Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Floating Dimension
manuBIM | 1346998969Stationary linear dimension object with graphically editable Nodes, visible on multiple stories, units independent from project settings, numeric change of segments' length, flexible attribute settings, stays unchanged no matter what.
Floating Dimension
manuBIM | 1346998877Stationary linear dimension object with graphically editable Nodes, visible on multiple stories, units independent from project settings, numeric change of segments' length, flexible attribute settings, stays unchanged no matter what.
NO Smoking NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Rafał Ślęk | 1344156891http://www.archibloq.com Model prepared in "old times" in ArchiCAD version 6.5 by scripting in GDL language only - no Morphs, no add-ons, no imported meshes from 3ds :-) Its was made as exhibit for virtual Techician Museum project. User interface was rewritten for version 12.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Flame NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Water NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
drainage line 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400423Original Object: Stretchy Line Olivier Dentan Nov 2007 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/archilib.od/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified : Vistasp Mehta Date : 24.11.2008 AC Version : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 24.11.2008 1. slightly reduced distance of text from line. 2. changed scaling of text. 3. starting point is no longer stretchable; it made the line length inaccurate. 4. added select by hotline. I prefer that to a couple of hard-to-find hotspots. 5. added ability to write levels at start and end of pipeline. 6. added ability to calculate second point level based on given slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 28.11.2008 1. Olivier Dentan pointed out one error each in the Master Script and Parameter Script. FIXED 2. He also pointed out that #3 above is not the case. Looks like I messed something up. The original object he submitted works perfectly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2D drainage line
Interruptor e Tomada ABNT 18_beta 1
Fábio Freitas | 1435592528Versão Beta 1 - Em desesenvolvimento! Objeto inteligente com simbologia de tomadas e interruptores segundo NB-8 da ABNT. Espelho e acionadores em 3D de acordo com a NBR 14.136 de 2002. Símbolo sensível ao piso, tamanho do símbolo e texto em milímetros no papel. Caixa 4x2, Tomadas, Tomada de força, Interruptor de uma duas ou três seções, telefonia e dados.
Durval Tabach | 1435607393Box de chuveiro, comum no Brasil, geralmente em vidro temperado com ferragens de alumínio. Pode ser reto (uma face), em "L" (duas faces) ou em "U" (três faces), com aberturas de correr em um ou dois lados. Informações e atualizações: http://dtabach.com.br/gdl-bim/objetos/box-correr durval@dtabach.com.br
Interruptor e Tomada 21
Fábio Freitas | 1513789311Versão 21 Objeto inteligente com simbologia de tomadas e interruptores segundo NB-8 da ABNT. Espelho e acionadores em 3D de acordo com a NBR 14.136 de 2002. Símbolo sensível ao piso, tamanho do símbolo e texto em milímetros no papel. Caixa 4x2, Tomadas, Tomada de força, Interruptor de uma duas ou três seções, telefonia e dados.
Tiago Mendonça | 1532745311Desenvolvida em polietileno de alta resistência, a Cisterna Vertical FORTLEV é econômica, de fácil instalação e pode ser enterrada com contenção. Todos os painéis onde são feitos a instalação hidráulica, ficam no centro do produto e bem próximos à boca de inspeção, facilitando o acesso e a manutenção. O produto permite o armazenamento de água de chuva, ou água potável, e já vem com um adaptador flange de saída instalado.
Odd Goderstad | 1456161580Just a lamp I made :) Rememger to set illuminating surfaces (in photorendering settings) to a suitable value. It might be an idea to set a general light with no shadowcasting below if you want more light
Durval Tabach | 1549554573Brise metálico com lâminas verticais giratórias de alumínio, perfil tipo "asa de avião", dimensões baseadas no fabricante Lumibrise. Opção de lâminas com perfil retangular simples (madeira), com dimensões livres.
Chuveiro Cromado
Murilo Noleto | 1395068431Visite o blog: http://noletoblog.blogspot.com.br/ Objeto criado com dimensões usuais no mercado.
Mark Beauman | 1471504085Written by Mark Beauman Updates 4.0.1 General interface improvements & fixes. 4.0.2 Half line marking radial islands not shown. 4.0.3 Unecessary detail shown when stretched. 4.0.4 Road under islands doesnt turn-off 4.0.5 No road in 2D and 3D for half islands and no islands according to style 4.0.6 Groups, Cars, and Odd Cars do not update when changing all variations of parking style 4.0.7 Total angle does not update when inside or outside radius is changed 4.0.8 Australian Standard drawn incorrectly 4.0.9 Wheel Stop eye in interface turns on and off with Road display control 4.0.10 Display by scale added to line width 4.0.11 Interface eye for gutter on and off with Island display control 4.0.12 Road fill for islands when in line marking mode now turns on and off with island checkbox, interface updated to reflect this also. 4.0.13 Interace main menu modified for better understanding 4.0.14 Hotline removed from Parking lines to speed up dragging in plan view. Parameter name of Hotline changed to avoid clashes with ArchiCAD command. 4.0.15 3d vehicle rotation modifed so random rotation correctly shows car in middle of space. 4.0.16 Variable names changes to avoid conflicts in version 12
Total Zone
Jeroen de Bruin | 1355176262Total Zone is a zonestamp which will solve all your zone problems. No more duplicated zones for each different output, one zone for all output. With the Model View Options this zone can be different in each view, increasing the BIM factor of your model. CHECK OUT ALL THE FEATURES!
Varal de Roupas
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Equipamento de secagem instalado no teto ou apoiado em pernas.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Flame NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Smoking NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Water NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Automatic Sliding Door (Standard) - Bi-parting - No side panels - SLX-M/PSXP
|The ideal combination for a wide range of applications The Gilgen SLX-M sliding door drive unit is a universally applicable drive system with state-of-the-art functions. It is designed to offer guaranteed, reliable functioning in a wide range of highly demanding applications. The elegantly designed sensor system is built into the header profile.
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Bi-parting - No side panels - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
Suelo_R 8 W no driver
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy round flange with directional and non-directional emission, also supplied in AISI 316 stainless steel. Suelo_R is synonymous with visual comfort and excellent performance. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
Suelo_Q 8 W no driver
|Outstanding energy efficiency and utmost protection for installation in outdoor settings. A drive-over uplight, a powerLED source, a sturdy square flange, also available in AISI 316 stainless steel, with directional and non-directional emission. Suelo_Q is synonymous with visual comfort combined with outstanding performances. The product is equipped with the innovative Aquastop® system, while the black silk-screened protective shade allows effective light management, producing no glare. Perfect for urban and architectural lighting and for hotel applications.
KUMIN - Single-lever washbasin mixer - Standard model 162mm - smooth body, no lift rod or waste
|Single-lever washbasin mixer - Standard model - smooth body, no lift rod or waste - anti-scale aerator, - maximum flow rate 5 l/min, - maximum 5 l/min for water savings and comfort of use - reduced spray - integral, anti-scale aerator: easy removal with no special tool (coin), easier cleaning, - water passes through tap body with no contact with chrome or nickel: hygiene, safety, savings, - durable finish.
Automatic Sliding Door (Standard) - Single - No side panels - SLX-M/PSXP
|The ideal combination for a wide range of applications The Gilgen SLX-M sliding door drive unit is a universally applicable drive system with state-of-the-art functions. It is designed to offer guaranteed, reliable functioning in a wide range of highly demanding applications. The elegantly designed sensor system is built into the header profile.
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Single - No side panels - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
Besam ASSA ABLOY SL500 T67 - overhead concealed - no transom
|Until now, the average pair of 3’0” x 7’0” manual swing doors could be challenging to navigate due to the limited 32” (813mm) clear door opening, small foot print and cross traffic concerns. Enter the revolutionary Besam ASSA ABLOY SL500 T67 telescopic sliding door. Specifically designed to fit the same door opening provided by a pair of 3’0” x 7’0” manual swing doors, only a minimum of 72” (1829mm) of overall frame width is required to transform your entryway with no less than 46” of usable door opening. Whether new construction or retrofit applications, look to Besam ASSA ABLOY SL500 T67 to automate virtually any small entryway.
Besam ASSA ABLOY SL500 T67 - Surface mounted - no transom
|Until now, the average pair of 3’0” x 7’0” manual swing doors could be challenging to navigate due to the limited 32” (813mm) clear door opening, small foot print and cross traffic concerns. Enter the revolutionary Besam ASSA ABLOY SL500 T67 telescopic sliding door. Specifically designed to fit the same door opening provided by a pair of 3’0” x 7’0” manual swing doors, only a minimum of 72” (1829mm) of overall frame width is required to transform your entryway with no less than 46” of usable door opening. Whether new construction or retrofit applications, look to Besam ASSA ABLOY SL500 T67 to automate virtually any small entryway.
Room Thermostat S1 24V NO
|LK Floor Heating is the perfect choice for new builds and renovation. We offer complete solutions for outdoor rooms, single rooms and renovation requiring a low installation height. We have developed and refined our underfloor heating system to make it even more comfortable, safe and economical with minimum environmental impact, as well as easy to install.
Room Thermostat S1 EXT 24V NO
|LK Floor Heating is the perfect choice for new builds and renovation. We offer complete solutions for outdoor rooms, single rooms and renovation requiring a low installation height. We have developed and refined our underfloor heating system to make it even more comfortable, safe and economical with minimum environmental impact, as well as easy to install.
Room Thermostat S1 Dti 24V NO
|LK Floor Heating is the perfect choice for new builds and renovation. We offer complete solutions for outdoor rooms, single rooms and renovation requiring a low installation height. We have developed and refined our underfloor heating system to make it even more comfortable, safe and economical with minimum environmental impact, as well as easy to install.
Room Thermostat S2, 24V NO
|LK Floor Heating is the perfect choice for new builds and renovation. We offer complete solutions for outdoor rooms, single rooms and renovation requiring a low installation height. We have developed and refined our underfloor heating system to make it even more comfortable, safe and economical with minimum environmental impact, as well as easy to install.
Room Thermostat S2 EXT, 24v NO
|LK Floor Heating is the perfect choice for new builds and renovation. We offer complete solutions for outdoor rooms, single rooms and renovation requiring a low installation height. We have developed and refined our underfloor heating system to make it even more comfortable, safe and economical with minimum environmental impact, as well as easy to install.
Leca®Block 118
|Det benyttes veldig mye Leca blokker til innvendige bærende og ikke bærende vegger samt utvendig til kalde konstruksjoner som garasje, boder osv. Lecas gode egenskaper til slike vegger er både det rent praktiske (små enheter som er lette å håndtere på en byggeplass) og det byggtekniske (bæreevne, lyd og brann). Innervegger kan i prinsippet mures av alle dimensjoner og typer Leca blokker. I praksis begrenser det seg imidlertid til Leca Blokk, Leca Finblokk og Leca Lydblokk, mens Leca Isoblokk hovedsakelig benyttes til yttervegger.
Leca®Block 88
|Det benyttes veldig mye Leca blokker til innvendige bærende og ikke bærende vegger samt utvendig til kalde konstruksjoner som garasje, boder osv. Lecas gode egenskaper til slike vegger er både det rent praktiske (små enheter som er lette å håndtere på en byggeplass) og det byggtekniske (bæreevne, lyd og brann). Innervegger kan i prinsippet mures av alle dimensjoner og typer Leca blokker. I praksis begrenser det seg imidlertid til Leca Blokk, Leca Finblokk og Leca Lydblokk, mens Leca Isoblokk hovedsakelig benyttes til yttervegger.
Innervegger Leca® block
|Det benyttes veldig mye Leca blokker til innvendige bærende og ikke bærende vegger samt utvendig til kalde konstruksjoner som garasje, boder osv. Lecas gode egenskaper til slike vegger er både det rent praktiske (små enheter som er lette å håndtere på en byggeplass) og det byggtekniske (bæreevne, lyd og brann). Innervegger kan i prinsippet mures av alle dimensjoner og typer Leca blokker. I praksis begrenser det seg imidlertid til Leca Blokk, Leca Finblokk og Leca Lydblokk, mens Leca Isoblokk hovedsakelig benyttes til yttervegger.
a3 IDO Trevi little inset wb
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.03.2003 -initial releasese
a5 IDO Trevi semi-recessed
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -fixed a error caused by bad cutpolya 01.03.2003 -initial release
a51IDO 11188 semi-recessed
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -fixed a error caused by bad cutpolya 01.03.2003 -initial release
a7 IDO 11183 inset washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.03.2003 -initial releasese
c1 IDO Trevi wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.05.2009 -autoflush outgoing 01.01.2009 -new and outgoing products 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -infotxt for arm supports 01.03.2003 -initial release
d1 IDO Trevi bidet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -fixed graphical error in tap hole 01.03.2003 -initial release
Vieser Dot - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Dot - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Line - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - golvbrunn
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521104#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - gulvsluk
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635521017#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - lattiakaivo
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635519629#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Vieser Square - põrandatrapp
Jarkko Hoivala | 1635518136#http://www.gdlfactory.fi/ --- © GDL FACTORY ----- ---- Jarkko Hoivala ------ Versio Pvm Muokannut Selite 1.0 8.2.2018 JH Monikielituki - FI 1.1 8.10.2021 JH Päivitys / Lisää tuotteita / +SE,NO,EE Käyttäjävastuu -------------------------------- Objektin tuottaja tai tarjoaja eivät takaa objektien virheetöntä toimintaa. Objektin käyttäminen tapahtuu käyttäjän omalla vastuulla. Objekti tarjotaan käyttöön sellaisenaan ja sen muokkaaminen on kielletty.
Linoleum Veneto xf² 2,5
|With its marbled design, divided into Soft and Strong pattern levels, and a wide colour range of 72 references, Veneto xf² 2.5 mm is a great choice for all commercial segments. ■Marbled design with strong and soft patterns ■A wide range of 72 colours available ■xf² surface treatment for a smoother matt appearance and improved performance ■Easy cleaning and maintenance, no need for polish and wax, for a highly cost effective flooring ■Cradle-to-Cradle® certification
Linoleum Silencio xf²
|To reduce impact and ambient noise and enhance underfoot comfort and wellbeing, Tarkett’s Silencio xf™2 offers an acoustic linoleum solution with sound reduction of 18dB. With a total thickness of 3.8mm, it’s made in a two-layer construction of 2.5mm linoleum with a 1.3mm pre-bonded foam underlay. ■ Floor covering with 18dB sound reduction ■ 2.5mm Linoleum Veneto xf² on jute backing ■ 1.3mm recycled polyurethane foam backing ■ Xf² surface treatment for a smoother appearance and improved performance ■ Easy cleaning and maintenance, no need for polish and wax, for highly cost effective flooring ■ Available in all Veneto colours.
Coat Hook
|A modern design with smooth surfaces and clean lines that fits seamlessly in your washroom. Create a great impression that boosts the high-quality image of your facility. Stylish stainless steel with anti finger print coating looks great and stays clean. • A coat hook offers extra convenience with style • Matches the Image Design look to blend in seamlessly • Easy to mount no visible screws
Katrin Inclusive System Toilet Dispenser With Core Catcher - White
|# Holds two System toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # Seamless dispensing with drop-down roll system and adjustable roll brake # Easy and quick to refill # Can be refilled while the second roll is in use, so tissue is always available # 1360 - 1600 sheets, depending on paper quality # Two versions available: with or without core catcher # Better paper accessibility at the front of the dispenser opening # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll
Katrin Inclusive Centerfeed M Dispenser - Black
|The lock can be used with or without a key Easy to insert a new roll through the open space inside the loading section No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll Safe cutting system Many different tissue paper options, both coreless and rolls with detachable cores The lock can be used with or without a key Easy to insert a new roll through the open space inside the loading section No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll Safe cutting system Many different tissue paper options, both coreless and rolls with detachable cores The lock can be used with or without a key Easy to insert a new roll through the open space inside the loading section No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll Safe cutting system Many different tissue paper options, both coreless and rolls with detachable cores
Katrin Inclusive Centerfeed S Dispenser - White
|# The lock can be used with or without a key # Easy to insert a new roll through the open space inside the loading section # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll # Safe cutting system # Many different tissue paper options, both coreless and rolls with detachable cores
Katrin Inclusive Gigant S Dispenser - Black
|# Toilet roll dispensers for Gigant toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # The whole paper roll can be used economically with integrated stub roll holder # Big toilet rolls for high frequency usage # Easy paper tear-off to all sides and all edges # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll # Katrin Gigant S Dispensers are suitable for S sized Gigant rolls # New flexible roll brake for better dispensing
Katrin Inclusive Centerfeed M Dispenser - White
|# The lock can be used with or without a key # Easy to insert a new roll through the open space inside the loading section # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll # Safe cutting system # Many different tissue paper options, both coreless and rolls with detachable cores
Katrin Inclusive System Toilet Dispenser - White
|# Holds two System toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # Seamless dispensing with drop-down roll system and adjustable roll brake # Easy and quick to refill # Can be refilled while the second roll is in use, so tissue is always available # 1360 - 1600 sheets, depending on paper quality # Two versions available: with or without core catcher # Better paper accessibility at the front of the dispenser opening # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll
Katrin Inclusive Gigant L Dispenser - Black
|# Toilet roll dispensers for Gigant toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # The whole paper roll can be used economically with integrated stub roll holder # Big toilet rolls for high frequency usage # Easy paper tear-off to all sides and all edges # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll # Katrin Gigant L Dispensers are suitable for L and M sized Gigant rolls # New flexible roll brake for better dispensing
Katrin Inclusive Gigant L Dispenser - White
|# Toilet roll dispensers for Gigant toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # The whole paper roll can be used economically with integrated stub roll holder # Big toilet rolls for high frequency usage # Easy paper tear-off to all sides and all edges # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll # Katrin Gigant L Dispensers are suitable for L and M sized Gigant rolls # New flexible roll brake for better dispensing
Katrin Inclusive System Toilet With Core Catcher Dispenser - Black
|# Holds two System toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # Seamless dispensing with drop-down roll system and adjustable roll brake # Easy and quick to refill # Can be refilled while the second roll is in use, so tissue is always available # 1360 - 1600 sheets, depending on paper quality # Two versions available: with or without core catcher # Better paper accessibility at the front of the dispenser opening # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll
Katrin Inclusive Gigant S Dispenser - White
|# Toilet roll dispensers for Gigant toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # The whole paper roll can be used economically with integrated stub roll holder # Big toilet rolls for high frequency usage # Easy paper tear-off to all sides and all edges # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll # Katrin Gigant S Dispensers are suitable for S sized Gigant rolls # New flexible roll brake for better dispensing
Katrin Inclusive System Toilet Dispenser - Black
|# Holds two System toilet rolls # The lock can be used with or without a key # Seamless dispensing with drop-down roll system and adjustable roll brake # Easy and quick to refill # Can be refilled while the second roll is in use, so tissue is always available # 1360 - 1600 sheets, depending on paper quality # Two versions available: with or without core catcher # Better paper accessibility at the front of the dispenser opening # No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll
Katrin Inclusive Centerfeed S Dispenser - Black
|The lock can be used with or without a key Easy to insert a new roll through the open space inside the loading section No searching around inside the dispenser opening for the loose end of the paper roll Safe cutting system Many different tissue paper options, both coreless and rolls with detachable cores
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin bowl 420 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 420 x 420 mm, round, without tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, and overflow, without tap holes, overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81296.2
Mini Jumbo Toilet Roll Dispenser
|A modern design with smooth surfaces and clean lines that fits seamlessly in your washroom. Create a great impression that boosts the high-quality image of your facility. Stylish stainless steel with anti finger print coating looks great and stays clean. [LIST] Easy to clean stainless steel with anti-fingerprint protection/coating - keeps the high class look for a better experience High capacity – ensures your guests that toilet paper will never run out Smart stub roll holder – reduces waste. Stub rolls can be used to the end. Optimal roll brake – Smooth dispensing and no paper on the floor [/LIST]
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin bowl, undersurface ground 520 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 520 x 390 mm, oval, without tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, and overflow, without tap holes, overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81296.4
LAUFEN PRO S Drop-in washbasin 560 mm
|Drop in basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic dimensions 560 x 440 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes, without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81896.3
|Lunex zipscreen fullfilles the requirementes of EU- standard EN 13659 regarding wind and efficient sunshade. It has been testet to endure forces up to 400 Newton per m2 on most common window sizes. Lunex Zipscreen is made with half a zipper which is welded to the fabric on both sides. The zipper halfes is entered into plastic guides which leads the fabric inside the guiderails and leaves no gap for sunrays to leak trough. This is the big difference between a zipscreen and a traditional screen which have no other guidance than a weighted bottom profile and where in some cases light gaps are inevitably. Applications : Lunex Zipscreen can be used wherever the requirement is an effective sunshade and where high winds might be a challenge for a traditional screen. A zipscreen can withstand up to 20 m/s where as a traditional screen often has limits down to 8 m/s. Lunex Zipscreen meets the requirements of access to normal daylight while it provides an optimal shielding of unwanted glare. Product description : All vivble outer profiles are made of high quality extruded aluminum profiles which are powdercoated or anodized to withstand corrosion. Standard colors are anodized (similar to RAL 9006 silver grey) or RAL 9010 white. All other standard RAL colors available for a surcharge. Operation : Lunex Zipscreen is only available with electric motor drive operated by switch, remote or fully automated solar/wind systems.
CWS Stainless Steel Ladycare Box
|Coverbox Paradise Stainless Steel Ladycare Box for use in a CWS Ladycare Box. Optionaly also used as a Paper Bin. Coverbox made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Ladycare Box: Stainless Steel Ladycare Box: 7776000 Paradise Ladycare Lid Black: 577200
Manual Sliding Door System MUTO
|[LIST] Type: Manual sliding door system with self-closing function without external power supply. The door is opened and then closes under its own spring power – thanks to a bungee cord pulley system designed for glass doors up to 120 kg (single panel door) Opening: 1-Leaf, 2-Leaf, Telescopic Panel: Glass and timber with both light and heavy doors (50 kg–200 kg). Laminated safety glass (LSG) Damping: DORMOTION cushioning mechanism – panel is decelerated in both its opening and closing directions and then drawn automatically to the end position. No glass preparation Installation: Wall, ceiling, lintel, glass overpanel installation and suspended ceilings Side lights: Optional Standards: EN 1527 with 200.000 cycles The product will be available mid/end 2015 (depends on variant). [/LIST]
CWS Stainless Steel Superroll
|Paradise Stainless Steel Superroll jumbo toilet roll paper dispenser for 380 m jumbo rolls. Changeover to 4 small toilet paper rolls possible. Window for checking filling level. Roll brake and cylinder lock prevent abuse and theft. Serrated edges with blunt teeth help avoid injuries. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Superroll: 7630000 Roll Rotary spray (optional): 307630000; Weight: 1.14 Kg Toilet paper: various toilet paper types in different qualities
CWS Stainless Steel Hygiene Box
|Stainless Steel Hygiene Box in 6 l and 12l versions. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushed. Optional mount on front for hygiene bags. Opening flap, steel wire holder for bin bags. Box made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Hygiene Boxes: Stainless Steel Hygiene Box 6l: 7754000 Format: 240 × 225 × 125 mm Weight: 1.96 Kg Stainless Steel Hygiene Box 12l: 7753000 Format 300 × 280 × 125 mm Weight: 3.22 Kg Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
EQUITONE [natura]
|EQUITONE [natura] is a through coloured façade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, displaying the raw texture of the fibre cement base material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
CWS Stainless Steel Paper Bin
|Paper Bins Paradise Stainless Steel Paper Bin in 25, 40 l, and 60 l. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushed, optionally available with automatically closing lid or opening frame and wall mount. Mount for bin bag is preinstalled. Box made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Paper Bins: Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l: 7752000, Weight: 4.19 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Lid: 307752000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Coverage: 307752100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 450 × 300 × 200 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l: 7751000, Weight: 6.0 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Lid: 307751000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Coverage: 307751100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 550 × 335 × 230 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l: 7750000, Weight: 6.5 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Lid: 307750000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Coverage: 307750100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 740 × 350 × 250 mm Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
CWS Stainless Steel Hygiene Bag Holder
|Hygiene bag holder, can be mounted separately on the wall or stuck to the hygiene box. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushe. For hygiene bags out of plastic or paper. Holder made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Hygiene Bag Holders: Stainless Steel Bag Holder (plastic bag): 7756000 Format: 95 × 130 × 20 mm Weight: 0.28 Kg Stainless Steel Bag Holder (paper bag): 7755000 Format: 113,5 × 205 × 32 mm Weight: 0.60 Kg Hygiene bags: hygiene bags in paper and plastic
Horizontal Sliding Wall System HSW FLEX Therm
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with double glazing and a surrounding frame made of thermally insulated profiles Different parking layouts available Bottom profile Thermal break and water channel (optional) Track rail with optional thermal break Insulation value U of approx. 1,5 W/m²K (with standard insulating glass) Meets the requirements of the German Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV Combined with door closer types TS 92, ITS 96 3-6, Push handles, ISEO Multilock Pivoting-sliding panels equipped with an ITS 96 3-6 concealed door closer Operation Easy, one-handed single throw of the lock bar to switch between the door and sliding functions, with no bending and no crank operation 40% improvement in thermal separation value (compared to the predecessor model) Heat transfer coefficient in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10077-1 and 10077-2 Endurance DIN 1527 Class 3 (25000 cycles) for suspend sliding doors > 100kg Impact DIN EN 13049 Class 3 Corrosion DIN EN 1670 Class 3 The product will be available end 2015 [/LIST]
Horizontal Sliding Wall System HSW GP
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with single-point stainless steel fixings The HSW-GP is characterised by the use of MANET single-point fixings in combination with a standard track rail. The system’s high-quality stainless steel components and flush-mounted single-point fixings perfectly match the demands of modern architecture. Different parking layouts available Glass types 10 mm or 12 mm toughened safety glass Max. system height 3000 mm Max. panel width 1200 mm. The width of all panels must be uniform. Max. panel weight 100 kg (depends on type of panel) Panel types Single action end panel, Double action end panel, Fixed screen, Sliding panel Suitable for both inline and curved configurations. Benefits: Minimal hardware maximizes all-glass look. No floor track. Stainless steel fittings provide flush-mounted attachments compatible with contemporary architecture. [/LIST]
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Mini Hand Towel Dispenser, white
|Tork Elevation® Xpress® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Xpress Dispensing System for interfolded and multifolded hand towels works best for environments that demand both comfort and hygiene. Tork Xpress Mini fits where other dispensers can't. Measuring just 12 inches high, the Xpress™ Mini is perfect for wall areas where space is at a premium. The one-at-a-time dispensing means you touch only the towel you use - no cross-contamination from levers or cranks. Plus the hygiene shield protects your towel until used. It is easy to clean and refill.
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Hand Towel Dispenser, white
|Tork Elevation® Xpress® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Xpress hand Towel Dispensing System for interfolded and multifolded hand towels works best for environments that demand both comfort and hygiene. The slim design saves space, and one-at-a-time dispensing means you touch only the towel you use - no cross-contamination from levers or cranks. Plus the hygiene shield protects your towel until used. This full-size dispenser is ideal for healthcare facilities, as well as upscale restrooms in hotels, restaurants and office buildings.
Tork Elevation® Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Tork Centerfeed high capacity cabinets are ideal for high traffic environments. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® Xpress® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Xpress hand Towel Dispensing System for interfolded and multifolded hand towels works best for environments that demand both comfort and hygiene. The slim design saves space, and one-at-a-time dispensing means you touch only the towel you use - no cross-contamination from levers or cranks. Plus the hygiene shield protects your towel until used. This full-size dispenser is ideal for healthcare facilities, as well as upscale restrooms in hotels, restaurants and office buildings.
Sika® FloorJoint PD
|Sika® FloorJoint PD is a vibration-free, noiseless, prefabricated joint panel made of resin. The installed profile causes no thresholds in the floor surface. Main uses; movement joints in parking decks, commercial buildings and industrial floors. Product specifications: • Ultra flat • Noiseless and vibration-free under traffic • Invisible and can be recoated with Sikafloor flooring systems • Waterproof • Corrosion free, made of resin • Good chemical resistance • High movement capacity • Fast installation
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser,12 Inches, Black
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go.The dispenser has a generous capacity of 600 napkins.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 20 Inches, Black
|The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go. The dispenser has a generous capacity of 1,000 napkins.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 5 Inches, Stainless finish
|Special Order Only. 3rd Party, non-stocked item. The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go.
Tork Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Napkin Dispenser, 5 Inches, Black
|pecial Order Only. 3rd Party, non-stocked item. The new, versatile, space saving Xpressnap® Signature In-Counter Dispensing System helps you make the most of every napkin. With variable depth options, our innovative design is ideal for high-traffic areas or wherever space is at a premium. Versatile cut-out area fits most pre-existing openings. Easily mounts without caulk, glue or tape. No latches, keys or locks for opening. Red base provides distinct fill indicator. Xpressnap greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use.Just drop it into a new or pre-existing counter opening and it's good to go.
FLEX Glassline
|FLEX GLASSLINE are glass walls that provide a tasteful and inspiring work environment where it is easy to concentrate and get work in peace. Glass walls reduce noise and interference. The glazed walls bounding office and conference room without sacrificing transparency, light and community. FLEX GLASSLINE is a wall system with fixed and movable glass panels that can be combined with swing and sliding doors in wood or glass. Our glazed walls have no profiles in the vertical joints between the glass sheets.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm side side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Nova C Back convex module
|The configurably winding Nova C allows grand seating in scale with grand indoor spaces. The bench shapes a seamless seating line for natural flow control, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space. And the configurability also goes into colors and accessories - every project can be unique. The grand configurations are held in place by their own weight, with no need to bolt the sections to the floor, yet can be snapped apart for thorough cleaning or reconfiguration. Finished with natural hard wax oil, a sustainable choice that works similarly to shoe polish – easy to maintain always-like-new. The standard modules for Nova C Back is either straight or concave/convex 45°. Any curvature between the degrees of 0° to 45° can be made as a custom order. Please contact our sales team to find out more.
OPPO 050
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Softline floor screen
|It’s no coincidence that Softline has become a timeless classic. Its ingeniously simple design and friendly feel, combined with its excellent sound-absorbency properties, make it a functional favourite in workplaces worldwide. The screen consists of a sound-absorbent filling mounted inside a solid wood frame. The screen is upholstered with fabric on both sides. Metal feet (colours: chrome, black, white, and grey). Heights available: 5, 50 or 100 mm. The connectors make it possible to link multiple screens in a row or at an angle.
VELFAC 200 ENERGY Sliding Door 237
|When the door opens, moves approximately. 90 mm outwards from the casing before it is displaced in parallel over the fixed part of the element. The fixed part of the element should always be at least as wide as the cutting part. When closed, there is no level difference between walking and the fixed part.
|<p>Surf – a new mobile table for Offecct by&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. Berlin based&nbsp;Maximilian is one of the new designer&nbsp;names in Offecct's 2018 news collection.&nbsp;In his capacity as an acclaimed contemporary designer, trying to&nbsp;reinvent the wheel is not in Maximilian Schmahl's nature. But wheels&nbsp;have in any event once again become a key element under furniture in&nbsp;activity-based venues.&nbsp;– Of course, the development has to do with the fact that we now&nbsp;work practically anywhere. And practically anyway, highlights&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl. If nothing else, both the Swedish and German&nbsp;word for “furniture” comes from the Latin mobilis – which designates&nbsp;something that is moved around.&nbsp;Surf is moved around easily, yet it is no “furniture” according to the&nbsp;designer, rather “a tool for achieving maximum flexibility in activitybased&nbsp;venues.” Whether there is a computer or a couple of cups of&nbsp;coffee sitting on top of it. The light table blends well into Offecct's&nbsp;Life-circle philosophy.&nbsp;Surf has a table top in lacquered ash and handle in white-pigmented&nbsp;solid ash, metal frame and black castors.</p><p>Architect&nbsp;Maximilian Schmahl was born 1983 and raised in&nbsp;Munich. After graduating from Bauhaus-University&nbsp;Weimar in 2013 he started his own studio in Berlin,&nbsp;working in different fields of furniture and interior&nbsp;design.</p>
|Cistern LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic dimensions 380 x 175 x 400 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 291 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 753 (Green Version) water inlet bottom left (1/2“) matching floorstanding WC pan order no. 82454.1 and wall-hung WC pan order no. 82054.5 Special feature: without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82654.3
|Cistern LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 380 x 175 x 400 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 278/778 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 750/760 (Green Version) water inlet side left, side right (3/8”) matching floorstanding WC pan order no. 82454.1 and wall-hung WC pan order no. 82054.5 Special feature: with or without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82654.2
LIVING Washbasin bowl 450 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, glazed back undersurface ground, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, furniture Order no. 81143.0
Schüco Façade FWS 60 CV.HI
|Thermally insulated aluminium façade system with concealed opening units [LIST] Slimline profiles with the same look for vents and fixed fields Similar to a mullion/transom construction with an internal and external face width of 60 mm Uf value to 1.5 W/(m²K) including screw factor with 50 mm glass Merging of the vent and load-bearing structure: no additional insert outer frame required Vent and outer frame flush-fitted with minimal shadow gap Turn/tilt window possible Can be used for classic, floor-to-ceiling ribbon windows including safety barrier and punched opening [/LIST]
A4995 - Table, Diaper Changing, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted diaper changing table for use in public restrooms. Unit is a fold down system that folds upward when not in use for minimal intrusion into the room. Changing surface is contoured and has safety belt to insure that an infant will not fall from the table. Table is designed to hold no less than 250 pounds static weight. Closed dimensions are approximately 21" H x 36" W x 5" D. Open dimensions vary according to style. One system's open dimensions are 15 " high, 32" wide and 19" deep.
CT050 - Countertop, Stainless Steel
|Stainless steel countertop (composition of heavy-gauge Type No. 304 stainless steel) having a smooth satin finish and integral 4" backsplash/curb. Also referred to as a corrosion-resistant steel work surface or work top. Available in various depths. Used in areas where excellent ease of cleaning, abrasion resistance, bacteria resistance, impact resistance, load capacity and moisture resistance, are of concern. Pricing based upon a 24" depth.
D0664 - Cabinet, Wall Hanging, Dental Laboratory
|Heavy duty steel wall cabinet with adjustable shelves suitable for storage of dental laboratory case pans and dental laboratory equipment. Open front construction, no doors, with adjustable shelves. All components must be rust resistant due to the damp environment. Dimensions and shelf configuration vary by manufacturer. The supporting wall may require reinforcement for mounting this cabinet.
D3320 - Chair, Operating, Dental
|Dental operating chair designed for the treatment and comfort of dental patients. The chair shall be capable of multiple positions, shall swivel, contain an adjustable headrest and arm rests that pivot up and down. The chair shall operate by means of electrohydraulics. The upholstery shall be seamless with no crevices to catch debris and be easy to clean.
L1105 - Co-Oximeter
|Co-oximeter analyzer. The unit calculates hemoglobin/oxygenation concentrations. The analyzer characteristics/components include a sample readout in no longer than 45 seconds, dual beam optics and a hollow cathode lamp. It is used to calculate oxygen content, capacity, and measured saturation and correlates closely with reference methods.
L1502 - Centrifuge, Tabletop
|Tabletop laboratory centrifuge. This unit has a variable speed range of 1500 to 13000 RPM in part dependent on rotor assembly used. It includes a no brake option allowing rotor to spin to a gradual stop as well as the capability to enter combinations of time and RPM into the memory, and a door lock safety system. Heads accommodate a wide variety of tubes and can accommodate up to at least 76 tubes. Used in laboratories to prepare samples for further analysis.
M0385 - Projector, Multimedia/Data
|The projector shall provide computer and video projections. Minimum features included: Brightness of not less than 1500 ANSI ( American National Standards Institute) Lumens, and a minimum resolution format of 1024 X 768 pixels (XGA). The projector shall be portable and weigh no more than 10 pounds. It shall include a zoom lens and computer and video input ports.
M8120 - Therapy Unit, Hydroculator
|Moist Heat Therapy Unit, also referred as a Hydrocollator Heating Unit, are used to apply effective heat to hot packs used in moist heat therapy. Unit is supplied ready for immediate use and requires no special plumbing. Unit features: stainless steel insulated wall, thermostatically controlled, casters ( mobile units only), and standard size Hot Packs. Other unit sizes and accessories (variety of hot packs, tongs, side table rack, etc.) are available.
P5350 - Shower, Patient, Psychiatric
|Psychiatric patient shower. Shall be vandal-proof. Shower head shall be designed for prison use, shall have smooth surfaces with no projection that can be used as a catch or hook; shall have flat back arranged for bolting directly to the wall and shall be tapped for 1/2 inch pipe connecting to tempered water line; the head shall have a tamperproof removable face not less than 3-1/2 inch diameter; the shower head shall be installed not less than 6 feet above the floor and shall deliver the spray within a 3 foot circle.
P8710 - Utility Center, Plumbing Connection
|Plumbing connection utility center, sometimes referred to as a 'GUY GRAY BOX'. This recessed utility center provides for hot and cold water connections and a drain connection at sink and other equipment locations. The utility center includes cutoff valves for the water connections, a plug seal for the drain and an outside cover to provide an aesthetic appearance when connections are no longer required. This center may be installed in locations where no plumbing fixtures are included in a design as a future flexibility device, saving many dollars for later facility modifications to incorporate sinks as functions change.
S5500 - Sterilizer, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas
|A compact low temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizer mounted on a mobile cart. Sterilization chamber shall have a capacity of approximately 1.75 cubic feet. The sterilizer shall be capable of processing metal instruments, plastics, heat and moisture sensitive devices in approximately 45 minutes with no aeration required. Unit shall be equipped with a visual display and audible alarm. A built in printer will provide system performance record for each cycle.
S5505 - Sterilizer, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas
|A floor mounted, low temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizer. Sterilization chamber shall have a capacity of approximately 3.5 cubic feet (100 liters). The sterilizer shall be capable of processing metal instruments, plastics, heat and moisture sensitive devices in approximately 75 minutes with no aeration required. Unit shall be equipped with a visual display and audible alarm. A built in printer will provide system performance record for each cycle.
Ytong Spain
|This stone is white and consists of lime, sand, cement and water. Inside, it contains millions of air pores, which also gave him the name: aerated concrete. Over 70 years ago it was for the first time industrially produced in southern Sweden’s Yxhult in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy due to stricter laws. From the original name "Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong" a short time later became the first registered building materials brand in the world, which pushed the worldwide carrer of Ytong and changed the building construction sustainably. Since then, Ytong with the concise Y of its hometown and the significant yellow color, stands like no other brand for construction with optimal insulation. This material has become a standard element in residential building on an international level. Due to the extensive product range it is possible to build a house from the basement to the roof completely with aerated concrete elements. Ytong aerated concrete offers the right solution for every application with the highest quality masonry. Whether basement masonry, monolithic exterior or interior walls, you will always find the right product. In renovations new room situations can efficiently be created with Ytong aerated concrete masonry. Ytong, the classic building material, stands like no other for optimal thermal insulation and massive quality.
Active 6000
|No other playground structure currently available can match the benefits offered by Activity Nets. Whether it is the number of children that can play on a structure at the same time, the number of access points available for both entry and exit, or simply the most cost effective solution for busy play areas, nothing can match this amazing range of products for its ability to impress all.
|With a clear personality, BLINKER BOLLARD is an elegant bollard fitting, ideal for functional lighting on walkways and passages. It is characterised by the perfect flush lines of the luminaire with the main bollard structure. With no visible screws and with uniform and glare-free light beams it offers visual comfort, creating a cosy and welcoming atmosphere.
|Neat lines, essential shapes, high performances: WALKER is a wall recessed product developed to enlighten floors with a wide and well-directed light avoiding any glare effect. The front frame, with no visible screws, is fixed through a spring locking system that preserves the elegant and well-proportioned aesthetic.
PALOMBA COLLECTION Washbasin 1000 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 500 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 1 tap, hole left and right, 3 tap holes, without tap holes, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81080.6
PALOMBA COLLECTION Floorstanding washbasin with wall connection 520 mm
|Floorstanding washbasin with wall connection, LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 525 x 435 mm, asymmetric, 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, with integrated pedestal, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81180.4
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 500 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, towel rail 38180.1, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81480.4
PALOMBA COLLECTION Washbasin 1600 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1600 x 500 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, towel rail 38180.3, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81480.8
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 500 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 440 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40620.1 vanity unit 500 with one drawer, 40620.2 vanity, unit 500 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.1
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 1000 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 480 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40650.1 vanity unit 1000 with one drawer, 40650.2 vanity, unit 1000 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.6
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin bowl 520 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 520 x 520 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81897.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin bowl 750 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 750 x 520 mm, oval, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81897.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE wall-hung WC, washdown
|Wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 585 x 400 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82097.6
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC, washout, horizontal outlet
|Floorstanding WC, washout, LAUFEN FLORAKIDS, sanitary ceramic, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 295 x 385 x 350 mm, vertical outlet, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat, 89103.2, Order no. 82203.7 / Option 027
LAUFEN PRO Raised floorstanding WC, washdown, vertical outlet
|Floorstanding WC combination, washdown, LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 445 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, holes, cistern 82868.0, 82868.2, 82868.3, 82868.5, 82868.7, WC seat and, cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering, 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82468.4
PALOMBA COLLECTION Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 430 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover with automatic lowering 89180.1, Order no. 82380.6
PALOMBA COLLECTION Floorstanding WC, combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral holes, cistern 82880.0, 82880.2, 82880.3, 82880.5 WC seat and, cover with automatic lowering 89180.1, Order no. 82480.6
LAUFEN PRO Raised floorstanding WC, washout, horizontal outlet
|Wall-hung bidet, LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 36, dimensions 360 x 560 x 310 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed fixation, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without lateral, mounting holes for water connection, Order no. 83054.1
PALOMBA COLLECTION Cistern, for 82480.6
|Cistern LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 360 x 175 x 435 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), rear (3/8”-1/2”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82480.6, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264, Order no. 82880.0
PALOMBA COLLECTION Cistern, for 82480.6/option 231
|Cistern Laufen-PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic dimensions 360 x 175 x 435 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 291 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 753 (Green Version) water inlet bottom left (1/2“) matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82480.6/option 231 Special feature: without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82880.3
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE wall-hung bidet
|Wall-hung bidet LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 36, dimensions 390 x 585 x 355 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, concealed fixation, Special feature: vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, mounting holes for water connection, Order no. 83097.1
PALOMBA COLLECTION Floorstanding bidet
|Floorstanding bidet LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 997, EN 35, dimensions 360 x 560 x 430 mm, 1 centre tap hole, back to wall, concealed fixation, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, Order no. 83280.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Siphonic urinal with holes for cover
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 325 x 290 x 585 mm (with cover 895 mm), only to be used with cover, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum, 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), vacuum and performance, tested, Further options / accessories: with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre, siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and, UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet, DN 40 (standard UK), urinal cover 89497.1, Order no. 84097.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Siphonic urinal, without cover
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 325 x 290 x 585 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum, 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), vacuum and performance, tested, Further options / accessories: with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre, siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and, UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet, DN 40 (standard UK), Order no. 84097.5
MODERNA PLUS Bathtub 1700 x 700 mm, steel
|Bathtub, made of 3,5 mm enamelled steel Charge 000 – without antinoise pads Charge 040 – with antinoise pads Charge 041 – with antinoise pads (to fulfil SIA 181 and DIN 4109 only in combination with antinoise set order no. 29898.0) Charge 044 – with antinoise pads and tap holes UK standard Charge 045 – with antinoise pads and tap hole left next to overflow Charge 046 – with antinoise pads andtap hole right next to overflow
MODERNA PLUS Bathtub 1700 x 750 mm, steel
|Bathtub, made of 3,5 mm enamelled steel Charge 000 – without antinoise pads Charge 040 – with antinoise pads Charge 041 – with antinoise pads (to fulfil SIA 181 and DIN 4109 only in combination with antinoise set order no. 29898.0) Charge 044 – with antinoise pads and tap holes UK standard Charge 045 – with antinoise pads and tap hole left next to overflow Charge 046 – with antinoise pads andtap hole right next to overflow
MODERNA PLUS Bathtub 1600 x 700 mm, steel
|Bathtub, made of 3,5 mm enamelled steel Charge 000 – without antinoise pads Charge 040 – with antinoise pads Charge 041 – with antinoise pads (to fulfil SIA 181 and DIN 4109 only in combination with antinoise set order no. 29898.0) Charge 044 – with antinoise pads and tap holes UK standard Charge 045 – with antinoise pads and tap hole left next to overflow Charge 046 – with antinoise pads andtap hole right next to overflow
MODERNA PLUS Washbasin 550 x 460 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 550 x 460 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81054.1
MODERNA PLUS Washbasin 600 x 480 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 600 x 480 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81054.2
MODERNA PLUS Washbasin 650 x 480 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81054.3
LB3 Countertop washbasin 850 x 520 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 850 x 520 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated vertical cover, Special feature: cutable to 700 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, siphon, cover, pedestal, side cover, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81068.6
LB3 Countertop washbasin 1250 x 520 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1250 x 520 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated vertical cover, Special feature: cutable to 700 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, siphon, cover, pedestal, side cover, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81068.8
LAUFEN PRO B Washbasin 550 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 550 x 440 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without, overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81095.1
LAUFEN PRO B Washbasin 650 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 500 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without, overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81095.3
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin 520 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 520 x 525 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated siphon cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81097.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin 600 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 525 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated siphon cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81097.2
BIJOU Built-in washbasin 450 x 405 mm, ground
|Built in basin, ground, LAUFEN BIJOU, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 455 x 400 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 415 x 365 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed outer surface, with or without overflow, Order no. 81122.0
BIJOU Built-in washbasin 520 x 455 mm, ground
|Built in basin, ground, LAUFEN BIJOU, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 520 x 455 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 480 x 400 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed outer surface, with or without overflow, Order no. 81123.0
BIJOU Built-in washbasin 550 x 480 mm, ground
|Built in basin, ground, LAUFEN BIJOU, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 550 x 480 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 510 x 420 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed outer surface, with or without overflow, Order no. 81124.0
LIBERTYLINE barrier free washbasin 800 x 550 mm
|Barrier free washbasin LAUFEN LIBERTYLINE, sanitary ceramic, DIN 18024/18025, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 550 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, accessible by wheelchair, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, run off and overflow system Clou GEBERIT, Order no. 81147.8
LB3 Drop-in washbasin 650 x 490 mm
|Drop in basin LAUFEN LB3 CLASSIC, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 650 x 490 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated, vertical cover, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81168.2
LAUFEN PRO Small washbasin 450 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 340 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap, hole/without overflow and open drain, siphon cover, furniture, Order no. 81195.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding washbasin with wall connection 520 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 520 x 530 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated pedestal, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81197.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Freestanding washbasin 530 mm
|Freestanding washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 530 x 530 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated pedestal, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81197.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Washbasin bowl 450 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 450 mm, round, without tap hole, valve without overflow always open, ceramic valve, cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81197.3
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin, undersurface ground 850 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 850 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81295.6
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin, undersurface ground 1050 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1050 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integrated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81295.8
SAVOY Built-in washbasin 545 x 420 mm
|Built in basin ground LAUFEN SAVOY, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 545 x 420 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 500 x 350 mm, oval, without tap hole, hidden overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed outer surface, Order no. 81319.2
CRISTAL Built-in washbasin 520 x 446 mm, ground
|Built in basin, ground, LAUFEN CRISTAL, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 520 x 446 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 485 x 405 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed outer surface, Order no. 81323.0
MODERNA PLUS Countertop washbasin 800 x 485 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 800 x 485 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81354.2
MODERNA PLUS Countertop washbasin 1000 x 485 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 485 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81354.4
LAUFEN PRO Countertop washbasin 850 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 850 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, washbasin base, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81395.6
LAUFEN PRO Countertop washbasin 1050 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1050 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integrated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, washbasin base, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81395.8
LAUFEN PRO Drop-in washbasin 560 mm
|Drop in basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 560 x 440 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, glazed outer surface, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81396.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Drop-in washbasin 500 mm
|Drop-in basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 500 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, ceramic-plated, vertical cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap holes, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81397.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Semi-recessed washbasin 750 mm
|Semi recessed basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 750 x 500 mm, oval, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81397.2,
MODERNA PLUS Countertop double washbasin 1300 x 485 mm
|Double countertop basin LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / 31, dimensions 1300 x 485 mm, angular, per basin 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), per basin 3 tap holes, without tap holes, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81454.1
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 1200 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1200 x 500 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, towel rail 38180.2, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81480.6
PALOMBA COLLECTION Double countertop washbasin 1600 mm
|Double countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary, ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1600 x 500 mm, angular, per basin 1 tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, per basin 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes, and overflow, towel rail 38180.4, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81480.9
LAUFEN PRO Countertop double washbasin 1300 mm
|Double countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1300 x 480 mm, angular, per basin 1 centre tap hole and overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), per basin 3 tap holes and 1 overflow, without tap holes and per basin 1, overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture, Order no. 81496.7
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Countertop washbasin 1600 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1600 x 350/500 mm, asymmetric, 1 tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic, valve cover plate, with integrated shelf, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, order no. 814971
FLORAKIDS Small washbasin 450 x 410 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN FLORAKIDS, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 410 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, with overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole, 1 centre tap hole without overflow, without tap hole, and overflow, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81503.1
MODERNA PLUS Small washbasin 360 x 450 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 450 x 360 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81554.1
LAUFEN PRO Small washbasin 450 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 330 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow, and open drain, siphon cover, furniture, Order no. 81595.2
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Small washbasin 465 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 420 x 465 mm, round, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, with integrated siphon cover, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Further options / accessories: without tap hole and with valve without, overflow always open, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81597.0
MODERNA PLUS Small corner washbasin 530 x 500 mm
|Small washbasin for corner LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 545 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture, faucets, Order no. 81654.1
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 650 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40630.1 vanity unit 650 with one drawer, 40630.2 vanity, unit 650 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.2
PALOMBA COLLECTION Countertop washbasin 800 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 480 mm, angular, 1 tap hole, without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, For furniture: 40640.1 vanity unit 800 with one drawer, 40640.2 vanity, unit 800 with two drawers (for different options and colours see furniture, section), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, Order no. 81780.4
MODERNA PLUS Built-in washbasin 320 x 460 mm
|Built in basin grinded LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 505 x 375 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 460 x 325 mm, asymmetric angular, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed outer surface, Order no. 81854.1
|Wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN FLORAKIDS, sanitary ceramic, for conealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 310 x 520 x 365 mm, ceramic seat height 350 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover, 89103.0, WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89103.1, WC seat , 89103.2, Order no. 82003.1
|Wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 310 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover 89154.0, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering, 89154.1, Order no. 82054.0
LB3 Wall-hung WC
|Wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 365 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82068.0
LB3 Wall-hung WC, raised height
|Comfort wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 410 mm, elevated a seated height with WC seat of 480 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82068.1
PALOMBA COLLECTION wall-hung WC, washdown
|Wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 540 x 348 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover with automatic lowering 89180.1, Order no. 82080.1
LAUFEN PRO Wall-hung WC, washout
|Wall-hung WC pan, washout LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 997, EN 33, 5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 530 x 350 mm concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89395.7, WC seat & cover, 89395.5, 89695.0 WC seat & cover with automatic lowering 89395.6, 89695.1 Order no. 82095.9
LIBERTYLINE barrier free wall-hung WC
|Barrier free wall-hung WC pan washdown LAUFEN LIBERTYLINE, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, DIN 18024/18025, EN 997, EN 33, 6-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 410 mm, accessible by wheelchair, lenght 700 mm, higher mounting necessary to, achieve a seated height of 480 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat, WC seat & cover, Order no. 82147.0
LB3 Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 430 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat & cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82168.4
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 470 x 400 mm, outlet horizontal, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat & cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3, Order no. 82195.6
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 545 x 400 mm, outlet vertical, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat & cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3, Order no. 82195.7
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 585 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: WC seat & cover with automatic, lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82197.1
FLORAKIDS Floorstanding WC, washout, horizontal outlet
|Floorstanding WC pan washout LAUFEN FLORAKIDS, sanitary ceramic, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 295 x 385 x 350 mm, outlet horizontal, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat, 89103.2, Order no. 82203.6 / Option 027
FLORAKIDS Floorstanding WC, washout, vertical outlet
|Floorstanding WC pan washout LAUFEN FLORAKIDS, sanitary ceramic, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 295 x 385 x 350 mm, outlet vertical, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat, 89103.2, Order no. 82203.7 / Option 027
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 390 x 720 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), concealed surfaces, directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum, checked, Further options / accessories: cistern 82697.1, WC seat & cover with, automatic lowering 89297.1, Order no. 82297.6
LB3 Floorstanding WC combi, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 445 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, holes, cistern 82868.0, 82868.2, 82868.3, 82868.5, 82868.7, WC seat and, cover, 89568.0, 89568.2, WC seat & cover with automatic lowering, 89568.1, 89568.3, Order no. 82468.4
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC
|Raised Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary, ceramic, for cistern wall mounted, EN 997, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 470 x 450 mm, outlet horizontal, ceramic height 450 mm, 2 fixing holes, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 4 fixing holes, WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3, Order no. 82595.5
|Cistern, water connection at the bottom Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic dimensions 380 x 175 x 360 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 286 Dual-Flush 6/3-l-flush or 4,5/3-l option 289 (Project Version) Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 752 (Green Version) water inlet bottom right 1/2” brass, Scandinavia Standard matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82495.5/option 231, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8/option 231, 82495.9 Special feature: without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white)
|Cistern LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 370 x 160 x 485 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet rear (3/8”-1/2”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82297.6, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), water condensation, insulation, Further options: Australian Standard option 262, Order no. 82697.1
PALACE Cistern, water connection on one side (left or right)
|Cistern LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 360 x 160 x 420 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82470.6/option 000, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264, Order no. 82870.2
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 375 x 160 x 395 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 278/778 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 750/760 (Green Version) water inlet rear (3/8”-1/2”) matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82595.2/option 000 Special feature: with or without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white)
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 380 x 175 x 360 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 825952 option 000, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264, Order no. 829952
MODERNA PLUS Wall-hung bidet
|Wall-hung bidet LAUFEN MODERNA PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 36, dimensions 360 x 560 x 310 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed fixation, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without lateral, mounting holes for water connection, Order no. 83054.1
LB3 Floorstanding bidet
|Floorstanding bidet LAUFEN LB3, sanitary ceramic, EN 35, dimensions 360 x 560 x 430 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, back to wall, concealed fixation, Special feature: vacuum checked, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, Order no. 83268.1
ILBAGNOALESSI ONE Floorstanding bidet
|Floorstanding bidet LAUFEN IL BAGNO ALESSI ONE, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 390 x 585 x 415 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, ceramic valve cover plate, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: Surface refinement LCC (only white), vacuum checked, Order no. 83297.1
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN TAMARO, sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 395 x 360 x 770 mm, minimum 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing rate minimum 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, siphon with horizontal outlet, siphon with vertical outlet and connection bend, Order no. 84009.0
TAMARO Urinal, with control system for battery
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN TAMARO-S60B, sanitary ceramic, with control system for battery, DIN 1390, dimensions 395 x 360 x 770 mm, minimum 1-l flush, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing rate minimum 0,3 l/s, GEBERIT IR-electronic, brass inlet R 1/2“, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, siphon with horizontal outlet, siphon with vertical outlet and connection, bend, Order no. 84010.0 / Option 402
CASA Urinal, with holes for attaching the cover
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN CASA, sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 305 x 285 x 465 mm, only to be used with cover, minimum 2-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate, minimum 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, siphon with concealed outlet, urinal cover, Order no. 84014.1
CASA Urinal, without holes for cover
|Siphonic urinal Laufen-CASA, sanitary ceramic DIN 1390, dimensions 305 x 285 x 465 mm minimum 2-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum 0,3 l/s Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, siphon with concealed outlet, urinal cover, Order no. 84014.5
VILA Urinal, with holes for attaching the cover
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN VILA, sanitary ceramic, EN 13407, dimensions 310 x 280 x 490 mm, only to be used with cover, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum, 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50, (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 40 (standard UK), urinal cover, Order no. 84114.1
VILA Urinal, without holes for cover
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN VILA, sanitary ceramic, EN 13407, dimensions 310 x 280 x 490 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum, 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50, (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 40 (standard UK), urinal cover, Order no. 84114.2
CAPRINO Urinal, with external water inlet
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN CAPRINO PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 13407, dimensions 320 x 350 x 645 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet external, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing rate, minimum 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50, (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 40 (standard UK), 1-litre siphon, with horizontal and vertical outlet DN 50 SH 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 SH 50 (standard CH), Order no. 84206.2
LAUFEN PRO Seat without cover
|Seat without cover WC seat Spezial LAUFEN PRO, Duroplast not removable matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82195.6, 82195.7, 82195.8, 82195.9, 82295.1, 82495.5, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8, 82495.9, 82595.5, 82595.6, 82595.7 and wallhung WC pan, order no. 82095.0, 82095.1, 82095.2, 82095.3, 82095.4, 82095.5
PALOMBA COLLECTION Washbasin bowl with tapbank 600 mm
|Washbasin bowl Laufen-PALOMBA COLLECTION, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 400 mm, asymmetric, 1 tap hole without overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole and overflow, 1 tap hole with overflow, without tap, hole with overflow, valve without overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, order no. 816803
Conference chair Graph
|The Graph conference chair breathes new life into the manageable and decades hardly changed Riege excellently designed conference chair. Because even at first sight captivates the graphic quality of the modern form, referred to by the name. It results from the artifice, only to cut through an organic seat shell horizontally and vertically, in order to then modified again reassemble. The result is a fascinating interplay of flowing form and clear lines of closed surfaces and transparent aperture, of harmony and contrast. The striking design is mirrored in exceptional seating comfort, the graph provides despite the slim contour. The covered with wave springs encased in foam and additionally equipped with padded pad steel frame of the seat and back are upholstered for top class technology. Even more, the supporting leaf spring in the three-point support of the seat ensures without any mechanism for three-dimensional flexibility that activates mind and body. Since it is almost self-evident that graph is also convincing in the detail. That no fittings are to be discovered on the armrests. The fact that shapes and surfaces of the frame perfectly modeled and processed. And that the seams of the precious covers precisely follow the elegant lines.
EQUITONE [linea]
|<p>EQUITONE [linea] is a unique 3D shaped, through-coloured facade material that plays with light and shadow. Linea displays a linear texture that highlights the raw inner texture of the core fibre cement material. Every moment of the day, the changing angle of the daylight gives the facade material a different aspect. The material comes in a large panel size and can be transformed into any size or shape in the workshop or on site. No matter what design options you explore, EQUITONE’s through-coloured nature guarantees crisp, monolithic details.</p> <p>Both visible and invisible fixing options exist for EQ2UITONE [linea].</p>
ALPAL® SECUR No-flame waterproofing
|Single-layer ALPA®-modified bituminous waterproofing system exclusively developed by Axter. This waterproofing system is mechanically fixed and lap joints are hot air welded, meaning that no flame is involved in the installation. This means that ALPAL® SECUR provides optimum safety and is particularly recommended for structures within a sensitive environment (factory, service station etc ...), for timber-framed structures and in industrial workshops where pre-fabricated structures are manufactured. ALPAL® SECUR is available as a self-protected waterproofing system or can be used under added protection (gravel) or vegetation.
O'TOP® , Waterproofing without fixings for metal substrates
|Bituminous waterproofing system for steel-framed structures installed with no metal fixings, giving an aesthetic finish to the underside of the roof. The waterproofing comprises installation of a self-adhesive vapour control layer on to which the insulation is bonded, followed by the installation of the waterproofing by torching. O'TOP can be used on a variety of metal substrates, in particular long-span and lacquered metal trays. No mechanical fastenings are used so installation is fast and there is no need to add false ceilings in buildings such as commercial premises public halls, sports centres, etc.
Onyx fr
|Onyx FR is a durable vinyl wall covering, especially suited for wetrooms, such as bathrooms and showers. Onyx FR must be heat welded and as such provides a smooth, hygienic surface that ensures no breeding ground for bacteria. Together with our Step wetroom floors, Onyx FR offers a complete wetroom solution from floor to wall. Combining aesthetics and technical performance, Onyx FR wall covering is perfectly suited to commercial applications such as wetrooms of health facilities, nursing homes and senior residences. Reduced installation waste MIx random lay carpet tiles are cleverly designed so that they may be laid in any direction to produce a totally individual installation. Using this method also reduces installation waste to less than 2%. Batchless carpet tiles Different production consignments of ‘batchless’ tiles can be used together in an installation without the usual risk of visible batch variation, this also eliminates the need to hold attic stock.
|Surestep combines outstanding slip resistant properties with differentiated design and, through the use of new Step Crystals, each colourway offers a clean, fresh look and improved cleaning and maintenance properties as well as ensuring lifetime slip resistance. Our Surestep ranges offer a vast choice of designs with no compromise on performance.
HN810 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN820 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN830 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN840 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
HN850 (Human Nature Collection)
|It’s human nature to be creative. As designers we know that when we follow nature’s example, designing spaces that ignite our senses through light, color, texture and detail, we also spark the creative spirit in each of us. Human Nature Collection was designed as a beautiful foundation for those spaces, made up of five different textures in 25cm x 1m skinny planks. Borrowing from natural elements, HN810™, HN850™ and HN840™ placed in sequence blend seamlessly in an organic movement that shows no hint of the corners or edges of the tile. HN820™ and HN830™ extend the range from very low profile to wildly-full and neutral to colorful. (carpet tile)
FAAC J200 HA Hydraulic Automatic bollard
|FAAC J200 HA Automatic retractable traffic bollard is particularly suitable for controlling vehicle traffic in residential areas. It can be operated by means of commands performed by authorized personnel or by means of automatic commands. J200 HA main features are: 1. Integrated Hydraulic Unit concept 2. Streamlined product, it can be configured by selecting the desired installation accessories 3. No pit needed: laying and civil works performed in a single operation 4. Simple maintenance (can be performed by a single person) 5. Easy transport, storage and laying thanks to the limited weight 6. Rapid and silent movements
FAAC J200 SA Semi-Automatic bollard
|FAAC J200 SA Semi-Automatic bollard resolves the problems of transit and/or parking control with no need of electric power supply (particularly suitable for areas difficult to wire). The gas actuator allows it to be lifted automatically with a key. It is lowered by pressing the head of the bollard. J200 SA main features are:: 1. Power supply and wiring not needed 2. Simple and safe movements thanks to the dedicated release key 3. Kept lock in up position (against accidental release) 4. Very low (and easy) maintenance needed 5. No pit needed: laying and civil works performed in a single operation 6. Easy transport, storage and laying thanks to the limited weight
DXD Series
|Caution, heavy-duty transporter! - The DXD moves virtually anything with the power of two motors. Its favourite task is moving extremely large façade windows, skylights and roof-mounted flaps under a snow load. Here it handles even the heaviest elements with precise synchronisation. It is good to know that it is available in so many different designs. The defining characteristics of the DXD Series - Exceptionally high power and efficiency - Achieves the maximum opening in almost no time even in case of high weights - Precise synchronisation when it comes to extremely heavy elements - A large variety of designs and customised object solutions - Available as a 230 V AC SHEV solution Performance features - Can be used for openings for smoke exhaust; D+H Euro SHEV in accordance with EN 12101-2; and for daily ventilation - With integrated BSY+ motor and synchronised electronics controlled via microprocessor - Direct control via 230 V AC - High speed function (HS) for especially fast opening windows in case of fire (SHEV) - Option of up to 4 drives in one synchronous group - Groove in the drive tube for flexible installation and configuration of the swivel range - Option of cable infeed above and below - Programmable drive functions and different drive parameters - Running speed in CLOSED direction decreases to 5 mm/s (passive closing edge protection) - Time-controlled reversing when an obstacle is detected in the CLOSED direction (active closing edge protection)
Taralay Premium Compact
|TARALAY PREMIUM is a multilayered calendered and pressed vinyl floorcovering, with no filler and a group T wear rating, available in 2m wide sheet. The product comprises a >1mm thick, pure vinyl wear layer incorporating very densely pressed coloured chips, with a mat finishing and without a transparent wear layer. The product comprises a compact backing which is calandered, pressed and reinforced with a glass fibre grid yielding a 8dB sound insulation, an indentation resistance of 0.02mm and a rolling heavy loads easiness. TARALAY PREMIUM is treated with Protecsol®2, a surface treatment obtained by UV laser crosslinking. This Protecsol®2 ensures easy maintenance and eliminates permanently the need for acrylic emulsion (metallisation). It avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like iodine alcohol, Betadine, eosin and anti-bacterial hand gel. It is composed of 40% of minerals and inexhaustible materials. It is made of 100% controlled recycled materials. It does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 and they are 100% compliant with REACH. On demand, Taralay Premium is available with phthalate free. The products emission rate of volatile organic compounds is <10µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.
Taralay Element Compact
|TARALAY ELEMENT COMPACT is a multilayered vinyl floor covering available in 2m wide sheet, with a group T wear rating. The product comprises a 0.75mm thick, pure vinyl and coloured wear layer throughout the thickness, without a transparent wear layer. It is reinforced with a fibre glass grid for a better dimensional stability. The construction of the product yields a 8dB sound insulation rating. This flooring is protected by the surface treatment, Protecsol®, with a minimum thickness of 25µm, ensuring easy maintenance and no required polish for the entire lifetime of the product. It is composed of 50% mineral and inexhaustible materials. It does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 components and it is 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of volatile organic compounds is <70µg/m³ (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.
Taralay Premium Dry Tex
|TARALAY PREMIUM DRY-TEX SYSTEM includes TARALAY PREMIUM DRY TEX and GERPUR glue. This system provides a complete moisture mitigation in full-spread adhesive installation eliminating interposition barrier for any slab with high moisture (up to 98%RH). TARALAY PREMIUM DRY-TEX is a multi-layered calendered and pressed vinyl floorcovering, with no filler and a group T wear rating, available in 2m wide sheet. The product comprises a >1mm thick homogeneous, pure vinyl wear layer incorporating very densely pressed coloured chips, with a mat finishing and without transparent wear layer. The product comprises a 100% post-manufacturing compact reinforced with a glass fiber grid and a non-woven backing. The product offers 8dB sound insulation, an indentation resistance of 0.03mm and a rolling heavy loads easiness. TARALAY PREMIUM DRY-TEX is treated with Protecsol®2, a surface treatment obtained by UV laser crosslinking. This Protecsol®2 ensures easy maintenance and eliminates permanently the need for acrylic emulsion (metallisation). It avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like iodine alcohol, Betadine, eosin and anti-bacterial hand gel. It is composed of 40% of minerals and inexhaustible materials. It is made of 100% controlled recycled materials. It does not contain any heavy metals or CMR 1&2 and they are 100% compliant with REACH. The products emission rate of volatile organic compounds is <10µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.
|PERFORMANCE SPORTS CONCEPT Think about it. Sports and work share many similarities than first meets the eye. Performance, forus, speed, victories, rewards. Your equipment is crucial to success. Applying the sportsgear concept to office furniture is revolutionary, yet makes perfect sense. Afterall, both function and interfaces with the human body. Like many cutting edge sports equipment, WAU combines excellent ergonomics to extract human performance and trendy styling to elicit self confidence and satisfaction as you perform. RECLINE-GLIDE MOTION The back and seat pivot axis is placed close to the human’s hip socket joint(acetabulum), such that there is no relative movement between the backrest and torso, giving a natural and constant-fit support throught the recline range. ELASTOMER SURFACE Colourful elastomer shells enhance the sporty and vibrant character of WAU. The thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) surfaces, created using dual-injection process, are soft and rubber-like, offering a new tactile experience. Prominent curvilinear slits not only create a visual impact, but allow the fitting 3D contour shell to have varying levels of elasticity tailored to suit movements and support required by different areas of the body. These models feature the seat, back arm pads and headrest all in elastomer surfaces of the same matching colour.
Taralay Premium Confort
|TARALAY PREMIUM is a multilayered calendered and pressed vinyl floorcovering, with no filler and a group T wear rating, available in 2m wide sheet. The product comprises a >1mm thick, pure vinyl wear layer incorporating very densely pressed coloured chips, with a mat finishing and without a transparent wear layer. The product comprises a compact backing which is calandered, pressed and a Very High Density (VHD) foam backing. It is reinforced with a double glass fibre grid yielding a 16dB sound insulation, an indentation resistance of 0.06mm and a rolling heavy loads easiness.
Mipolam Accord EL7
|<p>MIPOLAM ACCORD EL7 is a dissipative flexible homogeneous vinyl floorcovering available in both sheet and tile form, calendered and compacted. </p> <p>This floorcovering is treated with Evercare&trade;: the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare&trade; avoids stain of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring.<br>This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!</p> <p>MIPOLAM ACCORD EL7 acts as a continuous dissipater 106 ≤ Rt ≤ 108. It has permanent antistatic properties (&lt; 100 V).</p> <p>The product is non-reactive to residual indentation with a value ≤ 0,02 mm.<br>The flooring is a group P wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.<br>The product is non-emissive of volatile organic compounds with &lt; 10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).</p>
Mipolam Elegance EL5
|<p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 is a conductive flexible homogeneous vinyl floorcovering available in sheet form.<br>The 2 mm homogeneous material incorporates carbon encapsulated granules throughout its full thickness and has a conductive backing to ensure optimal and consistent conductive properties throughout its full life expectancy. <br>It has permanent antistatic properties (&lt; 20 V).</p> <p>This floorcovering is treated with Evercare&trade; or the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare&trade; avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring.<br>This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!</p> <p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 acts as a continuous conductive 5.104 ≤ Rt ≤ 106 (EN 1081) and complies with EN 649.</p> <p>The product is non-reactive to residual indentation with a value ≤ 0,02 mm (EN 433)<br>The flooring complies with the EN 649 (34-43) offering a group P wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.<br>The product is non-emissive of volatile organic compounds with &lt;10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).</p>
WI50 mm 60 1,112 1100 WE1
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
TALO SOFA 290.11
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
|INLIO is a luminaire for office premises with direct-indirect emanation. It uses the latest LED, the edge lifting technology and Tunable White.The luminaires are in two variants – with a central cup with control electronics in the middle of the luminaire and a luminaire with a large luminous area with no central distribution with the control unit located in the recessed ceiling cup.The luminaire has a minimalist design. Throughout the entire circumference it is only 24 mm wide, with bevelled edges so it seems to be even optically thiner. Rounded edges and wavy structure give the luminaire the characteristic features and significant differentiation. When designing, the inspiration consisted in technical properties of the luminaire and cooling of the LED chips for the functioning of the cooler which replaces in this case the body of the luminaire itself. It is aesthetically adapted to rounded shapes in order not too industrially but rather luxurious and timeless. Design Matúš Opálka. Availability from 06/2016
|INLIO is a luminaire for office premises with direct-indirect emanation. It uses the latest LED, the edge lifting technology and Tunable White.The luminaires are in two variants – with a central cup with control electronics in the middle of the luminaire and a luminaire with a large luminous area with no central distribution with the control unit located in the recessed ceiling cup.The luminaire has a minimalist design. Throughout the entire circumference it is only 24 mm wide, with bevelled edges so it seems to be even optically thiner. Rounded edges and wavy structure give the luminaire the characteristic features and significant differentiation. When designing, the inspiration consisted in technical properties of the luminaire and cooling of the LED chips for the functioning of the cooler which replaces in this case the body of the luminaire itself. It is aesthetically adapted to rounded shapes in order not too industrially but rather luxurious and timeless. Design Matúš Opálka. Availability from 06/2016
Creation 70 X Press
|<p>CREATION 70 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T, available in tiles and planks with beveled edges. Composed of a transparent wear layer 0.7mm thick, a design film and three compact underlayers reinforced with two fiber grids, CREATION 70 X'PRESS is 5mm compact product. Compressed and embossed at high temperatures.<br>The product includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing, specifically for high traffic use, allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. The product is treated with a PUR + treatment for easy maintenance properties.</p> <p>Product CREATION 70 X'PRESS is made with 83% of mineral and 6% inexhaustible materials. It does not contain formaldehyde, any heavy metals or substances CMR 1&2, vPvB (very persistent and very bioaccumulative) and PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic), and they are 100% compliant with REACH.<br>The product emission rate of volatile organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC&lt;28 days - ISO 16000-6) and is rated A + (the best class) as part of the health labeling. It is 100% recyclable.</p>
Creation 55 X Press
|<p>CREATION 55 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T product available in tiles and planks with beveled edges. It comprises a 0,55mm thick transparent wear layer. <br>It is a 4mm compact product, compressed and grained at high pressure, made with a design film, two compact under layers reinforced with a fibre grid. It includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. <br>CREATION 55 X’PRESS is treated with a PUR+ treatment for easy maintenance properties. </p> <p>CREATION 55 X’PRESS is made with 73% of mineral and 12% inexhaustible materials. It is made with 100% control recycled materials. It is 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC &lt;28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable.</p>
Creation 30 Lock
|CREATION 30 LOCK is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, antistatic, abrasion group T with beveled edges product. CREATION 30 LOCK is a 4mm thickness product, it consists of a transparent wear layer 0,3mm, a design film and a compact under layer. This product is compressed and grained at high pressure. CREATION 30 LOCK RESISTANCE CREATION 30 LOCK is treated with polyurethane treatment PUR+ that provides easy to maintain properties and improved resistance to scratches. CREATION 30 LOCK EASY INSTALLATION CREATION 30 LOCK is a looselay interlocking system that allows • installation with no adhesive (interlocking system UNILIN) • rapid installation • few tools : cutter and tapping block • few subfloor preparation o CREATION 30 Lock allows unevenness absorption of 1mm max every 20cm o the level of flatness must be 5mm max under the 2m rule CREATION 30 EASY RENOVATION CREATION 30 Lock is compatible with seamless tile, concrete, PVC, wood floor (if subfloor rigid & stable).
Creation 30 X Press
|<p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, abrasion group T product available in tiles and planks with bevelled edges. It comprises a 0,30mm thick transparent wearlayer. <br>It is a 4mm compact product, compressed and grained at high pressure, made with a design film, two compact underlayers reinforced with a fibre grid. It includes “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive” (PSA) on the nylon backing allowing no adhesive residue on subfloor after removal. <br>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is treated with a PUR+ treatment for easy maintenance properties. </p> <p>CREATION 30 X’PRESS is made with 73% of mineral and 12% inexhaustible materials. It is made with 100% control recycled materials. It is 100% compliant with REACH. The product emission rate of organic compounds is &lt; 100µg/m3 (TVOC &lt;28 days – ISO 16000-6). It is 100% recyclable. </p> <p>ARGUMENTAIRES</p> <p>Ready to use :</p> <p>• Looselay = Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) included on the backing of the product<br>• Direct installation on existing subfloor (In compliance with Gerflor's installation guidelines)<br>• Clean and quiet for easy installation in busy areas</p> <p>Removable:</p> <p>• No tools needed to remove floor<br>• Easy to replace a single plank<br>• Subfloor is clean after removal: no messy adhesive residue</p> <p>Easy :</p> <p>• One tool required: a sharp blade<br>• Just press to install the product</p>
Mipolam Biostyl
|Mipolam Biostyl™ is a fully flexible compacted floorcovering in sheet, 2m wide, abrasion group T, providing excellent resistance to wear and tear in high traffic areas. Its weight is 2630 gr/sqm. It features a non directional design incorporating coloured transparent chips to ensure an even colour throughout the thickness. This floorcovering is recommended for private and administrative buildings and thanks to its great flexibility it simplifies the installation of bend-up skirting, as well as angles and hot welding procedures. This floorcovering is treated with Evercare™ or the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare™ avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring. This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life! Mipolam Biostyl™ contains over 75% sustainable or renewable raw materials. It includes a 100% bio based plasticizer, made of residues from cereals (wheat, corn…) and REACH compliant.
Mipolam Ambiance ultra
|Mipolam Ambiance Ultra is an homogeneous flooring with high PVC content pressed in 2m sheets, with a thickness of 2mm and a weight of ≤ 2750g. It offers a non-directional design, colour dyed as a raw mixture to ensure even colours throughout the thickness and a matt finish. Mipolam Ambiance Ultra is recommended for private and administrative buildings and thanks to its great flexibility it simplifies the installation of bend-up skirting, as well as angles and hot welding procedures. Mipolam Ambiance Ultra is treated with Evercare™ or the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare™ avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring. This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!
GTI EL5 Connect
|<p>GTI EL5 CONNECT is a multi-layered looselay vinyl tile, 6 mm thick, reinforced with 2 glass fibre grids.</p> <p>GTI EL5 CONNECT tiles can be installed using interlocking system with dove tails.</p> <p>GTI EL5 CONNECT wearlayer is 2 mm vinyl homogeneous manufactured with continuous high pressure process, abrasion group P.</p> <p>It complies with EN 649 and offers an outstanding resistance to traffic.</p> <p>This floorcovering is treated with Evercare&trade; technology: the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare&trade; offers easy maintenance and resistance against staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel; and decontamination protocols<br>This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!</p> <p>The carbon encapsulated granules throughout its full thickness and the conductive backing and conductive surface treatment ensure optimal and consistent conductive properties throughout its full life expectancy. <br>• 5x104 ≤ Rt ≤ 106 according to EN 1081<br>• Rt ≤ 108 according to CEI 61340-4-1</p> <p>It has permanent antistatic properties.<br>• &lt; 2000V according to EN 1815<br>• &lt;100V according to CEI 61340-4-5</p> <p>The product is non-emissive of volatile organic compounds with &lt;10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).</p> <p>Complementary finishes: GTI EL5 CONNECT ACCESS (access ramp), GTI EL5 CONNECT CORNER (corner finishes).</p>
DI50 mm 55 1,112 1000 WE1
|Multipor ceiling insulation The Multipor ceiling insulation DI has been successfully used in both large-scale underground ceiling as well as private cellar ceilings in existing buildings as in the new building. For over 15 years the Multipor ceiling insulation DI both energy demands and fire protection requirements are satisfied in large projects as well as in the house safe and reliable. Strong benefits By Multipor ceiling insulation DI reduced at this point, and construction costs, because the execution is fast and secure. The open porosity of Multipor mineral insulation boards surface simultaneously causes a sound absorption in the underground garage. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Suitable for large-scale underground ceilings and private cellar ceilings • Fast, economical adhesive mounting • Bright plate surface • Insulation included sound absorption • Behind flow safe • Long-term tested • does not burn, smolder, does not smoke, does not drip (material class A1) • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor insulation systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient insulation.
WAP 60mm 74 1,334 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP 80 mm 94 1,778 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
WAP100 mm 114 2,223 1153 WE1
|Multipor exterior thermal Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral EIFS of Multipor belongs to building material class A. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The ETIC system is fully permeable and thus transported water -Which algae and fungi growth benötigen- direct, thus preventing an algae of the facade. The heat storage capacity and moisture retention capacity increase this effect. On the use of harmful biocides and toxins can be dispensed with due to this natural property. • Efficient thermal insulation for high-quality building solutions in new and existing buildings • Non-flammable from the base to the roof - no fire bolt • Full Mineral thermal insulation composite system • protection against algae and fungi - without biocides • Solid and dimensionally stable - Woodpecker Safe • High compressive strength - density of up to 115 kg / m³ • Officially approved system • physiologically harmless and 100% recyclable
