Saifudin Farouk | 1407230890islamic helal (Moon)
Solar system AC19
shen chu | 1516590428Solar system: - set angles to all planets via hotspots (2D and 3D) using array parameters - set angle to Moon (2D and 3D) using simple parameters - Earth and Pluto draws HOTARC in 2D
António Pina | 1512775343Fabricante / Manufacturer: OLI Série / Series: OLI Moon control plate Biblioteca desenvolvida por / Library developed by: www.concepsysBIM.com Última revisão / Last revision: 2017/08/28 Versão / Version: EN_2.00
Stone Tile. Stratum Moon Pearl
|Moon Pearl is a natural homogeneous white stone, with medium grain formed by nanofossils . Its matte finish gives the stone an appearance that resembles concrete. This natural look inherent in Natural Stone is accentuated by the exclusive Stratum Nanotreatment that increases enomoursly the physical properties of the original Stone. It can be supplied in various textures, formats and patterns, thus offering a wide range of design possiblities. This product is ideal for Floor tiles, Wall tiles, Countertops and many other applications.
Moon light wood armchair
|Designed by Gabriel Teixidó. The multifunctionality is one of the main features of the MOON Collection, two shells and different bases allow us to adapt it to any space or use, meetings, eat, wait, relax at home, at the office, at the hotel... with a common denominador: comfort and aesthetic. MOON has as many faces as the moon.
Moon light 4 metal legs armchair
|Designed by Gabriel Teixidó. The multifunctionality is one of the main features of the MOON Collection, two shells and different bases allow us to adapt it to any space or use, meetings, eat, wait, relax at home, at the office, at the hotel... with a common denominador: comfort and aesthetic. MOON has as many faces as the moon.
BOB | S810 | Half Moon
|A sofa system providing almost unlimited options, constructed using the smallest possible number of modules. Where ordinary sofas are usually rectangular, square and predictable, Bob offers the architectonic freedom to either challenge or adhere to all types of spaces. Build it straight. Or with soft curves. Add a hairpin bend. Let Bob undulate across your space or build strict constructions. Long or short. Just a few or lots of modules. Each sofa module is only 26 centimetre at its widest, and with only 5 different modules, Bob is an easy to understand and extremely flexible sofa system. And which other sofa can grow by 26 cm at a time? Without any “back” side, Bob faces all directions beautifully, providing even more possibilities for interior design architecture.
Moon Crystal - 7501 - Avonite Acrylic Surface
|<b>Avonite Surfaces</b>®<br>The Avonite Surfaces® Acrylic Solid Surface portfolio includes a variety of designs and colors to fit every project. It can be used in vertical or horizontal applications, can be applied in straight or curved lines, and is thermoformable into a myriad of shapes.<br><br> With our Right Size program, Avonite Acrylic Solid Surface can be made in wider widths, longer (or shorter) lengths, and different thicknesses, which allows you to push the boundaries of solid surface tradition.<br><br> Avonite Surfaces® Acrylic Solid Surface Features & Benefits:<ul><li> Broad palette of colors, patterns and designs</li><li> Thermoformable for curved and custom applications</li><li> Non-porous surface</li><li> Easy to clean</li><li> Stain resistant</li><li> NSF Certified Food Zone Safe</li><li> Bacteria- and chemical-resistant</li><li> Repairable surface</li><li> Inconspicuous seams</li><li> Veined patterns available</li><li> From whites and beiges to bold colors, from solid to large chip-filled, from monochromatic to multi-colored, the only limit is your imagination!</li></ul><br>7501
Logica Plana roof tile
|Flat roof tile with an ultramodern appearance and a perfect design, it is a high-quality flat tile manufactured through high-end technology production systems. The ceramic tile Lógica® Plana is a modern tile designed by the prestigious Benedito Design Studio. With straight lines, minimalist and clean looks that make this tile a unique piece of architecture. The ceramic tile Lógica® Plana is pressed into plaster molds and fired at high temperatures, in H-Cassette individual supports, getting with this, not only to eliminate any visual manufacturing defect, but providing the product with unbeatable technical characteristics ( absorption levels below 5%, high resistance to transit, frost, etc..). It has a lace system with reinforced ribs on the inside for an easier installation. Like other roof tiles of the Lógica® range, Cobert Roof Tiles offers a 50 year-warranty on this product. The ceramic tile Lógica® Plana is truly versatile because it can be placed not only on the roof but also on the facade. This model is available in a wide variety of finishes, from the red to the exclusive finish Satin Moon. Tejas Cobert applies the latest technology in the manufacturing system of these tiles offering through it an authentic flat tile.