Shower D Rect 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Shower partition wall with optional sides and scale sensitive symbol.
D Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Hinged gate door.
D Marker 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13433288433D spatial line
D Empty USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319 -
Miele Island Rangehood DA 7000 D
BIMstop Inc. | 1343785116Build by : Barrington Arch 2012. All right reserved. Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. Designed by Fern U. Name : Miele Island Rangehood DA 7000 D.gsm Date : Monday, 14 May 2012 Version : 13.00 Written by ArchiCAD
Shower D Corner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Corner shower partition wall with optional sides and scale sensitive symbol.
WannabeeTree Small
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216486#http://www.masterscript.nl3D Wannabee Tree small
h2 IDO Seven D Mono lamp
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 15.06.2006 -initial release 1.9.2008 -added to Seven D
Piano - Steinway Grand Piano D
Nader Belal | 1368097593Steinway & Sons Grand Piano D drawn on 2D plan. Special mention for: seandm From: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/Drafting-Techniques/Piano-Drawing/td-p/2080300 Original File: SteinwayD.dwg
Александр Берген | 1496689974RE-ikkuna © M.A.D. Oy, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Severi Virolainen 910607, 940503, 950316, 960325 Lauri Melvasalo 970122, 970208
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a2
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560084323D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
a1 IDO Seven D 560 washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
a3 IDO Seven D inset washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
c22 IDO Seven D Image w-hung wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
e11 IDO Seven D 800 base cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -new products, 2 drawers 01.02.2007 -initial release 01.09.2008 -new prodactcodes for frame
g1 IDO Seven D shelf
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release 01.09.2008 -added 400mm wide shelf
h1 IDO Seven D Kub lamp
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
l3 IDO Seven D wall-hung bidet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.05.2014 -new buttons 01.01.2009 -new installationfixtures 01.02.2007 -initial release
Romas Vieschnickas | 1358790645VIBIA AMEBA D
griglia areazione
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 b1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560083813D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Größenänderung nur im Grundriss, dann "aufdrehen" zu Wand 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
a11 IDO Seven D 400 washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -initial release
a12 IDO Seven D 500 washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -initial release
a2 IDO Seven D 600 washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
a21 IDO Seven D 640 washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
a4 IDO Seven D corner washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
a5 IDO Seven D Image washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
b1 IDO Seven D 600 vanitytop
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
b2 IDO Seven D 800 vanitytop
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
b3 IDO Seven D 900 vanitytop
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
b4 IDO Seven D 1000 vanitytop
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release 06.08.2009 -fixed error for shelf material
b5 IDO Seven D 1200 vanitytop
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -initial release
c10 IDO Seven D wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
c12 IDO Seven D high wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2008 -initial release
c13 IDO Seven D renovation wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2008 -initial release
c17 IDO Seven D renovation wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2008 -initial release
c18 IDO Seven D short wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
c2 IDO Seven D Image wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
c3 IDO Seven D wall-hung wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
c4 IDO Seven D seat cover
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.archiapu.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
c4 IDO Seven D wall-hung wc w cistern
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.04.2013 -initial release
c5 IDO Seven D Sensor
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#msktp://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.04.2013 -initial release
D Empty USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895 -
D Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Hinged gate door.
D Marker 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
d1 IDO Seven D wall-hung bidet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.05.2014 -new buttons 01.01.2009 -new installationfixtures 01.02.2007 -initial release
e10 IDO Seven D 600 base cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -new products, 2 drawers 01.02.2007 -initial release 01.09.2008 -new prodactcodes for frame
e12 IDO Seven D 900 base cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -new products, 2 drawers 01.02.2007 -initial release 01.09.2008 -new prodactcodes for frame
e13 IDO Seven D 1000 base cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 - 2 drawerversion with 1000mm design based on e1
e14 IDO Seven D 1200 base cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 - 2 drawerversion with 1200mm design based on e1
e15 IDO Seven D high cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours and design 01.02.2007 -initial release
e7 IDO Seven D corner cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours and design 01.02.2007 -initial release
e8 IDO Seven D base cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours, tabletop removed 01.02.2007 -initial release
f1 IDO Seven D mirror with lamp
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
f2 IDO Seven D mirror with lamp
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours 01.02.2007 -initial release
f31 IDO Seven D mirrorcabinet with lamp
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -all new cabinets 01.09.2008 -initial release
f4 IDO Seven D corner mirror
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release 01.09.2008 -shelves added
f41 IDO Seven D corner shelf
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2008 -initial release
f5 IDO Seven D mirror
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
f6 IDO Seven D upper cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours 01.09.2008 -initial release
f7 IDO Seven D mirror cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2008 -initial release
f81 IDO Seven D upper cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2008 -initial release
g2 IDO Seven D support leg
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
g5 IDO Seven D brackets
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
IDO Seven D 36310, 39310, 37310, 34310
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release
IDO Seven D 36611, 39611, 37611, 34611 wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2008 -initial release
IDO Seven D 600 base cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -new products, 2 drawers 01.02.2007 -initial release 01.09.2008 -new prodactcodes for frame
IDO Seven D high cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours and design 01.02.2007 -initial release
IDO Seven D mirror with lamp
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours 01.02.2007 -initial release
IDO Seven D upper cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.07.2010 -change in colours 01.09.2008 -initial release
j3 IDO Seven D bathtub
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -initial release
j4 IDO Seven D bathtub
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
j5 IDO Seven D asymmetrical bathtub
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
j6 IDO Seven D corner bathtub
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
Korbbogen 3 Punkte d
Heimo Mooslechner | 1556734737Korbbogen 3-Punktmethode und Segmentbogen mit wenigen Anfassern verstellbar. Ziegelteilungen werden automatisch gerechnet - Blockverbände, Parallel-Verbände Mörtel als Tube-Befehl inkludiert Profilmanager-Profile hinzugefügt Howto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STeUGJqYmBU
l1 IDO Seven D wall-hung wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
l4 IDO Seven D wall-hung wc w cistern
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.04.2013 -initial release
l5 IDO Seven D Image w-hung wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi
m1 IDO Seven D half pedestal
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -initial release
m2 IDO Seven D pedestal
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -initial release
Esencia D 1075 DGLM
|WITH A FEELING FOR DETAIL The Esencia task chair from Drabert is well-designed and thought-through down to the last detail. Each design choice is made to create both an appealing, flexible and functional chair. It is ideal both aesthetically and functionally in many different environments, either as a task chair or a meeting chair. As it is so user-friendly and has automatic weight detection, it is also ideal in the Kinnarps’ Next Office (Activity Based Working) concept, where the chair can be used by many different people. It is available in many exciting colours and fabric combinations. The back is upholstered with a durable 3D mesh that provides both great comfort and a beautiful finish. In terms of weight, Esencia is one of the lightest chairs on the market. It is also an eco-friendly option as it is possible to dismantle and recycle it.
Mento Mesh D 1034 DGLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Mento D 1034 DRLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Salida Mesh D 1085 DGL
|A chair from designers that translate technical construction capabilities into functional and aesthetic benefits. Complex functionality is combined with high quality materials, focussing on the essentials of user comfort. The kinematic strength of Salida‘s synchronous mechanics was developed from the drabert concept of ergonomics. At the core of this thinking lies a 3D pressurepoint spring unit, which identifies the weight of the user and relays the intensity of this pressure straight from the seat to the backrest. This individualised tension adjustment, coupled with exact synchronous movement, ensures permanent and complete contact between back and backrest, and permits optimum distribution of pressure on the seat and backrest in every position
Salida D 1085 DL
|A chair from designers that translate technical construction capabilities into functional and aesthetic benefits. Complex functionality is combined with high quality materials, focussing on the essentials of user comfort. The kinematic strength of Salida‘s synchronous mechanics was developed from the drabert concept of ergonomics. At the core of this thinking lies a 3D pressurepoint spring unit, which identifies the weight of the user and relays the intensity of this pressure straight from the seat to the backrest. This individualised tension adjustment, coupled with exact synchronous movement, ensures permanent and complete contact between back and backrest, and permits optimum distribution of pressure on the seat and backrest in every position
|Although Scandinavian in style, the Boomerang is based on the Australian aboriginal implement of the same name, a shape that forms the backbone of the design. The range started with a single chair and a single premise: to design a product that was both ergonomic and aesthetic, with easy access for those with mobility problems. Quim Larrea and his team took the brief and started to puzzle over exactly what shape of arm could manage all of this and still be exceptionally strong. They found their inspiration in the boomerang, the shape that lends its name to the programme. This pure, simple form has been meticulously machined to obtain exactly the right curves, its wax-like finish reminiscent of classic Nordic design. The chair was an instant hit and lower, wider chairs were added, the Boomerang Chill, to accommodate the needs of the general public. The chair went beyond being a bestseller and was critically acclaimed, becoming a finalist for the Delta Awards and selected for Designpreis of Germany.
Kompakt 6 compartments D, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments D, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 10 compartments D, 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 6 compartments D, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 8 compartments D, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 10 compartments D, 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 10 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Wind, room divider D
|“These room dividers are a concept more than individual products. They can be seen as a celebration of the beauty of nature — a forest of organic shapes that also control acoustics like a kind of tuner, and that make the environment more pleasant and friendly. My inspiration always comes from nature. There are no more perfect shapes than those of a snowflake, a bee hide or a leaf. I think that it will be very nice to have these room dividers as reminders of nature’s beauty in a hospital or a large office landscape, for example. They also make it possible to speak in private even in acoustically chaotic environments.” — Jin Kuramoto
D.01 :Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.06 :Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac T
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.04 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.02 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel Safe+
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.05: Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Matelac Safe+
|Matelac is clear glass covered on one side by high-quality paint and acid-etched on the other side. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Matelac matt painted glass range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Matelac, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information).The matt look of Matelac combines seamlessly with its glossy alter ego Lacobel. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade.Matelac is also available in SAFE+ versions (EN12600). Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and matt appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Matelac paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. MyColour by Matelac, our colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour*. * This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
D.03 : Decoration - Curtain Wall - C2C Lacobel T
|Lacobel is clear float glass covered on one side by high-quality paint. Available in 20 trendsetting colours, the Lacobel glossy painted glass range features an attractive palette of contemporary colours. The range is divided into three lines: The Classics (3 timeless colours), The Trendies (11 fashionable colours) and The Exclusives (6 unique AGC colours). MyColour by Lacobel, AGC’s colour-on-demand service, is available for orders of at least 200 m2 per colour (contact your AGC representative for more information). The glossy look of Lacobel combines seamlessly with its matt alter ego Matelac. In the Lacobel and Matelac 2020 range, 14 colours are common to both finishes – enabling designers to play with combinations shade by shade. Lacobel is also available in SAFE and SAFE+ versions (EN12600), as well as an AntiBacterial glassTM version. Advantages: •Durable material: walls, sliding doors and furniture will retain their original appearance for years. •Cradle to Cradle Certified •AGC’s manufacturing process guarantees a uniform and glossy appearance, ensuring that the high-quality paint, industrially applied to the back of the glass, adheres flawlessly. •Can be provided with SAFE/SAFE+ film, delivering additional safety in case of glass breakage. •All Lacobel paints are environmentally friendly: they preserve indoor air quality by emitting very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde. •Available in 20 standard colours. Other colours can be ordered via MyColour by Lacobel*, our colour-on-demand service (at least 200 m2 per colour). *This option is not available for transparent and metallic colours.
Kompakt 270 6 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 6 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 8 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 10 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 10 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 12 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 12 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 14 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 14 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 16 compartments D 6 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Kompakt 270 16 compartments D 25 mm mail slot
|Kompakt is a mailbox that requires little space, but holds much mail. Kompakt comes with up to 16 rooms per unit. Kompakt can be mounted directly on the wall or be recessed into the wall. It is intended for indoor installation and comes with letter-operated in either 6 mm or 25 mm. Kompakt follow the recommendations to Posten Norway in terms of size and locks. The boxes are made of steel and treated with a durable powder coating. Doors are practical signs pockets and solid lock with 3 keys and can be replaced if they were to be exposed to vandalism
Александр Берген | 1496690104RS-ikkuna © M.A.D. Oy, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Severi Virolainen 910607, 940503, 950316, 960325 Lauri Melvasalo 970122
Низкотемпературный плазменный стерилизатор Steelco PL 70
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333403Удобная для пользователя низкотемпературная испаренная технология H2O2 (VH2O2) с низким энергопотреблением. Благодаря газоплазменному действию перекись водорода, используемая в процессе, разлагается на воду и кислород для безопасного выброса в окружающую среду. Стерилизация VH2O2 обеспечивает безопасность пользователя и является экологически чистой. PL 70/1 Одностворчатая дверь, 81,7 л / вместимость 2,88 фута3 Размер камеры W x D x H 450 x 825 x 220 мм / 17,72" x 32,48" x 8,66" Внешний размер W x D x H 642 x 920 x 1630 мм / 25,28" x 36,22" x 64,17" PL 70/2 двойная дверь, 84,1 литра / вместимость 2,97 фута3 Размер камеры W x D x H 450 x 850 x 220 мм / 17,72" x 33,46" x 8,66" Внешний размер W x D x H 642 x 990 x 1630 мм / 25,28" x 38,97" x 64,17" User friendly low temperature vaporized H2O2 technology (VH2O2) with low power and energy consumption. Thanks to the gas plasma action the hydrogen peroxide used during the process decomposes into water and oxygen for safe release into the environment. VH2O2 sterilization provides user safety and is environmental friendly. PL 70/1 Single door, 81.7 litres / 2.88 ft3 capacity Chamber dimension W x D x H 450 x 825 x 220 mm / 17.72” x 32.48” x 8.66” External dimension W x D x H 642 x 920 x 1630 mm / 25.28” x 36.22” x 64.17” PL 70/2 double door, 84.1 litres / 2.97 ft3 capacity Chamber dimension W x D x H 450 x 850 x 220 mm / 17.72” x 33.46” x 8.66" External dimension W x D x H 642 x 990 x 1630 mm / 25.28” x 38.97” x 64.17"
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - White
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
Katrin Ease Sensor Electric Towel Dispenser - Black
|# A fully touch-free towel dispenser for locations where service speed, maximum hygiene and quality are required # The system runs on batteries, 4 x LR20 – D 1.5V (not supplied). Do not use re-chargeable batteries. # Adjustable settings for paper length and delay can be matched with the customer’s needs # An advanced refill system with stub-roll function for higher capacity
MQ41D 2xMQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 D 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
A4995 - Table, Diaper Changing, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted diaper changing table for use in public restrooms. Unit is a fold down system that folds upward when not in use for minimal intrusion into the room. Changing surface is contoured and has safety belt to insure that an infant will not fall from the table. Table is designed to hold no less than 250 pounds static weight. Closed dimensions are approximately 21" H x 36" W x 5" D. Open dimensions vary according to style. One system's open dimensions are 15 " high, 32" wide and 19" deep.
C03L0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 DR, 3 Half DR, 1 Door
|Standing height under counter base cabinet, 34" H x 30" W x 22" D with a full width drawer above three half width drawers alongside a solid right or left door/cupboard (appropriate door/cupboard configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings). Also referred to as a combination cabinet or a drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
C03P0 - Cabinet, Sink, U/C/B, 2 Door
|Standing height under counter base sink cabinet. 36" H x 30" W x 22" D with two solid hinged doors. Also referred to as a double-door sink cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility where a sink is to be used. Coordinate actual clear cabinet dimension with the actual outside dimension of sink that is specified to ensure that they are compatible.
C04L0 - Cabinet, U/C/B, 1 DR, 3 Half DR, 1 Door
|Standing height under counter base cabinet, 36" H x 36" W x 22" D with a full width drawer above three half width drawers alongside a solid right or left door/cupboard (appropriate door/cupboard configuration to be indicated on equipment elevation drawings). Also referred to as a combination cabinet or a drawer and cupboard cabinet. For general purpose use throughout the facility.
D0670 - Console, Treatment Unit, Dental Operatory
|A dental treatment console or work station (also called a "12 o'clock unit) approximately 45" W x 72" H x 30" D. Consists of a base unit with storage and equipment drawers, a bifold door cabinet with slide out shelves and CPU storage. A midsection with chase and power bar for ancillary equipment and shelf for a monitor and keyboard. Upper storage unit may be pass-through or non-pass-through with glass shelves and see-through cabinet doors. Unit may also be configured with a pivoting work surface to hold all doctor and assistant instrumentation or with a wash station w/SS sink and knee or foot activated faucet and solid surface or laminate countertop. Unit is also available in other widths and heights. Final makeup of this unit is dependant on individual facility requirements determined at time of purchase.
E0818 - Module, Wardrobe, Extended, Patient Bedroom - Family
|A module of a wardrobe and cabinets for use in patient bedrooms. The unit is custom configured and will have a swing door wardrobe, a desk and various storage units with overhead cabinet and shelf. The unit will be approximately 120"W x 20" D x 84" H. The wardrobe will have a top shelf with a coat rod. The module price and dimensions are for items identified in the PDF document. Many different configurations are available. Overhead lights may also be added to the module
E0945 - Cart, Computer, Mobile
|A mobile computer cart for use throughout the facility. The cart dimensions will be approximately 45" H x 30" W x 22" D with casters. May include drawers and miscellaneous other accessories that will be determined at time of purchase. This Typical may include: 1 Cart Body, w/Computer Support, Style-A Narrow, w/Raised Edge Top 1 Flip-Up Shelf 1 Sharps Container Holder 1 Wastebasket 1 Chart Holder 2 Drawers, 3"H 2 Drawers, 6"H 3 Accessory Rail, Side Drawer Organizer Bins
X1040 - Cabinet, Wall Hung, 1-2 Door, 3 Shelves, 22x18x21
|Wall mounted cabinet with 1 or 2 doors, approximately 22" H X 18" W X 21" D. This unit is designed to organize and store darkroom materials. The unit has two or three adjustable shelves. The construction is a double wall that is utilized throughout. All hardware used is of the highest quality including full length piano hinges, positive action roller latches, and brushed metal wire pulls.
X1050 - Cabinet, Base, With (3) 5 Inch Compartments
|Cassette storage base cabinet. The unit is approximately 36" H x 18" W x 22" D and is constructed with heavy gauge, rust resistant Electro-galvanized steel. It has double wall construction throughout and all hardware used is of the highest quality. The unit is designed to organize and store darkroom materials. The unit has capacity for extra large cassettes. All vertical partitions are removable.
X1100 - Bin, Loading, Film
|Film loading bin, approximately 33" H x 23" W x 15" D. Double steel light trap door gives maximum protection and assures lifetime safety. All corners and seams are welded for strength and protection. The interior of the hinged bin is divided into five compartments, each capable of accepting 14" X 17" films. Adjustable inserts to accommodate smaller size films are provided. Also provided with a room light micro switch interlock. This unit is used in photo and X-ray darkrooms.
X3930 - Illuminator, Film, Double, Wall Mounted
|X-ray film illuminator approximately 20' H x 29' W x 6'' D. This is a double, wall mounted type unit with a continuous viewing surface. The tension film grips are adjustable top and bottom with standard grip strip. The unit's balanced-light viewing is assured by the 32W circular fluorescent lamp. It provides 500 feet candles of cool operation across the entire 14" X 17" viewing surface. It is available with or without film-activated switch. The unit can be used in hospitals, examining rooms, satellite office or lab.
P6350 - Sink, Flushing Rim, China
|Flushing rim sink approximately 18" H x 26" D x 22" W. Also called a clinic service sink. Unit is constructed of vitreous china with an integral flushing rim. It includes: faucet with a fork brace; 6 inch wrist control handles; plain end spout with bucket hook; stainless steel spring type front rim guard; and grid drain. If it is to be floor mounted, a base must be provided. Unit is used in utility rooms to clean equipment and materials.
P6500 - Sink, Service, Cast Iron
|Service sink approximately 18" D x 22" W x 20" H which includes a polished chromium-plated combination hot and cold water faucet with integral stops and extended spout. Spout will have a pail hook, 3/4 inch hose coupling thread and shall include a backflow preventer. The faucet will be provided with a top brace and wall fittings for mounting above service sink. Service sink will be made of enameled cast iron. Used throughout the facility in utility rooms for washing and cleaning equipment.
R6100 - Freezer, Food, Upright, CRS, 23 CUFT
|Food freezer approximately 23 CUFT and 84" H x 27" W x 37" D. This unit has a stainless steel case front and doors. The cabinet front and doors are constructed of heavy gauge polished stainless steel to maintain an attractive appearance. The heavy-duty wire shelves are adjustable in one inch increments, used for frozen food storage in food service departments.
R6200 - Refrigerator, U/C or F/S, 5 Cu Ft
|Utility refrigerator approximately 35" H x 24" W x 26" D. The unit has a two tray ice cube cooling system. The refrigerator fits standard architectural dimensions for undercounter installation. The unit is perfect for use in nurses' station, wards, and laboratories, pharmacies or wherever space is limited.
T0801 - Workbench, Electric, Pedestal Base
|Electrical workbench approximately 34" H x 72" W x 36" D. Characteristics/components include butcher block maple top; with two drawer or door pedestals and an electronic riser wiring kit. This workbench is used in wood and metal workshops. Workbench is a mix and match construction and can be configured to end users needs.
|MULTIFUND is a 100% acrylic, self dilating, water repellent, washable paint that gives an even matt velvet finish, guaranteeing, at the same time, high vapour permeability to the wall, high coverage, low thickness and an optimum yield. Characterized by optimum expansion over the surface, it is indicated on smooth surfaces and is an ideal base for decorative finishes The product is of the highest quality and conforms to the norm D.I.N 53 778. It has a low odour level, is non inflammable and is friendly to both humans and the environment.
Shower cabins showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. The Alterna Basic Shower Cabinet is delivered in 3 parts: cabinets, rear panel and sliding doors that are quickly assembled by one person. The feet are adjustable and the front of the cabinet is removable for easy cleaning under the cabin. Water trap, shower set, soap holder and mirror are included in the shower cabinet. The Alterna Express Shower Cabinet has silver-colored aluminum profiles, 4 mm hardened safety glass and acrylic tub. Clear glass in doors and side panels. The shower cabinet comes with a shower panel and shower set. Size: H 2 150 x B 900 x D 900 mm. The shower cabinet can be ordered with or without the Mora MMIX thermostatic mixer. Due to its construction, the shower cabinet is very fast to install, and the walls are self-standing, allowing one person to mount it. The assembly is done without tools.
Basin packages Basic showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. Alterna Basic Washbasin, single washbasin for console mounting, made of ceramic. Also available as a complete washbasin set with several different mixers to choose from, delivered complete with plug valve, brackets, water trap, screws and plug. Sizes: W 480 x D 375 x H 145 mm W 525 x D 405 x H 145 mm W 570 x D 425 x H 145 mm W 655 x D 495 x H 145 mm
Shower cabins showcase
|This product is only available for the Swedish market. The Alterna Basic Shower Cabinet is delivered in 3 parts: cabinets, rear panel and sliding doors that are quickly assembled by one person. The feet are adjustable and the front of the cabinet is removable for easy cleaning under the cabin. Water trap, shower set, soap holder and mirror are included in the shower cabinet. The Alterna Express Shower Cabinet has silver-colored aluminum profiles, 4 mm hardened safety glass and acrylic tub. Clear glass in doors and side panels. The shower cabinet comes with a shower panel and shower set. Size: H 2 150 x B 900 x D 900 mm. The shower cabinet can be ordered with or without the Mora MMIX thermostatic mixer. Due to its construction, the shower cabinet is very fast to install, and the walls are self-standing, allowing one person to mount it. The assembly is done without tools.
Touch Screen User Interface - TS-1542-C
|Advanced Touch Screen Control A Crestron® touch screen offers an ideal user-interface for controlling all the technology in your home, boardroom, classroom, courtroom, or command center. Touch screens simplify and enhance the way you use technology, doing away with those piles of remote controls, cluttered wall switches, disparate smartphone apps, and cryptic computer screens. For controlling audio, video, lighting, shades, HVAC, security, and other systems, Crestron touch screens are fully-customizable with easy-to-use controls and icons, true feedback and real-time status display, full-motion video windows, and a full-featured media player for an enhanced multiroom entertainment experience. The Crestron TS-1542-C delivers the ultimate touch screen experience — blending style and function with advanced high-definition graphics. In one slim device, the TS-1542-C integrates a brilliant 15.6” Full HD touch screen display and high-performance digital graphics engine. Its sleek, modern design features premium metallic construction and edge-to-edge glass for a contemporary look that’s perfectly at home placed on an executive boardroom table, installed in a high-tech command center, or mounted on the wall in a luxury residence. Featuring enhanced Smart Graphics™ performance and dual-window HD video display, the TS-1542-C delivers an elegant and powerful touch screen control solution for a wide range of applications. Its DM 8G+® input provides a single-wire interface carrying high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, H.264 streaming video, and PoDM++ power, all over a single CAT type cable. Additional features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, browse the Internet, annotate over a video image or whiteboard screen, and communicate using built-in VoIP intercom and phone functions.[1] A choice of tabletop, wall, or VESA mounting options afford an integrator-friendly solution that’s easy to install and fits perfectly in any space. Standard finishes include either white or dark gray metallic, or choose the Signature Series option to design your own custom finish. Sleek, Versatile Design At just 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) deep, the TS-1542-C can be mounted virtually anywhere using the supplied wall mount kit or a third-party VESA 100 compliant mounting arm, bracket, or stand. A tabletop tilt model (TS-1542-TILT-C) is also offered, which features an ultra-stylish, smooth-tilt base for use on a table, desk, podium, or countertop. TS-1542-C Signature Series The Signature Series allows the TS-1542-C to be transformed into a beautiful showpiece adorned with custom colors and graphics on the tilt base and rear of the touch screen. No design is off limits, as Crestron provides the means for design ideas to be submitted, rendered for approval, and then made real. For more information, please visit: www.crestron.com/signatureseries. Smart Graphics™ Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience. Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more: Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [1] A power-saving screensaver that can display the time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes Auto-Brightness Control The TS-1542-C maintains optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions by automatically adjusting its display brightness according to changes in the ambient light level in the room. DigitalMedia 8G+® & 4K Video Using DM 8G+ technology, the TS-1542-C achieves complete connectivity over a single CAT type twisted pair cable. The cable connects to a Crestron DM® system (i.e., a DM switcher or transmitter [2,3]), which can be located in a central equipment cabinet or some other remote location. The DM system provides the interface for all video, audio, and networking signals to the TS-1542-C. Power for the TS-1542-C can also be carried over the DM 8G+ connection by adding a PoDM++ compatible power source.[4] The DM 8G+ connection transports high-speed Ethernet, uncompressed 4K video, and stereo audio signals from the DM system to the TS-1542-C. Support for 4K video and HDCP 2.2 encryption ensures compatibility with a complete range of video sources. Any video source connected to the DM system, including 4K and Ultra HD sources, can be viewed right on the touch screen, either full screen or in a window. DM 8G+ supports 1080p, WUXGA, and 2K signals over cable lengths up to 330 feet (100 m) using Crestron DM Ultra or DM 8G Cable, or third-party CAT5e. Higher resolutions up to UHD and 4K are supported at distances up to 330 feet (100 m) using DM Ultra Cable, 230 feet (70 m) using DM 8G Cable, or 165 feet (50 m) using CAT5e.[5] HD Streaming Video High-definition streaming video capability makes it possible to view live streaming video from IP cameras and streaming encoders (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, DMC-STRO, or similar [2]). Up to two streaming video windows can be displayed simultaneously, or a single streaming window can be displayed alongside a DM 8G+ video window. H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported. Voice Recognition Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TS-1542-C provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1] Rava® SIP Intercom Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations. Rava works over Ethernet, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [6], and paging without requiring any special wiring. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with a SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication. Speakers and Microphone The built-in speakers and microphone provide clear audio for intercom and phone calls, as well as for listening to multimedia. Audio Feedback Customized audio files can be loaded to add another dimension to the touch screen graphics using personalized sounds, button feedback, and voice prompts. Web Browsing Using its built-in web browser, the TS-1542-C provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TS-1542-C. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1] Multi-Touch Support The TS-1542-C’s capacitive touch screen affords enhanced capabilities for browsing web pages using multi-touch gestures. Notes: 1. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an internet connection. 2. Item(s) sold separately. 3. The DM device to which the TS-1542-C is connected must have an Ethernet connection to a Crestron control system. 4. Optional PoDM++ injector, model DM-PSU-ULTRA-MIDSPAN, sold separately. Any wiring carrying PoDM is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PoDM PSE (power sourcing equipment) is located. 5. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete DM system design guidelines. All wire and cables are sold separately unless noted otherwise. 6. H.264 compatible IP camera required. 7. Connection to a Cresnet network or power supply is for power only. Does not support Cresnet data communications. 8. Supports up to two simultaneous streaming inputs with a maximum combined total bitrate of 25 Mbps.
HEWI Push/pull handle set 162XADG06
|System 162 push/pull handle set for equipping doors or emergency exits For emergency exits: Approval to EN 179 in combination with tested locks - with CE marking. Approved for fire and smoke doors, listing in the national technical approval test certificate of the respective door manufacturer in conjunction with DIN 18273, DIN 4102, DIN 1634 and 9 mm square spindle. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Handle made of a stainless steel tube, diameter 30 mm, straight handle with straight connection, height 450 mm, width 124 mm, satin surface, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door mass: Class 6 Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors: Class 0, A or B Safety - personal protection: Class 1 Corrosion protection: Class 3 Security - burglary protection: Class 2 Projection of operating element: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI 162XADG06
HEWI Push/pull handle set FSDG550-08
|System 111 push/pull handle set Handle made of polyamide, with steel core diameter 33 mm, closed oval, height 400 mm, width 105 mm, high polished, backplates made of metal with polyamide cap, maintenance-free plain bearings, mechanical adjustment for the pull handle. Fast installation on the door due to already preassembled pull handles on the bottom section. Suitable as operating element on doors to DIN 18040, with accessibility function within operating range at 850 mm above FFL. Contrasting design in coloured polyamide. Installation in pairs, function in opening direction - push, function in opposite direction - pull, with continuous spindle. Classification key: spindle 8 mm - no classification spindle 9 mm Designed and tested for projects, classification to EN 179 Category of use: Class 3 Durability: Class 7 Door weight: Class 6 Use on smoke/fire doors: Class 0. A or B Safety personal security: Class 1 Corrosion resistance: Class 3 Security: Class 2 Security - Burglary protection: Class 1 Type of operation: B Field of door application: Class A, B, C or D The classification results only in connection with the lock according to EN 179, for example, BKS, Fuhr or Fliether The selected combinations are assigned freely and do not have to take on a lock manufacturer. For more information, contact HEWI or the lock manufacturer! Article no.: HEWI FSDG550.08
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 150 - DMPS3-4K-150-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-150-C from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, mic preamp, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It&trade; functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.<br><br></p> <p>Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. A full-featured microphone input is also included for applications requiring high-quality speech reinforcement. The selected input source and microphone can be mixed and routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Additional DigitalMedia 8G+® inputs and output afford a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources, for the display device, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.</p> <p><strong>4K Ultra HD<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-150-C handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.</p> <p><strong>Crestron Connect It&trade;</strong><br></p> <p>Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-150-C. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-150-C provide power and communications for each cable caddy.<br>A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-150-C can also accommodate two DM® transmitters, one DM receiver, and an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[1,2]<br>No Programming Required!<br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-150-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition, multi-format presentation switcher, scaler, mic preamp, audio DSP, and control system</li><li>Out of the box Crestron Connect It&trade; collaboration system functionality</li><li>Supports up to four TT-100 series Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies [1]</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [3]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Includes four auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and stereo analog audio inputs [6]</li><li>Includes two DM 8G+® inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, HDBaseT®, and analog video sources [4,5]</li><li>Input auto-detection configures each input automatically</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes a single microphone input with EQ, gating, and compression</li><li>Provides parallel HDMI and DM 8G+ outputs for one or more display devices</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [9]</li><li>Integrates seamlessly with DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switchers to allow facility-wide signal distribution</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features a built-in, high-performance 4K scaler</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion, and passes 3D video (without scaling) to 3D displays [7]</li><li>Provides a balanced stereo audio output with graphic EQ, limiting, and delay</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding [6]</li><li>Handles Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio [8]</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM extenders [10]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via built-in RC-5 compatible IR receiver</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Includes front panel controls for switching and volume adjustment</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips</li><li>Allows complete AV setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM and HDBaseT PoE powered devices</li><li>Mounts under the table or in a single 19” rack space</li></ul> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101, requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-150-C.<br>3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.<br>6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.<br>7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.<br>8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output (HDMI or DM) requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled and the ability to route the microphone signal to that output is defeated. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.<br>9. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ & HDBaseT Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>10. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-150-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>11. License required. The DMPS3-4K-150-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>12. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 12.95 Watts is delivered at each PoDM or HDBaseT PoE powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or HDBaseT PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.</p> <p></p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 100 - DMPS3-4K-100-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-100-C from Crestron® provides an ultra high-definition presentation switcher and control solution that’s perfect for huddle rooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. It integrates the control system, multi-format switcher, 4K video scaler, mic preamp, and audio DSP all into one compact device that mounts conveniently under a conference table or in an equipment rack. Built-in Crestron Connect It&trade; functionality affords a complete collaboration solution that’s easy and affordable to deploy in any small to medium sized meeting space. Without requiring any programming, the DMPS3-4K-100-C is easily configurable for a variety of media presentation applications.<br></p> <p>Auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and analog audio inputs provide the essential connectivity needed to manage multiple computers and other media sources. A full-featured microphone input is also included for applications requiring high-quality speech reinforcement. The selected input source and microphone can be mixed and routed to one HDMI output and one stereo analog audio output. Additionally, its DigitalMedia 8G+® output affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for the display device, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system. Built-in 4K scaling ensures the highest possible image quality, and compatibility with the widest range of sources and displays.<br><br></p> <p><strong>4K Ultra HD<br></strong>The DMPS3-4K-100-C handles 4K and Ultra HD video signals, which is essential to ensure support for the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br><br></p> <p><strong>Crestron Connect It&trade;<br></strong>Crestron Connect It is a cost-effective, simple-to-use presentation solution that provides tabletop BYOD connectivity and one-touch control for multiple participants around a conference table. Simply add up to four Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies (TT-100 series [1]) to the DMPS3-4K-100-C. Its auto-switching inputs support individual HDMI, VGA, and analog audio connections at each cable caddy. Four USB ports on the DMPS3-4K-100-C provide power and communications for each cable caddy.<br>A fully functional Crestron Connect It system is enabled right out of the box by simply connecting the cable caddies and input cables. Additional settings and AV adjustments are available through a simple web browser setup screen. In addition to the Crestron Connect It devices, the DMPS3-4K-100-C can also accommodate a single DM® receiver and an AirMedia® Presentation Gateway without any additional programming.[1,2]<br><br></p> <p><strong>No Programming Required!</strong><br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-100-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. .[3]<br><br></p> <p><strong>Multi-Format Auto-Switcher</strong><br>The DMPS3-4K-100-C provides high-performance automatic switching between four groups of inputs, each including HDMI, VGA, and unbalanced stereo audio. The HDMI inputs are compatible with DVI and Dual-Mode DisplayPort sources, and the VGA inputs can handled RGB, composite, S-Video, and component video sources. Digital audio is supported by the HDMI inputs, plus each analog audio input may be used in combination with its corresponding VGA or HDMI video input. Input auto-detection eliminates the need to configure the inputs – simply connect your source and the DMPS3-4K-100-C selects the right audio and video combination. The switched video signal is routed to one HDMI output and one DM 8G+® output simultaneously. The DM 8G+ output is compatible with HDBaseT®.[4,5,6]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul><li>Ultra high-definition, multi-format presentation switcher, scaler, mic preamp, audio DSP, and control system</li><li>Out of the box Crestron Connect It&trade; collaboration system functionality</li><li>Supports up to four TT-100 series Crestron Connect It Cable Caddies [1]</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [3]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Includes four auto-switching HDMI®, VGA, and stereo analog audio inputs [6]</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and analog video sources [4,5]</li><li>Input auto-detection configures each input automatically</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes a single microphone input with EQ, gating, and compression</li><li>Provides parallel HDMI and DM 8G+® outputs for one or more display devices</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [9]</li><li>Integrates seamlessly with DigitalMedia&trade; matrix switchers to allow facility-wide signal distribution</li><li>HDBaseT® Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to an HDBaseT certified display device</li><li>Features a built-in, high-performance 4K scaler</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion, and passes 3D video (without scaling) to 3D displays [7]</li><li>Provides a balanced stereo audio output with graphic EQ, limiting, and delay</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding [6]</li><li>Handles Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, and uncompressed 7.1 linear PCM audio [8]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via built-in RC-5 compatible IR receiver</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Includes front panel controls for switching and volume adjustment</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips</li><li>Allows complete AV setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM and HDBaseT PoE powered devices</li><li>Mounts under the table or in a single 19” rack space</li></ul> <p>1. Item(s) sold separately.<br>2. The AirMedia Presentation Gateway, model AM-101, requires one HDMI input on the DMPS3-4K-100-C.<br>3. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The VGA inputs can accept component, composite, and S-Video signals using an appropriate adapter (not included). However, input sync detection is not provided for composite or S-Video signal types.<br>6. When using an analog audio input in combination with an HDMI video input, the source’s video resolution must be 1920x1200 or lower. The analog audio input will not pass audio if the source’s video resolution is higher than 1920x1200.<br>7. Automatically passes 3D video if the display device supports it (reverts to pass-through mode without scaling). Provides automatic 3D-to-2D conversion (with scaling) if the display device does not support 3D.<br>8. Routing of a multichannel audio signal via a digital input and output (HDMI or DM) requires the input to be set for “mixer bypass” mode. When that input is selected, all audio controls on the digital output are disabled and the ability to route the microphone signal to that output is defeated. Mixer bypass mode also disables the Input Compensation control on that input.<br>9. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “DM 8G+ & HDBaseT Maximum Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-100-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.<br>11. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 12.95 Watts is delivered at the PoDM or HDBaseT PoE powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or HDBaseT PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 250 - DMPS3-4K-250-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-250-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-250-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scaler, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-250-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!<br></strong>Installing the DMPS3-4K-250-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]<br></strong>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video<br></strong>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-250-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 8x2 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 8 video sources and 2 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides one HDMI output and one DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) output</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features a high-performance 4K scaler on the HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at either digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license. To obtain the license or for any questions regarding AirMedia activation, please visit https://www.crestron.com/dmps-airmedia-activation. To purchase the DMPS3-4K-250-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-250-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-250-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI output does not pass 3D signals. On this output, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ output.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-250-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-250-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 350 - DMPS3-4K-350-C
|<p>The DMPS3-4K-350-C from Crestron® offers an all-in-one 4K AV presentation system for classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, and videoconference rooms. Delivering a complete, custom-programmable room solution with fully-configurable signal routing and processing is easy and cost-effective using the DMPS3-4K-350-C. In one 3-space rack mount package, it integrates the control system, matrix switcher, video scalers, streaming decoder, mic mixer, audio DSP, and amplifier. Its built-in AirMedia® gateway, when activated [1], enables wireless presentation from computers and mobile devices. DigitalMedia 8G+® and HDBaseT® connectivity affords a streamlined, long-distance wiring solution for remote sources and display devices, and for facility-wide integration as part of a larger media distribution system.</p><p>Note: To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA.<br>4K Ultra HD<br>Crestron DigitalMedia&trade; continues to advance the standard for digital AV signal management, delivering the most complete end-to-end 4K system solutions available. The DMPS3-4K-350-C handles 4K/60 video with HDCP 2.2 encryption, ensuring support for all the latest 4K and Ultra HD displays and media sources. Support for 4K is also essential to support the latest generation of computers and monitors with native resolutions beyond 1080p and WUXGA.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>No Programming Required!</strong><br>Installing the DMPS3-4K-350-C is easy, fast, and affordable. Built-in .AV Framework&trade; technology delivers a fully-functional presentation system with simplified configuration and a choice of control options and other add-ons. For complete details on the capabilities supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.[2]<br>&nbsp;<br><strong>AirMedia® Wireless Presentation [1]</strong><br>Built-in AirMedia technology allows for wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network. With AirMedia, anyone can walk into the room with a Windows® or MacBook® laptop and connect without wires, enabling the presentation of any content including Full HD video at frame rates up to 30 fps. iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; devices can present PowerPoint®, Excel®, Word, and PDF documents, as well as pictures, videos, or any app content with full-screen mirroring. AirMedia lets up to 32 participants connect at once, switching from one to the next for seamless collaboration on the fly.[1]<br><br></p><strong>HD Streaming Video</strong><br>Its onboard streaming decoder enables the DMPS3-4K-350-C to receive a high-definition AV signal over the network or internet from a DigitalMedia switcher, IP camera, or streaming encoder (Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR or similar). H.264 and MJPEG streaming formats are supported with resolutions up to HD 1080p and bitrates up to 25 Mbps. High-quality AAC audio decoding is employed to handle 2-channel stereo audio with full frequency response.[3]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><p><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Ultra high-definition 9x4 system switcher, scaler, mic mixer, audio DSP, amplifier, and control system</li><li>Built-in .AV Framework&trade; delivers a fully-functional system without any programming [2]</li><li>Integrated 3-Series Control System® allows fully-programmable room control</li><li>Onboard AirMedia® gateway enables wireless BYOD presentation capability [1]</li><li>Built-in H.264 streaming video decoder [3]</li><li>Provides matrix signal routing for up to 9 video sources and 4 displays</li><li>Handles video resolutions up to 4K DCI and Ultra HD</li><li>Includes HDMI®, DM 8G+®, and balanced stereo analog audio inputs</li><li>Also supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort, DVI, and HDBaseT® sources [4]</li><li>QuickSwitch HD&trade; technology manages HDCP keys for fast, reliable switching</li><li>Auto-Locking® technology achieves rapid switching between disparate sources</li><li>Performs automatic AV signal format management via EDID</li><li>HDCP 2.2 compliant</li><li>Provides adjustable input level compensation on each audio input</li><li>Includes built-in 6-channel gated microphone mixing with DSP</li><li>Provides two HDMI and two DM 8G+ (HDBaseT compatible) outputs</li><li>DigitalMedia 8G+® connectivity enables long-distance wiring over CAT type twisted pair cable [7]</li><li>HDBaseT Certified &mdash; Enables direct connection to other HDBaseT certified equipment</li><li>Features an independent, high-performance 4K scaler at each HDMI output</li><li>Upscales input signals to match the native resolution of any screen &mdash; including 4K and Ultra HD displays!</li><li>Downscales 4K, UHD, and ultra high-resolution computer signals to fit 1080p and other lower-resolution displays</li><li>Handles any input resolution from standard NTSC 480i or PAL 576i, to UHD and 4K</li><li>Provides intelligent frame rate conversion, content-adaptive noise reduction, and motion-adaptive de-interlacing</li><li>Provides 3D to 2D signal conversion [5]</li><li>Provides three balanced stereo audio outputs, each with independent mixer and DSP</li><li>Provides two additional audio mixes, either of which is selectable at any digital output</li><li>Features a built-in amplifier, selectable for 25W/Ch. @ 8Ω stereo or 50W @ 70/100 Volts mono</li><li>Enables analog-to-HDMI audio embedding and de-embedding</li><li>Enables USB signal routing via DM® transmitters and receivers or USB-EXT-DM series extenders [9]</li><li>Includes onboard IR, RS-232, relay, digital input, and Cresnet® control ports</li><li>Supports Crestron® touch screens, keypads, and wireless remotes</li><li>Supports XPanel with Smart Graphics® computer and web based control</li><li>Supports iPhone®, iPad®, and Android&trade; control apps</li><li>Supports universal remotes via external RC-5 compatible IR receiver [6]</li><li>Communicates natively with Crestron Fusion®</li><li>Enables IT-friendly network integration via SNMP</li><li>Integrated Ethernet switch provides a single-point LAN connection</li><li>Control Subnet &mdash; provides a dedicated local network for Crestron devices</li><li>Private Network Mode &mdash; requires just one IP address for the complete system</li><li>Content LAN port allows streaming and AirMedia traffic to be isolated on a secondary network</li><li>Includes front panel controls for basic configuration, diagnostics, and signal routing</li><li>Includes customizable front panel label strips and LCD display</li><li>Allows advanced setup and adjustment via a web browser</li><li>Features an internal universal power supply for worldwide compatibility</li><li>Furnishes power to PoDM+ and HDBaseT PoE+ powered devices [8]</li><li>3-space 19-inch rack-mountable</li></ul> <p>1. To enable the onboard AirMedia gateway requires the purchase of one SW-DMPS3-AIRMEDIA license.&nbsp; To purchase the DMPS3-4K-350-C with AirMedia pre-activated (no license required), see model DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA. Wireless presentation using AirMedia requires an external wireless access point (not included). A wired Ethernet connection may also be used. AirMedia network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port. Performance quality for full-motion video content is dependent upon network performance and sending device performance. AirMedia support in the DMPS3-4K-350-C includes the same essential functionality as the AM-101 AirMedia Presentation Gateway with the exclusion of quad view, moderator mode, and remote view.<br>2. Some features and functions described in this spec sheet may not be supported using .AV Framework. For a complete list of capabilities and options supported by .AV Framework, please visit: http://www.crestron.com/avframework.<br>3. The streaming and AirMedia inputs are mutually exclusive. Only one or the other can be used at one time. Streaming network traffic can be routed through the primary LAN port or isolated through the CONTENT LAN port.<br>4. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.<br>5. The HDMI outputs do not pass 3D signals. On these outputs, 3D signals are automatically converted to 2D, then scaled and output as 2D. 3D signals can be passed through the DM 8G+ outputs.<br>6. Item(s) sold separately.<br>7. The maximum cable length for DigitalMedia 8G+ (DM 8G+) or HDBaseT is dependent upon the type of cable and resolution of the video signal. Refer to the “Maximum DM 8G+ Cable Lengths” table for a detailed overview. Crestron legacy cable models DM-CBL DigitalMedia Cable and DM-CBL-D DigitalMedia D Cable support the same resolutions and cable lengths as CAT5e. Shielded cable and connectors are recommended to safeguard against unpredictable environmental electrical noise which may impact performance at resolutions above 1080p. Refer to the Crestron DigitalMedia Design Guide, Doc. #4546 for complete system design guidelines. DM 8G+ is compatible with HDBaseT Alliance specifications for connecting to HDBaseT compliant equipment. All wire and cables are sold separately.<br>8. Enabling PoDM and PoE power sourcing requires an external power supply, model PW-4830DUS or DM-PSU-3X8-RPS, sold separately. Due to the inherent power loss that occurs over CATx cable, a maximum of 25.5 Watts is delivered at each PoDM+ or HDBaseT PoE+ powered device. Be aware that the CONTROL SUBNET port is limited to regular PoE (Class 0-3), which delivers a maximum of 12.95 Watts to the powered device. Any wiring that is connected to a PoDM or PoE PSE port is for intra-building use only and should not be connected to a line that runs outside of the building in which the PSE is located.<br>9. Manages the routing of USB HID signals between peripheral DM devices that are equipped with USB HID ports. The USB ports onboard the DMPS3-4K-350-C are not usable for USB signal routing. Also programmable to manage the routing of USB signals between Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender modules (USB-EXT-DM, sold separately). Refer to the USB-EXT-DM spec sheet for more information.<br>10. License required. The DMPS3-4K-350-C supports a maximum of 500 BACnet objects when dedicated for BACnet use only. Actual capabilities are contingent upon the overall program size and complexity.</p>
KNAUF Therm PRO Parking EPS 200 λ 33
|<p>KNAUF Therm PRO Parking EPS 200 λ 33&nbsp;2 polystyrene panels are designated by the following code according to PN-EN standard EN 13163:2012+A1:2015</p> <p>EPS –EN 13163-T(1)-L(2)-W(2)-S(2)-P(5)-BS250-CS(10)200-DS(N)2-DS(70,-)1-DLT(1)5</p> <p>KNAUF Therm PRO Parking lot EPS 200 λ 33 is a specialist product with high compressive strength recommended by designers in places where the permissible payload does not exceed (according to EN 13 163, appendix D.2) 6000kG / m².<br></p><p>PURPOSE<br></p><ul><li>thermal insulation of floors under the floor deck, heavily loaded</li><li>thermal insulation of floors on the ground with the floor deck, heavily loaded</li><li>thermal insulation on the supporting structure for roofing</li><li>thermal insulation of roofs and roofs with the possibility of parking</li><li>thermal insulation of floors under the foundation of prefabricated panels</li><li>thermal insulation of plinths in external composite thermal insulation systems (BSO)</li></ul>
2D People Standing
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M.A.D. Micro Aided Design Oy | 1343400972#http://www.rakennustieto.fi Tämän tuotteen GDL- objektin tekijänoikeudet omistavat: Rakennustieto Oy Metehe Oy
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M.A.D. Micro Aided Design Oy | 1343400972#http://www.rakennustieto.fi Tämän tuotteen GDL- objektin tekijänoikeudet omistavat: Rakennustieto Oy Metehe Oy
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076It was designed as early as 1953, but due to the complexity of its manufacture, it only entered regular production in 2012. With its perfection of design as well as touch of fashionable Scandinavian design, it represents the dream of every connoisseur of the aesthetic. Material: from natural, environmentally-friendly materials: white varnished beech wood and white varnished curved plywood panel veneered with ash veneer.http://www.rex-kralj.si
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Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076Rex folding daybed is part of the REX collection. Designer Niko Kralj (Rex), http://rex-kralj.si
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076A stable, visually timeless and attractive chair with an always fashionable retro flair. The REX 120 chair, the ancestor of the cult REX chair, was designed by Niko Kralj in 1953 and is a symbol of successful industrial design. In the development of the REX family of chairs, the then REX chair reached a new level of comfort and economy. Because of its elegance, comfort, safety and the fact that it does not fold, the REX 120 provides true comfort for your spine, is pleasing to the eye and offers all the support needed for your everyday rest. http://www.rex-kralj.si
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Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076This stool made by the genius Niko Kralj is just one in a long line of such sophisticated and ingeniously designed products. Conceived way back in 1954, the stool remains a concept of elegance. It is distinguished by clean lines and a minimalistic appearance, which, however, does not mean that it is visually boring, but quite the opposite. Due to its cross type construction, which in a unique way connects the remaining elements of the stool, it appears that the upper part of the stool floats effortlessly above the legs. Perfectly connected wood from a technical point of view, aided with the help of only one screw, lends itself to creating a stable and comfortable stool.
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