Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412933229Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt.. 2.10.2014 - Version für V16 10.10.2014 - Neuer Vektor im 2D-Querschnitt zur Verbreiterung der Rinne und der Konsolen zum Balkon hin
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414240569Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 25.10.2014 Schraffuren der Körper in 3D hinzugefügt
Geländer Polygonal V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1410527024Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden.
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1411576766Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt..
Geländer Polygonal V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1410527231Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden.
Stahl Geländer
sarah böhm | 1401951144 -
Balustrada salaj
Victor Baboi | 1374053756 -
Railing - curved balust
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005173D parametric, railing with curved baluster
3DMD Demo Railing Cable
3D Media Design | 15952402283DMD Railing Cable is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Horiz Bar C
3D Media Design | 15948867453DMD Railing Horiz Bar C is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Hanging
3D Media Design | 15923733283DMD Railing Panel Hanging is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
Railing Horizontal 20
ömer dündar | 1491592704Rail with posts and bars.
Railing Horizontal 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and bars.
Barandilla Vertical 18
Deris Rodriguez | 1443216160 -
Railing Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Muffenpfosten - e+f
Frank Beister | 1350467345Geländerpfosten für einfache Geländer mit Muffenverbindungen.
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel C
3D Media Design | 15937644693DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Bar
3D Media Design | 15948868773DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Zahari Dimitrov | 1578061908Simple iron fence for parks and tree pits with parametric adjustments and inclination option.
Trave 3
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1375380632ringhiera a
3DMD Demo Railing Frameless
3D Media Design | 15948871453DMD Railing Frameless is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Horiz Bar B
3D Media Design | 15948867013DMD Railing Horiz Bar B is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Inner
3D Media Design | 15923732723DMD Railing Panel Inner is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
Railing - curved balust
Дарья Карпова | 15734182793D parametric, railing with curved baluster
3DMD Polyline Fence
3D Media Design | 1424503876Polyline Fence editable. You can add new point, create arc, modify elevation of the path point, slope, create a close path. Have differente top hight of the whole. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. The fence is ideal bound properties in slope terrains.
Fence Horizontal 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fence with horizontal boards and posts.
Rail Post with Panels 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Vedação Vertical 20
Maiara Agosti | 1537763232Cerca com tábuas verticais, ripas e postes.
Столб забора (арт.СЗ-370.2000 )
Павел Ионов | 1627563483Наборный столб для забора СЗ-370.2000. Служит как несъемная опалубка для постройки опорного столба забора. Экономит время и материал при производстве работ по строительству забора. Не нужно выкладывать столб из кирпича или отливать его из бетона. Ширина: 370х370 мм Высота: 2000 мм
3DMD Demo Handrail
3D Media Design | 15948868053DMD Handrail is a handrail on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Fence Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fence with vertical boards, battens and posts.
3DMD Demo Railing Panel Bar Outer
3D Media Design | 15952404723DMD Railing Panel Bar Outer is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel A
3D Media Design | 15937644013DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
Railing Horizontal 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and bars.
Railing Vertical 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Safety Railing 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Safety railings with optional number of supports.
Barre Parallele 20
Federica Bassetto | 1568580490Parapetto a Barre Parallele.
Fence Horizontal 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fence with horizontal boards and posts.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1384809325Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert und ergänzt durch Heimo Mooslechner ermöglicht verschiedene "Wandzüge" entlang einer Führungslinie. Im 3D kann dann jeder Knotenpunkt der Führungslinie in Z verschoben werden. Die "Wand " kann im 3D über einen Z-Offset zur einfacheren Bearbeitung der Z-Punkte nach oben geschoben werden. Verschiedene Arten der "Wand" sind möglich: Nur Linienzug im 3D, Linienzüge nur hochgezogen, stehende 3D-Flächen, "Wand" bestehend aus 3D-Flächen, Volumenmodell mit "Morph"-Grund-Elementen. Achtung - negative Z-Werte sind zu vermeiden.
Балясина (БЛ-20.780)
Павел Ионов | 1627577616Арт: БЛ-20.780 Балясина из архитектурного бетона. Применяется как составной элемент балюстрады в комплекте с поручнем и основанием. Устанавливается в виде ограждения на балконах, лестницах и крыльцах дома. Также используется в ланшафте и в парковой архитектуре. Высота: 780 мм Ширина: мм Вес: 22 кг
Rail Parallel Bars 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with parallel bars.
Rail Post with Panels 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Rail Post with Panels 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and panels.
Rail Solid Frame Filled 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with filled frame.
Крышка на столб забора 410х410 (КС-01.410)
Павел Ионов | 1630400219арт. КС-01.410 Крышка на столб забора из архитектурного бетона. Используют как накрывной элемент для опорного столба забора или подпорной стенки. Защищает от попадания влаги. В разы продлевает срок службы конструкции. Посадочный размер: 410х410 мм
Ограждение Горизонтальные Бруски 18
Павел Павленко | 1459082557Ограждение с параллельными брусками.
Ограждение Деревянное 01 19
Таня Вальчишин | 1567782008Ограждение с деревянными балюстами.
Тумба балюстрады h-780 (Арт.ТС-00.780)
Павел Ионов | 1630425598Арт: ТС-00.780. Тумба в сборе из архитектурного бетона. Используется при устройстве балюстрады как опорный элемент, придающий ей устойчивость, а также в качестве постамента или пьедестала для ваз или скульптур. Высота: 985 мм, Ширина: 280 мм, Вес: 175 кг
Plataforma con Escalera 19
Paola Daza | 1459014129Plataforma y escalera con barandilla y símbolo 2D sensible a piso.
階段U字形RC 70
Andor Szőke | 1507121933U字階段 RC 70,U字,手摺
階段直RC 70
Andor Szőke | 1507121933直線階段 RC 70,直線,手摺
Fence Vertical 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Fence with vertical boards, battens and posts.
Rail Post with Balusters 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and balusters.
Rail Post with Panels 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and panels.
Rail Simple Bar 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Simple bar rail.
Rail Simple Bar 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Simple bar rail.
Rail Solid 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Rail Wooden Balustrade 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with wooden balustrade.
3DMD Demo Railing Panel Bar Inner
3D Media Design | 15952404323DMD Railing Panel Bar Inner is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Post on Panel B
3D Media Design | 15937644393DMD Railing Post on Panel is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Demo Railing Vertical Element
3D Media Design | 15948869193DMD Railing Vertical Element is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
3DMD Railing Panel Outer
3D Media Design | 15923734123DMD Railing Panel Outer is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
3DMD Railing Vertical Bar
Gergely Fehér | 14455505183DMD Railing Vertical Bar is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options.
End Frame 1800x445 with 12 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
End Frame 1800x445 with 6 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
End Frame 1800x645 with 12 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
End Frame 1800x645 with 6 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Middle Frame 1800x445 with 12 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Middle Frame 1800x445 with 6 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Middle Frame 1800x645 with 12 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Middle Frame 1800x645 with 6 rails
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Railing met staven 02 19
Randy Sint Nicolaas | 1443426279Railing met balusters en spijlen.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction railing
Safety Railing 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Safety railing with optional number of supports.
Safety Railing 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Safety railing end element with optional number of supports.
Safety Railing 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Safety railing end element.
Balcony with Vinstra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Vinstra: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel holders to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Glitra glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Glitra: Glass panels mounted in continuous aluminum profiles, attached to the inside of railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Orkla glass railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Orkla: Glass panels mounted in stainless steel clamps between railings studs made of steel.
Balcony with Folla alu railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Folla: Aluminium balustrades attached to the inside of railing studs made of steel.
Stairs with railings
|Steel stairs from Midthaug can be adapted to most areas and purposes. They will always be safe and good to use. Stair stringers are produced of laser-cut steel, either from sheet metal or hollow profiles. Steps made of grating or expanded metal are the most popular for outdoor use. Steps for mortar and tiles or flooring are the most popular indoor. The stairs can be combined with several of our railing models with either balustrades or glass panels.
Railings modul system
|Midthaug combines the best qualities of steel, aluminum and glass in its railings system: Safety, design, durability and minimal maintenance are the main characteristics of these products. With Midthaug Modular System (MS) various types of railings studs, balustrades or panels and handrails can be combined into complete railings. This way the components can be combined to countless varieties of appearance on the finished railings.
Balcony with Gaula steel railing
|Balconies with unique features for both the developer and residents: High-quality, cost-effective delivery process, longevity and minimal maintenance. Our balconies are scalable within depths from 1- to 3 meters and lengths up to 5.8 meters. Two rectangular balconies can be connected into an L-shape. The balconies can be combined with all railing models in Midthaug modular system. In this case the model Gaula: Steel balustrades attached between railing studs made of steel.
TL-3010 Railing - Extended Range
|The OnLevel TL-3010 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-3010. This aluminium glass profile is designed for top mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-3010 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
TL-3011 Railing - Extended Range
|The OnLevel TL-3011 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-3011. This aluminium glass profile is designed for side mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-3011 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
TL-6010 Railing - Base Range
|The OnLevel TL-6010 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-6010. This aluminium glass profile is designed for top mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-6010 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
TL-6011 Railing - Base Range
|The OnLevel TL-6011 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-6011. This aluminium glass profile is designed for side mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-6011 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
TL-3030 Railing - Extended Range
|The OnLevel TL-3030 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-3030. This aluminium glass profile is designed for top mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-3030 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
TL-3031 Railing - Extended Range
|The OnLevel TL-3031 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-3031. This aluminium glass profile is designed for side mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-3031 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
TL-6030 Railing - Base Range
|The OnLevel TL-6030 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-6030. This aluminium glass profile is designed for top mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-6030 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
TL-6031 Railing - Base Range
|The OnLevel TL-6031 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-6031. This aluminium glass profile is designed for side mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-3011 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
Cuzco Sliding 2 rails 2 leaves
|CUZCO® series 712 is the latest range of High Insulation Performance aluminum Sliding Systems created by Profiles Systèmes. With a 70mm frame, it fully harmonizes with the CUZCO® casement windows and doors. Complies with RT 2012 Reduced junction option. Reduced weight of aluminum by 40% Eligible for the Energy Transition Tax Credit Optimized solar contributions Excellent light transmission Glazing until 32mm Design Factory Spirit® medalist Preservation of tint guaranteed 25 years
Cuzco Sliding 2 rails 3 leaves
|CUZCO® series 712 is the latest range of High Insulation Performance aluminum Sliding Systems created by Profiles Systèmes. With a 70mm frame, it fully harmonizes with the CUZCO® casement windows and doors. Complies with RT 2012 Reduced junction option. Reduced weight of aluminum by 40% Eligible for the Energy Transition Tax Credit Optimized solar contributions Excellent light transmission Glazing until 32mm Design Factory Spirit® medalist Preservation of tint guaranteed 25 years
Cuzco Sliding 2 rails 4 leaves
|CUZCO® series 712 is the latest range of High Insulation Performance aluminum Sliding Systems created by Profiles Systèmes. With a 70mm frame, it fully harmonizes with the CUZCO® casement windows and doors. Complies with RT 2012 Reduced junction option. Reduced weight of aluminum by 40% Eligible for the Energy Transition Tax Credit Optimized solar contributions Excellent light transmission Glazing until 32mm Design Factory Spirit® medalist Preservation of tint guaranteed 25 years
Sentrel Pool Fence
|At last! Sentrel Vertical Cable Pool Fencing is the remarkable new pool fencing solution which is safe, reliable and gorgeous, guaranteed to comply with the latest Australian Standards for Pool Fencing. Previously, cable wire balustrade was unsuitable for swimming pool areas; the ladder-effect of the stainless wire enabled children to climb the cables and risk drowning. Sentrel’s new Vertical Cable system has pioneered the entry of sleek timber and cable fencing into the design of swimming pool areas.
Sentrel Balustrade
|Sentrel Vertical Cable Balustrade and Pool Fencing is manufactured using the highest quality timbers, stainless steel cable and fittings. The innovative use of vertical stainless steel wire and selectively sourced timbers ensure a long-lasting solution to stylish and practical balustrade and fencing needs. Vertical cables are easily tensioned and are fully compliant with Australian Standards for verandahs over 4m in height, a breakthrough for home owners and designers looking for stylish timber and steel solutions for new or retro-fitted multi-storey construction.
TL-5010 Railing- Base Range
|The OnLevel TL-5010 – system competence at its very best, with fascinating and stylish design, durable quality and uncompromising safety coming together. Discover the possibilities of the TL-5010. This aluminium glass profile is designed for top mounting and is available in the following finishes: Raw, Anodised(close to EV1), Stainless Steel Look and RAL-Colour Coated. With its standard lengths of 2500mm and 5000mm, its ease of installation when combined with the OnLevel Flex-Fit or OnLevel Fix-Fit system, and its many different finishes, the TL-3010 is the system for a wide variety of project solutions.
Metawell® Modular Ceilings
|Metawell® modular ceilings do not require visible rails or longitudinal frames. Instead, the individual ceiling elements are suspended directly from a concealed substructure. The ceiling elements can be pushed together within a few millimetres to each other. Passive installation strips are placed on the ceiling elements for subsequent installation of partition walls. If necessary, they can be removed easily and the wall can be erected without affecting the ceiling structure. Due to the big dimension of the ceiling panels, the hydraulic connection of the panels is not necessary, which minimizes installation errors and installation times significantly. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings allow the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Type 100 Series - Operable Partition
|Hufcor Type 100 Moveable Wall is available in a single point or double point configuration and can offer an acoustic sound rating performance of up to 57 dB, laboratory tested to latest European standards. Choice of panel face finish is endless including melamine, laminate, and lacquered wood veneers and vinyl’s. Additional features can include acoustic sound absorption boards, magnetic display boards, dry wipe marker, pin boards and display rails. Aluminum framing profiles protect the facing boards for durability and long partition life. Alternatively, the panels can be constructed with concealed trims in order to achieve a ‘plain faced’ wall appearance. The aluminum frames and tracks may be powder-coated or color-anodized to coordinate with panel faces, ceiling grids etc. Single point panels are an ideal solution because they set up or stack using just a single length of track across a room. Panels can then be moved quickly, quietly and effortlessly to a stacking position at one or both sides of the room. ESS models have all the features and benefits of Type 100 range with the added benefit of electrically operated panel seals. Suitable for a wide variety of applications including: hotels and conference centers, corporate offices, hospitals, schools, colleges and universities, churches and religious establishments and sports and leisure facilities.
M4655 - Stretcher, Mobile, CRS, 9 Position
|Mobile stretcher. All corrosion resistant stainless steel construction. It consists of a tubular frame with side rails, a 9-position hydraulic base with pneumatic fowler adjustment, and a 2" pad. Unit is mounted on 8" conductive casters. Designed for patient transport as well as for minor surgical procedures.
Defibrillator monitor and Oximeter with stand
|Mayo Stand: Adjustable instrument table. Table is corrosion resistant stainless steel construction and is mounted on two casters with two skid rails. It has telescopic upright adjusts from 39 inches to 60 inches with automatic locking device, and removable 13"x19" instrument tray. Designed for use in operating and procedure rooms. Defibrillator: Portable defibrillator-monitor-recorder. Integral unit system operable from self-contained rechargeable batteries. ECG may be viewed through paddles or patient cable. Options include external pacing and 12-Lead.
A1107 - Rail System , Utility, Gas and Electric
|The headwall rail system shall consist of three horizontal rails mounted to the patient room headwall to provide utilities and patient services to support ancillary equipment to include gas and vacuum. The rail system must be capable of quickly adding or relocating medical gases services and be able to accept new equipment, provide physical support to equipment, brackets, shelves and other patient support items.
A1200 - Lift System, Overhead, Patient Room
|An overhead rail system specifically designed for patient lifting and movement for a single bed patient room. The system will consist of recessed or ceiling mounted primary and secondary rails, lift motor with rolling carriage, patient harness or seat, and a hand controller or control box with charger. System will facilitate lifting and movement of patient to and from bed to gurney, chair or other requirement. Minimum lift capability is 550 pounds. Custom design of track layout by manufacturer is essential to meet individual facility requirements.
A1205 - Lift System, Overhead, Patient Room w/Bath
|An overhead rail system specifically designed for patient lifting and movement for a single bed patient room including the bathroom. The system will consist of recessed or ceiling mounted primary and secondary rails, lift motor with rolling carriage, patient harness or seat, and a hand controller or control box with charger. System will facilitate lifting and movement of patient to and from bed to gurney, chair, bath, commode, or other requirement. Minimum lift capability is 550 pounds. Custom design of track layout by manufacturer is essential to meet individual facility requirements.
C0035 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0036 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two steel base cabinets or a steel base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support. Constructed of steel.
C0037 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0038 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0039 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0040 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
C0041 - Rail, Apron
|Apron rail. Also referred to as an apron front, apron panel, or knee space rail. Used to close in front knee space area and/or provide work surface support between two base cabinets or a base cabinet and wall. Apron rails should be ordered in pairs to provide both front and rear work surface support.
D3310 - Chair, Procedure, Dental
|Dental procedure chair/table. Used in oral surgery to place the patient in any position between upright and prone. Unit comes in multiple colors and can be equipped with restraining straps, rails, IV pole and arm-boards. This unit does not have the connections needed to power a dental utility center from the chair base.
E0063 - Workstation, L-Shaped w/Peninsula, Wall Mtd
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 3 Vertical Hanging Strips 2 Lockable Flipper Units 2 Shelves, Storage/Display 2 Lights 1 Tackboard 2 Tool Rails 2 Paper Trays 1 Diagonal Tray 1 Cantilevered Work Surface 1 Peninsula Work Surface 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File 1 Pencil Drawer 1 Cpu Holder
E0072 - Workstation, Corner Work Surface, Wall Mtd
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 5 Vertical Hanging Strips 3 Lockable Flipper Units 3 Shelves, Storage/Display 3 Lights 2 Tackboards 2 Tool Rails 2 Paper Trays 1 Diagonal Tray 2 Cantilevered Work Surfaces 1 Cantilevered Corner Work Surface 1 Adjustable Keyboard Tray 1 Mobile Pedestal, Box/File 1 Pencil Drawer 1 Cpu Holder
E0957 - Cart, Medication, Mobile
|THIS TYPICAL INCLUDES: 1 cart body, style-A narrow, w/raised edge top; 1 lock bar; 2 accessory rails, side; 1 wastebasket; 1 sharps container holder; 1 flip-up shelf; 1 flashlight holder; 1 wall lock; 2 drawers, 3"H; 1 locked drawer, 6"H w/locked lid; 3 8-bin cassette assembly and drawer organizer bins.
F0550 - Armoire, Resuscitation
|Resuscitation Armoire used in LDR and LDRP. The cabinet contains equipment needed for infant resuscitation. Equipped with Integrated Infant Warmer System, automatic exhaust fan, bassinet or fold down bed, accessory mounting rails, and writing surface. Other options include a manometer and hook up for suction and oxygen. Also contains adjustable shelves and drawers for storage of supplies and monitoring equipment.
M4020 - Scale, Person Weighing, High Capacity
|High capacity, person weighing scale. Large digital readout displays weight in pounds, or kilograms. Hand rails. Shall be supported by fixed heavy-duty legs in stationary position. Capacity up to 800 pounds. Optional equipment: battery pack with rechargeable batteries and built-in recharger. Designed to weigh large ambulatory patients.
M7015 - Crib
|Pediatric crib. Constructed of heavy square steel. Side rails have maximum 2-3/4" bar spacing with a squeeze release. Spring height adjusts from 32 1/2" to 41 1/2" high. Mattresses should be water and stain resistant. The unit is mounted on ball bearing casters. To be used in pediatric departments.
M8190 - Booth, Treatment, Ultraviolet
|Ultraviolet treatment booth which uses a combination of UVA and UVB light. Unit consists of a full body cabinet constructed with seven aluminum panels, magnetic door and a viewing window. The interior consists of wall reflector panels, hand rails, a padded floor, screen protection for lamps and a ventilation system. The unit also features dual exposure controls for managing exposure time and UVA and UVB measuring devices. The unit is used in dermatology for UV body treatment.
M8240 - Parallel Bars, Physical Therapy
|Physical therapy parallel bars. Unit can have manual or electrically powered adjustments. Bar height is adjustable from 25" to 40" and the bar width is adjustable from 16" to 25". Hand rails are chrome plated 1-1/2" steel tubing. Walking aisle is a minimum of 24" wide and finished in natural wood or covered with vinyl matting. Database information reflects 10' or 12' bar length electrically powered units.
M8810 - Stand, Mayo
|Adjustable instrument table. Table is corrosion resistant stainless steel construction and is mounted on two casters with two skid rails. It has telescopic upright adjusts from 39 inches to 60 inches with automatic locking device, and removable 13"x19" instrument tray. Designed for use in operating and procedure rooms.
M9095 - Table, Operating, Remote Control
|Remote control surgical table. Table is a stainless steel pedestal type mounted on conductive locking casters. It consists of an Electro-hydraulic system with remote control and foot pedals. Unit's positioning capabilities include lateral tilt of 30 degrees, Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg. It is equipped with side rails, kidney bridge and a radio translucent top. Table is designed for a variety of procedures in the operating room.
Swimming pool edge system Wiesbaden
|AGROB BUCHTAL has the ideal pool edge for any pool. These systems are based on the requirements of a wide variety of swimming pool projects already realised. It goes without saying that all AGROB BUCHTAL pool edge systems comply with the specified requirements such as consistent overflow edges, rails or visual edge marking. Variants for special technical specifications are also available, e.g. different water overflow volumes or reduced wave backsplash in sports pools. In order to guarantee consistent stability, durability and hygiene, all pool edge systems are supplied and without cavities. Wiesbaden is a classic pool edge system which, despite a large gutter tile with handhold, requires little space and can be easily used in various types of pools. As a special version, Wiesbaden Silent featuring the SILENT W 2000 outlet valve noticeably reduces the noise of run-off water by approx. 10 dB. The Wiesbaden system is also available with mosaic notches for pool walls featuring mosaic designs. The Wiesbaden Style pool edge system is an elegant variation of the classic design: the large gutter tile with handhold is concealed by a channel cover grating made of ceramic. It permits uniform design of the pool edge in private and smaller hotel pools. The sunken version of the Wiesbaden system with a small gutter tile and without a cover grating is recommended for therapeutic pools.
|ONE SIDE 10 BK1002 5 rails / for 10 bicycles BikeKeeper ® bicycle parking stations with frame locking provide uncompromised security for bicycles, mopeds, scooters and buggies. BikeKeeper® storage solutions help residents transfer their valuables safely into secure storage locations. When opportunities for theft are thwarted, other forms of vandalism are reduced as well. As a result, the residents will feel happier!
One Side 30deg Diagonal
|ONE SIDE 30deg DIAGONAL BK1004 4 rails / for 8 bicycles BikeKeeper ® bicycle parking stations with frame locking. One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics.
Dual Side Shelter
|DUAL SIDE SHELTER 16, BK3002 8 rails / for 16 bicycles BikeKeeper Shelter is an outdoor shelter comprising, in addition to bicycle shelters, of shelters for scooters, buggies, rubbish bins and recreational breaks. The advantage of a free-standing BikeKeeper Shelter over other bicycle shelters is the fact that it offers a sturdily structured shelter without expensive foundation works. For the same reason it can be removed during yard clean-up work, for example. By combining single Shelters it is possible to build bicycle parking stations of different sizes.
Wall Side
|WALL SIDE BK5001 4 rails / for 8 bicycles, Instalment to the height of 1.1 metres Wall Side is the saviour of narrow indoor storages. This way wall surfaces are also used for storing bicycles and very little floor surface is required. Just like with other BikeKeeper products the bicycles are locked securely by their frames.
Dual Side 16
|One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics. DUAL SIDE 16 BK2001 8 rails / for 16 bicycles
Dual Side Junior
|DUAL SIDE JUNIOR BK2003 8 rails / for 16 children's bicycles One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics.
Dual Side Scooter 12
|DUAL SIDE SCOOTER 12 BK2004 6 rails /12 scooter One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks.
HEWI ceiling support, A=500
|Range 801 Ceiling support - rail made of synthetic material, with fixing rose - for mounting shower curtain rails - with aluminium core - fixed on ceiling with rose - length adjustable by 10 mm and can be shortened at rose by max. 100 mm - 500 mm long, rail diameter 33 mm - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
HEWI Shower curtain rail A1=983
|Range 801 Shower curtain rail - horizontal rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with curtain rings - for installing a shower curtain - with aluminium core - fixing with roses to wall and ceiling, ceiling support required - with 20 curtain rings - for shower tray 1000 x 1000 mm (centre-to-centre 983 x 983 mm), rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - length at rose ends can be shortened on site up to 220 mm - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
HEWI shower/tube rail,A1=1100
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 762 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51...100 (only on W2) - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
HEWI upgrade-kit paper-ro.hld.
|Toilet roll holder upgrade kit - right angled add-on toilet roll holder - used for retrofitting on the Range 801 HEWI rail system, diameter 33 mm and on HEWI hinged support rails - easy installation - integrated hard, flexible toilet roll brake - 35 mm wide, 131 mm high, 136 mm deep - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
HEWI lift-up support, fixed
|Range 801 Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 850 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements
HEWI backrest for combination
|Range 801 Backrest rail - padded backrest with right-angled fixing rails on each side - serves as back support for toilet users - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for fitting onto hinged support rails or stationary supports with wall mounting plate, adjustable on site - 670 to 730 mm wide, 220 mm high and 150 mm deep, backrest 350 mm wide, rail diameter 33 mm - backpad made of black PUR - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours - fulfils the DIN 18040 and ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Bi-parting - No side panels - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
SmartRack 6U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|The SRW6U SmartRack 6U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The side panels and front door lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible front door can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW6U comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 16.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 9U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|The SRW9U SmartRack 9U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The side panels and front door lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible front door can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW9U comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 16.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 10U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW10US SmartRack 10U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW10US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW12US SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 18U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet, Hinged Back
|The SRW18US SmartRack 18U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 250 pounds. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The front, top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW18US comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 12U Low Profile Switch Depth Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet with Clear Acrylic Window, Hinged Back
|The SRW12USG SmartRack 12U Low-Profile Switch-Depth Wall-Mount Rack Enclosure Cabinet is designed to house EIA-standard 19-inch rack equipment in network wiring closets, retail locations, classrooms, back offices and other areas with limited floor space where you need equipment to be secure, organized and out of the way. Constructed from heavy-duty steel with a durable black powder-coated finish, the cabinet has a maximum load capacity of 200 pounds. The front door features a shatter-resistant clear acrylic window that lets you monitor equipment readouts without unlocking the enclosure. Not only does the window help prevent equipment tampering and reduce acoustic noise, but it also adds visual flair to your IT installation. The cabinet swings away from the wall on a sturdy hinge, allowing easy back-door access to equipment and cabling during installation and maintenance. The doors and side panels lock securely to help prevent damage, tampering or theft. The top, bottom and removable side panels are vented, which allows air to flow freely and keep equipment cool. The reversible doors can open left or right by rotating the cabinet 180° before mounting. Convenient top and bottom ports allow easy cable routing. The SRW12USG comes fully assembled and ready to mount to the wall, or use Tripp Lite’s optional SRCASTER rolling caster kit to make it a mobile rack. Square and 12-24 threaded mounting holes and numbered rack spaces make equipment installation easy. The vertical mounting rails adjust in 7/8-inch increments to accommodate equipment up to 20.5 inches deep, such as network switches and patch panels.
SmartRack 18U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 18U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR18UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR18UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR18UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR18UB provides safe, secure installation. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
SmartRack 24U Mid Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet
|Tripp Lite’s SmartRack 24U Mid-Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated front and rear doors and solid side panels promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR24UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR24UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR24UB is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment and features front and rear pairs of vertical rails with square mounting holes. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 3 to 32.5 inches, ideal for standard server installation. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 1,000 lbs of equipment with included installation hardware. Each rack space within the enclosure is numbered for easy reference. With a locking, reversible front/rear doors and locking, removable side panels, the SR24UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment.
42U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite's SR42UB is the ideal solution for secure, high-density server and networking applications in IT environments. This premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top-panel cable routing ports, perforated doors to promote efficient airflow, adjustable mounting rails, toolless vertical PDU mounting and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR42UB is compatible with Tripp Lite's extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR42UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty.
25U SmartRack Standard Depth Server Rack Enclosure Cabinet with doors and side panels
|Tripp Lite’s SR25UB premium SmartRack Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR25UB is compatible with Tripp Lite’s extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR25UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty. The SR25UB has 25U of capacity and is compatible with all standard 19-inch rack equipment. The front and rear pairs of vertical rails feature square mounting holes and are numbered by rack space for easy reference. The rails are adjustable in quarter-inch increments to accommodate equipment depths from 4 to 37 inches. Adjustment is quick and convenient: simply unscrew the rails, slide them to the desired depth and restore the screws. The rails feature square mounting holes and are capable of supporting up to 3000 lb of equipment with included installation hardware (2250-lb rolling capacity). With a locking, reversible front door and locking, removable side panels, SR25UB provides safe, secure installation for all equipment. This prevents unauthorized access to installed equipment while making it easy for authorized personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and equipment replacement.
Wille 3-tray freestanding with coat hanger and bench
|With Wille rail system with wall rails and stand-alone modules, you can finally give large and small environments awaited feature, structure and aesthetics. Everything from the whole decor of the large media library, a small smart shoe shelf under the stairs. Steel cabinet that serves as a mini-workstation. Space for PC, holes for charging.
|Magnetyt is the most advanced steel system combining the strength of steel with the beauty of aluminium where the frame is similar in shape to the aluminium profile of the Lazuryt line. A gentle classic but slightly rounded shape of the profile causes that it works very well with a wide range of filling materials. This profile matches well with classic interiors but also with rural ones like, for example, Provençal or rustic styles or even the more adventurous ones like vintage or eclectic. Main advantage: • Innovative, advanced and well-developed system with very quiet bottom rollers. • Stile offer a comfortable handle for easy opening and closing combined with impressive finish. • Profiles: powder coating or finished with wood-look PVC coating, corrosion resistant. • Rails masking strips in colours matching profiles, concealing the sliding mechanisms, create an attractive look. • The buffer strips with long and short hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Touch to open mechanism with soft-close solution option is available. • Mechanical lock and electronic lock options are available. Available options: • sliding doors • sliding door with divisions Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Bi-parting - With side panels - In wall - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Bi-parting - With side panels - On wall - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Single - No side panels - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Single - With side panels - In wall - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
Automatic Sliding Door (Burglar-Resistant RC2/RC3) - Single - With side panels - On wall - SLX-M/PSXP-RC
|A higher standard of security, with a slim design! Buildings, commercial outlets and premises with a high risk of break-in (e.g. banks, jeweller’s shops, etc.) require an entrance that is both secure and pleasing to the eye. With their slim aluminium profiles, Gilgen SLX-M RC2 and SLX-M RC3 (equivalent to PAS24) automatic doors offer a design that is invitingly transparent. The automatic locking, reinforced safety glass and flush bottom guide rails are designed to ensure efficient break-in prevention.
HEWI L-shaped support rail 801-22-200
|Range 801 L-shaped support rail - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - rails joined at a flat angle and fitted with fixing roses made of steel - for holding on to and providing support - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - centre-to-centre dimensions 295 mm and 325 mm, 135° angle, 200 mm high, 90 mm deep - bar diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm, - increased stability through 3 mounting supports - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder upgrade kit 801.50.010, can be retrofitted Article no.: HEWI 801.22.200
HEWI Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-210
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder - horizontal and vertical rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with fixing roses made of steel and shower holder - vertical length 1100 mm, horizontal lengths both 762 mm - 90 mm deep, diameter of bar 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder adjustable to required angle (smooth adjusting) and height (via lever control) - conical adapter on shower head holder facilitates accommodation of hand spray - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special fixing kit and roses from HEWI - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for all HEWI hanging seats - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.210
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-100
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 600 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.100
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-110
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.110
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 801-50-120
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 850 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.120
HEWI Hinged support rail 801-50-200
|Range 801 Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 600 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.200
HEWI Hinged support rail 801-50-210
|Range 801 Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.210
HEWI Stationary support rail 801-50-300
|Range 801 Stationary support - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 600 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC Article no.: HEWI 801.50.300
HEWI Hinged seat 801-51-210
|Range 801 Hinged seat - made of rails and seat slats - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - can be folded up - adjustable seat tilt - used for safe sitting in the shower area - maximum weight capacity 150 kg - wall mounting plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - mounting on the wall with HEWI wall-specific fixing material made of stainless steel - 448 mm wide, 428 mm deep - seat slats 60 mm wide - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.51.210
HEWI Upgrade kit toilet roll holder 805-50-015
|Range 805 Classic toilet roll holder upgrade kit - right angle-shaped toilet roll holder made of synthetic material - used for retrofitting on the HEWI rail system and on Range 805 Classic hinged support rails - easy installation - integrated toilet roll brake - 35 mm wide, 131 mm high, 136 mm deep - made of high-quality polyamide in HEWI colours 90 (jet black), 92 (anthracite grey), 98 (signal white) or 99 (pure white) Article no.: HEWI 805.50.015
HEWI Hinged support rail rotatable 805-50-110
|Range 805 Classic Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend (formed of a continuous tube) - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - wall mounting plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 700 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter, tube thickness 2 mm - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - toilet roll holder 805.50.015 as well as WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 805.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.022XA and 950.50.024XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 805.50.110
HEWI Hinged support rail 805-50-220
|Range 805 Classic Hinged support rail - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend (formed of a continuous tube) - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - wall mounting plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 850 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm deep, 33 mm rail diameter, tube thickness 2 mm - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - toilet roll holder 805.50.015 as well as WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 805.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.022XA and 950.50.024XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the DIN 18040, ÖNORM B1600/1601 and SIA 500 requirements Article no.: HEWI 805.50.220
HEWI Back rest rail 805-51-900
|Range 805 Backrest rail - padded backrest with right-angled fixing rails on each side - serves as back support for toilet users - for fitting onto Range 805 hinged support rails - centre-to-centre from 670 to 730 mm, adjustable on site - 220 mm high and 150 mm deep, backrest 350 mm wide, rail diameter 33 mm, tube thickness 2 mm - backpad made of black PUR - made of high-quality stainless steel, satin surface finish - fulfils the DIN 18040 and ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements Article no.: HEWI 805.51.900
HEWI Removable hanging seat 950-51-10190
|Removable hanging seat - ergonomically shaped seat with backrest - used for safe sitting in the shower area - 450 mm wide, 561 mm deep and 449 mm high (meets the DIN 18040 requirements) - hanging device made of metal, white powder-coated - seat and backrest made of glass fibre reinforced, anthracite grey polyamide - ergonomically curved seat shape for a highly comfortable sitting - large radii at the outside edges of the seat - slip-resistant, textured seat surface - seat can be folded up to save space - no struts and fixings visible in folded up state - carry handle can be lowered when not in use and at the same time acts as a stabiliser - for hanging in HEWI shower grab rails and support rails diameter 33 mm - maximum weight capacity 150 kg Article no.: HEWI 950.51.10190
HEWI Back rest rail 950-51-90090
|Backrest rail - backrest with mounting brackets attached to both sides - serves as back support for toilet users - installed on support rails with lift-up feature or stationary supports 950.50.... - centre-to-centre from 650 to 700 mm can be adjusted on site, 150 mm deep - backrest 350 mm wide, 390 mm long - backrest made of glass fibre reinforced polyamide - mounting bracket made of metal, powder coated - available in HEWI colours 98 (signal white) and 92 (anthracite grey) - fulfils the DIN 18040 and ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements Article no.: HEWI 950.51.90090
HEWI Shower curtain rail with ceiling support 801-34-1161
|Range 801 Shower curtain rail with ceiling support - vertically and horizontally arranged rails connected at right-angles, with curtain rings - for installing a shower curtain - mounted on the wall and ceiling using non-corrosive HEWI fixing materials and roses - curtain rail for shower tray 1200 x 1200 mm, centre-to-centre dimension 1183 x 1183 mm, can be shortened at the ends on site to 220 mm minimum - ceiling support 500 mm long, length can be adjusted by 10 mm and can be shortened at the rose by a maximum of 100 mm - rail diameter 33 mm - with 24 curtain rings - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - with aluminum core Article no.: HEWI 801.34.1161
HEWI Rail with sideways adjustable vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-320
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 962 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51... - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.320
HEWI Hinged support rail 801-50-130
|Range 801 Hinged support rail (rotatable) - two parallel rails running one above the other joined by a connecting bend - for holding on to and providing support - weight capacity 100 kg - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core and wall plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - can be folded upwards and, folded downwards with braking mechanism, in raised position can be turned to left or right towards the wall - for wall mounting with wall-specific HEWI fixing material - concealed fixing - 900 mm projection, 259 mm high and 78 mm wide, 33 mm rail diameter - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart - toilet roll holder 801.50.010 and 801.50.011, WC flushing mechanism (radio-controlled) 801.50.060 and floor supports 950.50.021XA and 950.50.023XA for retrofitting - CE marking: Medical devices Class 1 according to Directive 93/42 / EEC - fulfils the ÖNORM B1600/1601 requirements Article no.: HEWI 801.50.130
HEWI Hinged seat 801-51-200
|Range 801 Hinged seat - made of rails and seat slats - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - can be folded up - adjustable seat tilt - used for safe sitting in the shower area - maximum weight capacity 150 kg - wall mounting plate made of polyamide with integrated steel core - mounting on the wall with HEWI wall-specific fixing material made of stainless steel - 345 mm wide, 408 mm deep - seat slats 55 mm wide - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.51.200
ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version
|The ASSA ABLOY drawbridge from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is the best solution for open ramps and for servicing vehicles of roughly the same size. The ASSA ABLOY DB6050M drawbridge leveller movable version is installed in a guidance rails placed in the front edge of the ramp. When not in use, the drawbridge is secured in the vertical position with a safety lock Crawford
External Venetian Blind Metalunic V
|Metalunic® V is not something that can be upset easily. Self-supporting construction without vertical connections; lifting and adjustment mechanisms are integrated into the guide rails. The robust mechanism provides a reliable safety locking device. The particularly kink-proof slat profile is at the same time exceptionally elegant and ideal in order to set an architectural highlight.
Barra Simples 18
Miguel Cruz | 1493750999Guarda-Corpo de barra simples.
Rail Balustrade 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with frame and balusters.
Rail Balustrade 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with frame and balusters.
Rail Parallel Bars 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with parallel bars.
Rail Post with Balusters 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and balusters.
Rail Post with Bars & Panels
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Rail Post with Bars & Panels
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
Rail Post with Bars 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and bars.
Rail Post with Bars 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and bars.
Rail Post with Panels 18
P R Pakala | 1419595338Rail with posts and panels.
Rail Post with Panels 19
deni puji | 1507311263Rail with posts and panels.
Rail Solid 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Rail Solid Frame 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Rail Solid Frame 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Rail Solid Frame Filled 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with filled frame.
Rail Tube 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail made of tubes with optional posts and intermediate rail.
Rail Tube 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail made of tubes with optional posts and intermediate rail.
Rail Twisted 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with twisted posts and wires.
Rail Twisted 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with twisted posts and wires.
Rail Wired 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and wires in front of posts.
Rail Wired 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and wires in front of posts.
Rail Wired 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with posts and wires between posts.
Rail Wired 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and wires between posts.
Rail Wooden Balustrade 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rail with wooden balustrade.
Rail Wooden Balustrade 18
Redon Maxhuni | 1410256695Rail with wooden balustrade.
Балясина (арт. БЛ-00.660)
Павел Ионов | 1627558053Балясина из архитектурного бетона БЛ-00.660
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug
Heimo Mooslechner | 1411764001Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug..
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413143466Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 11.10.2014 Querschnitt mit editierbaren Hotspots in der Grundriss-Darstellung hinzugefügt. 12.10.2014 - Hinterfüllung für den Gebrauch als Solid-Elementbefehl-Sequenz hinzugefügt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOmcAoJB6zI
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz Für V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269037Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 2.10.2014 - Version für V AC-16