quadripod 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363362862#http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by Architecture_AL 2003 !script by phil & al
sss 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363368292#http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by phil & al
mosquito 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363609848http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by phil & al
sportingnap 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363368514#http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by phil & al
loungit 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363610797#http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by lup & al
linea 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363610118http://www.cateonline.fr GDLobjects by al_design copyright Architecture_AL 2013 design by al_d 2003 script by phil & al
classic sofa
abdullah qouider | 1535072816design by abdullah al qouider qouiderabdullah@gmail.com
linda 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363612244http://www.cateonline.fr GDLobjects by al_design copyright Architecture_AL 2013 design by al_d 2003 script by Lup & al
ping 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363610520http://www.cateonline.fr GDLobjects by al_design copyright Architecture_AL 2013 design by al_d 2003 script by phil & al
3DMD Al Truss Curved
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Side Tower
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Straight
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
Grondaia 18
Maurizio Lecca | 1427022314Grondaia con supporti e tipi profilo.
3DMD Al Truss Corner
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Corner Roof
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Cross
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Cross Roof
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Cube
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Roof
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Sloped End
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
3DMD Al Truss Tower
3D Media Design | 1458838137 -
Meterbox AL
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Meterbox AL8 and AL12. Gas and Electrical combo or single.
Pitched roof with DELTA®-MAXX POLAR AL (U-value = 0.127 W / m² • K)
|Pitched roof construction with very good thermal insulation (U value: 0,127 W / m² • K). The additional measure corresponds to a seam and perforation-proof sarking sheet in accordance with the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH) and allows a dropping below the standard slope of the tiles up to 8°. The additional measure also corresponds to a closed deck under the regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Moisture and Wood protection via hygrothermal simulation according to DIN 68800-2. The information under the specifications correspond to the reality. When creating the BIM objects, adjustments had to be made to the respective software. For this reason, slight deviations may occur during automatic calculations, which require a check of the results.
thething 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363368122#http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by phil & al
aerorack 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363363350#http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by Architecture_AL !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by phil & al
tour 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363367928#http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by phil & al
X6600 - Radiographic Unit, Dental, Wall Mounted, 7 mA
|Dental radiographic unit. Wall mounted, 7 mA, 70 kVp, 120 VAC, electronic remote exposure control unit. The unit shall have electronic timing with automatic reset timing capability and main power correction unit to adjust for line voltage fluctuations. Tube head shall be of the oil immersed, shield type with total inherent filtration of 1.5 mm AL , with a focal spot of 0.6.