ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D parametric terminal table with printer table with optional\n- work surface heights\n- steel details standard materials
Rafał Ślęk | 1358258558Plotter modeled by using GDL commands in old times (version 6.5) and little renovated for ArchiCAD 16 :-) Obiekt biblioteczny "Ploter" napisany za pomocą języka GDL w czasach wersji 6.5 i podszlifowany pod wersję 16 ArchiCAD-a (INT oraz POL).
M1825 - Printer, Computer
|High resolution computer printer with a variety of type styles and sheet/envelope feeder trays. Database information reflects network ready, medium duty office style laser printers. Other types of printers (bubble jet, dot matrix, line or plotter) as well as light or heavy use capabilities are available.
M4800 - Urodynamic Measurement System w/Video
|Urodynamic measurement system. Unit consists of uroflowmeter to measure urinary flow, urethral pressure profilometer to measure urethral pressure, multi-channel cystometer to measure bladder capacity and response, and electromyographic recording to measure sphincter and other muscle activity. It includes a LCD monitor, a desktop PC, color printer, and automatic calibration. System is designed to evaluate the storage and transportation of urine in the urinary tract and the cause of abnormal voiding (urination).
M7770 - Computer, Holter Monitor Analysis System
|Central processor for the analysis of Holter monitor recordings. System permits the high speed downloading of Holter recordings into a central database, automated recording analysis and storage, report generation, listing clinical findings and tracking final reports. System may include a monitor, keyboard, scanner, printer, input port and a disk drive storage device.
M8606 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, w/Video Accessories
|Endoscopy cart with video and print capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording. A typical system cart includes the cart, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, a heat probe unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a digital camera converter or color video camera, a camera controller, a monitor, a video/DVD recorder and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscopes at JSNs M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscope and should be specifically tailored to its intended use(s). This cart can be configured to interface with a network endoscopy information management system; refer to JSN M8600. Database physical information and pricing is for a higher cost system containing one of each of the above components.
M8607 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic
|Endoscopy cart with video, print and information management capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording and enhancement. A typical system includes two carts, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a heat probe unit, a digital camera converter, a camera controller, a monitor, a video recorder, a computer system with software and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscope JSNs from M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. This cart is intended for stand alone use although it may be connected to an endoscopy information management system. Database physical information and pricing is for a high end system on two carts containing one of each of the mentioned components. The electrical power draw will require two separate circuits.
S5500 - Sterilizer, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas
|A compact low temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizer mounted on a mobile cart. Sterilization chamber shall have a capacity of approximately 1.75 cubic feet. The sterilizer shall be capable of processing metal instruments, plastics, heat and moisture sensitive devices in approximately 45 minutes with no aeration required. Unit shall be equipped with a visual display and audible alarm. A built in printer will provide system performance record for each cycle.
S5505 - Sterilizer, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas
|A floor mounted, low temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizer. Sterilization chamber shall have a capacity of approximately 3.5 cubic feet (100 liters). The sterilizer shall be capable of processing metal instruments, plastics, heat and moisture sensitive devices in approximately 75 minutes with no aeration required. Unit shall be equipped with a visual display and audible alarm. A built in printer will provide system performance record for each cycle.
T0030 - Radiation-Light Field Analyzer
|Light and radiation field analyzer for quality assurance testing of radiation therapy devices. Unit is self contained and checks the coincidence of light and radiation fields, symmetry of radiation field, flatness of radiation field, and penumbra size of the radiation field. Unit has a built in graphics printer for hard copy output of scanned information.