Einlaeufige Treppe Schnitt-3D_und_Interface_e
Heimo Mooslechner | 1353508997Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster. Demo zur Veranschaulichung des Wunsches nach Interaktivität des neuen Treppenmacherwerkzeuges ab Archicad 17ff (Ironie aus)
Stiege gerade grafisch interaktiv12_2013
Heimo Mooslechner | 1386490870Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster. Weitere fixe Anfasserpunkte rund um die Kontour angebracht, damit die Zusammenstellung der Treppe leichter wird 8.12.2013
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414240569Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 25.10.2014 Schraffuren der Körper in 3D hinzugefügt
Heimo Mooslechner | 1400162637Dachbodentreppe Hersteller-neutral.. Darstellungen mit Hotspots einstellbar: im Einsetzgeschoß: Entweder nur als Deckenöffnung oder Leiter bis 1 M-Schnitt darüber: Ganze Leiter oder nur Deckendurchbruch im 3D und Schnitt: offen oder geschlossen
Alle Geschoße - Stiege
Heimo Mooslechner | 1617647117Stiegenverlauf über mehrere Geschoße. Das Script sucht sich die Geschoßhöhen und erstellt durchgehend für alle geschoße eine 2-Läufige gerade U-Stiege mit Zwischenpodest. Die Stufenanzahl wird immer gerade sein. Deshalb kann folgendes Modell hergestellt werden: Im Schnitt und im 3D kann man sich mit Anfassern die deckendicken anpassen. Die maximale Stufenhöhe kann für jedes Geschoß extra eingestellt werden. Das Script errechnet nun daraus die Laufplattendicken und die Podestdicken so, dass sich die Knickpunkte an einem Punkt treffen. In der Grundrissdarstellung wird der Meterschnitt berücksichtigt und die darunterliegende Treppe wird mit symbolischen Schatten versehen. Im Grundriss und im Schnitt können ale Eckpunkte als Hotspots angefasst werden.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1418154140Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 9.12.2014: Hotspot-Bug entfernt zum Durchschalten der Konstruktionsarten, Gebogene Blechstufen hinzugefügt - Nur stufen, Eingeschweisst zwischen Wangen, Aufgesattelt auf Rand unf Mittelwangen
Einlaeufige Treppe_i
Heimo Mooslechner | 1354441845Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster. Demo zur Veranschaulichung des Wunsches nach Interaktivität des neuen Treppenmacherwerkzeuges ab Archicad 17ff (Ironie aus)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Heimo Mooslechner | 1400085675Dachbodentreppe Hersteller-neutral.. Darstellungen mit Hotspots einstellbar: im Einsetzgeschoß: Entweder nur als Deckenöffnung oder Leiter bis 1 M-Schnitt darüber: Ganze Leiter oder nur Deckendurchbruch im 3D und Schnitt: offen oder geschlossen
Q-Railing Easy Glass Fascia Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Q-Railing Easy Glass Curved Fascia Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Einlaeufige Treppe Schnitt-3D_und_Interface_c
Heimo Mooslechner | 1353403862Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster Demo zur Wishlist Stairmaker Archiocad 17-22 d-;
Stiege gerade einfach anpassbar
Heimo Mooslechner | 1386352761Programm zur einfachen Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster ohne weiterre Schnörkel. Die 3D-Hilfspfeile und der 3D-Text können abgestellt werden. Die Anfasser sind dann immer noch da. Die Stufenhöhenberechnung ergibt sich aus der Z-Höhe der Stiege geteilt durch die maximale Stufenhöhe - nächsthöhere Ganzzahl als Stufenanzahl. Dieses Teil dient auch zur Stiegenkonzeption im Schnitt - wenn der Schnitt die Anfasser im 3D darstellt.
Q-Railing Easy Glass Top Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Einaeufige Treppe mit PutGetNSP_b
Heimo Mooslechner | 1353366551Programm-Demo zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer sehr einfachen einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster mit automatischer Berechnung der Stufenanzahl über 2xh+B=63cm. Der Anfasser für die Höhe im Schnitt und im 3D zeigt unmittelbar Änderungen am Modell und der Beschriftung. Die Anschluß-Aufbauhöhen sind ebenfalls mitAnfassern editierbar. Das Teil soll einenmöglichen Interface - Weg für den neuen Stiegenmacher aufzeigen.
Treppen 2
Moritz Penker | 1389529918protohaus holmtreppe
Q-Railing Easy Glass Curved Top Mount
Tom Kruyt | 1452511279 -
Csiba László | 1457654614 -
nicola gardoni | 1634715663Family name STEP wall recessed lighting fixture bollard lighting fixture
Stair Spiral 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair U-Shape 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair TwoLandings 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Escalier métallique 1 19
Yann BRUNEL | 1449508244 -
Stair L-Shape 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Spiral 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Spiral Wood 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Шведская стенка 001
Mansur Mamirov | 1515092538Heiht 2000 Width 800 Depth 450
Escada Bormann REAL
Lucas Saraiva | 1382116972Escada da Casa Maria Olímpia Xavier - Bormann - Fortaleza - Ceará
Stair Spiral RC 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair Straight Steel 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Лестница 1
Анастасия Т | 1398345581 -
Examination Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Medical examination table.
3.08 Step
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
Stair Spiral 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Break line USA-NCS 19
Ransom Ratcliff | 1446148977A break line following the American National CAD Standard •includes a masking fill that can be turned on and off •stretchable with editable hotspots •includes double break line option •can be offset-stretched for use diagonally on stairs
Scaleculator - e+f
Frank Beister | 1392641911Calculator for calculating true length and scaled length and the scaling factor. For CAD or copier.
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Цифровой рентгенкомплекс Brivo DR-F
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568806088Brivo DR-F — цифровая рентгенографическая система общего назначения с высокочастотным рентгеновским генератором, интегрированным столом, напольным креплением излучателя, детектором типа «плоская панель» и рабочей станцией управления и получения изображения. The Brivo DR-F is your cost-effective first step into digital. With this general purpose DR system in your department, you sacrifice little. Brivo DR-F is a floor-mounted RAD system that requires less space, yet can accommodate all of your basic x-ray procedures. Easy on space. Easy to use. And easy on your budget.
Shower Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Corner and rectangle shower partition wall with optional sides and scale sensitive symbol.
Simple Zone Stamp ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1444828730Version 3.04
Skylight Flat Panel 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Flat, fixed panel skylight with mullion settings.
Skylight Top Hung 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Top hung flat skylight.
Escalera 1
jorge aleman | 1385404738Escalera ya existente en el proyecto de Cuatemoc
Escalera 3
jorge aleman | 1385404667Escalera de Placa de acero de 1/2 pulgada para proyecto cuautemoc
Escalier béton droit 19
Évà Lővér | 1494363732 -
muro debajo de escalera
Carlos Lopez Figueroa | 1367473109Esta libreria hace la funcion de cubrir el hueco de una escalera.
Plataforma con Escalera 19
Paola Daza | 1459014129Plataforma y escalera con barandilla y símbolo 2D sensible a piso.
Scale 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of 2D scale sign with optional text.
Stair L-Shape RC 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair Straight Steel 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Straight Steel 01 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Straight Steel 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair U-Shape 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Steel Pan Stair 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Steel Pan Stair 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Стальная Лестница с Поддонами 19
Вадим Ващенко | 1461361109 -
Wall Mounted Ladder 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall mounted ladder with different step types.
RC 螺旋階段
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
階段U字形RC 70
Andor Szőke | 1507121933U字階段 RC 70,U字,手摺
階段直RC 70
Andor Szőke | 1507121933直線階段 RC 70,直線,手摺
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Antonio paz | 1372936414 -
Examination Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Medical examination table.
Skylight Pyramid 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pyramid shape skylight.
Skylight Ridge 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pitched glass skylight.
Dormer Ox-Eye 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Ox-eye dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable shed roof pitch.
Dynamic Pole
Frank Green | 1650379757Power pole for site plans with the optons of light, power and/or telecommunicatons. The 2D display is a symbolic notation for site plans and will adjust with the drawing scale.
Fachwerkträger 1,00x0,50x2,00m
Leon Schäfer | 1547633099Large scale aluminium truss, CroSec 1,00 x 0,50 m
Wall Mounted Ladder 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall mounted ladder with different step types.
Betontrappe, skakt fra E0 til E1
Søren Jensen | 1441088318Trappe fra etage 0 til etage 1
Trapp Grethes Hus
athavan mahendran | 1384358853Trapp i grethes hus
3.09 Stair
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
Escalera Vertical 19
steed mejorada | 1455740603Escalera vertical con conexión superior o inferior opcionales.
Schody w kształcie U 18
Sylwia Osińska | 1429459864 -
Stair 3
Lana Agiyan | 1373448966лестница павловск 3
Stair L-Shape 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair L-Shape 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair L-Shape RC 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair L-Shape RC 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Spiral RC 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Spiral RC 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Spiral Wood 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Spiral Wood 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Straight 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Straight 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair Straight 20
David Thompson | 1525239062walker stair
Stair Straight 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Straight RC 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Straight RC 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair Straight RC 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Straight Steel 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Straight Steel 02 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Straight Wood 01 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Straight Wood 02 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair Straight Wood 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Straight Wood 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair TwoLandings 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair TwoLandings 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Stair U-Shape 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Steel Pan Stair 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Typical Straight Stair
Greg Murphy | 1438889971Generic U stair
階段 2段踊り場
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
階段 直線鉄骨01
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
階段 直線鉄骨02
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Stairs with railings
|Steel stairs from Midthaug can be adapted to most areas and purposes. They will always be safe and good to use. Stair stringers are produced of laser-cut steel, either from sheet metal or hollow profiles. Steps made of grating or expanded metal are the most popular for outdoor use. Steps for mortar and tiles or flooring are the most popular indoor. The stairs can be combined with several of our railing models with either balustrades or glass panels.
M4010 - Scale, Infant, 0-35 Pounds
|Infant scale with approximately 35 pound capacity. Unit consists of a removable acrylic cradle with built-in tape measure. Weighs in pounds and ounces or kilograms and grams, and it has an automatic weight lock, automatic averaging, zeroing and re-weight feature with tare function. Used to weigh newborns and infants.
M4020 - Scale, Person Weighing, High Capacity
|High capacity, person weighing scale. Large digital readout displays weight in pounds, or kilograms. Hand rails. Shall be supported by fixed heavy-duty legs in stationary position. Capacity up to 800 pounds. Optional equipment: battery pack with rechargeable batteries and built-in recharger. Designed to weigh large ambulatory patients.
M9020 - Table, Exam, Pediatric, With Scale
|Pediatric exam table with scale. Cabinet type, free standing unit. It consists of one drawer and double cupboard, built-in electronic or mechanical scale and measuring tape, vinyl covered work surface and built-in paper dispenser. Equipped with protective high rim on three sides of table top. Designed for use in pediatric exam rooms.
Scala Chair
|Scala is our classic. Comes with veneer backrest and cushion. The model is space-saving, cleaning friendly and can be equipped with simple and functional writing tablet solution. Scala comes as standard without arm rests.Large selection of fabric and RAL colors on steel. Available in two back rest heights; low and medium. The legs can be attached on both horizontal and vertical steps and fixed on the ‘nose’ of the step. Supplementary folding seats can be mounted directly on the wall. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Flatoval steel for extra strength. Available with simple armrest. Writing tablets are supplied standard in veneer or Formica laminat with solid wood edging. Scala chairs can be mounted in a bow shape.
Scala Wall
|Scala is a playful paraphrase on corrugated iron that simultaneously employs the functionality of the shape. The design of the sound-absorbent Scala is not only developed for visual reasons, but primarily to contribute to a softer soundscape. The moulded felt absorbs sound and the wave-shaped surface effectively breaks the sound waves. Scala is a perfectly simple interaction between material and form. Scala can be hung on the wall or from the ceiling, to discretely reduce the level of noise. Scala is 100% recyclable, and the fabric is approved by EU Ecolabel. Size: 603×800, 1207×800, 603×1600, 1207×1600 mm, portrait or landscape.
ASSA ABLOY DL6020STA step autodock
|The ASSA ABLOY 6020STA Stepdock Autodock from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is a dock leveller that provides increased efficiency and safety for the docking process. The leveller is specifically developed to let a truck dock to the loading bay with closed rear doors. First the truck is put in the right position and then preferably an inflatable dock shelter seals off the loading bay before the sectional door is opened. The last step of the complete dock-in procedure is that the rear doors of the truck are opened. This sequence “dock first – open the rear doors later” provides a number of benefits: saving of energy, improving working conditions in particular for the truck driver, increasing safety of people / goods, and improving the efficiency of the docking process. Crawford
Exterior Door Character Step ECO
|Character is a collection of exterior doors with unique design solutions. Its glass openings without strips and screws sets a new standard for what is possible to create. The finish, the concealed hinges, the solid construction and the patented design solutions also contribute to the exclusive feeling that the Character doors conveys. With the ECO feature you will have a sustainable, low energy door made of recyclable and traceable natural material to meet high demands for sustainability. For more information: Denmark: www.swedoor.dk Norway: www.swedoor.no Sweden: www.swedoor.se
Concrete Landing 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933L字階段1,L字,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933L字階段2,L字,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Steel Landing 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933U字階段1,U字,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933U字階段2,U字,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933U字階段3,U字,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933U字階段4,U字,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933U字階段5,U字,手摺なし
Wooden Landing 21
Andor Szőke | 1536657946 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933直線階段1,直線,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933直線階段2,直線,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933直線階段3,直線,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933直線階段4,直線,手摺なし
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Andor Szőke | 1507121933 -
Dormer Pitched 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pitch roof dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable pitch angle.
Dormer Shed 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Shed roof dormer.
Skylight Dome Rect 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular skylight dome.
Skylight Flat Panel 19
Ömer Talha Yağcı | 1462358780Flat, fixed panel skylight with mullion settings.
Skylight Glass 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Glass prism skylight.
Skylight Pivot Hung 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pivot hung flat skylight.
Shower Door 18
MIROSLAV VUKANCIC | 1414914087Corner and rectangle shower partition wall with optional sides and scale sensitive symbol.
Shower Door 19
Ivana Murgoska | 1461446068Corner and rectangle shower partition wall with optional sides and scale sensitive symbol.
Skylight Dome Circular 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Round skylight dome with scale sensitive section and lining options.
Skylight Dome Polygon 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Multi-side skylight dome with scale sensitive section and lining options.
Skylight Round 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Round glass skylight dome with scale sensitive section.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400626You can change the article nr: with the parameters. unfortunally the preview picture won't change. You will only see the changes when you render a picture.3D parametric, stairnos / stair edge with optional article number
Wall Mounted Ladder 19
Vanessa Estefany | 1538983473Wall mounted ladder with different step types.
Acczent Excellence 4/80
|Inspired by the latest design trends, the Excellence collection brings you the widest combination of over 117 colours and wood designs for endless creativity. It is the all-inclusive solution for the comfort and resistance of any heavy traffic areas in education, aged care and offices. Acczent Excellence 80: the compact version for increased resistance to indentation. ■87 all-over colours and 30 wood decors fully adapted to age and setting ■Unique long-plank woods with new matt finish for authentic aspect (R10) ■New phthlate-free technology and total VOC emissions below 10µg/m3 ■Fully coordinated wall, stairs and accessibility accessories ■Best indentation measured value: 0.03mm ■Excellent resistance with TopClean XP surface treatment ■All decors also available in acoustic version (Tapiflex Excellence 65) ■Available in loose-lay version: Acczent Unik
Tapiflex Excellence 4/65
|Inspired by the latest design trends, the Excellence collection brings you the widest combination of over 117 colours and wood designs for endless creativity. It is the all-inclusive solution for the comfort and resistance of any heavy traffic areas in education, aged care and offices. Tapiflex Excellence 65: acoustic version for higher comfort and shock absorption. ■87 all-over colours and 30 wood decors fully adapted to age and setting ■Unique long-plank woods with new matt finish for authentic aspect (R10) ■New phthlate-free technology and total VOC emissions below 10µg/m3 ■Fully coordinated wall, stairs and accessibility accessories ■Good balance between indentation 0.06mm and sound reduction 19dB (best measured values) ■Excellent resistance with TopClean XP surface treatment ■All decors also available in compact version (Acczent Excellence 80) ■10 references available in tiles version: Tapiflex Tiles 65
Munich Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. The brief for the museum, which opened in 2009, included designing a dining table for use in the cafeteria. In close cooperation with the architects, ClassiCon took their draft a step further, resulting in a reinterpretation of the original design. The way the straight-edged tabletop with its rounded corners floats atop the oblique legs lends the table a special lightness. Together with the Munich Chair and Munich Armchair a harmonious ensemble is created for use either in the public or private realm. Frame of solid wood. Tabletop with rounded edges in clearly varnished MDF veneered with real wood. Details, colours and European standards see price list.
Nova C Back convex module
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. The standard modules for Nova C Back is either straight or concave/convex 45°. Any curvature between the degrees of 0° to 45° can be made as a custom order. Please contact our sales team to find out more.
Nova C Wall
|This is the wall-mounted version of the Nova series. The bench shapes a seamless seating line while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. In harmony with its siblings, Nova C Wall configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. he configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. Nova C Wall comes in standard straight modules. Any custom length can be made upon request. Please contact our sales team if you want to know more.
Soufflé Small
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
Soufflé Medium
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
Soufflé Large
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
Soufflé Table
|Soufflé is a serie that consists of ottomans in three different sizes and a table, all designed by Cecilie Manz. “The concept originates in a vision for the new office environment, which is more mobile; where meetings are held in more informal settings. My own vision for the group is that of rocks in the archipelago, where you jump from stone to stone. The table is the hub around which the stools gather. The shapes are organic and individual, inspired by nature, not circular but a bit `squeezed ́. An important element is the tactile contrast between tough textile coating in base and the soft `whipped cream ́ cushion on the top, a cutting edge mix of foam and natural feathers, which posed an interesting technical challenge. This group will be nice in a lobby, for example, but with its soft, pleasant seating, it is also a crossover concept which will fit well in homes. My inspiration is from nature, the Scandinavian heritage and the organic colour scale.” /Cecilie Manz
D8990 - Cleaner, Ultrasonic, 10-12 Quart Capacity
|Ultrasonic cleaner. Used in dental laboratories and operatories to clean dental instruments and tools either as a preliminary step to sterilization or to remove material. Cleaners are available in several sizes with or without timers and/or heat. The units used for the database have a 10-12 quart capacity and are equipped with a timer and heat.
L0100 - Microscope, Binocular
|Binocular microscope. Equipped with plan achromatic objectives to suit work in brightfield, phase contrast, darkfield, photomicrography, dual viewing and projection screen. Microscope has a high light intensity, 100 watt halogen lamp, for constant color temperature and illumination, a three step variable transformer, focusable aspheric abbe condenser system; heat absorbing glass; centerable field diaphragm; two built-in filter turrets permitting a combination of selective light balancing and color compensating filters. Other components/features include a swing-in condenser, 4X objective, quadruple nosepiece, 10X wide field eyepieces and a graduated stage. Other observation tubes can be added. It is used in laboratories for cell counting and other observation techniques.
M0630 - Anesthesia Apparatus, 3 Gas
|Three gas anesthesia apparatus. Basic unit consists of steel cabinet with casters with one shallow, one medium, and one deep drawer, seven long scale eleven-inch flowmeters, five cylinder yokes, and telescoping absorber post. It includes two-canister model carbon dioxide absorber with inhalation and exhalation check valves, switch valve, switch valve elbow, sidearm Vernitrol, flow calculator, mounting kit, ventilator calculator, ventilator and an oxygen piping inlet. Also features nitrous oxide fail safe valve kit, aspirator kit, gas evacuator with vacuum and a flow meter safety cover. Used to dispense a mixture of gases during surgical procedures.
M0765 - Regulator, Vacuum
|Vacuum pressure regulator for connection to central piped vacuum system. Standard display scale is graduated at least from 0 to 200 mm Hg of vacuum. Displays on specialized regulators may cover other vacuum ranges. Regulator type (continuous, intermittent, continuous/intermittent, surgical, pediatric, thoracic, etc.) as required. To be used in delivery, neonatal, pediatrics or any area where suction is required. Database pricing reflects continuous regulators graduated to 200 mm Hg with a full line vacuum selection switch and DISS configured inlets and outlets.
M0800 - Warmer, Bassinet, Mobile, Neonatal
|A mobile warmer/bassinet consisting of a radiant warmer with proportional controller and an integral bassinet/procedure table. Also includes a warm weigh scale and phototherapy capabilities. All four sides of the bassinet fold out of the way for access to the infant. Bassinet bed can be tilted. Bassinet cabinet has storage drawers. Unit has shelving above bassinet to accommodate monitoring and resuscitation equipment. The entire unit is mounted on conductive casters, two with locking brakes. Designed for use in the neonatal intensive care unit, nursery, delivery room and special birthing units.
M8145 - Exerciser, Staircase, Convertible
|Convertible exercise staircase. Staircase is sturdily built in two sections permitting a corner type or straight type arrangement. It consists of steps 30-36" wide and a square platform. It includes handrails to accommodate both children and adults. Both steps and platform are covered with non-slip tread.
M8325 - Traction Unit, Portable
|Hydraulic or electric portable traction unit. The traction unit can be directly mounted to and removed from a traction table or can have its own mobile stand which clamps securely to the traction table. The unit controls treatment times from 1-99 minutes with hold times up to 60 seconds. Traction can be increased in gradual steps. The unit incorporates as many as four treatment modes and features a pulling force from 0 to 200 lbs. The unit can also be used with a treatment table, chair or hospital bed.
M8540 - Microscope, Operating, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted operating microscope. Unit consists of a binocular microscope body mounted to a wall support. A magnification changer to determine the magnification ratio is enclosed in the body tube of the microscope. The lens system consists of a range of objectives from 3 to 15 in 5 steps. Includes a fiberoptic halogen light source with beam-splitter, manual or pedal focusing controls and zoom capabilities. Used in clinics, hospitals and doctor's offices during surgery to clarify the surgeon's view of microscopic structures.
M8541 - Microscope, Operating Endodontic
|An operating microscope for use during endodontic procedures. Microscope has six steps of magnification with a range of 2.1x to 19.2. Unit is easily maneuverable and ergonomically and modularly designed for operator comfort and upgrade accommodation. Unit comes with various mounting options available.
Crawl space
|ISODRÄN WARM FOUNDATION MOISTURE IS SAFE AND ECONOMIC Crawlspace or crawling space as it is known is a practical zone if it is just designed and built properly. For this type of space to functioning it (?) must be hot. Using the ISODRÄN METHOD you can easily renovate your existing ventilated cold crawl space or build a new moisture-proof warm space. A warm space with ISODRÄN without energy supply is a small step toward less dependence on electricity, but a big step for a healthy building and healthy living.
|MARKER is a product designed to illuminate stairs and to be recessed in the riser of the steps . It is characterized by the complete absence of thanks to a positioning system of the light source, appositely engineered for the best control and downward orientation of light, safety and the visible comfort are totally guaranteed.
Simple Ramp "Trait d'Union"
|The simple ramp Trait d'Union is a removable ramp recessed in the threshold. Only two ramps are deployed on the sidewalk, which reduces the use of public property. It adapts to every step heights up to 22 cm. The two independent ramps adjust to the slope and pavement. The handling is done by integrated ergonomic push handles. Permitted loads: 300 kg for the standard model.
Tessera mix
|An innovative, batchless, random lay carpet tile, Tessera Mix delivers a seamless installation appearance every time. Its soft geometric shapes cleverly disguise the tile edges and fitting direction and create its classic modern appearance. Designed for use in commercial, hospitality and public interiors, Mix is available in 15 contemporary colourways. Its random geometric aesthetic will improve interior floor space of any scale from intimate corridors to expansive open plan offices. Reduced installation waste MIx random lay carpet tiles are cleverly designed so that they may be laid in any direction to produce a totally individual installation. Using this method also reduces installation waste to less than 2%. Batchless carpet tiles Different production consignments of ‘batchless’ tiles can be used together in an installation without the usual risk of visible batch variation, this also eliminates the need to hold attic stock.
Onyx fr
|Onyx FR is a durable vinyl wall covering, especially suited for wetrooms, such as bathrooms and showers. Onyx FR must be heat welded and as such provides a smooth, hygienic surface that ensures no breeding ground for bacteria. Together with our Step wetroom floors, Onyx FR offers a complete wetroom solution from floor to wall. Combining aesthetics and technical performance, Onyx FR wall covering is perfectly suited to commercial applications such as wetrooms of health facilities, nursing homes and senior residences. Reduced installation waste MIx random lay carpet tiles are cleverly designed so that they may be laid in any direction to produce a totally individual installation. Using this method also reduces installation waste to less than 2%. Batchless carpet tiles Different production consignments of ‘batchless’ tiles can be used together in an installation without the usual risk of visible batch variation, this also eliminates the need to hold attic stock.
|Surestep combines outstanding slip resistant properties with differentiated design and, through the use of new Step Crystals, each colourway offers a clean, fresh look and improved cleaning and maintenance properties as well as ensuring lifetime slip resistance. Our Surestep ranges offer a vast choice of designs with no compromise on performance.
Tessera circulate
|Confident and unique, Circulate represents a fresh approach to the design of random lay batchless carpet tiles. Its random geometric aesthetic will bring life and excitement to interior floor spaces of any scale, from the narrowest corridors to the most expansive open plan environments. The random nature of the design in modular form creates contemporary floorspace environments which are modern and distinctive yet commercially attractive and highly accessible. Circulate is offered in a range of eight fresh colourways, with options available to suit all types of commercial interiors. Reduced installation waste Circulate random lay carpet tiles are cleverly designed so that they may be laid in any direction to produce a totally individual installation. Using this method also reduces installation waste to less than 2%. Batchless carpet tiles Different production consignments of ‘batchless’ tiles can be used together in an installation without the usual risk of visible batch variation, this also eliminates the need to hold attic stock.
CT101 (Common Theme Collection)
|Common Theme is a set of four textures that bring refinement in pattern and color to the interior space. Soft or flat, distinct or diffused – sensitive variations in finish and scale offer a range of solutions within this context. Just as a good idea translates universally, Common Theme easily translates wherever design is spoken. (carpet tile)
CT102 (Common Theme Collection)
|Common Theme is a set of four textures that bring refinement in pattern and color to the interior space. Soft or flat, distinct or diffused – sensitive variations in finish and scale offer a range of solutions within this context. Just as a good idea translates universally, Common Theme easily translates wherever design is spoken. (carpet tile)
CT103 (Common Theme Collection)
|Common Theme is a set of four textures that bring refinement in pattern and color to the interior space. Soft or flat, distinct or diffused – sensitive variations in finish and scale offer a range of solutions within this context. Just as a good idea translates universally, Common Theme easily translates wherever design is spoken. (carpet tile)
CT104 (Common Theme Collection)
|Common Theme is a set of four textures that bring refinement in pattern and color to the interior space. Soft or flat, distinct or diffused – sensitive variations in finish and scale offer a range of solutions within this context. Just as a good idea translates universally, Common Theme easily translates wherever design is spoken. (carpet tile)
OFF LINE (Off Line Collection)
|On its own Off Line can present a staccato, banded effect with interesting variations. Playing with the bold solids from On Line™, Off Line veers in a new direction by creating transitions between neutrals and brights, hard and soft lines. An installation that blends On Line and Off Line together alters our impression of the scale and repeat of both styles, toying with the length of connectivity and creating an entirely new composition. Sometimes, the best course is to take it Off Line. (carpet tile)
SL910 (Silver Linings Collection)
|Loaded with possibilities, Silver Linings™ is a collection of three patterns in 12 colorways designed in our 25cm x 1m skinny plank format. SL910™ is the quiet-before-the-storm, pure texture. Three accent colors start to flicker through the second texture, SL920™. And a very exciting new effect appears in SL930™, where each accent finds a place on its own tile and color flashes in bold gestures—transforming the whole atmosphere of a space through the shift in scale. (carpet tile)
SL920 (Silver Linings Collection)
|Loaded with possibilities, Silver Linings™ is a collection of three patterns in 12 colorways designed in our 25cm x 1m skinny plank format. SL910™ is the quiet-before-the-storm, pure texture. Three accent colors start to flicker through the second texture, SL920™. And a very exciting new effect appears in SL930™, where each accent finds a place on its own tile and color flashes in bold gestures—transforming the whole atmosphere of a space through the shift in scale. (carpet tile)
SL930 (Silver Linings Collection)
|Loaded with possibilities, Silver Linings™ is a collection of three patterns in 12 colorways designed in our 25cm x 1m skinny plank format. SL910™ is the quiet-before-the-storm, pure texture. Three accent colors start to flicker through the second texture, SL920™. And a very exciting new effect appears in SL930™, where each accent finds a place on its own tile and color flashes in bold gestures—transforming the whole atmosphere of a space through the shift in scale. (carpet tile)
WICLINE 90SG - Windows
|As an attractive complement for curtain walls the integration sash WICLINE 90SG provides efficient ventilation, if requested also fully automated. This all-glass window gives full options as a projecting top-hung sash or as a parallel outward opening sash and can be integrated flush with the glass pane level in WICTEC 50SG structural glazing curtain walling or in stick systems with exterior pressure profiles. For an optimum thermal insulation WICLINE 90SG can be equipped with double or triple glazing. Using standard glass without glass step leads to an economy of cost and improved safety. System test results / CE product pass in accordance with DIN EN 14351-1:2006+A1:2010 Air permeability: Class 4 Watertightness: E750 Resistance to wind load: Class C4 / B4 Repeated opening / closing: Class 2 (10,000 cycles) Impact resistance: Class 3 Load bearing capacity of safety devices: Fulfilled Approval ETA: -11/0042 (European Technical Approval) Quality assurance: Certified according ISO 9001:2008 Environmental management: Certified according to ISO 14001
|HCONTROL HYBRID is a reflective vapour control layer layer with a built-in thermal performance for use on the warm side of any insulation material, behind the internal finish in roofs, walls and suspended floors. HCONTROL HYBRID provides dual performance within a single product : a vapour control layer and insulation, allowing a reduction in the number of installation steps whilst reducing the thickness of the main insulation to achieve the same required U-Value. It can be used in conjunction with any type of insulation. HCONTROL HYBRID is available in rolls of 10m2 (1600mm wide), 45mm thick.
|BOOST'R HYBRID is a reflective breathable membrane with a built-in thermal performance for use on the cold-side of the building fabric in roofs, walls and suspended floors. BOOST’R HYBRID provides dual properties within a single product : A breathable membrane and insulation, allowing a reduction in the number of installation steps whilst reducing the thickness of the main insulation to achieve the same required U-Value. It can be used in conjunction with any type of insulation. BOOST'R HYBRID is available in rolls of 10m2 (1500 mm wide), 35mm thick.
|Accessibility - 100% antibacterial - Moderate traffic Wall - Handrails Ergonomic handrail providing high quality grip and fitting any building •Modularity: 17 accessories, technical solutions for stairs and service ducts •PVC sheath already installed on the aluminium profile •Closer and accessories matched with the smooth PVC profile •Easy cleaning due to perfect roundness and smooth continuous surface •Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material
|Warmth of wood - Hygiene - Light traffic Wall - Handrails Wood effect handrail combining warmth of wood with safety in corridors and stairways •Warmth of wood without the drawbacks of maintenance and resistance •Closer and accessories matched with the PVC wood finish profile •Modularity: 17 accessories, technical solutions for stairs and service ducts •Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material
|Elegance - Hygiene - Light traffic Wall - Handrails Elegant aluminium finish handrail ideal for corridors or stairs •Modularity: 17 accessories, technical solutions for stairs and service ducts •Closer matched with the anodised profile and providing a continuous ‘easy to clean’ surface •Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth material
Bjork 120 H
|Björk 120h is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the changing table surface. Birch 120h is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Audio Chair
|Audio is our bestseller. The model has an upholstered back and seat, solid construction, high comfort, space-saving, cleaning friendly and can be equipped with simple and functional writing tablet solution. Audio is supplied as standard without armrests. Available in three different back heights; low, medium and high. The legs can be attached on both horizontal and vertical steps and fixed on the ‘nose’ of the step. . Supplementary folding seats can be mounted directly on the wall. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Available with simple armrest. Simple writing tablet is available as in veneer or laminate with solid wood edging. Audio chairs can be mounted in a bow shape.
BeSeated Chair
|BeSeated is engineered and designed with future needs and solutions. The concept BeSeated is developed based on ideas from the user; modern, functional, thoughtful and flexible. BeSeated has clean, organic lines, manufactured in recyclable molded polypropylene (PP) plastic with polished aluminum details. BeSeated comes with high or low back. Single writing tablet in compact laminate, or fixed writing board in MDF. Front panel. Optional padded cushion on the seat, backrest and headrest Available with integrated power supply. Can be mounted on both vertical and horizontal steps and on boom. Textiles desired. Base and boom black eloxert aluminum.
ProSeat Chair
|ProSeat is our exclusive auditorium chair. The concept is built around a fundamental "backbone" to which all parts are attached. ProSeat is constructed with great flexibility and customization in mind, which allows configurations suitable to customer needs.The back rest is available in two heights; low, medium. Can be installed in all types of flooring, both horizontal and vertical steps, or on a beam. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Single writing tablet is available as in veneer or laminate with solid wood edging. Also available with a folding writing table in the armrest, type Wrimatic. Proseat can be mounted in a bow shape.
|Taklamakan was designed as suitable to the human body, taking its inspiration from the geometrical lines of daily life. It is named after China’s biggest sand desert and its look is reminiscent of sand dunes. Taklamakan brings depth to the space it is used in; and creates a natural and warm environment with its maple and white polycor options. Taklamakan is a registered product on an international scale with its ‘Design with Love, Love with Wood’ motto.
Entrance Door w/ Wall Reader
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik solution for single-leaf aluminium or steel entrance doors with a SCALA solo Wall Reader. SCALA is the universal electronic access control for the home and for properties of all sizes. Equipped with an Electric Strike and a Cam-Motion® Door Closer. Electric Strike with Face Plate ProFix® allows minimum fitting size – maximum effect. [LIST] Mortise Lock, OneSystem Standard project lock, Standard: EN 12209 Electric Strike with Face Plate, ProFix® (EPD-ASA-20150092-IBA1-EN) Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154 (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Access Control SCALA, Mini-Controller and Reader with Keypad Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Entrance Door w/ Panic Lock and Wall Reader
|ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik solution for single-leaf aluminium or steel entrance doors with a SCALA solo Wall Reader and a multi-functional self-locking lock. SCALA is the universal electronic access control. Door is also equipped with a Cam-Motion® Door Closer. When doors feature the MEDIATOR system, they are essentially locked on the outside, but, thanks to the panic function, users are able to exit buildings from the inside without a key at any time. Doors can also be opened using the access control system SCALA. [LIST] MEDIATOR Mortise Lock, mechanical, Standard: DIN EN 179 & 1125 MEDIATOR Electric Strike with Face Plate Security Fittings, ONE System (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Access Control SCALA, Mini-Controller and Reader with Keypad Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Education, School, University, Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Multi-Residential, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
Entrance Door High Security w/ Escape Route Terminal
|The ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik solution for highly secured entrance doors. In escape direction the door is also secured by an electric locking element which is powered and controlled via the Escape Door Control Terminal. The electric access control system SCALA (card reader and access code) is installed on the inside and outside to provide authorised door opening. The outside access control system is used for comfortable door opening against the escape route direction. The lock/door will be self-locked automatically as soon as the door closer has closed the door. [LIST] Multi-Point Panic Lock, Motorized, OnySystem, Standard: EN 179 and EN 1125 Security Fittings, OneSystem (Handle Inside + Fixed Knob Outside), Standard: DIN EN 1906, DIN EN 179, DIN 18273 Lead Cover Door Closer Cam-Motion®, Standard: DIN EN 1154, (EPD-ASA-20130275-IBC1-EN) Escape Door Control Device Escape Door Terminal, Flush-Mounted Escape Route Electric Strike incl. Strike Plate, (EPD-ASA-20150095-IBA1-EN) Access Control SCALA, with Software, Controller, Inside Reader, Outside Reader with Keypad O-Module to set, control and monitoring lock signals Power Supply [/LIST] Typical applications: Hotel, Hospital, Stadium, Multi Arena, Museum, Gallery, Shopping Mall, Bank, Industry, Office, Commercial, Congress, Health Care For more information, please contact us: www.assaabloy.de/kontakt-tuerloesungen/
CITRUS - Shower set with 3-position wall holder, in ABS
|Citrus shower set - Citrus handshower Ø 90 mm, - anti-scale system, - smooth anti-twist metal-look hose 1600 mm, - 3-position wall bracket, - flow rate: 9.5 l/min, - 4 spray options: relaxing, normal, intense and massage, - easy Care : Thanks to the flexible nozzles that prevent scale from settling, - easier installation : Spacers make bar installation easier.
CITRUS - Shower set with 3-position wall holder, in ABS
|Citrus shower set - Citrus handshower Ø 110 mm, - anti-scale system, - smooth anti-twist metal-look hose 1600 mm, - 3-position wall bracket, - flow rate: 9.5 l/min, - 5 spray options: soft, relax, normal, intense and massage, - easy care: Thanks to the flexible nozzles that prevent scale from settling, - easier installation : spacers make bar installation easier.
Rubin 9V
|The Rubin 9V is a roof tile model that is characterized by a flat portion merging into a roll. It is extensively used in Germany, and the Netherlands, with growing interest in recent years - particularly in large and small scale construction. Thanks to continuous improvements the Rubin 9V can also be used on flatter roofs from 10 ° - 15 ° For Instruction videos on how to apply the Monier Revit files, go to “Links” and “Instruction video”
Bjork 60
|Björk 60 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 80
|Björk 80 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 100
|Björk 100 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 120
|Björk 120 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 140
|Björk 140 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 180
|Björk 180 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table has two nursing beds on either side of an embedded washing area and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull out shower, drainage components, and 12 wire baskets suitable for nappy storage. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 220
|Björk 220 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has two nursing beds on either side of a washing area and comes equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower, drainage components and 12 wire baskets suitable for nappy storage. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Dubbel - Bjork 120H & Lyfta
|With the combination of Lyfta and Björk 120 with sink, you get a workspace that is height adjustable (30-110cm) and a workspace that has a fixed working height (90cm). These tables are equipped with phthalate-free mattresses and high rims. The changing table with washing area includes a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To save lifting Björk can be supplemented by steps (Trappan) or Stegen.
Dubbel - Bjork 120H & Manuela
|By combining Manuela with Björk 120 with sink you create a workspace that is height adjustable (75-105cm) and a workspace with a fixed working height (90cm). These tables are equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. The changing table with washing area includes a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To save lifting Manuela can be complemented by Stegen steps. With Bjork, you can select steps (Trappan) or Stegen.
Dubbel Tvattbank & Manuela
|Combining two Manuela units with the washing bench, Tvättbänk Björk, provides a secure and convenient double workspace. As Manuela is manually height adjustable (75-105cm), you can supplement Manulea with steps (Stegen). The bench is equipped with 4 wire baskets, drainage components, and a mixer tap with pull-out shower. Changing tables are delivered with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims.
Dubbel Tvattbank Vagg & Elit Vagg
|Two Elite vägg (wall) units, together with Tvättbänk Vägg, a wall washing bench, provide a very smooth and safe surface for nappy changing, making it even easier to clean as these units are mounted on the wall. Elite wall-mounted units are installed with the help of a rail on the wall and consist of an electric height-adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. To avoid heavy lifting Elite Vägg can be supplemented with Klättra climbing steps. The washing bench is equipped with 3 wire baskets, drainage components, and a mixer tap with pull-out shower. These tables are delivered with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims
Elin 80
|Elin 80 is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims.To avoid heavy lifting the changing table can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 80 is made of birch or white laminate.
Elin 100
|Elin 100 is an electrically height-adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims.To avoid heavy lifting the changing table can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 100 is made of birch or white laminate
Elin 120
|Elin 120 is an electrical height-adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid heavy lifting the changing table can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 120 is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 180
|Elite 180 is an electrical height-adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The table has two nursing beds on either side of a washing area and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elite 180 is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 60
|Fast 60 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table comes with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 80
|Fast 80 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table comes with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 100
|Fast 100 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 120
|Fast 120 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets
Fast 140
|Fast 140 has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 180
|Fast 180 has a base consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table has two working areas on each side of a central washing area and comes with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets.
Fast 220
|Fast 220 has a base consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. The changing table has two working areas on each side of a central washing area and comes with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets.
Bjork 100 H
|Björk 100h is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the table surface. Björk 100h is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children it can supplemented with the changing table steps, Trappan or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate
Bjork 100 V
|Björk 100v is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the table surface. Björk 100v is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children the changing table can be supplemented with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 120 V
|Björk 120v is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the table surface. Björk 120v is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 140 H
|Björk 140h is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the changing table surface. Björk 140h is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 140 V
|Björk 140V is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the table surface. Björk 140V is equipped with 6 wire baskets (suitable for nappy storage) a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Elin 100 H
|Elin 100h is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the changing table surface. It is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting the changing table can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 100h is available in birch or white laminate.
Elin 100 V
|Elin 100v is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the changing table surface. It comes equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting the changing table can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 100v is available in birch or white laminate.
Elin 120 H
|Elin 120h is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components.To avoid heavy lifting it can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 120h is available in birch or white laminate.
Elin 120 V
|Elin 120v is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting it can be complemented with Klätta steps. Elin120v is available in birch or white laminate.
Elin 140 H
|Elin 140h is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting it can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 140h is available in birch or white laminate
Elin 140 V
|Elin 140v is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting the table can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elin 140v is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 100 H
|Elite 100h is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elite 100h is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 100 V
|Elite 100v is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with changing Klättra steps. Elite 100v is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 120 H
|Elit120h is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. Elite 120h is available in birch or white laminate. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps.
Elit 120 V
|Elite 120v is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. Elite 120v is available in birch or white laminate. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps.
Elit 140 H
|Elite 140h is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elit140h is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 140 V
|Elite 140V is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elite 140V is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 100 H
|Fast 100h has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 100h has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 100 V
|Fast 100v has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 100v has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 120 H
|Fast 120h has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 120h has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 120 V
|Fast 120v has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 120v has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 140 H
|Fast 140h has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 140h has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface and is supplied with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets. The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Fast 140V
|Fast 140V has a construction consisting of a grey painted steel frame with room for many storage baskets. The table surface is coated with birch or white laminate. Fast 140v has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid lifting, you can supplement with changing table steps without removing any baskets The changing tavle is available in birch or white laminate.
Lyfta 140 H
|Lyfta 140 is a nursingtable with or without a built-in washing area to the right or left. Lyfta is a changing table that requires neither ladders nor stairs but still meets the need to mini- mize the number of lifts up onto the changing table. Lyfta has a minimum hight that is so low that children can easily climb up on the changing table from floor level. Then it is a simple matter of setting the correct working height with the controller.
Elin 80 Corian
|Elin 80 Corian is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress and high rims.To avoid heavy lifting the changing table can be complemented with Klättra steps. The changing table is made in Corian® material.
Elin 120 H Corian
|Elin 120h Corian is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components.To avoid heavy lifting it can be complemented with Klättra steps. The changing table is made in Corian® material.
Elin 120 V Corian
|Elin 120v Corian is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a working height between 60-110 cm. The changing table has a washing area which is embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting it can be complemented with Klättra steps. The changing table is made in Corian® material.
Elit Vagg 100 H
|Elite 100h Vagg is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with changing Klättra steps.The changing table is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit Vagg 100 V
|Elite 100v Vagg is an wall-mounted, electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with changing Klättra steps.The changing table is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 120 H Corian
|Elit120h is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. Elite 120h is available in Corian®. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps.
Elit Vagg 120 H
|Elite 120h Vagg is an wall-mounted, electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the right on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with changing Klättra steps.The changing table is available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 120 V Corian
|Elite 120v Corian is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. Elite 120v is available in Corian®. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps.
Elit Vagg 120 V
|Elite 120v Vagg is an electrical height adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The changing table has a washing area embedded to the left on the changing table surface. The changing table is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with changing Klättra steps.The changing table is available in birch or white laminate.
Smooth Brown Mieres
|Brown Mieres has the lightest tone within the brown range, located in a chromatic scale between brown and red. Keeping on with current market demands, La Paloma Cerámicas offers a wide range of possibilities for projects that address this range of color. The 4-face finish allows maximum use of two stretches, saving on costs in terraces, internal partitions, fences etc. Natural and permanent Colour. The beauty of the wirecut bricks produced by La Paloma Cerámicas is permanent because it is achieved naturally, without additives, by way of a special treatment of the atmosphere within the kiln. This gives façades a prestigious appearance and raises the added value of the building. Suitable for extreme temperatures. For the saline and humid enviroments along the coast, the harshness of the mountain climates, the enourmous frost on the Spanish Meseta. Stoneware brick is the best one for withstanding the most adverse external agents. Low absorption and does not efflorescence. Since they are fired at 1,300 °C, they have very low porosity and, therefore, minimum absorption, considerably lower than that required by the regulations, so it does not cause frost and does not have any efflorescence.
Wille 3-tray freestanding with coat hanger and bench
|With Wille rail system with wall rails and stand-alone modules, you can finally give large and small environments awaited feature, structure and aesthetics. Everything from the whole decor of the large media library, a small smart shoe shelf under the stairs. Steel cabinet that serves as a mini-workstation. Space for PC, holes for charging.
STRUKTURA - Shower bath - 170 x 75cm
|Struktura bath - Dimension 170 x 75cm, - with adjustable feet, - volume 192 liters, - showering comfort : wide, flat-bottomed showering zone comparable to a 90 x 75 cm shower tray - ingenious : flush-fit waste in open position, - bathing enjoyment : raised back, - easier access : height reduced to 51 cm for easier step in.
Victoria EN - European standard
|The escalator for extended travel and high-traffic areas. Victoria stands for high performance, steps ahead of the rest. Thanks to a unique technology, this escalator bridges conveyance heights of up to 75 metres and meets the highest standards in all environments – indoors and out. As the market leader in traffic installations, Victoria also features an innovative safety concept, optimum ride comfort and economical energy-saving systems running up to 24h/day. Individual weather packages guarantee trouble-free operation and ensure lasting value, for instance with standard profiles and bases made of stainless steel, or the use of a direct handrail.
Lira 10
|Step light for outdoor applications; surface mounted (wall); body in die-cast aluminium alloy EN AB 47100, screen in microprismatic glass; finish: anthracite, white, cor-ten, grey; 18 mid power LEDs; 6W - 230Vac; built in power supply unit; includes 1.5 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 3x1.0 Ø7 mm; total delivered lumens: 368 lm (3000K, white finish); asymmetrical optics; LED colour: white - 2700K, 3000K, 4000K; ingress protection: IP65; impact resistance: IK08; operating temperature: -10°C +45°C; screen temperature: max 40°C (Ta 25°C); photobiological safety: risk group 1 in accordance with EN62471:2006; appliance class: I; weight 0.53 kg; dimensions 124x101x32 mm; accessories: outer casing WC0301
Victoria ASME - US standard
|The escalator for extended travel and high-traffic areas. Victoria stands for high performance, steps ahead of the rest. Thanks to a unique technology, this escalator bridges conveyance heights of up to 75 metres and meets the highest standards in all environments – indoors and out. As the market leader in traffic installations, Victoria also features an innovative safety concept, optimum ride comfort and economical energy-saving systems running up to 24h/day. Individual weather packages guarantee trouble-free operation and ensure lasting value, for instance with standard profiles and bases made of stainless steel, or the use of a direct handrail.
Centre pivot roof window FTP-V U3 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTP-V U3, manufactured in pine, vacuum impregnated and coated with acrylic lacquer roof window. Dedicated for roof pitches from 15 to 90 degrees. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when rotated through 180 degrees. The handle is located at the bottom of the sash and it's equipped with a two step micro-opening facilty. A wide range of accessories. Ability to install electrical controls. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Centre pivot roof window FTP-V U5 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTP-V U5, manufactured in pine, vacuum impregnated and coated with acrylic lacquer roof window. Dedicated for roof pitches from 15 to 90 degrees. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when rotated through 180 degrees. The handle is located at the bottom of the sash and it's equipped with a two step micro-opening facilty. A wide range of accessories. Ability to install electrical controls. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
|The Heliodor system is characterized by a subtle finish and invisible frames. The doors equipped with the Comfort Touch function work on the basis of the “push and open” principle. For this reason they are silent and safe for your fingers. Heliodor is a unique solution on a global scale which owing to invisible framing fits into the latest trends in interior arrangement and modern design. The system is dedicated to demanding customers who seek elegance and uncommon solutions. Used for the doors, they provide the fronts with a delicate look and as a result the wardrobe is not only a piece of furniture but a discreet and unobtrusive accent which determines the climate and the style of the interior. Main advantage: • Innovative system enabling door assembly with the invisible or very thin frame. • Possibility of using polished glass as a filling. • Comfort Touch air-spring closing the door softly and quietly. • “Push and Open” mechanism opening the door after touching. • No handles or frames, concealed sliding mechanism. • Perfect for people appreciating a modern minimalist look. Available options: • sliding doors – glued glass • sliding doors – assembled glass • sliding door with divisions Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
Doblo Beige
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Bianco
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Grafit
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Nero
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Silver
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Grys
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
Doblo Umbra
|Versatile, but gorgeous grey Are you a fan of the modern and minimalistic style? Are all shades of grey your favourite colours? If so, the Doblo collection is perfect for you! The colours found in this collection are delicate Grit, expressive Graphite, strong Nero, and all of this has been enriched by neutral Bianco. The versatility, but also the variety of the Doblo collection is plain to see not only in a wide range of colours, but also in the varied types of surfaces. You can choose a delicate and silky satin, noble and shiny polish and clearly outlined structure. To make it as easy as possible to arrange any surface and facilitate the creation of an interior in your style, the collection has many elements, such as decorative stripes and stair treads. There are many possibilities – from raw industrial interiors to timeless modernity and minimalism.
0-10V Heating/Cooling Fan-Coil Thermostat - CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10
|<p>The CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10 thermostat enables precision 0-10 Volt control of fan coil unit (FCU) HVAC systems.&nbsp; &nbsp;Achieve variable heating, cooling, and fan speed control in hotels, apartments, or other multi-dwelling residences.&nbsp; Built with versatility and energy efficiency in mind, this thermostat has the additional benefit of a built-in passive-infrared (PIR) sensor to ensure that energy spent on climate control is never wasted on a vacant room.&nbsp; Whether used as a standalone unit or as part of a complete Crestron® control system, the CHV-TSTAT-FCU-PIR-10 delivers superior functionality in a stylish wall mount design – a complement to any décor.</p> <p>The backlit LCD display and large, easy-to-read pushbuttons make this thermostat easy to navigate and use.&nbsp; The screen displays useful information such as the current room temperature, setpoint, mode, and fan setting.&nbsp; Pushbuttons for raising and lowering the temperature, putting the unit in Heat or Cool mode, adjusting the fan speed, and toggling between temperature scales complete the sleek look and intuitive controls of this thermostat. &nbsp;Climate control features include separate heating and cooling setpoints, with an optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® wired communications,[1] a simple 4-wire network bus that acts as the communications backbone for Crestron lighting dimmers, keypads, shades, thermostats, and other devices. Integrate the thermostat network with any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, to enable global temperature and humidity adjustments from any thermostat in the system. Access automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers through two custom remote-function pages.&nbsp; Customized text messages such as maintenance reminders and other alerts can be sent to every thermostat’s LCD display via the control system.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>0-10 Volt FCU thermostat for variable heating, cooling, and fan speed control<br>Additional heating relay for traditional heating elements<br>Built-in PIR sensor to detect room vacancy for energy efficiency<br>Cresnet® communications<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Large, easy-to-use front panel buttons for heating, cooling, fan speed, temperature scale, and temperature adjustments<br>Wall-mount installation</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Unit is a fully functional standalone thermostat. Cresnet communications are for networking or control system integration.</p>
|The gracefully designed sash in our sliding doors lets in more light and provides greater freedom for the architect. The lift and slide feature makes it easy to open and close. The outside handle is recessed and the interior handle is of a unique Let there be light design - visible fittings in brushed stainless steel add to the solid and elegant design. A lever mechanism allows for a weightless lift when the doors are opened. The sliding doors are available in many of the most common and most suitable wood types, with or without aluminium profiles on the outside. They are supplied untreated, stained or lacquered and are available in all colours on the NCS and RAL scale.
|The gracefully designed sash in our sliding doors lets in more light and provides greater freedom for the architect. The lift and slide feature makes it easy to open and close. The outside handle is recessed and the interior handle is of a unique Let there be light design - visible fittings in brushed stainless steel add to the solid and elegant design. A lever mechanism allows for a weightless lift when the doors are opened. The sliding doors are available in many of the most common and most suitable wood types, with or without aluminium profiles on the outside. They are supplied untreated, stained or lacquered and are available in all colours on the NCS and RAL scale.
|The gracefully designed sash in our sliding doors lets in more light and provides greater freedom for the architect. The lift and slide feature makes it easy to open and close. The outside handle is recessed and the interior handle is of a unique Let there be light design - visible fittings in brushed stainless steel add to the solid and elegant design. A lever mechanism allows for a weightless lift when the doors are opened. The sliding doors are available in many of the most common and most suitable wood types, with or without aluminium profiles on the outside. They are supplied untreated, stained or lacquered and are available in all colours on the NCS and RAL scale.
|The gracefully designed sash in our sliding doors lets in more light and provides greater freedom for the architect. The lift and slide feature makes it easy to open and close. The outside handle is recessed and the interior handle is of a unique Let there be light design - visible fittings in brushed stainless steel add to the solid and elegant design. A lever mechanism allows for a weightless lift when the doors are opened. The sliding doors are available in many of the most common and most suitable wood types, with or without aluminium profiles on the outside. They are supplied untreated, stained or lacquered and are available in all colours on the NCS and RAL scale.
|The gracefully designed sash in our sliding doors lets in more light and provides greater freedom for the architect. The lift and slide feature makes it easy to open and close. The outside handle is recessed and the interior handle is of a unique Let there be light design - visible fittings in brushed stainless steel add to the solid and elegant design. A lever mechanism allows for a weightless lift when the doors are opened. The sliding doors are available in many of the most common and most suitable wood types, with or without aluminium profiles on the outside. They are supplied untreated, stained or lacquered and are available in all colours on the NCS and RAL scale.
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Tuttomassa porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft colors with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, White, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft colors with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, White, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft colors with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, White, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft colors with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, White, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft colors with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, White, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft colors with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, White, rectified.
|Porcelain tile with cement texture, soft color and moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for all residential and commercial internal or external areas of medium traffic, including swimming pool decks, external stairs and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Available in polished, natural or satin versions. Gray, cement, satin, natural, polished, rectified, anti-slip
|Porcelain tile with cement texture, soft color and moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for all residential and commercial internal or external areas of medium traffic, including swimming pool decks, external stairs and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Available in polished, natural or satin versions. Gray, cement, satin, natural, polished, rectified, anti-slip
|Porcelain tile with cement texture, soft color and moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for all residential and commercial internal or external areas of medium traffic, including swimming pool decks, external stairs and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Available in polished, natural or satin versions. Gray, cement, satin, natural, polished, rectified, anti-slip
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, included swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination (ABS version). Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Stone, Anti-slip, beige, bold.
|Glazed porcelain tile with stone texture, soft colors with moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, included swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination (ABS version). Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Stone, Anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with stone texture and soft color with moderate shaded variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Stone, anti-slip, gray, rectified.
|Porcelain tile with soft marbled texture and moderate shade variation, indicated for internal areas of intense traffic. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. White, polished,marble, satin, rectified.
|Porcelain tile with soft marbled texture and moderate shade variation, indicated for internal areas of intense traffic. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. White, polished,marble, satin, rectified.
|Glazed porcelain tile with stone texture, neutral colors and moderate shade variation among pieces. Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 3mm. Gray, cement, beige, brown, stone, satin, bold.
|Plus porcelain tile with wood texture and high shade variation among pieces Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Wood, satin, brown, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with wood texture and high shade variation among pieces Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Wood, satin, brown, rectified.
|Plus porcelain tile with wood texture and high shade variation among pieces Indicated for internal and external areas, commercial or residential, of intense traffic, including swimming pool, external stair and ramps with maximum 10% inclination. Minimum joint recommended of 1mm. Wood, satin, brown, rectified.
|ALZATINA is an accessory element of CLIMABLOCK® for height compensation of the walls made with the CLIMABLOCK® construction system of Pontarolo Engineering spa. ALZATINA is made in EPS Twinpor in the measures of H 5 – 10 – 20 – 40 cm, with thicknesses of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. CLIMABLOCK® is an ICF-like technology to create structural insulated walls. These stay-in-place forming elements in EPS CS(10)150 Twinpor permit to cast a steel reinforced wall with an outer and an inner insulation layer in EPS, in just one step. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economic way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation.- Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
|CLIMABLOCK® is an ICF-like technology to create structural insulated walls. These stay-in-place forming elements in EPS CS(10)150 Twinpor permit to cast a steel reinforced wall with an outer and an inner insulation layer in EPS, in just one step. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economic way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation. - Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort. Linear and corner elements are available as well as many accessories like ALZATINA the height compensation element.
Climablock External Corner Element
|CLIMABLOCK® Outside Corner is a stay-in-place form for walls made of two parallel insulating panels 40 cm height forming a 90° corner in EPS TWINPOR facing each other and hold together by plastic webs of a certain measure that defines the thickness of the concrete wall: can be of 16,2 (17 nominal) and 19,2 (20 nominal). The internal insulating panel is 6,4 cm thick, while the external insulating panel can be of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. CLIMABLOCK® is an ICF-like technology to create structural insulated walls. These stay-in-place forming elements in EPS CS(10)150 Twinpor permit to cast a steel reinforced wall with an outer and an inner insulation layer in EPS, in just one step. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economical way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation. - Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
Climablock Internal Corner Element
|CLIMABLOCK® Inside Corner is a stay-in-place form for walls made of two parallel insulating panels 40 cm height forming a 90° corner in EPS TWINPOR facing each other and hold together by plastic webs of a certain measure that defines the thickness of the concrete wall: can be of 16,2 (17 nominal) and 19,2 (20 nominal). The internal insulating panel is 6,4 cm thick, while the external insulating panel can be of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. CLIMABLOCK® is an ICF-like technology to create structural insulated walls. These stay-in-place forming elements in EPS CS(10)150 Twinpor permit to cast a steel reinforced wall with an outer and an inner insulation layer in EPS, in just one step. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economical way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation. - Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
Nova C Bench Curved 30
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Bench Curved 90
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Back Concave 30
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Back Concave 60
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Back Concave 90
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Back Convex 30
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Back Convex 90
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Double Curved 30
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Endpiece 180
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Back S-curve Right
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
Nova C Back S-curve Left
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
IOU Bench Straight
|IOU means what is borrowed from nature should be returned. The planks of IOU are made of upcycled wood from the Kährs’ floor factory in southern Sweden. Fantastic solid material of oak and other woods that is sorted out by the flooring industry, and otherwise burned for heat. The frame is made of recycled steel – and can be recycled again. The signature curvature of IOU allows grand configurations in scale with grand interiors. The bench shapes a seamless seating line that enables natural flow control. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And IOU is endlessly configurable - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor or ground. The sections can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
IOU Bench 45
|IOU means what is borrowed from nature should be returned. The planks of IOU are made of upcycled wood from the Kährs’ floor factory in southern Sweden. Fantastic solid material of oak and other woods that is sorted out by the flooring industry, and otherwise burned for heat. The frame is made of recycled steel – and can be recycled again. The signature curvature of IOU allows grand configurations in scale with grand interiors. The bench shapes a seamless seating line that enables natural flow control. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And IOU is endlessly configurable - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor or ground. The sections can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
IOU Back Straight
|IOU means what is borrowed from nature should be returned. The planks of IOU are made of upcycled wood from the Kährs’ floor factory in southern Sweden. Fantastic solid material of oak and other woods that is sorted out by the flooring industry, and otherwise burned for heat. The frame is made of recycled steel – and can be recycled again. The signature curvature of IOU allows grand configurations in scale with grand interiors. The bench shapes a seamless seating line that enables natural flow control. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And IOU is endlessly configurable - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor or ground. The sections can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
IOU Back Concave 45
|IOU means what is borrowed from nature should be returned. The planks of IOU are made of upcycled wood from the Kährs’ floor factory in southern Sweden. Fantastic solid material of oak and other woods that is sorted out by the flooring industry, and otherwise burned for heat. The frame is made of recycled steel – and can be recycled again. The signature curvature of IOU allows grand configurations in scale with grand interiors. The bench shapes a seamless seating line that enables natural flow control. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And IOU is endlessly configurable - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor or ground. The sections can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
IOU Back Convex 45
|IOU means what is borrowed from nature should be returned. The planks of IOU are made of upcycled wood from the Kährs’ floor factory in southern Sweden. Fantastic solid material of oak and other woods that is sorted out by the flooring industry, and otherwise burned for heat. The frame is made of recycled steel – and can be recycled again. The signature curvature of IOU allows grand configurations in scale with grand interiors. The bench shapes a seamless seating line that enables natural flow control. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And IOU is endlessly configurable - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor or ground. The sections can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new.
|Evo Round shower kit, 110 mm diameter handshower with anti-limescale system. 3 functions (rain effect, massage, air) selectable through Navigo technology. Perfectly working starting from a pressure of 0.1 bar. Easy-to-clean nozzles to prevent scale build-up. Flow reducer at 8 l / min. Wall support with inclinationregolabile. Tubo flessibile Idealflex, in materiale plastico con effetto metallico da 1750 mm.
MB-TT50 Curtain wall system
|<p>The new, modern MB-TT50 curtain wall system goes a step ahead in functionality and effectiveness compared to classic crossbar facades. It offers exceptional insulation and weather performance achieved by special 3 zone cascade drainage and ventilation of the glazing rebates. Its innovative construction enables to reasonably reduce the time required to manufacture and construct the complete curtain wall. It is designed to serve as the base system for security anti burglary and fire rated varieties.</p> <p>Features and benefits:</p> <ul><li>enhanced thermal insulation</li><li>glazing up to 56 mm</li><li>large selection of angle connections to enable greater design flexibility</li><li>high capacity mullion-transom connections (2,5 KN) coupled with wide range of glazing to allow the use of large size, heavy glazing panes</li><li>transom-transom constructions option</li><li>3 zone drainage and ventilation system reinforced with set of gaskets to provide protection against the most unfavorable weather conditions</li><li>selection of windows and doors available including roof vents, concealed vents and parallel windows</li><li>semi structural EFEKT glazing option</li><li>compliance with CE marking requirements</li></ul>
|<p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT&nbsp; Hydro EPS 100 λ 36 are produced in compliance with the PN-EN 13163:2012+A1:2015 harmonized European standard, according to which they have the following code:</p> <p>EPS – EN 13163-T(1)-L(3)-W(3)-S(5)-P(5)-BS150-CS(10)100-DS(N)2-DS(70,-)1</p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT&nbsp; Hydro EPS 100 λ 36 boards are manufactured in a double polystyrene expansion process, owing to it great thermal properties and the application facility.<br></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT Hydro EPS 100 λ 36 polystyrene boards are recommended for use in places where the payloads do not exceed 3000 kg / m<sup>2</sup>.</p> <p><strong>For proper use of panels on underground elements of the object, a functional anti-moisture insulation should be made on their surface.</strong></p> <p>PURPOSE</p> <p>Thermal insulation of underground construction elements<br>Protection of waterproofing against mechanical damage<br>Drainage (along with a nonwoven fabric)<br>Thermal insulation of plinths in the ETICS (formerly "light-wet" or<br>BSO)<br>Elimination of linear thermal bridges<br>Thermal insulation of terraces, also "green" (no vehicular traffic)</p> <p><strong>Special waterproof properties:</strong></p> <p>Plates produced from the mold, not cut from the block, which guarantees their high repeatability and dimensionality as well as increased hydrophobicity<br>LARGE PANEL DIMENSIONS 1200 x 600 mm - significantly accelerate assembly<br>A small-sized grid and scale on the surface makes it easier to cut and place plates<br>The drainage duct system guarantees drainage of water and moisture<br>The boards are resistant to humus acids in the soil.</p>
Betontrappe 1
Søren Jensen | 1441088289Fra kælder til etage 0
Betontrappe, skakt, fra E7 til E8
Søren Jensen | 1441088409Trappe fra etage 7 til etage 8 H = 3700
Concrete Landing 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Concrete Landing 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Ömer Talha Yağcı | 1462358780 -
Steel Landing 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Steel Landing 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Wooden Landing 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Wooden Landing 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723