Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Ragnars Work Layout desk group, with\n- towers\n- cabinets\n- screen
Sun Lounger
Mark Horrocks | 1346303935One piece moulded Sun Lounger
Exterior Sliding Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with one leaf sliding over the outer wall surface.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400524Light Pole By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt AGO 2008 Made in Portugal3D parametric, street lamp post\n- with optional one or two lamps
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars Boss Station table
Exterior Sliding Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with one leaf sliding over the outer wall surface.
Cabinet Belfast Sink 1D 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Kitchen cabinet base unit with one door and belfast sink.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436457613D Bla Station common one b40 chair
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Ragnars Basic Layout desk group, with\n- towers\n- cabinets
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars Boss cabinet
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars Work Station table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars X table, with\n- table shapes\n- table sizes\n- table heights\n- tabletop finishes\n- leg finishes
Rafał Ślęk | 1340198576 -
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars basic cabinet
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars basic screen
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale sensitive, Ragnars basic table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars basic tower
work.cab slide
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars work cabinet, with sliding doors
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars work cabinet
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars Work Conference table, with table shapes
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars Work Tower personal storage
Cabinet Base 1D 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Kitchen cabinet base unit with one door and optional sink.
Cabinet Wall 1D 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted kitchen cabinet unit with one door.
drainage line 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400423Original Object: Stretchy Line Olivier Dentan Nov 2007 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/archilib.od/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified : Vistasp Mehta Date : 24.11.2008 AC Version : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 24.11.2008 1. slightly reduced distance of text from line. 2. changed scaling of text. 3. starting point is no longer stretchable; it made the line length inaccurate. 4. added select by hotline. I prefer that to a couple of hard-to-find hotspots. 5. added ability to write levels at start and end of pipeline. 6. added ability to calculate second point level based on given slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 28.11.2008 1. Olivier Dentan pointed out one error each in the Master Script and Parameter Script. FIXED 2. He also pointed out that #3 above is not the case. Looks like I messed something up. The original object he submitted works perfectly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2D drainage line
Variable Window
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Single window with one main sash, optional transoms, sidelight and different opening types.
Variable Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single window with one main sash, optional transoms, sidelight and different opening types.
David Lozej | 1413901456Qbiss One Curtain Wall system by Trimo-Slovenia (only link to the entire library) This is a preview object of the 'Qbiss One' facade system by Trimo. Use the 'Download link' from the Settings to get the entire library. 'Qbiss One BIM' library contains parametric elements working in the Curtain Wall tool (Panels, Windows/Doors, Frames). Also Schedules for calculations are included. Video instructions at:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9eKzOhBDQOKBUWS1jkE2uQ
Klaus SingleVario 2061
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1358874594Klaus Singlevario 2061 Система 2061 оптимально использует высоту гаражного помещения и идеально подходит как для кратковременной, так и для долговременной парковки. The system is equipped with a single platform, allowing long-term parking on the upper level and short-term parking on the lower one. For use of the upper platform remove the vehicle from the lower parking space. This system can also be retrofitted into existing buildings. Made by Dmitry Gutorkin. ABV-Group
Hotspot Placement Tool
Eric Bobrow | 1354001448This simple object may be used to set the position of 3D hotspots for custom user-modeled objects. Simply place one or more of these 3D hotspot elements wherever you would like a snapping point. After placement, select them and change the line length to 0 to avoid seeing the short axis guide lines. Then select these 3D hotspots along with your other components and save as a new custom GDL object; the snap points will be embedded into the new object. See my YouTube video for a demonstration of use: http://youtu.be/EOWL8oz5kFU Also, see the original ArchiCAD-Talk discussion here: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=209980
Total Zone
Jeroen de Bruin | 1355176262Total Zone is a zonestamp which will solve all your zone problems. No more duplicated zones for each different output, one zone for all output. With the Model View Options this zone can be different in each view, increasing the BIM factor of your model. CHECK OUT ALL THE FEATURES!
Cabinet Wall Single Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted kitchen cabinet unit with one door.
Стерилизатор Steelco VS 1 TT L
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333419With proven and reliable high performance sterilizing technology, the new Steelco autoclave’s chamber is made of AISI 316L stainless steel and a full jacket system for even steam/heat distribution. Versatility, easy handling and high performance with the low cost of ownership of a tabletop unit, to single or double door versions. • All in one compact solution for easy installation into existing rooms • EN 285 compliant: 3 process cycles and Bowie-Dick, Helix test cycles • 8 additional custom cycles • PED marking Stand upon request: 820mm/32.28” height stand, equipped with lockable doors Паровые настольные стерилизаторы VS TT L Steelco Главные особенности: Объемы камер 85 л и 94 л Встроенный электрический парогенератор Горизонтальная загрузка Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L имеют микропроцессорное управление с цветным сенсорным дисплеем 7» и независимой системой регистрации параметров. Сплошная рубашка камеры. Быстросъемные соединения. Глянцевая полировка (2 мкм) камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Обезжиривание и пассивация камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Встроенный термопринтер. Стерилизаторы имеют встроенные рабочие программы с температурами стерилизации: 121°С и 134°С, а также тестовые/сервисные программы: Нагрев, Бови-Дик и вакуумный тест на утечку. Область применения Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L предназначены для стерилизации различных материалов (пористых, материалов устойчивых к нагреву, оборудования, инструментов, посуды, клеток для животных и т.д.); жидкостей и сред в вентилируемых и укупоренных контейнерах; или деконтаминации материалов после лабораторного использования и т.д.
Cabinet Base Single Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Kitchen cabinet base unit with one door and optional sink.
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, semi-recessed with half panel 2030 x 1095 mm
|Bathtub made of sanitary acrylic of 4-5 mm Semi-recessed version, with front panel Only to combine with furniture panel With aluminium frame Charge 000 – without whirl system, without waste and overflow Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 675 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage and LED light Charge 695 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage, disinfection system and LED light Bathtub with whirl system, with remote control: Charge 056 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating and LED light Charge 057 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating, LED light and cold mist function
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin bowl 520 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 520 x 520 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81897.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin bowl 750 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 750 x 520 mm, oval, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81897.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE wall-hung WC, washdown
|Wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 585 x 400 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82097.6
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE wall-hung bidet
|Wall-hung bidet LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 36, dimensions 390 x 585 x 355 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, concealed fixation, Special feature: vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, mounting holes for water connection, Order no. 83097.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Siphonic urinal with holes for cover
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 325 x 290 x 585 mm (with cover 895 mm), only to be used with cover, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum, 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), vacuum and performance, tested, Further options / accessories: with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre, siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and, UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet, DN 40 (standard UK), urinal cover 89497.1, Order no. 84097.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Siphonic urinal, without cover
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 325 x 290 x 585 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum, 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), vacuum and performance, tested, Further options / accessories: with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre, siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and, UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet, DN 40 (standard UK), Order no. 84097.5
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, freestanding version 1830 x 870 mm
|Oval bathtub, made of solid surface material Sentec, casted Freestanding version, with not removable panel With overflow slot at long side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow With click-clack drain valve, chrome Charge 000 – without whirl system
INO Vanity unit, with one door left, space saving siphon, for washbasin 815301
|Vanity unit, with one door left, space saving siphon, for washbasin 815301 Body – melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, inside melamine white White: Front 6 mm aluminium, powder coated Walnut: Front 6 mm aluminium, outside real wood veneer, inside white powder coated Side panels outside real wood veneer, inside white melamine 1 push and pull door with 3 integrated aluminium shelves inside the door 1 glass shelf
INO Vanity unit with one door right, for washbasin 815301
|Vanity unit with one door right for washbasin 815301 Body - melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, inside melamine white White: Front 6 mm aluminium, powder coated Walnut: Front 6 mm aluminium, outside real wood veneer, inside white powder coated Side panels outside real wood veneer, inside white melamine 1 push and pull door with 3 integrated aluminium shelves inside the door 1 glass shelf
INO Vanity unit, with one door left, for washbasin 810302
|Vanity unit, with one door left, space saving siphon, for washbasin 810302 Body – melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, inside melamine white White: Front 6 mm aluminium, powder coated Walnut: Front 6 mm aluminium, outside real wood veneer, inside white powder coated Side panels outside real wood veneer, inside white melamine 1 push and pull door with 3 integrated aluminium shelves
INO Vanity unit, with one door right, for washbasin 810302
|Vanity unit, with one door right, for washbasin 810302 Body – melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, inside melamine white White: Front 6 mm aluminium, powder coated Walnut: Front 6 mm aluminium, outside real wood veneer, inside white powder coated Side panels outside real wood veneer, inside white melamine 1 push and pull door with 3 integrated aluminium shelves inside the door 1 glass shelf
INO Vanity unit with one drawer, for washbasin 813301/2
|Vanity unit with one drawer, space saving siphon, for washbasin 813301/2 Body – melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, outside lacquered white matt, inside melamine white White: 3-sided drawer aluminium front, outside and inside powder coated Veneer: 3-sided drawer aluminium front, outside real wood veneer, inside powder coated 1 push and pull full extension drawer with metal sides (soft-close mechanism)
INO Tall cabinet with one door left
|Tall cabinet with one door left Body/Front – hand lacquered melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, inside melamine white White: Front 6 mm aluminium, powder coated Walnut: Front 6 mm aluminium, outside real wood veneer, inside white powder coated 1 door (soft-close mechanism) with 5 integrated aluminium shelves inside the door 5 glass shelves
INO Tall cabinet with one door right
|Tall cabinet with one door right Body/Front – hand lacquered melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, inside melamine white White: Front 6 mm aluminium, powder coated Walnut: Front 6 mm aluminium, outside real wood veneer, inside white powder coated 1 door (soft-close mechanism) with 5 integrated aluminium shelves inside the door 5 glass shelves
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin 520 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 520 x 525 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated siphon cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81097.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin 600 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 525 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated siphon cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81097.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding washbasin with wall connection 520 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 520 x 530 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated pedestal, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81197.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Freestanding washbasin 530 mm
|Freestanding washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 530 x 530 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated pedestal, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81197.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin bowl 450 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 450 mm, round, without tap hole, valve without overflow always open, ceramic valve, cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81197.3
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Drop-in washbasin 500 mm
|Drop-in basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 500 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, ceramic-plated, vertical cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap holes, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81397.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Semi-recessed washbasin 750 mm
|Semi recessed basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 750 x 500 mm, oval, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81397.2,
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Countertop washbasin 1600 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1600 x 350/500 mm, asymmetric, 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic, valve cover plate, with integrated shelf, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, order no. 814971
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Small washbasin 465 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 420 x 465 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated siphon cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81597.0
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 585 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82197.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 720 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: cistern 82697.1, WC seat & cover with, automatic lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82297.6
|Cistern LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 370 x 160 x 485 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet rear (3/8”-1/2”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82297.6, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), water condensation, insulation, Further options: Australian Standard option 262, Order no. 82697.1
PALACE Cistern, water connection on one side (left or right)
|Cistern LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 360 x 160 x 420 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82470.6/option 000, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264, Order no. 82870.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding bidet
|Floorstanding bidet LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 390 x 585 x 415 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), vacuum checked, Order no. 83297.1
Akusto™ One SQ
|To increase the sound absorption in the room this system gives you the possibility to install Ecophon Akusto One SQ on the wall. The systems give design possibilities, working with different formats and colours to create various patterns. There are three fixings for Akusto One SQ, Connect™ One trim, Connect™ One hook fixing or Connect™ One fixing. Akusto One SQ is available in various sizes with a weight of 2,0-4,5 kg. The panel is manufactured from high density glass wool. The visible surface has a glass fibre fabric Texona in colours and is also available with a painted surface (Akutex™ FT). The back of the panel is covered with glass tissue. The edges are straight cut and painted in white or grey.
|Decoration - 100% antibacterial - Heavy traffic Wall - Door protection Decorative protection to bring a touch of originality while increasing the life span of the door •Unique textured surface hiding impacts and scratches •Cut-to-size to fit the door •Resists to standard cleaning, disinfection and antiseptic products (Anios and Bioquell test reports) •9 designs available in 35 colours to combine (one or two-colour)
|ONE SIDE 10 BK1002 5 rails / for 10 bicycles BikeKeeper ® bicycle parking stations with frame locking provide uncompromised security for bicycles, mopeds, scooters and buggies. BikeKeeper® storage solutions help residents transfer their valuables safely into secure storage locations. When opportunities for theft are thwarted, other forms of vandalism are reduced as well. As a result, the residents will feel happier!
One Side 30deg Diagonal
|ONE SIDE 30deg DIAGONAL BK1004 4 rails / for 8 bicycles BikeKeeper ® bicycle parking stations with frame locking. One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics.
Spray-Applied Waterproofing System for Car Parking and Bridge Decks with Sikalastic®-8800 One Shot System
|Sikalastic®-8800 One Shot System is a practical, fast-applied car parking deck and bridge deck waterproofing system combining polyurea and aggregates in an innovative application method. Characteristics / advantages: •Fast application to reduce down time – directly trafficable •Elastic crack-bridging properties under a wide range of temperatures •System without asphalt overlay •Very high mechanical and abrasion resistance •Excellent corrosion protection
Mora One Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer with economy aerator and soft closing function. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8310547 262051.45 Coal RSK 8310747 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Kitchen Mixer with dishwasherconnection
|Kitchen mixer with economy aerator, soft closing function and dishwasherconnection. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8310549 262071.45 Coal RSK 8310748 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One MiniProfi kitchen mixer with dishwasherconnection
|Kitchen mixer with economy aerator, soft closing function and dishwasherconnection. Hose and 2-spray handshower. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8310550 262091.45 Coal RSK 8310750 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One MiniProfi kitchen mixer
|Kitchen mixer with economy aerator and soft closing function. Hose and 2-spray handshower. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8310548 262081.45 Coal RSK 8310749 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Basin Mixer
|Basin mixer with economy aerator and soft closing function. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8277654 263001.45CA Coal RSK 8277851 263071.CA with pushdown valve and Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. RSK 8277655 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Basin Mixer with selfclosing handshower
|Basin mixer with economy aerator, soft closing function and selfclosing handshower. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With turbo function and Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8277657 263006.CA Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. RSK 8277656 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Basin Mixer with extended base
|Basin mixer with extended base. Economy aerator and soft closing function. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8277658 263081.45CA Coal RSK 8277852 263091.CA with pushdown valve and Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. RSK 8277659 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Safety Mixer for Shower
|Temperature- and pressure balanced thermostatic shower mixer with outlet down. Safety stop at 38°. 160 c/c. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8351097 261100 with outlet down, 150 c/c RSK 8351098 261100.DB with outlet down and s-connection. 150 c/c. RSK 8351099 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Safety Mixer for Bath
|Temperature- and pressure balanced thermostatic bath mixer with diverter and outlet down. Safety stop at 38°. 160 c/c. Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8362032 260100 with outlet down. 150 c/c. RSK 8362033 260100.DB with outlet down and s-connection. 150 c/c. RSK 8362034 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Shower Kit
|Shower kit with safety mixer for shower and shower set with hose and handshower with ecoflow. 160 c/c. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8282831 261600 150 c/c RSK 8282832 261600.DB with s.connection. 150 c/c. RSK 8282833 The shower is an obvious and functional interior detail that lifts the entire bathroom. Mora One is available as a shower and a head shower set, or as a complete shower system kit including shower or bath mixer. – Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Shower System Kit
|Shower system kit with head shower and safety mixer for shower. Hand shower with ecoflow. Reversible diverter built-in in the mixer. 160 c/c. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8282834 261900 150 c/c RSK 8282835 261900.DB with s-connection. 150 c/c. RSK 8282836 The shower is an obvious and functional interior detail that lifts the entire bathroom. Mora One is available as a shower and a head shower set, or as a complete shower system kit including shower or bath mixer. – Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Bath Shower System Kit
|Bath system kit with head shower and safety mixer for bath. Hand shower with ecoflow. Reversible diverter built-in in the mixer. 160 c/c. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8282837 262100 150 c/c RSK 8282838 262100.DB with s-connection. 150 c/c. RSK 8282839 The shower is an obvious and functional interior detail that lifts the entire bathroom. Mora One is available as a shower and a head shower set, or as a complete shower system kit including shower or bath mixer. – Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Shower System
|Shower system with head shower and hand shower with Easy-Clean anti-limescale system. Diverter with ceramic cartridge. Chrome. RSK 8320104 The shower is an obvious and functional interior detail that lifts the entire bathroom. Mora One is available as a shower and a head shower set, or as a complete shower system kit including shower or bath mixer. – Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Shower Set
|Shower set with hand shower with Easy-Clean anti-limescale system and shower hose in metal, PVC- and BPA-free. With adjustable wall bracket. Chrome. RSK 8320095 The shower is an obvious and functional interior detail that lifts the entire bathroom. Mora One is available as a shower and a head shower set, or as a complete shower system kit including shower or bath mixer. – Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
Mora One Basin Mixer with selfclosing handshower
|Basin mixer with economy aerator, soft closing function and selfclosing handshower. Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter. With Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717. Fulfill the 4MS demands. Chrome. RSK 8277656 263006.TT with turbo function and Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. RSK 8277657 An elegant and strict mixer expressing usability, beauty and durability. Mora One is inspired by the 90-year old history of Mora Armatur, but is designed for a modern home. – A warm, sober and elegant series, says Thomas Sandell, architect and designer.
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Countertop washbasin, shelf right 1200 mm
|Countertop basin Laufen-IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1200 x 500/350 mm, asymmetric 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated shelf right Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, order no. 814973
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Countertop washbasin, shelf left 1200 mm
|Countertop basin Laufen-IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1200 x 500/350 mm, asymmetric, 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic, valve cover plate, with integrated shelf left Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, order no. 814974
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Countertop washbasin, shelf right 900 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1600 x 350/500 mm, asymmetric, 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic, valve cover plate, with integrated shelf, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81497.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Countertop washbasin, shelf left 900 mm
|Countertop basin Laufen-IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 900 x 500/350 mm, asymmetric 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated shelf left Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, order no. 814976
Wall In One
|Wall In One is a neat and sound-absorbent, wall-hung workstation designed to make life easier, especially in workplaces with a high level of mobility. Wall In One consists of a white, painted shelf, mounted on a felt covered, wooden frame with sound-absorbent acoustic filling. Different shelf colours are offered on request. Wall In One comes either with or without an integrated electrical socket.
Cabinet Belfast Single Door with Sink 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Kitchen cabinet base unit with one door and Belfast sink.
Ceiling Grid-USA 17
Ransom Ratcliff | 1372888055Slab Accessory that applies grid lines to the surface of a slab that can be snapped to and centered in a ceiling area. The host massing slab should be modeled first and selected before applying the Slab Accessory which is typically located at Design/Design Extras/Accessories/Slab Accessories… In order to function, one of the Goodies for ArchiCAD called “Accessories” must be installed and its accompanying Accessory Library must be loaded. Go to http://www.graphisoft.com/downloads/goodies/AC17/USA.html updated by Ransom Ratcliff
Exterior Sliding Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Door with one leaf sliding over the outer wall surface.
Revision History Detailed
Geir Lund | 14456058892D Revision History table. Shows one row per each Change. Cells containing common Revision or Issue data are merged. To be placed onto a Master Layout, this element lists the current Layout's Revision History automatically; based on data found in the Layout's settings. Customizable content and appearance.
Revision History Detailed 18
GRAPHISOFT SE | 14164948732D Revision History table. Shows one row per each Change. Cells containing common Revision or Issue data are merged. To be placed onto a Master Layout, this element lists the current Layout's Revision History automatically; based on data found in the Layout's settings. Customizable content and appearance.
Revision History NCS 18
GRAPHISOFT SE | 14164949872D Revision History table. Shows one row per each Revision. Cells containing Change data show all included Changes. To be placed onto a Master Layout, this element lists the current Layout's Revision History automatically; based on data found in the Layout's settings. Customizable content and appearance.
Revision History Simple 18
GRAPHISOFT SE | 14164948732D Revision History table. Shows one row per each Revision. Cells containing Change data show all included Changes. To be placed onto a Master Layout, this element lists the current Layout's Revision History automatically; based on data found in the Layout's settings. Customizable content and appearance.
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076This stool made by the genius Niko Kralj is just one in a long line of such sophisticated and ingeniously designed products. Conceived way back in 1954, the stool remains a concept of elegance. It is distinguished by clean lines and a minimalistic appearance, which, however, does not mean that it is visually boring, but quite the opposite. Due to its cross type construction, which in a unique way connects the remaining elements of the stool, it appears that the upper part of the stool floats effortlessly above the legs. Perfectly connected wood from a technical point of view, aided with the help of only one screw, lends itself to creating a stable and comfortable stool.
Variable Window 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Single window with one main sash, optional transoms, sidelight and different opening types.
|Harzer profile concrete tiles are a optimized development of the classic concrete tiles. It is produced on special molds in which concrete mixture is rolled out. This production method allows a great uniformity of the final products. The Harzer profile roof tile is manufactured in one of Monier's factories in Finland and shipped from our warehouses in Finland and Baltics
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
INDI Circle
|The INDI family luminaries have a minimalistic and simple design. They consist of an aluminium profile and are fitted with LED boards with a high efficiency. There is a built-in suspension system in the luminary to which different components as hooks etc. can be inserted. They are distinguished by a soft light the intensity of which can be set up. They can be used separately or extended to long lines and other shapes. The luminary can be mounted as suspended, surface mounted or wall one . The luminaries are suitable for business and administrative premises, corridors, hotels, cultural facilities and households. Luminaires from INDI family are available from 2015. Type of installation: [LIST] Suspended [/LIST]
iQ Granit
|When you look back at 40 years of flooring success, iQ Granit is one of the best-proven flooring materials on the market. Thousands of architects have experienced iQ Granit’s opportunities for creating harmonious commercial interiors. Tens of thousands of cleaning staff know that the claims for unique cleaning properties are true. Thousands of managers with budget responsibilities have been more than pleased by the low maintenance costs, and hence the superior life cycle cost. And millions of users are proof of the superb wear qualities of this homogeneous flooring. ■A complete coordinated range for every area ■An acoustic solution colour and pattern coordinated ■iQ unique self regenerating properties ■Best lifecycle costs on the market ■VOC below quantifiable level and phthalate free ■100% recyclable
|The INDI family luminaries have a minimalistic and simple design. They consist of an aluminium profile and are fitted with LED boards with a high efficiency. There is a built-in suspension system in the luminary to which different components as hooks etc. can be inserted. They are distinguished by a soft light the intensity of which can be set up. They can be used separately or extended to long lines and other shapes. The luminary can be mounted as suspended, surface mounted or wall one . The luminaries are suitable for business and administrative premises, corridors, hotels, cultural facilities and households. Luminaires from INDI family are available from 2015. Type of installation: [LIST] Surface Suspended Wall mounted [/LIST]
INDI Corner
|The INDI family luminaries have a minimalistic and simple design. They consist of an aluminium profile and are fitted with LED boards with a high efficiency. There is a built-in suspension system in the luminary to which different components as hooks etc. can be inserted. They are distinguished by a soft light the intensity of which can be set up. They can be used separately or extended to long lines and other shapes. The luminary can be mounted as suspended, surface mounted or wall one . The luminaries are suitable for business and administrative premises, corridors, hotels, cultural facilities and households. Luminaires from INDI family are available from 2015. Type of installation: [LIST] Surface Wall mounted [/LIST]
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, White
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
Katrin Inclusive Hand Towel M Dispenser - White
|# The cover opens upwards for Hand Towel M for easy refilling # The lock can be used with or without a key # Supporting ribs support the stack of tissues in the Hand Towel M Dispenser, making dispensing lighter and hold the stack in place when refilling the dispenser # Katrin Hand Towel M Functions with all Katrin folding tissue paper types: C-Fold, Non Stop, One Stop and Zig Zag with a maximum width of 240 mm
Katrin Inclusive Hand Towel M Dispenser - Black
|# The cover opens upwards for Hand Towel M for easy refilling # The lock can be used with or without a key # Supporting ribs support the stack of tissues in the Hand Towel M Dispenser, making dispensing lighter and hold the stack in place when refilling the dispenser # Katrin Hand Towel M Functions with all Katrin folding tissue paper types: C-Fold, Non Stop, One Stop and Zig Zag with a maximum width of 240 mm
Katrin Ease Air Freshener Dispenser - Black
|# Electronic dispenser that produces an even aroma level 24 hours a day for one month # Easy to open with a button on top of the dispenser # Silent # Low energy consumption. Powered by one LR20 1.5 V battery (not supplied) # Three different modes: light detection, ON 24/7, OFF (to disconnect mode).
Katrin Ease Air Freshener Dispenser - White
|# Electronic dispenser that produces an even aroma level 24 hours a day for one month # Easy to open with a button on top of the dispenser # Silent # Low energy consumption. Powered by one LR20 1.5 V battery (not supplied) # Three different modes: light detection, ON 24/7, OFF (to disconnect mode).
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
|Minster is a completely flat, modern concrete slate. It has a uinique suface Production takes place in special molds in which concrete mixture is rolled out. This production method allows a great uniformity of the final products. The Minster roof tile is manufactured in one of Monier's factories in Germany and shipped from our warehouse in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Esencia D 1075 DGLM
|WITH A FEELING FOR DETAIL The Esencia task chair from Drabert is well-designed and thought-through down to the last detail. Each design choice is made to create both an appealing, flexible and functional chair. It is ideal both aesthetically and functionally in many different environments, either as a task chair or a meeting chair. As it is so user-friendly and has automatic weight detection, it is also ideal in the Kinnarps’ Next Office (Activity Based Working) concept, where the chair can be used by many different people. It is available in many exciting colours and fabric combinations. The back is upholstered with a durable 3D mesh that provides both great comfort and a beautiful finish. In terms of weight, Esencia is one of the lightest chairs on the market. It is also an eco-friendly option as it is possible to dismantle and recycle it.
Adjustable Table E 1027
|Designed by Eileen Gray, 1927; - This is perhaps the classic among the classics is this perhaps the classic. Its ingeniously proportioned, distinctive form has made this height-adjustable table one of the most popular design icons of the 20th century. It is named after the summer house E 1027 “Maison en bord de mer” that Eileen Gray built for herself and for her collaborator, Jean Badovici. The secret code-name likewise comes from her: E is for Eileen, 10 for Jean (J is the 10th letter of the alphabet), 2 for B(adovici) and 7 for G(ray). Adjustable side table. Frame of chromium-plated steel tubing. Top of clear crystal glass, parsol grey or black laquered metal. Details see price list. Authorised by The World Licence Holder Aram Designs Ltd, London
Formwork MevaDeck
|MevaDec Innovation - Formula 1 Form any slab with one and the same system: choose integrated or separate forming face The MevaDec slab formwork system has revolutionised the was slabs - by far the largest are in concrete works - are poured. Most importantly, it covers three different forming methods in one and the same system, enabling the concrete contractor to form any slab without changing parts and without additional inventory. The slab formwork system is easily adaptable to
HUECK Lambda DS 075
|Product and processing advantages [LIST] Sturdy profile construction for doors with 75 mm profile depth Glass thicknesses and door inserts up to 54 mm can be used Flush inside and outside for doors opening in and out Leaf-enclosing door inserts on one or both sides Differently designable interior and exterior views – from gentle curves through to consistent rectilinearity Optimised "Lambdatherm" insulation zone with insulating bridges for direct screwing of hardware parts Production-optimised through use of the same parts and the same hardware (door hinges) for doors opening in and out Realisable door sizes (max. width / max. height): 1,500 mm / 3,100 mm Max. door leaf weight of 250 kg Compatible with the front door series HUECK Lambda DS 075 FD and the window series HUECK Lambda WS 075 [/LIST] System data Thermal transmittance: Uf ≥ 1,3 W/m²K Water tightness: (EN 12208): up to class 7 A Air permeability (EN 12207): up to class 4 Resistance to wind load (EN 12210): up to class C2/B2 Burglar resistance (EN 1627): classes RC1N, RC2N and RC2
Tork Elevation® Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Tork Centerfeed high capacity cabinets are ideal for high traffic environments. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Counter Napkin Dispenser, Stainless finish
|Tork Xpressnap® Counter Top system greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use. The Counter dispenser holds up to 500 napkins. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Also available in Black 6432000, Red 6436000, Gray 6434000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 20 Inches, Stainless finish
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go. Replaces 30XPIC.
Tork Xpressnap® Classic Café® Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Green
|Since 2003 Tork® Xpressnap® has served up built-in value from foodservice counters across the country. Xpressnap Classic Café® Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Now available in black, granite, red and green. Xpressnap Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 200 napkins. Also available in 31XRT Granite, 32XRT Black, 41XRT Red.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser,12 Inches, Black
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go.The dispenser has a generous capacity of 600 napkins.
Tork Xpressnap® Classic Café® Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Granite
|Since 2003 Tork® Xpressnap® has served up built-in value from foodservice counters across the country. Xpressnap Classic Café® Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Now available in black, granite, red and green. Xpressnap Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 200 napkins. Also available in 32XRT Black, 41XRT Red, 45XRT Green.
Tork Xpressnap® Classic Café® Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Red
|Since 2003 Tork® Xpressnap® has served up built-in value from foodservice counters across the country. Xpressnap Classic Café® Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Now available in black, granite, red and green. Xpressnap Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 200 napkins. Also available in 31XRT Granite, 32XRT Black, 45XRT Green.
Tork Xpressnap® Classic Stand Napkin Dispenser with Drive Thru Face Plate, Black
|The Xpressnap® Classic Stand Napkin Dispenser with Drive Thru Face Plate provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The dispenser holds up to 900 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. Xpressnap® greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Counter Napkin Dispenser, Gray
|Tork Xpressnap® Counter Top system greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use. The Counter dispenser holds up to 500 napkins. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 33XPC. Also available in Red 6436000, Black 6432000, Stainless Finish 6435000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Red
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Replaces 41XPT. Also available in Black 6232000, Gray 6234000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Blue
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 40XPT and 6237000. Also available in Gray 6234000, Red 6236000, Green 6239000, Black 6232000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 12 Inches, Stainless finish
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Green
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 45XPS.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Blue
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 40XPS.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Stainless finish
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Also available in Black 6232000, Gray 6234000, Red 6236000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Red
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 41XPS
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Black
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 32XPS.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 20 Inches, Black
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go. The dispenser has a generous capacity of 1,000 napkins.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 5 Inches, Stainless finish
|Special Order Only. 3rd Party, non-stocked item. The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go.
Tork Xpressnap® Classic Café® Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Black
|Since 2003 Tork® Xpressnap® has served up built-in value from foodservice counters across the country. Xpressnap Classic Café® Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Now available in black, granite, red and green. Xpressnap Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 200 napkins. Also available in 31XRT Granite, 41XRT Red, 45XRT Green.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Black
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Replaces 32XPT. Also available in Gray 6234000, Red 6236000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Gray
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. Replaces 31XPT. Also available in Black 6232000, Red 6236000, Blue 6233001, Green 6239000, Stainless Finish 6235000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 5 Inches, Black
|pecial Order Only. 3rd Party, non-stocked item. The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Green
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System is the sleekest, smartest, most versatile napkin dispenser out there. A sleeker profile adds elegance and takes up less space. Endless customization opportunities - from custom print napkins to an array of contemporary colors - give you a competitive edge. Reduces napkin usage - Tork Xpressnap® Signature Tabletop dispensers increase hygiene and cut waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Customers touch only the napkins they take and take only what they use. Xpressnap® Tabletop dispensers also feature the AD-a-Glance message panels that can be used for in-store promotions or to generate ad revenue. The dispensers have a generous capacity of 250 napkins. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 45XPT.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Counter Napkin Dispenser, Black
|Tork Xpressnap® Counter Top system greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use. The Counter dispenser holds up to 500 napkins. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 32XPC. Also available in Red 6436000, Stainless Finish 6435000, Gray 6434000.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Stand Napkin Dispenser, Gray
|Tork Xpressnap® Signature Dispensing System greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. SCA Tissue guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage although actual results often show savings as high as 40 percent. The Xpressnap® Stand model provides stability and holds the dispenser upright. Its portable feature allows the user to easily position the unit at any location. The stand dispenser holds up to 1,000 napkins, nearly three times the capacity of traditional dispensers, producing additional savings in labor. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Replaces 31XPS.
Glass pony wall
|Glass pony wall Total dimensions: 48" H x 10" W x 96" L Must be anchored to floor Approx. footprint: 10" x 96" Glass panel dimensions: 91" W x 44" H Ideal for room divider or reception desk back feature Poured Glass has 3D appearance (3) edges polished (two sides and top) Millwork included (Paint Grade) Unit painted to match C3 colors standard One tube of clear silicone included to caulk glass into millwork Three-week lead time; Four-week lead time for Glass
Tork Xpressnap® Signature Counter Napkin Dispenser, Red
|Tork Xpressnap® Counter Top system greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use. The Counter dispenser holds up to 500 napkins. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Also available in Black 6432000, Stainless Finish 6435000, Gray 6434000.
|Polstergeist is an upholstered sofa with runners in chromed steel. The system provides possibilities of none, one or two backrests. The backrests can also be placed in a tête à tête position. It is possible to have side panels and edges in contrasting colours. Polstergeist can, among other places, be used on fairgrounds, schools and in waiting areas. Design: Christine Schwarzer.
Kitchen Mixer Garda I
|Economy aerator Garda is a range of mixers with a clean, minimalist design. Garda mixers are ideal for modern kitchens, and enhance the overall interior. Garda is characterised by a perfect symbiosis between visual design and function. One of Garda’s unique features is a replaceable spout. You simply detach the existing spout and press a new one into place. This allows you to vary the mixer’s appearance according to your preference. Another advantage is that the mixer doesn’t obstruct inward opening windows. The mixer height is only 145 mm without the spout. This is very practical when you clean the windows. The Garda range also includes a basin mixer and a safety bath and shower mixer.
Harrow chair
|When Jonas Lindvall created Harrow it was in homage to the tradition of craftsmanship and thus to Stolab. Harrow has a broad backrest made of conical sections that become narrower towards the back legs. This gives Harrow a finished and neat appearance. The covered seat has moulded padding for comfortable sitting. One unique detail in Harrow is the vertical direction of the chair’s wood fibres. This creates a feeling of visual continuity throughout the chair.
OPPO 050
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
|Relax in total absence of constraints, inspired by oriental influences. Comfort assured by the softness of the rectangular sommier padded in Gellyfoam®, accompanied by a series of supports of different thickness: two triangular Thai cushions to use as back supports, two large square pillows as enveloping backrests, one rectangular and one cylinder as soft armrests.
Bop Wood bar stool
|Bop is a serie of chairs developed by Offecct in collaboration with Norwegian design bureau Knudsen Berg Hindenes. Originally, Bop was designed for USF Verftet, an arts arena for music, theater, film and modern art in Bergen, Norway. USF was established in 1993 and is an important actor within arts and culture in Bergen and Norway with the aim of collaborating, strengthening and participating in the development of culture and creativity. The chair has since then further developed and is available with elegant wooden legs stained in whitepigmented oak. 2016 Bop Wood became a serie with a bar stool. Also that one with legs in massive wood. Bop lives up to the high standards of comfort, durability and adaptability required of a concert chair, but fits perfectly well in other public interiors as well. ”When we were redoing the cultural center and creating a larger concert hall we wanted a new concert chair. The development has been a close process between us here at the cultural center, the designers and Offecct”, says Jon Tvilde, head of the cultural center.
|<p>Surf – a new mobile table for Offecct by&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. Berlin based&nbsp;Maximilian is one of the new designer&nbsp;names in Offecct's 2018 news collection.&nbsp;In his capacity as an acclaimed contemporary designer, trying to&nbsp;reinvent the wheel is not in Maximilian Schmahl's nature. But wheels&nbsp;have in any event once again become a key element under furniture in&nbsp;activity-based venues.&nbsp;– Of course, the development has to do with the fact that we now&nbsp;work practically anywhere. And practically anyway, highlights&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. If nothing else, both the Swedish and German&nbsp;word for “furniture” comes from the Latin mobilis – which designates&nbsp;something that is moved around.&nbsp;Surf is moved around easily, yet it is no “furniture” according to the&nbsp;designer, rather “a tool for achieving maximum flexibility in activitybased&nbsp;venues.” Whether there is a computer or a couple of cups of&nbsp;coffee sitting on top of it. The light table blends well into Offecct's&nbsp;Life-circle philosophy.&nbsp;Surf has a table top in lacquered ash and handle in white-pigmented&nbsp;solid ash, metal frame and black castors.</p><p>Architect&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl was born 1983 and raised in&nbsp;Munich. After graduating from Bauhaus-University&nbsp;Weimar in 2013 he started his own studio in Berlin,&nbsp;working in different fields of furniture and interior&nbsp;design.</p>
Interior Door Compact - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage. All doors in this range are also offered as sliding doors.
Interior Door Compact Double - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage. All doors in this range are also offered as sliding doors.
Interior Door Compact Sliding In-wall - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage, here as slinding doors. Most of Swedoors interior doors can be adapted to sliding performance and combined with built-in wall cassettes. The cassettes provide a stable construction while the wall thickness can be minimized down to 96mm finished wall thickness. The cassettes can also be combined with 40mm HP (High Performance) doors.
Interior Door Compact Sliding In-wall Double - Interior
|Compact is a modern panel door with clean lines. The panels are formed in one piece without seams, and the door is built around a massive sound-insulating core that gives an exclusive impression. Compact is designed for residential and similar usage, here as slinding doors. Most of Swedoors interior doors can be adapted to sliding performance and combined with built-in wall cassettes. The cassettes provide a stable construction while the wall thickness can be minimized down to 96mm finished wall thickness. The cassettes can also be combined with 40mm HP (High Performance) doors.
Type 100 Series - Operable Partition
|Hufcor Type 100 Moveable Wall is available in a single point or double point configuration and can offer an acoustic sound rating performance of up to 57 dB, laboratory tested to latest European standards. Choice of panel face finish is endless including melamine, laminate, and lacquered wood veneers and vinyl’s. Additional features can include acoustic sound absorption boards, magnetic display boards, dry wipe marker, pin boards and display rails. Aluminum framing profiles protect the facing boards for durability and long partition life. Alternatively, the panels can be constructed with concealed trims in order to achieve a ‘plain faced’ wall appearance. The aluminum frames and tracks may be powder-coated or color-anodized to coordinate with panel faces, ceiling grids etc. Single point panels are an ideal solution because they set up or stack using just a single length of track across a room. Panels can then be moved quickly, quietly and effortlessly to a stacking position at one or both sides of the room. ESS models have all the features and benefits of Type 100 range with the added benefit of electrically operated panel seals. Suitable for a wide variety of applications including: hotels and conference centers, corporate offices, hospitals, schools, colleges and universities, churches and religious establishments and sports and leisure facilities.
DK (Tilt & Turn Window)
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
MEKA (Fixed Window)
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
Schüco Façade FWS 35 PD.SI
|Highly thermally insulated aluminium façade system with optimum thermal insulation properties including FWS 35 PD.SI [LIST] Uf values to 0.88 W/(m²K) As a mullion/transom construction with an internal and external face width of 35 mm. Construction for vertical, straight façades Passive house-certified system by the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt (Germany) Two thermal insulation standards: HI and SI isolators available Triple glazing with a glass thickness of up to 50 mm is possible For glass loads up to 400 kg per transom in the standard system Modular system: profile face widths of 35 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm can be combined with one another [/LIST]
A4995 - Table, Diaper Changing, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted diaper changing table for use in public restrooms. Unit is a fold down system that folds upward when not in use for minimal intrusion into the room. Changing surface is contoured and has safety belt to insure that an infant will not fall from the table. Table is designed to hold no less than 250 pounds static weight. Closed dimensions are approximately 21" H x 36" W x 5" D. Open dimensions vary according to style. One system's open dimensions are 15 " high, 32" wide and 19" deep.
A5195 - Dispenser, Toilet Tissue, SS, 1-Roll, Surface MNTD
|A concealed surface mounted, single roll, satin finish stainless steel, toilet tissue dispenser. Unit accommodates one standard-core toilet tissue roll through 5" in diameter. Spindle is chrome plated plastic with a heavy-duty internal spring and turns freely for non-controlled delivery. For general purpose use in restrooms.
A5205 - Bar, Towel, SS, Surface Mounted
|A surface mounted, satin finish stainless steel, 1" diameter, towel bar. Support posts and flanges are one piece, chrome-plated, cast heavy brass with satin finish. Towel bar shall not rotate within support posts. Available in 18", 24" and 30" widths. For general purpose use in shower or bathtub rooms. Pricing based upon a suggested standard width of 18".
A5207 - Bar, Towel,SS, Surface Mntd, Psych
|A surface mounted, satin finish stainless steel, 1" diameter, towel bar with concealed mounting flanges. Clearance between towel bar and wall shall be 1-1/2". Ends of towel bar pass through the flanges and are welded to form one structural unit. A selection of mounting kits and concealed anchor devices are available from the manufacturers for different types of installations. Available in various widths. Recommended for use in shower or bathtub rooms on psychiatric and/or detention wards. Pricing based upon a suggested standard width of 18".
A6110 - Counter, Console, Communications
|Counter, console, communications. Consists of one 18” wide base cabinet with two drawers and file drawer, one 30” wide pencil drawer and one 18” wide base cabinet with four drawers. The countertop shall be a composition of wood particle core with plastic laminate surface having a hard smooth surface finish, standard thickness of 1” and a 4” butt backsplash/curb.
A6165 - Station, Pneumatic Tube System
|The basic pneumatic tube system consists of a tube linking two or more different locations, a carrier to carry the payload and a power source to move the carrier from one location to another. The systems becomes more complex when the system is expanded to a network containing hundreds of locations and dozens of zones that need to transport the payload simultaneously.
C04K0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 Shelf, 6 Half DR, 1 DO, 36x36x22
|Standing height under counter base cabinet with one adjustable shelf, two shallow half width drawers above a solid right or left door/cupboard (appropriate door/cupboard configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings), and four half width drawers alongside. Also referred to as a combination cabinet or drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
D0510 - Cabinet, Base, Drop Door, Door
|Base unit storage cabinet. The cabinet has one drop door at the top and a single or double hinged door underneath. It is used in dental laboratories for general storage of equipment and supplies. Database price information is based on the closest standard cabinet plus a 25% surcharge for modification.
D8560 - Oral Surgery System, Mobile
|Mobile oral surgical unit. The unit includes an air-drive for dental handpieces, a mobile stand, a variable foot control, a removable instrument holder, one high speed surgical handpiece, one surgical straight air turbine handpiece, an instrument tray, a three function syringe and 10 feet of electrically conductive tubing with fittings. The unit requires a utility mounting box, see JSN D7090, which is often included. The unit is also available in a doctor/assistant configuration with all the instruments for both. The unit is used in dental operatories where the delivery system is not part of the dental chair.
F0400 - Cabinet, Bedside, Door, Drawer
|Bedside cabinet for storage of both the patient's personal items and small patient support items. Approximately 31" high X 21" wide X 19" deep with one (1) drawer and one (1) closed storage closet. Drawer is removable so interior can be sanitized. May come in a 3 drawer version.
F0650 - Desk, Executive, Wood
|Double pedestal executive desk, 30" high X 72" wide X 36" deep with center pencil drawer, three (3) box drawers and reference slide in right hand pedestal; one (1) box drawer, one (1) file drawer, and reference slide in left hand pedestal, locks for each section (pedestal) of the desk, and metal suspension hardware for the file drawer.
G1026 - Exercise Apparatus, Weight Training, Multi-Station
|Multi-station weight training apparatus for physical development and rehabilitation. Unit features a variety of benches, pull bars, supports and seats grouped around a central frame containing one or more weight stacks. Each station is designed to exercise specific muscle groups. A person can perform an extensive weight training routine by moving around the apparatus from station to station. More than one person can use the apparatus simultaneously by training at different stations. The number and types of exercises available depend on the specific model of equipment chosen. Greater system weight capacities for high level athletic competition training are available on some models. The room ceiling may have to be raised to accommodate this equipment. The database specifications refer to a higher end system with a large number of training stations and a standard weight set.
L1200 - Cabinet, Specimen, Pass Thru, CRS
|Pass-through specimen cabinet. The unit has a sight-proof interlocking door that permits only one door to open at a time. It also includes a removable spill tray, corrosion resistant stainless steel welded construction with seamless corners and burr-free edges and is able to adjust to wall thickness between 3-6 inches. Used for passage of specimens from patient area to laboratory.
L1950 - Demineralizer, Water, Floor Mounted
|Floor mounted water demineralizer. The unit has a one half to three gpm capacity. It has two beds, automatic calibration, purity meter, recirculation pump and disposable cartridges. The system continuously recirculates to discourage growth. Used to produce high purity water for laboratory use. May also be wall mounted.
L2200 - Hood, Fume, Floor Standing
|Floor standing fume hood. The unit presented is 4 Ft but is available in other sizes. It will include a fluorescent light fixture, blower switch with pilot light, at least one duplex receptacle, a cup sink and shall be acid resistant. The minimum average face velocity shall be 100 fpm. It Includes a safety glass sash resistant to heat of up to 71 degrees centigrade. Static pressure loss is not to exceed 0.22 inches. The fume hood also has adjustable baffles. Other custom options are available. Used in laboratories to prepare samples requiring the use of toxic and or flammable materials.
L2335 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, bio safety cabinet. This is a freestanding vertical laminar flow unit. It includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust zero-probed. The intake velocity averages 105 fpm. It includes an audible alarm to notify the operator of an unsafe window position, an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, type 304 stainless steel construction with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two grounded key petcocks and a duplex receptacle for grounded plugs. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radio-nucleotides. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
L2336 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, benchtop biological safety cabinet. The unit includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust, zero probed, high intake velocity that averages 105 fpm, an audible alarm to notify operator of unsafe window positions an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, interior of type 304 stainless steel with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two ground key petcocks, a grounded duplex receptacle. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radionucleotides. This unit requires 100% exhaust to the atmosphere. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
L2339 - Hood, Fume, Histopathology Staining
|Histopathology staining fume hood to be used to contain manual and automatic staining stations. Double sliding doors permit access to entire height and half the width of the hood at one time. Integral fluorescent lighting provided for interior visibility. Unit provided with integral blower and hooks to building systems for exhaust to the atmosphere. Unit provides for front to back flow to protect technicians from volatile staining solution vapors. Base model is 30 inches wide but may be procured in widths up to 72 inches wide. Unit is designed to sit on existing bench tops.
M0410 - Screen, Projection
|Projection screen. Ceiling mounted unit, manual pull-down screen. Equipped with grooved roller, a ball bearing mechanical system, and a non-gloss mat white flame retardant and mildew resistant surface. Unit opens with one continuous motion. Designed for classrooms, conference rooms, and auditoriums.
M0630 - Anesthesia Apparatus, 3 Gas
|Three gas anesthesia apparatus. Basic unit consists of steel cabinet with casters with one shallow, one medium, and one deep drawer, seven long scale eleven-inch flowmeters, five cylinder yokes, and telescoping absorber post. It includes two-canister model carbon dioxide absorber with inhalation and exhalation check valves, switch valve, switch valve elbow, sidearm Vernitrol, flow calculator, mounting kit, ventilator calculator, ventilator and an oxygen piping inlet. Also features nitrous oxide fail safe valve kit, aspirator kit, gas evacuator with vacuum and a flow meter safety cover. Used to dispense a mixture of gases during surgical procedures.
M5016 - Desk, Refraction w/console, w/o Sink
|The ophthalmic refraction desk shall be specifically designed to conduct eye examinations in ophthalmic clinics and hospital. It shall have a control console consisting of three rechargeable instrument wells, two 110v auxiliary switches to control accessories, two low voltage switches to control fixation lights, a separate on/off dimmer control for room lights and an indirect ophthalmoscope control with hanger that provides power to the instrument when lifted. This item may include an optional equipment stand/pole with one to three arms and the ability to accept a phoropter arm. There shall be a swivel Lamp and a trial lens drawer.
X4110 - Console, PACS, Remote View w/One 2MP Monitor
|One monitor remote viewing station for picture archiving and retrieval (PACS) system. This station is for use by providers outside of radiology to review images and results. Station includes local image storage, image manipulation, and simultaneous display of multiple images on a single monitor. Images are stored on a resident hard disk and roll off the disk as more recent images are sent to the station by radiology. Provider may request images from the PACS. Unit must be connected to the PACS by LAN for image and result receipt. Console must be DICOM compliant. Input may be by keyboard, mouse, trackball or voice activated commands.
X4111 - Console, PACS, Remote View, 1k X 1k, 1 Monitor
|One monitor remote viewing for picture archiving and retrieval (DIN/PACS) system. This station is for use by providers inside or outside radiology to review images. Station includes local image storage, image manipulation and simultaneous display on a 1K X 1K single monitor. Images are stored on a resident memory and roll off to long term storage as more recent images are sent to the station. Provider may request images from the PACS by LAN for image and result receipt. Console must be DICOM compliant. Input may be by keyboard, mouse, trackball or voice activated commands.
M7415 - Light, Exam, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted examination light. Unit features high intensity color-corrected lighting, a tungsten halogen lamp and a supporting arm with minimum reach of 45 inches. Physical dimensions refer to the retracted light; one length of the dual swing arm from the wall mount in width and depth and the combined height of the lamp head and folded arms. See manufacturer's requirements for screws and pull-out strengths for mounting. Unit may also have a center mount detachable and sterilizable control handle. The unit is used in clinical treatment rooms and hospital rooms.
M7470 - Light, Surgical, Ceiling, Single, Small
|Ceiling mounted surgical light. Consists of a single lamp head up to 24" in diameter depending on the manufacturer. Unit provides heat filtered, color corrected light. Most lights require a minimum ceiling height of 8 feet 2 inches; check manufacturers' specific recommendations. Light head is in a movable yoke attached to a column hanging from the ceiling. For minor surgery and obstetrical procedures. Physical dimensions refer to the retracted light; one length of the dual swing arm around the center mount for width and depth and the height is the combined lamp head and folded arms height.
M8174 - Ultrasound/Neuromuscular Stimulation Combo Unit
|Ultrasound unit in combination with a neuromuscular stimulator; unit can deliver both types of treatments simultaneously or individually. The ultrasound unit operates at one or more frequencies. The electrotherapy portion of the instrument can operate at set voltages or continuously variable across a range. Depending on the ultrasound frequency and electrotherapy voltage, the clinician selects one of several treatment unit heads. Some models feature microprocessor controls, data collection, data correlation and data downloading for analysis over time.
M8300 - Table, Examination/Treatment, Wood
|Examination/treatment table, wood construction. The table is capable of supporting at least 285 lbs. (120 KGP) and is of a "H" brace design with shelf and may have one drawer. Includes a leatherette covered 2 inch foam pad. Pad is removable and designed to fit the table top in a slip resistant manner.
M8605 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, Basic
|Endoscopic procedure cart. System contains a cart, light source, heat probe unit, electrosurgical unit, insufflator and a suction pump. This cart does not contain an endoscope or video equipment and does not support video endoscopes. Refer to JSNs M8500-M8550 for endoscopes and JSNs M8606-M8607 for fiberoptic endoscope video carts. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. Database pricing and physical information are for a higher cost system which contains one of each of the above components.
M8606 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, w/Video Accessories
|Endoscopy cart with video and print capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording. A typical system cart includes the cart, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, a heat probe unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a digital camera converter or color video camera, a camera controller, a monitor, a video/DVD recorder and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscopes at JSNs M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscope and should be specifically tailored to its intended use(s). This cart can be configured to interface with a network endoscopy information management system; refer to JSN M8600. Database physical information and pricing is for a higher cost system containing one of each of the above components.
M8607 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic
|Endoscopy cart with video, print and information management capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording and enhancement. A typical system includes two carts, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a heat probe unit, a digital camera converter, a camera controller, a monitor, a video recorder, a computer system with software and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscope JSNs from M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. This cart is intended for stand alone use although it may be connected to an endoscopy information management system. Database physical information and pricing is for a high end system on two carts containing one of each of the mentioned components. The electrical power draw will require two separate circuits.
M8965 - Cart, Fetal Monitoring, Birthing Room
|Physiological monitoring cart for use in birthing rooms. Multiple section mobile cabinet for storing monitoring equipment and bedside supplies. Includes one deep drawer and an enclosed cabinet area in addition to the monitor storage area which is equipped with a door. Monitor shelf location is waist high and includes a pull out writing surface. Cart may include CPU storage shelf.
M9020 - Table, Exam, Pediatric, With Scale
|Pediatric exam table with scale. Cabinet type, free standing unit. It consists of one drawer and double cupboard, built-in electronic or mechanical scale and measuring tape, vinyl covered work surface and built-in paper dispenser. Equipped with protective high rim on three sides of table top. Designed for use in pediatric exam rooms.
P4700 - Sink, Mop, Molded Stone
|Mop service sink approximately 10"H x 36"W x 24"D. Also called a mop service basin and a mop receptor. Unit is made of molded stone and is a one piece item. It shall include a service faucet hose, hose bracket and mop hanger. Used in utility rooms for cleaning mops and floor cleaning equipment.
P6980 - Sink, Scrub, SS, 1-3 Bay, With Knee Valve
|Surgeon's scrub-up sink. Unit is constructed of polished stainless steel. This sink unit has a hydro-mechanical knee operating water control valve and a knee operated surgical soap dispenser. It can be a one, two or three bay model as required. Used in surgical suites or scrub-up areas for surgical teams. Optional electrical configurations are available. Dimensional and price data is based on a three bay unit.
P7650 - Trap, Plaster, Small
|Plastic or metal bodied plaster trap. The unit has a one piece body which is approximately 12 inches deep. The top has 1.5 inch inlet and drain connections. The trap is used in laboratories to capture solids and preclude the clogging of drain lines. The installation must allow sufficient clearance above or below the unit (depending on the manufacturer) to remove the basket for cleaning.
R6060 - Refrigerator, Biological, SS, 2 Door, 40 Cu Ft
|Biological refrigerator. This unit shall have a minimum volume of 40 cubic feet, double doors, stainless steel cooler storage with stainless steel drawers, three adjustable shelves and one stationary stainless steel shelf. This refrigerator is used in research laboratories and hospital pharmacies for storage and dispensing of drugs.
R6100 - Freezer, Food, Upright, CRS, 23 CUFT
|Food freezer approximately 23 CUFT and 84" H x 27" W x 37" D. This unit has a stainless steel case front and doors. The cabinet front and doors are constructed of heavy gauge polished stainless steel to maintain an attractive appearance. The heavy-duty wire shelves are adjustable in one inch increments, used for frozen food storage in food service departments.
S0237 - Sterilizer,ELEC,VAC,2DO,RCSD 1WLL
|A recessed mounted (through one wall), double power doors (vertical sliding), vacuum, sterilizer with integral steam generator. The unit is controlled by a microcomputer that monitors and controls all unit operations and functions and provides both audible and visual indications of deviations. A printer-recorder documents and records each cycle performance. For general purpose pre-vacuum or gravity steam sterilization of hospital and laboratory supplies at temperatures in the range from 110°C to 135°C (230°F to 275°F). A liquid cycle is also provided at temperatures in the range from 100°C to 121°C (212°F to 250°F). NOTE: Various electrical configurations are available for the integral steam generator, for pricing purposes 208V, 50/60HZ, 3PH, 84AMPS is used.
S0432 - Sterilizer,Stm,VAC,1DO,RCSD 1WLL
|A recessed mounted (through one wall), single door (right or left-hinged, appropriate door configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings), vacuum, sterilizer utilizing a remote electric steam generator. The unit is controlled by a microcomputer that monitors and controls all unit operations and functions and provides both audible and visual indications of deviations. A printer-recorder documents and records each cycle performance. For general purpose pre-vacuum or gravity steam sterilization of hospital and laboratory supplies at temperatures in the range from 110°C to 135°C (230°F to 275°F). A liquid cycle is also provided at temperatures in the range from 100°C to 121°C (212°F to 250°F). NOTE: For the electric steam generator, refer to JSN: S1830. Door may be power operated.
S0940 - Washer/Disinfector,STM,1DO,RSCD1WLL
|A recessed mounted (through one wall), single door (vertical sliding with tempered glass window), multi-level, mechanical, washer/disinfector, minimum chamber size 26X24X24, utilizing facility supplied steam. The unit is controlled by a microcomputer that monitors and controls all unit operations and functions and provides both audible and visual indications of deviations. A printer-recorder documents and records each cycle performance. Processing cycles are pre-programmed with pre-wash, wash/cleaning, rinse, and thermal rinse/disinfection. For use in health care facilities and laboratories where reusable items (instruments, utensils, anesthesia/respiratory goods, and glassware) are handled for decontamination purposes. This unit is not a substitute for terminal sterilization. Unit available with manual or power door, various electrical configurations, options, and accessories. Price based upon power door, 208V, 3-phase, with various options.
S0955 - Washer/Disinfector,STM,2DO,RCSD1WLL,LDG/UNLDG STA
|A recessed mounted (through one wall), power double doors (vertical sliding with tempered glass window), multi-level, mechanical, washer/disinfector, minimum chamber size 26X24X24, with automatic, two rack, load and unload stations/modules. Unit utilizes facility supplied steam. The unit is controlled by a microcomputer that monitors and controls all unit operations and functions and provides both audible and visual indications of deviations. A printer-recorder documents and records each cycle performance. Processing cycles are pre-programmed with pre-wash, wash/cleaning, rinse, and thermal rinse/disinfection. For use in health care facilities and laboratories where reusable items (instruments, utensils, anesthesia/respiratory goods, and glassware) are handled for decontamination purposes. This unit is not a substitute for terminal sterilization. Unit available with various electrical configurations, options, and accessories. Price based upon 208V, 3-phase and various options.
S0960 - Washer/Disinfector,STM,2DO,RCSD1WLL
|A recessed mounted (through one wall), double door (vertical sliding with tempered glass window), multi-level, mechanical, washer/disinfector, minimum chamber size 26X24X24, utilizing facility supplied steam. The unit is controlled by a microcomputer that monitors and controls all unit operations and functions and provides both audible and visual indications of deviations. A printer-recorder documents and records each cycle performance. Processing cycles are pre-programmed with pre-wash, wash/cleaning, rinse, and thermal rinse/disinfection. For use in health care facilities and laboratories where reusable items (instruments, utensils, anesthesia/respiratory goods, and glassware) are handled for decontamination purposes. This unit is not a substitute for terminal sterilization. Unit available with manual or power door, various electrical configurations, options, and accessories. Price based upon power door, 208V, 3-phase, with various options.
Ytong Romania
|YTONG thermal insulation blocks were created in order to provide all essential benefits of construction materials in one product: high level of thermal insulation, easy to cut and shape, fire resistant, sustainable and ecological. YTONG is a premium product, made of mineral and natural raw materials: lime, sand, cement, and water . In 1929, the first autoclaved aerated concrete was produced in the Swedish town of Yxhult, under the name Yxhults Anghardade Gasbetong, from which the brand name YTONG was derived. Following the First World War, Sweden needed a masonry product with thermal insulating properties, easy to cut, shape and install and economical, in order to reduce the fuel consumption, as people had limited access to resources. Dr. Arh. Axel Erikson made the first attempt at autoclaving aerated concrete, that later on the world’s first registered trademark for a building material. YTONG, the name of the brand, is derived from: Yxhult, the place where it was invented, and Gasbetong, Swedish term for autoclaved aerated concrete. Germany adopts this product in the '50s. In Romania, YTONG is the first masonry product to be included in the A energy efficiency class, without the need for additional thermal insulating systems for the facades. Nowadays, YTONG systems include products for exterior walls, repartitioning, lintels, special mortar; all these being the basis of nearly zero-energy buildings.
Ytong Russia
|Advantages of YTONG AAC: • High fire resistance of YTONG load-bearing walls - REI 360 • Ecological material, level Ecomaterial ABSOLUTE • Low thermal conductivity • High compressive strength • Technical support for architects and planners YTONG is a white stone and consists of lime, sand, cement and water. Inside, it contains millions of air pores, which also gave him the name: aerated concrete. Over 70 years ago it was produced in southern Sweden Yxhult. The new building material was called YTONG = ""Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong"", which means autoclaved aerated concrete from Yxhult. YTONG has established itself on the international construction market as an ecological and structural-insulating material. YTONG AAC is one of the most fire-resistant building material and it is used in the construction of fire barriers. Also YTONG AAC is popular in areas of high seismic activity.
|High flexibility can be considered one of the main plus of SLOT. Able to ensure functional lighting with excellent light output, SLOT also allow to create more or less marked light accents suitable for variuos applications. The UP-DOWN versions house two lamps, each one with its own adjustable reflector and independent control gear.
Schüco Door ADS 90 SimplySmart, Inward opening
|Inward opening, thermally insulated aluminium door system with 90 mm basic depth [LIST] Uf value of up to 1.3 W/(m²K) Optional insulation zone with foam-filled insulating bars enables the highest level of thermal insulation to passive house standard Double centre gasket enables unique insulation and sealing properties Hybrid split insulating bar to compensate for the bimetallic effect Leaf heights up to 2500 mm for maximum leaf weight of 160 kg; leaf weight up to 1250 mm Barrel hinges, concealed door hinges or surface-mounted door hinges can be used Optional door leaf with leaf-enclosing infill on one side or both sides [/LIST]
Schüco Door ADS 90 SimplySmart, Outward opening
|Outward opening, thermally insulated aluminium door system with 90 mm basic depth [LIST] Optional insulation zone with foam-filled insulating bars enables the highest level of thermal insulation to passive house standard Double centre gasket enables unique insulation and sealing properties Hybrid split insulating bar to compensate for the bimetallic effect Leaf heights up to 2500 mm for maximum leaf weight of 160 kg; leaf weight up to 1250 mm Barrel hinges, concealed door hinges or surface-mounted door hinges can be used Optional door leaf with leaf-enclosing infill on one side or both sides [/LIST]
Schüco Door ADS 75 SimplySmart, Inward Opening
|Inward opening, thermally insulated aluminium door system with 75 mm basic depth [LIST] Uf value of up to 1.6 W/(m²K) Use of centre seal ensures increased sealing values and lower thermal transmittance values Hybrid split insulating bar to compensate for the bimetallic effect Leaf height of up to 3000 mm for maximum leaf weight of 200 kg Barrel hinges, concealed door hinges or surface-mounted door hinges can be used Optional door leaf with leaf-enclosing infill on one side or both sides [/LIST]
Schüco Door ADS 75 SimplySmart, Outward opening
|Outward opening, thermally insulated aluminium door system with 75 mm basic depth [LIST] Use of centre seal ensures increased sealing values and lower thermal transmittance values Hybrid split insulating bar to compensate for the bimetallic effect Leaf height of up to 3000 mm for maximum leaf weight of 200 kg Barrel hinges, concealed door hinges or surface-mounted door hinges can be used Optional door leaf with leaf-enclosing infill on one side or both sides [/LIST]
Corner Window
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
|COOL is one of the latest LED products from SIMES, engineered to maximize the LED power, whilst minimizing the size and energy consumption. Available in different versions, as wall mounted and as bollard, COOL family introduces a new way to light up outdoor spaces. COOL is a simple void volume diffusing light in two directions from a very thin LED circuit right below its protective glass.
|LOOK is one of the latest LED products from SIMES, engineered to maximize the LED power, whilst minimizing the size and energy consumption. Available in different versions, as wall mounted and as bollard, LOOK family introduces a new way to light up outdoor spaces. Confirming the SIMES high quality standards, these fittings are made using aluminum with low content of copper and highly robust glass. LOOK has an elegant rectangular body, minimal and compact, mounted on wall or on its bollard. The light is directed on one side through a glass window.
|LOOK is one of the latest LED products from SIMES, engineered to maximize the LED power, whilst minimizing the size and energy consumption. Available in different versions, as wall mounted and as bollard, LOOK family introduces a new way to light up outdoor spaces. Confirming the SIMES high quality standards, these fittings are made using aluminum with low content of copper and highly robust glass. LOOK has an elegant rectangular body, minimal and compact, mounted on wall or on its bollard. The light is directed on one side through a glass window.
|SHAPE creates uniform light on the outer edge of windows producing charming light effects on residential, public, historical and artistic façades. Greatest miniaturization, huge versatility and high performances are the typical characteristics of this product which is able to enlighten even wide openings with a minimum energy consumption and its high functionality level. The light fitting uses only one LED and its inclination can be easily adjusted according to the different slopes of window sills keeping in this way its capacity to create attractive light scenes.
|High flexibility can be considered one of the main plus of SLOT. Able to ensure functional lighting with excellent light output, SLOT also allow to create more or less marked light accents suitable for variuos applications. The UP-DOWN versions house two lamps, each one with its own adjustable reflector and independent control gear.
MEKA EI30 (Fire Rated Fixed Window)
|Klas1 Windows are a premium manufacturer of high quality movable insulated windows. We are specialized in prominent architectural sites and high quality leisure destinations. Klas1 windows are all built to a solidly opening design, typically with only two washable surfaces, and in some cases just one! Klas1 windows are suitable for the most demanding applications. Our windows are slender, offer an attractive light and great convenience as priority. Klas1 windows meet demanding customer requirements, whether in their insulating abilities, protection from solar radiation, thermal protection, security, or the insulation of sound.
Shop Entry Door FG
|FG–approved door solution for single-leaf aluminium door with Door Operator PSW250. Security Cylinder Triton+ is constructed to provide the best protection against burglary. Pull Handle TrioVing Line is suitable for all types of environments. PSW250 is one of the most powerful, safest and most flexible swing door operators on the market. Slender design, low noise level, high performance and wide selection of accessories. Convenience, confidence and safety. Door solution is adapted to TEK10/NS11001 Universal Design. Typical applications: Office/Commercial, Shopping mall/Retail. For more information, please contact us: http://www.trioving.no/contact-project-team
Exterior Door with Card Reader
|Solution for single-leaf wood/timber door with SMARTair™ Off-line Card Lock for exterior use (IP54). SMARTair™ is a wireless access control system utilising Mifare technology - in one simple, contactless and user friendly solution. Simple, secure and smart. Typical applications: Residential/Cabin, Government/Municipality, Industry. For more information, please contact us: http://www.trioving.no/contact-project-team
Entrance Door with Card Reader
|Solution for double-leaf aluminium door with SMARTair™ wall-mounted card reader. SMARTair™ is an efficient, wireless access control system utilising Mifare technology in one simple, contactless and user friendly solution, without need for keys or cables. PSW250 is one of the most powerful, safest and most flexible swing door operators on the market. Slender design, low noise level, high performance and wide selection of accessories. Convenience, confidence and safety. Door solution is adapted to TEK10/NS11001 Universal Design. Typical applications: Residential/Cabin, Office/Commercial, Industry, Government/Municipality. For more information, please contact us: http://www.trioving.no/contact-project-team
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 500 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 440 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40620.1 vanity unit 500 with one drawer, 40620.2 vanity, unit 500 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.1
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 1000 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 480 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40650.1 vanity unit 1000 with one drawer, 40650.2 vanity, unit 1000 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.6
KARTELL BY LAUFEN Vanity unit 460 mm, for 815335
|Vanity unit with one door, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 815335 Vanity unit, with one drawer, with internal shelf, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 815335 Body/Front – hand lacquered melamine coated particle board with ABS edges, inside melamine white handle bar on the top of the drawer
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 650 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40630.1 vanity unit 650 with one drawer, 40630.2 vanity, unit 650 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.2
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 800 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 480 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40640.1 vanity unit 800 with one drawer, 40640.2 vanity, unit 800 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.4
|An acronym for rest-eat-work. This new creation by Rafa García is tremendously versatile, and can be used for a variety of diverse projects that require pieces for resting, eating or working. Rest. An entire family of chairs, sofas and modules, as light as they are comfortable, can be used with two different types of arm: one is high and thin like the backs and the other is low and soft, like the base of the design.
|For working and waiting. Züco Alterno is multifunctional furniture that combines two opposites: waiting and working. One simple movement of the body is enough to set about concentrated work in this truly versatile revolving armchair. The optional auto-return function brings the chair back to its original position when you stand up – to keep everything looking neat and tidy all the time.
|One of the main features of IXO is its combination of materials: solid wood, chromium plate and leather. It is a reference by architect and designer Dante Bonuccelli to the “modern classic” topic area and the international style of the legendary nineteen-thirties in which the work of Mies Van der Rohe played a major part. The same elegance and powerful character are to be found in the new IXO Office collection: a programme that perfectly satisfies the demand for impressive style and high perceived value that furnishings for top management must possess. IXO Office is an extensive collection of fine, elegant desks, cabinets, lowboards and sideboards – a splendid answer to every furnishing situation.
Entrance Door w/ Electric Lock - Motor
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for highly secured interior or exterior doors with Motor Lock for high traffic. Equipped with a fixed knob on one side and a panic handle for free exit on the other side. The lock/door is automatically deadlocked as soon as the door is closed. The locks can be controlled by a variety of electrical impulse generating equipment, i.e. card reader, keypad and timer, push buttons,... [LIST] Cylinder (Euro Profile, double), MP83, by Litto, Standard : EN 1303 Reinforced escutcheon, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Door Closer, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard : EN 1154, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Motor Lock, CERTA, by ABLOY, Standard : EN 12209, SKG**, EN 179, EN 1125, EN 14846 , BENOR ATG RF30/60 Lead Cover, Architectural Hardware, by Litto SMARTair™ (Card Reader with Keyboard), SMARTair™, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20150166-IBA1-EN) [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, healthcare, hotel, offices, public, residential and transport For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Secured Door w/ Electric Lock - Solenoid
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for secured interior doors with an electromechanical Solenoid Lock for medium traffic. Equipped with a controlled handle one side and a panic handle for free exit on the other side. The lock/door is automatically deadlocked as soon as the door is closed. The lock can be controlled by a variety of electrical impulse generating equipment, i.e. card reader, keypad and timer, push buttons,... [LIST] Cylinder (Euro Profile, half), MP83, by Litto, Standard: EN 1303 Lever Handles, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard : EN 1906 Door Closer, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard : EN 1154, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Escutcheon (rose for cylinder, half), Architectural Hardware, by Litto Door Stop, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Hinges, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard : EN 1935 Electric Lock, Solenoid, by ABLOY, Standard : EN 12209, SKG**, EN 179, EN 1125, EN 14846 ,BENOR ATG RF30/60 Spindle (split), by Litto Lead Cover, Architectural Hardware, by Litto SMARTair™ (Card Reader with Keyboard), SMARTair™, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20150166-IBA1-EN) [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, healthcare, offices and transport For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
RBM Low-back Bella 4447O
|RBM Low-back Bella is an extension and further development of the existing chair collection; RBM Bella. Both models and RBM Ana are designed by Tias Eckhoff, one of the most acknowledge Scandinavian industrial designers. As the name indicates, the new RBM Low-back Bella collection features lower back height than the classical RBM Bella, and a generous, but slim, light and open form expression, with a strong appeal. The chair is designed for stability and solidity, making it well-suited for all users in various environments in conferences, canteens, meetings e.g. A characteristic «wing» shape on the top of the back, serves as a comfortable armrest and a practical handle when moving the chair. The reknowned comfort and ergonomy from RBM Bella is kept in the new model, through large and well sculpted surfaces in seat and back. RBM Lowback Bella comes with veneer shells in birch, beech and oak, besides 5 delicate CPL laminate colours, including a new grey colour. The models have 4 legged frames in silver and black paint, and chrome. RBM Low-back Bella is available as unupholstered, seat upholstered or in front inside upholstered versions
RBM Low-back Bella 4447
|RBM Low-back Bella is an extension and further development of the existing chair collection; RBM Bella. Both models and RBM Ana are designed by Tias Eckhoff, one of the most acknowledge Scandinavian industrial designers. As the name indicates, the new RBM Low-back Bella collection features lower back height than the classical RBM Bella, and a generous, but slim, light and open form expression, with a strong appeal. The chair is designed for stability and solidity, making it well-suited for all users in various environments in conferences, canteens, meetings e.g. A characteristic «wing» shape on the top of the back, serves as a comfortable armrest and a practical handle when moving the chair. The reknowned comfort and ergonomy from RBM Bella is kept in the new model, through large and well sculpted surfaces in seat and back. RBM Lowback Bella comes with veneer shells in birch, beech and oak, besides 5 delicate CPL laminate colours, including a new grey colour. The models have 4 legged frames in silver and black paint, and chrome. RBM Low-back Bella is available as unupholstered, seat upholstered or in front inside upholstered versions.
EM551 (Equal Measure Collection)
|Equal Measure is a collection of three textures that, just like the crossroads of two streets, moves in four directions. When placed in sequence with its companions, EM553™ connects to EM552™ on any of its four sides: end to end, side to side. The irregular geometric pattern seems to have been carved out of its plush finish. EM552 serves as the bridge tile for the collection, including a bit of each of the other patterns, one dissolving into the other. EM551™ is a simple, low-profile texture designed to quietly underscore your design. More energetic floors can be created when contrasting colors and textures are mixed in less obvious ways. We recommend both, in Equal Measure, of course. (carpet tile)
Tessera inline
|One of a new generation of cleverly textured loop pile tiles from Tessera, Inline adds a completely new twist to the concept of linear design. Featuring rich, differential texture. Inline provides a strong directional pattern, randomly interspersed with patches of tonal relief. This ‘broken linearity’ and combination of high and low level loops, delivers a visually interesting backdrop for any commercial interior design scheme. The forgiving design masks tile edges resulting in a broadloom appearance when laid in monolithic fashion.
|The Tea seats are characterised because they include an original hexagonal quilting on the seat and back. A thin piping defines the quilt and differentiates it from the plain upholstery of the base. The collection consists of one small armchair, one armchair and two sofas (of 174 and 214cm) which interact perfectly with each other, as well as with another product from our catalogues.
|The Tea seats are characterised because they include an original hexagonal quilting on the seat and back. A thin piping defines the quilt and differentiates it from the plain upholstery of the base. The collection consists of one small armchair, one armchair and two sofas (of 174 and 214cm) which interact perfectly with each other, as well as with another product from our catalogues.
TEA SOFA 174CM 250.61.T.G
|The Tea seats are characterised because they include an original hexagonal quilting on the seat and back. A thin piping defines the quilt and differentiates it from the plain upholstery of the base. The collection consists of one small armchair, one armchair and two sofas (of 174 and 214cm) which interact perfectly with each other, as well as with another product from our catalogues.
TEA SOFA 214CM 250.61.X.G
|The Tea seats are characterised because they include an original hexagonal quilting on the seat and back. A thin piping defines the quilt and differentiates it from the plain upholstery of the base. The collection consists of one small armchair, one armchair and two sofas (of 174 and 214cm) which interact perfectly with each other, as well as with another product from our catalogues.
B601 (Net Effect Collection)
|Net Effect One is a grouping of three textures in 50 cm squares that, when placed side by side, describes the precise moment when the sea foams into the shore creating organic imagery. Each pattern also has a life of its own as it floods the floor with movement and color. B601™ has a more pronounced texture with shimmering lighter ends on top of deeper tones. B603™ takes a deep dive into a more dense construction and B602™ is the transition between the two. (carpet tile)
B602 (Net Effect Collection)
|Net Effect One is a grouping of three textures in 50 cm squares that, when placed side by side, describes the precise moment when the sea foams into the shore creating organic imagery. Each pattern also has a life of its own as it floods the floor with movement and color. B601™ has a more pronounced texture with shimmering lighter ends on top of deeper tones. B603™ takes a deep dive into a more dense construction and B602™ is the transition between the two. (carpet tile)
B603 (Net Effect Collection)
|Net Effect One is a grouping of three textures in 50 cm squares that, when placed side by side, describes the precise moment when the sea foams into the shore creating organic imagery. Each pattern also has a life of its own as it floods the floor with movement and color. B601™ has a more pronounced texture with shimmering lighter ends on top of deeper tones. B603™ takes a deep dive into a more dense construction and B602™ is the transition between the two. (carpet tile)
B701 (Net Effect Collection)
|Net Effect Two includes three products in our new 25 cm x 1 m skinny plank format that captures the fluidity of water even in linear patterns with expanding and contracting rhythms. Discover the nuance of transitions when the three different textures – B701™, B702™ and B703™ – are set side by side in the same color. Or reimagine the complexity of light moving through water by mingling several of the eight colors into one composition. The shared palette was drawn from the deepest parts of the ocean to the sun and salt bleached wood and stones of the shore. (carpet tile)
B702 (Net Effect Collection)
|Net Effect Two includes three products in our new 25 cm x 1 m skinny plank format that captures the fluidity of water even in linear patterns with expanding and contracting rhythms. Discover the nuance of transitions when the three different textures – B701™, B702™ and B703™ – are set side by side in the same color. Or reimagine the complexity of light moving through water by mingling several of the eight colors into one composition. The shared palette was drawn from the deepest parts of the ocean to the sun and salt bleached wood and stones of the shore. (carpet tile)
B703 (Net Effect Collection)
|Net Effect Two includes three products in our new 25 cm x 1 m skinny plank format that captures the fluidity of water even in linear patterns with expanding and contracting rhythms. Discover the nuance of transitions when the three different textures – B701™, B702™ and B703™ – are set side by side in the same color. Or reimagine the complexity of light moving through water by mingling several of the eight colors into one composition. The shared palette was drawn from the deepest parts of the ocean to the sun and salt bleached wood and stones of the shore. (carpet tile)
EM552 (Equal Measure Collection)
|Equal Measure is a collection of three textures that, just like the crossroads of two streets, moves in four directions. When placed in sequence with its companions, EM553™ connects to EM552™ on any of its four sides: end to end, side to side. The irregular geometric pattern seems to have been carved out of its plush finish. EM552 serves as the bridge tile for the collection, including a bit of each of the other patterns, one dissolving into the other. EM551™ is a simple, low-profile texture designed to quietly underscore your design. More energetic floors can be created when contrasting colors and textures are mixed in less obvious ways. We recommend both, in Equal Measure, of course. (carpet tile)
EM553 (Equal Measure Collection)
|Equal Measure is a collection of three textures that, just like the crossroads of two streets, moves in four directions. When placed in sequence with its companions, EM553™ connects to EM552™ on any of its four sides: end to end, side to side. The irregular geometric pattern seems to have been carved out of its plush finish. EM552 serves as the bridge tile for the collection, including a bit of each of the other patterns, one dissolving into the other. EM551™ is a simple, low-profile texture designed to quietly underscore your design. More energetic floors can be created when contrasting colors and textures are mixed in less obvious ways. We recommend both, in Equal Measure, of course. (carpet tile)
Inward opening window AT700K 23mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
Inward opening window AT700K 42mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
Miss Holly bar stool
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Now when we enlarge the group it feels natural to add a bar stool in time. Even this is gracious and generous. The bar stool is made of solid wood and the parts for the seat are milled part by part to then be glued together. After this, the solid part will be milled one more time.
Miss Holly bar stool
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Now when we enlarge the group it feels natural to add a bar stool in time. Even this is gracious and generous. The bar stool is made of solid wood and the parts for the seat are milled part by part to then be glued together. After this, the solid part will be milled one more time.
RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 Plus timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 plus (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block, external covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, two-pieced thermal insulating block. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Centre-pivot roof window with a handle for one handed operation at the top. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation without exterior screws.
RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber, external covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Centre-pivot roof window with a handle for one handed operation at the top. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation without exterior screws.
Window single UPVC-ALU Internorm KF410 1
|The completely flush transition of frame and sash combines KF 410 to one unit. Once the frame is rendered into the brickwork on three sides, only the narrow, square-edged sash frame remains visible. The frame is insulated gapless through the new insulation technology and thermal insulation is considerably improved.
Concept Ceiling
|Suspended ceilings are primarily used to regulate the acoustics in the room and reduce noise between rooms. In addition, they have an aesthetic function by hiding technical installations in the ceilings. The Concept ceiling panels are particularly appropriate where one wants a high degree of flexibility in connection with good noise reduction between rooms. The tiles are wet pressed mineral fiber plates with white painted acoustic fleece on the underside. The Concept ceiling consists of four plate varieties with different acoustic properties but with identical surface so that they can be exchanged in same premises.
VCD Series
|Shhhh! Did you hear that? - Probably not. Because our VCD ventilation drives create fresh air while staying as quiet as a mouse. They are our stylish climate control systems for controlled natural ventilation in living and working spaces. Is cabling the problem? Sunshine is all the VCD-S Solar chain drive needs to supply you with fresh air without the need for a cable. The defining characteristics of the VCD Series - Stylish ventilation drive with narrow visible widths - Fast and easy installation - Especially low input power - Virtually inaudible operating noise - VCD-S with solar technology, ideally suited for retrofitting performance features - For façade windows, roof windows and ventilation flaps in conservatories - Also direct control via 230 V AC possible - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - Special chain stabilisation and centred chain outlet - "TMS+" tandem safety function for operating 2 drives on one sash - Option of chain stroke programming via magnet - Reprogrammed opening stroke is transmitted to the tandem drive - Direct cable guidance between the drives for visually appealing solution - Simple connection via plug connector - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
ZA Series
|Up for anything - Heavy windows, humid environments, high function demands while still maintaining low power consumption? Not a problem for this all-rounder! The robust rack and pinion drives of the ZA Series are simply ideal for heavy windows in roofs and façades. The defining characteristics of the ZA Series - Incredible electronic and functional variety - Extremely high efficiency: low power consumption and yet tremendously powerful - Versatile application options - Corrosion-resistant thanks to an encapsulated unit - Available as a 230 V AC SHEV solution Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Low current consumption thanks to high efficiency - Option of cable infeed above and below - Drive unit can be changed from left to right - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection) - Integrated ACB (Advanced Communication Bus) bus interface with Modbus protocol - The drive is integrated directly via open bus communication through the ACB (Advanced Communication Bus), e.g. in a building management system
DXD Series
|Caution, heavy-duty transporter! - The DXD moves virtually anything with the power of two motors. Its favourite task is moving extremely large façade windows, skylights and roof-mounted flaps under a snow load. Here it handles even the heaviest elements with precise synchronisation. It is good to know that it is available in so many different designs. The defining characteristics of the DXD Series - Exceptionally high power and efficiency - Achieves the maximum opening in almost no time even in case of high weights - Precise synchronisation when it comes to extremely heavy elements - A large variety of designs and customised object solutions - Available as a 230 V AC SHEV solution Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 4 drives in one synchronous group - Groove in the drive tube for flexible installation and configuration of the swivel range - Option of cable infeed above and below - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
CDP Series
|Born to be strong - A truly beautiful powerhouse. Experience the elegance with which the high-performance chain drive opens even the heaviest roof and façade windows! And because its visual design blends in beautifully as well, it is ideally suited for architectural SHEV and ventilation applications. The defining characteristics of the CDP Series? - A perfect combination of strength and good looks - A short design thanks to triple chain deflection - Visual design blends in perfectly with the overall look - Exceptionally versatile thanks to Twin and 230 V designs - Unobtrusive in post-latch constructions Performance Features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101 2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 4 drives in one synchronous group - Symmetrical chain outlet for easy installation - Relief of pressure on window gasket after closing process - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
CDC Series
|The defining characteristics of the CDC Series - Mounted installation as well as installation integrated in the profile - Exceptionally compact design - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - A large variety of equipment features Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Integrated tandem safety cut off for the operation of up to 2 drives on one window sash - Supply and signals for up to 3 drives in series without tandem operation (TMS) can be looped - Relief of pressure on window gasket after closing process - Power supply can be connected on the left or right - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection) Drives from the CDC0252 series are available on august 2016.
INTRA Millinox soap dispenser automatic
|Millinox electronic soap dispenser in stainless steel with touch free functionality. Delivered with a 0,9 litre soap container for refill. Run by 4 x 1,5 V AA battery (not included). Satin finish. Exclusive, sculptural and stylish - Millinox has a curved shape with a satin finish. The series is created by designer Odd Thorsen, one of the foremost and most successful product designers. Thorsen has a systematic approach to design and ensures function and aesthetics play an equal role in all his projects.
Night & Day
|Suspended direct-indirect LED profile ''Changes by turning''. Night & Day is designed for spaces where one line isn’t what you need. By joining two functionalities (direct & indirect) in a new way, you will get a flexible product that changes by turning. It brings a distinctive look and once installed is never the same. It can be used as a single luminaire or in composition, allowing new possibilities of applications. Design: Serge & Robert Cornelissen
Cavetto - storage
|The name Cavetto (kaschkasch, 2016) comes from the moulding on the edges of all Cavetto models – a shelf series that can be configured in endless variations. The ingenious thing about Cavetto is that the edges of the shelves are shaped so that back and side panels can be inserted between them without the need for any fittings. Cavetto can be placed against a wall, positioned as a room divider or used to build a room within a room. It can be accessed from one or two directions depending on how the shelves are filled with the different accessories. The shelf unit comes in four different heights and in widths of 900 mm and 350 mm. A width of 350 mm can be used as a choice of corner shelf. Cavetto is made of round solid wood legs with adjustable feet that are linked by blockboard shelves. Cavetto can then be filled with accessories, mid sides, outer sides, backs, a fully removable drawer and pair of doors (only for width 900 mm). Crates in two different heights can be placed above the shelf or stacked on top of each other. Choose from oak, ash, standard stains on ash and standard colors (only for accesseories). Cavetto is supplied partially assembled and can be fully assembled with simple tools.
1KM - Display
|1KM Display (Kristofer Jonsson Fanny Jiseborn, white 2016) is a flexible shelf that can be used as a magazine holder, pigeonhole or bedside table and can be built to great lengths – up to 1km if required. Place the latest edition of all the world’s magazines on the top and the rest of the year’s in the compartment underneath – neat, attractive and practical. You can use 1KM DISPLAY to furnish libraries, offices, hotel rooms, lobbies, dining rooms etc. 1KM Display comes in freestanding or wall-mounted models in solid oak, ash, standard stains on ash and standard colors on MDF. A drawer is available as an accessory. The wall-mounted model comes as complete sections of one, two or three compartments. If you want to build longer runs, or at least up to 1KM you can use combinations of different starter, middle or end sections. The freestanding model comes in a unit of three compartments in three heights. The frame is made from steel lacquered in standard colours including adjustable feet.
Reverb - sound absorber
|Reverb is a visually appealing and practical ceiling-mounted sound absorber. The hole in the sound absorber lets light through from existing light fittings or gives you the opportunity of suspending light fittings through it. This means that Reverb is ideal for hanging over meeting places, workspaces or along a corridor. Reverb is made in compression-moulded polyester fibres in 10 different colors of Stay fabric from Gabriel. Choose from two hanging options: one wire with a knot or three wires. Three wires are recommended if a light fitting is going to be suspended through the hole. The wires are two metres long and we recommend hanging the sound absorber 1900 mm above the floor.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|It is a small, compact and ergonomically-designed acoustical cocoon. It is a piece you can easily add in any offices by setting it up on top of any existing table. By doing so a quieter and more private area is instantly defined within the space. When using it, one should grab the handles and slightly pull the BuzziCockpit closer in order to enhance the experience and enclose one’s ears in this quieter space. When done, the BuzziCockpit can be pushed back on the table so that it is not protruding and not in the way when not in use. It is available in two different versions, one with a closed back-panel and the other one with a partially opened one, depending on the level of intimacy one is looking for. The BuzziCockpits are upholstered in BuzziFabric, a recycled fabric and available in a wide array of colors in order to be as playful as possible.
Creation 30 X Press
|<p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T product available in tiles and planks with bevelled edges. It comprises a 0,30mm thick transparent wearlayer. <br>It is a 4mm compact product, compressed and grained at high pressure, made with a design film, two compact underlayers reinforced with a fibre grid. It includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. <br>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is treated with a PUR+ treatment for easy maintenance properties. </p> <p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is made with 73% of mineral and 12% inexhaustible materials. It is made with 100% control recycled materials. It is 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC &lt;28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable. </p> <p>ARGUMENTAIRES</p> <p>Ready to use :</p> <p>• Looselay = Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) included on the backing of the product<br>• Direct installation on existing subfloor (In compliance with Gerflor's installation guidelines)<br>• Clean and quiet for easy installation in busy areas</p> <p>Removable:</p> <p>• No tools needed to remove floor<br>• Easy to replace a single plank<br>• Subfloor is clean after removal: no messy adhesive residue</p> <p>Easy :</p> <p>• One tool required: a sharp blade<br>• Just press to install the product</p>
|Poujoulat has identified a strategic priority focus, which is the integration of design as a vector for renewal, diversification and increased value. The LUMINANCE range offers a large number of choices. This range has been designed whilst taking high environmental quality and sustainable development into consideration. It provides excellent draught and optimises heating appliance efficiency. Luminance relies on the same technical basis as the other Poujoulat chimney stacks, and therefore guarantees quality, performance and quick and easy installation. Installation can be carried out by one or two persons, without roof-frame reinforcement or structural work. The components are supplied on-site "ready to install", depending on the house's characteristics.
Vertical Sliding Window VSF 210 1-leaf, thermal insulated
|Baier sliding windows are used whenever one seeks an increase in comfort, aesthetics, and functionality. Functionality that moves. Baier sliding windows offer flexibility and the maximum level of security. The windows’ developments allow for the necessary comfort and its “automatic commercial success”. Baier measures up to all requirements. It doesn’t matter whether Baier is furnishing a network of bakeries with new, practical, and cost-effective sliding windows or fulfilling the specific wishes of a private homeowner. The entire expert knowledge of our metal construction lies in the development of innovative sliding windows, no matter what size. We also pay equal attention to individuality, ease of cleaning, and safety. Along with electrical automatic drivers, our experts also design a patented anti-drop device that would become effective if the carrier wire ever broke. But, a problem like that is out of the question, and you have our dependable maintenance service to thank for that. You can trust us in moving situations. [LIST] Ergonomic sliding windows for commercial use, such as for sidewalk sale Elegant special solutions for private living area Horizontal and vertical constructions Comfortable service, manual, at the push of a button or motion sensor For outside and inside Patented security system Made to measure in all desired sizes Available in all desired colors Made with shatterproof and insulating glass [/LIST]
KD50 Drawer
|The new Drawer compressor minibar KD50 has an elegant design and it is customizable according to the customers’ needs. It allows the operators to play with it and to place it in unusual or reduced spaces creating alternative solutions, with an innovative design. The new concept of minibar is silent and smart, it provides a drawer system for being easily accessible from above. Products are well visible thanks to the two refrigerated compartments which easily become a single one. New pull-out design; Available with standard or wooden customizable door; Energy management with Patented “Smart Technology”; In compliance with the European Energy Efficiency Regulation 643/2009.
|Challenge the Limits Eclipse Premium, with Spirit Collection & Classic collection, brings you an unrivalled world of colours and coordination possibilities in line with evolving user needs and lifestyle trends. The Premium range is the largest ever collection of non-directional designs in plain and contrast colour combinations. It allows you to plan your entire project within one collection, Eclipse Premium & Primo Premium, combining all required functions - Primo Acoustic, Primo SD and/or Primo Safe.T - together with matching colours.
|Challenge the Limits Primo Premium brings you an unrivalled world of colours and coordination possibilities in line with evolving user needs and lifestyle trends. The Premium range is the largest ever collection of non-directional designs in plain and contrast colour combinations. It allows you to plan your entire project within one collection, Primo Premium & Eclipse Premium (with Spirit Collection & Classic collection), combining all required functions - Primo Acoustic, Primo SD and/or Primo Safe.T - together with matching colours.
863 Eleven high back
|Compact volumes. Essential clean-cut lines. One distinctive central feature: aluminium leg to which back and armrests cushions are anchored. Upholstered products enter the Alias world with a technological spirit in keeping with the personality of the brand. A system of one, two and three-seater sofa elements designed by PearsonLloyd, the angular elegance of eleven provides the ideal solution for both domestic interiors and communal spaces. The slender legs, produced in cast aluminium and enamelled in various colours, are the unmistakable feature of each seating element in the eleven collection. The steel frame is strung with elastic webbing to guarantee maximum comfort and supports the seat, back and armrests cushions, which are formed in varying densities of polyurethane. Upholstery is available in fabric or leather with a wide variety of colours and materials to choose from. Alias suggests a selection of possible frame finish and upholstery combinations, providing contemporary inspirations to enhance this design project.
|Finishing and jointing profiles Wall - Wall protection Fin’Color is a multi-purpose PVC profile that provides an aesthetic finish and a perfect joint between panels or between panel and floor covering •Multi-prupose: one profile to realise horizontal and vertical finish as well as the junction between two panels or a panel and the PVC coving •Available in all colours in the range, to be matched with SPM protection panels and brings a subtle decorative touch for a harmonious whole. •Easy installation: adhesive bonding with Gerflor acrylic glue or Gerflor universal mastic glue
Golf chest
|One of a kind cabinet in modern style will be an original element and will add character not only to a living room, but also a hall, bedroom or bathroom. It is made from mdf board varnished to high gloss surface in black color complemented by stainless steel, polished frame. This piece is a perfect choice for those who love style and luxury. We can make it in size and color of your choice.
KA Series Standard
|The defining characteristics of the KA Series - Customised solutions thanks to a high degree of flexibility - An excellent ratio of size, power and speed - Various installation solutions thanks to a large selection of brackets - Customisable visual design - Virtually indestructible design performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 8 drives in one synchronous group - Supply and signals at KA 34/54 BSY+ for up to 2/3 drives can be looped in series - Special chain stabilisation - Pressure applications up to 700 mm, application tension stroke lengths >1000 mm possible - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Adjustable electronic closing force optimisation - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
Customer Outlet VFTO-E1
|Fibrain VFTO-E1 Customer outlet is another innovative product which has been specifically constructed for FTTH solutions in which functionality is one of thekey elements. Designed to reduce time and minimize the amount of space during installation while maintaining a modern and compact design.Fibrain VFTO-E1 Customer outlet is designed for FTTH networks as a termination point of the optical duct for max. 4 fibers. Our outlet facilitates placingcables of 4 mm and connecting them with fiber optic pigtails with the use fusion and mechanical splices. Therefore, it is compatible with Rapid Connector solutions, including mechanic splices placed on DCY cable.
Window double UPVC-ALU Internorm KF410 3
|The completely flush transition of frame and sash combines KF 410 to one unit. Once the frame is rendered into the brickwork on three sides, only the narrow, square-edged sash frame remains visible. The frame is insulated gapless through the new insulation technology and thermal insulation is considerably improved.
Window double UPVC-ALU Internorm KF410 5
|The completely flush transition of frame and sash combines KF 410 to one unit. Once the frame is rendered into the brickwork on three sides, only the narrow, square-edged sash frame remains visible. The frame is insulated gapless through the new insulation technology and thermal insulation is considerably improved.
Cup Table
|The Cup table was designed by the trio Knudsen, Berg and Hindenes. This sofa table is a visually lightweight table that fits into most settings. With two heights, two colors and two bases, one can freely play around with different expressions. The table top is made of environmentally sound absorbing structural foam that provides a soft satin finish. Dimensions: Low H: 39 cm Ø: 54,5 cm High H: 43 cm Ø: 54,5 cm
Senso Sofa
|The Senso sofa system is designed by Andersen & Voll. The idea behind Senso is to design a modular sofa system that is flexible, space efficient and facilitates informal meetings between people. The Senso sofa system takes into account the acoustic challenges that one often has in office environments. The modular system stands out due to its space efficiency and its large number of modules that provides creative solutions. The height of the modules meets the requirements for universal design. The design of the base facilitates easy cleaning. Senso seat consists of steel frame with Nozag spring and cold cured foam. Back consists of plywood with cold cured foam. Senso side table has tabletop with 6 mm compact laminate in light or dark gray with black core. Base in polished aluminium, black (RAL 9005) epoxy or white (Ral 9016) epoxy. Epoxy in other colours on request. Base to be mounted. Felt gliders.
Pond Beam
|Chairs mounted on a beam is extremely space efficient and provide opportunities for creative solutions. We offer both Pond and Popcorn chairs mounted on a beam. The chairs are available in several colors, with or without seat cushions. The sleek beam design will facilitate cleaning. The beam is suitable for waiting rooms, large assembly halls, auditoriums, culture venues, airports and other premises where one wants many individual seatings. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option. Pond PP plastic chair available in 5 colors: White, dark gray, petroleum, light green and light blue. Optional seat cushion, fully upholstered, and may be delivered with armrests in wood. Popcorn PP plastic chairs available in dark gray or white. Choose between seat cushion, or seat and back cushion. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option. Base available in dark gray or white powder coated aluminum. Plastic glider. Dimensions: Pond 2-seats W: 110 cm H: 80 cm D: 54 cm SH: 45 cm Pond 3-seats W: 176 cm H: 80 cm D: 54 cm SH: 45 cm Pond 4-seats W: 242 cm H: 80 cm D: 54 cm SH: 45 cm
Popcorn Beam
|Chairs mounted on a beam is extremely space efficient and provide opportunities for creative solutions. We offer both Pond and Popcorn chairs mounted on a beam. The chairs are available in several colors, with or without seat cushions. The sleek beam design will facilitate cleaning. The beam is suitable for waiting rooms, large assembly halls, auditoriums, culture venues, airports and other premises where one wants many individual seatings. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option.Pond PP plastic chair available in 5 colors: White, dark gray, petroleum, light green and light blue. Optional seat cushion, fully upholstered, and may be delivered with armrests in wood. Popcorn PP plastic chairs available in dark gray or white. Choose between seat cushion, or seat and back cushion. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option. Base available in dark gray or white powder coated aluminum. Plastic glider. Popcorn 2-seats W: 122 cm H: 80 cm D: 55 cm SH: 44 cm Popcorn 3-seats W: 188 cm H: 80 cm D: 55 cm SH: 44 cm Popcorn 4-seats W: 254 cm H: 80 cm D: 55 cm SH: 44 cm
Entrance Door w/ Panic Lock and Wall Reader
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik solution for single-leaf aluminium or steel entrance doors with a SCALA solo Wall Reader and a multi-functional self-locking lock. SCALA is the universal electronic access control. Door is also equipped with a Cam-Motion® Door Closer. When doors feature the MEDIATOR system, they are essentially locked on the outside, but, thanks to the panic function, users are able to exit buildings from the inside without a key at any time. Doors can also be opened using the access control system SCALA. [LIST] MEDIATOR Mortise Lock, mechanical, Standard: DIN EN 179 & 1125 MEDIATOR Electric Strike with Face Plate Security Fittings, ONE System (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Access Control SCALA, Mini-Controller and Reader with Keypad Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Kindergarten Secured Entrance Door
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Escape door-locking device for nursery schools with Security Door Closer. The locking element is powered and controlled via the Escape Door Control Terminal. Even children can release the door at any time using the emergency button. MEDIATOR® - the self-locking escape door lock with electric strike is approved for use on escape routes and in fire and smoke protection doors. Door is also equipped with a Security Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. [LIST] MEDIATOR Mortise Lock, mechanical, Standard: DIN EN 179 & 1125 MEDIATOR Electric Strike with Face Plate Security Fittings, ONE System (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Security Door Closer, Non-Hinge Side, Standard: EN 1154, EltVTR Escape Door Control Terminal, Standard: EltVTR Push Button Inside Push Button Outside Digital Time Switch Key Switch Outside Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, Nursery School, Kindergarten, School, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard 10mm
|Fermacell Gypsum Fibreboards: - One Man Boards – Square Edge - Standard Boards – Square Edge - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 2 Sides - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 4 Sides Fermacell gypsum fiber boards are made of gypsum and paper fibers obtained by a recycling process. They offer a lot of advantages for the complete "dry" interior design. Areas of application envisaged: - Indoor applications for wall, ceiling and roof - Building board - Fire protection plate - Moisture trays - Indoor applications for floor areas Product advantages: - Interior decoration for a good indoor climate - Suitable for humidification and moisturizing - Soundproofing - Extremely resilient - High stability and statically applicable - Non-flammable - Easy to process and easy to attach - Economical adhesive joints - surface filling If you have any questions concerning application in residential areas or commercial areas, please contact Fermacell's technical advisors.
fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard 12.5mm
|Fermacell Gypsum Fibreboards: - One Man Boards – Square Edge - Standard Boards – Square Edge - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 2 Sides - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 4 Sides Fermacell gypsum fiber boards are made of gypsum and paper fibers obtained by a recycling process. They offer a lot of advantages for the complete "dry" interior design. Areas of application envisaged: - Indoor applications for wall, ceiling and roof - Building board - Fire protection plate - Moisture trays - Indoor applications for floor areas Product advantages: - Interior decoration for a good indoor climate - Suitable for humidification and moisturizing - Soundproofing - Extremely resilient - High stability and statically applicable - Non-flammable - Easy to process and easy to attach - Economical adhesive joints - surface filling If you have any questions concerning application in residential areas or commercial areas, please contact Fermacell's technical advisors.