Railing Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Vertical Sliding Garage Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vertical sliding garage door.
Fence Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fence with vertical boards, battens and posts.
Grid Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vertical grid with optional filling.
Rail Post with Panels 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
ArchiPipe 1.3_AC11_ENG
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216634ArchiPIPE 1.3 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt Jun 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, ArchiPipe 1.3 AC11, pipe, with optional\n- horizontal or vertical position\n- circular or rectangular section\n- pipe slope\n- start and end connection\n- 2D and 3D detail level
Profiled Sheet Vertikal
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005593D parametric, vertical profiled sheet with optional\n- profile sizes\n- rotation of cutting plane\n- angle of the 2 cutting planes
ArchiPipe 1.3_AC11_POR
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216634ArchiPIPE 1.3 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt Jun 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, ArchiPipe 1.3 AC11, pipe, with optional\n- horizontal or vertical position\n- circular or rectangular section\n- pipe slope\n- start and end connection\n- 2D and 3D detail level, Portugal
Vertical Blinds 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Openable curtain with vertical blinds and optional curtain angle.
Vertical Formwork Panel
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, concrete formwork panel element
Vertical Sliding Garage Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Vertical sliding garage door.
Tree Protection Vert 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vertical tree trunk protection.
Paneling EMK 12
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400561Paneling EMK 12 Erich Karp Nov. 20093D parametric, paneling with optional\n- numbers of horizontal and vertical panels\n- thicknesses\n- frame sizing\n- seamless sides
Girder Vertical End 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Planar steel truss girder end with triangular grid and vertical cutting plane.
Spaceframe Vertical End 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Spatial steel truss girder end with symmetric trangular grid and vertical cutting plane.
Vertical Gable Louver 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Vertical Ladder 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vertical ladder with optional head and foot connection.
Rail Post with Bars & Panels
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Changing Station
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006473D parametric, baby changing station with vertical or horizontal orientation
D1 Garage 2 USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Vertical sliding garage door.
D1 Segmented Garage 2 USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Vertical sliding garage door with arch top.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005623D parametric, wood boarding, vertical, Hungarian
Radiator Vert Panel 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hot water radiator with vertical panels. Editable with MEP Modeler.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008673D parametric, basic handrail / grabrail, with optional vertical or horizontal grabrail orientation
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006173D parametric, curtain wall / windows with optional number of\n- horizontal divisions\n- vertical divisions
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005633D parametric, wood boarding, vertical, English
Tiago Mendonça | 1532745311Desenvolvida em polietileno de alta resistência, a Cisterna Vertical FORTLEV é econômica, de fácil instalação e pode ser enterrada com contenção. Todos os painéis onde são feitos a instalação hidráulica, ficam no centro do produto e bem próximos à boca de inspeção, facilitando o acesso e a manutenção. O produto permite o armazenamento de água de chuva, ou água potável, e já vem com um adaptador flange de saída instalado.
Brise Vertical Senoidal
Giovanna Duarte Almeida | 1601157494Brise Vertical Senoidal made with ❤ by PARAM-O.
Vedação Vertical 20
Maiara Agosti | 1537763232Cerca com tábuas verticais, ripas e postes.
Barandilla Vertical 18
Deris Rodriguez | 1443216160 -
David Lozej | 1372350997Green wall facade element developed by Humko. Unique panel which is made of durable ABS plastic sheets or optionally from polyester.
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy Wall is a small vertical garden, which can be hengd on the wall. It is available in a different color combination of the panels and frame. It has small integrated water reservoar of 3,5 liters with water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and level senzor.
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy is a self standing vertical garden with 50 liters water reservoir, water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and optionally with solenoid valve for automatic water filling.
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Bar
3D Media Design | 15948868773DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Durval Tabach | 1435547170Painel de blocos cerâmicos do tipo 'Green Wall', para construção de muros verdes e jardins verticais. Informações e atualizações: http://dtabach.com.br/gdl-bim/objetos/painel-green-wall durval@dtabach.com.br
Spaceframe Vertical End 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Spatial steel truss girder end with symmetric triangular grid and vertical cutting plane.
Vertical Blinds 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Openable curtain with vertical blinds and optional curtain angle.
3D - motor eletrico
Judson Oliveira | 1377990770Vertical Electric Motor
D1 Garage 2 USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Vertical sliding garage door.
karma trendz | 1387267317exhaust vertical
Rail Post with Panels 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Fence Vertical 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fence with vertical boards, battens and posts.
Railing Vertical 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Vertical Ladder 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Vertical ladder with optional head and foot connection.
Vertical Sliding Garage Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Vertical sliding garage door.
Vertical Timber
Victor Obvintsev | 1363698917 -
Grid 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Horizontal an vertical grid with optional filling.
Radiator Panel 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hot water radiator with horizontal or vertical panels. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Siding-Vertical new
Karl Vavrek | 1556134672Siding - FiberCement - Nichiha - Vintagewood - Vertical
Машина моечно-дезинфекционная Steelco DS 800
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568833904DS 750/800 - моечно-дезинфицирующие машины. Используются в медицинских учреждениях различного профиля для мойки, дезинфекции и сушки хирургического инструментария, наркозно-дыхательной аппаратуры, офтальмологических инструментов, операционной обуви, детских бутылочек, лабораторной посуды и контейнеров. В машинах реализована система предварительного нагрева воды необходимой на фазах мойки, ополаскивания и дезинфекции, осуществляемая в бустерных баках (опционально). Данная опция значительно сокращает общее время цикла. Управление осуществляется с помощью цветного сенсорного дисплея. Систему управления STEELCOTRONIC имеет 65 настраиваемых программ. Есть возможность использовать дополнительные сенсоры, которые входят в стандартную комплектацию. Данные датчики позволяют определить тип вставляемой моечной вставки и правильность ее позиционирования в камере. Designed to meet the increasing reprocessing needs of CSSD, this washer disinfector is available in standard or Fast Cycle configurations saving cycle time and reaching higher levels of energy and water savings (12 DIN 1/1 net basket capacity). The machines assure consistently tested and efficient washing-disinfecting performances thanks to a new washing system technology made by a vertical installed washing pump that grants also a complete drain of the washing circuit. HEPA-filtered H14 forced air drying distribution on double circuit grants a perfect distribution of air on all chamber parts and basket levels ensuring the complete inside and outside drying of all the surgical instruments and tubes. DS 800 models are compatible with Steelco ATS - Automatic Transfer System.
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Element
3D Media Design | 15948869193DMD Railing Vertical Element is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Vertical Bar
Gergely Fehér | 14455505183DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
Cimbra Vertical
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Cimbra Vertical Vertical Formwork
Escalera Vertical 19
steed mejorada | 1455740603Escalera vertical con conexión superior o inferior opcionales.
Girder Vertical End 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Planar steel truss girder end with triangular grid and vertical cutting plane.
Siding - Vertical Hardwood
Adam Bennett-Smith | 1576035841 -
Vertical Gable Louver 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
X1400 - Holder, Cassette, Vertical, With Bucky
|Vertical cassette holder. Includes counterbalanced cabinet holder, vertical multi-sided capability with three field automatic exposure control and automatic collimation control. The unit is available in either right or left hand loading. Sturdy box girder construction, with nylon bearings and dual lock system. The unit is used in X-ray departments for holding film cassettes during radiographic procedures. Specify right or left hand cassette loading when ordering.
X1405 - Stand, Bucky, Vertical, Tilt, Automatic
|Vertical and tilting bucky stand. This unit is mounted to the floor and wall to provide a vibration-free mounting platform for the universal bucky. The grid line free radiographs are produced at exposure times as short as two milliseconds. Characteristics and components include aluminum interspaced grid with a 36 inch (914 mm) to 40 inch (1016 mm) focal range. The unit's cassette size sensing tray accommodates all cassette sizes between 5 and 17 inches. The unit tilts at angles of +90/-20 degrees from the vertical position. The unit is used in X-ray facilities for processing radiography images.
LAUFEN PRO Raised floorstanding WC, washdown, vertical outlet
|Floorstanding WC combination, washdown, LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 445 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, holes, cistern 82868.0, 82868.2, 82868.3, 82868.5, 82868.7, WC seat and, cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering, 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82468.4
FLORAKIDS Floorstanding WC, washout, vertical outlet
|Floorstanding WC pan washout LAUFEN FLORAKIDS, sanitary ceramic, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 295 x 385 x 350 mm, outlet vertical, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat, 89103.2, Order no. 82203.7 / Option 027
Vertical Sliding Window VSF 210 1-leaf, thermal insulated
|Baier sliding windows are used whenever one seeks an increase in comfort, aesthetics, and functionality. Functionality that moves. Baier sliding windows offer flexibility and the maximum level of security. The windows’ developments allow for the necessary comfort and its “automatic commercial success”. Baier measures up to all requirements. It doesn’t matter whether Baier is furnishing a network of bakeries with new, practical, and cost-effective sliding windows or fulfilling the specific wishes of a private homeowner. The entire expert knowledge of our metal construction lies in the development of innovative sliding windows, no matter what size. We also pay equal attention to individuality, ease of cleaning, and safety. Along with electrical automatic drivers, our experts also design a patented anti-drop device that would become effective if the carrier wire ever broke. But, a problem like that is out of the question, and you have our dependable maintenance service to thank for that. You can trust us in moving situations. [LIST] Ergonomic sliding windows for commercial use, such as for sidewalk sale Elegant special solutions for private living area Horizontal and vertical constructions Comfortable service, manual, at the push of a button or motion sensor For outside and inside Patented security system Made to measure in all desired sizes Available in all desired colors Made with shatterproof and insulating glass [/LIST]
01_Mailbox vertical single section 2 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
01_Mailbox vertical single section 3 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
01_Mailbox vertical single section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 6 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
Shower channels CeraLine vertical F 500-1200 mm, DN 50
|This BIM object for shower channels CeraLine vertical F contains eight different lengths (500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 und 1200 mm) and cover plates in different colours and surface finishes. The CeraLine vertical F shower channel can be installed at any point in the floor surface, the flow capacity is 0,8 l/s. The multiple design award winning CeraLine shower channels are combinable with a large number of cover plates with interesting surface finishes and material combinations. Coloured glass, for example, to satisfy the most sophisticated of tastes. Or Polished or satin finished stainless steel for the most exclusive effects. The type Individual is prepared te be tiled with customer’s individual floor finish. Due to the small width of the cover plates shower channels CeraLine are always looking elegant and sophisticated.
|The PURMO Vertical panel radiators are a vertical variant intended for installation on narrow and tall fragments of walls. The radiators are equipped with convection fins (except for the 10 and 20C types) and side covers (except for the 10 type). They have no top grille. Four bottom and two top G ½" threaded female connectors allow for bottom (including central) or side connection. The radiator is not equipped with a built-in thermostatic valve insert.
HEWI Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-210
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder - horizontal and vertical rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with fixing roses made of steel and shower holder - vertical length 1100 mm, horizontal lengths both 762 mm - 90 mm deep, diameter of bar 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder adjustable to required angle (smooth adjusting) and height (via lever control) - conical adapter on shower head holder facilitates accommodation of hand spray - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special fixing kit and roses from HEWI - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for all HEWI hanging seats - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.210
HEWI Rail with sideways adjustable vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-320
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 962 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51... - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.320
ASSA ABLOY VL3010 vertical lifting fabric door
|Vertical lifting fabric door designed for industrial environments where doors are exposed to moisture, dust, very high or low temperatures or where the door opening is large. The unique design and structure offers durability, tightness, energy efficiency, operational reliability and minimum maintenance.
ASSA ABLOY VL3016 vertical lifting fabric door
|ASSA ABLOY VL3016 from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is available in an extra corrosion-proof model for extremely corrosive environments. The door may be mounted on the inside or outside of a building, or in the actual door opening. ASSA ABLOY VL3016 is available for delivery with optional side jambs if the existing mounting surface is not suitable for the side guides. The machine box and motor can be enclosed in various ways.
ASSA ABLOY VL3110FCS vertical lifting fabric door
|The ASSA ABLOY VL3110FCS vertical lifting fabric door from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems delivers rapid performance in tough industrial environments. It’s an ideal choice for speed, but also for protection against wind, moisture and more. The unique design and structure offers durability, tightness, energy efficiency, operational reliability and minimum maintenance. Every door is individually designed to meet application requirements, for example high wind load.
ASSA ABLOY VL3110 vertical lifting fabric door
|ASSA ABLOY VL3110 is the door model for medium-sized openings, up to 8m width / 12m height, in industrial environments where doors are exposed to moisture, cold, heavy wind loads or dust. For extremely severe environments, ASSA ABLOY VL3110 is available in an extra corrosion-proof version. To cope with openings exposed to intense traffic, ASSA ABLOY VL3110 is available in a high-speed version. ASSA ABLOY VL3110 can easily be mounted internally or externally on the building. To simplify adjustment to the building, there is a self-supporting design available. ASSA ABLOY VL3110 is available for delivery with optional side jambs if the existing mounting surface is not suitable for the side guides. The header box may be protected with various cladding options.
ASSA ABLOY VL3116 vertical lifting fabric door
|Vertical lifting fabric door designed for industrial environments where doors are exposed to moisture, dust, very high or low temperatures or where the door opening is large. The unique design and structure offers durability, tightness, energy efficiency, operational reliability and minimum maintenance and are well proven in marine environments. Every door is individually designed to meet your application requirements.
Megadoor VL3110FCS vertical lifting fabric door
|The Megadoor VL3110FCS vertical lifting fabric door from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems delivers rapid performance in tough industrial environments. It’s an ideal choice for speed, but also for protection against wind, moisture and more. The unique design and structure offers durability, tightness, energy efficiency, operational reliability and minimum maintenance. Every door is individually designed to meet application requirements, for example high wind load.
Megadoor VL3110 vertical lifting fabric door
|The Megadoor VL3110 is the door model for medium-sized openings, up to 8m width / 12m height, in industrial environments where doors are exposed to moisture, cold, heavy wind loads or dust. For extremely severe environments, the Megadoor VL3110 is available in an extra corrosion-proof version. To cope with openings exposed to intense traffic, it is available in a high-speed version. The Megadoor VL3110 can easily be mounted internally or externally on the building. To simplify adjustment to the building, there is a self-supporting design available. It is available for delivery with optional side jambs if the existing mounting surface is not suitable for the side guides. The header box may be protected with various cladding options.
Megadoor VL3116 vertical lifting fabric door
|The Megadoor VL3116 vertical-lifting fabric door is designed for large openings, high wind loads and harsh conditions. The unique design and structure are well-proven in marine environments and offer high reliability and require minimum maintenance. Every door is individually designed to meet your application requirements.
Rail Post with Bars & Panels
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
D1 Segmented Garage 2 USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Vertical sliding garage door with arch top.
karma trendz | 1387269384handle vertical
Puntal de Acero
Alan Enriquez | 1496358484Steel Formwork for vertical support in a concrete slab construction casting process. Cimbra de Acero para soporte Vertical en el proceso de fraguado de una losa de concreto
Tree Protection Vert 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Vertical tree trunk protection.
Quadrature 2 LED
|Quadrature® 2 ultra-flat single luminaire for suspended mounting | with ELDACON®, direct/indirect distribution, CAT2(L≤ 1000cd/m²) | with ECG | visible frame of anodised extruded aluminium, brushed vertical sides, highly specular underside; upper housing part of sheet steel, metallic grey (RAL 9006)
Mento Mesh D 1034 DGLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Mento D 1034 DRLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Sentrel Pool Fence
|At last! Sentrel Vertical Cable Pool Fencing is the remarkable new pool fencing solution which is safe, reliable and gorgeous, guaranteed to comply with the latest Australian Standards for Pool Fencing. Previously, cable wire balustrade was unsuitable for swimming pool areas; the ladder-effect of the stainless wire enabled children to climb the cables and risk drowning. Sentrel’s new Vertical Cable system has pioneered the entry of sleek timber and cable fencing into the design of swimming pool areas.
Sentrel Gate
|Sentrel Vertical Cable Balustrade and Pool Fencing is manufactured using the highest quality timbers, stainless steel cable and fittings. The innovative use of vertical stainless steel wire and selectively sourced timbers ensure a long-lasting solution to stylish and practical balustrade and fencing needs. Vertical cables are easily tensioned and are fully compliant with Australian Standards for verandahs over 4m in height, a breakthrough for home owners and designers looking for stylish timber and steel solutions for new or retro-fitted multi-storey construction.
Sentrel Balustrade
|Sentrel Vertical Cable Balustrade and Pool Fencing is manufactured using the highest quality timbers, stainless steel cable and fittings. The innovative use of vertical stainless steel wire and selectively sourced timbers ensure a long-lasting solution to stylish and practical balustrade and fencing needs. Vertical cables are easily tensioned and are fully compliant with Australian Standards for verandahs over 4m in height, a breakthrough for home owners and designers looking for stylish timber and steel solutions for new or retro-fitted multi-storey construction.
FLEX Glassline
|FLEX GLASSLINE are glass walls that provide a tasteful and inspiring work environment where it is easy to concentrate and get work in peace. Glass walls reduce noise and interference. The glazed walls bounding office and conference room without sacrificing transparency, light and community. FLEX GLASSLINE is a wall system with fixed and movable glass panels that can be combined with swing and sliding doors in wood or glass. Our glazed walls have no profiles in the vertical joints between the glass sheets.
Harrow chair
|When Jonas Lindvall created Harrow it was in homage to the tradition of craftsmanship and thus to Stolab. Harrow has a broad backrest made of conical sections that become narrower towards the back legs. This gives Harrow a finished and neat appearance. The covered seat has moulded padding for comfortable sitting. One unique detail in Harrow is the vertical direction of the chair’s wood fibres. This creates a feeling of visual continuity throughout the chair.
|TENSIOART - A new perspective to decor, design and lighting solutions. TENSIOART wall system can be of various types (Standard, Art, Back Light, Acoustic, Antibacterial) and is applied to PVC profiles with simple stretching. It can fit to every vertical shape of the project, with both straight and round side. TENSIOART cloth is hydrophobic and does not suffer any alteration in damp places or chlorinated.
Schüco Façade FWS 35 PD.SI
|Highly thermally insulated aluminium façade system with optimum thermal insulation properties including FWS 35 PD.SI [LIST] Uf values to 0.88 W/(m²K) As a mullion/transom construction with an internal and external face width of 35 mm. Construction for vertical, straight façades Passive house-certified system by the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt (Germany) Two thermal insulation standards: HI and SI isolators available Triple glazing with a glass thickness of up to 50 mm is possible For glass loads up to 400 kg per transom in the standard system Modular system: profile face widths of 35 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm can be combined with one another [/LIST]
A1122 - Column, Equipment Arm, Ceiling Mounted, Surgery
|A ceiling mounted retractable equipment arm for use in the OR. Designed to provide equipment placement support, power receptacles including low-voltage panels, gas outlets and flat screen mounting for a surgical suite. Unit will provide a range of motion of up to 330 degrees with arm providing additional vertical movement. Units are custom configured with multiple options available. Price is based on a unit with two (double) retractable arms. Also available are units for use in anesthesia, ICU and ER.
E0063 - Workstation, L-Shaped w/Peninsula, Wall Mtd
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 Vertical Hanging Strips 2 Lockable Flipper Units 2 Shelves, Storage/Display 2 Lights 1 Tackboard 2 Tool Rails 2 Paper Trays 1 Diagonal Tray 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 1 Peninsula Work Surface 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File 1 Pencil Drawer 1 Cpu Holder
E0072 - Workstation, Corner Work Surface, Wall Mtd
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 5 Vertical Hanging Strips 3 Lockable Flipper Units 3 Shelves, Storage/Display 3 Lights 2 Tackboards 2 Tool Rails 2 Paper Trays 1 Diagonal Tray 2 Cantilevered Work Surfaces 1 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File 1 Pencil Drawer 1 Cpu Holder
E0078 - Workstation, L-Shaped w/Peninsula, Free Std
|This section will provide a whole work station typical to quickly plan work areas in clinical or administrative spaces. There will be a price decrease if typical work stations are used with vertical hanging strips instead of panels. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 standard solid panels; 2 panel connectors, 2-way corner; 1 panel-to-panel connector; 2 finished end hardware; 1 cantilevered work surface; 1 peninsula work surface; 2 lockable flipper units; 2 shelf, storage/display; 2 lights; 1 tack board, 48"W; 1 tool rail, 30"W; 1 paper tray; 1 diagonal tray; 1 adjustable keyboard tray; 1 mobile pedestal, box/file.
E0123 - Workstation, Straight, Free Standing
|This JSN will provide a whole work station typical to quickly plan work in areas in clinical or administrative spaces. There will be a price decrease if typical work stations are used with vertical hanging strips instead of panels. THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 4 Standard Solid Panels 2 Panel Connectors, 2-Way Corner 1 Panel-to-Panel Connector 2 Finished End Hardware 1 Cantilevered, Work Surface 2 Lockable Flipper Units 2 Shelf, Storage/Displays 2 Lights 1 Tack board 1 Tool Rail 1 Paper Tray 1 Diagonal Tray 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File
E0571 - Workstation, Urinalysis Lab, Minimal
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 7 Vertical Hanger Strips 1 Equipment Rail, System-Mt, 48"W 3 Light 48"W 1 Light 24"W 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 48"W 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 72"W 1 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface 30"D x 48"W 3 DR, 6"H 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W 3 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 3 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W 1 Cantilevered ADA Sink Cabinet, w/Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W 1 Swing-Away Eyewash 1 SS ADA Sink 19"D x 21"D 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands 1 Strainer and Tailpiece Drawer Organizer Bins * Hardware required to complete installation.
E0572 - Workstation, Hematology Lab, Minimal
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Vertical Hanger Strips 1 Equipment Rail, System-Mt, 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Module, 80"H x 24"W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 2 Module, 80"H x 48"W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Vertical Chase Cover; 2 Service Shelf 48"W; 2 Light 24"W; 2 Light 30"W; 2 Light 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 60"W; 2 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 72"W 3 DR, 3"H; 5 DR, 6"H 1 DR, 9"H; 1 Storage Frame; 1 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 4 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 24"W; 2 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, Dbl. Door, Backsplash, 30"D x 48"W 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 33"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; 1 Coat Hook; Drawer Organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0573 - Workstation, Shipping/Receiving Lab, Minimal
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 Equipment Rail, System-Mt, 48"W 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W 1 Module, 80"H x 24W, w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf 2 Module, 80"H x 48W , w/ 7-1/4inch utility chase, w/ service shelf 1 Vertical Chase Cover 2 Service Shelf 48W 2 Light 48W 2 Cantilevered Work Surface 30D x 48W 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48W 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Sink Base Cabinet, Dbl. Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30D x 48W 1 Swing-Away Eyewash 1 SS Sink 19D x 33D 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands 1 Strainer and Tailpiece 1 Coat Hook Drawer Organizer Bins * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0574 - Workstation. Microbiology Lab, Minimal
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 9 Vertical Hanger Strips; 1 Equipment Rail, System-Mt, 24"W; 1 Light 24"W; 2 Light 30"W; 2 Light 48{"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 60"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 30"D x 72"W; 2 Drw, 6"H; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 2 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 2 Extra Deep Shelf, 24"W; 2 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Sink Cab, w/Corian Top 30"D x 24"W; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 21"D; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins * Hardware required to complete installation.
E0580 - Workstation, Urinalysis Lab, Small
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Vertical Hanging Strips; 1 Equip Rail, Wall-Mt, 24"W; 2 Light, 30W; 1 Light 48"W; 2 Tool Rail, 30W; 1 Tackboard, 30"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surf, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Drw, 3"H; 3 Drw, 6"H; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 3 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawer; 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 48 "W; 1 Pedestal, Box, File; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 24"D x 48"W; 2 Paper Tray; 1 Diagonal Tray; 8 Shelf Dividers; 1 Cantilevered Sink Cab, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 24"W; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 21"D; 1 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet Assay. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer * Hardware required to complete installation.
E0589 - Workstation, Chemistry Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Module, 80"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 3 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Floor Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 48"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 48"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 30"W; 8 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 9 Light, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 24"W, With Supports; 10 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 6 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 5 DR, 3"H; 11 DR, 6"H; 1 DR, 9"H; 2 Storage Frame; 3 Storage Cabinet With Door; 1 Mobile Cart w/Top Surface; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 8 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 8 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Swing-Away Eyewash; 1 SS Sink 19"D x 19"D; 2 Cup Sink 6"D x 3"D; 3 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands;
E0591 - Workstation, Hematology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 4 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Floor Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 48"H x 30"W; 7 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 48"W; 1 Vertical Chase Cover; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 30"W; 6 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 7 Light, 48"W; 9 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 60"W; 3 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface,30"D x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 7 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 14 Drw, 3"H; 7 Drw, 6"H; 4 Storage Cabinet With Door; 6 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 6 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 6 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Sink 19"D x 19"W; 1 Cup Sink 6"D x 3"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 1 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0593 - Workstation, Histopathology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Module, 48"H x 24"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 5 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 7 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 4 Light, 30"W; 8 Light, 48"W; 12 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 51"W,With Supports ; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 60"W, With Supports; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W,With Supports ; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surf, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 4 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 8 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 21 DR, 3"H; 8 DR, 6"H; 7 Storage Cabinet With Door; 4 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 7 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 4 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 4 Extra Deep Shelf, 24"W; 14 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 2 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Swing-Away Eyewash; 2 SS Sink 19"D x 19"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0594 - Workstation, Microbiology Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 2 Module, 48"H x 24"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 4 Module, 48"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 24"W; 4 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 2 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry Elec/Data Channel, 80"H x 48"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 5 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 2 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner; 1 Light, 24"W; 2 Light, 30"W; 8 Light, 48"W; 7 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Support; 5 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 72"W, With Support; 2 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 60"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 72"W; 1 Height Adjustable Table, 36"D x 72"W; 3 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 11 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers; 13 DR, 3"H; 11 DR, 6"H; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 2 Lockable Flipper Unit, 30"W; 7 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3 Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 2 Shelf, Storage/Display 30"W; 7 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 12 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 2 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 60"W; 2 Swing-Away Eyewash; 3 SS Sink 19"D X 19"D; 2 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY. With Wristbands; 2 Strainer and Tailpiece; Drawer Organizer Bins. * Connecting hardware required to complete installation.
E0595 - Workstation, Blood Bank Lab, Medium
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 6 Module, 80"H x 48"W,w/ 7-1/4 inch utility chase, w/ service shelf; 1 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 30"W; 5 Clinical Panel, Open 80"H x 48"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 24"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Ceiling Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 80"H x 30"W; 1 Clinical Panel with Floor Entry ELEC/Data Channel, 48"H x 30"W; 6 Clinical Panel, 48"H x 30"W; 3 Clinical Panel, 80"H x 30"W; 2 Vertical Chase Cover; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 24"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 48"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 60"W; 1 Electrical/Data Channel 72"W; 3 Electrical/Data Channel, Corner 1 Light, 24"W; 11 Light, 48"W; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 24"W, With Support; 6 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W, With Support; 1 Cantilevered Work Surface, 30"D x 60"W, With Support; 3 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface, 30"D x 48"W x 48"W; 2 Height Adjustable Table, 30"D x 48"W; 4 Adjustable Keyboard Tray; 6 Mobile Drawer Caddie with Drawers 6 Drw, 3"H; 10 Drw, 6"H; 1 Drw, 9"H; 2 Storage Frame 1 Storage Cabinet With Door; 1 Lockable Flipper Unit, 24"W; 10 Lockable Flipper Unit, 48"W; 1 3-Shelf Unit with Door, 48"W; 1 Shelf, Storage/Display 24"W; 10 Shelf, Storage/Display 48"W; 6 Extra Deep Shelf, 48"W; 1 Sink Base Cabinet, w/Double Door, Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 2 Cantilevered Sink Cabinet, w/Backsplash, w/Corian Top, 30"D x 48"W; 3 Swing-Away Eyewash; 3 SS Sink 19"D x 33"D; 2 Cup Sink 6"D x 3"D; 5 Gooseneck Mixing Faucet ASSY.
L2310 - Cabinet, Bio Safety, Class
|Bio safety cabinet, Class II, Type A1. This is a vertical freestanding unit with a face velocity of 100 fpm, constructed of type 304 stainless steel. The inside walls have a high velocity air return. The unit utilizes 70% air recirculation 30% exhaust either into room or through to the outside. It requires HEPA and includes a removable work tray, built-in drain valve, two valve penetrations with blanking plugs, duplex outlet and a fluorescent lamp. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents with the absence of volatile toxic chemicals and radionuclides. 4 foot model, other sizes available.
L2320 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, type B1, bio safety cabinet. This is a vertical, freestanding unit. The interior work surfaces shall be constructed of type 304 stainless steel and the exterior shall be of 16 gauge or heavier steel. The unit utilizes a 30% recirculated air and 70% direct exhaust through an in-house duct system, the face velocity is 100 fpm and includes an audible alarm when the window is at an unsafe operating level. It includes grounded duplex receptacles and two HEPA filters zero-probed. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with minute quantities of toxic chemicals and trace amounts of radionuclides. A 4 foot cabinet is presented, other sizes are available.
L2335 - Cabinet, Bio Safety
|Class II, Type B2, bio safety cabinet. This is a freestanding vertical laminar flow unit. It includes two HEPA filters, one supply and one exhaust zero-probed. The intake velocity averages 105 fpm. It includes an audible alarm to notify the operator of an unsafe window position, an audio-visual alarm to monitor exhaust pressure, type 304 stainless steel construction with side walls slotted for high velocity air return, an exterior of 16 gauge or heavier steel, two grounded key petcocks and a duplex receptacle for grounded plugs. Used for low to moderate risk biological agents treated with toxic chemicals and radio-nucleotides. 4 foot model presented, other sizes are available.
X1050 - Cabinet, Base, With (3) 5 Inch Compartments
|Cassette storage base cabinet. The unit is approximately 36" H x 18" W x 22" D and is constructed with heavy gauge, rust resistant Electro-galvanized steel. It has double wall construction throughout and all hardware used is of the highest quality. The unit is designed to organize and store darkroom materials. The unit has capacity for extra large cassettes. All vertical partitions are removable.
X1415 - Laser Positioning System, Patient-Wall
|Laser positioning system. This unit is designed for accurate patient alignment for radiation therapy. Three vertical laser beams and a horizontal beam intersect to define the iso-center to aid in patient positioning. The unit is generally supplied as a component of various radiation therapy systems.
X3940- Illuminator, Film, 8 Panels, Wall Mounted
|Film illuminator, 8 panels, wall mounted. This unit has a stainless steel or light gray baked enamel finish. It consists of two 4-panel illuminators, with dual switches and torque grip film holders. The lower illuminator is tilted 35 degrees from the vertical while the upper illuminator is vertical (on two tier unit). It is arranged to facilitate handling of the films and especially effective for seated viewing. The unit is used to review and analyze X-ray films.
X5700 - Radiographic Unit, 65 kW, Non-Tilt Table
|This system is specifically designed to perform radiographic examinations in the Radiology Department. This units characteristics and components include, 65 kW micro-processor controlled X-ray generator, non-tilting table with a horizontally adjustable bucky and floating table top, ceiling suspended 0.6/1.0 mm tube unit and vertical bucky stand.
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket EU, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC, washout, horizontal outlet
|Floorstanding WC, washout, LAUFEN FLORAKIDS, sanitary ceramic, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 295 x 385 x 350 mm, vertical outlet, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat, 89103.2, Order no. 82203.7 / Option 027
PALOMBA COLLECTION Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 430 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover with automatic lowering 89180.1, Order no. 82380.6
PALOMBA COLLECTION Floorstanding WC, combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral holes, cistern 82880.0, 82880.2, 82880.3, 82880.5 WC seat and, cover with automatic lowering 89180.1, Order no. 82480.6
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, with sockets CH, with sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm,with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm, without sockets, without sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without sockets, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without sockets, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 450 mm,without sockets, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,without sockets, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements,without sockets, without sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch, right door, Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, without socket, without sensor switch, left door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, left door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, left door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 600 mm, without socket, without sensor switch, right door
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, right door Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 1 double mirrored door, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch, right door Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Door – Glass 3+3 mm 1 door with inside and outside mirrors, including handle (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 3 glass shelves (adjustable)
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 800 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 2 double mirrored doors, with 2 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1000 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, with 2 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 2 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 2x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 6 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1300 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and socket CH, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, without socket, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, without socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements, without socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light and ambient light, with socket EU, with sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets EU, with sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch
|Aluminium mirror cabinet with vertical LED light, ambient light and socket CH without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with sockets CH, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
FRAME 25 Mirror cabinet 1200 mm, with ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch
|Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Mirror cabinet, aluminium, 3 double mirrored doors, with 4 LED lighting elements and bottom ambient lighting, with out socket, without sensor switch Body – Inner part anodized aluminum (sidewall top, bottom), back wall grey melamine coated MDF Doors – Glass 3+3 mm 3 doors, with inside and outside mirrors, including handles (optional usable) With vertical LED light 4x 14W/m, 4000 Kelvin (daylight), IP44, 230V 8 glass shelves (adjustable) 3/2/3
LB3 Countertop washbasin 850 x 520 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 850 x 520 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated vertical cover, Special feature: cutable to 700 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, siphon, cover, pedestal, side cover, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81068.6
LB3 Countertop washbasin 1250 x 520 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1250 x 520 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated vertical cover, Special feature: cutable to 700 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, siphon, cover, pedestal, side cover, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81068.8
LB3 Drop-in washbasin 650 x 490 mm
|Drop in basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 650 x 490 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated, vertical cover, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81168.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Drop-in washbasin 500 mm
|Drop-in basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 500 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, ceramic-plated, vertical cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap holes, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81397.1
LB3 Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 430 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82168.4
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 545 x 400 mm, outlet vertical, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat & cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3, Order no. 82195.7
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 585 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82197.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 720 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: cistern 82697.1, WC seat & cover with, automatic lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82297.6
LB3 Floorstanding WC combi, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 445 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, holes, cistern 82868.0, 82868.2, 82868.3, 82868.5, 82868.7, WC seat and, cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering, 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82468.4
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN TAMARO, sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 395 x 360 x 770 mm, minimum 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing rate minimum 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, siphon with horizontal outlet, siphon with vertical outlet and connection bend, Order no. 84009.0
TAMARO Urinal, with control system for battery
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN TAMARO-S60B, sanitary ceramic, with control system for battery, DIN 1390, dimensions 395 x 360 x 770 mm, minimum 1-l flush, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing rate minimum 0,3 l/s, GEBERIT IR-electronic, brass inlet R 1/2“, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, siphon with horizontal outlet, siphon with vertical outlet and connection, bend, Order no. 84010.0 / Option 402
CAPRINO Urinal, with external water inlet
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN CAPRINO PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 13407, dimensions 320 x 350 x 645 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet external, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing rate, minimum 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50, (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 40 (standard UK), 1-litre siphon, with horizontal and vertical outlet DN 50 SH 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 SH 50 (standard CH), Order no. 84206.2
PIR Insulated Panel Promisol® S
|Promisol® S is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of polyisocyanurate PIR core between prepainted steel Secret fixing giving optimal aestetic Several finishings such as standard ribbed, Linea 125, Linea 333, Linea 500 or Microline Thicknesses from 50mm up to 180mm according to requested thermal performances Standard width 1000 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® colorchart and material guide according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 6ml
Classic Front
|Classic Front is a prefabricated, removable glass wall system for commercial buildings. The wall thickness is 98 mm and the frame is in MDF. Pre fabrication provides quick assembly and easy modification of the wall. Classic Front supports current requirements for noise reduction in an office. The glass is available in different types depending on the noise reduction requirements. The door sctions consists of frames in painted or veneered MDF with dimension 29 x 98 mm. 90 degree glass corners are supplied without vertical corner profiles.
Svall - display
|With its convex shape, Svall magazine shelf means magazines stand straight without collapsing and are easy to pick up and read. Svall can be hung horizontally or vertically. The horizontal model comes in six different lengths, and the vertical model comes in three different lengths. Choose from solid oak, ash, standard stains on ash or standard colors. Secures to the wall with concealed brackets.
PP200 baffle ceiling
|PP200 vertical panels are functional interior finishing elements, dedicated to large rooms with high noise level, such as airports, waiting rooms, entry halls, conference rooms, restaurants, dining halls and manufacturing halls of high noise intensity. Due to the open nature of panel ceilings, any fire protection system both sprinkling and signalling can be installed above the suspended ceiling. Open cell ceilings are also lightweight and easy to install. The PP ceiling elements are manufactured by the BARWA SYSTEM SP. z o.o. using top quality, factory-painted aluminium sheet metal. Varnish is applied in powder on specially pre-treated aluminium tapes.
|Depth adjustable - Easy cleaning - Special bed heads Wall - Wall protection Vertical protection against bed head impacts • Impact energy dissipated through 4 internal ribbing reinforcements • Depth adjustable from 256 to 336 mm to adjust to the medical equipment • Rounded design prevents build-up of dust and germs • Easy cleaning due to smooth surface
|Finishing and jointing profiles Wall - Wall protection Fin’alu profiles are designed to finish or joint Decochoc, Decosmic, Decowood and Decotrend protection panels and to bring a decorative and up-market original touch. •Provide a perfect horizontal, vertical finish or junction between two panels in low-traffic corridors, waiting rooms or bedrooms. •Modern design in satin silver anodised aluminium •Easy installation : adhesive bonding with Gerflor acrylic glue or screwing to wall (againt grabbing)
|Finishing and jointing profiles Wall - Wall protection Fin’Color is a multi-purpose PVC profile that provides an aesthetic finish and a perfect joint between panels or between panel and floor covering •Multi-prupose: one profile to realise horizontal and vertical finish as well as the junction between two panels or a panel and the PVC coving •Available in all colours in the range, to be matched with SPM protection panels and brings a subtle decorative touch for a harmonious whole. •Easy installation: adhesive bonding with Gerflor acrylic glue or Gerflor universal mastic glue
Audio Chair
|Audio is our bestseller. The model has an upholstered back and seat, solid construction, high comfort, space-saving, cleaning friendly and can be equipped with simple and functional writing tablet solution. Audio is supplied as standard without armrests. Available in three different back heights; low, medium and high. The legs can be attached on both horizontal and vertical steps and fixed on the ‘nose’ of the step. . Supplementary folding seats can be mounted directly on the wall. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Available with simple armrest. Simple writing tablet is available as in veneer or laminate with solid wood edging. Audio chairs can be mounted in a bow shape.
BeSeated Chair
|BeSeated is engineered and designed with future needs and solutions. The concept BeSeated is developed based on ideas from the user; modern, functional, thoughtful and flexible. BeSeated has clean, organic lines, manufactured in recyclable molded polypropylene (PP) plastic with polished aluminum details. BeSeated comes with high or low back. Single writing tablet in compact laminate, or fixed writing board in MDF. Front panel. Optional padded cushion on the seat, backrest and headrest Available with integrated power supply. Can be mounted on both vertical and horizontal steps and on boom. Textiles desired. Base and boom black eloxert aluminum.
ProSeat Chair
|ProSeat is our exclusive auditorium chair. The concept is built around a fundamental "backbone" to which all parts are attached. ProSeat is constructed with great flexibility and customization in mind, which allows configurations suitable to customer needs.The back rest is available in two heights; low, medium. Can be installed in all types of flooring, both horizontal and vertical steps, or on a beam. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Single writing tablet is available as in veneer or laminate with solid wood edging. Also available with a folding writing table in the armrest, type Wrimatic. Proseat can be mounted in a bow shape.
Scala Chair
|Scala is our classic. Comes with veneer backrest and cushion. The model is space-saving, cleaning friendly and can be equipped with simple and functional writing tablet solution. Scala comes as standard without arm rests.Large selection of fabric and RAL colors on steel. Available in two back rest heights; low and medium. The legs can be attached on both horizontal and vertical steps and fixed on the ‘nose’ of the step. Supplementary folding seats can be mounted directly on the wall. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Flatoval steel for extra strength. Available with simple armrest. Writing tablets are supplied standard in veneer or Formica laminat with solid wood edging. Scala chairs can be mounted in a bow shape.
|Ovo is a multifunctional reception desk dedicated to small rooms or customer service bureaus. Due to a lowered desk top it is easy to communicate with a client in a sitting position. The common part of the desk top allows to deal with documents easily and provides trouble-free communication. The lifted part of the reception desk includes a hidden computer stand and the vertical shelf for files and documents. Apart from ergonomics the Ovo reception desk offers an interesting form connecting a white oval of the desk top with a dark rectangle of the body and the frontal part of furniture produced in two optional colors - cocoa and chestnut.
Cabin KB-30 Type E
|Door: Equipped with two sets of functional hinges and a vertical handrail made of stainless steel available in four sizes S, M, L, XL. Door closing signaling system with the red LED. WC lock with emergency opening from the outside - made of stainless steel. Doors made of 28mm chipboard laminated on both sides with melamine foil, color selected from manufacturer's sample-card. Walls System: The walls of the cabins made of 28mm chipboard laminated on both sides with melamine foil, color selected from manufacturer's sample-card. The vertical edges of the walls covered with polyester lacquered aluminum profile, all protected with PVC 2mm bars. Fixing feet - varnished aluminum castings. Characteristics: Particle board is resistant to abrasion, scratching, temperatures. Surface structure: smooth, pearly, wood grain. It is certified by the Department of Research and Certification "ZETOM" in Katowice, Poland. Hygienic Certificate issued by the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia, Poland. Optional accessories: Toilet paper holder and a clothes hanger made of stainless steel. Application: The premises of hygiene and sanitation, especially in places requiring high aesthetics and quality workmanship
LS50 mm 56 1,139 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS60 mm 66 1,457 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS80 mm 86 1,933 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS100 mm 106 2,409 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 126 2,885 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS140 mm 146 3,361 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS160 mm 166 3,837 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 186 4,314 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 206 4,790 1001 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS50 mm 59 1,156 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS60 mm 69 1,473 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS80 mm 89 1,949 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS100 mm 109 2,426 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 129 2,902 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS140 mm 149 3,378 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS160 mm 169 3,854 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 189 4,330 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 209 4,807 1011 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS50 mm 64 1,184 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS60 mm 74 1,501 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS80 mm 94 1,977 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS100 mm 114 2,453 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 134 2,93 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS140 mm 154 3,406 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS160 mm 174 3,882 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 194 4,358 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 214 4,834 1111 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for wall, ceiling and floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS120 mm 140,5 2,973 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS140 mm 160,5 3,450 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS160 mm 180,5 3,926 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS180 mm 200,5 4,402 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
LS200 mm 220,5 4,878 1015 DACH
|Duct insulation with Multipor Mineral-Insulation-Systems for floor The professional solution for the insulation of air ducts in large buildings. Avoid or minimize heat loss adjoining rooms through the use of Multipor mineral insulation boards with individual solutions for vertical and horizontal duct insulation. • Certified organic and ecologically harmless • Pest resistance and high inhibitory activity against the growth of mold • Purely mineral, fibre- and pollution-free • Insulation material non-combustible, building material class A1 according to DIN EN 13501¬1 • No smoke, no dripping, no toxic gases in case of fire • Pressure stable and deformation-free building practice • Dimensionally stable, no warping and shrinkage • Specific solutions for wall, ceiling and walk-in floor surfaces Experience Long-term experience of over 15 years confirm that Multipor is the solution for modern, contemporary and energy efficient air duct insulation. When planning duct insulations many technical and hygienic conditions e.g. depending on occurring ventilation speeds must be observed. Therefore you Multipor experts assist you from the beginning, to find the right design for their requirements. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability, specifications and design details must take place in any case in coordination with specialist planners.
Silka XL 20-2,0 100 DE - non load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 115 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 150 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 175 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 240 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,2 300 DE - load bearing inner wall
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Separation wall - 2*Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 150 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE -ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 175 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 240 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 140 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
Silka XL 20-2,0 300 DE - ETIC wall 160 mm EPS
|Silka XL Plus - factory cut to fit Silka XL Plus is the all-inclusive package for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls and the inner shell of exterior walls. Silka XL Plus is factory cut to fit and supplied as a complete kit including optimized object-specific installation plans just-in-time to the construction site. The tailor-made delivery replaces the cutting on the site. The noise of the saws and the sawing waste remain in business. Silka XL Plus is used where the highest level of planning and execution security is required. Advantages Property-related wall kit - sawmill waste and –noise remain in factory Laying plan creation and delivery of required components occur "Just in Time" Plus = planning, logistics and service Optional vertical joint grouting for highest quality masonry with Silka Secure thin-bed mortar Processing with Mini-Crane reduces physical strain Fire wall starting from wall thickness 17.5 cm in gross density ≥ 1.8 Optimal heat protection in summer Level wall surfaces allow the use of thin-layer plasters and direct tiling on the wall As a full stone an ideal mounting base
PIR Insulated Panel Promisol® V
|Promisol® V is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of polyisocyanurate PIR core between prepainted steel with visible fixing Several finishings such as ribbed standard, Microline, Liss Thicknesses from 40 mm up to 200 mm according to requested thermal performances, Standard width 1150 mm , on request 1000 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® and material guide according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 7 ml
Mineral Wool Insulated Panel Promistyl® S
|Promistyl® S is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of mineral wool core between prepainted steel Secret fixing giving optimal aestetic Several finishings such as ribbed : standard, Linea 100, Microline or Liss Thicknesses from 60mm up to 300mm according to requested thermal performances Standard width 1000 mm, on request 900 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® and material guide according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation width span up to 6ml
Mineral Wool Insulated Panel Promistyl® V
|Promistyl® V is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of mineral woolcore between prepainted steel with visible fixing Several finishings such as ribbed : standard, Linéa 100, Microline or Liss Thicknesses from 60 mm up to 300 mm according to requested thermal performances, Standard width 1000mm , on request 900mm or 1200 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® and material guide according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 8,5 ml
HEWI shower/tube rail,A1=1100
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 762 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51...100 (only on W2) - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
HEWI shower head rail,L=1100
|System 800 K Rail with shower head holder - vertical rail with supports perpendicular to the wall and roses, with shower head holder - made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI colour 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) - shower head holder with black gripping zone - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - outside dimension 1100 mm - rail diameter 33 mm, 90 mm deep - wall connection with discreet supports (diameter 18 mm) perpendicular to wall and flat roses - rose diameter 80 mm, cap height 13 mm - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - easy installation due to individually installed mounting plates made of high-quality stainless steel for hanging the shower head rail - including non-corrosive HEWI fixing material.
HEWI shower head rail,L=1100
|Rail with shower head holder - vertical rail with supports perpendicular to the wall and roses, with shower head holder - made of metal, high-quality chrome-plated - outside dimension 1100 mm - square profile 25 x 25 mm with large radii, 85 mm deep - wall connection with discreet supports (diameter 18 mm) perpendicular to wall and flat, square roses - roses 80 x 80 mm, 10 mm high - cubic shower head holder with 95 mm long function lever for easy use - shower head holder continuously adjustable, suitable for various makes of handheld showers - easy installation due to individually installed mounting plates made of high-quality stainless steel for hanging the shower head rail - fixing with grub screw located on the underside of the rose - including non-corrosive HEWI fixing material
Mineral Wool Insulated Panel Module 4-Pflaum® FI
|<p>Pflaum® FI is a wall cladding Insulated composite architectural panel made of mineral wool core between prepainted steel , Module 4 is the same panel with bended edges.<br>Secret fixing giving optimal aestetic<br>Several finishings such as ribbed : Liss (FI-0), Microline (FI-010), or Micro-ve (FI-LD2 or FI-MD or FI-VD)<br>Thicknesses from 80 mm up to 200 mm according to requested thermal performances<br>Standard width 1000 mm, on request 600 mm, 915 mm, 1100 mm width<br>Density 140 kg/m³ or 100 kg/m³<br>Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® and material guide according to the environment <br>Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 7 ml</p>
Mineral Wool Insulated Panel Pflaum® FO
|Pflaum® FO is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel architectural made of mineral woolcore between prepainted steel with visible fixing Several finishings such as ribbed : Liss (FO-0), Microline (FO-010), or Micro-ve (FO-LD2 or FO-MD or FO-VD) Thicknesses from 70 mm up to 200 mm according to requested thermal performances, Standard width 1000 mm , on request 600mm, 915mm, 1100mm or 1200 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® according to the environment Density 140 ou 100 kg/m³ Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 6,5 ml
Granito Ant 48
|Dissipative flooring. Embossed surface [LIST] Rubber flooring in 2 mm thickness with small chips inserted in the compound to give a dotted pattern, with slightly embossed surface and a bottom layer suitable for adhesive bonding Tiles of 610 x 610 mm or in rolls of 1,90 x 10 m In compliance with requirements for the emissions of VOCS (volatile organic compounds) required by the Following standards: AgBB, A+ French Label Rated as static dissipative, perform a vertical electrical resistance measured Installation to be carried out with conductive adhesive and copper foils to form a suitable conductive grid to be connected to the Earth points. [/LIST]
PIR insulated sandwich panel Ondatherm®2003
|Arcelormittal Construction - Ondatherm® 2003 is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of polyisocyanurate PIR core between prepainted steel Secret fixing giving optimal aestetic Several finishings such as ribbed : microprofiliert, eben, gesickt, gerillt, mediumprofiliert, V-profiliert Thicknesses from 60mm up to 140mm according to requested thermal performances Standard width 1000 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 6ml
PIR insulated sandwich panel Ondatherm®1003
|Ondatherm® 1003 is a wall cladding Insulated composite panel made of polyisocyanurate PIR core between prepainted steel with visible fixing Several finishings such as ribbed , microprofiliert, eben, gesickt, gerillt, mediumprofiliert, V-profiliert Thicknesses from 60 mm up to 120 mm according to requested thermal performances, Standard width 1000 mm Colors and materials to be choosen in Colorissime® according to the environment Suitable for horizontal or vertical installation with span up to 6 ml
High Pressure Laminate
|With hundreds of kitchen countertop designs and bathroom vanity surfaces to choose from for horizontal and vertical surfaces, including woodgrains, abstracts and solids, you're certain to find the perfect solution for all of your project needs. Our laminate designs are available with a number of premium finish options, too. From traditional matte and glossy finishes to abstract textures, you can create a custom look for every surface.
SmartRack 6U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|The SRW6U SmartRack 6U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The side panels and front door lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible front door can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW6U comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 16.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 9U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|The SRW9U SmartRack 9U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The side panels and front door lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible front door can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW9U comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 16.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 10U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW10US SmartRack 10U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW10US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW12US SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 18U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW18US SmartRack 18U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 250 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW18US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet with Clear Acrylic Window, Hinged Back
|The SRW12USG SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The front door features a shatter-resistant clear acrylic window that lets you monitor equipment readouts without unlocking the enclosure. Not only does the window help prevent equipment tampering and reduce acoustic noise, but it also adds visual flair to your IT installation. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12USG comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and 12-24 threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 18U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 18U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR18UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR18UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR18UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR18UB provides safe, secure installation. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
SmartRack 24U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 24U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated front and rear doors and solid side panels promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR24UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR24UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR24UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR24UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment.
42U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite's SR42UB is the ideal solution for secure, high-density server and networking applications in IT environments. This premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top-panel cable routing ports, perforated doors to promote efficient airflow, adjustable mounting rails, toolless vertical PDU mounting and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR42UB is compatible with Tripp Lite's extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR42UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty.
25U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite’s SR25UB premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR25UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR25UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR25UB has 25U of capacity and is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment. The front and rear pairs of vertical rails feature square mounting holes and are numbered by rack space for easy reference. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 4 to 37 inches. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 3000 lb of equipment with included installation hardware (2250-lb rolling capacity). With a locking, reversible front door and locking, removable side panels, SR25UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
Steelwalk 12 W
|Steelwalk is an extremely sturdy drive-over bar. The AISI 316 stainless steel casing houses a powerLED source available in a wide choice of optics. It also comes with Wallwasher lenses emphasizing the textures of vertical surfaces. Easy installation is ensured by an outer casing, while the anti-vandal screws make this product highly reliable and safe. Steelwalk enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels.
Steelwalk 24 W
|Steelwalk is an extremely sturdy drive-over bar. The AISI 316 stainless steel casing houses a powerLED source available in a wide choice of optics. It also comes with Wallwasher lenses emphasizing the textures of vertical surfaces. Easy installation is ensured by an outer casing, while the anti-vandal screws make this product highly reliable and safe. Steelwalk enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels.
Steelwalk 48 W
|Steelwalk is an extremely sturdy drive-over bar. The AISI 316 stainless steel casing houses a powerLED source available in a wide choice of optics. It also comes with Wallwasher lenses emphasizing the textures of vertical surfaces. Easy installation is ensured by an outer casing, while the anti-vandal screws make this product highly reliable and safe. Steelwalk enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels.
Steelwalk DMX 12 W
|Steelwalk is an extremely sturdy drive-over bar. The AISI 316 stainless steel casing houses a powerLED source available in a wide choice of optics. It also comes with Wallwasher lenses emphasizing the textures of vertical surfaces. Easy installation is ensured by an outer casing, while the anti-vandal screws make this product highly reliable and safe. Steelwalk enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels.
Steelwalk DMX 24 W
|Steelwalk is an extremely sturdy drive-over bar. The AISI 316 stainless steel casing houses a powerLED source available in a wide choice of optics. It also comes with Wallwasher lenses emphasizing the textures of vertical surfaces. Easy installation is ensured by an outer casing, while the anti-vandal screws make this product highly reliable and safe. Steelwalk enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels.
Steelwalk DMX 48 W
|Steelwalk is an extremely sturdy drive-over bar. The AISI 316 stainless steel casing houses a powerLED source available in a wide choice of optics. It also comes with Wallwasher lenses emphasizing the textures of vertical surfaces. Easy installation is ensured by an outer casing, while the anti-vandal screws make this product highly reliable and safe. Steelwalk enhances architecture in urban lighting and in the illumination of hotels.
5460N Shower bar with sliding shower head holder white Nylon
|Straight shower bar Ø 32mm with sliding shower head holder. Can be used as a vertical grab bar and a shower head rail for showers or baths. Nylon HR sliding shower head holder with ergonomic locking ring. Possible to add a sliding soap dish (order separately). Height: 1,150mm. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. High strength polyamide (Nylon): with 2mm reinforced steel core treated against corrosion. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. 38mm gap between the bar and the wall: minimal space prevents the forearm passing between the bar and the wall, reducing the risk of fracture in case of loss of balance. Fixings concealed by a 6-hole cover plate, Ø 73mm. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
5460P2 Shower bar with sliding shower head holder polished stainless steel
|Straight shower bar Ø 32mm with sliding shower head holder. Can be used as a vertical grab bar and a shower head rail for showers or baths. Chrome-plated sliding shower head holder with ergonomic locking ring. Possible to add a sliding soap dish (order separately). Height: 1,150mm Tube thickness: 1.5mm. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel tube. Stainless steel with UltraPolish bright, non-porous uniform surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Plate welded to the tube by invisible bead weld (process exclusive to ArN-Securit). 40mm gap between the bar and the wall: minimal space prevents the forearm passing between the bar and the wall, reducing the risk of fracture in case of loss of balance. Fixings concealed by a 3-hole cover plate, 304 stainless steel, Ø 72mm. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
683001 Floor trap for concrete floors 150x150
|Floor trap for tiled or concrete floors with adjustable height: Flow rate 36 lpm (meets standard). Water level 50mm. 150 x 150mm bright polished stainless steel plate and grid. Horizontal or vertical outlet Ø 40mm integrated into the height of the floor trap (saves height and space in all dimensions). Integrated waterproof plate to seal waterproof membrane. Withstands high temperatures: 60°C continuous, 85°C peak. Plunger with handle: easy to grip and easy cleaning. Smooth PVC body (prevents build-up of impurities). Classified non-flammable (American certification UL94). Height adjusts up to 70mm with extension. Grid fixed with 2 stainless steel screws. 10-year warranty.
ALUCOBOND® riveted horizontal layout
|ALUCOBOND® riveted system = rear ventilated facade system: A recommended flat panel installation for vertical or horizontal panel layout with visible fixing of the flat panels. The panels are fixed with rivets on a aluminium subframe system. ALUCOBOND® is the world market leader for aluminium composite panels. Since its introduction on the market in 1969, these panels have been used above all in architecture and for corporate identity programmes, particularly for façades, wall and roof cladding. The panels are outstanding due to their extreme flatness and rigidity and, in particular, for their excellent formability with simple fabrication techniques. ALUCOBOND® combined with a rear-ventilated construction system unites the features of energy efficient construction, economic viability and architectural quality. ALUCOBOND® is available in a large variety of colours, surfaces and formats. In terms of Fire Classification it is available in Class A2 (noncombustible) or alternatively in Class B (fire-retardant) acc. to EN 13501-1.
ALUCOBOND® hooked-on system
|ALUCOBOND® hooked-on system = rear ventilated facade system: A recommended tray panel / cassette system for vertical panel installation with unvisible fixing of the tray panel elements. ALUCOBOND® is the world market leader for aluminium composite panels. Since its introduction on the market in 1969, these panels have been used above all in architecture and for corporate identity programmes, particularly for façades, wall and roof cladding. The panels are outstanding due to their extreme flatness and rigidity and, in particular, for their excellent formability with simple fabrication techniques. ALUCOBOND® combined with a rear-ventilated construction system unites the features of energy efficient construction, economic viability and architectural quality. ALUCOBOND® is available in a large variety of colours, surfaces and formats. In terms of Fire Classification it is available in Class A2 (noncombustible) or alternatively in Class B (fire-retardant) acc. to EN 13501-1.
110390 WC pan MONOBLOCO S21 with cistern
|Floor-standing WC pan with dual flush cistern 3/6 L. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm. One-piece pressed WC bowl, seam-free for better hygiene. WC bowl surface is polished with rounded edges for easy cleaning. Concealed perimetral flushing rim. Water supply can be recessed from below or exposed from the side (right/left). Recessed horizontal or vertical waste outlet. Supplied with PVC pipe. Pre-drilled holes for fixing the toilet seat. Supplied with stainless steel blanking caps when installed without toilet seat lid. Quick and easy to install: 2 access panels with theft prevention TORX security screws. CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 997 for 4L flush. Optional toilet seat with or without lid. Weight: 21kg. 10-year warranty.
113610 Squat SHA 700 WC pan
|Floor-recessed squat WC pan. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Stainless steel thickness 1.2mm. One-piece pressed WC bowl, seam-free for easy maintenance and better hygiene. Bowl shape suitable for male and female use. Non-slip foot area. Vertical waste outlet: Ø 100mm. Flushing system with one 304 stainless steel spreader. Weight: 6kg. 10-year warranty.
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
|A stone system for flexible, fast and economical masonry for buildings of any size and use. The wall system consists of standard and additional formats. The construction system with the continuous, vertical installation channels over the entire wall height at a distance of 12.5 cm allows simple and substance-friendly integration of electrical and communication lines. Cables are laid in the wall without opening / slitting.
Lucky | B17
|A chair in form-pressed wood veneer, as simple and self-evident in its expression as if it has always existed, and yet completely new and never seen before. Lucky is both closed and open, horizontal and vertical. Neat yet simultaneously substantial, and low enough to be pushed beneath a desk. Lucky is the archetypal chair, providing a correct sitting position and almost ritualistic in its exact forms. Traditional, straightforward materials such as stained, form-pressed oak plywood meet a leather or fabric-covered padded seat and back. Generously evident in all its simplicity, the monochrome colour scheme underlines a stringent and classical expression.
2.3.1 LININGS - Independent T-47 / PL-75 + PL
|Independent lining made up of a structure of galvanised sheet steel profiles over T-47/T-45 profiles vertical elements) and Clip U track (horizontal elements), on whose interior side, the profiles need to be braced using standard reach brackets, leaving a space between the structure and the wall of a minimum of 10 mm. On the exterior side of this structure, one or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed on. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, watertight/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for Clip U track, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
Hollow clay infill block 12 x 70 cm
|Hollow clay infill blocks are especially recommended for one-way ribbed slabs with block filler with either steel or precast concrete joists. These hollow blocks are manufactured according to the highest quality and environmental standards. The design of the hollow clay infill block, with vertical partitions and triangular reinforcements at the top and bottom, provides optimum resistance. This feature, along with a near zero breakage rate, make the hollow clay infill block for ribbed slabs an essential constructive element in any high quality and energy-efficient building. The main advantages of ribbed floor slabs over solid concrete slabs are: [LIST] Savings in structural steel, due to its lighter weight Lower labour costs due to its easy assembly Better acoustic and thermal insulation Safe usage due to its high mechanical resistance Excellent adherence with gypsum, mortar and concrete [/LIST] The 12 x 70 cm format is mostly used along the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where it fits perfectly the constructive needs of the area.
Hollow clay infill block 16 x 70 cm
|Hollow clay infill blocks are especially recommended for one-way ribbed slabs with block filler with either steel or precast concrete joists. These hollow blocks are manufactured according to the highest quality and environmental standards. The design of the hollow clay infill block, with vertical partitions and triangular reinforcements at the top and bottom, provides optimum resistance. This feature, along with a near zero breakage rate, make the hollow clay infill block for ribbed slabs an essential constructive element in any high quality and energy-efficient building. The main advantages of ribbed floor slabs over solid concrete slabs are: [LIST] Savings in structural steel, due to its lighter weight Lower labour costs due to its easy assembly Better acoustic and thermal insulation Safe usage due to its high mechanical resistance Excellent adherence with gypsum, mortar and concrete [/LIST] Versatile and easy to use.
Hollow clay infill block 20 x 70 cm
|Hollow clay infill blocks are especially recommended for one-way ribbed slabs with block filler with either steel or precast concrete joists. These hollow blocks are manufactured according to the highest quality and environmental standards. The design of the hollow clay infill block, with vertical partitions and triangular reinforcements at the top and bottom, provides optimum resistance. This feature, along with a near zero breakage rate, make the hollow clay infill block for ribbed slabs an essential constructive element in any high quality and energy-efficient building. The main advantages of ribbed floor slabs over solid concrete slabs are: [LIST] Savings in structural steel, due to its lighter weight Lower labour costs due to its easy assembly Better acoustic and thermal insulation Safe usage due to its high mechanical resistance Excellent adherence with gypsum, mortar and concrete [/LIST] The 20x70 cm format is a great choice for medium-depth slabs, and it is easy to use.
Hollow clay infill block 22 x 70 cm
|Hollow clay infill blocks are especially recommended for one-way ribbed slabs with block filler with either steel or precast concrete joists. These hollow blocks are manufactured according to the highest quality and environmental standards. The design of the hollow clay infill block, with vertical partitions and triangular reinforcements at the top and bottom, provides optimum resistance. This feature, along with a near zero breakage rate, make the hollow clay infill block for ribbed slabs an essential constructive element in any high quality and energy-efficient building. The main advantages of ribbed floor slabs over solid concrete slabs are: [LIST] Savings in structural steel, due to its lighter weight Lower labour costs due to its easy assembly Better acoustic and thermal insulation Safe usage due to its high mechanical resistance Excellent adherence with gypsum, mortar and concrete [/LIST] The 22x70 cm format is a great choice for medium-depth slabs, and it is easy to use.
Hollow clay infill block 25 x 70 cm
|Hollow clay infill blocks are especially recommended for one-way ribbed slabs with block filler with either steel or precast concrete joists. These hollow blocks are manufactured according to the highest quality and environmental standards. The design of the hollow clay infill block, with vertical partitions and triangular reinforcements at the top and bottom, provides optimum resistance. This feature, along with a near zero breakage rate, make the hollow clay infill block for ribbed slabs an essential constructive element in any high quality and energy-efficient building. The main advantages of ribbed floor slabs over solid concrete slabs are: [LIST] Savings in structural steel, due to its lighter weight Lower labour costs due to its easy assembly Better acoustic and thermal insulation Safe usage due to its high mechanical resistance Excellent adherence with gypsum, mortar and concrete [/LIST] The 25 x 70 cm infill block is especially recommended for deep slabs with high mechanical resistance requirements.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Large cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Perforated cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Slits cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Small cross
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
Combo Cross 600x2100 Solid
|Combo Cross can be seen as a version of the famous Crux Blanket from 1991. Here too, the basic function is to protect, not from cold, however, but from noise, and to offer a simple means to divide a space into smaller units. The vertical hanging room dividers are made from compressed felt fabric with a sound absorbing core. Available in different cross pattern with different degree of transparency. The panels comes with or without the hand-sewn stitch.
|High thermo-acoustic performance structural floor or roof with Jendy JOSS® system with metal frames, upper covering OSB panels and insulation in rock wool, for a total thickness of 237mm. The structure consists of a frame of galvanized steel, 1.5 mm thick section 50-200-50mm places to 400mm wheelbase; thickness, pitch and height of the profiles as resulting from specific structural calculations. The profiles are secured with vertical warping brackets or inserted within the 40-200-40mm section guides. The top surface of the floor will be covered with a double layer of OSB 3 sheets, normate for static functions and the bracing of the horizontal plane, 12mm thick, screwed to the metal with screws VT4.2*32 galvanized and drilling, crossed and with staggered joints cutlery. The floor lower side will instead be coated with a plasterboard plate of 13mm thickness and 2800-3000x1200mm size screwed to the steel structure with suitable self-threading screws fosfate VT3.5*25. The plasterboard will be finished as a rule with plastering of gypsum-based joint with interposed retina or microperforated tape, plastering of the head of the screws, angles, etc ... In the gap will be inserted one of high density rock wool of 160mm thick 70 kg/m³ with acoustic insulation function. In case of roof will be placed on the upper side a further insulating layer to achieve the desired thermal values and suitable waterproofing of the surface; if it’s an intermediate floor it must be realized the screed plant, possibly dry, with traditional subflooring pad and subsequent paving as usual. Including static design of the floor, exclude the reviewing of the existing part. Vacuum computation for full under 5mq.
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD896
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD896 is a very compact speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of an 8” (203 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 60° HF horn with 1.7” (43 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is another 8” driver. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 8” LF drivers work together to achieve an increase in overall output and improved mid-bass impact. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD896 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 1.7 inch (43 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD896 employs two mutually-coupled 8” LF transducers to achieve its high efficiency and impactful performance in a relatively small enclosure. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD896 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CD896 is particularly effective in applications where compact dimensions and targeted pattern control are desirable. Such applications include front fill, delay fill, under-balcony, small front of house, and foreground music, especially when mated with a subwoofer. Its clean appearance facilitates acceptance by architects and interior designers, and its 25° beveled rear corners allow it to be mounted close to walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M6 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1265
|Loudspeaker – Dual 12” Bi-Amplified 3-Way Coaxial 60° x 45° Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1265 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 12” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 12” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1265 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1265 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 12” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1265 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1265 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1295
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1295 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 12” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 12” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1295 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1295 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 12” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1295 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1295 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1565
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1565 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 15” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 15” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1565 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1565 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 15” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz, with a 4” (102 mm) voice coil and powerful ceramic magnet for extra output capacity and higher power handling. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1565 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1565 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate forged shoulder eyebolts (sold separately).[1] Notes: 1. There is no yoke bracket available from Crestron for this model.
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CD1595
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CD1595 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer plus a second dedicated low-frequency transducer. The coaxial transducer is composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. The second LF transducer is a 15” driver with enhanced low-frequency performance. Advanced engineering and construction of the complete speaker achieves a space-efficient design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The two 15” LF drivers work together in a bi-amplified configuration to achieve an increase in overall output and improved low-frequency pattern control. The coaxial transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor high-frequency coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The LF/HF transducer in the Vector CD1595 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single neodymium magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, and the use of a single neodymium magnet reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Dual Low-Frequency Drivers The Vector CD1595 employs an innovative and unconventional bi-amplified 3-way configuration using dual 15” LF transducers. Relative to the coaxial transducer, the dedicated LF transducer features increased excursion capability below 100 Hz, with a 4” (102 mm) voice coil and powerful ceramic magnet for extra output capacity and higher power handling. The frequency range of both drivers overlaps at precise levels to achieve a flat summed response, producing a higher overall output level compared to a more traditional LF/MF/HF 3-way system. The use of dual LF transducers also provides the benefit of extending usable LF pattern control by over an octave, reducing acoustic reflections in the room for better clarity and “projection.” Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CD1595 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Two channels of processing are employed to deliver an optimized signal to each transducer. Versatile Installation The Vector CD1595 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate forged shoulder eyebolts (sold separately).[1] Notes: 1. There is no yoke bracket available from Crestron for this model.
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1265
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1265 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1265 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1265 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1265 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1295
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1295 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 12” (305 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1295 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1295 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1295 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1565
|Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1565 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 60° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1565 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1565 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1565 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
Loudspeaker - VECTOR-CS1595
|Loudspeaker – 15” 2-Way Coaxial 90° x 45° Crestron® Vector™ Performance Loudspeakers provide a professional sound reinforcement speaker solution for large indoor spaces and venues. Featuring a revolutionary coaxial transducer design complemented by advanced Avia™ digital signal processing, Vector loudspeakers deliver exceptional intelligibility and natural sound quality for speech reinforcement, foreground music, and multimedia presentation applications. Compact, aesthetically-pleasing enclosures afford remarkable performance in less space. A choice of sizes and coverage patterns is offered to address the varying applications and room geometries found in auditoriums, theaters, lecture halls, houses of worship, convention centers, hotel ballrooms, sports facilities, night clubs, and public spaces. The Vector CS1595 is a compact, trapezoidal speaker enclosure loaded with one 2-way coaxial transducer composed of a 15” (381 mm) LF driver and a 90° x 45° HF horn with 3” (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver. Advanced engineering and construction achieve a space-efficient speaker design with high output capability and consistent pattern control. Its integrated coaxial transducer aligns the low-frequency and high-frequency elements to produce precise transient response and uniform directionality across the entire frequency range. The transducer can be rotated in 45° increments to tailor coverage to the space and allow for horizontal or vertical orientation of the enclosure. Advanced Coaxial Transducer The transducer in the Vector CS1595 represents a revolutionary advancement in coaxial speaker design. Its high-frequency horn features a large 3 inch (76 mm) titanium diaphragm compression driver, which operates at frequencies lower than typical, allowing the high-frequency horn to smooth the response of the low frequency section to reduce shadowing of the woofer by the horn. The woofer’s large radiating surface works in conjunction with the high-frequency horn to improve directional control at the lower end of the horn’s frequency range resulting in better pattern control throughout the critical voice band. The large diaphragm also allows the compression driver to produce higher sound pressure levels without distortion to deliver incredibly clear and dynamic sound quality for both speech and program material. The complete coaxial transducer assembly employs a single, powerful ceramic magnet with dual-gap geometry, which minimizes the spacing between the compression driver and woofer voice coils. This integrated approach virtually eliminates the delay between the two drivers, allowing a passive crossover to be used to seamlessly blend the horn and woofer into a single point source. The reduced demand on the internal crossover helps to maximize efficiency and damping, resulting in performance rivaling a more expensive bi-amplified design. Using a single magnet also reduces the speaker’s weight, size, and cost. Avia™ Digital Signal Processing Every aspect of the Vector CS1595 is designed to take advantage of the signal refining abilities of a Crestron Avia DSP. Vector loudspeakers and Avia processing work synergistically to produce a superior speaker system tuned for accurate, uncolored reproduction of voice and program signals. Precision signal processing is employed to accomplish what can’t be done physically, strategically eliminating harsh-sounding resonances caused by horn reflections while retaining every nuance of the original signal. Further refinements are employed to maximize transient response and deliver smooth bandwidth performance both within and beyond the speaker’s nominal coverage pattern. The result is an extremely natural sounding speaker system with superior pattern control, improved intelligibility, reduced listener fatigue, and higher gain before feedback. Versatile Installation The Vector CS1595 is particularly effective in systems where targeted pattern control is desirable, including front of house, delay fill, and foreground music applications. Its clean appearance and familiar format facilitate acceptance by architects and interior designers, and the 40° trapezoidal angle allows it to be mounted near walls or ceilings without obstructing sight lines. Concealed M10 mounting points are included to accommodate either an optional yoke bracket or forged shoulder eyebolts (each sold separately).
HEWI L-shaped support rail 801-22-100
|Range 801 L-shaped support rail - vertical and horizontal bars joined at right-angles with fixing roses made of steel - for holding on to and providing support - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - horizontal length 300 mm, vertical length 600 mm, 90 mm deep - bar diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder upgrade kit 801.50.010, can be retrofitted Article no.: HEWI 801.22.100
HEWI L-shaped support rail 801-22-110
|Range 801 L-shaped support rail - vertical and horizontal bars joined at right-angles with fixing roses made of steel - for holding on to and providing support - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - horizontal length 400 mm, vertical length 900 mm, 90 mm deep - bar diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder upgrade kit 801.50.010, can be retrofitted Article no.: HEWI 801.22.110
HEWI Rail with shower head holder 801-33-110
|Range 801 Rail with shower head holder - vertical rail with right-angled ends with steel fixing roses and shower head holder - centre-to-centre 900 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.33.110
HEWI Rail with shower head holder 801-33-120
|Range 801 Rail with shower head holder - vertical rail with right-angled ends with steel fixing roses and shower head holder - centre-to-centre 1100 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.33.120
Panel with photocatalytic concrete and thermal insulation - ETIXc
|Precast external thermal insulation system with photocatalytic performance for building. ETIXc is an industrial precast panel system to reduce the energetic demand of buildings. It may be used on: - Energetic refurbishment of existing façades. - New jobs. Durability and architectonic quality: - High quality finishing surfaces. - Possibility of pigmentation and personalization by architectural texturization and engravement. Thermal and acoustic insulation: - Reduction up to 70% of the thermal transmittance of the existing façades. Energetic savings. - Improvement of the acoustic performance of the façade (better performance than a traditional ETIS). Photocatalytic activity: - Self-cleaning: longer maintenance of color and original texture. - Decontamination: depolluting activity (decreasing environmental contamination/pollution). Quick and easiness of mounting: - Without ancillary substructure. External mounting, minimum neighbors annoyance - Large format pieces (3 x 1,5 m). - Safety: metallic fixing system from slab to slab. Concrete reinforced with PVA structural fibers to strengthen the concrete integrity. - Lower dependence on atmospheric conditions for mounting operations. - The fixing system admits horizontal and vertical regulation, this allows to avoid the irregularities of the existing façade, creating, if necessary, a watertight air chamber where the technical installations existing over the façade could be accommodated in.
|High-performance door, opening in vertical direction, for interior and exterior use. Side frames are made out of galvanized steel profiles. A patented channeled area avoids critical wear of the lamella ends and smoothens the door run. Door curtain consists of highly thermally insulated sandwich lamellas consisting of foam (thickness 50 mm) covered by metal sheet trays in silver (RAL 9006). A doubled sealing system links the lamellas ensuring excellent wind and water tightness and a smooth run of the door. Optionally window lamellas can be integrated in the door blade. The clear window entail the entire door width with a transparency of 65 %. Thanks for their individual suspension from the rubber belt, each slat can be replaced individually, rapidly and easily. Contactless Winding: The innovative Disc Drive technology used in the ASSA ABLOY RR3000 ISO supports the door curtain movement thereby ensuring a long service life. The slats are wound onto windling discs without contact. Using this technology, the door can be opened and closed very quickly and with no wear. Albany
ASSA ABLOY DS6060P curtain dock shelter parallel
|The ASSA ABLOY DS6060P curtain dock shelter parallel from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is a curtain dock shelter which is available in a large variety of heights and widths. This model includes a self-adjusting top section which automatically adapts to different vehicle heights and vertical movements. The vehicle reverses into ASSA ABLOY DS6060P curtain shelter which seals it off with flexible side and top curtains, giving weather protection during the loading and unloading process. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DS6070R inflatable dock shelter rollo
|The top seal of the ASSA ABLOY DS6070R inflatable dock shelter rollo from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is a roller design – automatically activated for low or high vehicles. In addition, it follows all vertical movements of the docked vehicle, continuously providing high tightness. In rest position, the ASSA ABLOY DS6070R is completely retracted behind the side structures, giving the vehicle driver the possibility to use the complete width of the loading bay when reversing into it. In addition, yellow front line indicators further facilitate the dock-in navigation. Stable collision protectors at the ramp height prevent shelter damages. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DB6050F drawbridge leveller fix version
|The ASSA ABLOY drawbridge from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the best solution for open ramps and for servicing vehicles of roughly the same size. The ASSA ABLOY DB6050F drawbridge leveller fix version is installed in a fix position. When not in use, the drawbridge is secured in the vertical position with a safety lock Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version
|The ASSA ABLOY drawbridge from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the best solution for open ramps and for servicing vehicles of roughly the same size. The ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version is installed in a guidance rails placed in the front edge of the ramp. When not in use, the drawbridge is secured in the vertical position with a safety lock Crawford
Megadoor VL3190 5 part wide body door
|The Megadoor VL3190 vertical lifting fabric door is the preferred door model for the extremely large door openings needed for aircraft hangars and shipyard halls, it serves equally well in any door application where innovative design will make a positive difference to the construction cost and subsequent operating efficiency.
Megadoor VL3190 3 part narrow body door
|The Megadoor VL3190 vertical lifting fabric door is the preferred door model for the extremely large door openings needed for aircraft hangars and shipyard halls, it serves equally well in any door application where innovative design will make a positive difference to the construction cost and subsequent operating efficiency.
Megadoor VL3190 5 part rectangular door
|The Megadoor S1500 vertical lifting fabric door is the preferred door model for the extremely large door openings needed for aircraft hangars and shipyard halls, it serves equally well in any door application where innovative design will make a positive difference to the construction cost and subsequent operating efficiency. The unique design and structure offers durability, tightness, energy efficiency, operational reliability and minimum maintenance. Every door is individually designed to meet application requirements, for example wind load.
JS 1,6-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 1,6-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-G1-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 4-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 1,6-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 1,6-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-G1-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 4-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
External Venetian Blind Metalunic V
|Metalunic® V is not something that can be upset easily. Self-supporting construction without vertical connections; lifting and adjustment mechanisms are integrated into the guide rails. The robust mechanism provides a reliable safety locking device. The particularly kink-proof slat profile is at the same time exceptionally elegant and ideal in order to set an architectural highlight.
JS 1,6-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 1,6-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-G1-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 4-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 1,6-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 1,6-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-03 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-G1-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 4-02 SMART+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 1,6-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 1,6-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-G1-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 4-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-G1-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 4-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 1,6-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 4-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 1,6-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 2,5-G1-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS90 4-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 2,5-G1-02 SMART C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter with Radio Module AT-WMBUS-16-2
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters SMART C+ in standard version are equipped with low eight-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN +, brass housing and they are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 1,6 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS90 1,6 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS 1,6-03 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS 2,5 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS 2,5-03 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS 2,5-G1 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS 4 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS90 1,6-03 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS90 2,5 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS90 2,5-03 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS90 2,5-G1 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS90 4 -NK; -NKP Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 90 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP). In standard version they are equipped with five-barrel counter (IP65), antimagnetic protection SN + and brass housing. Possible operation of water meters in the systems of remote readings transfer.
JS 6,3 MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 6,3 MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 6,3 -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 6,3/165 MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 6,3/165 -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10-G1 ¼ MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10-G1 ¼ -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10 MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10 -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 16 MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 16 -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 6,3 -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 10-G1 ¼ MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 10-G1 ¼ -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 10 MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 10 -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 16 MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS130 16 -NK; -NKP MASTER+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of warm water with a temperature up to 130 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master + are equipped with impulse transmitter (JSNK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing, antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 6,3 MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 6,3 -NK; -NKP MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10-G1 ¼ MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10-G1 ¼ -NK; -NKP MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10 MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 10 -NK; -NKP MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 16 MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
JS 16 -NK; -NKP MASTER C+ Vane-Wheel Single-Jet Dry Water Meter
|For measuring the flow and volume of water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C in the closed-circuit system with the full flow of the flux, and on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H) and in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V). Water meters JS Master c+ are equipped with impulse transmitter (JS-NK) or adapted for installation of the transmitter (JS-NKP), in standard version with five-barrel counter (IP65), brass housing with antimagnetic protection. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 40 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 40 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 40 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 50 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 50 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 50-G Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 50-G -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 65 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 65 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 80 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 80 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 100 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 100 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 125 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 125 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 150 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 150 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 200 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 200 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 250 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 250 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 300 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN 300 -NK; -NO; -NKO; -NKOP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of cold water with a temperature up to 30 °C or 50 °C on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 40 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 50 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 50-G Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 50 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 50-G -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 65 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 65 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 80 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 80 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 100 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 100 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 125 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 125 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 150 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 150 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 200 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 200 -NK; -NKP Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).
MWN130 250 Nubis Propeller Water Meter (Woltman) with Horizontal Rotor Axis
|For measuring of consumption of greater amounts of hot water with a temperature up to 130 °C, on the maximum working pressure up to 16 bar (PN16). Suitable for installation in the horizontal hoses (pipelines) with the counter directed upwards (H), in vertical or horizontal hoses with the counter directed sidewards (V) or in diagonal hoses (H/V). MWN water meters in standard version are equipped with six-barrel counter (IP65, IP68 – optional) and painted cast-iron housing. Water meters are adapted to operation in the systems of remote data transfer (AMR).