Years ago, Crestron pioneered the world's first IP-based control system unleashing vast new possibilities for controlling, monitoring, and managing integrated systems over a LAN, WAN, and the Internet. Today, Crestron offers more ways than ever to control your world the way you want. Using a computer, smartphone, or tablet device, Crestron lets you control anything in your home or workplace from anywhere in the world.<br><br></p><p>Native to every 3-Series control system, Crestron XPanel technology transforms any laptop or desktop computer into a virtual Crestron touch screen. Crestron control apps deliver the Crestron touch screen experience to iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices, letting you safely monitor and control your entire residence or commercial facility using the one device that goes with you everywhere.<br><br></p><p>Crestron Fusion® Cloud<br>Crestron Fusion Cloud provides an integrated platform for creating truly smart buildings that save energy, enhance worker productivity, and prolong the life-span of valuable equipment. As part of a complete managed network in a corporate enterprise, college campus, convention center, or any other facility, the PRO3 works integrally with Crestron Fusion Cloud to enable remote scheduling, monitoring, and control of rooms and technology from a central help desk. It also enables organizations to reduce energy consumption by tracking real-time usage and automating control of lighting, shades, and HVAC.<br><br></p><p>SNMP Support<br>Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party IT management software, allowing network administrators to manage and control Crestron systems on the network in an IT-friendly format.<br><br></p><p>Cresnet®<br>Cresnet provides a dependable network wiring solution for Crestron keypads, lighting controls, shade motors, thermostats, occupancy sensors, and other devices that don't require the higher speed of Ethernet. The Cresnet bus offers easy wiring and configuration, carrying bidirectional communication and 24VDC power to each device over a simple 4-conductor cable. To assist with troubleshooting, the PRO3 includes our patent-pending Network Analyzer which continuously monitors the integrity of the Cresnet network for wiring faults, marginal performance, and other errors.<br><br></p><p>Onboard Control Ports<br>In addition to Ethernet, the PRO3 includes six bidirectional COM ports and eight IR ports to interface directly with all of your centralized AV sources, video displays, and other devices. Eight programmable relay ports are included for controlling projection screens, lifts, power controllers, and other contact-closure actuated equipment. Eight "Versiport" I/O ports enable the integration of power sensors, motion detectors, door switches, alarms, or anything else that provides a dry contact closure, low-voltage logic, or 0-10 Volt DC signal.<br><br></p><p>Control Card Expansion Slots<br>Additional control ports can be added to the PRO3 using 3-Series Control Cards [1]. The PRO3 provides three control card expansion slots on its rear panel, affording great expansion capability without requiring any additional rack space.<br><br></p><p>Front Panel Color LCD Display<br>The PRO3's front panel includes a color LCD display to enable extensive setup and diagnostics without having to connect a computer.<br><br></p><p>BACnet&trade;/IP<br>Native support for the BACnet/IP communication protocol provides a direct interface to third-party building management systems over Ethernet, simplifying integration with HVAC, security, fire & life safety, voice & data, lighting, shades, and other systems. Using BACnet/IP, each system runs independently with the ability to communicate together on one platform for a truly smart building.[2]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Enterprise-class control system</li><li>3-Series® Control Engine &mdash; substantially faster and more powerful than other control systems</li><li>Exclusive modular programming architecture</li><li>Onboard 1GB RAM & 4GB Flash memory</li><li>Expandable storage up to 1TB</li><li>Rear panel memory card slot</li><li>High-speed USB 2.0 host port</li><li>Industry-standard Ethernet and Cresnet® wired communications</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron® devices</li><li>XPanel with Smart Graphics&trade; computer and web based control</li><li>iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control app support</li><li>Crestron Fusion® Cloud Enterprise Management Service support</li><li>SNMP remote management support</li><li>Two RS-232/422/485 COM ports with hardware and software handshaking</li><li>Four RS-232 COM ports with software handshaking only</li><li>Eight IR/serial, eight relay, and eight Versiport I/O ports</li><li>Three built-in 3-Series control card expansion slots</li><li>Programmable event scheduling with astronomical time clock</li><li>Native BACnet&trade;/IP support [2]</li><li>IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity on COM, Versiport, and network connections [3]</li><li>Installer setup via front panel, Crestron Toolbox&trade; software, or web browser</li><li>C#, symbol based, and drag-and-drop programming environments</li><li>Full Unicode (multi-language) support</li><li>Increased network throughput and security</li><li>Secure access through full user/group management or Active Directory integration</li><li>Hardware level security using 802.1X authentication</li><li>TLS, SSL, SSH, and SFTP network security protocols</li><li>FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption</li><li>IIS v.6.0 Web Server</li><li>IPv6 ready</li><li>Front panel color LCD display for setup and diagnostics</li><li>Front panel USB computer console port</li><li>2-space rack-mountable</li></ul><p></p> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. License required. The PRO3 supports a maximum of 2000 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>3. The following connections comply with IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity levels: COM 1 - 6, I/O 1 - 8, NET, LAN, and CONTROL SUBNET.</p>
01 Пирамида
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Перемещение мяча: Если мяч проходит состояние покоя в секторе B он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см по радиусу от пирамиды. Если расстояние между препятствием и бортом слишком мало для перемещения, применяются нижеследующие правила: Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя перед или непосредственно на самой узкой части дорожки между пирамидой и бортом (два указателя А на рис.), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см в направлении ти. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя позади этой части, он должен быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от борта и препятствия направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
02 Петля
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Начало препятствия 200 – 300 см от начала дорожки Ширина препятствия 15 – 22 см Примечание: Разрешенный путь движения мяча, только через препятствие, если мяч вылетает во время движения из петли, препятствие считается не пройдено и следующий удар наносится снова с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
03 Двойная волна
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечания: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
04 Горизонтальная петля
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Начало препятствия 200 – 300 см от начала дорожки Ширина препятствия 15 – 22 см Примечание: Разрешенный путь движения мяча, только через препятствие, если мяч вылетает во время движения из петли, препятствие считается не пройдено и следующий удар наносится снова с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
05 Мост
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечания: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
06 Прямая с окном
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Задний край препятствия 250 см от начала дорожки Ширина окна 10 – 15 см. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
07 Прямая без препятствий
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Красная линия: Проводится в 50 см от Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
08 Палочки
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Перемещение мяча только между препятствиями (не через них) Вспомогательные линии: Проводятся строго по окончании второго и третьего препятствия. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя до или на вспомогательной линии (по точке касания), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от препятствия в направлении ти. Если он прошел вспомогательную линию, он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 30 см от препятствия в направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
09 Лабиринт
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина входа в лабиринт 12 – 20 см Примечание: Перемещение мяча в лабиринте происходит только через второй вход справа. Все остальные должны быть закрыты таким образом, чтобы мяч не мог, пройдя через них, достичь цели. Цель: Цель определяется строго как область между двумя параллельными вертикальными пластинами в центре лабиринта. Допустим вариант конструкции с лункой или без нее. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
10 Центральная возвышенность
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Красная линия: Проводится в 50 см от Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
11 V-образное препятствие
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. Мяч не должен перепрыгивать препятствие http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
12 Наклонный круг без препятствий
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
13 Молния
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
14 Угол
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Длина отражателя 40 – 60 см Примечание Красная линия: Проводится в 50 см от Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
15 Плато
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Начало препятствия 250 – 350 см от начала дорожки Положение центра плато 500 – 600 см от начала дорожки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
16 Клин с окном
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина окна 10 – 15 см Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. Мяч не должен перепрыгивать препятствие http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
17 Наклонный круг с V-образным препятствием
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. Мяч не должен перепрыгивать препятствие. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
18 Наклонная дорожка без препятствий
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Abfallkorb 19
Reda Kelati | 1493387560Abfallkorb, Mülleimer mit Holzlamellen.
Abfallkorb 22
Dana Kolasinac | 1561330274Abfallkorb, Mülleimer mit Holzlamellen.
Airplane Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D airplane on top, side or front view.
Arbustos 20
Flor Ruiz | 1493366660Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de arbustos con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Arrow004 St
Saifudin Farouk | 1407234790 -
Audi Bitmap 22
Julian Hubrig | 1546439632 -
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Audi with floor plan symbol, plus choice of photos for use in 3D; photo automatically faces camera direction.
Bac à terre 19
D G | 1560958336Bac à terre bois rectangulaire.
Badminton Court 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Badminton court with different sizes and optional run-out field.
Baseball Field 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Baseball field with different sizes, optional outfield, fence and backstop cage.
Baseball Field 18
Ana stasia | 1517078198Baseball field with different sizes, optional outfield, fence and backstop cage.
Bench 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Park bench with 2 legs.
Bench 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Park bench with 4 legs.
Bench 03 19
Mohamed Mokrane | 1465501789Park bench.
Bench 04 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Park bench without backrest.
Bicycle Holder 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Linear bicycle holder.
Bicycle Holder 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Radial bicycle holder.
Bicycle Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D bicycle on top, side or rear view.
Bollard 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Bollard with different types and optional base.
Bollard 18
Jaha Hernandez | 1465455291Bollard with different types and optional base.
Bus Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D bus on top, side or front view.
Bush Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D bush on side view.
canary 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071canary
canary 02
e-studio bit | 1388669071canary
Car 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Car 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Car 04 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Car Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D car on top, side, rear or front view.
cat 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071cat
Cestino 18
federica sieno | 1434189192Cestino per la spazzatura con doghe in legno.
cock 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071cock
Concrete Pump Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D vehicle-mounted concrete pump on top, side or front view.
Couple 2 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Cypress Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D cypress on side view with optional contour only view.
Dancing Woman Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a dancing woman with optional planar 3D.
dog 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071dog
dog 03
e-studio bit | 1388669071dog
dog 04
e-studio bit | 1388669071dog
dog 05
e-studio bit | 1388669071dog
Field Events 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Events field with optional tracks, pole vault, high jump, long jump + triple jump, hammer throw, discus, javelin throw and shot put area.
fox 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071fox
Frame Vine 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pergola with optional support and leg number.
abdullah qouider | 1535115192garage 3D
Girl Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a sitting girl with optional planar 3D.
Group 1 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a family with optional planar 3D.
Group 2 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a couple with optional planar 3D.
Group 3 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a group of people with optional planar 3D.
Handball Court 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Handball court.
Helicopter Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D helicopter on top, side or front view.
House Model 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723House model for urban planning.
Houseplant Model 18
Ozlem Catakli | 1507723907Tall indoor plant in pot.
Houseplant Model 22
Janelle Davies | 1559025622Tall indoor plant in pot.
Hybrid Car 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hybrid car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Kid Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a child with optional planar 3D.
Large MPV 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Large MPV with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Large MPV 18
Mugabo Yves | 1528999189Large MPV with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Luxury Car 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Luxury car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Man Hands in Pockets 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Man on Bicycle 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Man on Bicycle Contour 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a man on bicycle with optional planar 3D.
Man on Bicycle Contour 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side, front or general view contour of a man on bicycle with optional planar 3D.
Man Sitting 1 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Sitting man in casual or business clothes.
Man Sitting 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Sitting man in casual or business clothes.
Man Walking 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Man with Briefcase Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a man with optional planar 3D.
Man with Cigarette Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a man with optional planar 3D.
Man with Dog Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a man and dog with optional planar 3D.
Man with Newspaper Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a man with optional planar 3D.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Mercedes with floor plan symbol, plus choice of photos for use in 3D; photo automatically faces camera direction.
Minivan 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Minivan with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Mixer Truck Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D mixer truck on top, side or front view.
Mobilní žebřík 19
Petr Nevečeřal | 1446229665Mobilní jeřáb s volitelným akčním radiusem.
Módulo de Referência
Aline Fagundes Mattar | 1641931099Módulo de Referência PcD utilizado comumente para escadas de emergências
Motorboat 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Motorboat with different flags.
owl 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071owl
Parking Stall
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Parking stall object to design simple parking places layout.
People Bitmap 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Choice of people photos for use in 3D, with corresponding 2D symbols; photo automatically faces camera direction.
Pérgola 19
jorge leon rivas | 1500073989Pérgola con soporte y número de patas opcionales.
Personnages bitmap 18
Djime Diarra | 1420250515Choix de photos de personnes pour utilisation en 3D avec symboles 2D correspondant, la photo fait automatiquement face à la caméra.
Дарья Карпова | 15734182792D parametric, bush with optional 2D symbol
pig 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071pig
Pine Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D pine on side view with optional contour only view.
Pine Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D pine on side view.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895VW Golf, rotatable in all directions.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Saab, rotatable in all directions.
Plant 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tall indoor plant in pot.
Porta Bicicletas 03 18
Daniela Rossetto | 1533670589Suporte radial de bicicletas.
Post-Box 1 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rounded post-box with letter indicator.
Post-Box 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Multiple post-box with different box types and adjustable number of rows and columns.
quail 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071quail
Reclining Man Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a reclining man with optional planar 3D.
rhino 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071rhino
Running Man Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a running man with optional planar 3D.
seagull 01
e-studio bit | 1388669071seagull
Sign Disabled Parking 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D parking sign with "Disabled" symbol.
Sign Parking 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D parking sign.
Sitting Man 1 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a sitting man with optional planar 3D.
Sitting Man 2 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a sitting man with optional planar 3D.
Sitting Woman 1 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a sitting woman with optional planar 3D.
Sitting Woman 2 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a sitting woman with optional planar 3D.
Sitting Woman 3 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a sitting woman with optional planar 3D.
Skating Man Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a skating man with optional planar 3D.
Soil Holder 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular wooden soil holder.
Soil Holder 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Polygonal wooden soil holder with optional number of segments.
Squash Court 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Squash court with optional side walls and glass wall.
Standing Man 1 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a standing man with optional planar 3D.
Standing Man 1 Contour 18
ahmad amirpour | 14162956592D front view contour of a standing man with optional planar 3D.
Stone Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D stones on side view.
Subcompact Car 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Subcompact car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Supermini 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Supermini car with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Trash Holder 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Trash holder with wooden slats.
Tree Deciduous 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 04 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 06 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 08 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 09 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 10 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 11 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 12 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Evergreen 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Evergreen tree with adjustable trunk and different floor plan symbols.
Tree Fan Palm 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fan palm tree.
Tree Pine 3D 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pine tree with variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Protection Horiz 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Horizontal tree trunk protection.
Tree Protection Vert 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Vertical tree trunk protection.
Van 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Van 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Van with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Van 02 18
Thomas Okello | 1525361231Van with optional right-side steering wheel and interior display.
Vehicle Bitmap 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Choice of car photos for use in 3D, with corresponding 2D symbols; photo automatically faces camera direction.
Volleyball Court 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Volleyball court with optional run-out area.
Walking Couple Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a couple with optional planar 3D.
Walking Man 1 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a walking man with optional planar 3D.
Walking Man 2 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a walking man with optional planar 3D.
Wheelchair Man Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D view of a man or woman in wheelchair with optional 3D.
Woman 1 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a standing woman with optional planar 3D.
Woman 2 Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a standing woman with optional planar 3D.
Woman on Bicycle 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Woman on Bicycle Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side, front or general view contour of a woman on bicycle with optional planar 3D.
Woman playing Golf Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D side view contour of a woman playing golf with optional planar 3D.
Woman playing Squash Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a woman playing tennis with optional planar 3D.
Woman Waiting 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Woman Walking 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Woman Walking 19
nathan bwire | 1509445079 -
Woman Waving 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Woman with Bag Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a woman with optional planar 3D.
Woman with Ball Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D front view contour of a person with ball with optional planar 3D.
Женщина Взмахивающая 19
Shynar Shakenova | 1460407877 -
Контуры Камней 20
Алексей Алексей | 14959236912D-вид сбоку камней.
Мини гольф 01 Пирамида
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Перемещение мяча: Если мяч проходит состояние покоя в секторе B он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см по радиусу от пирамиды. Если расстояние между препятствием и бортом слишком мало для перемещения, применяются нижеследующие правила: Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя перед или непосредственно на самой узкой части дорожки между пирамидой и бортом (два указателя А на рис.), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см в направлении ти. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя позади этой части, он должен быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от борта и препятствия направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 02 Петля
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Начало препятствия 200 – 300 см от начала дорожки Ширина препятствия 15 – 22 см Примечание: Разрешенный путь движения мяча, только через препятствие, если мяч вылетает во время движения из петли, препятствие считается не пройдено и следующий удар наносится снова с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 03 Двойная волна
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечания: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 04 Горизонтальная петля
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Начало препятствия 200 – 300 см от начала дорожки Ширина препятствия 15 – 22 см Примечание: Разрешенный путь движения мяча, только через препятствие, если мяч вылетает во время движения из петли, препятствие считается не пройдено и следующий удар наносится снова с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 05 Мост
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечания: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 06 Прямая с окном
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Задний край препятствия 250 см от начала дорожки Ширина окна 10 – 15 см. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 07 Прямая без препятствий
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Красная линия: Проводится в 50 см от Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 08 Палочки
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Перемещение мяча только между препятствиями (не через них) Вспомогательные линии: Проводятся строго по окончании второго и третьего препятствия. Если мяч приходит в состояние покоя до или на вспомогательной линии (по точке касания), он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 20 см от препятствия в направлении ти. Если он прошел вспомогательную линию, он может быть перемещен на расстояние до 30 см от препятствия в направлении лунки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 09 Лабиринт
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина входа в лабиринт 12 – 20 см Примечание: Перемещение мяча в лабиринте происходит только через второй вход справа. Все остальные должны быть закрыты таким образом, чтобы мяч не мог, пройдя через них, достичь цели. Цель: Цель определяется строго как область между двумя параллельными вертикальными пластинами в центре лабиринта. Допустим вариант конструкции с лункой или без нее. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 10 Центральная возвышенность
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: Красная линия: Проводится в 50 см от Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 11 V-образное препятствие
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. Мяч не должен перепрыгивать препятствие http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 12 Наклонный круг без препятствий
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 13 Молния
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 14 Угол
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Длина отражателя 40 – 60 см Примечание Красная линия: Проводится в 50 см от Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 15 Плато
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Начало препятствия 250 – 350 см от начала дорожки Положение центра плато 500 – 600 см от начала дорожки. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 16 Клин с окном
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина окна 10 – 15 см Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. Мяч не должен перепрыгивать препятствие http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 17 Наклонный круг с V-образным препятствием
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. Мяч не должен перепрыгивать препятствие. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 18 Наклонная дорожка без препятствий
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Примечание: В случае вылета мяча за пределы игрового поля, следующий удар производится с зоны Ти. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Модель Пальмы 19
Оля Фокина | 1552943922Финиковая пальма.
Почтовый Ящик 1 18
алена егорова | 1417861664Круглый почтовый ящик с указателем для писем.
recinzione cantiere
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1378148106recinzione cantiere
2D embankment
Daniel Ferenc | 13436392922D floor plan symbol of embankment
Office Container
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, metal on-site office container
Tubular Scaffold
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent on-site construction tubular scaffolding
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction elevator
Dressing Container
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, metal on-site dressing container
Storage Container
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, metal on-site storage container
Suspended Scaffold
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction suspended scaffolding
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site fence
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction canopy
Support Mesh_1
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction support mesh
Support Mesh_2
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction support mesh
XX Scaffold
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction scaffolding
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction canopy
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction railing
Saniter Container
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, metal on-site sanitary container with toilet and bathroom
EQUITONE [pictura]
|EQUITONE [pictura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a ultramatt, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
EQUITONE [natura]
|EQUITONE [natura] is a through coloured façade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, displaying the raw texture of the fibre cement base material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
EQUITONE [textura]
|EQUITONE [textura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a textured, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
|Poujoulat has identified a strategic priority focus, which is the integration of design as a vector for renewal, diversification and increased value. The LUMINANCE range offers a large number of choices. This range has been designed whilst taking high environmental quality and sustainable development into consideration. It provides excellent draught and optimises heating appliance efficiency. Luminance relies on the same technical basis as the other Poujoulat chimney stacks, and therefore guarantees quality, performance and quick and easy installation. Installation can be carried out by one or two persons, without roof-frame reinforcement or structural work. The components are supplied on-site "ready to install", depending on the house's characteristics.
TermoKlinker White Ártico
|INSULATION PANEL + BRICK SLIPS. La Paloma Cerámicas develops TermoKlinker; a cobined insulation system of extruded polyestyrene + ceramic brick slips, designed for exterior and interior façade restoration or new buildings. The range of Brick Slips that forms TermoKlinker system is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). TermoKlinker is designed and installed in accordance with the European Technical Approval of "Veture kits - Prefabricated units for external wall insulation" (Not ETICS) ETAG 017. The prefabricated veture units panels are made of an insulation material (XPS) bonded in factory to an external discontinuous skin of ceramic slips, with a grouting mortar applied on-site. The panels are fixed with mechanical fixinga and ancillary items. They will be sealed with a sealant and grouted with a grouting cement-based mortar. Acoustic and thermal efficiency of a building, starts in the façade, it is one of the main points to consider, it is the area in which more heat or cold transmission occurs and the main barrier against external noise. There is no doubt that we should avoid thermal bridge effect as far as possible. In this respect, houses also benefit from the high efficiency thermal envelope of a building with TermoKlinker.
TermoKlinker Grey Otero
|INSULATION PANEL + BRICK SLIPS. La Paloma Cerámicas develops TermoKlinker; a cobined insulation system of extruded polyestyrene + ceramic brick slips, designed for exterior and interior façade restoration or new buildings. The range of Brick Slips that forms TermoKlinker system is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). TermoKlinker is designed and installed in accordance with the European Technical Approval of "Veture kits - Prefabricated units for external wall insulation" (Not ETICS) ETAG 017. The prefabricated veture units panels are made of an insulation material (XPS) bonded in factory to an external discontinuous skin of ceramic slips, with a grouting mortar applied on-site. The panels are fixed with mechanical fixinga and ancillary items. They will be sealed with a sealant and grouted with a grouting cement-based mortar. Acoustic and thermal efficiency of a building, starts in the façade, it is one of the main points to consider, it is the area in which more heat or cold transmission occurs and the main barrier against external noise. There is no doubt that we should avoid thermal bridge effect as far as possible. In this respect, houses also benefit from the high efficiency thermal envelope of a building with TermoKlinker.
TermoKlinker Ochre Guadarrama
|INSULATION PANEL + BRICK SLIPS. La Paloma Cerámicas develops TermoKlinker; a cobined insulation system of extruded polyestyrene + ceramic brick slips, designed for exterior and interior façade restoration or new buildings. The range of Brick Slips that forms TermoKlinker system is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). TermoKlinker is designed and installed in accordance with the European Technical Approval of "Veture kits - Prefabricated units for external wall insulation" (Not ETICS) ETAG 017. The prefabricated veture units panels are made of an insulation material (XPS) bonded in factory to an external discontinuous skin of ceramic slips, with a grouting mortar applied on-site. The panels are fixed with mechanical fixinga and ancillary items. They will be sealed with a sealant and grouted with a grouting cement-based mortar. Acoustic and thermal efficiency of a building, starts in the façade, it is one of the main points to consider, it is the area in which more heat or cold transmission occurs and the main barrier against external noise. There is no doubt that we should avoid thermal bridge effect as far as possible. In this respect, houses also benefit from the high efficiency thermal envelope of a building with TermoKlinker.
TermoKlinker Red Bilbao
|INSULATION PANEL + BRICK SLIPS. La Paloma Cerámicas develops TermoKlinker; a cobined insulation system of extruded polyestyrene + ceramic brick slips, designed for exterior and interior façade restoration or new buildings. The range of Brick Slips that forms TermoKlinker system is the same as that of Facing Bricks (same texture and color). TermoKlinker is designed and installed in accordance with the European Technical Approval of "Veture kits - Prefabricated units for external wall insulation" (Not ETICS) ETAG 017. The prefabricated veture units panels are made of an insulation material (XPS) bonded in factory to an external discontinuous skin of ceramic slips, with a grouting mortar applied on-site. The panels are fixed with mechanical fixinga and ancillary items. They will be sealed with a sealant and grouted with a grouting cement-based mortar. Acoustic and thermal efficiency of a building, starts in the façade, it is one of the main points to consider, it is the area in which more heat or cold transmission occurs and the main barrier against external noise. There is no doubt that we should avoid thermal bridge effect as far as possible. In this respect, houses also benefit from the high efficiency thermal envelope of a building with TermoKlinker.
BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) 4-6-8" Straight Forms
|<p>BuildBlock ICFs are a comprehensive product family of Insulated Concrete Forms. Available in sizes 4"-12"+ they deliver superior energy-efficiency, acoustic, and disaster-reslilience performance. BuildBlock ICFs are available in all the form types necessary for construction including: 90&deg;, 45&deg;, 2'-4'-8'-12'-16'-20' radius, TaperTop, and BrickLedge configurations.</p> <p>BuildBlock ICFs deliver fast construction, multiple reinforcement options including traditional rebar up to #8 in large forms.</p> <p>BuildBlock ICF forms combine the standard features you&rsquo;ve come to expect in&nbsp;a quality ICF. BuildBlock is built for speed with the least waste and many unique benefits you&rsquo;ll find in&nbsp;no other block.</p> <ul> <li>Ready to Stack. No on-site assembly required; start installing right off the truck.</li> <li>Fully Reversible. All forms are fully reversible; no top, bottom, left or right. Longer corner design provides automatic offset for each course.</li> <li>Industry Standard Size. Industry-standard 16-inch (406.4mm) high forms produce less waste when cutting around doors and windows.</li> <li>Tight Interlocking Blocks. Blocks easily stack and securely lock into place resulting in greater strength over the competition. No foam or clips required between courses.</li> <li>2.5-inch (63.5mm) Foam Panels. Allows easy accommodation of electrical and plumbing installation in the foam.</li> <li>High-density Plastic Webs on 6-inch centers. Greater strength, more value.</li> <li>Rebar Support eliminates most steel tying.</li> <li>Easy mechanical chases for plumbing and electrical.</li> <li>Open Web Design for efficient concrete flow and half-height block support.</li> <li>Extra Heavy-duty Attachment Points (450+lbs.) Located every 8-inches vertically, and 6-inches horizontally.</li> <li>Molded-in Tape Measure and Horizontal Cut Lines.</li> <li>1-inch Repeating Cut Pattern on Block Connection.</li> <li>Lowest waste of any ICF on the market today.</li> <li>Attachment Point Markings</li> <li>No special half-height blocks required.</li> </ul>
Non catalysed grout with load bearing properties, high strength metallic aggregate reinforced non-shrink - MasterFlow 885
|MasterFlow 885 is a ready to use product in powder form, which requires only the on-site addition of water to produce a non-shrink, metallic reinforced grout. Use of specially processed malleable metallic aggregate improves impact and dynamic loading resistance compared with normal cementitious grouts.
