ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric Krokus 8005 coat stand
Coat Hook
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400015 -
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric 8220 coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric 8225 coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric 8230 coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric 8235 coat rack, add-on element
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric 8230 coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric 8340 coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric 8605 coat stand
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric Krokus 8010 coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric Krokus 8015 coat rack
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric Krokus 8020 coat rack
Coat Hook
|A modern design with smooth surfaces and clean lines that fits seamlessly in your washroom. Create a great impression that boosts the high-quality image of your facility. Stylish stainless steel with anti finger print coating looks great and stays clean. • A coat hook offers extra convenience with style • Matches the Image Design look to blend in seamlessly • Easy to mount no visible screws
Wille 3-tray freestanding with coat hanger and bench
|With Wille rail system with wall rails and stand-alone modules, you can finally give large and small environments awaited feature, structure and aesthetics. Everything from the whole decor of the large media library, a small smart shoe shelf under the stairs. Steel cabinet that serves as a mini-workstation. Space for PC, holes for charging.
Coat and hat rack 65
|Thanks to its clean design our most popular coat and hat rack. With the wall mounted Coat and Hat Rack 65 or 65K with hanging rail you can create a modified cloakroom system for both private and public spaces. Its available in any length of your choosing. The material is nickel plated steel or powder coated paint in different colors to harmonize with the surrounding environment. Coat and hat rack 65 comes with ten anchor hooks per meter where you can hang jackets and coats.
Coating photocatalytic mortar - i.active COAT WP-S 100
|Sprayed photocatalytic highly-waterproof mortar. i.active COAT WP-S 100 is a CR-CSIV-W2 mortar, based on cement with the TX Active® technology of photocatalysis, patented by Italcementi-HeidelbergCement Group, which confers the product depolluting (decontamination) and self-cleaning properties in the presence of sunlight or dedicated artificial light. i.active COAT WP-S 100 also incorporates last generation polymers to improve photocatalytic activity on marine, wet or rainy ambient. i.active COATWP-S 100 is a coating mortar featuring high aesthetic qualities and an improved adhesion bond strength, preferably on a cement render mortar or concrete. i.active COAT WP-S 100 is specially recommended whenever depolluting and desoiling properties are required for the envelope, combined with cleaner surfaces over time.
IM-102 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-102 Kaksitasoinen maalattu vaatenaulakko,jossa J-malliset kromatut vaatekoukut on kiinnitetty ylätasoon. Naulakossa on vakiona koukkujen lisäksi kromattu ripustintanko vaateripustimia varten. Runko polttomaalattua 30X30 teräsputkea. Voidaan koota rajattomia pituuksia, kapasiteetti kts. taulukko.Erikoistilauksesta koukkuja on mahdollista sijoittaa ylätason lisäksi myös teräksiseen väliputkeen, jolloin kapasiteettia voidaan lisätä 10-20%. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
IM-103 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-103 Lattiapinnan vapaaksi jättävä naulakkomalli. Ei ripustintankoa,alataso on erittäin tukeva ja sitä voidaan käyttää joko istuintasona tai kenkätasona.Lisävarusteena mahdollista asentaa tukijalka lattiaan. Vakiokorkeudet 1100mm ja 1460mm,runkokannatin voidaan kiinnittää halutulle korkeudelle käyttäjien pituuden mukaan.Tilauksesta saatavana myös muita korkeuksia. Suunniteltu erityisesti kouluja varten,mahtava kapasiteetti eri pituisille käyttäjille,vahva seinäkiinnitys. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
IM-301 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-301 Luotettava perusnaulakko yleisiin tiloihin sekä myös kotiin.Syvyys 390 mm, korkeus 1860 mm. Voidaan koota rajattomia pituuksia. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
IM-302 Vaatenaulakko
Jarkko Hoivala | 1726564508#https://www.inkometalli.fi/ Moduliset IM-302 Luotettava perusnaulakko yleisiin tiloihin sekä myös kotiin.Syvyys 540 mm, korkeus 1860 mm, pituudet tilauksen mukaan, voidaan koota rajattomia pituuksia tai tehdä määrämittoja sentin tarkkuudella. --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
JAMITO Naulakko 19
Jarkko Hoivala | 1616709277#https://jamito.fi/ Jamito Oy:n levyrunkoiset naulakot. Coat hanger system with wooden or laminate frames. Ver. 2121A Programmed by www.gdlfactory.fi / Jarkko Hoivala Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
E0572 - Workstation, Hematology Lab, Minimal
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Vertical Hanger Strips 1 Equipment Rail, System-Mt, 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Module, 80"H x 24"W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 2 Module, 80"H x 48"W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Vertical Chase Cover; 2 Service Shelf 48"W; 2 Light 24"W; 2 Light 30"W; 2 Light 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 60"W; 2 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 72"W 3 DR, 3"H; 5 DR, 6"H 1 DR, 9"H; 1 Storage Frame; 1 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 4 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 24"W; 2 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, Dbl. Door, Backsplash, 30"D x 48"W 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; 1 Coat Hook; Drawer Organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0573 - Workstation, Shipping/Receiving Lab, Minimal
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equipment Rail, System-Mt, 48"W 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W 1 Module, 80"H x 24W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf 2 Module, 80"H x 48W , w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf 1 Vertical Chase Cover 2 Service Shelf 48W 2 Light 48W 2 Cantilevered Work Surface 30D x 48W 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48W 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Sink Base Cabinet, Dbl. Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30D x 48W 1 Swing-Away Eyewash 1 SS Sink 19D x 33D 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands 1 Strainer and Tailpiece 1 Coat Hook Drawer Organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0584 - Workstation Blood Bank/Serology Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 2 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Light, 24"W; 5 Light 48"W; 2 Electric/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 4 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 3 Drw, 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cab, Dbl Doors, Backsplash, w/Corian Top 30"D x 48"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Double Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. with Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; 1 Coat Hook; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0818 - Module, Wardrobe, Extended, Patient Bedroom - Family
|A module of a wardrobe and cabinets for use in patient bedrooms. The unit is custom configured and will have a swing door wardrobe, a desk and various storage units with overhead cabinet and shelf. The unit will be approximately 120"W x 20" D x 84" H. The wardrobe will have a top shelf with a coat rod. The module price and dimensions are for items identified in the PDF document. Many different configurations are available. Overhead lights may also be added to the module
|External thermal insulation composite system with rendering (ETICS) intended to be used on external walls made of concrete or masonry, for new or existing buildings. PARISO PSE - M is composed of a thin mineral base coat reinforced with a glass fibre mesh and applied onto expanded polystyrene panels (white or grey) bonded or mechanically-fixed with anchors to the substrate. Various finishing coats are associated to the system: - Thick mineral rendering - Thin mineral renderings - Silicate renderings - Marble aggregates - burnt clay facing bricks - FR containing-organic renderings - FR containing-organic and siloxane rendering
|External thermal insulation composite system with rendering (ETICS) intended to be used on external walls made of concrete or masonry, for new or existing buildings. PARISO PSE - M is composed of a thin mineral base coat reinforced with a glass fibre mesh and applied onto mineral stone wool panels (one-density or dual-density) mechanically-fixed with anchors to the substrate. Various finishing coats are associated to the system: - Thick mineral rendering - Thin mineral renderings - Silicate renderings - Marble aggregates - Burnt-clay facing bricks - FR containing-organic renderings - FR containing-organic and siloxane rendering
|Leaf is a practical magazine or brochure holder with a sturdy shape, that is also foldable and easy to move around. The warm grey colour has an informal feel which fits into any environment, which makes it highly suitable as a free standing unit for any temporary public or commercial space. Leaf was designed by Dutch designer Robert Bronwasse for Cascando, as part of their nature-inspires series of interior accessories. Leaf is also available as a freestanding whiteboard made of high-grade enameled steel and other products in this range include the Branch Coat Stand, Branch Wall Hooks, Plant Side Table and Forest Coat Rack.
|The prime characteristic of Flower is the beautifully lined wardrobe crown. Among the large coat hooks are smaller loop hooks, making sure that the coat rack will accommodate at least ten coats. The heavy cast iron base ensures optimal stability. Flower is available in two versions: with or without an integrated umbrella holder, while eight contemporary colours offer plenty of choice. The crown is made of plastic, the tube is composed from powder‐coated steel, and the iron base is cast.
ETICS: basic
|Basic is the primary external wall insulation system in the range. Incorporating expanded polystyrene insulation, it is a high performance, fully acrylic or mineral based thin coat rendered facade system. It is ideal for the refurbishment of solid wall constructions, providing an easy to apply solution to effectively insulate the building.
ETICS: collection / EPS / Ceramic
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection alsecco ensures creativity for your next project. Alsecco has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: ecomin
|Ecomin is the primary external wall insulation system incorporating mineral wool. It is a thin coat render system with high levels of flexibility, ideal where inconsistencies or irregularities in the substrate occur. This system is ideal for solid wall constructions, providing an easy to apply solution to effectively insulate the building.
ETICS: collection / EPS / Stone
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Collection alsecco also offers stone slips as a design choice for your project’s façade including polished natural granite and marble. On certain projects only stone is the option due to planning restrictions or just to create the architect’s vision. Alsecco can provide whatever type of stone you require, whether contemporary, rustic or traditional, and with four options in terms of manufacturing and sourcing, the design choice is endless.
ETICS: collection / Stone Wool / Ceramic
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection alsecco ensures creativity for your next project. Alsecco has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: collection / Stone Wool / Stone
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Collection alsecco also offers stone slips as a design choice for your project’s façade including polished natural granite and marble. On certainprojects only stone is the option due to planning restrictions or just to create the architect’s vision. Alsecco can provide whatever type of stone you require, whether contemporary, rustic or traditional, and with four options in terms of manufacturing and sourcing, the design choice is endless.
ETICS: Pro Extra
|Pro Extra is the primary external wall insulation system incorporating mineral wool. It is a thin coat render system with high levels of flexibility, ideal where inconsistencies or irregularities in the substrate occur. This system is ideal for solid wall constructions, providing an easy to apply solution to effectively insulate the building.
ETICS: Pro mineralic
|Pro Mineralic is the primary external wall insulation system in the range. Incorporating expanded polystyrene insulation, it is a high performance, fully acrylic or mineral based thin coat rendered facade system. It is ideal for the refurbishment of solid wall constructions, providing an easy to apply solution to effectively insulate the building.
ETICS: Ceratherm 2 (EPS)
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection ensures creativity for your next project. Caparol has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: Ceratherm 2 (Miwo)
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection ensures creativity for your next project. Caparol has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: Lithoboard A (EPS)
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. collection also offers stone slips as a design choice for your project’s façade including polished natural granite and marble. On certain projects only stone is the option due to planning restrictions or just to create the architect’s vision. Caparol can provide whatever type of stone you require, whether contemporary, rustic or traditional, and with four options in terms of manufacturing and sourcing, the design choice is endless.
ETICS: Lithoboard A (Miwo)
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. collection also offers stone slips as a design choice for your project’s façade including polished natural granite and marble. On certain projects only stone is the option due to planning restrictions or just to create the architect’s vision. Caparol can provide whatever type of stone you require, whether contemporary, rustic or traditional, and with four options in terms of manufacturing and sourcing, the design choice is endless.
|External thermal insulation composite system with rendering (ETICS) intended to be used on external walls made of concrete or masonry, for new or existing buildings. PARISO PSE - M is composed of a thin mineral base coat reinforced with a glass fibre mesh and applied onto expanded polystyrene panels (white or grey) bonded or mechanically-fixed with anchors to the substrate. Various finishing coats are associated to the system: - Thick mineral rendering - Thin mineral renderings - Silicate renderings - Marble aggregates - burnt clay facing bricks - FR containing-organic renderings - FR containing-organic and siloxane rendering
Termok8 HP
|The ideal option for high thermal performance that combines reduced thickness and easy installation. Features a special graphite panel with white surface — obtained through a unique lamination synthesis process — that ensures truly uniform thermal properties by combining the performance of graphite with the simplicity and easy installation of conventional white polystyrene. COMPARED TO TRADITIONAL EPS SOLUTIONS, WITH THE SAME THICKNESS APPLIED AND TYPE OF SUPPORT, IT INCREASES OF 19% PERFORMANCE INSULATION thanks to the innovative HP panel (High Performance) combined with state-of-the-art adhesive-skim coat (Klebocem Termico) with thermal conductivity value λ = 0.23W/mK that ensures insulating performance four times greater than a standard adhesive-skim coat (λ = 0.85W/mK).
Cementitious bonding and active corrosion protection primer - MasterEmaco P 5000 AP
|MasterEmaco P 5000 AP active primer, not only reinstates a high pH environment it also contains active corrosion inhibiting additives for the protection of reinforcement steel. It can also be used as an adhesive bonding slurry for subsequent repair mortars. MasterEmaco P 5000 AP is a ready-to-use material that contains portland cement, well graded fine fillers, redispersible powder and special additives. When mixed with water, it forms a slurry that can be applied by brush to the clean exposed reinforcement, or directly on the dampened, prepared concrete substrate when used as a bonding coat.
Trafficable waterproofing system for parking floors, fast track, skid resistant - MasterSeal Traffic 2257
|MasterSeal Traffic 2257 is a fast track liquid applied, limited crack bridging car park deck waterproofing system based on advanced polymeric materials. It consists of a fast curing polyurethane substrate primer, and a polyaspartic top coat. The seamless coating has an attractive, skid resistant, UV and weather resistant finish which is easy to clean and maintain. It is resistant to fuels, battery acid, de-icing salts and alkaline cleaners.
Trafficable waterproofing system for parking floors, skid resistant, economical - MasterSeal Traffic 2260
|MasterSeal Traffic 2260 is a liquid applied, limited crack bridging car park deck waterproofing system based on advanced polymeric materials. It consists of an epoxy substrate primer and hard wearing epoxy top coat. The seamless coating has an attractive, skid resistant, and weather resistant finish which is easy to clean and maintain. It is resistant to fuels, battery acid, de-icing salts and alkaline cleaners.
Self-smoothing resilient flooring system - MasterTop 1912 / 1913
|MasterTop 1900 series, self-smoothing, resilient flooring systems providing tough and durable floor finishes with enhanced scratch resistance. MasterTop 1912 is the innovative flooring solution for exceptional aesthetic durability and MasterTop 1913 is the innovative, crack-bridging flooring solution for exceptional aesthetic durability. Both systems feature the innovative top coat MasterTop TC 941. It’s enhanced aesthetic durability increases cleaning effectiveness to provide a long term, low maintenance structured semi-gloss floor finish. MasterTop 1900 series are used to provide aesthetic durable floors for industrial and commercial applications. The systems are ideal for floors in warehouses, production halls, laboratories, technology rooms, public and institutional areas, etc. BENEFITS • Durable aesthetics • Enhanced cleanability and low dirt retention • High scratch resistance • Low emissions • Easy to clean • High durability • UV- stable • Glossy finish • Improves scratch and wear resistance • Abrasion resistant • Exceptional cleanability allows easy maintenance