painel de parede 4
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006273D parametric, scenery / tiles in the wall, Spanish
Jose Gemez Jimenez | 1343661294Sofa de diseño simple
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275ESPELHO 2 1993 Espelho, madeira de 'PAU SANTO' e 'FREIXO'
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275Mesa de apoio em madeira de "CEREJEIRA" com apoios em madeira de "PAU SANTO". Acabamento em verniz mate.
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275MESA DE APOIO CIRCULAR Março 2001 Mesa com estrutura em madeira maciça de 'CARVALHO AMERICANO', acaba- mento da madeira a verniz mate Tampo em vidro FLOAT incolor
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275Mesa Rectângulo "VICENZA" Abril 1999 Março 2001 Mesa em madeira de "SICÓMORO" e tampo em contraplacado desenrolado de "SICÓMORO". Acabamento das madeiras a verniz mate.
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275Mesa ABA2 Dezembro 1991 Março 2001 Mesa de duas abas em madeira de "Afisélia", acabamento a verniz mate Dobradiças em latão cromado
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275Cadeira 'Vicenza' Agosto 1999 Março 2001 Cadeira de madeira de "SICÓMORO" com tampos e costas de contrapla- cado desenrolado de "SICÓMORO". Acabamento em verniz mate
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275ÁLVARO SIZA - Arquitecto, Lda CAMA DE CASAL Cama em madeira de 'Afsélia' com cabeceira em contraplacado desem- rolado de 'Afsélia', acabamento a verniz mate
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275CÓMODA 2 Dezembro 1990 Março 2001 Cómoda em madeiras maciças de 'RIGA' e 'PAU SANTO', acabamentos a verniz mate
Gergely Borgulya | 1345120275Cómoda 3 Cómoda em madeira macça de "Cerejeira", acabamento a verniz mate. Puxador embutidos em madeira de "Pau Santo" Março 2001 Março 1992
Candélabre ECLATEC-ELYXE LED-mat de 4,00m
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1432397500Candélabre d'éclairage public à LED de marque ECLATEC et modèle ELYXE, sur mât cylindro conique de 4,00m. Modèle plus simple que celui à télécharger sur le site du fabricant.
Símbolo de Paginação 18
Fábio Freitas | 1435170254Símbolo de desenho para representação de início de paginação com todas as dimensões e aspectos de representação ajustáveis.
Parede de Tijolos
Giovanna Duarte Almeida | 1602539580Parede de Tijolos Paramétricos made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Tanque de Lavar Roupa
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Tanque de roupa com torneira e ligação de água fria.
celosia de ladrillo
Andrés Pulido | 1527004552celosia
Bruno Ribeiro | 1386096569 -
Wine Bottle
Alan Enriquez | 1515695228Wine Bottle / Botella de Vino / bottiglia di vino / wijnfles / borosüveg / bouteille de vin
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Abertura padronizada de parede construída de blocos.
Armario Lavabo 18
andrea botta | 1514303149Fregadero empotrado en mueble con puerta y un cajón opcional. Editable con el Modelador MEP.
Caixa d´água
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Caixa d´água instalada nos edifícios, a fim de equilibrar a oferta de água nos períodos de desabastecimentos.
Caixa de Embutir Dryfix
Vítor Dentello | 1436540695Objeto ainda não finalizado, ainda necessários ajustes.
Janela de Correr 6-Caixilhos 21
Marina Rohlfs Naves | 1541894953123123 Janela corrediça Horizontalmente com seis caixilhos
Base Armário Porta Tripla 22
Victor Magalhães | 1571540252Unidade base de armário de cozinha com três portas e pia opcional.
Varal de Roupas
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Equipamento de secagem instalado no teto ou apoiado em pernas.
Elément simple avec deux portes 19
ABVENT ABVENT | 1515287843Unité basique de meuble de cuisine avec double porte et évier en option.
CARLOS ORTA RODRIGUEZ | 1369912309Silla Anna de Andreu World
Muro Patio Madera 2,50 x 2,50m
Pedro Salazar Cancino | 1517347422Garden Wall Muro de patio
Interruptor e Tomada ABNT 18_beta 1
Fábio Freitas | 1435592528Versão Beta 1 - Em desesenvolvimento! Objeto inteligente com simbologia de tomadas e interruptores segundo NB-8 da ABNT. Espelho e acionadores em 3D de acordo com a NBR 14.136 de 2002. Símbolo sensível ao piso, tamanho do símbolo e texto em milímetros no papel. Caixa 4x2, Tomadas, Tomada de força, Interruptor de uma duas ou três seções, telefonia e dados.
Muro Patio con puerta Madera 2,50 x 2,50m
Pedro Salazar Cancino | 1517347634Muro de patio con puerta
Base Armário Placa+Forno 22
Victor Magalhães | 1571540449Unidade base de armário de cozinha com forno embutido e placa de fogão opcional.
Hierba - Seca
Reynel Diaz | 1414451462Hierba con signos de sequia 3D. Baja altura.
Durval Tabach | 1435607393Box de chuveiro, comum no Brasil, geralmente em vidro temperado com ferragens de alumínio. Pode ser reto (uma face), em "L" (duas faces) ou em "U" (três faces), com aberturas de correr em um ou dois lados. Informações e atualizações: http://dtabach.com.br/gdl-bim/objetos/box-correr durval@dtabach.com.br
Janela Multi-Caixilho Horizontal 21
Marina Rohlfs Naves | 1541895249113113 Janela tripla com bandeiras opcionais e diferentes tipos de abertura.
Interruptor e Tomada 21
Fábio Freitas | 1513789311Versão 21 Objeto inteligente com simbologia de tomadas e interruptores segundo NB-8 da ABNT. Espelho e acionadores em 3D de acordo com a NBR 14.136 de 2002. Símbolo sensível ao piso, tamanho do símbolo e texto em milímetros no papel. Caixa 4x2, Tomadas, Tomada de força, Interruptor de uma duas ou três seções, telefonia e dados.
Folha Perfilada 21
J. James Ouana | 1554369622Folha de metal com diferentes perfis e planos de corte.
Tiago Mendonça | 1532745311Desenvolvida em polietileno de alta resistência, a Cisterna Vertical FORTLEV é econômica, de fácil instalação e pode ser enterrada com contenção. Todos os painéis onde são feitos a instalação hidráulica, ficam no centro do produto e bem próximos à boca de inspeção, facilitando o acesso e a manutenção. O produto permite o armazenamento de água de chuva, ou água potável, e já vem com um adaptador flange de saída instalado.
Random City FRA
Tibor SEIDL | 1371477468Outil pour présenter un site autour du notre projet, de bâtiments différents en type et form, parametres pour jour et nuit, hauteur et plusieurs d'options.
Durval Tabach | 1549554573Brise metálico com lâminas verticais giratórias de alumínio, perfil tipo "asa de avião", dimensões baseadas no fabricante Lumibrise. Opção de lâminas com perfil retangular simples (madeira), com dimensões livres.
Durval Tabach | 1435547170Painel de blocos cerâmicos do tipo 'Green Wall', para construção de muros verdes e jardins verticais. Informações e atualizações: http://dtabach.com.br/gdl-bim/objetos/painel-green-wall durval@dtabach.com.br
ISO Contenedor 20
Mariano Luna | 1543784176ISO Contenedor de 20 pulgadas (6 metros) de largo. Medidas exteriores: 6,05m de largo, 2,43m de ancho y 2,60m de alto.
Deca Spin Motion
Vítor Dentello | 1503416129Misturador monocomando de mesa Deca linha Spin Motion
Plancha 75 cm
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1430664262Plancha plus ou moins sur le modèle des 750 des Forges de l'Adour
Durval Tabach | 1431987298Rolling Awning Toldo de enrolar http://dtabach.com.br/gdl-bim
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154603VARIO R 921 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
Spot com Ressalto 18
Wilton Dias | 1439930863Projetor de teto embutido.
Luminária Pendente 19
Breno Matos | 1458279816 -
Deca Link Parede
Vítor Dentello | 1503416640Torneira de parede Deca linha Link
Helton Celi | 1437754935Banca de acero inoxidable para espaciso públicos con sujeción de pernos a piso duro.
ISO Contenedor 40HQ
Mariano Luna | 1543784176ISO Contenedor de 40 pulgadas (12 metros) High Cube. Medidas exteriores: 12,19m de largo, 2,43m de ancho y 2,90m de alto.
Elément simple avec deux portes 18
rim kassab | 1435311695Unité basique de meuble de cuisine avec double porte et évier en option.
Janela 21
John Klécio | 1551282014Janela com bandeira inferior e superior, tipo maxin-ar
Deca Link
Vítor Dentello | 1503415811Torneira de Mesa Deca linha Link
Deca Dream Mesa
Vítor Dentello | 1503415907Torneira de Mesa Deca linha Dream
Conteneur enterré ASTECH 5 m3 - OM
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1432405969Conteneur enterré ordures ménagères de marque ASTECH et de contenance 5m3. La plateforme acier doit être au niveau du sol, le reste étant enterré
Panneau Hand Parking
Stéphane Palé | 1362126493Panneau de signalisation Verticale de parking réservé aux PMR
CImbra Zapata Aislada
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Footing Formwork Cimbra para Zaparta de Cimentación
Casiers 19
Florent EBION | 1512652602Casiers pour vestiaires.
Janela Simples-Guilhotina 19
Breno Matos | 1458277798Janela simples com caixilho simples em guilhotina
Arbustes 18
djime diarra | 1420242824Images de rendu et d'esquisse d'arbustes avec vue de plan bitmap 3D et élévation optionnelle.
Ventana Triple con Tarja en Medio 18
Adan Bautista Bautista | 1424362621Ventana triple con travesaño en segmento central y diferentes tipos de apertura.
Detalle 2D Paramétrico de Unidades de Albañeria Y Fábricas
Nader Belal | 1421002503Detalle 2d parámetrico de unidades de fábrica o de albañería, in planta, alzado y vista lateral (vistos como alzados or como sección - ver 2015.01). Para más información contactar Nader Belal naderbelal@hotmail.com o visita mi blog http://nbbim.wordpress.com/
Fredy Garrido | 1433986220Un estante con molduras de yeso en el mismo.
muro debajo de escalera
Carlos Lopez Figueroa | 1367473109Esta libreria hace la funcion de cubrir el hueco de una escalera.
Mesa de Ceano
Javier Farratell | 1383048683 -
Estore de Lâminas 19
Alberto Hugo Bessa Santos | 1458347477Persianas horizontais que abrem com ângulo de lâminas opcional.
Mesa de recepción
Fabio Portocarrero | 1466545417Mesa de recepción de 4.00x0.50 metros. Minimalista
Campo de Handebol 22
Daniel Felipe Jacobi | 1573906007Campo de handebol.
Berline 01 19
djime diarra | 1457466533Voiture de luxe avec option de volant à droite et affichage intérieur.
Julio Cesar Farias | 1434659318Assento de arquibancada simples
Conteneur enterré ASTECH 5m3 - Verre
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1432406101Conteneur enterré pour récupération du VERRE de marque ASTECH et de contenance 5m3. La plateforme acier doit être au niveau du sol, le reste étant enterré
Tanque GLP
HUGO SANCHEZ | 1428671778tanque estacionario horizontal de almacenamiento de glp de 13000gal tipo dragons
Porte-serviettes 03 19
sandrine dupuy | 1445866882 -
Layout do Sofá 22
Victor Magalhães | 1571541082Ajuda de design com espaço mínimo e modelo 3D.
Armário Alto 21
Kleiton Silva | 1560429870Armário de escritório suspenso com estilos de puxador opcionais.
ISO Contenedor 40
Mariano Luna | 1543784176ISO Contenedor de 40 pulgadas (12m) de largo. Medidas exteriores: 12,19m de largo, 2,43m de ancho y 2,60m de alto.
Plantas 19
Gabriela Angarita | 1463127546Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de plantas con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
VMC-ALDES-Bahia compact microwatt
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1466089381VMC dessinée d'après calalogue Aldes de juin 2016
Cimbra Columna Cuadrada
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Cimbra para Columna de Concreto Formwork for Concrete column
Mesa Comedor ANA
Ana Estevez Dopico | 1429904004Mesa de comedor.
Silla Diseño 04 18
Remus Bogdan Dale | 1423139957Silla de diseño con símbolos 2D y espacio mínimo.
Douche rectangulaire 18
moustafa adjito | 1436781505Plaques de douche rectangulaires, en chanfrein et ronds avec encombrement minimum. Editable avec MEP Modeler.
Conteneur enterré ASTECH 5m3 - Tri sélectif
FRANCOIS TRIBEL | 1432406035Conteneur enterré TRI SÉLECTIF de marque ASTECH et de contenance 5m3. La plateforme acier doit être au niveau du sol, le reste étant enterré
Escalera 3
jorge aleman | 1385404667Escalera de Placa de acero de 1/2 pulgada para proyecto cuautemoc
Escalera 1
jorge aleman | 1385404738Escalera ya existente en el proyecto de Cuatemoc
silla piel
BENJAMIN PORTAS GRAÑA | 1353690839silla de piel molona
Constanza Mir Franken | 1574112996multicancha de voley, basquet y futbol
Sol - Jonc de mer
Denis BILLOTEY | 1577789051Revetement de sol Jonc de Mer
Lucas Gonzalez | 1601261387 -
Módulo de Referência
Aline Fagundes Mattar | 1641931099Módulo de Referência PcD utilizado comumente para escadas de emergências
Puerta de Ceano
Javier Farratell | 1383048683 -
panel superior de ceano
Javier Farratell | 1383048683 -
patas de ceano
Javier Farratell | 1383048683 -
Placa Calentadora de Exterior
Javier Farratell | 1384422533 -
Janela de BP 16
Peter Balint | 1358371925Janela de BP
Mesita de Noche 18
sebastian lopez | 1495950376Mesita de noche con estante y cajón opcionales.
Cadeira de Alimentação 02 19
maria leia santos | 1462639927Cadeira de alimentação com símbolos 2D e espaço mínimo
Cámara de inspección 1
René Guzmán Gil | 1443968645 -
sifon de piso 4
Adolfo Serrano Sanchez | 1562275458 -
Puntal de Acero
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Steel Formwork for vertical support in a concrete slab construction casting process. Cimbra de Acero para soporte Vertical en el proceso de fraguado de una losa de concreto
Helice de Avião
Beto Majollo | 1524689173 -
Silka XL 20-2,0 100 DE - non load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 115 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Separation wall - 2*Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE -ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - Double Layer wall 140 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - Double Layer wall 160 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - Double Layer wall 140 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - Double Layer wall 160 mm MW
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer As a full stone an ideal mounting base Silka Facing bricks are available in numerous shapes and designs, give each architecture a unique character and guarantee a long lasting pleasure. Silka Facing bricks are freeze-thaw resistant calcium silicate units and are mainly used in the outer shell of double layer exterior walls, in garden walls or in facing masonry with higher requirements on the appearance. Advantages: Noise reduction included Durable and maintenance-free facade Tough and with increased freeze-thaw resitance
DE Ytong non-load bearing interior wall U=0,94 W/(m²K) d=95 mm
|Ytong’s AAC “Planbauplatten” are suitable for solid and light partition walls with low dead weigth. The boards are used for the reconstruction sector as well as for furnishing and form design of interiors. Benefits: • multifunctional • homogeneous basis for plastering • low dead weight • very good fire protection classification: F90-A from 7.5 cm • processable with Ytong’s thin-bed coating
DE Ytong non-load bearing interior wall U=0,79 W/(m²K) d=120 mm
|Ytong’s AAC “Planbauplatten” are suitable for solid and light partition walls with low dead weigth. The boards are used for the reconstruction sector as well as for furnishing and form design of interiors. Benefits: • multifunctional • homogeneous basis for plastering • low dead weight • very good fire protection classification: F90-A from 7.5 cm • processable with Ytong’s thin-bed coating
DE Ytong (non)-load-bearing interior wall U=0,53 W/(m²K) d=195 mm
|Successfully operating as a bearing inner wall: Ytong AAC provides enough bearing capacity for the inner load and the load of the overlying floors. Therefore, a wide range of devices made of AAC offers various stability characteristics which enable the building of up to eight-storied constructions with bearing, monolithic brickwork. In this connection fire regulations are of particular importance. Our Ytong AAC hereby complies with the requirements of the state building code for all types of houses as it is a non-flammable construction material according to construction material class A1 of DIN 4102.
DE Ytong Double Layer Wall U=0,14 W/(m²K) d=470 mm
|Double-shell brickwork – at the inside with Ytong and at the outside with Silka: If the matter is an outer shell with heavy-duty weatherproofing, you traditionally stick to a well approved double-shell brickwork. The outer shell – the Silka faced brickwork – meets structural-physical demands as well as high mechanical requirements. Due to the facade’s persistence and low amount of maintenance, those double-shell brickworks pay off fine in the long run. Between the bearing inner Ytong-shell and the weather-resistant outer Silka-shell, there’s room for additional functional layers.
DE Ytong (non)-load-bearing interior wall U=0,71 W/(m²K) d=195 mm
|Successfully operating as a bearing inner wall: Ytong AAC provides enough bearing capacity for the inner load and the load of the overlying floors. Therefore, a wide range of devices made of AAC offers various stability characteristics which enable the building of up to eight-storied constructions with bearing, monolithic brickwork. In this connection fire regulations are of particular importance. Our Ytong AAC hereby complies with the requirements of the state building code for all types of houses as it is a non-flammable construction material according to construction material class A1 of DIN 4102.
DE Ytong (non)-load-bearing interior wall U=0,44 W/(m²K) d=260 mm
|Successfully operating as a bearing inner wall: Ytong AAC provides enough bearing capacity for the inner load and the load of the overlying floors. Therefore, a wide range of devices made of AAC offers various stability characteristics which enable the building of up to eight-storied constructions with bearing, monolithic brickwork. In this connection fire regulations are of particular importance. Our Ytong AAC hereby complies with the requirements of the state building code for all types of houses as it is a non-flammable construction material according to construction material class A1 of DIN 4102.
DE Ytong ETIC Wall U=0,16 W/(m²K) d=444 mm
|Functional walls with Ytong or Silka – layer by layer with best values In contrast to monolithic exterior walls, our several wall layers fulfill the multiple requirements of statics and building physics autonomously. Regarding our functional walls, the best functional potential is chosen for every single layer. Therefore a bearing inner shell will be mounted, preferably serving as sound insulation. Several additional functional layers will then be located in front of the bearing shell. If it comes to energy-efficient construction, thermal insulation is mostly foregrounded. Non-bearing thermal insulating materials will be applied permanently to the bearing shell, protected against moisture by a weather protection shell.
DE Ytong (non)-load-bearing interior wall U=0,62 W/(m²K) d=260 mm
|Successfully operating as a bearing inner wall: Ytong AAC provides enough bearing capacity for the inner load and the load of the overlying floors. Therefore, a wide range of devices made of AAC offers various stability characteristics which enable the building of up to eight-storied constructions with bearing, monolithic brickwork. In this connection fire regulations are of particular importance. Our Ytong AAC hereby complies with the requirements of the state building code for all types of houses as it is a non-flammable construction material according to construction material class A1 of DIN 4102.
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,21 W/(m²K) d=384 mm
|On the top of energy efficiency with Ytong λ=0.08 W/(mK)! Whoever wants to do construction on the highest monolithic level nowadays cannot get past the highly thermal insulating system solution of Ytong. The patented Ytong plan-brick PP2-0.35 with a Lambda-data of 0.08 W (mK) comes with an excellent insulation value for solid building materials simultaneously with its very high bearing capacity. For that reason, a single-leaf wall construction with a thickness of 36.5 cm already comes up to an energy norm of a german KfW-55-level low-energy-house. Moreover, with such value the Ytong-plan-brick from today on aligns to the EnEV-standards (german energy-saving regulation) authoritative as from the year 2020. • Thermal conductivity from λ=0,08 W/(mK) • Homogeneous, monolithic – without any additional insulation • Creates a healthy and well-balanced indoor climate • Very high fire-protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm • Economical and stable valued • Ergonomically designed
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,23 W/(m²K) d=384 mm
|Ytong AAC convinc with its sophisticated and well matched construction systems and the use of pre-fabricated products where they are most utilized. High quality primary products sand, lime, water, cement and the energy-saving fabrication of those stand for a high grade of environmental sustainability. Builder-owners benefit from the special advantages of solid constructions throughout the whole average life. This is not only due to the comfort as a result of the high grade of thermal protection in wintertime and on the other hand a pleasant cool indoor climate in summertime, but it also ensures the clinical safety of the building materials on mineral basis, certified by several approved institutes. Contaminant-free habitation, protection against electromagnetic pollution and other environmental influences as well as the use of non-combustible building materials assures secureness for your whole family and the conservation of value of your capital investment. Benefits: • Pure building materials on mineral basis • Clinical safety • Construction components can be cropped accurately • Improved thermal conductivity due to tiny air spaces
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,16 W/(m²K) d=444 mm
|On the top of energy efficiency: Ytong-plan-brick with Lambda-data 0.07 W/(mK). With a Lambda-data of 0.07 W/(mK), the Ytong-plan-brick reaches a value of thermal insulation which makes it possible to construct low-energy houses and even passive-houses single-leaf walled and without any additional insulation. Moreover, the Ytong-plan-brick from today on aligns to the standards authoritative as from the year 2020. • Thermal conductivity: λ=0.07 W/(mK) • Homogeneous, monolithic – without any additional insulation • Creates a healthy and well-balanced indoor climate • Very high fire-protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm • Economical and stable valued • Ergonomically designed
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,18 W/(m²K) d=444 mm
|On the top of energy efficiency with Ytong λ=0.08 W/(mK)! Whoever wants to do construction on the highest monolithic level nowadays cannot get past the highly thermal insulating system solution of Ytong. The patented Ytong plan-brick PP2-0.35 with a Lambda-data of 0.08 W (mK) comes with an excellent insulation value for solid building materials simultaneously with its very high bearing capacity. For that reason, a single-leaf wall construction with a thickness of 36.5 cm already comes up to an energy norm of a german KfW-55-level low-energy-house. Moreover, with such value the Ytong-plan-brick from today on aligns to the EnEV-standards (german energy-saving regulation) authoritative as from the year 2020. • Thermal conductivity from λ=0,08 W/(mK) • Homogeneous, monolithic – without any additional insulation • Creates a healthy and well-balanced indoor climate • Very high fire-protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm • Economical and stable valued • Ergonomically designed
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,20 W/(m²K) d=444 mm
|Ytong AAC convinc with its sophisticated and well matched construction systems and the use of pre-fabricated products where they are most utilized. High quality primary products sand, lime, water, cement and the energy-saving fabrication of those stand for a high grade of environmental sustainability. Builder-owners benefit from the special advantages of solid constructions throughout the whole average life. This is not only due to the comfort as a result of the high grade of thermal protection in wintertime and on the other hand a pleasant cool indoor climate in summertime, but it also ensures the clinical safety of the building materials on mineral basis, certified by several approved institutes. Contaminant-free habitation, protection against electromagnetic pollution and other environmental influences as well as the use of non-combustible building materials assures secureness for your whole family and the conservation of value of your capital investment. Benefits: • Pure building materials on mineral basis • Clinical safety • Construction components can be cropped accurately • Improved thermal conductivity due to tiny air spaces
DE Ytong Monolithic Wall U=0,14 W/(m²K) d=499 mm
|On the top of energy efficiency: Ytong-plan-brick with Lambda-data 0.07 W/(mK). With a Lambda-data of 0.07 W/(mK), the Ytong-plan-brick reaches a value of thermal insulation which makes it possible to construct low-energy houses and even passive-houses single-leaf walled and without any additional insulation. Moreover, the Ytong-plan-brick from today on aligns to the standards authoritative as from the year 2020. • Thermal conductivity: λ=0.07 W/(mK) • Homogeneous, monolithic – without any additional insulation • Creates a healthy and well-balanced indoor climate • Very high fire-protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm • Economical and stable valued • Ergonomically designed
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge 2/3 90°
|Mono ridge 2/3 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard 2/3 140
|Mansard 2/3 140 A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V eave 2/3 tile
|Eave 2/3 tile A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V 2/3 tile
|2/3 tile A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge cloak verge lh 90°
|Mono ridge cloak verge lh 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge cloak verge rh 90°
|Mono ridge cloak verge rh 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mono ridge main 90°
|Mono ridge main 90° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V main tile
|Main tile A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V through ventilation
|Through ventilation A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V verge lh
|Verge lh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V eave cloak verge lh
|Eave cloak verge lh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V eave cloak verge rh
|Eave cloak verge rh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V cloak verge lh
|Cloak verge lh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V cloak verge rh
|Cloak verge rh A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V special tile swift
|Special tile swift A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V special tile sparrow
|Special tile sparrow A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard cloak verge lh 140°
|Mansard cloak verge lh 140° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard cloak verge rh 140°
|Mansard cloak verge rh 140° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V mansard main 140°
|Mansard main 140° A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V main eave
|Main eave A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V main outlet tile
|Main outlet tile"A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
De Nieuwe Hollander-V roof_ventilation
|Roof_ventilation A larger format that other pan tiles in the range. Whilest still being a beautiful pan tile roof. For 2D DWG file, download: http://www.monier.nl/services-downloads/tekeningen-2d-3d-texturen/tekeningen-2d_32228.html For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”"
DE Hebel Wall d=150 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=175 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=200 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=250 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=300 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=365 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=300 mm W1/W2 AAC 3,5-400
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=365 mm W1/W2 AAC 3,5-400
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel internal Firewall d=175 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel fire wall panels – 360 minutes fire protection Structural fire protection at the highest level. Hebel fire wall panels are suitable for external and internal walls. Being an incombustible material of fire class A1 (non-flammable), aerated concrete does not contribute to the fire, does not produce smoke or other gases in a case of fire and furthermore effectively blocks off smoke and heat. Hebel aerated concrete meets the requirements of all fire resistance classes from F30 to F180 respectively EI30 to EI180 regulated by national and European standards. Fire behavior of Hebel aerated concrete: - non-flammable - great thermal insulation against heat - not dripping - no smoke or toxic gases - no functional impairment External walls made of Hebel fire wall panels have the same fire resistance than Hebel fire walls and therefore offer a maximum safety against fire flashover. Proofed Safety: A fire behavior test at a German material testing institute for the construction industry (Institute of Building Materials, Solid Construction and Fire Protection at the Technical University of Braunschweig) prooves the high standard of the Hebel fire wall panels. Result: The material resists fire for 360 minutes without any relevant functional impairment. During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=150 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=200 mm + insulation d=140 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=250 mm + insulation d=40 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Roof d=300 mm RF1 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel roof panels - solid security for the roof Hebel roof panels are well proven, load-bearing, large format building components for solid roof constructions. Various thicknesses and span widths with various load-bearing capacities allow various roof shapes, both ventilated and unventilated. Benefits: - maximum fire safety - individual roof shape - economic installation - effective summer and winter heat protection - standardized details During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel external Firewall d=175 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel fire wall panels – 360 minutes fire protection Structural fire protection at the highest level. Hebel fire wall panels are suitable for external and internal walls. Being an incombustible material of fire class A1 (non-flammable), aerated concrete does not contribute to the fire, does not produce smoke or other gases in a case of fire and furthermore effectively blocks off smoke and heat. Hebel aerated concrete meets the requirements of all fire resistance classes from F30 to F180 respectively EI30 to EI180 regulated by national and European standards. Fire behavior of Hebel aerated concrete: - non-flammable - great thermal insulation against heat - not dripping - no smoke or toxic gases - no functional impairment External walls made of Hebel fire wall panels have the same fire resistance than Hebel fire walls and therefore offer a maximum safety against fire flashover. Proofed Safety: A fire behavior test at a German material testing institute for the construction industry (Institute of Building Materials, Solid Construction and Fire Protection at the Technical University of Braunschweig) prooves the high standard of the Hebel fire wall panels. Result: The material resists fire for 360 minutes without any relevant functional impairment. During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Ytong ThermStrong Monolithic Wall PP4-0,50 U=0,26 W/(m²K) d=384 mm
|The Ytong ThermStrong block is suitable for all load bearing and bracing walls. The low dimensional tolerance and the tongue and groove profiling enable rapid processing in the thin-bed method with a joint thickness of 1 mm. The result is a high-quality and homogeneous masonry with excellent thermal insulation. Due to the low weight, aerated concrete blocks are also suitable for internal walls to be retrofitted as well as for reconstruction and renovation measures. The ecological and non-combustible material also makes the construction materials extremely safe and allows their safe use. Advantages: - thermal conductivity λ = 0.10 W/(mK) - Homogeneous, monolithic - without additional insulation - Provides healthy, balanced room climate - Very high fire protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm - Economical and stable in value - Ergonomic processing
DE Ytong ThermStrong Monolithic Wall PP4-0,50 U=0,24 W/(m²K) d=419 mm
|The Ytong ThermStrong block is suitable for all load bearing and bracing walls. The low dimensional tolerance and the tongue and groove profiling enable rapid processing in the thin-bed method with a joint thickness of 1 mm. The result is a high-quality and homogeneous masonry with excellent thermal insulation. Due to the low weight, aerated concrete blocks are also suitable for internal walls to be retrofitted as well as for reconstruction and renovation measures. The ecological and non-combustible material also makes the construction materials extremely safe and allows their safe use. Advantages: - thermal conductivity λ = 0.10 W/(mK) - Homogeneous, monolithic - without additional insulation - Provides healthy, balanced room climate - Very high fire protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm - Economical and stable in value - Ergonomic processing
DE Ytong ThermStrong Monolithic Wall PP4-0,50 U=0,22 W/(m²K) d=444 mm
|The Ytong ThermStrong block is suitable for all load bearing and bracing walls. The low dimensional tolerance and the tongue and groove profiling enable rapid processing in the thin-bed method with a joint thickness of 1 mm. The result is a high-quality and homogeneous masonry with excellent thermal insulation. Due to the low weight, aerated concrete blocks are also suitable for internal walls to be retrofitted as well as for reconstruction and renovation measures. The ecological and non-combustible material also makes the construction materials extremely safe and allows their safe use. Advantages: - thermal conductivity λ = 0.10 W/(mK) - Homogeneous, monolithic - without additional insulation - Provides healthy, balanced room climate - Very high fire protection level: F90-A from 7.5 cm - Economical and stable in value - Ergonomic processing
Chapa Colaborante
Javier Farratell | 1423051410Este accesorio de forjado permite crear un forjado colaborante recubriendo con una chapa laminada la superficie del forjado. Con una fácil e intuitiva interfaz, podemos mover el punto caliente en planta para dirigir la dirección de la chapa, en las propiedades del elemento podemos crear a nuestra medida el perfil de las láminas y en el 3D, y en las propiedades del elemento, podemos poner a la altura que queramos la chapa para crear nuestro forjado colaborante a gusto. El último paso sería utilizar el objeto como elemento de sustracción con extrusión en la dirección que deseamos para que nuestro forjado sea totalmente real.
Entrance Door w/ Wall Reader
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik solution for single-leaf aluminium or steel entrance doors with a SCALA solo Wall Reader. SCALA is the universal electronic access control for the home and for properties of all sizes. Equipped with an Electric Strike and a Cam-Motion® Door Closer. Electric Strike with Face Plate ProFix® allows minimum fitting size – maximum effect. [LIST] Mortise Lock, OneSystem Standard project lock, Standard: EN 12209 Electric Strike with Face Plate, ProFix® (EPD-ASA-20150092-IBA1-EN) Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Access Control SCALA, Mini-Controller and Reader with Keypad Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Entrance Door w/ Panic Lock and Wall Reader
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik solution for single-leaf aluminium or steel entrance doors with a SCALA solo Wall Reader and a multi-functional self-locking lock. SCALA is the universal electronic access control. Door is also equipped with a Cam-Motion® Door Closer. When doors feature the MEDIATOR system, they are essentially locked on the outside, but, thanks to the panic function, users are able to exit buildings from the inside without a key at any time. Doors can also be opened using the access control system SCALA. [LIST] MEDIATOR Mortise Lock, mechanical, Standard: DIN EN 179 & 1125 MEDIATOR Electric Strike with Face Plate Security Fittings, ONE System (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Access Control SCALA, Mini-Controller and Reader with Keypad Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Kindergarten Secured Entrance Door
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Escape door-locking device for nursery schools with Security Door Closer. The locking element is powered and controlled via the Escape Door Control Terminal. Even children can release the door at any time using the emergency button. MEDIATOR® - the self-locking escape door lock with electric strike is approved for use on escape routes and in fire and smoke protection doors. Door is also equipped with a Security Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. [LIST] MEDIATOR Mortise Lock, mechanical, Standard: DIN EN 179 & 1125 MEDIATOR Electric Strike with Face Plate Security Fittings, ONE System (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Security Door Closer, Non-Hinge Side, Standard: EN 1154, EltVTR Escape Door Control Terminal, Standard: EltVTR Push Button Inside Push Button Outside Digital Time Switch Key Switch Outside Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, Nursery School, Kindergarten, School, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Exterior Door w/ Escape Route Terminal
|This ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Security Door Solution is also secured by a High Security Multipoint Lock in combination with the Escape Route Technology. The door can be released at any time using the emergency button, which also triggers an acoustical and optical alarm. Authorised access in the direction of escape is gained using a key in the key switch integrated into the escape door control terminal. The key switch can also be used to set the door to permanent release, to re-lock and to deactivate the alarm. [LIST] Security Multi Point Panic Lock, Standard: EN 179, EN 1125 Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle both sides), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154 , (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Escape Door Control Terminal, Standard: EltVTR Escape Route Electric Strike incl. Long Strike Plate, (EPD-ASA-20150095-IBA1-EN) Key Switch Outside I/O Extension with TS BUS Interface Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Exterior Double Door
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel door with Guide-Rail Door Closer. The narrow stile version of the OneSystem Project Mortise Locks impresses with its versatility with regard to function, security and reliability. It is suitable for single-leaf doors and for double-leaf doors in combination with the unique espagnolette in the passive leaf. [LIST] Mortise Lock, OneSystem Standard project lock, Standard: EN 12209 Espagnolette OneSystem , for automatic locking of the passive leaf Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator, Standard: EN 1158, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Exterior Double Door w/ Panic Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Security solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. The OneSystem panic touch bars are perfect for use on escape doors. Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator for double leaf doors and installation, non-hinge side. Door is equipped with the OneSystem standard panic lock in the narrow stile version in combination with a standard passive leaf lock. [LIST] Mortise Lock, OneSystem Panic Lock, Standard:EN 179, EN 1125 Passive Leaf Lock, OneSystem, Standard: EN 1634, EN 15804 Half Fittings Outside, OneSystem, Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIM 18273 Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator, non-hinge side, Standard: EN 1158, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Carry Bar for guide rail, Double-leaf Panic Push Bar, OneSystem, Standard. EN 1125, EN 1634, EN 15804 [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Entrance Door High Security w/ Escape Route Terminal
|The ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik solution for highly secured entrance doors. In escape direction the door is also secured by an electric locking element which is powered and controlled via the Escape Door Control Terminal. The electric access control system SCALA (card reader and access code) is installed on the inside and outside to provide authorised door opening. The outside access control system is used for comfortable door opening against the escape route direction. The lock/door will be self-locked automatically as soon as the door closer has closed the door. [LIST] Multi-Point Panic Lock, Motorized, OnySystem, Standard: EN 179 and EN 1125 Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Lead Cover Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Escape Door Control Device Escape Door Terminal, Flush-Mounted Escape Route Electric Strike incl. Strike Plate, (EPD-ASA-20150095-IBA1-EN) Access Control SCALA, with Software, Controller, Inside Reader, Outside Reader with Keypad O-Module to set, control and monitoring lock signals Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Entrance Door w/ Code Fitting
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Security solution for single leaf aluminium or steel door with Security door code fitting ESA501. Outer door handle rotates freely, inner door handle always engaged. Memory capacity for up to 99 PIN codes. Equipped with an OneSystem panic lock and Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. The lock/door will be self-locked automatically as soon as the door closer has closed the door. [LIST] Security Panic Lock Mechanical, OneSystem, Standard: EN 179 and EN 1125 Escutcheon code fitting + Handle, Standards: CE, EN179, EN1906, DIN18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Emergency Exit Door w/ Escape Control Alarm
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik -Emergency Exit Door Solution from the ASSA ABLOY Germany. EXITalarm is an emergency exit door alarm, which detects when the door handle is turning. Equipped with an OneSystem self-locking panic mortise lock and Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. The lock/door will be self-locked automatically as soon as the door closer has closed the door. [LIST] Security Panic Lock Mechanical, OneSystem, Standard: EN 179 and EN 1125 Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) EXITalarm, Alarm in case of misuse of an emergency exit [/LIST] Typical applications: Public, Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Commercial, Congress For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Entrance Door w/ Escape Control and Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Solution for an escape route monitored single leaf aluminium or steel door. The door status (open or closed) is monitored via a door contact and the door can be authorised for release using a key switch. An alarm is triggered if the door is opened without authorisation. Equipped with an OneSystem self-locking panic mortise lock and Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. The lock/door is automatically self-locked as soon as the door closer has closed the door. [LIST] Security Panic Lock Mechanical, OneSystem, Standard: EN 179 and EN 1125 Security Fitting Half-set, Knob outside, OneSystem, Standard: DIN EN 1906 and DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Panic Push Bar, OneSystem, Standard. EN 1125, EN 1634, EN 15804 Door Surveillance System Key Switch Outside Reed Contact [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Janela BP 16
Peter Balint | 1358370689Janela de BP
Table rectangulaire 01 19
Imane Elhilali | 1533669625Différents types de table rectangulaire.
Vaso Sanitário 19
ana karla viana paiva | 1457112293Diferentes tipos de vasos sanitários com espaço mínimo. Editável com Modelagem MEP.
Hueco Circular 19
Jose Morillo | 1493485141Vano circular.
Dimitre Gallego | 1454207977Mesa para prática de tênis de mesa desenvolvida para ambientes externos. **modelo 500** Para mais informações: www.pingpoint.com.br
Dimitre Gallego | 1454207977Mesa para prática de tênis de mesa desenvolvida para ambientes externos. **modelo 80** Para mais informações: www.pingpoint.com.br
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154305CARBONA R565 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154369CLASSIC R 400 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154447SALINA R 580 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154677VARIO R 931 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154732VARIO R 932 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154799VARIO R 941 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154871Vascu R 752 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442154931Vascu_R 757 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442155014VASCU R 764 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442155096VASCU R 773 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
FRANK FELDHAUS | 1442155162VASCU R 775 NF WILDER VERBAND 240 x 71 x 14 mm DIN 18515-1
Rietveld Baby Chair
Jim McGlothlin | 1614784867Baby Chair (1919) designed by Gerrit Rietveld for the Schelling family. This 3D object is based on a reconstruction by C. Van Fraeijenhove.
Rietveld Sideboard
Jim McGlothlin | 1614783063Gerrit Rietveld's Elling sideboard (1919) originally designed for J.J.P. Oud was unfortunately lost in a fire. A subsequent version was constructed for the Elling project by Gerard van de Groenekan, the joiner in Rietveld's cabinet shop.
Fabiana Dias de Magalhaes | 1590291396Bancada ilha de marmore preto
Barra Simples 18
Miguel Cruz | 1493750999Guarda-Corpo de barra simples.
Batidora 19
yina tatiana rangel Castaño | 1491976606Licuadora de cocina.
Arbustos 20
Flor Ruiz | 1493366660Imágenes renderizadas y a mano alzada de arbustos con vistas bitmap 3D de planta y alzado opcionales.
Cimbra L
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Cimbra en "L" para trabes y contra trabes de concreto. Formwork for L beams.
Cimbra Viga
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Cimbra para Viga de Concreto Conrete Beam Formwork
Calefactor tiro balanceado 2000KC Longvie
René Guzmán Gil | 1463882561Tiro Balanceado. Potencia: 2.000 Kcal/h. Salida horizontal incluida. Salida en "U" opcional. Encendido piezoeléctrico. Reja de aluminio macizo inyectado. Válvula de seguridad. Regulador de presión multigas. Cámara de combustión estanca, totalmente enlozada. Incluye kit de instalación. Multigas. Color: gabinete tiza y parrilla gris. Medidas: ancho 30,0 cm, alto 57,5 cm, profundidad 16,0 cm. Superficie calefaccionada aprox.: 18 m², Origen: Argentina. - See more at: http://www.longvie.com/producto.php?idprod=375&idcat=40#descrip
Leandro Paganelli | 1561591379Lixeira de calçada
Gabriel França dos Santos | 1573142450Triângulo 2D para memória de cálculo
Porta Bicicletas 03 18
Daniela Rossetto | 1533670589Suporte radial de bicicletas.
Pérgola 19
jorge leon rivas | 1500073989Pérgola con soporte y número de patas opcionales.
Silla Piano 19
Jaime Mendoza | 1500415743Taburete de Piano con espacio mínimo
Rodrigo González | 1353690841Silla de piel molona
Acabado Muro
Sr Ando | 1427406718Simbologia para plano de acabado en muros
Cuadro 18 Editable
Javier Farratell | 1428482451Este Objeto cuadro es una actualización del Objeto Cuadro 18 de la biblioteca de ArchiCAD. Debido a un bug que ocurre en Mac con Cinerender (cuando se renderiza, las imágenes de los cuadros salen transparentes), este cuadro salta ese bug si se inhabilita el canal alpha de las imágenes, además de dar más funcionalidades a estas.
Personnages bitmap 18
Djime Diarra | 1420250515Choix de photos de personnes pour utilisation en 3D avec symboles 2D correspondant, la photo fait automatiquement face à la caméra.
Bloque 12x20x40
Luis Roberto Navarro Jimenez | 1399298131Bloque de Mamposteria de 12x20x40
Medio Bloque 12x20x40
Luis Roberto Navarro Jimenez | 1399299057Medio Bloque de 12x20x40
Silla Diseño 01 18
Dayana Díaz Faccini | 1439800411Diferentes tipos de silla de diseño con símbolos 2D y espacio mínimo.
Streetlight 10 midi LED
|Lampadaire Streetlight 10 midi LED pour un montage sur mât ou au sommet du mât | avec des LED blanches à réflecteurs, pour une répartition uniforme, asymétrique extensive de la lumière; avec un cache d'éclairage plat moulé | système électronique LED commandé par microprocesseur; avec des fonctions de commande de gestion de l'éclairage et de contrôle* | boîtier et bride de mât en aluminium coulé sous pression, fer micacé Siteco® (DB 702S); cache en PMMA
Lunis 2® mini
|Lunis 2® mini, downlight, orientation de la lumière avec réflecteur Darklight, en plastique, métallisé en aluminium, brillant, BAP65 (L≤ 1000cd/m²), diffusion de lumière: direct distribution, LED couleur de lumière: 830, blanc chaud, ballast: BE, avec borne, 3 broches, 2,5mm² max., raccordement au secteur: 230V, AC, 50Hz, boîtier de luminaire, en plastique, blanc, diamètre: 172 mm, profondeur d’encastrement: 180 mm, zone de serrage: 1..40mm, bague de montage, plat, en plastique, blanc, degré de protection (total): IP20, classe de protection (total): CS I (mise à la terre), marquage: CE, ENEC en préparation, température ambiante admissible à l’intérieur: ≤ +25°C,
Adjustable Table E 1027
|Designed by Eileen Gray, 1927; - This is perhaps the classic among the classics is this perhaps the classic. Its ingeniously proportioned, distinctive form has made this height-adjustable table one of the most popular design icons of the 20th century. It is named after the summer house E 1027 “Maison en bord de mer” that Eileen Gray built for herself and for her collaborator, Jean Badovici. The secret code-name likewise comes from her: E is for Eileen, 10 for Jean (J is the 10th letter of the alphabet), 2 for B(adovici) and 7 for G(ray). Adjustable side table. Frame of chromium-plated steel tubing. Top of clear crystal glass, parsol grey or black laquered metal. Details see price list. Authorised by The World Licence Holder Aram Designs Ltd, London
|Modario®, élément de projecteur, en acier, aluminium blanc (RAL 9006), longueur: 598 mm, hauteur: 280mm, LED couleur de lumière: 840, blanc froid, ballast: BE, avec connecteur, 3 broches, avec sélection de phase, raccordement au secteur: 230V, AC, 0/50..60Hz, ballast intégré, orientation de la lumière primaire avec réflecteur, en aluminium, degré de protection (total): IP20, classe de protection (total): CS I (mise à la terre), marquage: CE, ENEC, symbole de protection: F, température ambiante admissible à l'intérieur: +10..+35°C, unité d'emballage: 1 pièce
Monsun LED
|Luminaire à vasque pour locaux humides Monsun® LED pour une pose en saillie au plafond, un montage en suspension ou une fixation sur rail de montage | distribution directe extensive avec éclairage du plafond; avec un cache prismatique extrudé | avec un appareil électronique pour le tube LED Siteco® | boîtier en polyester, renforcé de fibres de verre, gris; cache en PMMA; fermetures et fixation pour plafond en V2A
NJ 700 LED
|NJ700 LED pour une pose en saillie au plafond ou un montage en suspension | with double reflector of aluminium; distribution intensive ou extensive | avec un ballast électronique DALI*; with mounted 5-pole connection plug and enclosed socket | LED module support with cooling ribs and electrics module of diecast aluminium, mounting bracket of steel; toutes les pièces sont peintes en fer micacé Siteco® (DB 702S); lateral support profiles of extruded aluminium, anodised; cache en verre de sécurité
Fastighetsbox Svenskboxen stående 1x3
|Svenskboxen stående är en fastighetsbox för smala utrymmen. Den är förberedd för ellås och digitala namnskyltar som standard och uppfyller användbarhetskraven för postboxar från Bygg klokt för personer med funktionsnedsättningar. [LIST] Svenskboxen är den enda postboxen på marknaden som erhållit den högsta säkerhetsklassen (säkerhetsklass II) vilket innebär att den motstår inbrottsförsök bäst av alla fastighetsboxar. Det nya 10mm-inkastet förhindrar i princip att obehöriga fiskar upp posten utifrån. Det gör att posten ligger säkert i den boendes postbox. Svenskboxen stående är utrustad med en smart reklammärkning vilket gör att den boende lätt kan ange om han vill ha reklam eller inte. På så vis undviker man att de boende sätter upp egna handskriva lappar som förfular trappuppgången. [/LIST]
Fastighetsbox Svenskboxen 1x9
|En komplett postbox med marknadens högsta säkerhetsklass. Svenskboxen är förberedd för ellås och digital namnmärkning som standard och uppfyller användbarhetskraven från Bygg klokt, som de tagit fram för postboxar. Med Svenskboxen har vi tagit fram en fastighetsbox som följer med in i framtiden. [LIST] Svenskboxen är den enda fastighetsboxen på marknaden som erhållit den högsta säkerhetsklassen (säkerhetsklass II) vilket innebär att den motstår inbrottsförsök bäst av alla fastighetsboxar. Det nya 10mm-inkastet förhindrar i princip att obehöriga fiskar upp posten utifrån. Postboxen är utrustad med en smart reklammärkning vilket gör att den boende lätt kan ange om han vill ha reklam eller inte. På så vis undviker man att de boende sätter upp egna handskriva lappar som förfular trappuppgången. [/LIST]
Maria Design Ludovic Roth
|Suspension en feutre gris clair. "Maria" est une suspension réalisée en bandes de feutres cousues et éditée par dix heures dix. Présentée lors du salon Maison&Objet de janvier 2013, "Maria" étonne dans le choix des matériaux qui la composent. Son abat-jour est une répétition de pièces de feutres renforcées de tiges de fibre de verre. Identiques et cousues entre elles, elles diffusent la lumière de manière chaleureuse et douce.
Kingspan iSoEasy Pro XL
|Text and links only in DUTCH De Kingspan iSoEasy Pro XL Hellend Dakplaat is een PIR hardschuim isolatieplaat met vezelvrije kern, aan twee zijden voorzien van een alu meerlagen complex en aan één zijde een stootvaste witte zichtzijde. De plaat is bestemd voor het thermisch na–isoleren aan de binnenzijde van ongeïsoleerde hellende daken, waarin géén dampremmende laag voorkomt. De Kingspan iSoEasy Pro XL Hellend Dakplaat is standaard verkrijgbaar in de afmeting 3000 x 600 mm en is ook leverbaar in de afmetingen 1200 x 600 mm en 1300 x 600 mm. Alle producten in het Kingspan hellend dak assortiment worden geproduceerd onder de hoogst mogelijke kwaliteitseisen en zijn voorzien van CE–markering.
Kingspan iSoEasy Pro
|text and links only in DUTCH De Kingspan iSoEasy Pro Hellend Dakplaat is een PIR hardschuim isolatieplaat met vezelvrije kern, aan twee zijden voorzien van een alu meerlagen complex en aan één zijde een stootvaste witte zichtzijde. De plaat is bestemd voor het thermisch na–isoleren aan de binnenzijde van ongeïsoleerde hellende daken, waarin géén dampremmende laag voorkomt. De Kingspan iSoEasy Pro Hellend Dakplaat is standaard verkrijgbaar in de afmeting 1200 x 600 mm en wordt geleverd als onderdeel van een compleet pakket. Alle producten in het Kingspan hellend dak assortiment worden geproduceerd onder de hoogst mogelijke kwaliteitseisen en zijn voorzien van CE–markering.
|URSA PUREONE is a mineral wool product used in thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings which offers a high performance and many advantages: High performance. URSA PUREONE offers an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Its composition technology allows URSA offer a Warranty of 25 years. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, fire resistant... The acrylic base technology of its binder grants its high performance. Easy to install. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, it does not make the skin get irritated,… It has obtain the First Award 2014- 2015 in “Trophées de la Maison”. Best Inner Air Quality. The URSA PUREONE technology has a 0% of emission of COV, optimizing the quality of the inner air.
|URSA PUREONE is a mineral wool product used in thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings which offers a high performance and many advantages: High performance. URSA PUREONE offers an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Its composition technology allows URSA offer a Warranty of 25 years. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, fire resistant... The acrylic base technology of its binder grants its high performance. Easy to install. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, it does not make the skin get irritated,… It has obtain the First Award 2014- 2015 in “Trophées de la Maison”. Best Inner Air Quality. The URSA PUREONE technology has a 0% of emission of COV, optimizing the quality of the inner air.
|URSA PUREONE is a mineral wool product used in thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings which offers a high performance and many advantages: High performance. URSA PUREONE offers an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Its composition technology allows URSA offer a Warranty of 25 years. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, fire resistant... The acrylic base technology of its binder grants its high performance. Easy to install. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, it does not make the skin get irritated,… It has obtain the First Award 2014- 2015 in “Trophées de la Maison”. Best Inner Air Quality. The URSA PUREONE technology has a 0% of emission of COV, optimizing the quality of the inner air.
|URSA PUREONE is a mineral wool product used in thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings which offers a high performance and many advantages: High performance. URSA PUREONE offers an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Its composition technology allows URSA offer a Warranty of 25 years. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, fire resistant... The acrylic base technology of its binder grants its high performance. Easy to install. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, it does not make the skin get irritated,… It has obtain the First Award 2014- 2015 in “Trophées de la Maison”. Best Inner Air Quality. The URSA PUREONE technology has a 0% of emission of COV, optimizing the quality of the inner air.
|URSA PUREONE is a mineral wool product used in thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings which offers a high performance and many advantages: High performance. URSA PUREONE offers an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Its composition technology allows URSA offer a Warranty of 25 years. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, fire resistant... The acrylic base technology of its binder grants its high performance. Easy to install. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, it does not make the skin get irritated,… It has obtain the First Award 2014- 2015 in “Trophées de la Maison”. Best Inner Air Quality. The URSA PUREONE technology has a 0% of emission of COV, optimizing the quality of the inner air.
|URSA PUREONE is a mineral wool product used in thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings which offers a high performance and many advantages: High performance. URSA PUREONE offers an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Its composition technology allows URSA offer a Warranty of 25 years. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, fire resistant... The acrylic base technology of its binder grants its high performance. Easy to install. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, it does not make the skin get irritated,… It has obtain the First Award 2014- 2015 in “Trophées de la Maison”. Best Inner Air Quality. The URSA PUREONE technology has a 0% of emission of COV, optimizing the quality of the inner air.
Hajom Type A - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with two sections, one moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type C - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with four sections, two moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type G - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, one moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type M - Wood
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, two moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type A - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with two sections, one moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type C - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with four sections, two moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type G - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, one moving and two fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Hajom Type M - Alu
|An exclusive sliding door with three sections, two moving and one fixed. When closed the door is in a lower position, laying in special profiles for better sealing. To open the sliding door the handle is turned 180 degrees which will heighten the door and push it to the side to release it from the profile. This feature makes the heavy sliding door exceptionally easy to move. De moving parts is on the inside as standard. Net doors (optional) is on the outside. The door section can be made as a supporting construction with larger pillars or with carvings for steel profiles inside the pillars. (You can only put burden on the pillars, not on the frame head.) Triple-glazed insulating windows with hardened glass (for personal security) is standard. Other security glasses, sunscreen glass, dirt rejecting glass, soundproofing glass, heated glass and more variations are optional.
Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Philips Light Fixture Master Script 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1343936190Hanging lamp industrial design www.masterscript.nl
Jeroen de Bruin | 1343401031This object is a modification of the steel beams from the standard library. So it has all options of cutting and placement. Special feature is a cross which is drawn in section and elevations automatically. When placed side by side the fills won't merge in the section. The floorplan representation is FPCP and placement height sensitive. Also it calculates the Elastic Modus and other information automatically.
Joachim Suehlo | 1341921171parametric floor mat for entries of houses; interface language: german Object to create rectangular floormats with frame. Dimensions, materials and fills are parametric. For insertion into existing slabs please use SEO function.
Flechas en el pavimento
Reynel Diaz | 1400770113Flechas reglamentarias para indicar sentidos en las vias.
zebra skin carpet
Claudia de Goede | 1516712498zebra skin carpet
Reynel Diaz | 1400770087Cebra peatonal paramétrica según mintransporte Colombia.
ETEC ENGENHARIA | 1376066768Caixas d'água da empresa FortLev
Total Zone
Jeroen de Bruin | 1355176262Total Zone is a zonestamp which will solve all your zone problems. No more duplicated zones for each different output, one zone for all output. With the Model View Options this zone can be different in each view, increasing the BIM factor of your model. CHECK OUT ALL THE FEATURES!
Weatherboards, horizontal light
James de Soyres | 1424138253 -
RSI scanner
Jeroen de Bruin | 1364511248 -
Baksteen - rood halfsteens
Anne de Ruijtter | 1563377518 -
Glas - bruin
Anne de Ruijtter | 1568296005 -
Estante Colgante Mural 19
Mariamónica Galván de la Garza | 1442802417 -
Erik de los Reyes | 1455732191 -
Erik de los Reyes | 1455732244 -
Erik de los Reyes | 1455732300 -
KSa_STONE_VENEER_Highlands Drystack
Erik de los Reyes | 1455732376 -
Legno assi incerte
Giulia De Franceschi | 1616424919 -
Legno asciato verticale
Giulia De Franceschi | 1616425099 -
Legno asciato
Giulia De Franceschi | 1616425240 -
Dekton Lunar
Giulia De Franceschi | 1620047304 -
Dekton Kovik
Giulia De Franceschi | 1620053194 -
Dekton Nayla
Giulia De Franceschi | 1620131627