Plant 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Indoor palm tree in ceramic plant holder.
Plant 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Indoor palm tree in ceramic plant holder.
Indoor Plants_INT
manuBIM | 13705189023D parametric, randomly generated, realistic indoor plants with or without flowerpot for decoration.
Indoor Plants_US
manuBIM | 13705187753D parametric, randomly generated, realistic indoor plants with or without flowerpot for decoration.
David Lozej | 1372350997Green wall facade element developed by Humko. Unique panel which is made of durable ABS plastic sheets or optionally from polyester.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, bush tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, small palm tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, bush tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy Wall is a small vertical garden, which can be hengd on the wall. It is available in a different color combination of the panels and frame. It has small integrated water reservoar of 3,5 liters with water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and level senzor.
flower pot holder 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D rounded flower pot with bench
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, pine tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, dragontree trunk with optional 2D symbol
AR Demo Iceplant Bush Medium
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy is a self standing vertical garden with 50 liters water reservoir, water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and optionally with solenoid valve for automatic water filling.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, weeping willow tree with optional 2D symbol
Plant 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Short indoor plant in pot.
- Acer Campestris
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, acer campestris tree
rampant frame vine
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D arbor frame with\n- variable number of pillars \n- variable slope angle\n- variable number of purlins
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, palm tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
- Quercus Petrae
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Quercus Petrae / Sessile Oak tree
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, ash tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, bush tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, wattles tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, pine tree with optional 2D symbol
self-supporting frame vine
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D pergola with\n- variable number of pillars\n- variable number of purlins
Roser i vase
Odd Goderstad | 1641998931Roses in a vase, rather heavy...
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, cypress tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, sycamore tree with optional 2D symbol
Tree Model Detailed 21
Pulkit Sudan | 1519565906Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
- Taxodium Distichum
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Taxodium Distichum / Bald Cypress tree
AR Demo Oleander Bush Medium
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
ARX-Tree Лиственное
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005212D / 3D parametric tree model
flower pot holder 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D rounded flower pot
flower pot holder 03
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D rounded flower pot
AR Demo Iceplant Bush Large
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Iceplant Bush Small
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, flower pot small
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, bush with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, maple tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, oak tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, silver fir tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, silver fir tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, smooth tree with optional 2D symbol
- Picea Abies
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Picea Abies / Norway Spruce pine
- Pinus Pinea
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Pinus Pinea / Stone Pine
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, large palm tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, willow tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
Tree Deciduous 06 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
- Fagus Sylvatica
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Fagus Sylvatica / European / Common Beech tree
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, birch tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, pine tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
Robin Stefanov | 1341839368 -
Модель Травы 21
Эдуард Щеглов | 1547512050 -
AR Demo Rose Iceberg Bush Small
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Silver Wattle Bush Small
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Viburnum Bush Small
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
Hedge Element 3D Linear 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Linear hedge element with variable leaf options.
Hedge Element 3D Bended 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Curved corner hedge element with adjustable leaves.
- Larix Decidua
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Larix Decidua, European Larch pine tree
- Pinus Pinaster
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Pinus Pinaster / Maritime Pine tree
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, maple tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, bush with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, bush with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, fir tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, silver fir with optional 2D symbol
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005223D parametric, simple reed, with optional\n- number of reed\n- square base size\\n- increment angle about Z\n- spacing avarage (random)
Plant 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Tall indoor plant in pot.
Plant 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Short indoor plant in pot.
Hedge Element 3D Bended 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Curved corner hedge element with adjustable leaves.
Hedge Element 3D Linear 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Linear hedge element with variable leaf options.
Houseplants 18
Ruth Jireh | 1455003612Rendered and sketch pictures of houseplants with optional 3D bitmap plan view and elevation.
Tree Bitmap 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Tree with floor plan symbol, plus choice of photos for use in 3D; photo automatically faces camera direction.
Tree Deciduous 05 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
AR Demo Mastic Bush Tall
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Oleander Bush Small
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Oleander Bush Tall
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Oriental Arborvitae Bush Large
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Silver Wattle Bush Medium
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
Arbustes 18
djime diarra | 1420242824Images de rendu et d'esquisse d'arbustes avec vue de plan bitmap 3D et élévation optionnelle.
Evergreens 19
DEOMAR FRANCISCO DOS SANTOS | 1462978458Rendered and sketch pictures of evergreen trees with optional 3D bitmap plan view and elevation.
Hedge Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D hedge on side view.
Tree 3 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view.
Tree Deciduous 08 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Hedge Element 3D End 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723End hedge element with adjustable leaves.
- Fraxinus Ornus
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Fraxinus Ornus / Manna Ash / South European Flowering Ash tree
- Populus Nigra
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Populus Nigra / Black Poplar tree
- Prunus Avium
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Prunus Avium / Wild Cherry tree
- Quercus Farnetto
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Quercus Farnetto / Hungarian / Italian Oak tree
- Robinia Pseudo-Acacia
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Robinia Pseudo-Acacia / Black Locust tree
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, fir tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, palm tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, pine tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, wattle tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, pine tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
AR Demo Oleander Bush Low
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
Bush 2 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D bush on side view.
Bush 3 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D bush on side view.
Bush 4 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D bush on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Bush Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D bush on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Cypress Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D cypress on side view.
Hedge Element 3D End 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851End hedge element with adjustable leaves.
Hedge Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D hedge on side view.
Plantas 19
Gabriela Angarita | 1463127546Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de plantas con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Tree 1 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view.
Tree 1 Plan 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of 2D tree symbols with optional tree name text.
Tree 12 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view with optional contour only view.
Tree 4 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view.
Tree 7 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Tree 9 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view with optional contour only view.
Tree Bitmap 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tree with floor plan symbol, plus choice of photos for use in 3D; photo automatically faces camera direction.
Tree Deciduous 07 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 07 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D tree on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Tree Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D tree on side view.
Tree FanPalm 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fan palm tree.
Tree Palm 3D 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Date palm tree.
Tree Palm 3D 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Date palm tree.
Tree Pine 3D 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Pine tree with variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Plan 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of 2D tree symbols with optional tree name text.
Plant 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Tall indoor plant in pot.
AR Demo Mastic Bush Low
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Mastic Bush Medium
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Mastic Bush Small
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Oriental Arborvitae Bush Medium
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Oriental Arborvitae Bush Slim
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Oriental Arborvitae Bush Small
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Purple leaf plum Bush Large
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Purple leaf plum Bush Slim
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Rose Iceberg Bush Large
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Rose Iceberg Bush Medium
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Rose Iceberg Bush Tall
Mario Sacco | 1593548173Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Silver Wattle Bush Large
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Viburnum Bush Low
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Viburnum Bush Medium
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
AR Demo Viburnum Bush Tall
Mario Sacco | 1593548368Demo 2D-3D Parametric by ArchiRADAR with low polygon quantity; they have a real growing factor according to the size, able to generate always different plants; they have also a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. Optimized for BIMX. https://www.archiradar.it/en/3d-objects/objects-on-sale/category/view/44.html
- Abies Alba
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, abies alba pine tree
- Aesculus Hippocastanus
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Aesculus Hippocastanus tree
- Alnus Cordata
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Alnus Cordata pine
- Betula Pendula
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Betula Pendula / Silver Birch tree
- Morus Nigra
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Morus Nigra / Black mulberry tree
- Platanus Acerifolia
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Platanus Acerifolia / London / Hybrid Plane tree
- Quercus Ilex
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Quercus Ilex / Holm / Holly Oak tree
- Taxus Bacata
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Taxus Bacata / European Yew tree
- Ulmus Carpinifolis
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Ulmus Carpinifolis / Field Elm tree
ArchiTREE_Broad 1.01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400519ArchiTREE-Broad 1.0 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt May 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, tree with optional\n- 3D model view\n- 2D text
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005253D parametric, palm tree, Spanish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005262D palm tree elevation symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, ash tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, birch tree with optional 2D symbol
Дарья Карпова | 15734182792D parametric, bush with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, poplar tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, spruce pine tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996372D parametric, willow tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, poplar tree-trunk with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, medium tree with optional 2D symbol
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, rough tree with optional 2D symbol
Houseplant Model 18
Ozlem Catakli | 1507723907Tall indoor plant in pot.
Houseplant Model 22
Janelle Davies | 1559025622Tall indoor plant in pot.
Mora Izzy Profi Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer inspired by professional kitchens. With self-closing hand shower and swivel spout 120° with on/off valve. Copper pipes 10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8304011 NRF 4291516 VVS 716274504 Mora Izzy Profi is a unique system comprising a kitchen mixer with high spout and a spring-suspended dishwashing shower. Mora Temp Profi makes your kitchen work a breeze. You’ll discover new possibilities, like filling a really big pot or spraying a plant with water.
Lowroom 1500 sofa
|<p>Lowroom is a sofa system in a strict and stylish design. The “box” on the side can be used both for placing plants or as a working surface with optional power devices. The sofa is available in several different looks, which provides the architect a possibility to create environments that evoke interest.<br><br>Lowroom is upholstered with divided upholstery and a fixed quilted seat. The frame is in wood and the legs in chrome.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- Can be equipped with a power box.<br>- Can be equipped with a writing tablet. It is available in three different designs.<br><br>The legs are available in black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Lowroom 2000 sofa
|<p>Lowroom is a sofa system in a strict and stylish design. The “box” on the side can be used both for placing plants or as a working surface with optional power devices. The sofa is available in several different looks, which provides the architect a possibility to create environments that evoke interest.<br><br>Lowroom is upholstered with divided upholstery and a fixed quilted seat. The frame is in wood and the legs in chrome.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- Can be equipped with a power box.<br>- Can be equipped with a writing tablet. It is available in three different designs.<br><br>The legs are available in black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Lowroom 1000 sofa
|<p>Lowroom is a sofa system in a strict and stylish design. The “box” on the side can be used both for placing plants or as a working surface with optional power devices. The sofa is available in several different looks, which provides the architect a possibility to create environments that evoke interest.<br><br>Lowroom is upholstered with divided upholstery and a fixed quilted seat. The frame is in wood and the legs in chrome.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- Can be equipped with a power box.<br>- Can be equipped with a writing tablet. It is available in three different designs.<br><br>The legs are available in black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
On Point
|On Point table is designed by Mattias Stenberg, the designer behind the successful stool Carry On. With its soft and elegance appearance the table is great for meeting between people but can also be used, with plants and greenery, for seperate private conversations. On Point is a part of Offecct’s O2asis concept and its different center modules makes it possible to fit different sizes of plants into the table. The table is also available with power source which makes it perfect for all public places where electronic devices are used. “The On Point table is a further development of the ideas that originated from the Carry On stool. The series is based on the idea of the informal meeting in a workplace or a public space, for example an airport. With their very obvious handles, the stool provoke mobility and spontaneous meetings. The table is designed to allow full contact between up to eight people around it, while it’s also perfect for more private and intimate gatherings among a few individuals. It is part of Offecct’s O2asis-concept, with vegetation integrated into furniture pieces in order to improve wellbeing and air quality. The table can hold plants and trees of different dimensions, with rings of two sizes placed in the table’s centre. It’s also a way of creating a micro architecture in the room, with the tree’s natural ceiling that makes us feel pleasantly enwrapped and comforted.” /Mattias Stenberg
On Point High
|<p>“On Point is designed to allow full contact between up to eight people around it, while it’s also perfect for more private and intimate gatherings among a few individuals It’s also a way of creating a micro architecture in the room, with the tree’s natural ceiling that makes us feel pleasantly enwrapped and comforted”, says Mattias Stenberg.</p><p>On Point High, has an upholstered frame with a table top in white-pigmented oak. The center module in the middle of the table top is in lacquered MDF. It is available in different dimensions and makes it possible to fit different sizes of plants into the table. The tables heights make it possible to choose between standing or sitting on a bar stool.</p><p><strong>Benefits & functions</strong><br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leath<br>- Can be equipped with a powerbox.<br>- It fits up to eight people.<br>- The center module is available in three different spaces, see images below<span></span></p>
|Leaf is a practical magazine or brochure holder with a sturdy shape, that is also foldable and easy to move around. The warm grey colour has an informal feel which fits into any environment, which makes it highly suitable as a free standing unit for any temporary public or commercial space. Leaf was designed by Dutch designer Robert Bronwasse for Cascando, as part of their nature-inspires series of interior accessories. Leaf is also available as a freestanding whiteboard made of high-grade enameled steel and other products in this range include the Branch Coat Stand, Branch Wall Hooks, Plant Side Table and Forest Coat Rack.
Botanic IVY
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic PYRUS
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic OSIER
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic PICEA
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic IRIS
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic AVENA
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic CILIA
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic TILIA
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic VIVA
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Botanic LOTUS
|Botanic reflects the amazing diversity and detail of our planets organic architecture. Nature photography and handicraft have inspired reflections of flowers, herbs and plants in woven vinyl and the collection’s colour range, also taken from the vegetable kingdom, features muted, rich earth tones combined with bright accents in yellow and green. Weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and has a two-coloured weft thread that creates a playful, unique pattern with soft, tactile, textile-like characteristics.
Flow Alga
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.
Flow Coral
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.
Flow Stream
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.
Flow Shell
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.
Iris67 13 W
|Directional outdoor spotlight, adjustable up to 220 degrees on the horizontal axis. Thanks to its front adjustable ring nut, the light beam opening ranges from a minimum of 8 degrees up to a maximum of 50 degrees. The spotlight casing, available in three different sizes, includes an arrayLED source with varying power. Iris67 has been designed to illuminate green areas: the adjustable light follows the plant growth whereas the peculiar focus enhances well-defined areas.
Iris67 20 W
|Directional outdoor spotlight, adjustable up to 220 degrees on the horizontal axis. Thanks to its front adjustable ring nut, the light beam opening ranges from a minimum of 8 degrees up to a maximum of 50 degrees. The spotlight casing, available in three different sizes, includes an arrayLED source with varying power. Iris67 has been designed to illuminate green areas: the adjustable light follows the plant growth whereas the peculiar focus enhances well-defined areas.
Iris67 30 W
|Directional outdoor spotlight, adjustable up to 220 degrees on the horizontal axis. Thanks to its front adjustable ring nut, the light beam opening ranges from a minimum of 8 degrees up to a maximum of 50 degrees. The spotlight casing, available in three different sizes, includes an arrayLED source with varying power. Iris67 has been designed to illuminate green areas: the adjustable light follows the plant growth whereas the peculiar focus enhances well-defined areas.
|A compact outdoor spotlight for unrivalled versatility. The roundish casing, designed to enhance garden elements such as statues and plants, tilts on the practical directional bracket. PowerLED source, available in three shades of white or, upon request, in the R-G-B-Y colours. Ideal to illuminate the green areas of hotels and urban settings.
|A compact outdoor spotlight for unrivalled versatility. The square-shaped casing, designed to enhance garden elements such as statues and plants, tilts on the practical directional bracket. PowerLED source, available in three shades of white or, upon request, in the R-G-B-Y colours. Ideal to illuminate the green areas of hotels and urban settings.
Folke large, planter
|The striking Folke group of planters is free of embellishment or decorative detailing, characterised by sleek surfaces that emphasise the robust beauty of cast aluminum. Manufactured in different sizes, Folke provides the perfect container for virtually any type of plant life. Integral inner containers and internal irrigation tanks for continuous watering are also available. Design: Karna Lindstedt
Folke medium, planter
|The striking Folke group of planters is free of embellishment or decorative detailing, characterised by sleek surfaces that emphasise the robust beauty of cast aluminum. Manufactured in different sizes, Folke provides the perfect container for virtually any type of plant life. Integral inner containers and internal irrigation tanks for continuous watering are also available. Design: Karna Lindstedt
Folke small, planter
|The striking Folke group of planters is free of embellishment or decorative detailing, characterised by sleek surfaces that emphasise the robust beauty of cast aluminum. Manufactured in different sizes, Folke provides the perfect container for virtually any type of plant life. Integral inner containers and internal irrigation tanks for continuous watering are also available. Design: Karna Lindstedt
Folke slim, planter
|The striking Folke group of planters is free of embellishment or decorative detailing, characterised by sleek surfaces that emphasise the robust beauty of cast aluminum. Manufactured in different sizes, Folke provides the perfect container for virtually any type of plant life. Integral inner containers and internal irrigation tanks for continuous watering are also available. Design: Karna Lindstedt
Folke rectangular, planter
|The striking Folke group of planters is free of embellishment or decorative detailing, characterised by sleek surfaces that emphasise the robust beauty of cast aluminum. Manufactured in different sizes, Folke provides the perfect container for virtually any type of plant life. Integral inner containers and internal irrigation tanks for continuous watering are also available. Design: Karna Lindstedt
Folke grand, planter
|The striking Folke group of planters is free of embellishment or decorative detailing, characterised by sleek surfaces that emphasise the robust beauty of cast aluminum. Manufactured in different sizes, Folke provides the perfect container for virtually any type of plant life. Integral inner containers and internal irrigation tanks for continuous watering are also available. Design: Karna Lindstedt
Sirius, bicycle shelter
|The modular design of this bicycle shelter makes it possible to create a unique building. Sections can be aligned in a row to create a long narrow shelter, or positioned in ‘L’ or ‘U’ shapes to make efficient use of the space they occupy. The roof height is customisable, enabling the shelter to be lower, if necessary. Trellises attached to the sides form supports for creeping vines, making an attractive addition to green areas or providing the potential for plant life in an urban setting. Design: Bernt Fröderberg
Ytong Turkey monolithic wall U=0,40 W/(m²K) d=275 mm
|Ytong is an international brand who is the leading producer of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) in Turkey. Türk Ytong Sanayi A.Ş. which was founded in 1963 with the license and partnership of Ytong International, is the first AAC producer in Turkey. It is known by its high quality, innovative and uniqe products with a permanent and reliable brand image in the world. Ytong began production in Pendik in 1965, and over the past 50 years it has been the creator of many innovations, making important contributions to the modernization of the construction industry. It was Ytong’s innovations in areas such as energy saving, earthquake resistance and fire safety that made it the building block of comfortable, safe, and economical living. Ytong is produced in six plants in Turkey which are located in İstanbul-Pendik, İstanbul-Çatalca, Tekirdağ-Saray, Antalya, Gaziantep and Bilecik.
Ytong Turkey monolithic wall U=0,40 W/(m²K) d=225 mm
|Ytong is an international brand who is the leading producer of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) in Turkey. Türk Ytong Sanayi A.Ş. which was founded in 1963 with the license and partnership of Ytong International, is the first AAC producer in Turkey. It is known by its high quality, innovative and uniqe products with a permanent and reliable brand image in the world. Ytong began production in Pendik in 1965, and over the past 50 years it has been the creator of many innovations, making important contributions to the modernization of the construction industry. It was Ytong’s innovations in areas such as energy saving, earthquake resistance and fire safety that made it the building block of comfortable, safe, and economical living. Ytong is produced in six plants in Turkey which are located in İstanbul-Pendik, İstanbul-Çatalca, Tekirdağ-Saray, Antalya, Gaziantep and Bilecik.
|High thermo-acoustic performance structural floor or roof with Jendy JOSS® system with metal frames, upper covering OSB panels and insulation in rock wool, for a total thickness of 237mm. The structure consists of a frame of galvanized steel, 1.5 mm thick section 50-200-50mm places to 400mm wheelbase; thickness, pitch and height of the profiles as resulting from specific structural calculations. The profiles are secured with vertical warping brackets or inserted within the 40-200-40mm section guides. The top surface of the floor will be covered with a double layer of OSB 3 sheets, normate for static functions and the bracing of the horizontal plane, 12mm thick, screwed to the metal with screws VT4.2*32 galvanized and drilling, crossed and with staggered joints cutlery. The floor lower side will instead be coated with a plasterboard plate of 13mm thickness and 2800-3000x1200mm size screwed to the steel structure with suitable self-threading screws fosfate VT3.5*25. The plasterboard will be finished as a rule with plastering of gypsum-based joint with interposed retina or microperforated tape, plastering of the head of the screws, angles, etc ... In the gap will be inserted one of high density rock wool of 160mm thick 70 kg/m³ with acoustic insulation function. In case of roof will be placed on the upper side a further insulating layer to achieve the desired thermal values and suitable waterproofing of the surface; if it’s an intermediate floor it must be realized the screed plant, possibly dry, with traditional subflooring pad and subsequent paving as usual. Including static design of the floor, exclude the reviewing of the existing part. Vacuum computation for full under 5mq.
Cupolex + Beton Stop
|CUPOLEX® is a patented technology from Pontarolo Engineering spa for the construction of aerated floors, raised slabs, and lightweight fill replacement, it is a fast and economic system to cerate the sanitary void. One of the principal advantages of CUPOLEX® system is the healthiness of the building, due to the good air circulation, gas removal e.g. Radon gas, and humidity elimination. The igloo shaped elements, once placed and connected together are able to receive the concrete cast giving the slab a unique geometry with a matrix of small columns 56 cm distant ( 71 for domes heights above 55 cm), a hollowed space underneath and a slab thickness that can be designed to hold and load. The accessory element BETON STOP is used to close the lateral apertures, to prevent the concrete cast to enter the hollowed space, and can also be adjusted to fit any plant design with no need to cut the CUPOLEX® elements. The system also permits the monolithic cast of foundations and aerated slab.
Radius Planter Divider Circle
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Crossroad 3 Small
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Crossroad 4 Small
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Donut
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Droplet
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Corner
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Eye
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
On Point Low
|<p>“On Point is designed to allow full contact between up to eight people around it, while it’s also perfect for more private and intimate gatherings among a few individuals It’s also a way of creating a micro architecture in the room, with the tree’s natural ceiling that makes us feel pleasantly enwrapped and comforted”, says Mattias Stenberg.</p><p>On Point High, has an upholstered frame with a table top in white-pigmented oak. The center module in the middle of the table top is in lacquered MDF. It is available in different dimensions and makes it possible to fit different sizes of plants into the table. The tables heights make it possible to choose between standing or sitting on a bar stool.</p><p><strong>Benefits & functions<br></strong>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- Can be equipped with a powerbox.<br>- It fits up to eight people.<br>- The center module is available in three different spaces, see images below<br></p>
Arbustos 20
Flor Ruiz | 1493366660Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de arbustos con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Audi Bitmap 22
Julian Hubrig | 1546439632 -
Bush 1 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D bush on side view.
Bush Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D bush on side view.
Cypress Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D cypress on side view.
Cypress Elev 2 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D cypress on side view with optional contour only view.
Cypress Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D cypress on side view with optional contour only view.
Hedge End Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D hedge end on side view.
Pine 1 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D pine on side view.
Pine 2 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D pine on side view.
Pine 3 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D pine on side view with optional contour only view.
Pine 4 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D pine on side view.
Pine Elevation 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D pine on side view with optional contour only view.
Pine Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D pine on side view.
Stone 1 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D stones on side view.
Stone 2 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D stones on side view.
Stone Elevation Contour 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D stones on side view.
Tree 10 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view with summer, winter or contour only view.
Tree 2 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view.
Tree 5 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view.
Tree 6 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view.
Tree 8 Elev 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D tree on side view with optional contour only view.
Tree Deciduous 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 04 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 04 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 05 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 06 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 08 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 09 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 09 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 10 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 10 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 11 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 11 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 12 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Deciduous 12 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Deciduous tree with adjustable trunk, branches, leaves, crown density and variable floor plan symbols.
Tree Evergreen 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Evergreen tree with adjustable trunk and different floor plan symbols.
Tree Evergreen 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Evergreen tree with adjustable trunk and different floor plan symbols.
Tree Fan Palm 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fan palm tree.
Tree Pine 3D 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pine tree with variable floor plan symbols.
Контуры Камней 20
Алексей Алексей | 14959236912D-вид сбоку камней.
Модель Пальмы 19
Оля Фокина | 1552943922Финиковая пальма.
Andres Bruder | 1428069926Palm Tree v1.3
flowers in vase
David Collins | 1388570049Up to 5 lilies or daffodils in a vase or lying flat.
Wannabee Tree Small
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340093663partition panel
FTX101-archontophoenix alexandrae-S105
Fady Londy | 1365805287FTX101 archontophoenix alexandrae Palm Tree Softscape Landscape F
FTX101-Arenga Pinnata-S1
Fady Londy | 1365767111FTX Arenga Pinnata Palm Tree Softscape Landscape
Tree- model like
Pulkit Sudan | 1519565906White model like tree component. Use for model like renders
Zahari Dimitrov | 1578061908Simple iron fence for parks and tree pits with parametric adjustments and inclination option.
Fady Londy | 1365766371FTX ROYSTONEA REGIA Palm Tree Softscape Landscape
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340093593www.archibloq.com, for ac16 demo
Tree Protection Horiz 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Horizontal tree trunk protection.
Tree Protection Vert 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vertical tree trunk protection.
Wood- Arroway Wood 002 Apple Tree 1
Stan Rostas | 1502139720 -
Roberto Corona | 1427095430Bark texture for trees trunk. Set-up for CineRender
Rafał Ślęk | 1344006158Obiekt zaimportowany do ArchiCADa z formatu 3DS i sparametryzowany. www.archibloq.com
Akilbekali Toshmatov | 1677569912https://t.me/aqilbekali
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, flower pot
Vase 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vase with optional number of flowers.
Modèle plante d'intérieur 19
ophelie mathon | 1526313559Plante d'intérieure haute dans pot.
Tree Protection Horiz 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Horizontal tree trunk protection.
Tree Protection Vert 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Vertical tree trunk protection.
Wood- Arroway Wood 002 Apple Tree 1
Stan Rostas | 1502140577 -
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅300
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
Leaf Lamp Tree ∅130
|The Leaf Lamp Tree is a tree-size standing lamp for public indoor spaces.The branches shape a magnificent crown foliage (Ø130 / Ø230 / Ø300 / Ø350 cm or custom size up to Ø600 cm for special projects). Leaf Lamp Trees stand on the ground with a robust base that can be bolted to the floor or an optional base plate that makes the tree freestanding. Leaf Lamp Tree has A-class sound-absorbing qualities – the foliage forms a soft labyrinth of 4.5 / 18 / 27 / 67.5 square metres of wool felt. It radically enhances speech perception in its proximity – and under the Leaf Lamp Tree, a whisper is as good as a shout.
Merry Christmas Tree
|<p>Merry Xmas, and enjoy this fully parametric Xmas tree. Download is available in various formats made using BIMobject BIMscript Technology.<br></p> <p>You can also download the Step-file and 3D print it!&nbsp; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year</p><p></p> <p>/BIMobject® Team</p>
|The prime characteristic of Flower is the beautifully lined wardrobe crown. Among the large coat hooks are smaller loop hooks, making sure that the coat rack will accommodate at least ten coats. The heavy cast iron base ensures optimal stability. Flower is available in two versions: with or without an integrated umbrella holder, while eight contemporary colours offer plenty of choice. The crown is made of plastic, the tube is composed from powder‐coated steel, and the iron base is cast.
City, hexagonal tree bench Ø 242 cm
|This understated urban bench is a popular design naturally suited to streets, parks and other public spaces. The bench can be paired with tables or backed benches from the same furniture group to create an area for recreation, relaxation or dining. The City bench is fully customisable. By choosing from among a range of different seats (angled or straight), types of armrests and various kinds frames, the bench can be tailor-made to suit any environment. Design: Olle Anderson.
WannabeeTree Small
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216486#http://www.masterscript.nl3D Wannabee Tree small
Odd Goderstad | 1641998931Rose flower
Vase 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Vase with optional number of flowers.
|Membrane is a acoustic room divider designed by David Trubridge. The room divider consits of smaller acoustic panels which together creates a modular system with two inspiring finished patterns. Membrane filter sound at the same time as it’s letting through light and create a unique expression. “This dividing screen, which filters sound, was commissioned exclusively by Offecct for their ambitious acoustic control line. It can be used to semi-divide spaces and can also be placed against a wall in order to dampen sound. Of course in addition to its strong acoustic control function, it also has a decorative element and can be assembled in various shapes and patterns. An interesting architectonic quality is added in that it is easy to light, creating layers of shadows. My inspiration, as usual, is nature, from where I draw most of my patterns. I love to go out on hikes and sleep under a tree for a few days, and it’s nice to bring a bit of the forest in to the indoor environment. Membrane is made from polyester fiber produced from recycled water bottles. We conduct a great deal of life circle research of our own and this material is actually environmentally smarter than natural wool, for example, as the sourcing of wool is very polluting.” /David Trubridge.
M8505 - Bronchoscope, Fiberoptic, Adult, Slim Casing
|Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope. This scope is designed for bronchial exploration, washings, biopsy and suctioning. The bronchoscope consists of a thin submersible operating section with a suction adapter, a disposable suction valve, an instrument channel, light guides, an optical image fiber cluster and an automatic camera shutter/eyepiece. The bronchoscope's slimmer casing size allows for upper bronchial tree observations.
UR101 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR102 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR103 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR201 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR202 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR203 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR301 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR302 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR303 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
UR501 (Urban Retreat Collection)
|Urban Retreat is a collection of nine styles sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms— all offered in a complimentary color palette. Urban Retreat explores where concrete gives way to grass and looks at the deeply carved character of an old growth tree set against the architecture of a manmade grid. Sparks fly when such disparate ideas sit side by side and Urban Retreat ignites. (carpet tile)
|If you are fascinated by fashionable furniture Sherwood certainly catches your eye. This table is completely hand made from organic materials. Solid, wooden top on the intriguing, raw steel legs makes a big impression. Mountain pine bark wrapped in natural contrasts perfectly with the modernist form of the base. Application This model fits in standard industrial facilities, modern apartments and idyllic interiors. Sherwood makes each room unique. Put it in the living room, dining room or kitchen and watch the delight in the sight of the household. Maybe you are looking for unconventional solutions to the conference room, restaurant, cafe? Sherwood is made of solid pine wood, hence the possibility of outbreaks of resin. It is a natural characteristic of this tree species. Table top can be produced in the colors: light pine, dark pine, oak.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
TALO SOFA 290.11
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
geoBORDER 45
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 45 - application: -grass -bark -stone -cobblestone 6 cm -geoSYSTEM G3 -geoSYSTEM G4 -geoSYSTEM G4 max
geoBORDER 58
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 58 - application: -lawn -bark -cobblestone 6 cm -granite paving 6/8 cm -geoSYSTEM G4 -geoSYSTEM G4 max -geoSYSTEM G5 max
geoBORDER 78
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 78 - application: -cobblestone 6/8 cm -granite paving 8/11 cm -geoSYSTEM G5 max
|gala*AluDesign*Border the most elegant edge attachment... * durable * aesthetic * innovative * unique compatibility * easy to shape * many colors * MagicLux * in CortenRost*Look * versatile applications * LotusClean * patented * The heights: 64 & 100 & 140 & 240mm The colors: all RAL colors; 6 Anodcolours (Eloxal) ... Inox stainless steel*look NEW HITS: * MagicLux ... Nocturnal .. and without electricity! * CortenRost * optics ..with the advantages of aluminum * LotusClean, the self-cleaning surface The lengths: all lengths on customer request up to max. 6m The forms: We bend your desired shapes for you ... The applications for the gala*AluDesign*Border: AluDesign*Border for the edge limitation of grass * Gravel areas * Paving areas * Gravel * Bark mulch* DecoMulch * Bulk materials AluDesign*Border for the edge attachment of paving stones, natural stones, LawnGrid plates, gravel grid, etc. AluDesign*Border for bordering flowerbeds, vegetable beds, parks, tombs, waterbounded paths, tree surrounding AluDesign*Border for Art and Design * Objects: for company logos, parking limit, mazes, sculptures, and much more.
|gala*AluRite*Border the proven edge attachment Heights: 64 + 100 + 140 mm + 200mm Lawn edge made of aluminum with ingenious telescope * connection * without screws * from 64mm to 200mm height Technical specifications: • heights: 64mm, 100mm, 140mm, 140mm strong, • Lengths: up to 6m . Order your desired length ! • Thickness: up to 4.5mm • Material: aluminum alloy T6 6063 • Colors: natural * RAL * colors * anodic colors (eloxal). MagicLux Glowin the dark colors * DekoWoodcolors * LotusClean * • Telescope connection without screws Accessories for AluRite*Border: > Sliding ground anchor attachment Set > Aluminum and steel anchor > Jointer > corner > geotextiles Service: > Coloring > Preformed rings, squares, logos, u.v. m. > BIM and CAD solutions for architects and planners > system developments The applications of gala*AluRite*Border: > gala*AluRite*Border are long-established edge attachments > gala*AluRite*Border: the functional and shapely edge limitation : for lawns * gravel areas * paved areas * gravel * chippings * bark mulch * decorative mulch * bulk materials * > gala*AluRite*Border: the edge fixing of paving stones, natural stones, Lawn grid plates, gravel grid > gala*AluRite*Border: the stable enclosure of flowerbeds, vegetable beds, parks, tombs, waterways, tree borders > gala*AluRite*Border: the moldable edge profiles for art and design * Objects: for company logos, parking lot limits, mazes, sculptures, and much more.
Marta wood lounge chair with table
|Designed by Gabriel Teixidó. To feel a deep respect for the wood, caress it, smell it and think about before being an object, it was a tree. This mind is morally basic to start with any project that takes part. Something magic that metimes occurs, is when the material and object come with, encouraging one each other. If this happens, is the best tribute to this anonymous tree.
|Over-all is an up-light of easy and immediate application: a special polystyrene fixing plate isolating it from the ground, is directly fixed to the surface without any recessed in-ground device. The research on the shape and on the balance of the proportions have favoured the development of extremely neat and essential lines: it gives birth to a thin lighting body with no visible screws and reduced thickness. Among the different applications, Over-all will illuminate trees, bushes and shrubbery; it also can be installed next to vertical surfaces to illuminate them with grazing light.
Simbolo Camion 18
fedele maradei | 1442574108Camion 2D con vista di pianta, lato o fronte.
Fonte Vitto | 1663875136 -
Michel Perez | 1521493431Material - Celosia con Patron Floral.
наурыз мисаков | 1421600511 -
дерево 2
наурыз мисаков | 1421589502 -
Дерево коридор вертикальное
Роман Ільницький | 1583883749 -
Дерево - Дуб Светлый
наурыз мисаков | 1421588181 -
Дерево - Клен Светлый 18
наурыз мисаков | 1411903022 -
Дерево - Махагони Лакированное 18
наурыз мисаков | 1415609980 -
Дерево - Секвойя Лакированная 18
наурыз мисаков | 1433961020 -
Detalle 2D Paramétrico de Unidades de Albañeria Y Fábricas
Nader Belal | 1421002503Detalle 2d parámetrico de unidades de fábrica o de albañería, in planta, alzado y vista lateral (vistos como alzados or como sección - ver 2015.01). Para más información contactar Nader Belal naderbelal@hotmail.com o visita mi blog http://nbbim.wordpress.com/
наурыз мисаков | 1433946979 -
Дерево - 26 22 (1)
Роман Агеев | 1534099589 -
Дерево - Бубинга Лакированная 18
наурыз мисаков | 1411836379 -
Дерево - Сосна Лакированная 18
наурыз мисаков | 1411904011 -
Дерево - Эбеновое Лакированное 18 (2)
артём кошкин | 1455569677дерево
Дерево коридор горизонтальное
Роман Ільницький | 1583883778 -
Дерево коричневый 1 горизонт
Александр Иванов | 1549689267Текстура
Chapa Colaborante
Javier Farratell | 1423051410Este accesorio de forjado permite crear un forjado colaborante recubriendo con una chapa laminada la superficie del forjado. Con una fácil e intuitiva interfaz, podemos mover el punto caliente en planta para dirigir la dirección de la chapa, en las propiedades del elemento podemos crear a nuestra medida el perfil de las láminas y en el 3D, y en las propiedades del elemento, podemos poner a la altura que queramos la chapa para crear nuestro forjado colaborante a gusto. El último paso sería utilizar el objeto como elemento de sustracción con extrusión en la dirección que deseamos para que nuestro forjado sea totalmente real.
Vase 18
Özge Can Dagli | 1435506764Vase mit variabler Anzahl von Blumen..
WW860 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW865 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW870 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW880 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW890 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW895 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
COLLINS COTTAGE (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
MOD CAFE' (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
SCOTTISH SETT (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)