Train 011
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163222#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_11 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060823 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Bus 0019
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346221326#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0019 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060718 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Bus 0018
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346164629#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg0018 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060718 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 017
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163406#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_17 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060823 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 020
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163512#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_20 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060823 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 012
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163248#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_ 12 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060823 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 013
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346222723#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_13 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060823 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 014
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163304#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_14 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060823 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 015
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163332#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg_015 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060713 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 016
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163365#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg_016 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Jari Pakarinen 060713 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 019
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163479#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_19 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060823 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Train 018
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346163444#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg lwpg_18 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 06081623 Sanna Vesen 090807 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
WannabeeTree Small
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216486#http://www.masterscript.nl3D Wannabee Tree small
Candélabre ECLATEC-ELYXE LED-mat de 4,00m
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1432397500Candélabre d'éclairage public à LED de marque ECLATEC et modèle ELYXE, sur mât cylindro conique de 4,00m. Modèle plus simple que celui à télécharger sur le site du fabricant.
NCP® Public
Christoffer Reina | 1512473634 -
NCP® Public Barstol
Christoffer Reina | 1512473634 -
IM-102 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-102 Kaksitasoinen maalattu vaatenaulakko,jossa J-malliset kromatut vaatekoukut on kiinnitetty ylätasoon. Naulakossa on vakiona koukkujen lisäksi kromattu ripustintanko vaateripustimia varten. Runko polttomaalattua 30X30 teräsputkea. Voidaan koota rajattomia pituuksia, kapasiteetti kts. taulukko.Erikoistilauksesta koukkuja on mahdollista sijoittaa ylätason lisäksi myös teräksiseen väliputkeen, jolloin kapasiteettia voidaan lisätä 10-20%. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
IM-103 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-103 Lattiapinnan vapaaksi jättävä naulakkomalli. Ei ripustintankoa,alataso on erittäin tukeva ja sitä voidaan käyttää joko istuintasona tai kenkätasona.Lisävarusteena mahdollista asentaa tukijalka lattiaan. Vakiokorkeudet 1100mm ja 1460mm,runkokannatin voidaan kiinnittää halutulle korkeudelle käyttäjien pituuden mukaan.Tilauksesta saatavana myös muita korkeuksia. Suunniteltu erityisesti kouluja varten,mahtava kapasiteetti eri pituisille käyttäjille,vahva seinäkiinnitys. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
IM-301 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-301 Luotettava perusnaulakko yleisiin tiloihin sekä myös kotiin.Syvyys 390 mm, korkeus 1860 mm. Voidaan koota rajattomia pituuksia. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
IM-302 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-302 Luotettava perusnaulakko yleisiin tiloihin sekä myös kotiin.Syvyys 540 mm, korkeus 1860 mm, pituudet tilauksen mukaan, voidaan koota rajattomia pituuksia tai tehdä määrämittoja sentin tarkkuudella. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
iQ Eminent
|Colour harmony contributes to well-being. That’s why Tarkett’s new iQ Eminent brings more design flexibility for architects with additional outstanding design options - for a truly harmonious flooring experience in healthcare, education and other public buildings. iQ Eminent features a palette of primary and neutral colours completed by shades in natural grey and beige in a distinctive non-directional design with 3D effect. ■iQ Unique Surface Restoration system ■Best life cycle cost on the market ■Extreme durability and outstanding flexibility ■Produced with phthalate-free technology ■VOC emissions 100 times lower than the strictest standards in Europe ■100 % recyclable ■The perfect watertight solution that avoids soiling, improves cleaning efficiency and contributes to hygiene and infection control
Munich Armchair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Munich Lounge Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2009; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum, which opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Frame of steel tubing with rubber webbing. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Schüco Sliding System ASS 70 FD
|[LIST] Folding sliding system Thermally insulated folding sliding system Narrow face widths Suitable for use in public and residential property Can also be used for balcony glazing Watertightness up to class 9A in accordance with DIN EN 12208 Burglar resistance up to class RC 2 (WK2)" [/LIST]
Munich Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Munich Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. The brief for the museum, which opened in 2009, included designing a dining table for use in the cafeteria. In close cooperation with the architects, ClassiCon took their draft a step further, resulting in a reinterpretation of the original design. The way the straight-edged tabletop with its rounded corners floats atop the oblique legs lends the table a special lightness. Together with the Munich Chair and Munich Armchair a harmonious ensemble is created for use either in the public or private realm. Frame of solid wood. Tabletop with rounded edges in clearly varnished MDF veneered with real wood. Details, colours and European standards see price list.
V131 Wall Hung Toilet
|Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Front mounted. Combination with wall fixture and build in flushing cistern. Can be equipped with seat pads or seat with cover. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
Electra Armchair
|Electra is a series of design furniture that, thanks to its attractive design, fits perfectly in every public environment, e.g. lobby or the waiting room. The sofas has high comfort and gives warmth to the rest of the room. Options:Electra is available as: armchair, 2-seat sofa and 3-seat sofa. Also available in the Electra series is a coffee table. Steel details in chrome or silver.
|Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Floor standing and wall mounted. Can be combined with wall fixture and built in flushing cistern. Tested according to EN 997, approved by TÜV. Vandal-proof is optional. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
Nova C Senior double
|The Senior edition of the Nova C Series has a higher, flat seat (the standard Nova C Back inclines backwards by four degrees) and easy-to-grasp armrests that extend beyond the seating surface. All according to official guidelines for public waiting seats. The bench shapes a seamless seating line while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. In harmony with its siblings, Nova C Senior configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. (This product is not available in America)
V130 S-trap HCP
|Handicap model Outlet Ø110mm to floor Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
Nova C Senior
|The Senior edition of the Nova C Series has a higher, flat seat (the standard Nova C Back inclines backwards by four degrees) and easy-to-grasp armrests that extend beyond the seating surface. All according to official guidelines for public waiting seats.The bench shapes a seamless seating line while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. In harmony with its siblings, Nova C Senior configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. (This product is not available in America)
V130 P-trap
|Outlet Ø110mm to wall Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅300
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅130
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
V130 P-trap HCP
|Handicaped model. Outlet Ø110mm to wall Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
V135 HCP
|Handicap model Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Floor standing and wall mounted. Can be combined with wall fixture and built in flushing cistern. Tested according to EN 997, approved by TÜV. Vandal-proof is optional. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
V130 S-trap
|Outlet Ø110mm to floor Fixing on floor Water connection ½´ Floor standing and screwed to floor. Prepared for seat-lid, choose lid separately. Tested according to EN 997. Flushing capacity 6 litres. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
V131 HCP Wall Hung Toilet
|Handicap model Outlet Ø102mm Fixing on wall, c/c 180mm according to European standard (Wall mount included) Push-fit socket 38-45mm Front mounted. Combination with wall fixture and build in flushing cistern. Can be equipped with seat pads or seat with cover. Purus Stainless steel toilets are practical for surroundings with tough requirements for durability, hygiene and the possibility for adjustments. For example in public toilets, sports centres, restaurants and public institutions. Stainless steel toilets are also an interesting alternative in specially designed environments such as high and low level security places.
Shift Ottoman
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
On Point
|On Point table is designed by Mattias Stenberg, the designer behind the successful stool Carry On. With its soft and elegance appearance the table is great for meeting between people but can also be used, with plants and greenery, for seperate private conversations. On Point is a part of Offecct’s O2asis concept and its different center modules makes it possible to fit different sizes of plants into the table. The table is also available with power source which makes it perfect for all public places where electronic devices are used. “The On Point table is a further development of the ideas that originated from the Carry On stool. The series is based on the idea of the informal meeting in a workplace or a public space, for example an airport. With their very obvious handles, the stool provoke mobility and spontaneous meetings. The table is designed to allow full contact between up to eight people around it, while it’s also perfect for more private and intimate gatherings among a few individuals. It is part of Offecct’s O2asis-concept, with vegetation integrated into furniture pieces in order to improve wellbeing and air quality. The table can hold plants and trees of different dimensions, with rings of two sizes placed in the table’s centre. It’s also a way of creating a micro architecture in the room, with the tree’s natural ceiling that makes us feel pleasantly enwrapped and comforted.” /Mattias Stenberg
Bop Wood bar stool
|Bop is a serie of chairs developed by Offecct in collaboration with Norwegian design bureau Knudsen Berg Hindenes. Originally, Bop was designed for USF Verftet, an arts arena for music, theater, film and modern art in Bergen, Norway. USF was established in 1993 and is an important actor within arts and culture in Bergen and Norway with the aim of collaborating, strengthening and participating in the development of culture and creativity. The chair has since then further developed and is available with elegant wooden legs stained in whitepigmented oak. 2016 Bop Wood became a serie with a bar stool. Also that one with legs in massive wood. Bop lives up to the high standards of comfort, durability and adaptability required of a concert chair, but fits perfectly well in other public interiors as well. ”When we were redoing the cultural center and creating a larger concert hall we wanted a new concert chair. The development has been a close process between us here at the cultural center, the designers and Offecct”, says Jon Tvilde, head of the cultural center.
|<p><span></span></p> <p>Dune offers an exciting new response to the constantly changing needs of our work places and public spaces. Dune has been developed for the spheres where the need for informal meetings intersects with the demand for relaxed seating.<br><br>“We are really satisfied with the lightness of Dune. Despite being so delicate, Dune stands firmly on the ground and offers possibilities to interaction, face to face and digital”, says designers Anna Lindgren and Sofia Lagerkvist, the members of Front.&nbsp;<br><br>Dune is upholstered with a lacquered frame and table tops in MDF.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can easily seat up to eight people.<br>- The table tops can be equipped with the latest generation USB-sockets. The sockets are available in aluminium or brass.<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or artificial leather.<br>- The table tops can be equipped with a jacket hanger.&nbsp;<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.<br></p><p></p> <p></p>
Shift high easy chair
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Shift Low easy chair
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
High Performance 40mm Wet Room - Interior
|The Wet Room door is an example of Swedoors possibilities to provide solutions for special purposes. The Wet Room door is a water resistant composite-based high-performance (HP) door. Normally it's used in places with heavy water load in g. public baths, shower-rooms, proffessional kitchens, butcheries, etc.
High Performance 40mm Anti-finger-trap - Interior
|The Anti-finger-trap door is an example of Swedoors possibilities to provide solutions for special purposes. This door is a wood-based high-performance (HP) door with a functionality that limits crushing injuries. Normally it's used in the nursery, playroom, nursery schools and other public places where children are present.
High Performance 40mm Swinging - Interior
|This is a high performance (HP) interior door range, built for professional demands. A wood-based construction equipped with swinging hinges and locks for cylinders. The door can swing both in and out as a "Saloon" door. It's often used in restaurants, professional kitchens, in the healthcare sector and in other public areas where you need easy access in both directions
High Performance 40mm Swinging Double - Interior
|This is a high performance (HP) interior double door range, built for professional demands. A wood-based construction equipped with swinging hinges and locks for cylinders. The door can swing both in and out as a "Saloon" door. It's often used in restaurants, professional kitchens, in the healthcare sector and in other public areas where you need easy access in both directions
A4995 - Table, Diaper Changing, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted diaper changing table for use in public restrooms. Unit is a fold down system that folds upward when not in use for minimal intrusion into the room. Changing surface is contoured and has safety belt to insure that an infant will not fall from the table. Table is designed to hold no less than 250 pounds static weight. Closed dimensions are approximately 21" H x 36" W x 5" D. Open dimensions vary according to style. One system's open dimensions are 15 " high, 32" wide and 19" deep.
P3070 - Lavatory, Vitreous China, Under or Counter Top Mtd
|An undercounter or countertop mounted vitreous china lavatory (approximate bowl size 6"x17"x14") with gooseneck spout, wrist blade handles, and grid drain. Counter top mounted lavatory to be self rimming with mounting kit provided. Undercounter lavatory to have unglazed rim with a mounting kit also provided. For general purpose use in vanity tops in public, patient and staff toilet rooms.
R2201 - Fountain, Water, CRS, Wall Mounted, 2 Level
|Drinking water fountain. This unit is a wall mounted, combination handicap and general public (2 level) dispenser. It contains an air cooled compressor with CRS wall protector. Specify with or without glass filler. It provides cool fresh drinking water, for hospitals and commercial office buildings.
HI-MACS® Sheets – Lucia collection
|Lucia collection is composed of natural trendy colours characterised by linear-edged, midsize particles: three of those designed by Dutch Star Designer, Marcel Wanders. Colours: Red Quinoa (W010), Lentil (W007), , Ice Queen (W001), Shadow Queen (W003), Star Queen (W004). Thickness: 12mm. HI-MACS® is a solid surface material that can be moulded into any shape. It is widely used for architectural and interior applications, such as sculptural and high performance wall-cladding or kitchen, bathroom and furniture surfaces, in commercial, residential and public space projects. It is composed of acrylic, natural minerals and pigments that come together to provide a smooth, non-porous and visually seamless surface which meets the highest standards for quality, aesthetics, fabrication, functionality and hygiene – offering manifold advantages over conventional materials. LG Hausys’ HI-MACS® uses a simple heating process to give three-dimensional thermoplastic forming capabilities, allows visually seamless designs, offers a virtually limitless range of colours and – for some shades - exhibits a special translucency when exposed to light. Although HI-MACS® is almost as robust as stone, it can be worked in a similar way as wood: it can be sawn, routed, drilled or sanded. Visit himacs.eu for more information.
|The most elementary shape geometry matches the most innovative technology to create this product with its ultra-modern style. COOL SQUARE derives from the Cool range, a game of solids and voids of light. Ideal for lighting effects, perfect for functional lights, the new applique and bollard versions are particularly suitable for residential and public places.
|SHAPE creates uniform light on the outer edge of windows producing charming light effects on residential, public, historical and artistic façades. Greatest miniaturization, huge versatility and high performances are the typical characteristics of this product which is able to enlighten even wide openings with a minimum energy consumption and its high functionality level. The light fitting uses only one LED and its inclination can be easily adjusted according to the different slopes of window sills keeping in this way its capacity to create attractive light scenes.
|SKILL BOLLARD completes the Skill range with the same excellent peculiarities: elegant design, low consumption and high lighting performances. Furthermore, thanks to a detailed study of the base, its solidity and stability make it particularly suitable for residential areas and public pathways. SKILL BOLLARD is available in mono and bi-emission versions, both with a downward light distribution to fully respect norms against light pollution.
Entrance Door w/ Electric Lock - Motor
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for highly secured interior or exterior doors with Motor Lock for high traffic. Equipped with a fixed knob on one side and a panic handle for free exit on the other side. The lock/door is automatically deadlocked as soon as the door is closed. The locks can be controlled by a variety of electrical impulse generating equipment, i.e. card reader, keypad and timer, push buttons,... [LIST] Cylinder (Euro Profile, double), MP83, by Litto, Standard : EN 1303 Reinforced escutcheon, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Door Closer, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard : EN 1154, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Motor Lock, CERTA, by ABLOY, Standard : EN 12209, SKG**, EN 179, EN 1125, EN 14846 , BENOR ATG RF30/60 Lead Cover, Architectural Hardware, by Litto SMARTair™ (Card Reader with Keyboard), SMARTair™, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20150166-IBA1-EN) [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, healthcare, hotel, offices, public, residential and transport For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Lockable Interior Door Solution
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for interior doors with a mechanical lock and a security cylinder. This solution is suitable for classrooms, offices, meeting, storage, and technical rooms. This solution can also be used for fire doors. [LIST] Cylinder-Lock (latch and deadbolt), D5, by Litto, Standard: EN 12209, BENOR ATG RF30/60 Cylinder (Euro profile, double), MP83, by Litto, Standard: EN 1303 Lever Handles, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard: EN 1906 Escutcheons (pair roses for cylinder), Architectural Hardware, by Litto Door Stop, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Hinges, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard : EN 1935 [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, education, healthcare, leisure, offices, public, restaurants, retail and residential For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Double Action Door Solution
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for Interior double action self-closing door equipped with a Cam-Motion® Floor Spring for an easier opening. This solution can also be used for two-way movement fire rated doors. [LIST] Latch-Lock (roller), D5, by Litto, Standard : EN 12209, BENOR ATG RF30/60 Pull Handles (TT shape), Architectural Hardware, by Litto Floor Spring, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard : EN 1154 [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, education, healthcare, leisure, offices, public, restaurants and retail. For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Corridor Hold-Open Double Door Solution
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for wooden commercial corridor door with hold-open magnets and Cam-Motion® Door Closers. The Hold-Open magnets keeps the double interior door open for daily use. In case of fire detection the magnets will release the door and it will be closed. [LIST] Latch-Lock (roller), D5, by Litto, Standard : EN 12209, BENOR ATG RF30/60 Fixed Knobs, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Door Closers, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard : EN 1154, EN 1158, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Hinges, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard : EN 1935 Hold-Open Magnets, 830, by EffEff, Standard : EN 1155 [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, education, healthcare, hotel, public and offices. For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Office Door w/ Electric Strike
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for an access controlled based door with an Electric Strike and a Cam-Motion® Door Closer. This solution is developed for office rooms or any other relevant interior rooms that do not require a high security level. The Electric Strike can be controlled by a variety of electrical impulse generating equipment, i.e. card reader, keypad and timer, push buttons,... [LIST] Latch-Lock (with cylinder), D5, by Litto, Standard : EN 12209, BENOR ATG RF30/60 Cylinder (Euro Profile, half), MP83, by Litto, Standard : EN 1303 Lever Handle, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard: EN 1906 Fixed Knob, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Escutcheon (rose for cylinder), Architectural Hardware, by Litto Door Closer, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard: EN 1154, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Door Stop, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Hinges, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard: EN 1935 Electric Strike (fail secure), 118, by EffEff, Standard: EN 14846 SMARTair™ (Card Reader with Keyboard), SMARTair™, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20150166-IBA1-EN) [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, education, healthcare, office, public and residential For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Wireless Access Controlled Door Solution
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for high security interior doors with integrated Aperio® wireless Access Control system and a Panic-Lock. The aperio® wireless technology is an integrated solution with online and offline door control that can be operated with the same access cards you use for your existing EAC system. The lock/door is automatically deadlocked as soon as the door is shut. [LIST] Panic-Lock (automatic deadbolt), by ABLOY, Standard : EN 12209, SKG**, EN 179, EN 1125, BENOR ATG RF30/60 Cylinder (Euro Profile, double), MP83, by Litto, Standard : EN 1303 Door Closer, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard : EN 1154, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Hinges, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard : EN 1935 Escutcheon (handles and integrated card reader), Aperio®, by ASSA ABLOY, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20150279-IAB1-EN) [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, healthcare, offices, public and transport For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Emergency Exit Door Solution
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for f.e. steel emergency exit doors with surface mounted multipoint locking panic device. Panic exit devices guarantee easy escape at any time in an emergency situation and can be used in public areas and places where a panic situation could rapidly develop into a crisis. This solution can be used for external, internal and also fire doors. [LIST] Panic exit device (multipoint), PUSH, by Vachette, Standard : EN1125 Door Closer, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard : EN1154, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, education, healthcare, Leisure, shopping mall, offices, public, restaurants, retail and residential For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Simple Ramp "Trait d'Union"
|The simple ramp Trait d'Union is a removable ramp recessed in the threshold. Only two ramps are deployed on the sidewalk, which reduces the use of public property. It adapts to every step heights up to 22 cm. The two independent ramps adjust to the slope and pavement. The handling is done by integrated ergonomic push handles. Permitted loads: 300 kg for the standard model.
O'TOP® , Waterproofing without fixings for metal substrates
|Bituminous waterproofing system for steel-framed structures installed with no metal fixings, giving an aesthetic finish to the underside of the roof. The waterproofing comprises installation of a self-adhesive vapour control layer on to which the insulation is bonded, followed by the installation of the waterproofing by torching. O'TOP can be used on a variety of metal substrates, in particular long-span and lacquered metal trays. No mechanical fastenings are used so installation is fast and there is no need to add false ceilings in buildings such as commercial premises public halls, sports centres, etc.
|Keep the world outside, outside Third party tests have proved that fitting an entrance with Coral that has six metres walking depth can keep up to 94% of all walked in dirt and moisture out of a building. In addition, Forbo's Coral can reduce your cleaning and maintenance costs by up to 65% and prolong the life of interior floor finishes and coverings, as well as greatly reducing the potential for slipping. Do you slow down or stop to wipe your feet when you walk into an office, shop, school or other public space? Chances are you don't. Most of us just stride on in, which is why it's important to install an entrance flooring product to keep the world outside, outside.
Tessera mix
|An innovative, batchless, random lay carpet tile, Tessera Mix delivers a seamless installation appearance every time. Its soft geometric shapes cleverly disguise the tile edges and fitting direction and create its classic modern appearance. Designed for use in commercial, hospitality and public interiors, Mix is available in 15 contemporary colourways. Its random geometric aesthetic will improve interior floor space of any scale from intimate corridors to expansive open plan offices. Reduced installation waste MIx random lay carpet tiles are cleverly designed so that they may be laid in any direction to produce a totally individual installation. Using this method also reduces installation waste to less than 2%. Batchless carpet tiles Different production consignments of ‘batchless’ tiles can be used together in an installation without the usual risk of visible batch variation, this also eliminates the need to hold attic stock.
Wrap easy chair
|The armchair Wrap want to be an armchair which enfolds you and is inviting, yet not taking up too much space. Wrap sounds than to Stolabs tradition of form and function in harmonious union. Meanwhile Wrap soft features that fits well in with eg Hundranian and Miss Holly. Wrap works well in both public spaces and private homes.
Mipolam Technic EL5
|MIPOLAM TECHNIC EL5 is a conductive flexible homogeneous compacted available in tiles. The conductive carbon coated PVC pellets create a perfect conductive network for permanent conductive properties and antistatic properties (< 20 V) throughout its full life expectancy. It acts as a continuous conductive 10^4 ≤ Rt ≤ 10^6 (EN 1081) and complies with EN 649. Reaction on fire group Bfl-s1, classification 34/43, slip resistance approved for public areas. TVOC ater 28 days less than 10 μg/ m3 due to ISO 16000-6. Without any content listed as CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxical due to REACH).
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Leaf is a practical magazine or brochure holder with a sturdy shape, that is also foldable and easy to move around. The warm grey colour has an informal feel which fits into any environment, which makes it highly suitable as a free standing unit for any temporary public or commercial space. Leaf was designed by Dutch designer Robert Bronwasse for Cascando, as part of their nature-inspires series of interior accessories. Leaf is also available as a freestanding whiteboard made of high-grade enameled steel and other products in this range include the Branch Coat Stand, Branch Wall Hooks, Plant Side Table and Forest Coat Rack.
Space Chicken
|Space Chicken is a small laptop table that is available in various colors. The table is ideal for lounges, offices and public spaces. Of course, it works perfectly well at home too. Space Chicken is height adjustable and allows you to maintain a comfortable and ergonomic working posture that enables productivity from all types of chairs and sofas. A version of Space Chicken with fixed height is also available.
The Box Lounger
|The Box Lounger is a cozy box with a soft sound absorbing material on the inside that dampens outside sounds. It is the perfect place for you to make a phone call, work on your laptop or just relax. The Box Lounger can also be used as a room divider and is available in different colors to match your interior. The Box Lounger provides a quiet and visually secluded cover from the surrounding noise and movement. Generally this problem can be found in open-space offices and public spaces.
Manual Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
|Public health message - Watertightness - Above sinks Wall - Wall protection Hand hygiene protection panel providing a public health message as well as an effective protection of the walls abose sinks • Diffuse hand hygiene protocol • Can be installed in all wet rooms • welding rods available for a perfect hygiene • Can be customised with your logo or other text
Emergency Exit Door w/ Escape Control Alarm
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik -Emergency Exit Door Solution from the ASSA ABLOY Germany. EXITalarm is an emergency exit door alarm, which detects when the door handle is turning. Equipped with an OneSystem self-locking panic mortise lock and Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. The lock/door will be self-locked automatically as soon as the door closer has closed the door. [LIST] Security Panic Lock Mechanical, OneSystem, Standard: EN 179 and EN 1125 Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) EXITalarm, Alarm in case of misuse of an emergency exit [/LIST] Typical applications: Public, Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Commercial, Congress For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
|Improve your logistics and public areas, warehouse transport and material handling with a DYNACO D-311 high speed roll up door for interior use. Its fast door cycle helps you to gain valuable time in your daily business activities. Significant energy savings, a better climate control and improved employee comfort result from the superior seal of this high speed door. Dust, dirt, humidity and draught are excluded from your working areas. The flexible PVC door curtain of this high speed roll up door can be printed with large pictures, icons, messages, warnings and safety or traffic instructions. This contributes to a safer and better work environment. Low friction side guides, a self-reinserting door curtain and a minimum of wearing parts, make the DYNACO D-311 roll up door maintenance friendly. Thanks to its slim design it can be installed in places where space is limited.
Ditec Valor L-N-P
|Ditec Valor is the top of the range in Entrematic's offering. It's a high-tech, exceptionally well designed sliding door operator featuring operating speeds of up to 1.6 m/s (2 wings) and door weights of up to 240 kg (2 wings). It's extreme reliability (tested up to 3 million cycles) and safety is TÜV approved. Ditec Valor has gained a leading position in the marketplace thanks to its advanced technology, electromechanical components, innovative Control Unit which make it perfect for everyday use or for heavy-duty and continuous use applications such as in public areas, large shopping centres, airports, etc. Ditec Valor is very quiet due to its vibration proof sliding guide. The product complies with all European directives and EN 16005.
Ditec DAB105
|Ditec DAB105 is an electromechanical servo-assisted automation system for swing doors with spring, with 24 Vdc gear motor and encoder-managed kinematics, for safe and reliable management of door movement in every situation. The silent operation and clean, elegant look make Ditec DAB105 the preferred choice for swing doors in the commercial and public sector applications. The powerful gear motor easily moves wings up to 200 kg of weight or over 1.2 m of width. Ditec DAB105 can work in both push or pull mode with dedicated arms connecting the opener to the door panel. The numerous operation modes (Low Energy, PUSH&GO, Power Assist, sensor control, push-button control, etc.), as well as the possibility to easily manage double-wing swing opening make Ditec DAB105 an ideal solution that easily adapts to any requirement. A wide choice of accessories and control devices completes the product range. Ditec DAB105 fully complies with all European directives including EN 16005.
Ditec DAB205
|Ditec DAB205 is the top-of-the-range solution for swing-door applications. The slim and elegant design makes this product perfect for every environment. DAB205 is equipped with an extremely powerful gear motor that opens the door and assists during closing, supported by a spring; the performance is the highest in its market segment, with door weight up to 400 kg or door width of over 1.6 m. The advanced Control Unit makes it easy to adjust door setting and control kinematic performance. With Ditec DAB205, the user has a complete control of the door operations, with the ability to choose the operating mode that best meets their requirements, including PUSH&GO, Power Assist and Low Energy modes. Ditec DAB205 also provides advanced management of double swing doors, which make it the perfect choice in many high demanding environments such as hospitals, shopping malls and public transportation stations. A wide choice of accessories and control devices completes the product range. Ditec DAB205 fully complies with all European directives including EN 16005.
Entrematic EM PSW250 Swing Door Operator
|The Entrematic EM PSW250 swing door operator is one of the most powerful, safe and flexible door operators in the market. Slim design, silent operation, high performance and a wide range of accessories for convenience, safety and security makes the Entrematic EM PSW250 swing door operator the ideal choice for almost any application, for example in healthcare-, commercial- and public buildings. The Entrematic EM PSW250 delivers low noise during operation and it is the ideal choice for applications with high demands on gentle and smooth operation in combination with strength and high traffic flow. It compensates for stack pressure and wind load and yet remains easy to open manually also for less abled users. An optional embedded battery back-up and monitoring ensures operation even when the power is interrupted, while an intelligent locking function adds maximum possible security.
Steel Door SD4210 - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60, SD90, SD120 min). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound,&nbsp;fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60, SD90, SD120 min). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound,&nbsp;fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60, SD90, SD120 min). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1T - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1T - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1T - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1F - Single
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1F - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1F - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20, SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1R - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke(SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2R - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS3R - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS3R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS3R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1L - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1L - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1L - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1M - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD32). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1M - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1M - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2M - Single
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS2M - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS2M - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SDE20,SDE30, SDE60, SDE90, SDE120). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound,&nbsp;fire and smoke (SDE20,SDE30, SDE60, SDE90, SDE120). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SDE20, SDE30, SDE60, SDE90, SDE120 min). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1T - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1T - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1T - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1F - Single
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SDE20, SDE30, SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1F - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke&nbsp;(SDE20, SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1F - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke&nbsp;(SDE20, SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1R - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version could be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke(SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2R - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS3R - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS3R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS3R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1L - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1L - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1L - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1M - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD32). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1M - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1M - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2M - Single
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SDE20,&nbsp;SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2M - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SDE20,&nbsp;SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2M - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Entrematic EM EMSW Swing Door Operator
|The Entrematic EMSW Swing Door Operator is an electro-hydraulic operator suitable for a wide range of applications: From handicapped-access in private homes to retail operations, hospitals or public buildings with large and heavy doors and high-traffic environments. The operator is fire approved and appropriate for both interior and exterior use. Robust and durable, the EMSW from Entrematic can be mounted on either side of the door for pull or push action and is available for single or double doors. The Entrematic EMSW can be combined with the full range of EM Entrematic safety and activation units, including sensors, electromechanical locks and access-control devices.
|Nursing table Robust is a wall-mounted baby care station intended for public use. It is practical, reliable and eco-friendly. A gas-spring makes it easy to pull down and fold up. Robust was invented about 35 years ago and since then it has been available on the Swedish market. It can be found all over Sweden and also in many European countries. A changing table is needed in many places. Among our customers are hospitals, restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, department stores, churches and libraries. Robust is made in Sweden and the material is mostly solid wood (beech or oak).
|DOORTAL insulated doors are universal and the ideal solution for all buildings: public places, industrial premises, offices, housing etc. Their thermal performance and high resistance to weather will provide comfort in all seasons. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. The strength of our doors comes from the steel box section frame, 1.5 or 2 mm steel on the leaf and steel or stainless steel ball bearing hinges. In the context of sustainable development and environment awareness, the INSUPLUS Doortal insulated doors score high ratings: Ud value of 2.1 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 2.1 door set, 1.5 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.5 door set and 1.2 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.2 door set. The lower the figure, the higher the performance (which means the lower the energy loss). These ratings have been achieved by carefully selected insulated materials to create thermal breaks. INSUPLUS door sets can be equipped with a whole range of door furniture: single or 3 point locks, panic bars, door closers or 90° door opening limiters, electric latches or locks, circular or rectangular vision panels or overpanels etc. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix. The INSUPLUS door sets are made of galvanized steel, coated in any RAL or BS colour. They are also available in stainless steel.
|DOORTAL insulated doors are universal and the ideal solution for all buildings: public places, industrial premises, offices, housing etc. Their thermal performance and high resistance to weather will provide comfort in all seasons. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. The strength of our doors comes from the steel box section frame, 1.5 or 2 mm steel on the leaf and steel or stainless steel ball bearing hinges. In the context of sustainable development and environment awareness, the INSUPLUS Doortal insulated doors score high ratings: Ud value of 2.1 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 2.1 door set, 1.5 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.5 door set and 1.2 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.2 door set. The lower the figure, the higher the performance (which means the lower the energy loss). These ratings have been achieved by carefully selected insulated materials to create thermal breaks. INSUPLUS door sets can be equipped with a whole range of door furniture: single or 3 point locks, panic bars, door closers or 90° door opening limiters, electric latches or locks, circular or rectangular vision panels or overpanels etc. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix. The INSUPLUS door sets are made of galvanized steel, coated in any RAL or BS colour. They are also available in stainless steel.
|DOORTAL insulated doors are universal and the ideal solution for all buildings: public places, industrial premises, offices, housing etc. Their thermal performance and high resistance to weather will provide comfort in all seasons. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. The strength of our doors comes from the steel box section frame, 1.5 or 2 mm steel on the leaf and steel or stainless steel ball bearing hinges. In the context of sustainable development and environment awareness, the INSUPLUS Doortal insulated doors score high ratings: Ud value of 2.1 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 2.1 door set, 1.5 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.5 door set and 1.2 W/m².K for the INSUPLUS 1.2 door set. The lower the figure, the higher the performance (which means the lower the energy loss). These ratings have been achieved by carefully selected insulated materials to create thermal breaks. INSUPLUS door sets can be equipped with a whole range of door furniture: single or 3 point locks, panic bars, door closers or 90° door opening limiters, electric latches or locks, circular or rectangular vision panels or overpanels etc. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix. The INSUPLUS door sets are made of galvanized steel, coated in any RAL or BS colour. They are also available in stainless steel.
|The PYROPLUS door sets from DOORTAL have been designed to suit both public and private buildings, where they will stand the test of time and intensive use. They represent the highest standard for mechanical resistance with 1.5 mm thick steel, a strong sectional frame and steel hinges with stainless steel ball bearings. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. These door sets have EI 30 and EI 60 ratings (integrity and insulation). They can also be acoustic rated (40 and 50 dB) and thermal rated (U value from 1.7 to 1.4 W/m².K). Made of galvanized steel, PYROPLUS door sets are protected from rust with weather seals fixed on all four sides in order to be completely watertight. They are suitable for interior or exterior use. The PYROPLUS 30 and 60 door sets have been laboratory tested with varying door equipment: standard locks, 3 point, panic bars, electric locks for access control, door closers, vision panels etc. This opens up a wide range of fire resistant choices to suit premises open to the public, whatever functions are required. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix.
|The PYROPLUS door sets from DOORTAL have been designed to suit both public and private buildings, where they will stand the test of time and intensive use. They represent the highest standard for mechanical resistance with 1.5 mm thick steel, a strong sectional frame and steel hinges with stainless steel ball bearings. The “10 year warranty” label is a proof of DOORTAL’s commitment to quality. These door sets have EI 30 and EI 60 ratings (integrity and insulation). They can also be acoustic rated (40 and 50 dB) and thermal rated (U value from 1.7 to 1.4 W/m².K). Made of galvanized steel, PYROPLUS door sets are protected from rust with weather seals fixed on all four sides in order to be completely watertight. They are suitable for interior or exterior use. The PYROPLUS 30 and 60 door sets have been laboratory tested with varying door equipment: standard locks, 3 point, panic bars, electric locks for access control, door closers, vision panels etc. This opens up a wide range of fire resistant choices to suit premises open to the public, whatever functions are required. To save time on site, DOORTAL uses the “Chronofix” concept which consists of fitting all the furniture in our factory. The installer receives his custom size or standard size door set 100% ready-to-fix.
fermacell Cement Bonded board 12.5 mm
|Fermacell Cement Bonded Boards - One Man Boards – Square Edge - Standard Boards – Square Edge - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 2 Sides Fermacell Powerpanel H2O is a cement-bound light-weight construction panel with a sandwich structure and two-layer top layer reinforcement made of alkali-resistant glass lattice fabric. They offer a lot of advantages in highly humid wall and ceiling constructions. Areas of application envisaged: - interior applications for walls and ceilings, such as - domestic wet rooms (e.g., bathrooms, showers) - public areas (e.g., swimming pools, sanitation, wellness areas) - commercial areas (for example, dairies, breweries, large kitchens) - External applications - Undercover - Suspended ventilated façade Product advantages: - Predestined for wet areas - Extremely stable and light - Easy to process - Easy to attach - Economical adhesive joints - surface filling For use in highly chemically stressed areas, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell GmbH.
1S11 H2O 100mm 30min 49dB 5000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm 30min 49dB 5000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 100mm 30min 51dB 4200mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 125mm 30min 51dB 5000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 110mm 30min 56dB 4500mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 135mm 30min 56dB 5000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S14 H2O 135mm 30min NPD 3500mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S14 H2O 185mm 30min NPD 4000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S14 H2O 235mm 30min NPD 5000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S41 H2O 125mm 120min 56dB 4000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S41H2O 150mm 120min 56dB 4000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 125mm 120min 60dB 4000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 150mm 120min 60dB 4000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S43 H2O 160mm 120min NPD 3500mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S43 H2O 210mm 120min NPD 3500mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S43 H2O 260mm 120min NPD 5000mm MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm 30min 39dB 5000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm 30min 39dB 5000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 75mm 30min NPD 3050mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 100mm 30min 39dB 4000mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 125mm 30min NPD 4800mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 110mm 30min 54dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 135mm 30min 54dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S14 H2O 100mm 30min 47dB 4000mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S14 H2O 125mm 30min 47dB 4000mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 100mm 30min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 125mm 30min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 125mm 90min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 150mm 90min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 125mm 90min 55dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 150mm 90min 55dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S33 H2O 125mm 90min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S33 H2O 150mm 90min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 205mm 90min 61dB 3500mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 260mm 90min 55dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 125mm 120min 58dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 150mm 120min 58dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV11 H2O 100mm 30min 39dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV11 H2O 125mm 30min 39dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV11 H2O 150mm 30min 39dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV31 H2O 125mm 90min 50dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV31 H2O 150mm 90min 50dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV31 H2O 175mm 90min 50dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV42 H2O 125mm 120min 53dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV42 H2O 150mm 120min 53dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1SV42 H2O 175mm 120min 53dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm 30min 43dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm 30min 43dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 150mm 30min 43dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S33 H2O 125mm 90min 47dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S33 H2O 150mm 90min 47dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S33 H2O 175mm 90min 47dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 125mm 90min 52dB 3900mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 150mm 90min 52dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 175mm 90min 52dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 125mm 120min 55dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 150mm 120min 55dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 175mm 120min 55dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm NPD 47dBA NPD MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 100mm NPD 50dBA NPD MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 110mm NPD 54dBA NPD MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 125mm NPD 54dBA NPD MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 150mm NPD 54dBA NPD MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 125mm NPD 58dBA NPD MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 150mm NPD 58dBA NPD MW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 43dB 2900mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 43dB 2650mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 43dB 3150mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm NPD 47dB 3700mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm NPD 47dB 3300mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm NPD 47dB 3950mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 47dB 4250mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 47dB 3800mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 47dB 4550mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 43dB 3250mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 43dB 2900mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 43dB 3450mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 47dB 4100mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 47dB 3650mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 47dB 4350mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 47dB 4700mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 47dB 4200mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 47dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI60 54dB 3400mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI60 54dB 3100mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI60 54dB 3650mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 55dB 4350mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 55dB 3850mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 55dB 4600mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 55dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 55dB 4450mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 55dB 5300mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI60 54dB 3800mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI60 54dB 3400mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI60 54dB 4050mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 55dB 4800mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 55dB 4300mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 55dB 5100mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 55dB 5550mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 55dB 4950mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 55dB 5900mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 48dB 2900mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 48dB 2650mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 48dB 3150mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 49dB 3700mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 49dB 3300mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 49dB 3950mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 49dB 4250mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 49dB 3800mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 49dB 4550mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 48dB 3250mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 48dB 2900mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 73/48 73mm NPD 48dB 3450mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 49dB 4100mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 49dB 3650mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 95/70 95mm EI30 49dB 4350mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 49dB 4700mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 49dB 4200mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 115/90 115mm EI30 49dB 5000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI90 NPD 3400mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI90 NPD 3100mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI90 NPD 3650mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 NPD 4350mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 NPD 3850mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 NPD 4600mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI120 58dB 4350mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI120 58dB 3850mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI120 58dB 4600mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 NPD 5000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 NPD 4450mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 NPD 5300mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI120 58dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI120 58dB 4450mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI120 58dB 5300mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI90 58dB 3800mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI90 58dB 3400mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 98/48 98mm EI90 58dB 4050mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 NPD 4800mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 NPD 4300mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI90 NPD 5100mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI120 58dB 4800mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI120 58dB 4300mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 120/70 120mm EI120 58dB 5100mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 NPD 5550mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 NPD 4950mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI90 NPD 5900mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI120 58dB 5550mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI120 58dB 4950mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
FR 140/90 140mm EI120 58dB 5900mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm NPD 39dB NPD NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm NPD 39dB NPD NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 75mm NPD NPD NPD GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 100mm 30min 39dB 4150mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 125mm 30min NPD 5410mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 110mm 30min 54dB 4500mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 135mm 30min 54dB 5320mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S14 H2O 100mm 30min 47dB 4150mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S14 H2O 125mm 30min 47dB 5410mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 100mm 30min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 125mm 30min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 125mm NPD 39dB NPD NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 150mm NPD 39dB NPD NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 125mm 90min 55dB 5500mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 150mm 90min 55dB 6500mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S33 H2O 125mm 90min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S33 H2O 150mm 90min 39dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 205mm NPD 61dB NPD SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 255mm NPD 55dB NPD SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 125mm 120min 58dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 150mm 120min 58dB 5850mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm 30min 41dB 5000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm 30min 41dB 5000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm 30min 49dB 4000mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm 30min 49dB 4000mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 100mm 30min 39dB 4000mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 125mm 30min 51dB 4800mm GW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 110mm 30min 56dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 135mm 30min 56dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 100mm 30min 41dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 125mm 30min 41dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 125mm 90min 57dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S32 H2O 150mm 90min 57dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 205mm 90min 63dB 3500mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 260mm 90min 57dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 125mm 120min 60dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 150mm 120min 60dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm 30min 47dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm 30min 47dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 75mm NPD 49dB NPD SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 100mm 30min 49dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 125mm 30min 49dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 85mm NPD 54dB NPD SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 110mm 30min 54dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 135mm 30min 54dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 75mm NPD 39dB NPD NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 100mm NPD 39dB NPD NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 125mm NPD 39dB NPD NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 125mm 90min 55dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 150mm 90min 55dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S41 H2O 125mm 120min 62dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S41 H2O 150mm 120min 62dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 205mm 90min 61dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S34 H2O 260mm 90min 55dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 205mm 120min 63dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 260mm 120min 58dB 5000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 100mm 30min 49dB 4750mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S11 H2O 125mm 30min 49dB 5980mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 75mm 30min 49dB 4150mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 100mm 30min 51dB 4750mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S12 H2O 125mm 30min 51dB 5980mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 85mm 30min 54dB 3040mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 110mm 30min 56dB 4500mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S13 H2O 135mm 30min 56dB 5320mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 100mm 30min 41dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S15 H2O 125mm 30min 41dB 4000mm NW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S31 H2O 155mm 90min 61dB 3000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S41 H2O 125mm 90min 57dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S41 H2O 150mm 120min 57dB 5850mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 125mm 120min 58dB 4000mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
1S42 H2O 150mm 120min 58dB 5850mm SW
|Lightweight partitions in domestic damp rooms, wet-stressed drywall constructions in public and commercial areas can be erected quickly and safely with drywall solutions with the fermacell Powerpanel H2O. With the cement-bound light-weight construction panel, very stable, yet light walls are created in bathrooms, showers, sanitary facilities and wellness areas in a manner which is easy to handle. High-quality solutions meet the demands of comfort in the field of drywall applications. The modern Fermacell Powerpanel H2O, which has been tested and tested in the field of biogas, fulfills most of the requirements for moisture protection, sound insulation and fire protection for interior walls. Thanks to the variety of designs and also in combination with fermacell gypsum fiber boards, a wide variety of construction styles can be planned and built quickly and professionally for the respective application. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell.
PURE Tile collection
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base White 60x120 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base White 50x100 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base White 60x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base White 30x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Malla White 30x30
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Bone 50x100 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Bone 60x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Bone 30x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Malla Bone 30x30
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Taupe 50x100 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Taupe 60x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Taupe 30x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Malla Taupe 30x30
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Grey 50x100 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Grey 60x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Grey 30x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Malla Grey 30x30
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Graphit 50x100 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Graphit 60x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Graphit 30x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Malla Graphit 30x30
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Black 50x100 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Black 60x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Base Black 30x60 R
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
PURE Malla Black 30x30
|Pure, the purity of colour. Single colours are trendy. Pure takes delight in an array of 6 colours, ranging from the purest white to graphite and the noblest black. Created for practical minds, Pure appears as the technical colour solution to cover façades, public spaces and interiors full of design. This range is available in 6 colours: white, black, grey, graphit, bonecoloured and taupe, and 3 formats: 50x100 R cm, 60x60 R cm and 30x60 R cm.
Tronic Basin Mixer wallmounted
|A new generation of sensor operated mixers. Perfect for hospitals, schools and other public buildings. All technical parts integrated in the mixer body for easy maintenance. Programmable functions such as hygiene flush, rinsing times and cleaning mode. Chrome. 160 c/c. Lead free. RSK 8430505 16501500 150 c/c RSK 8430515 NRF 4300004 VVS 704365104
Tronic Shower Mixer outlet down
|A new generation of sensor operated mixers. Perfect for public shower areas, camping sites etc. All technical parts integrated in the mixer body for easy maintenance. Programmable functions such as hygiene flush, rinsing times and cleaning mode. Chrome. 160 c/c. RSK 8359096 16801500 150 c/c RSK 8359102 NRF 4301838 VVS 704366204
Tronic Shower Mixer outlet up
|A new generation of sensor operated mixers. Perfect for public shower areas, camping sites etc. All technical parts integrated in the mixer body for easy maintenance. Programmable functions such as hygiene flush, rinsing times and cleaning mode. Chrome. 160 c/c. RSK 8359097 16811500 150 c/c RSK 8359103 NRF 4301839 VVS 704366304
MAW 110
|MAW110 is a basic system of KOMANDOR mobile walls, having the highest sound insulation performance and fire resistance. The height of the mobile partition wall can be adapted to each room, which is only limited by the building structure itself. The sliding mobile wall is an innovative solution for temporary or permanent reorganization of the entire interior, depending on your current needs. Movable walls are ideal to division conference and training centers, office buildings, hotels, schools and public places where it is required, eg. to soundproof separate rooms for working in smaller groups, or when we need to use the full space. MAW110 is available in version: MAW110E (automated mobile partition walls), MAW110G (glazed partition walls - we can customize color and frame materials and glass color).
TAW 110
|KOMANDOR partition walls are the ideal solution for the division of interiors in modern designs. Mounted on a permanent basis to the floor and ceiling of the room, they have excellent soundproofing performance and fire resistance through the use of appropriate filler materials. They have also the highest reliability, obtained from the result of many years of engineering experience. At the time, in which you need a reconfiguration of rooms, they do not require any building reconstruction or any demolition of standard plasterboard walls, becouse they are completely demountable. They allow easy wall removal and further installation in another location, which is a very important feature of any dynamic business. TAW110 basic partition wall system proves itself superbly eg. in public buildings where soundproofing allows work in silence. The wall structure strenght will also provide a secure barrier, and at the same time, the ability to move the wall if required. This flexibility may be an invaluable benefit in the future. TAW110 is available in version: TAW110G (glazed temporary partition walls), TAW110D (double-glass temporary partition walls - we can customize color and frame materials and glass color).
|The lightweight Aurora partition system from KOMANDOR is simple to install, designed for easy and flexible interior reconfiguration. Separating the interior surface by using lightweight glass panels that are maintaining the optical impression of spaciousness, they are applicable to both public buildings and private apartments. Aurora system is prepared for installation at the specific location, on the basis of individual architectural design. At the time, in which you need a reconfiguration of rooms, they do not require any building reconstruction or any demolition of standard plasterboard walls, because our division walls are completely demountable.
|System KOMANDOR Unipanels is made up of veneered, decorative and acoustic panels, as well as acoustic systems. It is a unique product which includes acoustic and aesthetic advantages, and thanks to the application of innovative technologies and use of highest quality materials, it meets the required fire resistance standards. In our offer we have solutions dedicated to public and institutional facilities. Veneered wall panels, decorative panels, acoustic panels and acoustic ceiling panels perfectly damp or reflect sounds. In case of offices, flats and apartments, their use allows to separate the interior of the property from bothersome street and city noise, which decidedly affects the level of acoustic comfort of its users. Wall acoustic linings look absolutely spectacular in the interiors. Depending on the Client’s expectations, they may take ultramodern, even futuristic forms or became part of a classical decor of offices and flats. It means that the panels, at the same time, serve a decorative function. The offer is addressed not only to architectural design firms, acousticians or general contractors, but also to demanding individual investors.
HI-MACS Structura®
|HI-MACS Structura® takes Solid Surface to the next level by proposing a textured surface, one that required a high level of craftsmanship. Now, thanks to new HI-MACS Structura® technology, HI-MACS® can take on virtually any pattern – and do so with the utmost precision. Choose either from the ten standard surfaces available (Dunes, Air Stream, Classic, Dots, Elements, Fabric, Fields, Laser, Hive, Zen) or design your HI-MACS Structura® product yourself to meet the needs of your project design. HI-MACS Structura® is available in 12mm thickness and 10 solid colours : Black (S022), Fiery Red (S025), Grey (S005), Cream (S009), Ivory White (S029), Satin White (S001), Arcitc White (S006), Diamond White (S034), Alpine White (S028, also available in 6 and 9mm) and Nordic White (S033). Prior to ordering, it is imperative that you consider the general technical requirements of HI-MACS Structura® technology. Your consultant would be happy to answer your questions at any time. HI-MACS® is a solid surface material that can be moulded into any shape. It is widely used for architectural and interior applications, such as sculptural and high performance wall-cladding or kitchen, bathroom and furniture surfaces, in commercial, residential and public space projects. It is composed of acrylic, natural minerals and pigments that come together to provide a smooth, non-porous and visually seamless surface which meets the highest standards for quality, aesthetics, fabrication, functionality and hygiene – offering manifold advantages over conventional materials. Visit himacs.eu for more information.
Angular_2 50 W
|Angular is a three-phase track spotlight featuring high versatility and easy installation. The sleek essential design perfectly combines with excellent light performance, ensured by a arrayLED source and by the presence of a tilting movement up to 45 degrees supported by a practical degree indicator for precise tilt adjustment. The model can be matched with three different types of optics and fitted with a variety of accessories, including flaps and anti-glare filtering systems. Thanks to its high technical performances, Angular is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
|A versatile highly-technological downlight, ideal to retrofit any space. The arrayLED ensures top-quality lighting performances with no multiple shadows, while the wide offering includes five light powers to choose from in order to attain the desired illuminance level. The product pluses include a high-resistance polymethylmethacrylate optics and a sandblasted toughened glass monolens which ensure perfect light control. The product is fitted with an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electric connection. Particularly suitable for illuminating offices, shops and public spaces.
Illiuminator 15 W
|A downlight with a minimalist design: the extremely compact size and outstanding light power make this product highly efficient. Ideal to illuminate large spaces such as offices, public areas and shops, this modular luminaire, like all cutting-edge solutions, has a strong character. Thanks to the metalised polycarbonate reflector, the arrayLED ensures a clean, well-defined light without multiple shadows. The distinguishing feature is the possibility to match the article with one-, two- or three-module pull-out or tilting outer casings.
Illiuminator 25 W
|A downlight with a minimalist design: the extremely compact size and outstanding light power make this product highly efficient. Ideal to illuminate large spaces such as offices, public areas and shops, this modular luminaire, like all cutting-edge solutions, has a strong character. Thanks to the metalised polycarbonate reflector, the arrayLED ensures a clean, well-defined light without multiple shadows. The distinguishing feature is the possibility to match the article with one-, two- or three-module pull-out or tilting outer casings.
Illiuminator 30 W
|A downlight with a minimalist design: the extremely compact size and outstanding light power make this product highly efficient. Ideal to illuminate large spaces such as offices, public areas and shops, this modular luminaire, like all cutting-edge solutions, has a strong character. Thanks to the metalised polycarbonate reflector, the arrayLED ensures a clean, well-defined light without multiple shadows. The distinguishing feature is the possibility to match the article with one-, two- or three-module pull-out or tilting outer casings.
Illuminator_T 25 W
|Illuminator_T is a compact track spotlight. The 25W or 35W arrayLED source and a tilting movement up to 90 degrees ensure excellent light performance, while the practical degree indicator allows precise tilt adjustment. The model can be combined with three different types of optics that maximise the luminous intensity of the lighting fixture. Thanks to its high technical performances, Illuminator_T is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Illuminator_T 30 W
|Illuminator_T is a compact track spotlight. The 25W or 35W arrayLED source and a tilting movement up to 90 degrees ensure excellent light performance, while the practical degree indicator allows precise tilt adjustment. The model can be combined with three different types of optics that maximise the luminous intensity of the lighting fixture. Thanks to its high technical performances, Illuminator_T is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Pound_1 15 W
|Pound is a three-phase track spotlight featuring high versatility and easy installation. The sleek essential design perfectly combines with excellent light performance, ensured by a arrayLED light source. The model can be matched with three different types of optics and fitted with a variety of accessories, including an anti-glare filtering system. Thanks to its high technical performances, Pound is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Pound_2 20 W
|Pound is a three-phase track spotlight featuring high versatility and easy installation. The sleek essential design perfectly combines with excellent light performance, ensured by a arrayLED light source. The model can be matched with three different types of optics and fitted with a variety of accessories, including an anti-glare filtering system. Thanks to its high technical performances, Pound is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Pound_3 35 W
|Pound is a three-phase track spotlight featuring high versatility and easy installation. The sleek essential design perfectly combines with excellent light performance, ensured by a arrayLED light source. The model can be matched with three different types of optics and fitted with a variety of accessories, including an anti-glare filtering system. Thanks to its high technical performances, Pound is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Iris_T 13 W
|Iris_T is a three-phase track spotlight with highly customizable functions. The focus-on-board graduated ring nut and the dim-on-board knob ensure easy and functional adjustment of the emission width and of light beam intensity, respectively. The arrayLED source provides clean well-defined top-quality light. This product is the ideal solution to illuminate places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Iris_T 20 W
|Iris_T is a three-phase track spotlight with highly customizable functions. The focus-on-board graduated ring nut and the dim-on-board knob ensure easy and functional adjustment of the emission width and of light beam intensity, respectively. The arrayLED source provides clean well-defined top-quality light. This product is the ideal solution to illuminate places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Iris_T 30 W
|Iris_T is a three-phase track spotlight with highly customizable functions. The focus-on-board graduated ring nut and the dim-on-board knob ensure easy and functional adjustment of the emission width and of light beam intensity, respectively. The arrayLED source provides clean well-defined top-quality light. This product is the ideal solution to illuminate places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Varilounge High, easy chair right
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge High, easy chair left
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge Low, easy chair right
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge Low, easy chair left
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge Low 3-seater, sofa right
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge Low 3-seater, sofa left
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge High, sofa 3-seater
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge Low, sofa 3-seater
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge Low, sofa 2-seater, easy chair right
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge Low, sofa 2-seater, easy chair left
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge High, easy chair easy chair right
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Varilounge High, easy chair easy chair left
|The fundamental vision behind Christophe Pillet’s new Varilounge sofa system was to create a seating furniture series for public spaces with the softer, elegant, sensual and extremely comfortable feeling typically associated with the home. “It’s interesting that hard contract furniture usually has a very hard look, too,” says Christophe Pillet. “It’s usually not at all comfortable, much less cozy or sensual. That is a pity. What’s right for the home is actually right for every purpose. We wanted to offer domestic comfort, appearance and emotion, with a smooth softness, but inserted into a tough public context.”
Angular_1 35 W
|Angular is a three-phase track spotlight featuring high versatility and easy installation. The sleek essential design perfectly combines with excellent light performance, ensured by a arrayLED source and by the presence of a tilting movement up to 45 degrees supported by a practical degree indicator for precise tilt adjustment. The model can be matched with three different types of optics and fitted with a variety of accessories, including flaps and anti-glare filtering systems. Thanks to its high technical performances, Angular is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Angular_2 35 W
|Angular is a three-phase track spotlight featuring high versatility and easy installation. The sleek essential design perfectly combines with excellent light performance, ensured by a arrayLED source and by the presence of a tilting movement up to 45 degrees supported by a practical degree indicator for precise tilt adjustment. The model can be matched with three different types of optics and fitted with a variety of accessories, including flaps and anti-glare filtering systems. Thanks to its high technical performances, Angular is particularly suitable for illuminating places of art and worship, public spaces and shops.
Edith_M FL 30 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Edith_M FL DALI 30 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Edith_M FL 45 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Edith_M FL DALI 45 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Edith_M Protection 600x600
|Edith_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source and opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser result in excellent brightness while guaranteeing reduced consumption. Available in the standard, protection with front IP65 and UGR<19 comfort versions, Edith_M has been developed to provide general lighting facilitating wayfinding and performance of generic activities, especially in industrial environments, offices and public areas.
Edith_M Protection 625x625
|Edith_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source and opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser result in excellent brightness while guaranteeing reduced consumption. Available in the standard, protection with front IP65 and UGR<19 comfort versions, Edith_M has been developed to provide general lighting facilitating wayfinding and performance of generic activities, especially in industrial environments, offices and public areas.
Edith_M Standard
|Edith_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source and opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser result in excellent brightness while guaranteeing reduced consumption. Available in the standard, protection with front IP65 and UGR<19 comfort versions, Edith_M has been developed to provide general lighting facilitating wayfinding and performance of generic activities, especially in industrial environments, offices and public areas.
Edith_M Comfort UGR<19
|Edith_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source and opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser result in excellent brightness while guaranteeing reduced consumption. Available in the standard, protection with front IP65 and UGR<19 comfort versions, Edith_M has been developed to provide general lighting facilitating wayfinding and performance of generic activities, especially in industrial environments, offices and public areas.
Edith_S 600x600
|Edith_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source and opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser resulting in excellent brightness and reduced consumption. Available in the standard and UGR<19 comfort versions, Edith_S has been developed to provide general lighting facilitating wayfinding and performance of generic activities, especially in industrial environments, offices and public areas.
Edith_S 1200x300
|Edith_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source and opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser resulting in excellent brightness and reduced consumption. Available in the standard and UGR<19 comfort versions, Edith_S has been developed to provide general lighting facilitating wayfinding and performance of generic activities, especially in industrial environments, offices and public areas.
Loomia_M 18 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 44 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 46 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 32 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 46 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_S 18 W
|Loomia_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source guaranteeing excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_S has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_S 44 W
|Loomia_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source guaranteeing excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_S has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_S 33 W
|Loomia_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source guaranteeing excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_S has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
|Quara_R is a path-marker recessed wall light for indoor spaces, a drop of light carved out of a round aluminium casing. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of a staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. Particularly suitable to illuminate private homes, hotels, and public areas.
|Quara_Q is a path-marker recessed wall light for indoor spaces, a drop of light carved out of a square aluminium casing. The powerLED source emits a discreet yet evocative light that perfectly reveals the lines of a staircase in the dark. Installed close to the ground, it casts light circles onto the surface below while decorating it with style. Particularly suitable to illuminate private homes, hotels, and public areas.
COB20_R 15 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 25 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R2 25 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 30 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 40 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R2 40 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 50 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 15 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 25 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q2 25 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 30 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 40 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
5050N Straight grab bar 300mm white Nylon
|Straight grab bar Ø 32mm tube, 300mm centres for PRM. HR bright white NYLON. For use as a handrail and grab bar for WCs, showers or baths. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. High strength polyamide (Nylon): with 2mm reinforced steel core treated against corrosion. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. 38mm gap between the bar and the wall: minimal space prevents the forearm passing between the bar and the wall, reducing the risk of fracture in case of loss of balance. Concealed fixings, secured to wall on a 6-hole cover plate, Ø 73mm. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
5081N Grab bar 135° white Nylon
|Angled grab bar 135°, Ø 32mm, for PRM. Bright white HR Nylon. For use as a handrail (horizontal part) or as a grab bar (135° part) for WCs, showers or baths. Universal for either left or right side. Dimensions: 400 x 400mm. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. High strength polyamide (Nylon): with 2mm reinforced steel core treated against corrosion. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. 38mm gap between the bar and the wall: minimal space prevents the forearm passing between the bar and the wall, reducing the risk of fracture in case of loss of balance. 3 fixing points allow the stop of the wrist and an easy installation. Fixings concealed by a 6-hole cover plate, Ø 73mm. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
5460N Shower bar with sliding shower head holder white Nylon
|Straight shower bar Ø 32mm with sliding shower head holder. Can be used as a vertical grab bar and a shower head rail for showers or baths. Nylon HR sliding shower head holder with ergonomic locking ring. Possible to add a sliding soap dish (order separately). Height: 1,150mm. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. High strength polyamide (Nylon): with 2mm reinforced steel core treated against corrosion. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. 38mm gap between the bar and the wall: minimal space prevents the forearm passing between the bar and the wall, reducing the risk of fracture in case of loss of balance. Fixings concealed by a 6-hole cover plate, Ø 73mm. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
150022D Wall-mounted MINERALSTEEL washbasin
|Wall-mounted washbasin. Sleek and smooth lines. With integrated wall brackets. MINERALSTEEL: composite material reinforced with fibreglass. Ideal for use in hospitals or public and commercial places. Shallow washbasin suitable for people with reduced mobility. Uniform, non-porous surface is easy to clean. One-piece pressed washbasin, seam-free, for easy maintenance and better hygiene. Designed to prevent any water pooling. Warm to the touch. Supplied with 1¼" waste. Without overflow. White, RAL 9010. Weight: 7kg.
510300 Removable Comfort shower seat
|Removable, hanging shower seat for people with reduced mobility. To hang on Ø 32mm grab bars Ø 32. Wide model. HR Nylon comfort seat and backrest. Dimensions: 590 x 420 x 510mm. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32 x 1.5mm UltraPolish bright polished finish. Adjustable screw jacks guarantee a good horizontal position. Large protective caps prevent damage to the wall. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
510420 Lift-up Comfort shower seat
|HR Nylon comfort seat for fixed installation, for people with reduced mobility. Wide model. Dimensions: 506 x 420 x 138mm. Folded dimensions: 95 x 540mm. Retained in upright position. Slowed down descent. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32mm. UltraPolish bright polished finish. 6 fixing points. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10 year warranty. CE marked.
510430 Comfort shower seat with leg
|Lift-up comfort shower seat with leg for fixed installation, for PRM. Wide model with HR comfort seat. Dimensions: 506 x 420 x 480mm. Folded dimensions: 130 x 540mm. Retained in upright position. Slowed down descent. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32mm. UltraPolish bright polished finish. Reinforced by a folding, articulated leg made from 304 stainless steel tube Ø 25mm x 1.2mm. 6 fixing points. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 300kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 170kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
Ditec DAB105 (double wing)
|Ditec DAB105 is an electromechanical servo-assisted automation system for swing doors with spring, with 24 Vdc gear motor and encoder-managed kinematics, for safe and reliable management of door movement in every situation. The silent operation and clean, elegant look make Ditec DAB105 the preferred choice for swing doors in the commercial and public sector applications. The powerful gear motor easily moves wings up to 200 kg of weight or over 1.2 m of width. Ditec DAB105 can work in both push or pull mode with dedicated arms connecting the opener to the door panel. The numerous operation modes (Low Energy, PUSH&GO, Power Assist, sensor control, push-button control, etc.), as well as the possibility to easily manage double-wing swing opening make Ditec DAB105 an ideal solution that easily adapts to any requirement. A wide choice of accessories and control devices completes the product range. Ditec DAB105 fully complies with all European directives including EN 16005.
Ditec DAB205 (double wing)
|Ditec DAB205 is the top-of-the-range solution for swing-door applications. The slim and elegant design makes this product perfect for every environment. DAB205 is equipped with an extremely powerful gear motor that opens the door and assists during closing, supported by a spring; the performance is the highest in its market segment, with door weight up to 400 kg or door width of over 1.6 m. The advanced Control Unit makes it easy to adjust door setting and control kinematic performance. With Ditec DAB205, the user has a complete control of the door operations, with the ability to choose the operating mode that best meets their requirements, including PUSH&GO, Power Assist and Low Energy modes. Ditec DAB205 also provides advanced management of double swing doors, which make it the perfect choice in many high demanding environments such as hospitals, shopping malls and public transportation stations. A wide choice of accessories and control devices completes the product range. Ditec DAB205 fully complies with all European directives including EN 16005.
Ditec Valor L-N-P (2 wings)
|Ditec Valor is the top of the range in Entrematic's offering. It's a high-tech, exceptionally well designed sliding door operator featuring operating speeds of up to 1.6 m/s (2 wings) and door weights of up to 240 kg (2 wings). It's extreme reliability (tested up to 3 million cycles) and safety is TÜV approved. Ditec Valor has gained a leading position in the marketplace thanks to its advanced technology, electromechanical components, innovative Control Unit which make it perfect for everyday use or for heavy-duty and continuous use applications such as in public areas, large shopping centres, airports, etc. Ditec Valor is very quiet due to its vibration proof sliding guide. The product complies with all European directives and EN 16005.
Acrylicon Wall System
|The Acrylicon Wall System is an extremely durable, hygienic and long lasting wall covering containing decorative flakes or quartz within a chemically bonded resin system. It is easy to apply and coupled with a 2 hour cure time, it can be installed in a fraction of the time when compared to traditional wall cladding and tile systems. Due to Acrylicon’s unique ability to chemically bond it can be fused with Acrylicon Floor Systems to provide a truly monolithic “floor to ceiling“ interface. Designed to be used on walls in changing rooms, showers, toilets, wet rooms, food processing areas, hospitals, pharmaceutical industries, public areas, abattoirs, breweries, bakeries and many other areas requiring a hygienic and easy to clean surface.
Avignon, easy chair
|The landscape laid out in front of us in the public realm is changing and becoming more and more like that of our homes. Activity based offices and better possibilities to work from home have drawn these two separate worlds closer together. Avignon, the new sofa and easy chair by renowned designer Christophe Pillet, fits seamlessly into this new domestic landscape. After all, our demands for durability and our expectations on comfort and quality of material are the same – no matter where we use our furniture.
Avignon, sofa 3-seater
|The landscape laid out in front of us in the public realm is changing and becoming more and more like that of our homes. Activity based offices and better possibilities to work from home have drawn these two separate worlds closer together. Avignon, the new sofa and easy chair by renowned designer Christophe Pillet, fits seamlessly into this new domestic landscape. After all, our demands for durability and our expectations on comfort and quality of material are the same – no matter where we use our furniture.
Foga, litter bin 40l
|The Foga litterbin is a modern basket for recycling for indoor use, with laser cut text for clearer sorting. Four individual modules can be grouped together to form a square, each positioned so that an opening faces each outer side. Easily accessible, Foga signals a new direction for public waste receptacles. Design: Eva Herdin
Foga, litter bin 80l
|The Foga litterbin is a modern basket for recycling for indoor use, with laser cut text for clearer sorting. Four individual modules can be grouped together to form a square, each positioned so that an opening faces each outer side. Easily accessible, Foga signals a new direction for public waste receptacles. Design: Eva Herdin
Kajen, backed bench with armrest
|The designs in the Kajen furniture group with the table, bench and backed bench are characterised by profiles that appear to be crisp and alert, yet invite passersby to sit back and relax. Each one is a leading example of efficient design, making a perfect choice for environments that are short on space, yet big on style. The seats and backrests are crafted with maximum comfort in mind, and their slated construction enables rainwater to run off easily. The group also includes the Kajen planka standing bench, which provides a perch that allows individuals to remain upright, Kajen mini backed bench, Kajen sun lounger and Kajen hammock new from 2014. The laid-back luxury of this furniture group makes a unique addition to any public space. Design: Thomas Bernstrand.
Kajen, sunbed
|Crafted in a sweeping shape that balances atop a streamlined frame, the Kajen sun lounger is made with maximum comfort in mind. One of the first park benches to be accompanied by a footrest, the design invites those seated to put their feet up, or just sit back and relax. This season, we’re launching a new version of the sun lounger crafted in Sioo-treated oak. The Sioo treatment process uses a water-based silicon coating to protect the wood, providing a popular alternative to oiled oak. The result is a durable, anti-weathering surface that is virtually maintenance-free. The laid-back luxury of this sun lounger and footrest will make a unique addition to any public space. Design: Thomas Bernstrand.
Parco, backed bench
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, bench
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, armchair
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, swivel chair
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, stool
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, swivel stool
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, rectangular table
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, round table Ø66
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, round table Ø123 cm
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Parco, bar tableØ66 cm
|Now a favourite of landscape architects, the Parco outdoor furniture group was initially launched with a round table and a sleek swivel seating that can be mixed and matched to create customized seating arrangements. The group has been further complemented by the addition of a rectangular table, a sleek backless bench and an upright bench with armrests and backrests that provide sofa-like comfort. Each piece is made to be mounted directly to the ground to provide permanent fixtures in the landscape, public spaces or private courtyards. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.