Rail Post with Panels 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard garden lamp, wall mounted
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard, medium garden standing lamp
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard garden standing lamp, with 3 head
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400524Light Pole By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt AGO 2008 Made in Portugal3D parametric, street lamp post\n- with optional one or two lamps
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard, small garden standing lamp
Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Hinged gate as an object.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard, large garden standing lamp
D Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Hinged gate door.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, garden standing lamp
bollard 1
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005053D post / bollard
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard, XXL garden standing lamp
Post 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Post for roof structure.
Rail Post with Balusters 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and balusters.
Rail Post with Panels 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and panels.
American Football
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319American football field, NFL, CFL, NCAA sizes.
bollard 2
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005053D large post / bollard
Rail Post with Bars & Panels
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Rail Post with Bars 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and bars.
Partition Panel 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Optional number of partition panels.
Post2_1 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Pryda SBK15
Eddie van Uden | 1386107864Pryda SBK15 structural post bracket
Bowmac B58 with coach screws
Eddie van Uden | 1386302652Bowmac B58 bracket with coach screws
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel C
3D Media Design | 15937644693DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Bowmac B28
Eddie van Uden | 1386107599Bowmac B28 Bracket
Bowmac B12
Eddie van Uden | 1386107445Bowmac B12 structural post bracket
Bowmac B28 with coach screws
Eddie van Uden | 1386107632Bowmac B28 bracket with fixing screws
nicola gardoni | 1634715581Family name PARK Post top / Pole / Wall Mounted lighting fixture
karma trendz | 1385527282Base for post or column
nicola gardoni | 1634715638Family name POSTER Post top lighting fixture
nicola gardoni | 1634715407Family name AVENUE Post top lighting fixture
Bowmac B197 for 90 post
Eddie van Uden | 1386107568Bowmac B197/Pryda SBK6 bracket with bolts and washers for 90mm timber post
Rail Post with Panels 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Rail Post with Panels 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and panels.
Bowmac B134
Eddie van Uden | 1386107475Bowmac B134 structural post bracket
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel A
3D Media Design | 15937644013DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Bowmac B197 for 120 post
Eddie van Uden | 1386107537Bowmac B197/Pryda SBK6 bracket with bolts and washers for 120mm timber post
Post RM 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
karma trendz | 13856924532D Post lamp
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel B
3D Media Design | 15937644393DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Post 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Post for roof structure.
Post Stirrup
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Timber post stirrup with adjustable parameters.
Rail Post with Balusters 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and balusters.
Rail Post with Bars & Panels
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Rail Post with Bars 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and bars.
Rail Post with Panels 18
P R Pakala | 1419595338Rail with posts and panels.
Rail Post with Panels 19
deni puji | 1507311263Rail with posts and panels.
Lindner Post Cap Ceilings
|These well-directed ceiling constructions with Post Cap profiles can be adapted to every building shape and offer versatile scope for design. All avenues of ceiling design are open thanks to freely selectable distances of Post Cap profiles and our range of diverse ceilings with Post Caps and Cross Noggins. A special visual variant are radially installed Post Caps combined with trapezoidal metal ceiling panels. Post Cap ceilings allow you to install partition walls to the Post Cap profiles. Thus, you can flexibly change your room layout.
American Football
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895American football field, NFL, CFL, NCAA sizes.
D Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Hinged gate door.
Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Hinged gate as an object.
Partition Panel 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Optional number of partition panels.
karma trendz | 1627354000Tennis Net Post
Fastighetsbox Svenskboxen stående 1x3
|Svenskboxen stående är en fastighetsbox för smala utrymmen. Den är förberedd för ellås och digitala namnskyltar som standard och uppfyller användbarhetskraven för postboxar från Bygg klokt för personer med funktionsnedsättningar. [LIST] Svenskboxen är den enda postboxen på marknaden som erhållit den högsta säkerhetsklassen (säkerhetsklass II) vilket innebär att den motstår inbrottsförsök bäst av alla fastighetsboxar. Det nya 10mm-inkastet förhindrar i princip att obehöriga fiskar upp posten utifrån. Det gör att posten ligger säkert i den boendes postbox. Svenskboxen stående är utrustad med en smart reklammärkning vilket gör att den boende lätt kan ange om han vill ha reklam eller inte. På så vis undviker man att de boende sätter upp egna handskriva lappar som förfular trappuppgången. [/LIST]
Fastighetsbox Svenskboxen 1x9
|En komplett postbox med marknadens högsta säkerhetsklass. Svenskboxen är förberedd för ellås och digital namnmärkning som standard och uppfyller användbarhetskraven från Bygg klokt, som de tagit fram för postboxar. Med Svenskboxen har vi tagit fram en fastighetsbox som följer med in i framtiden. [LIST] Svenskboxen är den enda fastighetsboxen på marknaden som erhållit den högsta säkerhetsklassen (säkerhetsklass II) vilket innebär att den motstår inbrottsförsök bäst av alla fastighetsboxar. Det nya 10mm-inkastet förhindrar i princip att obehöriga fiskar upp posten utifrån. Postboxen är utrustad med en smart reklammärkning vilket gör att den boende lätt kan ange om han vill ha reklam eller inte. På så vis undviker man att de boende sätter upp egna handskriva lappar som förfular trappuppgången. [/LIST]
|Tidningshållare Vik är särskilt populär bland arkitekter och har installerats i många nybyggen. Vik har en diskret och väggnära design och tillverkas helt i rostfritt stål. Vik är diskret, men går samtidigt väl ihop med många olika sorters trapphus. Extra bra matchar den fastighetsboxar i samma typ av mässingsfinish.
Robust 2 compartments 6 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 3 compartments 6 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 4 compartments 6 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 5 compartments 6 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 2 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 3 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 4 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Robust 5 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|There are many reasons why Robust is Norway's most widely used mailbox in blocks and apartment buildings. The strong construction gives mailboxes longevity. Robust recommended by Norwegian post in terms of size and lock. Robust is designed for indoor installation directly on the wall or recessed into the wall.
Trygg 3 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Trygg 4 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Trygg 5 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Kompakt 5 compartments E, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 6 compartments E, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 7 compartments E, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments E, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 6 compartments D, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments D, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 10 compartments D, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 5 compartments E, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 6 compartments E, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 7 compartments E, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments E, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 6 compartments D, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments D, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 10 compartments D, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 3 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 5 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 6 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 7 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
03_Mailbox horisontal single section 9 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 6 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 10 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 12 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 14 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 16 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
04_Mailbox horisontal double section 18 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
01_Mailbox vertical single section 2 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
01_Mailbox vertical single section 3 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
01_Mailbox vertical single section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 4 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 6 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
02_Mailbox vertical double section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 2 boxes, height 630 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 3 boxes, height 774 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 3 boxes, height 917 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 4 boxes, height 917 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 4 boxes, height 1061 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 5 boxes, height 1061 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 5 boxes, height 1204 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
05_Mailbox combibox single section 6 boxes, height 1204 mm
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 5 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 6 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 7 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 8 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 9 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 10 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 11 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 12 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
06_Mailbox combibox double section 13 boxes
|Fastighetsbox made of high strength steel powder coated in a variety of colors. You can choose different colours on the frame and door. Each door is prepared with cylinder and all boxes are prepared for electronic locks .. The boxes have a durable door frame with central look for the postman. Our property boxes meet quality standards set by the Swedish Provningsanstalt and mail companys networking forum for Fastighetsboxes.
Trygg 2 compartments 25 mm mail slot
|Our outdoor mailbox to your condominium or condominium! Trygg is a versatile mailbox solution. The design is based on more than 30 years experience with mailboxes in Norway and follow all recommendations from Norway. Trygg is designed for mounting directly on the wall, built in solution or on a tripod. Safe as the name says; Trygg, stable and keeps the post dry. The box is manufactured from galvanized steel and are coated with a durable powder coating. It provides a mailbox that is resistant to the Norwegian climate and have longevity.
Kompakt 270 3 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 3 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 4 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 4 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 5 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 5 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 6 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 6 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 7 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 7 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments E 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments E 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 6 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 6 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 10 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 10 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 12 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 12 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 14 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 14 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 16 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 16 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
M0630 - Anesthesia Apparatus, 3 Gas
|Three gas anesthesia apparatus. Basic unit consists of steel cabinet with casters with one shallow, one medium, and one deep drawer, seven long scale eleven-inch flowmeters, five cylinder yokes, and telescoping absorber post. It includes two-canister model carbon dioxide absorber with inhalation and exhalation check valves, switch valve, switch valve elbow, sidearm Vernitrol, flow calculator, mounting kit, ventilator calculator, ventilator and an oxygen piping inlet. Also features nitrous oxide fail safe valve kit, aspirator kit, gas evacuator with vacuum and a flow meter safety cover. Used to dispense a mixture of gases during surgical procedures.
M8755 - Aspirator, Low Pressure/Low Volume, Surgical
|Low pressure, low volume surgical aspirator. Stand mounted stainless steel unit. 1/8 HP motor with variable suction intensity. It includes 600 ml graduated collection bottle, hydrophobic bacteria filter, a precision suction regulating valve, timer and a foot regulator. For post operative surgical wound drainage and general suction use.
Uniplay Bihar
|Jungle retreat This stunning inclusive playhouse will add high value to any play space, and comes with some stylish window frames and optional animal graphics. Add the elephant-shaped slide and some smiling lions and monkeys to transform this cosy shelter into a thrilling jungle den! Aspiring adventurers can follow different routes to access the shed, by crawling through the net tunnel, climbing the ladders, or tackling the most challenging feature: the ball post. A brand new addition to the UniPlay range, it really elevates the climbing experience. Its polyurethane foam balls provide enough support for small feet to gain traction. The partially-enclosed central cabin will give older children the privacy they need to assert their independence and interact freely with their peers, while the younger ones can play hide and seek in the multiple ground level compartments. Classic items have been given a fresh update, such as the fun talk tubes to send cryptic messages to friends across the play area. The shop counter is an entertaining item designed to spark the imagination and instigate role play.
Ekeberg, bicycle stand
|Although bicycle parking is planned and controlled, the end result can create chaos on city streets. Several bicycles may be attached to a single stand, with each one leaning outwards to block the path of pedestrians. Ekberg brings order to chaos in a design that enables individual bicycles to be parked in place and held upright. Ekberg’s frame creates a slot to hold the bicycle’s front wheel securely, while also providing an upright post where the bicycle frame can be securely locked. An excellent choice for contemporary settings, Ekeberg’s design enables bicycles to stand neatly in place. Design: Christian Sæther & Runa Klock
|Structural post made of 2 mm galvanized steel sheet, to be placed between floor-slabs to increase the masonry wall rigidity. It consists of three parts, two ends and a central part formed by a folded sheet where the GEOANC omegas that connect the masonry wall to the post are inserted. This joint permits a differential movement between the masonry wall and the structure. The telescopic design of these posts permits their placement without the need for welding, as well as the absorption of any slab irregularity.
Four Seasons parasoll
|The Four Seasons parasol is a sturdy year-round design that deflects the heat of the sun and provides shelter from the rain. Made from pieces of sheet steel centred around a steel post, the parasol bolts securely to the ground to withstand gusts of wind. Designed with a striking profile that tilts away from the base, the parasol adds a contemporary element to gardens and courtyards, or any environment where shelter and shade are needed. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
|Mixx is a tasteful series of tables and flipchart stands for meeting rooms, offices and public spaces. The cast aluminium feet come with 40 mm transparent wheels or steel, adjustable feet. The centre post consists of two telescopic, natural anodised aluminium sections. The tabletops, in 5 mm aluminium metal, are painted white, RAL 9003.
Hoop, bicycle bollard
|The Hoop bicycle stand is a multi-functional urban design that can also function as a bollard. The design is simple, consisting of a single aluminium post where multiple bicycles can be securely fastened. The upper ring is positioned so that locks can be attached securely from any direction. Like threading a needle, locks, chains and steel cables are easily wound through the ring or attached to the base. Design: Broberg & Ridderstråle