GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Travesseiro simples
Rede Brasileira
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Rede brasileira com suporte ou pendurada na parede.
Rede Brasileira 18
Thaís Pizzinatto | 1414554146Rede brasileira com suporte ou pendurada na parede.
letto M1
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1378126025letto m.
letto k1_M
Letto M01
letto maison1
Bed Layout 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
letto sue3
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1445075299letto
кровать с подушками узкая
Даниил Орлов | 1544190950 -
кровать с подушками
Даниил Орлов | 1544190922 -
Sofa Bed 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Sofa bed with leg styles, 2D symbols and minimal space.
Кровать 18
Светлана Ким | 1507592343Односпальная кровать на основании (без ножек) или на ножках.
Dandi Bed
Miti Thakkar | 1383718626Traditional Indian Bed
Examination Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Medical examination table.
letto sue2
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13402165433D parametric, classic bed
karma trendz | 1385717245bed
karma trendz | 1385717365bed
karma trendz | 1385717391bed
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333431Łóżko Kler Milonga — L060 / Bed Kler Milonga — L060 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
karma trendz | 1385717295bed double
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333342Łóżko Kler Belcanto — L050 / Bed Kler Belcanto — L050 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Pruet SIRI | 1340797008Collection By Artimis2nd
Bed 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Single bed with solid base (no legs) or mounted on legs.
Bed Bunk 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Bunk bed.
Кровать 20
Юлия Теслюк | 1493977906Односпальная кровать на основании (без ножек) или на ножках.
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333342Łóżko Kler Belcanto — L050 / Bed Kler Belcanto — L050 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1426328641Letto m.
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333495Łóżko Kler Capricio — L080 / Bed Kler Capricio — L080 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
karma trendz | 13856123272D Single Bed
karma trendz | 13856123552D Double Bed
Bed Canopy 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Canopy bed.
Bed Double 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Double bed with solid base (no legs).
Hospital Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hospital bed.
Lit double 19
A. Jalil BENABBAS | 1505764633Lit double sans pied ou monté sur pieds.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415095874Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 original Author of polygone-methode: sinceV6 changed and added by Heimo Mooslechner for sewer purposes. Version 1 - 3D - variable hights von sewer beds, slopes und pipes to loose hights on a shaft.. Till now its justr the hight of th sewer-beds KSZ[i] following the rules of self-growing of the polygone, Other parameters go up to 50t - mental slothfulness ;-) Its possible to edit nearly everything in the floorplan and in 3D its possible to follow the site-hights.
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333495Łóżko Kler Capricio — L080 / Bed Kler Capricio — L080 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1378815672Crib with cabinet and drawers.
karma trendz | 1627641347Bed 200 x 200
Эндоскопическая кушетка 19-LV200
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569345204Кушетка с регулируемым подголовником предназначена для проведения эндоскопических процедур. Это удобная медицинская мебель, которая имеет дистанционное управление. Особенности кушетки: наличие двухсекционного ложа; регулируемый угол спинной секции; регулируемая высота. Изделие оснащено электроприводом, параметры расположения ложа регулируются с дистанционного пульта. Прочный и мощный каркас имеет полимерное покрытие эпоксидным порошком. Такое покрытие держится десятки лет и выдерживает любые внешние воздействия. 3 Уровня детализации (3 levels of MVO LOD)
Bed 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single bed with solid base (no legs).
Bed 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single bed mounted on legs.
Bed Canopy 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Canopy bed.
Bed Double 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Double bed mounted on legs.
Hospital Bed 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hospital bed.
Sofa Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Sofa bed with leg styles, 2D symbols and minimal space.
Sofa Bed 19
dilshad muhamed | 1464119358Sofa bed with leg styles, 2D symbols and minimal space.
Designer Couch 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Designer couch with 2D symbols and minimal space.
karma trendz | 13856122972D Double Bed
Bedside Cabinet 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hospital bedside cabinet.
Bedside Cabinet 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hospital bedside cabinet.
Examination Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Medical examination table.
Rafał Ślęk | 1383333495Łóżko Kler Capricio — L080 / Bed Kler Capricio — L080 Strona producenta — www.kler.pl ___________________________________________________________________________ obiekty przygotowane do programu ArchiCAD w wersji 16 lub wyższej www.archicad.pl
Bed Bunk 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Bunk bed.
Bed Double 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Double bed with solid base (no legs) or mounted on legs.
Bed Layout 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Jarkko Hoivala | 1502457051Kalevala-Kaluste Sänky
Кровать Двуспальная 22
Elena V | 1549906816Двуспальная кровать на основании (без ножек) или на ножках.
A1110 - Headwall, Prefabricated, General, 1-2 bed
|1-2 bed, general, prefabricated headwall. Unit consists of a patient service module for general care, single or double bed type. It contains lighting, medical gases, electrical outlets, nurse call and bed bumper. Specify number and type of medical gas and electrical outlets. Size of module will vary by type and configuration of outlets.
Bunkka Bed
|The new Bunkka cabinet bed is lower than traditional cabinet beds and thus release wall area for other uses, for example and makes even the smallest space more spacious. The ropes awaken the child's imagination and make it easy to get some fun! Bunkka is lightweight to open and close. The opening mechanism is a two-stage, making it easy for the bed to be safe opening. Once opened, the door can be locked to the bed. By the alongside the cabinet bed, there is possible to get storage cabinet, with adjustable shelves to allow for versatility of storage. In the storage cabinet you can storage, for example, rolled play carpets or linen. Bunkka bed mechanism is a solid birch and birch plywood, the cabinet is melamine-coated furniture board with ABS edging. Bunkka is lightweight to handle and install. In addition to wall mounting, it‘s possible to place the beds on the middle floor with the backs facing each other. 163 cm in height is also useful for renovation projects where different enclosures are lowering the rooms height. Under the cabinet frame is adjustable paws and in the lower bed rubber feet.
karma trendz | 1627642097Bed 100 x 200
karma trendz | 1627641934Bed 120 x 200
karma trendz | 1627641783Bed 160 x 200
karma trendz | 1627641605Bed 180 x 200
karma trendz | 1627388272Baby Crib
karma trendz | 1627388364Headboard 140 x 130 cm
karma trendz | 1627387027Headboard 200 x 120
Parisänky - malli 1
Jarkko Hoivala | 1502457051Kalevala-Kaluste Sänky
Parisänky - malli 2
Jarkko Hoivala | 1502457051Kalevala-Kaluste Sänky
Стол общехирургический ОМ-Дельта 01
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333228ОМ-ДЕЛЬТА 01 – универсальный электрогидравлический операционный стол, предназначенный для проведения всех видов хирургических операций. Многофункциональный операционный стол ОМ-ДЕЛЬТА 01 оптимально подходит для оснащения современных медицинских центров и специализированных клиник. Совместимость со всеми видами дополнительных комплектов приспособлений, выпускаемых предприятием, дает возможность расширить его функциональные возможности. Перестановка местами головной и ножных секций расширяет рентгенопрозрачную зону.
M7015 - Crib
|Pediatric crib. Constructed of heavy square steel. Side rails have maximum 2-3/4" bar spacing with a squeeze release. Spring height adjusts from 32 1/2" to 41 1/2" high. Mattresses should be water and stain resistant. The unit is mounted on ball bearing casters. To be used in pediatric departments.
BR 02
|Martin Visser designed the sofa BR 02.7 in the late 1950’s. The sofa has been in production ever since. In 1988, the loose armrest was added. A simple movement converts the sofa into a sofa bed. The sofa and armrest are available in the fabric of your choice. However, because of the austere shape of the design, the use of an elastic fabric is recommended.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm side side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
A1200 - Lift System, Overhead, Patient Room
|An overhead rail system specifically designed for patient lifting and movement for a single bed patient room. The system will consist of recessed or ceiling mounted primary and secondary rails, lift motor with rolling carriage, patient harness or seat, and a hand controller or control box with charger. System will facilitate lifting and movement of patient to and from bed to gurney, chair or other requirement. Minimum lift capability is 550 pounds. Custom design of track layout by manufacturer is essential to meet individual facility requirements.
A1205 - Lift System, Overhead, Patient Room w/Bath
|An overhead rail system specifically designed for patient lifting and movement for a single bed patient room including the bathroom. The system will consist of recessed or ceiling mounted primary and secondary rails, lift motor with rolling carriage, patient harness or seat, and a hand controller or control box with charger. System will facilitate lifting and movement of patient to and from bed to gurney, chair, bath, commode, or other requirement. Minimum lift capability is 550 pounds. Custom design of track layout by manufacturer is essential to meet individual facility requirements.
F0550 - Armoire, Resuscitation
|Resuscitation Armoire used in LDR and LDRP. The cabinet contains equipment needed for infant resuscitation. Equipped with Integrated Infant Warmer System, automatic exhaust fan, bassinet or fold down bed, accessory mounting rails, and writing surface. Other options include a manometer and hook up for suction and oxygen. Also contains adjustable shelves and drawers for storage of supplies and monitoring equipment.
L1950 - Demineralizer, Water, Floor Mounted
|Floor mounted water demineralizer. The unit has a one half to three gpm capacity. It has two beds, automatic calibration, purity meter, recirculation pump and disposable cartridges. The system continuously recirculates to discourage growth. Used to produce high purity water for laboratory use. May also be wall mounted.
M0800 - Warmer, Bassinet, Mobile, Neonatal
|A mobile warmer/bassinet consisting of a radiant warmer with proportional controller and an integral bassinet/procedure table. Also includes a warm weigh scale and phototherapy capabilities. All four sides of the bassinet fold out of the way for access to the infant. Bassinet bed can be tilted. Bassinet cabinet has storage drawers. Unit has shelving above bassinet to accommodate monitoring and resuscitation equipment. The entire unit is mounted on conductive casters, two with locking brakes. Designed for use in the neonatal intensive care unit, nursery, delivery room and special birthing units.
M3025 - Mattress, Pressure Reduction
|Pressure reduction mattress. Consists of polyurethane foam and air or gel cylinders to spread pressure of patient's body weight across a larger surface area. Some models have electric pumps for inflation and pressure adjustment; other manufacturers score the foam to distribute pressure. Used to prevent bed sores from developing and promote the healing of ulcers. Unit also relieves patient stress by reducing the amount of required patient turning. All-gel and all-foam mattresses as well as comparably therapeutic low air loss mattress systems are available.
M4660 - Stretcher, Recovery, Labor
|Labor recovery/ob-gyn procedure stretcher. The unit's height is adjustable and the patient bed has a manual backrest and crank operated knee gatch. The stretcher has 10" non-conductive carpet wheels, IV stand and folding chrome side-rails. The stretcher can be converted quickly to a birthing stretcher by removing the leg and foot section of the mattress. The available accessories include x-ray cassette holders, proctology boards, IV poles, fluid basins.
M7040 - Table, Overbed
|Overbed table. Adjustable height table constructed of heavy gauge steel. Mounted on 2" diameter twin swivel casters with bumper caps. Table top is constructed with a high pressure plastic laminated surface that resists chipping, scratching, and staining. It includes a vanity tray and a mirror. Table is designed for use over bed, wheelchair or large chair.
M7435 - Light, Overbed, Direct And Indirect
|Overbed patient room light which provides direct light for patient activity and indirect light for patient examination. The indirect portion of the light can be flipped down or redirected to provide dual intensity direct lighting. Unit is fully enclosed and is available in varying lengths. Some units feature a controlled power shut off to the light and patient bed when bumped by any item. Unit is designed to be wired directly to a junction box in the wall, a headwall service rail or patient service column. Dimensions are for a three foot light.
M8325 - Traction Unit, Portable
|Hydraulic or electric portable traction unit. The traction unit can be directly mounted to and removed from a traction table or can have its own mobile stand which clamps securely to the traction table. The unit controls treatment times from 1-99 minutes with hold times up to 60 seconds. Traction can be increased in gradual steps. The unit incorporates as many as four treatment modes and features a pulling force from 0 to 200 lbs. The unit can also be used with a treatment table, chair or hospital bed.
geoBORDER 45
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 45 - application: -grass -bark -stone -cobblestone 6 cm -geoSYSTEM G3 -geoSYSTEM G4 -geoSYSTEM G4 max
geoBORDER 58
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 58 - application: -lawn -bark -cobblestone 6 cm -granite paving 6/8 cm -geoSYSTEM G4 -geoSYSTEM G4 max -geoSYSTEM G5 max
geoBORDER 78
|geoBORDER is an alternative to concrete kerbs, wooden fences and palisades, with the advantage of becoming completely invisible, which gives a natural appearance to the finished area. The edge finish used in paving surfaces, separating sidewalks, and squares from lawns, stabilizing alleys, sidewalks, and paths. The utilisation of edges combined with concrete elements, such as paving stones, flagstones, ensures a uniform and stable surface, protected against sliding the elements to the sides. geoBORDER is normally fixed to soft foundations (for example, grass, earth, sand) with plastic anchors, and to hard surfaces (clay, gravel), with metal anchors (nails). Their advantage is multifunctional and universal application. The edges are made from 100% recycled plastic, which makes the edges flexible, allowing the formation of both straight and curved lines. Benefits: [LIST] Easy to install Quick and pernament connection between edges Resists frost heaving Designed for use with concrete or clay pavers Perfect for straight edges and curves, including tree rings Clearly marks the boundary between different areas of your garden Exposes flower beds Edging might be invisible after installation [/LIST] geoBORDER 78 - application: -cobblestone 6/8 cm -granite paving 8/11 cm -geoSYSTEM G5 max
|Depth adjustable - Easy cleaning - Special bed heads Wall - Wall protection Vertical protection against bed head impacts • Impact energy dissipated through 4 internal ribbing reinforcements • Depth adjustable from 256 to 336 mm to adjust to the medical equipment • Rounded design prevents build-up of dust and germs • Easy cleaning due to smooth surface
Bjork 180
|Björk 180 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). The changing table has two nursing beds on either side of an embedded washing area and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull out shower, drainage components, and 12 wire baskets suitable for nappy storage. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Bjork 220
|Björk 220 is part of a series of changing tables with a lovely wood finish and a fixed working height (90cm). This changing table has two nursing beds on either side of a washing area and comes equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower, drainage components and 12 wire baskets suitable for nappy storage. To avoid having to lift children, you can supplement the changing table with the changing table steps, Trappan, or the traditional changing table steps, Stegen. These tables are available in birch or white laminate.
Elit 180
|Elite 180 is an electrical height-adjustable changing table with a 57-110 cm working height. The table has two nursing beds on either side of a washing area and is equipped with a phthalate-free mattress, high rims, a mixer tap with pull-out shower and drainage components. To avoid heavy lifting Elite can be complemented with Klättra steps. Elite 180 is available in birch or white laminate.
Praga filter Ø1050-3000 mm - 2,5 kg/cm² or 4 kg/cm²
|This filter is manufactured with fibre-glass and polyester resin. Totally anticorrosive. Lid of Ø 400 mm. Supplied with manual air relief valve and water purge, media purge and pressure gauge panel. Fitted with collector arms and diffuser made from unplasticised PVC and polypropilene. Resistant to salt water. It contains newly designed larger and more resistant ABS collector arms. Filter bed height 1m. Maximum temperature: 50º C. Maximum pressure of either 2,5 kg/cm² or 4 kg/cm².
Beebo_W 5 W
|Beebo_W is an explosion of creativity, ideal for accompanying a relaxing night-time reading before bed, or to create attractive light patterns to enhance any setting. The casing in white coated aluminium or black wrinkle-effect, or with oak cover, can be wall mounted, even above the bed. The diffuser in polycarbonate emits a LED light that forms a 45° angle. An elegant spotlight that fits in perfectly with the furnishings of residential areas and hotels.
510622 Air pulse hand dryer HIGHFLOW
|Lit central nozzle focuses the pulsed air onto hands at over 230km/h. High speed: dries in 10 -15 seconds. Choice of warm or cold air via a concealed switch. Infrared automatic activation. Intelligent technology: stops automatically when hands are removed. Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously for more than 60 seconds. Vandal-resistant: cast aluminium. Easy to clean: one-piece cover. Dimensions: 180 x 230 x 250mm. Weight: 4kg. Airflow: 39 l/second. Air speed: 230 km/h. Low energy consumption: 900W. 220-240 V~/50Hz. Noise level: 75-80 dBA. Class I, IP22. CE marked. 3-year warranty.
Fisufor Plug
|Overlapping prefabricated bed joint reinforcement consisting of two parallel longitudinal wires (that are) joined by a central wire. The central wire forms a truss structure and is welded on (in) the same plane along the inner side of the longitudinal wires. It has an innovative design that enables the (performing of the) overlap between reinforcements without the need for any further manipulation, keeping the same nominal width of the reinforcement in the overlap area. The ends of the pieces have a specific geometric plug-shaped configuration which enables the 250mm overlap to be performed without the need to cut the wires. Also, the transverse wire is crushed in said area so that minimum mortar beds can be ensured.
|Overlapping prefabricated bed joint reinforcement consisting of two parallel longitudinal wires (that are) joined by a central wire. The central wire forms a truss structure and is welded (soldered) on (in) the same plane along the inner side of the longitudinal wires. It has an innovative design that enables the (performing of the) overlap between reinforcements without the need for any further manipulation, keeping the same nominal width of the reinforcement in the overlap area. The ends of the pieces have a specific geometric plug-shaped configuration which enables the 250mm overlap to be performed without the need to cut the wires. Also, the transverse wire is crushed in said area so that minimum mortar beds can be ensured. It also has spacers on the transverse wires which permit the control of the bed joint thickness. It also includes some devices, called SAO, placed at both ends of the pieces which permit visual verification, after the execution phase, that the amounts of wall reinforcement correspond to those of the design and that the overlap length complies with the regulations.
Norden mattress cabinet B150xD60xH150 birch
|Complete mattress cabinet on the plinth base with room for 18 resting mattresses or 12 bunk beds. Solid in direct laminate, available in 3 different versions. Doors are available in 7 different high pressure laminates. Ventilation in the upper and lower edges of the doors. Lightweight and well ventilated.
Norden mattress cabinet B150xD60xH150 white
|Complete mattress cabinet on the plinth base with room for 18 resting mattresses or 12 bunk beds. Solid in direct laminate, available in 3 different versions. Doors are available in 7 different high pressure laminates. Ventilation in the upper and lower edges of the doors. Lightweight and well ventilated.
Norden mattress cabinet B150xD60xH150 grey
|Complete mattress cabinet on the plinth base with room for 18 resting mattresses or 12 bunk beds. Solid in direct laminate, available in 3 different versions. Doors are available in 7 different high pressure laminates. Ventilation in the upper and lower edges of the doors. Lightweight and well ventilated.
AT Silka-Dividing inner wall, one-sided facing shell U=0,54 W/(m²K) d=280 mm
|The Silka block is suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls as well as for the inner shell of external walls. Thanks to the equipment with a reciprocating groove and spring system, processing is quick and easy. Grip pockets ensure ergonomic work. The processing is carried out with the Silka thin bed mortar. The ecological and non-combustible material also makes the construction materials extremely safe and allows their safe use. Advantages: - maximum sound insulation at high bulk densities - optimal summer warmth protection - optimized grips - also available as a perforated brick with a low bulk density
AT Silka Double layer dividing inner wall U=0,62 W/(m²K) d=470 mm
|The Silka block is suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls as well as for the inner shell of external walls. Thanks to the equipment with a reciprocating groove and spring system, processing is quick and easy. Grip pockets ensure ergonomic work. The processing is carried out with the Ytong thin bed mortar. The ecological and non-combustible material also makes the construction materials extremely safe and allows their safe use. Advantages: - maximum sound insulation at high bulk densities - optimal summer warmth protection - optimized grips - also available as a perforated brick with a low bulk density
5.7" Wireless Touch Screen - TST-602
|<p>The Crestron® TST-602 Wireless Touch Screen delivers enhanced wireless control for the home, boardroom, or classroom in a stylish, ergonomic design. Its curved shape feels natural in the hands, with easy-access thumb-operable buttons placed to either side of a perfectly-sized color touch screen display. Dual-mode wireless performance with roaming capability assures dependable connectivity throughout the home or workplace. Wired Ethernet connectivity is also available via the included table dock.</p> <p>Featuring a high-contrast 5.7” capacitive touch screen with Smart Graphics&trade;, the TST-602 allows completely customizable control over audio, video, lighting, shades, climate, security, and other technologies. Scrolling menus of media titles and channel presets make it quick and easy to find and select any TV channel, video title, or music track. Optional tactile pushbuttons provide easy, immediate access to commonly used functions such as volume, mute, power, and on-screen menu navigation. Additional advanced features include the abilities to control any function using voice commands, view security cameras and other video sources, communicate using built-in intercom and phone capabilities, and browse the Internet.[1,2]</p> <p>Smart Graphics&trade;<br>Crestron touch screens use Smart Graphics to deliver the ultimate user experience and the ultimate value by enabling the creation of dynamically rich user interfaces with incredible efficiency and unparalleled functionality. Using Smart Graphics, programmers can swiftly integrate fluid gesture-driven controls, animated feedback, rich metadata, embedded apps and widgets, and full-motion video for a deeply engaging and ultra-intuitive touch screen experience.</p> <p>Crestron Smart Graphics offers these enhancements and more:<br>Cool-looking graphical buttons, sliders, knobs, and gauges that are intuitive and fun to use<br>Kinetic effects to enhance the feeling of realism, with lists and toolbars that scroll with momentum at the flick of a fingertip<br>Drag-and-drop objects that snap into place, offering an easy way to switch sources<br>Dashboard widgets to personalize the touch screen with clocks, weather, news, and other information [2]<br>A power-saving screensaver, allowing display of time, temperature, and other text content at a reduced brightness level<br>Customizable themes allowing a completely different look and feel for every user, event, or season<br>Fully-developed SmartObjects® that enable sophisticated control over complex devices with minimal programming<br>A consistent look and feel across multiple touch screens of varying sizes</p> <p>Tactile Pushbuttons<br>In addition to its touch screen display, the TST-602 features illuminated tactile pushbuttons for quick access to volume adjustment, channel selection, and on-screen menu navigation functions. Eight additional pushbuttons, elegantly trimmed by illuminated button dividers, flank the edges of the touch screen to support additional programmable functions.<br>High-quality backlit laser-engraving lends a crisp, legible appearance to button text in both darkened and fully lit rooms. The pushbuttons come pre-engraved with labeling suited to a typical home theater or multimedia presentation application. If needed, customized engraving can be attained simply using Crestron Engraver software. A no-button front bezel is also included, which may be installed in place of the button bezel for a very clean appearance with no front panel pushbuttons.[3]<br>Two additional “trigger” style buttons are positioned on top of the TST-602 for easy control of the display brightness, sleep mode, and other programmable functions.</p> <p>Voice Recognition<br>Some things are easier said than done, so why not just say what you want and let Crestron do it for you? With built-in voice recognition, the TST-602 provides the ability to use spoken commands to control virtually anything. Voice recognition can be used to quickly turn devices on or off, select and play a specific media title or playlist, change the channel, choose a lighting scene, lock the doors, arm the security system, or enter a password. Simply press the Voice Recognition button on the touch screen and say a command and Crestron does the rest.[1,2]</p> <p>Streaming Video<br>High-performance streaming video capability makes it possible to view security cameras and other video sources right on the touch screen. Native support for H.264 and MJPEG formats allows the TST-602 to display live streaming video from an IP camera, a streaming server (Crestron CEN-NVS200, DM-TXRX-100-STR, or similar [4]), or a DigitalMedia&trade; switcher.[1]</p> <p>Rava® SIP Intercom<br>Rava SIP Intercom Technology enables hands-free VoIP communication with other Rava-enabled touch screens and door stations, supporting 2-way intercom, video intercom [5], and paging. VoIP phone capability is also possible through integration with an SIP-compatible IP phone system or SIP server, allowing hands-free telephone functionality complete with speed-dialing, caller ID, custom ringers, and other enhancements. Built-in echo cancellation affords full-duplex performance for clear, seamless voice communication using the TST-602’s integrated microphone and speakers.[1]</p> <p>Web Browsing<br>Using its built-in web browser, the TST-602 provides quick access to online program guides and other web-based services at the touch of a button, allowing enhanced touch screen control of DVRs and other appliances without having to pick up a separate tablet or smartphone. If a device can be controlled or managed through a web browser, it can be integrated into the Crestron system through the TST-602. Of course, the web browser may also be used to simply browse the Internet, watch online videos, and check up on social media.[1,2]</p> <p>On-Screen Keyboard & Mouse<br>On-screen multi-language keyboard and mouse capabilities provide for entry of passwords, URLs, and text search items, and enable the touch screen to be used as a wireless mouse touchpad to control a computer running TouchPoint® Virtual Mouse & Keyboard Software (VMK-WIN).</p> <p>FEATURES</p> <p>Summary Of Features<br>Advanced wireless touch screen controller<br>Compact, lightweight contoured design<br>5.7" LED Edgelit color LCD display<br>Capacitive touch screen technology<br>Smart Graphics&trade; support [11]<br>Voice recognition capability [1,2]<br>High-performance H.264 streaming video [1]<br>Rava® SIP intercom and phone technology [1]<br>Customizable audio feedback<br>Web browsing [1,2]<br>On-screen keyboard and mouse<br>Customizable screensaver<br>Built-in microphone and speakers<br>Illuminated buttons and engravable backlit text [3]<br>No-button front bezel option included<br>Dual-mode RF wireless performance &mdash; Extended Range 2.4 GHz RF plus Wi-Fi® [8]<br>Instant-Waking® behavior &mdash; like an IR remote with all the benefits of 2-way RF!<br>Supports roaming for extended wireless coverage [7]<br>Includes wired Ethernet connectivity as an alternative to Wi-Fi [1]<br>Fast charging, long lasting Li-Ion battery<br>Low-profile table dock charger [9]<br>Available in smooth black or white, or textured black finishes</p> <p>Notes:<br>1. The TST-602 requires a LAN connection via either Wi-Fi wireless or wired Ethernet to enable advanced functionality including voice recognition, streaming video, intercom, web browsing, and dynamic graphics. In addition to Wi-Fi or Ethernet, the TST-602 requires ER (Extended Range) wireless communications for all applications to enable basic functionality. The TST-602 will not work with Wi-Fi or Ethernet alone. The wired Ethernet connection is only available when docked.<br>2. Voice recognition, web browsing, weather information, and certain other functions require an Internet connection via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.<br>3. Text engraving is not backlit on the white model. All models include a button bezel with default engraving. Custom engraving is sold separately. All buttons may be removed using the TST-602-FP-NB No-Button Bezel (included).<br>4. Item(s) sold separately.<br>5. H.264 compatible IP camera required.<br>6. Wireless range subject to site-specific conditions.<br>7. True roaming is supported for ER wireless communication only, affording uninterrupted wireless performance for primary touch screen functions. Wi-Fi “handoff” capability enables automatic handoff amongst up to four pre-designated Wi-Fi wireless access points, wherein the last successful Wi-Fi connection is maintained indefinitely until that connection is lost, at which point communication is handed off to the next nearest access point. A very brief interruption to wireless Ethernet communication may occur during the handoff. Primary ER wireless communication is unaffected by the Wi-Fi handoff process.<br>8. ER (Extended Range) RF wireless communication supports basic wireless touch screen functionality, and is required for all applications. For advanced functionality including streaming video, intercom, voice recognition, web browsing, and dynamic graphics, Wi-Fi wireless communication is also required (dual-mode). The TST-602 will not work with Wi-Fi alone. Advanced functionality can also be enabled while docked through a wired Ethernet LAN connection (in combination with ER wireless).<br>9. The TST-602 ships with (1) TST-600-DS Table Dock and (1) TST-600-IMCW Interface Module included. Additional docking options are available separately. The TST-602 is compatible with any 24VDC powered TPS-6X series docking station (legacy) as long as power is provided using the power pack that ships with the TST-602 (or Cresnet power where supported). When docked in a TPS-6X series docking station, the TST-602 does not interface with Cresnet data or wired analog video. Refer to the spec sheet for each individual docking product for additional information.<br>10. Connection to a Cresnet power supply or network is for power only. Cresnet communication is not supported.<br>11. Supports Smart Graphics only. Not compatible with “traditional” UI projects.<br>12. Internal battery pack included. Battery pack replacement must be performed by a Crestron qualified technician.</p>
ASSA ABLOY DL6020T teledock
|The ASSA ABLOY 6020T Teledock from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, i.e. the dock leveller with a telescopic lip, is the universal and most flexible docking system. It is suitable for every loading situation - regardless if its complexity. The main advantage compared to other levellers is the movable telescopic lip which can be precisely positioned on the vehicle bed, thus giving optimal load utilisation of the whole vehicle bed area. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DL6020TA teledock autodock
|The ASSA ABLOY 6020TA Teledock Autodock from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems has a telescopic lip and self supporting frame for easy integration with a building. The ASSA ABLOY 6020TA Teledock Autodock provides a larger contact area between vehicle bed and dock leveller for optimal and safe positioning on the vehicle bed. The aluminium lip is extremely flat resulting in smoother passages between leveller and truck bed. It is ergonomic as well as economical. Crawford
ASSA ABLOY DL6030C combidock
|The electro-hydraulic ASSA ABLOY 6030C Combidock from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems eliminates the need for different ramp heights and thereby reduces building costs. It is advisable to equip every frequent loading area with at least one ASSA ABLOY 6030C Combidock so that vehicles of all sizes can he efficiently handled. The telescopic lip is supplied in high-stability aluminium alloy which extremely flat, resulting in smoother passages between leveller and truck bed – giving ergonomic as well as economical advantages due to reduced chock oads for people and less wear and tear on the handling equipment. Crawford
|gala*AluDesign*Border the most elegant edge attachment... * durable * aesthetic * innovative * unique compatibility * easy to shape * many colors * MagicLux * in CortenRost*Look * versatile applications * LotusClean * patented * The heights: 64 & 100 & 140 & 240mm The colors: all RAL colors; 6 Anodcolours (Eloxal) ... Inox stainless steel*look NEW HITS: * MagicLux ... Nocturnal .. and without electricity! * CortenRost * optics ..with the advantages of aluminum * LotusClean, the self-cleaning surface The lengths: all lengths on customer request up to max. 6m The forms: We bend your desired shapes for you ... The applications for the gala*AluDesign*Border: AluDesign*Border for the edge limitation of grass * Gravel areas * Paving areas * Gravel * Bark mulch* DecoMulch * Bulk materials AluDesign*Border for the edge attachment of paving stones, natural stones, LawnGrid plates, gravel grid, etc. AluDesign*Border for bordering flowerbeds, vegetable beds, parks, tombs, waterbounded paths, tree surrounding AluDesign*Border for Art and Design * Objects: for company logos, parking limit, mazes, sculptures, and much more.
|gala*AluRite*Border the proven edge attachment Heights: 64 + 100 + 140 mm + 200mm Lawn edge made of aluminum with ingenious telescope * connection * without screws * from 64mm to 200mm height Technical specifications: • heights: 64mm, 100mm, 140mm, 140mm strong, • Lengths: up to 6m . Order your desired length ! • Thickness: up to 4.5mm • Material: aluminum alloy T6 6063 • Colors: natural * RAL * colors * anodic colors (eloxal). MagicLux Glowin the dark colors * DekoWoodcolors * LotusClean * • Telescope connection without screws Accessories for AluRite*Border: > Sliding ground anchor attachment Set > Aluminum and steel anchor > Jointer > corner > geotextiles Service: > Coloring > Preformed rings, squares, logos, u.v. m. > BIM and CAD solutions for architects and planners > system developments The applications of gala*AluRite*Border: > gala*AluRite*Border are long-established edge attachments > gala*AluRite*Border: the functional and shapely edge limitation : for lawns * gravel areas * paved areas * gravel * chippings * bark mulch * decorative mulch * bulk materials * > gala*AluRite*Border: the edge fixing of paving stones, natural stones, Lawn grid plates, gravel grid > gala*AluRite*Border: the stable enclosure of flowerbeds, vegetable beds, parks, tombs, waterways, tree borders > gala*AluRite*Border: the moldable edge profiles for art and design * Objects: for company logos, parking lot limits, mazes, sculptures, and much more.
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, black textured - HTT-B10EX-B-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong><br><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.
Wireless Tabletop Keypad w/infiNET EX®, white textured - HTT-B10EX-W-T
|<p>The HTT-B10EX provides a simple, convenient wireless controller for lighting control, home automation, and entertainment in the home or office. Two-way infiNET EX® technology provides reliable wireless communication while a clean array of 10 backlit pushbuttons affords easy, tactile control of any custom function. The HTT-B10EX is a fully programmable controller designed to operate as part of a complete Crestron® automation system.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Multifunction Pushbuttons<br>Ten simple pushbuttons provide just the right amount of control without clutter or complication&mdash;perfect for most applications. For situations requiring a little more, each button can be configured to enable up to three separate functions simply by tapping, double-tapping, or pressing and holding the button. “Shift key” functionality, in which the user presses and holds one button while simultaneously tapping another, provides further customization for this versatile keypad.<br>Auto-Dimming Backlight<br>High quality backlit laser engraving provides customizable button text that is easy to read under any lighting condition. A built-in light sensor controls the backlight intensity automatically to achieve crisp, legible text in both darkened and fully lit rooms.&nbsp;<br>Battery or Line Power<br>The HTT-B10EX can be powered by its external power pack or two AA batteries, functioning as a stationary controller on a desk or table or as a portable wireless remote. Its auto-sleep function affords battery operation for up to eight months on a single set of alkaline batteries. Simply moving or pressing a button on the HTT-B10EX instantly wakes it from sleep mode. Connecting the power pack overrides the sleep or wake function completely for “always on” operation.<br>infiNET EX®<br>Ultra-reliable infiNET EX wireless technology provides steadfast 2-way RF communications throughout a residential or commercial structure. A complete infiNET EX network can consist of a single wireless gateway with one or more HTT-B10EX keypads, along with other wireless devices such as lighting dimmers, thermostats, door locks, motorized shades, and remotes. Many of the devices on the network act as “expanders,” relaying wireless commands between the central gateway and all the other devices on the network to ensure that every command reaches its intended destination without disruption. Every device that is added to the network effectively increases the range and stability of the entire network. [1,2]<br>Of course, the HTT-B10EX can communicate directly with the gateway if no other infiNET EX devices are installed. The wireless range for the HTT-B10EX is 150 feet (46 meters) typical indoors, which can be extended easily using one or more infiNET EX Expanders. Up to 106 HTT-B10EX keypads can be assigned to a single gateway.[1]<br>Color and Engraving Options<br>The HTT-B10EX is available in either black or white, with an attractive brushed aluminum inlay. Custom backlit engraving is available for each individual column of five buttons.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong>Key Features</strong></p><ul><li>Customizable wireless pushbutton controller</li><li>10 engravable backlit buttons</li><li>Configurable for up to three functions per button</li><li>infiNET EX® wireless communications</li><li>Wireless range of 150 ft (46 meters) indoors[1,2]</li><li>Powered by batteries or external power pack</li><li>Wakes instantly when touched or picked up</li><li>Auto-dimmable backlight and LED intensity</li><li>Available in black or white</li></ul> <p>1. Requires an infiNET EX gateway, model CEN-RFGW-EX, MC3, or DIN-AP3MEX. A single gateway supports up to 106 infiNET EX network devices. Additionally, up to 5 infiNET EX expanders (model CLW-EXPEX or GLA-EXPEX) may be added to the network for extended range. All gateways, expanders, and other infiNET EX devices are sold separately.<br>2. Crestron infiNET EX is a wireless mesh network, meaning each device on the network behaves as an expander, passing the signals it receives on to any other devices within range. This effectively extends the total range of the network, and reinforces it by providing multiple redundant signal paths. However, battery powered infiNET EX devices, including the HTT-B10EX, do not function as expanders.</p>
QuarryView Fire Pit
|<p>QuarryView wood burning fire pits features masonry planter pedestal bases and include a stainless steel bowl for embers. Each pedestal consists of four separate panels using hand laid courses of thin veneer which are bonded to a powder coated light weight steel frame. Panels are easily assembled by hand and do not require any tools. QuarryView Stonework is perfect for natural settings and pairs great with planter beds and foliage.&nbsp;<br><br>All QuarryView fire features are designed, engineered and manufactured with 100% non-combustible materials in the body. They can be installed on a flat, stable surface away from any combustible materials. Install fire feature on any level, outdoor non-combustible, flat stable surface or a combustible floor according. NOTE: Do not place fire pit directly on grass, dirt, or rocks this may prevent proper ventilation. Ensure proper water drainage is also incorporated into the fire pit enclosure.&nbsp;</p>
Designer Couch 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Designer couch with 2D symbols and minimal space.