karma trendz | 1395475041Downlight frame 60 cm
Caixa d´água
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Caixa d´água instalada nos edifícios, a fim de equilibrar a oferta de água nos períodos de desabastecimentos.
karma trendz | 13856932342D Electric symbol
Wanna 18
Bartosz Garstka | 1423008012Wanna prostokątna, opcje typów kranów, oznaczenie minimalnej wymaganej przestrzeni. Edytowalna w środowisku MEP Modeler.
Armario Lavabo 18
andrea botta | 1514303149Fregadero empotrado en mueble con puerta y un cajón opcional. Editable con el Modelador MEP.
WC 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of WC with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Other
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of free-form bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Rectangular
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of rectangular shaped bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 07
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
karma trendz | 13856936832D plumbing symbol
Laboratory Workstation
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1378815672Laboratory workstation with cabinets, shelves, sink and MEP connections.
Basin Cabinet 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Basin mounted on cabinet with door and optional drawer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
karma trendz | 13856928092D Shower system symbol
Electric Meter
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009013D parametric, Electric Meter, with meter and pole setting
Basin 04
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of single basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Cabin 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Shower cabin with tray and shower kit. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Built-In 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Built-in single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
WC 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of WC with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single basin, mounted on wall or pedestal, with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Octagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Octagonal shaped bathtub with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Connexion MEP 19
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1466089381 -
Bathtub 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rectangular bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Kit 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of shower with tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Wall Mounted Air Conditioner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Versatile Duct Tee
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1607075906 -
ArchiPipe 1.3_AC11_ENG
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216634ArchiPIPE 1.3 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt Jun 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, ArchiPipe 1.3 AC11, pipe, with optional\n- horizontal or vertical position\n- circular or rectangular section\n- pipe slope\n- start and end connection\n- 2D and 3D detail level
Basin Rectangular 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single rectangular basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Kit 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of shower with tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Jacuzzi Round 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Round jacuzzi with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Washer 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Front-loading washer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
WC Disabled 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851WC for the disabled. Editable with MEP Modeler.
karma trendz | 13856934282D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856935932D electric symbol
ArchiPipe 1.3_AC11_POR
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216634ArchiPIPE 1.3 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt Jun 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, ArchiPipe 1.3 AC11, pipe, with optional\n- horizontal or vertical position\n- circular or rectangular section\n- pipe slope\n- start and end connection\n- 2D and 3D detail level, Portugal
Air Conditioner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Air Source Heat Pump 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Corner bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Jacuzzi 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Round and square jacuzzi with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Multi-Basin Counter 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Counter with optional number of basins and taps. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Стиральная Машина 22
Неля Сарибжанова | 1570274953Стиральные машины с фронтальной или вертикальной загрузкой. Доступно редактирование с использованием Конструктора MEP.
Versatile Pipe Wye
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1607075906 -
Basin Corner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted single corner basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Double 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted double basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 04
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of corner bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Jacuzzi Square 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rectangular jacuzzi with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink Belfast 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different forms of belfast sink with optional tap types. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink General 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different sink types with optional tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Solar Collector Flat Plate 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rotatable solar collector plate with optional support. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Дымоход Сборный с Одной Трубой 19
Юлия Правоторова | 1458604637Изготовленный заводским способом дымоход с одной трубой. Редактируемый с помощью Конструктора MEP.
karma trendz | 13856934472D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856935152D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856936162D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857064042D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857064662D sanitary and plumbing symbol
Air Source Heat Pump 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted single basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 04
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of single basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 03
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of corner bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Lavabo a incasso 02 19
lorenzo pardini | 1461946405Lavabo a incasso con spazio minimo. Editabile con MEP Modeler.
Pralka 18
Bartosz Garstka | 1423008912Pralka, wsad od przodu bądź od górny. Możliwa edycja w środowisku MEP Modeler.
Radiator Cast Iron 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Cabin 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Shower cabin with tray and shower kit. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Solar Photovoltaic Panel 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rotatable, photovoltaic panel(s) in series. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Urinal 04 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Urinal with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Washer 03
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Front-loading washer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
WC Corner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of corner WC with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Versatile Bypass Pipe
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1607075906 -
Versatile Duct Bend
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1607075906 -
karma trendz | 13856921202D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857063022D exhaust symbol
karma trendz | 13856927502D shower tap symbol
karma trendz | 13856927892D shower head fitting symbol
karma trendz | 13856928292D shower symbol
karma trendz | 13856929292D shower symbol
karma trendz | 13856929482D shower symbol
karma trendz | 13856935512D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856936542D plumbing symbol
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436412462D parametric, WC pipes
Air Conditioner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Built-In 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Built-in single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Cabinet 23
Stephen Curtis | 1574365503Basin mounted on cabinet with door and optional drawer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Handicap 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted single basin with optional tap types and minimal space for the disabled. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Corner bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Octagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Octagonal shaped bathtub with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Rectangular
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of rectangular shaped bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Trapezoid 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Trapezoid bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Biomass Boiler 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Biomass Boiler 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Ceiling Cassette Air Conditioner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Douche rectangulaire 18
moustafa adjito | 1436781505Plaques de douche rectangulaires, en chanfrein et ronds avec encombrement minimum. Editable avec MEP Modeler.
Drinking Fountain Wall Hung 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted drinking fountain with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Electric Water Heater 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Electric Water Heater 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Freestanding Bathtub 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different forms of freestanding bathtub with optional leg styles and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Gas Furnace 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Gas Heater 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Mop Sink 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Mop sink with leg types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Mop Sink 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Mop sink with leg types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Multi-Basin Counter 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Counter with optional number of basins and taps. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Prefabricated Chimney Double Flue 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Prefabricated chimney with double flue. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Prefabricated Chimney Single Flue 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Prefabricated chimney with single flue. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Radiator Cast Iron 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Radiator Panel 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hot water radiator with horizontal or vertical panels. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Rain Water Tank 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rain water tank, round or rectangular, with optional tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Rain Water Tank 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rain water tank, round or rectangular, with optional tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Tray 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rectangular shower tray with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink Corner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Corner sink with optional tap types. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Solar Collector Evacuated Tube 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rotatable evacuated tube solar collector. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Solar Collector Flat Plate 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rotatable solar collector plate with optional support. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Urinal 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Urinal with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Wall Mounted Air Conditioner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Wall Mounted Tap 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of wall-mounted tap with optional shower. Editable with MEP Modeler.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Washbasin with editable drain position and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Умывальник 18
Кристина Кошуба | 1499955389Одинарный настенный умывальник со скругленной или прямоугольной чашами, настраиваемым типом смесителя и минимальным пространством. Доступно редактирование с использованием Конструктора MEP.
Унитаз 18
Александра Андреева | 1412689650Различные типы унитазов с минимальным пространством. Редактируемый с помощью Конструктора MEP.
Duct Label AC19 [DEMO]
Dániel Bulyovcsity | 1460233459Label for MEP Original Simple MEP label by: James Murray (http://www.onland.info) Special thanks: Fejes Toth Istvan
Multi unit zone stamp [DEMO]
Dániel Bulyovcsity | 1460233459Simple Zone Stamp
karma trendz | 13856920772D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856920992D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856927692D Shower tab symbol
karma trendz | 13856929082D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856933132D electric symbol
karma trendz | 13856933622D electric symbol
karma trendz | 13856933822D electric symbol
karma trendz | 13856934032D electric symbol
karma trendz | 13856934742D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856934942D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856935342D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856935762D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856936372D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857063572D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857063692D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857064492D,symbol,plumbing,mep,sanitary
Air Diffuser 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Air diffuser, rectangular or cylindrical, with optional panel style. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Air Diffuser 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Air diffuser, rectangular or cylindrical, with optional panel style. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted single basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 05
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of single basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 05
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of single basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 06
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of single basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 06
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of single basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 07
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted single rounded and rectangular basins with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Cabinet 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Basin mounted on cabinet with door and optional drawer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Cabinet 19
Salim Pokun | 1512079401Basin mounted on cabinet with door and optional drawer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Corner 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Corner single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Corner 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Corner single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Corner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted single corner basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Double 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of double basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Double 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of double basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Double 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted double basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Flat Back-Oval 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted single basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Corner bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 03
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of corner bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 04
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of corner bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Free-standing
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of freestanding bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Free-standing
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of freestanding bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Hexagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of hexagonal shaped bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Hexagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of hexagonal shaped bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Other
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of free-form bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Pentagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of pentagonal shaped bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Pentagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of pentagonal shaped bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Round
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Round bathtub with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Round
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Round bathtub with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Ceiling Cassette Air Conditioner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Clothes Dryer
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Editable with MEP Modeler.
Clothes Dryer
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Editable with MEP Modeler.
Drinking Fountain Standing 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Free-standing drinking fountain with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Drinking Fountain Standing 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Free-standing drinking fountain with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Drinking Fountain Wall Hung 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted drinking fountain with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Drinking Fountain Wall Hung 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted drinking fountain with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Drinking Fountain Wall Hung 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted drinking fountain with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Freestanding Bathtub 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different forms of freestanding bathtub with optional leg styles and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Gas Furnace 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Gas Heater 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Gas Water Heater 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Gas Water Heater 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Mop Sink 21
Carlos CASTELANELLI | 1539790088Mop sink with leg types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Multipurpose Basin
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Built-in basin with optional backsplash and drainboard. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Multipurpose Basin
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Built-in basin with optional backsplash and drainboard. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Prefabricated Chimney Double Flue 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Prefabricated chimney with double flue. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Prefabricated Chimney Single Flue 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Prefabricated chimney with single flue. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Radiator Horiz Bars 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hot water radiator with horizontal bars. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Radiator Horiz Panel 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hot water radiator with horizontal panels. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Radiator Horizontal Bars 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hot water radiator with horizontal bars. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Radiator Vert Panel 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hot water radiator with vertical panels. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Corner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Chamfered corner shower tray with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Curved
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of curved shower trays with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Curved
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of curved shower trays with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Kit 18
jéssica félix | 1452162501Different types of shower with tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Pentagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of pentagonal shower trays with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Pentagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of pentagonal shower trays with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Rectangular
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of rectangular shower trays with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Rectangular
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Different types of rectangular shower trays with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Tray 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular, chamfered and round shower trays with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Tray Corner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Round corner shower tray with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink Belfast 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different forms of Belfast sink with optional tap types. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink Corner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Corner sink with optional tap types. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink General 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different sink types with optional tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Solar Collector Evacuated Tube 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rotatable evacuated tube solar collector. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Solar Photovoltaic Panel 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rotatable, photovoltaic panel(s) in series. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Terma gazowa 21
Mateusz Kraszkiewicz | 1508535011Edytowalne w środowisku MEP Modeler.
Urinal 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Urinal with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Urinal 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Urinal with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Urinal 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Urinal with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Urinal Corner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Corner urinal with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Urinal Corner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Corner urinal with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Vaso Sanitário 19
ana karla viana paiva | 1457112293Diferentes tipos de vasos sanitários com espaço mínimo. Editável com Modelagem MEP.
Wall Mounted Tap 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of wall-mounted tap with optional shower. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Wall Mounted Tap 18
francesca battista | 1452162365Different types of wall-mounted tap with optional shower. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Washer 03
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Front-loading washer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Washer 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Top-loading and front-loading washers. Editable with MEP Modeler.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Washbasin with editable drain position and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
WC Corner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of corner WC with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
WC Disabled 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723WC for the disabled. Editable with MEP Modeler.
WC Disabled 18
gialluca biribò | 1410256660WC for the disabled. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Душевой Гарнитур 21
Sofia Zet | 1516730210Различные типы душа с краном. Редактируемый с помощью Конструктора MEP.
Мойка Обычная 18
Karina Vasileva | 1523719984Различные типы раковин с дополнительным краном. Редактируемый с помощью Конструктора MEP.
Boiler BAXI Premier Plus 150
Андрей Копысов | 1380437054Бойлер для горячей воды емкостью 150 л
karma trendz | 1390045700water tank 200 lt
Water heater Ariston Velis
Dragutin Dubljevic | 1505260981VELIS 50 H77.6cm L50.6cm D27.5cm VELIS 80 H106.6cm L50.6cm D27.5cm VELIS 100 H125.1cm L50.6cm D27.5cm Osovinsko rastojanje prikljucka tople i hladne vode je 40.8cm Udaljenost od zida do osovine prikljucka tople i hladne vode je 14.2cm Nosac kacenja od donje ivice bojlera na osovinskom rastojanju od 20.3cm Nosac kacenja od gornje ivice bojlera na osovinskom rastojanju od 16.8cm Vertikalno rastojanje izmedju osovina kacenja za VELIS 50-40.5cm, VELIS 80-69.5cm a VELIS 100-88cm
radiatore in alluminio
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1443542473radiatore
karma trendz | 1395225120TOTO Towel Rack TX726AE
Brizo - Potfiller Wall Mount Double Handle
Andres Bruder | 1353967489Potfiller Brizo Wall Mounted Double Handle
karma trendz | 1395226568TOTO shower door handle TX10B
karma trendz | 1395385661TOTO Lavatory LW642CJ
karma trendz | 13856927072D shower tray symbol
MKN 0521702 Salamander Size 1 FCSI
ioannis spyridis | 1399413222MKN 0521702, Salamander Size 1, electric, 800mm, chrome nickel steel construction, 5 height levels, radiating heating elements, grill grid with handles, power regulator, chrome nickel steel construction, 3.3kw, 230v/50/1 NPE AC, 16amp earthed plug
Газовый котел Navien Ace Turbo Coaxial
Андрей Копысов | 1361022588gas boiler Navien Ace Turbo Coaxial
karma trendz | 1394941351TOTO_avante_toilet_CW821J-SW821JP
Smoke and Heat Detector 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Combined or single smoke or heat detector with optional 2D symbol type (electric, RCP) and text.
Smoke and Heat Detector 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Combined or single smoke or heat detector with optional 2D symbol type (electric, RCP) and text.
Ванна моечная 630х630
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Orivent smoke and heat exhaust ventilator
Markus Häme | 1452170884 -
Orivent smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
Markus Häme | 1452170884 -
Sign Smoke and Heat Exhaust Opening
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Smoke and Heat Exhaust Opening
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Smoke and Heat Exhausting
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Smoke and Heat Exhausting
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Smoke and Heat Exhaustion Control
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Smoke and Heat Exhaustion Control
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
M2700 - Sealer, Heat, Plastic Bag, w/Motor, Portable
|Portable plastic bag heat sealing machine. Heavy duty portable sealer, motor driven with foot switch, 16 inches long clamping jaw minimum, 1/8 inch (2mm) wide heat seal, grounding plug and 3-wire electrical cable. Equipped with low voltage impulse generator with electronic timer. For making air and water-tight seals on plastic bags.
P8710 - Utility Center, Plumbing Connection
|Plumbing connection utility center, sometimes referred to as a 'GUY GRAY BOX'. This recessed utility center provides for hot and cold water connections and a drain connection at sink and other equipment locations. The utility center includes cutoff valves for the water connections, a plug seal for the drain and an outside cover to provide an aesthetic appearance when connections are no longer required. This center may be installed in locations where no plumbing fixtures are included in a design as a future flexibility device, saving many dollars for later facility modifications to incorporate sinks as functions change.
ELF 0,6 Compact Heat Meter with Flow Transducer Type JS90-NI
|Precise and reliable heat meter, equipped with high class heat calculator and flow transducer of class 2, with electronic detection of rotor rotation and archiving many of data readings. It is distinguished by its modern design. Heat meter for measuring the consumption of heat energy drawn from heat networks by small residential or office buildings. Heating factor with a temperature up to 90 °C (105 °C - when installing the heat meter on a return pipe) and maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), or in vertical hoses (V).
ELF 1 Compact Heat Meter with Flow Transducer Type JS90-NI
|Precise and reliable heat meter, equipped with high class heat calculator and flow transducer of class 2, with electronic detection of rotor rotation and archiving many of data readings. It is distinguished by its modern design. Heat meter for measuring the consumption of heat energy drawn from heat networks by small residential or office buildings. Heating factor with a temperature up to 90 °C (105 °C - when installing the heat meter on a return pipe) and maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), or in vertical hoses (V).
ELF 1,5 Compact Heat Meter with Flow Transducer Type JS90-NI
|Precise and reliable heat meter, equipped with high class heat calculator and flow transducer of class 2, with electronic detection of rotor rotation and archiving many of data readings. It is distinguished by its modern design. Heat meter for measuring the consumption of heat energy drawn from heat networks by small residential or office buildings. Heating factor with a temperature up to 90 °C (105 °C - when installing the heat meter on a return pipe) and maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), or in vertical hoses (V).
ELF 1,5 (DN20) Compact Heat Meter with Flow Transducer Type JS90-NI
|Precise and reliable heat meter, equipped with high class heat calculator and flow transducer of class 2, with electronic detection of rotor rotation and archiving many of data readings. It is distinguished by its modern design. Heat meter for measuring the consumption of heat energy drawn from heat networks by small residential or office buildings. Heating factor with a temperature up to 90 °C (105 °C - when installing the heat meter on a return pipe) and maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), or in vertical hoses (V).
ELF 2,5 Compact Heat Meter with Flow Transducer Type JS90-NI
|Precise and reliable heat meter, equipped with high class heat calculator and flow transducer of class 2, with electronic detection of rotor rotation and archiving many of data readings. It is distinguished by its modern design. Heat meter for measuring the consumption of heat energy drawn from heat networks by small residential or office buildings. Heating factor with a temperature up to 90 °C (105 °C - when installing the heat meter on a return pipe) and maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), or in vertical hoses (V).
|<p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are marked with the following code, according to PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015 standard: </p> <p>EPS-EN 13163-T(1)-L(2)-W(2)-S(2)-P(5)-BS250-CS(10)200-DS(N)2-DS(70,-)1-DLT(1)5 </p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 (EPS 200) insulation panels are manufactured in the form of finished goods in the innovative shape moulding technology. Owing to innovative production process they feature excellent insulation characteristics and very good working properties. They are intended for use as a broadly defined floor thermal insulation in water underfloor heating systems. </p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels are intended for use as floor thermal insulation and for installation of heating pipes in water underfloor heating systems. They are designed for quick and easy installation of the pipes. Panels are made of dense expanded polystyrene and are therefore not susceptible to moisture absorption. Because of their versatility they may be applied in housing construction and public utility facilities. </p> <ul><li>The system of protrusions allows for a quick and easy installation of heating pipes.<br>The shape of protrusions ensures stability of heating pipes after they have been laid, without the necessity of using any additional materials to hold them in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Protrusions that hold the heating pipes in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Innovative edge profiles allow for tight and durable connection of the panels.</li><li>High thermal resistance (λD thermal conductivity = 0,033 W/(mK) – excellent thermal insulating power</li></ul> <p></p> <p><strong>INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 PANELS</strong></p> <p>Steps of laying water underfloor heating system with KNAUF Therm FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels&nbsp;</p> <p>Steps of laying the water underfloor heating system depend on the location of the room in which it is going to be installed.</p> <p>1. Applying the so called additional insulation (if the underfloor heating is installed on soil or over an unheated room) – KNAUF Therm expanded polystyrene panels (KNAUF Therm TECH Dach/Podłoga λ 37, KNAUF Therm PRO Dach/Podłoga EPS 100 λ 36, KNAUF Therm PRO Parking EPS 200 λ 33)&nbsp;<br>2. Gluing in the edge strips at the walls and pillars (if the latter are present in the room that the water underfloor heating is installed in)<br>3. Laying down the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 professional panels intended for water underfloor heating.<br>4. Laying the heating pipes on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel<br>(without the necessity of using any other materials to hold the heating pipes in place)<br>5. Priming the heating pipes with water.<br>6. Making the so called heating slab.<br>7. Covering the pipes with anhydrite or cement screed (it can be KNAUF FE 50 cement screed) – up to the height of “protrusions” on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel.<br>8. Releasing air bubbles from the screed – the heating pipes have to be completely covered with screed without the so called “air pockets” under the pipes.&nbsp;<br>9. Surface levelling – if necessary – using self levelling KNAUF FE 50 screed</p> <p><strong>ATTENTION</strong><br>Do not use the panels in direct contact with substances destructive to polystyrene, e.g. organic solvents (acetone, Nitro, benzene etc.).&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PACKAGING, STORAGE, TRANSPORT</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are only supplied in original manufacture’s packaging, i.e. that of KNAUF Industries Polska Sp. z o.o.&nbsp;</p> <p>The product packaging contains information on: product name, manufacturer’s name, production date, relevant Polish Standard number i.e. PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015, a code in accordance with the standard and declared technical parameters</p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels should be stored in a manner protecting them against mechanical damage and atmospheric conditions.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
DIN Rail Heating & Cooling Fan-Coil Thermostat - DIN-TSTAT-FCU
|<p>The DIN-TSTAT-FCU is a fan coil unit (FCU) controller designed for use in two-pipe applications. It may be operated as a standalone controller or integrated with a home automation system or building management system (BMS). A Cresnet® port is provided for integration with a Crestron® control system or Crestron Pyng®system. An RS-485 port is also included for communication with Modbus® or BACnet&trade;. Full programmability enables use in various types of applications beyond control of FCUs. Configuration is facilitated using a PC based software application.</p> <p>Standard 35 mm DIN rail mounting allows the DIN-TSTAT-FCU to be installed in a DIN rail enclosure (Crestron DIN-EN series or similar). A 9M wide DIN rail is also included for alternate mounting applications. The unit is 230 Volts AC line powered.</p> <p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul><li>Fan coil controller</li><li>System integration via Cresnet® or RS-485</li><li>Supports Cresnet, Modbus®, and BACnet&trade; protocols</li><li>Fully programmable</li><li>Configurable via a PC software application</li><li>Standalone operation option</li><li>35 mm DIN rail mountable</li><li>230 Volts AC line powered</li></ul>
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Ванна 1700мм
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Ванна детская
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Ванна моечная
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Ванна моечная 500х600
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Ванна моечная 800х800
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Ванная 1700х700
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Душевая кабина
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Душевая кабина 800х800
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Душевой поддон
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Писсуар 1
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Писсуар 2
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Раковина 1
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Раковина 2
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Раковина 3
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Раковина детская
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Раковина угловая
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Рукомойник локтевой
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
унитаз встраеваемый
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Унитаз детский
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Унитаз с педалью
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
Унитаз с педалью 2
Kirill Shekurov | 1509635967 -
|Hana on parhaimmillaan kuin pieni veistos, joka täydentää allasta. Laadukas hana kestää käytössä vuosikymmeniä, joten on hyvä valita hana, joka on paitsi käytännöllinen myös miellyttää silmää. Saksalaisen Hansgrohen laajasta ja monipuolisesta valikoimastamme löydät varmasti tyyliisi ja tarpeisiisi sopivan hanan. Yhtenäisyyttä kylpyhuoneeseesi luot valitsemalla sekä hanan että suihkun samasta sarjasta.
Floor tube for bottle trap chrome
|This BIM object is produced in conjunction with Laattapiste - Faucet is at its best as a small sculpture that complements the pool. High-quality faucet will last for decades, so it is good to choose a faucet that is not only practical to please the eye. German Hansgrohe's wide and varied range you will surely find your style and suits your needs the tap. Uniting your bathroom you create, select, and tap the jet from the same series.
Bottle trap Flow Star S chrome
|This BIM object is produced in conjunction with Laattapiste - Faucet is at its best as a small sculpture that complements the pool. High-quality faucet will last for decades, so it is good to choose a faucet that is not only practical to please the eye. German Hansgrohe's wide and varied range you will surely find your style and suits your needs the tap. Uniting your bathroom you create, select, and tap the jet from the same series.
|Hana on parhaimmillaan kuin pieni veistos, joka täydentää allasta. Laadukas hana kestää käytössä vuosikymmeniä, joten on hyvä valita hana, joka on paitsi käytännöllinen myös miellyttää silmää. Saksalaisen Hansgrohen laajasta ja monipuolisesta valikoimastamme löydät varmasti tyyliisi ja tarpeisiisi sopivan hanan. Yhtenäisyyttä kylpyhuoneeseesi luot valitsemalla sekä hanan että suihkun samasta sarjasta.
Purusline Living Grating Drop 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living 600mm with outlet Ø50 side side and grating in stainless steel with DROP pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm side side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Purusline Living Grating Twist 800mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living 800mm with outlet Ø50 side side and grating in stainless steel with TWIST pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
|Twin wall insulated multi-fuel system chimney. Therminox is a high quality, multi-fuel, stainless steel twin wall system chimney designed for use with all solid fuel, wood, coal, gas, oil and pellet heating appliances. It is ideally suited for operating temperature up to 450°C and comes with a 10 year Axa backed guarantee. All of the products offered by Cheminées Poujoulat have been rigorously tested in every configuration by the CERIC Laboratory to ensure they meet highest standards (Building Regulation Document J - Amendements to Approved Documents). The Therminox system chimney is available as TI with a bright stainless steel outer case, and ZI offering better value for internal use. Also, it can be powder painted to any RAL colour of your choice or can be ordered with a copper outer case. It comes with a wide range engineers components making the installation of the chimney even much easier than usual. With Joint Seals, Therminox can also be used under positive pressure when connected to a condensing boiler.
|The 3 CEP Multi +system (internal version) is a specially designed concentric common shared system chimney for flue gas evacuation and air supply for domestic room-sealed C42, C43, C42P & C43P boilers in flats & apartments, ideally suited for new build projects. This innovative system allows the connection of 2 up to 20 boilers. In renovation projects, it is an ideal solution in cases where multiple room-sealed condensing boilers cannot be installed on the face of the building and there is a usable service shaft or existing U-duct. This system requires the use of the Poujoulat flue gas non-return valve unless the boiler is provided with its own non-return valve. All of the products offered by Cheminées Poujoulat have been rigorously tested in every configuration by the CERIC Laboratory to ensure they meet highest standards (Building Regulation Document J - Amendements to Approved Documents).
|Mini-sized, electronically controlled instantaneous water heater for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply at a handwash basin (3,5 - 6,5 kW). • Touch key control panel or control vai IPad (CLAGE Smart Control) • optionally supplied with or without plug (3,5 kW) • suitable for pre-wall installation • immediately hot water at any time • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • MCX Blue with single-lever washbasin tap • MBX Lumino with touch-free sensor tap
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE
|CI System Glass Element FE – Variety of transparent design & optimum energy efficiency CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE – individual daylight and smoke ventilation elements for high- class residential and administrative buildings With the LAMILUX CI System Element F series, we offer you beautifully shaped elements for flat roofs which will allow you to implement all aspects of modern, energy-efficient, design-oriented construction and put ambitious architectural ideas into practice. The certified SHEV CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE according to EN 12101-2 stands out due to excellent heat and sound insulation values and to individually selectable RAL-colors. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.6 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in many dimensions Optimal thermal insulation thanks to thermal-bridge-free overall structure Intelligent controls for natural ventilation and solar protection roller blinds Thermally insulated, joinless GRP upstand 15 (only standard model), 30, 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristic) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Pyramid-shaped or hipped-roof daylight systems possible (only by standard, not by smoke lift) fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE energysave
|CI System Glass Element FEenergysave - flat roof windows for passive house The CI System Glass Element FEenergysave combines the outstanding heat insulation and airtightness with a generous light incidence. It has been certified by the renowned Passive Houses Institute in Darmstadt, Germany, as the first skylight suitable for passive buildings and achieves the top efficiency class. [LIST] top Passive House efficiency class - phA advanced component heat transfer coefficient (USL): 0.84 W/(m²K) minor heat losses and hight solar gain of heat overall system with flawless isothermal characteristics and free of thermal bridges outstanding airtightness by double balloon sealing: performance class 4 - certified according to EN 1207 enviromental product declaration according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 (EPD - modules A1 - D) permanent fall-through protection (GS-BAU-18) available in nine dimensions [/LIST]
|Mini-sized, electronically controlled instantaneous water heater with single-lever washbasin tap for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply at a handwash basin (3,5 kW). • Touch key control panel or control vai IPad (CLAGE Smart Control) • optionally supplied with or without plug (3,5 kW) • suitable for pre-wall installation • immediately hot water at any time • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • MCX SMARTRONIC® • MBX Lumino with touch-free sensor tap
|Electronically controlled instantaneous water heater in compact size for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply at a kitchen sink (11/13,5 kW). • Precise outlet temperatures up to 60°C • Control via remote control (is included in the delivery) or via IPad (CLAGE Smart Control) • suitable for pre-wall installation • immediately hot water at any time • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • CEX-U ELECTRONIC MPS® (with control-panel)
Metawell® Radiant Island
|Ceiling sails hang from the base ceiling as single panels, or are combined into islands. In this way they can take on any contours, edge configurations and surface coatings. The radiant ceiling sail, a functional component of building technology, becomes a custom design element. Compared to enclosed ceilings, the open structure of ceiling sails offers clear advantages: greater specific performance, better accessibility, simpler assembly and lower investment costs. Metawell® radiant islands made of aluminium sandwich panels improve the room acoustics without reducing the cooling and heating efficiency of building structure core-tempered ceilings. Moreover, performance deficiencies can be compensated specifically. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Revolving Door KTV
|[LIST] Revolving doors with 3 or 4 leafs The KTV revolving door range is designed for installation in entrance areas where interior environmental control coupled with elegant aesthetics are desired. Available as Manual, Automatic, Positional or Servomatic, the KTV range offers flexibility in design and function. Operation Modes Manual, Automatic, Positional and Servomatic operation Diamater any from 2000 mm to 3400 mm. Standard fixed diameters of 3600 mm and 3800 mm are also available. Floor mounted or ceiling mounted drive units for powered doors Glazed or solid canopy Robust framing or fine frame option Optional: Night shields for additional protection Integrated with DORMA CODIC MasterCard or MATRIX Professional Access Control solutions Certification BS EN 16005 Benefits are flexible design options to meet project specific requirments, DORMA KTV revolving doors effectively reduce noise, dust and dirt as well as greatly contributing to a reduction in building climate control when compared with conventional automatic doors. [/LIST]
Revolving Door KTV 3
|[LIST] Revolving doors with 3 leafs The KTV revolving door range is designed for installation in entrance areas where interior environmental control coupled with elegant aesthetics are desired. Available as Manual, Automatic, Positional or Servomatic, the KTV range offers flexibility in design and function. Operation Modes Manual, Automatic, Positional and Servomatic operation Diamater any from 2000 mm to 3400 mm. Standard fixed diameters of 3600 mm and 3800 mm are also available. Floor mounted or ceiling mounted drive units for powered doors Glazed or solid canopy Robust framing or fine frame option Optional: Night shields for additional protection Integrated with DORMA CODIC MasterCard or MATRIX Professional Access Control solutions Certification BS EN 16005 Benefits are flexible design options to meet project specific requirments, DORMA KTV revolving doors effectively reduce noise, dust and dirt as well as greatly contributing to a reduction in building climate control when compared with conventional automatic doors [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Rooflight Dome F100
|CI System Rooflight Dome F100 – Energy efficiency, stability, safety – Exceeds international standards The Rooflight Dome is also available as SHEV: CI System Smoke Lift F100 - versatile and economical. Smoke and heat ventilation units are essential components in any fire-protection concept. We provide for a whole range of requirements tailored to your project's needs: [LIST] Available in many dimensions The rooflight dome is ventilated and locked as standard – ventilation units can be retrofitted at any time As Smoke Lift: Pneumatic (CO2), electric (24 V, 48 V) tested to EN 12101-2 Complies with DIN 18234 without the need for extra work or expense Certified to EN 12101-2, SHEV designed, dimensioned in accordance with DIN 18232-2, regional building regulations and industrial construction guidelines Optional: Upstand with optimized Aa-values Thermally insulated, jointless GRP upstand 30, 40 or 50cm in height, with U values of 0.5 to 0.9 W/m²K EPD acc. to EN 15804 [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
Revolving Door KTV 4
|[LIST] Revolving doors with 4 leafs The KTV revolving door range is designed for installation in entrance areas where interior environmental control coupled with elegant aesthetics are desired. Available as Manual, Automatic, Positional or Servomatic, the KTV range offers flexibility in design and function. Operation Modes Manual, Automatic, Positional and Servomatic operation Diamater any from 2000 mm to 3400 mm. Standard fixed diameters of 3600 mm and 3800 mm are also available. Floor mounted or ceiling mounted drive units for powered doors Glazed or solid canopy Robust framing or fine frame option Optional: Night shields for additional protection Integrated with DORMA CODIC MasterCard or MATRIX Professional Access Control solutions Certification BS EN 16005 Benefits are flexible design options to meet project specific requirments, DORMA KTV revolving doors effectively reduce noise, dust and dirt as well as greatly contributing to a reduction in building climate control when compared with conventional automatic doors. [/LIST]
Horizontal Sliding Wall System HSW FLEX Therm
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with double glazing and a surrounding frame made of thermally insulated profiles Different parking layouts available Bottom profile Thermal break and water channel (optional) Track rail with optional thermal break Insulation value U of approx. 1,5 W/m²K (with standard insulating glass) Meets the requirements of the German Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV Combined with door closer types TS 92, ITS 96 3-6, Push handles, ISEO Multilock Pivoting-sliding panels equipped with an ITS 96 3-6 concealed door closer Operation Easy, one-handed single throw of the lock bar to switch between the door and sliding functions, with no bending and no crank operation 40% improvement in thermal separation value (compared to the predecessor model) Heat transfer coefficient in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10077-1 and 10077-2 Endurance DIN 1527 Class 3 (25000 cycles) for suspend sliding doors > 100kg Impact DIN EN 13049 Class 3 Corrosion DIN EN 1670 Class 3 The product will be available end 2015 [/LIST]
|Electronically controlled instantaneous water heater in compact size for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply at a kitchen sink (11/13,5 kW). • Precise outlet temperatures up to 60°C • suitable for pre-wall installation • immediately hot water at any time • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • CFX-U FUNKTRONIC MPS® (remote control)
|Electronically controlled instantaneous water heater for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply for singlepoint or multipoint use e.g. bath, shower, sink or wash basin (18-27 kW). • Precise outlet temperatures up to 60°C • Control via remote control • display shows the set temperature • suitable for pre-wall installation • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • DSX SERVOTRONIC MPS® (Fully electronically controlled, multifunctional display) • DCX ELECTRONIC MPS® (electronically controlled, with single key control panel)
LAMILUX CI System Continuous Rooflight B
|CI System Continuous Rooflight B - Energy-efficient and superior statics The first continuous rooflight with complete thermal separation with approval for use in Germany and throughout Europe – for an optimised energy balance. With the CI System Continuous Rooflight B, we have developed a daylight system for intelligent building management that breaks new ground in terms of energy efficiency and structural design. In doing so, we have closely focused on intelligence – on well-engineered individual components in a completely heat-insulated, very economical and sturdy overall system. We call it TIP: Total Insulated Product. [LIST] Numerous glazing types Dimensions: length: endless width: 0.84 m to 6.00 m (inside dimension of frame) Ug values of 3.1 to 1.2 W/m²K Available Smoke and heat ventilation units (tested to EN 12101-2) European Technical Approval -ETA and German General Technical Approvals (ABZ) Enviromental product declararation acc. to EN 15804 [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Roof Exit Hatch Comfort - single flap
|Roof Exit Hatch Comfort - single flap The CI System Roof Exit Hatch Comfort - single flap opens up a new dimension in roof access. It offers previously unprecedented light incidence and convenient access to the roof for exclusive penthouse apartments (maximum opening dimension 111cm x 318cm/ top roof edge size 120cm x 350cm). The indoor climate also benefits from the high energy efficiency of the system and triple glaszing. [LIST] self-cleaning with 6° inclined upstand variety of colours as per RAL chart (surround profiles) standard triple glazing with Ug value 0.6 W/m²K overall construction avoids thermal bridges emergency stop function: closing process monitored by light berrier complies with DIN 18234 without any additional measures required (prevention of fire spread on flat roofs) [/LIST]
|Electronically controlled instantaneous water heater for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply for singlepoint or multipoint use e.g. bath, shower, sink or wash basin (18-27 kW). • Easy to use single-key-control pannel for the setting of the five possible outlet temperatures of 35 °C, 38 °C, 42 °C, 48 °C and 55 °C • suitable for pre-wall installation • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • DSX SERVOTRONIC MPS® (electronically controlled, multifunctional display) • DEX ELECTRONIC MPS® (electronically controlled, with control panel)
MBX Lumino
|Mini-sized, electronically controlled instantaneous water heater with touch-free sensor tap for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply at a handwash basin (3,5/ 6,5 kW). • The maximum power of the instantaneous water heater will be set by a lever at the tap • optionally supplied with or without plug (3,5 kW) • suitable for pre-wall installation • immediately hot water at any time • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • MCX Blue with single-lever washbasin tap • MCX SMARTRONIC®
|Fully electronically controlled instantaneous water heater for energy-efficient and comfortable hot water supply for singlepoint or multipoint use e.g. bath, shower, sink or wash basin (18-27 kW). • Precise outlet temperatures up to 60°C • Control via remote control (is included in the delivery) or via IPad (CLAGE Smart Control) • coloured illuminated multifunctional display shows the set temperature and the energy consumption • suitable for pre-wall installation • Energy efficiency class A (from Sept. 2015) • DEX ELECTRONIC MPS® (electronically controlled, with control panel) • DCX ELECTRONIC MPS® (electronically controlled, with single key control panel)
Swedish Attic slab solutions
|Compressed packs allow you to get more m2 per pack and more packs per delivery. Less storage space is required in the workplace, and fewer deliveries and less waste from packaging and pallets to take care of. The use of glass wool helps reduce installation time and as we all know - time is money. When the attic floor is well insulated the heat loss of the house is reduced by up to 20%. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBatt 035 to the lower layer, EcoBlanket 035 to the middle layer and the top layer of our paper-lined Byggmatta.
A5045 - Hair Dryer, Wall-Mounted, Patient Room
|A wall mounted hair dyer with 2 speed and 2 heat settings for use in a bathroom of a patient room. The dyer will be 1500 watts minimum and plug into a nearby outlet in close proximity to the room sink and mirror. The dryer will have an automatic shut-off when returned to the holder. The motor will be smooth and quite in operation.
CT030 - Countertop, High Pressure Laminate
|High pressure laminate countertop (composition of wood particle core with plastic laminate surface) having a hard smooth surface finish, standard thickness of 1", and a 4" butt backsplash/curb. Also referred to as a work surface or work top. Available in a wide choice of colors, patterns, and depths. Used in general purpose areas requiring a basic work surface arrangement with limited heat resistance and poor chemical resistance. Pricing based upon a 24" depth.
D4500 - Furnace, Laboratory, Dental, Burnout
|Dental burnout furnace. The unit is used in dental laboratories for burnout of dental alloy rings and flasks. The furnace is capable of automatic or manual operation and has a automatic self-calibration system as well as a digital readout. The unit can hold a minimum of fifteen 1-3/4" inlay rings. Some model lines are available with several sizes of heating elements and/or for other power configurations.
D8990 - Cleaner, Ultrasonic, 10-12 Quart Capacity
|Ultrasonic cleaner. Used in dental laboratories and operatories to clean dental instruments and tools either as a preliminary step to sterilization or to remove material. Cleaners are available in several sizes with or without timers and/or heat. The units used for the database have a 10-12 quart capacity and are equipped with a timer and heat.
K1552 - Brewer, Coffee, Auto, Elect, 3 Burner, Front/Back
|Space saving front to back automatic coffee maker. This unit includes a heating tank, connection for a cold water supply, decanter service with three burners, funnel and a water flow controller. The unit is used for semi-automatic coffee brewing in cafeterias and commercial institutions. The unit automatically shuts off the water flow when enough has passed through to fill the pot. The unit is normally provided plumbed with a hot water faucet to the side for making other hot drinks (tea, cider, cocoa, etc.). The database height dimension does not include the clearance for coffee decanters warming on the upper burners.
K4665 - Oven, Microwave, Consumer
|Counter mounted microwave oven for average duty use. The exterior cabinet can be metal or heavy duty impact resistant plastic. The oven delivers instant energy for rapid heating, defrosting or prime cooking. The oven has touch pad controls, digital timer, power level selector and preprogrammed selectors for commonly cooked items. This oven is commonly found in staff lounges.
L0100 - Microscope, Binocular
|Binocular microscope. Equipped with plan achromatic objectives to suit work in brightfield, phase contrast, darkfield, photomicrography, dual viewing and projection screen. Microscope has a high light intensity, 100 watt halogen lamp, for constant color temperature and illumination, a three step variable transformer, focusable aspheric abbe condenser system; heat absorbing glass; centerable field diaphragm; two built-in filter turrets permitting a combination of selective light balancing and color compensating filters. Other components/features include a swing-in condenser, 4X objective, quadruple nosepiece, 10X wide field eyepieces and a graduated stage. Other observation tubes can be added. It is used in laboratories for cell counting and other observation techniques.
L1075 - Bath, Cryoprecipitate Thawing
|A 17 gallon cryoprecipitate thawing water bath or equivalent. Unit designed to operate at plus 4 degrees centigrade for thawing units of cryoprecipitate in the blood bank. Unit includes both heating (650 watts) and cooling systems (1/4 HP) to maintain a constant temperature plus or minus 0.02 degrees centigrade around a plus 4 degree centigrade operating temperature. Unit includes dual stage circulating pump to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the tank. Unit capable of thawing twelve (12), 250ml plasma bags in approximately 2 hours.
L1500 - Centrifuge, Medium Duty, Refrigerated, Floor Model
|Laboratory centrifuge. This is a medium to large capacity unit with an operating range of -20 degrees to 40 degrees C. It permits running samples at body temperature. It also has a rotor imbalance detector and an auto-shut down capability if the rotor load is out of balance. The unit is constructed of a stainless steel chamber with a rear exhaust and is a low heat output unit. Used in laboratories to spin samples for further analysis.
L1670 - Centrifuge, Refrigerated, Floor Model
|Refrigerated centrifuge. This is a floor standing unit with a solid state speed control system that has speeds ranging from approximately 150 to 6000 RPM. Other characteristics include a temperature range of -9 to +39 degrees C., dual range digital timer, rotor imbalance detection, a programmable memory and a dynamic brake with three deceleration rates. The unit also has a refrigeration system that consists of a low maintenance compressor and a coil wrapped insulated guard bowl. Used in laboratories for processing heat sensitive samples.
L2200 - Hood, Fume, Floor Standing
|Floor standing fume hood. The unit presented is 4 Ft but is available in other sizes. It will include a fluorescent light fixture, blower switch with pilot light, at least one duplex receptacle, a cup sink and shall be acid resistant. The minimum average face velocity shall be 100 fpm. It Includes a safety glass sash resistant to heat of up to 71 degrees centigrade. Static pressure loss is not to exceed 0.22 inches. The fume hood also has adjustable baffles. Other custom options are available. Used in laboratories to prepare samples requiring the use of toxic and or flammable materials.
L2250 - Hood, Fume, Bench
|Benchtop fumehood. This is an auxiliary air type to be sized as required. The unit will have a remote switch with a pilot light, a fluorescent light, an acid resistant fan and blower housing. The minimum average face velocity shall be 100 fpm. It shall include a steel frame sash that is heat resistant to 71 degrees centigrade. The static pressure loss shall not exceed 0.22 inches of water at 100 fpm face velocity. Other accessories and gases are as defined during the design of the facility.
L7300 - Stirrer, Hot Plate, Magnetic
|Magnetic stirrer-hot plate. It has variable stirring speeds of near 1500 RPM, temperatures of up to about 400 degrees centigrade, back up safety thermostat, plate surface of about 49 square inches and Pyroceram glass ceramic top that is corrosion resistant. Used for reagent mixing and heating, preparing culture media, evaporation and distillation procedures.
L8130 - Incubator, Bacteriological, 2 Compartment
|Two compartment bacteriological incubator. The unit requires carbon dioxide and has a 10 cubic foot capacity. It is a radiant heat system made of stainless steel with an automatic carbon dioxide controller and an optional interior electrical outlet. Used for tissue culturing and for work with CO2-obligate organisms at atmospheric pressure.
L8275 - Oven, Drying, Small, w/Timer
|Small laboratory drying oven. It has a temperature range of ambient to 240 degrees centigrade, a stainless steel interior, a platinum temperature probe, a 99 hour 59 minute timer and approximate 0.35 cubic foot capacity. For tightly controlled heating processes in the laboratory. Temperature is stable to plus or minus 1.5% at 240 degrees.
M0805 - Incubator, Infant, ICU, Mobile/Transport
|Mobile/transportable intensive care infant incubator. Unit consists of a closed controlled environment in a clear plastic hood for direct observation. Equipped with access ports, doors, heating and humidification systems, temperature and oxygen controllers, physiological monitoring system and a mattress. Used in the intensive care unit or for helicopter, airplane and ground ambulance movement of critically ill neonates. The services have approved different models and manufacturers. Verify airframe compatibility with Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory at Ft. Rucker or the US Air Force Armstrong Laboratory (AFMC) before purchasing.
M0810 - Incubator, Infant, ICU, Mobile
|ICU mobile infant incubator. Mobile unit consisting of a plastic hood enclosed controlled environment. Includes port access, on-door thermometer, oxygen port inlets, heating and humidification systems to create forced air circulation. To be used in the neonatal ICU to provide warm comfortable environments to premature neonates and critically ill newborns.
M1715 - Hemodialysis Unit, Hollow Fiber or Plate
|Complete hemodialysis unit using either hollow fiber or plate type dialyzers. Unit is freestanding in a wheeled cabinet and include water connection, concentrate pickup pump, proportioner, conductivity monitor, dialysate heater, blood pump, heparin pump, arterial pressure monitor, venous pressure monitor, TMP monitor, air/foam detector, optical detector, blood leak detector, power failure alarm, and remote alarm contacts. Accommodates single needle, two pump procedures. Database information reflects mobile units which carry their own water purification systems. Predominately stationary units within a clinic area can operate from a central water purification system. Electrical circuit should include a ground fault interrupter. Variations of this equipment include versions for pediatric use and peritoneal dialysis (JSN M4860). Optional equipment includes blood pressure monitoring and a variety of waste handling options.
M3105 - Cabinet, Warming, F/S, 1 Heated Compartment, Elect
|Freestanding, single or double door warming cabinet with 1 compartment. Compartment and exterior walls are made of stainless steel. Thick fiberglass insulation maintains the interior temperature and prevents the exterior surface from becoming too hot. Equipped with a sealing door, thermostatic temperature control, status display, heat indicating light, over temperature protection, alarms and an air circulating fan. Unit may have an optional temperature recorder. Manufacturer recommends using a fused disconnect switch in the electrical power circuit. Cabinet may also be installed in a recess. Designed for heating and storing of solutions and blankets used in patient care areas.
M3110 - Cabinet, Warming, F/S, 2 Heated Compartment, Elect
|Freestanding, single or double door warming cabinet with 2 heated compartments. Compartment and exterior walls are made from stainless steel. Thick fiberglass insulation maintains the interior temperature and keeps the exterior from becoming too hot. Equipped with a sealing door, thermostatic temperature control, status display, heat indicating light, over temperature protection, alarms and an air circulating fan. Unit may have an optional temperature recorder. Manufacturer recommends using a fused disconnect switch in the electrical power circuit. Cabinet may also be installed in a recess. Designed for heating and storing solutions and blankets used in patient care areas.
M7275 - Packager, Unit Dose, Solids
|Automated packager for inpatient unit dose pharmacy applications. The unit consists of an array of cells which hold pills and tablets. The system computer takes user instructions and directs the system to select the proper pill cell and dispense a tablet onto a plastic bottom sheet. At the same time, the system prints a plastic cover sheet for the pill which includes the type of pill and any facility specific coding necessary. The system then marries the two sheets (with the pill between them) and heat seals the sheets enclosing the pill. The system is designed to limit cross contamination by containing tablet dust and to alert the operator in case of malfunction. Several configurations are available depending on the size of the pharmacy and workload.
M7470 - Light, Surgical, Ceiling, Single, Small
|Ceiling mounted surgical light. Consists of a single lamp head up to 24" in diameter depending on the manufacturer. Unit provides heat filtered, color corrected light. Most lights require a minimum ceiling height of 8 feet 2 inches; check manufacturers' specific recommendations. Light head is in a movable yoke attached to a column hanging from the ceiling. For minor surgery and obstetrical procedures. Physical dimensions refer to the retracted light; one length of the dual swing arm around the center mount for width and depth and the height is the combined lamp head and folded arms height.
M8120 - Therapy Unit, Hydroculator
|Moist Heat Therapy Unit, also referred as a Hydrocollator Heating Unit, are used to apply effective heat to hot packs used in moist heat therapy. Unit is supplied ready for immediate use and requires no special plumbing. Unit features: stainless steel insulated wall, thermostatically controlled, casters ( mobile units only), and standard size Hot Packs. Other unit sizes and accessories (variety of hot packs, tongs, side table rack, etc.) are available.
M8605 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, Basic
|Endoscopic procedure cart. System contains a cart, light source, heat probe unit, electrosurgical unit, insufflator and a suction pump. This cart does not contain an endoscope or video equipment and does not support video endoscopes. Refer to JSNs M8500-M8550 for endoscopes and JSNs M8606-M8607 for fiberoptic endoscope video carts. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. Database pricing and physical information are for a higher cost system which contains one of each of the above components.
M8606 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, w/Video Accessories
|Endoscopy cart with video and print capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording. A typical system cart includes the cart, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, a heat probe unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a digital camera converter or color video camera, a camera controller, a monitor, a video/DVD recorder and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscopes at JSNs M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscope and should be specifically tailored to its intended use(s). This cart can be configured to interface with a network endoscopy information management system; refer to JSN M8600. Database physical information and pricing is for a higher cost system containing one of each of the above components.
M8607 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic
|Endoscopy cart with video, print and information management capabilities for use with fiberoptic (direct vision) endoscopes. This cart does not work with videoscopes. System takes optical images from a single endoscope and directly records them or converts them to digital signals for recording and enhancement. A typical system includes two carts, a light source, an insufflator, a suction unit, an electrosurgical apparatus, a heat probe unit, a digital camera converter, a camera controller, a monitor, a video recorder, a computer system with software and a color printer. This JSN does not include the endoscope; refer to the endoscope JSNs from M8500-M8550. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. This cart is intended for stand alone use although it may be connected to an endoscopy information management system. Database physical information and pricing is for a high end system on two carts containing one of each of the mentioned components. The electrical power draw will require two separate circuits.
M8970 - Warmer, Blood, High Volume
|Unit contains a proportional controller to regulate temperature in the heat exchanger and an audible high temperature alarm. Designed to provide a stable temperature for the controlled warming of blood or other fluids prior to being transfused to a patient. Unit may be a cuff type or circulating water heat exchanger.
S5500 - Sterilizer, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas
|A compact low temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizer mounted on a mobile cart. Sterilization chamber shall have a capacity of approximately 1.75 cubic feet. The sterilizer shall be capable of processing metal instruments, plastics, heat and moisture sensitive devices in approximately 45 minutes with no aeration required. Unit shall be equipped with a visual display and audible alarm. A built in printer will provide system performance record for each cycle.
S5505 - Sterilizer, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas
|A floor mounted, low temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizer. Sterilization chamber shall have a capacity of approximately 3.5 cubic feet (100 liters). The sterilizer shall be capable of processing metal instruments, plastics, heat and moisture sensitive devices in approximately 75 minutes with no aeration required. Unit shall be equipped with a visual display and audible alarm. A built in printer will provide system performance record for each cycle.
Ytong Italy
|Ytong autoclaved aerated concrete is a construction product unique, consisting of sand, lime, cement, water and millions of air pores, which give lightness and great performances: thermal and acoustic insulation, fire resistance and strength. Aerated concrete was produced in 1929 in southern Sweden Yxhult, in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy. From the original name “Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong” a short time later Ytong became the first registered building material brand in the world, which made the name Ytong worldwide career and changed the building sustainably, establishing itself as a fixture on the international level in the market. The extensive product range allows the construction of a whole building with aerated concrete, from basement to roof. For each single need Ytong offers the right solution: external and internal walls, load-bearing and infill walls, Ytong is used for residential and industrial, new and renovated buildings. Thanks to its structure comprising millions of tiny pores, Ytong offers optimum solidity at low weight. As air has a low heat conductivity, aerated concrete provides for excellent thermal protection. It protects from cold and heat, allowing for single-shell constructions which provide more space and reduce costs.
Slab on ground
|BIDIRECTIONAL DEHYDRATION USING THE ISODRÄN BOARD Ground slab construction is currently the most common foundation methodology in the construction of houses. By choosing the ISODRÄN board you benefit the environment in two ways. Good thermal insulation capacity leads to low heating costs and reduces the quantity of material required which leads to reduced transportation during the construction process, which benefits both the environment and your expenditure .
|An extremely simple wall recessed fixture that can be integrated in any context. The position of the LED offers a soft and comfortable light effect with superior performances, while the surrounding concrete structure protects the aluminium core, perfect material for heat dissipation. Particularly suitable for recessing into stone walls but also suitable for surface mounted applications on smooth surfaces in concrete or plaster.
HI-MACS® Sheets – Lucia collection
|Lucia collection is composed of natural trendy colours characterised by linear-edged, midsize particles: three of those designed by Dutch Star Designer, Marcel Wanders. Colours: Red Quinoa (W010), Lentil (W007), , Ice Queen (W001), Shadow Queen (W003), Star Queen (W004). Thickness: 12mm. HI-MACS® is a solid surface material that can be moulded into any shape. It is widely used for architectural and interior applications, such as sculptural and high performance wall-cladding or kitchen, bathroom and furniture surfaces, in commercial, residential and public space projects. It is composed of acrylic, natural minerals and pigments that come together to provide a smooth, non-porous and visually seamless surface which meets the highest standards for quality, aesthetics, fabrication, functionality and hygiene – offering manifold advantages over conventional materials. LG Hausys’ HI-MACS® uses a simple heating process to give three-dimensional thermoplastic forming capabilities, allows visually seamless designs, offers a virtually limitless range of colours and – for some shades - exhibits a special translucency when exposed to light. Although HI-MACS® is almost as robust as stone, it can be worked in a similar way as wood: it can be sawn, routed, drilled or sanded. Visit himacs.eu for more information.
Automatic Sliding Door (Energy-Efficiency) SLX-M/PST
|The perfect external door. The Gilgen SLX-M sliding-door drive unit is a universally applicable drive system with the very latest functions. It is designed to offer guaranteed, reliable functioning in a wide range of highly demanding applications. It also offers elegant good looks, with its sensor components housed in the drive case. The Gilgen <green wings> PST profile system is the new name for a high performance thermal barrier with a slimline visible width. Heating and air conditioning costs are drastically reduced, which translates into the system's rapid return on investment. The range is completed with optional extras such as a drained bottom guide-way or automatic multi-point locking.
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, semi-recessed with half panel 2030 x 1095 mm
|Bathtub made of sanitary acrylic of 4-5 mm Semi-recessed version, with front panel Only to combine with furniture panel With aluminium frame Charge 000 – without whirl system, without waste and overflow Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 675 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage and LED light Charge 695 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage, disinfection system and LED light Bathtub with whirl system, with remote control: Charge 056 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating and LED light Charge 057 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating, LED light and cold mist function
TOPREFLECT Reflective waterproofing
|Range of waterproofing systems with white surfaced capsheets that reflect the sun’s rays and limit the heating effect on flat roofs. TOPREFLECT is available as a bituminous membrane with white lacquered aluminum facing, as a polyurethane version with a bi-component coating for installation on “sanded” bituminous waterproofing membrane and as a white version of the Hyperflex PVC membrane. This development is part of the CoolRoof concept.
Onyx fr
|Onyx FR is a durable vinyl wall covering, especially suited for wetrooms, such as bathrooms and showers. Onyx FR must be heat welded and as such provides a smooth, hygienic surface that ensures no breeding ground for bacteria. Together with our Step wetroom floors, Onyx FR offers a complete wetroom solution from floor to wall. Combining aesthetics and technical performance, Onyx FR wall covering is perfectly suited to commercial applications such as wetrooms of health facilities, nursing homes and senior residences. Reduced installation waste MIx random lay carpet tiles are cleverly designed so that they may be laid in any direction to produce a totally individual installation. Using this method also reduces installation waste to less than 2%. Batchless carpet tiles Different production consignments of ‘batchless’ tiles can be used together in an installation without the usual risk of visible batch variation, this also eliminates the need to hold attic stock.
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z8/L - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z2/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z3/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
|Premium Greenline movable wall, parking position Z4/K - ecologically into the future Technically and visually, we can fulfil almost every request thanks to our customised individual mobile wall systems. In the premium segment, we impress our customers with exclusive designs combined with the latest technology and the highest of safety standards. Together, we want to look to the future and are committed to environmentally responsibility. Our corporate policy is geared towards environmental sustainabilityin order to protect our planet. We are achieving this goal via a number of methods. The waste from our production process is burned in our own system for heating, and the solar panels installation on the roof is not only economical, but also demonstrates our modern use of renewable energies. We will continue to work hard in this respect. Our emissions-tested mobile walls are DGNB/LEED compliant with regard to the indoor office air criteria of the German Environment Agency. Material: melamine coating formaldehyde-free glued (NAF) on a 16mm carrier board according to DIN EN 14322
VCD Series
|Shhhh! Did you hear that? - Probably not. Because our VCD ventilation drives create fresh air while staying as quiet as a mouse. They are our stylish climate control systems for controlled natural ventilation in living and working spaces. Is cabling the problem? Sunshine is all the VCD-S Solar chain drive needs to supply you with fresh air without the need for a cable. The defining characteristics of the VCD Series - Stylish ventilation drive with narrow visible widths - Fast and easy installation - Especially low input power - Virtually inaudible operating noise - VCD-S with solar technology, ideally suited for retrofitting performance features - For façade windows, roof windows and ventilation flaps in conservatories - Also direct control via 230 V AC possible - With motor electronics controlled via microprocessor - Special chain stabilisation and centred chain outlet - "TMS+" tandem safety function for operating 2 drives on one sash - Option of chain stroke programming via magnet - Reprogrammed opening stroke is transmitted to the tandem drive - Direct cable guidance between the drives for visually appealing solution - Simple connection via plug connector - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
Roto smoke extraction roof window Designo R5 PVC
|Roto Designo R5 roof window for smoke and heat venting release systems (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Bottom opening roof window. In the event of a fire the window opens per chain drive. The result is an optimal smoke extraction. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. Plug-in installation without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto smoke extraction roof window Designo R5 timber
|Roto Designo R5 roof window for smoke and heat venting release systems (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Bottom opening roof window. In the event of a fire the window opens per chain drive. The result is an optimal smoke extraction. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. Plug-in installation without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 1100 WE1
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WAP 60mm 74 1,334 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP 80 mm 94 1,778 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP100 mm 114 2,223 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP120 mm 134 2,667 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP140 mm 154 3,112 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP160 mm 174 3,556 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP180 mm 194 4,000 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP200 mm 214 4,445 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP220 mm 234 4,889 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP240 mm 254 5,334 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP260 mm 274 5,778 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP280 mm 294 6,223 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP300 mm 314 6,667 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WI60 mm 70 1,429 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,905 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,381 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,858 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,334 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,810 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,286 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI60 mm 70 1,429 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,905 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,381 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,858 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,334 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,810 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,286 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI60 mm 70 1,334 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,778 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,223 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,667 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,112 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,556 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,000 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI75 mm 85 1,667 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI100 mm 110 2,223 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI125 mm 135 2,778 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI150 mm 160 3,334 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI175 mm 185 3,889 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI250 mm 260 5,556 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI300 mm 310 6,667 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI50 mm 60 1,163 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI75 mm 85 1,745 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI100 mm 110 2,326 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI125 mm 135 2,907 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI150 mm 160 3,489 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI175 mm 185 4,070 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI200 mm 210 4,562 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI250 mm 260 5,814 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI50 mm 55 1,112 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI75 mm 80 1,667 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI100 mm 105 2,223 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI125 mm 130 2,778 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI150 mm 155 3,334 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI175 mm 180 3,889 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,445 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI250 mm 255 5,556 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI300 mm 305 6,667 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI50 mm 55 1,163 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI75 mm 80 1,745 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI100 mm 105 2,326 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI125 mm 130 2,907 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI150 mm 155 3,489 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI175 mm 180 4,070 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,562 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI250 mm 255 5,814 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP50 mm 64 1,112 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP75 mm 89 1,667 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP100 mm 114 2,223 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP125 mm 139 2,778 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP150 mm 164 3,334 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP175 mm 189 3,889 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,445 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP250 mm 264 5,556 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP300 mm 314 6,667 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP50 mm 64 1,163 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP75 mm 89 1,745 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP100 mm 114 2,236 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP125 mm 139 2,907 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP150 mm 164 3,489 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP175 mm 189 4,070 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,562 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP250 mm 264 5,814 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
|Poujoulat has identified a strategic priority focus, which is the integration of design as a vector for renewal, diversification and increased value. The LUMINANCE range offers a large number of choices. This range has been designed whilst taking high environmental quality and sustainable development into consideration. It provides excellent draught and optimises heating appliance efficiency. Luminance relies on the same technical basis as the other Poujoulat chimney stacks, and therefore guarantees quality, performance and quick and easy installation. Installation can be carried out by one or two persons, without roof-frame reinforcement or structural work. The components are supplied on-site "ready to install", depending on the house's characteristics.
|The Tradinov chimney stack is our traditional solution for the new-build market. Light and economical, this chimney stack has already been installed on many dwellings. Supplied with an insulated chimney, it secures a good smoke exhaust. A true industrial custom-built solution, the flashing is made to measure and to suit the roofing material for an immediate and perfect water-tightness and guarantees immediate complete sealing, whatever the pitch of the roof or the roofing material. This chimney stack can be adjusted (up to 10%) on site to the roof pitch for a perfect verticality. The Tradinov chimney stack is installed without structural work and without roof-frame reinforcement. It is intended for use in new-build dwellings and is perfectly in conformity with the new regulations. It is available in numerous finishes (smooth paint, roughcast or bricks) and can be fitted with different types of cap. The quality of Poujoulat products is recognized and recommended by the largest European heating appliance manufacturers.
Nemo 4B TopEco
|Nemo TopEco insert series with water heat exchanger perfectly combine water heating of the whole house with the esthetic vision of the fireplace. You can both enjoy the heat evenly distributed to the farthest spaces and beautiful vision of the burning fire. Grate-free insert design and well thought out, failure-free combustion air distribution system make that glass stays clear and water exchanger keeps optimal temperature. Inner walls of insert made of material with excellent accumulative performance, ceramic deflector Refrabox and the original system of air distribution guarantee achieving high efficiency and maintaining high combustion culture. Nemo TopEco Series distinguish with high tightness. If the combustion air is supplied from the outside of the building, then these inserts can work in rooms with mechanical ventilation (recuperation). Standard equipment: • very efficient water exchanger • integrated, highly accurate system regulation of combustion air and air-curtain on the glass • double isolated furnace lined with Refrabox ceramics • ceramic deflector Refrabox • glass with overprint, giving minimalistic design • esthetic lining of the inner side of the frame with inox strips • very efficient water jacket cooler • black or stainless steel finish • stylish, ergonomic cold handle Additional equipment: • second glass • frame finishing facade - narrow or wide, black or inox
Slidingdoor double Wood-ALU Internorm HS330 A
|The HS 330 offers unique design and exceptional comfort, combined with high-quality technology: · More light through large-scale glazings · Available up 580 0 x 2800 mm · Narrow sliding frame and frameless side elements · Easy lifting and sliding of sash up to 400 kg sash weight · Energy efficient and heating cost saving · Low heat emission due to triple glazing · No tripping hazard due to low threshold height · Attractive colours for individual design requests · Better stability due to glass fibre low threshold · Thoughened panes protect from injuries when glass breakages · Can be perfectly combined with all other Internorm window systems
fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard 10mm
|Fermacell Gypsum Fibreboards: - One Man Boards – Square Edge - Standard Boards – Square Edge - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 2 Sides - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 4 Sides Fermacell gypsum fiber boards are made of gypsum and paper fibers obtained by a recycling process. They offer a lot of advantages for the complete "dry" interior design. Areas of application envisaged: - Indoor applications for wall, ceiling and roof - Building board - Fire protection plate - Moisture trays - Indoor applications for floor areas Product advantages: - Interior decoration for a good indoor climate - Suitable for humidification and moisturizing - Soundproofing - Extremely resilient - High stability and statically applicable - Non-flammable - Easy to process and easy to attach - Economical adhesive joints - surface filling If you have any questions concerning application in residential areas or commercial areas, please contact Fermacell's technical advisors.
fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard 12.5mm
|Fermacell Gypsum Fibreboards: - One Man Boards – Square Edge - Standard Boards – Square Edge - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 2 Sides - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 4 Sides Fermacell gypsum fiber boards are made of gypsum and paper fibers obtained by a recycling process. They offer a lot of advantages for the complete "dry" interior design. Areas of application envisaged: - Indoor applications for wall, ceiling and roof - Building board - Fire protection plate - Moisture trays - Indoor applications for floor areas Product advantages: - Interior decoration for a good indoor climate - Suitable for humidification and moisturizing - Soundproofing - Extremely resilient - High stability and statically applicable - Non-flammable - Easy to process and easy to attach - Economical adhesive joints - surface filling If you have any questions concerning application in residential areas or commercial areas, please contact Fermacell's technical advisors.
JULY - Thermostatic single-lever wall-mount bath-shower mixer
|July thermostatic single-lever wall-mount bath/shower mixer - Safety stop at 37°C, - maximum temperature 50°C, - non return valves on supply connections, - connectors with wall escutcheons, - discreetly-positioned automatic diverter, - anti-scale aerator, - instantaneous water heater suitable, - flow rate: 21 l/min.
JULY - Shower column with thermostatic mixer and square showerhead
|July thermostatic shower column with square shower head - Showerhead: 20 x 20 cm (plastic material), - citrus handshower Ø 90 mm - 4 sprays, - july thermostatic mixer, - safety stop at 37°C, - integrated non-return valves, - discreetly-positioned diverter, - smooth anti-twist metal-look hoses, 160 cm, - suitable for instant water heater, - flow rate: shower head 10l/min, handshower 9.5 l/min. MAXIMUM SAFETY: Maximum temperature set at 50°C EASY INSTALLATION: Swivel shower arm
ALEO - Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supply hoses
|Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supply hoses - Temperature limiter ring, - metal waste, - flow restricted to 5L/min for water efficiency and comfort of use – less risk of splashing, - technological innovation: Water flows inside tap body without coming into contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene; safety, savings, - discreetly-positioned. anti-scale aerator: Easy replacement with no special tool (you can use a coin) and easier cleaning, - safety :Cold body. No heat transferred to the surface, - esthetic: Discrete anti-scale aerator (no exposed aerator), - anti-twist supply hoses: Easier tap mounting. no problems with tangled hoses, - side lift rod: Easier installation on small washbasins. more user accessibility, - height under aerator: 86 mm.
Spot LD Aube
|LED spotlight 31 x 14.5 x 3 cm: Spotlight: 230 V, 1 x 4 W, class II, IP44, Energy efficiency class A++ Comfrot: LED lighting provides high luminosity, quality color and instant on. Economical: LED lightbulbs offer 60 to 90% savings compared to incandescent lightbulbs with sodium and mercury, and 10 to 20% compared with energy-saving lightbulbs Safety: LED lightbulbs operate on low voltage (< 32v) and generate little heat, thus enhancing safety of installation and use Maintenance: LED lighing reduce replacement costs, due to long lifetimes (on average over 50,000 hours)
|Improve your logistics and public areas, warehouse transport and material handling with a DYNACO D-311 high speed roll up door for interior use. Its fast door cycle helps you to gain valuable time in your daily business activities. Significant energy savings, a better climate control and improved employee comfort result from the superior seal of this high speed door. Dust, dirt, humidity and draught are excluded from your working areas. The flexible PVC door curtain of this high speed roll up door can be printed with large pictures, icons, messages, warnings and safety or traffic instructions. This contributes to a safer and better work environment. Low friction side guides, a self-reinserting door curtain and a minimum of wearing parts, make the DYNACO D-311 roll up door maintenance friendly. Thanks to its slim design it can be installed in places where space is limited.
|Designed for cold storage applications the DYNACO M2 FREEZER roll up door allows fast traffic in and out your freezer room, minimizing temperature variations. Its excellent seal limits the loss of cooled air and saves energy. An optional insulation curtain mounted on the high speed freezer door reduces condensation and frost. It forms an extra barrier between warm outside temperatures and cold inside temperatures. Low consumption electric heating cables in the side posts of this high speed freezer door reduce frost and avoid down-time. Combined with the self-reinserting door curtain this guarantees a long lifetime of the roll up door. A DYNACO M2 FREEZER roll up door is safe for people, products and vehicles. The flexible door curtain is free of rigid parts. It avoids injuries and damage.
LS50 mm 56 1,139 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS60 mm 66 1,457 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS80 mm 86 1,933 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS100 mm 106 2,409 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 126 2,885 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS140 mm 146 3,361 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS160 mm 166 3,837 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 186 4,314 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 206 4,790 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS50 mm 59 1,156 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS60 mm 69 1,473 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS80 mm 89 1,949 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS100 mm 109 2,426 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 129 2,902 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS140 mm 149 3,378 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS160 mm 169 3,854 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 189 4,330 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 209 4,807 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS50 mm 64 1,184 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS60 mm 74 1,501 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS80 mm 94 1,977 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS100 mm 114 2,453 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 134 2,93 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS140 mm 154 3,406 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS160 mm 174 3,882 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 194 4,358 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 214 4,834 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 140,5 2,973 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.