Floor Drain Symbol 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of 2D floor drain symbol.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Washbasin with editable drain position and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
David Thompson | 1397076231sanitary sewer waste pipe 65 dia with 105mm clearance from drain
Sewage Pipe_INT
andromeda 55 | 1349794700Object created based on object "Drain pipe 10 - TLOTT" by Gary Lawes, Graphisoft UK Ltd! Programmed between: februar and april 2012 Revisions: 001.....01.09.2012: For the pipe body I use 2 rotated cylinders + Group+ SEO. In this way You can use different materials for Internal and External side of the pipe.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Washbasin with editable drain position and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Машина моечно-дезинфекционная Steelco DS 800
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568833904DS 750/800 - моечно-дезинфицирующие машины. Используются в медицинских учреждениях различного профиля для мойки, дезинфекции и сушки хирургического инструментария, наркозно-дыхательной аппаратуры, офтальмологических инструментов, операционной обуви, детских бутылочек, лабораторной посуды и контейнеров. В машинах реализована система предварительного нагрева воды необходимой на фазах мойки, ополаскивания и дезинфекции, осуществляемая в бустерных баках (опционально). Данная опция значительно сокращает общее время цикла. Управление осуществляется с помощью цветного сенсорного дисплея. Систему управления STEELCOTRONIC имеет 65 настраиваемых программ. Есть возможность использовать дополнительные сенсоры, которые входят в стандартную комплектацию. Данные датчики позволяют определить тип вставляемой моечной вставки и правильность ее позиционирования в камере. Designed to meet the increasing reprocessing needs of CSSD, this washer disinfector is available in standard or Fast Cycle configurations saving cycle time and reaching higher levels of energy and water savings (12 DIN 1/1 net basket capacity). The machines assure consistently tested and efficient washing-disinfecting performances thanks to a new washing system technology made by a vertical installed washing pump that grants also a complete drain of the washing circuit. HEPA-filtered H14 forced air drying distribution on double circuit grants a perfect distribution of air on all chamber parts and basket levels ensuring the complete inside and outside drying of all the surgical instruments and tubes. DS 800 models are compatible with Steelco ATS - Automatic Transfer System.
Floor Drain Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of 2D floor drain symbol.
David Thompson | 1397075357 -
Pervious concrete pavements - i.idro DRAIN
|Pervious concrete pavement. i.idro DRAIN is a premixed concrete with a porous volume through which water flows freely is achieved. The draining capacity is ensured through an accurate selection of the aggregates the binder action of the cement used in i.idro DRAIN. The high permeability of i.idro DRAIN allows an immediate water infiltration, which improves the adherence of vehicles and circulation comfort . As there is less absorption of light than in asphalt, i.idro DRAIN provides greater visibility. - i.idro DRAIN absorbs part of the noise emitted by roading of vehicles. - i.idro DRAIN has a lower maintenance cost than more conventional solutions (asphalt). - i.idro DRAIN allows the addition of fibers, which reduces or minimizes the risk of cracking.
Fermacell Powerpanel H2O Drain Outlet Element
|The fermacell Powerpanel H2O Drain Outlet Element consist of two Powerpanel H2O boards. The lower board is 10 mm thick and has a 50 mm rabbeted edge on 3 or 4 sides. The upper board is 25 mm thick at the outer edge and decreases at an approx. 2 % slope to the hole opening. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the Fermacell technical advisors.
|<p>The <strong>87° ANGLED ROOF DRAIN WITH MESHED FLANGE</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe from flat roofs, balconies with free discharge into down-pipes or collector boxes. It has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes. </p><p></p>
|<p><strong>ANTI-BACKUP ROOF DRAIN R WITH MESHED FLANGE</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe on flat roofs. ls has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes.</p>
|<p>The <strong>DRAIN UNIT WITH LATERAL DISCHARGER AND MESHED FLANGE</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe from balconies, utility room etc. It has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes.</p>
|<p>The <strong>DRAIN UNIT WITH LATERAL DISCHARGER, MESHED FLANGE AND SIPHON</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe from balconies, bathrooms, utility room etc. It has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes.</p>
|<p>The <strong>87° ANGLED ROOF DRAIN WITH MESHED FLANGE</strong> is an ideal means of attaining continuity between the area being waterproofed and the discharge pipe from flat roofs, balconies with free discharge into down-pipes or collector boxes. It has been designed for use with two-component cementitious waterproofing and all cold applied liquid membranes.</p>
karma trendz | 16275418632D floor drain
Vieser Dot - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin bowl 420 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 420 x 420 mm, round, without tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, and overflow, without tap holes, overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81296.2
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin bowl, undersurface ground 520 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 520 x 390 mm, oval, without tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, and overflow, without tap holes, overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81296.4
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm side side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
CS010 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS040 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS070 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS090 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS140 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS150 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS180 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS200 - Sink, SS, Single Compartment
|Single compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS230 - Sink, SS, Double Compartment
|Double compartment stainless steel sink, drop-in, self-rimming, ledge-type, connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. It shall also be provided with pre-punched fixture holes on 4" center, integral back ledge to accommodate deck-mounted fixtures, brushed/polished interior and top surfaces, and sound deadened. Recommended for use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets having a high plastic laminate or Chemsurf laminate countertop/work surface. Coordinate actual outside sink dimensions with the actual clear dimension of cabinet specified to ensure that they are compatible. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
CS260 - Sink, Epoxy Resin
|One-piece cast epoxy resin sink (composition of molded epoxy resins and inert materials) connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. For use in suspended or U/C/B sink cabinets and mounted under the epoxy resin countertops/work surfaces found in lab areas requiring optimum physical chemical resisting properties. For general purpose use in a lab area.
CS270 - Sink, Epoxy Resin
|One-piece cast epoxy resin sink (composition of molded epoxy resins and inert materials) connected with a drain and provided with a mixing faucet. For use in U/C/B sink cabinets and mounted under the epoxy resin countertops/work surfaces found in lab areas requiring optimum physical chemical resisting properties. For general purpose use in a lab area.
L1185 - Analyzer, Glucose
|Discrete glucose analyzer. Characteristics include sample volume of 10 microliters, measurement principle of the oxygen rate method, throughput of 67 samples per hour and a glucose value displayed in mg/dl. This is a self contained system with automatic fill and drain cycles. Used for glucose analysis of serum plasma or saliva samples
L1660 - Cell Washer/Centrifuge
|Combination cell washer and centrifuge. The unit has two fixed speeds of 3600 or 12000 RPM. It is a microprocessor controlled unit with a programmable memory that can hold up to four wash cycles. It has a built-in peristaltic pump with a drain, dual angle rotor, low saline level alarm and uses 10 X 75mm or 12 X 75mm tubes. Used for compatibility testing, cytological studies and other laboratory applications.
L2310 - Cabinet, Bio Safety, Class
|Bio safety cabinet, Class II, Type A1. This is a vertical freestanding unit with a face velocity of 100 fpm, constructed of type 304 stainless steel. The inside walls have a high velocity air return. The unit utilizes 70% air recirculation 30% exhaust either into room or through to the outside. It requires HEPA and includes a removable work tray, built-in drain valve, two valve penetrations with blanking plugs, duplex outlet and a fluorescent lamp. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents with the absence of volatile toxic chemicals and radionuclides. 4 foot model, other sizes available.
L4200 - Bath, Water, Serology, Electric
|Serological water bath. It operates in the temperature range of 60 to 100 degrees centigrade. It has a corrosion-proof stainless steel water tank with a 3 gallon capacity. Models have drain spouts for easy emptying of media. Used to provide a controlled temperature environment for the preparation of samples for study.
L9020 - Tissue Processor, Automatic, 2 Level
|Automatic tissue processor. This is a rotating basket immersion type unit that uses a minimum of 10 solvents and two paraffin processing stations. It is controlled by an electrical or electronic timer. The paraffin bath temperature ranges from 50-65 degrees centigrade and is agitated. The fumes are removed by an integral fume collecting system. The process time/step is adjustable between 15 minutes to 24 hours. The drain time/step is 0 to 1 minute. Used to fix, dehydrate, clear and infiltrate tissue specimens to preserve the integrity of their cellular components for light microscopy.
M4657 - Tabletop, Decontamination
|Hazmat tabletop decontamination tray that fits on any standard hospital gurney or stretcher. The tray shall be light-weight and impermeable, washable and reusable. It shall include two waste water containers/reservoirs; flexible drain hose; adjustable locking straps and spray nozzle. Used for emergency medical treatment and decontamination of a contaminated/injured patient.
M8030 - Whirlpool, Mobile, Extremity, Medium
|Mobile extremity whirlpool with a single or dual tanks for treating feet, ankles, calves, knees and arms. The tank is made from heavy-gauge corrosion resistant stainless steel or fiberglass which has fully finished seams, is leak-proof and is mounted on casters. The unit has a turbine ejector and aerator, thermometer and an auxiliary floor drain valve. Unit may require a ground fault interrupt power circuit and may use a thermostatic mixing valve for controlling water temperature when filling. Used for hydrotherapy treatments.
M8055 - Whirlpool, Leg, Floor Mounted
|Floor mounted leg whirlpool. The whirlpool consists of a heavy gauge stainless steel leak proof tank, an electric turbine ejector and aerator, a dial inside thermometer, hand grips, a drain valve and a thermostatic water mixing console. The unit is used for leg whirlpool treatments. The database weight figure is for a filled tank.
P3070 - Lavatory, Vitreous China, Under or Counter Top Mtd
|An undercounter or countertop mounted vitreous china lavatory (approximate bowl size 6"x17"x14") with gooseneck spout, wrist blade handles, and grid drain. Counter top mounted lavatory to be self rimming with mounting kit provided. Undercounter lavatory to have unglazed rim with a mounting kit also provided. For general purpose use in vanity tops in public, patient and staff toilet rooms.
P6150 - Sink, Cage Washing, SS, Single Compartment, F/S
|A free standing, single compartment (16"x36"x24"), #14 gauge Type 304 stainless steel, cage washing sink with gooseneck spout and lever handle drain. Sink is all welded construction with rolled rims. Ends and integral drainboards are welded. Sink has 15" high back, stainless steel adjustable angle frame legs and soap dish. It is available with or without drainboard(s). For general purpose use in laboratory research and vet areas for washing small animal cages. Pricing based upon a sink with 24" left drainboard.
P6350 - Sink, Flushing Rim, China
|Flushing rim sink approximately 18" H x 26" D x 22" W. Also called a clinic service sink. Unit is constructed of vitreous china with an integral flushing rim. It includes: faucet with a fork brace; 6 inch wrist control handles; plain end spout with bucket hook; stainless steel spring type front rim guard; and grid drain. If it is to be floor mounted, a base must be provided. Unit is used in utility rooms to clean equipment and materials.
P7650 - Trap, Plaster, Small
|Plastic or metal bodied plaster trap. The unit has a one piece body which is approximately 12 inches deep. The top has 1.5 inch inlet and drain connections. The trap is used in laboratories to capture solids and preclude the clogging of drain lines. The installation must allow sufficient clearance above or below the unit (depending on the manufacturer) to remove the basket for cleaning.
P8710 - Utility Center, Plumbing Connection
|Plumbing connection utility center, sometimes referred to as a 'GUY GRAY BOX'. This recessed utility center provides for hot and cold water connections and a drain connection at sink and other equipment locations. The utility center includes cutoff valves for the water connections, a plug seal for the drain and an outside cover to provide an aesthetic appearance when connections are no longer required. This center may be installed in locations where no plumbing fixtures are included in a design as a future flexibility device, saving many dollars for later facility modifications to incorporate sinks as functions change.
S2635 - Cleaner, Ultrasonic, SNGL Chamber, CAB, F/S
|A free-standing, cabinet mounted, single stainless steel chamber (minimum size 10X24X12), ultrasonic cleaner. The cleaning unit includes the following minimum features: power lid, automatic detergent injector, automatic level controls, automatic timer, and switch fill and drain controls. Sonic cleaning energy provided to the chamber by transducers which are powered by a solid-state generator(s) at a frequency of 40 kHz. Designed for use in surgery reprocessing areas, central processing departments and laboratories to clean surgical instruments and other hardware with sonic energy.
S2640 - Cleaner, Ultrasonic, Console, DBL CHMBR, CAB, F/S
|A free-standing, cabinet mounted ultrasonic cleaner, rinser and dryer with double stainless steel chambers (minimum sizes 10X24X12). The cleaning chamber includes the following minimum features: power lid, automatic detergent injector, automatic level controls, automatic timer, and switch fill and drain controls. Sonic cleaning energy provided to the chamber by transducers which are powered by a solid-state generator(s) at a frequency of 40 kHz. The rinse/dryer chamber is of the same basic design, size, and construction as the cleaning chamber. However, the chamber has pre-positioned spray nozzles to provide complete rinse and purified-water rinse coverage and thermostatically controlled recirculated forced hot air for drying. Cleaning and rinse/drying chambers are positioned for either right-to-left or left-to-right workflow. Designed for use to clean surgical instruments and other hardware with sonic energy and effectively spray rinse and dry items after sonic cleaning.
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, freestanding version 1830 x 870 mm
|Oval bathtub, made of solid surface material Sentec, casted Freestanding version, with not removable panel With overflow slot at long side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow With click-clack drain valve, chrome Charge 000 – without whirl system
KARTELL BY LAUFEN Washbasin, shelf right 900 mm
|Countertop basin, shelf right, with special hidden outlet KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik EN 31, dimensions 900 x 460 mm 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, 3 tap holes with hidden overflow, towel frame, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories
LAUFEN PRO B Washbasin 550 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 550 x 440 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without, overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81095.1
LAUFEN PRO B Washbasin 650 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 500 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without, overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81095.3
LAUFEN PRO Small washbasin 450 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 340 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap, hole/without overflow and open drain, siphon cover, furniture, Order no. 81195.1
KARTELL BY LAUFEN Washbasin, shelf right 1200 mm
|Countertop basin KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik shelf right, with special hidden outlet EN 31, dimensions 1200 x 460 mm 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, 3 tap holes with hidden overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories
KARTELL BY LAUFEN Small washbasin, asymmetric, tap bank right 460 mm
|Countertop small washbasin KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik asymmetric, tap bank right, with special hidden outlet EN 31, dimensions 460 x 280 mm 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories
LAUFEN PRO Small washbasin 450 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 330 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow, and open drain, siphon cover, furniture, Order no. 81595.2
ALEO - Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supplies
|ALEO - Single-lever basin mixer with rotating supplies - Temperature limiter ring, - metal waste, - side lift rod: Easy installation on small basins (no problem with wall or mirror) and enhanced - accessibility for user, - height under spout aerator: 86 mm, - included pop-up drain, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray, - discreet, anti-scale aerator: Easy to remove without a special tool and easier care.
ODEON UP - Rectangular floorstanding or inset shower tray
|Odeon Up extra-slim rectangular ceramic shower tray - Dimension 1200 x 800 x 60 mm, - floorstanding or inset, - anti-slip glaze, - order with special drain and cover E78260, - waste Ø 90 mm, - robust : Stable fireclay - no bending when used, - exceptional long life : Vitrified glaze, - hygiene : Easy to clean, - resistant : To chemical agents, - safety : With Class B anti-slip glaze.
ODEON UP - Square floorstanding or inset shower tray
|Odéon Up extra-slim square ceramic shower tray - Dimension 90 x 90 x 6 cm, - floorstanding or inset, - anti-slip glaze, - order with special drain and cover E78260, - waste Ø 90 mm, - robust : stable fireclay - no bending when used, - exceptional long life : vitrified glaze, - hygiene : Easy to clean, - resistant : To chemical agents, - safety : with Class B anti-slip glaze.
Permeable pavers
|100% permeable, porous quartz finishing concrete pavers. They provide the same advantages of concrete pavers, such as durability and quality, they appear nearly the same from nonporous concrete pavers but they allow stormwater to drain rapidly and infiltrate the surface . No more puddles or pools and a better rainwater recycling. They are particularly suggested for yards, paths, residential, sidewalks ,cyclepaths...
Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l
|Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l - for flush plates Visign - for pre-wall mounting please order separately: Viega Eco Plus fixing set model 8173 - flush actuation from front, dual flush technology, adjustable ceramic height, barrier-free Components powder-coated steel frame, concealed cistern 2H, WC connection elbow DN90 (depth-adjustable) made of PP, eccentric adapter DN90/100 made of PP, WC connection fitting, fixing material for element (for floor) and ceramic, screws (self-drilling) for fixing to metal support profiles, hole Ø 11 mm for fixing in wooden frame construction or application of fixing element for support arm (model8169.2), alignment help Cistern components corner valve with pre-mounted water connection Rp½, filling valve set, drain valve set Technical data partial flush volume factory setting approx. 3 l partial flush volume setting range approx. 2.5–3 l full flush volume factory setting approx. 4.5 l full flush volume setting range approx. 4.5–6 l Note Immediate reflushing is possible at the factory settings! Flush plates and accessories: product group WC and urinal actuation accessories! Model8161.45 (article 686 154)
Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l
|Viega Eco Plus WC element with pre-setting full-flush volume approx. 4.5 l - for flush plates Visign, wall-hung WC - for pre-wall mounting please order separately: Viega Eco Plus fixing set model 8173 - flush actuation from front or top, dual flush technology Components powder-coated steel frame, concealed cistern 2L, WC connection elbow DN90 (depth-adjustable) made of PP, eccentric adapter DN90/100 made of PP, WC connection fitting, fixing material for element (for floor) and ceramic, screws (self-drilling) for fixing to metal support profiles, hole Ø 11 mm for fixing in wooden frame construction, alignment help Cistern components corner valve with pre-mounted water connection Rp½, filling valve set, drain valve set Technical data partial flush volume factory setting approx. 3 l partial flush volume setting range approx. 2.5–3 l full flush volume factory setting approx. 4.5 l full flush volume setting range approx. 4.5–6 l Note Immediate reflushing is possible at the factory settings! Dependent of the WC ceramic, the open WC lid may partially cover the flush plate while front actuation! When dealing with WC ceramic with a projection of less than 500 mm, such as e.g.: V & B Viala 765310, Viala 765210, Keramag Renova-Comprimo 204550, Joly 203060, the WC lid may fall shut, and therefore actuation from top should be applied! Flush plates and accessories: product group WC and urinal actuation accessories! Model8130.45 (article 718 992)
Viega Eco Plus Urinal element siphon sensor technology
|Viega Eco Plus Urinal element siphon sensor technology - for pre-wall mounting please order separately: Viega Eco Plus fixing set model 8173 - suitable for equipment set s iphon sensor technology model 8352.2 Components powder-coated steel frame, sound protected urinal flushing system installation set, drain elbow DN50, shut-off, flush-through plug, Rp½ fitting connection, urinal connection fitting, self-adhesive sealing flange, fixing material for element (for floor) and ceramic, screws (self-drilling) for fixing to metal support profiles, hole Ø 11 mm for fixing in wooden frame construction, alignment help Model8152.4 (article 727 918)
Viega Eco Plus Urinal element
|Viega Eco Plus Urinal element - for connection of the Visign fitting set (manual and touchless flush actuation) - for pre-wall mounting please order separately: Viega Eco Plus fixing set model 8173 Components powder-coated steel frame, sound protected urinal flushing system installation set, Rp½ fitting connection, drain elbow DN50, urinal connection fitting, fixing material for element (for floor) and ceramic, screws (self-drilling) for fixing to metal support profiles, hole Ø 11 mm for fixing in wooden frame construction, alignment help Note Maximum height of urinal inlet at FFL=880 mm! Flush plates and accessories: product group WC and urinal actuation accessories! Model8164.5 (article 461 843)
Viega Eco Plus Urinal element
|Viega Eco Plus Urinal element - for connection of the Visign fitting set (manual and touchless flush actuation) - for pre-wall mounting please order separately: Viega Eco Plus fixing set model 8173 Components powder-coated steel frame, sound protected urinal flushing system installation set, Rp½ fitting connection, drain elbow DN50, urinal connection fitting, fixing material for element (for floor) and ceramic, screws (self-drilling) for fixing to metal support profiles, hole Ø 11 mm for fixing in wooden frame construction, alignment help Note Maximum height of urinal inlet at FFL=880 mm! Flush plates and accessories: product group WC and urinal actuation accessories! Model8164.5 (article 611 934)
Bison ScrewJack Deck Support Pedestals
|<p>Bison ScrewJack Pedestals are designed to support heavy pavers over any waterproofed structural surface. Each pedestal utilizes a patented threaded design, making the leveling process during installation a simple turn of the pedestal base. This allows contractors, designers and installers to accurately plan, precisely align, and uniformly install level decks with a combination of ease, speed and accuracy. Integrated spacer tabs ensure accurate spacing, lock the pavers in place, and allow water to drain.&nbsp;<em>Note: Bison ScrewJack Pedestals are sold exclusively in the US and Canada through Oldcastle Westile&nbsp;and their distributors.</em></p> <ul><li>Supports 1000 lbf (4.45 kN) FS:3 per pedestal</li><li>Pedestal tab width 3/16 inch (4.5 mm)</li><li>Adjustable system height range is 1 ¼ to 36 inches (32 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Bison Brace System required for 24 to 36 inches (609.6 to 914.4 mm)</li><li>Accessories available for heights from 1/8 to 1 ¼ inches (3.175 to 57.15 mm)</li><li>Pedestals made of High Density Copolymer Polypropylene</li><li>Contains 20% post-industrial recycled material</li><li>Impervious to water, mold, and freeze/thaw cycles</li><li>Made in the U.S.A.</li></ul>
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 100 x 80 x 4 cm - Anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm cm. TOUGHNESS: From dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer FLIGHT TECHNOLOGY: Antimicrobial treatment incorporated into the acrylic (silver ions) HIGHLY RESISTANT: Excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 120 x 76 x 4 cm - anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm cm. TOUGHNESS: From dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer HIGHLY RESISTANT: Excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 140 x 80 x 4 cm - Anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm. TOUGHNESS: From dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer HIGHLY RESISTANT: Excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 140 x 90 x 4 cm - Anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm, TOUGHNESS: From dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer HIGHLY RESISTANT: Excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 120 x 70 x 4 cm - Anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm. TOUGHNESS: From dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer FLIGHT TECHNOLOGY: Antimicrobial treatment incorporated into the acrylic (silver ions) HIGHLY RESISTANT: Excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 140 x 70 x 4 cm - Anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm. TOUGHNESS: From dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer FLIGHT TECHNOLOGY: Antimicrobial treatment incorporated into the acrylic (silver ions) HIGHLY RESISTANT: Excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray 110 cm
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 110 x 80 x 4 cm - Anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm cm. TOUGHNESS: From dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer HIGHLY RESISTANT: Excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Square shower tray - 80 x 80cm
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler - Anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floorstanding or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional : riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm, -watertight strip, - class C anti-slip glaze meeting DIN 51097 standard. Recommended drain art.-no. E78168, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Square shower tray - 90 x 90cm
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 90 x 90 x 4 cm - anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm, - flight safe : class C anti-slip glaze meeting DIN 51097 standard, - toughness : from dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer, - innovative material : antimicrobial treatment incorporated into the acrylic (silver ions), - durable, strong, light : excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
FLIGHT - Rectangular shower tray - 170 x 70cm
|Acrylic shower tray with 2-component mineral filler, size 170 x 70 x 4 cm - anti-bacterial protection (silver ions), - floor-standing or inset, height 4 cm, - drain Ø 9 cm not included, - 10-year guarantee, - optional riser kit for min/max heights 10 - 14.5 cm cm, - toughness : from dual component resin capped with an acrylic layer, Flight technology: antimicrobial treatment incorporated into the acrylic (silver ions), Highly resistant : excellent compromise between durability, strength and weight Recommended drain art.-no. 19200, Ø 9 cm
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer- Medium model 162mm - With supply hoses
|Kumin single-lever washbasin mixer - Incl. pop-up drain and side lift rod - anti-scale aerator - ceramic disc cartridge - flow rate: 5 l/min. - integral anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin) and easier cleaning, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings.
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer- Standard 132mm - with supply hoses
|Kumin low single-lever washbasin mixer - incl. pop-up drain and side lift rod, - anti-scale aerator, - ceramic disc cartridge, - flow rate: 5 l/min, - integral anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin) and easier cleaning, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray, - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings.
INTRA Icon Corian wash basin Glacier White
|Intra provides a wide range of basins for wall-, inset-, and under-mounting. We also offer vandal-resistant solutions. Stainless steel gives a modern, sleek impression, is maintenance-free and extremely durable Icon basin, IC1, under mount in a white Corian® plate. Supplied with overflow and hole for mixer. Wall brackets in steel is mounted on the sink so that it can quickly be mounted on the wall using the supplied mounting kit. Drain Cover included.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR60SHL, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with 1½ bowls. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating in the large bowl, and manual basket waste in the small. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Note! Article no. for under- and flushmount: FR60SHF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR60SX, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with one large bowl. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Pads as noicereduction are mounted at the underside of the sink. Note! Article no. for under- and flushmount: FR60SXF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR78D, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with 2 bowls. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating in both bowls. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Pads as noicereduction are mounted at the underside of the sink. Note! Article no. for under- and flush mount: FR78DF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR78SXHL, bowl left, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with 2 bowls. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating in both bowls. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Pads as noicereduction are mounted at the underside of the sink. Note! Article no. for under- and flush mount: FR78DF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR97SXL, bowl left, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with 1 bowl and drainer. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Note! Article no. for under- and flushmount: FR97SXRF/FR97SXLF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR97DL, bowls left, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with 2 bowls. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating in both bowls. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Note! Article no. for under- and flush mount: FR97DRF/FR97DLF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR97SHL, bowls left, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with 1½ bowls and drainer. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating in the large bowl, and manual basket waste in the small. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Note! Article no. for under- and flushmount: FR97SHRF/FR97SHLF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
INTRA Frame kitchen sink FR97SXHL, bowls left, incl pop-up waste & water trap
|Kitchen sink for inset, under- or flushmounting with 1½ bowls and drainer. The firm lines and the rounded corners give a modern and harmonious expression. Delivers with pop-up waste, overflow and drain grating in the large bowl, and manual basket waste in the small. Water trap, soap dispenser and rinsing basket in black plastic is included with the product. Note! Article no. for under- and flush mount: FR97SXHRF/FR97SXHLF Intra Frame Kitchen sink for inset, with one large and one small bowl. Bowl to the right. Delivered with pop-up-waste in the large bowl and basket waste in the small bowl. Soap dispenser, black colander and water trap are included. Overall dimension: 595x510 mm Large bowl: 340x380x180 mm Small bowl: 155x380x120 mm. Intra Frame is a new generation of kitchen sinks in a more moderate and timeless expression in Scandinavian design. The focus is on balanced clean design and functionality & quality. It is a stainless steel inset sink available in different models. In four practical bowl combinations, with and without drainer areas and in various sizes. With the bowls to the left or to the right. Can be supplied with bowls to the right or to the left. All models can also be delivered for under- or flush mounting (other items). Practical optional accessories: chopping board in mahogany, glass table and stainless steel colander, all designed for the Frame family.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 600x1200
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 700x1200
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 600x1400
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 700x1400
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 800x1400
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 800x1600
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 900x1800
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 1000x2000
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
Vignoni - "Rimless" Back to wall WC - VI01
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Vignoni - Back to wall bidet with single tap hole - VI04
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Vignoni - "Rimless" wall hung WC - VI18
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Vignoni - Wall hung bidet - VI19
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
|Wall-mounted floor pot for AquaBlade® cassette. AquaBlade® technology creates a blade of water that It cleans a surface that is 90% larger than a vase with a rim. Thanks to its innovative design it also eliminates hidden corners making the entire surface of the vase easily accessible for a more effective cleaning. Thanks to the translated drain that covers distances from the wall between 60 and 270 mm (through the appropriate technical curves to be ordered separately) it can be installed without having to make any changes to existing systems. Wall flush installation. The vase is equipped with floor fixings. Cassette T292701 and the seat must be ordered separately. Certified for 4,5 / 3 liter waste. (Disponibile da settembre 2018)
Vignoni - Counter top or wall hung washbasin 80 - VI11
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Vignoni - Counter top or wall hung washbasin 100 - VI12
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Vignoni - Counter top or wall hung washbasin 60 - VI10
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Vignoni - Back to wall bidet cm h 50- VI24
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Vignoni - "Rimless" Back to wall WC cm h 50 - VI21
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
LFT spazio - Close coupled cistern for WC - CT09/LFT20
|The soft contours of the Vignoni series convey the complicity of an "embrace", while the thickness of the materials reflect the pursuit of subtlety and lightness. The design, which begins with an oval, proceeds in a manner that's decidedly contemporary, with no ornamentation, and with dimensions only slightly larger than the norm. Redefined geometric lines intersect with interconnected circles, for a pure and classical Italian style with a timeless appeal that's achieved using high-tech ceramic processing techniques, which have always been a hallmark of the company itself. VIGNONI is: 100 cm washbasin, 80 cm washbasin, 60 cm washbasin, wall-mounted and countertop, in fire clay. wall-mounted and free-standing toilets and bidets, in vitreous china. toilet seat cover, thermoset material with chrome soft close hinges. VIGNONI is also: Free-standing toilet and bidet with a height 50 cm, particularly well-suited for people with mobility problems. Free-standing toilet, 42 cm and 50 cm in height, with an offset drain pipe that renders it ideal for renovations. VIGNONI colors: White, White matt, Black, Antracite matt, Black matt, Tela matt, Cemento matt.
Luxury Wooden Washbasin Gull
|<p>Gull is a model of luxury washbasin combining the ergonomic shape and the delicate line of the drain in a classic design. This luxury washbasin we made of beech wood covered with exotic wood on top.&nbsp; At the same time high-end quality and unique design provides luxury finish of our washbasins. Our washbasins are timelessly elegant, inimitable, natural warm. All these features are equally important for us.&nbsp;By buying our products you enter the elite group of people who appreciate the natural beauty of wood and the elegance of the finish, as well as the atmosphere of luxury that we offer. We aim to create exceptional products for people who are sensitive to art. Our clients will be thrilled due to sophisticated design and handcrafting that does not compromise on quality. Let our premium products inspire you to create the perfect ambience. For more information about price and availability of our luxury washbasins feel free to contact us.<br></p>