Laboratory Workstation
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1378815672Laboratory workstation with cabinets, shelves, sink and MEP connections.
Examination Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Medical examination table.
Аппарат гемодиафильтрации 5008
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1566599330Аппарат 5008 CorDiax Paed делает высокоэффективную ГДФ-терапию доступной также и для детей. С 5008 CorDiax Paed от Fresenius Medical Care предлагает проверенную терапию для лечения маленьких пациентов с массой тела от 10 кг. Все составляющие и компоненты терапии, диализного аппарата, системы переливания крови и диализаторов опробованы и прекрасно работают как единое целое.
Стерилизатор Steelco VS 1 TT L
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333419With proven and reliable high performance sterilizing technology, the new Steelco autoclave’s chamber is made of AISI 316L stainless steel and a full jacket system for even steam/heat distribution. Versatility, easy handling and high performance with the low cost of ownership of a tabletop unit, to single or double door versions. • All in one compact solution for easy installation into existing rooms • EN 285 compliant: 3 process cycles and Bowie-Dick, Helix test cycles • 8 additional custom cycles • PED marking Stand upon request: 820mm/32.28” height stand, equipped with lockable doors Паровые настольные стерилизаторы VS TT L Steelco Главные особенности: Объемы камер 85 л и 94 л Встроенный электрический парогенератор Горизонтальная загрузка Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L имеют микропроцессорное управление с цветным сенсорным дисплеем 7» и независимой системой регистрации параметров. Сплошная рубашка камеры. Быстросъемные соединения. Глянцевая полировка (2 мкм) камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Обезжиривание и пассивация камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Встроенный термопринтер. Стерилизаторы имеют встроенные рабочие программы с температурами стерилизации: 121°С и 134°С, а также тестовые/сервисные программы: Нагрев, Бови-Дик и вакуумный тест на утечку. Область применения Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L предназначены для стерилизации различных материалов (пористых, материалов устойчивых к нагреву, оборудования, инструментов, посуды, клеток для животных и т.д.); жидкостей и сред в вентилируемых и укупоренных контейнерах; или деконтаминации материалов после лабораторного использования и т.д.
Камера уф бактерицидная КБ-Я-ФП
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333169Бактерицидная камера КБ-Я-ФП Ультралайт позволяет сохранить инструменты стерильными после дезинфекции, не позволяя бактериям повторно заразить предметы. Материалы сохраняют чистоту до 7 суток, благодаря УФ-излучению, которое не выходит за пределы камеры. Камера состоит из: металлического корпуса, с шарнирно поднимающейся и опускающейся металлической крышкой с установленным свето-теплозащитным стеклом, полностью задерживающим УФ-излучение; металлических решеток для укладки стерильных инструментов; светотехнической части (ультрафиолетовая бактерицидная лампа мощностью 30W, пускорегулирующая аппаратура, блок управления и индикации). Камера используется как напольный вариант. Возможность установки решеток в двух уровнях позволяет увеличить загрузку медицинского инструмента в 1,5 раза по сравнению с аналогами, укомплектованными решетками одного уровня. Конструкция камеры имеет запатентованное решение, выраженное в вынесении цоколей и креплений бактерицидной УФ-лампы за пределы рабочего объема камеры, что существенно улучшает режимы поддержания стерильности. Эффективность данной конструкции доказана ВНИИ Профилактической Токсикологии и Дезинфектологии МЗ РФ. Наружные поверхности камеры допускают дезинфекцию способом протирания дезинфицирующими средствами, зарегистрированными и разрешенными в РФ для дезинфекции поверхностей по режимам, регламентированным действующими документами по применению дезинфицирующих средств, утвержденными в установленном порядке. Внутренние поверхности камеры устойчивы к обработке способом протирания средствами дезинфекции по МУ 287-113. Условия эксплуатации камеры соответствуют климатическому исполнению УХЛ 4.2 по ГОСТ Р 50444-92: температура от +10 С до + 35 C ; относительная влажность – 80 % при температуре 25 С. Тип камеры напольная Объем, л 107 Тип лампы TUV-30 Ширина, мм 950 Глубина, мм 600 Высота, мм 1170 Габаритные размеры столика, мм 900х430х805
Машина моечно-дезинфекционная Steelco DS 800
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568833904DS 750/800 - моечно-дезинфицирующие машины. Используются в медицинских учреждениях различного профиля для мойки, дезинфекции и сушки хирургического инструментария, наркозно-дыхательной аппаратуры, офтальмологических инструментов, операционной обуви, детских бутылочек, лабораторной посуды и контейнеров. В машинах реализована система предварительного нагрева воды необходимой на фазах мойки, ополаскивания и дезинфекции, осуществляемая в бустерных баках (опционально). Данная опция значительно сокращает общее время цикла. Управление осуществляется с помощью цветного сенсорного дисплея. Систему управления STEELCOTRONIC имеет 65 настраиваемых программ. Есть возможность использовать дополнительные сенсоры, которые входят в стандартную комплектацию. Данные датчики позволяют определить тип вставляемой моечной вставки и правильность ее позиционирования в камере. Designed to meet the increasing reprocessing needs of CSSD, this washer disinfector is available in standard or Fast Cycle configurations saving cycle time and reaching higher levels of energy and water savings (12 DIN 1/1 net basket capacity). The machines assure consistently tested and efficient washing-disinfecting performances thanks to a new washing system technology made by a vertical installed washing pump that grants also a complete drain of the washing circuit. HEPA-filtered H14 forced air drying distribution on double circuit grants a perfect distribution of air on all chamber parts and basket levels ensuring the complete inside and outside drying of all the surgical instruments and tubes. DS 800 models are compatible with Steelco ATS - Automatic Transfer System.
Examination Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Medical examination table.
Medical Cart 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Medical cart.
Medical Cart 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Medical cart.
Низкотемпературный плазменный стерилизатор Steelco PL 130-2
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568820287Низкотемпературный плазменный стерилизатор, 770х1070х1685 мм,PL 130/2 Steelco, Италия Caring for your most delicate instruments User friendly low temperature vaporized H2O2 technology (VH2O2) with low power and energy consumption. Thanks to the gas plasma action the hydrogen peroxide used during the process decomposes into water and oxygen for safe release into the environment. VH2O2 sterilization provides user safety and is environmental friendly.
Низкотемпературный плазменный стерилизатор Steelco PL 70
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333403Удобная для пользователя низкотемпературная испаренная технология H2O2 (VH2O2) с низким энергопотреблением. Благодаря газоплазменному действию перекись водорода, используемая в процессе, разлагается на воду и кислород для безопасного выброса в окружающую среду. Стерилизация VH2O2 обеспечивает безопасность пользователя и является экологически чистой. PL 70/1 Одностворчатая дверь, 81,7 л / вместимость 2,88 фута3 Размер камеры W x D x H 450 x 825 x 220 мм / 17,72" x 32,48" x 8,66" Внешний размер W x D x H 642 x 920 x 1630 мм / 25,28" x 36,22" x 64,17" PL 70/2 двойная дверь, 84,1 литра / вместимость 2,97 фута3 Размер камеры W x D x H 450 x 850 x 220 мм / 17,72" x 33,46" x 8,66" Внешний размер W x D x H 642 x 990 x 1630 мм / 25,28" x 38,97" x 64,17" User friendly low temperature vaporized H2O2 technology (VH2O2) with low power and energy consumption. Thanks to the gas plasma action the hydrogen peroxide used during the process decomposes into water and oxygen for safe release into the environment. VH2O2 sterilization provides user safety and is environmental friendly. PL 70/1 Single door, 81.7 litres / 2.88 ft3 capacity Chamber dimension W x D x H 450 x 825 x 220 mm / 17.72” x 32.48” x 8.66” External dimension W x D x H 642 x 920 x 1630 mm / 25.28” x 36.22” x 64.17” PL 70/2 double door, 84.1 litres / 2.97 ft3 capacity Chamber dimension W x D x H 450 x 850 x 220 mm / 17.72” x 33.46” x 8.66" External dimension W x D x H 642 x 990 x 1630 mm / 25.28” x 38.97” x 64.17"
Стерилизатор Steelco VS 3-2
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568823197Стерилизатор, 1000х1900х1292 мм VS 3/2 Steelco, Италия With an innovative high performance sterilizing technology, this small/medium capacity autoclaves are characterized by a chamber completely made of stainless steel AISI 316L and entirely covered by a full jacket system. The insulation is guaranteed by an innovative and practical textile covering. This new chamber design guarantees excellent performances during the sterilization cycles optimizing and reducing water and steam consumption. The vertically sliding doors made of stainless steel AISI 316L are obtained from a single moulding without weldings. Innovative and highly sensitive anti-finge trapping device.
Тележка грузовая межкорпусная ТМГ-01 МСК-509
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568829290Тележка грузовая МСК-509 предназначена для перевозки тяжелых грузов. Тележка изготавливается из тонкостенного профиля (углеродистая сталь) с нанесением полимерного покрытия. Ограждение съемное. Используются импортные колеса диаметром 160 мм., передние колеса фиксированные, задние самоориентирующиеся. Поставляется в разобранном виде. Средний срок службы 10 лет. ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ: Длина: 975мм Ширина: 625мм Высота: 950мм Каркас: стальной профиль Колеса: 160мм Наличие тормозной системы: нет Номинальная нагрузка: 400кг Габариты упаковки: 950*650*100мм, 950*650*250мм Вес изделия: 36 кг Упаковка: гофрокартон Цвет каркаса: серый Тип конструкции: разборная
A1107 - Rail System , Utility, Gas and Electric
|The headwall rail system shall consist of three horizontal rails mounted to the patient room headwall to provide utilities and patient services to support ancillary equipment to include gas and vacuum. The rail system must be capable of quickly adding or relocating medical gases services and be able to accept new equipment, provide physical support to equipment, brackets, shelves and other patient support items.
A1110 - Headwall, Prefabricated, General, 1-2 bed
|1-2 bed, general, prefabricated headwall. Unit consists of a patient service module for general care, single or double bed type. It contains lighting, medical gases, electrical outlets, nurse call and bed bumper. Specify number and type of medical gas and electrical outlets. Size of module will vary by type and configuration of outlets.
A1115 - Console, Service, Infant, Prefabricated
|Infant prefabricated service console. It consists of a cabinet service module. It contains all medical gases and electrical services for individual treatment. Specify number of electrical outlets and type of console (single or double). Size to be determined by nursery layout. For use in the neonatal ICU.
A1120 - Column, Service, Prefab, Surgical, Ceiling Mounted
|Prefabricated surgical service column. Strong 18 gauge stainless steel shell ceiling mounted unit with the following services: oxygen, nitrous oxide, nitrogen, medical air, medical vacuum, gas evacuation, electrical outlets, monitoring connectors, and IV holders. Specify type of column (fixed or retractable) and number of outlets required for each service. Size will vary with number of service outlets required. Designed to be used in the operating room, recovery and ICU-CCU rooms.
A1132 - Rail, Accessory Mounting, Length As Required
|Horizontal mounting rail will consist of lock mounting devices capable of; supporting up to 75 pounds each, being repositioned, and mounting and dismounting of equipment without the use of tools. The rail must be capable of supporting medical equipment and accessories normally found in exam or patient rooms. The rail system must be capable of mounting and dismounting equipment without leaving or creating new holes in the finished surface of the wall.
A4015 - Clock, Elapsed Time, Electric
|Elapsed time digital electric clock. Single display time that can be used either as a clock or elapsed time indicator. Clock consists of buttons to set minutes, and hours for the time. For use in operating and delivery room, and medical service columns. Analog or digital displays may be provided as specified by the user.
M0430 - Recorder/ Player, Digital, Video, DVD
|Professional medical grade DVD video recorder/player. Approximately 5" high X 10" wide X 14" deep. Meets NTSC and PAL standards and employs MPEG2 video compression. Capable of high speed picture search, direct recording into available disc space and recording and playback on various DVD formats. Audio uses Dolby digital format. Convenience outlet required at point of use.
M4657 - Tabletop, Decontamination
|Hazmat tabletop decontamination tray that fits on any standard hospital gurney or stretcher. The tray shall be light-weight and impermeable, washable and reusable. It shall include two waste water containers/reservoirs; flexible drain hose; adjustable locking straps and spray nozzle. Used for emergency medical treatment and decontamination of a contaminated/injured patient.
X3145 - Screen, X-Ray, Protective, Mobile
|Mobile X-ray protective screen/barrier. The X-ray barrier provides optically-clear visibility while shielding medical personnel from scatter radiation. Its large clear Pb lead-plastic or acrylic window offers 0.5 mm lead-equivalent protection to the user's head and upper body. The unit is used for effective radiation protection of department personnel during vascular or other procedures. This unit can fit any application with its mobility. Adjustable screens are also available.
M8535 - Microscope, Operating, Portable
|Portable operating microscope complete with objectives and stand. Unit consists of a binocular microscope body equipped with a range of accessories for co-observation, documentation and illumination. Control knobs equipped with sterilizable handles. Mounted on a large swinging-arm stand. For examinations and diagnosis in medical consultancies and as a laboratory training instrument. Configured for use primarily for eye and neuro surgery.
S0905 - Washer, Multi-Chamber (5), Automated
|A fully automated, five multi-chamber (pre-wash, sonic cleaning, washing, rinsing, and drying), mechanical washer. The system is controlled by microcomputers that monitor and control system operations and functions and provides visual indication of deviations. A printer-recorder documents and records each cycle performance. Features an automated two rack load/indexing station and single rack unload/indexing station. Processes up to a minimum of 10 single or 40 instrument trays per hour. System designed to clean and decontaminate medical utensils and surgical instruments in a high production linear flow. Various electrical configurations are available, for pricing purposes 208V, 60HZ, 3PH, 60AMPS is used.
X4160 - Information System, DIN-PACS
|The Digital Imaging Network – Picture Archiving and Communications System (DIN-PACS) is an open system network of digital devices designed for the acquisition, transmission, display and management of diagnostic imaging studies. Equipment for DIN-PACS will include workstations, storage devices, servers, interconnecting cables, and all software, hardware, firmware and ancillary devices required for full functionality. Systems will meet DICOM and HL7 standards. Turnkey installation and integration with existing networks and legacy systems is required. Size of system is based on volume of exams taken and file size. Equipment configuration and site preparation, if required, is unique and specific to each medical facility.
X9500 - System, Uptake, Thyroid, Mobile
|Mobile thyroid uptake system. The characteristics and components include; amplifier tube assembly and base, uptake stand and collimated shield. This is a mobile unit with arm medical stand, 2 inch probe with I.A.E.A. flat field collimator and thyroid positioner, neck phantom, and analyzer/scaler/timer with automatic background subtract and automatic % readout.
|Depth adjustable - Easy cleaning - Special bed heads Wall - Wall protection Vertical protection against bed head impacts • Impact energy dissipated through 4 internal ribbing reinforcements • Depth adjustable from 256 to 336 mm to adjust to the medical equipment • Rounded design prevents build-up of dust and germs • Easy cleaning due to smooth surface
HEWI lift-up support, fixed
|Range 801 Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 850 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements
HEWI fold-up seat, Komfort
|Range 802 LifeSystem White Edition Comfort hinged seat - ergonomically shaped seat with backrest - used for safe sitting in the shower area - seat weight capacity up to 150 kg - seat easy to fold up and down (locks in upper position) - space saving - 444 mm wide, 420 mm high, 455 mm deep - seat 444 mm wide, 380 mm deep - seat height adjustable to four levels from 420 mm to 510 mm (every 30 mm) - easy to install due to separate fixing of HEWI wall plate and seat - concealed, non-corrosive HEWI fixing material for different wall systems - seat and backrest made of high-quality PUR in the two HEWI colours 98 (signal white) and 99 (pure white) - seat with hygienic opening and water run-off - hinge made of white powder-coated aluminium with highly polished chrome design features - armrests can be retrofitted - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements
HEWI lift-up support rail mono round L600
|Mono hinged support rail System 800 K - with a horizontal, round gripping level with diameter 33 mm - for holding on to and providing support - 600 mm projection, wall mounting plate 181 mm high and 130 mm wide - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI colours 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and integrated wall mounting plate made of steel with high-quality polyamide cover - stable three-point fixing - for wall mounting with concealed, non-corrosive and tested fixing materials for different wall systems - with toilet roll holder 950.50.01090, toilet roll holder with WC flushing mechanism and function button (radio-controlled) 950.50.06290 and 950.50.06390 for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040 requirements
HEWI lift-up support rail duo round L850
|Hinged support rail Duo System 800 K - with two gripping levels arranged above each other - upper rail is merged with the top rail at an angle of 135° - upper rail (diameter 33 mm) for holding on to and providing support - bottom rail (diameter 25 mm) starts at a distance of 250 mm from the front edge of the upper rail and is used for holding on to and for turning in from the side - 850 mm projection, wall mounting plate 181 mm high and 130 mm wide - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI colours 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and integrated wall mounting plate made of steel with high-quality polyamide cover - stable three-point fixing - for wall mounting with concealed, non-corrosive and tested fixing materials for different wall systems - with toilet roll holder 950.50.01090, toilet roll holder with WC flushing mechanism and function button (radio-controlled) 950.50.06290, 950.50.06390 and floor supports 950.50.020XA, 950.50.025XA and 950.50.026XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements
HEWI lift-up support-mono-chr.
|Mono hinged support rail - with a horizontal, two-dimensional gripping level - for holding on to and providing support - rail made of rectangular profile, 40 mm wide and 30 mm, provides a wide support surface and large radii for pleasant gripping - 600 mm projection, wall mounting plate 181 mm high and 130 mm wide - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - made of metal, high-quality chrome-plated - wall-mounting plate cover made of high-quality chrome-plated synthetic material - stable three-point fixing - for wall mounting with concealed, non-corrosive and tested fixing materials for different wall systems - with toilet roll holder 950.50.01150, toilet roll holder with WC flushing mechanism and function button (radio-controlled) 950.50.06490 (right), 950.50.06590 (left) and arm pad 950.50.03192 for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040 requirements
HEWI lift-up support-duo-chr.
|Hinged support rail Duo - with two gripping levels arranged above each other - upper rail is merged with the top rail at an angle of 135° - upper rail made of rectangular profile, 40 mm wide and 30 mm, provides a wide support surface and large radii for pleasant gripping, used to hold on tight and for support - bottom rail (diameter 25 mm) starts at a distance of 250 mm from the front edge of the upper rail and is used for holding on to and for turning in from the side - 850 mm projection, wall mounting plate 181 mm high and 130 mm wide - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - made of metal, high-quality chrome-plated - wall-mounting plate cover made of high-quality chrome-plated synthetic material - stable three-point fixing - for wall mounting with concealed, non-corrosive and tested fixing materials for different wall systems - with toilet roll holder 950.50.01150, toilet roll holder with WC flushing mechanism and function button (radio-controlled) 950.50.06490 (right), 950.50.06590 (left), floor supports 950.50.020XA, 950.50.025XA, 950.50.026XA and arm pad 950.50.03192 for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-100
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 600 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.100
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-110
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.110
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-120
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 850 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.120
HEWI Hinged support rail 801-50-200
|Range 801 Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 600 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.200
HEWI Hinged support rail 801-50-210
|Range 801 Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.210
HEWI Stationary support rail 801-50-300
|Range 801 Stationary support - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 600 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC Article no.: HEWI 801.50.300
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 805-50-110
|Range 805 Classic Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend (formed of a continuous tube) - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - wall mounting plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter, tube thickness 2 mm - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - toilet roll holder 805.50.015 as well as WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 805.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.022XA and 950.50.024XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 805.50.110
HEWI Hinged support rail 805-50-220
|Range 805 Classic Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend (formed of a continuous tube) - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - wall mounting plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 850 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter, tube thickness 2 mm - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - toilet roll holder 805.50.015 as well as WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 805.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.022XA and 950.50.024XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 805.50.220
HEWI Hinged support rail Duo WARM TOUCH 950-50-12050
|Hinged support rail Duo System 800 K - with two gripping levels arranged above each other - upper rail is merged with the top rail at an angle of 135° - upper rail (diameter 33 mm) for holding on to and providing support - bottom rail (diameter 25 mm) starts at a distance of 250 mm from the front edge of the upper rail and is used for holding on to and for turning in from the side - 700 mm projection, wall mounting plate 181 mm high and 130 mm wide - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - made of high-quality chrome-look coated polyamide that is warm to touch - with continuous anti-corrosion steel core and integrated wall mounting plate made of steel with cover made of chrome-look coated polyamide - stable three-point fixing - for wall mounting with concealed, non-corrosive and tested fixing materials for different wall systems - with toilet roll holder 950.50.01050, toilet roll holder with WC flushing mechanism and function button (radio-controlled) 950.50.06290 (right), 950.50.06390 (left), and floor supports 950.50.020XA, 950.50.025XA and 950.50.026XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 950.50.12050
HEWI Hinged support rail Duo 950-50-62040
|Hinged support rail Duo - with two gripping levels arranged above each other - upper rail is merged with the top rail at an angle of 135° - upper rail made of rectangular profile, 40 mm wide and 30 mm, provides a wide support surface and large radii for pleasant gripping, used to hold on tight and for support - bottom rail (diameter 25 mm) starts at a distance of 250 mm from the front edge of the upper rail and is used for holding on to and for turning in from the side - 700 mm projection, wall mounting plate 181 mm high and 130 mm wide - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - made of metal, high-quality chrome-plated - wall-mounting plate cover made of high-quality chrome-plated synthetic material - stable three-point fixing - for wall mounting with concealed, non-corrosive and tested fixing materials for different wall systems - with toilet roll holder 950.50.01150, toilet roll holder with WC flushing mechanism and function button (radio-controlled) 950.50.06490 (right), 950.50.06590 (left), floor supports 950.50.020XA, 950.50.025XA, 950.50.026XA and arm pad 950.50.03192 for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 950.50.62040
HEWI Hinged support rail 801-50-130
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 900 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm wide, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.130
Saros® Sound Bar 200, Powered - SAROS SB-200-P-B
|<p>The Saros® SB-200-P is a stereo sound bar designed to provide enhanced audio performance for a flat panel display. Its full-range, front-firing speakers offer an improvement over the small, rear-facing speakers typical of many display devices. The bracket included with the sound bar allows for attachment to a wall surface, or the unit can be placed on a shelf below or above the display.</p> <p>Built-in amplification allows for direct connection to the line-level audio output of the display device, or to the output of an audio preamp, switcher, mixer, tv tuner, codec, or Crestron DM® receiver.[1] The amplifier powers on automatically when an audio input signal is detected, and powers off if no signal is detected for several minutes.</p> <p>The SAROS SB-200-P sound bar is ideally suited for use with the Crestron RL® 2 Group Collaboration System and other unified communication and videoconferencing systems. It is equally well-suited for use in any small to medium sized room or public space in a hotel, restaurant, museum, medical center, airport, office building, or residence.</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>High-quality, full-range amplified stereo sound bar<br>Delivers enhanced sound quality and performance for use with any flat panel display<br>Mounts to a wall or sits on a shelf<br>Balanced or unbalanced stereo line-level audio input [1]<br>Unbalanced stereo audio cable included<br>Powers on and off automatically<br>100 to 240 Volt AC powered</p> <p>Notes:<br>1. The SAROS SB-200-P has a fixed input level. It must be connected to an audio source equipped with adjustable audio output level.</p>
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance for 80 Endpoints - DM-XIO-DIR-80
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-80, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.<br></p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-80 model supports a total of 80 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.<br><br></p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output to the software-based matrix switcher. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for a physical switcher, providing the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.<br>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-80 assigns all associated endpoints to a single “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity. Each DM-XIO-DIR-80 in a system functions as a separate domain. Other XiO Director models, including the DM-XIO-DIR-160 and DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, can support multiple domains. Refer to each model’s spec sheet for more information and additional available features.<strong><br><br></strong></p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 80 endpoints in a single domain</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of the virtual matrix and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Four Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li><li>Universal 100-240V internal power supply</li></ul> <p>1. Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p>
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance for 160 Endpoints - DM-XIO-DIR-160
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-160, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.</p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-160 model supports a total of 160 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.<br><br></p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output within a “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity, allowing individual rooms and other subsystems to be arranged and controlled independently. It’s like having multiple independent matrix switchers in a single rack space. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for physical switchers in every room, replacing them with the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.<br>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-160 supports a maximum of 20 domains. For larger systems, use multiple units or use model DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, which supports 240 domains and includes additional “enterprise” features. Refer to the DM-XIO-DIR-ENT spec sheet for more information.<br><br></p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 160 endpoints and 20 domains</li><li>Enables grouping of endpoints in up to 20 independent subsystems</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of virtual matrices and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Four Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li><li>Universal 100-240V internal power supply</li></ul> <p>1.Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p>
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance, Enterprise Version - DM-XIO-DIR-ENT
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT model supports a total of 1000 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output within a “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity, allowing individual rooms and other subsystems to be arranged and controlled independently. It’s like having multiple independent matrix switchers in a single rack space. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for physical switchers in every room, replacing them with the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.</p> <p>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT supports a maximum of 240 domains. For larger systems, use multiple units.</p> <p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Copper or Fiber LAN Connectivity</strong><br>The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT includes six 1000Base-T RJ45 LAN ports and six 10GBase-X SFP+ LAN ports. Connection to a Gigabit or 10 Gigabit fiber optic network is facilitated by inserting an appropriate SFP or SFP+ transceiver module (Crestron SFP-1G or SFP-10G series, sold separately) into any SFP+ port. A selection of modules is offered to accommodate various multimode and single-mode fiber types.</p> <p><strong>Redundant Power Supplies</strong><br>Onboard dual redundant power supplies provide enhanced reliability for demanding applications. In the unlikely event of an individual power supply fault, the DM-XIO-DIR-ENT will continue to operate unhindered on only one functioning power supply. A modular, hot-swappable design allows either power supply to be replaced in seconds from the rear panel without powering down or rebooting the system. The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT ships complete with both power supply modules installed.</p><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 1000 endpoints and 240 domains</li><li>Enables grouping of endpoints in up to 240 independent subsystems</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of virtual matrices and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Six Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Six 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ LAN ports</li><li>Fiber optic connectivity via optional SFP or SFP+ transceivers</li><li>Onboard 100-240V hot-swappable redundant power supplies</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li></ul><p>1. Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p><p></p>
Infusion Stand 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Infusion stand with optional infusion bag and minimal space.
Infusion Stand 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Infusion stand with optional infusion bag and minimal space.
Столик медицинский инструментальный СИ-51
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333260Стол для инструментов СИ-51 (типа "Гусь") предназначен для размещения инструментов во время проведения операций. Стол полностью выполнен из нержавеющей стали. Регулировка высоты столешницы инструментального стола осуществляется с помощью гидравлического домкрата. Основание стола трех лучевое, установлено на колесные опоры Ø 75 мм. Стол инструментальный СИ-51 зарегистрирован в ФС по надзору в сфере Здравоохранения как изделие медицинского назначения.
