ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400585*** freeFormWindow by Petri Leskinen 2006-2007 *** *** leskinen.petri@luukku.com *** to be edited in 3D- or section view by the hotspots, *** drag to move corner vertices, drag midpoints to add.2D / 3D parametric, freeform window
Shower Cabin 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Shower cabin with tray and shower kit. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Elevator 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Multi-story elevator shaft with elevator car.
Multi-Basin Counter 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Counter with optional number of basins and taps. Editable with MEP Modeler.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008213D parametric, RH Moveon Medium office chair, with adjustable\n- seat\n- backrest\n- armrest\n- neckrest
Free Form Pool 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Free form pool with different shapes and optional ladder.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005852D / 3D parametric, freeform window
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008213D parametric, RH Moveon Large office chair, with \n- optional height\n- adjustable chair angle\n- adjustable backrest, armrest, neckrest
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005852D / 3D parametric, wallniche fill tool
Chair 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Chair with 2D symbols and minimal space.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, wood form
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, Form simple wood bench, with iron frame
Material Legend 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D material legend in table form.
Free Form Pool 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Free form pool with different shapes and optional ladder.
Elevator 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Multi-story elevator shaft with elevator car.
Random City FRA
Tibor SEIDL | 1371477468Outil pour présenter un site autour du notre projet, de bâtiments différents en type et form, parametres pour jour et nuit, hauteur et plusieurs d'options.
Beistelltisch Jogy
Ruth Gall | 1355138575Beistelltisch "Jogy" Der Beistelltisch - das kleine Regal - oder der Edelhockel. Er steht auf allen vier Seiten gut. Acht unsichtbar verschweißte Aluminiumplatten verschmelzen zu einer leichten und transparenten Form. Erhältlich in zwei Varianten: ganz puristisch in weiß oder in anthrazit mit hochglanzpolierten Kanten
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401632554Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte 29.4.2014 - Traufpfette(Brett) Neue Anfasser für Ein-Aus, Drehbarkeit und X+Y 4.5.2014 - Folgende Anfasser - Schalter bei Traufe im Schnitt hinzugefügt: Oberdachschichten zuschaltbar Innenschichten Schliessenkranz Gratsparren-Schalter Schalter zur einfachen Darstellung Schichtdicken im Schnitt stellbar. 7.5.2014 - Zusätzlicher Grundriss-Querschnitt ein-ausschaltbar mit fast allen Hotspots.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398691718Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte
Shower Cabin 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Shower cabin with tray and shower kit. Editable with MEP Modeler.
AccHaken Lilli 1
Ruth Gall | 1355739871Accessoirehaken "Lilli" Diese bunten Vögelchen lieben Schmuck, Tücher und Accessoires. Anders als bei der diebischen Elster sind ihre Lieblingsstücke bei ihnen jedoch gut aufgehoben. Das Hakenset besteht aus zwei Vögeln unterschiedlicher Form und gleicher Farbe. Sie sind in pink, weiß und schwarz erhältlich. Durch eine fluoreszierende Leuchtfolie auf der Rückseite hinterlassen diese Vögel einen spannenden Farbschimmer auf hellen Rückwänden.
Multi-Basin Counter 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Counter with optional number of basins and taps. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397147635Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Für die 16er Version.. Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397839915Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt
Kräutergarten Kaethe B21
Ruth Gall | 1355221150Kräutergarten "Käthe" Waschechte Flusssteine standen Modell für diesen formschönen, dreiteiligen Kräutergarten. Durch seine natürliche, organische Form und die schlichte Farbe passt der Kräutergarten in jede Küche. Schön arrangiert findet er auch auf einem schmalen 45er Schrank seinen Plazt. Jedes Set ist ein Unikat, das aus naturbelassenem Porzellan von der Hand gefertigt wird.
Poliform Eclectic Form Teaset
Daniel Tabet | 1551207690Poliform Teaset
|It is not often a jewel of a chair is launched. Copenhagen is just that chair. The chair is defiant, but at the same time is soft and harmonic. It can stand alone as a sculpture or several placed in a group. Copenhagen recommended with stretchable fabric like Divina, Fame and Vadal. Weight/Assembling: 10 kilo per chair. Delivered assembled. 1 chair per carton.
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
|Clip is a functional stackable table system designed for large meeting places as assembly halls, auditoriums, conference rooms and dining areas. The tables have unique stacking qualities and with its own transport dolly makes it easy to rearrange or clear the location. Table tops are a light weight material covered with high press laminat. The legs are in chrome. Standard: White laminate (K1040UN), grey side list (NCS S 4500-N). Base: Polished stainless steel.
City Plastic
|City Chair is a renowned Norwegian design classic. The chair was designed in the 50's, inspired by a curvaceous beautiful woman. Good design and exceptional seating experience has made the chair a bestseller. Today's City chair is available in a wide variety of designs, veneer, plastic, with seat cushion, and with Cover. This design classic can be used in the auditorium, dining- living- and meeting-rooms. Stacks 11 pcs. Chair hanger in anthracite gray (RAL7012). Linking device in black. Armrests with grippy plastic. Seat cushions in microfiber or wool with a rubber surface towards the seat. City plastic can be provided with cover or fixed seat cushion. Fixed seat cushion with fabric of your choice. Cover are delivered in Synergy from Camira Fabrics in selected colors. City with cover chould not be stacked over time. Base in chrome, black, white or metallic epoxy. NCS epoxy colors adapted to shell colors. Plastic gliders. Dimensions: Wo/armrest W: 51 cm H: 87 cm D: 55 cm SH: 46 cm W/armrest W: 52,5 cm
Con I
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
Con II
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
Con IV
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
Con Barstool
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
|If you are fascinated by fashionable furniture Sherwood certainly catches your eye. This table is completely hand made from organic materials. Solid, wooden top on the intriguing, raw steel legs makes a big impression. Mountain pine bark wrapped in natural contrasts perfectly with the modernist form of the base. Application This model fits in standard industrial facilities, modern apartments and idyllic interiors. Sherwood makes each room unique. Put it in the living room, dining room or kitchen and watch the delight in the sight of the household. Maybe you are looking for unconventional solutions to the conference room, restaurant, cafe? Sherwood is made of solid pine wood, hence the possibility of outbreaks of resin. It is a natural characteristic of this tree species. Table top can be produced in the colors: light pine, dark pine, oak.
|Once upon a time there lived a ... Or not. We can skip a boring introductions. Meet Harry. This is a chair that has a soul, remembers the taste of the 60s and can be really retro. Harry is subtle. Perfectly fits the design of the character and promotes relaxation. His spirit owes brainy specialist who worked on it as before: his own hands - from a carpenter and locksmith, to the capable upholsterer, on cunning needlewoman ending. The fairy tale about old times Everything in Harry is handmade, and it's still admirable trait. That's not all. Harry is just a nice, and its aesthetic qualities could write an essay. So sit in it comfortably and feel what it means to stay stylish. Maybe you can hear a roar in head a fable about old times. Warning! Choose a color that suits you best! The wooden trim element of the product can be produced in natural colors - light wood, walnut - dark wood, white and black.
Colonnade Conference
|The Colonnade table was designed by Poul Christiansen and Boris Berlin. The inspiration is visible in the leg system that carries a 12mm compact laminate table top. Colonnade is a refined table system for meeting a number of shapes and over 30 standard sizes. It is available with integrated cable well (C-box) that facilitates the latest in technology. The system has organic and soft shapes, beautiful and functional, yet anonymous expression. Table top in 12 mm compact laminate with black core. Other sizes / geometries on request. Colonnade is available with or without C-Box. C-box contains 4 el. sockets, 4 data connectors, 2 USB connectors, 1 HDMI connectors, 1 VGA connectors, 1 audio connectors. Outside measurement are 62x16,5 cm. C-box is only sold along with a Fora Form table Table sold complete.
Colonnade Teamwork
|The Colonnade table was designed by Poul Christiansen and Boris Berlin. The inspiration is visible in the leg system that carries a 12mm compact laminate table top. Colonnade is a refined table system for meeting a number of shapes and over 30 standard sizes. It is available with integrated cable well (C-box) that facilitates the latest in technology. The system has organic and soft shapes, beautiful and functional, yet anonymous expression. Colonnade teamwork can be delivered with height adjuster (65-130cm). Adjustable plastic gliders. Dimensions: 119x89 cm H: 72 cm 138x138 cm H: 72 cm 139x89 cm H: 72 cm Ø159 cm H: 72 cm 159x89 cm H: 72 cm 159x138 cm H: 72 cm
Rome Conference Table
|The Rome Conference table takes the best of two worlds, the stylish base of the Colonnade table and 25mm self-supporting MDF plates. The table top is ideal for customization in shape, surfaces and sizes. The table with its light expression is a furnishing friendly design suitable to many kinds of chairs and setups. The Rome conference tables can be supplied with integral cable well (C-box) that facilitates the latest of technology. The table comes with U-Base leg system. The Rome Conference table is designed by Komplot Design. Table top in 25mm MDF white HPL laminate with sloping profile and grey side list in ABS plastic (RAL 7012). or: Table top in 25mm MDF light gray HPL laminate with sloping profile and grey side list in ABS plastic similar to laminate with rounded corners. Other sizes / geometries on request. Rome Conference is available with or without C-Box. C-box contains 4 el. sockets, 4 data connectors, 2 USB connectors, 1 HDMI connectors, 1 VGA connectors, 1 audio connectors. Outside measurement are 62x16,5 cm. C-box is only sold along with a Fora Form table Table sold complete. Base in molded high polished aluminum. Adjustable plastic gliders. Dimensions: 480x120 cm H: 72 cm 360x120 cm H: 72 cm 240x120 cm H: 72 cm 180x120 cm H: 72 cm Other sizes / geometries on request.
Roma Table
|The Rome canteen table has with its expression is a furnishing friendly design suitable to many kinds of chairs and setups. The table design is ideal for customization in shape, surfaces and sizes. The table comes with U-Base leg system. The Rome table is designed by Komplot Design. Table top in 25mm MDF white HPL laminate with sloping profile and grey side list in ABS plastic (RAL 7012). or: Table top in 25mm MDF light gray HPL laminate with bsloping profile and grey side list in ABS plastic similar to laminate with rounded corners. Other sizes / geometries on request. Table sold complete. 240 cm comes with sarg. 140 cm and 180 cm supplied without a sarg. Rome table 180 cm with mounting brackets should come with sarg. Base in molded high polished aluminum. T-foot H: 110cm for additional. Adjustable plastic gliders. Dimensions: 240x80 cm H: 72 cm 180x80 cm H: 72 cm 140x80 cm H: 72 cm Other sizes / geometries on request.
Next Conference Table
|The Next conference tables range from small meeting rooms to large conference rooms. The table, with its light expression makes the design furnishing friendly and fits different types of chairs and setups. Next Conference tables are available with integrated cable well (C-box) that facilitates the latest in technology. The table design is ideal for customization in shape, surfaces and sizes. The design of the base, facilitates easy cleaning. The Next Conference Table is designed by Torsteinsen Design. Table top in 25mm MDF white HPL laminate with sloping profile and grey side list in ABS plastic (RAL 7012). or: Table top in 25mm MDF light gray HPL laminate with sloping profile and grey side list in ABS plastic similar to laminate with rounded corners. Other sizes / geometries on request. Next Conference is available with or without C-Box. C-box contains 4 el. sockets, 4 data connectors, 2 USB connectors, 1 HDMI connectors, 1 VGA connectors, 1 audio connectors. Outside measurement are 62x16,5 cm C-box is only sold along with a Fora Form table Table sold complete. Base in polished stainless steel. T-leg or corner legs. Next no.11 with T-foot, use X-leg as center column. Adjustable plastic gliders. Dimensions: 240x120 cm H: 72 cm 300x120 cm H: 72 cm Other sizes / geometries on request.
Next Table
|The Next canteen table is, with its simple expression a furnishing friendly design suitable for many type chairs and environments. The table design is ideal for customization in shape, surfaces and sizes. The design of the base, facilitates easy cleaning. The Next Table is designed by Torsteinsen Design.
Myk Table
|Myk is a versatile table series with a design inspired by soft geometries. The key design elements are the tables soft rounded elegant lines. Soft rounded wood edges on the T or X-base is mirrored in the table top, and adds to the tactile sensation when you experience the table. Two sizes on bases combined with several table heights and multiple standard table tops makes Myk a versatile and flexible table series. The table series may be used as a canteen or dining table, bar-table, and a table for informal or formal meeting places. Myk table has an elevated base with adjustable gliders to facilitate cleaning. Dimensions: 80x80 cm W: 70 cm X-base H: 52 cm, 65 cm, 74 cm, 90 cm, 105 cm 140x80 cm W: 70 cm T-base H: 52 cm, 65 cm, 74 cm, 90 cm, 105 cm 180x80 cm W: 70 cm T-base H: 52 cm, 65 cm, 74 cm, 90 cm, 105 cm 240x80 cm W: 70 cm T-base H: 52 cm, 65 cm, 74 cm, 90 cm, 105 cm Ø80 cm W: 70 cm X-base H: 52 cm, 65 cm, 74 cm, 90 cm, 105 cm Ø120 cm W: 90 cm X-base H: 52 cm, 65 cm, 74 cm, 90 cm, 105 cm
Cup Table
|The Cup table was designed by the trio Knudsen, Berg and Hindenes. This sofa table is a visually lightweight table that fits into most settings. With two heights, two colors and two bases, one can freely play around with different expressions. The table top is made of environmentally sound absorbing structural foam that provides a soft satin finish. Dimensions: Low H: 39 cm Ø: 54,5 cm High H: 43 cm Ø: 54,5 cm
Planet Table
|The Planet table was designed by Sven Ivar Dysthe in 1965 and is, as the Planet chair a Norwegian furniture classic. The table, with its simple pillar base is a furnishing friendly design which fit several types of seating arrangementst. Dimensions: Veneer H: 52 cm Ø: 60 cm Veneer H: 52 cm Ø: 70 cm Glass H: 53 cm Ø: 70 cm Other sizes / geometries on request
Burell Table
|The Burell table was designed by Circus Design. The table, with its simple expression and furnishing friendly design fits several types of seating and environment. The table design is ideal for customization in shape, surfaces and sizes. 140x70 cm H: 50,5 cm 140x70 cm elipse H: 50,5 cm 70x70 cm H: 50,5 cm Ø70 cm H: 50,5 cm Other sizes / geometries on request.
City Original
|City Chair is a renowned Norwegian design classic. The chair was designed in the 50's, inspired by a curvaceous beautiful woman. Good design and exceptional seating experience has made the chair a bestseller. Today's City chair is available in a wide variety of designs, veneer, plastic, with seat cushion, and with Cover. This design classic can be used in the auditorium, dining- living- and meeting-rooms. City is design by Øyvind Iversen. Dimensions: Wo/armrest W: 50 cm H: 87 cm D: 55 cm SH: 46 cm W/armrest W: 52,5 cm Weight : Wo/armrest: 4,5 kg W/armrest: 5,5 kg
Clint Chair
|The Clint chair designed by Tveit and Tornøe was awarded the Norwegian Award for Design Excellence in 2010. Clint has become a sales success due to its Scandinavian simplicity, good ergonomics and comfort.Clint is a thorough chair system with a wide range of options that cover the needs for seating furniture from the lounge areas to the boardroom. Clint is a chair family where all designs bear the family resemblance for a coherent interior design. Numerous possibilities for the choice of fabric / leather, various bases, armrests and low or high back makes for the perfect conference chair.
Clint Club Chair
|The Clint chair designed by Tveit and Tornøe was awarded the Norwegian Award for Design Excellence in 2010. Clint has become a sales success due to its Scandinavian simplicity, good ergonomics and comfort.Clint is a thorough chair system with a wide range of options that cover the needs for seating furniture from the lounge areas to the boardroom. Clint is a chair family where all designs bear the family resemblance for a coherent interior design. Numerous possibilities for the choice of fabric / leather, various bases, armrests and low or high back makes for the perfect conference chair.
Jazz Young
|The Jazz barstool is designed by Hindenes and Vikøren. The barstool received the Award for Design Excellence and Classic Award from the Norwegian Design Council. Jazz Young is timeless with elegant details and excellent craftsmanship. The barstool is suitable for canteens and places of frequent use. The Jazz barstool is available in several versions and all parts are replaceable.
Pond Chair
|Designer Olav Eldøy has been fascinated by the rings that are made when a stone is thrown into a pond. The result: a chair that will make waves in interior design and challenging seating comfort. Shell in 5 colors PP plastic. White, dark gray, petroleum, light green and light blue. Armrests with grippy plastic. To facilitate cleaning you may suspend the chair from the armrests. Pond can be provided with cover or fixed seat cushion. Fixed seat cushion with fabric of your choice. Cover are delivered in Synergy from Camira Fabrics in selected colors. Base in chrome or metallic epoxy. NCS epoxy colors adapted to shell colors.
Popcorn Chair
|The Popcorn chair is a Norwegian design classic from the 60's, designed by Sven Ivar Dysthe for the Henie Onstad Art Centre in 1968. The chair is stackable with a distinctive design. The encompassing shape attends to our personal sphere and provides comfortable seating. The chair comes with a virtually unlimited choice of fabric and leather. Popcorn chair is suitable for dining- and meeting rooms and other places where you want to add character to an interior
Senso Sofa
|The Senso sofa system is designed by Andersen & Voll. The idea behind Senso is to design a modular sofa system that is flexible, space efficient and facilitates informal meetings between people. The Senso sofa system takes into account the acoustic challenges that one often has in office environments. The modular system stands out due to its space efficiency and its large number of modules that provides creative solutions. The height of the modules meets the requirements for universal design. The design of the base facilitates easy cleaning. Senso seat consists of steel frame with Nozag spring and cold cured foam. Back consists of plywood with cold cured foam. Senso side table has tabletop with 6 mm compact laminate in light or dark gray with black core. Base in polished aluminium, black (RAL 9005) epoxy or white (Ral 9016) epoxy. Epoxy in other colours on request. Base to be mounted. Felt gliders.
Up Sofa
|The Up sofa system was designed by Knudsen, Berg and Hindenes for the talk show ‘Senkveld’ on Norwegian TV2. The idea was to design a modular sofa system with a pure simple shape. The solid construction is ideal for sitting on the backrest, and invites to informal sitting positions. The sofa system can be placed in the center of the room. The versatile module system can be easily adapted to different interiors with a wide range of upholstery options, and different bases. Dimensions: 1 seat w / back W: 74 cm H: 75 cm D: 85 cm SH: 43 cm 2 seats w / back W: 144 cm 3 seats w / back W: 214 cm 3 seats w / back curved W: 214 cm 1 seat wo/ back W: 74 cm D: 81 cm SH: 46 cm 2 seats wo/ back W: 144 cm 3 seats wo/ back W: 214 cm 3 seats curved W: 212 cm
|The Misto pallet with its simple, playful design can be used alone or complement other furniture The handy carrying strap makes Misto easy to move and it solves the need for additional seating. Misto is designed as a stand alone seating arrangement with high comfort and quality. Designed By Olav Eldøy. The stainless steel base protects the upholstery material for cleaning purposes.
|The Gallery bench is designed for the informal meetings, the brief conversation or just a time-out. So simple and pure in its design. A place to sit down and reflect. The Gallery bench is an aesthetic and beautiful piece of furniture. Designed by Beate Ellingsen. The base of stainless steel protects the upholstery material.
Audio Chair
|Audio is our bestseller. The model has an upholstered back and seat, solid construction, high comfort, space-saving, cleaning friendly and can be equipped with simple and functional writing tablet solution. Audio is supplied as standard without armrests. Available in three different back heights; low, medium and high. The legs can be attached on both horizontal and vertical steps and fixed on the ‘nose’ of the step. . Supplementary folding seats can be mounted directly on the wall. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Available with simple armrest. Simple writing tablet is available as in veneer or laminate with solid wood edging. Audio chairs can be mounted in a bow shape.
BeSeated Chair
|BeSeated is engineered and designed with future needs and solutions. The concept BeSeated is developed based on ideas from the user; modern, functional, thoughtful and flexible. BeSeated has clean, organic lines, manufactured in recyclable molded polypropylene (PP) plastic with polished aluminum details. BeSeated comes with high or low back. Single writing tablet in compact laminate, or fixed writing board in MDF. Front panel. Optional padded cushion on the seat, backrest and headrest Available with integrated power supply. Can be mounted on both vertical and horizontal steps and on boom. Textiles desired. Base and boom black eloxert aluminum.
Pond Beam
|Chairs mounted on a beam is extremely space efficient and provide opportunities for creative solutions. We offer both Pond and Popcorn chairs mounted on a beam. The chairs are available in several colors, with or without seat cushions. The sleek beam design will facilitate cleaning. The beam is suitable for waiting rooms, large assembly halls, auditoriums, culture venues, airports and other premises where one wants many individual seatings. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option. Pond PP plastic chair available in 5 colors: White, dark gray, petroleum, light green and light blue. Optional seat cushion, fully upholstered, and may be delivered with armrests in wood. Popcorn PP plastic chairs available in dark gray or white. Choose between seat cushion, or seat and back cushion. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option. Base available in dark gray or white powder coated aluminum. Plastic glider. Dimensions: Pond 2-seats W: 110 cm H: 80 cm D: 54 cm SH: 45 cm Pond 3-seats W: 176 cm H: 80 cm D: 54 cm SH: 45 cm Pond 4-seats W: 242 cm H: 80 cm D: 54 cm SH: 45 cm
Popcorn Beam
|Chairs mounted on a beam is extremely space efficient and provide opportunities for creative solutions. We offer both Pond and Popcorn chairs mounted on a beam. The chairs are available in several colors, with or without seat cushions. The sleek beam design will facilitate cleaning. The beam is suitable for waiting rooms, large assembly halls, auditoriums, culture venues, airports and other premises where one wants many individual seatings. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option.Pond PP plastic chair available in 5 colors: White, dark gray, petroleum, light green and light blue. Optional seat cushion, fully upholstered, and may be delivered with armrests in wood. Popcorn PP plastic chairs available in dark gray or white. Choose between seat cushion, or seat and back cushion. The beam is supplied as 2- , 3- and 4 seats, and a table may replace a chair as an option. Base available in dark gray or white powder coated aluminum. Plastic glider. Popcorn 2-seats W: 122 cm H: 80 cm D: 55 cm SH: 44 cm Popcorn 3-seats W: 188 cm H: 80 cm D: 55 cm SH: 44 cm Popcorn 4-seats W: 254 cm H: 80 cm D: 55 cm SH: 44 cm
ProSeat Chair
|ProSeat is our exclusive auditorium chair. The concept is built around a fundamental "backbone" to which all parts are attached. ProSeat is constructed with great flexibility and customization in mind, which allows configurations suitable to customer needs.The back rest is available in two heights; low, medium. Can be installed in all types of flooring, both horizontal and vertical steps, or on a beam. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Single writing tablet is available as in veneer or laminate with solid wood edging. Also available with a folding writing table in the armrest, type Wrimatic. Proseat can be mounted in a bow shape.
Scala Chair
|Scala is our classic. Comes with veneer backrest and cushion. The model is space-saving, cleaning friendly and can be equipped with simple and functional writing tablet solution. Scala comes as standard without arm rests.Large selection of fabric and RAL colors on steel. Available in two back rest heights; low and medium. The legs can be attached on both horizontal and vertical steps and fixed on the ‘nose’ of the step. Supplementary folding seats can be mounted directly on the wall. Removable seat and back cushions for easy maintenance. Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Seat and back cushions are molded in cold molded foam Flatoval steel for extra strength. Available with simple armrest. Writing tablets are supplied standard in veneer or Formica laminat with solid wood edging. Scala chairs can be mounted in a bow shape.
Chair 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Chair with 2D symbols and minimal space.
AccHaken Lilli 2
Ruth Gall | 1355220170Accessoirehaken "Lilli" Diese bunten Vögelchen lieben Schmuck, Tücher und Accessoires. Anders als bei der diebischen Elster sind ihre Lieblingsstücke bei ihnen jedoch gut aufgehoben. Das Hakenset besteht aus zwei Vögeln unterschiedlicher Form und gleicher Farbe. Sie sind in pink, weiß und schwarz erhältlich. Durch eine fluoreszierende Leuchtfolie auf der Rückseite hinterlassen diese Vögel einen spannenden Farbschimmer auf hellen Rückwänden.
Dachkonstruktion V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398228791Dachstuhlkonstruktion - für die 16er Version und somit meine Schüler wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397376935Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Kräutergarten Kaethe B16
Ruth Gall | 1355727307Kräutergarten "Käthe" Waschechte Flusssteine standen Modell für diesen formschönen, dreiteiligen Kräutergarten. Durch seine natürliche, organische Form und die schlichte Farbe passt der Kräutergarten in jede Küche. Schön arrangiert findet er auch auf einem schmalen 45er Schrank seinen Plazt. Jedes Set ist ein Unikat, das aus naturbelassenem Porzellan von der Hand gefertigt wird.
Kräutergarten Kaethe B27
Ruth Gall | 1355221120Kräutergarten "Käthe" Waschechte Flusssteine standen Modell für diesen formschönen, dreiteiligen Kräutergarten. Durch seine natürliche, organische Form und die schlichte Farbe passt der Kräutergarten in jede Küche. Schön arrangiert findet er auch auf einem schmalen 45er Schrank seinen Plazt. Jedes Set ist ein Unikat, das aus naturbelassenem Porzellan von der Hand gefertigt wird.
Surface Legend 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715577232D surface legend in table form.
Munich Armchair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Adjustable Table E 1027
|Designed by Eileen Gray, 1927; - This is perhaps the classic among the classics is this perhaps the classic. Its ingeniously proportioned, distinctive form has made this height-adjustable table one of the most popular design icons of the 20th century. It is named after the summer house E 1027 “Maison en bord de mer” that Eileen Gray built for herself and for her collaborator, Jean Badovici. The secret code-name likewise comes from her: E is for Eileen, 10 for Jean (J is the 10th letter of the alphabet), 2 for B(adovici) and 7 for G(ray). Adjustable side table. Frame of chromium-plated steel tubing. Top of clear crystal glass, parsol grey or black laquered metal. Details see price list. Authorised by The World Licence Holder Aram Designs Ltd, London
Munich Lounge Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2009; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum, which opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Frame of steel tubing with rubber webbing. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Formwork MevaDeck
|MevaDec Innovation - Formula 1 Form any slab with one and the same system: choose integrated or separate forming face The MevaDec slab formwork system has revolutionised the was slabs - by far the largest are in concrete works - are poured. Most importantly, it covers three different forming methods in one and the same system, enabling the concrete contractor to form any slab without changing parts and without additional inventory. The slab formwork system is easily adaptable to
Munich Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Fri 1800x1200
|Design: Bror Boije The furniture serie Fri is designed for creative interior design with an emphasis on mobility and flexibility. The Fri serie offers a great variety of combination possibilities for you to put your personal stamp in the workplace. Plan. Combine. Drop the thought free. You can choose from more than 1,000 forms on your desktop, different edge profiles, different woods, different kinds of legs and equal kinds of storage. Create your location. Create free. Choose between birch, beech, oak, walnut and white laminate to your desktop. Legs in silver, white or chrome. The furniture serie Fri is awarded the title of "Excellent Swedish Design" for its innovative form. Fri is also marked the Nordic Ecolabel Svanen.
Hundranian Chair
|With the Hundranian, Jonas has taken inspiration from the chairs of the 1910s and 1920s, and developed a modern café chair. It offers an idiomatic simplicity that makes the chair ideal in environments where a large number of seats are required, and where demands are placed on both form and function. The Hundranian is stackable (6 chairs) and highly stable, thanks to its aluminium frame underneath the seat. It is also very comfortable, due to the generous and embracing backrest. The choice of fi nish and colour determines the chair's fi nal expression. Hundranian will also be available with armrests. The aluminium frame can also be lacquered in Stolab's standard colours. Standard on the frame is silver.
In Between Table (SK3)
|The In Between chair was the first chair to be added to the &tradition stable of furniture and Kallio has reinterpreted certain aspects of the chair in the creation of the table. The curvature of the circular table is for example reminiscent of the negative space in the form of the chair’s backrest. Similarly the angles of the legs of the table reflect the angles of the chair legs. The table legs were created using woodturning, a traditional technique that uses a lathe to shape wood. For &tradition a connection to the past is an essential component for any item in the collection. Although some of the manufacturing processes are traditional, the table still comes disassembled as a flat-pack, addressing ease of transport in a modern world. Furthermore, the shape of the table has been chosen to address issues within modern interiors. Its round shape means it must be brought away from walls, therefore taking an active role in any room. The circular form of the table also means that interaction when sat at the table is a more intimate and egalitarian affair. Product type: - Dining tables Materials: - Solid oak Colours: - White oiled oak. Smoked oiled oak. Black stained oak (RAL 9005). Production: - The In Between table is built from solid oak and treated with either lacquer or oil.
Mora Inxx A2 Bath Mixer
|Safety mixer for bath with safety stop and Eco function. 160 c/c. Chrome. RSK 8344036 Thermostatic mixer with secure comfort. Bath spout with built-in diverter. Downward outlet. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It does its job admirably - both in terms of providing a bath or shower with the perfect temperature water, as to convey an individual expression in your bathroom. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A5 Basin mixer with lift valve
|Basin mixer with lift valve and Eco function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8344388 NRF 4290824 LVI 6160280 702676 Without lift valve. Chrome. RSK 8344391 NRF 4290826 With lift valve. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with raised base and lift valve. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Shift Ottoman
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Soundwave Sky
|Soundwave® Sky is designed by Marre Moerel who got the inspiration for the sound absorbing panel from the silhouette of cities, in particular that of New York, but the pattern can also be seen as an abstraction of nature. The panels have a regular, rectangular form. When placed horizontally a straight line is formed at the top which is then broken into slightly angled horizontal lines. The pattern reflects New York’s grid of streets and can also be seen as an enormous mountain range from a bird’s eye view. Vertically the pattern is transformed into skyscrapers or primeval rock formations. The sound absorbing effect can be varied depending on how the panel is mounted. Vertically placed Sky reflects the sound back and forth. Horizontally place it instead absorbed the sound. “I have spent a lot of time in New York, and in cities like that everything is about sound and noise and about how the inhabitants can reach through that barrier of sound. That is why I felt so motivated to start developing a personally designed panel when Offecct gave me the possibility”, says Marre Morel.
Shift high easy chair
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
Shift Low easy chair
|<p>“The originality of the armchair is not only its ability to completely change the atmosphere of a lobby or lounge by simple means in the form of a seat and three different backs. But it also offers the possibility to easily change the upholstery and renew the armchair. As people work more in public places, the need for easy upgrades increases”, says Daniel Debiasi.<br><br>Shift is an exceptionally flexible armchair, through the different heights of the backs, allows everyone to both focus completely on their work and to rest completely. The backrests can be replaced and renewed as needed, according to Offecct Lifecircle. It also offers architects tools to create sustainable solutions. The seat is the same for all three designs.<br><br>Shift is upholstered with frame in moulded cold foam and lacquered legs.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric or leather.<br>- The backrests can easily be changed and renewed.<br>-Is an exceptionally flexible armchair with the possibility of three different heights on the backrest.<br><br>The frame is available i black, silver or white lacquer alternative in Offecct Flexicolor.</p>
A5207 - Bar, Towel,SS, Surface Mntd, Psych
|A surface mounted, satin finish stainless steel, 1" diameter, towel bar with concealed mounting flanges. Clearance between towel bar and wall shall be 1-1/2". Ends of towel bar pass through the flanges and are welded to form one structural unit. A selection of mounting kits and concealed anchor devices are available from the manufacturers for different types of installations. Available in various widths. Recommended for use in shower or bathtub rooms on psychiatric and/or detention wards. Pricing based upon a suggested standard width of 18".
M0875 - Nebulizer, Ultrasonic
|Ultrasonic nebulizer. The nebulizer consists of two units, an oscillator and a nebulizer. The oscillator converts electric power to ultrasonic vibrations. The ultrasonic vibrations agitate a therapeutic solution causing droplets to form in a moving air stream above the liquid. The patient inhales the air containing the medication(s).
M1820 - Imprinter, Data Record, Electric
|Electric data record imprinter. The device accepts embossed plastic patient cards in either the 50 column or the 80 column format and adjusts automatically for card size and form thickness. Device will provide clear readable impressions with a cycle that is less than 1 second in length. Electro-mechanical design provides for a consistent impression that is independent of operator knowledge or technique. Unit may include a date/time stamp as an accessory.
|The result of continuous research on new technology embraces the essence of LED. Without the need of a recessing box and a limited height the up lighter is the perfect expression of contemporary light. A high performance luminaire in a simple form for easy installation that is able to redefine the concept of ground recessed fixtures.
21-Series Design
|21.1 is a single 21 pendant hung from a round canopy. The pendant is designed to hang either alone or with a clustering of 21.1 chandeliers. Solitary pendants can be used to highlight areas of a room, or in random groupings form an ambient chandelier. Inspired by the sporadic, perhaps discordant arrangement of barnacles on a rock surface, the 21 is fabricated from thin sheets of porcelain wrapped around frosted borosilicate glass trumpet-shaped diffusers. Each diffuser houses a low voltage (12V, 20W xenon) lamp. A strong contrast is established between the organically distributed soft light passing through the translucent white porcelain skin and the sharp, crisp light passing through the borosilicate glass diffuser.
Conference chair Graph
|The Graph conference chair breathes new life into the manageable and decades hardly changed Riege excellently designed conference chair. Because even at first sight captivates the graphic quality of the modern form, referred to by the name. It results from the artifice, only to cut through an organic seat shell horizontally and vertically, in order to then modified again reassemble. The result is a fascinating interplay of flowing form and clear lines of closed surfaces and transparent aperture, of harmony and contrast. The striking design is mirrored in exceptional seating comfort, the graph provides despite the slim contour. The covered with wave springs encased in foam and additionally equipped with padded pad steel frame of the seat and back are upholstered for top class technology. Even more, the supporting leaf spring in the three-point support of the seat ensures without any mechanism for three-dimensional flexibility that activates mind and body. Since it is almost self-evident that graph is also convincing in the detail. That no fittings are to be discovered on the armrests. The fact that shapes and surfaces of the frame perfectly modeled and processed. And that the seams of the precious covers precisely follow the elegant lines.
RBM Low-back Bella 4447O
|RBM Low-back Bella is an extension and further development of the existing chair collection; RBM Bella. Both models and RBM Ana are designed by Tias Eckhoff, one of the most acknowledge Scandinavian industrial designers. As the name indicates, the new RBM Low-back Bella collection features lower back height than the classical RBM Bella, and a generous, but slim, light and open form expression, with a strong appeal. The chair is designed for stability and solidity, making it well-suited for all users in various environments in conferences, canteens, meetings e.g. A characteristic «wing» shape on the top of the back, serves as a comfortable armrest and a practical handle when moving the chair. The reknowned comfort and ergonomy from RBM Bella is kept in the new model, through large and well sculpted surfaces in seat and back. RBM Lowback Bella comes with veneer shells in birch, beech and oak, besides 5 delicate CPL laminate colours, including a new grey colour. The models have 4 legged frames in silver and black paint, and chrome. RBM Low-back Bella is available as unupholstered, seat upholstered or in front inside upholstered versions
RBM Low-back Bella 4447
|RBM Low-back Bella is an extension and further development of the existing chair collection; RBM Bella. Both models and RBM Ana are designed by Tias Eckhoff, one of the most acknowledge Scandinavian industrial designers. As the name indicates, the new RBM Low-back Bella collection features lower back height than the classical RBM Bella, and a generous, but slim, light and open form expression, with a strong appeal. The chair is designed for stability and solidity, making it well-suited for all users in various environments in conferences, canteens, meetings e.g. A characteristic «wing» shape on the top of the back, serves as a comfortable armrest and a practical handle when moving the chair. The reknowned comfort and ergonomy from RBM Bella is kept in the new model, through large and well sculpted surfaces in seat and back. RBM Lowback Bella comes with veneer shells in birch, beech and oak, besides 5 delicate CPL laminate colours, including a new grey colour. The models have 4 legged frames in silver and black paint, and chrome. RBM Low-back Bella is available as unupholstered, seat upholstered or in front inside upholstered versions.
Tessera circulate
|Confident and unique, Circulate represents a fresh approach to the design of random lay batchless carpet tiles. Its random geometric aesthetic will bring life and excitement to interior floor spaces of any scale, from the narrowest corridors to the most expansive open plan environments. The random nature of the design in modular form creates contemporary floorspace environments which are modern and distinctive yet commercially attractive and highly accessible. Circulate is offered in a range of eight fresh colourways, with options available to suit all types of commercial interiors. Reduced installation waste Circulate random lay carpet tiles are cleverly designed so that they may be laid in any direction to produce a totally individual installation. Using this method also reduces installation waste to less than 2%. Batchless carpet tiles Different production consignments of ‘batchless’ tiles can be used together in an installation without the usual risk of visible batch variation, this also eliminates the need to hold attic stock.
|CREATION are synthetic, decorative, flexible, antistatic, abrasion group T floor coverings in tile and plank form, with bevelled edges. They consist of a transparent wear layer 0.7 mm thick, a design film and a compact under layer. They are compressed and grained at high pressure. Their overall thickness is 2.5 mm. It’s treated with PUR+ surface treatment providing excellent cleaning characteristics and improved resistance to scratching. PUR+ treatment significantly delays the build-up of wax.
|CREATION 55 is a synthetic, decorative, flexible, antistatic abrasion group T floorcoverings available in tile or plank form, with bevelled edges. They comprise a transparent wear layer 0.55 mm thick, a design film and a compact underlayer. They are compressed and grained at high pressure. They benefit from a polyurethane surface treatment (PUR), making maintenance easier and eliminating the need for initial polishes. Their overall thickness is 2.5 mm.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z8/L
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z8/L - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z2/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z2/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z2/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z3/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z3/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z4/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z4/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
geoSYSTEM G5 max
|geoSYSTEM is an excellent alternative to “heavy” (physically and visually) concrete flagstones, concrete grid paving units, cobblestones, asphalt and other hardened surface types. geoSYSTEM are plastic openwork paving grids, which interlock through lug and slot connection, to form a uniform surface. geoSYSTEM meets the strict requirements regarding durability, combined with the aim of preserving the natural character of the surface . It is ideal for large grassed areas, driveways, access routes, car parks, slopes and footpaths. Whether filled with grass or gravel, the grids becomes practically invisible, which is why designers and investors can fully utilize the aesthetic qualities of natural surfaces, and design areas with varied color schemes or textures. The load bearing, stability and durability of the finished construction, as well as its ability to provide adequate drainage, is reliant on the correct design and preparation of the foundation. geoSYSTEM G5 max: allows the area to retain its natural character, whilst also sustaining the high performance and durability requirements of the developed surface. Application: [LIST] fire access routes grassed car parks gravel car parks road verges erosion control pedestrian and cycling paths airfields – helipads paddocks and horse stables golf courses camping sites [/LIST]
Wrap easy chair
|The armchair Wrap want to be an armchair which enfolds you and is inviting, yet not taking up too much space. Wrap sounds than to Stolabs tradition of form and function in harmonious union. Meanwhile Wrap soft features that fits well in with eg Hundranian and Miss Holly. Wrap works well in both public spaces and private homes.
RBM Noor Up 6090
|RBM Noor Up is a medium high sledgebase chair within the popular RBM Noor collection. The RBM Noor was originally developed through a unique collaboration between the Scandinavian designers StokkeAustad, Form Us With Love, Grønlund Design and Scandinavian Business Seating. StokkeAustad has now taken the design further with RBM Noor Up. RBM Noor Up has the same contemporary classic design as the other RBM Noor models. The characteristic Scandinavian identity, rich colours, functionality and high usability create stunning social areas. RBM Noor Up is ideal for use in break-out areas, coffee bars and meeting areas in various environments, being in open offices, canteens, private homes and places where people meet to socialise and interact.
Norden Star
|Norden Star chair is perfectly suitable for modern kitchen or dining room. It will aslo fit in as a standalone chair in a creative workplace. The seat is made of polypropylene and it is lined with soft foam, covered with artificial leather in the color of the backrest. Such a comfy seat leans on the stable construction of four beech legs, which guarantee solid support. The simple form provides the chair with a light and elegant look.
Mipolam Accord EL7
|<p>MIPOLAM ACCORD EL7 is a dissipative flexible homogeneous vinyl floorcovering available in both sheet and tile form, calendered and compacted. </p> <p>This floorcovering is treated with Evercare&trade;: the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare&trade; avoids stain of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring.<br>This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!</p> <p>MIPOLAM ACCORD EL7 acts as a continuous dissipater 106 ≤ Rt ≤ 108. It has permanent antistatic properties (&lt; 100 V).</p> <p>The product is non-reactive to residual indentation with a value ≤ 0,02 mm.<br>The flooring is a group P wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.<br>The product is non-emissive of volatile organic compounds with &lt; 10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).</p>
Mipolam Elegance EL5
|<p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 is a conductive flexible homogeneous vinyl floorcovering available in sheet form.<br>The 2 mm homogeneous material incorporates carbon encapsulated granules throughout its full thickness and has a conductive backing to ensure optimal and consistent conductive properties throughout its full life expectancy. <br>It has permanent antistatic properties (&lt; 20 V).</p> <p>This floorcovering is treated with Evercare&trade; or the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. Evercare&trade; avoids staining of chemical products used in healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring.<br>This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics; it requires no wax for life!</p> <p>MIPOLAM ELEGANCE EL5 acts as a continuous conductive 5.104 ≤ Rt ≤ 106 (EN 1081) and complies with EN 649.</p> <p>The product is non-reactive to residual indentation with a value ≤ 0,02 mm (EN 433)<br>The flooring complies with the EN 649 (34-43) offering a group P wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.<br>The product is non-emissive of volatile organic compounds with &lt;10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).</p>
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
TALO SOFA 290.11
|The result of Sancal’s first collaboration with Sebastian Herkner, Talo takes a new approach to the traditional small armchair – a must-have for any hotel. Discreet and distinctive, the design is a departure from all others, yet retaining a familiar form. Talo is extraordinarily comfortable, making it the ideal piece for a range of settings. The small two seater sofa combines perfectly with the armchair, emulating its comfort perfectly. The roots of the mangrove tree have provided the starting point for this adaptable piece. No detail has been left to chance: from the extra thick piping that runs across the top of the piece to the special two part cushion. However, the most characteristic element of Talo is in its feet that thrust up under the fabric, like the roots of a mangrove tree just visible above ground level as they form the trunk. The feet are made of oak and can be ordered in a wide range of natural stains or vibrant colours like green or mango. Sebastian has also designed a stylish cushion as an accessory to this, or other Sancal products. Talo can be upholstered in fabric, synthetic or natural leather. The covers are fixed.
Creation 30
|CREATION 30 are synthetic, decorative, flexible, antistatic, abrasion group T floorcoverings in tile and plank form, with bevelled edges. They consist of a transparent wear layer 0.3 mm thick, a design film and a compact under layer. They are compressed and grained at high pressure. Their overall thickness is 2 mm. It’s treated with PUR+ surface treatment providing excellent cleaning characteristics and improved resistance to scratching. PUR+ treatment significantly delays the build-up of wax.
Manual Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter - single leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter symmetric, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Manual Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Motorized Sliding Shutter telescopic, double leaf
|Baier sliding shutters represent the most agreeable form of protection. Against light and adverse weather. In every material, every size, every colour. Design which has a moving effect. They set trends and move with the times. And yet they are timeless. The individual design possibilities will fill you ith inspiration. Our professional planning, manufacture and assembly will give you the required support and security. Design with a whiff of luxury. Comfort which creates a sense of delight. Drive technology developed specially by us and subjected to long-term tests provides optimum convenience and acceptability. Here even environmentally friendly and cost-saving solar energy can be used. In addition to the design, sliding shutters offers perfect shade technology which confidently defies adverse weather conditions and windy sunny days. If desired, they automatically follow the course of the sun – two important arguments when they are used, for example in clinics, industrial buildings, public buildings and sports centres. And, furthermore, you increase protection against undesired intruders. Baier sliding shutter fittings know no limits when it is a question of implementing individual ideas. Whether single-leaf or double-leaf or in telescopic form. No limits in color, size and using different materials. Wood, aluminum slats, aluminium sheets, expanded metals, composite fibre plates and printed glass are only a small selection here.
Tarasafe Geo & Ultra
|TARASAFE ULTRA, ULTRA COMFORT, STYLE, UNI & GEO are slip resistant vinyl VC floorcoverings, with a PVC wear layer and deeply inlaid mineral crystal particles (patent pending) and coloured chips for a decorative design. There are reinforced with a glass fibre grid in sheet form. They are treated with SparClean® surface treatment, a low maintenance cost effective solution providing extreme resistance from soiling and staining. They are an ideal solution for heavy traffic applications where enhanced slip resistance, durability, hygiene and easy maintenance are required. Tarasafe is suitable for most commercial and industrial arrears, with a 12 year warranty. TARASAFE ULTRA COMFORT has a VHD closed cell foam backing yielding a 6dB sound insulation. The products are 100% recyclable. TARASAFE STANDARD, ELEMENTS, SUPER & PLUS are slip resistant vinyl VC floorcoverings, with a PVC wear layer and deeply inlaid mineral crystal particles (patent pending) and coloured chips for a decorative design. There are reinforced with a glass fibre grid in sheet form. They are an ideal solution for heavy traffic applications where enhanced slip resistance, durability, hygiene and easy maintenance are required. Tarasafe is suitable for most commercial and industrial arrears, with a 12 year warranty. TARASAFE PLUS comprises a textile backing for better adherence in wet areas. It helps reducing telegraphing. The products are 100% recyclable.
geoSYSTEM G4 max
|geoSYSTEM is an excellent alternative to “heavy” (physically and visually) concrete flagstones, concrete grid paving units, cobblestones, asphalt and other hardened surface types. geoSYSTEM are plastic openwork paving grids, which interlock through lug and slot connection, to form a uniform surface. geoSYSTEM meets the strict requirements regarding durability, combined with the aim of preserving the natural character of the surface . It is ideal for large grassed areas, driveways, access routes, car parks, slopes and footpaths. Whether filled with grass or gravel, the grids becomes practically invisible, which is why designers and investors can fully utilize the aesthetic qualities of natural surfaces, and design areas with varied color schemes or textures. The load bearing, stability and durability of the finished construction, as well as its ability to provide adequate drainage, is reliant on the correct design and preparation of the foundation. geoSYSTEM G4 max: This grid is a guarantee of high durability in addition to optimized aggregate usage thanks to a lower wall height. Application: [LIST] fire access routes grassed car parks gravel car parks road verges erosion control pedestrian and cycling paths airfields – helipads paddocks and horse stables golf courses camping sites [/LIST]
|geoSYSTEM is an excellent alternative to “heavy” (physically and visually) concrete flagstones, concrete grid paving units, cobblestones, asphalt and other hardened surface types. geoSYSTEM are plastic openwork paving grids, which interlock through lug and slot connection, to form a uniform surface. geoSYSTEM meets the strict requirements regarding durability, combined with the aim of preserving the natural character of the surface . It is ideal for large grassed areas, driveways, access routes, car parks, slopes and footpaths. Whether filled with grass or gravel, the grids becomes practically invisible, which is why designers and investors can fully utilize the aesthetic qualities of natural surfaces, and design areas with varied color schemes or textures. The load bearing, stability and durability of the finished construction, as well as its ability to provide adequate drainage, is reliant on the correct design and preparation of the foundation. geoSYSTEM G4: This grid is suitable for infill with either grass or gravel and this, combined with its high performance characteristics, makes it suitable for a very wide range of applications. Application: [LIST] fire access routes grassed car parks gravel car parks road verges erosion control pedestrian and cycling paths airfields – helipads paddocks and horse stables golf courses camping sites [/LIST]
|geoSYSTEM is an excellent alternative to “heavy” (physically and visually) concrete flagstones, concrete grid paving units, cobblestones, asphalt and other hardened surface types. geoSYSTEM are plastic openwork paving grids, which interlock through lug and slot connection, to form a uniform surface. geoSYSTEM meets the strict requirements regarding durability, combined with the aim of preserving the natural character of the surface . It is ideal for large grassed areas, driveways, access routes, car parks, slopes and footpaths. Whether filled with grass or gravel, the grids becomes practically invisible, which is why designers and investors can fully utilize the aesthetic qualities of natural surfaces, and design areas with varied color schemes or textures. The load bearing, stability and durability of the finished construction, as well as its ability to provide adequate drainage, is reliant on the correct design and preparation of the foundation. geoSYSTEM G3: Perfect for use with aggregate, which is especially useful for car parks and premise access routes Application: [LIST] gravel car parks pedestrian and cycling paths paddocks and horse stables golf courses camping sites garden pathways lawn protection against animals house surrounding (gravel drainage) [/LIST]
|An interesting collection of Scandinavian style. High back and correct profiling provide maximum comfort and convenience. The real ornamentation is due to ash wood elements, the unique pattern of them is clearly underlined by the use of natural oils. The collection captivates its unique form and provides an attractive inspiration for the arrangement of modern interiors.
|An interesting collection of Scandinavian style. High back and correct profiling provide maximum comfort and convenience. The real ornamentation is due to ash wood elements, the unique pattern of them is clearly underlined by the use of natural oils. The collection captivates its unique form and provides an attractive inspiration for the arrangement of modern interiors.
Scala Wall
|Scala is a playful paraphrase on corrugated iron that simultaneously employs the functionality of the shape. The design of the sound-absorbent Scala is not only developed for visual reasons, but primarily to contribute to a softer soundscape. The moulded felt absorbs sound and the wave-shaped surface effectively breaks the sound waves. Scala is a perfectly simple interaction between material and form. Scala can be hung on the wall or from the ceiling, to discretely reduce the level of noise. Scala is 100% recyclable, and the fabric is approved by EU Ecolabel. Size: 603×800, 1207×800, 603×1600, 1207×1600 mm, portrait or landscape.
My Hive
|Nature is the source of inspiration for Poul Christiansen’s My Hive: an elegant and simplistic workstation with a height-adjustable desk. With My Hive, Poul Christiansen uses the hexagon – a form that is present in the beehive, as well as on turtle shells. The form makes it possible to compose dynamic and surface-efficient desk configurations. Instead of using legs, Poul Christiansen has integrated the table-top into the sound absorbent screens, thus freeing space. Both the cables and the mechanism for adjusting the height are hidden within the screen. My Hive also offers a place for rest, since the desk can be replaced with a sofa. Table-top measurement: width 1655 mm (the widest part). The table-tops position above floor: min 685 mm, max 1185 mm. The floor screens height is 1350 mm.
|Pin – bathroom lighting with genuine character Pin was designed by Matti Klenell in 2009 as a modern and more charismatic version of the classic, globe-shaped bathroom lamp. The conventional porcelain wall fitting has been replaced by an angled glass neck that gives the impression of a lamp that is growing out from the wall. The opaque glass cleverly conceals all the lamp’s electrical components, transforming Pin into a wall decoration at the same time as it provides pleasant lighting in the bathroom. In 2010 Matti Klenell’s design for Örsjö Lighting was named “Bathroom Product of the Year” by Elle Decoration in recognition of its outstanding form and function.
|Nipo is a solid wood chair whose form is reminiscent of the stark simplicity of Finnish rustic furniture. Excellent sitting comfort is achieved by gently inclining seat and backrest. The solid wood seat and frame are slightly apart which allows wood to stretch and contract. Every part of the chair’s structure is carefully designed with efficient material utilisation and industrial production in mind. Skilfully manufactured in Finland, the traditional wood joints and structural details enrich the meticulously finished effect. The restrained design makes the chair suitable for church halls and higher end cafés, for instance.
|Ovo is a multifunctional reception desk dedicated to small rooms or customer service bureaus. Due to a lowered desk top it is easy to communicate with a client in a sitting position. The common part of the desk top allows to deal with documents easily and provides trouble-free communication. The lifted part of the reception desk includes a hidden computer stand and the vertical shelf for files and documents. Apart from ergonomics the Ovo reception desk offers an interesting form connecting a white oval of the desk top with a dark rectangle of the body and the frontal part of furniture produced in two optional colors - cocoa and chestnut.
One Side 30deg Diagonal
|ONE SIDE 30deg DIAGONAL BK1004 4 rails / for 8 bicycles BikeKeeper ® bicycle parking stations with frame locking. One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics.
Dual Side 16
|One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics. DUAL SIDE 16 BK2001 8 rails / for 16 bicycles
Dual Side Junior
|DUAL SIDE JUNIOR BK2003 8 rails / for 16 children's bicycles One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks. The racks are also available as four-cornered classics.
Dual Side Scooter 12
|DUAL SIDE SCOOTER 12 BK2004 6 rails /12 scooter One Side and Dual Side form a basic rack product group suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Like all BikeKeeper products they are available with different distances between rails for active use, efficient storage or for scooters, as well as in Junior versions. Because the racks are free-standing, they can be moved when required, but they are robust enough to withstand vandalism significantly better than ordinary bicycle racks.
ETICS: collection / EPS / Ceramic
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection alsecco ensures creativity for your next project. Alsecco has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: collection / Stone Wool / Ceramic
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection alsecco ensures creativity for your next project. Alsecco has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
HAWA-Concepta 40/50 pivot sliding system
|Hardware system for pivot sliding cabinet doors weighing up to 40 and 50 kg The HAWA-Concepta 40/50 slides doors alongside cabinet bodies or into wall recesses. Room-high designs and walk-in cabinets are easy and efficient to implement. The well-thought-out concept has omitted a bottom guide channel and offers optimum flexible room utilisation with no obstructions in the form of protruding doors. HAWA-Concepta 40/50 is a true master of design thanks to a broad band width of available dimensions, weights and material thicknesses.
Savo Soul
|Savo Soul - specialist task chair with advanced technology SAVO Soul is the latest addition to our assortment of specialist task chairs. Built with the most advanced technology available in the simplest form possible, SAVO Soul is fitted with the bare minimum of adjustments. Following your body´s natural movements, it helps improve both your posture and overall well-being.
ETICS: Ceratherm 2 (EPS)
|A thick coat, EPS-insulation, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection ensures creativity for your next project. Caparol has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
ETICS: Ceratherm 2 (Miwo)
|A thick coat, mineral wool, external wall insulation facade system which is faced with brick slips or ceramic tiles, offering a greater degree of impact resistance. Offering clay slips in every conceivable colour and shade, collection ensures creativity for your next project. Caparol has the capacity and expertise to source exactly the right brick for your specification, with the added advantage of being able to offer the complete system solution for your façade. Clay slips are either extruded as purpose made slips or the chosen brick is cut to around 15mm to form the slip. Either way, once the slips are pointed they have the same appearance a regular masonry, offering huge advantages.
HEWI Shower curtain rail A1=983
|Range 801 Shower curtain rail - horizontal rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with curtain rings - for installing a shower curtain - with aluminium core - fixing with roses to wall and ceiling, ceiling support required - with 20 curtain rings - for shower tray 1000 x 1000 mm (centre-to-centre 983 x 983 mm), rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - length at rose ends can be shortened on site up to 220 mm - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
HEWI shower/tube rail,A1=1100
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 762 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51...100 (only on W2) - made of high-quality polyamide in selected HEWI colours
Granito Ant 48
|Dissipative flooring. Embossed surface [LIST] Rubber flooring in 2 mm thickness with small chips inserted in the compound to give a dotted pattern, with slightly embossed surface and a bottom layer suitable for adhesive bonding Tiles of 610 x 610 mm or in rolls of 1,90 x 10 m In compliance with requirements for the emissions of VOCS (volatile organic compounds) required by the Following standards: AgBB, A+ French Label Rated as static dissipative, perform a vertical electrical resistance measured Installation to be carried out with conductive adhesive and copper foils to form a suitable conductive grid to be connected to the Earth points. [/LIST]
Serie LS - LS 990
|The classic among the flat switches Thanks to its high quality and clear shape, the LS 990 switch range has already proved its worth for more about 50 years. The classic form of this switch with its narrow frame fits harmoniously into any surroundings. Purist elegance in thermosetting plastic or genuine metal lend this series a touch of class. A wide variety of applications are possible thanks to the wide functional spectrum. Thus, architecturally demanding visions can be consistently put into practice. The single to fivefold frames can be fitted horizontally or vertically.
LS Range - LS 990 Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier
|The Switch Classic LS 990 in the 63 Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier JUNG is exclusively offering its classic LS990 switch in the 63 original Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier colours worldwide. Le Corbusier is considered to be one of the most significant architects of the 20th century. What is so special about his colour system is that each of the 63 colours can be combined with any other in the system. The classic among the flat switches Thanks to its high quality and clear shape, the LS 990 switch range has already proved its worth for about 50 years. The classic form of this switch with its narrow frame fits harmoniously into any surroundings. Purist elegance in thermosetting plastic or genuine metal lend this series a touch of class. A wide variety of applications are possible thanks to the wide functional spectrum. Thus, architecturally demanding visions can be consistently put into practice. The single to fivefold frames can be fitted horizontally or vertically.
Series A - A 500
|A range with a clear profile Making an entry in black, white, aluminium, champagne and mocha: The A 500 range of switches is part of a clear interior decorating style. Nothing breaks the linear shaping; the frames and covers form an enclosed and coherent unit. But the design makes an impression not only in visual terms. The technical options leaves no wishes open, because with its high degree of functional versatility the A 500 can also be used in technically demanding electrical installations.
Series - WG 800
|Plenty of space for the wiring Fully perfected in terms of form and function, weather-proof and largely UV-resistant, and made of unbreakable thermosettting plastic: The WG 800 that is also protected against sprayed water can be illuminated and lettered throughout and sets new standards for professional electrical installation work through the ample amount of space allowed for the wiring.
Individual Items - Combination Serie AS
|The standard when it comes to form and function The AS 500 range forms a harmonious unit in terms of form and function. The lines run smoothly and harmoniously, and the angle in the rocker area creates a visual accent. All the frames and covers have uniform styling in the colours ivory and white. The wide variety on this range allows it to be used in demanding electrical installations as well.
BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) 4-6-8" Straight Forms
|<p>BuildBlock ICFs are a comprehensive product family of Insulated Concrete Forms. Available in sizes 4"-12"+ they deliver superior energy-efficiency, acoustic, and disaster-reslilience performance. BuildBlock ICFs are available in all the form types necessary for construction including: 90&deg;, 45&deg;, 2'-4'-8'-12'-16'-20' radius, TaperTop, and BrickLedge configurations.</p> <p>BuildBlock ICFs deliver fast construction, multiple reinforcement options including traditional rebar up to #8 in large forms.</p> <p>BuildBlock ICF forms combine the standard features you&rsquo;ve come to expect in&nbsp;a quality ICF. BuildBlock is built for speed with the least waste and many unique benefits you&rsquo;ll find in&nbsp;no other block.</p> <ul> <li>Ready to Stack. No on-site assembly required; start installing right off the truck.</li> <li>Fully Reversible. All forms are fully reversible; no top, bottom, left or right. Longer corner design provides automatic offset for each course.</li> <li>Industry Standard Size. Industry-standard 16-inch (406.4mm) high forms produce less waste when cutting around doors and windows.</li> <li>Tight Interlocking Blocks. Blocks easily stack and securely lock into place resulting in greater strength over the competition. No foam or clips required between courses.</li> <li>2.5-inch (63.5mm) Foam Panels. Allows easy accommodation of electrical and plumbing installation in the foam.</li> <li>High-density Plastic Webs on 6-inch centers. Greater strength, more value.</li> <li>Rebar Support eliminates most steel tying.</li> <li>Easy mechanical chases for plumbing and electrical.</li> <li>Open Web Design for efficient concrete flow and half-height block support.</li> <li>Extra Heavy-duty Attachment Points (450+lbs.) Located every 8-inches vertically, and 6-inches horizontally.</li> <li>Molded-in Tape Measure and Horizontal Cut Lines.</li> <li>1-inch Repeating Cut Pattern on Block Connection.</li> <li>Lowest waste of any ICF on the market today.</li> <li>Attachment Point Markings</li> <li>No special half-height blocks required.</li> </ul>
Series A - AS 500
|The standard when it comes to form and function The AS 500 range forms a harmonious unit in terms of form and function. The lines run smoothly and harmoniously, and the angle in the rocker area creates a visual accent. All the frames and covers have uniform styling in the colours ivory and white. The wide variety on this range allows it to be used in demanding electrical installations as well.
Quantum_WT 13 W
|Quantum is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Wind, table 460x443 H555
|Following the instant success of our Wind room dividers, Jin Kuramoto has designed a new side table with his same trademark irregular, organic shapes. The table was commissioned exclusively for the new Zander K hotel in Bergen, Norway, with interiors by architects Claesson Koivisto Rune. The table comes in two heights, manufactured in a monochrome, stone-resembling material. ”I like to see the tables as rocks in a forest,” says Jin Kuramoto. ”As the Wind room dividers became so popular even before they were properly launched, there is demand for a table that speaks the same organic form language,” says Anders Englund, Design Manager at Offecct. ”They are designed to work together in for example a hotel lobby or in an office landscape, but the table will also hold its own very well in any kind of interior environment.”
Wind, table 605x375 H505
|Following the instant success of our Wind room dividers, Jin Kuramoto has designed a new side table with his same trademark irregular, organic shapes. The table was commissioned exclusively for the new Zander K hotel in Bergen, Norway, with interiors by architects Claesson Koivisto Rune. The table comes in two heights, manufactured in a monochrome, stone-resembling material. ”I like to see the tables as rocks in a forest,” says Jin Kuramoto. ”As the Wind room dividers became so popular even before they were properly launched, there is demand for a table that speaks the same organic form language,” says Anders Englund, Design Manager at Offecct. ”They are designed to work together in for example a hotel lobby or in an office landscape, but the table will also hold its own very well in any kind of interior environment.”
Quantum 2 W
|Quantum is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum 6 W
|Quantum is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum 15 W
|Quantum is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum 25 W
|Quantum is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum_Y 2 W
|Quantum_Y is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form, characterized by an optical unit with asymmetric emission. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus ensuring visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. The asymmetric light beam makes this luminaire particularly suitable for illuminating walls.
Quantum_Y 6 W
|Quantum_Y is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form, characterized by an optical unit with asymmetric emission. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus ensuring visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. The asymmetric light beam makes this luminaire particularly suitable for illuminating walls.
Quantum_Y 15 W
|Quantum_Y is a ceiling-mounting recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form, characterized by an optical unit with asymmetric emission. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus ensuring visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. The asymmetric light beam makes this luminaire particularly suitable for illuminating walls.
Quantum_J1 2 W
|Quantum J_1 is a ceiling-mounting directional recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum_J1 6 W
|Quantum J_1 is a ceiling-mounting directional recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum_J1 15 W
|Quantum J_1 is a ceiling-mounting directional recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum_J1 25 W
|Quantum J_1 is a ceiling-mounting directional recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum_J2 2 W
|Quantum_J2 is a ceiling-mounting directional recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum_J2 6 W
|Quantum_J2 is a ceiling-mounting directional recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
Quantum_J2 15 W
|Quantum_J2 is a ceiling-mounting directional recessed luminaire with an organic roundish form. The deep-recessed optical compartment ensures perfect integration into the surrounding architecture thanks to its soft and sinuous lines. The downlight is characterized by a group made up of a reflector with F.O.L.™ filtering system and a recessed LED source, thus providing visual comfort and a highly pure beam. Among the product distinguishing features, the well-proportioned appearance given by its optical compartment with embossed or "warm&chic" golden finish, a plus which has earned it the Red Dot Award in 2015. Quantum is particularly suitable for illuminating shops, hotels and private homes.
KNX Sun Protection Control Centres
|The sun protection control center is the heart of the Griesser KNX control. The flexible concept enables individual controls to be fitted to form an extensive sun protection automation system in large systems. The benefit of this is that all key automatic programs can be managed centrally, enabling the dependences between automatic timers, automatic temperature functions and automatic sun control to be easily set up. Communication with the motor control via the KNX Griesser product makes for quick, reliable and easy programming and commissioning. The Griesser object links the central unit with all motor controls via a group address.
Mora Inxx A1 Shower Mixer
|Shower mixer 160 c/c with connection up. Safety stop and Eco function. Chrome. RSK 8343937 Thermostatic mixer for secure comfort. Outlet up. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It does its job admirably - both in terms of providing a bath or shower with the perfect temperature water, as to convey an individual expression in your bathroom. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A2 Basin Mixer with lift valve
|Basin mixer with lift valve and Eco function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8344407 NRF 4290899 LVI 6160240 702655 Without lift valve. Chrome. RSK 8344408 NRF 4290898 LVI 6160230 Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with pop-up waste. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A1 Kitchen Mixer
|Kitchen mixer with swivel L-spout and Eco function. Copper pipes Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8317956 NRF 4291294 LVI 6260230 Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It beautifies its surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a kitchen mixer with swivel spout around. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Mora Inxx A2 Basin Mixer
|Basin mixer with extended base, lift valve and Eco function. Soft PEX flat end Ø10 mm. Chrome. RSK 8344409 NRF 4290888 LVI 6160250 Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with pop-up waste. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Foga, litter bin 40l
|The Foga litterbin is a modern basket for recycling for indoor use, with laser cut text for clearer sorting. Four individual modules can be grouped together to form a square, each positioned so that an opening faces each outer side. Easily accessible, Foga signals a new direction for public waste receptacles. Design: Eva Herdin
Foga, litter bin 80l
|The Foga litterbin is a modern basket for recycling for indoor use, with laser cut text for clearer sorting. Four individual modules can be grouped together to form a square, each positioned so that an opening faces each outer side. Easily accessible, Foga signals a new direction for public waste receptacles. Design: Eva Herdin
Frank, backed bench
|Frank revisits the classical park benches of previous centuries and updates them for twenty-first century urban centres. The bench is a simplified version of the decorated frames typical of Continental Europe that merges the armrests and the supports in a single expression. Traditional wooden slats form the seat and backrest, creating a silhouette that easily blends into a historic setting. Design: David Taylor
Frank, armchair
|Just as Nola’s Frank backed bench revisits the classical park benches of previous centuries and updates them with a contemporary twist, the Frank armchair showcases the same style. Together, the bench and armchair create a furniture set that suits any park or terrace. The Frank armchair is a flexible design that can be produced with extended armrests, a higher seat and upright backrest to make it more accessible to those who require extra support when getting up. Wooden laths form the seat and backrest, adding traditional elements to the armchair’s contemporary profile. Design: David Taylor
Kajen, bench
|This bench may be created from conventional wooden slats, but its design is completely unique. The seat sits atop simple structural supports at either side to form a simple and practical design. This bench can be paired with other seating in the Kajen series, such as the backed bench and footrest, or the standard Kajen bench with a backrest and armrests. Design: Thomas Bernstrand.
Kalmar, backed bench 191 cm.
|Each piece of the Kalmar furniture group blends modern design with ergonomic form in an elegant indoor-outdoor style. The seats are angled slightly to make the chair and benches more comfortable, and the backrests are crafted with a subtle curve that cradles the spine. The bench is a favourite choice for quayside areas and parks with panoramas over the landscape, enabling those seated to relax comfortably while they enjoy the view. Design: Lars Gunnars.
Kalmar, backed bench 136 cm.
|Each piece of the Kalmar furniture group blends modern design with ergonomic form in an elegant indoor-outdoor style. The seats are angled slightly to make the chair and benches more comfortable, and the backrests are crafted with a subtle curve that cradles the spine. The bench is a favourite choice for quayside areas and parks with panoramas over the landscape, enabling those seated to relax comfortably while they enjoy the view. Design: Lars Gunnars.
Kalmar, armchair
|Each piece of the Kalmar furniture group blends modern design with ergonomic form in an elegant indoor-outdoor style. The seats are angled slightly to make the chair and benches more comfortable, and the backrests are crafted with a subtle curve that cradles the spine. The bench is a favourite choice for quayside areas and parks with panoramas over the landscape, enabling those seated to relax comfortably while they enjoy the view. Design: Lars Gunnars.
Kalmar, table rectangular
|The Kalmar furniture group is a favourite choice for quayside areas and parks with panoramas over the landscape, enabling those seated to relax comfortably while they enjoy the view. The Kalmar table blends modern design with efficient form in an elegant indoor-outdoor style. Together with other designs from the Kalmar furniture group, the table creates space for outdoor dining, meetings or relaxation. Design: Lars Gunnars.
Kalmar, table square
|The Kalmar furniture group is a favourite choice for quayside areas and parks with panoramas over the landscape, enabling those seated to relax comfortably while they enjoy the view. The Kalmar table blends modern design with efficient form in an elegant indoor-outdoor style. Together with other designs from the Kalmar furniture group, the table creates space for outdoor dining, meetings or relaxation. Design: Lars Gunnars.
Kalmar, round table Ø 60 cm.
|Each piece of the Kalmar furniture group blends modern design with ergonomic form in an elegant indoor-outdoor style. The seats are angled slightly to make the chair and benches more comfortable, and the backrests are crafted with a subtle curve that cradles the spine. The bench is a favourite choice for quayside areas and parks with panoramas over the landscape, enabling those seated to relax comfortably while they enjoy the view. Design: Lars Gunnars.
Mobilia, bicycle shelter, start section
|The Mobilia bicycle shelter is contemporary in style and architectural in scope. Several can be installed in a row to form a longer length, or placed back-to-back to create a double structure. Made from sheets of UV-resistant polycarbonate, the roof was designed with the same considerations as a modern building. The gradient encourages rain to run off and the design avoids deep gutters that trap leaves. The steel parts in the frame are C4 treated, zinc-electroplated and powder-coated. The frame and bicycle wheel holders can be bolted to a pre-cast concrete base for easy assembly. Design: Sydväst Architect
Mobilia, bicycle shelter, extension section
|The Mobilia bicycle shelter is contemporary in style and architectural in scope. Several can be installed in a row to form a longer length, or placed back-to-back to create a double structure. Made from sheets of UV-resistant polycarbonate, the roof was designed with the same considerations as a modern building. The gradient encourages rain to run off and the design avoids deep gutters that trap leaves. The steel parts in the frame are C4 treated, zinc-electroplated and powder-coated. The frame and bicycle wheel holders can be bolted to a pre-cast concrete base for easy assembly. Design: Sydväst Architect.
Paxa 1, bench
|This low, lateral bench is understated in style, but strong in appeal. Like the other designs in the Paxa furniture suite, the bench’s simple design reveals the beauty of the materials used to construct it. Streamlined lengths of pine form the seat and backrest, resting in the smooth concrete panels supporting the bench on either side. The bench is perfectly suited to contemporary settings, both indoor and outside. Design: Blenda Design.
Paxa 2 , bench
|This low, lateral bench is understated in style, but strong in appeal. Like the other designs in the Paxa furniture suite, the bench’s simple design reveals the beauty of the materials used to construct it. Streamlined lengths of pine form the seat and backrest, resting in the smooth concrete panels supporting the bench on either side. The bench is perfectly suited to contemporary settings, both indoor and outside. Design: Blenda Design.
Paxa 3, bench
|This low, lateral bench is understated in style, but strong in appeal. Like the other designs in the Paxa furniture suite, the bench’s simple design reveals the beauty of the materials used to construct it. Streamlined lengths of pine form the seat and backrest, resting in the smooth concrete panels supporting the bench on either side. The bench is perfectly suited to contemporary settings, both indoor and outside. Design: Blenda Design.
Sirius, bicycle shelter
|The modular design of this bicycle shelter makes it possible to create a unique building. Sections can be aligned in a row to create a long narrow shelter, or positioned in ‘L’ or ‘U’ shapes to make efficient use of the space they occupy. The roof height is customisable, enabling the shelter to be lower, if necessary. Trellises attached to the sides form supports for creeping vines, making an attractive addition to green areas or providing the potential for plant life in an urban setting. Design: Bernt Fröderberg
Värtan, backed bench
|With its elegant contours and contemporary profile, Värtan is a striking bench characterised by clean lines and understated style. The seat and backrests are made from slats of oak that form a long, lateral line where they meet. The wooden parts are treated with Sioo-impregnation technology to protect them from moisture, insects and fungus, and the frame is crafted in durable powder-coated steel. Värtan is a versatile design that can be ordered in a range of lengths and variations, or custom-made to suit specific requirements. It is currently available with or without a backrest or armrests, or prepared for installation on top of a low wall or concrete plinth. Värtan is a perfect choice for shopping centres, transport hubs, departure lounges and any environment where public seating is required. Design: Nola.
Värtan, backed bench, extension section
|With its elegant contours and contemporary profile, Värtan is a striking bench characterised by clean lines and understated style. The seat and backrests are made from slats of oak that form a long, lateral line where they meet. The wooden parts are treated with Sioo-impregnation technology to protect them from moisture, insects and fungus, and the frame is crafted in durable powder-coated steel. Värtan is a versatile design that can be ordered in a range of lengths and variations, or custom-made to suit specific requirements. It is currently available with or without a backrest or armrests, or prepared for installation on top of a low wall or concrete plinth. Värtan is a perfect choice for shopping centres, transport hubs, departure lounges and any environment where public seating is required. Design: Nola.
Värtan, bench
|With its elegant contours and contemporary profile, Värtan is a striking bench characterised by clean lines and understated style. The seat and backrests are made from slats of oak that form a long, lateral line where they meet. The wooden parts are treated with Sioo-impregnation technology to protect them from moisture, insects and fungus, and the frame is crafted in durable powder-coated steel. Värtan is a versatile design that can be ordered in a range of lengths and variations, or custom-made to suit specific requirements. It is currently available with or without a backrest or armrests, or prepared for installation on top of a low wall or concrete plinth. Värtan is a perfect choice for shopping centres, transport hubs, departure lounges and any environment where public seating is required. Design: Nola.
Värtan, bench extension section
|With its elegant contours and contemporary profile, Värtan is a striking bench characterised by clean lines and understated style. The seat and backrests are made from slats of oak that form a long, lateral line where they meet. The wooden parts are treated with Sioo-impregnation technology to protect them from moisture, insects and fungus, and the frame is crafted in durable powder-coated steel. Värtan is a versatile design that can be ordered in a range of lengths and variations, or custom-made to suit specific requirements. It is currently available with or without a backrest or armrests, or prepared for installation on top of a low wall or concrete plinth. Värtan is a perfect choice for shopping centres, transport hubs, departure lounges and any environment where public seating is required. Design: Nola.
Värtan, bench wide
|With its elegant contours and contemporary profile, Värtan is a striking bench characterised by clean lines and understated style. The seat and backrests are made from slats of oak that form a long, lateral line where they meet. The wooden parts are treated with Sioo-impregnation technology to protect them from moisture, insects and fungus, and the frame is crafted in durable powder-coated steel. Värtan is a versatile design that can be ordered in a range of lengths and variations, or custom-made to suit specific requirements. It is currently available with or without a backrest or armrests, or prepared for installation on top of a low wall or concrete plinth. Värtan is a perfect choice for shopping centres, transport hubs, departure lounges and any environment where public seating is required. Design: Nola.
Värtan, bench wide extension section
|With its elegant contours and contemporary profile, Värtan is a striking bench characterised by clean lines and understated style. The seat and backrests are made from slats of oak that form a long, lateral line where they meet. The wooden parts are treated with Sioo-impregnation technology to protect them from moisture, insects and fungus, and the frame is crafted in durable powder-coated steel. Värtan is a versatile design that can be ordered in a range of lengths and variations, or custom-made to suit specific requirements. It is currently available with or without a backrest or armrests, or prepared for installation on top of a low wall or concrete plinth. Värtan is a perfect choice for shopping centres, transport hubs, departure lounges and any environment where public seating is required. Design: Nola.
Värtan, bench wide wall mounted
|With its elegant contours and contemporary profile, Värtan is a striking bench characterised by clean lines and understated style. The seat and backrests are made from slats of oak that form a long, lateral line where they meet. The wooden parts are treated with Sioo-impregnation technology to protect them from moisture, insects and fungus, and the frame is crafted in durable powder-coated steel. Värtan is a versatile design that can be ordered in a range of lengths and variations, or custom-made to suit specific requirements. It is currently available with or without a backrest or armrests, or prepared for installation on top of a low wall or concrete plinth. Värtan is a perfect choice for shopping centres, transport hubs, departure lounges and any environment where public seating is required. Design: Nola.
454_Biplane 120x120 high table
|Square high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
465_Biplane 140x140 high table
|Square high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
487_Biplane 200x105 high table
|Square high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
491_Biplane 240x105 high table
|Rectangular high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
Savo Soul Conference
|Savo Soul Conference - meeting and conference chair with advanced technology SAVO Soul is the latest addition to our assortment of conference chairs. Built with the most advanced technology available in the simplest form possible, SAVO Soul Conference is fitted with the bare minimum of adjustments. Following your body´s natural movements, it helps improve both your posture and overall well-being.
|Standard is an economical system characterized by a straight narrow profile providing the door with delicate framing which gives the front an impression of lightness. This popular system is often chosen by our clients. The wardrobes which use the Standard system work very well in narrow halls and in the attic. It is a good solution for minimalist interiors in classic, retro or Scandinavian styles. The wood-like version of the profile suits interiors in Provençal style. Unlike in the Lux system, the profile is characterized by a narrow frame and delicate form of the handle. Main advantage: • The unique in the market, proven and very durable system. • Profiles: powder coating or finished with wood-look PVC coating, corrosion resistant. • The biggest range of door height adjustments among all systems. • The special anti-jumping function which prevents the door from falling out of the track. • Smooth sliding of the door thanks to bottom rollers equipped for bearings. • The buffer strips with long and short hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Mechanical lock option is available. Available options: • sliding doors • pivoting doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
|The Agat system refers to the culture of antique which for many ages has influenced the European beauty canons. Simplicity and harmony are the main characteristics of this profile which is a combination of an austere solid figure of classical simple and regular shapes with a modern expressive form. The profile provides wardrobes with lightness, softens their character without depriving them of harmony and perfect proportions. This is an offer for interiors in classic, retro, marine or boho styles, and even in romantic or French style with appropriate stylization. Main advantage: • Light, modern style with a hidden rolling system and invisible fastenings of bottom track. • Can be used in rooms of higher humidity and as an entrance door. • Possibility of using concealable bottom tracks making the use of the system easier. • The buffer strips with long and short hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Touch to open mechanism with soft-close solution option is available. • Mechanical lock and electronic lock options are available. • Curvilinear partition of the door is an option. Available options: • sliding doors • sliding door with divisions • pivoting doors • pivoting doors with divisions • slanted doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
|Lazuryt is a system applying the profile of a perfect subtle shape which looks very delicate. The slender line of the door, delicate roundness on the frame edges, purity of the form and perfect composition of the shape make Lazuryt an aristocrat among similar profiles. It is the profile which makes the wardrobes and interiors look elegant and classy and at the same time fresh and modern. For these reasons it matches such styles as: classic, retro, vintage, but also Scandinavian, eclectic and modern. Lazuryt looks good practically everywhere. Main advantage: • Light, modern style with a hidden rolling system and invisible fastenings of bottom track. • Can be used in rooms of higher humidity and as an entrance door. • Possibility of using concealable bottom tracks making the use of the system easier. • The buffer strips with long and short hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Touch to open mechanism with soft-close solution option is available. • Mechanical lock and electronic lock options are available. • Curvilinear partition of the door is an option. Available options: • sliding doors • sliding door with divisions • pivoting doors • pivoting doors with divisions • slanted doors • corner doors (inner, outer) Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
|The system allows the production of folding doors which are also able to slide to the sides. This solution gives easier access to the wardrobe contents. It is also much easier to design the wardrobe interior as far as drawer arrangement, baskets and other pull-out elements are concerned because there is no longer any obstruction in the form of sliding doors. The only limitation in this system is the width which cannot be more than half the width of the door wing, i.e. 50 cm (hence the width of the folding door cannot exceed 100 cm.) Etiuda 1 The appearance of the aluminium profile in the Etiuda 1 system resembles the Lazuryt profile. It is also a comfortable hand grip for opening the door. Etiuda 2 Profiles in the Etiuda 2 system create a narrow frame around the door. They enable installing the door with glass or board fillings, partition of the doors, combining two different types of filling materials and allow choosing the shape of the handle. Etiuda 3 The doors in the Etiuda 3 system have a very thin 1-mm wide frame with a handle which facilitates door opening. The Etiuda 3 profile enables partitioning of the door and combining different types of edge polished glass which is glued into the profile. Etiuda 4 The Etiuda 4 system allows using 18 mm fillings with the edges covered in PVC tape. It has an internal profile with a handle and allows installing any recessed handle. Etiuda 5 The Etiuda 5 system allows using 18 mm board fillings without PVC finishing of the edges. It has a delicate aluminium frame and allows door partitioning. Main advantage: • The system enables making three types of doors from profiles of different dimensions and outside shapes: folding-sliding, folding fixed to the wall and pivoting. • An extremely elegant and functional alternative to sliding doors offering endless possibilities for the wardrobe interior design. • Bigger access to the wardrobe interior in comparison to the sliding door. • The doors are creating one flat surface after close. • Possibility of using the door as an entrance door without the doorstep, e.g. as an entrance to the closet. • Profiles with a handle for easier opening, or installation any insert handle. • Possibility of making partitions in the doors and combining various types of fill-in in one door. • The system makes possible an installation with a slightly visible delicate aluminium profile or a more emphasised frame. Available options: • Folding-sliding doors • Folding fixed to the wall doors • Pivoting doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
Oak Brighton
|This single-strip oak floor from the Sand Collection features warm butterscotch undertones, punctuated with naturally occurring knots for a lively expression. The wearing side of each board is taken exclusively from a single piece of wood, capturing the true form of the timber. The matt lacquer finish eliminates glare while protecting the wood from daily wear.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z8/L – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z8/L
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z8/L - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z2/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z2/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z2/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z3/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z3/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z3/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
|Premium Easymatic movable wall, parking position Z4/K – Perfect in form and function. The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 57 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate.
Premium CLASSIC Z4/K
|Premium Classic movable wall, parking position Z4/K - Perfect in form and function The Nüsing company, with its policy of continuous R+D work, has positioned a state-of –the-art and reliable product in the movable wall sector of the market. It’s up to you whether you use the whole room as a single, large unit, or sub-divide it into smaller rooms, which then can all be used at the same time. To ensure that rooms can be used without noise disturbance, our walls can be made with sound reduction values of up to 59 dB. Nüsing walls are suspended from a ceiling track and are easy and quick to operate. It is also possible to provide the walls with fire and smoke protection. The semiautomatic Nüsing EASYmatic® system offers you increased comfort and user-friendliness.
DE Ytong non-load bearing interior wall U=0,94 W/(m²K) d=95 mm
|Ytong’s AAC “Planbauplatten” are suitable for solid and light partition walls with low dead weigth. The boards are used for the reconstruction sector as well as for furnishing and form design of interiors. Benefits: • multifunctional • homogeneous basis for plastering • low dead weight • very good fire protection classification: F90-A from 7.5 cm • processable with Ytong’s thin-bed coating
DE Ytong non-load bearing interior wall U=0,79 W/(m²K) d=120 mm
|Ytong’s AAC “Planbauplatten” are suitable for solid and light partition walls with low dead weigth. The boards are used for the reconstruction sector as well as for furnishing and form design of interiors. Benefits: • multifunctional • homogeneous basis for plastering • low dead weight • very good fire protection classification: F90-A from 7.5 cm • processable with Ytong’s thin-bed coating
Lokon - Reconstructed stone facings
|The Lokon stones are distinctive for their scaled form, strongly structured and weathered in parts, which is reminiscent of mountain stone. The variations of tones can be mixed to obtain surprisingly natural effects. The Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements are made using special binding materials, natural lightweight aggregate, alongside colouring pigments that are highly resistant to UV rays and additives, which render the product incredibly resistant to atmospheric agents. WHY CHOOSE PIETRE D’ARREDO? The innovative manufacturing technique allows for minimum waste and the accurate definition of surfaces makes it a perfect substitute for natural stone, limiting extraction from the quarry, thus respecting and protecting the environment. It protects the building enclosure from weather conditions and fortifies thermal insulation systems, thus improving living comfort. It facilitates application because of its light weight. USES Identical, aesthetically speaking, to their natural counterparts, the Pietre d'Arredo finishing elements can be used for new projects as well as in the re-qualification of older buildings being restructured. As a result of their versatility, they can be used to clad both internal and external walls, retaining walls, columns, fireplaces, wainscoting, etc.
HEWI Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-210
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and shower head holder - horizontal and vertical rails joined to form a right angle and fitted with fixing roses made of steel and shower holder - vertical length 1100 mm, horizontal lengths both 762 mm - 90 mm deep, diameter of bar 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder adjustable to required angle (smooth adjusting) and height (via lever control) - conical adapter on shower head holder facilitates accommodation of hand spray - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special fixing kit and roses from HEWI - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for all HEWI hanging seats - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.210
HEWI Rail with sideways adjustable vertical support bar and shower head holder 801-35-320
|Range 801 Rail with vertical support bar and sliding shower head holder - vertical and horizontal rails joined to form an L shape and fitted with rose fixings and a shower head holder - with vertical rail with shower head holder that can be moved to the side (for installation) - vertical length of 1100 mm, horizontal lengths 962 mm - 90 mm deep, rail diameter 33 mm, rose diameter 70 mm - suitable for shower heads of various manufacturers - shower head holder can be continuously tilted and, after pulling or pushing a large lever, its height can be adjusted - conical adapter on shower head holder makes it easier to hook in the handheld shower head - with continuous, corrosion resistant steel core - for wall mounting with special HEWI fixing materials and roses - can be mounted in left hand or right hand position - suitable for HEWI hanging seats 950.51...10..., 950.51...11..., 802.51...11..., 802.51...12... and 801.51... - made of high-quality polyamide according to HEWI colour chart Article no.: HEWI 801.35.320
Orm, circular bench
|Conceived as a modular design, four individual Orm benches combine to create a perfect circle, or two can be joined to form a semi-circle. Several benches can be placed at obtuse angles to create wave-like shapes. The bench can be made in a range of materials and combined with backrests and armrests, making it one of the most versatile benches Nola produce. Design: White Design and Olle Anderson
Hook, bicycle bollard
|Bicycle stands are a staple of the city landscape. Their functional shapes are easy to distinguish, and the lateral line-ups they form in urban centres are hard to miss. With this in mind, the designers set out to create a cycle stand that is bold enough to stand out against an urban backdrop, yet at close range, appear smaller. The broad band of metal forming Hook’s structure enables it to be seen from a distance, while its narrow width appears to streamline its shape when viewed from the side. Available in eye-catching orange, pastel blue or light grey, the colour choice can make the cycle stand more visible or enable it to melt into the background. Design: Note Design Studio.
DE Hebel Wall d=150 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=175 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=200 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=250 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=300 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=365 mm W1/W2 AAC 4,5-550
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=300 mm W1/W2 AAC 3,5-400
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
DE Hebel Wall d=365 mm W1/W2 AAC 3,5-400
|Hebel wall panels - modular, solid, fireproof Hebel wall panels stand for high quality and economic constructions. The reinforced panels are well proven componets for solid, thermally insulationg external wall constructions. Installing vertically or horizontally provides various possibilities for facade design and the rational form of installation can be used with almost any kind of wall. Benefits: - one layer, monolithic - modular, solid - easy installation - effective summer and winter thermal protection - secure planning During the planning process of Hebel reinforced panels for walls, ceilings and roofs, Hebel experts will support you to find the right design according to your requirements right from the start. The system solution shown here is exemplary for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be carried out in agreement with the planner in any case.
Surf - wash-basin single-lever mixer
|Wash-basin single-lever mixer, 1”1/4 pop-up waste (with flexible). From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - high wash-basin single-lever mixer
|High wash-basin single-lever mixer with long spout, 1”1/4 pop-up waste (with flex.). From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - wall-mounted wash-basin set
|Wall-mounted wash-basin set, without pop-up waste. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - wall-mounted wash-basin mixer
|Wall-mounted wash-basin mixer, spout mm 200, built-in box, without pop-up waste. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - wash-basin single-lever mixer
|Wash-basin single-lever mixer with floor pillar leg, swivel spout. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - shower built-in single-lever mixer with diverter
|Shower built-in single-lever mixer with diverter, abs shower head, built-in duplex shower kit. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - 3 outlets built-in single-lever shower mixer
|3 outlets built-in single-lever shower mixer, abs shower head, built-in duplex shower kit, 6 external lateral body sprays. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - built-in thermostatic mixer with 2 outlets
|Built-in thermostatic mixer with 2 outlets, built-in box. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - built-in thermostatic mixer
|Built-in thermostatic mixer, integrated shower set + 1 additional water outlet, built-in box. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - wall-mounted shower column with mixer
|Wall-mounted shower column with mixer, rainfall jet and duplex shower kit. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - external bathtub single-lever mixer
|External bathtub single-lever mixer with duplex shower kit. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Surf - 3-hole single-lever mixer deck-mounted for bath’s border
|3-hole single-lever mixer deck-mounted for bath’s border, spout with diverter. From a perfect play of balances between flat surfaces and intense volumes arises Surf by Giulini G. Rubinetteria. A collection in which form and functionality balance out and dynamically reinterpret the wave of an ever-changing market. Surf, the perfect balance. Surf is available in Chrome with varnished lever.
Radiator Novo
|<p>Novo, with its minimal geometry is the towel warmer par excellence. The fluid form makes Novo a completion of the living environment. Available in 4 heights and widths from 400 mm to 1000 mm. With the insertion of the electrical resistance (optional) it can work even in periods when the heating system is off.</p>
Tecniq Beige
|The idea of presenting interior designers with a visually unique product of high technical parameters took the form of gres, which offers two types of surfaces and a range of as many as six colours. Tecniq enjoys a universal appeal and uncovers its irresistible charm and its real value in everyday life – modern design possible due to numerous cutting edge technological novelties and as such it is a real achievement in the field of investment products.
Tecniq Bianco
|The idea of presenting interior designers with a visually unique product of high technical parameters took the form of gres, which offers two types of surfaces and a range of as many as six colours. Tecniq enjoys a universal appeal and uncovers its irresistible charm and its real value in everyday life – modern design possible due to numerous cutting edge technological novelties and as such it is a real achievement in the field of investment products.
Tecniq Grafit
|The idea of presenting interior designers with a visually unique product of high technical parameters took the form of gres, which offers two types of surfaces and a range of as many as six colours. Tecniq enjoys a universal appeal and uncovers its irresistible charm and its real value in everyday life – modern design possible due to numerous cutting edge technological novelties and as such it is a real achievement in the field of investment products.
Tecniq Grys
|The idea of presenting interior designers with a visually unique product of high technical parameters took the form of gres, which offers two types of surfaces and a range of as many as six colours. Tecniq enjoys a universal appeal and uncovers its irresistible charm and its real value in everyday life – modern design possible due to numerous cutting edge technological novelties and as such it is a real achievement in the field of investment products.
Tecniq Nero
|The idea of presenting interior designers with a visually unique product of high technical parameters took the form of gres, which offers two types of surfaces and a range of as many as six colours. Tecniq enjoys a universal appeal and uncovers its irresistible charm and its real value in everyday life – modern design possible due to numerous cutting edge technological novelties and as such it is a real achievement in the field of investment products.
Tecniq Silver
|The idea of presenting interior designers with a visually unique product of high technical parameters took the form of gres, which offers two types of surfaces and a range of as many as six colours. Tecniq enjoys a universal appeal and uncovers its irresistible charm and its real value in everyday life – modern design possible due to numerous cutting edge technological novelties and as such it is a real achievement in the field of investment products.
|<p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are marked with the following code, according to PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015 standard: </p> <p>EPS-EN 13163-T(1)-L(2)-W(2)-S(2)-P(5)-BS250-CS(10)200-DS(N)2-DS(70,-)1-DLT(1)5 </p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 (EPS 200) insulation panels are manufactured in the form of finished goods in the innovative shape moulding technology. Owing to innovative production process they feature excellent insulation characteristics and very good working properties. They are intended for use as a broadly defined floor thermal insulation in water underfloor heating systems. </p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels are intended for use as floor thermal insulation and for installation of heating pipes in water underfloor heating systems. They are designed for quick and easy installation of the pipes. Panels are made of dense expanded polystyrene and are therefore not susceptible to moisture absorption. Because of their versatility they may be applied in housing construction and public utility facilities. </p> <ul><li>The system of protrusions allows for a quick and easy installation of heating pipes.<br>The shape of protrusions ensures stability of heating pipes after they have been laid, without the necessity of using any additional materials to hold them in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Protrusions that hold the heating pipes in place.&nbsp;</li><li>Innovative edge profiles allow for tight and durable connection of the panels.</li><li>High thermal resistance (λD thermal conductivity = 0,033 W/(mK) – excellent thermal insulating power</li></ul> <p></p> <p><strong>INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 PANELS</strong></p> <p>Steps of laying water underfloor heating system with KNAUF Therm FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panels&nbsp;</p> <p>Steps of laying the water underfloor heating system depend on the location of the room in which it is going to be installed.</p> <p>1. Applying the so called additional insulation (if the underfloor heating is installed on soil or over an unheated room) – KNAUF Therm expanded polystyrene panels (KNAUF Therm TECH Dach/Podłoga λ 37, KNAUF Therm PRO Dach/Podłoga EPS 100 λ 36, KNAUF Therm PRO Parking EPS 200 λ 33)&nbsp;<br>2. Gluing in the edge strips at the walls and pillars (if the latter are present in the room that the water underfloor heating is installed in)<br>3. Laying down the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 professional panels intended for water underfloor heating.<br>4. Laying the heating pipes on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel<br>(without the necessity of using any other materials to hold the heating pipes in place)<br>5. Priming the heating pipes with water.<br>6. Making the so called heating slab.<br>7. Covering the pipes with anhydrite or cement screed (it can be KNAUF FE 50 cement screed) – up to the height of “protrusions” on the KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 panel.<br>8. Releasing air bubbles from the screed – the heating pipes have to be completely covered with screed without the so called “air pockets” under the pipes.&nbsp;<br>9. Surface levelling – if necessary – using self levelling KNAUF FE 50 screed</p> <p><strong>ATTENTION</strong><br>Do not use the panels in direct contact with substances destructive to polystyrene, e.g. organic solvents (acetone, Nitro, benzene etc.).&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PACKAGING, STORAGE, TRANSPORT</strong></p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels are only supplied in original manufacture’s packaging, i.e. that of KNAUF Industries Polska Sp. z o.o.&nbsp;</p> <p>The product packaging contains information on: product name, manufacturer’s name, production date, relevant Polish Standard number i.e. PN-EN 13163:2012 + A1:2015, a code in accordance with the standard and declared technical parameters</p> <p>KNAUF Therm EXPERT FLOOR HEATING 200 λ 33 expanded polystyrene panels should be stored in a manner protecting them against mechanical damage and atmospheric conditions.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
Climablock Standard Element
|CLIMABLOCK® Linear is a stay-in-place form for walls made of two parallel insulating panels measuring 120 x 40 cm in EPS TWINPOR facing each other and hold together by plastic webs of a certain measure that defines the thickness of the concrete wall: can be of 16,2 (17 nominal) – 19,2 (20 nominal) – 25 cm. The internal insulating panel is 6,4 cm thick, while the external insulating panel can be of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. The version with concrete wall thickness of 16,2 (17 nominal) and 19,2 (20 nominal) presents linear, corner and height compensator elements. The assemblable elements of thickness 25 cm presents only linear and height compensator elements. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economic way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation. - Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
Climablock External Corner Element
|CLIMABLOCK® Outside Corner is a stay-in-place form for walls made of two parallel insulating panels 40 cm height forming a 90° corner in EPS TWINPOR facing each other and hold together by plastic webs of a certain measure that defines the thickness of the concrete wall: can be of 16,2 (17 nominal) and 19,2 (20 nominal). The internal insulating panel is 6,4 cm thick, while the external insulating panel can be of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. CLIMABLOCK® is an ICF-like technology to create structural insulated walls. These stay-in-place forming elements in EPS CS(10)150 Twinpor permit to cast a steel reinforced wall with an outer and an inner insulation layer in EPS, in just one step. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economical way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation. - Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
Climablock Internal Corner Element
|CLIMABLOCK® Inside Corner is a stay-in-place form for walls made of two parallel insulating panels 40 cm height forming a 90° corner in EPS TWINPOR facing each other and hold together by plastic webs of a certain measure that defines the thickness of the concrete wall: can be of 16,2 (17 nominal) and 19,2 (20 nominal). The internal insulating panel is 6,4 cm thick, while the external insulating panel can be of 6,4 – 9,4 – 12,4 – 18,4 cm. CLIMABLOCK® is an ICF-like technology to create structural insulated walls. These stay-in-place forming elements in EPS CS(10)150 Twinpor permit to cast a steel reinforced wall with an outer and an inner insulation layer in EPS, in just one step. CLIMABLOCK®, patented system of Pontarolo Engineering spa, is the fastest and more economical way to create buildings with low energetic impact (Class A, NZEB …). The main advantages are: - Energy saving: high insulation, thermal inertia and acoustic insulation. - Efficient construction process: simple and quick installation, easy handling, adaptable to any project design. - Economically sustainable: precise costs, high thermal, acoustic and seismic performances, with low maintenances. - High living comfort.
Radius Planter Divider Circle
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Crossroad 3 Small
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Crossroad 4 Small
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Donut
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Droplet
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Corner
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Radius Planter Divider Eye
|Planters that fit with the Green Furniture seating, or connect modularly to each other to form a curved, friendly wall of plants. Seamless, and with curvature of choice just like the seating. The Radius Series of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products. Here is a few benefits of indoor plants: Reducing carbon dioxide levels Increasing humidity Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide Reducing airborne dust levels Keeping air temperatures down Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice) Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Pillo high
|Pillo. Design Khodi Feiz In his first collaboration with Swedese, international designer Khodi Feiz has created a comfortable easy chair with generous proportions and a timeless feel. As the name suggests, Pillo gives you a spontaneous sense of sinking down into a pile of soft cushions. Everything you need from an easy chair is stacked up in an ingenious design: a neckrest on a backrest on a comfortable seat on a reclining swivel base. The rounded form pays homage to the art of the upholsterer and the reference to Yngve Ekström’s classic Rondino easy chair is hard to miss. The Pillo easy chair is available in two back heights and with a footstool.
Pillo low
|In his first collaboration with Swedese, international designer Khodi Feiz has created a comfortable easy chair with generous proportions and a timeless feel. As the name suggests, Pillo gives you a spontaneous sense of sinking down into a pile of soft cushions. Everything you need from an easy chair is stacked up in an ingenious design: a neckrest on a backrest on a comfortable seat on a reclining swivel base. The rounded form pays homage to the art of the upholsterer and the reference to Yngve Ekström’s classic Rondino easy chair is hard to miss. The Pillo easy chair is available in two back heights and with a footstool.
Pillo stool
|In his first collaboration with Swedese, international designer Khodi Feiz has created a comfortable easy chair with generous proportions and a timeless feel. As the name suggests, Pillo gives you a spontaneous sense of sinking down into a pile of soft cushions. Everything you need from an easy chair is stacked up in an ingenious design: a neckrest on a backrest on a comfortable seat on a reclining swivel base. The rounded form pays homage to the art of the upholsterer and the reference to Yngve Ekström’s classic Rondino easy chair is hard to miss. The Pillo easy chair is available in two back heights and with a footstool.
Libri desk
|The acclaimed Libri system was created by Belgian designer Michaël Bihain in 2008. Libri can be used as a single shelf that leans against the wall like a ladder, but it can also be combined with other shelves to form a shelving unit along a wall or create a room divider. The legs can be adjusted individually to ensure stability even on uneven surfaces. Now a desk and a bar table are being added to the unique shelving system. Perfect for offices and apartments that are short on space. The new tables are available in white or black lacquered ash
Libri stand table
|The acclaimed Libri system was created by Belgian designer Michaël Bihain in 2008. Libri can be used as a single shelf that leans against the wall like a ladder, but it can also be combined with other shelves to form a shelving unit along a wall or create a room divider. The legs can be adjusted individually to ensure stability even on uneven surfaces. Now a desk and a bar table are being added to the unique shelving system. Perfect for offices and apartments that are short on space. The new tables are available in white or black lacquered ash
Non catalysed grout with load bearing properties, high strength metallic aggregate reinforced non-shrink - MasterFlow 885
|MasterFlow 885 is a ready to use product in powder form, which requires only the on-site addition of water to produce a non-shrink, metallic reinforced grout. Use of specially processed malleable metallic aggregate improves impact and dynamic loading resistance compared with normal cementitious grouts.
DigitalMedia™ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Network AV Encoder/Decoder - DM-NVX-350
|<p>DigitalMedia&trade; NVX technology transports ultra high-definition 4K video with 60 Hz frame rates and 4:4:4 color sampling over standard Gigabit Ethernet. Support for HDR video (HDR10) and HDCP 2.2 ensures the ultimate in picture quality and compatibility for all of today’s varied media sources. Using standards-based Ethernet wiring and switches, DM® NVX delivers a vastly scalable, high-performance solution for enterprise-wide 4K content distribution.[1]</p> <p>The Crestron® DM-NVX-350 is a compact video encoder/decoder designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver with the ability to switch between the two modes programmatically via commands from a Crestron control system. Featuring simple web-based control and management, USB and KVM integration, and support for copper and fiber LAN connectivity, the DM-NVX-350 offers a one-stop solution for any-sized network AV installation.[2]</p> <p><strong>Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution</strong><br>Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX ensures real-time, full-motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. DM NVX employs high-quality JPEG 2000 encoding using a patent-pending technique that overlaps scaling and encoding latencies, achieving an ultra-low end-to-end latency of 30 ms at 60 fps, so on-screen functions such as mousing and game play are fluid and natural.</p> <p><strong>Encoder and Decoder in One</strong><br>In a single compact device, the DM-NVX-350 is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder.</p> <ul><li>As an encoder, it allows a laptop computer, camera, or other media source to be connected via HDMI® and then transmitted over the network.[1]</li><li>As a decoder, it receives the signal from a DM NVX encoder and feeds it to a display device via the HDMI output. It can quickly and easily switch between multiple encoders on the network alongside locally-connected HDMI sources.[1]</li><li>The encoder/decoder mode can be switched on-the-fly via a control system to provide a versatile, cost-effective presentation switching solution using one integrated device.</li></ul><p><strong>2x1 HDMI® Auto-Switcher&nbsp;</strong></p>The DM-NVX-350 includes two HDMI inputs. Switching between the two inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, manually using the onboard input select button, programmatically via a Crestron control system, or through a computer using a web browser. When used as a decoder mounted behind a typical conference room display device, the HDMI inputs provide a convenient way to connect a Crestron AirMedia® presentation gateway.[1] <p><br></p><p><strong>HDMI Output</strong><br>When configured as a decoder, the DM-NVX-350’s HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the local display device (or any other device with an HDMI input). Its built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When used as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.[1,3]</p> <p><strong>USB and KVM Integration</strong><br>For a complete signal management solution, DM NVX supports the extension of USB signals, which may be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via the control system. USB 2.0 host and device ports are provided on each DM-NVX-350 box, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other device to be connected at one box and routed to a computer or other host at another box. KVM switch functionality is a natural application for this feature, but all types of USB peripherals are supported including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.[4]</p> <p>USB signals can also be routed to other locations where a DM NVX box does not exist using Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender Modules (USB-EXT-DM). USB signals can be freely routed between DM NVX and USB-EXT-DM units over Ethernet under the management of a Crestron control system.</p> <p><strong>7.1 Surround Sound Audio</strong><br>DM NVX supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. In decoder mode, the DM-NVX-350 has the ability to receive both multichannel and 2-channel downmix signals from a DM-NVX-351 or DM-NVX-351C encoder, allowing either signal to be selected at the HDMI output while the 2-channel signal is automatically routed to the analog output.</p> <p><strong>Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding&nbsp;</strong><br>A balanced stereo analog audio port is included, which may be configured as either an input or output. As an input, it allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from either HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, it can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or sound bar. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.[5]</p> <p><strong>Breakaway Audio</strong><br>A DM NVX decoder may select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs, even two different encoders. There are just two exceptions: A) signals may not be combined between the two onboard HDMI inputs, and B) combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.[6,7]</p> <p><strong>Text Overlay</strong><br>The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.</p> <p><strong>Video Wall Processing</strong><br>A video wall composed of up to 64 individual displays can be configured using multiple DM-NVX-350 units. Each unit provides fully-adjustable zoom capability and bezel compensation to accommodate a range of video wall configurations and display types. One DM-NVX-350 is required per display, supporting configurations of up to eight wide by up to eight high.</p> <p><strong>Key Features</strong><br></p><ul><li>4K60 4:4:4 video over standard Gigabit Ethernet</li><li>No latency penalty for real-time video performance</li><li>HDR (High Dynamic Range) video support (HDR10)</li><li>Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio support</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Configurable as an encoder or decoder</li><li>Dual onboard RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Option for a fiber optic network connection via SFP port [2]</li><li>Enterprise-grade security</li><li>Two auto-switching HDMI® inputs and one HDMI output [1]</li><li>Built-in 4K60 4:4:4 scaling</li><li>Onboard video wall processing</li><li>Analog audio port configurable as a balanced stereo input or output [5]</li><li>Analog audio embedding or de-embedding</li><li>Audio breakaway capability [6,7]</li><li>Dynamic text overlay capability</li><li>RS-232 and IR control ports [9]</li><li>CEC device control gateway [9]</li><li>USB and KVM signal extension and routing [4]</li><li>Easy setup via built-in webpages</li><li>Fully-controllable via a Crestron® control system</li><li>Compact, surface-mountable form factor</li><li>Powered via local power pack or optional power injector [8]</li><li>100-240V universal power pack included</li></ul> <p>1. 4K60 4:4:4 performance requires the use of HDMI cables with a minimum TMDS bandwidth of 18 Gbps, such as Crestron model CBL-HD (20 ft / 6.1 m max. length). If 4K60 4:2:0 or 4K30 4:4:4 performance is acceptable, cables with a minimum bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps may be used, such as Crestron models CBL-HD-LOCK or CBL-HD (any available length). Performance may also be affected if an HDMI coupler is inserted in the HDMI signal path. Crestron coupling products (MP-WP150, MP-WP152, MPI-WP150, or FTA-CP-HD-101) and cable retractors (CBLR2-HD) all have a specified bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, and thus do not support 4K60 4:4:4. Please be aware that bandwidth loss is cumulative, so the combination of multiple components inserted inline may reduce performance.<br>2. To add a fiber optic LAN port requires the purchase of a Crestron SFP-1G series SFP transceiver module (sold separately). All LAN ports on the DM-NVX-350 are for connection to an Ethernet based AV network or device; they cannot be connected to the “DM” ports of other Crestron devices.<br>3. When in encoder mode, the HDMI output resolution is matched to the resolution of the encoded source.<br>4. The DM-NVX-350 can be configured to accept the connection of a USB device or a USB host, not both. Crestron DM NVX products are engineered to deliver maximum compatibility with the widest possible range of USB products. Crestron does not guarantee that all USB products are compatible with DM NVX products. DM NVX is compatible with Crestron USB-EXT-DM products, but is not compatible with the “USB HID only” signal extender technology found in other Crestron DM products.<br>5. The analog audio port can function as an input or output, not both. Analog audio output is only functional when the DM-NVX-350 is receiving a 2-channel stereo input signal. To derive a 2-channel downmix signal from a multichannel surround sound source, please refer to the Crestron DM-NVX-351 or DM-NVX-351C.<br>6. Audio from one onboard HDMI input may not be combined with video from the other onboard HDMI input.<br>7. Combining audio from one encoder with video from another encoder utilizes the secondary 2-channel audio stream. Multichannel audio from one encoder cannot be combined with video from another encoder.<br>8. The DM-NVX-350 is powerable using the 24V power pack (included) or a DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN (sold separately).<br>9. Device control via RS-232, IR, CEC, or Ethernet requires integration with a Crestron control system.<br>10. As an encoder, the DM-NVX-350 does not transmit audio via the secondary 2-channel stream except when it is receiving a 2-channel stereo input signal via the HDMI or analog inputs.<br>11. 3D video input signals are automatically converted to 2D.<br>12. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.</p>
DigitalMedia™ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Network AV Encoder/Decoder w/Downmixing - DM-NVX-351
|<p>DigitalMedia&trade; NVX technology transports ultra high-definition 4K video with 60 Hz frame rates and 4:4:4 color sampling over standard Gigabit Ethernet. Support for HDR video (HDR10) and HDCP 2.2 ensures the ultimate in picture quality and compatibility for all of today’s varied media sources. Using standards-based Ethernet wiring and switches, DM® NVX delivers a vastly scalable, high-performance solution for enterprise-wide 4K content distribution.[1]</p> <p>The Crestron® DM-NVX-351 is a compact video encoder/decoder designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver with the ability to switch between the two modes programmatically via commands from a Crestron control system. Featuring simple web-based control and management, USB and KVM integration, and support for copper and fiber LAN connectivity, the DM-NVX-351 offers a one-stop solution for any-sized network AV installation.[2]</p> <p>The DM-NVX-351 includes all the features of the DM-NVX-350 with the addition of surround sound to stereo downmixing. Refer to the “7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing” section below for details.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution</strong><br>Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX ensures real-time, full-motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. DM NVX employs high-quality JPEG 2000 encoding using a patent-pending technique that overlaps scaling and encoding latencies, achieving an ultra-low end-to-end latency of 30 ms at 60 fps, so on-screen functions such as mousing and game play are fluid and natural.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Encoder and Decoder in One</strong><br>In a single compact device, the DM-NVX-351 is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder.</p> <ul><li>As an encoder, it allows a laptop computer, camera, or other media source to be connected via HDMI® and then transmitted over the network.[1]</li><li>As a decoder, it receives the signal from a DM NVX encoder and feeds it to a display device via the HDMI output. It can quickly and easily switch between multiple encoders on the network alongside locally-connected HDMI sources.[1]</li><li>The encoder/decoder mode can be switched on-the-fly via a control system to provide a versatile, cost-effective presentation switching solution using one integrated device.</li></ul><p><strong>2x1 HDMI® Auto-Switcher&nbsp;</strong></p><p>The DM-NVX-351 includes two HDMI inputs. Switching between the two inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, manually using the onboard input select button, programmatically via a Crestron control system, or through a computer using a web browser. When used as a decoder mounted behind a typical conference room display device, the HDMI inputs provide a convenient way to connect a Crestron AirMedia® presentation gateway.[1]</p><p> </p><p><strong>HDMI Output</strong><br>When configured as a decoder, the DM-NVX-351’s HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the local display device (or any other device with an HDMI input). Its built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When used as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.[1,3]</p><p> </p><p><strong>USB and KVM Integration</strong><br>For a complete signal management solution, DM NVX supports the extension of USB signals, which may be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via the control system. USB 2.0 host and device ports are provided on each DM-NVX-351 box, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other device to be connected at one box and routed to a computer or other host at another box. KVM switch functionality is a natural application for this feature, but all types of USB peripherals are supported including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.[4]</p> <p>USB signals can also be routed to other locations where a DM NVX box does not exist using Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender Modules (USB-EXT-DM). USB signals can be freely routed between DM NVX and USB-EXT-DM units over Ethernet under the management of a Crestron control system.</p><p> </p><p><strong>7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing</strong><br>DM NVX supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. The DM-NVX-351 includes the ability to decode the incoming multichannel surround sound signal, whether from the network or an HDMI input, and downmix that signal to stereo. The stereo downmix signal is automatically routed to the onboard analog output [4], while the HDMI output can be configured to output either stereo or multichannel. As an encoder, the DM-NVX-351 distributes both stereo and multichannel signals simultaneously over the network, allowing either signal to be selected at any decoder on the network.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding&nbsp;</strong><br>A balanced stereo analog audio port is included, which may be configured as either an input or output. As an input, it allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from either HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, it can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or sound bar. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.[5]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Breakaway Audio</strong><br>A DM NVX decoder may select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs, even two different encoders. There are just two exceptions: A) signals may not be combined between the two onboard HDMI inputs, and B) combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.[6,7]</p><p> </p><p><strong>Text Overlay</strong><br>The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Video Wall Processing</strong><br>A video wall composed of up to 64 individual displays can be configured using multiple DM-NVX-351 units. Each unit provides fully-adjustable zoom capability and bezel compensation to accommodate a range of video wall configurations and display types. One DM-NVX-351 is required per display, supporting configurations of up to eight wide by up to eight high.</p><p> </p><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>4K60 4:4:4 video over standard Gigabit Ethernet</li><li>No latency penalty for real-time video performance</li><li>HDR (High Dynamic Range) video support (HDR10)</li><li>Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio support</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Configurable as an encoder or decoder</li><li>Dual onboard RJ45 LAN ports</li><li>Option for a fiber optic network connection via SFP port [2]</li><li>Enterprise-grade security</li><li>Two auto-switching HDMI® inputs and one HDMI output [1]</li><li>Built-in 4K60 4:4:4 scaling</li><li>Onboard video wall processing</li><li>Analog audio port configurable as a balanced stereo input or output [5]</li><li>Analog audio embedding or de-embedding</li><li>Stereo downmixing of surround sound audio signals</li><li>Simultaneous distribution of stereo and surround sound signals</li><li>Audio breakaway capability [6,7]</li><li>Dynamic text overlay capability</li><li>RS-232 and IR control ports [9]</li><li>CEC device control gateway [9]</li><li>USB and KVM signal extension and routing [4]</li><li>Easy setup via built-in webpages</li><li>Fully-controllable via a Crestron® control system</li><li>Compact, surface-mountable form factor</li><li>Powered via local power pack or optional power injector [8]</li><li>100-240V universal power pack included</li></ul> <p>1. 4K60 4:4:4 performance requires the use of HDMI cables with a minimum TMDS bandwidth of 18 Gbps, such as Crestron model CBL-HD (20 ft / 6.1 m max. length). If 4K60 4:2:0 or 4K30 4:4:4 performance is acceptable, cables with a minimum bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps may be used, such as Crestron models CBL-HD-LOCK or CBL-HD (any available length). Performance may also be affected if an HDMI coupler is inserted in the HDMI signal path. Crestron coupling products (MP-WP-150, MP-WP-152, MPI-WP-150, or FTA-CP-HD-101) and cable retractors (CBLR2-HD) all have a specified bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, and thus do not support 4K60 4:4:4. Please be aware that bandwidth loss is cumulative, so the combination of multiple components inserted inline may reduce performance.<br>2. To add a fiber optic LAN port requires the purchase of a Crestron SFP-1G series SFP transceiver module (sold separately). All LAN ports on the DM-NVX-351 are for connection to an Ethernet based AV network or device; they cannot be connected to the “DM” ports of other Crestron devices.<br>3. When in encoder mode, the HDMI output resolution is matched to the resolution of the encoded source.<br>4. The DM-NVX-351 can be configured to accept the connection of a USB device or a USB host, not both. Crestron DM NVX products are engineered to deliver maximum compatibility with the widest possible range of USB products. Crestron does not guarantee that all USB products are compatible with DM NVX products. DM NVX is compatible with Crestron USB-EXT-DM products, but is not compatible with the “USB HID only” signal extender technology found in other Crestron DM products.<br>5. The analog audio port can function as an input or output, not both.<br>6. Audio from one onboard HDMI input may not be combined with video from the other onboard HDMI input.<br>7. Combining audio from one encoder with video from another encoder utilizes the secondary 2-channel audio stream. Multichannel audio from one encoder cannot be combined with video from another encoder.<br>8. The DM-NVX-351 is powerable using the 24V power pack (included) or a DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN (sold separately).<br>9. Device control via RS-232, IR, CEC, or Ethernet requires integration with a Crestron control system.<br>10. 3D video input signals are automatically converted to 2D.<br>11. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.</p>
Tri Star Table
|Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune. The Tri-Star table features an unusual central stem with three triangular aluminium extrusions that form a 3-point, star-shaped base. The stem can support various tops, all suitable for different types of domestic or contract needs: round, square or – thanks to a combination of two stems – rectangular. Tri-Star is available in anodised aluminium or with an epoxy varnish in various colours.
|<p>Dot, available with 1, 3 or 5 light sources, is a lamp containing an innovative parabola which grants an antireflection effect and LED sources of high illumination intensity. It is an indoor luminaire made of AirCoral® and installable on ceilings which takes maximum advantage from technological research, guaranteeing the most complete customization of the form and inclination of the internal parabola. The product is available with different lens which allow the adaptation to any types of architectonic projects and necessities.</p> <p>AirCoral body<br>IP20 protection grade<br>Body dimensions 72x50x52 mm/172x50x52 mm/ 272x50x52 mm<br>COB professional LED source&nbsp;<br>LED colour temperature: 3000 K (on demand 2700 K - 3500 K - 4000 K - 5000K)<br>On demand: PUSH/DALI dimmable LED</p>
|Yang is a bi-emission indoor lamp made of AirCoral® and installable on walls. It has a multifaceted form, a twine of inclined surfaces crossing each other on which the emanated beam plays, creating a juxtaposition of light and shadow. Yang scatters a welcoming light which does not invade spaces, but embraces them. AirCoral® body IP40 protection grade Dimensions 500 x 110 x 90 mm Light source LED LED colour temperature: 3000 K (on demand 2700 K - 4000 K)
Real 01603
|<p>The collection Real is a series of ceiling and wall lights, the result of our desire to create a highly innovative refined product with a simple original form. Due to its design and indirect light, it can be used in many different enviroments.<br>Device for indirect light.</p>
|kreon erubo is a range of architectural spotlights characterised by a simple geometric form that contains LED light sources and electronic dimmable drivers. kreon erubo is available in a range of outputs and colour temperatures and can be either individually mounted or installed on a flexible track system, providing an excellent solution for display lighting in homes, shops or galleries.
|kreon nuit is an elementary designed beam that can be used as a massive line to bring graphical elements into architecture. The advanced LED system with slim TIR (Total Internal Reflector) lenses requires a slim gap of just 10mm to unfold a variety of beam angles. Its basic form draws minimal attention and can easily be used in combination with other kreon tools of light, creating an artistic yet responsible use of light sources in a recessed, surface mounted or suspended installation, making it a highly versatile and performing linear lighting system
Way top entry
|WAY is a flexible street luminaire to be mounted on arm or wire. Like the other AART designs, WAY is modern lines in a classic form - a Nordic design that will suit streets and urban space in any city in the world. The unique shade offers optical guidance and reduces discomfort glare to a minimum.
Way side entry
|WAY is a flexible street luminaire to be mounted on arm or wire. Like the other AART designs, WAY is modern lines in a classic form - a Nordic design that will suit streets and urban space in any city in the world. The unique shade offers optical guidance and reduces discomfort glare to a minimum.
diapason 40
|The latest kreon diapason pays tribute to the original by maintaining the simple elegant form and adjustability that gave it the status of a classic spotlight. However, the product has been renewed with state-of-the-art LED sources and lensed reflectors to provide maximum light control within a compact body form. kreon diapason is offered in three sizes with a choice of black or white painted finish options. Light control is facilitated by a selection of lens optics, colour temperature, and choice of colour rendering indexes, along with the option to add cylindrical glare preventors for maximum light restraint. kreon diapason can be recessed mounted individually within a discreet trimless plasterkit, M10 thread fixed, or surface or track mounted on a gear box accessory.
diapason 80
|The latest kreon diapason pays tribute to the original by maintaining the simple elegant form and adjustability that gave it the status of a classic spotlight. However, the product has been renewed with state-of-the-art LED sources and lensed reflectors to provide maximum light control within a compact body form. kreon diapason is offered in three sizes with a choice of black or white painted finish options. Light control is facilitated by a selection of lens optics, colour temperature, and choice of colour rendering indexes, along with the option to add cylindrical glare preventors for maximum light restraint. kreon diapason can be recessed mounted individually within a discreet trimless plasterkit, M10 thread fixed, or surface or track mounted on a gear box accessory.
diapason 120
|The latest kreon diapason pays tribute to the original by maintaining the simple elegant form and adjustability that gave it the status of a classic spotlight. However, the product has been renewed with state-of-the-art LED sources and lensed reflectors to provide maximum light control within a compact body form. kreon diapason is offered in three sizes with a choice of black or white painted finish options. Light control is facilitated by a selection of lens optics, colour temperature, and choice of colour rendering indexes, along with the option to add cylindrical glare preventors for maximum light restraint. kreon diapason can be recessed mounted individually within a discreet trimless plasterkit, M10 thread fixed, or surface or track mounted on a gear box accessory.
Julieta Maidana | 15711055535545 Nautic Built in washbasin