iMac desktop
Jonny Breen | 1347591365An iMac 21" desktop modelled to every detail with all connectors, ports, speakers etc modelled. Come with custom material showing Mac desktop. Made in Bootcamp :)
Sui yuk Liu | 1341854939cup_white link for material: http://s19.postimage.org/9thhg2hb7/cup.png duplicate surf-porcelain. please leave a comment. Thanks!
Explosive Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Flammable Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Material Legend 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D material legend in table form.
Oxidizing Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Sign Explosive Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Flammable Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Oxidizing Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Toxic Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
karma trendz | 1390045700water tank 200 lt
Andres Bruder | 1438866851Keystone (Coquina, Limestone) Tiles 1'-0"x2'-0"
karma trendz | 1386343406scaffolding
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Rug - Surface
Eszter K | 1513545381Blue Carpet Surface for ArchiCAD 21
Michel Perez | 1521493431Material - Celosia con Patron Floral.
karma trendz | 1449115712handle_ikea_HISHULT
Rockpanel multiple table
Tess van Zanden | 1648549850Rockpanel Multiple Facade Table Rockpanel http://bimobject.com/en-us/rockpanel http://www.rockpanel.com
Holzhocker Stevie_Cloud
Ruth Gall | 1355741567Holzhocker "Stevie" Dieser Rundhocker ist ein echter Naturbursche aus mindestens 100 - jährigem Eichenholz, der durch die Reduziertheit im Material und seine gestalterische Einfachheit besticht. Durch die Bearbeitung mit der Motorsäge und jede Menge Handarbeit wurde aus einem massiven Eichenstamm ein bequemes Unikat. Ausgestattet mit einer anthrazitfarbenen Filzauflage und einer grünen Trageschlaufe.
karma trendz | 1627353974Door Style
Rockpanel simple table
Tess van Zanden | 1648549850Rockpanel Simple Facade Table Rockpanel http://bimobject.com/en-us/rockpanel http://www.rockpanel.com
1.07 Material Stud
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
Explosive Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Flammable Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Oxidizing Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Sign Explosive Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Flammable Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Oxidizing Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Toxic Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or high pressure laminate. The frame is available in 3 different versions and the fronts of 9 different. Furnished with 5 shelves of which 3 removable, 2 solid doors with spaniel lock and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it extremely durable.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 9 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with a handle. 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 5 shelves B80xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 5 shelves B80xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 5 shelves B80xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 10 tray B80xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Divided into 10 equally sized trays, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 10 tray B80xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Divided into 10 equally sized trays, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 10 tray B80xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Divided into 10 equally sized trays, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 6 drawer B80xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 4 shelves and 6 drawers, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 6 drawer B80xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 4 shelves and 6 drawers, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 6 drawer B80xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 4 shelves and 6 drawers, all doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 12 drawer B80xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 3 shelves and 12 boxes, all the doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 12 drawer B80xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 3 shelves and 12 boxes, all the doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 12 drawer B80xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 3 shelves and 12 boxes, all the doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 30 drawer B80xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 30 boxes, all the doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 30 drawer B80xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 30 boxes, all the doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 30 drawer B80xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 30 boxes, all the doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD32xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid door B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD32xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 solid door B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 4 full doors with locking rod and 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD32xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solid 2 glas B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 full doors with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 4 glas B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod and 2 doors in tempered glass with handle, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD32xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD60xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD32xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD60xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD32xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 2 solida glas B100xD60xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Furnished with 5 shelves including 3 removable, 2 doors in tempered glass with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 3 shelves, 12 drawer B100xD47xH210 birch
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 3 shelves and 12 boxes, 2 full doors with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 3 shelves, 12 drawer B100xD47xH210 white
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 3 shelves and 12 boxes, 2 full doors with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
Norden material cabinet 3 shelves, 12 drawer B100xD47xH210 grey
|Material cabinet with frame in direct laminate. Fronts are available with either direct laminate or laminate. Frames are available in 3 different designs and fronts in 10 different. Decorated with 3 shelves and 12 boxes, 2 full doors with locking rod, 170 degree opening angle. High pressure laminate on the front makes it an extremely durable finish.
karma trendz | 1449115132handle ikea HISHULT
karma trendz | 1711788607Roster 097 20x20x10cm
karma trendz | 1711789052Roster 097a 20x20x10cm
karma trendz | 1711789416Roster 097b 20x20x10cm
karma trendz | 1386343031scaffolding crossbrace
karma trendz | 1386342987Scaffolding main frame
Surface Viewer 23 USA
Ransom Ratcliff | 1582242666Object for displaying a sample of each surface in an ArchiCAD model, and its index number. Shows where there are gaps in the surface index sequence. (Turn off Spheres and 3D text for faster speed.)
karma trendz | 1627354000Tennis Net Post
b4 IDO Seven D 1000 vanitytop
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release 06.08.2009 -fixed error for shelf material
Colorbond Colour - Monument
Paul Bayl | 1587118118Surface material - Australian Colorbond Colour range. 'Monument'
f1 IDO Renova mirror cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.03.2005 -renamed furniture series 01.03.2005 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -3D material for lamp 01.03.2003 -initial release
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1760 x 760 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels Overflow slot and tap bank at feet side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted for the right corner, with not removable L-panel left With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels With overflow slot at long side and tap bank at opposite side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the left corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the right corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels With overflow slot at long side and tap bank at opposite side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted for the left corner, with not removable L-panel right With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
|Clip is a functional stackable table system designed for large meeting places as assembly halls, auditoriums, conference rooms and dining areas. The tables have unique stacking qualities and with its own transport dolly makes it easy to rearrange or clear the location. Table tops are a light weight material covered with high press laminat. The legs are in chrome. Standard: White laminate (K1040UN), grey side list (NCS S 4500-N). Base: Polished stainless steel.
Metawall® A2 Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 15 mm, weight only 6,8kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilities, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1460 x 6000 mm), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: A2 - s1, d0 (non-combustible), 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
EQUITONE [pictura]
|EQUITONE [pictura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a ultramatt, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
EQUITONE [natura]
|EQUITONE [natura] is a through coloured façade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, displaying the raw texture of the fibre cement base material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Calciumsulphate raised floor
|The NORTEC raised floor system offers impressive in-built properties and truly state-of-the-art technology. It is the ideal product for almost any field of application. NORTEC floor panels give superb underfoot comfort. They are manufactured from calcium sulphate (gypsum): a non-combustible material with superlative structural and physical properties. This product also offers outstanding levels of soundproofing. As a manufacturer, we can determine the choice of raw materials used. The Institute of Building Biology in Rosenheim recommends NORTEC as a biologically-neutral building material. Our gypsum panels are virtually emission-free.
EQUITONE [textura]
|EQUITONE [textura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a textured, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Metawall® Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 10 mm, weight only 5.7 kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (Glueing , Riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilites, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1470 x 6000 mm), building inspectorate approval: Z-33.2-889 (DIBt Germany), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: B - s2, d0, 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
Tork Image Xpressnap® Napkin Dispenser - Walnut
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Image Xpressnap® Café® Napkin Dispenser
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed smaller napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments that serve smaller portions of food A small dispenser that fits on any table Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Image Xpressnap® Café® Napkin Dispenser
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed smaller napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments that serve smaller portions of food A small dispenser that fits on any table Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Image Xpressnap® Napkin Dispenser - Aluminium
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
BOO Armchair
|Boo is a stackable chair with a seat shell of formfelt, fabric or leather laminated on the inside. Boo is suitable for a variety of interiors, for example conference rooms, meeting-rooms, canteens and libraries. Because of the special characteristics of the formfelt, the seat of Boo is sound absorbing. The chair is lightweight thanks to the choice of material and construction. In the creation of Boo, Stefan Borselius has delved deep into the process of optimising a comfortable seating shell for different kinds of bodies. Unusually comfortable and ergonomic, it takes weight of the pelvic bones and supports the small of the back. In 2008 Boo O48 was awarded with the Swedish design award, Design S. Boo is also eco-labelled with the Nordic Swan.
Oxford Easy Chair
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
Serena Wall Shelf 170
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail fi nish and material quality. A beautiful and stylish place for books and small items. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Round Brushed Café Table
|Working with Emeco has allowed me to use a recycled material and transform it into something that never needs to be discarded - a tireless and unbreakable chair to use and enjoy for a lifetime. It is a chair you never own, you just use it for a while until it is the next persons turn. A great chair never should have to be recycled. This is good consideration of nature and man kind
|Membrane is a acoustic room divider designed by David Trubridge. The room divider consits of smaller acoustic panels which together creates a modular system with two inspiring finished patterns. Membrane filter sound at the same time as it’s letting through light and create a unique expression. “This dividing screen, which filters sound, was commissioned exclusively by Offecct for their ambitious acoustic control line. It can be used to semi-divide spaces and can also be placed against a wall in order to dampen sound. Of course in addition to its strong acoustic control function, it also has a decorative element and can be assembled in various shapes and patterns. An interesting architectonic quality is added in that it is easy to light, creating layers of shadows. My inspiration, as usual, is nature, from where I draw most of my patterns. I love to go out on hikes and sleep under a tree for a few days, and it’s nice to bring a bit of the forest in to the indoor environment. Membrane is made from polyester fiber produced from recycled water bottles. We conduct a great deal of life circle research of our own and this material is actually environmentally smarter than natural wool, for example, as the sourcing of wool is very polluting.” /David Trubridge.
|Montparnasse is an easy chair designed by the French designer Christophe Pillet. Pillet got inspired by, amongst other products, ordinary camping gear and has then added elegance and quality - which has created Montparnasse. “I have always been interested in Offecct’s philosophy and method. They are into developing alternative solutions and finding new paths instead of just following trends. This easy chair is designed with the ambition of using less material. Traditionally, easy chairs, like other furniture, are based on the idea of quantity, which is not at all updated to our contemporary time. It’s unbelievable, a shame, that quality and status is still valued in terms of size and quantity in cars, sofas, bathrooms etcetera. We developed this chair with a high-tech textile mounted on a mechanical construction, making the easy chair light, while using minimal amounts of material. It’s inspired by camping gear and military furniture. The exciting challenge has been to apply the cleverness and economical thinking of camping gear, but with the comfort and finish of high-end domestic furniture. It is about providing people with space, being light and transparent in the contemporary environment.” /Christophe Pillet
G3000 Series - Glass Wall
|Type G3000 mobile glass wall partitions Possible applications of type G 3000 movable glass wall partitions are manifold in today's modern and sophisticated architecture. They offer transparency and freely accessible illumination, for example in hotels and conference centers, corporate offices, hospitals, schools, colleges and universities, churches and religious establishments and sports and leisure facilities. Glass wall partitions harmonies with almost every ambiance. Glasswall is the creative answer for facilities requiring a physical, but not a visual, barrier. Let the light shine in! Glasswalls are available in the following styles: frameless (glass with polished edges); framed (aluminum trim edges). Glass is a material ensuring many creative alternatives of color, surface and individual conditioning. The crystal clear and colored glasses of ESG are an ideal solution. Complete glass elements with vertically bordered profile are also included in the delivery program. HUFCOR-movable partitions offer manifold design variants, from the planning and draft stages onwards
D4310 - Press, Flask, Pneumatic
|Pneumatic press for a single denture molding flask. The unit applies 3000 or more pounds of pressure to the denture molding flask to obtain as hard a curing set of the denture material as possible. Depending on the manufacturer, a unit will operate directly from an air supply line or generate its own internal pneumatic pressure.
D8650 - Chute, Waste, Plaster, Counter Mounted
|Counter mounted plaster waste chute. The chute is generally made of stainless steel and is available in either a round or square configuration. The chute is mounted over a waste receptacle and is used to dispose of waste material through the countertop. The chute is usually specified and purchased as part of the countertop rather than as a separate item.
D8990 - Cleaner, Ultrasonic, 10-12 Quart Capacity
|Ultrasonic cleaner. Used in dental laboratories and operatories to clean dental instruments and tools either as a preliminary step to sterilization or to remove material. Cleaners are available in several sizes with or without timers and/or heat. The units used for the database have a 10-12 quart capacity and are equipped with a timer and heat.
E0703 - Table, Process, Adj Height, 5 Drawer
|Height adjustable table. The table top is available in a plastic laminate or chemical resistant material (Chem-Surf). Casters or glides are options with some tables. All tables will accept various storage components underneath. These work surfaces are available in 24" or 30" depth. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 height adjustable table; 1 storage frame; 3 drawers, 3"H; 1 drawer, 6"H; 1 drawer, 9"H and drawer organizer bins.
P2000 - Eyewash, Wall Mounted, Hands-Free
|Wall mounted emergency eye wash station. The flow of water from the unit is activated by hand. Upon initiation of water flow the unit will operate hands free to provide streams of water to clear foreign particles or dilute caustic liquids from the eyes in emergency situations. Used in laboratories and areas of the hospital where employees are subject to foreign bodies or liquid material to the eyes.
Ytong China
|Ytong product consists of inorganic raw materials, which is lime, sand, cement and water. Ytong has been identified as green building material. Ytong product has excellent thermal insulation , light weight & high load capacity, good fire resistance property, which could meet overall requirement of a building, thus is widely used in civil and industrial buildings in China.
Ytong Hungary
|Building a masonry with using Ytong blocks results an excellent thermal insulating loadbearing or non-loadbearing wall, but also can be used for internal separator walls. There are produced additional elements (e.g. lintels, frame blocks and insultion elements) wich are complete the blocks to a "building system". With Ytong System the masonries or internal separator walls can be built fast and efficient way. The effect of workability is not only a very fast built wall but quick installation of the mechanical and electrical wires, tubes. Accuracy of the blocks results savings of material regarding the mortar for building the masonry and the surface plaster too. With this advantages the whole "ready wall" structure can be built in work-, energy, and cost efficient way.
Ytong Italy
|Ytong autoclaved aerated concrete is a construction product unique, consisting of sand, lime, cement, water and millions of air pores, which give lightness and great performances: thermal and acoustic insulation, fire resistance and strength. Aerated concrete was produced in 1929 in southern Sweden Yxhult, in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy. From the original name “Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong” a short time later Ytong became the first registered building material brand in the world, which made the name Ytong worldwide career and changed the building sustainably, establishing itself as a fixture on the international level in the market. The extensive product range allows the construction of a whole building with aerated concrete, from basement to roof. For each single need Ytong offers the right solution: external and internal walls, load-bearing and infill walls, Ytong is used for residential and industrial, new and renovated buildings. Thanks to its structure comprising millions of tiny pores, Ytong offers optimum solidity at low weight. As air has a low heat conductivity, aerated concrete provides for excellent thermal protection. It protects from cold and heat, allowing for single-shell constructions which provide more space and reduce costs.
Ytong Romania
|YTONG thermal insulation blocks were created in order to provide all essential benefits of construction materials in one product: high level of thermal insulation, easy to cut and shape, fire resistant, sustainable and ecological. YTONG is a premium product, made of mineral and natural raw materials: lime, sand, cement, and water . In 1929, the first autoclaved aerated concrete was produced in the Swedish town of Yxhult, under the name Yxhults Anghardade Gasbetong, from which the brand name YTONG was derived. Following the First World War, Sweden needed a masonry product with thermal insulating properties, easy to cut, shape and install and economical, in order to reduce the fuel consumption, as people had limited access to resources. Dr. Arh. Axel Erikson made the first attempt at autoclaving aerated concrete, that later on the world’s first registered trademark for a building material. YTONG, the name of the brand, is derived from: Yxhult, the place where it was invented, and Gasbetong, Swedish term for autoclaved aerated concrete. Germany adopts this product in the '50s. In Romania, YTONG is the first masonry product to be included in the A energy efficiency class, without the need for additional thermal insulating systems for the facades. Nowadays, YTONG systems include products for exterior walls, repartitioning, lintels, special mortar; all these being the basis of nearly zero-energy buildings.
Ytong Russia
|Advantages of YTONG AAC: • High fire resistance of YTONG load-bearing walls - REI 360 • Ecological material, level Ecomaterial ABSOLUTE • Low thermal conductivity • High compressive strength • Technical support for architects and planners YTONG is a white stone and consists of lime, sand, cement and water. Inside, it contains millions of air pores, which also gave him the name: aerated concrete. Over 70 years ago it was produced in southern Sweden Yxhult. The new building material was called YTONG = ""Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong"", which means autoclaved aerated concrete from Yxhult. YTONG has established itself on the international construction market as an ecological and structural-insulating material. YTONG AAC is one of the most fire-resistant building material and it is used in the construction of fire barriers. Also YTONG AAC is popular in areas of high seismic activity.
Ytong Spain
|This stone is white and consists of lime, sand, cement and water. Inside, it contains millions of air pores, which also gave him the name: aerated concrete. Over 70 years ago it was for the first time industrially produced in southern Sweden’s Yxhult in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy due to stricter laws. From the original name "Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong" a short time later became the first registered building materials brand in the world, which pushed the worldwide carrer of Ytong and changed the building construction sustainably. Since then, Ytong with the concise Y of its hometown and the significant yellow color, stands like no other brand for construction with optimal insulation. This material has become a standard element in residential building on an international level. Due to the extensive product range it is possible to build a house from the basement to the roof completely with aerated concrete elements. Ytong aerated concrete offers the right solution for every application with the highest quality masonry. Whether basement masonry, monolithic exterior or interior walls, you will always find the right product. In renovations new room situations can efficiently be created with Ytong aerated concrete masonry. Ytong, the classic building material, stands like no other for optimal thermal insulation and massive quality.
Slab on ground
|BIDIRECTIONAL DEHYDRATION USING THE ISODRÄN BOARD Ground slab construction is currently the most common foundation methodology in the construction of houses. By choosing the ISODRÄN board you benefit the environment in two ways. Good thermal insulation capacity leads to low heating costs and reduces the quantity of material required which leads to reduced transportation during the construction process, which benefits both the environment and your expenditure .
|An extremely simple wall recessed fixture that can be integrated in any context. The position of the LED offers a soft and comfortable light effect with superior performances, while the surrounding concrete structure protects the aluminium core, perfect material for heat dissipation. Particularly suitable for recessing into stone walls but also suitable for surface mounted applications on smooth surfaces in concrete or plaster.
HI-MACS® Sheets – Lucia collection
|Lucia collection is composed of natural trendy colours characterised by linear-edged, midsize particles: three of those designed by Dutch Star Designer, Marcel Wanders. Colours: Red Quinoa (W010), Lentil (W007), , Ice Queen (W001), Shadow Queen (W003), Star Queen (W004). Thickness: 12mm. HI-MACS® is a solid surface material that can be moulded into any shape. It is widely used for architectural and interior applications, such as sculptural and high performance wall-cladding or kitchen, bathroom and furniture surfaces, in commercial, residential and public space projects. It is composed of acrylic, natural minerals and pigments that come together to provide a smooth, non-porous and visually seamless surface which meets the highest standards for quality, aesthetics, fabrication, functionality and hygiene – offering manifold advantages over conventional materials. LG Hausys’ HI-MACS® uses a simple heating process to give three-dimensional thermoplastic forming capabilities, allows visually seamless designs, offers a virtually limitless range of colours and – for some shades - exhibits a special translucency when exposed to light. Although HI-MACS® is almost as robust as stone, it can be worked in a similar way as wood: it can be sawn, routed, drilled or sanded. Visit himacs.eu for more information.
Shower channels CeraLine W 500-1200 mm, DN 50
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine W contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine W shower channel can be installed directly at wall, the flow capacity is 0,8 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
PALOMBA COLLECTION Bathtub freestanding 1800 x 900 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of solid surface Sentec material, with hidden overflow incl. click-clack waste Charge 000 – without whirl system Bathtub without whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 615 – bathtub with LED light Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 605 – Whirlpool with air massage Charge 625 – Whirlpool with air massage and LED light
SPACE Vanity unit, for 815281
|Vanity unit, with 2 drawers, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 815281, Body/Front – high-pressure laminate surface (HPL) - water resistant, high impact and scratch resistant extruded anodised aluminium drawer front frame-handle combination drawer fronts 3 mm solide-core HPL material 2 full extension drawers (soft-close mechanism)
SPACE Vanity unit, for 810282
|Vanity unit, with 2 drawers, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 810282, Body/Front – high-pressure laminate surface (HPL) - water resistant, high impact and scratch resistant extruded anodised aluminium drawer front frame-handle combination drawer fronts 3 mm solide-core HPL material 2 full extension drawers (soft-close mechanism)
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, freestanding version 1830 x 870 mm
|Oval bathtub, made of solid surface material Sentec, casted Freestanding version, with not removable panel With overflow slot at long side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow With click-clack drain valve, chrome Charge 000 – without whirl system
SPACE Vanity unit, for 810283
|Vanity unit, with 2 drawers, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 810283, Body/Front – high-pressure laminate surface (HPL) - water resistant, high impact and scratch resistant extruded anodised aluminium drawer front frame-handle combination drawer fronts 3 mm solide-core HPL material 2 full extension drawers (soft-close mechanism)
SPACE Vanity unit, for 810284
|Vanity unit, with 2 drawers, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 810284, Body/Front – high-pressure laminate surface (HPL) - water resistant, high impact and scratch resistant extruded anodised aluminium drawer front frame-handle combination drawer fronts 3 mm solide-core HPL material 2 full extension drawers (soft-close mechanism)
SPACE Vanity unit, for 810285
|Vanity unit, with 2 drawers, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 810285, Body/Front – high-pressure laminate surface (HPL) - water resistant, high impact and scratch resistant extruded anodised aluminium drawer front frame-handle combination drawer fronts 3 mm solide-core HPL material 2 full extension drawers (soft-close mechanism)
SPACE Vanity unit, for 810287
|Vanity unit, with 2 drawers, with space saving siphon, for washbasin 810287, Body/Front – high-pressure laminate surface (HPL) - water resistant, high impact and scratch resistant extruded anodised aluminium drawer front frame-handle combination drawer fronts 3 mm solide-core HPL material 2 full extension drawers (soft-close mechanism)
Shower channels CeraLine Plan F 500-1200 mm, DN 50
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine Plan F contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine Plan F shower channel can be installed at any point in the floor surface, the flow capacity is 0,7 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
Shower channels CeraLine Plan W 500-1200 mm, DN 50
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine Plan W contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine Plan W shower channel can be installed directly at wall, the flow capacity is 0,7 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
Bramac 7 ° Roof System
|The Bramac 7 ° roof system is the first hard cover for the flat sloping roofs. The technical uniqueness extends the leeway, allowing the best integration of flat roofs from 7 ° in existing townscapes. The Bramac 7 ° roof system consists of an innovative roof tile "Bramac Max" and an especially high-quality underlay. This solution can be laid only by certified Roofing contractors. Bramac gives a guarantee on function of 15 Years on material and work, when laid by a certified roofer.
EQUITONE [materia]
|EQUITONE [materia] is a through coloured facade material that accentuates the beauty of fibre cement. The material encompasses the characteristics of cement, whereas the fibres render its surface textured yet velvety. The ever-changing atmosphere, gives the material natural subtle shade variations. The material comes in large panel size and can be transformed into any size or shape in the workshop or on site.
EQUITONE [linea]
|<p>EQUITONE [linea] is a unique 3D shaped, through-coloured facade material that plays with light and shadow. Linea displays a linear texture that highlights the raw inner texture of the core fibre cement material. Every moment of the day, the changing angle of the daylight gives the facade material a different aspect. The material comes in a large panel size and can be transformed into any size or shape in the workshop or on site. No matter what design options you explore, EQUITONE’s through-coloured nature guarantees crisp, monolithic details.</p> <p>Both visible and invisible fixing options exist for EQ2UITONE [linea].</p>
RBM Flip and Fold 1501
|A module-based furniture system for special rooms and premises. Simple yet advanced design offers a sophisticated way to provide several sitting surfaces at different levels. The modules can be connected in order to change functionality and expression. The sitting surface twists and turns. Up and down becomes front and back. Three different seating heights. RBM Flip & Fold is best suited to large spaces, e.g. a reception, airport, museum or gallery. Padded material in five different moulds with leg positions in three heights.
RBM Flip and Fold 1502
|A module-based furniture system for special rooms and premises. Simple yet advanced design offers a sophisticated way to provide several sitting surfaces at different levels. The modules can be connected in order to change functionality and expression. The sitting surface twists and turns. Up and down becomes front and back. Three different seating heights. RBM Flip & Fold is best suited to large spaces, e.g. a reception, airport, museum or gallery. Padded material in five different moulds with leg positions in three heights.
RBM Flip and Fold 1503
|A module-based furniture system for special rooms and premises. Simple yet advanced design offers a sophisticated way to provide several sitting surfaces at different levels. The modules can be connected in order to change functionality and expression. The sitting surface twists and turns. Up and down becomes front and back. Three different seating heights. RBM Flip & Fold is best suited to large spaces, e.g. a reception, airport, museum or gallery. Padded material in five different moulds with leg positions in three heights.
RBM Flip and Fold 1504
|A module-based furniture system for special rooms and premises. Simple yet advanced design offers a sophisticated way to provide several sitting surfaces at different levels. The modules can be connected in order to change functionality and expression. The sitting surface twists and turns. Up and down becomes front and back. Three different seating heights. RBM Flip & Fold is best suited to large spaces, e.g. a reception, airport, museum or gallery. Padded material in five different moulds with leg positions in three heights.
RBM Flip and Fold 1505
|A module-based furniture system for special rooms and premises. Simple yet advanced design offers a sophisticated way to provide several sitting surfaces at different levels. The modules can be connected in order to change functionality and expression. The sitting surface twists and turns. Up and down becomes front and back. Three different seating heights. RBM Flip & Fold is best suited to large spaces, e.g. a reception, airport, museum or gallery. Padded material in five different moulds with leg positions in three heights.
Fixed window AT400 23mm Glass
|The fixed frame windows are maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The core is a super strong and insulating composite material. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The windows are available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.7. A variety of glazing bars are available.
Fixed window AT450 23mm glass
|The fixed frame windows are maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The core is a super strong and insulating composite material. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The windows are available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.7. A variety of glazing bars are available.
Fixed window AT450E 23mm glass
|The fixed frame windows are maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The core is a super strong and insulating composite material. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The windows are available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.7. A variety of glazing bars are available.
Fixed window AT450E 36mm glass
|The fixed frame windows are maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The core is a super strong and insulating composite material. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The windows are available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.7. A variety of glazing bars are available.
Fixed window AT450SE 23mm glass
|The fixed frame windows are maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The core is a super strong and insulating composite material. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The windows are available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.7. A variety of glazing bars are available.
Fixed window AT450SE 36mm glass
|The fixed frame windows are maintenance free and designed for a lifetime of 60 years. The glazing frame comes in powder coated aluminium and is available in various colours. The core is a super strong and insulating composite material. The inside comes in factory painted nordic wood but can also be ordered in oak, teak, beech etc. The windows are available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.7. A variety of glazing bars are available.
Lundhs Blue Countertop
|LUNDHS Blue has a blue background colour garnished with clear blue and silver crystals. Its distinctive colour blend and material quality makes it a great option for your kitchen or bathroom worktop, flooring, and different kinds of interior decoration. WORKTOP QUALITIES: A worksurface made of LUNDHS Blue is heat-, scratch-, stain-, and water-resistant, easy to clean and require a minimum of maintenance. LUNDHS Blue for worktops/countertops is recommended in two different surface finishes; * POLISHED; A high gloss polished surface reflects the light beautifully, mirroring the surroundings and making the blue crystals sparkle. * SILK/LEATHER; A silk/leather surface has an elegant matte and lightly structured finish. This provides a more soft and subtle look than a high gloss finish. Beneath the texture, crystals still catch the light and sparkle gently.
FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 Hydraulic Automatic bollard
|FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355HA-M30-P1 bollard has been tested according to the American standards “ASTM F 2656-07 - Standard Test Method for Vehicle Crash Testing of Perimeter Barriers”, obtaining thus the certification for the highest penetration rate. The class M30-P1 indicates that FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 bollard is able to stop a 6800kg truck at a speed of 50Km/h (=30M/h) in 1 meter (P1). J355 HA M30-P1 main features are: 1. Tested according to ASTM F 2656-07 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements
FAAC J355 HA M50 Hydraulic Automatic bollard
|FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard has been tested according to PAS 68:2013 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems and IWA 14-1:2013 - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. FAAC J355 HA M50 bollard is able to stop a 7.500kg truck at a speed of 80Km/h (=50M/h). FAAC J355 HA M50 main features are: 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14-1:2013 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements
|The ideal option for guaranteeing very high thermal performance, even with low thickness, through the use of graphite particles encapsulated inside the special detensioned insulation panel. It ensures dimensional stability, perfect flatness and secure adhesion, even during maximum solar irradiation. The use of a single raw material confers constancy of the thermal properties of the entire thickness of the slab. The absence of any surface processing ensures a truly uniform product when skimming the render, thus ruling out the risk of infiltrations as generally ensuing from skimming and which, in time, could cause crackling of the façade.
PIR Insulated Panel Promisol® S
|Promisol® S is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of polyisocyanurate PIR core between prepainted steel Secret fixing giving optimal aestetic Several finishings such as standard ribbed, Linea 125, Linea 333, Linea 500 or Microline Thicknesses from 50mm up to 180mm according to requested thermal performances Standard width 1000 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® colorchart and material guide according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 6ml
Mipolam Elegance EL5
|<p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 is a conductive flexible homogeneous vinyl floorcovering available in sheet form.<br>The 2 mm homogeneous material incorporates carbon encapsulated granules throughout its full thickness and has a conductive backing to ensure optimal and consistent conductive properties throughout its full life expectancy. <br>It has permanent antistatic properties (&lt; 20 V).</p> <p>This floorcovering is treated with Evercare&trade; or the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare&trade; avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring.<br>This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!</p> <p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 acts as a continuous conductive 5.104 ≤ Rt ≤ 106 (EN 1081) and complies with EN 649.</p> <p>The product is non-reactive to residual indentation with a value ≤ 0,02 mm (EN 433)<br>The flooring complies with the EN 649 (34-43) offering a group P wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.<br>The product is non-emissive of volatile organic compounds with &lt;10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).</p>
HYBRIS (Panel 50 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 60 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 75 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 90 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 105 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 125 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 140 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
|HCONTROL HYBRID is a reflective vapour control layer layer with a built-in thermal performance for use on the warm side of any insulation material, behind the internal finish in roofs, walls and suspended floors. HCONTROL HYBRID provides dual performance within a single product : a vapour control layer and insulation, allowing a reduction in the number of installation steps whilst reducing the thickness of the main insulation to achieve the same required U-Value. It can be used in conjunction with any type of insulation. HCONTROL HYBRID is available in rolls of 10m2 (1600mm wide), 45mm thick.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 1100 WE1
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
Mipolam Esprit
|MIPOLAM ESPRIT is a vinyl flooring homogeneous pressed in 2m sheets, with a thickness of 2mm and a weight ≤ 2780 g. The non-directional design with colour throughout the thickness is available in 24 references presenting a nice matt finish. This flooring is suitable for heavy duty traffic areas, and facilitates floor–wall junctions, angles and welding treatments. The flooring is equipped with Evercare ™, patented surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking offering the best chemical resistance to the main products used in healthcare environment as Betadine, eosin, hydro alcoholic solutions, making the maintenance easy and long lasting the flooring. This treatment avoids applying any acrylic emulsion throughout the lifetime of the product. It is composed of 45% minerals, 22% of inexhaustible material and at least 25% of recycled 100% controlled. It is free of formaldehyde, heavy metals and CMR 1 & 2 or vPvB (very persistent and very bio accumulative) or PBT (persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic) and is REACH compliant. COV emissions after 28 days (ISO 16000-6) are below detection levels with <10 μg / m3 and this product is classified A + (the best class). On demand, MIPOLAM ESPRIT is available with phthalate free. The flooring is antistatic (<2kV), its residual indentation is ≤ 0.02 mm to 150 minutes respecting EN 433. The flooring complies with EN 649 (34-43) offering a group T wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.
Mipolam Cosmo
|<p>MIPOLAM COSMO is a vinyl flooring homogeneous calendered and pressed in 2m sheets, with a thickness of 2mm and a weight ≤ 3000g.<br>The semi-directional design with colour throughout the thickness is available in 24 references presenting a nice matt finish.<br>This flooring is suitable for medium to high traffic areas, and facilitates floor–wall junctions, angles and welding treatments. <br>The flooring is equipped with Evercare &trade;, patented surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking offering the best chemical resistance to the main products used in healthcare environment as Betadine, eosin, hydro alcoholic solutions, making the maintenance easy and long lasting the flooring. <br>This treatment avoids applying any acrylic emulsion throughout the lifetime of the product. <br>It is composed of 45% minerals, 22% of inexhaustible material and at least 25% of recycled 100% controlled. It is free of formaldehyde, heavy metals and CMR 1 & 2 or vPvB (very persistent and very bio accumulative) or PBT (persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic) and is REACH compliant. <br>COV emissions after 28 days (ISO 16000-6) are below detection levels with &lt; 10 μg / m3 and this product is classified A + (the best class). <br>On demand, MIPOLAM COSMO is available with phthalate free.<br>The flooring is antistatic (&lt; 2kV), its residual indentation is ≤ 0.02 mm. <br>The flooring is a group P wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.</p>
The Box Lounger
|The Box Lounger is a cozy box with a soft sound absorbing material on the inside that dampens outside sounds. It is the perfect place for you to make a phone call, work on your laptop or just relax. The Box Lounger can also be used as a room divider and is available in different colors to match your interior. The Box Lounger provides a quiet and visually secluded cover from the surrounding noise and movement. Generally this problem can be found in open-space offices and public spaces.
DI50 mm 55 1,112 1000 WE1
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
WAP 60mm 74 1,334 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP 80 mm 94 1,778 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP100 mm 114 2,223 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP120 mm 134 2,667 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP140 mm 154 3,112 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP160 mm 174 3,556 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP180 mm 194 4,000 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP200 mm 214 4,445 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP220 mm 234 4,889 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP240 mm 254 5,334 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP260 mm 274 5,778 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP280 mm 294 6,223 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP300 mm 314 6,667 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WI60 mm 70 1,429 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,905 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,381 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,858 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,334 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,810 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,286 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI60 mm 70 1,429 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,905 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,381 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,858 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,334 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,810 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,286 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WIC30 mm 40 0,667 1100 WE2
|Multipor inside insulation WI COMPACTplus The interior insulation system Multipor WI compact plus is a mineral insulation system for preventing mould and thermal bridge minimization. The compact and ecological interior insulation system showing its strengths where low insulation thickness (30 and 40 mm) an energetic improvement is to be achieved. It is purely mineral and can be ideally in the renovation of existing buildings to use, because it is flexible enough to adapt any geometry, and is quick and easy to process. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI compact plus makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Minimized thermal bridges • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Prevents mold build-up • Improves the living comfort • Quick and easy processing • Effortless transport and simple site logistics Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WIC40 mm 50 0,889 1100 WE2
|Multipor inside insulation WI COMPACTplus The interior insulation system Multipor WI compact plus is a mineral insulation system for preventing mould and thermal bridge minimization. The compact and ecological interior insulation system showing its strengths where low insulation thickness (30 and 40 mm) an energetic improvement is to be achieved. It is purely mineral and can be ideally in the renovation of existing buildings to use, because it is flexible enough to adapt any geometry, and is quick and easy to process. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI compact plus makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Minimized thermal bridges • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Prevents mold build-up • Improves the living comfort • Quick and easy processing • Effortless transport and simple site logistics Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
DI60 mm 65 1,429 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI80 mm 85 1,905 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI100 mm 105 2,381 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI120 mm 125 2,858 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI140 mm 145 3,334 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI160 mm 165 3,810 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI180 mm 185 4,286 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI200 mm 205 4,762 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI220 mm 225 5,239 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI240 mm 245 5,715 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI260 mm 265 6,191 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI280 mm 285 6,667 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI300 mm 305 7,143 1000 WE2
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
WI60 mm 70 1,334 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,778 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,223 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,667 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,112 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,556 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,000 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
DI60 mm 65 1,334 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI80 mm 85 1,778 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI100 mm 105 2,223 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI120 mm 125 2,667 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI140 mm 145 3,112 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI160 mm 165 3,556 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. F By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI180 mm 185 4,000 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
DI200 mm 205 4,445 1000 WE3
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI75 mm 85 1,667 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI100 mm 110 2,223 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI125 mm 135 2,778 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI150 mm 160 3,334 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI175 mm 185 3,889 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI250 mm 260 5,556 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI300 mm 310 6,667 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI50 mm 60 1,163 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI75 mm 85 1,745 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI100 mm 110 2,326 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI125 mm 135 2,907 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI150 mm 160 3,489 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI175 mm 185 4,070 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI200 mm 210 4,562 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI250 mm 260 5,814 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI50 mm 55 1,112 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI75 mm 80 1,667 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI100 mm 105 2,223 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI125 mm 130 2,778 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI150 mm 155 3,334 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI175 mm 180 3,889 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,445 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI250 mm 255 5,556 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI300 mm 305 6,667 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI50 mm 55 1,163 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI75 mm 80 1,745 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI100 mm 105 2,326 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI125 mm 130 2,907 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI150 mm 155 3,489 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI175 mm 180 4,070 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,562 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI250 mm 255 5,814 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP50 mm 64 1,112 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP75 mm 89 1,667 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP100 mm 114 2,223 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP125 mm 139 2,778 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP150 mm 164 3,334 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP175 mm 189 3,889 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,445 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP250 mm 264 5,556 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP300 mm 314 6,667 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP50 mm 64 1,163 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP75 mm 89 1,745 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP100 mm 114 2,236 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP125 mm 139 2,907 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP150 mm 164 3,489 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP175 mm 189 4,070 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,562 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP250 mm 264 5,814 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
Manual Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
|The Tradinov chimney stack is our traditional solution for the new-build market. Light and economical, this chimney stack has already been installed on many dwellings. Supplied with an insulated chimney, it secures a good smoke exhaust. A true industrial custom-built solution, the flashing is made to measure and to suit the roofing material for an immediate and perfect water-tightness and guarantees immediate complete sealing, whatever the pitch of the roof or the roofing material. This chimney stack can be adjusted (up to 10%) on site to the roof pitch for a perfect verticality. The Tradinov chimney stack is installed without structural work and without roof-frame reinforcement. It is intended for use in new-build dwellings and is perfectly in conformity with the new regulations. It is available in numerous finishes (smooth paint, roughcast or bricks) and can be fitted with different types of cap. The quality of Poujoulat products is recognized and recommended by the largest European heating appliance manufacturers.
Motorized Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
|As a major innovator in the flooring industry we are proud to present iQ Megalit, a totally new look in homogeneous vinyl flooring based on unique technology. The extraordinary pattern depth with mother-of-pearl effect and contrasting parts in balance give iQ Megalit the liveliness of a natural material and a strong personality that everyone wants to be around. Our patent pending manufacturing process and unique technical advances give properties such as improved resistance to scratches, abrasion and stains, along with remarkable material strength and flexibility.
|Proctection & decoration - 100% antibacterial - Multi-application Wall - Wall protection Total protection fitting all areas by providing impact resistance, high level of hygiene and a decorative touch • Unique textured surface hiding impacts and scratches, easy to clean • Resists to 320 kg at 3 km/h impacts • Non-porous 100% antibacterial material suitable for high infection risk areas • Welded joints possible for perfect watertightness between panels or with vinyl flooring • Resists to standard cleaning, disinfection and antiseptic products (Anios and Bioquell test reports)
|Protection and decoration - 100% antibacterial - Multi-application Wall - Wall protection Decorative frescoes to protect and highlight the walls • Textured surface hiding impacts and scratches • Non-porous antibacterial material • Resists to standard cleaning, disinfection and antiseptic products (Anios and Bioquell test reports) • 5 themes available to fit every area
|Pedagogical message - 100% antibacterial - School buildings Wall - Wall protection Wall protection with educational messages aimed at small children • Colourfull message for the children • Textured surface hides impacts and scratches • No deterioration of the drawing over time • 11 designs available • Non-porous antibacterial material ensuring high level of hygiene
|Efficient and decorative protection for all corners exposed to frequent impacts[LIST] Variable angle from 80 to 160° Shock absorption thanks to the central rounded and flexible spine Smooth shock-resistant material easy to clean Pre-adhesived foam strip Wings extremities lightly rounded to prevent tear off[/LIST]
|Protection & decoration - 100% antibacterial - Heavy traffic Wall - Door protection Protection of the door in entrances and corridors from trolley impacts and pedestrian traffic •Unique textured surface hiding impacts and scratches •Non-porous antibacterial material suitable for high infection risk areas •Resists to standard cleaning, disinfection and antiseptic products (Anios and Bioquell test reports) •Cut-to-size to fit the door
|Protection - 100% antibacterial - Light traffic Wall - Door protection Decoration and targeted protection of the doors from wear and dirt around handles •Perfect hygiene around handles thanks to non-porous antibacterial material •Resists to standard cleaning, disinfection and antiseptic products (Anios and Bioquell test reports) •Textured surface hides scratches •7 designs available in 35 colours
|Handrail with wood effect band to provide both a good grip and a stylish decorative touch in light traffic areas[LIST] Excellent wrenching resistance (CEBTP Solen test) Bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material Modularity: 7 accessories, service duct kit 7 wood and 2 trendy finishes available Wood effect on the protection band and on the accessories[/LIST]
|Warmth of wood - Better ergonomie - Light traffic Wood effect handrail combining warmth of wood with safety in corridors and stairways[LIST] Provides an excellent grip thanks to its exclusive trilobed shape Warmth of wood without the drawbacks of maintenance and resistance Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material Accessories matched with the PVC wood finish profile[/LIST]
|Accessibility - 100% antibacterial - Moderate traffic Wall - Handrails Ergonomic handrail providing high quality grip and fitting any building •Modularity: 17 accessories, technical solutions for stairs and service ducts •PVC sheath already installed on the aluminium profile •Closer and accessories matched with the smooth PVC profile •Easy cleaning due to perfect roundness and smooth continuous surface •Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material
|Warmth of wood - Hygiene - Light traffic Wall - Handrails Wood effect handrail combining warmth of wood with safety in corridors and stairways •Warmth of wood without the drawbacks of maintenance and resistance •Closer and accessories matched with the PVC wood finish profile •Modularity: 17 accessories, technical solutions for stairs and service ducts •Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material
|Elegance - Hygiene - Light traffic Wall - Handrails Elegant aluminium finish handrail ideal for corridors or stairs •Modularity: 17 accessories, technical solutions for stairs and service ducts •Closer matched with the anodised profile and providing a continuous ‘easy to clean’ surface •Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material
|Handrail with wood effect band to provide both a good grip and a stylish decorative touch in light traffic areas[LIST] Excellent wrenching resistance (CEBTP Solen test) Bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material Modularity: 7 accessories, service duct kit 7 wood and 2 trendy finishes available Wood effect on the protection band and on the accessories[/LIST]
Nemo 4B TopEco
|Nemo TopEco insert series with water heat exchanger perfectly combine water heating of the whole house with the esthetic vision of the fireplace. You can both enjoy the heat evenly distributed to the farthest spaces and beautiful vision of the burning fire. Grate-free insert design and well thought out, failure-free combustion air distribution system make that glass stays clear and water exchanger keeps optimal temperature. Inner walls of insert made of material with excellent accumulative performance, ceramic deflector Refrabox and the original system of air distribution guarantee achieving high efficiency and maintaining high combustion culture. Nemo TopEco Series distinguish with high tightness. If the combustion air is supplied from the outside of the building, then these inserts can work in rooms with mechanical ventilation (recuperation). Standard equipment: • very efficient water exchanger • integrated, highly accurate system regulation of combustion air and air-curtain on the glass • double isolated furnace lined with Refrabox ceramics • ceramic deflector Refrabox • glass with overprint, giving minimalistic design • esthetic lining of the inner side of the frame with inox strips • very efficient water jacket cooler • black or stainless steel finish • stylish, ergonomic cold handle Additional equipment: • second glass • frame finishing facade - narrow or wide, black or inox
FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 EFO Hydraulic Automatic bollard - Emergency Fast Operation
|FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355HA-M30-P1 EFO bollard has been tested according to the American standards “ASTM F 2656-07 - Standard Test Method for Vehicle Crash Testing of Perimeter Barriers”, obtaining thus the certification for the highest penetration rate. The class M30-P1 indicates that FAAC J355 HA M30-P1 bollard is able to stop a 6800kg truck at a speed of 50Km/h (=30M/h) in 1 meter (P1). Emergency Fast Operation device (EFO) guarantees a very rapid rising speed (1.5s) to increase the offered protection. J355 HA M30-P1 EFO main features are: 1. Tested according to ASTM F 2656-07 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements 6. Very quick emergency rising (1.5s)
FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO Hydraulic Automatic bollard - Emergency Fast Operation
|FAAC J355 HA M50 Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) bollard is certified for the use in perimeter security; it has been purposely designed for the protection of sensitive areas, such as airports embassies, consulates, banks, harbors, etc. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard has been tested according to PAS 68:2013 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier systems and IWA 14-1:2013 - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO bollard is able to stop a 7.500kg truck at a speed of 80Km/h (=50M/h). Emergency Fast Operation device (EFO) guarantees a very rapid rising speed (2s) to increase the offered protection. FAAC J355 HA M50 EFO main features are: 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14-1:2013 2. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 3. Kept lock in up position also in the event of power failure 4. Extreme care in the material selection 5. Rapid and silent movements 6. Very quick emergency rising (2s)
HYBRIS (Roll 40 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS 40mm thickness is available in 1200mm wide rolls.
HYBRIS (60 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (75 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (90 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (105 mm)
|HYBRIS is an new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
|The Misto pallet with its simple, playful design can be used alone or complement other furniture The handy carrying strap makes Misto easy to move and it solves the need for additional seating. Misto is designed as a stand alone seating arrangement with high comfort and quality. Designed By Olav Eldøy. The stainless steel base protects the upholstery material for cleaning purposes.
|The Gallery bench is designed for the informal meetings, the brief conversation or just a time-out. So simple and pure in its design. A place to sit down and reflect. The Gallery bench is an aesthetic and beautiful piece of furniture. Designed by Beate Ellingsen. The base of stainless steel protects the upholstery material.
Scala Wall
|Scala is a playful paraphrase on corrugated iron that simultaneously employs the functionality of the shape. The design of the sound-absorbent Scala is not only developed for visual reasons, but primarily to contribute to a softer soundscape. The moulded felt absorbs sound and the wave-shaped surface effectively breaks the sound waves. Scala is a perfectly simple interaction between material and form. Scala can be hung on the wall or from the ceiling, to discretely reduce the level of noise. Scala is 100% recyclable, and the fabric is approved by EU Ecolabel. Size: 603×800, 1207×800, 603×1600, 1207×1600 mm, portrait or landscape.
Flow Alga
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.
Flow Coral
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.
Flow Stream
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.
Flow Shell
|Look beyond appearances and further beneath its hypnotic surface and Flow offers an exciting new innovation. The bottom layer of the collections backing is made of recycled material from our own onsite recycling plant – a process that results in the end product compromising up to 33% recycled material. In addition, like every other Bolon collection, Flow is phthalate free.