iMac desktop
Jonny Breen | 1347591365An iMac 21" desktop modelled to every detail with all connectors, ports, speakers etc modelled. Come with custom material showing Mac desktop. Made in Bootcamp :)
Glass Block Wall
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Window made of glass blocks.
Rafał Ślęk | 1344156891http://www.archibloq.com Model prepared in "old times" in ArchiCAD version 6.5 by scripting in GDL language only - no Morphs, no add-ons, no imported meshes from 3ds :-) Its was made as exhibit for virtual Techician Museum project. User interface was rewritten for version 12.
Glass Block Wall 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Window made of glass blocks.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Bedarfslueftung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Querverteilung_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343399729#http://www.SCHIEDEL.at File name : AE_Zuluft_Set_schk.gsm Version : ArchiCAD 8.1 Made by : A-NULL E-mail : Date (creation) : Jän. 2004 Made by : A-NULL TRAN Comments (creation) : Changes made by : E-mail : Date (changes) : Comments (changes) :
drainage line 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400423Original Object: Stretchy Line Olivier Dentan Nov 2007 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/archilib.od/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified : Vistasp Mehta Date : 24.11.2008 AC Version : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 24.11.2008 1. slightly reduced distance of text from line. 2. changed scaling of text. 3. starting point is no longer stretchable; it made the line length inaccurate. 4. added select by hotline. I prefer that to a couple of hard-to-find hotspots. 5. added ability to write levels at start and end of pipeline. 6. added ability to calculate second point level based on given slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 28.11.2008 1. Olivier Dentan pointed out one error each in the Master Script and Parameter Script. FIXED 2. He also pointed out that #3 above is not the case. Looks like I messed something up. The original object he submitted works perfectly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2D drainage line
Rail Tube 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail made of tubes with optional posts and intermediate rail.
BOGDAN A-09202
M C | 1419335031BOGDAN A-09202 ---------- made by MC
David Lozej | 1372350997Green wall facade element developed by Humko. Unique panel which is made of durable ABS plastic sheets or optionally from polyester.
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100713Bramka piłkarska, kratowa z koszem do koszykówki : Bramka służy do gry w piłkę nożną lub ręczną oraz mini koszykówkę, Konstrukcja bramki wykonana z rury 48,3x2,9 mm i 38x2,6 mm, Siatka bramki wykonana jest z prętów stalowych fi 12 mm i fi 8 mm oraz łańcucha chromowego fi 5 mm, Cała konstrukcja bramki kratowej zabezpieczona antykorozyjnie, W komplecie znajdują się prefabrykaty betonowe ułatwiające montaż bramki w gruncie. Gateway football, mesh with a basket for basketball: Gateway is used to play football or handball and mini basketball, The design goal is made of pipe 48.3 x2, 9, and 38x2 mm, 6 mm, Grid gateway is made of steel rods fi fi 12 mm and 8 mm and chrome chain Ø 5 mm, The whole structure of the goal mesh corrosion-resistant, The set includes precast concrete goal to facilitate installation in the ground.
Jens Thommesen | 1453213085Towel made in Blender
Klaus Varioparker 2015
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1363682278Klaus Varioparker 2015 Система 2015 является разновидностью гаражного подъемника модели 2061. Оптимальна для помещений с невысокими потолками. Option for the SingleUp 2061 (Klaus SingleVario 2061). Suitable for areas with reduced ceiling height. Ideal combination for long-time and short-time parkers. Made by Dmitry Gutorkin. ABV-Group
Tie Fighter Exercise
Rafał Ślęk | 1368440441Tie Fighter made on start PLN file as it was prepared by Graphisoft. 2D for Object wasn't cleaned as i is simple test how hard it is build such Morphs from scratch. :-)
Klaus SingleVario 2061
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1358874594Klaus Singlevario 2061 Система 2061 оптимально использует высоту гаражного помещения и идеально подходит как для кратковременной, так и для долговременной парковки. The system is equipped with a single platform, allowing long-term parking on the upper level and short-term parking on the lower one. For use of the upper platform remove the vehicle from the lower parking space. This system can also be retrofitted into existing buildings. Made by Dmitry Gutorkin. ABV-Group
Sedia Gestuen
Mirco Sorgato | 1372353698#http://www.archicadobjects.com Designer Masanori Umeda - Getsuen chair -1990 Made by CU mirco Archicad 13 R1
Parede de Tijolos
Giovanna Duarte Almeida | 1602539580Parede de Tijolos Paramétricos made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Odd Goderstad | 1456161580Just a lamp I made :) Rememger to set illuminating surfaces (in photorendering settings) to a suitable value. It might be an idea to set a general light with no shadowcasting below if you want more light
Laje Nervurada
Giovanna Duarte Almeida | 1600905820Laje Nervurada Paramétrica Made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Brise Vertical Senoidal
Giovanna Duarte Almeida | 1601157494Brise Vertical Senoidal made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
LEGO block 19
Håkan Nyander | 1479893192This is simple LEGO blocks. This version is made for ARCHICAD 19 It can be edited in a various bricks, shape and size. The object is just for fun.
Painel Perfurado
Giovanna Duarte Almeida | 1606767419Made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Стерилизатор Steelco VS 1 TT L
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333419With proven and reliable high performance sterilizing technology, the new Steelco autoclave’s chamber is made of AISI 316L stainless steel and a full jacket system for even steam/heat distribution. Versatility, easy handling and high performance with the low cost of ownership of a tabletop unit, to single or double door versions. • All in one compact solution for easy installation into existing rooms • EN 285 compliant: 3 process cycles and Bowie-Dick, Helix test cycles • 8 additional custom cycles • PED marking Stand upon request: 820mm/32.28” height stand, equipped with lockable doors Паровые настольные стерилизаторы VS TT L Steelco Главные особенности: Объемы камер 85 л и 94 л Встроенный электрический парогенератор Горизонтальная загрузка Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L имеют микропроцессорное управление с цветным сенсорным дисплеем 7» и независимой системой регистрации параметров. Сплошная рубашка камеры. Быстросъемные соединения. Глянцевая полировка (2 мкм) камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Обезжиривание и пассивация камеры и трубопроводов процесса. Встроенный термопринтер. Стерилизаторы имеют встроенные рабочие программы с температурами стерилизации: 121°С и 134°С, а также тестовые/сервисные программы: Нагрев, Бови-Дик и вакуумный тест на утечку. Область применения Паровые стерилизаторы STEELCO VS TT L предназначены для стерилизации различных материалов (пористых, материалов устойчивых к нагреву, оборудования, инструментов, посуды, клеток для животных и т.д.); жидкостей и сред в вентилируемых и укупоренных контейнерах; или деконтаминации материалов после лабораторного использования и т.д.
Starvault 1 int
Heimo Mooslechner | 1360876198Star-Vault, certain material-def's within, full or shell, klick and drag x + y - open measure arc. very slow but functional..
Gabriel França dos santos | 1613872206Made with ❤ by PARAM-O. MESA SIMPLES
Mr Vader's Holiday Home
Gareth Morgan | 1525400336May the 4th 2018. A fun little object for ARCHICAD users and Star Wars Fans. Made using object, complex profiles and solid element operations.
Glass Block Wall 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Window made of glass blocks.
Машина моечно-дезинфекционная Steelco DS 800
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568833904DS 750/800 - моечно-дезинфицирующие машины. Используются в медицинских учреждениях различного профиля для мойки, дезинфекции и сушки хирургического инструментария, наркозно-дыхательной аппаратуры, офтальмологических инструментов, операционной обуви, детских бутылочек, лабораторной посуды и контейнеров. В машинах реализована система предварительного нагрева воды необходимой на фазах мойки, ополаскивания и дезинфекции, осуществляемая в бустерных баках (опционально). Данная опция значительно сокращает общее время цикла. Управление осуществляется с помощью цветного сенсорного дисплея. Систему управления STEELCOTRONIC имеет 65 настраиваемых программ. Есть возможность использовать дополнительные сенсоры, которые входят в стандартную комплектацию. Данные датчики позволяют определить тип вставляемой моечной вставки и правильность ее позиционирования в камере. Designed to meet the increasing reprocessing needs of CSSD, this washer disinfector is available in standard or Fast Cycle configurations saving cycle time and reaching higher levels of energy and water savings (12 DIN 1/1 net basket capacity). The machines assure consistently tested and efficient washing-disinfecting performances thanks to a new washing system technology made by a vertical installed washing pump that grants also a complete drain of the washing circuit. HEPA-filtered H14 forced air drying distribution on double circuit grants a perfect distribution of air on all chamber parts and basket levels ensuring the complete inside and outside drying of all the surgical instruments and tubes. DS 800 models are compatible with Steelco ATS - Automatic Transfer System.
b2 IDO Select Soft L vanity top
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.05.2009 -renamed furniture series 01.05.2009 -outgoing supportframe and brackets 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.09.2003 -3D for supportframes and brackets 01.09.2003 -bottom shape made wider, to not overlap inside of basin 01.09.2003 -mirroring made ineffective, to give right product info even if mirror 01.03.2003 -initial release
b2 IDO Select Soft vanity top
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.05.2009 -renamed furniture series 01.05.2009 -outgoing supportframe and brackets 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.09.2003 -3D for supportframes and brackets 01.09.2003 -bottom shape made wider, to not overlap inside of basin 01.09.2003 -mirroring made ineffective, to give right product info even if mirror 01.03.2003 -initial release
Barra Apoio Teto
Giovanna Duarte Almeida | 1597777695Made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Circus_Table _Ø_1000[1]
Christelle Klees | 1515413960#http://www.offecct.se Made by Systeam
Pote Multiuso
Celia Matsuda | 1596116115Made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Quad Sphere - subdividable
Karl Wirén | 1555583858A cube turned into a sphere! Made by Karl Wirén, Visualisera Arkitektur AB. www.visualisera.se
Rail Tube 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail made of tubes with optional posts and intermediate rail.
Sconce Bentwood Shaker
Jim McGlothlin | 1615215156Shaker sconce made of bent cherry. Original found in the Pleasant Hill Community, Centre Family Dwelling. The height of the light could be changed by the use of the peg holes.
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076This stool made by the genius Niko Kralj is just one in a long line of such sophisticated and ingeniously designed products. Conceived way back in 1954, the stool remains a concept of elegance. It is distinguished by clean lines and a minimalistic appearance, which, however, does not mean that it is visually boring, but quite the opposite. Due to its cross type construction, which in a unique way connects the remaining elements of the stool, it appears that the upper part of the stool floats effortlessly above the legs. Perfectly connected wood from a technical point of view, aided with the help of only one screw, lends itself to creating a stable and comfortable stool.
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com made by b-prisma for wilde+spieth copyright 2006 b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com made by b-prisma for wilde+spieth copyright 2006 b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com made by b-prisma for wilde+spieth copyright 2006 b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com made by b-prisma for wilde+spieth copyright 2006 b-prisma
Стерилизатор Steelco VS 3-2
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568823197Стерилизатор, 1000х1900х1292 мм VS 3/2 Steelco, Италия With an innovative high performance sterilizing technology, this small/medium capacity autoclaves are characterized by a chamber completely made of stainless steel AISI 316L and entirely covered by a full jacket system. The insulation is guaranteed by an innovative and practical textile covering. This new chamber design guarantees excellent performances during the sterilization cycles optimizing and reducing water and steam consumption. The vertically sliding doors made of stainless steel AISI 316L are obtained from a single moulding without weldings. Innovative and highly sensitive anti-finge trapping device.
LEE Seung Eun | 1635499405Made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Linoleum Silencio xf²
|To reduce impact and ambient noise and enhance underfoot comfort and wellbeing, Tarkett’s Silencio xf™2 offers an acoustic linoleum solution with sound reduction of 18dB. With a total thickness of 3.8mm, it’s made in a two-layer construction of 2.5mm linoleum with a 1.3mm pre-bonded foam underlay. ■ Floor covering with 18dB sound reduction ■ 2.5mm Linoleum Veneto xf² on jute backing ■ 1.3mm recycled polyurethane foam backing ■ Xf² surface treatment for a smoother appearance and improved performance ■ Easy cleaning and maintenance, no need for polish and wax, for highly cost effective flooring ■ Available in all Veneto colours.
Katrin Toilet 2-Roll Dispenser - White
|# Practical dispenser for conventional toilet rolls # Holds 2 toilet rolls (including 115 mmluxury quality rolls) # Made from ABS Plastic Robust and reliable # Inspection window shows when it is time to refill the paper # Suitable for left and right hand corners (switchable roll holder) # Simple to load, install and maintain # Lockable
Katrin Toilet 2-Roll Dispenser - Black
|# Practical dispenser for conventional toilet rolls # Holds 2 toilet rolls (including 115 mmluxury quality rolls) # Made from ABS Plastic Robust and reliable # Inspection window shows when it is time to refill the paper # Suitable for left and right hand corners (switchable roll holder) # Simple to load, install and maintain # Lockable
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1760 x 760 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels Overflow slot and tap bank at feet side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted for the right corner, with not removable L-panel left With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels With overflow slot at long side and tap bank at opposite side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the left corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the right corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels With overflow slot at long side and tap bank at opposite side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted for the left corner, with not removable L-panel right With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
Balcony with Vinstra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Vinstra: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel holders to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Glitra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Glitra: Glass panels mounted in continuous aluminum profiles, attached to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
|Lunex zipscreen fullfilles the requirementes of EU- standard EN 13659 regarding wind and efficient sunshade. It has been testet to endure forces up to 400 Newton per m2 on most common window sizes. Lunex Zipscreen is made with half a zipper which is welded to the fabric on both sides. The zipper halfes is entered into plastic guides which leads the fabric inside the guiderails and leaves no gap for sunrays to leak trough. This is the big difference between a zipscreen and a traditional screen which have no other guidance than a weighted bottom profile and where in some cases light gaps are inevitably. Applications : Lunex Zipscreen can be used wherever the requirement is an effective sunshade and where high winds might be a challenge for a traditional screen. A zipscreen can withstand up to 20 m/s where as a traditional screen often has limits down to 8 m/s. Lunex Zipscreen meets the requirements of access to normal daylight while it provides an optimal shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All vivble outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum profiles which are powdercoated or anodized to withstand corrosion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available for a surcharge. Operation : Lunex Zipscreen is only available with electric motor drive operated by switch, remote or fully automated solar/wind systems.
Screenline 90
|Applications : Lunex SL90 can be used wherever the demand is an effectiv sun shade. Lunex SL90 meets the requirement for natural daylight in addition to provide an effective shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All visible outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum which is anodized or powdercoated to withstand corrotion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available upon surcharge. Ferrari Soltis is the preferred fabric for SL90, but other fabrics are available on request. Operation : Lunex SL90 can be operated by handcrank or electric motor drive operated by switch, remote and/or fully automated solar/wind systems. Sizes: SL90 can be made in all sizes up to 4000 mm wide by 3500 mm high. Minimum width with motor is 700 mm. Use, durability and maintenance : SL90 requires very little maintenance as it contains very few moving parts unlike venetian blinds which often have high maintenance costs. High gloss powder coating makes them very easy to clean and fabrics can be cleaned with a moist cloth.
Balcony with Orkla glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Orkla: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel clamps between railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Folla alu railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Folla: Aluminium balustrades attached to the inside of railing studs made of steel.
Stairs with railings
|Steel stairs from Midthaug can be adapted to most areas and purposes. They will always be safe and good to use. Stair stringers are produced of laser-cut steel, either from sheet metal or hollow profiles. Steps made of grating or expanded metal are the most popular for outdoor use. Steps for mortar and tiles or flooring are the most popular indoor. The stairs can be combined with several of our railing models with either balustrades or glass panels.
Balcony with Gaula steel railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Gaula: Steel balustrades attached between railing studs made of steel.
Metawell® Jointless ceiling
|Suspended plaster ceilings are usually made of plasterboard. In contrast, Metawell® jointless ceilings consist of aluminium sandwich panels, and because of the aluminium and copper used offer greater performance and a high response speed. The unusually lightweight support panel is very bending-resistant. Therefore, the grid dimension of the substructure can be double that of plasterboard panels. The advantages: greater flexibility with ceiling fixtures and a tighter meander layout. Metawell® panels offer many different edge finishes. They are provided at the butt joints with stop chamfers to ensure a perfectly levelled filling. Thanks to the extraordinarily flat surface, only the joints, not the entire panel area, need to be evened. Up to 110 W/sqm cooling performance (at 10 K under temperature). Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
CWS Stainless Steel Ladycare Box
|Coverbox Paradise Stainless Steel Ladycare Box for use in a CWS Ladycare Box. Optionaly also used as a Paper Bin. Coverbox made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Ladycare Box: Stainless Steel Ladycare Box: 7776000 Paradise Ladycare Lid Black: 577200
Esencia D 1075 DGLM
|WITH A FEELING FOR DETAIL The Esencia task chair from Drabert is well-designed and thought-through down to the last detail. Each design choice is made to create both an appealing, flexible and functional chair. It is ideal both aesthetically and functionally in many different environments, either as a task chair or a meeting chair. As it is so user-friendly and has automatic weight detection, it is also ideal in the Kinnarps’ Next Office (Activity Based Working) concept, where the chair can be used by many different people. It is available in many exciting colours and fabric combinations. The back is upholstered with a durable 3D mesh that provides both great comfort and a beautiful finish. In terms of weight, Esencia is one of the lightest chairs on the market. It is also an eco-friendly option as it is possible to dismantle and recycle it.
CWS Stainless Steel Superroll
|Paradise Stainless Steel Superroll jumbo toilet roll paper dispenser for 380 m jumbo rolls. Changeover to 4 small toilet paper rolls possible. Window for checking filling level. Roll brake and cylinder lock prevent abuse and theft. Serrated edges with blunt teeth help avoid injuries. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Superroll: 7630000 Roll Rotary spray (optional): 307630000; Weight: 1.14 Kg Toilet paper: various toilet paper types in different qualities
CWS Stainless Steel Paper Basket
|Paper baskets made of stainless steel mesh, foldable, supplied with plastic bags and set up. Paper Baskets: Stainless Steel Paper Basket 20l: 752000 Format: 300 x 360 x 180 mm Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Basket 60l: 750000 Format: 410 x 620 x 250 mm Weight: 2.611 Kg Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
CWS Stainless Steel Hygiene Box
|Stainless Steel Hygiene Box in 6 l and 12l versions. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushed. Optional mount on front for hygiene bags. Opening flap, steel wire holder for bin bags. Box made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Hygiene Boxes: Stainless Steel Hygiene Box 6l: 7754000 Format: 240 × 225 × 125 mm Weight: 1.96 Kg Stainless Steel Hygiene Box 12l: 7753000 Format 300 × 280 × 125 mm Weight: 3.22 Kg Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
Adjustable Table E 1027
|Designed by Eileen Gray, 1927; - This is perhaps the classic among the classics is this perhaps the classic. Its ingeniously proportioned, distinctive form has made this height-adjustable table one of the most popular design icons of the 20th century. It is named after the summer house E 1027 “Maison en bord de mer” that Eileen Gray built for herself and for her collaborator, Jean Badovici. The secret code-name likewise comes from her: E is for Eileen, 10 for Jean (J is the 10th letter of the alphabet), 2 for B(adovici) and 7 for G(ray). Adjustable side table. Frame of chromium-plated steel tubing. Top of clear crystal glass, parsol grey or black laquered metal. Details see price list. Authorised by The World Licence Holder Aram Designs Ltd, London
Metawell® Radiant Island
|Ceiling sails hang from the base ceiling as single panels, or are combined into islands. In this way they can take on any contours, edge configurations and surface coatings. The radiant ceiling sail, a functional component of building technology, becomes a custom design element. Compared to enclosed ceilings, the open structure of ceiling sails offers clear advantages: greater specific performance, better accessibility, simpler assembly and lower investment costs. Metawell® radiant islands made of aluminium sandwich panels improve the room acoustics without reducing the cooling and heating efficiency of building structure core-tempered ceilings. Moreover, performance deficiencies can be compensated specifically. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
CWS Stainless Steel Paper Bin
|Paper Bins Paradise Stainless Steel Paper Bin in 25, 40 l, and 60 l. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushed, optionally available with automatically closing lid or opening frame and wall mount. Mount for bin bag is preinstalled. Box made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Paper Bins: Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l: 7752000, Weight: 4.19 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Lid: 307752000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Coverage: 307752100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 450 × 300 × 200 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l: 7751000, Weight: 6.0 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Lid: 307751000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Coverage: 307751100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 550 × 335 × 230 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l: 7750000, Weight: 6.5 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Lid: 307750000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Coverage: 307750100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 740 × 350 × 250 mm Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
CWS Stainless Steel Hygiene Bag Holder
|Hygiene bag holder, can be mounted separately on the wall or stuck to the hygiene box. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushe. For hygiene bags out of plastic or paper. Holder made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Hygiene Bag Holders: Stainless Steel Bag Holder (plastic bag): 7756000 Format: 95 × 130 × 20 mm Weight: 0.28 Kg Stainless Steel Bag Holder (paper bag): 7755000 Format: 113,5 × 205 × 32 mm Weight: 0.60 Kg Hygiene bags: hygiene bags in paper and plastic
Horizontal Sliding Wall System HSW FLEX Therm
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with double glazing and a surrounding frame made of thermally insulated profiles Different parking layouts available Bottom profile Thermal break and water channel (optional) Track rail with optional thermal break Insulation value U of approx. 1,5 W/m²K (with standard insulating glass) Meets the requirements of the German Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV Combined with door closer types TS 92, ITS 96 3-6, Push handles, ISEO Multilock Pivoting-sliding panels equipped with an ITS 96 3-6 concealed door closer Operation Easy, one-handed single throw of the lock bar to switch between the door and sliding functions, with no bending and no crank operation 40% improvement in thermal separation value (compared to the predecessor model) Heat transfer coefficient in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10077-1 and 10077-2 Endurance DIN 1527 Class 3 (25000 cycles) for suspend sliding doors > 100kg Impact DIN EN 13049 Class 3 Corrosion DIN EN 1670 Class 3 The product will be available end 2015 [/LIST]
Sika® FloorJoint PD
|Sika® FloorJoint PD is a vibration-free, noiseless, prefabricated joint panel made of resin. The installed profile causes no thresholds in the floor surface. Main uses; movement joints in parking decks, commercial buildings and industrial floors. Product specifications: • Ultra flat • Noiseless and vibration-free under traffic • Invisible and can be recoated with Sikafloor flooring systems • Waterproof • Corrosion free, made of resin • Good chemical resistance • High movement capacity • Fast installation
Tork Image Xpressnap® Napkin Dispenser - Walnut
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Image Xpressnap® Café® Napkin Dispenser
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed smaller napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments that serve smaller portions of food A small dispenser that fits on any table Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Image Xpressnap® Café® Napkin Dispenser
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed smaller napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments that serve smaller portions of food A small dispenser that fits on any table Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Image Xpressnap® Napkin Dispenser - Aluminium
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Riff - 345
|Riff is a lightweight, durable chair offering good seating comfort. The back and seat are made of moulded wood. The seat is available with or without upholstery. Riff is now also available with black, white, red, green or blue laminate as an alternative to the wood finishes (beech, birch and oak). The chair is equipped with glides and stands stable on all surfaces. Riff can be either stacked (6 chairs) or hung on the edge of a table. All details can be recycled.
Lop - display
|The inspiration for Lop magazine holder comes from the humble paper clip. The idea is to make the holder itself more or less invisible. Lop, design kaschkasch (2015), is made of white metal and screws directly to the wall and deliver in a packs of 2. Use Lop on its own or group several together to store and display magazines or books.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm side side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Cross - table
|Cross (Roger Persson, 2007) is the pedestal table with wooden feeling! The table differs from many pedestal tables with its foot of solid wood that kind of lifts from the floor. It comes in heights of 460, 530, 620, 720, 900 and 1100 mm with a choice of several different sizes of tops. The top itself is made from blockboard finished in oak, Birch, ash veneer, white laminate, standard colors, or standard stains on ash. Special sizes and other finishes upon request. The solid wood star-base included adjustable screws and the pedestal is polish chromed, or in a white or black lacquer finish. This table is the ideal choice for environments where coffee tables, dining tables and stand-up tables are needed in the same design.
Coffee Table CO2
|Coffee table CO2 is a round coffee table made out of solid wood and like all of our other products it's of course made with great craftmanship and out of high quality materials. The strong structure of the legs keeps the table top flat without interfering with the design. A very univeral table that fits well together with for example our Chair CJ3 or Sofa CJ4 .
Vardags Sideboard
|A sideboard produced to complete the Vardags dining room group, but thanks to its stylish design Vardags can also be combined with other furniture. Vardags has many details that place high demands on furniture making craftsmanship. Solid door panels, drawer fronts and drawer sides further strengthen this impression of quality. The drawers are adjustable and self-closing, with anti trapping device. The shelves are moveable. All drawer fronts and drawer sides, door panels and shelves are made from solid birch. The doors are lockable. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Nova C Back convex module
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. The standard modules for Nova C Back is either straight or concave/convex 45°. Any curvature between the degrees of 0° to 45° can be made as a custom order. Please contact our sales team to find out more.
Harrow chair
|When Jonas Lindvall created Harrow it was in homage to the tradition of craftsmanship and thus to Stolab. Harrow has a broad backrest made of conical sections that become narrower towards the back legs. This gives Harrow a finished and neat appearance. The covered seat has moulded padding for comfortable sitting. One unique detail in Harrow is the vertical direction of the chair’s wood fibres. This creates a feeling of visual continuity throughout the chair.
Excelsa Chair
|The Excelsa chair is made of solid ash, which is a strong and formable wood just like birch. Excelsa is inspired by Zen philosophy on light, space and balance. Its simplicity combined with high functionality and well thought-out detailing, makes it a chair that can handle the not-so-simple task of combining fresh thinking witch timelessness. The Excelsa chair has a unique shape that not only makes it beautiful, but also a fantastically comfortable seat. Ash is a breathtaking and beautiful wood that has much in common with birch yet gives its own unique impression. The Excelsa series also includes a table and sideboard. Stackable, 6. Supplied ready assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Matilda Lindblom.
Serena Chest
|Serena hall chest has a simple, geometrical design, makes it suitable for most halls and entrances. The hall chest is neat, attractive and easy-to-place, but is very roomy thanks to a generous drawer depth. The drawers are adjustable and self-closing, with anti trapping device. All drawer fronts and drawer sides are made from solid wood. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Airflake blade open
|A modular system based on a hexagon in a variety of colours that can be combined freely to create a hanging partition. Airflake diffuses unpleasant sound reflections, making it ideal for rooms with large, open areas. Airflake is made from moulded fibre felt. The modules can be connected with plastic clips to create different types of pattern formation. Secured to a ceiling or wall using a straight or curved white or silver anodised aluminium rail, wires or false ceilings.
|Aircone is a diffusing, hanging partition ideal for screening off areas in an open space. Combine Aircone with sound-absorbing products to ensure excellent acoustics. Aircone comprises triangular modules made from moulded fibre felt. The modules can be connected with clips to create different types of pattern formation. Attached to ceiling or wall using a white or silver anodised aluminium rail.
Airflake XL, blade open
|A modular system based on a hexagon in a variety of colours that can be combined freely to create a hanging partition. Airflake XL diffuses unpleasant sound reflections, making it ideal for rooms with large, open areas. Airflake XL is made from moulded fibre felt. The modules can be connected with plastic clips to create different types of pattern formation. Secured to a ceiling or wall using a straight or curved white or silver anodised aluminium rail, wires or false ceilings.
Nova C Wall
|This is the wall-mounted version of the Nova series. The bench shapes a seamless seating line while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. In harmony with its siblings, Nova C Wall configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. he configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. Nova C Wall comes in standard straight modules. Any custom length can be made upon request. Please contact our sales team if you want to know more.
SE C70 dB+ 2/2 M45, Fire resistance EI 60, Sound reduction R'w 48
|With Norgips drywall on steel frame profiles, all requirements of lightweight, non-load bearing walls can be achieved. The Db+ wall system is tested both theoretically and practically, and subject to a variety of wall types with well-documented properties. This makes it easy to choose the type of wall that is needed for all types of aplications. The feature set, combined with quick and easy installation, has made Norgips wall system popular, and with a wide range of applications. The system is also suitable for renovation work. Moreover, it can be used for special designs like curved walls, x-ray shielding, burglary etc.
Merry Christmas Tree
|<p>Merry Xmas, and enjoy this fully parametric Xmas tree. Download is available in various formats made using BIMobject BIMscript Technology.<br></p> <p>You can also download the Step-file and 3D print it!&nbsp; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year</p><p></p> <p>/BIMobject® Team</p>
Steni Colour SN 8013
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Screed-covered trunking system UK
|The quick installation system for every application The flexible solution for all types of screed delivers impressive and practical installation advantages: Pre-assembled underfloor trunking enables quick and easy installation at the construction site, and the snapped-on trunking covers can easily be taken off before the screed is poured to allow simple insertion of the lines from above – rendering complex cable drawing-in processes completely unnecessary. And because all underfl oor trunking and junction boxes are made of zinc-plated steel plate in accordance with DIN EN 10346, the entire system is perfectly protected against corrosion.
Steni Colour SN 8010
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8001
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8002
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8005
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 5520
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 6520
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 5550
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 7013
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 3413
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 6510
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8011
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4072
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8003
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8020
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8004
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8007
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8008
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 8900
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 2008
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 7020
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 7534
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4500
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 5010
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4012
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4350
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4353
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 4357
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
|RG3 panel is manufactured with a 30mm thickness high density chipboard core fully encapsulated on galvanized steel, through a perimeter wrapping system. The panels system is installed on zinc steel pedestals with a non shaking head made on environmental Poliurethan ABS class allowing a postive panel lay out, and adjustable for different finished floor height. The system performs as per New European Norm EN 12825, and has CLASS Bfls1 in fire ressistance as per Norm EN 13501
|RG3.EB panel is manufactured with a 30mm thickness high density chipboard core fully encapsulated on galvanized steel, through a perimeter wrapping system, panels faced by Linoleum, PVC or rubber . The panels system is installed on zinc steel pedestals with a non shaking head made on environmental Poliurethan ABS class allowing a postive panel lay out, and adjustable for different finished floor height. The system performs as per New European Norm EN 12825, and has CLASS Bfls1 in fire ressistance as per Norm EN 13501
Kali table Ø1000
|Kali table is designed by the world-known Jasper Morrison and is made out of massive wood, just like its predecessor Kali chair. Despite the massive table top the table express elegance and with three different sizes the table fits in to all different environments and meeting places. “The table goes with last year’s chair from Offecct. It’s a simple, straightforward idea based on wood and genuine, honest handcraft, designed to enable local production in Tanzania eventually. It’s somewhat pedagogical in its shape, hopefully without being too ordinary.” /Jasper Morrison
Kali table Ø700
|Kali table is designed by the world-known Jasper Morrison and is made out of massive wood, just like its predecessor Kali chair. Despite the massive table top the table express elegance and with three different sizes the table fits in to all different environments and meeting places. “The table goes with last year’s chair from Offecct. It’s a simple, straightforward idea based on wood and genuine, honest handcraft, designed to enable local production in Tanzania eventually. It’s somewhat pedagogical in its shape, hopefully without being too ordinary.” /Jasper Morrison
Kali table 1800x800
|Kali table is designed by the world-known Jasper Morrison and is made out of massive wood, just like its predecessor Kali chair. Despite the massive table top the table express elegance and with three different sizes the table fits in to all different environments and meeting places. “The table goes with last year’s chair from Offecct. It’s a simple, straightforward idea based on wood and genuine, honest handcraft, designed to enable local production in Tanzania eventually. It’s somewhat pedagogical in its shape, hopefully without being too ordinary.” /Jasper Morrison
|Membrane is a acoustic room divider designed by David Trubridge. The room divider consits of smaller acoustic panels which together creates a modular system with two inspiring finished patterns. Membrane filter sound at the same time as it’s letting through light and create a unique expression. “This dividing screen, which filters sound, was commissioned exclusively by Offecct for their ambitious acoustic control line. It can be used to semi-divide spaces and can also be placed against a wall in order to dampen sound. Of course in addition to its strong acoustic control function, it also has a decorative element and can be assembled in various shapes and patterns. An interesting architectonic quality is added in that it is easy to light, creating layers of shadows. My inspiration, as usual, is nature, from where I draw most of my patterns. I love to go out on hikes and sleep under a tree for a few days, and it’s nice to bring a bit of the forest in to the indoor environment. Membrane is made from polyester fiber produced from recycled water bottles. We conduct a great deal of life circle research of our own and this material is actually environmentally smarter than natural wool, for example, as the sourcing of wool is very polluting.” /David Trubridge.
Move On High
|<p>“Move On high and low, are two discreet, mobile stools that do not obstruct the room, and works good at a bar or other similar informal meeting places, as well as with On Point”, says Mattias Stenberg.</p><p><br>The bar stool is upholstered with legs in white-pigmented ash. The seat frame is made in recyclable aluminium, according to Offecct Lifecircle.</p><p><strong>Benefits & functions</strong><br>- Easy to assemble and disassemble the seat frame.<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.&nbsp;<br>- Is available in two different heights, 600 mm and 800 mm.<br><br>The foot ring and seat underframe is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.&nbsp;</p>
A6035 - Repository, Night, With Safe
|Constructed of high tensile steel body and jam designed to maximize protection against pry attack. Top or front load depository features a large hopper made of formed heavy duty steel, handle activated and designed for smooth money drop operation and large package capacity. Deposit drawer features a large "fish" resistant pull out drawer depositing directly into standard interior locker.
C0052 - Pegboard, Glassware
|Glassware pegboard with drip trough and pegs, suitable for holding a wide variety of lab glassware. The pegboard is available in various materials (epoxy resin, stainless steel, and wood) and with or without finished back. The pegs are generally made of polypropylene and are available in various lengths which determines the number of pegs that are provided. Pricing is based upon an epoxy resin construction without finished back, 6.5" length pegs, and a 5" depth drip trough.
D8650 - Chute, Waste, Plaster, Counter Mounted
|Counter mounted plaster waste chute. The chute is generally made of stainless steel and is available in either a round or square configuration. The chute is mounted over a waste receptacle and is used to dispose of waste material through the countertop. The chute is usually specified and purchased as part of the countertop rather than as a separate item.
E0406 - Nurse Station, Angle, Free Standing
|Nurse Station typicals have non-powered steel frames with a pre-installed metal junction box for user defined hard-wired electrical solutions. Data modules and low voltage cabling can be routed freely within the frame. Electrical and/or data devices are not provided as part of the typical. Panel inserts are available in fabric, painted metal, tackable, acoustical, paper management, rail, glass, open and electrical/data accessible configurations. Typicals include panel inserts for both sides of the steel frame. All electrical connections must be made by an electrical contractor. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 steel frames; 1 cantilevered work surface, 135 Degrees; 1 panel insert, tackable, 16"H; 2 panel inserts, paper mgmt., 16"H; 9 panel inserts, painted metal; 1 countertop w/light support assembly, 16"D; 2 paper trays, 10"W; 1 binder/file holder.
E0418 - Nurse Station, Medium, Free Standing
|Nurse station typicals have non-powered steel frames with a pre-installed metal junction box for user defined electrical solutions. Data modules and low voltage cabling can be routed freely within the frame. Electrical and/or data devices are not provided with the nurse station. Panel inserts are available in fabric, painted metal, tackable, acoustical, paper management, rail, glass, open and electrical/data accessible styles. Typicals include panel inserts for both sides of the steel frame. All electrical connections must be made by an electrical contractor. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 5 steel frames, 70"H x 24"W; 1 steel frame, 70"H x 48"W; 2 steel frames, 38"W x 48"W; 4 steel frames, 38"H x 24"W; 1 steel frame w/low access, 38"H x 48"W; 2 frame connectors, 3-way corner, 70"H; 1 frame connector, 2-way corner, 38"H; 2 frame connectors, 135 degree, 2-way, 38"H; 9 finished end hardware; 6 frame-to-frame connectors; 3 cantilevered work surface, 48"W; 2 cantilevered, work surface, 72"W; 1 cantilevered low access work surface, 135 degree, 48"W; 2 pedestal box/box/files; 2 panel inserts, painted metal, 8"H x 24"W; 50 panel inserts, painted metal, 16"H x 24"W; 10 panel inserts, painted metal, 16"H x 48"W; 2 panel inserts, painted metal, 20"H x 48"W : 2 panel inserts, tackable, 16"H x 24"W; 2 panel inserts, paper mgmt., 8"H x 48"W; 1 countertop w/light support assembly, 16"D x 14'-0"L; 18 paper tray, 10"W; 2 chart shelf, pass-thru, 24"W; 2 chart shelf, pass-thru, 48"W.
K1910 - Table, Work, Stainless Steel
|Work table approximately 36x120x30. The table is made of heavy duty stainless steel with all edges rolled down at 90 degrees. The edges are 2" high and have rounded corners. The table has stainless steel legs and a stainless steel under-shelf. The unit is used as a work station in large kitchens, hotels, restaurants and hospitals.
K8250 - Toaster, Pop-Up, 4 Slice, Electric
|Four (4) slice, electric pop-up toaster. The toaster casing is made from stainless steel and can produce up to 290 slices/hr. This is used to toast sliced bread in food service kitchens and hospital cafeteria operations. Several electrical power configurations are available; some may require special wall receptacles. Refer to manufacturers' specifications.
L2655 - Apparatus, Culture, Anaerobic
|Anaerobic culture apparatus. The unit is made of stainless steel with two adjustable shelves. The unit has multiple electrical outlets, fluorescent lights, a charcoal wafer and has a temperature range from ambient to 70 degrees centigrade. Used for processing anaerobic blood cultures and any other culture growth that requires anaerobic conditions.
L8130 - Incubator, Bacteriological, 2 Compartment
|Two compartment bacteriological incubator. The unit requires carbon dioxide and has a 10 cubic foot capacity. It is a radiant heat system made of stainless steel with an automatic carbon dioxide controller and an optional interior electrical outlet. Used for tissue culturing and for work with CO2-obligate organisms at atmospheric pressure.
M3105 - Cabinet, Warming, F/S, 1 Heated Compartment, Elect
|Freestanding, single or double door warming cabinet with 1 compartment. Compartment and exterior walls are made of stainless steel. Thick fiberglass insulation maintains the interior temperature and prevents the exterior surface from becoming too hot. Equipped with a sealing door, thermostatic temperature control, status display, heat indicating light, over temperature protection, alarms and an air circulating fan. Unit may have an optional temperature recorder. Manufacturer recommends using a fused disconnect switch in the electrical power circuit. Cabinet may also be installed in a recess. Designed for heating and storing of solutions and blankets used in patient care areas.
M3110 - Cabinet, Warming, F/S, 2 Heated Compartment, Elect
|Freestanding, single or double door warming cabinet with 2 heated compartments. Compartment and exterior walls are made from stainless steel. Thick fiberglass insulation maintains the interior temperature and keeps the exterior from becoming too hot. Equipped with a sealing door, thermostatic temperature control, status display, heat indicating light, over temperature protection, alarms and an air circulating fan. Unit may have an optional temperature recorder. Manufacturer recommends using a fused disconnect switch in the electrical power circuit. Cabinet may also be installed in a recess. Designed for heating and storing solutions and blankets used in patient care areas.
M7445 - Light, Surgical, Dual, LDR/LDRP, In-Ceiling
|A surgical lighting system shall be flush mounted or recessed in the ceiling with two lightheads and a remote control. The light beam and beam intensity shall be adjustable. Light adjustments may be made from either a wall control panel or a hand held wan. This lighting system is for use in areas such as labor and delivery and minor surgery.
M8030 - Whirlpool, Mobile, Extremity, Medium
|Mobile extremity whirlpool with a single or dual tanks for treating feet, ankles, calves, knees and arms. The tank is made from heavy-gauge corrosion resistant stainless steel or fiberglass which has fully finished seams, is leak-proof and is mounted on casters. The unit has a turbine ejector and aerator, thermometer and an auxiliary floor drain valve. Unit may require a ground fault interrupt power circuit and may use a thermostatic mixing valve for controlling water temperature when filling. Used for hydrotherapy treatments.
M9060 - Table, Minor Surgery, Pedestal, 4 Section, Mobile
|A 4-section, mobile, pedestal mounted minor surgery exam table. Pedestal is mounted on a base with locking casters. Table is made from all stainless steel construction with chromium plated surfaces. Table has a foot control pedal for Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg positions. Table padding is removable for cleaning. Table top consists of four hinged sections. Designed for minor operating rooms or outpatient surgery centers.
P4700 - Sink, Mop, Molded Stone
|Mop service sink approximately 10"H x 36"W x 24"D. Also called a mop service basin and a mop receptor. Unit is made of molded stone and is a one piece item. It shall include a service faucet hose, hose bracket and mop hanger. Used in utility rooms for cleaning mops and floor cleaning equipment.
P6500 - Sink, Service, Cast Iron
|Service sink approximately 18" D x 22" W x 20" H which includes a polished chromium-plated combination hot and cold water faucet with integral stops and extended spout. Spout will have a pail hook, 3/4 inch hose coupling thread and shall include a backflow preventer. The faucet will be provided with a top brace and wall fittings for mounting above service sink. Service sink will be made of enameled cast iron. Used throughout the facility in utility rooms for washing and cleaning equipment.
Ytong Italy
|Ytong autoclaved aerated concrete is a construction product unique, consisting of sand, lime, cement, water and millions of air pores, which give lightness and great performances: thermal and acoustic insulation, fire resistance and strength. Aerated concrete was produced in 1929 in southern Sweden Yxhult, in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy. From the original name “Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong” a short time later Ytong became the first registered building material brand in the world, which made the name Ytong worldwide career and changed the building sustainably, establishing itself as a fixture on the international level in the market. The extensive product range allows the construction of a whole building with aerated concrete, from basement to roof. For each single need Ytong offers the right solution: external and internal walls, load-bearing and infill walls, Ytong is used for residential and industrial, new and renovated buildings. Thanks to its structure comprising millions of tiny pores, Ytong offers optimum solidity at low weight. As air has a low heat conductivity, aerated concrete provides for excellent thermal protection. It protects from cold and heat, allowing for single-shell constructions which provide more space and reduce costs.
Ytong Romania
|YTONG thermal insulation blocks were created in order to provide all essential benefits of construction materials in one product: high level of thermal insulation, easy to cut and shape, fire resistant, sustainable and ecological. YTONG is a premium product, made of mineral and natural raw materials: lime, sand, cement, and water . In 1929, the first autoclaved aerated concrete was produced in the Swedish town of Yxhult, under the name Yxhults Anghardade Gasbetong, from which the brand name YTONG was derived. Following the First World War, Sweden needed a masonry product with thermal insulating properties, easy to cut, shape and install and economical, in order to reduce the fuel consumption, as people had limited access to resources. Dr. Arh. Axel Erikson made the first attempt at autoclaving aerated concrete, that later on the world’s first registered trademark for a building material. YTONG, the name of the brand, is derived from: Yxhult, the place where it was invented, and Gasbetong, Swedish term for autoclaved aerated concrete. Germany adopts this product in the '50s. In Romania, YTONG is the first masonry product to be included in the A energy efficiency class, without the need for additional thermal insulating systems for the facades. Nowadays, YTONG systems include products for exterior walls, repartitioning, lintels, special mortar; all these being the basis of nearly zero-energy buildings.
Steni Colour SN 9100
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9101
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9102
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9103
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9104
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9105
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9106
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9107
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9108
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9109
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9200
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9201
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9202
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9203
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9204
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9205
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9206
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9207
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9300
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9301
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9302
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9303
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9304
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9305
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9306
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9307
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9308
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9309
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9310
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9400
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9401
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Steni Colour SN 9402
|Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel made of fibreglass reinforced polymer composite, with a smooth surface of electron beam cured acrylic. (100% acrylic without the use of solvents). Steni Colour has the same documented quality as the other Steni products, impact-, water- and weather resistance. The facade panel is suitable for both new buildings and renovation of buildings. Steni Colour is an exciting alternative where design is an important factor, because of its color possibilities, surface variations and format flexibility.
Kingspan Kooltherm K5 Externall Wall Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
|LOOK is one of the latest LED products from SIMES, engineered to maximize the LED power, whilst minimizing the size and energy consumption. Available in different versions, as wall mounted and as bollard, LOOK family introduces a new way to light up outdoor spaces. Confirming the SIMES high quality standards, these fittings are made using aluminum with low content of copper and highly robust glass. LOOK has an elegant rectangular body, minimal and compact, mounted on wall or on its bollard. The light is directed on one side through a glass window.
|LOOK is one of the latest LED products from SIMES, engineered to maximize the LED power, whilst minimizing the size and energy consumption. Available in different versions, as wall mounted and as bollard, LOOK family introduces a new way to light up outdoor spaces. Confirming the SIMES high quality standards, these fittings are made using aluminum with low content of copper and highly robust glass. LOOK has an elegant rectangular body, minimal and compact, mounted on wall or on its bollard. The light is directed on one side through a glass window.
Entrance Door Apartment FG
|High security solution for single-leaf wood/timber door with FG-approved lock case and cylinder. The Triton Cylinder is a cost effective, high security solution. Door handles and escutcheons are made of stainless steel. FG-approved lock in doors ensures high security against burglary. Typical applications: Residential/Cabin. For more information, please contact us: http://www.trioving.no/contact-project-team
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, semi-recessed with half panel 2030 x 1095 mm
|Bathtub made of sanitary acrylic of 4-5 mm Semi-recessed version, with front panel Only to combine with furniture panel With aluminium frame Charge 000 – without whirl system, without waste and overflow Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 675 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage and LED light Charge 695 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage, disinfection system and LED light Bathtub with whirl system, with remote control: Charge 056 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating and LED light Charge 057 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating, LED light and cold mist function
PALOMBA COLLECTION Bathtub freestanding 1800 x 900 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of solid surface Sentec material, with hidden overflow incl. click-clack waste Charge 000 – without whirl system Bathtub without whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 615 – bathtub with LED light Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 605 – Whirlpool with air massage Charge 625 – Whirlpool with air massage and LED light
MODERNA PLUS Bathtub 1700 x 700 mm, steel
|Bathtub, made of 3,5 mm enamelled steel Charge 000 – without antinoise pads Charge 040 – with antinoise pads Charge 041 – with antinoise pads (to fulfil SIA 181 and DIN 4109 only in combination with antinoise set order no. 29898.0) Charge 044 – with antinoise pads and tap holes UK standard Charge 045 – with antinoise pads and tap hole left next to overflow Charge 046 – with antinoise pads andtap hole right next to overflow
MODERNA PLUS Bathtub 1700 x 750 mm, steel
|Bathtub, made of 3,5 mm enamelled steel Charge 000 – without antinoise pads Charge 040 – with antinoise pads Charge 041 – with antinoise pads (to fulfil SIA 181 and DIN 4109 only in combination with antinoise set order no. 29898.0) Charge 044 – with antinoise pads and tap holes UK standard Charge 045 – with antinoise pads and tap hole left next to overflow Charge 046 – with antinoise pads andtap hole right next to overflow
MODERNA PLUS Bathtub 1600 x 700 mm, steel
|Bathtub, made of 3,5 mm enamelled steel Charge 000 – without antinoise pads Charge 040 – with antinoise pads Charge 041 – with antinoise pads (to fulfil SIA 181 and DIN 4109 only in combination with antinoise set order no. 29898.0) Charge 044 – with antinoise pads and tap holes UK standard Charge 045 – with antinoise pads and tap hole left next to overflow Charge 046 – with antinoise pads andtap hole right next to overflow
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, freestanding version 1830 x 870 mm
|Oval bathtub, made of solid surface material Sentec, casted Freestanding version, with not removable panel With overflow slot at long side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow With click-clack drain valve, chrome Charge 000 – without whirl system
Swimming pool edge system Wiesbaden
|AGROB BUCHTAL has the ideal pool edge for any pool. These systems are based on the requirements of a wide variety of swimming pool projects already realised. It goes without saying that all AGROB BUCHTAL pool edge systems comply with the specified requirements such as consistent overflow edges, rails or visual edge marking. Variants for special technical specifications are also available, e.g. different water overflow volumes or reduced wave backsplash in sports pools. In order to guarantee consistent stability, durability and hygiene, all pool edge systems are supplied and without cavities. Wiesbaden is a classic pool edge system which, despite a large gutter tile with handhold, requires little space and can be easily used in various types of pools. As a special version, Wiesbaden Silent featuring the SILENT W 2000 outlet valve noticeably reduces the noise of run-off water by approx. 10 dB. The Wiesbaden system is also available with mosaic notches for pool walls featuring mosaic designs. The Wiesbaden Style pool edge system is an elegant variation of the classic design: the large gutter tile with handhold is concealed by a channel cover grating made of ceramic. It permits uniform design of the pool edge in private and smaller hotel pools. The sunken version of the Wiesbaden system with a small gutter tile and without a cover grating is recommended for therapeutic pools.
City Plastic
|City Chair is a renowned Norwegian design classic. The chair was designed in the 50's, inspired by a curvaceous beautiful woman. Good design and exceptional seating experience has made the chair a bestseller. Today's City chair is available in a wide variety of designs, veneer, plastic, with seat cushion, and with Cover. This design classic can be used in the auditorium, dining- living- and meeting-rooms. Stacks 11 pcs. Chair hanger in anthracite gray (RAL7012). Linking device in black. Armrests with grippy plastic. Seat cushions in microfiber or wool with a rubber surface towards the seat. City plastic can be provided with cover or fixed seat cushion. Fixed seat cushion with fabric of your choice. Cover are delivered in Synergy from Camira Fabrics in selected colors. City with cover chould not be stacked over time. Base in chrome, black, white or metallic epoxy. NCS epoxy colors adapted to shell colors. Plastic gliders. Dimensions: Wo/armrest W: 51 cm H: 87 cm D: 55 cm SH: 46 cm W/armrest W: 52,5 cm
Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Plus Cavity Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TW50 Cavity Board
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Kooltherm K17 Insulated Plasterboard
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TR20 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TR24 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TR26 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TR30 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TT40 Tapered Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TT47 Tapered Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 Pitched Roofboard
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TP10 Pitched Roof Board
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TP13 Floorboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Kooltherm K10 Soffit Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TF70 Floorboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K12 Framing Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
KALEIDOS a 4 razze
|Kaleidos has pure lines, enriched by the unique surface of the seat, giving three-dimensional optical effects and wonderful reflections; in addition, the particular texture is unusually pleasing to the touch. The shell is made of a single piece in recyclable high-tech polymer. The steel support frames are available in different models. PA6 glass-filled polyamide shell with a special "watermark" surface finish that gives the chair extraordinary three-dimensional optical and tactile effects. The chair shells are available in white, black, red and grey. The frame has 4 chrome-plated tapered steel legs with high-tech polymer feet. The frame is assembled by connecting 4 screws to the 4 threaded metal bushings inserted directly inside the chair shell.
Mipolam Symbioz
|MIPOLAM SYMBIOZ™ is a fully flexible homogeneous compacted floorcovering in sheet, 2m wide, abrasion group T, providing excellent resistance to wear and tear in high traffic areas. Its weight is 2580 gr/m². It features a non directional design incorporating coloured chips to ensure an even colour throughout the thickness presenting a nice matt finish. MIPOLAM SYMBIOZ™contains over 75% sustainable or renewable raw materials. It includes a 100% bio based plasticizer, made of residues from cereals (wheat, corn…). This floorcovering is a non emissive product (below the level of VOC measurement accuracy).
MOSAICO 50X50 BASE+SEAT 302.89.F+302.15.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 50X50 BASE+TOP 302.89.F+302.71.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 50X50 BASE+SEAT+BACK 302.89.F+302.15.F+302.A.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 100x50 BASE+TOPS 302.89.L+302.71.F+302.71.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 100x50 BASE+SEATS 302.89.L+302.15.F+302.15.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 100x50 BASE+SEATS+CORNER BACK 302.89.L+302.15.F+302.15.F+302.1A.G
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 100x50 BASE+SEAT+TOP 302.89.L+302.15.F+302.71.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 100X50 BASE+SEAT 302.89.L.V+302.15.L.V
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 150X50 BASE+SEAT+TOP+SEAT 302.89.R+302.15.F+302.71.F+302.15.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 150X50 BASE+SEATS 302.89.R+302.15.F+302.15.F+302.15.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 150X50 BASE+SEATS+TOP 302.89.R+302.15.F+302.15.F+302.71.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 150X50 BASE+TOP+SEAT+TOP 302.89.R+302.71.F+302.15.F+302.71.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 150X50 BASE+TOPS 302.89.R+302.71.F+302.71.F+302.71.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
MOSAICO 150X50 BASE+TOPS+SEAT 302.89.R+302.71.F+302.71.F+302.15.F
|Mosaico is a puzzle that can be used to solve a range of different spatial constraints. The bases are made of ash and are available in five measurements upon which marble or wooden tops can be fitted as well as upholstered seat cushions. The optional backs enable the pieces to be transformed into mini-sofas. The hexagonal piece enables, amongst other possibilities, the creation of compositions that make closed loops. The corner angle adds an element of sinuosity to the design with its curved side.
WW860 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW865 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW870 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW880 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW890 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
WW895 (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
|The flooring selected is a noise reducing, decorative, group T, PVC flooring, available in 50 x 50 cm tiles. It is made up of a transparent 0.7 mm thick surface layer with a decorative film, a calendered inner layer and a PVC / Cork sublayer. It has a Protecsol® (polyurethane) treated surface for easier maintenance. The total thickness of the tile is 4.6 mm. SAGA2 tiles can be completely recycled.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z8/L
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z8/L - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z2/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z2/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z2/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z3/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z3/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z4/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z4/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
HN810 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN820 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN830 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN840 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN850 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
NF400 (Near & Far Collection)
|Near & Far Collection can be found somewhere between made and found. The organic reference is clear, but we can see the artisan’s hand in the shape and materials. NF400™ studies shade and hue in striations that run the length of our 25cm x 1m skinny plank. NF401™ explores these ideas in greater dimensions with carving and depth and curvilinear movements. The juxtaposition of the two set side by side awakens the edges, adding a third design element to explore. (carpet tile)
NF401 (Near & Far Collection)
|Near & Far Collection can be found somewhere between made and found. The organic reference is clear, but we can see the artisan’s hand in the shape and materials. NF400™ studies shade and hue in striations that run the length of our 25cm x 1m skinny plank. NF401™ explores these ideas in greater dimensions with carving and depth and curvilinear movements. The juxtaposition of the two set side by side awakens the edges, adding a third design element to explore. (carpet tile)
Inward opening window AT700K 23mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
Inward opening window AT700K 42mm glass
|The inward opening window is a convenient window that can be provided with hinges in the side, bottom or both. The window with hinges in both the side and bottom is called Kipp-Dreh and can be opened in the top for easy and efficient ventilation, and inward opening that provides a great wash position. You stand inside and wash the outside of the glass. All opening functions are easy to operate with one hand. The window can be made as one, two or multi sash windows and often in combination with fixed frame window in the same unit. The window is available with a variety of glazing bars. The window is available in all types of glass or combination of glass such as self-cleaning, low energy, solar & thermal regulating, safety, noise reduced or decorative glass. U-values down to 0.8.
Lundhs Blue Countertop
|LUNDHS Blue has a blue background colour garnished with clear blue and silver crystals. Its distinctive colour blend and material quality makes it a great option for your kitchen or bathroom worktop, flooring, and different kinds of interior decoration. WORKTOP QUALITIES: A worksurface made of LUNDHS Blue is heat-, scratch-, stain-, and water-resistant, easy to clean and require a minimum of maintenance. LUNDHS Blue for worktops/countertops is recommended in two different surface finishes; * POLISHED; A high gloss polished surface reflects the light beautifully, mirroring the surroundings and making the blue crystals sparkle. * SILK/LEATHER; A silk/leather surface has an elegant matte and lightly structured finish. This provides a more soft and subtle look than a high gloss finish. Beneath the texture, crystals still catch the light and sparkle gently.
Miss Holly bar stool
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Now when we enlarge the group it feels natural to add a bar stool in time. Even this is gracious and generous. The bar stool is made of solid wood and the parts for the seat are milled part by part to then be glued together. After this, the solid part will be milled one more time.
Miss Holly bar stool
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Now when we enlarge the group it feels natural to add a bar stool in time. Even this is gracious and generous. The bar stool is made of solid wood and the parts for the seat are milled part by part to then be glued together. After this, the solid part will be milled one more time.
Tureen table
|Jonas Lindvall is behind the design of the three side tables Tureen in solid oak and marble. The tables are made to stand together but can also be used individually which means that the look of your home can easily be changed depending on where the tables are placed. Legs in solid oak. Tabletop in Verdi Alpi marble (38 cm), Carrara marble (52 cm) or solid oak (38, 52 och 65 cm). All sizes are able in oak. Choose height of 43, 50 eller 57cm
Tureen table
|Jonas Lindvall is behind the design of the three side tables Tureen in solid oak and marble. The tables are made to stand together but can also be used individually which means that the look of your home can easily be changed depending on where the tables are placed. Legs in solid oak. Tabletop in Verdi Alpi marble (38 cm), Carrara marble (52 cm) or solid oak (38, 52 och 65 cm). All sizes are able in oak. Choose height of 43, 50 eller 57cm
Tureen table
|Jonas Lindvall is behind the design of the three side tables Tureen in solid oak and marble. The tables are made to stand together but can also be used individually which means that the look of your home can easily be changed depending on where the tables are placed. Legs in solid oak. Tabletop in Verdi Alpi marble (38 cm), Carrara marble (52 cm) or solid oak (38, 52 och 65 cm). All sizes are able in oak. Choose height of 43, 50 eller 57cm
Tureen table
|Jonas Lindvall is behind the design of the three side tables Tureen in solid oak and marble. The tables are made to stand together but can also be used individually which means that the look of your home can easily be changed depending on where the tables are placed. Legs in solid oak. Tabletop in Verdi Alpi marble (38 cm), Carrara marble (52 cm) or solid oak (38, 52 och 65 cm). All sizes are able in oak. Choose height of 43, 50 eller 57cm
Tureen table
|Jonas Lindvall is behind the design of the three side tables Tureen in solid oak and marble. The tables are made to stand together but can also be used individually which means that the look of your home can easily be changed depending on where the tables are placed. Legs in solid oak. Tabletop in Verdi Alpi marble (38 cm), Carrara marble (52 cm) or solid oak (38, 52 och 65 cm). All sizes are able in oak. Choose height of 43, 50 eller 57cm
Roto top-hung roof window Designo R8 PVC
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and stepless pivoting range. The Roto top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. The cleaning position is guided and self-locking. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket-compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 timber Tronic
|Roto Designo R6 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings. Chain drive, control centre and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 Plus timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 plus (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block, external covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, two-pieced thermal insulating block. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Centre-pivot roof window with a handle for one handed operation at the top. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation without exterior screws.
RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 timber
|RotoQ centre-pivot roof window Q-4 (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber, external covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 15° to 90°. Centre-pivot roof window with a handle for one handed operation at the top. Flexible adjustable swing bearing. Plug-in installation without exterior screws.
PIR Insulated Panel Promisol® S
|Promisol® S is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of polyisocyanurate PIR core between prepainted steel Secret fixing giving optimal aestetic Several finishings such as standard ribbed, Linea 125, Linea 333, Linea 500 or Microline Thicknesses from 50mm up to 180mm according to requested thermal performances Standard width 1000 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® colorchart and material guide according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 6ml
Taralay Premium Compact
|TARALAY PREMIUM is a multilayered calendered and pressed vinyl floorcovering, with no filler and a group T wear rating, available in 2m wide sheet. The product comprises a >1mm thick, pure vinyl wear layer incorporating very densely pressed coloured chips, with a mat finishing and without a transparent wear layer. The product comprises a compact backing which is calandered, pressed and reinforced with a glass fibre grid yielding a 8dB sound insulation, an indentation resistance of 0.02mm and a rolling heavy loads easiness. TARALAY PREMIUM is treated with Protecsol®2, a surface treatment obtained by UV laser crosslinking. This Protecsol®2 ensures easy maintenance and eliminates permanently the need for acrylic emulsion (metallisation). It avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like iodine alcohol, Betadine, eosin and anti-bacterial hand gel. It is composed of 40% of minerals and inexhaustible materials. It is made of 100% controlled recycled materials. It does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 and they are 100% compliant with REACH. On demand, Taralay Premium is available with phthalate free. The products emission rate of volatile organic compounds is <10µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.
Mural Calypso
|MURAL CALYPSO is a multilayered wall covering in 2m width roll and with a B-s2,d0 fire classification. It is hot welded with CR41 welding rods. It is made of a printed transparent wear layer and a coloured under layer for an easier welding of the product. This layer comprises 20% of recycled products. It does not contain any CMR 1 & 2 component and is 100% compliant with REACH. It is 100% recyclable.
Taralay Premium Dry Tex
|TARALAY PREMIUM DRY-TEX SYSTEM includes TARALAY PREMIUM DRY TEX and GERPUR glue. This system provides a complete moisture mitigation in full-spread adhesive installation eliminating interposition barrier for any slab with high moisture (up to 98%RH). TARALAY PREMIUM DRY-TEX is a multi-layered calendered and pressed vinyl floorcovering, with no filler and a group T wear rating, available in 2m wide sheet. The product comprises a >1mm thick homogeneous, pure vinyl wear layer incorporating very densely pressed coloured chips, with a mat finishing and without transparent wear layer. The product comprises a 100% post-manufacturing compact reinforced with a glass fiber grid and a non-woven backing. The product offers 8dB sound insulation, an indentation resistance of 0.03mm and a rolling heavy loads easiness. TARALAY PREMIUM DRY-TEX is treated with Protecsol®2, a surface treatment obtained by UV laser crosslinking. This Protecsol®2 ensures easy maintenance and eliminates permanently the need for acrylic emulsion (metallisation). It avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like iodine alcohol, Betadine, eosin and anti-bacterial hand gel. It is composed of 40% of minerals and inexhaustible materials. It is made of 100% controlled recycled materials. It does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 and they are 100% compliant with REACH. The products emission rate of volatile organic compounds is <10µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.
|External thermal insulation composite system with rendering (ETICS) intended to be used on external walls made of concrete or masonry, for new or existing buildings. PARISO PSE - M is composed of a thin mineral base coat reinforced with a glass fibre mesh and applied onto expanded polystyrene panels (white or grey) bonded or mechanically-fixed with anchors to the substrate. Various finishing coats are associated to the system: - Thick mineral rendering - Thin mineral renderings - Silicate renderings - Marble aggregates - burnt clay facing bricks - FR containing-organic renderings - FR containing-organic and siloxane rendering
|External thermal insulation composite system with rendering (ETICS) intended to be used on external walls made of concrete or masonry, for new or existing buildings. PARISO PSE - M is composed of a thin mineral base coat reinforced with a glass fibre mesh and applied onto mineral stone wool panels (one-density or dual-density) mechanically-fixed with anchors to the substrate. Various finishing coats are associated to the system: - Thick mineral rendering - Thin mineral renderings - Silicate renderings - Marble aggregates - Burnt-clay facing bricks - FR containing-organic renderings - FR containing-organic and siloxane rendering
Norden Star
|Norden Star chair is perfectly suitable for modern kitchen or dining room. It will aslo fit in as a standalone chair in a creative workplace. The seat is made of polypropylene and it is lined with soft foam, covered with artificial leather in the color of the backrest. Such a comfy seat leans on the stable construction of four beech legs, which guarantee solid support. The simple form provides the chair with a light and elegant look.
Mural Club
|MURAL CLUB is a homogeneous wall covering in 2m width roll and with a B-s2,d0 fire classification. It is designed to be a permanent wall covering. It is hot welded with CR40 welding rods for better hygiene. It is made of calendered layer with colour throughout the whole thickness for an nicer aspect of the welding. This layer comprises at least 10% of recycled products. It does not contain any CMR 1 & 2 component and is 100% compliant with REACH. It is 100% recyclable. MURAL CLUB benefits from a PUR surface treatment which provided good resistance to chemical products and makes maintenance easier. MURAL CLUB is a homogeneous wall covering in 2m width roll and with a B-s2,d0 fire classification. It is designed to be a permanent wall covering. It is hot welded with CR40 welding rods for better hygiene. It is made of calendered layer with colour throughout the whole thickness for an nicer aspect of the welding. This layer comprises at least 10% of recycled products. It does not contain any CMR 1 & 2 component and is 100% compliant with REACH. It is 100% recyclable. MURAL CLUB benefits from a PUR surface treatment which provided good resistance to chemical products and makes maintenance easier.
Mural Ultra
|MURAL ULTRA is a flexible wall covering vinyl sheet which has a thickness of 1.5mm for an extended durability. It has a B-s2,d0 fire classification (EN 13501-1) which complies with most European fire regulations. It is made of a pure PVC coloured surface and a backing which comprises 25% of recycled products. This multi-layered product is reinforced with a non-woven glassfibre grid for improved resistance to tearing and excellent dimensional stability. It has a great resistance to chemical products staining thanks to its Protecsol® surface treatment. The joins are hot-welded to ensure perfect water-tightness. It is 100 % recyclable and the components are 100% compliant with Reach.
|If you are fascinated by fashionable furniture Sherwood certainly catches your eye. This table is completely hand made from organic materials. Solid, wooden top on the intriguing, raw steel legs makes a big impression. Mountain pine bark wrapped in natural contrasts perfectly with the modernist form of the base. Application This model fits in standard industrial facilities, modern apartments and idyllic interiors. Sherwood makes each room unique. Put it in the living room, dining room or kitchen and watch the delight in the sight of the household. Maybe you are looking for unconventional solutions to the conference room, restaurant, cafe? Sherwood is made of solid pine wood, hence the possibility of outbreaks of resin. It is a natural characteristic of this tree species. Table top can be produced in the colors: light pine, dark pine, oak.
Norden Cross
|Norden Cross chair is perfectly suitable for modern kitchen or dining room. It will aslo fit in as a standalone chair in a creative workplace. The seat is made of polypropylene and it is lined with soft foam, covered with artificial leather in the color of the backrest. Elegant wooden legs in oak’s color, provide the chair with a light and elegant look. It is avaiable in the following colors: black, grey, red, white,green, blue, yellow, violet.
Taraflex Table tennis
|TARAFLEX ™ TABLE TENNIS A portable solution engineered and developed in partnership with international table tennis federations Sports flooring - Specialised sports Available in ready to go Easy to install portable playing surface Excellent player comfort and protection Structures embossing made for perfect footing
HYBRIS (Panel 50 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 60 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 75 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 90 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 105 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 125 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 140 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
Roto top-hung emergency escape roof window Designo R8 PVC
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung emergency escape roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Multifunctional top-hung roof window, equipped with additional features for a safe escape via the roof. Meets all requirements of a second escape route. Please take into account the respective local state building regulation. The top-hung emergency escape roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-hung emergency escape roof window Designo R8 timber
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung emergency escape roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Multifunctional top-hung roof window, equipped with additional features for a safe escape via the roof. Meets all requirements of a second escape route. Please take into account the respective local state building regulation. The top-hung emergency escape roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 PVC
|Roto Designo R4 centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC. The Roto centre-pivot roof-window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 timber
|Roto Designo R4 centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 PVC Tronic
|Roto Designo R4 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Chain drive, control system and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R4 timber Tronic
|Roto Designo R4 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 85°. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Gaskets: Single or double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Chain drive, control system and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 PVC
|Roto Designo R6 centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 timber
|Roto Designo R6 centre-pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without open screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto centre-pivot roof window Designo R6 PVC Tronic
|Roto Designo R6 RotoTronic centre-pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Centre-pivot roof window with a central swing axis. Ideally suitable as a combination element for Roto top-hung roof windows. The Roto centre-pivot roof window can be used for a roof pitch from 15° to 90°. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings. Chain drive, control centre and rain sensor preassembled for plug-in.
Roto side-hung roof window Designo R3 PVC
|Roto Designo R3 side-hung emergency escape (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Left (L) or right (R) handed opening. Lateral opening turn-only sash with anti-slam protection. Suitable as an escape for tradesmen and chimney sweepers in heated living areas. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto side-hung roof window Designo R3 timber
|Roto Designo R3 side-hung emergency escape (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Left (L) or right (R) handed opening. Lateral opening turn-only sash with anti-slam protection. Suitable as an escape for tradesmen and chimney sweepers in heated living areas. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto smoke extraction roof window Designo R5 PVC
|Roto Designo R5 roof window for smoke and heat venting release systems (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Bottom opening roof window. In the event of a fire the window opens per chain drive. The result is an optimal smoke extraction. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. Plug-in installation without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto smoke extraction roof window Designo R5 timber
|Roto Designo R5 roof window for smoke and heat venting release systems (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic). Bottom opening roof window. In the event of a fire the window opens per chain drive. The result is an optimal smoke extraction. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. Plug-in installation without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-hung roof window Designo R8 timber
|Roto Designo R8 top-hung roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. Top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and stepless pivoting range. The Roto top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. The cleaning position is guided and self-locking. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic), plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-third pivot roof window Designo R7 PVC
|Roto Designo R7 top-third pivot roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulation block. The Roto top-third pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Top-third pivot roof window with an opening angle of 38° and specified opening position. Lots of headroom thanks to the swing axis being located in the top-third of the window. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto top-third pivot roof window Designo R7 timber
|Roto Designo R7 top-third pivot roof window (timber) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in natural timber with thermal insulating block. The Roto top-third pivot roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Top-third pivot roof window with an opening angle of 38° and specified opening position. Lots of headroom thanks to the swing axis being located in the top-third of the window. Single-handed operation for all functions at the bottom of the window. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. External covers made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic): plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works.
Roto side-hung roof window Designo R8 PVC
|Roto Designo R8 side-hung emergency escape (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. Left (L) or right (R) handed opening (arbitrary). Suitable as an escape for tradesmen and chimney sweepers in heated living areas. Lateral opening turn-only sash with anti-slam protection, opening support by a gas compression spring. External cover as plug-in installation system without exposed screw-fixings, preassembled ex works. Frame with factory-fitted plastic sheeting connection on the inside, flexible two-pieced thermal insulating block right up to the frame's upper edge and frame-cover gasket made of weather-resistant EPDM rubber for the simultaneous connection of the flashing. External covers: Made of aluminium (anthracite-metallic).
Cavetto - storage
|The name Cavetto (kaschkasch, 2016) comes from the moulding on the edges of all Cavetto models – a shelf series that can be configured in endless variations. The ingenious thing about Cavetto is that the edges of the shelves are shaped so that back and side panels can be inserted between them without the need for any fittings. Cavetto can be placed against a wall, positioned as a room divider or used to build a room within a room. It can be accessed from one or two directions depending on how the shelves are filled with the different accessories. The shelf unit comes in four different heights and in widths of 900 mm and 350 mm. A width of 350 mm can be used as a choice of corner shelf. Cavetto is made of round solid wood legs with adjustable feet that are linked by blockboard shelves. Cavetto can then be filled with accessories, mid sides, outer sides, backs, a fully removable drawer and pair of doors (only for width 900 mm). Crates in two different heights can be placed above the shelf or stacked on top of each other. Choose from oak, ash, standard stains on ash and standard colors (only for accesseories). Cavetto is supplied partially assembled and can be fully assembled with simple tools.
Terasso - storage
|Terasso (Tony Almén Peter Gest, 2016) is a bookshelf inspired by transparency and airiness. The result is shelves that open up and let the light in which creates better surfaces for visual display. Everything from books to magazines and decorative objects can be arranged in various combinations to suit different needs and tastes. You can position Terasso centrally in a room as a room divider or against a wall. It comes in three different heights. Terasso has a frame made of solid wood with shelves made in veneered MDF with solid wood trims. Choose from oak, ash, standard stains on ash. Adjustable feet on the legs.
1KM - Display
|1KM Display (Kristofer Jonsson Fanny Jiseborn, white 2016) is a flexible shelf that can be used as a magazine holder, pigeonhole or bedside table and can be built to great lengths – up to 1km if required. Place the latest edition of all the world’s magazines on the top and the rest of the year’s in the compartment underneath – neat, attractive and practical. You can use 1KM DISPLAY to furnish libraries, offices, hotel rooms, lobbies, dining rooms etc. 1KM Display comes in freestanding or wall-mounted models in solid oak, ash, standard stains on ash and standard colors on MDF. A drawer is available as an accessory. The wall-mounted model comes as complete sections of one, two or three compartments. If you want to build longer runs, or at least up to 1KM you can use combinations of different starter, middle or end sections. The freestanding model comes in a unit of three compartments in three heights. The frame is made from steel lacquered in standard colours including adjustable feet.
Bat - table
|Bat (Roger Persson, 2016) is the table with an innovative solution connecting the turned legs with the top. The design of the top of the legs is inspired by the shape of a bat, after which the table is named. The table comes in round, square and rectangular options in a range of different sizes and in heights of 470, 570 and 720 mm. As the table is made in solid wood it can be sanded and re-lacquered a number of times and is, therefore, suitable for settings where durability is a key concern. Bat comes in oak, birch, ash, standard stains on ash and standard colours. For standard colours the tabletop is made in MDF. Please enquire for details of non-standard sizes and other finishes. Use Bat to furnish environments such as cafés, hotels, kitchens, living rooms and schools.
Mopsy - table
|Mopsy (2016) is a sofa table with round and square-shaped tops at different heights in an overlapped combination on the same leg frame. A number of Mopsy tables can be grouped together in the same type of wood or colour, or in a combination of different types of wood and colours. The tabletops and leg frames are made from solid wood. Choose from oak, birch, ash, standard stains on ash and standard colors. For standard colors the tabletop is made in MDF. Use Mopsy to furnish lobbies, all kinds of meeting places or next to your sofa at home.
Reverb - sound absorber
|Reverb is a visually appealing and practical ceiling-mounted sound absorber. The hole in the sound absorber lets light through from existing light fittings or gives you the opportunity of suspending light fittings through it. This means that Reverb is ideal for hanging over meeting places, workspaces or along a corridor. Reverb is made in compression-moulded polyester fibres in 10 different colors of Stay fabric from Gabriel. Choose from two hanging options: one wire with a knot or three wires. Three wires are recommended if a light fitting is going to be suspended through the hole. The wires are two metres long and we recommend hanging the sound absorber 1900 mm above the floor.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
TALO SOFA 290.11
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
Cree BIM LCT 1.0 Gable-Beam
|Cree BIM LCT 1.0 Gable-Beam Gable-Beam made of reinforced concrete (Concrete: C30 / 37; 120kg Reinforcement per 1m³ concrete). Dimensions: 2-field (2x Grid); 3-field (3x Grid) (see application manual “How to assemble Cree Components”) As an Architect/ Planner, you can use BIMobject and the Cree System to create a preliminary design for a tender competition or the building approval process. Once you have succeeded in the approval process, we can provide you with the required detailed technical information and assist you with the actual building and assembly process of the Cree System components. Please contact us once you have succeeded in the approval process at bimobject@creebyrhomberg.com. The Cree System processes and its physical components are made available only through our Licensed Partners. Licensed Partners are General Contractors or Developers. Kindly have your local General Contractor/ Developer contact us at volker.weissenberger@creebyrhomberg.com or by phone +43-676-7588883 and we will assist you in the realization of your project.
Cree BIM LCT Column Double
|Cree BIM LCT Column Double 2 Glulam-Columns made of glued laminated timber, usually Spruce. Pin and Base-Plate made of covered steel. Dimensions: 240 x 240mm (depends on building height, ceiling height and loads) (see application manual “How to assemble Cree Components”) As an Architect/ Planner, you can use BIMobject and the Cree System to create a preliminary design for a tender competition or the building approval process. Once you have succeeded in the approval process, we can provide you with the required detailed technical information and assist you with the actual building and assembly process of the Cree System components. Please contact us once you have succeeded in the approval process at bimobject@creebyrhomberg.com. The Cree System processes and its physical components are made available only through our Licensed Partners. Licensed Partners are General Contractors or Developers. Kindly have your local General Contractor/ Developer contact us at volker.weissenberger@creebyrhomberg.com or by phone +43-676-7588883 and we will assist you in the realization of your project.
Cree BIM LCT Column Triple
|Cree BIM LCT Column Triple 3 Glulam-Columns made of glued laminated timber, usually Spruce. Pin and Base-Plate made of covered steel. Dimensions: 240 x 240mm (depends on building height, ceiling height and loads) (see application manual “How to assemble Cree Components”) As an Architect/ Planner, you can use BIMobject and the Cree System to create a preliminary design for a tender competition or the building approval process. Once you have succeeded in the approval process, we can provide you with the required detailed technical information and assist you with the actual building and assembly process of the Cree System components. Please contact us once you have succeeded in the approval process at bimobject@creebyrhomberg.com. The Cree System processes and its physical components are made available only through our Licensed Partners. Licensed Partners are General Contractors or Developers. Kindly have your local General Contractor/ Developer contact us at volker.weissenberger@creebyrhomberg.com or by phone +43-676-7588883 and we will assist you in the realization of your project.
|Leaf is a practical magazine or brochure holder with a sturdy shape, that is also foldable and easy to move around. The warm grey colour has an informal feel which fits into any environment, which makes it highly suitable as a free standing unit for any temporary public or commercial space. Leaf was designed by Dutch designer Robert Bronwasse for Cascando, as part of their nature-inspires series of interior accessories. Leaf is also available as a freestanding whiteboard made of high-grade enameled steel and other products in this range include the Branch Coat Stand, Branch Wall Hooks, Plant Side Table and Forest Coat Rack.
|The prime characteristic of Flower is the beautifully lined wardrobe crown. Among the large coat hooks are smaller loop hooks, making sure that the coat rack will accommodate at least ten coats. The heavy cast iron base ensures optimal stability. Flower is available in two versions: with or without an integrated umbrella holder, while eight contemporary colours offer plenty of choice. The crown is made of plastic, the tube is composed from powder‐coated steel, and the iron base is cast.
|The Rio Litter combinates the elegance of shapes with noble materials, so it constitues an ideal item for the most demanding urban enviroments. It is composed by a prismatic body with a circular inclined side. The body is made of galvanized and painted steel plate and in its upper part it presents a cover with a lock of stainless steel whitch also incorporates an ashtray.Container of 45 liters of capacity. The Rio litter bin is anchored to the ground by metallic rawplugs. For more information please look at the technical commercial data of the product.
|The Ara collection features a perfect balance of shapes, ergonomic principles and noble materials. It consists of a backrest and benches in both straight and curved shape that can come witheither wood or polyurethane slats. You can combine the diffrent benches to create diverse compositions. The Ara collection has a support structure made of a galvanized ,painted carbon steel sheet.Its seats and backrests are made of wood or white or black polyurethane slats.The tropical wood finish may vary depending on the base wood used.For other colors, please, check with the sales department.
TRES Short
|TRES LED luminaires have a very high efficiency, meeting the UGR under 19. Direct-indirect luminaire with two built-in drivers with a separate control for direct and indirect component. The luminaire is made in two versions – with the driver in the middle or at the end of the luminaire. The luminaires can be interconnected to lines. TRES luminaires are very suitable especially to office premises. Design Rob van Beek. Availability from 06/2016
|TRES LED luminaires have a very high efficiency, meeting the UGR under 19. Direct-indirect luminaire with two built-in drivers with a separate control for direct and indirect component. The luminaire is made in two versions – with the driver in the middle or at the end of the luminaire. The luminaires can be interconnected to lines. TRES luminaires are very suitable especially to office premises. Design Rob van Beek. Availability from 06/2016
|VIMA is a professional LED projector characterized by its flatness, made possible by the integration of state of the art LED components. The design is the result of an innovative lay-out in which the LEDs, the heatsink and the driver are arranged asymmetrically on the same level. This adjustable spotlight is made of milled extruded aluminium profile and contains three latest generation COB LEDs for a more efficient thermal management compared with an equally performant single LED. The luminaires can be equipped in addition to highly luminous LED with colour rendering index Ra>80 or Ra>90 also with LED sources with RealColour technology ensuring extremely high rendering index Ra>97. The RealColour luminaires are suitable in particular for illumination of the exhibits where perfect colour fidelity is required. The luminaires with RealWhite technology are intended for the cases when it is necessary to ensure the white colour without the tints of other colours. For specific requirements, where the aim is to intensify certain colours of the illuminated objects a wide range of StrongColour variants is available, here you can find for example special luminaires for illumination of meat, jewellery etc. Design Serge Cornelissen. Availability from 07/2016
VIMA Linear
|VIMA is a professional LED projector characterized by its flatness, made possible by the integration of state of the art LED components. The design is the result of an innovative lay-out in which the LEDs, the heatsink and the driver are arranged asymmetrically on the same level. This adjustable spotlight is made of milled extruded aluminium profile and contains three latest generation COB LEDs for a more efficient thermal management compared with an equally performant single LED. The luminaires can be equipped in addition to highly luminous LED with colour rendering index Ra>80 or Ra>90 also with LED sources with RealColour technology ensuring extremely high rendering index Ra>97. The RealColour luminaires are suitable in particular for illumination of the exhibits where perfect colour fidelity is required. The luminaires with RealWhite technology are intended for the cases when it is necessary to ensure the white colour without the tints of other colours. For specific requirements, where the aim is to intensify certain colours of the illuminated objects a wide range of StrongColour variants is available, here you can find for example special luminaires for illumination of meat, jewellery etc. Design Serge Cornelissen. Availability from 07/2016
Creation 70 X Press
|<p>CREATION 70 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T, available in tiles and planks with beveled edges. Composed of a transparent wear layer 0.7mm thick, a design film and three compact underlayers reinforced with two fiber grids, CREATION 70 X'PRESS is 5mm compact product. Compressed and embossed at high temperatures.<br>The product includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing, specifically for high traffic use, allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. The product is treated with a PUR + treatment for easy maintenance properties.</p> <p>Product CREATION 70 X'PRESS is made with 83% of mineral and 6% inexhaustible materials. It does not contain formaldehyde, any heavy metals or substances CMR 1&2, vPvB (very persistent and very bioaccumulative) and PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic), and they are 100% compliant with REACH.<br>The product emission rate of volatile organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC&lt;28 days - ISO 16000-6) and is rated A + (the best class) as part of the health labeling. It is 100% recyclable.</p>
Creation 55 X Press
|<p>CREATION 55 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T product available in tiles and planks with beveled edges. It comprises a 0,55mm thick transparent wear layer. <br>It is a 4mm compact product, compressed and grained at high pressure, made with a design film, two compact under layers reinforced with a fibre grid. It includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. <br>CREATION 55 X’PRESS is treated with a PUR+ treatment for easy maintenance properties. </p> <p>CREATION 55 X’PRESS is made with 73% of mineral and 12% inexhaustible materials. It is made with 100% control recycled materials. It is 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC &lt;28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.</p>
Creation 30 X Press
|<p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T product available in tiles and planks with bevelled edges. It comprises a 0,30mm thick transparent wearlayer. <br>It is a 4mm compact product, compressed and grained at high pressure, made with a design film, two compact underlayers reinforced with a fibre grid. It includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. <br>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is treated with a PUR+ treatment for easy maintenance properties. </p> <p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is made with 73% of mineral and 12% inexhaustible materials. It is made with 100% control recycled materials. It is 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC &lt;28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable. </p> <p>ARGUMENTAIRES</p> <p>Ready to use :</p> <p>• Looselay = Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) included on the backing of the product<br>• Direct installation on existing subfloor (In compliance with Gerflor's installation guidelines)<br>• Clean and quiet for easy installation in busy areas</p> <p>Removable:</p> <p>• No tools needed to remove floor<br>• Easy to replace a single plank<br>• Subfloor is clean after removal: no messy adhesive residue</p> <p>Easy :</p> <p>• One tool required: a sharp blade<br>• Just press to install the product</p>
Mipolam Biostyl
|Mipolam Biostyl™ is a fully flexible compacted floorcovering in sheet, 2m wide, abrasion group T, providing excellent resistance to wear and tear in high traffic areas. Its weight is 2630 gr/sqm. It features a non directional design incorporating coloured transparent chips to ensure an even colour throughout the thickness. This floorcovering is recommended for private and administrative buildings and thanks to its great flexibility it simplifies the installation of bend-up skirting, as well as angles and hot welding procedures. This floorcovering is treated with Evercare™ or the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare™ avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring. This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life! Mipolam Biostyl™ contains over 75% sustainable or renewable raw materials. It includes a 100% bio based plasticizer, made of residues from cereals (wheat, corn…) and REACH compliant.
|<p>ATTRACTION® is a semi-flexible tile constructed by compacting, at high temperature and over 3000 T, a 4mm recycled backing and a 1mm pure vinyl wear layer.<br>This wear layer is incorporating very densely pressed coloured chips, with a mat finishing and without a transparent wear layer.</p> <p>The product comprises a compact backing which is pressed and reinforced with two glass fibre grids.</p> <p>ATTRACTION® has a unique dovetail joint which allows fast loose lay installation and replacement.</p> <p>ATTRACTION® is treated with Protecsol®2, a surface treatment obtained by UV laser crosslinking. This Protecsol®2 ensures easy maintenance and eliminates permanently the need for acrylic emulsion (metallisation). It avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like iodine alcohol, Betadine, eosin and anti-bacterial hand gel.</p> <p>It has a Bfl-s1 fire classification in accordance with standard EN 13501-1.</p> <p>The products emission rate of volatile organic compounds is &lt;10µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000-6).<br>It is made of 100% controlled recycled materials.<br>It does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 and they are 100% compliant with REACH.</p> <p>It is 100% recyclable and made with up to 80% recycled content.</p>
|The series of UFO tables, characterized by its elegant and evergreen oval or round design, is offered in many standard versions and matching of finishes: UFO in the classic version with veneer top and lacquered base or fully lacquered, UFO-Full fully covered with veneer, UFO-Soft fully covered with soft-leather. Over the listed dimensions we can produce Ufo tables in "unlimited" sizes. In addition, upon request, it is possible to have marble or back-painted glass tops as well additional functions such as wiring predisposition. All variants have the top completely made of solid multilayer shaped wood; the base has an internal wooden structure, then covered with a moulded shaped cone of multilayer in high thickness, covered with veneer.
COLLINS COTTAGE (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
MOD CAFE' (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
SCOTTISH SETT (World Woven Collection)
|World Woven Collection is six Skinny Planks™ and three FLOR squares, each with 8 colors and made with 100% recycled content nylon. All nine styles weave together our current predilections with memories we share of some of the most enduring textiles of the past. They are simple, elegant fabrics that keep us warm and lift our spirits. (carpet tile)
|The Tradinov chimney stack is our traditional solution for the new-build market. Light and economical, this chimney stack has already been installed on many dwellings. Supplied with an insulated chimney, it secures a good smoke exhaust. A true industrial custom-built solution, the flashing is made to measure and to suit the roofing material for an immediate and perfect water-tightness and guarantees immediate complete sealing, whatever the pitch of the roof or the roofing material. This chimney stack can be adjusted (up to 10%) on site to the roof pitch for a perfect verticality. The Tradinov chimney stack is installed without structural work and without roof-frame reinforcement. It is intended for use in new-build dwellings and is perfectly in conformity with the new regulations. It is available in numerous finishes (smooth paint, roughcast or bricks) and can be fitted with different types of cap. The quality of Poujoulat products is recognized and recommended by the largest European heating appliance manufacturers.
Vertical Sliding Window VSF 210 1-leaf, thermal insulated
|Baier sliding windows are used whenever one seeks an increase in comfort, aesthetics, and functionality. Functionality that moves. Baier sliding windows offer flexibility and the maximum level of security. The windows’ developments allow for the necessary comfort and its “automatic commercial success”. Baier measures up to all requirements. It doesn’t matter whether Baier is furnishing a network of bakeries with new, practical, and cost-effective sliding windows or fulfilling the specific wishes of a private homeowner. The entire expert knowledge of our metal construction lies in the development of innovative sliding windows, no matter what size. We also pay equal attention to individuality, ease of cleaning, and safety. Along with electrical automatic drivers, our experts also design a patented anti-drop device that would become effective if the carrier wire ever broke. But, a problem like that is out of the question, and you have our dependable maintenance service to thank for that. You can trust us in moving situations. [LIST] Ergonomic sliding windows for commercial use, such as for sidewalk sale Elegant special solutions for private living area Horizontal and vertical constructions Comfortable service, manual, at the push of a button or motion sensor For outside and inside Patented security system Made to measure in all desired sizes Available in all desired colors Made with shatterproof and insulating glass [/LIST]