flower pot holder 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D rounded flower pot with bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D wood fence
beach umbrella
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, beach umbrella with\- variable number of parts\- rounded or square shape base
- Acer Campestris
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, acer campestris tree
rampant frame vine
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D arbor frame with\n- variable number of pillars \n- variable slope angle\n- variable number of purlins
- Quercus Petrae
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Quercus Petrae / Sessile Oak tree
self-supporting frame vine
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D pergola with\n- variable number of pillars\n- variable number of purlins
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D hammock
statue 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D horse statue with pedestal, top view
traffic lights
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric traffic light with support\n- red, orange, green optinal: on / off
- Taxodium Distichum
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Taxodium Distichum / Bald Cypress tree
Bus Stop 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- variable numbers of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
Bus Stop 04
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- variable number of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
flower pot holder 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D rounded flower pot
flower pot holder 03
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D rounded flower pot
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D slide with wood stand and ladder
- Picea Abies
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Picea Abies / Norway Spruce pine
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D swing
- Pinus Pinea
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Pinus Pinea / Stone Pine
- Fagus Sylvatica
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Fagus Sylvatica / European / Common Beech tree
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009063D parametric, rotator, with optional\n- name of library part to rotate\n- rotate about "X", "Y", "Z" axis (+ or -)
statue 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D statue / bust with pedestal, top view
wastepaper 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D litter bin
- Larix Decidua
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Larix Decidua, European Larch pine tree
- Pinus Pinaster
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Pinus Pinaster / Maritime Pine tree
Bus Stop 03
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- barrel roof\n- variable number of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400797Design: Bønnelycke MDD 2001 http://www.bonnelycke.com Forhandler: http://www.silo-dk.com (#200-1)Stolmodul3D parametric, Bonnelycke Stol, sofa add-on part
- Fraxinus Ornus
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Fraxinus Ornus / Manna Ash / South European Flowering Ash tree
- Populus Nigra
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Populus Nigra / Black Poplar tree
- Prunus Avium
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Prunus Avium / Wild Cherry tree
- Quercus Farnetto
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Quercus Farnetto / Hungarian / Italian Oak tree
- Robinia Pseudo-Acacia
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Robinia Pseudo-Acacia / Black Locust tree
ADV billboard
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, billboard with optional pictures / ads
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D bench with concrete frame
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13401827553D parametric, HAG Sideways back
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13401827553D parametric, HAG Sideways seat
- Abies Alba
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, abies alba pine tree
- Aesculus Hippocastanus
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Aesculus Hippocastanus tree
- Alnus Cordata
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Alnus Cordata pine
- Betula Pendula
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Betula Pendula / Silver Birch tree
- Morus Nigra
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Morus Nigra / Black mulberry tree
- Platanus Acerifolia
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Platanus Acerifolia / London / Hybrid Plane tree
- Quercus Ilex
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Quercus Ilex / Holm / Holly Oak tree
- Taxus Bacata
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Taxus Bacata / European Yew tree
- Ulmus Carpinifolis
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com2D / 3D billboard, Ulmus Carpinifolis / Field Elm tree
bollards 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, posts / bollards with\n- optional distance between elements\n- variable diameter of elements\n- optional slope angle
bollards 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, large posts / bollards with\n- optional distance between elements\n- variable diameter of elements\n- optional slope angle
bollards 03
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, posts / bollards with\n- optional distance between elements\n- variable diameter of elements\n- optional slope angle
Bus Stop 02
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D parametric, bus stop with\n- barrel roof\n- variable number of back panels\n - optional bus stop name
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D octagonal bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D simple bench with concrete frame
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D wood bench
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D wood bench with metal frame
wastepaper 01
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400505#http://www.cigraph-store.com library part developed by Fabrizio Diodati www.cigraph-store.com3D litter bin
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076Rex folding lounge chair, the REX lounge chair is part of the REX collection. Designer Niko Kralj (Rex), http://rex-kralj.si
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076Rex folding chair, the REX chair is part of the REX collection. Designer Niko Kralj (Rex), http://rex-kralj.si
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076Rex folding daybed is part of the REX collection. Designer Niko Kralj (Rex), http://rex-kralj.si
Megadoor VL3190 5 part wide body door
|The Megadoor VL3190 vertical lifting fabric door is the preferred door model for the extremely large door openings needed for aircraft hangars and shipyard halls, it serves equally well in any door application where innovative design will make a positive difference to the construction cost and subsequent operating efficiency.
Megadoor VL3190 3 part narrow body door
|The Megadoor VL3190 vertical lifting fabric door is the preferred door model for the extremely large door openings needed for aircraft hangars and shipyard halls, it serves equally well in any door application where innovative design will make a positive difference to the construction cost and subsequent operating efficiency.
Megadoor VL3190 5 part rectangular door
|The Megadoor S1500 vertical lifting fabric door is the preferred door model for the extremely large door openings needed for aircraft hangars and shipyard halls, it serves equally well in any door application where innovative design will make a positive difference to the construction cost and subsequent operating efficiency. The unique design and structure offers durability, tightness, energy efficiency, operational reliability and minimum maintenance. Every door is individually designed to meet application requirements, for example wind load.
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076Rex rocking folding lounge chair, the REX lounge chair is part of the REX collection. Designer Niko Kralj (Rex), http://rex-kralj.si
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076Rex folding table, part of the REX collection. Designer Niko Kralj (Rex), http://rex-kralj.si
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076This stool made by the genius Niko Kralj is just one in a long line of such sophisticated and ingeniously designed products. Conceived way back in 1954, the stool remains a concept of elegance. It is distinguished by clean lines and a minimalistic appearance, which, however, does not mean that it is visually boring, but quite the opposite. Due to its cross type construction, which in a unique way connects the remaining elements of the stool, it appears that the upper part of the stool floats effortlessly above the legs. Perfectly connected wood from a technical point of view, aided with the help of only one screw, lends itself to creating a stable and comfortable stool.
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
Quadrature 2 LED
|Quadrature® 2 ultra-flat single luminaire for suspended mounting | with ELDACON®, direct/indirect distribution, CAT2(L≤ 1000cd/m²) | with ECG | visible frame of anodised extruded aluminium, brushed vertical sides, highly specular underside; upper housing part of sheet steel, metallic grey (RAL 9006)
Schüco Sliding System ASS 50
|[LIST] Thermally insulated sliding and lift-and-slide system Thermal insulation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10077, Part 1, Uw values of 1.9 W/(m²K), and a unit size of 2,500 mm x 2,500 mm, double glazing with a Ug value of 1.1 W/(m²K) Vent sizes: maximum width 3,000 mm maximum height 3,000 mm Vent weight up to 400 kg Watertightness up to class 9A in accordance with DIN EN 12208 Burglar resistance up to class RC 2 (WK2) Wide choice due to single, double and triple track outer frames [/LIST]
Koja Sofa High
|Koja Sofa High is a sofa with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as easy-chair with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Koja High
|Koja High is an easy chair with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as a sofa with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Norwegian Roof solutions
|Speed up the installation process with glass wool. It is easily mounted and its robust nature neither decreases the insulation in the construction or may subsidence over time. Because wool is on average 30% lighter than stone wool, when compared with similar products, it is easier to carry and install. The roof is the most important part of the house when it comes to energy savings. It is here that the insulation product thickness and weight are of paramount importance. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 0,036 to the outer layer and EcoBlanket 0,036 to the inner layer.
Danish Roof solutions
|Speed up the installation process with glass wool. It is easily mounted and its robust nature neither decreases the insulation in the construction or may subsidence over time. Because wool is on average 30% lighter than stone wool, when compared with similar products, it is easier to carry and install. The roof is the most important part of the house when it comes to energy savings. It is here that the insulation product thickness and weight are of paramount importance. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 0,036 to the outer layer and EcoBlanket 0,036 to the inner layer.
SE5 - from 170 - to 215 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE5 has an adjustable height that goes from 170 mm to 215 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 170 to 215 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE8 - from 235 - to 325 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE8 has an adjustable height that goes from 235 mm to 325 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 235 to 325 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE2 - from 50 - to 75 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE2 has an adjustable height that goes from 50 mm to 75 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 50 to 75 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE0 - from 28 - to 38 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE0 has an adjustable height that goes from 28 mm to 38 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 28 to 38 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE9 - from 205 - to 345 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE9 has an adjustable height that goes from 205 mm to 345 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 205 to 345 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE3 - from 75 - to 120 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE3 has an adjustable height that goes from 75 mm to 120 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 75 to 120 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE11 - from 300 - to 400 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE11 has an adjustable height that goes from 300 mm to 400 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 300 to 400 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE14 - from 365 - to 550 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE14 has an adjustable height that goes from 365 mm to 550 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 365 to 550 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE4 - from 120 - to 170 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE4 has an adjustable height that goes from 120 mm to 170 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 120 to 170 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE1 - from 37,5 - to 50 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE1 has an adjustable height that goes from 37,5 mm to 50 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 37,5 to 50 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE7 - from 185 - to 275 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE7 has an adjustable height that goes from 185 mm to 275 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 185 to 275 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE13 - from 315 - to 500 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE13 has an adjustable height that goes from 315 mm to 500 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 315 to 500 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE10 - from 250 - to 385 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE10 has an adjustable height that goes from 250 mm to 385 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 250 to 385 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE6 - from 140 - to 230 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE6 has an adjustable height that goes from 140 mm to 230 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 140 to 230 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
SE12 - from 270 - to 455 mm
|Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE. The Adjustable Self-Leveling Floor Support Eterno SE12 has an adjustable height that goes from 270 mm to 455 mm. Self-leveling Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Self-levelling head that automatically justifies slopes to 5% - Adjustable height from 270 to 455 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
VELFAC 200 ENERGY Sliding Door 237
|When the door opens, moves approximately. 90 mm outwards from the casing before it is displaced in parallel over the fixed part of the element. The fixed part of the element should always be at least as wide as the cutting part. When closed, there is no level difference between walking and the fixed part.
On Point
|On Point table is designed by Mattias Stenberg, the designer behind the successful stool Carry On. With its soft and elegance appearance the table is great for meeting between people but can also be used, with plants and greenery, for seperate private conversations. On Point is a part of Offecct’s O2asis concept and its different center modules makes it possible to fit different sizes of plants into the table. The table is also available with power source which makes it perfect for all public places where electronic devices are used. “The On Point table is a further development of the ideas that originated from the Carry On stool. The series is based on the idea of the informal meeting in a workplace or a public space, for example an airport. With their very obvious handles, the stool provoke mobility and spontaneous meetings. The table is designed to allow full contact between up to eight people around it, while it’s also perfect for more private and intimate gatherings among a few individuals. It is part of Offecct’s O2asis-concept, with vegetation integrated into furniture pieces in order to improve wellbeing and air quality. The table can hold plants and trees of different dimensions, with rings of two sizes placed in the table’s centre. It’s also a way of creating a micro architecture in the room, with the tree’s natural ceiling that makes us feel pleasantly enwrapped and comforted.” /Mattias Stenberg
Swedish Pitched roof solutions
|Speed up the installation process with glass wool. It is easily mounted and its robust nature neither decreases the insulation in the construction or may subsidence over time. Because wool is on average 30% lighter than stone wool, when compared with similar products, it is easier to carry and install. The roof is the most important part of the house when it comes to energy savings. It is here that the insulation product thickness and weight are of paramount importance. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 0,035 to the outer layer and EcoBlanket 0,035 to the inner layer.
D3380 - Stool, Operating, Dental, Doctor
|Dental operating stool. Used by the dentist in the care and treatment of patients. This chair has a gas cylinder to adjust the height of the chair. It also has backrest as an integral part of the unit. The unit is to be equipped with casters. Various color combinations of vinyl or fabric are available.
D8560 - Oral Surgery System, Mobile
|Mobile oral surgical unit. The unit includes an air-drive for dental handpieces, a mobile stand, a variable foot control, a removable instrument holder, one high speed surgical handpiece, one surgical straight air turbine handpiece, an instrument tray, a three function syringe and 10 feet of electrically conductive tubing with fittings. The unit requires a utility mounting box, see JSN D7090, which is often included. The unit is also available in a doctor/assistant configuration with all the instruments for both. The unit is used in dental operatories where the delivery system is not part of the dental chair.
D8650 - Chute, Waste, Plaster, Counter Mounted
|Counter mounted plaster waste chute. The chute is generally made of stainless steel and is available in either a round or square configuration. The chute is mounted over a waste receptacle and is used to dispose of waste material through the countertop. The chute is usually specified and purchased as part of the countertop rather than as a separate item.
E0406 - Nurse Station, Angle, Free Standing
|Nurse Station typicals have non-powered steel frames with a pre-installed metal junction box for user defined hard-wired electrical solutions. Data modules and low voltage cabling can be routed freely within the frame. Electrical and/or data devices are not provided as part of the typical. Panel inserts are available in fabric, painted metal, tackable, acoustical, paper management, rail, glass, open and electrical/data accessible configurations. Typicals include panel inserts for both sides of the steel frame. All electrical connections must be made by an electrical contractor. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 steel frames; 1 cantilevered work surface, 135 Degrees; 1 panel insert, tackable, 16"H; 2 panel inserts, paper mgmt., 16"H; 9 panel inserts, painted metal; 1 countertop w/light support assembly, 16"D; 2 paper trays, 10"W; 1 binder/file holder.
F2245 - Camera, Video Surveillance, HD, IP Powered
|A high definition, full functional video surveillance camera. The camera is capable of full 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second while optimizing network usage with H.264, MPEG-4 and JPEG compression formats. Camera will have an open, standards-based design providing a platform for integration and operation as an independent device or as part of a surveillance network.
L1502 - Centrifuge, Tabletop
|Tabletop laboratory centrifuge. This unit has a variable speed range of 1500 to 13000 RPM in part dependent on rotor assembly used. It includes a no brake option allowing rotor to spin to a gradual stop as well as the capability to enter combinations of time and RPM into the memory, and a door lock safety system. Heads accommodate a wide variety of tubes and can accommodate up to at least 76 tubes. Used in laboratories to prepare samples for further analysis.
L2270 - Hood, Fume, Radioisotope
|Radioisotope fumehood. The unit requires a charcoal trap filter, lead-lined or HEPA filter as required by codes and use criteria in the exhaust stack, not part of this hood. Other characteristics are that it be strong enough to support lead shielding bricks, have at least two duplex receptacles and a cup sink. The minimum average face velocity shall be 100 fpm and the static pressure loss through the hood shall not exceed 0.2 inches of water at 100 fpm face velocity (700 CFM).
M2020 - Cabinet, Storage, Safety, Built-In, Vented
|Safety storage cabinet. This unit is of double steel wall construction, with vented grounding attachment, raised leak proof door sill, and adjustable shelving. Equipped with two doors and three-point key lock. The construction meets standards set by OSHA and NFPA Code 30 requirements. Designed for storage of flammable type liquids. The cabinet fits into a laboratory casework configuration and its ventilation ports are in the back to leave the counterspace free. The cabinet requires ventilation ducting and an exhaust fan as part of the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system.
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket EU, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, with sockets CH, with sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm,with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, without sockets, without sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without sockets, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without sockets, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm,without sockets, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,without sockets, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,without sockets, without sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door, Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, without socket, without sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, without socket, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and ambient light, with socket EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, ambient light and socket CH without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
|One of the main features of IXO is its combination of materials: solid wood, chromium plate and leather. It is a reference by architect and designer Dante Bonuccelli to the “modern classic” topic area and the international style of the legendary nineteen-thirties in which the work of Mies Van der Rohe played a major part. The same elegance and powerful character are to be found in the new IXO Office collection: a programme that perfectly satisfies the demand for impressive style and high perceived value that furnishings for top management must possess. IXO Office is an extensive collection of fine, elegant desks, cabinets, lowboards and sideboards – a splendid answer to every furnishing situation.
TOPREFLECT Reflective waterproofing
|Range of waterproofing systems with white surfaced capsheets that reflect the sun’s rays and limit the heating effect on flat roofs. TOPREFLECT is available as a bituminous membrane with white lacquered aluminum facing, as a polyurethane version with a bi-component coating for installation on “sanded” bituminous waterproofing membrane and as a white version of the Hyperflex PVC membrane. This development is part of the CoolRoof concept.
Fixed light window
|Fixed Light window A unique design manufactured with aluminium profiles and high density, slow grown, knot-free laminated timber, sourced from sustainable forests. The side swing projecting windo has an elegant and mordern function. The fixed light can be used in vision areas and at spandrel locations as part of a screen assembly when opaque glazed or when fitted with aluminium sandwich panels. Fixed Light window aluminium/wood windows 3-glazed products in glass thickness 36 or 48 mm. U-value between 0,8 to 1,2 Fire rated EI45 Sound reduction between 40 dB and 48 dB Frame depth 100 mm or 115 mm Secure by design is available
Premium GLASS Z8/L
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z2/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking positionZ2/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z3/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z4/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
|Nido, Spanish for nest, means home to a number of species and inspired Rafa García to create this small armchair. The seat or “nest” is supported by metal feet in a matte finish. The upper part provides “branches” into which the comfortable seat is fixed. The upholstery is available in two versions: with a zip (288.51.C7) or with piping (288.51.7). The version with a zip is soft and loose and enables the seating area to be removed; the version with piping is fixed and pulled tight. Both the zip and piping are always black. Choose from black, grey or brown feet.
|Nido, Spanish for nest, means home to a number of species and inspired Rafa García to create this small armchair. The seat or “nest” is supported by a hand-crafted ash wood frame. The upper part provides “branches” into which the comfortable seat is fixed. The wood is available in a wide array of stains: from natural tones to vibrant colours like green or orange. The upholstery is available in two versions: with a zip (288.51.C) or with piping (288.51). The version with a zip is soft and loose and enables the seating area to be removed. However, the version with piping is fixed and pulled tight. Both the zip and piping are always black.
FAAC J355 HA M50 Hydraulic Automatic bollard
|FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard has been tested according to PAS 68:2013 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems and IWA 14-1:2013 - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard is able to stop a 7.500kg truck at a speed of 80Km/h (=50M/h). FAAC J355 HA M50 main features are: 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14-1:2013 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements
Miss Holly bar stool
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Now when we enlarge the group it feels natural to add a bar stool in time. Even this is gracious and generous. The bar stool is made of solid wood and the parts for the seat are milled part by part to then be glued together. After this, the solid part will be milled one more time.
Miss Holly bar stool
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Now when we enlarge the group it feels natural to add a bar stool in time. Even this is gracious and generous. The bar stool is made of solid wood and the parts for the seat are milled part by part to then be glued together. After this, the solid part will be milled one more time.
Sliding door
|Sliding door from Magnorvinduet is own developed door which has the same benfits as our windows. The sliding door consist of aluminium on the outside and wood on the inside and all components that will be exposed to moist is in aluminium. The sliding part also contains compositt to improve the u-value. Can be delivered with handle on both sides Siegenia ECO Slide hinge system Sliding part is outside U-value from 0,86 Treshold of 25mm height in oak 186 mm frame depth
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
TALO SOFA 290.11
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
|Leaf is a practical magazine or brochure holder with a sturdy shape, that is also foldable and easy to move around. The warm grey colour has an informal feel which fits into any environment, which makes it highly suitable as a free standing unit for any temporary public or commercial space. Leaf was designed by Dutch designer Robert Bronwasse for Cascando, as part of their nature-inspires series of interior accessories. Leaf is also available as a freestanding whiteboard made of high-grade enameled steel and other products in this range include the Branch Coat Stand, Branch Wall Hooks, Plant Side Table and Forest Coat Rack.
|The Rio Litter combinates the elegance of shapes with noble materials, so it constitues an ideal item for the most demanding urban enviroments. It is composed by a prismatic body with a circular inclined side. The body is made of galvanized and painted steel plate and in its upper part it presents a cover with a lock of stainless steel whitch also incorporates an ashtray.Container of 45 liters of capacity. The Rio litter bin is anchored to the ground by metallic rawplugs. For more information please look at the technical commercial data of the product.
|A LED moulding luminaire designed especially for lighting of commercial premises. The luminaire has a clean, minimalist design and an interesting detail of the grip – fitted in the hoop which is an elegant part of the body of the luminaire. The luminaire is rotable in 360°. The luminaires can be equipped in addition to highly luminous LED with colour rendering index Ra>80 or Ra>90 also with LED sources with RealColour technology ensuring extremely high rendering index Ra>97. The RealColour luminaires are suitable in particular for illumination of the exhibits where perfect colour fidelity is required. The luminaires with RealWhite technology are intended for the cases when it is necessary to ensure the white colour without the tints of other colours. For specific requirements, where the aim is to intensify certain colours of the illuminated objects a wide range of StrongColour variants is available, here you can find for example special luminaires for illumination of meat, jewellery etc. Design Matúš Opálka. Availability from 06/2016
|TULPI is a LED moulding luminaire for business premises proposed within co-operation with UMPRUM industrial design atelier. The luminaire has excellent technical and light parameters and exceptional design that distinguishes it from the other products on the market. The body of the reflector is part of the same mould as the driver covering, facilitating production and achieving a playful look. The luminaires can be equipped in addition to highly luminous LED with colour rendering index Ra>80 or Ra>90 also with LED sources with RealColour technology ensuring extremely high rendering index Ra>97. The RealColour luminaires are suitable in particular for illumination of the exhibits where perfect colour fidelity is required. The luminaires with RealWhite technology are intended for the cases when it is necessary to ensure the white colour without the tints of other colours. For specific requirements, where the aim is to intensify certain colours of the illuminated objects a wide range of StrongColour variants is available, here you can find for example special luminaires for illumination of meat, jewellery etc. The design of the luminaire was awarded by Red Dot Award Design Concept 2015. Design Matyáš Kočnar. Availability from 06/2016
|TORPI is a LED moulding luminaire for business premises proposed within co-operation with UMPRUM industrial design atelier. The luminaire has excellent technical and light parameters and exceptional design that distinguishes it from the other products on the market. The body of the reflector is part of the same mould as the driver covering, facilitating production and achieving a playful look. The luminaires can be equipped in addition to highly luminous LED with colour rendering index Ra>80 or Ra>90 also with LED sources with RealColour technology ensuring extremely high rendering index Ra>97. The RealColour luminaires are suitable in particular for illumination of the exhibits where perfect colour fidelity is required. The luminaires with RealWhite technology are intended for the cases when it is necessary to ensure the white colour without the tints of other colours. For specific requirements, where the aim is to intensify certain colours of the illuminated objects a wide range of StrongColour variants is available, here you can find for example special luminaires for illumination of meat, jewellery etc. The design of the luminaire was awarded by Red Dot Award Design Concept 2015. Design Matyáš Kočnar. Availability from 06/2016
Creation 70 X Press
|<p>CREATION 70 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T, available in tiles and planks with beveled edges. Composed of a transparent wear layer 0.7mm thick, a design film and three compact underlayers reinforced with two fiber grids, CREATION 70 X'PRESS is 5mm compact product. Compressed and embossed at high temperatures.<br>The product includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing, specifically for high traffic use, allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. The product is treated with a PUR + treatment for easy maintenance properties.</p> <p>Product CREATION 70 X'PRESS is made with 83% of mineral and 6% inexhaustible materials. It does not contain formaldehyde, any heavy metals or substances CMR 1&2, vPvB (very persistent and very bioaccumulative) and PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic), and they are 100% compliant with REACH.<br>The product emission rate of volatile organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC&lt;28 days - ISO 16000-6) and is rated A + (the best class) as part of the health labeling. It is 100% recyclable.</p>
K40 Ecosmart G PV
|The line of K ECOSMART G minibars enables hoteliers to choose eco-friendly and ultra-quiet products of the last generation with an exclusive design. Thanks to the new compressors, which offer best performance, with cyclopentane insulation, cooling gas (R600), and the eutectic plate that keeps temperature constant at night (when compressor is OFF), K ECOSMART G products are part of the A+++ Energy Class with a consumption reduced by 79% compared to the leading absorption minibars on the market. The electronic timer: sets the working phases of the compressor. Minimum 6 hrs over 24 (the energy consumption are extremely low). The Smart System controls the turning on and off of the compressor based on the presence or absence of the guest in the room. The use of the Smart System requires the presence in the room of an Energy Saver device: a card-holder designed to save energy. To operate, the Smart System does not require any electronic timer or remote control. *** G: Global 50/60 Hz ***
K35 Ecosmart G
|The line of K ECOSMART G minibars enables hoteliers to choose eco-friendly and ultra-quiet products of the last generation with an exclusive design. Thanks to the new compressors, which offer best performance, with cyclopentane insulation, cooling gas (R600), and the eutectic plate that keeps temperature constant at night (when compressor is OFF), K ECOSMART G products are part of the A+++ Energy Class with a consumption reduced by 79% compared to the leading absorption minibars on the market. The electronic timer: sets the working phases of the compressor. Minimum 6 hrs over 24 (the energy consumption are extremely low). The Smart System controls the turning on and off of the compressor based on the presence or absence of the guest in the room. The use of the Smart System requires the presence in the room of an Energy Saver device: a card-holder designed to save energy. To operate, the Smart System does not require any electronic timer or remote control. *** G: Global 50/60 Hz ***
|A crucial part of flooring comfort is safety under foot. In some areas there is an increased risk for slip and fall injuries, and the right flooring can prevent most of them. The unique safety features of Granit Safe.T provide a slip resistance rating of R10. It is recommended for use in healthcare premises, schools, leisure areas, shops and similar commercial areas, whenever safety properties are required. Suitable for combined shoe and barefoot use, iQ Granit Safe.T is coordinated with the extended Granit family of specialist flooring - iQ Granit 62 colour core range, iQ Granit acoustic, iQ Toro SC, iQ Granit SD and Granit Multisafe, part of Tarkett's complete wetroom solution with colour coordinated wall coverings. View less
FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO Hydraulic Automatic bollard - Emergency Fast Operation
|FAAC J355 HA M50 Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard has been tested according to PAS 68:2013 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems and IWA 14-1:2013 - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard is able to stop a 7.500kg truck at a speed of 80Km/h (=50M/h). Emergency Fast Operation device (EFO) guarantees a very rapid rising speed (2s) to increase the offered protection. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO main features are: 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14-1:2013 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements 6. Very quick emergency rising (2s)
Bjork 120 H
|Björk 120h is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the changing table surface. Birch 120h is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
|Nipo is a solid wood chair whose form is reminiscent of the stark simplicity of Finnish rustic furniture. Excellent sitting comfort is achieved by gently inclining seat and backrest. The solid wood seat and frame are slightly apart which allows wood to stretch and contract. Every part of the chair’s structure is carefully designed with efficient material utilisation and industrial production in mind. Skilfully manufactured in Finland, the traditional wood joints and structural details enrich the meticulously finished effect. The restrained design makes the chair suitable for church halls and higher end cafés, for instance.
|Ovo is a multifunctional reception desk dedicated to small rooms or customer service bureaus. Due to a lowered desk top it is easy to communicate with a client in a sitting position. The common part of the desk top allows to deal with documents easily and provides trouble-free communication. The lifted part of the reception desk includes a hidden computer stand and the vertical shelf for files and documents. Apart from ergonomics the Ovo reception desk offers an interesting form connecting a white oval of the desk top with a dark rectangle of the body and the frontal part of furniture produced in two optional colors - cocoa and chestnut.
Tork Matic® Hand Towel Dispenser - Recessed
|The Recessed Tork Matic® Hand Towel Dispenser in beautiful stainless steel easily adapts many recessed in-wall folded towel and waste dispensers to a high capacity roll towel system. Get excellent function and reduced towel consumption with one-at-a-time dispensing, while giving your guests a hygienic, no-touch hand drying experience. Part of the Tork Image Design™ line.
Tork Matic® Hand Towel Dispenser - In-wall Recessed
|The In-Wall Recessed Tork Matic® Hand Towel Dispenser in beautiful stainless steel can be mounted directly into your wall. Get excellent function and reduced towel consumption with one-at-a-time dispensing, while giving your guests a hygienic, no-touch hand drying experience. Part of the Tork Image Design™ line.
Tork Matic® Hand Towel Dispenser – In-wall Recessed with Intuition™ sensor
|The In-Wall Recessed Tork Matic® Hand Towel Dispenser with Intuition Sensor™ in beautiful stainless steel can be mounted directly into your wall. The touch free, one-at-a-time dispensing reduces consumption and improves hygiene. This sensor roll towel system gives guests the ultimate no-touch hand drying experience. Part of the Tork Image Design™ line.
Bjork 60
|Björk 60 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 80
|Björk 80 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 100
|Björk 100 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 120
|Björk 120 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 140
|Björk 140 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 180
|Björk 180 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table has two nursing beds on either side of an embedded washing area and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull out shower, drainage components, and 12 wire baskets suitable for nappy storage. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 220
|Björk 220 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has two nursing beds on either side of a washing area and comes equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower, drainage components and 12 wire baskets suitable for nappy storage. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 100 H
|Björk 100h is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the table surface. Björk 100h is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children it can supplemented with the changing table steps, Trappan or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate
Bjork 100 V
|Björk 100v is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the table surface. Björk 100v is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children the changing table can be supplemented with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 120 V
|Björk 120v is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the table surface. Björk 120v is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 140 H
|Björk 140h is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the changing table surface. Björk 140h is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 140 V
|Björk 140V is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the table surface. Björk 140V is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Mirror Metric
|Evolving yet remaining faithful to a lifestyle. For over three decades pomd’or has bet for its attention to details, the quality of its materials and its meticulous manufacturing process based on the essence of its products. The mastery of the craft and the stability of long-lasting and unequivocal values have been a critical part of its vision to go beyond the classic design and make pomd’or a legendary brand that moves forward without losing sight of its hallmark of authenticity and elegance.
Mirror & brush-holder & soap dispenser
|Evolving yet remaining faithful to a lifestyle. For over three decades pomd’or has bet for its attention to details, the quality of its materials and its meticulous manufacturing process based on the essence of its products. The mastery of the craft and the stability of long-lasting and unequivocal values have been a critical part of its vision to go beyond the classic design and make pomd’or a legendary brand that moves forward without losing sight of its hallmark of authenticity and elegance.
NM1 - from 25 - to 40 mm
|Adjustable Paving Support NEW MAXI. The Support New-Maxi NM1 has an adjustable height from 25 mm to 40 mm. Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Adjustable height from 25 to 40 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
NM2 - from 40 - to 70 mm
|Adjustable Paving Support NEW MAXI. The Support New-Maxi NM2 has an adjustable height from 40 mm to 70 mm. Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Adjustable height from 40 to 70 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
NM3 - from 60 - to 100 mm
|Adjustable Paving Support NEW MAXI. The Support New-Maxi NM3 has an adjustable height from 60 mm to 100 mm. Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Adjustable height from 60 to 100 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
NM4 - from 90 - to 160 mm
|Adjustable Paving Support NEW MAXI. The Support New-Maxi NM4 has an adjustable height from 90 mm to 160 mm. Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Adjustable height from 90 to 160 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
NM5 - from 150 - to 270 mm
|Adjustable Paving Support NEW MAXI. The Support New-Maxi NM5 has an adjustable height from 150 mm to 270 mm. Head in bi-material: Polypropylene (PP) and rubber. Features: - Adjustable height from 150 to 270 mm once pavement is finished thanks to exclusive regulation key - 320 cm2 smooth base support - Entirely recyclable - Resistant to temperatures between -40° to 120°C - Resistant to acids and ultraviolet deterioration - Suitable to any self-supporting outdoor paving system - Protected by international patent - Head with upper part of soft non-slip and anti-noise rubber - Tabs easy to remove
Entrematic EM PSL150 Sliding Door Operator
|The EM PSL150 Sliding Door Operator is a state-of-the-art drive unit which can be used in a wide variety of applications such as retail, hotel, office, airports, hospitals, schools and other industrial and commercial applications. The operator is fully approved for all possible installation environments such as escape routes (EN16005). Its appealing design, high performance and wide range of accessories for convenience, safety and security makes the EM PSL150 the ideal choice in any environment. The Operator can be integrated as part of the EM Entrematic profile system EMPS and also can easily be adapted to a variety of other door systems and customer requirements.
F25 Table
|It takes great dedication to convert a simple idea into a visible reality which comes to life when used by people in its ideal setting, turning it into part of an unified composition. The result is an explosion of open, well-lit and functional spaces, where straight, rational lines take centre stage in a setting where nobody can be distracted from the peaceful atmosphere, which can even captivate visitors to the office.
Frontiss Brick Grey Escorial
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Red Bilbao
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Black Lanzarote
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick White Navarra
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick White Ártico
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Satino Black soap dispenser
|The Satino Black soap dispenser is part of the total washroom concept offering a sustainable solution for hand cleansing. Its matte black design is modern, trendy, and sustainable. The dispenser is made from recycled ABS and is Cradle to Cradle certified. The soap dispenser can be used with Satino Black hand soap, foam soap and alcohol gel. Remarkable fragrances Qlash or SparQ give a luxurious, rich and fresh scent to the soaps. After its economic life, the dispenser is returned and will be recycled into granulate to become raw material for new dispensers.
Satino Black air refreshener dispenser
|The Satino Black air refresheners dispenser is part of the most sustainable washroom concept in the world. The dispenser works free from electronics using air circulation to dispense the fragrance. The matte black dispenser is stylish and compact. The dispenser is made from recycled ABS and is Cradle to Cradle certified. With its remarkable Satino Black fragrances, the Satino Black air refreshener contributes to the overall experience in the washroom. Fragrances Qlash or SparQ are not your everyday washroom fragrance and provide a luxurious, rich and fresh scent to the washroom. After its economic life, the dispenser is returned and will be recycled into granulate to become raw material for new dispensers.
|System KOMANDOR Unipanels is made up of veneered, decorative and acoustic panels, as well as acoustic systems. It is a unique product which includes acoustic and aesthetic advantages, and thanks to the application of innovative technologies and use of highest quality materials, it meets the required fire resistance standards. In our offer we have solutions dedicated to public and institutional facilities. Veneered wall panels, decorative panels, acoustic panels and acoustic ceiling panels perfectly damp or reflect sounds. In case of offices, flats and apartments, their use allows to separate the interior of the property from bothersome street and city noise, which decidedly affects the level of acoustic comfort of its users. Wall acoustic linings look absolutely spectacular in the interiors. Depending on the Client’s expectations, they may take ultramodern, even futuristic forms or became part of a classical decor of offices and flats. It means that the panels, at the same time, serve a decorative function. The offer is addressed not only to architectural design firms, acousticians or general contractors, but also to demanding individual investors.
SmartRack 18U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 18U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR18UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR18UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR18UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR18UB provides safe, secure installation. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
SmartRack 24U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 24U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated front and rear doors and solid side panels promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR24UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR24UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR24UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR24UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment.
42U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite's SR42UB is the ideal solution for secure, high-density server and networking applications in IT environments. This premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top-panel cable routing ports, perforated doors to promote efficient airflow, adjustable mounting rails, toolless vertical PDU mounting and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR42UB is compatible with Tripp Lite's extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR42UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty.
25U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite’s SR25UB premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR25UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR25UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR25UB has 25U of capacity and is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment. The front and rear pairs of vertical rails feature square mounting holes and are numbered by rack space for easy reference. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 4 to 37 inches. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 3000 lb of equipment with included installation hardware (2250-lb rolling capacity). With a locking, reversible front door and locking, removable side panels, SR25UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
Satino Black wiping roll dispenser large
|This centre-pull dispenser in black is an extension on the Satino Black washroom concept. It is economical and easy in use. It can be used in kitchenareas, but also gas stations, industrial environments and even in washrooms. The dispenser is rather compact and made from recycled plastic. The Satino Black wiping roll with 210 mm diameter is Cradle-to-Cradle certified, making it part of the most sustainable concept in the world.
Satino Black wiping roll dispensers small
|This centre-pull dispenser in black is an extension on the Satino Black washroom concept. It is economical and easy in use. It can be used in kitchenareas, but also gas stations, industrial environments and even in washrooms. The dispenser is rather compact and made from recycled plastic. The Satino Black wiping roll with 150 mm diameter is Cradle-to-Cradle certified, making it part of the most sustainable concept in the world.
Frontiss Brick White Oporto
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Grey Alicante
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Grey Otero
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Brown Asturias
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Brown Galicia
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Brown Laredo
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Brown Mieres
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Black Orotova
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Frontiss Brick Ochre Levante
|Frontiss Brick is a self-ventilated facing brick, which has a built-sheet outer shadow. This self-ventilated facing brick solution allows to obtain the combined result of the properties of a conventional brick façade and a ventilated one. Frontiss Brick design, is specially designed to be easily identifiable in each of the two following specialized areas; 1 - An area with common design of a conventional facing brick, whose function will be appropiate to this type of bricks that will be located towards the interior of the wall. 2 - A scond area, located to the outside of the wall, composed of air chambers that will allow air circulation and renewal through them. Its design allows easy extraction of the universal basic part by cutting smaller pieces that serve to provide a solution for so many joints and specially for corner joints. These spaial pieces will allways incorporate an external air chamber Due to its special special design, frontiss Brick has an autonomous ventilation system. Like any other ventilated façade, has a hygrothermic function, working in two directions: 1 - Releases the stored heat by exposure to direct sunlight. 2 - Reduces thermal shock on the front, avoiding the humidity saturation and producing a drying effect. With Frontiss Brick air circulates from the bottom to up through the pall, and also flows through the joints between bricks scattered all over façade, improving the ability to ventilate.
Fixa bench
|Fixa bench is part of our storage serie Fixa. There you can build and match with all colors we offer. The bench is now available plywood and durable high-pressure laminate. Color-coordinated with the rest of our range. Everything to fit into any space. Buy the cushion that provides that extra comfort. 3 pieces of tray are perfect under the bench. The tray comes in many colors, choose between plywood or plywood with plexi.
Fixa bench with box
|Fixa bench is part of our storage serie Fixa. There you can build and match with all colors we offer. The bench is now available plywood and durable high-pressure laminate. Color-coordinated with the rest of our range. Everything to fit into any space. Buy the cushion that provides that extra comfort. 3 pieces of tray are perfect under the bench. The tray comes in many colors, choose between plywood or plywood with plexi.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>Pyrolitic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.
Handmade Brick Jerusalem White Ártico
|Jerusalem joints elegance, tradition and technology. It stands for being a handmade brick development with high technical and aesthetical performance, fundamentally influenced by its long dimension and its handmade characteristic. Ancient manufacturing techniques carryed out for centuries, are now present in this brick that La Paloma Cerámicas has offered to the world of architecture. Warmth and beauty have always being part of stonewhare products, this fact is even more appreciable in this brick. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents.
Handmade Brick Jerusalem Black Lanzarote
|Jerusalem joints elegance, tradition and technology. It stands for being a handmade brick development with high technical and aesthetical performance, fundamentally influenced by its long dimension and its handmade characteristic. Ancient manufacturing techniques carryed out for centuries, are now present in this brick that La Paloma Cerámicas has offered to the world of architecture. Warmth and beauty have always being part of stonewhare products, this fact is even more appreciable in this brick. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents.
Handmade Brick Jerusalem Grey Otero
|Jerusalem joints elegance, tradition and technology. It stands for being a handmade brick development with high technical and aesthetical performance, fundamentally influenced by its long dimension and its handmade characteristic. Ancient manufacturing techniques carryed out for centuries, are now present in this brick that La Paloma Cerámicas has offered to the world of architecture. Warmth and beauty have always being part of stonewhare products, this fact is even more appreciable in this brick. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents.
Series A - A 500
|A range with a clear profile Making an entry in black, white, aluminium, champagne and mocha: The A 500 range of switches is part of a clear interior decorating style. Nothing breaks the linear shaping; the frames and covers form an enclosed and coherent unit. But the design makes an impression not only in visual terms. The technical options leaves no wishes open, because with its high degree of functional versatility the A 500 can also be used in technically demanding electrical installations.
Series A - AS 500 Surface Caps
|Surface cap with integrated frame and non-flammable ground plate for inserts with covers of the A range (except key switches ref.-no. ..15, 3-level-switch and socket for Switzerland type 13). 1-gang, 85 x 85 x 47 mm Spare part mounting box ref.-no.: 581 A The max. load of dimmers applies also to installation into surface caps. Only when several dimmers are used in combination, the max. load of the installed dimmers has to be reduced by 20 %.
Individual Items - Door Communication
|Door communication with aspirations JUNG, the specialist in building system technology, and Siedle, the specialist in building communication are putting their forces together. Siedle gains access to the world of switches and KNX building technology while JUNG relies on the experience and innovative powers of Siedle. As part of this cooperation, JUNG and Siedle are offering electrical installations ranging from switch systems, suitable indoor stations and building automation with KNX through to the entire Siedle door communication range. These include apps, the Scope mobile video communication station and system extensions such as letterboxes, access control and lighting. The stations from Siedle and the indoor stations from JUNG are compatible through the In-Home bus. And retrofitting is also possible. That is what the "Siedle System Technology" designation stands for.
Top hung and pivot window FPP-V preSelect U3 | FAKRO
|FPP-V U3 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPP-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Top hung and pivot window FPP-V preSelect U5 | FAKRO
|FPP-V U5 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPP-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Top hung and pivot window FPU-V preSelect U3 | FAKRO
|FPU-V U3 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P coated with polyurethane varnish. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPU-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
|Structural post made of 2 mm galvanized steel sheet, to be placed between floor-slabs to increase the masonry wall rigidity. It consists of three parts, two ends and a central part formed by a folded sheet where the GEOANC omegas that connect the masonry wall to the post are inserted. This joint permits a differential movement between the masonry wall and the structure. The telescopic design of these posts permits their placement without the need for welding, as well as the absorption of any slab irregularity.
Frame, planter 130l
|Few designers create containers as artfully as the Stockholm-based duo Broberg & Ridderstråle, whose designs include cube and rectilinear planters. This set of planters is characterised by sides that taper inwards and upwards from the base, meeting the upper rim at an inner point, making the upper part of the frame visible while concealing the lower half. By making the frame visible, it creates a wide rim and provides handles. The planters have an eye-catching trompe l’oeil effect that may trick the eye, but not the hand. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle
Frame, planter 340l
|Few designers create containers as artfully as the Stockholm-based duo Broberg & Ridderstråle, whose designs include cube and rectilinear planters. This set of planters is characterised by sides that taper inwards and upwards from the base, meeting the upper rim at an inner point, making the upper part of the frame visible while concealing the lower half. By making the frame visible, it creates a wide rim and provides handles. The planters have an eye-catching trompe l’oeil effect that may trick the eye, but not the hand. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle
Frame, planter 120l
|Few designers create containers as artfully as the Stockholm-based duo Broberg & Ridderstråle, whose designs include cube and rectilinear planters. This set of planters is characterised by sides that taper inwards and upwards from the base, meeting the upper rim at an inner point, making the upper part of the frame visible while concealing the lower half. By making the frame visible, it creates a wide rim and provides handles. The planters have an eye-catching trompe l’oeil effect that may trick the eye, but not the hand.
Frame, planter 730l
|Few designers create containers as artfully as the Stockholm-based duo Broberg & Ridderstråle, whose designs include cube and rectilinear planters. This set of planters is characterised by sides that taper inwards and upwards from the base, meeting the upper rim at an inner point, making the upper part of the frame visible while concealing the lower half. By making the frame visible, it creates a wide rim and provides handles. The planters have an eye-catching trompe l’oeil effect that may trick the eye, but not the hand. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle.
Kajen, table
|Part of the Kajen furniture group, this efficient table is constructed from wooden slats and sized to suit the seating in the range. The bent steel legs can be bolted to the ground, anchoring the table permanently in place. The table can be paired with Kajen benches to create a setting for outdoor dining or recreation. Placed in environments where the Kajan Mini or other Kajan benches are installed, the table becomes part of a coordinating furniture suite that makes diverse space more uniform. The table can be accessorised by a tray and menu holder from the Kajen group. Design: Thomas Bernstrand.
Minimal, table
|This streamlined, simple table is part of the Minimal furniture group designed for indoor entertaining. As suggested by the name, the table, like its accompanying bench, are minimal in style yet maximal in value, performance and durability. While the simplicity of the design makes Minimal suitable for almost any interior, it also makes it easy to maintain, stack and store away. The table is complemented by a bench in the same furniture group. Design: Ola Rune and Eero Koivisto.
Aura Slim Comfort
|Wall –mounted Aura Slim convectors supplement in an optimum way the basic range of the onfloor Aura and trench convectors Aquilo. The universal product is also suitable for separate wall-mounted installation. Aura Slim flat convectors meet the contradictory requirements for minimal dimensions, maximal output and amiable construction as for design. The conception of Aura Slim convectors is built on implementation of steel sheating and grid with heat exchanger from copper and aluminum similar to those applied in the onfloor Aura convectors. The basic colour version makes it possible for the body to adapt easily into its environment while the optional non-standard colourful version helps to emphasize the body and makes it an integral part of the interior. The modest and aesthetic design of the body is the principal prerequisite for the installation in private as well as public interiors, in the rooms of standard size as well as in vast spaces. Aura Slim Comfort convectors are produced in 360 standard dimensional types.
Aura Slim Basic
|Wall–mounted Aura Slim convectors supplement in an optimum way the basic range of the onfloor Aura and trench convectors Aquilo. The universal product is also suitable for separate wall-mounted installation. Aura Slim flat convectors meet the contradictory requirements for minimal dimensions, maximal output and amiable construction as for design. The conception of Aura Slim convectors is built on implementation of steel sheating and grid with heat exchanger from copper and aluminum similar to those applied in the onfloor Aura convectors. The basic colour version makes it possible for the body to adapt easily into its environment while the optional non-standard colourful version helps to emphasize the body and makes it an integral part of the interior. The modest and aesthetic design of the body is the principal prerequisite for the installation in private as well as public interiors, in the rooms of standard size as well as in vast spaces. Aura Slim Comfort convectors are produced in 360 standard dimensional types.
Magnetic Access PRO-H
|"The Magnetic.Access Pro-H model is part of the Magnetic.Access product range and is especially designed for access applications with a boom skirt. Magnetic.Access Pro-H models contain the same components as Magnetic.Access Pro-L barriers but the housing is adjusted in height and it comes with a MicroBoom (straight boom) instead of a VarioBoom. Optionally available are pluggable modules to extend the functionality of the barrier as well as comprehensive accessories. The Magnetic.Access range does not only offer long-life cycle, great reliability and quality but impresses with sophisticated and enduring design, extremely low operational costs, high ease of use and almost maintenance-free technology."
Zeag LE
|ZEAG LE is a lane entry station for parking systems that controls vehicles’ access and dispenses magnetic stripe or barcode tickets. Its advanced thermal printing technology ensures clear text printing, and tickets can be automatically issued as the vehicle approaches the station or by pressing a ticket issue button. The station also provides monthly subscribers verification and securely handles credit cards. Its touchscreen color display is designed for ease of use. The station can operate as stand-alone or as part of a networked system. Robustness is guaranteed by the stainless steel housing.
Pocket | O66
|Pocket is made with a strong, sturdy enveloping shell in eco-friendly PurCore, and with a soft inner lining for enhanced comfort. The inside comes with tanned leather or a wear-resistant wool fabric, both of which will age with a pleasant patina. The outer part is available in leather or textile. We prefer Pocket to stand out in monochrome tones. Legs in powder coated or chromed steel.
Entrematic EM PSL100 Sliding Door Operator
|The EM PSL100 Sliding Door Operator is one of the leading door drive units on the market and can be used in a wide variety of applications such as retail, hotel, office, airports, hospitals, schools and other industrial and commercial applications. The slim operator is fully approved for all possible installation environments such as escape routes (EN16005). Its appealing design, high performance and wide range of accessories for convenience, safety and security makes the EM PSL100 the ideal choice in any application. The Operator can be integrated as part of the EM Entrematic profile system EMPS and also can easily be adapted to a variety of other door systems and customer requirements.
Speedflow Plus steel
|Part numbers: M17A y M17AB The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom. The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc. Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds. Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W. HEPA filter media that filters solid particles in suspension. Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element. Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure. Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.
Machflow hair dryer
|Part numbers: SC0009 & SC0009CS Machflow® automatic hair dryer with flex hose and handle is a last generation surface-mounted hair dryer that provides important energy savings and an ultra-fast hair drying. Solutions with an avant-garde design and with two different finishes (white or satin) so that the dryers can easily blend in with the decoration. Designed to be installed in very high traffic washrooms they are really long lasting compact units that combine a beautiful design with a great airflow power, a high durability and anti-vandalism features. Adequate for locations such as: swimming pools, sport centers, gymnasiums and resorts. All of these hair dryers have a weld free one-piece cover made in stainless steel AISI 304 and 1,5 mm thick that provides them high sturdiness. A high pressure brushed motor provides a fantastic air outlet of 205 Km/h and its speed may be adjusted manually by means of a potentiometer, allowing electricity consumption to be regulated. The heating element is thermally protected thanks to a self resettable thermal cut-out and it has an “on/off” switch to connect or disconnect it manually. The hose is made in white polyurethane with stretching springsteel spiral and with a handle connector made in PBT (Polybutylene). The handle is made in impact resistant ABS plastic.
Liquid soap dispenser - Automatic
|Part numbers: DJ0037A, DJ0037AB, DJ0037AC & DJ0037ACS Automatic wall-mounted liquid soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses liquid soaps with neutral pH, chlorine free and density between 0.9 and 1.35 kg/dm3. Surgical soaps and soaps with solid abrasive particles are not supported.
Foam soap dispenser - Automatic
|Part numbers: DJF0038A, DJF0038AB, DJF0038AC & DJF0038ACS Automatic wall-mounted foam soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses foam soaps with neutral pH, chlorine free and density between 0.95 and 1.05 kg/dm3. Surgical soaps and soaps with solid abrasive particles are not supported.
Liquid soap dispenser - Lever
|Part numbers: DJP0034, DJP0034B, DJP0034C & DJP0034CS Liquid soap dispenser lever activated, of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses liquid soaps or hydro-alcoholic gel. Surgical soaps and soaps with solid abrasive particles are not supported.
Foam soap dispenser - Lever
|Part numbers: DJFP0035, DJFP0035B, DJFP0035C & DJFP0035CS Foam soap dispenser lever activated, of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these foam soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses foam soaps.
Spray soap dispenser - Lever
|Part numbers: DJSP0036, DJSP0036B, DJSP0036C & DJSP0036CS Spray soap dispenser lever operated, of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever. Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these foam soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly. Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use. Dispenses liquid disinfectant soaps.
|Part number: CP0016H Surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene. BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability. Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly. Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes. BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon. A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand. BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour. Moreover, units tested in our own laboratories have withstood loads over 100 kg.
BabyMedi with stainless steel exterior
|Part number: CP0016HCS Surface-mounted baby changing stations made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with stainless steel AISI 304 exterior. BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability. Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly. Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes. BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon. A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand. BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour. Moreover, units tested in our own laboratories have withstood loads over 100 kg.
Speedflow Plus Stainless Steel
|Part numbers: M17AC & M17ACS The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom. The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc. Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds. Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W. HEPA filter media that filters solid particles in suspension. Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element. Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure. Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.
|The Lux system features wide edges and regular shapes. A smooth surface and slight indentation in the central part of the profile cause that it is very comfortable in use. The regular shape of the profile makes the wardrobe as well as the interior look softer. When we use a panel in the wood-like frame, the wardrobes in the Lux system give an impression of a solid piece of furniture and therefore they fit into rustic or classic style. Possibility of using different materials (glass, chipboard panels) fillings at one door, makes LUX system very widely used in the interior of different styles from classic, through retro, marine to rustic. Main advantage: • The unique in the market, proven and very durable system. • Profiles: powder coating or finished with wood-look PVC coating, corrosion resistant. • The biggest range of door height adjustments among all systems. • The special anti-jumping function which prevents the door from falling out of the track. • Smooth sliding of the door thanks to bottom rollers equipped for bearings. • The buffer strips with long and short hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms in the top track provide for gentle door closing. • Touch to open mechanism with soft-close solution option is available. • Mechanical lock and electronic lock options are available. Available options: • sliding doors • sliding door with divisions • pivoting doors • pivoting doors with divisions • slanted doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
Interior doors
|In its wide offer Komandor has also hanging doors which are both practical and aesthetic. The system of hanging doors is an ideal solution if we want to separate two independent spaces from each other and at the same time keep a comfortable passage between them. In such a case hanging doors become passage doors and allow us to use the space as it suits us, make it larger or smaller, as needed. They are available in single and double system. Single system – simple, slender in shape of aluminum profile in anode natural allows use only one filling in the door. As the door materials are visible from both sides, the best option would be glass or chipboard. Double system – classical aluminum profile with natural anodizing, designed to the use different fillings on each side of the door, what gives higher range of design options. Door opening is facilitated by an aesthetic handle being an integral part of the system. Main advantage: • A light structure, without the bottom track, with sliding mechanism in the top track. • Possibility of using as an entrance door with width of up to 1.5 m. • Possibility of mounting and concealing the bottom track in the crevice of the wall or ceiling. • Possibility of flexible arrangement and the use of different fillings on both sides of the door. • Mechanical lock option is available. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. Available options: • Hanging doors • Corner hanging doors, outer Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
4.4.1 CEILINGS - Suspended twin frame PH-45 + T-47 / T-45
|Suspended ceiling made up of a twin frame of galvanised sheet steel profiles installed at different levels. The primary frame is made up of Pladur® PH-45 hung from the framing by means of Ø 6 mm threaded rod, nut and locking nut. The secondary frame is made up of Pladur® T-47/T-45 profiles fitted perpendicularly to the lower part of the primary frame by fitting directly on the double, die-cut hangers of the Pladur® PH-45 profile and supported around the perimeter on Pladur® angular profiles or U track Clip, which is attached mechanically along its whole length. One or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed perpendicularly onto the secondary frame. Commensurate amounts of anchors, hangers, hangers, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, joint compounds and tapes, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design.) Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Premium GLASS Z8/L
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z2/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking positionZ2/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z3/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Premium GLASS Z4/K
|Premium Glas movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Mobility, transparence and discretion If you don’t need it, our Premium Glass movable wall, withdraws discreetly. But as part of the overall design, it underlines the elegance of your rooms, which even those outside can see, if you give them a look in. Looking out becomes a bore. Keep the undivided attention of your guests, at the touch of a button, and our Premium Glass will leave the world outside – simply outside.
Lifting slide Single door in white painted wood
|VillaFönster's sliding slides are of lift-sliding construction and are specially designed for the Swedish market and our strict climate. The door is easily opened by turning the handle downwards, lifting the fitting and the door running freely. Ball bearing wheels at the bottom provide a quiet and smooth ride, facilitating opening and closing. The opening door runs on the inside of the solid glass. The door is delivered with internal handle in matt-brushed aluminum and lock of model european cylinder. Pre-mounted Adjufix frame sleeves simplify installation. The walking door's location is seen from the outside. Ex. Left door door = The left part from the outside is openable. Glass security Our lifting slides are always supplied with hardened, safety-proof glass. Performance Sleek straight profile on the inside and black sealing strip. Threshold of solid wood. Color Exterior / Inside: White painted wood in color NCS S 0502-Y gloss 40.
Lifting slide Single door Aluminum
|VillaFönster's sliding slides are of lift-sliding construction and are specially designed for the Swedish market and our strict climate. The door is easily opened by turning the handle downwards, lifting the fitting and the door running freely. Ball bearing wheels at the bottom provide a quiet and smooth ride, facilitating opening and closing. The opening door runs on the inside of the solid glass. The door is delivered with internal handle in matt-brushed aluminum and lock of model european cylinder. Pre-mounted Adjufix frame sleeves simplify installation. The walking door's location is seen from the outside. Ex. Left door door = The left part from the outside is openable. Glass security Our lifting slides are always supplied with hardened, safety-proof glass. Performance Sleek straight profile on the inside and black sealing strip. Threshold of solid wood. Color Exterior: Aluminum cladding white painted in color NCS S 0502-Y gloss 80. Inside: White painted wood in color NCS S 0502-Y gloss 40.
Lifting Slide Single Door in Oiled Oak
|VillaFönster's sliding slides are of lift-sliding construction and are specially designed for the Swedish market and our strict climate. The door is easily opened by turning the handle downwards, lifting the fitting and the door running freely. Ball bearing wheels at the bottom provide a quiet and smooth ride, facilitating opening and closing. The opening door runs on the inside of the solid glass. The door is delivered with internal handle in matt-brushed aluminum and lock of model european cylinder. Pre-mounted Adjufix frame sleeves simplify installation. The walking door's location is seen from the outside. Ex. Left door door = The left part from the outside is openable. Glass security Our lifting slides are always supplied with hardened, safety-proof glass. Performance Sleek straight profile on the inside and black sealing strip. Threshold of solid wood. Color Oiled Ek
Tall cabinet 2Day showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna 2Day high cabinet matches all colors to Alterna Every Day, Alterna Perfect Day and Alterna Nice Day Bathroom Furniture. Depth 340 mm, height 1600 mm. Available in 2 different widths, 300 and 400 mm. All cabinets have 2 doors, 2 glass shelves in the upper part and 2 glass shelves in the lower part.
Top hung and pivot window FPU-V preSelect U5 | FAKRO
|FPU-V U5 preSelect - wooden window with air-inlet V40P coated with polyurethane varnish. Two independent opening mechanisms of the sash: outward and pivot opening. The outward opening function enables the sash to be opened in any position from 0 to 35 degrees, pivot function enables the sash to be rotated through 180 degrees. The outward opening function enables an easy approach to the window and providing a wide view to the outside. An innovative hardware system guarantees full sash stability in both opening functions. Opening method can be switched using the preSelect sliding switch positioned in the middle of the frame, accessible when the window is open. Easy operation by the use of handle positioned on the lower part of the sash. Handle equipped with two stage micro-ventilation. Windows FPU-V are equipped with an automatic ventilator V40P provides the optimum amount of air into the room. V40P automatic air-inlet ensures a healthy micro-climate in the attic and saves energy. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and easy awning blind installation thanks to the bolt blocking the sash rotated through 180 degrees. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
|High thermo-acoustic performance structural floor or roof with Jendy JOSS® system with metal frames, upper covering OSB panels and insulation in rock wool, for a total thickness of 237mm. The structure consists of a frame of galvanized steel, 1.5 mm thick section 50-200-50mm places to 400mm wheelbase; thickness, pitch and height of the profiles as resulting from specific structural calculations. The profiles are secured with vertical warping brackets or inserted within the 40-200-40mm section guides. The top surface of the floor will be covered with a double layer of OSB 3 sheets, normate for static functions and the bracing of the horizontal plane, 12mm thick, screwed to the metal with screws VT4.2*32 galvanized and drilling, crossed and with staggered joints cutlery. The floor lower side will instead be coated with a plasterboard plate of 13mm thickness and 2800-3000x1200mm size screwed to the steel structure with suitable self-threading screws fosfate VT3.5*25. The plasterboard will be finished as a rule with plastering of gypsum-based joint with interposed retina or microperforated tape, plastering of the head of the screws, angles, etc ... In the gap will be inserted one of high density rock wool of 160mm thick 70 kg/m³ with acoustic insulation function. In case of roof will be placed on the upper side a further insulating layer to achieve the desired thermal values and suitable waterproofing of the surface; if it’s an intermediate floor it must be realized the screed plant, possibly dry, with traditional subflooring pad and subsequent paving as usual. Including static design of the floor, exclude the reviewing of the existing part. Vacuum computation for full under 5mq.
Partition Sensor - GLS-PART-CN
|The GLS-PART-CN is a sleek, surface-mount partition sensor that utilizes the dependable Cresnet® wired network for power and communications. Designed with hospitality environments in mind, this easily installed sensor uses an infrared (IR) beam to sense the position of movable partitions within a space. The IR beam’s signal strength is adjustable and features a sensing distance of up to four feet, making the GLS-PART-CN a versatile partition sensor with optimized sensing accuracy. Three LEDs on the unit provide at-a-glance information on the sensor’s state of power, communications, and partition detection. The GLS-PART-CN offers mounting options for rooms with finished or droptile ceilings. The GLS-PART-CN has plug-in outputs and built-in time delays. Also, the partition sensor easily connects via Cresnet® to a Crestron control processor to manage divisible room environments. Cresnet The GLS-PART-CN uses the dependable Cresnet wired network for communication between devices. Cresnet provides a simple solution for configuring and wiring sensors as part of any complete Crestron system. Cresnet is the communications backbone for Crestron lighting dimmers, keypads, shades, thermostats, and many other devices. This flexible 4-wire bus provides data communications and 24 Volts DC power for all of the devices on the Cresnet network. Versatile Installation The GLS-PART-CN has a white finish and can mount directly into finished ceilings. For droptile ceilings, the GLS-PART-CN installs into a 1-gang, 3-1/2 inch deep electrical box. In both instances, a decorator-style faceplate[1] can be used to match the GLS-PART-CN with the color of the room. Only about 20 mm of the GLS-PART-CN is visible after installation, making it an unobtrusive addition to a room. Digital Output This sleek sensor delivers unparalleled versatility through an additional output on the terminal block, which can be used as an alternate method of integration with a Crestron Control System® or other system. The 5th pin of the Cresnet connector provides either a 24 Volt, 10 mA output or a closure to ground, perfect for connection with a Versiport or digital input port. Notes: 1. Sold separately.
Digital Graphics Engine - DM-DGE-200-C
|The DM-DGE-200-C Digital Graphics Engine transforms an HD or Ultra HD touch screen display into an advanced Crestron® controller. Featuring Crestron Smart Graphics™ technology, the DM-DGE-200-C provides for the creation of a completely custom graphical environment combining advanced controls for audio & video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other functions with dual-window video display, annotation, audio feedback, and web browsing. Its low-profile, surface-mountable design allows for a discreet installation behind a flat-panel display, under a table, or inside a lectern or equipment rack. Alternately, the DM-DGE-200-C offers an enhanced presentation and productivity solution for meeting rooms and huddle spaces using Crestron PinPoint™ UX technology. Without requiring a touch screen or any other controls or programming, PinPoint UX leverages the room’s display to create an intelligent meeting space seamlessly integrated as part of a complete Crestron Fusion® Cloud managed enterprise. The DM-DGE-200-C features a 4K UHD capable HDMI® output for connection to the display device, and includes a USB HID port for touch, mouse, and/or keyboard input. Additional control ports are provided to enable control of the display device and other equipment.[1,2] A single HDMI input allows an AirMedia® wireless presentation gateway or other high-definition video source to be connected and displayed on screen. A DM 8G+® input is included to support 4K UHD and DCI 4K sources connected at a DM® transmitter or switcher.[3] Additionally, H.264 streaming video signals can be received over a high-speed Ethernet connection.[4] Ethernet also provides the interface to a Crestron control system, which is required for touch screen and OSM control applications.[5] PinPoint™ UX The DM-DGE-200-C takes any meeting room or huddle space display device to a higher level, enhancing its usability while eliminating the need for any other AV or control equipment in the room. Built-in PinPoint UX technology works with Crestron Fusion Cloud and the PinPoint app to provide an intelligent meeting space that greets attendees with useful on-screen information and facilitates BYOD presentation without the need for a touch screen, button panel, or remote. As attendees enter the room, the personalized welcome screen provides essential details about the current scheduled meeting along with simple instructions to guide presenters through connecting their mobile devices and starting the presentation. As the meeting progresses, gentle notifications appear periodically to indicate how much time is left in the meeting and what’s scheduled next for the room. Pop-up messages may also appear prominently on screen, sent from Fusion, in the event of an emergency or other important announcement. With PinPoint UX, system operation is essentially invisible. Simply connecting a laptop, tablet, or other presentation source causes the video inputs to switch and the display to turn on (if not already on). Sources can be connected via a wired interface or wirelessly via Crestron AirMedia.[6] The display can also be scheduled to turn on and off at set times. The status of the display and any connected devices is reported to Fusion to enable monitoring and logging of equipment usage, and notification if a device is powered off or disconnected. Complete setup and configuration of PinPoint UX is performed through a simple web browser interface or through Fusion, with the ability to configure many PinPoint UX devices at once over the network. Note: PinPoint UX may be used without Crestron Fusion Cloud to provide a simple standalone meeting room presentation solution with customizable welcome screen and automatic operation. PinPoint UX also supports direct integration with Microsoft® Exchange Server. Touch Screen Interface For traditional touch screen control applications, the DM-DGE-200-C pairs perfectly with a Crestron TSD-2220 HD Touch Screen Display to deliver a high-definition 21.5” touch screen control panel that’s ideal for home automation, corporate multimedia presentation, and command center applications. Third-party touch screens of varying sizes can be used with the DM-DGE-200-C to fulfill a range of control, collaboration, video display, and interactive kiosk solutions. The DM-DGE-200-C currently supports either Full HD 1080p60 (1920x1080@60Hz) or 4K UHD (3840x2160@30Hz) display resolutions. OSM Interface On-screen menu (OSM) capability offers an alternative to touch screen control, enabling a fully-customizable control menu to appear on any TV or video display, with simple navigation provided using the same Crestron handheld remote that’s controlling the TV. A USB mouse may also be used. The DM-DGE-200-C delivers stunning menu graphics that pop up unobtrusively at the edge of the screen alongside the video image, letting you quickly adjust lighting and climate control settings, lower the shades, check security system status, and lock or unlock the front door without interrupting the movie or TV program you’re watching. Detailed alert messages can also appear on screen in case of a security alarm, doorbell, or other event. You can even pop up a live streaming camera window to see who’s at the door or coming up the driveway. Smart Graphics™ The DM-DGE-200-C uses Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [7] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across touch screens of varying sizes Notes: 1. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, the onboard RS-232 COM port supports basic on/off power control of a single display device and the IR port is not utilized. The COM and IR ports may all be utilized for fully-customizable control applications through integration with a Crestron control system with custom programming. 2. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, CEC may be utilized at the HDMI output to provide basic on/off power control of a single display device. CEC may be utilized through either HDMI port for fully-customizable control applications through integration with a Crestron control system with custom programming. 3. When using the PinPoint UX application without a control system, if a DM 8G+ transmitter is connected, the transmitter’s input switching capability is limited to auto-switching mode and any control ports on the transmitter are disabled. Manual switching and control port functionality on the transmitter require a control system with custom programming. Control port functionality is not supported at all on a DM-TX-4K-100-C-1G transmitter. 4. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming video inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps. Streaming video input is not supported using the PinPoint UX application unless connected to a Crestron control system with custom programming. 5. When connected to a DM switcher via DM 8G+, the DM-DGE-200-C can obtain its LAN connection through the switcher but does not receive an IP address on the switcher’s private network. Thus, it requires an IP address on the customer’s LAN. 6. AirMedia wireless presentation support requires a wireless LAN and the addition of an AirMedia presentation gateway, model AM-101, sold separately. 7. Web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection. 8. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) is dependent upon the type of cable, resolution of the video signal, and capabilities of each connected device. Refer to the “DM 8G+ Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for DM system design guidelines. All wire, cables, transmitters, and other devices are sold separately. 9. The audio signal from any source connected to the HDMI or DM input is passed through to the HDMI output without processing, downmixing, volume control, or mute control. 10. The HDMI video input signal cannot be downscaled by more than 4x. For instance, a 1920x1080 source signal can be displayed no smaller than 480x270 pixels. 11. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.
HEWI Toilet brush unit 477-20-100
|Range 477 Toilet brush unit - brush handle with replaceable brush head made of black polyamide - brush holder with curved bottom and spherical, semi-open top in ring-shaped bracket - top part can be rotated - container is removable, but can also be fitted to prevent theft - brush head can be replaced due to bayonet fixing - anti-theft protection through concealed screw fixing - 141 mm wide, 470 mm high and 140 mm deep - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 477.20.100
HEWI Toilet brush unit 805-20-100
|Range 805 Classic Toilet brush unit - brush handle with replaceable brush head made of black polyamide - brush holder with curved bottom and spherical, semi-open top in ring-shaped bracket - suspended brush - top part can be rotated - container is removable, but can also be fitted to prevent theft - brush head can be replaced due to bayonet fixing - anti-theft protection through concealed screw fixing - 141 mm wide, 470 mm high and 140 mm deep - container made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI colours 90 (jet black), 92 (anthracite grey), 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) - holder and brush handle made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish Article no.: HEWI 805.20.100
Heating/Cooling and Humidity Thermostat - CHV-THSTAT
|<p>The CHV-THSTAT is a versatile heating and cooling thermostat with integrated humidistat designed for one- and two- stage control of forced air, radiant, and heat pump HVAC systems. Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-THSTAT delivers greatly enhanced functionality as part of a complete home automation system from Crestron®. Available in white, black, or almond, the stylish wall mount design is a complement to any décor.<br>The large backlit LCD display, navigable using four simple pushbuttons, provides easy access to indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity readings, setpoint adjustments, system mode and fan status indicators, and setup menus. Climate control features include separate heating, cooling, and humidity setpoints with optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.<br>Automation System Integration<br>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® to any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, enabling global temperature and humidity adjustment from any thermostat. Automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers can be accessed through two custom remote function pages, and customized text messages can be sent to the LCD display to provide maintenance reminders and other alerts.<br>Its connection to the control system also allows for full control and scheduling of the CHV-THSTAT from touch screens and computers throughout the home, and supports extensive flexibility for integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-THSTAT will remain operable to control the HVAC system.<br>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature and humidity sensors can be connected to the CHV-THSTAT for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-THSTAT to be installed out of view. Outdoor climate can also be monitored, enabling outdoor low-temperature compensation to prevent condensation on windows during cold weather. The CHV-THSTAT accepts up to four remote temperature sensors, two remote temp/humidity sensors, or a combination of one temp/humidity and two temperature sensors.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount heat/cool and humidity thermostat for one- and two-stage control of forced air, radiant and heat pump HVAC systems<br>Multiple Crestron® thermostats may be networked via Cresnet®<br>Supports remote humidity sensors and outdoor temperature sensors<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Front panel buttons for setup, configuring, and temperature/humidity adjustments<br>Available in white, black, or almond finish</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Requires CHV-RSS Outdoor Temperature Sensor (sold separately).<br>2. Requires CHV-RTHS Remote Temperature and Humidity Sensor (sold separately).</p>
Heating/Cooling Thermostat - CHV-TSTAT
|<p>The CHV-TSTAT is a versatile heating and cooling thermostat for one- and two-stage control of forced air, radiant, and heat pump HVAC systems. Relative humidity capability can be added through an external remote humidity sensor (sold separately). Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-TSTAT delivers greatly enhanced functionality as part of a complete home automation system from Crestron®. Available in white, black, or almond, the stylish wall mount design is a complement to any décor.</p> <p>The large backlit LCD display, navigable using four simple pushbuttons, provides easy access to indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity readings, setpoint adjustments, system mode and fan status indicators, and setup menus. Climate control features include separate heating, cooling, and humidity setpoints with optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Automation System Integration<br>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® to any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, enabling global temperature and humidity adjustment from any thermostat. Automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers can be accessed through two custom remote function pages, and customized text messages can be sent to the LCD display to provide maintenance reminders and other alerts.<br>Its connection to the control system also allows for full control and scheduling of the CHV-TSTAT from touch screens and computers throughout the home, and supports extensive flexibility for integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-TSTAT will remain operable to control the HVAC system.</p> <p>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature and humidity sensors can be connected to the CHV-TSTAT for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-TSTAT to be installed out of view. Outdoor climate can also be monitored, enabling outdoor low-temperature compensation to prevent condensation on windows during cold weather. The CHV-TSTAT accepts up to four remote temperature sensors, two remote temp/humidity sensors, or a combination of one temp/humidity and two temperature sensors.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount heat/cool thermostat for one- and two-stage control of forced air, radiant and heat pump HVAC systems<br>Multiple Crestron® thermostats may be networked via Cresnet®<br>Supports remote humidity sensors and outdoor temperature sensors<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Front panel buttons for setup, configuring, and temperature and humidity adjustments[1]<br>Available in white, black, or almond finish</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Humidity sensing and outdoor temperature/humidity sensing require additional remote sensors, sold separately. See “Available Accessories” for model names.</p>
Heating/Cooling Fan-Coil Thermostat - CHV-TSTAT-FCU
|<p>The CHV-TSTAT-FCU is a versatile heating and cooling thermostat for fan coil unit (FCU) HVAC systems. Relative humidity capability can be added through an external remote humidity sensor (sold separately). Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-TSTAT delivers greatly enhanced functionality as part of a complete home automation system from Crestron®. Available in white, black, or almond, the stylish wall mount design is a complement to any décor.</p> <p>The large backlit LCD display, navigable using four simple pushbuttons, provides easy access to indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity readings, setpoint adjustments, system mode and fan status indicators, and setup menus. Climate control features include separate heating, cooling, and humidity setpoints with optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Automation System Integration<br>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® to any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, enabling global temperature and humidity adjustment from any thermostat. Automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers can be accessed through two custom remote function pages, and customized text messages can be sent to the LCD display to provide maintenance reminders and other alerts.</p> <p>Its connection to the control system also allows for full control and scheduling of the CHV-TSTAT-FCU from touch screens and computers throughout the home, and supports extensive flexibility for integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-TSTAT-FCU will remain operable to control the HVAC system.</p> <p>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature and humidity sensors can be connected to the CHV-TSTAT-FCU for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-TSTAT-FCU to be installed out of view. Outdoor climate can also be monitored, enabling outdoor low-temperature compensation to prevent condensation on windows during cold weather. The CHV-TSTAT-FCU accepts up to four remote temperature sensors, two remote temp/humidity sensors, or a combination of one temp/humidity sensor and two temperature sensors.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall-mount thermostat for fan coil unit HVAC systems<br>Multiple Crestron® thermostats may be networked via Cresnet®<br>Supports remote humidity sensors and outdoor temperature sensors<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Front panel buttons for setup, configuring, and temperature and humidity adjustments[1]<br>Available in white, black, or almond finishes</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Humidity sensing and outdoor temperature/humidity sensing require additional remote sensors, sold separately. See “Available Accessories” for model names.</p>
0-10V Heating/Cooling Fan-Coil Thermostat - CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10
|<p>The CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10 thermostat enables precision 0-10 Volt control of fan coil unit (FCU) HVAC systems.&nbsp; &nbsp;Achieve variable heating, cooling, and fan speed control in hotels, apartments, or other multi-dwelling residences.&nbsp; Built with versatility and energy efficiency in mind, this thermostat has the additional benefit of a built-in passive-infrared (PIR) sensor to ensure that energy spent on climate control is never wasted on a vacant room.&nbsp; Whether used as a standalone unit or as part of a complete Crestron® control system, the CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10 delivers superior functionality in a stylish wall mount design – a complement to any décor.</p> <p>The backlit LCD display and large, easy-to-read pushbuttons make this thermostat easy to navigate and use.&nbsp; The screen displays useful information such as the current room temperature, setpoint, mode, and fan setting.&nbsp; Pushbuttons for raising and lowering the temperature, putting the unit in Heat or Cool mode, adjusting the fan speed, and toggling between temperature scales complete the sleek look and intuitive controls of this thermostat. &nbsp;Climate control features include separate heating and cooling setpoints, with an optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® wired communications,[1] a simple 4-wire network bus that acts as the communications backbone for Crestron lighting dimmers, keypads, shades, thermostats, and other devices. Integrate the thermostat network with any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, to enable global temperature and humidity adjustments from any thermostat in the system. Access automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers through two custom remote-function pages.&nbsp; Customized text messages such as maintenance reminders and other alerts can be sent to every thermostat’s LCD display via the control system.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>0-10 Volt FCU thermostat for variable heating, cooling, and fan speed control<br>Additional heating relay for traditional heating elements<br>Built-in PIR sensor to detect room vacancy for energy efficiency<br>Cresnet® communications<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Large, easy-to-use front panel buttons for heating, cooling, fan speed, temperature scale, and temperature adjustments<br>Wall-mount installation</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Unit is a fully functional standalone thermostat. Cresnet communications are for networking or control system integration.</p>
infiNET EX® Thermostat - CHV-TSTATEX
|<p>The CHV-TSTATEX is a wireless thermostat featuring infiNET EX® technology. The CHV-TSTATEX installs just like a conventional thermostat because no extra wires are needed to connect to the control system. Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-TSTATEX delivers enhanced functionality as part of a complete Crestron® automation system. Integrating HVAC with a Crestron system can help lower energy bills and increase user friendliness.</p> <p>The CHV-TSTATEX is designed for one- or two-stage heating and one- or two-stage cooling control of baseboard, forced air, heat pump[1], and dual-fuel heat pump[1] HVAC systems. The large backlit LCD display provides a clear view of temperature, set point, system mode, fan mode, system status, and setup functions. Climate control features include separate heating and cooling set points, and adjustable anticipators to prevent overshooting the desired temperature. Continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Fan Coil Unit Support<br>The CHV-TSTATEX-FCU model of the infiNET EX thermostat provides the functionality of controlling fan coil units[2]. Aesthetically identical to the base model, the CHV-TSTATEX-FCU has custom firmware, display programming and terminal labels designed for three-speed fan applications. The CHV-TSTATEX-FCU supports on/off control of the valves and the fan in four-pipe fan coil applications, eliminating the need for an additional device dedicated to controlling the fan coil unit itself. </p> <p>infiNET EX Communications<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast two-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure without the need for physical control wiring. Employing a 2.4 GHz mesh network topology, each infiNET EX device functions as an expander, passing command signals through to every other infiNET EX device within range (approximately 150 feet or 46 meters indoors), ensuring that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption[3].</p> <p>The CHV-TSTATEX communicates with a Crestron control system via an infiNET EX Wireless Gateway (model CEN-RFGW-EX, DIN-AP3MEX, or MC3[4]). Up to 100 infiNET EX devices may coexist on a single wireless network, and every non-battery-powered device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network by providing multiple redundant signal paths[3]. Built-in Dynamic Frequency Allocation continuously monitors RF conditions, automatically selecting the clearest channel to prevent interference from neighboring networks, cordless phones, and microwaves. </p> <p>Automation System Integration<br>The wireless connection to the control system allows the functions of the CHV-TSTATEX to be controlled from touch screens, keypads, wireless remotes, computers, or even a mobile device. It supports unlimited flexibility for remote control, scheduling, and integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-TSTATEX will remain operable to control the HVAC system.</p> <p>Easy Installation<br>Because no control wires are required, the CHV-TSTATEX can be installed just like any conventional thermostat. To simplify installation, physical switches are provided for the most critical configuration options, including heat/cool type, heat pump behavior, power settings, number of heating/cooling stages, and fan options. These settings allow HVAC contractors to install and test the thermostats prior to the appearance of a Crestron system integrator. </p> <p>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature sensors can be connected to the CHV-TSTATEX for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-TSTATEX to be installed out of view. For heat pump-type systems, outdoor temperature can be monitored to optimize system performance. Compatible sensors include the CHV-RTS and the CHV-RSS.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount heat/cool thermostat for baseboard, forced air, and heat pump[1] HVAC systems<br>Crestron system integration via infiNET EX® wireless network<br>Saves on energy costs with advanced programming abilities <br>Supports two remote temperature sensors<br>Fail-safe mode allows operation in event of control system failure<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Fan coil unit control[2] (CHV-TSTATEX-FCU model only)<br>Available in white, black, or almond finish</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Heat pump systems require an outdoor temperature sensor; contact Crestron for additional design assistance.<br>2. Four-pipe fan coil units are supported.<br>3. Any infiNET EX device that provides expander functionality will effectively extend the range of the wireless network beyond the initial range of the gateway. Battery-powered infiNET EX devices do not provide expander functionality. To achieve expander functionality, the CHV-TSTATEX must be connected to a 24-Volt power source. Wireless networks composed predominantly of battery-powered devices may need additional infiNET EX expanders, such as the CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX (sold separately), or other non-battery-powered infiNET EX devices to ensure proper functionality of the network and battery life for the devices. Refer to the Best Practices for Installation and Setup of Crestron RF Products, Doc. #6689 for complete system design guidelines, or contact Crestron True Blue Support for further assistance.<br>4. Item(s) sold separately.</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M5 - MPC-M5
|<p>Crestron® MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M5 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling and wireless remote capability.</p> <p>Available in white or black, the MPC-M5 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. An assortment of programmable control ports provides for interfacing with AV equipment, lighting, shades, screens, and other room devices. Ethernet connectivity allows for integration with Crestron Fusion® Cloud as part of a complete managed enterprise solution.</p> <p>Control Simplified<br>The MPC-M5 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 10 programmable “hard key” buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, volume adjustment, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows the use of any Crestron or third-party IR remote that supports RC-5 commands. Adding a CEN-GWEXER wireless gateway enables support for Crestron infiNET EX® and ER wireless remotes and touch screens.[1]</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through its onboard control ports, the MPC-M5 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensors, and other devices in the room. In addition to high-speed Ethernet, there is a bidirectional RS-232 COM port, an IR/serial port, two relays, and two digital input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Power over Ethernet<br>Using PoE technology, the MPC-M5 gets its operating power right through the LAN wiring. PoE (Power over Ethernet) eliminates the need for a local power supply or any dedicated power wiring. A PoE Injector (PWE-4803RU [1]) simply connects in line with the LAN cable at a convenient location. Crestron PoE switches (CEN-SW-POE-5 or CEN-SWPOE-16 [1]) may also be used to provide a total networking solution with built-in PoE.</p> <p>Crestron Fusion® and SNMP<br>As part of a complete managed network in a corporate enterprise, college campus, convention center, or any other facility, the MPC-M5 works integrally with Crestron Fusion Cloud to enable remote scheduling, monitoring, and control of rooms and technology from a central help desk. Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing control and monitoring in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount Crestron® 2-Series control system<br>10 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>Built-in IR receiver<br>RS-232, IR, 2 input, & 2 relay control ports<br>10/100 Ethernet<br>PoE network powered<br>Crestron Fusion® and SNMP remote management<br>Available in white or black<br>2-gang wall box mountable</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Item(s) sold separately.</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M10 - MPC-M10
|<p>Crestron MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium, delivering the industry's best multimedia room control technology in a convenient, space-saving design. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M10 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling, volume control, and wireless remote capability.<br>Available in white or black, the MPC-M10 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. An assortment of programmable control ports provides connectivity for audio, video, and lighting equipment. The onboard e-Control® Web server provides for complete integration as part of a facility-wide managed control network.</p> <p>Control...Simplified</p> <p>The MPC-M10 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 10 programmable "hard key" buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software. Adjusting audio volume and other parameters is enabled using the continuous-turn control knob and LED bargraph.<br>Configuring a complete media presentation control solution is simplified using Crestron SystemBuilder&trade; software, allowing limitless programmability from the award-winning platform that's familiar to every Crestron dealer. The MPC Wizard included in SystemBuilder enables setup of a full-featured presentation system complete with lighting control and RoomView® remote management without requiring any programming. Uploading and updating a facility full of MPC systems is managed easily over the network, or individually via the front panel USB port.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows use of any Crestron IR wireless touchpanel or handheld remote without requiring a separate receiver or gateway. For greater range and freedom of movement, MPC also supports Crestron's full line of RF wireless and WiFi based products.</p> <p>Wired Expansion<br>Adding a second control panel or just adding a few more buttons is easy using the MP-B10 and MP-B20 Media Presentation Button Panels. Of course, with Cresnet® and Ethernet built-in, the MPC-M10 works seamlessly with Crestron's entire line of keypads and touchpanels, lighting dimmers and shade controllers, signal processors and switchers, and much more.</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through its onboard control ports, the MPC-M10 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, DVD player or TV receiver, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensor, and other devices in the room. In addition to Cresnet and high-speed Ethernet, there is a bidirectional RS-232 COM port, an IR/serial port, two relays, and four input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Audio and Video Control<br>The MPC-M10 is ideal for small room systems utilizing a single display device with computers and other sources connected directly to it. But like any 2-Series control system, MPC is fully scalable to suit larger applications with several program sources, microphones, or even multiple displays. Simply add a C2N-VEQ4 module to enable 4 channels of audio volume and EQ control. Or, use any of Crestron's QuickMedia® wall plate and FlipTop interfaces, switchers, and receivers for a total signal routing, processing, and amplification solution.</p> <p>Ethernet and e-Control®2<br>Built-in 10/100 Ethernet facilitates secure high-speed network connectivity, enabling extensive capabilities for remote system maintenance and control, and providing an interface to other Crestron control systems. The onboard Web server provides the foundation for Crestron's exclusive e-Control 2 Xpanel technology, providing secure IP-based remote control. SSL encryption prevents hackers from breaching the system and accessing its controls.</p> <p>RoomView® and SNMP<br>The MPC-M10 communicates directly with Crestron's exclusive RoomView help desk software, the industry's most comprehensive facility-wide solution for remote monitoring and asset management. Built-in SNMP support also enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing full control and monitoring from the IT Help Desk or NOC in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Cresnet® Slave Mode<br>Selectable Cresnet Slave Mode enables the MPC-M10 to become a Cresnet keypad controller and expansion module as part of a larger Crestron system, providing a user-interface with local control ports built in for interfacing to nearby devices.</p> <p>Ambient Light Sensor<br>The MPC-M10's built-in light sensor has a range of uses, from controlling its own backlight intensity, to providing ambient lighting level data to a central building management system.</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Wall mount 2-Series control system<br>10 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>Volume control knob and LED bargraph<br>Built-in IR receiver and light sensor<br>RS-232, IR, 4 input, & 2 relay control ports<br>Cresnet and 10/100 Ethernet<br>e-Control Web server<br>RoomView and SNMP support<br>SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) network protection<br>Setup via SystemBuilder software<br>Rugged construction<br>3-gang wall-mountable<br>Includes external Cresnet power supply</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M20 - MPC-M20
|<p>Crestron MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium, delivering the industry's best multimedia room control technology in a convenient, space-saving design. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M20 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling, volume control, 5-way navigation pad, and wireless remote capability.<br>Available in white or black, the MPC-M20 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. An assortment of programmable control ports provides connectivity for audio, video, and lighting equipment. The onboard e-Control® Web server provides for complete integration as part of a facility-wide managed control network.</p> <p>Control...Simplified</p> <p>The MPC-M20 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 15 programmable "hard key" buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software. The 5-way directional navigation pad enables full control of DVD players, displays, and other devices that utilize an onscreen menu. Adjusting audio volume and other parameters is enabled using the continuous-turn control knob and LED bargraph.<br>Configuring a complete MPC media presentation control solution is simplified using Crestron SystemBuilder&trade; software, allowing limitless programmability from the award-winning platform that's familiar to every Crestron dealer. The MPC Wizard included in SystemBuilder enables setup of a full-featured presentation system complete with lighting control and RoomView® remote management without requiring any programming. Uploading and updating a facility full of MPC systems is managed easily over the network, or individually via the front panel USB port.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows use of any Crestron IR wireless touchpanel or handheld remote without requiring a separate receiver or gateway. For greater range and freedom of movement, MPC also supports Crestron's full line of RF wireless and WiFi based products.</p> <p>Wired Expansion<br>Adding a second control panel or just adding a few more buttons is easy using the MP-B10 and MP-B20 Media Presentation Button Panels. Of course, with Cresnet® and Ethernet built-in, the MPC-M20 works seamlessly with Crestron's entire line of keypads and touchpanels, lighting dimmers and shade controllers, signal processors and switchers, and much more.</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through its onboard control ports, the MPC-M20 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, DVD player or TV receiver, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensor, and other devices in the room. In addition to Cresnet and high-speed Ethernet, there is a bidirectional RS-232 COM port, an IR/serial port, two relays, and four input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Audio and Video Control<br>The MPC-M20 is ideal for small room systems utilizing a single display device with computers and other sources connected directly to it. But like any 2-Series control system, MPC is fully scalable to suit larger applications with several program sources, microphones, or even multiple displays. Simply add a C2N-VEQ4 module to enable 4 channels of audio volume and EQ control. Or, use any of Crestron's QuickMedia® wall plate and FlipTop interfaces, switchers, and receivers for a total signal routing, processing, and amplification solution.</p> <p>Ethernet and e-Control®2<br>Built-in 10/100 Ethernet facilitates secure high-speed network connectivity, enabling extensive capabilities for remote system maintenance and control, and providing an interface to other Crestron control systems. The onboard Web server provides the foundation for Crestron's exclusive e-Control 2 Xpanel technology, providing secure IP-based remote control. SSL encryption prevents hackers from breaching the system and accessing its controls.</p> <p>RoomView® and SNMP<br>The MPC-M20 communicates directly with Crestron's exclusive RoomView help desk software, the industry's most comprehensive facility-wide solution for remote monitoring and asset management. Built-in SNMP support also enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing full control and monitoring from the IT Help Desk or NOC in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Cresnet® Slave Mode<br>Selectable Cresnet Slave Mode enables the MPC-M20 to become a Cresnet keypad controller and expansion module as part of a larger Crestron system, providing a deluxe user-interface with local control ports built in for interfacing to nearby devices.</p> <p>Ambient Light Sensor<br>The MPC-M20's built-in light sensor has a range of uses, from controlling its own backlight intensity, to providing ambient lighting level data to a central building management system.</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Wall mount 2-Series control system<br>15 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>5-way navigation pad<br>Volume control knob and LED bargraph<br>Built-in IR receiver and light sensor<br>RS-232, IR, 4 input, & 2 relay control ports<br>Cresnet and 10/100 Ethernet<br>e-Control Web server<br>RoomView and SNMP support<br>SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) network protection<br>Setup via SystemBuilder software<br>Rugged construction<br>3-gang wall-mountable<br>Includes external Cresnet power supply</p>
MPC Media Presentation Controller™ M25 - MPC-M25
|<p>Crestron MPC is a family of 2-Series control systems designed for installation in a wall or podium, delivering the industry's best multimedia room control technology in a convenient, space-saving design. Perfect for classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, and training facilities, the MPC-M25 provides a fully-programmable user interface featuring an attractive and intuitive layout of pushbuttons with customizable backlit labeling, volume control, 5-way navigation pad, and wireless remote capability.<br>Available in white or black, the MPC-M25 is constructed to handle the rigors of everyday use in a corporate or educational environment. Numerous programmable control ports afford plentiful connectivity for a roomful of audio, video, and lighting equipment. The onboard e-Control® Web server provides for complete integration as part of a facility-wide managed control network.</p> <p>Control...Simplified</p> <p>The MPC-M25 is engineered to be easy to integrate and use, yet versatile enough to suit each application perfectly. Its 15 programmable "hard key" buttons can be freely programmed for system power, input source selection, transport control, lighting presets, and any other functions. Custom backlit labeling of the buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software. The 5-way directional navigation pad enables full control of DVD players, displays, and other devices that utilize an onscreen menu. Adjusting audio volume and other parameters is enabled using the continuous-turn control knob and LED bargraph.<br>Configuring a complete MPC media presentation control solution is simplified using Crestron SystemBuilder&trade; software, allowing limitless programmability from the award-winning platform that's familiar to every Crestron dealer. The MPC Wizard included in SystemBuilder enables setup of a full-featured presentation system complete with lighting control and RoomView® remote management without requiring any programming. Uploading and updating a facility full of MPC systems is managed easily over the network, or individually via the front panel USB port.</p> <p>Wireless Remote<br>A range of options is available for adding wireless remote control to the MPC system. Its built-in IR receiver allows use of any Crestron IR wireless touchpanel or handheld remote without requiring a separate receiver or gateway. For greater range and freedom of movement, MPC also supports Crestron's full line of RF wireless and WiFi based products.</p> <p>Wired Expansion<br>Adding a second control panel or just adding a few more buttons is easy using the MP-B10 and MP-B20 Media Presentation Button Panels. Of course, with Cresnet® and Ethernet built-in, the MPC-M25 works seamlessly with Crestron's entire line of keypads and touchpanels, lighting dimmers and shade controllers, signal processors and switchers, and much more.</p> <p>Built-in Control Ports<br>Through a host of onboard control ports, the MPC-M25 interfaces directly with the video display or projector, DVD player, TV receiver, projection screen, lift, occupancy sensor, and other devices in the room. In addition to Cresnet and high-speed Ethernet, there are two bidirectional RS-232 COM ports, two IR/serial ports, six isolated relays, and four input ports right on the rear panel.</p> <p>Audio and Video Control<br>The MPC-M25 is ideal for small room systems utilizing a single display device with computers and other sources connected directly to it. But like any 2-Series control system, MPC is fully scalable to suit larger applications with several program sources, microphones, or even multiple displays. Simply add a C2N-VEQ4 module to enable 4 channels of audio volume and EQ control. Or, use any of Crestron's QuickMedia® wall plate and FlipTop interfaces, switchers, and receivers for a total signal routing, processing, and amplification solution.</p> <p>Ethernet and e-Control®2<br>Built-in 10/100 Ethernet facilitates secure high-speed network connectivity, enabling extensive capabilities for remote system maintenance and control, and providing an interface to other Crestron control systems. The onboard Web server provides the foundation for Crestron's exclusive e-Control 2 Xpanel technology, providing secure IP-based remote control. SSL encryption prevents hackers from breaching the system and accessing its controls.</p> <p>RoomView® and SNMP<br>The MPC-M25 communicates directly with Crestron's exclusive RoomView help desk software, the industry's most comprehensive facility-wide solution for remote monitoring and asset management. Built-in SNMP support also enables integration with third-party network management software, allowing full control and monitoring from the IT Help Desk or NOC in a format that's familiar to IT personnel.</p> <p>Cresnet® Slave Mode<br>Selectable Cresnet Slave Mode enables the MPC-M25 to become a Cresnet keypad controller and expansion module as part of a larger Crestron system, providing a deluxe user-interface with local control ports built in for interfacing to nearby devices.</p> <p>Ambient Light Sensor<br>The MPC-M25's built-in light sensor has a range of uses, from controlling its own backlight intensity, to providing ambient lighting level data to a central building management system.</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Wall mount 2-Series control system<br>15 programmable buttons with LED feedback<br>Customizable backlit button labels<br>5-way navigation pad<br>Volume control knob and LED bargraph<br>Built-in IR receiver and light sensor<br>2 RS-232, 2 IR, 4 input, & 6 relay control ports<br>Cresnet and 10/100 Ethernet<br>e-Control Web server<br>RoomView and SNMP support<br>SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) network protection<br>Setup via SystemBuilder software<br>Rugged construction<br>3-gang wall-mountable<br>Includes external Cresnet power supply</p>
Installation trunking GBA
|queraz trunking for installation in aluminium is ideal for electrical equipments in commercial premises. It's compatible with all the sockets 45 x 45 of the market. Lots of accessories and adjustable corners for a perfect fitting are available. Upper part is curved or flat and can be mounted as plinth or apron, horizontally or vertically.
Pervious concrete pavements - i.idro DRAIN
|Pervious concrete pavement. i.idro DRAIN is a premixed concrete with a porous volume through which water flows freely is achieved. The draining capacity is ensured through an accurate selection of the aggregates the binder action of the cement used in i.idro DRAIN. The high permeability of i.idro DRAIN allows an immediate water infiltration, which improves the adherence of vehicles and circulation comfort . As there is less absorption of light than in asphalt, i.idro DRAIN provides greater visibility. - i.idro DRAIN absorbs part of the noise emitted by roading of vehicles. - i.idro DRAIN has a lower maintenance cost than more conventional solutions (asphalt). - i.idro DRAIN allows the addition of fibers, which reduces or minimizes the risk of cracking.
ASSA ABLOY OH1042P overhead sectional door
|Modern, robust and flexible, the new ASSA ABLOY OH1042P from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is designed to keep your business moving – for all duties and in all weathers. Each part of the ASSA ABLOY OH1042P overhead sectional door is built to the highest standards. The combination of wind-resistant reinforced panels and a class 3 certification for water tightness, wind load and air permeability give you a door that looks better and performs longer. Small innovations that make a big difference to the buildings they protect. Crawford
Kvillsfors Outward opening Balcony door Paneled
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, double or triple glazing paneled balcony door with exterior aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Outward opening Double Balcony door Paneled
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, paneled double or triple glazing door with exterior aluminium cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Balcony door Paneled
|<p><em>Inward opening, paneled, side-hung, double or triple glazing door with exterior aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Double Balcony door Paneled
|<p><em>Inward opening, side-hung, double or triple glazing paneled double door with exterior aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Outward opening Balcony door 2+1 Paneled
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, paneled 2+1 door with external aluminium cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Outward opening Double door 2+1 Paneled
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, paneled 2+1 double door with external aluminium cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Balcony door 2+1 Paneled
|<p><em>Inward opening, side-hung, paneled 2+1 door with external aluminum cladding.</em></strong> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Double Balcony door 2+1 Paneled
|<p><em>Inward opening, side-hung, paneled 2+1 double door with external aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Balcony door
|<p><em>Inward opening, side-hung, double or triple glazing door with exterior aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Balcony door 2+1
|<p><em>Inward opening, side-hung, 2+1 door with external aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Double Balcony door
|<p><em>Inward opening, side-hung, double or triple glazing double door with exterior aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Inward opening Double Balcony door 2+1
|<p><em>Inward opening, side-hung, 2+1 double door with external aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Outward opening Balcony door
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, double or triple glazing balcony door with exterior aluminum cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Outward opening Balcony door 2+1
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, 2+1 door with external aluminium cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Outward opening Double Balcony door
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, double or triple glazing door with exterior aluminium cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
Kvillsfors Outward opening Double door 2+1
|<p><em>Outward opening, side-hung, 2+1 double door with external aluminium cladding.</em></p> <p><strong>The Perfect Choice</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is the perfect choice of windows and balcony doors for the project market. Kvillsfors is offered in a multitude of combinations, from triple glazed windows to our 2+1 coupled windows, an option allowing the room for sun shading blinds between the glazing units. Fire rated windows and sound reducing windows are some of the specialities in the NorDan Kvillsfors product range.</p> <p><strong>Flexible Combinations</strong><br /> NorDan Kvillsfors is a leading brand in the project market. It is also a part of one of Scandinavia's leading windows and door manufacturers. We offer a wide range of products with a number of options, using virtually maintenance free aluminium and sustainable timber as our primary materials.</p>
|KitchenAid has created the first Black Stainless Steel collection: pure black stainless steel, brushed for a unique, warm effect, elegant and stylish. This range use the PrintShield™ technology that preserves the beauty of this appliances from fingerprints. Each piece offers not only the professional performance but also the iconic design and artisan quality you are accustomed to.<br>This color has been applied to KitdchenAid Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br> The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a ventilated quadruple-glazed full-glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.<br><br>This oven has also a <b>Pyrolitic function</b>. Select this automatic mode to clean easily your oven.
|To offer you an even more delicious culinary experience with a convection oven, KitchenAid has developed the Twelix Artisan oven which skillfully combines 3 different cooking methods: <b>Standard Convection, Steam-Assisted, and Pure Steam</b>. The epitome of trailblazing technology!<br><br>With the <b>Pure Steam</b> function you can savour mouth-watering vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins or potatoes, and even seafood, prawns, scampi and shellfish cooked in a natural, healthy way. The preprogrammed steam functions produce different combinations of steam and ventilation. Simply choose one to suit your recipe and the oven automatically sets the correct temperature and the amount of steam needed while cooking to ensure perfect results every time.<br>This A+ energy rating oven guarantees the perfect environment for steamed foods: the back of the oven cavity has a special feature where you can plug in the steam accessory, a special covered tray that creates the ideal environment for cooking impeccably steamed dishes. Also by selecting just part of this accessory you can make use of the entire oven space and cook with a combination of ventilation and steam.<br>If you love being more imaginative, why not try one of the four steam assisted cooking functions (food type, custom steam, pure steam, artisan)? Explore the infinite potential of this oven by adjusting your chosen settings to ensure your favourite dishes are always cooked to perfection. <br>To summarize, this oven offers 11 Professional functions, 9 Special functions and 8 Traditional functions.<br><br>This extra-large 73-litre cavity offers you 5 levels to cook your dishes with uniform results.<br>This oven also comes with a <b>Food temperature probe</b>. The degree of heat at the core of the food will be constantly visible on the LCD display of the oven> Choose the desired temperature, your KitchenAid oven will keep the same temperature with an absolute precision.<br>The oven doors are fitted with the Soft-Close system so the door closes itself with one smooth, quiet movement.<br>The stainless steel finishes make it easy to clean, while the blue digital display with touch control makes it easier to use. The oven comes with a turnspit, 1-level telescopic guide, as well as a sealed triple-glazed glass that keeps the door cool during cooking and cleaning cycles.
IsolCupolex Plus
|ISOLCUPOLEX® PLUS, a patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the innovative way to create an aerated floor with thermal insulation. Made of recycled plastic igloo shaped elements and of EPS insulating elements. Other than preventing the infiltration of the humidity and gasses e.g. Radon gas, gives an excellent thermal insulation on the external part of the slab and foundations, with a reduced overall slab thickness.
Repair and levelling fast setting mortar for concrete surfaces - MasterEmaco N 5200
|Reprofiling, levelling and concrete repair mortar acc. EN 1504 part 3 class R2 (Non structural) MasterEmaco 5200 is used inside and outside, on horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces, in dry and wet environments, for the non-structural repair of concrete elements such as: Balconies edges, building facades, parapet walls, precast panels, beam edges, etc
Fine levelling fast setting mortar for concrete surfaces - MasterEmaco N 5100 FC
|Fast-setting concrete repair mortar for finishing and levelling of concrete surfaces acc. EN 1504 part 3 class R2 (Non structural). MasterEmaco 5100 FC is used on large vertical and overhead areas, as a blow hole filler in precast elements or anywhere where minor defects in concrete structures have to be repaired. It can be applied inside and outside, on vertical and overhead surfaces, in dry and wet environments: Balconies edges, building facades, parapet walls, precast panels, beam edges, etc.
Polyurethane roof waterproofing system, fire retardant, ETA approved - MasterSeal Roof 2103
|Roof waterproofing system with polyurethane membrane. With ETA approval according ETAG 005 part 6 Primer: According substrate. Membrane: MasterSeal M 803, Two component polyurethane, pigmented, elastic, highly reactive, spray applied waterproofing membrane with short curing time. Topcoat: MasterSeal TC 259 or TC 269, UV resistant protective top sealer for use on roofing applications.
Polyurea roof waterproofing system, ETA approved - MasterSeal Roof 2689
|Roof waterproofing system with polyurea membrane. With ETA approval according ETAG 005 part 6 Primer: According substrate. Membrane: MasterSeal M 689, Two component polyurea, pigmented, elastic, highly reactive, spray applied waterproofing membrane with short curing time. Topcoat: Not mandatory. MasterSeal TC 259 or TC 269, UV resistant protective top sealer optional use.
Bespoke Angle
|Bespoke, a simple and stylish table with a minimalist design, has been part of Swedese’s range since 2010 and is loved by many, both in a domestic environment and as a conference table. Now this popular table comes with new angled legs that allow for more seats around the table and provide even greater flexibility. The table top (90 x 200) is available in a range of wood finishes and there is a choice of metal or wooden legs. The Bespoke table can also be ordered in other sizes on a custom basis.
Lightweight, polymer modified, fibre reinforced, structural repair mortar - MasterEmaco S 5300
|MasterEmaco S 5300 is a single component, lightweight, polymer modified, high build structural repair mortar that meets the requirements of the new European Norm EN 1504 part 3 class R3. MasterEmaco S 5300 is a ready-to-use material that contains sulphate resistant Portland cement (HSR LA), hydraulic binders, well graded sands, specially selected polymer fibres (polyacrylonitryl) and additives. Applied nanotechnology has been used to significantly reduce shrinkage. When mixed with water, it forms a highly thixotropic mortar that can easily be hand, trowel or spray applied in thicknesses up to 75 mm in one layer. It is particularly suited to vertical and overhead work where hand-profiling is required.
Extra high-strength, shrinkage compensated, fibre reinforced, thixotropic structural repair mortar - MasterEmaco S 5400
|MasterEmaco S 5400 is a single component, extra high strength, high modulus, shrinkage compensated structural repair mortar that meets the requirements of the new European Norm EN 1504 part 3 class R4. MasterEmaco S 5400 is a ready-to-use material that contains Portland cement, hydraulic binders, well graded sands, specially selected polymer fibres (PAN – polyacrylonitryl) and special additives to significantly reduce the risk and incidence of shrinkage cracking. When mixed with water, MasterEmaco S 5400 forms a highly thixotropic mortar that can easily be spray or trowel applied.
Ceiling Mount Passive Infrared Occupancy & Daylight Sensor, Cresnet® - GLS-OIRLCL-C-CN
|<p>Crestron® occupancy sensors and daylight sensors offer a powerful, cost-saving solution for reducing energy consumption and enhancing system functionality. As part of a complete Crestron system, they can be used to enable automation of lighting, shading, HVAC, and AV equipment in a conference room, classroom, office, hallway, or other space. Using Crestron sensors, room lighting can automatically turn on when the room is occupied, turn off when it is vacant, and dim to a lower level when there is sufficient natural daylight from windows and skylights. Sensors can also be used to enhance the capabilities of a room scheduling, asset management, or energy monitoring solution through integration with the Crestron Fusion® Enterprise Management service.<br>The GLS-OIRLCL-C-CN serves dual functions as a passive infrared occupancy sensor and closed-loop photocell daylight sensor (photosensor). It can also operate in vacancy-only mode, and is designed to cover an area up to 450 square feet or 42 square meters. Miniaturized construction affords a nearly hidden appearance when installed in a drywall or drop-tile ceiling. It communicates with a Crestron control system via the Cresnet® network. Setup and configuration is accomplished using Crestron Toolbox software or the optional IR remote (model GLS-REMOTE-ODT/OIR, sold separately).<br>Passive Infrared Occupancy Sensing<br>Passive infrared (PIR) technology employs a highly sensitive specialized lens that divides the field-of-view into 64 detection zones. The sensor detects motion when a warm body passes between zones, achieving dependable motion detection with superior immunity to false triggering from vibrations, inanimate objects, or movement in an adjacent corridor. The detection sensitivity can be set to one of three levels for optimum performance. Timeout can be set to one of six settings ranging from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, preventing the sensor from turning off lights or reporting vacancy during moments when the room is occupied but no one is moving. In addition, a “walk-through” mode (Short Timeout) can be enabled to temporarily override the Timeout setting on occasions when the room is only occupied briefly for 90 seconds or less.<br>Vacancy Only Mode with Grace Occupancy<br>The GLS-OIRLCL-C-CN can be configured to sense vacancy only. In this mode, lighting and other equipment must be turned on manually but shuts off automatically after the room is vacated. The “grace occupancy” feature ensures that if the lights turn off while someone is in the room, they can be turned back on by simply waving a hand within a 15 second grace period.<br><br></p><p><strong>Daylight Sensing<br></strong>Its built-in photocell enables the GLS-OIRLCL-C-CN to function as an closed-loop photosensor as part of a complete daylight harvesting solution. By monitoring the ambient light level in the room, electrical lighting can be dimmed automatically when sufficient natural daylight is available. Daylight harvesting enables organizations to improve energy efficiency by taking advantage of natural sunlight from windows and skylights while maintaining consistent lighting levels throughout the day for a more comfortable workspace.<br><br></p><p><strong>Room Usage Monitoring<br></strong>Through integration with the Crestron Fusion Enterprise Management service, occupancy sensors can be leveraged to log room usage based on occupancy, and to maximize efficiency for room scheduling by reporting if a room is occupied or vacant. In the event no one has shown up for a scheduled meeting, the meeting can be cancelled automatically, making the room available to others.<br><br></p><p><strong>Cresnet®<br></strong>The GLS-OIRLCL-C-CN interfaces with a Crestron control system via Cresnet. Cresnet is a simple 4-wire network bus that provides the communications backbone for a system of Crestron sensors, lighting dimmers and switches, motorized shades, thermostats, keypads, and other devices. The GLS-OIRLCL-C-CN is also powered by 24 Volts DC from the Cresnet network.<br><br></p><p>Ceiling Flush Mount Installation<br>The GLS-OIRLCL-C-CN installs easily in a typical drywall or drop-tile ceiling. Simply drill a one-inch (25 mm) diameter hole and insert the sensor. Integrated compression clips hold the sensor in place. Once installed, it achieves a very discreet and flush appearance against a white ceiling.<br><br></p><p>Note 1: The motion detection pattern is rectangular. The sensor should be positioned and oriented accordingly to achieve the desired performance within the space.<br>Note 2: Some functions described in this spec sheet may require custom commissioning of the control system by an authorized Crestron system programmer.<br></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Flush ceiling mount occupancy or vacancy sensor</li><li>Passive infrared (PIR) motion detection</li><li>Fully digital circuitry, highly accurate and reliable performance</li><li>450 square feet (42 m2) rectangular detection pattern</li><li>Vacancy-only mode with grace occupancy</li><li>Adjustable sensitivity and timeout</li><li>Short timeout “walk-through” mode</li><li>Built-in closed-loop photosensor for daylight harvesting</li><li>Monitors ambient light level from natural and artificial light sources</li><li>Enables automation of lighting, shading, HVAC, and AV equipment</li><li>Reduces wasteful energy consumption</li><li>Maintains consistent lighting levels</li><li>Reports room usage to Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Miniaturized construction for a nearly hidden appearance</li><li>Installs quickly in a one-inch (25 mm) diameter hole</li><li>IP64 dust-proof and splash-proof</li><li>Cresnet® wired control system interface</li><li>24 Volts DC powered via Cresnet</li><li>Color-coded flying lead connections</li><li>Easy setup via software or IR remote (sold separately)</li></ul><p><span></span></p><p></p>
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, black textured - HTT-B10EX-B-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, white textured - HTT-B10EX-W-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul> <p>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.</p>
Energy Monitoring Power Conditioner & Controller 200 - PC-200
|<p>The PC-200 is a professional grade, rack-mountable power conditioner and controller designed to provide 120 Volt AC power distribution, switching, surge protection, noise filtering, and energy monitoring for Crestron® control systems, AV systems, computers, and other equipment. Eight switched outlets are provided on the rear panel, plus a single unswitched convenience outlet is provided on the front. All nine outlets are protected, filtered, and monitored. The switched outlets are arranged in four banks of two, three of which are turn-on delay-adjustable when controlled from the front panel power switch. The same three outlet banks are also individually controllable via a control system to enable selective switching of devices, on/off power sequencing, load-shedding, and other custom power control functionality.[1]<br>Built-in RMS voltage and current monitoring enables logging and reporting of the line voltage, current, power, and energy usage at the input. An external temperature sensor is included to keep tabs on heat conditions within the equipment rack or room. Network connectivity allows for setup and operation using a web browser, with extensive custom control and monitoring capabilities enabled through integration with a Crestron control system, the MyCrestron.com residential monitoring service, the Crestron Fusion® Cloud enterprise management service, or an SNMP client.[1,2]<br><br></p><strong>Power Conditioning<br></strong>A quality power conditioner is an essential component of any professional system to prevent sudden equipment failure due to lightning and electrical disturbances, to prolong the lifespan of that equipment, and to maximize overall system performance during everyday operation. The PC-200 includes the following power conditioning features:<br><ul><li><strong>Surge Protection</strong> &mdash; Provides protection against surges and spikes in the AC power line caused by lightning and other electrical disturbances</li><li><strong>Under/Over Voltage Cutoff</strong> &mdash; Shuts off power to the rear panel outlets if the line voltage strays beyond the normal operating range, which is adjustable on the PC-200</li><li><strong>Thermal Breaker</strong> &mdash; Disrupts power to all outlets in case of an overload condition</li><li><strong>EMI/RFI Noise Filtering</strong> &mdash; Prevents electromagnetic and radio frequency interference that can negatively impact sound and video quality</li><li><strong>Wiring Fault Detection</strong> &mdash; Detects faulty wiring of the incoming AC power line and shuts off power to the rear panel outlets until the fault is corrected [3]</li></ul><p><strong>Four-Stage Adjustable Turn-On Delay</strong><br>The switched outlets on the PC-200’s rear panel are arranged in four banks, with two outlets per bank. When operated by its front panel power switch, the first bank turns on immediately while the other three banks can be configured to turn on in any order according to the delay time set for each bank. Each bank is independently adjustable to provide up to 10 seconds of delay before turning on, ensuring that the connected equipment gets powered up in proper order with sufficient time for each piece to stabilize. This helps to prevent dangerous transients that can damage delicate components and potentially trip the main circuit breaker. It can also help to prevent audible pops and thumps through connected audio equipment at power-up. Delayed turn-on is initiated by turning on the front panel power switch, or by applying power to the main line input following a power outage or through an externally switched circuit.<br><br></p><p><strong>Three Remote-Controllable Switched Outlet Banks</strong><br>When connected to a local area network, three of the four outlet banks on the PC-200’s rear panel can be turned on or off independently using a web browser or control system. The other bank is always on as long as the front panel switch is turned on. This energy-saving feature allows select components to be powered down when not needed. Through integration with a control system, custom functionality can be programmed to enable control from a touch screen, keypad, remote, or mobile device. Sequential power-up and power-down functionality can be enabled through programming of the control system. For systems employing a backup generator or UPS, load-shedding can be performed to shut down unnecessary components during a power outage.[1]<br><br></p><strong>Energy Monitoring<br></strong>By sensing the incoming line voltage and the total device load, the PC-200 facilitates a host of solutions for monitoring, automating, and troubleshooting a system.<br><ul><li>Voltage monitoring allows fluctuations in the power line to be tracked and logged, helping to identify and document problems with the power utility or building wiring.</li><li>Energy monitoring provides the real power consumption (watts), current draw (amps), and energy usage (watt-hours) for all of the connected devices combined.</li><li>By connecting and testing one component at a time, the PC-200 allows power-hungry equipment to be identified and replaced with more efficient equipment.</li><li>High inrush current devices can be identified to assist in optimizing the configuration of power sequencing schemes.</li><li>Overall energy usage can be tracked and logged to identify trends and reform energy-wasting behaviors.</li><li>System usage can be tracked to inform the scheduling of maintenance and future purchasing decisions.</li><li>An alert notification can be sent if there’s a sudden or abnormal drop in current draw, potentially indicating a device has been shut off improperly or disconnected due to theft (effective only when outlets are switched on).</li></ul><p><strong>Ambient Temperature Sensing</strong></p><p>The PC-200 offers a complete equipment protection solution by monitoring the ambient temperature within the equipment cabinet or room to prevent overheating. The included temperature sensor connects to the rear of the PC-200 and features a choice of magnetic or adhesive mounting for easy placement within a typical equipment rack enclosure. The over-temperature cutoff threshold can be set to shut down power to the system if conditions exceed a safe operating temperature. Through a control system, the temperature measurement can be utilized to regulate the operation of cooling fans or air-conditioning equipment to keep equipment running cool.</p><p><strong>Ping Monitoring</strong></p><p>No matter how well a system is designed and programmed, even the finest control system or computer has the potential to lock up and stop responding once in a while. The PC-200 can be configured to detect an unresponsive device by sending it a ping command at regular intervals. If the ping request is not returned after four tries, the outlet bank feeding the monitored device cycles off and on to reboot the device, quickly restoring normal operation without any human intervention.</p><p><strong>Remote Management & Control</strong><br></p><p>The PC-200 integrates neatly into any system or facility. Used alone, it can be set up and managed through a web browser. It can also be configured to send email notifications in case of certain specified events. Integration with the MyCrestron.com residential monitoring service provides a cloud based solution for homeowners to monitor and manage the PC-200 as part of a complete Crestron home automation system. Or, Crestron Fusion Cloud provides an enterprise solution for corporations and universities to manage rooms using the PC-200 throughout a building or campus. Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party IT management software, allowing network administrators to manage one or many networked PC-200s in an IT-friendly format. And of course, the PC-200 can be integrated with a Crestron control system via Ethernet or Cresnet® to enable control and monitoring through a touch screen, handheld remote, or mobile device.[1,2]</p><p><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Rack-mountable power conditioner and controller</li><li>Eight switched rear panel outlets, arranged in banks of two</li><li>Adjustable turn-on delay and remote switching per each of three banks</li><li>One unswitched front panel outlet</li><li>Built-in current sensing and energy monitoring</li><li>Line voltage monitoring</li><li>Professional grade surge protection</li><li>UL® 1449 Type 3 Listed</li><li>Thermal breaker overload protection</li><li>Adjustable over-voltage and under-voltage cutoff</li><li>EMI and RFI noise filtering</li><li>Wiring fault detection [3]</li><li>Ambient temperature sensing and over-temperature cutoff</li><li>Ping monitoring (device lockup detection and reboot)</li><li>Built-in energy usage and event logging</li><li>Front panel main power switch and status indicators</li><li>Easy setup and operation via web browser</li><li>Crestron® control system integration via Ethernet or Cresnet®</li><li>Remote management via MyCrestron.com, Crestron Fusion® Cloud, or SNMP [2]</li><li>Single-space 19 inch rack-mountable</li><li>Rated 15 Amps at 120 Volts AC</li><li>Limited Lifetime Product Warranty</li><li>Limited 5 Year Connected Equipment Protection Warranty</li></ul><p>1. Crestron control system and custom programming sold separately.<br>2. Email notification and direct integration with MyCrestron.com, Crestron Fusion, and SNMP will be enabled through a future firmware update. Alternately, these services can be integrated now through a Crestron control system with custom programming.<br>3. Detects most input line wiring faults. Does not detect neutral/ground reversal. Does not discern between ground connections at the AC power line, chassis, or connected equipment (a ground connection at any point will be detected by the PC-200 as normal). The installer is responsible for proper wiring and grounding of this and all connected equipment according to applicable electrical codes, accepted guidelines, and best practices. Proper wiring and function of the AC power source should be verified prior to connecting the PC-200 or any other equipment. Use of this product does not negate the responsibilities of the installer and end-user to exercise all appropriate and required measures for safe and reliable installation and operation.</p>
3-Series Control System® - PRO3
|<p>The flagship Crestron® PRO3 is an enterprise-class control system with an enhanced feature set including a front panel color LCD display, built-in control card expansion slots, and a dedicated Control Subnet port. Featuring the 3-Series® control engine, the PRO3 forms the core of any modern networked home or commercial building, managing and integrating all the disparate technologies throughout your facility to make life easier, greener, more productive, and more enjoyable.<br></p><p>&nbsp;<br>3-Series® Control Systems<br>Today's commercial buildings and custom homes comprise more technology than ever before, and all these systems need to be networked, managed, and controlled in fundamentally new ways. The IP based 3-Series platform is engineered from the ground up to deliver a network-grade server appliance capable of faithfully handling everything from boardroom AV and home theater control to total building management.</p> <p>3-Series embodies a distinctively robust, dynamic, and secure platform to elevate your system designs to higher levels of performance and reliability. Compared to other control systems, Crestron 3-Series provides a pronounced increase in processing power and speed with more memory, rock solid networking and IP control, and a unique modular programming architecture.<br>&nbsp;<br>Modular Programming Architecture<br>Designed for enhanced scalability, the PRO3 affords high-speed, real-time multi-tasking to seamlessly run multiple programs simultaneously. This exclusive modular programming architecture lets programmers independently develop and run device-specific programs for AV, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, etc., allowing for the optimization of each program, and allowing changes to be made to one program without affecting the whole. Even as your system grows, processing resources can easily be shifted from one 3-Series processor to another without rewriting any code. The end benefit is dramatically simplified upgradability with minimal downtime, whether implementing changes on site or remotely via the network.<br><br></p><p>Robust Ethernet & IP Control<br>IP technology is the heart of 3-Series, so it should be no surprise that its networking abilities are second to none. Gigabit Ethernet connectivity enables integration with IP-controllable devices and allows the PRO3 to be part of a larger managed control network. Whether residing on a sensitive corporate LAN, a home network, or accessing the Internet through a cable modem, the PRO3 provides secure, reliable interconnectivity with IP-enabled touch screens, computers, mobile devices, video displays, media servers, security systems, lighting, HVAC, and other equipment &mdash; whether on premises or across the globe.<br><br></p><p><br></p><p>Dedicated Control Subnet<br>The Crestron Control Subnet is a Gigabit Ethernet network dedicated to Crestron devices. Via the PRO3's Control Subnet port, an installer may simply connect a single touch screen or wireless gateway, or add a Crestron PoE switch (CEN-SW-POE-5 or CEN-SWPOE-16) [1] to handle multiple touch screens, gateways, AV components, and other devices. Auto-configuration of the entire subnet is performed by the PRO3, discovering each device and assigning IP addresses without any extra effort from the installer.<br>A separate LAN port on the PRO3 provides a single-point connection to the primary LAN, requiring just one IP address for the complete control system. The LAN port allows full interconnectivity between devices on the local subnet with other devices, systems, servers, and WAN/Internet connections outside the local subnet. For sensitive applications that require absolute security, the entire Control Subnet can be completely hidden from the primary LAN using Isolation Mode.<br><br></p><p>Control Apps & XPanel<br>Years ago, Crestron pioneered the world's first IP-based control system unleashing vast new possibilities for controlling, monitoring, and managing integrated systems over a LAN, WAN, and the Internet. Today, Crestron offers more ways than ever to control your world the way you want. Using a computer, smartphone, or tablet device, Crestron lets you control anything in your home or workplace from anywhere in the world.<br><br></p><p>Native to every 3-Series control system, Crestron XPanel technology transforms any laptop or desktop computer into a virtual Crestron touch screen. Crestron control apps deliver the Crestron touch screen experience to iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices, letting you safely monitor and control your entire residence or commercial facility using the one device that goes with you everywhere.<br><br></p><p>Crestron Fusion® Cloud<br>Crestron Fusion Cloud provides an integrated platform for creating truly smart buildings that save energy, enhance worker productivity, and prolong the life-span of valuable equipment. As part of a complete managed network in a corporate enterprise, college campus, convention center, or any other facility, the PRO3 works integrally with Crestron Fusion Cloud to enable remote scheduling, monitoring, and control of rooms and technology from a central help desk. It also enables organizations to reduce energy consumption by tracking real-time usage and automating control of lighting, shades, and HVAC.<br><br></p><p>SNMP Support<br>Built-in SNMP support enables integration with third-party IT management software, allowing network administrators to manage and control Crestron systems on the network in an IT-friendly format.<br><br></p><p>Cresnet®<br>Cresnet provides a dependable network wiring solution for Crestron keypads, lighting controls, shade motors, thermostats, occupancy sensors, and other devices that don't require the higher speed of Ethernet. The Cresnet bus offers easy wiring and configuration, carrying bidirectional communication and 24VDC power to each device over a simple 4-conductor cable. To assist with troubleshooting, the PRO3 includes our patent-pending Network Analyzer which continuously monitors the integrity of the Cresnet network for wiring faults, marginal performance, and other errors.<br><br></p><p>Onboard Control Ports<br>In addition to Ethernet, the PRO3 includes six bidirectional COM ports and eight IR ports to interface directly with all of your centralized AV sources, video displays, and other devices. Eight programmable relay ports are included for controlling projection screens, lifts, power controllers, and other contact-closure actuated equipment. Eight "Versiport" I/O ports enable the integration of power sensors, motion detectors, door switches, alarms, or anything else that provides a dry contact closure, low-voltage logic, or 0-10 Volt DC signal.<br><br></p><p>Control Card Expansion Slots<br>Additional control ports can be added to the PRO3 using 3-Series Control Cards [1]. The PRO3 provides three control card expansion slots on its rear panel, affording great expansion capability without requiring any additional rack space.<br><br></p><p>Front Panel Color LCD Display<br>The PRO3's front panel includes a color LCD display to enable extensive setup and diagnostics without having to connect a computer.<br><br></p><p>BACnet&trade;/IP<br>Native support for the BACnet/IP communication protocol provides a direct interface to third-party building management systems over Ethernet, simplifying integration with HVAC, security, fire & life safety, voice & data, lighting, shades, and other systems. Using BACnet/IP, each system runs independently with the ability to communicate together on one platform for a truly smart building.[2]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>Enterprise-class control system</li><li>3-Series® Control Engine &mdash; substantially faster and more powerful than other control systems</li><li>Exclusive modular programming architecture</li><li>Onboard 1GB RAM & 4GB Flash memory</li><li>Expandable storage up to 1TB</li><li>Rear panel memory card slot</li><li>High-speed USB 2.0 host port</li><li>Industry-standard Ethernet and Cresnet® wired communications</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron® devices</li><li>XPanel with Smart Graphics&trade; computer and web based control</li><li>iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control app support</li><li>Crestron Fusion® Cloud Enterprise Management Service support</li><li>SNMP remote management support</li><li>Two RS-232/422/485 COM ports with hardware and software handshaking</li><li>Four RS-232 COM ports with software handshaking only</li><li>Eight IR/serial, eight relay, and eight Versiport I/O ports</li><li>Three built-in 3-Series control card expansion slots</li><li>Programmable event scheduling with astronomical time clock</li><li>Native BACnet&trade;/IP support [2]</li><li>IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity on COM, Versiport, and network connections [3]</li><li>Installer setup via front panel, Crestron Toolbox&trade; software, or web browser</li><li>C#, symbol based, and drag-and-drop programming environments</li><li>Full Unicode (multi-language) support</li><li>Increased network throughput and security</li><li>Secure access through full user/group management or Active Directory integration</li><li>Hardware level security using 802.1X authentication</li><li>TLS, SSL, SSH, and SFTP network security protocols</li><li>FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption</li><li>IIS v.6.0 Web Server</li><li>IPv6 ready</li><li>Front panel color LCD display for setup and diagnostics</li><li>Front panel USB computer console port</li><li>2-space rack-mountable</li></ul><p></p> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. License required. The PRO3 supports a maximum of 2000 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>3. The following connections comply with IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 4 surge immunity levels: COM 1 - 6, I/O 1 - 8, NET, LAN, and CONTROL SUBNET.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 150 - DMPS3-4K-150-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-150-C from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, mic preamp, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It&trade; functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.<br><br></p> <p>Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. A full-featured microphone input is also included for applications requiring high-quality speech reinforcement. The selected input source and microphone can be mixed and routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Additional DigitalMedia 8G+® inputs and output afford a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources, for the display device, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.</p> <p><strong>4K Ultra HD<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-150-C handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.</p> <p><strong>Crestron Connect It&trade;</strong><br></p> <p>Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-150-C. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-150-C provide power and communications for each cable caddy.<br>A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-150-C can also accommodate two DM® transmitters, one DM receiver, and an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[1,2]<br>No Programming Required!<br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition, multi-format presentation switcher, scaler, mic preamp, audio DSP, and control system</li><li>Out of the box Crestron Connect It&trade; collaboration system functionality</li><li>Supports up to four TT-100 series Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies [1]</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [3]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Includes four auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and stereo analog audio inputs [6]</li><li>Includes two DM 8G+® inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, HDBaseT®, and analog video sources [4,5]</li><li>Input auto-detection configures each input automatically</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes a single microphone input with EQ, gating, and compression</li><li>Provides parallel HDMI and DM 8G+ outputs for one or more display devices</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [9]</li><li>Integrates seamlessly with DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switchers to allow facility-wide signal distribution</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features a built-in, high-performance 4K scaler</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion, and passes 3D video (without scaling) to 3D displays [7]</li><li>Provides a balanced stereo audio output with graphic EQ, limiting, and delay</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding [6]</li><li>Handles Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio [8]</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM extenders [10]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via built-in RC-5 compatible IR receiver</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Includes front panel controls for switching and volume adjustment</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips</li><li>Allows complete AV setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM and HDBaseT PoE powered devices</li><li>Mounts under the table or in a single 19” rack space</li></ul> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101, requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-150-C.<br>3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.<br>6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.<br>7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.<br>8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output (HDMI or DM) requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled and the ability to route the microphone signal to that output is defeated. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.<br>9. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ & HDBaseT Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>10. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-150-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>11. License required. The DMPS3-4K-150-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>12. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 12.95 Watts is delivered at each PoDM or HDBaseT PoE powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or HDBaseT PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.</p> <p></p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 100 - DMPS3-4K-100-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-100-C from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, mic preamp, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It&trade; functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-100-C is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.<br></p> <p>Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. A full-featured microphone input is also included for applications requiring high-quality speech reinforcement. The selected input source and microphone can be mixed and routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Additionally, its DigitalMedia 8G+® output affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for the display device, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.<br><br></p> <p><strong>4K Ultra HD<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-100-C handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br><br></p> <p><strong>Crestron Connect It&trade;<br></strong>Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-100-C. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-100-C provide power and communications for each cable caddy.<br>A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-100-C can also accommodate a single DM® receiver and an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[1,2]<br><br></p> <p><strong>No Programming Required!</strong><br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-100-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. .[3]<br><br></p> <p><strong>Multi-Format Auto-Switcher</strong><br>The DMPS3-4K-100-C provides high-performance automatic switching between four groups of inputs, each including HDMI, VGA, and unbalanced stereo audio. The HDMI inputs are compatible with DVI and Dual-Mode DisplayPort sources, and the VGA inputs can handled RGB, composite, S-Video, and component video sources. Digital audio is supported by the HDMI inputs, plus each analog audio input may be used in combination with its corresponding VGA or HDMI video input. Input auto-detection eliminates the need to configure the inputs – simply connect your source and the DMPS3-4K-100-C selects the right audio and video combination. The switched video signal is routed to one HDMI output and one DM 8G+® output simultaneously. The DM 8G+ output is compatible with HDBaseT®.[4,5,6]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul><li>Ultra high-definition, multi-format presentation switcher, scaler, mic preamp, audio DSP, and control system</li><li>Out of the box Crestron Connect It&trade; collaboration system functionality</li><li>Supports up to four TT-100 series Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies [1]</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [3]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Includes four auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and stereo analog audio inputs [6]</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and analog video sources [4,5]</li><li>Input auto-detection configures each input automatically</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes a single microphone input with EQ, gating, and compression</li><li>Provides parallel HDMI and DM 8G+® outputs for one or more display devices</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [9]</li><li>Integrates seamlessly with DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switchers to allow facility-wide signal distribution</li><li>HDBaseT® Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to an HDBaseT certified display device</li><li>Features a built-in, high-performance 4K scaler</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion, and passes 3D video (without scaling) to 3D displays [7]</li><li>Provides a balanced stereo audio output with graphic EQ, limiting, and delay</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding [6]</li><li>Handles Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio [8]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via built-in RC-5 compatible IR receiver</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Includes front panel controls for switching and volume adjustment</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips</li><li>Allows complete AV setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM and HDBaseT PoE powered devices</li><li>Mounts under the table or in a single 19” rack space</li></ul> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101, requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-100-C.<br>3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.<br>6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.<br>7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.<br>8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output (HDMI or DM) requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled and the ability to route the microphone signal to that output is defeated. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.<br>9. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ & HDBaseT Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-100-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>11. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 12.95 Watts is delivered at the PoDM or HDBaseT PoE powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or HDBaseT PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 250 - DMPS3-4K-250-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-250-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-250-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scaler, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-250-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!<br></strong>Installing the DMPS3-4K-250-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]<br></strong>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video<br></strong>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-250-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 8x2 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 8 video sources and 2 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides one HDMI output and one DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) output</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features a high-performance 4K scaler on the HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at either digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license. To obtain the license or for any questions regarding AirMedia activation, please visit https://www.crestron.com/dmps-airmedia-activation. To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-250-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI output does not pass 3D signals. On this output, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ output.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-250-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-250-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 350 - DMPS3-4K-350-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-350-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-350-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scalers, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-350-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!</strong><br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-350-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]</strong><br>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video</strong><br>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-350-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 9x4 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 9 video sources and 4 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides two HDMI and two DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) outputs</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features an independent, high-performance 4K scaler at each HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at any digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license.&nbsp; To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-350-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI outputs do not pass 3D signals. On these outputs, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ outputs.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-350-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-350-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
MONODIN-N Smooth body basin mixer mezzo w/ click clack waste, Cold Start
|Smooth body basin mixer mezzo with click clack waste, Cold Start. Soft curves and rounded shapes define this collection that stands out for its simplicity and elegance. The basin faucets of this collection are part of the innovative Roca faucets with Cold Start technology for greater energy savings.
Marta wood lounge chair with table
|Designed by Gabriel Teixidó. To feel a deep respect for the wood, caress it, smell it and think about before being an object, it was a tree. This mind is morally basic to start with any project that takes part. Something magic that metimes occurs, is when the material and object come with, encouraging one each other. If this happens, is the best tribute to this anonymous tree.
|<p>A bright product starting from its shape, discreet and elegant, able to perfectly integrate itself inside architectures achieving extraordinary complete disappearance effects. Genius guarantees a perfect lighting in every environment is may be installed in: totally disappearing recessed luminaire for indoor spaces, made of AirCoral® and installable on plasterboard or brick ceilings, is able to emit an incredible light intensity for just a 20 mm emission hole, so tiny that it disappears when the product is turned off.</p> <p>With a simple hand gesture, the electric part can be extracted directly from the hole which allows the light to pour out. This is possible thanks to the push-pull mechanism, which makes the eventual extraction and replacement of the LED source easier in case of maintenance.</p> <p>AirCoral® body<br>IP20 protection grade<br>90° light beam inclination<br>Light emission hole Ø 20<br>Dimensions 125 x 100 x 110 mm<br>LED lamp COB professional<br>LED colour temperature: 3000K</p><p></p>
|A recessed indoor system made of AirCoral® for plasterboard or brick ceilings designed to become an integral part of the ceiling, Nimbus is completely disappearing from the view once installed. Its satined glass diffuses light in the environment, enhancing the spaces, transforming them in a sight to rediscover every time, defining precise light paths with a distinctive style that speaks the language of design. AirCoral® body IP40 protection grade 90° / adjustable (+- 30°) light beam inclination Dimensions 235 x 235 x 160 mm / 235 x 235 x 200 mm Light emission hole 175x175 mm Light source QR 111 halogen QT-DE 12 halogen TC-TEL fluorescent LED (COB or SMD) LED colour temperature: 3000K