Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Rafał Ślęk | 1344156891http://www.archibloq.com Model prepared in "old times" in ArchiCAD version 6.5 by scripting in GDL language only - no Morphs, no add-ons, no imported meshes from 3ds :-) Its was made as exhibit for virtual Techician Museum project. User interface was rewritten for version 12.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400864WedgeR.gsm - by TSB A radiused rectangular wedge primitive shape, with parameters for adjusting the slope of the top and bottom surfaces. 01-18-07: Initial version - Wedge.gsm, simple wedge with UI page. 08-04-09: Added radius capability. 08-06-09: Updated UI Page for radius parameter. 08-14-09: Added editable hotspots.3D parametric, WedgeR, curved wedge shape, with optional calculation by angle
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005633D parametric, wood boarding, vertical, English
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005633D parametric, wood boarding, horizontal, English
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005633D parametric, wood boarding with space, horizontal, English
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400861#http://www.acrmim.com Régnier Jean-Luc Arch-brick (another version of the arch) note that the texture fit nicely with the direction of the radius, if you have enough bricks ! number of brick fix the value of the brick's width. Thickness and lenght of the bricks are independant value3D parametric, brick arch, with optional\n- lenght of arch (internal)\n- height of arch (internal)\n- Z dimension\n- brick's height\n- brick's thickness\n- number of brick\n- curved bricks\n- reflection /XY
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400422ArchiGRID By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º mail:phsantos.arq@sapo.pt December 2005 Made in Portugal2D parametric, structural grid, Portugal version
drainage line 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400423Original Object: Stretchy Line Olivier Dentan Nov 2007 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/archilib.od/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified : Vistasp Mehta Date : 24.11.2008 AC Version : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 24.11.2008 1. slightly reduced distance of text from line. 2. changed scaling of text. 3. starting point is no longer stretchable; it made the line length inaccurate. 4. added select by hotline. I prefer that to a couple of hard-to-find hotspots. 5. added ability to write levels at start and end of pipeline. 6. added ability to calculate second point level based on given slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 28.11.2008 1. Olivier Dentan pointed out one error each in the Master Script and Parameter Script. FIXED 2. He also pointed out that #3 above is not the case. Looks like I messed something up. The original object he submitted works perfectly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2D drainage line
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400444Logolink 1.0 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º mail:phsantos.arq@clix.pt DEC 2007 S.J. da Madeira/Portugal2D logo link, Portugal version
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398244Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 16
Vicci - Space Frame 18
Victor Baboi | 1423424150A completely parametric space frame witch you can adapt to your project. You can start with some base preset shape, dimensions and profiles witch can be customized and detailed via 2d and 3d hotspots or the custom interface. You can use this component as a column, beam or arched frame. Version 18.0.01 Compatibility Archicad 18
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398011Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 17
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412933229Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt.. 2.10.2014 - Version für V16 10.10.2014 - Neuer Vektor im 2D-Querschnitt zur Verbreiterung der Rinne und der Konsolen zum Balkon hin
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1384668771Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415095874Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 original Author of polygone-methode: sinceV6 changed and added by Heimo Mooslechner for sewer purposes. Version 1 - 3D - variable hights von sewer beds, slopes und pipes to loose hights on a shaft.. Till now its justr the hight of th sewer-beds KSZ[i] following the rules of self-growing of the polygone, Other parameters go up to 50t - mental slothfulness ;-) Its possible to edit nearly everything in the floorplan and in 3D its possible to follow the site-hights.
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Heimo Mooslechner | 1385220105Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013: Hotspot - Schalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt
FNS Metal Deck
Frank Green Sr. | 1351803633! Name : Metal Deck.gsm ! Date : Nov. 1, 2012 ! Version : 16.00 ! Written by Frank Green
old ship cannon
Rafał Ślęk | 1358260948Czy ktoś na sali pamięta jeszcze program ZoomGDL Abventu? :-) Obiekt wyrzeźbiony został właśnie za jego pomocą w ramach testów pierwszych dwóch wersji. Element z wersji 6.5 po drobnych szlifach udostępniam do wersji ArchiCAD 16 POL oraz INT. Object for ZoomGDL fans :-) Prepared for ArchiCAD 6.5 now after some cleaning is ready for version ArchiCAD 16 (INT and POL) .
LEGO block 19
Håkan Nyander | 1479893192This is simple LEGO blocks. This version is made for ARCHICAD 19 It can be edited in a various bricks, shape and size. The object is just for fun.
Roof Tiles ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1445424247Version 2.01
Heimo Mooslechner | 1383310279Stahlkaminobjekt 2 - einfacher Stahlkamin aus Teilen Teilhöhen sind in Matrix vorgegeben, können im 3D aber verändert werden. Eine primitive Grundplatte ist vorhanden, die Anschlußteile sind mit SOE-Abzugsbefehlen hergestellt und können in der Lage im Kamin verändert werden. Verschiedene Anschlußtypen sind möglich. Eine Blechkonuns mit Platte für die Dachdurchdringung ist vohanden. Neu bei Version 6: Grundriss-Anfasser zum Anschlusswinkel einstellen, 3D-Projektion im Grundriss abschaltbar - wegen falscher Darstellung im Grundriss bei eingeschalteter Dachkappe, unteres Anschlußknie dreht jetzt mit.
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz Für V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269037Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 2.10.2014 - Version für V AC-16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1396935930Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar Änderung 7.4.2014: Zeilenhöhe im Grundriss = nun Maßstabs-unabhängig
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415096942Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013 Hotspotschalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt blaues Inteface schaltet die wichtigsten Zustände über Anfasser im Grundriss
Simple Zone Stamp ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1444828730Version 3.04
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397147635Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Für die 16er Version.. Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 SU - Version 01.00.04 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401805662Balkonelement für Stahlbetonbalkone inkl Isokorb, Anpassung der Abdichtungsebenen bei Terrassentüren mit Rücksprung des Isokorb unter die Stockverlängerung des Türstockes. Stahl-Beton-Balkon mit: Isokorb Tropfkante Oberflächengefälle Dreikantleisten-Abschluss der unteren Betonkante Blechanschluß an Fassade, Blechwinkel als Aussenkante Feuchtigkeitsisolierschichte mit Hochzug Blechabdeckung an Fassade vor Isolierung. Wegschnittebenen für die Ausbildung von Gehrungen zum Anainanderfügen über Eck alles mit Anfassern im Editor direkt einstellbar - wie etwa auch WD-Dicke der Wand oder Belagsdicke usw. Zusätzlich: Balkontüren haben unter dem Türrahmen noch eine wärmegedämmte Stockaufdoppelung bis zur Rohdecke. Dies ist hier im Element mit eingebaut - inkl. Estrichrandstreifen. Ich habe derzeit 6 mögliche Türöffnungen eingebaut. Die Anzahl kann mit einem Hotspot geschaltet werden. Die Türöffnungen können im Grundriss an die echten in der Wand eingesetzten Türen angepasst werden. Im Einstellungsdialog des Elementes muss noch angeklickt werden, dass zur Darstellung im die Atribute des Elementes verwendet werden sollen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ff5wdqj590rjeb/Balkon1.pln Wie immer bei mir - Edu17-Aut version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYVXCqiRHQ&feature=youtu.be
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, freestanding version 1830 x 870 mm
|Oval bathtub, made of solid surface material Sentec, casted Freestanding version, with not removable panel With overflow slot at long side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow With click-clack drain valve, chrome Charge 000 – without whirl system
Oak Chevron White Right version
|The warm white stain on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection brings a modern expression to this traditional floor, and accentuates its timeless look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
Oak Chevron White Left version
|The warm white stain on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection brings a modern expression to this traditional floor, and accentuates its timeless look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
Oak Chevron Grey Right Version
|The distinctive, weathered grey stain on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection brings an elegant expression to this traditional floor, and accentuates its timeless look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
Oak Chevron Grey Left version
|The distinctive, weathered grey stain on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection brings an elegant expression to this traditional floor, and accentuates its timeless look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
Oak Chevron Light brown Right Version
|The lightly smoked finish this on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection enriches its warm toffee hue and brings a modern expression to its traditional look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
Oak Chevron Light brown Left version
|The lightly smoked finish this on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection enriches its warm toffee hue and brings a modern expression to its traditional look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the character of the grain and highlight the natural texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
Oak Chevron Dark brown Right Version
|The richly smoked finish on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection enhances its deeply burnished hue, and brings a modern expression to its traditional look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the natural character of the grain and highlight the texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
Oak Chevron Dark brown Left version
|The richly smoked finish on this ready-to-install, patterned oak board from the Chevron Collection enhances its deeply burnished hue, and brings a modern expression to its traditional look. Each board is carefully brushed to bring out the natural character of the grain and highlight the texture of the wood. Partial handcrafting gives each board its unique appearance, while micro-bevelling enhances the iconic geometric design.
ASSA ABLOY LH6081L light version stand alone loadhouse
|The ASSA ABLOY LH6081L light version stand alone loadhouse from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the light version of the new generation of load houses, especially developed to meet all requirements of architects, builders and operators. It is suitable for all geographical areas with snow load up to 0,89 kN/m2 and our static calculations are certified by a third party. The ASSA ABLOY LH6081L is the safe and reliable choice including ideal support for the construction planning and building permission process. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DB6050F drawbridge leveller fix version
|The ASSA ABLOY drawbridge from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the best solution for open ramps and for servicing vehicles of roughly the same size. The ASSA ABLOY DB6050F drawbridge leveller fix version is installed in a fix position. When not in use, the drawbridge is secured in the vertical position with a safety lock Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version
|The ASSA ABLOY drawbridge from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the best solution for open ramps and for servicing vehicles of roughly the same size. The ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version is installed in a guidance rails placed in the front edge of the ramp. When not in use, the drawbridge is secured in the vertical position with a safety lock Crawford
DigitalMedia™ XiO Director – Virtual Switching Appliance, Enterprise Version - DM-XIO-DIR-ENT
|<p>The DM® XiO Director, model DM-XIO-DIR-ENT, is an enterprise-grade network appliance that facilitates configuration, control, and management of a large-scale AV network. Using DM NVX encoder/decoders, Crestron® offers the industry’s most versatile and scalable solution for distributing 4K60 4:4:4 HDR video over an IP network. The XiO Director provides a means for managing large networks of DM NVX devices, routing AV signals, and simplifying integration with one or more Crestron control systems.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Virtual DM® Switcher</strong><br>The XiO Director virtually emulates the functionality of a traditional hardware-based DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switcher, routing high-quality 4K streaming AV signals throughout a room, building, or campus. The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT model supports a total of 1000 endpoint devices consisting of DM NVX encoders and decoders. Multiple XiO Director units can be deployed, with the ability to route signals between units just like hardware switchers [1], easily handling even the largest corporate enterprise, university, governmental, military, medical, transportation, sports, entertainment, hospitality, gaming, or retail application.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Simple, Flexible Configuration</strong><br>System configuration could not be simpler. The XiO Director automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network, and allows each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output within a “domain.” A domain is a logical grouping of endpoints that operate together as a single switching entity, allowing individual rooms and other subsystems to be arranged and controlled independently. It’s like having multiple independent matrix switchers in a single rack space. The XiO Director effectively eliminates the need for physical switchers in every room, replacing them with the virtual equivalent running on the AV network.</p> <p>Note: The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT supports a maximum of 240 domains. For larger systems, use multiple units.</p> <p><strong>Easy Web-based Setup and Control</strong><br>The XiO Director provides an intuitive web-based user interface to facilitate system configuration, signal routing, and comprehensive diagnostics of the complete AV network. Each domain and endpoint, as well as the inputs and outputs on each endpoint, can be designated with a user-friendly name. Navigating the entire system is easy using the search box [1] to quickly find domains, endpoints, inputs, and outputs by name or address. A system overview screen is also provided, showing the video and audio signal status for every input and output in a graphical layout that’s easy to view and navigate.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Copper or Fiber LAN Connectivity</strong><br>The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT includes six 1000Base-T RJ45 LAN ports and six 10GBase-X SFP+ LAN ports. Connection to a Gigabit or 10 Gigabit fiber optic network is facilitated by inserting an appropriate SFP or SFP+ transceiver module (Crestron SFP-1G or SFP-10G series, sold separately) into any SFP+ port. A selection of modules is offered to accommodate various multimode and single-mode fiber types.</p> <p><strong>Redundant Power Supplies</strong><br>Onboard dual redundant power supplies provide enhanced reliability for demanding applications. In the unlikely event of an individual power supply fault, the DM-XIO-DIR-ENT will continue to operate unhindered on only one functioning power supply. A modular, hot-swappable design allows either power supply to be replaced in seconds from the rear panel without powering down or rebooting the system. The DM-XIO-DIR-ENT ships complete with both power supply modules installed.</p><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Comprehensive network AV system configuration, management, and signal routing</li><li>Emulates a traditional hardware-based matrix switcher</li><li>Works with Crestron® DM® NVX encoders and decoders</li><li>Supports 1000 endpoints and 240 domains</li><li>Enables grouping of endpoints in up to 240 independent subsystems</li><li>Fully scalable for any sized network</li><li>Intuitive web-based graphical user interface</li><li>Ethernet control system interface</li><li>Fully-programmable control of virtual matrices and physical endpoints</li><li>Automatic endpoint device discovery</li><li>Custom naming and search tools</li><li>Easy diagnostics and signal status display</li><li>XML device map file import/export</li><li>Built-in logging</li><li>Six Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Six 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ LAN ports</li><li>Fiber optic connectivity via optional SFP or SFP+ transceivers</li><li>Onboard 100-240V hot-swappable redundant power supplies</li><li>Single-space 19” rack-mountable</li></ul><p>1. Search box navigation and the ability to route signals between units are future features that will be enabled via firmware update.</p><p></p>
Roof Area Fill v2
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Simple dynamic poly area with ability to display it's area and circumreference. Version 2 - added AS/NZS 3500.3.2:1998 slope factor.
Dachkonstruktion V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398228791Dachstuhlkonstruktion - für die 16er Version und somit meine Schüler wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch)
Verhalten bei Unfällen 16 SK_skal
Holger Kreienbrink | 1355836706Verhalten bei Unfällen, Aushang für den Unfallschutz überarbeitet Version aus ARCHICAD 16
Verhalten im Brandfall 16 SK_Skal
Holger Kreienbrink | 1355836715Verhalten bei Unfällen, Aushang für den Brandschutz überarbeitet Version aus ARCHICAD 16
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S193 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006/2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S38 - Version 01.01.01 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 16 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SBG197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 18 - Version 01.00.01 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
UKI Drawing Title ADL 22 DEMO
Applecore Designs | 1532687444Version 2.00
Rietveld Sideboard
Jim McGlothlin | 1614783063Gerrit Rietveld's Elling sideboard (1919) originally designed for J.J.P. Oud was unfortunately lost in a fire. A subsequent version was constructed for the Elling project by Gerard van de Groenekan, the joiner in Rietveld's cabinet shop.
MolokClassic Light
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 26.02.2010 JH Ready for use 1.1 24.09.2010 JH Simplier materials, Margins 2d / 3d, Margin hotspots 1.2 13.10.2010 JH Works together with all Molok-objects 1.3 21.10.2010 JH Modifications on volyme of biowaste / Composite framing option 1.4 16.12.2013 JH Fixed Lithera, updated usability 1.5 05.02.2015 JH UI-update compatible AC18, Lifting hook & Container 3D Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokClassic Plus
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 26.02.2010 JH Ready for use 1.1 24.09.2010 JH Simplier materials, Margins 2d / 3d, Margin hotspots 1.2 13.10.2010 JH Works together with all Molok-objects 1.3 21.10.2010 JH Modifications on volyme of biowaste / Composite framing option 1.4 16.12.2013 JH Fixed Lithera, updated usability 1.5 05.02.2015 JH UI-update compatible AC18, Lifting hook & Container 3D Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 26.02.2010 JH Ready for use 1.1 24.09.2010 JH Simplier materials, Margins 2d / 3d, Margin hotspots 1.2 13.10.2010 JH Works together with all Molok-objects 1.3 21.10.2010 JH Modifications on volyme of biowaste / Composite framing option 1.4 16.12.2013 JH Fixed Lithera, updated usability 1.5 05.02.2015 JH UI-update compatible AC18, Lifting hook & Container 3D Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino 3m3
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Global
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Light
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
MolokDomino Plus
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1709233817#http://www.molok.com Version Date Modified by Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.95 27.8.2010 JH Usable 1.00 13.10.2010 JH Ready 1.01 21.10.2010 JH Bio waste volume to be shown approximately 1.10 16.12.2013 JH Improved usability 1.11 05.12.2015 JH UI-update AC18 compatibility, lifting hook 1.2 16.02.2015 JH New covers, lids, properties, improved component counting 1.3 03.05.2017 JH new sign 1.4 12.05.2021 JH Drum lid, new waste types, lid colours ect. 1.5 25.08.2021 JH Printing facade Käyttäjävastuu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektien käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. GDL Factory tai Molok Oy eivät ole vastuussa, jos objektien käytöstä aiheutuu suoraa tai välillistä taloudellista tai muuta vahinkoa. Objektikirjasto tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Acczent Excellence 4/80
|Inspired by the latest design trends, the Excellence collection brings you the widest combination of over 117 colours and wood designs for endless creativity. It is the all-inclusive solution for the comfort and resistance of any heavy traffic areas in education, aged care and offices. Acczent Excellence 80: the compact version for increased resistance to indentation. ■87 all-over colours and 30 wood decors fully adapted to age and setting ■Unique long-plank woods with new matt finish for authentic aspect (R10) ■New phthlate-free technology and total VOC emissions below 10µg/m3 ■Fully coordinated wall, stairs and accessibility accessories ■Best indentation measured value: 0.03mm ■Excellent resistance with TopClean XP surface treatment ■All decors also available in acoustic version (Tapiflex Excellence 65) ■Available in loose-lay version: Acczent Unik
Tapiflex Excellence 4/65
|Inspired by the latest design trends, the Excellence collection brings you the widest combination of over 117 colours and wood designs for endless creativity. It is the all-inclusive solution for the comfort and resistance of any heavy traffic areas in education, aged care and offices. Tapiflex Excellence 65: acoustic version for higher comfort and shock absorption. ■87 all-over colours and 30 wood decors fully adapted to age and setting ■Unique long-plank woods with new matt finish for authentic aspect (R10) ■New phthlate-free technology and total VOC emissions below 10µg/m3 ■Fully coordinated wall, stairs and accessibility accessories ■Good balance between indentation 0.06mm and sound reduction 19dB (best measured values) ■Excellent resistance with TopClean XP surface treatment ■All decors also available in compact version (Acczent Excellence 80) ■10 references available in tiles version: Tapiflex Tiles 65
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the left corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the right corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
EQUITONE [pictura]
|EQUITONE [pictura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a ultramatt, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
EQUITONE [natura]
|EQUITONE [natura] is a through coloured façade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, displaying the raw texture of the fibre cement base material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Swing Door Operator ED100 / ED250
|[LIST] Low Energy electromechanical swing door operator The ED 100/250 A swing door operator is especially suitable for exterior doors that are subjected to varying wind loads and for interior doors separating rooms where different air pressures prevail. The Wind Load Control monitors the actuation speed, keeping it constant at the preset value. Dimension 685 x 70 x 130 mm Max. Door Weight 100 kg (ED 100), 250 kg (ED 250) Max. Door Width 1100 mm (ED 100), 1600 mm (ED 250) Max. Opening Angle 110° Hold-open time 0 to 30 seconds Push or Pull version for single or double leaf doors Activation via radar, push pad, linking to access control systems and other actuation devices Tested to 1,000,000 cycles Low noise levels through multi–stage gearing Suitable for use on emergency escape and fire doors Suitable for use on projects to meet EN 16005 [/LIST]
Mento Mesh D 1034 DGLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
EQUITONE [textura]
|EQUITONE [textura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a textured, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Mento D 1034 DRLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Koja Sofa High
|Koja Sofa High is a sofa with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as easy-chair with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Thermostatic Shower Mixer 9000E Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
Koja High
|Koja High is an easy chair with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as a sofa with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
JW Door Tahoe - Exterior
|Tahoe is an exterior door in the range Function. Here you find designes with inspiration from both the 1930s functionalism and the neo-functional style that we are experiencing today. The doors have many innovative solutions, including a unique glazing method with solid strips without seams or screws. Here in out-swing version.
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
OPPO 050
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Kitchen Mixer Rexx K5
|Swivel spout 60°, 120° or 360°. ECO flow. With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful kitchen mixer with built-in intelligent function.
JW Door Erie Double - Exterior
|Erie is an exterior door in the range Function. Here you find designes with inspiration from both the 1930s functionalism and the neo-functional style that we are experiencing today. The doors have many innovative solutions, including a unique glazing method with solid strips without seams or screws. Here in out-swing version.
JW Door Elbe - Exterior
|Elbe is an exterior door in the range Function. Here you find designes with inspiration from both the 1930s functionalism and the neo-functional style that we are experiencing today. The doors have many innovative solutions, including a unique glazing method with solid strips without seams or screws. Here in out-swing version.
Bath Mixer 9000E 160 c/c Downward outlet Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Nova C Wall
|This is the wall-mounted version of the Nova series. The bench shapes a seamless seating line while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. In harmony with its siblings, Nova C Wall configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. he configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. Nova C Wall comes in standard straight modules. Any custom length can be made upon request. Please contact our sales team if you want to know more.
Mora Rexx K6 Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer with swivel L-spout and Eco function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Out of 4MS approved brass. Chrome. RSK 8318181 NRF 4290218 LVI 6261163 VVS 705775304 707110.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8318182 NRF 4290219 LVI 6261165 VVS 705775324 707110.0065 Chrome/gold. RSK 8318228 NRF 4290245 LVI 6261225 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful kitchen mixer with built-in intelligent function.
Mora Izzy F+ Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer with integrated tap function for connector to water filters. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut . Chrome. RSK 8304014 NRF 4290183 Mora Izzy exudes harmony and elegance and enhances even the most beautiful kitchen. Mora Izzy owes its characteristic look to the elegant curves of the pipe. The version shown here is a kitchen mixer with a fixed or swivel spout. You can change the spout from fixed to swivel mode with an easy adjustment on the back of the mixer.
Interior Door Craft - Interior
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Doors in this range is offered in the same way as our other interior doors, also as sliding doors. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft Double - Interior
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Doors in this range is offered in the same way as our other interior doors, also as sliding doors. Craft is an interior door, designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft Sliding In-wall - Interior
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage, here as slinding doors. Most of Swedoors interior doors can be adapted to sliding performance and combined with built-in wall cassettes. The cassettes provide a stable construction while the wall thickness can be minimized down to 96mm finished wall thickness. The cassettes can also be combined with 40mm HP (High Performance) doors.
Interior Door Craft Sliding In-wall Double
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage, here as slinding doors. Most of Swedoors interior doors can be adapted to sliding performance and combined with built-in wall cassettes. The cassettes provide a stable construction while the wall thickness can be minimized down to 96mm finished wall thickness. The cassettes can also be combined with 40mm HP (High Performance) doors.
Fire safety products FPA-5000 Modular Fire Panel, wall-mount
|Wall-mount version of FPA-5000 Modular Fire Panel including panel controller and with space for 6 functional modules apart from battery controller and loop module. Panels can be connected into networks to realise huge fire systems for large and complex projects. Certified according to EN54 standards.
A0900 - Relay Rack, Aluminum
|Rack used to hold network components such as servers, switches, hubs, patch panels, router, etc. Racks are available in varying heights, channel depths, and channel width. The model numbers specified may be U.L. Listed version with 2 Top Angles, 7' height, 19" wide, blank Aluminum, with mounting holes on both sides (front and back).
F0400 - Cabinet, Bedside, Door, Drawer
|Bedside cabinet for storage of both the patient's personal items and small patient support items. Approximately 31" high X 21" wide X 19" deep with one (1) drawer and one (1) closed storage closet. Drawer is removable so interior can be sanitized. May come in a 3 drawer version.
M1875 - Board, Copy, Electronic Facsimile
|Electronic facsimile copy board for use in conference rooms and classrooms. Available in a variety of sizes. Unit scans writing surface and makes a paper copy of the board's contents. The user can make multiple copies of a single scanning. Single sided version, single copy version, and office size boards are options. May have a PC interface option. Database pricing reflects a mobile two-panel copy-board with a minimum 33" x 66" writing surface. Depth dimension refers to depth at the caster level of the supporting frame.
X6240 - Radiographic Unit, Computerized Tomography
|The CT Scanner System is an noninvasive radiographic technique that involves the reconstruction of a tomographic plane of the body from a large number of collected x-ray absorption measurements taken during a scan around the body's periphery. The CT System shall be a single gantry, whole body scanning system appropriate to support tertiary care facilities with an annual projected workload of less than 5,500 separate studies. System includes DICOM 3.0 or latest version software protocol. System to be procured with turnkey installation.
X6535 - Rad/Fluoro/Tomo Unit, Urologic, Digital
|This system is specifically designed to perform digital radiographic/fluoroscopic examinations in the Urology Department. The characteristics and components include a 80 kW micro-processor controlled x-ray generator, urological table with integrated tube stand, 16 inch multi-field Image Intensifier (I.I.), video chain, disc recorder and required accessories. The Digital Spot Imaging consists of a computer, keyboard with acquisition and viewing monitor and a slave monitor. The system shall be DICOM 3.0 compatible or latest version, for easy linkage to filmless image management systems and review stations. TV monitors shall be tower mounted or suspended from the ceiling.
X9830 - Scanner, Nuclear, SPECT, Dual Head
|The system shall be a single plane or variable angle dual detector emission system, designed for fast data acquisition and high patient through put for Single Photo Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), whole body and general purpose nuclear medicine procedures. It shall be designed to image at any energy range for any procedure. The unit detects and counts photons emanating from radiopharmaceuticals. Collimators available to suit full range applications. The system shall be DICOM 3.0 or latest version, compatible, for easy linkage to filmless image management systems and review stations.
X9905 - MRI System, Super Conductive
|Magnetic Resonance Imaging Units (MRI) use Superconducting strong magnetic fields (between 0.5 and 1.5 Tesla) and radio-frequency (RF) radiation to translate hydrogen nuclei distribution in body tissues into computer-generated images of anatomic structures. MRI is primarily used to identify diseases of the central nervous system, brain, and spine and to detect musculoskeletal disorders. It includes DICOM 3.0 or latest version software protocol. The unit is to be procured with turnkey installation.
Open Up
|The Sedus open up conference and visitor chairs show how light sitting comfort can look. Characterised by transparency, the design conveys openness and simultaneously stands out due to its inviting contours. Irrespective of whether you choose the swivel chair version or the cantilever chair, you decide in favour of a comfortable sitting experience.
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Bathtub, semi-recessed with half panel 2030 x 1095 mm
|Bathtub made of sanitary acrylic of 4-5 mm Semi-recessed version, with front panel Only to combine with furniture panel With aluminium frame Charge 000 – without whirl system, without waste and overflow Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 675 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage and LED light Charge 695 – Whirlpool with air and hydro massage, disinfection system and LED light Bathtub with whirl system, with remote control: Charge 056 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating and LED light Charge 057 – Whirlpool with surround sound system, air and hydro massage and disinfection system, hydro heating, LED light and cold mist function
Swimming pool edge system Wiesbaden
|AGROB BUCHTAL has the ideal pool edge for any pool. These systems are based on the requirements of a wide variety of swimming pool projects already realised. It goes without saying that all AGROB BUCHTAL pool edge systems comply with the specified requirements such as consistent overflow edges, rails or visual edge marking. Variants for special technical specifications are also available, e.g. different water overflow volumes or reduced wave backsplash in sports pools. In order to guarantee consistent stability, durability and hygiene, all pool edge systems are supplied and without cavities. Wiesbaden is a classic pool edge system which, despite a large gutter tile with handhold, requires little space and can be easily used in various types of pools. As a special version, Wiesbaden Silent featuring the SILENT W 2000 outlet valve noticeably reduces the noise of run-off water by approx. 10 dB. The Wiesbaden system is also available with mosaic notches for pool walls featuring mosaic designs. The Wiesbaden Style pool edge system is an elegant variation of the classic design: the large gutter tile with handhold is concealed by a channel cover grating made of ceramic. It permits uniform design of the pool edge in private and smaller hotel pools. The sunken version of the Wiesbaden system with a small gutter tile and without a cover grating is recommended for therapeutic pools.
TOPREFLECT Reflective waterproofing
|Range of waterproofing systems with white surfaced capsheets that reflect the sun’s rays and limit the heating effect on flat roofs. TOPREFLECT is available as a bituminous membrane with white lacquered aluminum facing, as a polyurethane version with a bi-component coating for installation on “sanded” bituminous waterproofing membrane and as a white version of the Hyperflex PVC membrane. This development is part of the CoolRoof concept.
WICTEC 50 - Curtain wall
|WICTEC 50 is the basic version of the stick system curtain wall, with an extra-narrow face width of 50 mm, inside and outside. The unique flexibility is demonstrated by the various system variants and enhancement options, all of which are feasible with minor additions to the system and without compromising on appearance. System test results / CE product pass in accordance with DIN EN 13830 Air permeability: Class AE Watertightness: RE 1200 Resistance to wind load: 2000 / –3200 Pa, security 3000 / –4800 Pa Sound insulation: Rw (C;Ctr ) = 47 (–1; –4) dB Impact resistance: Class E5 / I5 Burglar resistance: RC1N, RC2N, RC2, RC3 Bullet resistance: FB4 Quality assurance: Certified according to ISO 9001:2008 Environmental management: Certified according to ISO 14001
Schüco Façade FWS 50
|Schüco FWS 50 mullion/transom façade combines simple fabrication with high energy efficiency to passive house standard. The Schüco Façade FWS 50 sets new standards of fabrication and energy efficiency. The focus of the development of the tried-and-tested systems was particularly the optimisation of fabrication in the workshop and on the construction site. New prepared system components ensure, for example in the workshop, much faster and therefore more efficient fabrication processes. The Schüco FWS 50 façade provides architects with a diverse range of design options – including the passive house-certified SI version – in the popular face widths. [LIST] Passive house-certified SI system with new isolator technology: Uf values up to 0.70 W/(m²K) New HI isolator to passive house standard: Uf values of up to 0.90 W/(m²K) Complete solutions for the integration of Schüco BIPV systems Units from the Schüco systems AWS, ADS, ASS New glazing supports for maximum weights and simple fabrication Burglar resistance to RC 2 / RC 3 / FB4 Glass loads up to 910 kg [/LIST]
|Nido, Spanish for nest, means home to a number of species and inspired Rafa García to create this small armchair. The seat or “nest” is supported by metal feet in a matte finish. The upper part provides “branches” into which the comfortable seat is fixed. The upholstery is available in two versions: with a zip (288.51.C7) or with piping (288.51.7). The version with a zip is soft and loose and enables the seating area to be removed; the version with piping is fixed and pulled tight. Both the zip and piping are always black. Choose from black, grey or brown feet.
|Nido, Spanish for nest, means home to a number of species and inspired Rafa García to create this small armchair. The seat or “nest” is supported by a hand-crafted ash wood frame. The upper part provides “branches” into which the comfortable seat is fixed. The wood is available in a wide array of stains: from natural tones to vibrant colours like green or orange. The upholstery is available in two versions: with a zip (288.51.C) or with piping (288.51). The version with a zip is soft and loose and enables the seating area to be removed. However, the version with piping is fixed and pulled tight. Both the zip and piping are always black.
RotoComfort top-hung roof window Designo i8 PVC
|RotoComfort i8 electrical top-hung roof window (PVC) with safety and thermal insulation glazing in white PVC with thermal insulating block. The Roto i8 top-hung roof window can be used for a roof-pitch from 20° to 65°. Electrical top-hung roof window with an opening angle of 45° and semi-automatic cleaning position. Four point central locking system for secure locking, even gasket compression and increased burglar-resistant security. Gaskets: Double gasket system all-round on the sash. Frame cover profile with additional gasket function outside. Delivery content radio-controlled version preassembled ex works: 5 meters connection cable with 230V power plug, concealed motor and locking drive unit, rain sensor to insert into the flashing, integrated control system and triple radio receiver for additional connection of an exterior and an interior sun-screening drive unit, cabling and cable opening for interior sun-screening prepared ex works. Easy connection without electrician, maximal ease of use with plug & play.
|A chair from an atelier. Designed by Skrivo, the inspiration for the initial concept was stimulated by the way a collar folds. This creates a more comfortable chair as well as adding a distinct visual detail. Collar combines technology and handcraft. The injection-moulded interior followed intense modelling. The upholstery is tailored just like a made-to-measure suit. Even the buttons and the piping are upholstered to match the seat cushion, underscoring the importance of every last detail. Now a new version of the product has been conceived by Sancal: the Collar Mao. The original design sports a wing collar, the new version reminds us of a mandarin collar: hence the Mao reference. This version is slightly lighter and thinner, making it ideal as a dining chair. The feet are available in wood or metal. The ash is available in any wood colour from our collection. The metal is available in textured epoxy: black, grey or brown.
|A chair from an atelier. Designed by Skrivo, the inspiration for the initial concept was stimulated by the way a collar folds. This creates a more comfortable chair as well as adding a distinct visual detail. Collar combines technology and handcraft. The injection-moulded interior followed intense modelling. The upholstery is tailored just like a made-to-measure suit. Even the buttons and the piping are upholstered to match the seat cushion, underscoring the importance of every last detail. Now a new version of the product has been conceived by Sancal: the Collar Mao. The original design sports a wing collar, the new version reminds us of a mandarin collar: hence the Mao reference. This version is slightly lighter and thinner, making it ideal as a dining chair. The feet are available in wood or metal. The ash is available in any wood colour from our collection. The metal is available in textured epoxy: black, grey or brown.
|A chair from an atelier. Designed by Skrivo, the inspiration for the initial concept was stimulated by the way a collar folds. This creates a more comfortable chair as well as adding a distinct visual detail. Collar combines technology and handcraft. The injection-moulded interior followed intense modelling. The upholstery is tailored just like a made-to-measure suit. Even the buttons and the piping are upholstered to match the seat cushion, underscoring the importance of every last detail. Now a new version of the product has been conceived by Sancal: the Collar Mao. The original design sports a wing collar, the new version reminds us of a mandarin collar: hence the Mao reference. This version is slightly lighter and thinner, making it ideal as a dining chair. The feet are available in wood or metal. The ash is available in any wood colour from our collection. The metal is available in textured epoxy: black, grey or brown.
|A chair from an atelier. Designed by Skrivo, the inspiration for the initial concept was stimulated by the way a collar folds. This creates a more comfortable chair as well as adding a distinct visual detail. Collar combines technology and handcraft. The injection-moulded interior followed intense modelling. The upholstery is tailored just like a made-to-measure suit. Even the buttons and the piping are upholstered to match the seat cushion, underscoring the importance of every last detail. Now a new version of the product has been conceived by Sancal: the Collar Mao. The original design sports a wing collar, the new version reminds us of a mandarin collar: hence the Mao reference. This version is slightly lighter and thinner, making it ideal as a dining chair. The feet are available in wood or metal. The ash is available in any wood colour from our collection. The metal is available in textured epoxy: black, grey or brown.
Space Chicken
|Space Chicken is a small laptop table that is available in various colors. The table is ideal for lounges, offices and public spaces. Of course, it works perfectly well at home too. Space Chicken is height adjustable and allows you to maintain a comfortable and ergonomic working posture that enables productivity from all types of chairs and sofas. A version of Space Chicken with fixed height is also available.
|Seats with precise geometrical design, offered in 3 different versions of the base: - hand-polished stainless steel, - burnished brass, - solid wood. The metal base versions have wooden or lacquered seat/back and cushions available upon request. The version with solid oak wood frame has seat/back in same veneer and cushions for seat and back included, fixed with removable joints.
|The series of UFO tables, characterized by its elegant and evergreen oval or round design, is offered in many standard versions and matching of finishes: UFO in the classic version with veneer top and lacquered base or fully lacquered, UFO-Full fully covered with veneer, UFO-Soft fully covered with soft-leather. Over the listed dimensions we can produce Ufo tables in "unlimited" sizes. In addition, upon request, it is possible to have marble or back-painted glass tops as well additional functions such as wiring predisposition. All variants have the top completely made of solid multilayer shaped wood; the base has an internal wooden structure, then covered with a moulded shaped cone of multilayer in high thickness, covered with veneer.
|PVC-SHEATHED LINEA’TOUCH + (Plus) – 40 mm width Diameter 40 mm Trilobed handrail – Reinforced version Description: The selected handrail (PVC sheathed LINEA’TOUCH + (Plus) as manufactured by Gerflor) is a trilobed handrail with a cross section from 28 to 40 mm to give it an ergonomic and anti-rotation design. It is 42 mm deep and projects 80 or 90 mm from the wall. The axial position of its brackets provides an excellent handhold. It consists of a 5 mm continuous aluminium reinforced profile covered with a 2 mm smooth, antibacterial, solid-colour PVC sheath and a closer underneath. Various accessories (flat or bevelled endcaps, classic or extended and curved wall returns) are available to finish the handrail assembly. All technical solutions are available to ensure continuity around corners (90° or made to measure), in staircases (Rapid’Angle 3-way “universal joints” rotation), across service ducts (Quick-removable assembly wedge) and around curved sections (pre-curved in the factory). These antibacterial PVC accessories connect to the profile with joiner pieces supplied with flexible bactericidal joints. Wall fixing is by 80 mm reinforced aluminium brackets with 2 self-locking attachment points. A protective film is specified to minimise cleaning before acceptance. This handrail achieves Bs2d0 fire-rating and an impact resistance in excess of 110 Joules, i.e., an impact of more than 320 kg travelling at 3 kmh.
|Handrail with an unique design throughout the building, whatever the level of impact resistance required[LIST] Combines design, ergonomics and high impact resistanc Provides an excellent grip thanks to its exclusive trilobed shape Endless combinations thanks to its large choice of accessories Also avalaible in a standard version Proven resistance[/LIST]
Scandia Nett - Swiwel
|In Norwegian ‘nett’ means ‘neat’ –and Scandia Nett is simply a neater version of Scandia Senior. Scandia Nett has an elegant, sleek appearance and pleasing shape, all together making the lounge chair suitable for any room or style–alone, as a pair or arranged in bigger groups. Despite having clear references to the mid-century design era, Scandia Nett stands out as a timeless piece. The simplicity that characterises the design exudes a modern aesthetic that makes Scandia Nett just as beautiful now as then. The gracefully curved lines still speak to the imagination. Thanks to the carefully thought-out angle of the back and the flexible slats, Scandia Nett offers great comfort. Its relatively neat size will also make it easy to move the chair to your new favourite view. Scandia Nett is available with the distinctive bolt base or the convenient swivel base.
Scandia Prince
|Hans Brattrud created Scandia Prince in1960, as the latest addition to the Scandia range. Hence the name: according to the designer himself Scandia Prince is the crowning glory of the series. Scandia Prince was originally designed as a high version of Scandia Junior, but nevertheless the chair stands out with its very own personality as a graceful and noble chair, princely surrounding the dining table without stealing the visual space. An elegant appearance and a strong character both make Scandia Prince a timeless classic, explaining why the chair has been a highly sought after vintage object on the worldwide collectors market for decades. Despite being a wooden chair, the organic shape of the seat and the slightly flexible back ensure that Scandia Prince supports your body at a very high level of seating comfort. Pleasing to the eye and suited for the body– the perfect dinner party couldn’t ask for more.
Scandia Senior
|After succeeding in getting the first Scandia chair in production, Hans Brattrud returned to the drawing board to expand the technique into an easy chair. Scandia Junior was paired with a bigger version of itself: the Scandia Senior. The new chair proved to be a success, growing the range’s popularity outside of Norway and making it an outstanding representative of the golden era of Scandinavian Design at its best. As late as in 2006, Scandia Senior received “The Interior Innovation Award” in Cologne and was nominated for “The Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2007”. Simplicity, minimalism and functionality are keywords for Scandia Senior. The easy chair features an eye-catching, sculptural silhouette and a sense of lightness that helps it adapt to any room without losing its distinctive character. The tall back and the adjustable leather headrest provide superb support for the upper body and neck, and Scandia Senior is therefore an ideal seat for relaxation. Scandia Senior is available with a swivel base, bolt base or the original tilt system for higher comfort.
Svita Sky Vent 1000x1000
|Svita Sky Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Sky Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a dome of 2,3 or 4 layers of acrylic, clear or opal. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Sky Vent 1200x1200
|Svita Sky Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Sky Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a dome of 2,3 or 4 layers of acrylic, clear or opal. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Sky Vent 1800x1200
|Svita Sky Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Sky Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a dome of 2,3 or 4 layers of acrylic, clear or opal. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Sky Vent 2000x1000
|Svita Sky Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Sky Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a dome of 2,3 or 4 layers of acrylic, clear or opal. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Sky Vent 2400x1200
|Svita Sky Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Sky Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a dome of 2,3 or 4 layers of acrylic, clear or opal. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Smoke Vent 1000x1000
|Svita Smoke Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Smoke Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a insulated steel sheet lid. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Smoke Vent 1200x1200
|Svita Smoke Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Smoke Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a insulated steel sheet lid. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Smoke Vent 1800x1200
|Svita Smoke Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Smoke Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a insulated steel sheet lid. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Smoke Vent 2000x1000
|Svita Smoke Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Smoke Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a insulated steel sheet lid. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
Svita Smoke Vent 2400x1200
|Svita Smoke Vent System consist of fire ventilator, control unit, sensors and button for manual operation. Fire ventilator Sky Vent is equipped with an electro-mechanical opening device powered with 48 V DC which guarantees a large opening force and allows the system to handle large snow loads. Smoke Vent fire ventilator is upward opening and equipped with a insulated steel sheet lid. The lid opening angle exceeds 140 degrees. Upstand height 250 or 500 mm in the standard version, height up to 1000 mm is possible, the upstand is insulated with 50mm mineral wool. Fall protection mounted in the upstand by default. Size from 1000 x 1000 to 2400 x 1200 mm. The control unit contains battery as power back up source in case of power failure, accessories for comfort ventilation, such as wind and rain sensors are available. Intrusion Grids, flashings and separate indication for open ventilator available as accessory. The fire ventilators are certified according to EN 12101-2 and fulfills the requirements of SS 883006.
|Pin – bathroom lighting with genuine character Pin was designed by Matti Klenell in 2009 as a modern and more charismatic version of the classic, globe-shaped bathroom lamp. The conventional porcelain wall fitting has been replaced by an angled glass neck that gives the impression of a lamp that is growing out from the wall. The opaque glass cleverly conceals all the lamp’s electrical components, transforming Pin into a wall decoration at the same time as it provides pleasant lighting in the bathroom. In 2010 Matti Klenell’s design for Örsjö Lighting was named “Bathroom Product of the Year” by Elle Decoration in recognition of its outstanding form and function.
Exterior Double Door
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel door with Guide-Rail Door Closer. The narrow stile version of the OneSystem Project Mortise Locks impresses with its versatility with regard to function, security and reliability. It is suitable for single-leaf doors and for double-leaf doors in combination with the unique espagnolette in the passive leaf. [LIST] Mortise Lock, OneSystem Standard project lock, Standard: EN 12209 Espagnolette OneSystem , for automatic locking of the passive leaf Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator, Standard: EN 1158, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Exterior Double Door w/ Panic Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik Security solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. The OneSystem panic touch bars are perfect for use on escape doors. Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator for double leaf doors and installation, non-hinge side. Door is equipped with the OneSystem standard panic lock in the narrow stile version in combination with a standard passive leaf lock. [LIST] Mortise Lock, OneSystem Panic Lock, Standard:EN 179, EN 1125 Passive Leaf Lock, OneSystem, Standard: EN 1634, EN 15804 Half Fittings Outside, OneSystem, Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIM 18273 Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator, non-hinge side, Standard: EN 1158, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Carry Bar for guide rail, Double-leaf Panic Push Bar, OneSystem, Standard. EN 1125, EN 1634, EN 15804 [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Steel Door SD4210 - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60, SD90, SD120 min). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound,&nbsp;fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60, SD90, SD120 min). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound,&nbsp;fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60, SD90, SD120 min). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1T - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1T - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1T - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1F - Single
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1F - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1F - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20, SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS1R - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke(SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2R - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS3R - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS3R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS3R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1L - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1L - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1L - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1M - Single
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD32). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1M - Double Equal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS1M - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SD 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SD4210 GS2M - Single
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS2M - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SD4210 GS2M - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SD 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20,&nbsp;SD30,&nbsp;SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SDE20,SDE30, SDE60, SDE90, SDE120). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound,&nbsp;fire and smoke (SDE20,SDE30, SDE60, SDE90, SDE120). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 is a solid door without glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SDE20, SDE30, SDE60, SDE90, SDE120 min). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1T - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1T - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1T - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1T is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1F - Single
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SDE20, SDE30, SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1F - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke&nbsp;(SDE20, SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1F - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1F is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke&nbsp;(SDE20, SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1R - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version could be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke(SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2R - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD62) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2R is a solid door with glass openings. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20+SD30+SD60) The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS3R - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS3R - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS3R - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS3R is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1L - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with classifications according to sound (SD20-SD22). The door is applicable for indoor commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1L - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1L - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1L is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version is available as an unclassified door (SD20). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1M - Single
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to sound, fire and smoke (SD20-SD32). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1M - Double Equal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS1M - Double Unequal
|The Steel door SDE 4210 GS1M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD30+SD60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2M - Single
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The single leaf version can be combined with a wide range of classifications according to fire and smoke (SDE20,&nbsp;SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2M - Double Equal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The equal /symetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SDE20,&nbsp;SDE30,&nbsp;SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
Steel Door SDE4210 GS2M - Double Unequal
|<p>The Steel door SDE 4210 GS2M is a solid door with glass opening. The unequal /assymetric double leaf version can be combined with classifications according to fire and smoke (SD20, SD30, SDE60). The door is applicable for exterior commercial and public environments where a high quality product is demanded; e.g. hospitals, hotels, restaurants as well as parking lots, basements, technical rooms and staircases.</p>
KSA Chain drives D-DC
|KSA chain drives from AUMÜLLER are manufactured with the forces of 600 N and 1200 N. Due the compact drive housing, KSA chain drives are ideally suitable for the reliable opening and closing of windows in facades and roofs. [LIST] Electronic speed regulation for synchronised running of the drives and specially low noise development when in ventilation operation TWIN- or D-type version with 2 chains and double force Suitable for surface mounted drives Robust, corrosion-resistant design Universal brackets and casement brackets for all common profile systems Housing of natural, anodised aluminium, RAL9016 or upon request in other RAL colours Particularly easy to install paintable cover profile with a length of up to 4.5 m, suitable for covering one or several drives over the complete window width/height The connection cable can be run out of the housing on either side Programmable parameters of intelligent S12 electronic cut-off switch: Synchronised multi-operation of up to 4 opening and 2 locking drives with sequence control Soft start and soft stop at the end of stroke control Stroke length, closing force, speed Rebate control Reversing the direction in overload cut-off during the shift M-COM for automatic synchronised run of multi drive applications and automatic sequence control with FV locking drives (S3/S12 SW V2) [/LIST]
KSA Chain drives DC TWIN
|KSA chain drives from AUMÜLLER are manufactured with the forces of 600 N and 1200 N. Due the compact drive housing, KSA chain drives are ideally suitable for the reliable opening and closing of windows in facades and roofs. [LIST] Electronic speed regulation for synchronised running of the drives and specially low noise development when in ventilation operation TWIN- or D-type version with 2 chains and double force Suitable for surface mounted drives Robust, corrosion-resistant design Universal brackets and casement brackets for all common profile systems Housing of natural, anodised aluminium, RAL9016 or upon request in other RAL colours Particularly easy to install paintable cover profile with a length of up to 4.5 m, suitable for covering one or several drives over the complete window width/height The connection cable can be run out of the housing on either side Programmable parameters of intelligent S12 electronic cut-off switch: Synchronised multi-operation of up to 4 opening and 2 locking drives with sequence control Soft start and soft stop at the end of stroke control Stroke length, closing force, speed Reversing the direction in overload cut-off during the shift Rebate control M-COM for automatic synchronised run of multi drive applications and automatic sequence control with FV locking drives (S3/S12 SW V2) [/LIST]
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double-Left
|<p>The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.</p>
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double-LeftOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double-LeftRight
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (PP50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double-LeftRightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double-Over
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double-Right
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double-RightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Double
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single-Left
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single-LeftOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single-LeftRight
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single-LeftRightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single-Over
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single-Right
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single-RightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P50 Single
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double-Left
|<p>The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.</p>
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double-LeftOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double-LeftRight
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double-LeftRightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double-Over
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double-Right
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double-RightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Double
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single-Left
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single-LeftOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single-LeftRight
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single-LeftRightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single-Over
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single-Right
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single-RightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI30 Single
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double-Left
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double-LeftOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double-LeftRight
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double-LeftRightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double-Over
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double-Right
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double-RightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Double
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single-Left
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single-LeftOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single-LeftRight
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single-LeftRightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single-Over
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single-Right
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single-RightOver
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Steel Door SD4220 P65 EI60 Single
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Slabs flooring
|Concrete slabs, 3, 6 and 8 cm thick, suitable for almost all paving needs: for yards, porches, garden areas, cycling paths, pedestrian areas and terraces ( in 3 cm H) They are manufactured in different trendy colors and textures. A photocatalytic version is also available. Brand new is size 50 x 100 with only 3 cm thickness.
Steel Glass Wall SD4220 P50
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P50). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. Except unclassified demands this particular version also covers fire-demand E60.
Steel Glass Wall SD4220 P65 EI30
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI30.
Steel Glass Wall SD4220 P65 EI60
|The SD4220 is a steel partition door range, based on a steel profile system (P65). With these products SWEDOOR provides a hi-end solution with focus on design, possibilities and easy installation. The products can be combined in many different variations. The basic product is welded in one piece but could also be combined with seperate build-on sections by a sophisticated hidden snap-in-system that leaves the connections almost invisible. This particular version fulfills fire-demand EI60.
Smooth Black Orotava
|Black Orotava is the third in joining to the range of different blacks. Each one of these models covers a specific market demand. In this case, Negro Orotava brings to the architcts a less dark version of Negro Lanzarote Facing Brick. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
9000E Shower Set
|Shower set with transparent soap dish, slider and flexible upper wall brackets with sealing. Anti lime-scale hand shower with Eco Flow 9 l/min. Chrome. RSK 8197656 NRF 4304842 LVI 6569835 VVS 737579134 An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers/showers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function.
9000E Shower Set
|Shower set with transparent soap dish, slider and flexible upper wall brackets with sealing. Anti lime-scale hand shower with Eco Flow 9 l/min and 3 shower jet settings. Chrome. RSK 8197658 NRF 4304844 LVI 6569837 VVS 737579334 An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers/showers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function.
Serie LS - LS Zero 0 mm
|Timeless, reduced, consistent Consistent variety of solutions, the greatest possible reduction in the design: LS ZERO transfers the design constants of the classic LS 990 range to a new flush-mounted interpretation. Installed in furniture, brickwork or drywalls, LS ZERO creates a level plane in any type of installation between the surface and the operating element. Furnishing concepts thus make a compelling and creative statement. All the requirements for a modern electrical installation can of course be implemented with LS ZERO. The advantages at a glance: [LIST] totally flush-mounted installation reduced, timeless design clear, straight edges purist aesthetic combinable with all inserts of the LS 990 Installation in furniture and with special plaster frame in brickwork or drywall available in white and 26 Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier colours available in totally flush-mounted version or with a 3 mm profile height [/LIST]
Serie LS - LS Zero 3 mm
|Timeless, reduced, consistent Consistent variety of solutions, the greatest possible reduction in the design: LS ZERO transfers the design constants of the classic LS 990 range to a new flush-mounted interpretation. Installed in furniture, brickwork or drywalls, LS ZERO creates a level plane in any type of installation between the surface and the operating element. Furnishing concepts thus make a compelling and creative statement. All the requirements for a modern electrical installation can of course be implemented with LS ZERO. The advantages at a glance: [LIST] totally flush-mounted installation reduced, timeless design clear, straight edges purist aesthetic combinable with all inserts of the LS 990 Installation in furniture and with special plaster frame in brickwork or drywall available in white and 26 Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier colours available in totally flush-mounted version or with a 3 mm profile height [/LIST]
Vedette_Q blade Single emission 6 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q blade Double emission 12 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q blade Double emission 12 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
9000E Basin mixer
|Basin mixer with coldstart and Soft PEX® flat end Ø10 mm. EcoFlow 6l/min. 4MS approved brass. Energy class B. Chrome. RSK 8235436 LVI 6158026 VVS 701578304 8060-0010 Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided) RSK 8235437 NRF 4300034 8060-7010 Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided), 5l/min RSK 8235444 NRF 4300045 An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your bathroom. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort.
Ardilla Single emission
|A compact-size wall light characterized by square design that distinguishes itself for the variety of lighting effects. Ardilla comes in three versions: a single emission version casting a diffused light and fitted with a topLED source, a double emission version with a diffused UP&DOWN light, perfect to enhance the ceiling elements, and a double emission version combining diffused light and a 60-degree light beam. The double emission versions are provided with a topLED source. All versions have a driverless LED circuit allowing the article to be directly connected to the mains with no external drivers required. By arranging the product at regular distances, a soft light effect on the walls is achieved, making Ardilla particularly suitable for illuminating offices, hotels, and shops.
Ardilla Double emission
|A compact-size wall light characterized by square design that distinguishes itself for the variety of lighting effects. Ardilla comes in three versions: a single emission version casting a diffused light and fitted with a topLED source, a double emission version with a diffused UP&DOWN light, perfect to enhance the ceiling elements, and a double emission version combining diffused light and a 60-degree light beam. The double emission versions are provided with a topLED source. All versions have a driverless LED circuit allowing the article to be directly connected to the mains with no external drivers required. By arranging the product at regular distances, a soft light effect on the walls is achieved, making Ardilla particularly suitable for illuminating offices, hotels, and shops.
Ardilla Double emission 60°
|A compact-size wall light characterized by square design that distinguishes itself for the variety of lighting effects. Ardilla comes in three versions: a single emission version casting a diffused light and fitted with a topLED source, a double emission version with a diffused UP&DOWN light, perfect to enhance the ceiling elements, and a double emission version combining diffused light and a 60-degree light beam. The double emission versions are provided with a topLED source. All versions have a driverless LED circuit allowing the article to be directly connected to the mains with no external drivers required. By arranging the product at regular distances, a soft light effect on the walls is achieved, making Ardilla particularly suitable for illuminating offices, hotels, and shops.
Ardilla66 Single emission
|A versatile effective wall light for pleasant light patterns emphasizing facades and outdoor walls. Square-shaped Ardilla66 is available in three versions: a single emission version casting a diffused light, a double emission version with a diffused UP&DOWN light, perfect to enhance the ceiling elements, and a double emission version combining diffused light and a 60-degree light beam. Its driverless LED circuit allows the article to be directly connected to the mains with no external drivers required. It blends in well with the technical lighting requirements of private homes, hotels and urban settings lending a touch of elegance.
Ardilla66 Double emission
|A versatile effective wall light for pleasant light patterns emphasizing facades and outdoor walls. Square-shaped Ardilla66 is available in three versions: a single emission version casting a diffused light, a double emission version with a diffused UP&DOWN light, perfect to enhance the ceiling elements, and a double emission version combining diffused light and a 60-degree light beam. Its driverless LED circuit allows the article to be directly connected to the mains with no external drivers required. It blends in well with the technical lighting requirements of private homes, hotels and urban settings lending a touch of elegance.
Ardilla66 Double emission 60°
|A versatile effective wall light for pleasant light patterns emphasizing facades and outdoor walls. Square-shaped Ardilla66 is available in three versions: a single emission version casting a diffused light, a double emission version with a diffused UP&DOWN light, perfect to enhance the ceiling elements, and a double emission version combining diffused light and a 60-degree light beam. Its driverless LED circuit allows the article to be directly connected to the mains with no external drivers required. It blends in well with the technical lighting requirements of private homes, hotels and urban settings lending a touch of elegance.
Edith_M FL 30 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Edith_M FL DALI 30 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Edith_M FL 45 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Edith_M FL DALI 45 W
|False ceiling troffer fitted with a topLED source for outstanding brightness and reduced consumption. Edith_M full light is a luminaire without flange for a perfect integration of the opaline polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the ceiling. The UGR<19 version is ideally suited for general lighting in settings where there are modular false ceilings, especially in workplaces, offices and public areas.
Loomia_M 18 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 44 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 46 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 32 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_M 46 W
|Loomia_M is a modular lighting fixture for false ceilings. The topLED source ensures excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with the OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_M has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_S 18 W
|Loomia_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source guaranteeing excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_S has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_S 44 W
|Loomia_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source guaranteeing excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_S has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Loomia_S 33 W
|Loomia_S is a ceiling light fitted with a topLED source guaranteeing excellent light performance and reduced consumption. Light is managed through an opaline photo-engraved polymethylmethacrylate diffuser with OPTI-3 technology, an excellent optical system for light distribution and control. Loomia_S has been designed to achieve highly homogeneous light and good energy efficiency, thus proving particularly suitable to illuminate industrial environments, offices and public spaces. The comfort version, with UGR<19, makes this product the ideal solution for workplaces where displays are used. A product plus is the supply of an easy-plug cable for a quick and safe electrical connection.
Portik_R 4 W
|Cylindrical outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_R distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
Portik_R 13 W
|Cylindrical outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_R distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
Portik_R 25 W
|Cylindrical outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_R distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
Portik_Q 4 W
|Parallelepipedal outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_Q distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
Portik_Q 13 W
|Parallelepipedal outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_Q distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
Portik_Q 25 W
|Parallelepipedal outdoor ceiling light blending in well with any settings, thanks to its minimal geometric lines. Three sizes available for three power levels: powerLED source and arrayLED source in the larger version. Four available optics to choose from and three finishes. Portik_Q distinguishes itself for a group consisting of a reflector with F.O.L. ™ filtering system ensuring homogeneous light projection with well-defined edges. Suitable for both outdoor lighting of private homes and hotels and urban lighting applications.
COB20_R 15 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 25 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R2 25 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 30 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 40 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R2 40 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 50 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 15 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 25 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q2 25 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 30 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 40 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
Vedette_R Single emission 2 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_R Single emission 8 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_R Single emission 15 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_R Double emission 2 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_R Double emission 8 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_R Double emission 26 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_R is characterized by highly versatile light management: depending on the optics angle, it is possible to control the light beam width thus creating a number of aesthetic effects and meeting the most varied needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, anodised aluminium casing. The wall light has been conceived for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and urban applications.
Vedette_Q Single emission 2 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q Single emission 8 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q Single emission 15 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q Double emission 2 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q Double emission 8 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_Q Double emission 26 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_Q is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated in the anodized aluminium casing and neoprene cables. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_RI Single emission 2 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_RI Single emission 6 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_RI Single emission 13 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_RI Double emission 4 W 630mA
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_RI Double emission 4 W 220mA
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_RI Double emission 10 W
|A round wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_RI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Single emission 2 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Single emission 6 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Single emission 13 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Double emission 4 W 630mA
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Double emission 4 W 220mA
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
Vedette_QI Double emission 10 W
|A square wall light with a minimalist modern design. Available in the single or double emission version, it allows creating evocative light patterns with astonishing visual effects. The powerLED source with four power levels ensures reduced consumption and a very warm light. Vedette_QI is characterized by highly versatile light management: the optics angle allows control of the light beam width, thus creating several aesthetic effects and meeting the most diverse needs. Resin-potted driver integrated into the casing and neoprene cables, AISI 316 stainless steel casing suitable for high-salinity environments. The wall light has been designed for the outdoor lighting of hotels, private homes and for urban lighting.
High-speed roll-up door - Non-insulated - EFA-SRT®
|<p><strong>The heavy-duty forklift door</strong><br>The EFA-SRT® is a real allrounder! It can be used as inside door or as additional hall closure. For each opening which is extremely often passed by forklift trucks, the high-speed roll-up door from EFAFLEX is a high-quality solution.</p> <p><strong>List of door types for downloading:</strong><br></p> <ul><li>SRT-ECO&nbsp;</li><li>SRT-ECO (EAS)&nbsp;</li><li>SRT-L Premium&nbsp;</li><li>SRT-L Premium (EAS)</li><li>SRT-S&nbsp;</li><li>SRT-S EAS&nbsp;</li><li>SRT-L Soft Touch&nbsp;</li></ul><p><br></p><ul></ul><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>Please note: For detailled mounting space of the different door types please use our consulting service.</p> <p>EFAFLEX reserves the right to continually develop product and technical specifications. To obtain optimum results we recommend you only work and plan with the latest version of BIMobjects data confirming product and/or specification availability prior to project commencement.&nbsp; </p> <p></p>
High-speed folding-doors EFA-SFT®
|<p><strong>Fast and robust</strong></p> <p> Due to the horizontal folding movement of the high-speed folding doors, the full clearance height is immediately completely free. Doors of the F series open with high speeds and are extremely heavy-duty. They protect against noise and draft air, save energy and convince with good heat and sound insulating properties.</p> <p><strong>Individual design </strong><br>High-speed folding doors by EFAFLEX which are mainly used for closing whole buildings are one aspect of modern industrial architecture. Thanks to the large number of design possibilities, your high-speed folding door can be adjusted to every façade</p> <p><strong>List of door types for downloading:</strong></p> <ul><li>SFT-L&nbsp;</li><li>SFT-S&nbsp;</li><li>SFT-ÜS&nbsp;</li></ul> <p>Please note: For detailled mounting space of the different door types please use our consulting service.</p> <p>EFAFLEX reserves the right to continually develop product and technical specifications. To obtain optimum results we recommend you only work and plan with the latest version of BIMobjects data confirming product and/or specification availability prior to project commencement.&nbsp; </p> <p><br></p>
High-speed turbo-door EFA-STT®
|<p><strong>EFA-STT® The transparent door </strong><br>Due to its laths which are made of crystal clear acrylic glass, the door leaf of the EFA-STT® is transparent at more than 70% - this fact makes it a worldwide unique high-speed door: robust but nevertheless completely transparent.</p> <p><strong>List of door types for downloading:</strong></p> <ul><li>STT-L&nbsp;</li><li>STT-L N (low lintel)</li><li>STT-S&nbsp;</li><li>STT-ÜS&nbsp;</li><li>STT-L ACS-DS (Active crash system)&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul><p><br></p> <p>Please note: For detailled mounting space of the different door types please use our consulting service.</p> <p>EFAFLEX reserves the right to continually develop product and technical specifications. To obtain optimum results we recommend you only work and plan with the latest version of BIMobjects data confirming product and/or specification availability prior to project commencement.&nbsp; </p> <p><br></p>
Special doors
|<p><strong>High-speed doors for special applications:</strong></p> <p><strong>Hygienic:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; EFA-SRT®-EC</strong> - the optimized solution for all internal passages with the highest hygienic requirements,&nbsp;e.g. food</p> <p><strong>Cold storage:&nbsp; EFA-SST®-ISO-60 -</strong> for cold storage applications</p> <p><strong>Cleanroom:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; EFA-SRT®-CR </strong>- Certified for cleanroom use up to ISO class 5 (EN 14644, VDI 2083)</p> <p><strong>Parking:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; EFA-SST®-PS</strong> - Parking system doors</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>List of door types for downloading:</strong></p> <ul><li>SRT- EC&nbsp;</li><li>SST- L ISO/60&nbsp;</li><li>SST- S ISO/60&nbsp;</li><li>STT- CR&nbsp;</li><li>STT- FSA EW&nbsp;</li><li>SST- TK 100&nbsp;</li><li>SRT- FR&nbsp;</li><li>SST- PS&nbsp;</li><li>SST- PS-N&nbsp;</li><li>SRT- CR Premium&nbsp;</li><li>SRT- CR Efficient&nbsp;</li><li>HHS- CR&nbsp;</li><li>HHS- CR 2-flg&nbsp;</li><li>HVS- CR&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Please note: For detailled mounting space of the different door types please use our consulting service.</p> <p>EFAFLEX reserves the right to continually develop product and technical specifications. To obtain optimum results we recommend you only work and plan with the latest version of BIMobjects data confirming product and/or specification availability prior to project commencement.&nbsp;</p> <p></p>
High-speed spiral doors- Insulated - EFA-SST®
|<p><strong>High-speed spiral door EFA-SST®: The new generation</strong> <br>Worldwide increasing energy prices have prompted EFAFLEX to design completely new high-speed spiral doors as hall closure. The technically new design constitutes an improvement of the physical characteristics of the door leaf as well as an optimisation of the functionality.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>List of door types <strong>EFA-SST®</strong> for downloading:</strong></p> <ul><li>SST-L Premium (light)</li><li>SST-S Premium (medium)</li><li>SST-ÜS Premium (heavy)</li><li>SST-XL Premium (extra large)</li><li>SST-L Eco&nbsp;</li><li>SST-S Eco&nbsp;</li><li>SST-L Basic&nbsp;</li><li>SST-L ACS-DS&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul> <p>Please note: For detailled mounting space of the different door types please use our consulting service.<br></p> <p><strong></strong>EFAFLEX reserves the right to continually develop product and technical specifications. To obtain optimum results we recommend you only work and plan with the latest version of BIMobjects data confirming product and/or specification availability prior to project commencement.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong></strong></p>
Trevi 1
|Linear profile for outdoor and underwater applications; surface mounted (ceiling, wall, ground); AISI 316L stainless steel end caps, screen in polycarbonate; optics version: 6 power LEDs pitch 100 mm, diffuse version: 78 mid power LEDs, RGB version: 42 low power LED full-colour; optics version: 7W - 24Vdc, diffuse version: 10W - 24Vdc, RGB version: 11W - 24Vdc; includes 5 m neoprene cable H05RN-F 2x0,75 Ø6,3 mm, RGB: includes 5 m FEP+PCP cable (equivalent to H05RN-F cable) 4x0,50/0,50 Ø6,3 mm; total delivered lumens: optics version: 504 lm (3000K), diffuse version 522 lm (3000K); optics: 40°, 65°, 20°x50°, diffuse; LED colour: optics version: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; diffuse version: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, RGB; ingress protection: IP68; impact resistance: IK10; IPS built into the cable gland; operating temperature: -10°C +45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: III; weight 0,70 kg; dimensions ø25x613 mm; dimming using a 24Vdc dimmer; accessories: clips pair WM0501, pair of vandal-resistant clips WM0502
Frank, backed bench
|Frank revisits the classical park benches of previous centuries and updates them for twenty-first century urban centres. The bench is a simplified version of the decorated frames typical of Continental Europe that merges the armrests and the supports in a single expression. Traditional wooden slats form the seat and backrest, creating a silhouette that easily blends into a historic setting. Design: David Taylor
Goggle, bicycle rack single sided, 5 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund
Goggle, bicycle rack double sided, 10 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund
Goggle, bicycle rack single sided, 10 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund
Goggle, bicycle rack double sided, 20 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top.
Goggle, bicycle rack wall mounted 5 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund.
Goggle, bicycle rack single sided, 5 bicycles and leaning bench top
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: erik Österlund
Hinken, litter bin 40 litre
|Hinken litterbin made in plastic-fibre is spacious, yet simple. The smooth contours and gleaming surfaces of this sleek design makes it a perfect complement to contemporary spaces. The Recycle Bin is adapted for example cans, paper and glass. The litterbin is made in standard colours White or Anthracite gray. Also available in a smaller version, Hinken 40, and as a planter. Design: Thomas Bernstrand.
Hinken, litterbin for recycling
|Hinken litterbin made in plastic-fibre is spacious, yet simple. The smooth contours and gleaming surfaces of this sleek design makes it a perfect complement to contemporary spaces. The Recycle Bin is adapted for example cans, paper and glass. The litterbin is made in standard colours White or Anthracite gray. Also available in a smaller version, Hinken 40, and as a planter.
Hjorthagen, backed bench
|This backed bench, like the table, armchairs and benches in the Hjorthagen family, carry on the Swedish tradition of painted furniture. Painted in alkyd oil enamel, the bench is durable enough for year-round use outdoors. An unpainted version of the bench is also available in oiled oak, which showcases the natural beauty of wood grain. Design: Peter Brandt.
Hjorthagen, backed bench with armrests
|This backed bench, like the table, armchairs and benches in the Hjorthagen family, carry on the Swedish tradition of painted furniture. Painted in alkyd oil enamel, the bench is durable enough for year-round use outdoors. An unpainted version of the bench is also available in oiled oak, which showcases the natural beauty of wood grain. Design: Peter Brandt.
Kajen, sunbed
|Crafted in a sweeping shape that balances atop a streamlined frame, the Kajen sun lounger is made with maximum comfort in mind. One of the first park benches to be accompanied by a footrest, the design invites those seated to put their feet up, or just sit back and relax. This season, we’re launching a new version of the sun lounger crafted in Sioo-treated oak. The Sioo treatment process uses a water-based silicon coating to protect the wood, providing a popular alternative to oiled oak. The result is a durable, anti-weathering surface that is virtually maintenance-free. The laid-back luxury of this sun lounger and footrest will make a unique addition to any public space. Design: Thomas Bernstrand.
Mora Rexx K5 Kitchen Mixer with dish washer valve
|Kitchen mixer with dish washer valve, swivel C-spout and Eco function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Out of 4MS approved brass. Chrome. RSK 8318185 NRF 4290215 LVI 6261169 707105.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8318186 NRF 4290216 LVI 6261171 707105.4511 Coal. RSK 8310752 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful kitchen mixer with built-in intelligent function.
Mora Rexx K6 Kitchen Mixer with dish washer valve
|Kitchen mixer with dish washer valve, swivel L-spout and Eco function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Out of 4MS approved brass. Chrome. RSK 8318187 NRF 4290222 LVI 6261172 707115.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8318188 NRF 4290223 LVI 6261174 707115.0065 Chrome/gold. RSK 8318229 NRF 4290246 LVI 6261226 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful kitchen mixer with built-in intelligent function.
Mora Rexx K7 Kitchen Mixer with dish washer valve
|Kitchen mixer with dish washer valve, swivel U-spout and Eco function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Out of 4MS approved brass. Chrome. RSK 8318189 NRF 4290228 LVI 6261175 707125.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8318190 NRF 4290229 LVI 6261177 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful kitchen mixer with built-in intelligent function.
Mora Rexx B5 Basin Mixer
|Basin mixer with Eco function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Out of 4MS approved brass. Chrome. RSK 8344422 NRF 4290833 LVI 6160620 VVS 701488104 707150.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8344423 NRF 4290834 LVI 6160622 VVS 701488124 707150.0065 Chrome/gold. RSK 8344432 NRF 4290026 LVI 6160668 707150.4511 Coal RSK 8277850 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful basin mixer with built-in intelligent functionality.
Mora Rexx T5 Bath mixer
|Bath mixer that compensates for temperature and pressure fluctuations. With safety stop and Eco function. Downward outlet for shower. Swivel spout with built-in diverter. Out of 4MS approved brass. 160 c/c. Chrome. RSK 8344025 707000.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8344026 707010 150 c/c. Chrome. RSK 8344027 NRF 4290358 LVI 6360626 VVS 722716104 707010.0011 150 c/c. Chrome/black. RSK 8344028 NRF 4290359 LVI 6360628 VVS 722716124 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful bath mixer with world-leading functionality for unbeatable safety and comfort.
Mora Rexx T5 Shower mixer
|Shower mixer with connection down. Safety stop and Eco function. Out of 4MS approved brass. 160 c/c. Chrome. RSK 8343985 707050.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8343986 707060 150 c/c Chrome. RSK 8343991 NRF 4290257 LVI 6360623 VVS 722714104 707060.0011 150 c/c Chrome/black. RSK 8343992 NRF 4290258 LVI 6360625 VVS 722714124 707060.DB 150 c/c. Chrome. With s-connections (2x 701001). With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful bath mixer with world-leading functionality, providing unbeatable safety and comfort.
Mora Rexx B5 Basin Mixer with push-down waste
|Basin mixer with push-down waste and Eco function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Out of 4MS approved brass. Chrome. RSK 8344428 NRF 4290861 LVI 6160645 VVS 701989104 707160.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8344429 NRF 4290862 LVI 6160646 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful basin mixer with intelligent functionality and a pop-up waste.
Mora Rexx B5 Basin Mixer with self-closing hand shower
|Basin mixer with self-closing hand shower and Eco function. Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut. Out of 4MS approved brass. Chrome. RSK 8344421 NRF 4290839 LVI 6160623 707151.0011 Chrome/black. RSK 8344427 LVI 6160627 With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful basin mixer with intelligent functionality and a push-down waste.
Delta Twin M
|Purmo’s Delta Twin M decorative radiators integrate the state of the art technology of execution with remarkable design, providing their Users with highest qualities of climate comfort and functionality. The bottom middle connection solution present in all height options of the Twin M radiators, in association with the elegant yet practical tower drying rail offered as standard and the high heat output, make these radiators highly suitable for application in large designer bathrooms or even bathing rooms. Regularly manufactured as a 2-columned version only (in 5 height varieties and 2 length options), in RAL 9016 snow-white coloring, at Clients’ request Delta Twin M can be delivered in any other available RAL colour.
Aura Slim Comfort
|Wall –mounted Aura Slim convectors supplement in an optimum way the basic range of the onfloor Aura and trench convectors Aquilo. The universal product is also suitable for separate wall-mounted installation. Aura Slim flat convectors meet the contradictory requirements for minimal dimensions, maximal output and amiable construction as for design. The conception of Aura Slim convectors is built on implementation of steel sheating and grid with heat exchanger from copper and aluminum similar to those applied in the onfloor Aura convectors. The basic colour version makes it possible for the body to adapt easily into its environment while the optional non-standard colourful version helps to emphasize the body and makes it an integral part of the interior. The modest and aesthetic design of the body is the principal prerequisite for the installation in private as well as public interiors, in the rooms of standard size as well as in vast spaces. Aura Slim Comfort convectors are produced in 360 standard dimensional types.
Aura Slim Basic
|Wall–mounted Aura Slim convectors supplement in an optimum way the basic range of the onfloor Aura and trench convectors Aquilo. The universal product is also suitable for separate wall-mounted installation. Aura Slim flat convectors meet the contradictory requirements for minimal dimensions, maximal output and amiable construction as for design. The conception of Aura Slim convectors is built on implementation of steel sheating and grid with heat exchanger from copper and aluminum similar to those applied in the onfloor Aura convectors. The basic colour version makes it possible for the body to adapt easily into its environment while the optional non-standard colourful version helps to emphasize the body and makes it an integral part of the interior. The modest and aesthetic design of the body is the principal prerequisite for the installation in private as well as public interiors, in the rooms of standard size as well as in vast spaces. Aura Slim Comfort convectors are produced in 360 standard dimensional types.
Entrance Door w/ Escape Control and Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Belgium Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. The door status (open or closed) is monitored via a door contact. An alarm is triggered if the door is opened without authorisation. The alarm can be turned off using a key switch. Equipped with a narrow stile version of the multipoint OneSystem self-locking panic mortise lock and Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. The lock/door is automatically self-locked as soon as the door closer has closed the door. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Exterior Door w/ Escape Route Terminal
|ASSA ABLOY Belgium Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. This is equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem multipoint self-locking panic lock with B-function, the exit is controlled by a security electric strike with panic function. The door can be released at any time using the emergency button, which also triggers an acoustical and optical alarm. Authorised exit in the direction of escape is obtained using the key switch integrated into the escape door control terminal. The key switch can also be used to set the door to permanent release, to re-lock and to deactivate the alarm. The combination of permanent release and the activated handle of the B-function, creates a temporary free-passage door. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Exterior Double Door
|ASSA ABLOY Belgium Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. The active leaf of the double door is equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem mortise lock, the passive leaf is equipped with an espagnolette which locks this. The double door is self-closing using the Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Exterior Double Door w/ Panic Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Belgium Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. Both leaves are equipped with the OneSystem panic touch bars. The active leaf and the passive leaf are each equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem mortise panic lock. The lock of the active leaf has an extra locking point on top of the door and B-function. The double door is self-closing using the Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Kindergarten Secured Entrance Door
|ASSA ABLOY Belgium Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. This is equipped with a narrow stile version of the MEDIATOR multipoint self-locking panic lock, the exit is controlled by a security electric strike with panic function integrated into the door closer. Both can be controlled by a parlophone system. The door can be released at any time using the emergency button, which also triggers an acoustical and optical alarm. Authorised exit in the direction of escape is obtained using the push button inside, placed on a height of 1,80m. Adult people are able to open the door during drop-off and pick-up times, but children can’t reach it. Children can release the door at any time using the emergency button. Authorised exit in the direction of escape can also be obtained using the key switch integrated into the escape door control terminal. It can also be used to set the door to permanent release, to re-lock and to deactivate the alarm. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.be/en/local/be/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Zeag APC
|ZEAG APC is a cashless version of the industry leading ZEAG APS Pay Station. It is a customer friendly and easy-to-use station that accepts payment by Credit Card only. It is ideal for installations where car park operators wish to offer an enhanced customer experience, reduce the operational and maintenance costs of time-consuming cash handling and yet provide substantial theft or fraud prevention. The stainless steel cabinet is particularly robust and the station offers many interactive features: a multilingual high contrast LCD touchscreen display for user instructions, a read/write ticket unit for magnetic stripe or barcode tickets, and an illuminated navigation to guide customers step-by-step through the payment process.
Entrance Door w/ Escape Control and Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. The door status (open or closed) is monitored via a door contact. An alarm is triggered if the door is opened without authorisation. The alarm can be turned off using a key switch. Equipped with a narrow stile version of the multipoint OneSystem self-locking panic mortise lock and Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. The lock/door is automatically self-locked as soon as the door closer has closed the door. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.lu/en/local/lu/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Exterior Door w/ Escape Route Terminal
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. This is equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem multipoint self-locking panic lock with B-function, the exit is controlled by a security electric strike with panic function. The door can be released at any time using the emergency button, which also triggers an acoustical and optical alarm. Authorised exit in the direction of escape is obtained using the key switch integrated into the escape door control terminal. The key switch can also be used to set the door to permanent release, to re-lock and to deactivate the alarm. The combination of permanent release and the activated handle of the B-function, creates a temporary free-passage door. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.lu/en/local/lu/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Exterior Double Door
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. The active leaf of the double door is equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem mortise lock, the passive leaf is equipped with an espagnolette which locks this. The double door is self-closing using the Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.lu/en/local/lu/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Exterior Double Door w/ Panic Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. Both leaves are equipped with the OneSystem panic touch bars. The active leaf and the passive leaf are each equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem mortise panic lock. The lock of the active leaf has an extra locking point on top of the door and B-function. The double door is self-closing using the Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.lu/en/local/lu/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Kindergarten Secured Entrance Door
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. This is equipped with a narrow stile version of the MEDIATOR multipoint self-locking panic lock, the exit is controlled by a security electric strike with panic function integrated into the door closer. Both can be controlled by a parlophone system. The door can be released at any time using the emergency button, which also triggers an acoustical and optical alarm. Authorised exit in the direction of escape is obtained using the push button inside, placed on a height of 1,80m. Adult people are able to open the door during drop-off and pick-up times, but children can’t reach it. Children can release the door at any time using the emergency button. Authorised exit in the direction of escape can also be obtained using the key switch integrated into the escape door control terminal. It can also be used to set the door to permanent release, to re-lock and to deactivate the alarm. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.lu/en/local/lu/specification-and-bim/the-solutions-team-specification/
Entrance Door w/ Escape Control and Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. The door status (open or closed) is monitored via a door contact. An alarm is triggered if the door is opened without authorisation. The alarm can be turned off using a key switch. Equipped with a narrow stile version of the multipoint OneSystem self-locking panic mortise lock and Door closer with Cam-Motion® technology. The lock/door is automatically self-locked as soon as the door closer has closed the door. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.nl/nl-nl/local/nl/architecten_en_bestekschrijvers/solutions-team/
Exterior Door w/ Escape Route Terminal
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. This is equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem multipoint self-locking panic lock with B-function, the exit is controlled by a security electric strike with panic function. The door can be released at any time using the emergency button, which also triggers an acoustical and optical alarm. Authorised exit in the direction of escape is obtained using the key switch integrated into the escape door control terminal. The key switch can also be used to set the door to permanent release, to re-lock and to deactivate the alarm. The combination of permanent release and the activated handle of the B-function, creates a temporary free-passage door. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.nl/nl-nl/local/nl/architecten_en_bestekschrijvers/solutions-team/
Exterior Double Door
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. The active leaf of the double door is equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem mortise lock, the passive leaf is equipped with an espagnolette which locks this. The double door is self-closing using the Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.nl/nl-nl/local/nl/architecten_en_bestekschrijvers/solutions-team/
Exterior Double Door w/ Panic Push Bar
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for double-leaf aluminium or steel doors. Both leaves are equipped with the OneSystem panic touch bars. The active leaf and the passive leaf are each equipped with a narrow stile version of the OneSystem mortise panic lock. The lock of the active leaf has an extra locking point on top of the door and B-function. The double door is self-closing using the Cam-Motion® technology with integrated mechanical door coordinator. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.nl/nl-nl/local/nl/architecten_en_bestekschrijvers/solutions-team/
Kindergarten Secured Entrance Door
|ASSA ABLOY Solution for a high secured escape route, single leaf aluminium or steel door. This is equipped with a narrow stile version of the MEDIATOR multipoint self-locking panic lock, the exit is controlled by a security electric strike with panic function integrated into the door closer. Both can be controlled by a parlophone system. The door can be released at any time using the emergency button, which also triggers an acoustical and optical alarm. Authorised exit in the direction of escape is obtained using the push button inside, placed on a height of 1,80m. Adult people are able to open the door during drop-off and pick-up times, but children can’t reach it. Children can release the door at any time using the emergency button. Authorised exit in the direction of escape can also be obtained using the key switch integrated into the escape door control terminal. It can also be used to set the door to permanent release, to re-lock and to deactivate the alarm. Typical applications: Education, School, University, Shopping Mall, Office, Commercial, Health Care For more information, please contact us: http://www.assaabloy.nl/nl-nl/local/nl/architecten_en_bestekschrijvers/solutions-team/
|Standard is an economical system characterized by a straight narrow profile providing the door with delicate framing which gives the front an impression of lightness. This popular system is often chosen by our clients. The wardrobes which use the Standard system work very well in narrow halls and in the attic. It is a good solution for minimalist interiors in classic, retro or Scandinavian styles. The wood-like version of the profile suits interiors in Provençal style. Unlike in the Lux system, the profile is characterized by a narrow frame and delicate form of the handle. Main advantage: • The unique in the market, proven and very durable system. • Profiles: powder coating or finished with wood-look PVC coating, corrosion resistant. • The biggest range of door height adjustments among all systems. • The special anti-jumping function which prevents the door from falling out of the track. • Smooth sliding of the door thanks to bottom rollers equipped for bearings. • The buffer strips with long and short hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Mechanical lock option is available. Available options: • sliding doors • pivoting doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
EGO Easy 32-80
|High efficiency wet rotor circulator pump with threaded or flanged fitting, permanent magnet motor and integrated electronic control. “Ego” is a cutting-edge range of high efficiency wet rotor electronic circulators that fully comply with European Directive ErP 2009/125/CE. All Ego circulators feature the ECM technology (electronically commuted motor with rotor equipped with permanent magnets), that enables automatic and continuous regulation of the pump (flow rate/head) depending on the actual requirements of the system, ensuring important energy savings. All models include inputs/outputs, analogic signal, ethernet connection, modbus communication and have a unique display to make them user-friendly. Ego are available in single or twin version, with threaded or flange fittings. Ego circulators are specifically designed for heating systems and circulation of liquids in air-conditioning systems. The pumps are suitable for single-pipe systems, two-pipe systems, underfloor heating systems and mixing loops of great installations. Some models are suitable for circulation at temperatures below 0°C (they are, therefore, particularly recommended for air-conditioning and/or refrigeration systems).
Interior Door Craft 101 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 101 Double
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 101 Single Sliding In-wall 96/122mm
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 101 Single Sliding In-wall 122/148mm
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 101 Single Sliding Wall-mounted
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 102 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 102 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 102 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 104 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 104 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 104 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 105 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 105 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 105 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 124 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 127 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 129 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 129 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 129 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 130 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 130 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 130 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 131 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 131 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 131 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 132 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 132 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 132 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 133 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 133 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 133 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 134 Single
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 134 Double equal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Interior Door Craft 134 Double unequal
|Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft gets its character and strength of its composed parts and its surroundings. Therefore these doors fits, both to the old exclusive villa and the modern stylish apartment. Craft is designed for residential and similar usage.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Large cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Perforated cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Slits cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Small cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Solid
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 600x1200
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 700x1200
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 600x1400
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 700x1400
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 800x1400
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 800x1600
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 900x1800
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
K2 Table adjustable workdesk - 1000x2000
|Lying down on the floor to stretch out your back at the end of a long day at work comes to a point where it’s much to exhausting. A way too sedentary day at work can easily compromise your posture and drain you of your energy. And that is what the K2 Table wishes to change. K2 Table is an innovative version of the traditional height adjustable work desk and with it’s angled – but very stabile – base, the table stands out. As a result of the modern design the visual expression of the table is just as suitable as a desk at home as it is as a work desk at the office The height of the table can be adjusted from 69 to 116 centimetres so you can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable for you and perhaps adjust it during the day to make sure that you remember to stand up once in a while.
Flat roof window DEF DU8| FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DEF - Electrically opened with wireless Z-Wave system. The kit includes AC adapter, remote control and rain sensor. Sash tilts 15cm. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty 2 years for control elements in electric versions 2 years for gas springs
Flat roof window DMF DU8 | FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DMF - manually opened by means of ZSD control rod. Sash tilts 30cm. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty 2 years for gas springs
Flat roof window DXF DU8 | FAKRO
|WINDOW STRUCTURE The type F flat roof window features a sleek modern look, characterised by excellent thermal insulation parameters. The structure of the frame is the same as for flat roof windows with a dome however the main difference lies in the glazing unit which is bonded using modern manufacturing technologies to produce a highly aesthetic and innovative design. The frame is constructed of multi-chamber PVC profiles filled with insulation material. A minimalist and perfect designed DEF flat roof window has been awarded with prestigious Red Dot Design Award. D_F WINDOW - COLOURLINE VERSION The innovative flat roof window D_F ColourLine allows you to match the colour of the window finish with theexisting roof design. A wide range of colours in accordance with the RAL Classic Palette. THE EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION The DEF flat roof window with a double-chamber DU6 glazing unit has been tested for sound insulation during heavy rain. The result obtained, LIA= 36 [dB] confirms the high level of resistance against sound penetration, therefore the window is ideal for places where peace and silence are welcome. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. The external awning blind protects against room overheating while internal accessories protect from intensive sun light and provide a decorative element. INSTALLATION RANGE The type F flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. GLAZING UNITS Windows are available with two glazing units. -DU6 - Energy-efficient, double-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0.70 W/m²K ). -DU8 Passive, triple-glazed with a whole window U-value of 0,64 W/m²K AVAILABLE SIZES In addition to standard sizes, the D_F type windows can be manufactured in non-standard sizes (in the range of 60x60 - 120x220cm). This enables existing skylights which do meet current thermal insulation requirements to be replaced with ease. DXF - non opening Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty
D.01 :Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.02 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel Safe+
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.03 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel T
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
YPSILON Cycle Shelter 4,5m 16 bicycles
|Cycle shelter YPSILON is the double-sided version of KAPPA. Just like KAPPA, it´s main function is protection for bicycles, but it can also be used for other purposes such as protection for strollers and motorcycles. It is often combined with the bicycle rack DELTA. However, the bollards BETA and OMEGA is also popular choices with YPSILON.
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 111R02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in R-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 111.23R U-shaped made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 23 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Roses: model 305.23... and 306.23NR roses substructure made of synthetic material-stainless steel composite, can be used for left and right-hand opening doors. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area and second journal in the neck of the lever handle. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M4 screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, flat, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: U Article no.: HEWI 111R02.230
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 111XAH02-130
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 111X... made of stainless steel tube (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle, for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. The lever handle meets the standards of EN 179 and DIN 18040. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 111XAH02.130
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 162XAH02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in H-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of stainless steel, consisting of: Lever handle 162X... made of stainless steel tube in mitre cut (1.4301), diameter 21.3 mm with 1.5 mm wall thickness, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, with set screw M5 as additional fixing of lever and spindle for optimal transfer of force to door leaf. Installed by simply latching the lever handle into the base parts preassembled on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21X... and 306.23X..., 305.21X... composite synthetic material and steel rose substructure with black zinc/nickel surface for optimum corrosion protection, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with M5 stainless steel screw and sleeve combination as well as the pivot disappearing into the leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap round, made of stainless steel (1.4301), diameter 55 mm, 10.5 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 4 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Category of use: Class 4 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162XAH02.230
HEWI Panic bar to EN 1125 PS111XA30
|System 111 panic bar for equipping exit doors - approval to EN 1125 only in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634, for single leaf or double doorsets in escape routes (inactive or inactive and active leaf) Version for BKS-locks. Handle made of stainless steel, diameter 25 mm with tubular handle made of polyamide, diameter 30 mm. Handle tube positioned as one-sided handle, therefore clear visualisation of the optimum pressure point on the lock side, conforms to the requirements of DIN 18040. The stainless steel tubes are connected by a square bar - telescopic. Low projection depending on the operating angle of the lock follower, but at least in accordance with DIN 1125, grade 2: <= 100 mm. Mounting distance 761 - 860 mm, 861 - 1010 mm, 1011 - 1160 mm, 1161 - 1300 mm, 301 - 1440 mm and 1441 - 1580 mm. Variable mounting distance: shorter bar (fixing centres > 761 mm) at customer request, specify exact measurement. For use on timber and steel doors and metal frame doors, backset from 35 mm (depending on profile) as single or double doorset. Concealed, tamper-resistant screw fixing with threaded screws M5. Gear unit and the thrust bearing with cover, width of the rosette 32 mm, width of the transmission unit 52 mm, no jamming due to splayed surfaces of the gear unit cover on the lock side and positioning of the push-bar on the inside of the gear unit. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 1125 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of device: Class 2 Type of device: A Field of door application: Class A Article no.: HEWI PS111XA30
HEWI Panic bar to EN 1125 PS111XA40
|System 111 panic bar for equipping exit doors - approval to EN 1125 only in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634, for single leaf or double doorsets in escape routes (inactive or inactive and active leaf) Version for BKS-locks. Handle made of stainless steel, diameter 25 mm with tubular handle made of stainless steel, diameter 30 mm. Handle tube positioned as one-sided handle, therefore clear visualisation of the optimum pressure point on the lock side. The stainless steel tubes are connected by a square bar - telescopic. Low projection depending on the operating angle of the lock follower, but at least in accordance with DIN 1125, grade 2: <= 100 mm. Mounting distance 761 - 860 mm, 861 - 1010 mm, 1011 - 1160 mm, 1161 - 1300 mm, 301 - 1440 mm and 1441 - 1580 mm. Variable mounting distance: shorter bar (fixing centres > 761 mm) at customer request, specify exact measurement. For use on timber and steel doors and metal frame doors, backset from 35 mm (depending on profile) as single or double doorset. Concealed, tamper-resistant screw fixing with threaded screws M5. Gear unit and the thrust bearing with cover, width of the rosette 32 mm, width of the transmission unit 52 mm, no jamming due to splayed surfaces of the gear unit cover on the lock side and positioning of the push-bar on the inside of the gear unit. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 1125 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of device: Class 2 Type of device: A Field of door application: Class A Article no.: HEWI PS111XA40
HEWI Panic bar to EN 1125 PS160XA30
|System 162 panic bar for equipping exit doors - approval to EN 1125 only in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634, for single leaf or double doorsets in escape routes (inactive or inactive and active leaf) Version for BKS-locks. Handle made of stainless steel, diameter 25 mm with tubular handle made of polyamide, diameter 30 mm. Handle tube positioned as one-sided handle, therefore clear visualisation of the optimum pressure point on the lock side, conforms to the requirements of DIN 18040. The stainless steel tubes are connected by a square bar - telescopic. Low projection depending on the operating angle of the lock follower, but at least in accordance with DIN 1125, grade 2: <= 100 mm. Mounting distance 761 - 860 mm, 861 - 1010 mm, 1011 - 1160 mm, 1161 - 1300 mm, 301 - 1440 mm and 1441 - 1580 mm. Variable mounting distance: shorter bar (fixing centres > 761 mm) at customer request, specify exact measurement. For use on timber and steel doors and metal frame doors, backset from 35 mm (depending on profile) as single or double doorset. Concealed, tamper-resistant screw fixing with threaded screws M5. Gear unit and the thrust bearing with cover, width of the rosette 32 mm, width of the transmission unit 52 mm, no jamming due to splayed surfaces of the gear unit cover on the lock side and positioning of the push-bar on the inside of the gear unit. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 1125 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of device: Class 2 Type of device: A Field of door application: Class A Article no.: HEWI PS160XA30
HEWI Panic bar to EN 1125 PS160XA40
|System 162 panic bar for equipping exit doors - approval to EN 1125 only in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634, for single leaf or double doorsets in escape routes (inactive or inactive and active leaf) Version for BKS-locks. Handle made of stainless steel, diameter 25 mm with tubular handle made of stainless steel, diameter 30 mm. Handle tube positioned as one-sided handle, therefore clear visualisation of the optimum pressure point on the lock side. The stainless steel tubes are connected by a square bar - telescopic. Low projection depending on the operating angle of the lock follower, but at least in accordance with DIN 1125, grade 2: <= 100 mm. Mounting distance 761 - 860 mm, 861 - 1010 mm, 1011 - 1160 mm, 1161 - 1300 mm, 301 - 1440 mm and 1441 - 1580 mm. Variable mounting distance: shorter bar (fixing centres > 761 mm) at customer request, specify exact measurement. For use on timber and steel doors and metal frame doors, backset from 35 mm (depending on profile) as single or double doorset. Concealed, tamper-resistant screw fixing with threaded screws M5. Gear unit and the thrust bearing with cover, width of the rosette 32 mm, width of the transmission unit 52 mm, no jamming due to splayed surfaces of the gear unit cover on the lock side and positioning of the push-bar on the inside of the gear unit. Surface satin finished Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 1125 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of device: Class 2 Type of device: A Field of door application: Class A Article no.: HEWI PS160XA40
HEWI Vacant/engaged fitting 162PCB02-230
|Vacant/Engaged fitting in B-technology with roses according to DIN 18255 and EN 1906 made of polyamide, high-polished surface, consisting of: Lever handle model 162.21P... in mitre cut, made of high-quality polyamide with corrosion resistant steel insert, solid colour, diameter 21.3 mm, with stepped shoulder guide and groove, easily installed by latching the lever handle into the base parts pre-mounted on the door. The latching can be released using the dismantling tool. Roses: model 305.21P... and 306.23NR, composite synthetic material rose substructure, integrated spring-assisted restraining "hold-up" module, can be used for left or right-hand opening doors, supporting the lock for longer durability. Fixed rotating bearing of the lever handle with automatically latching all-round locking and 5 mm journal as maintenance-free plain bearing with elastic compensating area, to cancel the possible mounting inaccuracies. Concealed, non-loosening screwed joint with 5 mm Spax screws as well as the pivot disappearing into the door leaf. WC version with emergency opening by means of square spindle or coin and occupancy disc (red/white indicator) on the outside. Rose cap, round, made of high-quality polyamide, solid colour, diameter 55 mm, 10 mm high, 1.5 mm wall thickness. Designed and tested for the projects segment, user category to EN 1906 - Class 2 or Class 3 Category of use: Class 2 fitting with spindle 7 mm Category of use: Class 3 fitting with spindle 8 - 8.5 mm Durability: Class 7 Door weight: No classification specified Fire resistance: Class 0 Safety: Class 0 Corrosion resistance: Class 4 Burglary protection: Class 0 Design-type: A Article no.: HEWI 162PCB02.230
Sharp - Round counter top wash basin - SH02
|SHARP, aesthetic quality and color effects. When geometry plays with colors. Circle, square, oval, rectangle for the collection of vanity sit-on basins SHARP characterized by the essential design and very rounded shapes. With a high-tech process of vitreous-china to have a millimeter thick edge. A smart collection that in the version with tap holes broadens the spaces available. Eleven different colors, from the most delicate that satisfy the desire for fluidity and relax, up to warm colors and strong, warm hues to satisfy user’s craving for genuineness. For any space from small to large, from private to public. To give a flicker of vitality not only to the ‘water room’ but also to the wall of a bedroom as well as in the corner of a living room.
Sharp - Square counter top wash basin - SH06
|SHARP, aesthetic quality and color effects. When geometry plays with colors. Circle, square, oval, rectangle for the collection of vanity sit-on basins SHARP characterized by the essential design and very rounded shapes. With a high-tech process of vitreous-china to have a millimeter thick edge. A smart collection that in the version with tap holes broadens the spaces available. Eleven different colors, from the most delicate that satisfy the desire for fluidity and relax, up to warm colors and strong, warm hues to satisfy user’s craving for genuineness. For any space from small to large, from private to public. To give a flicker of vitality not only to the ‘water room’ but also to the wall of a bedroom as well as in the corner of a living room.
Sharp - Round counter top wash basin - SH01
|SHARP, aesthetic quality and color effects. When geometry plays with colors. Circle, square, oval, rectangle for the collection of vanity sit-on basins SHARP characterized by the essential design and very rounded shapes. With a high-tech process of vitreous-china to have a millimeter thick edge. A smart collection that in the version with tap holes broadens the spaces available. Eleven different colors, from the most delicate that satisfy the desire for fluidity and relax, up to warm colors and strong, warm hues to satisfy user’s craving for genuineness. For any space from small to large, from private to public. To give a flicker of vitality not only to the ‘water room’ but also to the wall of a bedroom as well as in the corner of a living room.
|Catch is an innovative square and rectangular downlight range that combines great visual comfort, minimalist dimensions and adjustability thanks to its tilting optical base. Through the use of state-of-the-art cowls the optical system is glare free highlighting the importance of visual comfort required when using LED sources. The reduced recessed dimensions allows for shallow depth installations and the remote drivers provides a quick and easy install, with DALI options available on request. The adjustable version of Catch can be installed either flush with the external trim or with a limited protrusion allowing greater tilt adjustability and improved beam angle precision. Catch is available in fixed or adjustable version with aluminium or stainless steel trim with improved aesthetics and suitable for more extreme applications.
|Porcelain, floor and wall tiles complete series with uniform colors and bright or satin finishes. The wall tiles are indicated for internal áreas, available in rectified and flat edges versions that provides application with minimum joint of 1mm. Floor tiles and porcelains to internal áreas, residential or comercial of medium traffic. Recommended application with minimum joint of 1mm to rectified vesion and 3mm to bold version. White, uniform color, bright, satin, bold, rectified, basic
|Porcelain, floor and wall tiles complete series with uniform colors and bright or satin finishes. The wall tiles are indicated for internal áreas, available in rectified and flat edges versions that provides application with minimum joint of 1mm. Floor tiles and porcelains to internal áreas, residential or comercial of medium traffic. Recommended application with minimum joint of 1mm to rectified vesion and 3mm to bold version. White, uniform color, bright, satin, bold, rectified, basic
|Porcelain, floor and wall tiles complete series with uniform colors and bright or satin finishes. The wall tiles are indicated for internal áreas, available in rectified and flat edges versions that provides application with minimum joint of 1mm. Floor tiles and porcelains to internal áreas, residential or comercial of medium traffic. Recommended application with minimum joint of 1mm to rectified vesion and 3mm to bold version. White, uniform color, bright, satin, bold, rectified, basic
|Porcelain, floor and wall tiles complete series with uniform colors and bright or satin finishes. The wall tiles are indicated for internal áreas, available in rectified and flat edges versions that provides application with minimum joint of 1mm. Floor tiles and porcelains to internal áreas, residential or comercial of medium traffic. Recommended application with minimum joint of 1mm to rectified vesion and 3mm to bold version. White, uniform color, bright, satin, bold, rectified, basic