ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 © Piotr Dobrowolski © Rafał Ślęk ©2D automatic gate, top view, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk3D parametric, gabion, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
Rafał Ślęk | 1344006158Obiekt zaimportowany do ArchiCADa z formatu 3DS i sparametryzowany. www.archibloq.com
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 © Piotr Dobrowolski © Rafał Ślęk ©2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
Sign Do Not Extinguish with Water
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 Piotr Dobrowolski Rafał Ślęk2D / 3D parametric fence gate, Polish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400965#http://www.betafence.pl/site/index.asp Ogrodzenia Betafence obiekty do programu ArchiCAD _________________________ 2008 © Piotr Dobrowolski © Rafal Slek ©2D / 3D parametric, industrial gate
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100713Bramka piłkarska, kratowa z koszem do koszykówki : Bramka służy do gry w piłkę nożną lub ręczną oraz mini koszykówkę, Konstrukcja bramki wykonana z rury 48,3x2,9 mm i 38x2,6 mm, Siatka bramki wykonana jest z prętów stalowych fi 12 mm i fi 8 mm oraz łańcucha chromowego fi 5 mm, Cała konstrukcja bramki kratowej zabezpieczona antykorozyjnie, W komplecie znajdują się prefabrykaty betonowe ułatwiające montaż bramki w gruncie. Gateway football, mesh with a basket for basketball: Gateway is used to play football or handball and mini basketball, The design goal is made of pipe 48.3 x2, 9, and 38x2 mm, 6 mm, Grid gateway is made of steel rods fi fi 12 mm and 8 mm and chrome chain Ø 5 mm, The whole structure of the goal mesh corrosion-resistant, The set includes precast concrete goal to facilitate installation in the ground.
Rafał Ślęk | 1356735723www.archibloq.com ------------------ Kolekcja EGO - Ceramika Łazienkowa www.kolo.com.pl ________________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 POL ________________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151271obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Interruptor e Tomada ABNT 18_beta 1
Fábio Freitas | 1435592528Versão Beta 1 - Em desesenvolvimento! Objeto inteligente com simbologia de tomadas e interruptores segundo NB-8 da ABNT. Espelho e acionadores em 3D de acordo com a NBR 14.136 de 2002. Símbolo sensível ao piso, tamanho do símbolo e texto em milímetros no papel. Caixa 4x2, Tomadas, Tomada de força, Interruptor de uma duas ou três seções, telefonia e dados.
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333431Łóżko Kler Milonga — L060 / Bed Kler Milonga — L060 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Janela Multi-Caixilho Horizontal 21
Marina Rohlfs Naves | 1541895249113113 Janela tripla com bandeiras opcionais e diferentes tipos de abertura.
Rafał Ślęk | 1356735723www.archibloq.com ------------------ Kolekcja EGO - Ceramika Łazienkowa www.kolo.com.pl ________________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 POL ________________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 8.1 ________________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151256_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400163467_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333342Łóżko Kler Belcanto — L050 / Bed Kler Belcanto — L050 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Rafał Ślęk | 1399887014_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________ _________________________
Interruptor e Tomada 21
Fábio Freitas | 1513789311Versão 21 Objeto inteligente com simbologia de tomadas e interruptores segundo NB-8 da ABNT. Espelho e acionadores em 3D de acordo com a NBR 14.136 de 2002. Símbolo sensível ao piso, tamanho do símbolo e texto em milímetros no papel. Caixa 4x2, Tomadas, Tomada de força, Interruptor de uma duas ou três seções, telefonia e dados.
Rafał Ślęk | 1400163415_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Tiago Mendonça | 1532745311Desenvolvida em polietileno de alta resistência, a Cisterna Vertical FORTLEV é econômica, de fácil instalação e pode ser enterrada com contenção. Todos os painéis onde são feitos a instalação hidráulica, ficam no centro do produto e bem próximos à boca de inspeção, facilitando o acesso e a manutenção. O produto permite o armazenamento de água de chuva, ou água potável, e já vem com um adaptador flange de saída instalado.
Philips - BPP007 - LIGHT + ROD
victor dan | 1408526270BPP007 LED-MP/740 PSU II GR 60P BPP007 - LED Medium Power - Power supply unit - Posttop for diameter 60 mm Under new regulations, all mercury-based lamps are prohibited from 2015 onwards. This means that all luminaires using these lamps need to be replaced as well. However, the installed base of these luminaires is huge, and the municipalities do not have the budget for such largescale replacement, especially in this period of economic austerity. At the same time, the municipal authorities are facing tremendous pressure to save energy and to reduce light pollution of the night sky (many mercury installations have a transparent bowl, sending light everywhere).StreetSaver is an affordable, high-quality solution that enables the municipalities to address all these issues at once by changing their mercury- based luminaires to a LED system – for only limited investment.
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333342Łóżko Kler Belcanto — L050 / Bed Kler Belcanto — L050 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Durval Tabach | 1435547170Painel de blocos cerâmicos do tipo 'Green Wall', para construção de muros verdes e jardins verticais. Informações e atualizações: http://dtabach.com.br/gdl-bim/objetos/painel-green-wall durval@dtabach.com.br
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333495Łóżko Kler Capricio — L080 / Bed Kler Capricio — L080 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Janela de Correr 6-Caixilhos 21
Marina Rohlfs Naves | 1541894953123123 Janela corrediça Horizontalmente com seis caixilhos
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Rafał Ślęk | 1400163428_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400163449_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Eugenio Perdomo Batlle | 1403136084Flux Chair by Flux Furniture www.modo.do
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
old ship cannon
Rafał Ślęk | 1358260948Czy ktoś na sali pamięta jeszcze program ZoomGDL Abventu? :-) Obiekt wyrzeźbiony został właśnie za jego pomocą w ramach testów pierwszych dwóch wersji. Element z wersji 6.5 po drobnych szlifach udostępniam do wersji ArchiCAD 16 POL oraz INT. Object for ZoomGDL fans :-) Prepared for ArchiCAD 6.5 now after some cleaning is ready for version ArchiCAD 16 (INT and POL) .
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Janela 21
John Klécio | 1551282014Janela com bandeira inferior e superior, tipo maxin-ar
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413143466Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 11.10.2014 Querschnitt mit editierbaren Hotspots in der Grundriss-Darstellung hinzugefügt. 12.10.2014 - Hinterfüllung für den Gebrauch als Solid-Elementbefehl-Sequenz hinzugefügt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOmcAoJB6zI
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333495Łóżko Kler Capricio — L080 / Bed Kler Capricio — L080 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz Für V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269037Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 2.10.2014 - Version für V AC-16
Janela Simples-Guilhotina 19
Breno Matos | 1458277798Janela simples com caixilho simples em guilhotina
Layout do Sofá 22
Victor Magalhães | 1571541082Ajuda de design com espaço mínimo e modelo 3D.
Water heater Ariston Velis
Dragutin Dubljevic | 1505260981VELIS 50 H77.6cm L50.6cm D27.5cm VELIS 80 H106.6cm L50.6cm D27.5cm VELIS 100 H125.1cm L50.6cm D27.5cm Osovinsko rastojanje prikljucka tople i hladne vode je 40.8cm Udaljenost od zida do osovine prikljucka tople i hladne vode je 14.2cm Nosac kacenja od donje ivice bojlera na osovinskom rastojanju od 20.3cm Nosac kacenja od gornje ivice bojlera na osovinskom rastojanju od 16.8cm Vertikalno rastojanje izmedju osovina kacenja za VELIS 50-40.5cm, VELIS 80-69.5cm a VELIS 100-88cm
Rafał Ślęk | 1400163438_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
TONDACH doplňkové tašky okrajové
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky okrajové Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333495Łóżko Kler Capricio — L080 / Bed Kler Capricio — L080 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Sign Do Not Extinguish with Water
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
C01C0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 Shelf, 1 Drawer, 1 DO
|Standing height under counter base cabinet with an adjustable shelf and a full width drawer above a solid right or left-hinged door (appropriate door hinge configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings). Also referred to as a combination cabinet or a drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
C02C0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 Shelf, 1 Drawer, 1 DO
|Standing height under counter base cabinet with an adjustable shelf and a full width drawer above a solid right or left-hinged door (appropriate door hinge configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings). Also referred to as a combination cabinet or a drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
C04K0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 Shelf, 6 Half DR, 1 DO, 36x36x22
|Standing height under counter base cabinet with one adjustable shelf, two shallow half width drawers above a solid right or left door/cupboard (appropriate door/cupboard configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings), and four half width drawers alongside. Also referred to as a combination cabinet or drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
Rafał Ślęk | 1356735723www.archibloq.com ------------------ Kolekcja EGO - Ceramika Łazienkowa www.kolo.com.pl ________________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 POL ________________________________
TONDACH doplňkové tašky
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
TONDACH střešní krytina
Team BIMsoft | 1414576689#http://www.bimsoft.cz/cs/tondach-archicad TONDACH doplokové tašky Created: october, 2014 Designed & Developed by BIMsoft s.r.o. #http://www.bimsoft.cz ©BIMsoft s.r.o. 2014 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
KomínStar komínový systém
Team BIMsoft | 1425397438#http://www.kominy-kominy.cz Kompketní komínová sestava Komín-Stav s.r.o. Nová Lipová 638 251 69 Velké Popovice www.kominy-kominy.cz Checked & Updated by BIMsoft s.r.o. www.bimsoft.cz © BIMsoft s.r.o. 2013 Společnost BIMsoft byla založena začátkem roku 2013 z důvodu rostoucí poptávky v BIM prostředí. Hned od začátku působení společnosti BIMsoft jsme se zaměřeli na 3 základní značky BIM softwarů( archicad, revit, allplan) pro které jsem začali nabízet komplexní služby z hlediska BIM prostředí. Od samotné analýzy sortimentu výrobce, dále pak samotnou realizaci převedení sortimentu do BIM modelů až po samotnou distribuci těchto BIM prvků skrze marketingové kanály jednotlivých výrobců BIM softwarů a e-kanalů společnosti BIMsoft. Společnost BIMsoft jako jediný vývojářský tým v České Republice vyvýjí podle nejnovějších standartů Open BIM
Garderoba modularna 19
Emilia Kulesza | 1449839415Garderoba sypialniana, drzwi przesuwne, wymiary indywidualnie dostosowywane do wnęk.
Thế Anh Nguyen | 1453427790teren do zenklovy
Przemysław Wysocki | 1568951334Stojak na strzemiona i bigle do maszyny Twinmaster_II
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Rafał Ślęk | 1400151209_________________________ obiekty do programu ArchiCAD 16 PL _________________________
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - White
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - Black
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
Metawell® Grid Ceilings
|The run-of-the-mill frame ceilings in the standard format are seen (all too) often. In contrast Metawell® grid ceilings do not have standard sizes and show their advantages especially when used in large formats. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings and frame ceilings allow for the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. For panel sizes with more than 2 sqm modular ceilings are usually a cheaper alternative, especially when considering the installation costs. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Metawell® Modular Ceilings
|Metawell® modular ceilings do not require visible rails or longitudinal frames. Instead, the individual ceiling elements are suspended directly from a concealed substructure. The ceiling elements can be pushed together within a few millimetres to each other. Passive installation strips are placed on the ceiling elements for subsequent installation of partition walls. If necessary, they can be removed easily and the wall can be erected without affecting the ceiling structure. Due to the big dimension of the ceiling panels, the hydraulic connection of the panels is not necessary, which minimizes installation errors and installation times significantly. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings allow the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Norwegian Slab solutions
|Our glass wool is manufactured with 80% recycled glass, which, combined with the natural, organic qualities of ECOSE ®-Technology binder, provides unmatched eco-friendly product. Well insulated between joists reduces noise and ensures even temperature in the floors - we do not want cold feet when it's cold outside. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBlanket 0,036 and Stegljudsmatta Plus.
Danish Slab solutions
|Our glass wool is manufactured with 80% recycled glass, which, combined with the natural, organic qualities of ECOSE ®-Technology binder, provides unmatched eco-friendly product. Well insulated between joists reduces noise and ensures even temperature in the floors - we do not want cold feet when it's cold outside. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBlanket 0,036 and Stegljudsmatta Plus.
Mora Inxx A2 Bath Mixer
|Safety mixer for bath with safety stop and Eco function. 160 c/c. Chrome. RSK 8344036 Thermostatic mixer with secure comfort. Bath spout with built-in diverter. Downward outlet. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It does its job admirably - both in terms of providing a bath or shower with the perfect temperature water, as to convey an individual expression in your bathroom. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A5 Basin mixer with lift valve
|Basin mixer with lift valve and Eco function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8344388 NRF 4290824 LVI 6160280 702676 Without lift valve. Chrome. RSK 8344391 NRF 4290826 With lift valve. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with raised base and lift valve. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
|<p>Surf – a new mobile table for Offecct by&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. Berlin based&nbsp;Maximilian is one of the new designer&nbsp;names in Offecct's 2018 news collection.&nbsp;In his capacity as an acclaimed contemporary designer, trying to&nbsp;reinvent the wheel is not in Maximilian Schmahl's nature. But wheels&nbsp;have in any event once again become a key element under furniture in&nbsp;activity-based venues.&nbsp;– Of course, the development has to do with the fact that we now&nbsp;work practically anywhere. And practically anyway, highlights&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. If nothing else, both the Swedish and German&nbsp;word for “furniture” comes from the Latin mobilis – which designates&nbsp;something that is moved around.&nbsp;Surf is moved around easily, yet it is no “furniture” according to the&nbsp;designer, rather “a tool for achieving maximum flexibility in activitybased&nbsp;venues.” Whether there is a computer or a couple of cups of&nbsp;coffee sitting on top of it. The light table blends well into Offecct's&nbsp;Life-circle philosophy.&nbsp;Surf has a table top in lacquered ash and handle in white-pigmented&nbsp;solid ash, metal frame and black castors.</p><p>Architect&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl was born 1983 and raised in&nbsp;Munich. After graduating from Bauhaus-University&nbsp;Weimar in 2013 he started his own studio in Berlin,&nbsp;working in different fields of furniture and interior&nbsp;design.</p>
Move On High
|<p>“Move On high and low, are two discreet, mobile stools that do not obstruct the room, and works good at a bar or other similar informal meeting places, as well as with On Point”, says Mattias Stenberg.</p><p><br>The bar stool is upholstered with legs in white-pigmented ash. The seat frame is made in recyclable aluminium, according to Offecct Lifecircle.</p><p><strong>Benefits & functions</strong><br>- Easy to assemble and disassemble the seat frame.<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.&nbsp;<br>- Is available in two different heights, 600 mm and 800 mm.<br><br>The foot ring and seat underframe is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.&nbsp;</p>
Swedish Slab solutions
|Our glass wool is manufactured with 80% recycled glass, which, combined with the natural, organic qualities of ECOSE ®-Technology binder, provides unmatched eco-friendly product. Well insulated between joists reduces noise and ensures even temperature in the floors - we do not want cold feet when it's cold outside. Knauf Insulation recommends EcoBlanket 0,035 and Stegljudsmatta Plus.
E0950 - Cart, Emergency, Mobile, Pediatric
|A pediatric emergency cart specifically designed to support pediatric patients. The cart will have nine drawers of various heights and a full range of accessories including an IV pole, Oxygen tank holder, suction unit shelf, hospital grade socket outlet, defibrillator shelf, locking sharps container, to name a few. The dimensions are for the cart only and do not include accessories.
M5562 - Tester, Visual Acuity, Video/Microprocessor Based
|Visual acuity tester using video (television monitor) and microprocessor technology. This equipment replaces the projector chart and projector in an eye examination lane. Wall bracing is required for mounting the unit directly to the wall without support from below. An optional floor stand can also be used. The unit requires an electrical outlet on the far end wall of the examination lane. This differs from standard eye examination room configurations which normally do not have electrical outlets in that wall. Other options include binocular vision and contrast sensitivity testing.
|What are your requirements? Do you envisage a conference table which is in dialogue with the architecture and the surrounding space, harmonising with them, or is the table to be a contrasting element? With TIX-Office you can realise solutions which meet the high expectations of your customers, while also implementing all possible technical requirements. We can provide you with what you need, from the small conference table in an informal ambience to the large-scale committee table. As well as high demands with regard to shape and quality, large conference tables at top management level also pose the highest requirements in terms of integrated communication technology. This digitally networked media technology has a decisive impact on proceedings and furnishings alike. Zoom by Mobimex, as a competent partner and advisor, supports you here with its comprehensive planning experience and know-how. We combine strong design with state-of the-art technology, enabling you to devote your full attention to your business partners in the future, too.
Office Door w/ Electric Strike
|The ASSA ABLOY Belgium solution for an access controlled based door with an Electric Strike and a Cam-Motion® Door Closer. This solution is developed for office rooms or any other relevant interior rooms that do not require a high security level. The Electric Strike can be controlled by a variety of electrical impulse generating equipment, i.e. card reader, keypad and timer, push buttons,... [LIST] Latch-Lock (with cylinder), D5, by Litto, Standard : EN 12209, BENOR ATG RF30/60 Cylinder (Euro Profile, half), MP83, by Litto, Standard : EN 1303 Lever Handle, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard: EN 1906 Fixed Knob, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Escutcheon (rose for cylinder), Architectural Hardware, by Litto Door Closer, Cam-Motion®, by ASSA ABLOY, Standard: EN 1154, DDA/CEN PR 15894, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Door Stop, Architectural Hardware, by Litto Hinges, Architectural Hardware, by Litto, Standard: EN 1935 Electric Strike (fail secure), 118, by EffEff, Standard: EN 14846 SMARTair™ (Card Reader with Keyboard), SMARTair™, EN 15804 (EPD-ASA-20150166-IBA1-EN) [/LIST] Typical markets: commercial, education, healthcare, office, public and residential For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
|Keep the world outside, outside Third party tests have proved that fitting an entrance with Coral that has six metres walking depth can keep up to 94% of all walked in dirt and moisture out of a building. In addition, Forbo's Coral can reduce your cleaning and maintenance costs by up to 65% and prolong the life of interior floor finishes and coverings, as well as greatly reducing the potential for slipping. Do you slow down or stop to wipe your feet when you walk into an office, shop, school or other public space? Chances are you don't. Most of us just stride on in, which is why it's important to install an entrance flooring product to keep the world outside, outside.
Taralay Initial Compact
|TARALAY INITIAL COMPACT is a multi- layered vinyl floorcovering, available in 2m wide sheet, with a group T wear rating. The product comprises a compacted backing reinforced with a glass fibre and a printed design that is protected by a transparent wear layer (0.70 mm thick). It offers 6 dB sound insulation and an indentation resistance of 0.03 mm. It is treated with Protecsol®, a UV cured surface treatment, which facilitates ease of maintenance and eliminates permanently the need for acrylic emulsion (metallisation). These products do not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 and are 100% compliant with REACH. The products emission rate of volatile organic compounds is < 10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.
Open Cell raster ceiling
|Aluminium suspended raster ceilings are an alternative to other types of suspended ceilings. Raster ceilings, in addition to their unquestionable aesthetic values, are non-flammable and non dripping in case of fire, and they do not interfere with technical installations such as air conditioning, ventilation systems, electrical and telecommunication wirings. Due to the open nature of the raster ceiling, any fire protection system, both signalling and sprinkling can be installed above the suspended ceiling. Suspended raster ceilings are also lightweight and easy to install. Due to these features, suspended raster ceilings are increasingly used in objects such as banks, offices, shopping malls and showrooms, airports and railway stations, etc. Open cell ceiling components are manufactured by BARWA SYSTEM Sp. z o.o., with high quality pre-finished aluminium sheet with a thickness from 0.43 to 0.6 mm. Varnish is applied to pre-treated aluminium tapes with the use of double-layer “Coil Coating” method, and then baked.
HAWA-Frontego 30/matic folding sliding shutters
|Automated hardware system for flush-front folding sliding shutters weighing up to 30 kg. HAWA-Frontego 30/matic is a motorised hardware system for folding sliding shutters. A well-thought-out suspension system enables a flush-front construction and extensive freedom of design for the façade. A variety of mounting options leave virtually no wish unfulfilled. The automatic hardware system folds up to six sliding shutters and parks the package to one side at 90° to the slide axis. The drive system is powered by a brushless electric motor with a high-quality gear system and a proven drive belt; it is both wear-resistant and durable. The power supply unit (to be connected on site by others) with integrated feed and distribution and the Hirschmann plug do not need any additional connection cables. The electrical installation therefore corresponds to the usual standard for sunblind designs incorporating commercially available operating elements.
TAW 110
|KOMANDOR partition walls are the ideal solution for the division of interiors in modern designs. Mounted on a permanent basis to the floor and ceiling of the room, they have excellent soundproofing performance and fire resistance through the use of appropriate filler materials. They have also the highest reliability, obtained from the result of many years of engineering experience. At the time, in which you need a reconfiguration of rooms, they do not require any building reconstruction or any demolition of standard plasterboard walls, becouse they are completely demountable. They allow easy wall removal and further installation in another location, which is a very important feature of any dynamic business. TAW110 basic partition wall system proves itself superbly eg. in public buildings where soundproofing allows work in silence. The wall structure strenght will also provide a secure barrier, and at the same time, the ability to move the wall if required. This flexibility may be an invaluable benefit in the future. TAW110 is available in version: TAW110G (glazed temporary partition walls), TAW110D (double-glass temporary partition walls - we can customize color and frame materials and glass color).
TAW 48
|KOMANDOR TAW48 system works great where a glass wall is required with a very robust construction but fully transparent, without visible stiles. Homogeneous glass sheet will gain spectacular visual effects of each store or exposition and at the same time, thanks to highly durable tempered glass, it will provide a solid barrier against the entry to the separated room. At the time, in which you need a reconfiguration of rooms, they do not require any building reconstruction or any demolition of standard plasterboard walls, because our partition walls are completely demountable. They are ideal to division any space. In the event that we need a wall mounted permanently in the long term, TAW48 glass partition walls is a response to the products high quality demands, but if you frequently require completely open access to the interior, we invite you to use the MAW48 mobile wall from our current offering.
|The lightweight Aurora partition system from KOMANDOR is simple to install, designed for easy and flexible interior reconfiguration. Separating the interior surface by using lightweight glass panels that are maintaining the optical impression of spaciousness, they are applicable to both public buildings and private apartments. Aurora system is prepared for installation at the specific location, on the basis of individual architectural design. At the time, in which you need a reconfiguration of rooms, they do not require any building reconstruction or any demolition of standard plasterboard walls, because our division walls are completely demountable.
HI-MACS Structura®
|HI-MACS Structura® takes Solid Surface to the next level by proposing a textured surface, one that required a high level of craftsmanship. Now, thanks to new HI-MACS Structura® technology, HI-MACS® can take on virtually any pattern – and do so with the utmost precision. Choose either from the ten standard surfaces available (Dunes, Air Stream, Classic, Dots, Elements, Fabric, Fields, Laser, Hive, Zen) or design your HI-MACS Structura® product yourself to meet the needs of your project design. HI-MACS Structura® is available in 12mm thickness and 10 solid colours : Black (S022), Fiery Red (S025), Grey (S005), Cream (S009), Ivory White (S029), Satin White (S001), Arcitc White (S006), Diamond White (S034), Alpine White (S028, also available in 6 and 9mm) and Nordic White (S033). Prior to ordering, it is imperative that you consider the general technical requirements of HI-MACS Structura® technology. Your consultant would be happy to answer your questions at any time. HI-MACS® is a solid surface material that can be moulded into any shape. It is widely used for architectural and interior applications, such as sculptural and high performance wall-cladding or kitchen, bathroom and furniture surfaces, in commercial, residential and public space projects. It is composed of acrylic, natural minerals and pigments that come together to provide a smooth, non-porous and visually seamless surface which meets the highest standards for quality, aesthetics, fabrication, functionality and hygiene – offering manifold advantages over conventional materials. Visit himacs.eu for more information.
Bison Level.It Deck Support Pedestals
|<p>Bison Level.It adjustable deck supports are the simple solution to your decking needs! Use on rooftops, balconies, over cracked concrete patios, even on-grade! Works with any surface material, from wood tiles, traditional stringer and plank decks, natural stone, composites or concrete. With Level.it, if you can dream it, you can do it!&nbsp;Ideal for contractors or the do-it-yourself homeowner.</p><ul><li>Supports 750 lbf (3.34 kN) FS:3 per pedestal</li><li>Select 1/8 or 3/16 inch (3.175 or 4.5 mm) tab size for pedestals</li><li>Level.it adjustable system height range is 2 to 12 inches (51 to 304.8 mm)</li><li>Accessories available for heights from 1/8 to 2 inches (3.175 to 51 mm)</li><li>Pedestals made of high density copolymer polypropylene</li><li>Contains 20% post-industrial recycled material</li><li>Impervious to water, mold, and freeze/thaw cycles</li><li>Made in the U.S.A.<span></span></li></ul>
Door Forster presto, frame 50 mm, single leaf
|System for doors and screens without thermal break Robust and elegant Forster presto is the complete profile system with fittings and accessories for flush- fitting single- and double-leaved doors and glazed walls, which do not require thermal break. These elements stand for elegance and safety and satisfy the most stringent requirements with regard to extreme constant use.
Door Forster presto, frame 50 mm, double leaf
|System for doors and screens without thermal break Robust and elegant Forster presto is the complete profile system with fittings and accessories for flush- fitting single- and double-leaved doors and glazed walls, which do not require thermal break. These elements stand for elegance and safety and satisfy the most stringent requirements with regard to extreme constant use.
KNX Motor Controls
|The elaborate and robust motor control is used for shading with façade products like venetian blinds, rolling shutters, awnings and façade awnings and boasts all the necessary features to do so. Thanks to sophisticated end position detection, the system is moved into the shading position and the room is only in shade for a short period of time. Measuring and analyzing the operating time enables the façade product to be moved into the exact position. The aging process and fluctuations in temperature are thereby automatically taken into account. The automatic solar tracking control, which features 4 preset operating positions – privacy, shading below, shading above and transparency –, offers a high level of comfort in the workplace and at home. “Limited operation” also guarantees optimum product protection if it’s windy or frosty. The façade product can still be operated in a reduced, secure area. Standard pushbuttons or control cables can be directly connected to the binary inputs on the device. The connection input statuses affect the motors or they can be sent on the BUS as KNX products.
Loft ladder LWF | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Loft ladder LWK komfort | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. -Stile ends (only in 3-section ladders); -White hatch white hatch; -Peripheral seal peripheral seal; -Treads set flush with ladder strings non-slip treads protruding from strings; -Handrail handrail; -Possibility of installing additional accessories possibility of installing additional accessories; -Fully assembled fully assembled and ready for quick installation in the ceiling; Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Loft ladder LWS Smart | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. The LWS Plus is a 3 or 4 section wooden loft ladder with insulated beige hatch. Innovative solutions applied in a new design of the LWS Smart loft ladder ensure the highest comfort of use as well as quick and easy installation in the ceiling. -Beige hatch -Peripheral seal peripheral seal -Treads set flush with ladder strings treads set flush with ladder strings -Possibility of installing additional accessories possibility of installing additional accessories -Fully assembled fully assembled and ready for quick installation in the ceiling -3 year warranty 3 year warranty Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Loft ladder LWT | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. The LWT loft ladder is a highly insulated (U=0.51 W/m²K) ladder intended for energy efficient buildings where great emphasis is placed on minimizing heat loss. The ladder features the highest rating of air tightness - Class 4. -Stile ends -White hatch white hatch -Three peripheral seals three seals -Treads set flush with ladder strings non-slip treads set flush with ladder strings -Handrail handrail -Easy fitting easy installation -Possibility of installing additional accessories possibility of installing additional accessories -Fully assembled fully assembled and ready for quick installation in the ceiling Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Flat roof window DEC-C P2 | FAKRO
|The type C flat roof window is equipped with a double glazed unit with laminated internal glass which is anti-burglary P2A class as standard. Should the pane crack, shards of glass do not pose a danger but remain on the laminate film. The P2 glazing unit has an innovative and patent-pending dome installation system which increases its anti-burglary resistance. The dome is made of durable polycarbonate. It is characterised by high resistance to impacts and adverse weather conditions such as rain or hail. Special coatings on the outer and inner surface of the dome protect it against UV radiation. GLAZING UNITS The heat transmittance co-efficient for the whole window is U=1.2 W/m²K (to EN 12567-2) which is as much as 14% better result than compared with other manufacturer’s windows of a similar size. The product range also includes a quadruple U8 glazing unit. Heat transmittance co-efficient for the whole D_C U8 window is U=0.72 W/m²K (to EN 12567-2) (U=0.55 W/m²K to EN 1873) and makes the window suitable for energy-efficient and passive buildings. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. A patent-pending system of profiles enables the installation of the awning blind under the dome of the flat roof window, thus protecting the blind against damage as a result of strong winds etc. INSTALLATION RANGE The type C flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. AVAILABLE SIZES The wide range of sizes available has been matched to standard skylights, enabling the quick and easy replacement of an existing skylight for a new window. FAKRO DEC flat roof window is electrically opened with wireless Z-Wave system
Mora Inxx A1 Shower Mixer
|Shower mixer 160 c/c with connection up. Safety stop and Eco function. Chrome. RSK 8343937 Thermostatic mixer for secure comfort. Outlet up. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It does its job admirably - both in terms of providing a bath or shower with the perfect temperature water, as to convey an individual expression in your bathroom. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A2 Basin Mixer with lift valve
|Basin mixer with lift valve and Eco function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8344407 NRF 4290899 LVI 6160240 702655 Without lift valve. Chrome. RSK 8344408 NRF 4290898 LVI 6160230 Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with pop-up waste. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A1 Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer with swivel L-spout and Eco function. Copper pipes Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8317956 NRF 4291294 LVI 6260230 Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It beautifies its surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a kitchen mixer with swivel spout around. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A2 Basin Mixer
|Basin mixer with extended base, lift valve and Eco function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8344409 NRF 4290888 LVI 6160250 Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with pop-up waste. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Magnetic Access
|A facility is only as good as its barrier. However, modern solutions demand not only innovative and future-oriented engineering but also environmentally compatible and energy-saving technology. Magnetic.Access barriers meet these demands completely: While the MHTM™ MicroDrive and the MGC control secure decisive advantages for you and optimise the benefit of your facility, the housing and the VarioBoom do not leave anything to be desired.
MB-45 storefront single panel
|<p><b>MB-45</b>&nbsp;is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<b>&nbsp;MB-60</b>&nbsp;and<b>&nbsp;MB-70</b>&nbsp;window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door&nbsp;<b>MB-45S</b>.</p>
MB-45 two-winged door opening outwards with fixed window
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
JENDY JOSS External Wall Single - sp.237
|EXTERNAL SINGLE WALL with Jendy Joss® thermal-acoustic high-performance dry system, with easy and fast construction, ready for shaving and painting, coating or every kind of ventilated facade. Do not require counterframes for doors and windows, maximum height 12m, after structural design, especially at wind pressure/depression. Destination: Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Hotel, Hospital Thickness: 237mm Thermal transmittance: U=0.168 W/mqK
INTRA Wash throuh wall mounted 1200 mm
|Wash trough, fully pressed for wall mount. Wash troughs designed to withstand daily use in schools, kindergartens, sport stadiums and industrial buildings. For increased security several of our models are provided with "bumpers" covering sharp corners. If you do not need bumpers we also supply simpler variations. All our models have centered waste holes and is delivered in fully pressed stainless steel and are without unhygienic joints.
INTRA Wash throuh wall mounted 1200 mm
|Wash trough, fully pressed, in stainless steel. Wash troughs designed to withstand daily use in schools, kindergartens, sport stadiums and industrial buildings. For increased security several of our models are provided with "bumpers" covering sharp corners. If you do not need bumpers we also supply simpler variations. All our models have centered waste holes and is delivered in fully pressed stainless steel and are without unhygienic joints.
INTRA Wash throuh wall mounted 1200 mm inset
|P12NFOL is a fully pressed stainless steel washing trough for insertion into boards. The sink is designed to be mounted over cabinets which utilise space under the washing trough. Supplied with overflow and 1 1/2” effluent valve with dome grate. Cabinet solution under the sink not included. Wash troughs designed to withstand daily use in schools, kindergartens, sport stadiums and industrial buildings. For increased security several of our models are provided with "bumpers" covering sharp corners. If you do not need bumpers we also supply simpler variations. All our models have centered waste holes and is delivered in fully pressed stainless steel and are without unhygienic joints.
INTRA Wash throuh wall mounted 1800 mm
|Wash trough, fully pressed, in stainless steel. Wash troughs designed to withstand daily use in schools, kindergartens, sport stadiums and industrial buildings. For increased security several of our models are provided with "bumpers" covering sharp corners. If you do not need bumpers we also supply simpler variations. All our models have centered waste holes and is delivered in fully pressed stainless steel and are without unhygienic joints.
K2 Seat - ergonomic pouf
|In the beginning K2 Seat might seem like an advanced balance exercise, but as soon as you get your grip on it the comfort is incomparable to any other pouf. Besides strengthening your balance and posture the K2 Seat creates an exceptional experience. In meetings the K2 Seat opens up for playful ideas and a dynamic dialog. But the pouf works at the dining table, at your desk or in the living room as well. The ergonomic bottom of the pouf is made of solid cork with an integrated tilt that makes sure that the K2 Seat can gently move around on the floor without making any noise or damage. The optional hook, which is fastened on the bottom under the upholstery, makes it possible to easily move the pouf around if you wish to do so.
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,21 W/(m²K) d=384 mm
|On the top of energy efficiency with Ytong λ=0.08 W/(mK)! Whoever wants to do construction on the highest monolithic level nowadays cannot get past the highly thermal insulating system solution of Ytong. The patented Ytong plan-brick PP2-0.35 with a Lambda-data of 0.08 W (mK) comes with an excellent insulation value for solid building materials simultaneously with its very high bearing capacity. For that reason, a single-leaf wall construction with a thickness of 36.5 cm already comes up to an energy norm of a german KfW-55-level low-energy-house. Moreover, with such value the Ytong-plan-brick from today on aligns to the EnEV-standards (german energy-saving regulation) authoritative as from the year 2020. • Thermal conductivity from λ=0,08 W/(mK) • Homogeneous, monolithic – without any additional insulation • Creates a healthy and well-balanced indoor climate • Very high fire-protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm • Economical and stable valued • Ergonomically designed
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,18 W/(m²K) d=444 mm
|On the top of energy efficiency with Ytong λ=0.08 W/(mK)! Whoever wants to do construction on the highest monolithic level nowadays cannot get past the highly thermal insulating system solution of Ytong. The patented Ytong plan-brick PP2-0.35 with a Lambda-data of 0.08 W (mK) comes with an excellent insulation value for solid building materials simultaneously with its very high bearing capacity. For that reason, a single-leaf wall construction with a thickness of 36.5 cm already comes up to an energy norm of a german KfW-55-level low-energy-house. Moreover, with such value the Ytong-plan-brick from today on aligns to the EnEV-standards (german energy-saving regulation) authoritative as from the year 2020. • Thermal conductivity from λ=0,08 W/(mK) • Homogeneous, monolithic – without any additional insulation • Creates a healthy and well-balanced indoor climate • Very high fire-protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm • Economical and stable valued • Ergonomically designed
JENDY JOSS External Wall Double - sp.324
|EXTERNAL DOUBLE WALL with Jendy Joss® thermal-acoustic high-performance dry system, with easy and fast construction, ready for shaving and painting, coating or every kind of ventilated facade. Do not require counterframes for doors and windows, maximum height 6,0m, after static project, especially at wind pressure/depression. Destination: Residential Thickness: ≥324mm Thermal transmittance: U=0,168 W/mqK
JENDY JOSS External Wall Double - sp.324 XL
|EXTERNAL DOUBLE WALL with Jendy Joss® thermal-acoustic high-performance dry system, with easy and fast construction, ready for shaving and painting, the coating or every kind of ventilated facade. Do not require counterframes for doors and windows, after static project, especially at wind pressure/depression. Destination: Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Hotel, Hospital Thickness: ≥324mm Thermal transmittance: U=0.129 W/mqK
Flat roof window DEF DU8| FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DEF - Electrically opened with wireless Z-Wave system. The kit includes AC adapter, remote control and rain sensor. Sash tilts 15cm. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty 2 years for control elements in electric versions 2 years for gas springs
Flat roof window DMF DU8 | FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DMF - manually opened by means of ZSD control rod. Sash tilts 30cm. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty 2 years for gas springs
Flat roof window DXF DU8 | FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DXF - non opening Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty
Touch Screen User Interface - TS-1542
|Advanced Touch Screen Control A Crestron® touch screen offers an ideal user-interface for controlling all the technology in your home, boardroom, classroom, courtroom, or command center. Touch screens simplify and enhance the way you use technology, doing away with those piles of remote controls, cluttered wall switches, disparate smartphone apps, and cryptic computer screens. For controlling audio, video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other systems, Crestron touch screens are fully-customizable with easy-to-use controls and icons, true feedback and real-time status display, full-motion video windows, and a full-featured media player for an enhanced multiroom entertainment experience. The Crestron TS-1542 delivers the ultimate touch screen experience — blending style and function with advanced high-definition graphics. In one slim device, the TS-1542 integrates a brilliant 15.6” Full HD touch screen display and high-performance digital graphics engine. Its sleek, modern design features premium metallic construction and edge-to-edge glass for a contemporary look that’s perfectly at home placed on an executive boardroom table, installed in a high-tech command center, or mounted on the wall in a luxury residence. Featuring enhanced Smart Graphics™ performance and dual-window HD streaming video display, the TS-1542 delivers an elegant and powerful touch screen control solution for a wide range of applications. Additional features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, browse the Internet, annotate over a video image or whiteboard screen, and communicate using built-in VoIP intercom and phone functions.[1] Single-wire PoE+ connectivity and a choice of tabletop, wall, or VESA mounting options afford an integrator-friendly solution that’s easy to install and fits perfectly in any space. Standard finishes include either white or dark gray metallic, or choose the Signature Series option to design your own custom finish. Sleek, Versatile Design At just 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) deep, the TS-1542 can be mounted virtually anywhere using the supplied wall mount kit or a third-party VESA 100 compliant mounting arm, bracket, or stand. A tabletop tilt model (TS-1542-TILT) is also offered, which features an ultra-stylish, smooth-tilt base for use on a table, desk, podium, or countertop. TS-1542 Signature Series The Signature Series allows the TS-1542 to be transformed into a beautiful showpiece adorned with custom colors and graphics on the tilt base and rear of the touch screen. No design is off limits, as Crestron provides the means for design ideas to be submitted, rendered for approval, and then made real. For more information, please visit: www.crestron.com/signatureseries. Smart Graphics™ Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [1] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Auto-Brightness Control The TS-1542 maintains optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions by automatically adjusting its display brightness according to changes in the ambient light level in the room. HD Streaming Video High-definition streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Up to two video windows can be displayed simultaneously. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TS-1542 to display live streaming video from IP cameras, streaming encoders (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [2]), and DigitalMedia™ switchers. Video is delivered to the touch screen over Ethernet, eliminating the need for any extra video wiring. Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TS-1542 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1] Rava® SIP Intercom Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations. Rava works over Ethernet, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [3], and paging without requiring any special wiring. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with a SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication. Speakers and Microphone The built-in speakers and microphone provide clear audio for intercom and phone calls, as well as for listening to multimedia. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TS-1542 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TS-1542. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1] Multi-Touch Support The TS-1542’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. Keyboard Options Typing in passwords, URLs, and text searches is facilitated using the on-screen multi-language keyboard. A physical USB keyboard (not included) may also be connected. Built-in Annotation Whether conducting a high-level boardroom meeting or training seminar, sharing ideas in a huddle space, or watching sports in your home theater, annotation helps put the fine point on any presentation. Annotation provides the ability to illustrate your thoughts on-the-fly, letting you draw and write over streaming video and computer images, and sketch out ideas on a whiteboard screen. Native to the TS-1542, remote annotation capability allows multiple participants, each with a separate touch screen, to draw with their fingertips over the same video image or whiteboard, enabling enhanced collaboration in a classroom, courtroom, or council chamber. Adding a Crestron Digital Graphics Engine (model DGE-100 [2]) connected to the room’s main display allows the whole annotation session to be viewed by the entire audience. Single-Wire Connectivity A simple Ethernet LAN connection with PoE+ is all that is required to wire the TS-1542, containing all control, video, intercom, and power signals within a single wire. If the LAN does not support PoE+, the TS-1542 may be powered using the supplied 100-240V power pack or 24VDC Cresnet® power.[4] Power over Ethernet Using PoE+ technology, the TS-1542 can get its operating power right through the LAN wiring. PoE (Power over Ethernet) eliminates the need for a local power supply or any dedicated power wiring. To supply PoE+ to a network of TS-1542 touch screens and other devices, Crestron offers the CEN-SWPOE-16 16-Port Managed PoE Switch.[2] Interface Module Each TS-1542 ships with a compact interface module (TS-1542-IMCW), which may be used as required to provide an RJ45 LAN connection for the touch screen. The module can be mounted in a 1-gang electrical box or floor box, under a table, or in a podium or equipment rack. A 6 foot (1.8 meter) long LAN cable is included for connection between the module and touch screen. NOTE: When surface mounted using the wall mount kit (included with models TS-1542-B-S and TS-1542-W-S only), all wiring enters through an electrical box or cut-out and is concealed from view. For this method of installation, the interface module may not be required. Notes: 1. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection. 2. Item(s) sold separately. 3. H.264 compatible IP camera required. 4. Connection to a Cresnet network or power supply is for power only. Does not support Cresnet data communications. 5. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps.
Wireless Touch Screen - TST-902
|The Crestron® TST-902 Wireless Touch Screen is an advanced wireless controller, engineered to deliver ultimate performance, reliability, and customizability for controlling a wide range of technologies in a corporate, government, classroom, or high-end home environment. Its thin, tablet-style design is easy to hold and moves effortlessly between portable and stationary tabletop or in-wall use.[1] Its large-capacity rechargeable battery affords several hours or days of operation between charges. Dual-mode wireless performance with roaming capability assures dependable connectivity throughout a commercial facility or luxury residence. Featuring a high-contrast 8.7” capacitive touch screen with Smart Graphics®, the TST-902 allows completely customizable control over media presentation and teleconferencing systems, lighting and shades, HVAC and BMS, home theater, and a host of other technologies. Additional advanced features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, view full-motion streaming video from cameras and other sources, and browse the Internet.[2,3] Smart Graphics® Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [2] A power-saving screensaver, allowing display of time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TST-902 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, choose a lighting scene, select and play a specific media title or playlist, initiate a conference call, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[2,3] Streaming Video High-performance streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TST-902 to display live streaming video from an IP camera, a streaming encoder (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [4]), or a DigitalMedia™ switcher.[3] Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TST-902 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TST-902. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[2,3] Multi-Touch Support The TST-902’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. On-Screen Keyboard An on-screen multi-language keyboard allows for quick entry of passwords, URLs, and text searches. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded on the TST-902 to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Dual-Mode Wireless To deliver the ultimate in wireless touch screen performance and functionality, the TST-902 employs a combination of Crestron Extended Range 2.4 GHz RF (ER) and Wi-Fi® wireless technologies. Extended Range RF (Required) — Primary functionality is supported via Crestron ER (Extended Range) wireless communications, providing seamless touch screen control with true feedback. A single ER gateway [4] enables ultra dependable wireless performance at a range of up to 200 feet (60 m) indoors.[5] Roaming capability allows for even greater coverage using up to eight ER gateways. Wi-Fi (Optional) — While the TST-902 can be operated using only ER wireless, advanced wireless capabilities such as streaming video, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics can only be supported using both ER and Wi-Fi together (dual-mode). Crestron enhanced Wi-Fi wireless performance achieves a remarkable 50 feet (15 m) omnidirectional coverage indoors.[5] For Wi-Fi networks with multiple access points, the TST-902 supports the ability to hand off communication from one access point to another if the active connection is lost.[6] The choice of 802.11 b, g, and n protocols affords reliable, high-speed wireless performance in virtually any RF environment. For optimal Wi-Fi performance, Crestron offers the CEN-WAP-1500 High Power Dual-Band Wireless Access Point [4]. IMPORTANT: EVERY INSTALLATION OF THE TST-902 REQUIRES A CRESTRON ER WIRELESS GATEWAY TO ENABLE ESSENTIAL WIRELESS CAPABILITY. THE TST-902 WILL NOT WORK WITH WI-FI ALONE.[7] Instant-Waking® To ensure the most transparent user experience possible, the TST-902 has been engineered to wake instantly upon touching the touch screen. Commands are sent immediately — just like an IR remote but with none of IR’s limitations. So spontaneous actions like muting the audio, pausing the video, or changing the channel can be executed on-the-fly without any waiting. Extended Battery Life The TST-902 features a large-capacity, user-replaceable Li-Ion battery pack to enable up to 9 hours of continuous operation and several days of typical use between charges. Intelligent power management and Lithium Ion battery technology afford a perfect balance of long battery life, light weight, and compact size. Table Dock Charger The TST-902 includes a stylish table dock for charging its internal battery while simultaneously allowing it to be used as a stationary tabletop touch screen. The table dock holds the TST-902 firmly at a fixed upright angle while docked, and allows it to be simply lifted off at any time for portable use. Its sleek appearance achieves a look befitting the most contemporary boardroom or luxury living room.[1] Wall Dock Option Available separately, the TST-902-DSW provides a flush mount, in-wall docking solution, allowing the TST-902 to be used as a stationary wall mount touch screen with the ability to go wireless at any time. Notes: 1. The TST-902 ships with (1) TST-902-DS Table Dock included. Additional table docks, or the TST-902-DSW wall dock, may be ordered separately. Refer to the TST-902-DS and TST-902-DSW spec sheets for additional information. 2. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection via Wi-Fi. 3. Voice recognition, streaming video, web browsing, and dynamic graphics capabilities require dual-mode wireless (ER + Wi-Fi). 4. Item(s) sold separately. 5. Wireless range subject to site-specific conditions. 6. True roaming is supported for ER wireless communication only, affording uninterrupted wireless performance for primary touch screen functions. Wi-Fi “handoff” capability enables automatic handoff amongst up to four pre-designated Wi-Fi wireless access points, wherein the last successful Wi-Fi connection is maintained indefinitely until that connection is lost, at which point communication is handed off to the next nearest access point. A very brief interruption to wireless Ethernet communication may occur during the handoff. Primary ER wireless communication is unaffected by the Wi-Fi handoff process. 7. ER (Extended Range) RF wireless communication supports basic wireless touch screen functionality, and is required for all applications. For advanced functionality including streaming video, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics, Wi-Fi wireless communication is also required (dual-mode). The TST-902 will not work with Wi-Fi alone.
Touch Screen User Interface - TS-1542-C
|Advanced Touch Screen Control A Crestron® touch screen offers an ideal user-interface for controlling all the technology in your home, boardroom, classroom, courtroom, or command center. Touch screens simplify and enhance the way you use technology, doing away with those piles of remote controls, cluttered wall switches, disparate smartphone apps, and cryptic computer screens. For controlling audio, video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other systems, Crestron touch screens are fully-customizable with easy-to-use controls and icons, true feedback and real-time status display, full-motion video windows, and a full-featured media player for an enhanced multiroom entertainment experience. The Crestron TS-1542-C delivers the ultimate touch screen experience — blending style and function with advanced high-definition graphics. In one slim device, the TS-1542-C integrates a brilliant 15.6” Full HD touch screen display and high-performance digital graphics engine. Its sleek, modern design features premium metallic construction and edge-to-edge glass for a contemporary look that’s perfectly at home placed on an executive boardroom table, installed in a high-tech command center, or mounted on the wall in a luxury residence. Featuring enhanced Smart Graphics™ performance and dual-window HD video display, the TS-1542-C delivers an elegant and powerful touch screen control solution for a wide range of applications. Its DM 8G+® input provides a single-wire interface carrying high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, H.264 streaming video, and PoDM++ power, all over a single CAT type cable. Additional features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, browse the Internet, annotate over a video image or whiteboard screen, and communicate using built-in VoIP intercom and phone functions.[1] A choice of tabletop, wall, or VESA mounting options afford an integrator-friendly solution that’s easy to install and fits perfectly in any space. Standard finishes include either white or dark gray metallic, or choose the Signature Series option to design your own custom finish. Sleek, Versatile Design At just 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) deep, the TS-1542-C can be mounted virtually anywhere using the supplied wall mount kit or a third-party VESA 100 compliant mounting arm, bracket, or stand. A tabletop tilt model (TS-1542-TILT-C) is also offered, which features an ultra-stylish, smooth-tilt base for use on a table, desk, podium, or countertop. TS-1542-C Signature Series The Signature Series allows the TS-1542-C to be transformed into a beautiful showpiece adorned with custom colors and graphics on the tilt base and rear of the touch screen. No design is off limits, as Crestron provides the means for design ideas to be submitted, rendered for approval, and then made real. For more information, please visit: www.crestron.com/signatureseries. Smart Graphics™ Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [1] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Auto-Brightness Control The TS-1542-C maintains optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions by automatically adjusting its display brightness according to changes in the ambient light level in the room. DigitalMedia 8G+® & 4K Video Using DM 8G+ technology, the TS-1542-C achieves complete connectivity over a single CAT type twisted pair cable. The cable connects to a Crestron DM® system (i.e., a DM switcher or transmitter [2,3]), which can be located in a central equipment cabinet or some other remote location. The DM system provides the interface for all video, audio, and networking signals to the TS-1542-C. Power for the TS-1542-C can also be carried over the DM 8G+ connection by adding a PoDM++ compatible power source.[4] The DM 8G+ connection transports high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, and stereo audio signals from the DM system to the TS-1542-C. Support for 4K video and HDCP 2.2 encryption ensures compatibility with a complete range of video sources. Any video source connected to the DM system, including 4K and Ultra HD sources, can be viewed right on the touch screen, either full screen or in a window. DM 8G+ supports 1080p, WUXGA, and 2K signals over cable lengths up to 330 feet (100 m) using Crestron DM Ultra or DM 8G Cable, or third-party CAT5e. Higher resolutions up to UHD and 4K are supported at distances up to 330 feet (100 m) using DM Ultra Cable, 230 feet (70 m) using DM 8G Cable, or 165 feet (50 m) using CAT5e.[5] HD Streaming Video High-definition streaming video capability makes it possible to view live streaming video from IP cameras and streaming encoders (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, DMC-STRO, or similar [2]). Up to two streaming video windows can be displayed simultaneously, or a single streaming window can be displayed alongside a DM 8G+ video window. H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported. Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TS-1542-C provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1] Rava® SIP Intercom Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations. Rava works over Ethernet, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [6], and paging without requiring any special wiring. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with a SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication. Speakers and Microphone The built-in speakers and microphone provide clear audio for intercom and phone calls, as well as for listening to multimedia. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TS-1542-C provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TS-1542-C. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1] Multi-Touch Support The TS-1542-C’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. Notes: 1. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an internet connection. 2. Item(s) sold separately. 3. The DM device to which the TS-1542-C is connected must have an Ethernet connection to a Crestron control system. 4. Optional PoDM++ injector, model DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN, sold separately. Any wiring carrying PoDM is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PoDM PSE (power sourcing equipment) is located. 5. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete DM system design guidelines. All wire and cables are sold separately unless noted otherwise. 6. H.264 compatible IP camera required. 7. Connection to a Cresnet network or power supply is for power only. Does not support Cresnet data communications. 8. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps.
HEWI Push/pull handle set 162XADG06
|System 162 push/pull handle set for equipping doors or emergency exits For emergency exits: Approval to EN 179 in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634 and 9 mm square spindle. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Handle made of a stainless steel tube, diameter 30 mm, straight handle with straight connection, height 450 mm, width 124 mm, satin surface, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class 0, A or B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion protection: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of operating element: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI 162XADG06
HEWI Push/pull handle set FSDG550-08
|System 111 push/pull handle set Handle made of polyamide, with steel core diameter 33 mm, closed oval, height 400 mm, width 105 mm, high polished, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Contrasting design in coloured polyamide. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification key: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: Class 6 Use on smoke/fire doors: Class 0. A or B Safety personal security: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security: Class 2 Security - Burglary protection: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI FSDG550.08
ROD1adjustable table - 800x1400
|ROD1 is designed to make your work more pleasant. Therefore, you can easily control the table height and make your workdesk a standing workstation. As option, you can select a cable tray to hide wires and make your workdesk look cleaner. You can also choose a propdrawer to all your paper and pens and quickly make a clean desk. The perfect chair for ROD1 must be our K2 Chair. K2 Chair is also made of steel rod and do unite the curvy forms with a simple expression. A perfect couple for the office or your home office.
ROD1 - adjustable table 800x1600
|ROD1 is designed to make your work more pleasant. Therefore, you can easily control the table height and make your workdesk a standing workstation. As option, you can select a cable tray to hide wires and make your workdesk look cleaner. You can also choose a propdrawer to all your paper and pens and quickly make a clean desk. The perfect chair for ROD1 must be our K2 Chair. K2 Chair is also made of steel rod and do unite the curvy forms with a simple expression. A perfect couple for the office or your home office.
ROD1 - adjustable table 900x1800
|ROD1 is designed to make your work more pleasant. Therefore, you can easily control the table height and make your workdesk a standing workstation. As option, you can select a cable tray to hide wires and make your workdesk look cleaner. You can also choose a propdrawer to all your paper and pens and quickly make a clean desk. The perfect chair for ROD1 must be our K2 Chair. K2 Chair is also made of steel rod and do unite the curvy forms with a simple expression. A perfect couple for the office or your home office.
ROD1 adjustable table - 1000x2000
|ROD1 is designed to make your work more pleasant. Therefore, you can easily control the table height and make your workdesk a standing workstation. As option, you can select a cable tray to hide wires and make your workdesk look cleaner. You can also choose a propdrawer to all your paper and pens and quickly make a clean desk. The perfect chair for ROD1 must be our K2 Chair. K2 Chair is also made of steel rod and do unite the curvy forms with a simple expression. A perfect couple for the office or your home office.
ROD3 - 600x1200
|With the elegant design, ROD3 is a perfect high table for informally meetings and working in groups. ROD3 can be used in many ways. Use ROD3 is ideal as an informal venue in a working place, or as a practical high table in schools and at universities. It can also stand as a high table at exhibitions. As standard, ROD3 has a 22-mm top in laminate, linoleum, veneer or leather and the base comes in standard as powdercoated black or white, but you can choose any colour you like. ROD3 has a very classic look, but do also soften up in every room with its organic and curvy foods. ROD3 is a contribution to a productive conversation, creative thoughts and well-deserved coffee breaks. When ROD3 is combined with K2 High, you will get a timeless pair of furniture that also suits the decoration and environments in ten years.
ROD3 - 600x1800
|With the elegant design, ROD3 is a perfect high table for informally meetings and working in groups. ROD3 can be used in many ways. Use ROD3 is ideal as an informal venue in a working place, or as a practical high table in schools and at universities. It can also stand as a high table at exhibitions. As standard, ROD3 has a 22-mm top in laminate, linoleum, veneer or leather and the base comes in standard as powdercoated black or white, but you can choose any colour you like. ROD3 has a very classic look, but do also soften up in every room with its organic and curvy foods. ROD3 is a contribution to a productive conversation, creative thoughts and well-deserved coffee breaks. When ROD3 is combined with K2 High, you will get a timeless pair of furniture that also suits the decoration and environments in ten years.
Taranto Beige
|Timeless choice Cold modernity is not your cup of tea? Do you prefer arrangements that match the latest trends, but do not lack the warmth and cosiness? We have a solution for you! The Taranto living room tiles are a timeless collection intended for a fashionable, functional interior. This collection follows the zeitgeist, recognises the latest trends, so it reflects them in its contemporary colour scheme, surface structures and complementary elements. Taranto perfectly blends with designer furniture and fancy shapes, without compromising the elements of warmth and cosiness. The available colours are grit, graphite, beige and brown. The right texture of ceramic tiles allows you to achieve the desired effect – a more modern one or secluded and graceful. Whatever you choose, you will definitely make an impression on your loved ones and your guests. Do you like to be up-to-date? Customise the living room to fit your personality.
Taranto Brown
|Timeless choice Cold modernity is not your cup of tea? Do you prefer arrangements that match the latest trends, but do not lack the warmth and cosiness? We have a solution for you! The Taranto living room tiles are a timeless collection intended for a fashionable, functional interior. This collection follows the zeitgeist, recognises the latest trends, so it reflects them in its contemporary colour scheme, surface structures and complementary elements. Taranto perfectly blends with designer furniture and fancy shapes, without compromising the elements of warmth and cosiness. The available colours are grit, graphite, beige and brown. The right texture of ceramic tiles allows you to achieve the desired effect – a more modern one or secluded and graceful. Whatever you choose, you will definitely make an impression on your loved ones and your guests. Do you like to be up-to-date? Customise the living room to fit your personality.
Taranto Grafit
|Timeless choice Cold modernity is not your cup of tea? Do you prefer arrangements that match the latest trends, but do not lack the warmth and cosiness? We have a solution for you! The Taranto living room tiles are a timeless collection intended for a fashionable, functional interior. This collection follows the zeitgeist, recognises the latest trends, so it reflects them in its contemporary colour scheme, surface structures and complementary elements. Taranto perfectly blends with designer furniture and fancy shapes, without compromising the elements of warmth and cosiness. The available colours are grit, graphite, beige and brown. The right texture of ceramic tiles allows you to achieve the desired effect – a more modern one or secluded and graceful. Whatever you choose, you will definitely make an impression on your loved ones and your guests. Do you like to be up-to-date? Customise the living room to fit your personality.
Taranto Grys
|Timeless choice Cold modernity is not your cup of tea? Do you prefer arrangements that match the latest trends, but do not lack the warmth and cosiness? We have a solution for you! The Taranto living room tiles are a timeless collection intended for a fashionable, functional interior. This collection follows the zeitgeist, recognises the latest trends, so it reflects them in its contemporary colour scheme, surface structures and complementary elements. Taranto perfectly blends with designer furniture and fancy shapes, without compromising the elements of warmth and cosiness. The available colours are grit, graphite, beige and brown. The right texture of ceramic tiles allows you to achieve the desired effect – a more modern one or secluded and graceful. Whatever you choose, you will definitely make an impression on your loved ones and your guests. Do you like to be up-to-date? Customise the living room to fit your personality.
Taranto Umbra
|Timeless choice Cold modernity is not your cup of tea? Do you prefer arrangements that match the latest trends, but do not lack the warmth and cosiness? We have a solution for you! The Taranto living room tiles are a timeless collection intended for a fashionable, functional interior. This collection follows the zeitgeist, recognises the latest trends, so it reflects them in its contemporary colour scheme, surface structures and complementary elements. Taranto perfectly blends with designer furniture and fancy shapes, without compromising the elements of warmth and cosiness. The available colours are grit, graphite, beige and brown. The right texture of ceramic tiles allows you to achieve the desired effect – a more modern one or secluded and graceful. Whatever you choose, you will definitely make an impression on your loved ones and your guests. Do you like to be up-to-date? Customise the living room to fit your personality.
infiNET EX® Thermostat - CHV-TSTATEX
|<p>The CHV-TSTATEX is a wireless thermostat featuring infiNET EX® technology. The CHV-TSTATEX installs just like a conventional thermostat because no extra wires are needed to connect to the control system. Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-TSTATEX delivers enhanced functionality as part of a complete Crestron® automation system. Integrating HVAC with a Crestron system can help lower energy bills and increase user friendliness.</p> <p>The CHV-TSTATEX is designed for one- or two-stage heating and one- or two-stage cooling control of baseboard, forced air, heat pump[1], and dual-fuel heat pump[1] HVAC systems. The large backlit LCD display provides a clear view of temperature, set point, system mode, fan mode, system status, and setup functions. Climate control features include separate heating and cooling set points, and adjustable anticipators to prevent overshooting the desired temperature. Continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Fan Coil Unit Support<br>The CHV-TSTATEX-FCU model of the infiNET EX thermostat provides the functionality of controlling fan coil units[2]. Aesthetically identical to the base model, the CHV-TSTATEX-FCU has custom firmware, display programming and terminal labels designed for three-speed fan applications. The CHV-TSTATEX-FCU supports on/off control of the valves and the fan in four-pipe fan coil applications, eliminating the need for an additional device dedicated to controlling the fan coil unit itself. </p> <p>infiNET EX Communications<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast two-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure without the need for physical control wiring. Employing a 2.4 GHz mesh network topology, each infiNET EX device functions as an expander, passing command signals through to every other infiNET EX device within range (approximately 150 feet or 46 meters indoors), ensuring that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption[3].</p> <p>The CHV-TSTATEX communicates with a Crestron control system via an infiNET EX Wireless Gateway (model CEN-RFGW-EX, DIN-AP3MEX, or MC3[4]). Up to 100 infiNET EX devices may coexist on a single wireless network, and every non-battery-powered device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network by providing multiple redundant signal paths[3]. Built-in Dynamic Frequency Allocation continuously monitors RF conditions, automatically selecting the clearest channel to prevent interference from neighboring networks, cordless phones, and microwaves. </p> <p>Automation System Integration<br>The wireless connection to the control system allows the functions of the CHV-TSTATEX to be controlled from touch screens, keypads, wireless remotes, computers, or even a mobile device. It supports unlimited flexibility for remote control, scheduling, and integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-TSTATEX will remain operable to control the HVAC system.</p> <p>Easy Installation<br>Because no control wires are required, the CHV-TSTATEX can be installed just like any conventional thermostat. To simplify installation, physical switches are provided for the most critical configuration options, including heat/cool type, heat pump behavior, power settings, number of heating/cooling stages, and fan options. These settings allow HVAC contractors to install and test the thermostats prior to the appearance of a Crestron system integrator. </p> <p>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature sensors can be connected to the CHV-TSTATEX for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-TSTATEX to be installed out of view. For heat pump-type systems, outdoor temperature can be monitored to optimize system performance. Compatible sensors include the CHV-RTS and the CHV-RSS.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount heat/cool thermostat for baseboard, forced air, and heat pump[1] HVAC systems<br>Crestron system integration via infiNET EX® wireless network<br>Saves on energy costs with advanced programming abilities <br>Supports two remote temperature sensors<br>Fail-safe mode allows operation in event of control system failure<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Fan coil unit control[2] (CHV-TSTATEX-FCU model only)<br>Available in white, black, or almond finish</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Heat pump systems require an outdoor temperature sensor; contact Crestron for additional design assistance.<br>2. Four-pipe fan coil units are supported.<br>3. Any infiNET EX device that provides expander functionality will effectively extend the range of the wireless network beyond the initial range of the gateway. Battery-powered infiNET EX devices do not provide expander functionality. To achieve expander functionality, the CHV-TSTATEX must be connected to a 24-Volt power source. Wireless networks composed predominantly of battery-powered devices may need additional infiNET EX expanders, such as the CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX (sold separately), or other non-battery-powered infiNET EX devices to ensure proper functionality of the network and battery life for the devices. Refer to the Best Practices for Installation and Setup of Crestron RF Products, Doc. #6689 for complete system design guidelines, or contact Crestron True Blue Support for further assistance.<br>4. Item(s) sold separately.</p>
5.7" Wireless Touch Screen - TST-602
|<p>The Crestron® TST-602 Wireless Touch Screen delivers enhanced wireless control for the home, boardroom, or classroom in a stylish, ergonomic design. Its curved shape feels natural in the hands, with easy-access thumb-operable buttons placed to either side of a perfectly-sized color touch screen display. Dual-mode wireless performance with roaming capability assures dependable connectivity throughout the home or workplace. Wired Ethernet connectivity is also available via the included table dock.</p> <p>Featuring a high-contrast 5.7” capacitive touch screen with Smart Graphics&trade;, the TST-602 allows completely customizable control over audio, video, lighting, shades, climate, security, and other technologies. Scrolling menus of media titles and channel presets make it quick and easy to find and select any TV channel, video title, or music track. Optional tactile pushbuttons provide easy, immediate access to commonly used functions such as volume, mute, power, and on-screen menu navigation. Additional advanced features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, view security cameras and other video sources, communicate using built-in intercom and phone capabilities, and browse the Internet.[1,2]</p> <p>Smart Graphics&trade;<br>Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience.</p> <p>Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more:<br>Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use<br>Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip<br>Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources<br>Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [2]<br>A power-saving screensaver, allowing display of time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level<br>Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season<br>Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming<br>A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes</p> <p>Tactile Pushbuttons<br>In addition to its touch screen display, the TST-602 features illuminated tactile pushbuttons for quick access to volume adjustment, channel selection, and on-screen menu navigation functions. Eight additional pushbuttons, elegantly trimmed by illuminated button dividers, flank the edges of the touch screen to support additional programmable functions.<br>High-quality backlit laser-engraving lends a crisp, legible appearance to button text in both darkened and fully lit rooms. The pushbuttons come pre-engraved with labeling suited to a typical home theater or multimedia presentation application. If needed, customized engraving can be attained simply using Crestron Engraver software. A no-button front bezel is also included, which may be installed in place of the button bezel for a very clean appearance with no front panel pushbuttons.[3]<br>Two additional “trigger” style buttons are positioned on top of the TST-602 for easy control of the display brightness, sleep mode, and other programmable functions.</p> <p>Voice Recognition<br>Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TST-602 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply press the Voice Recognition button on the touch screen and say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1,2]</p> <p>Streaming Video<br>High-performance streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TST-602 to display live streaming video from an IP camera, a streaming server (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [4]), or a DigitalMedia&trade; switcher.[1]</p> <p>Rava® SIP Intercom<br>Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [5], and paging. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with an SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication using the TST-602’s integrated microphone and speakers.[1]</p> <p>Web Browsing<br>Using its built-in web browser, the TST-602 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TST-602. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1,2]</p> <p>On-Screen Keyboard & Mouse<br>On-screen multi-language keyboard and mouse capabilities provide for entry of passwords, URLs, and text search items, and enable the touch screen to be used as a wireless mouse touchpad to control a computer running TouchPoint® Virtual Mouse & Keyboard Software (VMK-WIN).</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Advanced wireless touch screen controller<br>Compact, lightweight contoured design<br>5.7" LED Edgelit color LCD display<br>Capacitive touch screen technology<br>Smart Graphics&trade; support [11]<br>Voice recognition capability [1,2]<br>High-performance H.264 streaming video [1]<br>Rava® SIP intercom and phone technology [1]<br>Customizable audio feedback<br>Web browsing [1,2]<br>On-screen keyboard and mouse<br>Customizable screensaver<br>Built-in microphone and speakers<br>Illuminated buttons and engravable backlit text [3]<br>No-button front bezel option included<br>Dual-mode RF wireless performance &mdash; Extended Range 2.4 GHz RF plus Wi-Fi® [8]<br>Instant-Waking® behavior &mdash; like an IR remote with all the benefits of 2-way RF!<br>Supports roaming for extended wireless coverage [7]<br>Includes wired Ethernet connectivity as an alternative to Wi-Fi [1]<br>Fast charging, long lasting Li-Ion battery<br>Low-profile table dock charger [9]<br>Available in smooth black or white, or textured black finishes</p> <p>Notes:<br>1. The TST-602 requires a LAN connection via either Wi-Fi wireless or wired Ethernet to enable advanced functionality including voice recognition, streaming video, intercom, web browsing, and dynamic graphics. In addition to Wi-Fi or Ethernet, the TST-602 requires ER (Extended Range) wireless communications for all applications to enable basic functionality. The TST-602 will not work with Wi-Fi or Ethernet alone. The wired Ethernet connection is only available when docked.<br>2. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.<br>3. Text engraving is not backlit on the white model. All models include a button bezel with default engraving. Custom engraving is sold separately. All buttons may be removed using the TST-602-FP-NB No-Button Bezel (included).<br>4. Item(s) sold separately.<br>5. H.264 compatible IP camera required.<br>6. Wireless range subject to site-specific conditions.<br>7. True roaming is supported for ER wireless communication only, affording uninterrupted wireless performance for primary touch screen functions. Wi-Fi “handoff” capability enables automatic handoff amongst up to four pre-designated Wi-Fi wireless access points, wherein the last successful Wi-Fi connection is maintained indefinitely until that connection is lost, at which point communication is handed off to the next nearest access point. A very brief interruption to wireless Ethernet communication may occur during the handoff. Primary ER wireless communication is unaffected by the Wi-Fi handoff process.<br>8. ER (Extended Range) RF wireless communication supports basic wireless touch screen functionality, and is required for all applications. For advanced functionality including streaming video, intercom, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics, Wi-Fi wireless communication is also required (dual-mode). The TST-602 will not work with Wi-Fi alone. Advanced functionality can also be enabled while docked through a wired Ethernet LAN connection (in combination with ER wireless).<br>9. The TST-602 ships with (1) TST-600-DS Table Dock and (1) TST-600-IMCW Interface Module included. Additional docking options are available separately. The TST-602 is compatible with any 24VDC powered TPS-6X series docking station (legacy) as long as power is provided using the power pack that ships with the TST-602 (or Cresnet power where supported). When docked in a TPS-6X series docking station, the TST-602 does not interface with Cresnet data or wired analog video. Refer to the spec sheet for each individual docking product for additional information.<br>10. Connection to a Cresnet power supply or network is for power only. Cresnet communication is not supported.<br>11. Supports Smart Graphics only. Not compatible with “traditional” UI projects.<br>12. Internal battery pack included. Battery pack replacement must be performed by a Crestron qualified technician.</p>
Photocatalytic concrete facades - i.active
|The photocatalytic external walls made with i.active cements get, thanks to photocatalysis, theirs depolluting (decontamination) and self-cleaning performance. Depolluting performance consist on converting various organics pollutants (VOCs) and inorganic (NOx, SOx and others) to water soluble inert substances, contributing to cities sustainability, fighting against pollution(contamination). That solubility allows that rain or cleaning operations remove those substances of the surface, maintaining the aesthetic quality of the façade for a longer time with less maintenance necessities, this is what we consider self-cleaning performance of the envelope. Using a photocatalytic concrete with i.active cement, you are not only outfitting the external walls with these performance, you are also ensuring the durability of them as the photocatalizer of titanium dioxide, that promotes photocatalyisis, is on mass in the element. So, erosion due to natural phenomena or anthropogenic actions do not reduce the durability of these performances because under the disappeared layer there is another one with the same quantity of photocatalizer.
UL 2,5 ULTRIMIS W Ultrasonic Water Meter
|High-quality Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meters: The Ultrimis W is an ultrasonic water meter with many patented design and technological features, such as the proprietary "W-Sonic Technology" ultrasonic measuring method. None of the materials in contact with water used for the construction of this meter contain heavy metals. The standard version of this water meter is fully waterproof. The innovative structure makes our product arguably the lightest and smallest ultrasonic water meter available to our customers. Use: Our ultrasonic water meters measure the flow and volume of water up to a max. temperature of 50°C using a closed-loop system, with the full flow rates up to a max. pressure of 16 bar (PN16). This is important, especially when precision measurement of water consumption and the application of modern communication technologies are required, including NFC and radio reading systems. The water meters feature an e-display (IP68); may be installed in any orientation (H, V, H/V) and do not require the use of U0D0 straight sections, filters or check valves.
UL 2,5-1 ULTRIMIS W Ultrasonic Water Meter
|High-quality Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meters: The Ultrimis W is an ultrasonic water meter with many patented design and technological features, such as the proprietary "W-Sonic Technology" ultrasonic measuring method. None of the materials in contact with water used for the construction of this meter contain heavy metals. The standard version of this water meter is fully waterproof. The innovative structure makes our product arguably the lightest and smallest ultrasonic water meter available to our customers. Use: Our ultrasonic water meters measure the flow and volume of water up to a max. temperature of 50°C using a closed-loop system, with the full flow rates up to a max. pressure of 16 bar (PN16). This is important, especially when precision measurement of water consumption and the application of modern communication technologies are required, including NFC and radio reading systems. The water meters feature an e-display (IP68); may be installed in any orientation (H, V, H/V) and do not require the use of U0D0 straight sections, filters or check valves.
UL 4 ULTRIMIS W Ultrasonic Water Meter
|High-quality Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meters: The Ultrimis W is an ultrasonic water meter with many patented design and technological features, such as the proprietary "W-Sonic Technology" ultrasonic measuring method. None of the materials in contact with water used for the construction of this meter contain heavy metals. The standard version of this water meter is fully waterproof. The innovative structure makes our product arguably the lightest and smallest ultrasonic water meter available to our customers. Use: Our ultrasonic water meters measure the flow and volume of water up to a max. temperature of 50°C using a closed-loop system, with the full flow rates up to a max. pressure of 16 bar (PN16). This is important, especially when precision measurement of water consumption and the application of modern communication technologies are required, including NFC and radio reading systems. The water meters feature an e-display (IP68); may be installed in any orientation (H, V, H/V) and do not require the use of U0D0 straight sections, filters or check valves.
UL 4-1 ULTRIMIS W Ultrasonic Water Meter
|High-quality Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meters: The Ultrimis W is an ultrasonic water meter with many patented design and technological features, such as the proprietary "W-Sonic Technology" ultrasonic measuring method. None of the materials in contact with water used for the construction of this meter contain heavy metals. The standard version of this water meter is fully waterproof. The innovative structure makes our product arguably the lightest and smallest ultrasonic water meter available to our customers. Use: Our ultrasonic water meters measure the flow and volume of water up to a max. temperature of 50°C using a closed-loop system, with the full flow rates up to a max. pressure of 16 bar (PN16). This is important, especially when precision measurement of water consumption and the application of modern communication technologies are required, including NFC and radio reading systems. The water meters feature an e-display (IP68); may be installed in any orientation (H, V, H/V) and do not require the use of U0D0 straight sections, filters or check valves.
UL 6,3 ULTRIMIS W Ultrasonic Water Meter
|High-quality Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meters: The Ultrimis W is an ultrasonic water meter with many patented design and technological features, such as the proprietary "W-Sonic Technology" ultrasonic measuring method. None of the materials in contact with water used for the construction of this meter contain heavy metals. The standard version of this water meter is fully waterproof. The innovative structure makes our product arguably the lightest and smallest ultrasonic water meter available to our customers. Use: Our ultrasonic water meters measure the flow and volume of water up to a max. temperature of 50°C using a closed-loop system, with the full flow rates up to a max. pressure of 16 bar (PN16). This is important, especially when precision measurement of water consumption and the application of modern communication technologies are required, including NFC and radio reading systems. The water meters feature an e-display (IP68); may be installed in any orientation (H, V, H/V) and do not require the use of U0D0 straight sections, filters or check valves.
UL 10 ULTRIMIS W Ultrasonic Water Meter
|High-quality Ultrimis W ultrasonic water meters: The Ultrimis W is an ultrasonic water meter with many patented design and technological features, such as the proprietary "W-Sonic Technology" ultrasonic measuring method. None of the materials in contact with water used for the construction of this meter contain heavy metals. The standard version of this water meter is fully waterproof. The innovative structure makes our product arguably the lightest and smallest ultrasonic water meter available to our customers. Use: Our ultrasonic water meters measure the flow and volume of water up to a max. temperature of 50°C using a closed-loop system, with the full flow rates up to a max. pressure of 16 bar (PN16). This is important, especially when precision measurement of water consumption and the application of modern communication technologies are required, including NFC and radio reading systems. The water meters feature an e-display (IP68); may be installed in any orientation (H, V, H/V) and do not require the use of U0D0 straight sections, filters or check valves.
Mistral Beige
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Brown
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Grafit
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Grys
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
Mistral Nero
|Painted by the wind Take some soil touched by the south-European wind into your interior. You can do it with the Mistral collection. You can choose from among 8 different color palettes to match the interior to your exact needs. Floor in the color of dark gravel? How about desert sand or marble? To add even more individual touch to the interior, each color is available in two types of surface finish - elegant polish and delicate satin add character to every interior. With decorative strips, mosaics and rosettes, you can add a bit of refinement to the interior. Unglazed gres tiles, manufactured with the double charge technology means that the chosen pavement will stay in your living room, terrace or foyer for many years.
DigitalMedia™ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Network AV Encoder/Decoder - DM-NVX-350
|<p>DigitalMedia&trade; NVX technology transports ultra high-definition 4K video with 60 Hz frame rates and 4:4:4 color sampling over standard Gigabit Ethernet. Support for HDR video (HDR10) and HDCP 2.2 ensures the ultimate in picture quality and compatibility for all of today’s varied media sources. Using standards-based Ethernet wiring and switches, DM® NVX delivers a vastly scalable, high-performance solution for enterprise-wide 4K content distribution.[1]</p> <p>The Crestron® DM-NVX-350 is a compact video encoder/decoder designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver with the ability to switch between the two modes programmatically via commands from a Crestron control system. Featuring simple web-based control and management, USB and KVM integration, and support for copper and fiber LAN connectivity, the DM-NVX-350 offers a one-stop solution for any-sized network AV installation.[2]</p> <p><strong>Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution</strong><br>Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX ensures real-time, full-motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. DM NVX employs high-quality JPEG 2000 encoding using a patent-pending technique that overlaps scaling and encoding latencies, achieving an ultra-low end-to-end latency of 30 ms at 60 fps, so on-screen functions such as mousing and game play are fluid and natural.</p> <p><strong>Encoder and Decoder in One</strong><br>In a single compact device, the DM-NVX-350 is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder.</p> <ul><li>As an encoder, it allows a laptop computer, camera, or other media source to be connected via HDMI® and then transmitted over the network.[1]</li><li>As a decoder, it receives the signal from a DM NVX encoder and feeds it to a display device via the HDMI output. It can quickly and easily switch between multiple encoders on the network alongside locally-connected HDMI sources.[1]</li><li>The encoder/decoder mode can be switched on-the-fly via a control system to provide a versatile, cost-effective presentation switching solution using one integrated device.</li></ul><p><strong>2x1 HDMI® Auto-Switcher&nbsp;</strong></p>The DM-NVX-350 includes two HDMI inputs. Switching between the two inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, manually using the onboard input select button, programmatically via a Crestron control system, or through a computer using a web browser. When used as a decoder mounted behind a typical conference room display device, the HDMI inputs provide a convenient way to connect a Crestron AirMedia® presentation gateway.[1] <p><br></p><p><strong>HDMI Output</strong><br>When configured as a decoder, the DM-NVX-350’s HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the local display device (or any other device with an HDMI input). Its built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When used as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.[1,3]</p> <p><strong>USB and KVM Integration</strong><br>For a complete signal management solution, DM NVX supports the extension of USB signals, which may be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via the control system. USB 2.0 host and device ports are provided on each DM-NVX-350 box, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other device to be connected at one box and routed to a computer or other host at another box. KVM switch functionality is a natural application for this feature, but all types of USB peripherals are supported including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.[4]</p> <p>USB signals can also be routed to other locations where a DM NVX box does not exist using Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender Modules (USB-EXT-DM). USB signals can be freely routed between DM NVX and USB-EXT-DM units over Ethernet under the management of a Crestron control system.</p> <p><strong>7.1 Surround Sound Audio</strong><br>DM NVX supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. In decoder mode, the DM-NVX-350 has the ability to receive both multichannel and 2-channel downmix signals from a DM-NVX-351 or DM-NVX-351C encoder, allowing either signal to be selected at the HDMI output while the 2-channel signal is automatically routed to the analog output.</p> <p><strong>Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding&nbsp;</strong><br>A balanced stereo analog audio port is included, which may be configured as either an input or output. As an input, it allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from either HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, it can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or sound bar. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.[5]</p> <p><strong>Breakaway Audio</strong><br>A DM NVX decoder may select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs, even two different encoders. There are just two exceptions: A) signals may not be combined between the two onboard HDMI inputs, and B) combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.[6,7]</p> <p><strong>Text Overlay</strong><br>The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.</p> <p><strong>Video Wall Processing</strong><br>A video wall composed of up to 64 individual displays can be configured using multiple DM-NVX-350 units. Each unit provides fully-adjustable zoom capability and bezel compensation to accommodate a range of video wall configurations and display types. One DM-NVX-350 is required per display, supporting configurations of up to eight wide by up to eight high.</p> <p><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>4K60 4:4:4 video over standard Gigabit Ethernet</li><li>No latency penalty for real-time video performance</li><li>HDR (High Dynamic Range) video support (HDR10)</li><li>Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio support</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Configurable as an encoder or decoder</li><li>Dual onboard RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Option for a fiber optic network connection via SFP port [2]</li><li>Enterprise-grade security</li><li>Two auto-switching HDMI® inputs and one HDMI output [1]</li><li>Built-in 4K60 4:4:4 scaling</li><li>Onboard video wall processing</li><li>Analog audio port configurable as a balanced stereo input or output [5]</li><li>Analog audio embedding or de-embedding</li><li>Audio breakaway capability [6,7]</li><li>Dynamic text overlay capability</li><li>RS-232 and IR control ports [9]</li><li>CEC device control gateway [9]</li><li>USB and KVM signal extension and routing [4]</li><li>Easy setup via built-in webpages</li><li>Fully-controllable via a Crestron® control system</li><li>Compact, surface-mountable form factor</li><li>Powered via local power pack or optional power injector [8]</li><li>100-240V universal power pack included</li></ul> <p>1. 4K60 4:4:4 performance requires the use of HDMI cables with a minimum TMDS bandwidth of 18 Gbps, such as Crestron model CBL-HD (20 ft / 6.1 m max. length). If 4K60 4:2:0 or 4K30 4:4:4 performance is acceptable, cables with a minimum bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps may be used, such as Crestron models CBL-HD-LOCK or CBL-HD (any available length). Performance may also be affected if an HDMI coupler is inserted in the HDMI signal path. Crestron coupling products (MP-WP150, MP-WP152, MPI-WP150, or FTA-CP-HD-101) and cable retractors (CBLR2-HD) all have a specified bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, and thus do not support 4K60 4:4:4. Please be aware that bandwidth loss is cumulative, so the combination of multiple components inserted inline may reduce performance.<br>2. To add a fiber optic LAN port requires the purchase of a Crestron SFP-1G series SFP transceiver module (sold separately). All LAN ports on the DM-NVX-350 are for connection to an Ethernet based AV network or device; they cannot be connected to the “DM” ports of other Crestron devices.<br>3. When in encoder mode, the HDMI output resolution is matched to the resolution of the encoded source.<br>4. The DM-NVX-350 can be configured to accept the connection of a USB device or a USB host, not both. Crestron DM NVX products are engineered to deliver maximum compatibility with the widest possible range of USB products. Crestron does not guarantee that all USB products are compatible with DM NVX products. DM NVX is compatible with Crestron USB-EXT-DM products, but is not compatible with the “USB HID only” signal extender technology found in other Crestron DM products.<br>5. The analog audio port can function as an input or output, not both. Analog audio output is only functional when the DM-NVX-350 is receiving a 2-channel stereo input signal. To derive a 2-channel downmix signal from a multichannel surround sound source, please refer to the Crestron DM-NVX-351 or DM-NVX-351C.<br>6. Audio from one onboard HDMI input may not be combined with video from the other onboard HDMI input.<br>7. Combining audio from one encoder with video from another encoder utilizes the secondary 2-channel audio stream. Multichannel audio from one encoder cannot be combined with video from another encoder.<br>8. The DM-NVX-350 is powerable using the 24V power pack (included) or a DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN (sold separately).<br>9. Device control via RS-232, IR, CEC, or Ethernet requires integration with a Crestron control system.<br>10. As an encoder, the DM-NVX-350 does not transmit audio via the secondary 2-channel stream except when it is receiving a 2-channel stereo input signal via the HDMI or analog inputs.<br>11. 3D video input signals are automatically converted to 2D.<br>12. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.</p>
DigitalMedia™ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Network AV Encoder/Decoder w/Downmixing - DM-NVX-351
|<p>DigitalMedia&trade; NVX technology transports ultra high-definition 4K video with 60 Hz frame rates and 4:4:4 color sampling over standard Gigabit Ethernet. Support for HDR video (HDR10) and HDCP 2.2 ensures the ultimate in picture quality and compatibility for all of today’s varied media sources. Using standards-based Ethernet wiring and switches, DM® NVX delivers a vastly scalable, high-performance solution for enterprise-wide 4K content distribution.[1]</p> <p>The Crestron® DM-NVX-351 is a compact video encoder/decoder designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver with the ability to switch between the two modes programmatically via commands from a Crestron control system. Featuring simple web-based control and management, USB and KVM integration, and support for copper and fiber LAN connectivity, the DM-NVX-351 offers a one-stop solution for any-sized network AV installation.[2]</p> <p>The DM-NVX-351 includes all the features of the DM-NVX-350 with the addition of surround sound to stereo downmixing. Refer to the “7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing” section below for details.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution</strong><br>Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX ensures real-time, full-motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. DM NVX employs high-quality JPEG 2000 encoding using a patent-pending technique that overlaps scaling and encoding latencies, achieving an ultra-low end-to-end latency of 30 ms at 60 fps, so on-screen functions such as mousing and game play are fluid and natural.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Encoder and Decoder in One</strong><br>In a single compact device, the DM-NVX-351 is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder.</p> <ul><li>As an encoder, it allows a laptop computer, camera, or other media source to be connected via HDMI® and then transmitted over the network.[1]</li><li>As a decoder, it receives the signal from a DM NVX encoder and feeds it to a display device via the HDMI output. It can quickly and easily switch between multiple encoders on the network alongside locally-connected HDMI sources.[1]</li><li>The encoder/decoder mode can be switched on-the-fly via a control system to provide a versatile, cost-effective presentation switching solution using one integrated device.</li></ul><p><strong>2x1 HDMI® Auto-Switcher&nbsp;</strong></p><p>The DM-NVX-351 includes two HDMI inputs. Switching between the two inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, manually using the onboard input select button, programmatically via a Crestron control system, or through a computer using a web browser. When used as a decoder mounted behind a typical conference room display device, the HDMI inputs provide a convenient way to connect a Crestron AirMedia® presentation gateway.[1]</p><p> </p><p><strong>HDMI Output</strong><br>When configured as a decoder, the DM-NVX-351’s HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the local display device (or any other device with an HDMI input). Its built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When used as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.[1,3]</p><p> </p><p><strong>USB and KVM Integration</strong><br>For a complete signal management solution, DM NVX supports the extension of USB signals, which may be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via the control system. USB 2.0 host and device ports are provided on each DM-NVX-351 box, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other device to be connected at one box and routed to a computer or other host at another box. KVM switch functionality is a natural application for this feature, but all types of USB peripherals are supported including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.[4]</p> <p>USB signals can also be routed to other locations where a DM NVX box does not exist using Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender Modules (USB-EXT-DM). USB signals can be freely routed between DM NVX and USB-EXT-DM units over Ethernet under the management of a Crestron control system.</p><p> </p><p><strong>7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing</strong><br>DM NVX supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. The DM-NVX-351 includes the ability to decode the incoming multichannel surround sound signal, whether from the network or an HDMI input, and downmix that signal to stereo. The stereo downmix signal is automatically routed to the onboard analog output [4], while the HDMI output can be configured to output either stereo or multichannel. As an encoder, the DM-NVX-351 distributes both stereo and multichannel signals simultaneously over the network, allowing either signal to be selected at any decoder on the network.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding&nbsp;</strong><br>A balanced stereo analog audio port is included, which may be configured as either an input or output. As an input, it allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from either HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, it can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or sound bar. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.[5]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Breakaway Audio</strong><br>A DM NVX decoder may select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs, even two different encoders. There are just two exceptions: A) signals may not be combined between the two onboard HDMI inputs, and B) combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.[6,7]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Text Overlay</strong><br>The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Video Wall Processing</strong><br>A video wall composed of up to 64 individual displays can be configured using multiple DM-NVX-351 units. Each unit provides fully-adjustable zoom capability and bezel compensation to accommodate a range of video wall configurations and display types. One DM-NVX-351 is required per display, supporting configurations of up to eight wide by up to eight high.</p><p> </p><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>4K60 4:4:4 video over standard Gigabit Ethernet</li><li>No latency penalty for real-time video performance</li><li>HDR (High Dynamic Range) video support (HDR10)</li><li>Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio support</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Configurable as an encoder or decoder</li><li>Dual onboard RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Option for a fiber optic network connection via SFP port [2]</li><li>Enterprise-grade security</li><li>Two auto-switching HDMI® inputs and one HDMI output [1]</li><li>Built-in 4K60 4:4:4 scaling</li><li>Onboard video wall processing</li><li>Analog audio port configurable as a balanced stereo input or output [5]</li><li>Analog audio embedding or de-embedding</li><li>Stereo downmixing of surround sound audio signals</li><li>Simultaneous distribution of stereo and surround sound signals</li><li>Audio breakaway capability [6,7]</li><li>Dynamic text overlay capability</li><li>RS-232 and IR control ports [9]</li><li>CEC device control gateway [9]</li><li>USB and KVM signal extension and routing [4]</li><li>Easy setup via built-in webpages</li><li>Fully-controllable via a Crestron® control system</li><li>Compact, surface-mountable form factor</li><li>Powered via local power pack or optional power injector [8]</li><li>100-240V universal power pack included</li></ul> <p>1. 4K60 4:4:4 performance requires the use of HDMI cables with a minimum TMDS bandwidth of 18 Gbps, such as Crestron model CBL-HD (20 ft / 6.1 m max. length). If 4K60 4:2:0 or 4K30 4:4:4 performance is acceptable, cables with a minimum bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps may be used, such as Crestron models CBL-HD-LOCK or CBL-HD (any available length). Performance may also be affected if an HDMI coupler is inserted in the HDMI signal path. Crestron coupling products (MP-WP-150, MP-WP-152, MPI-WP-150, or FTA-CP-HD-101) and cable retractors (CBLR2-HD) all have a specified bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, and thus do not support 4K60 4:4:4. Please be aware that bandwidth loss is cumulative, so the combination of multiple components inserted inline may reduce performance.<br>2. To add a fiber optic LAN port requires the purchase of a Crestron SFP-1G series SFP transceiver module (sold separately). All LAN ports on the DM-NVX-351 are for connection to an Ethernet based AV network or device; they cannot be connected to the “DM” ports of other Crestron devices.<br>3. When in encoder mode, the HDMI output resolution is matched to the resolution of the encoded source.<br>4. The DM-NVX-351 can be configured to accept the connection of a USB device or a USB host, not both. Crestron DM NVX products are engineered to deliver maximum compatibility with the widest possible range of USB products. Crestron does not guarantee that all USB products are compatible with DM NVX products. DM NVX is compatible with Crestron USB-EXT-DM products, but is not compatible with the “USB HID only” signal extender technology found in other Crestron DM products.<br>5. The analog audio port can function as an input or output, not both.<br>6. Audio from one onboard HDMI input may not be combined with video from the other onboard HDMI input.<br>7. Combining audio from one encoder with video from another encoder utilizes the secondary 2-channel audio stream. Multichannel audio from one encoder cannot be combined with video from another encoder.<br>8. The DM-NVX-351 is powerable using the 24V power pack (included) or a DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN (sold separately).<br>9. Device control via RS-232, IR, CEC, or Ethernet requires integration with a Crestron control system.<br>10. 3D video input signals are automatically converted to 2D.<br>11. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.</p>
DigitalMedia™ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Network AV Encoder/Decoder Card - DM-NVX-350C
|<p></p> <p>The Crestron® DM-NVX-350C is a video encoder/decoder card that installs in one slot of a DMF-CI-8 card chassis. It is designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver with the ability to switch between the two modes programmatically via commands from a Crestron control system. Featuring simple web-based control and management, USB and KVM integration, and support for copper and fiber LAN connectivity, the DM-NVX-350C offers a one-stop solution for any-sized network AV installation.[2]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution</strong><br>Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX ensures real-time, full-motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. DM NVX employs high-quality JPEG 2000 encoding using a patent-pending technique that overlaps scaling and encoding latencies, achieving an ultra-low end-to-end latency of 30 ms at 60 fps, so on-screen functions such as mousing and game play are fluid and natural.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Encoder and Decoder in One</strong><br>In a single card, the DM-NVX-350C is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder.</p> <ul><li>As an encoder, it allows the output of a switcher, computer, AirMedia® gateway, or other media source to be connected via HDMI® and then transmitted over the network.[1]</li><li>As a decoder, it receives the signal from a DM NVX encoder and feeds it to the input of a switcher or display device via the HDMI output. It can quickly and easily switch between multiple encoders on the network alongside locally-connected HDMI sources.[1]</li><li>The encoder/decoder mode can be switched on-the-fly via a control system to provide a versatile, cost-effective presentation switching solution.</li></ul><p><strong>2x1 HDMI® Auto-Switcher</strong></p><p>The DM-NVX-350C includes two HDMI inputs. Switching between the two inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, programmatically via a Crestron control system, or through a computer using a web browser.[1]</p><p> </p><p><strong>HDMI Output</strong><br>When configured as a decoder, the DM-NVX-350C’s HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the input of a switcher, a local display device, or any other device with an HDMI input. Its built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When used as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.[1,3]</p><p> </p><p><strong>USB and KVM Integration</strong><br>For a complete signal management solution, DM NVX supports the extension of USB signals, which may be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via the control system. USB 2.0 host and device ports are provided on each DM-NVX-350C card, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other device to be connected at one DM NVX endpoint and routed to a computer or other host at any other endpoint. KVM switch functionality is a natural application for this feature, but all types of USB peripherals are supported including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.[4]</p> <p>USB signals can also be routed to other locations where a DM NVX endpoint does not exist using Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender Modules (USB-EXT-DM). USB signals can be freely routed between DM NVX and USB-EXT-DM units over Ethernet under the management of a Crestron control system.</p><p> </p><p><strong>7.1 Surround Sound Audio</strong><br>DM NVX supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. In decoder mode, the DM-NVX-350C has the ability to receive both multichannel and 2-channel downmix signals from a DM-NVX-351 or DM-NVX-351C encoder, allowing either signal to be selected at the HDMI output while the 2-channel signal is automatically routed to the analog output.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding</strong><br>A balanced stereo analog audio port is included, which may be configured as either an input or output. As an input, it allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from either HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, it can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or analog audio switcher. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.[5]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Breakaway Audio</strong><br>A DM NVX decoder may select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs, even two different encoders. There are just two exceptions: A) signals may not be combined between the two onboard HDMI inputs, and B) combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.[6,7]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Text Overlay</strong><br>The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Video Wall Processing</strong><br>A video wall composed of up to 64 individual displays can be configured using multiple DM-NVX-350C cards. Each card provides fully-adjustable zoom capability and bezel compensation to accommodate a range of video wall configurations and display types. One DM-NVX-350C is required per display, supporting configurations of up to eight wide by up to eight high.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>4K60 4:4:4 video over standard Gigabit Ethernet</li><li>No latency penalty for real-time video performance</li><li>HDR (High Dynamic Range) video support (HDR10)</li><li>Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio support</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Configurable as an encoder or decoder</li><li>Dual onboard RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Option for a fiber optic network connection via SFP port [2]</li><li>Enterprise-grade security</li><li>Two auto-switching HDMI® inputs and one HDMI output [1]</li><li>Built-in 4K60 4:4:4 scaling</li><li>Onboard video wall processing</li><li>Analog audio port configurable as a balanced stereo input or output [5]</li><li>Analog audio embedding or de-embedding</li><li>Audio breakaway capability [6,7]</li><li>Dynamic text overlay capability</li><li>CEC device control gateway [8]</li><li>USB and KVM signal extension and routing [4]</li><li>Easy setup via built-in webpages</li><li>Fully-controllable via a Crestron® control system</li><li>Installs in the DMF-CI-8 card chassis</li></ul> <p>1. 4K60 4:4:4 performance requires the use of HDMI cables with a minimum TMDS bandwidth of 18 Gbps, such as Crestron model CBL-HD (20 ft / 6.1 m max. length). If 4K60 4:2:0 or 4K30 4:4:4 performance is acceptable, cables with a minimum bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps may be used, such as Crestron models CBL-HD-LOCK or CBL-HD (any available length). Performance may also be affected if an HDMI coupler is inserted in the HDMI signal path. Crestron coupling products (MP-WP150, MP-WP152, MPI-WP150, or FTA-CP-HD-101) and cable retractors (CBLR2-HD) all have a specified bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, and thus do not support 4K60 4:4:4. Please be aware that bandwidth loss is cumulative, so the combination of multiple components inserted inline may reduce performance.<br>2. To add a fiber optic LAN port requires the purchase of a Crestron SFP-1G series SFP transceiver module (sold separately). All LAN ports on the DM-NVX-350C are for connection to an Ethernet based AV network or device; they cannot be connected to the “DM” ports of other Crestron devices.<br>3. When in encoder mode, the HDMI output resolution is matched to the resolution of the encoded source.<br>4. The DM-NVX-350C can be configured to accept the connection of a USB device or a USB host, not both. Crestron DM NVX products are engineered to deliver maximum compatibility with the widest possible range of USB products. Crestron does not guarantee that all USB products are compatible with DM NVX products. DM NVX is compatible with Crestron USB-EXT-DM products, but is not compatible with the “USB HID only” signal extender technology found in other Crestron DM products.<br>5. The analog audio port can function as an input or output, not both. Analog audio output is only functional when the DM-NVX-350C is receiving a 2-channel stereo input signal. To derive a 2-channel downmix signal from a multichannel surround sound source, please refer to the Crestron DM-NVX-351 or DM-NVX-351C.<br>6. Audio from one onboard HDMI input may not be combined with video from the other onboard HDMI input.<br>7. Combining audio from one encoder with video from another encoder utilizes the secondary 2-channel audio stream. Multichannel audio from one encoder cannot be combined with video from another encoder.<br>8. Device control via CEC requires integration with a Crestron control system.<br>9. As an encoder, the DM-NVX-350C does not transmit audio via the secondary 2-channel stream except when it is receiving a 2-channel stereo input signal via the HDMI or analog inputs.<br>10. 3D video input signals are automatically converted to 2D.<br>11. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.</p>
DigitalMedia™ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Network AV Encoder/Decoder Card w/Downmixing - DM-NVX-351C
|<p>DigitalMedia&trade; NVX technology transports ultra high-definition 4K video with 60 Hz frame rates and 4:4:4 color sampling over standard Gigabit Ethernet. Support for HDR video (HDR10) and HDCP 2.2 ensures the ultimate in picture quality and compatibility for all of today’s varied media sources. Using standards-based Ethernet wiring and switches, DM® NVX delivers a vastly scalable, high-performance solution for enterprise-wide 4K content distribution.[1]</p> <p>The Crestron® DM-NVX-351C is a video encoder/decoder card that installs in one slot of a DMF-CI-8 card chassis. It is designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver with the ability to switch between the two modes programmatically via commands from a Crestron control system. Featuring simple web-based control and management, USB and KVM integration, and support for copper and fiber LAN connectivity, the DM-NVX-351C offers a one-stop solution for any-sized network AV installation.[2]</p> <p>The DM-NVX-351C includes all the features of the DM-NVX-350C with the addition of surround sound to stereo downmixing. Refer to the “7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing” section below for details.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution</strong><br>Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX ensures real-time, full-motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. DM NVX employs high-quality JPEG 2000 encoding using a patent-pending technique that overlaps scaling and encoding latencies, achieving an ultra-low end-to-end latency of 30 ms at 60 fps, so on-screen functions such as mousing and game play are fluid and natural.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Encoder and Decoder in One</strong><br>In a single card, the DM-NVX-351C is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder.</p> <ul><li>As an encoder, it allows the output of a switcher, computer, AirMedia® gateway, or other media source to be connected via HDMI® and then transmitted over the network.[1]</li><li>As a decoder, it receives the signal from a DM NVX encoder and feeds it to the input of a switcher or display device via the HDMI output. It can quickly and easily switch between multiple encoders on the network alongside locally-connected HDMI sources.[1]</li><li>The encoder/decoder mode can be switched on-the-fly via a control system to provide a versatile, cost-effective presentation switching solution.</li></ul><p><strong>2x1 HDMI® Auto-Switcher&nbsp;</strong></p><p>The DM-NVX-351C includes two HDMI inputs. Switching between the two inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, programmatically via a Crestron control system, or through a computer using a web browser.[1]</p><p> </p><p><strong>HDMI Output</strong><br>When configured as a decoder, the DM-NVX-351C’s HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the input of a switcher, a local display device, or any other device with an HDMI input. Its built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When used as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.[1,3]</p><p> </p><p><strong>USB and KVM Integration</strong><br>For a complete signal management solution, DM NVX supports the extension of USB signals, which may be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via the control system. USB 2.0 host and device ports are provided on each DM-NVX-351C card, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other device to be connected at one DM NVX endpoint and routed to a computer or other host at any other endpoint. KVM switch functionality is a natural application for this feature, but all types of USB peripherals are supported including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.[4]</p> <p>USB signals can also be routed to other locations where a DM NVX endpoint does not exist using Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender Modules (USB-EXT-DM). USB signals can be freely routed between DM NVX and USB-EXT-DM units over Ethernet under the management of a Crestron control system.</p><p> </p><p><strong>7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing</strong><br>DM NVX supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. The DM-NVX-351C includes the ability to decode the incoming multichannel surround sound signal, whether from the network or an HDMI input, and downmix that signal to stereo. The stereo downmix signal is automatically routed to the onboard analog output [5], while the HDMI output can be configured to output either stereo or multichannel. As an encoder, the DM-NVX-351C distributes both stereo and multichannel signals simultaneously over the network, allowing either signal to be selected at any decoder on the network.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding&nbsp;</strong><br>A balanced stereo analog audio port is included, which may be configured as either an input or output. As an input, it allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from either HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, it can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or analog audio switcher. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.[5]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Breakaway Audio</strong><br>A DM NVX decoder may select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs, even two different encoders. There are just two exceptions: A) signals may not be combined between the two onboard HDMI inputs, and B) combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.[6,7]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Text Overlay</strong><br>The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.</p><p> </p><strong>Video Wall Processing</strong><br>A video wall composed of up to 64 individual displays can be configured using multiple DM-NVX-351C cards. Each card provides fully-adjustable zoom capability and bezel compensation to accommodate a range of video wall configurations and display types. One DM-NVX-351C is required per display, supporting configurations of up to eight wide by up to eight high.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>4K60 4:4:4 video over standard Gigabit Ethernet</li><li>No latency penalty for real-time video performance</li><li>HDR (High Dynamic Range) video support (HDR10)</li><li>Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio support</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Configurable as an encoder or decoder</li><li>Dual onboard RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Option for a fiber optic network connection via SFP port [2]</li><li>Enterprise-grade security</li><li>Two auto-switching HDMI® inputs and one HDMI output [1]</li><li>Built-in 4K60 4:4:4 scaling</li><li>Onboard video wall processing</li><li>Analog audio port configurable as a balanced stereo input or output [5]</li><li>Analog audio embedding or de-embedding</li><li>Stereo downmixing of surround sound audio signals</li><li>Simultaneous distribution of stereo and surround sound signals</li><li>Audio breakaway capability [6,7]</li><li>Dynamic text overlay capability</li><li>CEC device control gateway [8]</li><li>USB and KVM signal extension and routing [4]</li><li>Easy setup via built-in webpages</li><li>Fully-controllable via a Crestron® control system</li><li>Installs in the DMF-CI-8 card chassis</li></ul> <p>1. 4K60 4:4:4 performance requires the use of HDMI cables with a minimum TMDS bandwidth of 18 Gbps, such as Crestron model CBL-HD (20 ft / 6.1 m max. length). If 4K60 4:2:0 or 4K30 4:4:4 performance is acceptable, cables with a minimum bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps may be used, such as Crestron models CBL-HD-LOCK or CBL-HD (any available length). Performance may also be affected if an HDMI coupler is inserted in the HDMI signal path. Crestron coupling products (MP-WP150, MP-WP152, MPI-WP150, or FTA-CP-HD-101) and cable retractors (CBLR2-HD) all have a specified bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, and thus do not support 4K60 4:4:4. Please be aware that bandwidth loss is cumulative, so the combination of multiple components inserted inline may reduce performance.<br>2. To add a fiber optic LAN port requires the purchase of a Crestron SFP-1G series SFP transceiver module (sold separately). All LAN ports on the DM-NVX-351C are for connection to an Ethernet based AV network or device; they cannot be connected to the “DM” ports of other Crestron devices.<br>3. When in encoder mode, the HDMI output resolution is matched to the resolution of the encoded source.<br>4. The DM-NVX-351C can be configured to accept the connection of a USB device or a USB host, not both. Crestron DM NVX products are engineered to deliver maximum compatibility with the widest possible range of USB products. Crestron does not guarantee that all USB products are compatible with DM NVX products. DM NVX is compatible with Crestron USB-EXT-DM products, but is not compatible with the “USB HID only” signal extender technology found in other Crestron DM products.<br>5. The analog audio port can function as an input or output, not both.<br>6. Audio from one onboard HDMI input may not be combined with video from the other onboard HDMI input.<br>7. Combining audio from one encoder with video from another encoder utilizes the secondary 2-channel audio stream. Multichannel audio from one encoder cannot be combined with video from another encoder.<br>8. Device control via CEC requires integration with a Crestron control system.<br>9. 3D video input signals are automatically converted to 2D.<br>10. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.</p>
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, black textured - HTT-B10EX-B-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, white textured - HTT-B10EX-W-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul> <p>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 350 - DMPS3-4K-350-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-350-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-350-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scalers, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-350-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!</strong><br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-350-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]</strong><br>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video</strong><br>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-350-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 9x4 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 9 video sources and 4 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides two HDMI and two DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) outputs</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features an independent, high-performance 4K scaler at each HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at any digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license.&nbsp; To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-350-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI outputs do not pass 3D signals. On these outputs, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ outputs.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-350-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-350-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
Mandolene Mid-Century Arm Chair
|If you're looking for a fun way to bring some extra style into your home, the Mandolene Mid-Century Arm Chair from Project 62 will do just that and more. With a durable pine wood frame that also lends for a sleek look, this mid-century modern armchair features tapered legs in a rich finish, as well as unique curves on the back and arms. The patterned cotton blend upholstery brings both comfort and class, so this piece is perfect as a reading chair in your living room or as an accent chair in any space. 1962 was a big year. Modernist design hit its peak and moved into homes across the country. And in Minnesota, Target was born - with the revolutionary idea to celebrate design for all. Project 62 embodies this legacy with a collection of modern pieces made for everyday living.
MB-45 door opening outwards with top fixed window
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p>
MB-45 door opening outwards
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p>
MB-45 two-winged door opening outwards with top fixed window
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p>
MB-45 storefront double panel
|<p><b>MB-45</b>&nbsp;is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<b>&nbsp;MB-60</b>&nbsp;and<b>&nbsp;MB-70</b>&nbsp;window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door&nbsp;<b>MB-45S</b>.</p>
MB-45 two-winged door opening outwards
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
MB-45 system
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
|<p>Stockholm based Claesson Koivisto Rune&nbsp;is one of the world's most respected&nbsp;architectural firms.&nbsp;They have created a series of acclaimed furniture for Offecct in the&nbsp;past. The result now is a characteristic chair with a clear purpose.&nbsp;</p><p>– Offecct's 2018 news collection is summarized under the motto:</p><p>Furniture with a mission, that is, every piece of furniture has a clear&nbsp;task that helps people navigate the increasingly thorny landscape that&nbsp;separates away from home, public from private, work from leisure,&nbsp;explains Offecct's Design Manager Anders Englund. Besides being&nbsp;comfortable to sit in, the novelty Jacket has a highly pronounced&nbsp;mission.&nbsp;The architects behind Jacket readily acknowledge that the basic idea&nbsp;behind the chair is not new. At a continental auction house, they&nbsp;spotted a fifties chair with similar pretensions: to serve both as a chair&nbsp;and a jacket, cardigan or suit jacket hanger. Claesson Koivisto Rune&nbsp;has made their interpretation.&nbsp;– Good design can involve ensuring that clothes do not lose their&nbsp;good shape. But more importantly: Good design involves precisely&nbsp;not being too explicit, emphasises architect Eero Koivisto. Otherwise,&nbsp;the magic is lost. As a designer, you are also not allowed to be too sublime. If you understand the idea of the chair, you will never forget&nbsp;it when you leave the room.</p><p>Architect&nbsp;Claesson Koivitsto Rune. Founded in Stockholm in 1995 by architects and&nbsp;designers Mårten Claesson, Eero Koivisto and Ola&nbsp;Rune, Claesson Koivisto Rune is Sweden’s internationally&nbsp;most renowned and celebrated architect and design&nbsp;studio. The multidisciplinary studio’s wide range of&nbsp;projects includes buildings, hotels, homes, shops,&nbsp;exhibitions and much more worldwide, as well as&nbsp;interior design commissions of all kinds from world&nbsp;leading brands and producers. Claesson Koivisto Rune&nbsp;has been awarded an array of international prizes and&nbsp;has been featured in hundreds of books and exhibitions,&nbsp;attracting vast global media coverage.</p><p><br></p><p></p>
Move On Low
|<p>“Move On high and low, are two discreet, mobile stools that do not obstruct the room, and works good at a bar or other similar informal meeting places, as well as with On Point”, says Mattias Stenberg.</p><p>The bar stool is upholstered with legs in white-pigmented ash. The seat frame is made in recyclable aluminium, according to Offecct Lifecircle.<span></span><br></p><p><strong>Benefits & functions</strong><br>- Easy to assemble and disassemble the seat frame.<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.&nbsp;<br>- Is available in two different heights, 600 mm and 800 mm.</p><p>The foot ring and seat underframe is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.<br><br></p>
QuarryView Fire Pit
|<p>QuarryView wood burning fire pits features masonry planter pedestal bases and include a stainless steel bowl for embers. Each pedestal consists of four separate panels using hand laid courses of thin veneer which are bonded to a powder coated light weight steel frame. Panels are easily assembled by hand and do not require any tools. QuarryView Stonework is perfect for natural settings and pairs great with planter beds and foliage.&nbsp;<br><br>All QuarryView fire features are designed, engineered and manufactured with 100% non-combustible materials in the body. They can be installed on a flat, stable surface away from any combustible materials. Install fire feature on any level, outdoor non-combustible, flat stable surface or a combustible floor according. NOTE: Do not place fire pit directly on grass, dirt, or rocks this may prevent proper ventilation. Ensure proper water drainage is also incorporated into the fire pit enclosure.&nbsp;</p>
|<p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT&nbsp; Hydro EPS 100 λ 36 are produced in compliance with the PN-EN 13163:2012+A1:2015 harmonized European standard, according to which they have the following code:</p> <p>EPS – EN 13163-T(1)-L(3)-W(3)-S(5)-P(5)-BS150-CS(10)100-DS(N)2-DS(70,-)1</p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT&nbsp; Hydro EPS 100 λ 36 boards are manufactured in a double polystyrene expansion process, owing to it great thermal properties and the application facility.<br></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT Hydro EPS 100 λ 36 polystyrene boards are recommended for use in places where the payloads do not exceed 3000 kg / m<sup>2</sup>.</p> <p><strong>For proper use of panels on underground elements of the object, a functional anti-moisture insulation should be made on their surface.</strong></p> <p>PURPOSE</p> <p>Thermal insulation of underground construction elements<br>Protection of waterproofing against mechanical damage<br>Drainage (along with a nonwoven fabric)<br>Thermal insulation of plinths in the ETICS (formerly "light-wet" or<br>BSO)<br>Elimination of linear thermal bridges<br>Thermal insulation of terraces, also "green" (no vehicular traffic)</p> <p><strong>Special waterproof properties:</strong></p> <p>Plates produced from the mold, not cut from the block, which guarantees their high repeatability and dimensionality as well as increased hydrophobicity<br>LARGE PANEL DIMENSIONS 1200 x 600 mm - significantly accelerate assembly<br>A small-sized grid and scale on the surface makes it easier to cut and place plates<br>The drainage duct system guarantees drainage of water and moisture<br>The boards are resistant to humus acids in the soil.</p>