Air Source Heat Pump 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Concrete pump
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992532D view dependent, line drawing concrete pump vehicle
Concrete Pump 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D vehicle-mounted concrete pump on top, side or front view.
Sign Extinguishing Water Booster Pump
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Extinguishing Water Pump
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy Wall is a small vertical garden, which can be hengd on the wall. It is available in a different color combination of the panels and frame. It has small integrated water reservoar of 3,5 liters with water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and level senzor.
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy is a self standing vertical garden with 50 liters water reservoir, water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and optionally with solenoid valve for automatic water filling.
Air Source Heat Pump 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Pompa Air Jet Pump
Harbayu Budhi | 1618849608Pompa Air Jet Pump Sample BIM Object
Машина моечно-дезинфекционная Steelco DS 800
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1568833904DS 750/800 - моечно-дезинфицирующие машины. Используются в медицинских учреждениях различного профиля для мойки, дезинфекции и сушки хирургического инструментария, наркозно-дыхательной аппаратуры, офтальмологических инструментов, операционной обуви, детских бутылочек, лабораторной посуды и контейнеров. В машинах реализована система предварительного нагрева воды необходимой на фазах мойки, ополаскивания и дезинфекции, осуществляемая в бустерных баках (опционально). Данная опция значительно сокращает общее время цикла. Управление осуществляется с помощью цветного сенсорного дисплея. Систему управления STEELCOTRONIC имеет 65 настраиваемых программ. Есть возможность использовать дополнительные сенсоры, которые входят в стандартную комплектацию. Данные датчики позволяют определить тип вставляемой моечной вставки и правильность ее позиционирования в камере. Designed to meet the increasing reprocessing needs of CSSD, this washer disinfector is available in standard or Fast Cycle configurations saving cycle time and reaching higher levels of energy and water savings (12 DIN 1/1 net basket capacity). The machines assure consistently tested and efficient washing-disinfecting performances thanks to a new washing system technology made by a vertical installed washing pump that grants also a complete drain of the washing circuit. HEPA-filtered H14 forced air drying distribution on double circuit grants a perfect distribution of air on all chamber parts and basket levels ensuring the complete inside and outside drying of all the surgical instruments and tubes. DS 800 models are compatible with Steelco ATS - Automatic Transfer System.
Concrete Pump Symbol 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D vehicle-mounted concrete pump on top, side or front view.
Sign Extinguishing Water Booster Pump
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Extinguishing Water Pump
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
M4266 - Volumetric infusion pump
|Volumetric infusion pump. Pump is self-regulating with automatic sensor and adjustable rate. Equipped with visual and audible alarms and up to 10 hour capacity battery. For the administration of a wide variety of therapeutic agents where precise control is required. Unit provides individual control to IV lines simultaneously.
M4250 - Pump, Syringe, Infusion
|The infusion syringe pump ensures highly accurate volume delivery and consistent flow for small volumes (<50 ml) of pharmacologic agents or thick feeding solutions. It shall be small, lightweight construction, making it transportable. Shall have menu-driven programming capable of flow rates (e.g. 0.1 or 1.0 mL/hr) that are intended for long-term bedside use and/or critical care patient transport, plunger positioning sensor, LCD display for easy viewing, volume limit programming to serve as a convenient cue of volume or dose delivery completion and multiple delivery modes for all applications requiring precisely controlled infusion rates. The infusion pump shall have automatic syringe size sensing which will give the flexibility to accept a wide range of syringe sizes (up to 60 mL) from different manufacturers. Shall be battery powered/AC adapter.
M4265 - Pump, Volumetric, Infusion, Single Line
|Volumetric infusion pump. Pump is self-regulating with automatic sensor and adjustable rate. Unit is equipped with audible and visual alarms. The battery is rated for 5 hours at 125 ml/hr minimal. Pump is used for the administration of a wide variety of therapeutic agents where precise control is required.
M4275 - Pump, Continuous, Analgesia (PCA)
|Continuous analgesia pump. Also known as a PCA or patient controlled analgesia pump. The unit provides a controlled, continuous or as required (PRN) dose of analgesia medications for postoperative patients. The patient can control administration of the prescribed drug up to a preset rate. The unit can be mounted to an IV pole and/or be small enough to be carried in a pouch. Use of this device speeds patient ambulation and reduces the length of hospital stays. Depending on the manufacturer, electrical requirements refer to either the unit itself or the battery recharging unit.
M4811 - Pump, Intra-Aortic, Balloon
|Intra-aortic balloon pump. Item is used to treat cardiogenic shock resulting from extensive myocardial injury or damage. The pump shall function from line or battery power and is to be a mobile unit. It contains physiological monitoring, pacing, and pumping capabilities. It requires minimal set-up time and has immediate pumping capability. Adjustments can be accomplished without interruption of pumping. The monitor can be mounted remotely for the clinicians convenience and permits viewing of both cardio-pulmonary bypass and intra-aortic balloon pump simultaneously. The pump is designed for use in the critical care unit, operating room, cardiac cath lab and during transport.
Tork Elevation® Foam Soap Automatic Dispenser, White
|Tork Elevation® Foam Soap Automatic Dispenser delivers a touchfree luxurious handwashing experience. The sealed refill bottle with a single use pump provides quick and easy maintenance while reducing any potential for cross contamination. 2,500 doses of soap provides a high capacity and minimizes maintenance time and LED indicators signal when a refill or new batteries are needed. ADA Compliant. Also available in Black 571608.
Tork Elevation® Foam Soap Automatic Dispenser, Black
|Tork Elevation® Foam Soap Automatic Dispenser delivers a touchfree luxurious handwashing experience. The sealed refill bottle with a single use pump provides quick and easy maintenance while reducing any potential for cross contamination. 2,500 doses of soap provides a high capacity and minimizes maintenance time and LED indicators signal when a refill or new batteries are needed. ADA Compliant. Also available in White 571600.
D4001 - Compressor, Dental Air, System
|Dental air compressor system. Two or more equally sized compressors, with provisions for automatic, alternating and simultaneous operation shall be provided for dental air (DA). Each compressor is to be sized to operate at 65% duty cycle for maintenance of standard demand. Dental compressed air (DCA), 90 PSIG, is used for utility control in dental units, power for lifts, locks, rotary and other pneumatic dental instruments and equipment. DCA shall be oil-free air with the following air standards as maximums: Water - dry to a pressure dew point of 33 degrees F at not less than 90 PSIG; Condensed hydrocarbons - 0.1ppm by weight or 0.1 mg/L; Permanent particulates - 1.0 ppm by weight or 1.0 mg/L. Dental lab air (DLA), 30 PSIG, which is normally used for laboratory restorative and fabrication techniques may be combined with DCA. The system consists of, but not limited to, the following: compressor intake filters, compressors, after-coolers (air cooled), air receiver, pre-filter, dryer (refrigerated), after-filter. Pricing, electrical data and dimensions based upon 16-17 DTRs , each pump sized at approximately 17.5 cfm @ 100 PSIG. Other sizes and configurations are available to meet specified demands.
L1075 - Bath, Cryoprecipitate Thawing
|A 17 gallon cryoprecipitate thawing water bath or equivalent. Unit designed to operate at plus 4 degrees centigrade for thawing units of cryoprecipitate in the blood bank. Unit includes both heating (650 watts) and cooling systems (1/4 HP) to maintain a constant temperature plus or minus 0.02 degrees centigrade around a plus 4 degree centigrade operating temperature. Unit includes dual stage circulating pump to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the tank. Unit capable of thawing twelve (12), 250ml plasma bags in approximately 2 hours.
L1660 - Cell Washer/Centrifuge
|Combination cell washer and centrifuge. The unit has two fixed speeds of 3600 or 12000 RPM. It is a microprocessor controlled unit with a programmable memory that can hold up to four wash cycles. It has a built-in peristaltic pump with a drain, dual angle rotor, low saline level alarm and uses 10 X 75mm or 12 X 75mm tubes. Used for compatibility testing, cytological studies and other laboratory applications.
L1950 - Demineralizer, Water, Floor Mounted
|Floor mounted water demineralizer. The unit has a one half to three gpm capacity. It has two beds, automatic calibration, purity meter, recirculation pump and disposable cartridges. The system continuously recirculates to discourage growth. Used to produce high purity water for laboratory use. May also be wall mounted.
M1715 - Hemodialysis Unit, Hollow Fiber or Plate
|Complete hemodialysis unit using either hollow fiber or plate type dialyzers. Unit is freestanding in a wheeled cabinet and include water connection, concentrate pickup pump, proportioner, conductivity monitor, dialysate heater, blood pump, heparin pump, arterial pressure monitor, venous pressure monitor, TMP monitor, air/foam detector, optical detector, blood leak detector, power failure alarm, and remote alarm contacts. Accommodates single needle, two pump procedures. Database information reflects mobile units which carry their own water purification systems. Predominately stationary units within a clinic area can operate from a central water purification system. Electrical circuit should include a ground fault interrupter. Variations of this equipment include versions for pediatric use and peritoneal dialysis (JSN M4860). Optional equipment includes blood pressure monitoring and a variety of waste handling options.
M8525 - Laser, Surgical, CO2, Mobile
|CO2, mobile, surgical laser. Unit consists of a laser tube containing the laser medium laser pump, cooling system and an aiming system enclosed in a wheeled steel frame. Unit delivers up to 80 watts-on tissue. It includes a microprocessor based control, variable operation and delivery modes, regulated gas system and a spring-balanced articulated arm. Designed for a variety of therapeutic procedures, to create a surgical incision, to excise or necrose deeper tissues or for oblation of delicate tissue.
M8527 - Laser, Surgical, KTP
|KTP, mobile, surgical laser. Unit consists of a laser tube containing the medium laser pump, cooling system, and aiming system, enclosed in a wheeled steel frame. Unit delivers 50 milli-Watts to 36 watts at resonator. It includes a microprocessor based control, variable operation and delivery modes, regulated gas system, and a spring-balanced articulated arm. Designed for a variety of therapeutic procedures, to create a surgical incision, to excise or necrose deeper tissues.
M8605 - Endoscopy Cart, Fiberoptic, Basic
|Endoscopic procedure cart. System contains a cart, light source, heat probe unit, electrosurgical unit, insufflator and a suction pump. This cart does not contain an endoscope or video equipment and does not support video endoscopes. Refer to JSNs M8500-M8550 for endoscopes and JSNs M8606-M8607 for fiberoptic endoscope video carts. Each cart can support one or more types of endoscopes and should be specifically tailored to its intended use. Database pricing and physical information are for a higher cost system which contains one of each of the above components.
|The expansive Grandee hot tub comfortably seats a party of seven, with room for everyone to enjoy state-of-the-art jets, a two-speed jet pump, and two seats with patented Moto-Massage DX jets. It also features advanced innovations like an insulating hinge seal, 100% no-bypass filtration for cleaner water and the soothing BellaFontana® fountain feature.
510580 1L soap dispenser polished stainless steel
|Liquid soap dispenser with soft-touch operation. Vandal-resistant model with lock and standard DELABIE key. One-piece hinged cover for easy maintenance and improved hygiene. Push-button with soft-touch operation. Anti-blocking: single dose per press, even if the button is pressed for prolonged periods. Waste preventing, non-drip (waterproof) pump dispenser. Reservoir prevents long-term stagnation of soap. Window for monitoring soap level. 304 stainless steel, bright polished finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1mm. Capacity: 1 litre. Dimensions: 90 x 105 x 252mm. For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s. 10-year warranty.
EGO Easy 32-80
|High efficiency wet rotor circulator pump with threaded or flanged fitting, permanent magnet motor and integrated electronic control. “Ego” is a cutting-edge range of high efficiency wet rotor electronic circulators that fully comply with European Directive ErP 2009/125/CE. All Ego circulators feature the ECM technology (electronically commuted motor with rotor equipped with permanent magnets), that enables automatic and continuous regulation of the pump (flow rate/head) depending on the actual requirements of the system, ensuring important energy savings. All models include inputs/outputs, analogic signal, ethernet connection, modbus communication and have a unique display to make them user-friendly. Ego are available in single or twin version, with threaded or flange fittings. Ego circulators are specifically designed for heating systems and circulation of liquids in air-conditioning systems. The pumps are suitable for single-pipe systems, two-pipe systems, underfloor heating systems and mixing loops of great installations. Some models are suitable for circulation at temperatures below 0°C (they are, therefore, particularly recommended for air-conditioning and/or refrigeration systems).
Heating/Cooling and Humidity Thermostat - CHV-THSTAT
|<p>The CHV-THSTAT is a versatile heating and cooling thermostat with integrated humidistat designed for one- and two- stage control of forced air, radiant, and heat pump HVAC systems. Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-THSTAT delivers greatly enhanced functionality as part of a complete home automation system from Crestron®. Available in white, black, or almond, the stylish wall mount design is a complement to any décor.<br>The large backlit LCD display, navigable using four simple pushbuttons, provides easy access to indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity readings, setpoint adjustments, system mode and fan status indicators, and setup menus. Climate control features include separate heating, cooling, and humidity setpoints with optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.<br>Automation System Integration<br>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® to any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, enabling global temperature and humidity adjustment from any thermostat. Automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers can be accessed through two custom remote function pages, and customized text messages can be sent to the LCD display to provide maintenance reminders and other alerts.<br>Its connection to the control system also allows for full control and scheduling of the CHV-THSTAT from touch screens and computers throughout the home, and supports extensive flexibility for integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-THSTAT will remain operable to control the HVAC system.<br>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature and humidity sensors can be connected to the CHV-THSTAT for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-THSTAT to be installed out of view. Outdoor climate can also be monitored, enabling outdoor low-temperature compensation to prevent condensation on windows during cold weather. The CHV-THSTAT accepts up to four remote temperature sensors, two remote temp/humidity sensors, or a combination of one temp/humidity and two temperature sensors.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount heat/cool and humidity thermostat for one- and two-stage control of forced air, radiant and heat pump HVAC systems<br>Multiple Crestron® thermostats may be networked via Cresnet®<br>Supports remote humidity sensors and outdoor temperature sensors<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Front panel buttons for setup, configuring, and temperature/humidity adjustments<br>Available in white, black, or almond finish</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Requires CHV-RSS Outdoor Temperature Sensor (sold separately).<br>2. Requires CHV-RTHS Remote Temperature and Humidity Sensor (sold separately).</p>
Heating/Cooling Thermostat - CHV-TSTAT
|<p>The CHV-TSTAT is a versatile heating and cooling thermostat for one- and two-stage control of forced air, radiant, and heat pump HVAC systems. Relative humidity capability can be added through an external remote humidity sensor (sold separately). Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-TSTAT delivers greatly enhanced functionality as part of a complete home automation system from Crestron®. Available in white, black, or almond, the stylish wall mount design is a complement to any décor.</p> <p>The large backlit LCD display, navigable using four simple pushbuttons, provides easy access to indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity readings, setpoint adjustments, system mode and fan status indicators, and setup menus. Climate control features include separate heating, cooling, and humidity setpoints with optional automatic changeover between heating and cooling modes. Adjustable anticipators prevent overshooting the set temperature, and continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Automation System Integration<br>Multiple Crestron thermostats may be networked via Cresnet® to any 3-Series® control system, including the DIN-AP3, enabling global temperature and humidity adjustment from any thermostat. Automation functions such as lighting, motorized blinds, or lawn sprinklers can be accessed through two custom remote function pages, and customized text messages can be sent to the LCD display to provide maintenance reminders and other alerts.<br>Its connection to the control system also allows for full control and scheduling of the CHV-TSTAT from touch screens and computers throughout the home, and supports extensive flexibility for integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-TSTAT will remain operable to control the HVAC system.</p> <p>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature and humidity sensors can be connected to the CHV-TSTAT for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-TSTAT to be installed out of view. Outdoor climate can also be monitored, enabling outdoor low-temperature compensation to prevent condensation on windows during cold weather. The CHV-TSTAT accepts up to four remote temperature sensors, two remote temp/humidity sensors, or a combination of one temp/humidity and two temperature sensors.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount heat/cool thermostat for one- and two-stage control of forced air, radiant and heat pump HVAC systems<br>Multiple Crestron® thermostats may be networked via Cresnet®<br>Supports remote humidity sensors and outdoor temperature sensors<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Front panel buttons for setup, configuring, and temperature and humidity adjustments[1]<br>Available in white, black, or almond finish</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Humidity sensing and outdoor temperature/humidity sensing require additional remote sensors, sold separately. See “Available Accessories” for model names.</p>
infiNET EX® Thermostat - CHV-TSTATEX
|<p>The CHV-TSTATEX is a wireless thermostat featuring infiNET EX® technology. The CHV-TSTATEX installs just like a conventional thermostat because no extra wires are needed to connect to the control system. Although functional as a standalone thermostat, the CHV-TSTATEX delivers enhanced functionality as part of a complete Crestron® automation system. Integrating HVAC with a Crestron system can help lower energy bills and increase user friendliness.</p> <p>The CHV-TSTATEX is designed for one- or two-stage heating and one- or two-stage cooling control of baseboard, forced air, heat pump[1], and dual-fuel heat pump[1] HVAC systems. The large backlit LCD display provides a clear view of temperature, set point, system mode, fan mode, system status, and setup functions. Climate control features include separate heating and cooling set points, and adjustable anticipators to prevent overshooting the desired temperature. Continuous fan operation can be selected when needed for increased circulation.</p> <p>Fan Coil Unit Support<br>The CHV-TSTATEX-FCU model of the infiNET EX thermostat provides the functionality of controlling fan coil units[2]. Aesthetically identical to the base model, the CHV-TSTATEX-FCU has custom firmware, display programming and terminal labels designed for three-speed fan applications. The CHV-TSTATEX-FCU supports on/off control of the valves and the fan in four-pipe fan coil applications, eliminating the need for an additional device dedicated to controlling the fan coil unit itself. </p> <p>infiNET EX Communications<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast two-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure without the need for physical control wiring. Employing a 2.4 GHz mesh network topology, each infiNET EX device functions as an expander, passing command signals through to every other infiNET EX device within range (approximately 150 feet or 46 meters indoors), ensuring that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption[3].</p> <p>The CHV-TSTATEX communicates with a Crestron control system via an infiNET EX Wireless Gateway (model CEN-RFGW-EX, DIN-AP3MEX, or MC3[4]). Up to 100 infiNET EX devices may coexist on a single wireless network, and every non-battery-powered device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network by providing multiple redundant signal paths[3]. Built-in Dynamic Frequency Allocation continuously monitors RF conditions, automatically selecting the clearest channel to prevent interference from neighboring networks, cordless phones, and microwaves. </p> <p>Automation System Integration<br>The wireless connection to the control system allows the functions of the CHV-TSTATEX to be controlled from touch screens, keypads, wireless remotes, computers, or even a mobile device. It supports unlimited flexibility for remote control, scheduling, and integration with other devices and systems. In the event that communication with the control system is disrupted for any reason, the CHV-TSTATEX will remain operable to control the HVAC system.</p> <p>Easy Installation<br>Because no control wires are required, the CHV-TSTATEX can be installed just like any conventional thermostat. To simplify installation, physical switches are provided for the most critical configuration options, including heat/cool type, heat pump behavior, power settings, number of heating/cooling stages, and fan options. These settings allow HVAC contractors to install and test the thermostats prior to the appearance of a Crestron system integrator. </p> <p>Remote Sensors<br>Optional remote temperature sensors can be connected to the CHV-TSTATEX for enhanced flexibility and optimized performance. Climate can be regulated according to an average of multiple sensors, or the built-in sensors can be disabled entirely to allow the CHV-TSTATEX to be installed out of view. For heat pump-type systems, outdoor temperature can be monitored to optimize system performance. Compatible sensors include the CHV-RTS and the CHV-RSS.</p> <p>Features<br>Summary Of Features </p> <p>Wall mount heat/cool thermostat for baseboard, forced air, and heat pump[1] HVAC systems<br>Crestron system integration via infiNET EX® wireless network<br>Saves on energy costs with advanced programming abilities <br>Supports two remote temperature sensors<br>Fail-safe mode allows operation in event of control system failure<br>Backlit LCD display<br>Fan coil unit control[2] (CHV-TSTATEX-FCU model only)<br>Available in white, black, or almond finish</p> <p>Notes: <br>1. Heat pump systems require an outdoor temperature sensor; contact Crestron for additional design assistance.<br>2. Four-pipe fan coil units are supported.<br>3. Any infiNET EX device that provides expander functionality will effectively extend the range of the wireless network beyond the initial range of the gateway. Battery-powered infiNET EX devices do not provide expander functionality. To achieve expander functionality, the CHV-TSTATEX must be connected to a 24-Volt power source. Wireless networks composed predominantly of battery-powered devices may need additional infiNET EX expanders, such as the CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX (sold separately), or other non-battery-powered infiNET EX devices to ensure proper functionality of the network and battery life for the devices. Refer to the Best Practices for Installation and Setup of Crestron RF Products, Doc. #6689 for complete system design guidelines, or contact Crestron True Blue Support for further assistance.<br>4. Item(s) sold separately.</p>