Состав конструкции 16
Александра Рекута | 1491551851 -
Wall framing
Victor Obvintsev | 1363698917Компонент разработан для конкурс Зимний GDL-креатив Универсальный элемент для рабочего проектирования раздела ДЕРЕВЯННЫЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ. Данный элемент является сборочной единицей для деревянного каркаса, при строительстве дома по каркасно-щитовой технологии. Автор: Владислав Казанин, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, 2013 г.
Крышка на столб забора 410х410 (КС-01.410)
Павел Ионов | 1630400219арт. КС-01.410 Крышка на столб забора из архитектурного бетона. Используют как накрывной элемент для опорного столба забора или подпорной стенки. Защищает от попадания влаги. В разы продлевает срок службы конструкции. Посадочный размер: 410х410 мм
Камера уф бактерицидная КБ-Я-ФП
Dmitry Gutorkin | 1569333169Бактерицидная камера КБ-Я-ФП Ультралайт позволяет сохранить инструменты стерильными после дезинфекции, не позволяя бактериям повторно заразить предметы. Материалы сохраняют чистоту до 7 суток, благодаря УФ-излучению, которое не выходит за пределы камеры. Камера состоит из: металлического корпуса, с шарнирно поднимающейся и опускающейся металлической крышкой с установленным свето-теплозащитным стеклом, полностью задерживающим УФ-излучение; металлических решеток для укладки стерильных инструментов; светотехнической части (ультрафиолетовая бактерицидная лампа мощностью 30W, пускорегулирующая аппаратура, блок управления и индикации). Камера используется как напольный вариант. Возможность установки решеток в двух уровнях позволяет увеличить загрузку медицинского инструмента в 1,5 раза по сравнению с аналогами, укомплектованными решетками одного уровня. Конструкция камеры имеет запатентованное решение, выраженное в вынесении цоколей и креплений бактерицидной УФ-лампы за пределы рабочего объема камеры, что существенно улучшает режимы поддержания стерильности. Эффективность данной конструкции доказана ВНИИ Профилактической Токсикологии и Дезинфектологии МЗ РФ. Наружные поверхности камеры допускают дезинфекцию способом протирания дезинфицирующими средствами, зарегистрированными и разрешенными в РФ для дезинфекции поверхностей по режимам, регламентированным действующими документами по применению дезинфицирующих средств, утвержденными в установленном порядке. Внутренние поверхности камеры устойчивы к обработке способом протирания средствами дезинфекции по МУ 287-113. Условия эксплуатации камеры соответствуют климатическому исполнению УХЛ 4.2 по ГОСТ Р 50444-92: температура от +10 С до + 35 C ; относительная влажность – 80 % при температуре 25 С. Тип камеры напольная Объем, л 107 Тип лампы TUV-30 Ширина, мм 950 Глубина, мм 600 Высота, мм 1170 Габаритные размеры столика, мм 900х430х805
09 Лабиринт
egor karpinski | 1461249483Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина входа в лабиринт 12 – 20 см Примечание: Перемещение мяча в лабиринте происходит только через второй вход справа. Все остальные должны быть закрыты таким образом, чтобы мяч не мог, пройдя через них, достичь цели. Цель: Цель определяется строго как область между двумя параллельными вертикальными пластинами в центре лабиринта. Допустим вариант конструкции с лункой или без нее. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Мини гольф 09 Лабиринт
egor karpinski | 1461582322Длина дорожки 6,25 м Ширина входа в лабиринт 12 – 20 см Примечание: Перемещение мяча в лабиринте происходит только через второй вход справа. Все остальные должны быть закрыты таким образом, чтобы мяч не мог, пройдя через них, достичь цели. Цель: Цель определяется строго как область между двумя параллельными вертикальными пластинами в центре лабиринта. Допустим вариант конструкции с лункой или без нее. http://golfstroy.ru/modulnii-mini-golf/ofisnyj-modulnyj-mini-golf/8-modul-golf
Колонна Архитектурная 18
alik musayev | 1450536032Колонна с изменяющимся орнаментом и типом расположения, дополнительно капитель, цоколь, основание, канавки или бороздки и энтазис.
Шведская стенка 001
Mansur Mamirov | 1515092538Heiht 2000 Width 800 Depth 450
Пиломатериал ГОСТ
Андрей Копысов | 1455351546Пиломатериал по ГОСТ 8486-86, ГОСТ 24454-80 для конструирования домов с деревянным каркасом. Имеется возможность поворачивать элемент в нескольких плоскостях и подрезать его концы. Справочные величины по СП 64.13330.2011 и геометрические характеристики сечения. Масса элемента и обозначение по ГОСТ для спецификаций. Поддержите разработку новых библиотечных элементов перечислением на Яндекс-деньги на счёт 410011927795826 любой суммы
Кровельный вентиль moutokate-KTV
Андрей Копысов | 1386419367 -
Лестница 1
Анастасия Т | 1398345581 -
Однопольная Дверь 18
Алексей Зацепилин | 1428249822Навесная, открывающаяся в обе стороны дверь.
Секция 2-створчатая 21
Sergey Popov | 1529575587Секция шкафа кухонного с двумя дверьми и дополнительной мойкой.
Двустворчатое Окно 18
макс жикин | 1418064749Двойное окно, с дополнительными фрамугами и c различными типами открывания.
Тумба балюстрады h-780 (Арт.ТС-00.780)
Павел Ионов | 1630425598Арт: ТС-00.780. Тумба в сборе из архитектурного бетона. Используется при устройстве балюстрады как опорный элемент, придающий ей устойчивость, а также в качестве постамента или пьедестала для ваз или скульптур. Высота: 985 мм, Ширина: 280 мм, Вес: 175 кг
Стальная Лестница с Поддонами 19
Вадим Ващенко | 1461361109 -
Фундаментный Стакан Колонны 18
Vlad All | 1544031219 -
Двупольная Арочная Дверь с Фрамугой 19
lika gogosashvili | 1464656105Навесная, открывающаяся в обе стороны или на два выхода двойная дверь с аркой вверху и фрамуга.
Двупольная Дверь с 2 Боковыми Панелями 19
Андрей Стрелец | 1546961031Навесная, открывающаяся в обе стороны или на два выхода двойная дверь с двумя боковыми панелями.
Окно с Боковой Панелью 19
КАЙРАТ ДУЗМАГАНБЕТОВ | 1515915457Окно двойное с дополнительной фрамугой внизу и c различными типами открывания.
Attacco Strutturale
Arch. Sergio Lenzi | 1430112541 -
Изогнутый Декоративный Профиль 02 18
alik musayev | 1450536032Положительный криволинейный молдинг с различными профилями.
Прямой Декоративный Профиль 22
Эрика Мантлер | 1571147980Прямолинейный молдинг с различными профилями.
Curtain wall dome
Miti Thakkar | 1370553105 -
Pryda SBK15
Eddie van Uden | 1386107864Pryda SBK15 structural post bracket
Bowmac B58 with coach screws
Eddie van Uden | 1386302652Bowmac B58 bracket with coach screws
Bowmac B108
Eddie van Uden | 1386107362Bowmac B108 structural beam bracket
Bowmac B109
Eddie van Uden | 1386107411Bowmac B109 structural beam bracket
Bowmac B28
Eddie van Uden | 1386107599Bowmac B28 Bracket
EMK Nails 11
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400558#http://www.graphisoft.com/support/archicad/documentation/library/AC9_SE/US/detailer2D parametric, view dependent, nail with 16 different sizes
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100713Bramka piłkarska, kratowa z koszem do koszykówki : Bramka służy do gry w piłkę nożną lub ręczną oraz mini koszykówkę, Konstrukcja bramki wykonana z rury 48,3x2,9 mm i 38x2,6 mm, Siatka bramki wykonana jest z prętów stalowych fi 12 mm i fi 8 mm oraz łańcucha chromowego fi 5 mm, Cała konstrukcja bramki kratowej zabezpieczona antykorozyjnie, W komplecie znajdują się prefabrykaty betonowe ułatwiające montaż bramki w gruncie. Gateway football, mesh with a basket for basketball: Gateway is used to play football or handball and mini basketball, The design goal is made of pipe 48.3 x2, 9, and 38x2 mm, 6 mm, Grid gateway is made of steel rods fi fi 12 mm and 8 mm and chrome chain Ø 5 mm, The whole structure of the goal mesh corrosion-resistant, The set includes precast concrete goal to facilitate installation in the ground.
Bowmac B35 with bolts for 90 beam
Eddie van Uden | 1386107686Bowmac B35 with bolts for 90mm beam & posts
Bowmac B12
Eddie van Uden | 1386107445Bowmac B12 structural post bracket
Bowmac B176
Eddie van Uden | 1386107508Bowmac structural beam bracket
Bowmac B28 with coach screws
Eddie van Uden | 1386107632Bowmac B28 bracket with fixing screws
Profiled Sheet Inclined
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005593D parametric, inclined profiled sheet with optional\n- profile sizes\n- slope angle\n- angle of the 2 cutting planes
David Lozej | 1413901456Qbiss One Curtain Wall system by Trimo-Slovenia (only link to the entire library) This is a preview object of the 'Qbiss One' facade system by Trimo. Use the 'Download link' from the Settings to get the entire library. 'Qbiss One BIM' library contains parametric elements working in the Curtain Wall tool (Panels, Windows/Doors, Frames). Also Schedules for calculations are included. Video instructions at:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9eKzOhBDQOKBUWS1jkE2uQ
Random City GER
Tibor SEIDL | 1371477307Werkzeug für Stadtmodellierung mit mehrere Einstellungen fürs Umgebung, Höhe, Struktur - Tag/Nachteinstellungen, Einrichtungseinstellungen.
Structure Label 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Profiled Sheet Vertikal
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005593D parametric, vertical profiled sheet with optional\n- profile sizes\n- rotation of cutting plane\n- angle of the 2 cutting planes
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005573D parametric, stump with pad
Battens for Roof Tiles 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Parallel battens for roof tiles.
Bowmac B134
Eddie van Uden | 1386107475Bowmac B134 structural post bracket
Schwimmbecken 18
Sabine Borutzki | 1415042374Pool mit unterschiedlichen Formen und optionaler Leiter.
Кран сторона
Olya Grigorieva | 1531391715Кран для обозначения мойки или умывальника на развертках
Кран фронт
Olya Grigorieva | 1531391794Кран для обозначения мойки или умывальника на развертках
Купольный Свод 18
Sabir Javliev | 1532841836Купольный свод с редактируемой секущей плоскостью.
Ферма 2
serg alexandrovi4 | 1386264271Создан с помощью TrussMaker
Hockerduo Steffi 1
Ruth Gall | 1355220075Hockerduo "'Steffi" Diese asymmetrisch geformten Edelhocker ergeben in bestimmter Anordnung zu zweit unterschiedliche Formen einer Bank oder zu viert einen quadratischen Tisch. Leuchtend rapsgelbe Innenflächen bilden einen starken Kontrast zu den anthrazitfarbenen Oberflächen. Die pulverbeschichteteten Stahlelemente sind absolut unempfindlich daher als Blickfang für drinnen und draußen geeignet.
Bowmac B197 for 90 post
Eddie van Uden | 1386107568Bowmac B197/Pryda SBK6 bracket with bolts and washers for 90mm timber post
Rockpanel multiple table
Tess van Zanden | 1648549850Rockpanel Multiple Facade Table Rockpanel http://bimobject.com/en-us/rockpanel http://www.rockpanel.com
licheng6095 shashou6095 | 1519364813轻钢龙骨隔墙编制参考: 《内装修-墙面装修》 《轻钢龙骨石膏板隔墙、吊顶07CJ03-1》 《内隔墙建筑构造J111-114》
Оконный Проем Полукруглый 18
Александра Андреева | 1425627756Полукруглый пустой проем.
Трехстворчатое Окно 18
Лаврентий Лисунов | 1420791653Окно тройное с дополнительными фрамугами и c различными типами открывания.
Трехстворчатое Окно 21
kirill malu | 1557250295Окно тройное с дополнительными фрамугами и c различными типами открывания.
Трехстворчатое Раздвижное Окно 21
Ирина Лавренчук | 1543962389Горизонтальное окно с тремя раздвижными переплетами.
Bodenschlitz 10n
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008602D symbol, shaft opening
Bowmac B197 for 120 post
Eddie van Uden | 1386107537Bowmac B197/Pryda SBK6 bracket with bolts and washers for 120mm timber post
Rockpanel simple table
Tess van Zanden | 1648549850Rockpanel Simple Facade Table Rockpanel http://bimobject.com/en-us/rockpanel http://www.rockpanel.com
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400560# http://www.b-prisma.de Made by b-prisma 2004 This is freeware3D parametric, T beam, German with\n- optional angle of the beam\n- variable beam height\n- optional beam end angle\n- optional holes\n- optional positions of the holes
Hockerduo Steffi 2
Ruth Gall | 1355220111Hockerduo "'Steffi" Diese asymmetrisch geformten Edelhocker ergeben in bestimmter Anordnung zu zweit unterschiedliche Formen einer Bank oder zu viert einen quadratischen Tisch. Leuchtend rapsgelbe Innenflächen bilden einen starken Kontrast zu den anthrazitfarbenen Oberflächen. Die pulverbeschichteteten Stahlelemente sind absolut unempfindlich daher als Blickfang für drinnen und draußen geeignet.
Post 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Post for roof structure.
Structure Label 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
STRUKTURA - Shower bath - 170 x 75cm
|Struktura bath - Dimension 170 x 75cm, - with adjustable feet, - volume 192 liters, - showering comfort : wide, flat-bottomed showering zone comparable to a 90 x 75 cm shower tray - ingenious : flush-fit waste in open position, - bathing enjoyment : raised back, - easier access : height reduced to 51 cm for easier step in.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400861#http://www.acrmim.com Régnier Jean-Luc Arch-brick (another version of the arch) note that the texture fit nicely with the direction of the radius, if you have enough bricks ! number of brick fix the value of the brick's width. Thickness and lenght of the bricks are independant value3D parametric, brick arch, with optional\n- lenght of arch (internal)\n- height of arch (internal)\n- Z dimension\n- brick's height\n- brick's thickness\n- number of brick\n- curved bricks\n- reflection /XY
Battens for Roof Tiles 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Parallel battens for roof tiles.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric plastic window, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric plastic window, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric plastic double window, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric plastic double window, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric plastic door, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric plastic door, Plastmo
Block Inclined 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Inclined block for roof structure.
Block Inclined 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Inclined block for roof structure.
Collar Beam 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Collar beam for roof structure.
Collar Beam 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Collar beam for roof structure.
Post 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Post for roof structure.
Purlin 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Purlin for roof structure.
Purlin 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Purlin for roof structure.
Rafter 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter for roof structure.
Rafter 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter for roof structure.
Rafter Base Recess 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter with base recess for roof structure.
Rafter Base Recess 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter with base recess for roof structure.
Rafter Ridge Recess 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter with ridge recess for roof structure.
Rafter Ridge Recess 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter with ridge recess for roof structure.
Strut 1 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Lower supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 1 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Lower supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 2 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Upper supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Upper supporting strut for roof structure.
ID Inspiration 70
|With iD Inspiration flooring, explore limitless design possibilities in a truly modular range to create spaces that build brand image, evoke emotion and positively shape the customer experience. iD Inspiration offers over 75,000 potential combinations to play with perceptions of space, light and effects through your choice of different format layouts, design, surface structure and bevelling ■Over 75,000 combinations through customisation programme ■Endless combinations of colours, patterns, surface effects and bevelling options ■More personnalisation possibilities with Floorcraft design service and matching accessories ■Ideal for stores, hotels and leisure environments where smart design matters ■0.7mm pure PVC transparent wear layer: exceptionally hardwearing and indentation resistant (also available with 0.55mm wear layer) ■TopClean XP PUR surface treatment for easy, low-cost maintenance and high return on investment
PL1 SINGLE - Single flush operating plate for concealed cistern
|PL1 SINGLE - Single flush operating plate for concealed cistern Compatible with: 890090700 In-Wall DUPLO WC FREESTANDING - Concealed free-standing structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890080110 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890080200 In-Wall BASIC TANK COMPACT - Compact concealed cistern (8 cm) with dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L) 890090200 In-Wall BASIC TANK - Concealed cistern with dual flush (6/3 L) 890080000 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow. 890090000 In-Wall DUPLO WC - Concealed structure for toilet with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890080100 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow. 890080010 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890090100 In-Wall BASIC WC – Concealed structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L)
ID Inspiration 55
|With iD Inspiration flooring, explore limitless design possibilities in a truly modular range to create spaces that build brand image, evoke emotion and positively shape the customer experience. iD Inspiration offers over 75,000 potential combinations to play with perceptions of space, light and effects through your choice of different format layouts, design, surface structure and bevelling. ■Over 75,000 combinations through customisation programme ■Endless combinations of colours, patterns, surface effects and bevelling options ■More personnalisation possibilities with Floorcraft design service and matching accessories ■Ideal for stores, hotels and leisure environments where smart design matters ■0.55mm pure PVC transparent wear layer: exceptionally hardwearing and indentation resistant (also available with 0.70mm wear layer) ■TopClean XP PUR surface treatment for easy, low-cost maintenance and high return on investment
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE
|CI System Glass Element FE – Variety of transparent design & optimum energy efficiency CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE – individual daylight and smoke ventilation elements for high- class residential and administrative buildings With the LAMILUX CI System Element F series, we offer you beautifully shaped elements for flat roofs which will allow you to implement all aspects of modern, energy-efficient, design-oriented construction and put ambitious architectural ideas into practice. The certified SHEV CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE according to EN 12101-2 stands out due to excellent heat and sound insulation values and to individually selectable RAL-colors. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.6 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in many dimensions Optimal thermal insulation thanks to thermal-bridge-free overall structure Intelligent controls for natural ventilation and solar protection roller blinds Thermally insulated, joinless GRP upstand 15 (only standard model), 30, 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristic) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Pyramid-shaped or hipped-roof daylight systems possible (only by standard, not by smoke lift) fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
Metawell® Modular Ceilings
|Metawell® modular ceilings do not require visible rails or longitudinal frames. Instead, the individual ceiling elements are suspended directly from a concealed substructure. The ceiling elements can be pushed together within a few millimetres to each other. Passive installation strips are placed on the ceiling elements for subsequent installation of partition walls. If necessary, they can be removed easily and the wall can be erected without affecting the ceiling structure. Due to the big dimension of the ceiling panels, the hydraulic connection of the panels is not necessary, which minimizes installation errors and installation times significantly. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings allow the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Metawell® Radiant Island
|Ceiling sails hang from the base ceiling as single panels, or are combined into islands. In this way they can take on any contours, edge configurations and surface coatings. The radiant ceiling sail, a functional component of building technology, becomes a custom design element. Compared to enclosed ceilings, the open structure of ceiling sails offers clear advantages: greater specific performance, better accessibility, simpler assembly and lower investment costs. Metawell® radiant islands made of aluminium sandwich panels improve the room acoustics without reducing the cooling and heating efficiency of building structure core-tempered ceilings. Moreover, performance deficiencies can be compensated specifically. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
Sto Scandinavia AB – StoVentec Steel frame
|StoVentec is a ventilated facade system with a built-in air gap. The perforated steel section can be installed both vertically and horizontally. The system's ventilation and drainage keep the underlying wall structure permanently dry, protected, and functional. The seamless StoVentec also makes the facade downpour-proof and minimises the risk of water penetrating the structure. The external wall insulation system can be used in both new construction and renovation. StoVentec can be combined with different types of insulation and sub-constructions to meet the requirements placed on energy efficiency. The system also offers boundless design possibilities. - This BIM object is optimized for the scandinavian market, if there is any requests please contact Sto Scandinavia
Sto Scandinavia AB – StoVentec Timber frame
|StoVentec is a ventilated facade system with a built-in air gap. The system's ventilation and drainage keep the underlying wall structure permanently dry, protected, and functional. The seamless StoVentec also makes the facade downpour-proof and minimises the risk of water penetrating the structure. The external wall insulation system can be used in both new construction and renovation. StoVentec can be combined with different types of insulation and sub-constructions to meet the requirements placed on energy efficiency. The system also offers boundless design possibilities. - This BIM object is optimized for the scandinavian market, if there is any requests please contact Sto Scandinavia
Sto Scandinavia AB – StoVentec Aluminium frame
|StoVentec is a ventilated facade system with a built-in air gap. The flexible sub-construction enables large-scale corrections of uneven patches and insulation thicknesses of up to 600 mm. The system's ventilation and drainage keep the underlying wall structure permanently dry, protected, and functional. The seamless StoVentec also makes the facade downpour-proof and minimises the risk of water penetrating the structure. The external wall insulation system can be used in both new construction and renovation. StoVentec can be combined with different types of insulation and sub-constructions to meet the requirements placed on energy efficiency. The system also offers boundless design possibilities. - This BIM object is optimized for the scandinavian market, if there is any requests please contact Sto Scandinavia
Coffee Table CO2
|Coffee table CO2 is a round coffee table made out of solid wood and like all of our other products it's of course made with great craftmanship and out of high quality materials. The strong structure of the legs keeps the table top flat without interfering with the design. A very univeral table that fits well together with for example our Chair CJ3 or Sofa CJ4 .
Oxford Easy Chair
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
|97% natural raw materials, 72% rapidly renewable, 43% recycled content Marmoleum, Forbo's main linoleum brand, is a natural floor associated with sustainability, durability, high quality and innovative design. Our Marmoleum collection includes solutions for virtually any type of application. Discover the versatile world of Marmoleum with over 300 colours and more than 12 different structures to choose from, available in sheet and modular tile formats.
Jin chair
|<p>”Many of my ideas are born when I make prototypes and I believe that you can only find new values in design by doing so and using your hands. While working on a paper model of a chair, I found myself arriving at a new structure which became the starting point for Jin”, says designer Jin Kuramoto.<br><br>Jin is available in three different designs; in flax-fibre composite, in carbon-fibre composite and upholstered with a frame in laminated wood.<br><br>The unique structure of Jin has ideally been realized by shaping thin layers of flax fibres on top of each other, forming a strong shell around a core of air, making the surface the actual structure of the chair.<br><br>Benefits & functions<br>- Can be upholstered in fabric.<br>- Is available feather light, super strong and 100% biological.</p>
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
|Designed by Angelo Mangiarotti, 1967 A decorative lighting system based on a single element, the handmade glass link. It is available in different colours, as standard table, floor, ceiling, pendant and wall fixture or that can be arranged to offer chandeliers and structures of any dimension. Glass colour tone: crystal, white, black, chrome, gold, bronze, or custom colour. Metal parts: chrome.
Interior Door Stable Nature - Interior
|Stable Nature is a range of interior doors with exclusive veneer and solid sound insulating structure. They stands for nature, simplicity and Scandinavian minimalism. Stable Nature is designed for residential and similar usage. All Stable doors can be combined with glazed doors in the Unique range to obtain glazed doors visible glass frames. All doors in this range are also offered as sliding doors.
Interior Door Stable Nature Double - Interior
|Stable Nature is a range of interior doors with exclusive veneer and solid sound insulating structure. They stands for nature, simplicity and Scandinavian minimalism. Stable Nature is designed for residential and similar usage. All Stable doors can be combined with glazed doors in the Unique range to obtain glazed doors visible glass frames. All doors in this range are also offered as sliding doors.
M8540 - Microscope, Operating, Wall Mounted
|Wall mounted operating microscope. Unit consists of a binocular microscope body mounted to a wall support. A magnification changer to determine the magnification ratio is enclosed in the body tube of the microscope. The lens system consists of a range of objectives from 3 to 15 in 5 steps. Includes a fiberoptic halogen light source with beam-splitter, manual or pedal focusing controls and zoom capabilities. Used in clinics, hospitals and doctor's offices during surgery to clarify the surgeon's view of microscopic structures.
X6510 - Radiographic Unit, Dental, Cone Beam, 3-D Imaging
|A dental radiographic unit providing three-dimensional images. The unit uses a cone-shaped beam to acquire an image in a single pass. The unit provides a superior high resolution 3D image with low radiation dosage. Allows comprehensive examination and precise information on the anatomy of a patients mouth, face and jaw areas by producing 3D images of all oral and maxillofacial structures.
X9905 - MRI System, Super Conductive
|Magnetic Resonance Imaging Units (MRI) use Superconducting strong magnetic fields (between 0.5 and 1.5 Tesla) and radio-frequency (RF) radiation to translate hydrogen nuclei distribution in body tissues into computer-generated images of anatomic structures. MRI is primarily used to identify diseases of the central nervous system, brain, and spine and to detect musculoskeletal disorders. It includes DICOM 3.0 or latest version software protocol. The unit is to be procured with turnkey installation.
Ytong Hungary
|Building a masonry with using Ytong blocks results an excellent thermal insulating loadbearing or non-loadbearing wall, but also can be used for internal separator walls. There are produced additional elements (e.g. lintels, frame blocks and insultion elements) wich are complete the blocks to a "building system". With Ytong System the masonries or internal separator walls can be built fast and efficient way. The effect of workability is not only a very fast built wall but quick installation of the mechanical and electrical wires, tubes. Accuracy of the blocks results savings of material regarding the mortar for building the masonry and the surface plaster too. With this advantages the whole "ready wall" structure can be built in work-, energy, and cost efficient way.
Ytong Italy
|Ytong autoclaved aerated concrete is a construction product unique, consisting of sand, lime, cement, water and millions of air pores, which give lightness and great performances: thermal and acoustic insulation, fire resistance and strength. Aerated concrete was produced in 1929 in southern Sweden Yxhult, in times of scarcity of raw materials and energy. From the original name “Yxhults Anghärdade Gasbetong” a short time later Ytong became the first registered building material brand in the world, which made the name Ytong worldwide career and changed the building sustainably, establishing itself as a fixture on the international level in the market. The extensive product range allows the construction of a whole building with aerated concrete, from basement to roof. For each single need Ytong offers the right solution: external and internal walls, load-bearing and infill walls, Ytong is used for residential and industrial, new and renovated buildings. Thanks to its structure comprising millions of tiny pores, Ytong offers optimum solidity at low weight. As air has a low heat conductivity, aerated concrete provides for excellent thermal protection. It protects from cold and heat, allowing for single-shell constructions which provide more space and reduce costs.
IN WALL PL3 DUAL - Vandal-proof operating plate for concealed cistern
|PL3 DUAL - Vandal-proof stainless steel dual flush operating plate for concealed cistern Compatible with: 890080200 In-Wall BASIC TANK COMPACT - Compact concealed cistern (8 cm) with dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L) 890080020 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø / 110 ø elbow 890090200 In-Wall BASIC TANK - Concealed cistern with dual flush (6/3 L) 890080110 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890080100 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow. 890080120 In-Wall BASIC WC COMPACT - Concealed structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø / 110 ø elbow 890090700 In-Wall DUPLO WC FREESTANDING - Concealed free-standing structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890090800 In-Wall DUPLO SMART WC - Concealed structure for Smart Toilets with dual flush cistern 890080010 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 110 ø elbow. 890080000 In-Wall DUPLO WC COMPACT - Concealed floor standing structure with compact cistern (8 cm) and dual flush (4/2 - 4.5/3 - 6/3 L). 90 ø elbow.
Active 6000
|No other playground structure currently available can match the benefits offered by Activity Nets. Whether it is the number of children that can play on a structure at the same time, the number of access points available for both entry and exit, or simply the most cost effective solution for busy play areas, nothing can match this amazing range of products for its ability to impress all.
|With a clear personality, BLINKER BOLLARD is an elegant bollard fitting, ideal for functional lighting on walkways and passages. It is characterised by the perfect flush lines of the luminaire with the main bollard structure. With no visible screws and with uniform and glare-free light beams it offers visual comfort, creating a cosy and welcoming atmosphere.
|An extremely simple wall recessed fixture that can be integrated in any context. The position of the LED offers a soft and comfortable light effect with superior performances, while the surrounding concrete structure protects the aluminium core, perfect material for heat dissipation. Particularly suitable for recessing into stone walls but also suitable for surface mounted applications on smooth surfaces in concrete or plaster.
Kingspan Kooltherm K5 Externall Wall Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Confair folding table
|The sophisticated folding technique of the folding table and the large lockable wheels, as well as the elegant design and high-quality materials, are equally responsible for the table’s success. The table’s structure makes it simple to use and transport. The look of the conference table reflects communication at a high level: from the conference and project-work room, to top-level executive offices. As options, cable channels, power supply connections and innovative techni-modules ensure interactive access to state-of-the-art multi-media equipment is so easy it has to be believed. The folding table is the perfect mix of well-used space, aesthetic appeal and advanced technical functions.
Metal Baffle Ceiling wavelike design
|Thanks to the wavelike design of the baffle ceiling, three-dimensional structures are created in every room. Heights and radii of the baffles are variable and generate the picture of a wavy water surface in freely selectable shape and geometry. Moreover, various surface possibilities are available. The result: a manifold design of appearances of baffle ceilings. The design oriented baffle ceiling combined with the integration of durable LED lighting offers special room accents.
Facade system KeraTwin® K20
|With its variety of colours, formats and surfaces, KeraTwin® offers the architect an enormous freedom of design. And as diverse fastening alternatives ensure technical and constructional flexibility, this system offers the appropriate solution to every challenge – even on difficult bases. As facade system with the widest variety of colours, KeraTwin® permits every architect to realize its creative ideas. Thus, besides the colour range “SpectraView” developed by the designer Peter Zoernack with nine colour families harmoniously matched to each other and contrasting colours, the colour systems “Natura unglazed”, “Design unglazed” and “Design glazed” are also available. On request, the panels are also supplied with profiles which – due to their three-dimensional structure – can make large facades less monotonous and lend an entire building a distinctive character. The joints are realized in such a way that the construction is optimally protected against driving rain. With their relatively low weight of 32 kg/m², the panels are easy to transport and to install. KeraTwin cermic panels are HT-coated (Hydrophilic tile).
Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Plus Cavity Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TW50 Cavity Board
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Kooltherm K17 Insulated Plasterboard
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TR20 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TR24 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TR26 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TR30 Flat Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TT40 Tapered Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TT47 Tapered Roofboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 Pitched Roofboard
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TP10 Pitched Roof Board
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Therma TP13 Floorboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Kooltherm K10 Soffit Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
Kingspan Therma TF70 Floorboard
|Therma is an insulation board made of PIR rigid insulation foam. A synthetic resin with an almost fully closed cell structure. Because of the dense structure, high insulation values can be achieved with minimal thicknesses. PIR also has a high compressive strength and is therefore extremely suitable for roof applications. Because of the light weight, Therma is easy-to-install. Therma is applicable for multiple construction element like roofs, walls and floors in both housing and utility building types.
Kingspan Kooltherm K12 Framing Board
|Kooltherm is an insulation board made of phenolic foam. Phenolic foam has excellent insulating and fire safe properties. It has an almost fully closed cell structure. Furthermore it’s characterized by its high vapour permeability. The Kingspan Kooltherm products achieve an A+ rating, the highest achievable score according to the GreenGuide to Specifications used in BREEAM. Kingspan Kooltherm is easy-to-install and has a fibre-free core.
ALPAL® SECUR No-flame waterproofing
|Single-layer ALPA®-modified bituminous waterproofing system exclusively developed by Axter. This waterproofing system is mechanically fixed and lap joints are hot air welded, meaning that no flame is involved in the installation. This means that ALPAL® SECUR provides optimum safety and is particularly recommended for structures within a sensitive environment (factory, service station etc ...), for timber-framed structures and in industrial workshops where pre-fabricated structures are manufactured. ALPAL® SECUR is available as a self-protected waterproofing system or can be used under added protection (gravel) or vegetation.
O'TOP® , Waterproofing without fixings for metal substrates
|Bituminous waterproofing system for steel-framed structures installed with no metal fixings, giving an aesthetic finish to the underside of the roof. The waterproofing comprises installation of a self-adhesive vapour control layer on to which the insulation is bonded, followed by the installation of the waterproofing by torching. O'TOP can be used on a variety of metal substrates, in particular long-span and lacquered metal trays. No mechanical fastenings are used so installation is fast and there is no need to add false ceilings in buildings such as commercial premises public halls, sports centres, etc.
Fire window Fixed
|In certain wall structures a fire window is required in order for the building to be approved. The Magnor Fire Window is a fire classified window with an aluminium glazing frame and the inside an impregnated, painted wood. The glass pane comes with EPDM rubber and fire classified glass. The Magnor fire window has been tested and approved in fire class EI30 (B30).
Fire window Inward opening
|In certain wall structures a fire window is required in order for the building to be approved. The Magnor Fire Window is a fire classified window with an aluminium glazing frame and the inside an impregnated, painted wood. The glass pane comes with EPDM rubber and fire classified glass. The Magnor fire window has been tested and approved in fire class EI30 (B30).
Con I
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
Con II
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
Con IV
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
Con Barstool
|Con is result of a mini competition where designer Lars Tornøe won. Lars Tornøe wanted the new chair series to be a simplistic contribution to Fora Forms collection. He started with constructing various shell structures. The design is inspired by Japanese armor as well as the art of saddle making. This initiative lays the foundation for a chair series with numerous opportunities to select fabric / leather, various types of base, armrests and backrest height.
Aliva Grescovering Terracotta
|Our Grescovering terracotta rainscreen cladding system has simple aluminium support structures that are designed to ensure the easy removal of panels from anywhere in the façade. Clay tile formats range up to 600mm by 3000mm and can be fired in an infinite range of colours and tones. From a simple traditional formation to an imaginative, mixed palette of tiles, this versatile rainscreen cladding can spark the imagination and help create beautiful, durable façades.
Aliva Air Lightweight Stone System
|Aliva Air panels represent the latest lightweight production technology for cladding panels. The panels are formed from an innovative composite core and stainless steel backing plate allowing the production of large formats, specialist pieces such as column casings. The support system is mechanical utilising our standard hidden fix support structure. The panels are formed using natural stones such as limestone, sandstone, granite and marble or the latest engineered ceramics or laminated glass.
Aliva Air Lightweight Ceramic System
|Aliva Air panels represent the latest lightweight production technology for ceramic cladding panels. The panels are formed from an innovative composite core and stainless steel backing plate allowing the production of large formats, specialist pieces such as column casings. The support system is mechanical utilising our standard hidden fix support structure. The panels are formed using natural stones such as limestone, sandstone, granite and marble or the latest engineered ceramics or laminated glass.
Taraflex Table tennis
|TARAFLEX ™ TABLE TENNIS A portable solution engineered and developed in partnership with international table tennis federations Sports flooring - Specialised sports Available in ready to go Easy to install portable playing surface Excellent player comfort and protection Structures embossing made for perfect footing
HYBRIS (Panel 50 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 60 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 75 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 90 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 105 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 125 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 140 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 1100 WE1
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Midori is a natural design made in ash wood. It comprises two chairs, with and without arms; one small armchair and two stools, high and low. The structure is stained in order to highlight the grain of the ash, choose your colour from the chart at the end of our price list. The armchair offers an optional decorative cushion, which increases the comfort of the piece and gives it a cosy, homely touch. The stools include a polished stainless steel footrest. The Midori is available in fabric, leather or synthetic leather.
|The Ara collection features a perfect balance of shapes, ergonomic principles and noble materials. It consists of a backrest and benches in both straight and curved shape that can come witheither wood or polyurethane slats. You can combine the diffrent benches to create diverse compositions. The Ara collection has a support structure made of a galvanized ,painted carbon steel sheet.Its seats and backrests are made of wood or white or black polyurethane slats.The tropical wood finish may vary depending on the base wood used.For other colors, please, check with the sales department.
|The luminaire excels in functionality and simple, minimalist design. It consists of bent aluminium profile and vacuum opal diffuser. It fully utilizes the unique light properties of LED technology which opens up the possibility, among others, for new unconvential shapes. The flexible and specially designed LED board gives BENT a playful appearance. In addition, its light bending helps to brighten a larger area. The luminaire is also dimmable and its structure is chosen for direct-indirect radiation. In the interior, it can be used separately or you can use a group of lights to create different shaped patterns which can be used for example in entrance halls or commercial areas. Design Simona Hrušková. Availability from 08/2016
|INLIO is a luminaire for office premises with direct-indirect emanation. It uses the latest LED, the edge lifting technology and Tunable White.The luminaires are in two variants – with a central cup with control electronics in the middle of the luminaire and a luminaire with a large luminous area with no central distribution with the control unit located in the recessed ceiling cup.The luminaire has a minimalist design. Throughout the entire circumference it is only 24 mm wide, with bevelled edges so it seems to be even optically thiner. Rounded edges and wavy structure give the luminaire the characteristic features and significant differentiation. When designing, the inspiration consisted in technical properties of the luminaire and cooling of the LED chips for the functioning of the cooler which replaces in this case the body of the luminaire itself. It is aesthetically adapted to rounded shapes in order not too industrially but rather luxurious and timeless. Design Matúš Opálka. Availability from 06/2016
|INLIO is a luminaire for office premises with direct-indirect emanation. It uses the latest LED, the edge lifting technology and Tunable White.The luminaires are in two variants – with a central cup with control electronics in the middle of the luminaire and a luminaire with a large luminous area with no central distribution with the control unit located in the recessed ceiling cup.The luminaire has a minimalist design. Throughout the entire circumference it is only 24 mm wide, with bevelled edges so it seems to be even optically thiner. Rounded edges and wavy structure give the luminaire the characteristic features and significant differentiation. When designing, the inspiration consisted in technical properties of the luminaire and cooling of the LED chips for the functioning of the cooler which replaces in this case the body of the luminaire itself. It is aesthetically adapted to rounded shapes in order not too industrially but rather luxurious and timeless. Design Matúš Opálka. Availability from 06/2016
|The series of UFO tables, characterized by its elegant and evergreen oval or round design, is offered in many standard versions and matching of finishes: UFO in the classic version with veneer top and lacquered base or fully lacquered, UFO-Full fully covered with veneer, UFO-Soft fully covered with soft-leather. Over the listed dimensions we can produce Ufo tables in "unlimited" sizes. In addition, upon request, it is possible to have marble or back-painted glass tops as well additional functions such as wiring predisposition. All variants have the top completely made of solid multilayer shaped wood; the base has an internal wooden structure, then covered with a moulded shaped cone of multilayer in high thickness, covered with veneer.
WI60 mm 70 1,429 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,905 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,381 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,858 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,334 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,810 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,286 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 1100 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI60 mm 70 1,429 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,905 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,381 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,858 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,334 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,810 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,286 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,762 2200 WE2
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI60 mm 70 1,334 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI80 mm 90 1,778 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI100 mm 110 2,223 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI120 mm 130 2,667 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI140 mm 150 3,112 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI160 mm 170 3,556 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI180 mm 190 4,000 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 WE3
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Strong benefits The capillary active interior insulation Multipor WI makes an elaborate processing a vapor barrier unnecessary. The classification of the system into the building material class A - non-flammable - the system also makes it perfectly safe in case of fire. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives. • Preservation of listed and historic facades • Permeable and capillary active • Without a vapor barrier in the system configuration • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Prevents mold build-up • Best fire protection - incombustible (material class A1) Experience Long-term experience from over 15 years confirm that Multipor Interior Insulation Systems are the solution for modern, contemporary, energy-efficient wall interior insulation.
WI50 mm 60 1,112 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI75 mm 85 1,667 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI100 mm 110 2,223 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI125 mm 135 2,778 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI150 mm 160 3,334 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI175 mm 185 3,889 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI200 mm 210 4,445 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI250 mm 260 5,556 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI300 mm 310 6,667 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI50 mm 60 1,163 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI75 mm 85 1,745 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI100 mm 110 2,326 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI125 mm 135 2,907 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI150 mm 160 3,489 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI175 mm 185 4,070 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI200 mm 210 4,562 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WI250 mm 260 5,814 1100 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI50 mm 55 1,112 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI75 mm 80 1,667 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI100 mm 105 2,223 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI125 mm 130 2,778 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI150 mm 155 3,334 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI175 mm 180 3,889 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,445 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI250 mm 255 5,556 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI300 mm 305 6,667 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI50 mm 55 1,163 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI75 mm 80 1,745 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI100 mm 105 2,326 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI125 mm 130 2,907 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI150 mm 155 3,489 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI175 mm 180 4,070 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI200 mm 205 4,562 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
DI250 mm 255 5,814 1000 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP50 mm 64 1,112 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP75 mm 89 1,667 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP100 mm 114 2,223 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP125 mm 139 2,778 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP150 mm 164 3,334 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP175 mm 189 3,889 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,445 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP250 mm 264 5,556 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP300 mm 314 6,667 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP50 mm 64 1,163 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP75 mm 89 1,745 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP100 mm 114 2,236 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP125 mm 139 2,907 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP150 mm 164 3,489 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP175 mm 189 4,070 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP200 mm 214 4,562 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
WAP250 mm 264 5,814 1153 EE
|Multipor interior insulation The healthy living and multiply ecologically excellent Multipor inside insulation WI is the economical solution when it comes to interior insulation of existing buildings and new buildings. Thanks to its special thermal and hydric properties, the system creates a perceptible feel-good climate. The improvement of energy efficiency of the existing structure makes it possible to operate the object in the long run economically. Multipor Insulation The Multipor thermal insulation composite system (TICS short or ETIC system) is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and sustainable insulation of exterior walls - both in new buildings and in renovation. Noncombustibility gives security The Multipor mineral belongs to the material class A - non-flammable. This feature makes the Multipor insulation systems in case of fire completely safe. Even at the highest temperatures, it develops no smoke, toxic fumes and no flaming drops - benefits that can save lives.
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
Graphic NEW YORK
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
Graphic LONDON
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
Graphic MACHE
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
Graphic DRAW
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
Graphic ETCH
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
Graphic STRING
|Graphic is our designer flooring solution created for high-traffic environments such as offices or retail outlets where an exciting, contemporary look must be harmonised with classic, sober ambience. Featuring an elliptical yarn, Graphic’s flatter, more even weave makes it our tightest and smoothest collection – a characteristic that makes it an outstanding choice in areas with high foot traffic. Inspired by modern architecture and challenging glass and steel structures, Graphic is available as rolls and tiles.
HYBRIS (Roll 40 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS 40mm thickness is available in 1200mm wide rolls.
HYBRIS (60 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (75 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (90 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (105 mm)
|HYBRIS is an new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
Silence Ocular
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Illuminate
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Motion
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Pulse
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Rhythm
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Vibration
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Sense
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Visual
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Gracious
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Silence Balance
|Inspired by the tranquil beauty and deep forests of our Swedish homeland, Silence by Bolon is a sober, elegant flooring collection and a true sensory treat. Influenced by historical textiles and classic, traditional wooden parquet patterns, a unique weaving technique gives head-turning depth and structure and creates stunning 3D effects and playful light reflections. To the touch, Silence is soft and tactile with a warm, Tweed feeling and available as a combination of rolls, tiles and planks as standard
Now Tangerine
|Luxury, opulence and drama. Although we like to describe our Now collection as basic, its characteristics deliver exciting interiors and an expressive yet uniform whole. Streaks of metallic shimmer in the weave, giving a lavish, exclusive feeling and creating visually powerful environments with a strong sense of design unity. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and is soft to the touch with a textile feel and structure.
Now Silver
|Luxury, opulence and drama. Although we like to describe our Now collection as basic, its characteristics deliver exciting interiors and an expressive yet uniform whole. Streaks of metallic shimmer in the weave, giving a lavish, exclusive feeling and creating visually powerful environments with a strong sense of design unity. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and is soft to the touch with a textile feel and structure.
Now Anthracite
|Luxury, opulence and drama. Although we like to describe our Now collection as basic, its characteristics deliver exciting interiors and an expressive yet uniform whole. Streaks of metallic shimmer in the weave, giving a lavish, exclusive feeling and creating visually powerful environments with a strong sense of design unity. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and is soft to the touch with a textile feel and structure.
Now Carnation
|Luxury, opulence and drama. Although we like to describe our Now collection as basic, its characteristics deliver exciting interiors and an expressive yet uniform whole. Streaks of metallic shimmer in the weave, giving a lavish, exclusive feeling and creating visually powerful environments with a strong sense of design unity. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and is soft to the touch with a textile feel and structure.
Now Cerulean
|Luxury, opulence and drama. Although we like to describe our Now collection as basic, its characteristics deliver exciting interiors and an expressive yet uniform whole. Streaks of metallic shimmer in the weave, giving a lavish, exclusive feeling and creating visually powerful environments with a strong sense of design unity. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and is soft to the touch with a textile feel and structure.
Now Champagne
|Luxury, opulence and drama. Although we like to describe our Now collection as basic, its characteristics deliver exciting interiors and an expressive yet uniform whole. Streaks of metallic shimmer in the weave, giving a lavish, exclusive feeling and creating visually powerful environments with a strong sense of design unity. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32) and is soft to the touch with a textile feel and structure.
BKB Sisal Plain Seagrass
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Black
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Natur Black
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Brown
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Beige
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Sand
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Mole
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Steel
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Granite
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Trend Metallic Gamma
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Trend Metallic Alpha
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
BKB Sisal Plain Hazel
|Drawing inspiration from the world of sisal and coir mats, BKB’s large colour range optimises design versatility. This broad colour palette combines with a classically stylish pattern and a soft, textile feel and structure making it an outstanding flooring solution for offices, hotels, and many other environments. The collection is weaved with folded yarn with a mid-class wearing rating (durability class 32). BKB was our first collection and these qualities have ensured it enjoys enduring popularity. BKB is available in rolls, tiles and in Bolon StudioTM.
DAA120 mm 280 2,667 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA140 mm 300 3,112 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA160 mm 320 3,556 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA180 mm 340 4,000 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA200 mm 360 4,445 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA220 mm 380 4,889 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA240 mm 400 5,334 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA260 mm 420 5,778 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA280 mm 440 6,223 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
DAA300 mm 460 6,667 3304 D-A-CH
|Multipor flat roof insulation DAA In the thermal insulation of flat roofs, the insulation materials used must meet high standards. Multipor is a highly pressure-resistant, compression-free mineral insulation and ideally suited for flat roof insulation. They are particularly suitable for trafficable areas and flat roof constructions with high fire protection or environmental claims. Strong benefits The non-flammable, fully mineral Multipor flat roof insulation DAA belongs to building material class A1- incombustible. In the case of a fire no toxic fumes and smoke. The mineral raw materials in case of fire even inhibit the spread of flames. • Suitable for the insulation of flat roofs in cold and warm roof constructions • Varitey of roof constructions of the unloaded, unused roof until the highly compressed park roof structure or roof terraces • Maximum stability and compressive strength of 300 kPa • building practice upsetting free • Best fire protection - incombustible • Officially approved • Tested with all common sealing systems • Ageing, shape and volume resistance • Purely mineral, fiber and free of pollutants • Easy and safe to handle For proper planning of flat roofs with a slope please contact the Multipor Experts from the beginning, to find the right structures for your needs. The system solution presented here is structured by way of example for a first planning. The suitability and specification must be made in each case in consultation with the involved planners.
|Nipo is a solid wood chair whose form is reminiscent of the stark simplicity of Finnish rustic furniture. Excellent sitting comfort is achieved by gently inclining seat and backrest. The solid wood seat and frame are slightly apart which allows wood to stretch and contract. Every part of the chair’s structure is carefully designed with efficient material utilisation and industrial production in mind. Skilfully manufactured in Finland, the traditional wood joints and structural details enrich the meticulously finished effect. The restrained design makes the chair suitable for church halls and higher end cafés, for instance.
Siniat NIDA loft WP/CD/12,5
|Plasterboards are the ideal finishing material in lofts, because they allow you to hide the construction of the roof and attach a layer of insulating material in the space between the rafters. In the case of single-family houses, drywall plasterboard systems without fire protection are used as single or double sheathing of the grid in the loft. In the case of lofts located in multi-family buildings or utility buildings it is necessary to use fire resistance systems, providing fire protection for the wooden structure of the roof.
Siniat NIDA - solutions
|Plasterboards can be used to the construction of interior and exterior walls. They are of particular use in the repair of all types of buildings. The surface of the drywall is smooth and forms a perfect base for further finishing works. Plasterboards can be fixed to the wall with plasterboard adhesive or directly on the steel framework using steel partitions. By using plasterboard it is possible to increase the protection for fire resistance of the load-bearing walls of the building up to EI120 class. Building such constructions with an additional layer of mineral wool increases the acoustic and thermal insulation of the external walls. The interior walls are used to separate the individual rooms in the building and, depending on their functions, they meet stringent requirements in terms of statics, acoustics and fire protection. Partition walls are mostly made of drywall systems of profiles with different width dimensions: 50, 75 or 100 mm with a single or double layer of plasterboard or cement board. The materials used to make partition walls have important properties, such as acoustic insulation, fire insulation and moisture resistance; they also must be easy to install and remove to ensure the highest comfort of the room. Suspended ceilings function aesthetically, hiding installations or structural components of the ceiling above. They also create a fire resistant barrier and insulate the room acoustically and thermally. The sheathing of the ceiling construction is usually a 12.5 mm or 15 mm plasterboard. Special sound-absorbing ceilings use perforated plasterboards. The construction of a suspended ceiling grid consists of cold-formed sections installed in a single or double layered crossover. Suspended ceilings are hung on either rotary hangers with a spring and fixing rods or, in the case of fire protection ceilings, on nonius hangers or components for direct installation. A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA loft WP/CD/25
|Plasterboards are the ideal finishing material in lofts, because they allow you to hide the construction of the roof and attach a layer of insulating material in the space between the rafters. In the case of single-family houses, drywall plasterboard systems without fire protection are used as single or double sheathing of the grid in the loft. In the case of lofts located in multi-family buildings or utility buildings it is necessary to use fire resistance systems, providing fire protection for the wooden structure of the roof.
Siniat NIDA loft WP/CD/30
|Plasterboards are the ideal finishing material in lofts, because they allow you to hide the construction of the roof and attach a layer of insulating material in the space between the rafters. In the case of single-family houses, drywall plasterboard systems without fire protection are used as single or double sheathing of the grid in the loft. In the case of lofts located in multi-family buildings or utility buildings it is necessary to use fire resistance systems, providing fire protection for the wooden structure of the roof.
Siniat NIDA shaft 75A50
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 80A50
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 110A50
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 100A75
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 105A75
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 135A75
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 125A100
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 130A100
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Siniat NIDA shaft 160A100
|A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.
Octopus Tavolo
|The shape is inspired by the sea creatures, statuesque and sinuous, with tentacles to support the top. It seems to be an improvised table, with a light and minimal look, where the thin stands, apparently posed in a casual way, oppose themselves to the rigour of the round plate. It is a table out of the schemes, that can be placed in any living space, as an element to be combined with other classical design pieces. Structure in lacquered metal, top in black Marquinia or white Carrara marble, in the same colour of the structure
Fully Bonded Basement Waterproofing Membrane System with Sikaproof® A/P
|Sikaproof® A/ P are pre-applied or post-applied fully-bonded waterproofing membranes which are easy-to-install and ideal for damp proofing or waterproofing basements and below-grade structures. These highly-flexible FPO membrane systems are a reliable, durable solution which can be used for new structures, renovating existing basements and a variety of more demanding applications, whether you want to keep water in or keep water out. Characteristics and advantages: •Post-applied (P) or pre-applied (A) waterproofing systems •Time and cost efficient, easy and quick installation; no hot-air welding required •Highly flexible FPO membrane •Fully bonded system, no lateral water underflow •High durability, long lasting •Can be easily and efficiently repaired using local resin injection
ETICS: Carbon S
|Best performance for facade insulation with thin insulation boards: Just 10 cm thick with a Lambda of 0.024 W/mK the Dalmatiner-Fassadendämmplatte S 024 allows to achieve the strict stipulations of the relevant German energy-saving regulation “EnEV 2009”: High insulating performance combined with a slimline wall structure facilitates attractive facade designs.Unattractive small window holes - caused by thick insulation boards to avoid thermal bridges - are quite back numbers. Details of joints to attached elements are easy and cost-efficient to realise due to the slim insulation board.
HYBRIS (50 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (125 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (140 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (155 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (170 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (185 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (195 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (205 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1145 x 1150mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 155 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 170 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 185 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 195 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
HYBRIS (Panel 205 mm)
|HYBRIS is a new insulation material generally used for roof, wall, ceiling and suspended timber floor applications, especially suitable for timber/steel frame and masonry construction. HYBRIS is a reflective insulation product based on a honeycomb structure made of shaped polyethylene foams glued to aluminium coated polyethylene foils. High thermal performance is provided by a special structure composed of a large number of low emissivity cavities, protected from dust and excessive air movement. Moreover, the low emissivity external films provide additional thermal resistance, when associated with air cavities. HYBRIS is easily installed between rafters, timber studs or within floor joists. It accurately fits all widths, held in place by compression. HYBRIS does not slump down. HYBRIS is available in panels of 1150 x 2650mm and in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to 205mm.
fermacell Cement Bonded board 12.5 mm
|Fermacell Cement Bonded Boards - One Man Boards – Square Edge - Standard Boards – Square Edge - Tapered Edge Boards – Tapered On 2 Sides Fermacell Powerpanel H2O is a cement-bound light-weight construction panel with a sandwich structure and two-layer top layer reinforcement made of alkali-resistant glass lattice fabric. They offer a lot of advantages in highly humid wall and ceiling constructions. Areas of application envisaged: - interior applications for walls and ceilings, such as - domestic wet rooms (e.g., bathrooms, showers) - public areas (e.g., swimming pools, sanitation, wellness areas) - commercial areas (for example, dairies, breweries, large kitchens) - External applications - Undercover - Suspended ventilated façade Product advantages: - Predestined for wet areas - Extremely stable and light - Easy to process - Easy to attach - Economical adhesive joints - surface filling For use in highly chemically stressed areas, please contact the technical consultants of Fermacell GmbH.
MAW 110
|MAW110 is a basic system of KOMANDOR mobile walls, having the highest sound insulation performance and fire resistance. The height of the mobile partition wall can be adapted to each room, which is only limited by the building structure itself. The sliding mobile wall is an innovative solution for temporary or permanent reorganization of the entire interior, depending on your current needs. Movable walls are ideal to division conference and training centers, office buildings, hotels, schools and public places where it is required, eg. to soundproof separate rooms for working in smaller groups, or when we need to use the full space. MAW110 is available in version: MAW110E (automated mobile partition walls), MAW110G (glazed partition walls - we can customize color and frame materials and glass color).
TAW 110
|KOMANDOR partition walls are the ideal solution for the division of interiors in modern designs. Mounted on a permanent basis to the floor and ceiling of the room, they have excellent soundproofing performance and fire resistance through the use of appropriate filler materials. They have also the highest reliability, obtained from the result of many years of engineering experience. At the time, in which you need a reconfiguration of rooms, they do not require any building reconstruction or any demolition of standard plasterboard walls, becouse they are completely demountable. They allow easy wall removal and further installation in another location, which is a very important feature of any dynamic business. TAW110 basic partition wall system proves itself superbly eg. in public buildings where soundproofing allows work in silence. The wall structure strenght will also provide a secure barrier, and at the same time, the ability to move the wall if required. This flexibility may be an invaluable benefit in the future. TAW110 is available in version: TAW110G (glazed temporary partition walls), TAW110D (double-glass temporary partition walls - we can customize color and frame materials and glass color).
Wille 3-tray freestanding with coat hanger and bench
|With Wille rail system with wall rails and stand-alone modules, you can finally give large and small environments awaited feature, structure and aesthetics. Everything from the whole decor of the large media library, a small smart shoe shelf under the stairs. Steel cabinet that serves as a mini-workstation. Space for PC, holes for charging.
Sheer, chair
|“The idea is simple: to create a chair that is as light as possible. I’ve worked on projects before where, from a working environment perspective, the weight of the products has been decisive. We thought, why not take the demand for light weight very seriously and allow it to be the main driving force in the creative process? Offecct´s skilful product developer Mats Grennfalk showed me an innovative structure in super-thin but very strong steel, and then we worked from there using a slightly transparent technological textile, which we shrink onto the frame. I think we have developed a chair that is both beautiful and extremely light, with a soft, sweeping appearance. I think it’s a modern chair, very easy and convenient to use.” — Monica Förster
Bison Aluminum Planter Cubes
|<p>Planter. Seating. Storage. With modular Bison Cubes, the choice is yours! Bison Cubes make it easy to design a comfortable and beautiful environment. Bison Cubes integrate seamlessly with Bison Deck Systems. Instead of installing a wood deck tile, set a Bison Cube in its place for use as a planter or add a Bison Ipê Cube&nbsp;Top for seating and storage.&nbsp;<em>Note:&nbsp;The digital images displayed have the most accurate color possible. However, due to differences in computer monitors, we cannot be responsible for variations in color between the actual product and your screen.</em><br></p> <ul><li>Commercial grade aluminum Cubes</li><li>Handcrafted of never-rust .090 marine-grade aluminum (3/32″ thick) </li><li>Custom sizes, materials, and colors available</li><li>Maintenance free</li><li>Typically contain 20%&nbsp;recycled content and are 100% recyclable</li><li>Finished with Low VOC powder-coat paints&nbsp;and sealants</li><li>Drain holes and irrigation sleeves included</li><li>Warranty: Limited 5 year warranty on cube structure and powder coated finishes&nbsp;available</li><li>Can contribute to LEED points</li><li>Made in the USA</li></ul>
|Triangular outdoor wall light. This luminaire has been designed to adapt to the corner structures of facades while fitting in with the building architecture, in pursuit of the perfect blend of visual harmony and functionality. The innovative 90-degree optics allows the emission of a right-angle beam for a homogeneous lighting both horizontally and vertically. Myia applications include urban settings, hotels and private homes.
|Two geometrical squares combine in a sculptural structure at a right angle. Die-cast aluminium shapes that fit together perfectly, housing a LED source with CRI 90. Quad_W with its soft, slightly rounded lines sums up the singularity of a sculptural and dynamic element. The wall light can be assembled in multiple installations, achieving striking visual effects. Thanks to the driverless power supply technology, the luminous intensity can be adjusted by means of a simple dimmer.
|Wayfinding lighting fixture for outdoor spaces. Astropek_V is an extremely resistant, walk-over and drive-over product. The powerLED source is housed in an aluminium casing while a central mini uplight is protected by a prismatic toughened glass, designed to create an anti-glare grazing emission on the ground. It features the exclusive Aquastop® system, a patented sealing system against water and humidity for power supply cables. Designed for urban lighting and for illuminating public-use private structures.
|Highly functional lighting fixture for wayfinding applications. Three versions available: single, double or four-way emissions providing customized lighting. Astropek is a highly resistant walk-over and drive-over product defining outdoor spaces and transit areas. The powerLED source is equipped with an aluminium casing and a prismatic toughened glass, designed to protect the lighting fixture and create an anti-glare grazing emission on the ground. The path marker features the exclusive Aquastop® system, a patented sealing system against water and humidity for power supply cables. Designed for urban lighting and for illuminating public-use private structures.
|Highly functional lighting fixture for wayfinding applications. Three versions available: single, double or four-way emissions providing customized lighting. Astropek is a highly resistant walk-over and drive-over product defining outdoor spaces and transit areas. The powerLED source is equipped with an aluminium casing and a prismatic toughened glass, designed to protect the lighting fixture and create an anti-glare grazing emission on the ground. The path marker features the exclusive Aquastop® system, a patented sealing system against water and humidity for power supply cables. Designed for urban lighting and for illuminating public-use private structures.
|Highly functional lighting fixture for wayfinding applications. Three versions available: single, double or four-way emissions providing customized lighting. Astropek is a highly resistant walk-over and drive-over product defining outdoor spaces and transit areas. The powerLED source is equipped with an aluminium casing and a prismatic toughened glass, designed to protect the lighting fixture and create an anti-glare grazing emission on the ground. The path marker features the exclusive Aquastop® system, a patented sealing system against water and humidity for power supply cables. Designed for urban lighting and for illuminating public-use private structures.
Kyklos_P2 42 W
|A symphony of floating rings emitting a suffused, elegant light. The 2 cm thick polyurethane foam lighting fixture houses topLED sources seamlessly integrated in the sockets of the textured structure. Two rings of light are arranged in a play of reflecting mirrors: the smaller ring is placed over the light source and projects the light downwards. Kyklos_P2 is the ideal solution for illuminating interiors of hotels and private homes. Available in three sizes, dimmable via DALI protocol, for a simplified design and a light intensity management on various devices controlled by means of software.
Kyklos_P2 55 W
|A symphony of floating rings emitting a suffused, elegant light. The 2 cm thick polyurethane foam lighting fixture houses topLED sources seamlessly integrated in the sockets of the textured structure. Two rings of light are arranged in a play of reflecting mirrors: the smaller ring is placed over the light source and projects the light downwards. Kyklos_P2 is the ideal solution for illuminating interiors of hotels and private homes. Available in three sizes, dimmable via DALI protocol, for a simplified design and a light intensity management on various devices controlled by means of software.
Kyklos_P2 91 W
|A symphony of floating rings emitting a suffused, elegant light. The 2 cm thick polyurethane foam lighting fixture houses topLED sources seamlessly integrated in the sockets of the textured structure. Two rings of light are arranged in a play of reflecting mirrors: the smaller ring is placed over the light source and projects the light downwards. Kyklos_P2 is the ideal solution for illuminating interiors of hotels and private homes. Available in three sizes, dimmable via DALI protocol, for a simplified design and a light intensity management on various devices controlled by means of software.
COB20_R 15 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 25 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R2 25 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 30 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 40 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R2 40 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_R 50 W
|COB20_R is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The round structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_R is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 15 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 25 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q2 25 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 30 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
COB20_Q 40 W
|COB20_Q is a recessed luminaire that is the result of long specific research activities aimed at attaining outstanding performances combined with very simple installation. The square structure houses a reflecting aluminium optical compartment from which flows a high-quality light beam emitted by an arrayLED source. Also available in the driverless version, to be directly connected to the mains, the downlight has an IP20 protection rating. COB20_Q is particularly suitable for public spaces such as offices and shops and for private homes.
Hygiene LabotecAir™ A
|Ecophon Hygiene LabotecAir A is a wall to wall, sound-absorbing ceiling system intended for environments where there are demands on low particle emission, air pressure control and where occasional wet wiping and/or disinfection is required. Examples of applications: laboratories, the pharmaceutical and electronics industries and in healthcare premises. The system is classified B1, B5 and B10 for zone 4 according to standard NF S 90-351 and clean room classified according ISO 5. The system consists of Ecophon Hygiene LabotecAir A tiles, which have a core of high density glass wool and a painted particle-repellent Akutex™ HP surface. The back of the tile is covered with a airtight glass tissue. The edges are painted. The supporting structure is an exposed Connect T24 grid of galvanised steel. The weight of the system is 3-4 kg/m². The tiles should be secured to the grid with Connect Hygiene clips in order to withstand air pressure.
510300 Removable Comfort shower seat
|Removable, hanging shower seat for people with reduced mobility. To hang on Ø 32mm grab bars Ø 32. Wide model. HR Nylon comfort seat and backrest. Dimensions: 590 x 420 x 510mm. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32 x 1.5mm UltraPolish bright polished finish. Adjustable screw jacks guarantee a good horizontal position. Large protective caps prevent damage to the wall. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
510400 Lift-up ALU shower seat
|ALU lift-up shower seat with leg for fixed installation, for people with reduced mobility. Dimensions: 407 x 360 x 480mm. Folded dimensions: 82 x 545mm. Seat height: 480mm. Large plastic slats are comfortable and easy to maintain. Folding leg guided by an articulated arm. Structure made from aluminium tube Ø 25mm x 2mm. Concealed fixings. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
510420 Lift-up Comfort shower seat
|HR Nylon comfort seat for fixed installation, for people with reduced mobility. Wide model. Dimensions: 506 x 420 x 138mm. Folded dimensions: 95 x 540mm. Retained in upright position. Slowed down descent. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32mm. UltraPolish bright polished finish. 6 fixing points. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg. 10 year warranty. CE marked.
510430 Comfort shower seat with leg
|Lift-up comfort shower seat with leg for fixed installation, for PRM. Wide model with HR comfort seat. Dimensions: 506 x 420 x 480mm. Folded dimensions: 130 x 540mm. Retained in upright position. Slowed down descent. Suitable for intensive use in public places or the healthcare sector. Detachable solid seat made from high strength polymer. Uniform non-porous surface for easy maintenance and hygiene. Good resistance to chemical products and cleaning. Anti-UV treatment. Warm to the touch. Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel structure Ø 32mm. UltraPolish bright polished finish. Reinforced by a folding, articulated leg made from 304 stainless steel tube Ø 25mm x 1.2mm. 6 fixing points. Supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete walls. Tested to over 300kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 170kg. 10-year warranty. CE marked.
714700 Time flow shower panel SPORTING 2
|Time flow shower panel: Anodised aluminium and chrome-plated satin finish. Adjustable connector for top or back inlet. Slimline structure with concealed fixings. Soft-touch operation. Automatic mechanical flush with every use. Time flow ~30 sec. Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar. Tamperproof fixed shower head with scale-resistant nozzle and automatic flow rate regulation. Adjustable spray angle can be locked in place. Non-return valve and accessible filter. Integrated stopcock. M½" connection for mixed water supply. 10-year warranty.
Acrylicon Flake System
|The Acrylicon Flake System is 2-3mm thick and encapsulates decorative flakes within its chemically bonded monolithic structure. The system is designed for heavy traffic and moderate industrial use, combining unparalleled longevity with great aesthetics and is available in a multitude of colours. By using our unique blend of colour flakes, we are able to provide granite or marble style floors in a fraction of the time normally associated with the traditional systems. Designed for heavy foot traffic and medium industry, for example supermarkets, shopping centres, retail, hospitals, stadiums, schools.
Loft ladder LWF | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Loft ladder LWK komfort | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. -Stile ends (only in 3-section ladders); -White hatch white hatch; -Peripheral seal peripheral seal; -Treads set flush with ladder strings non-slip treads protruding from strings; -Handrail handrail; -Possibility of installing additional accessories possibility of installing additional accessories; -Fully assembled fully assembled and ready for quick installation in the ceiling; Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Loft ladder LWS Smart | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. The LWS Plus is a 3 or 4 section wooden loft ladder with insulated beige hatch. Innovative solutions applied in a new design of the LWS Smart loft ladder ensure the highest comfort of use as well as quick and easy installation in the ceiling. -Beige hatch -Peripheral seal peripheral seal -Treads set flush with ladder strings treads set flush with ladder strings -Possibility of installing additional accessories possibility of installing additional accessories -Fully assembled fully assembled and ready for quick installation in the ceiling -3 year warranty 3 year warranty Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Loft ladder LWT | FAKRO
|Enable safe and easy access to non-inhabited loft spaces without the need for installing costly and space consuming staircases. FAKRO Folding Ladders satisfy all technical and safety requirements whilst maximising ease of use and comfort. Space Savings FAKRO Loft Ladders require little space to operate in. When folded, the sections are concealed inside the Loft Space, maximising space in the room below. Ease of Installation The Installation system ensures that the Ladder can be easily installed by two individuals. Height can be easily adjusted to suit room height. Ladders come as fully assembled products and do not require any additional pre-installation work. Ease of Operation The compact structure of the hatch facilitates ease of operation of the Loft Ladder. An opening rod is supplied with every Loft Ladder enabling the user to open and close the unit with ease. Additional Equipment In order to maximise comfort and accelerate installation of the Loft Ladder, additional accessories are available. The LWT loft ladder is a highly insulated (U=0.51 W/m²K) ladder intended for energy efficient buildings where great emphasis is placed on minimizing heat loss. The ladder features the highest rating of air tightness - Class 4. -Stile ends -White hatch white hatch -Three peripheral seals three seals -Treads set flush with ladder strings non-slip treads set flush with ladder strings -Handrail handrail -Easy fitting easy installation -Possibility of installing additional accessories possibility of installing additional accessories -Fully assembled fully assembled and ready for quick installation in the ceiling Warranty FAKRO loft ladders come with a 3-year warranty.
Centre pivot roof window FTP-V P2 Secure | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTP-V P2 Secure dedicated for roof pitches from 15 to 90 degrees. Window equipped with reinforcement structure provided by the topSafe system, a new system preventing removal of antiburglary, laminated glass Class P2A and handle with a lock. Such a window no longer requires any additional safeguards, such as additional locks that hinder the use of windows. Cleaning the outer pane and setting the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when sash rotated through 180 degrees. Handle with two-stage micro-opening is situated at the bottom of the sash. A wide range of accessories. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Flat roof window DEC-C P2 | FAKRO
|The type C flat roof window is equipped with a double glazed unit with laminated internal glass which is anti-burglary P2A class as standard. Should the pane crack, shards of glass do not pose a danger but remain on the laminate film. The P2 glazing unit has an innovative and patent-pending dome installation system which increases its anti-burglary resistance. The dome is made of durable polycarbonate. It is characterised by high resistance to impacts and adverse weather conditions such as rain or hail. Special coatings on the outer and inner surface of the dome protect it against UV radiation. GLAZING UNITS The heat transmittance co-efficient for the whole window is U=1.2 W/m²K (to EN 12567-2) which is as much as 14% better result than compared with other manufacturer’s windows of a similar size. The product range also includes a quadruple U8 glazing unit. Heat transmittance co-efficient for the whole D_C U8 window is U=0.72 W/m²K (to EN 12567-2) (U=0.55 W/m²K to EN 1873) and makes the window suitable for energy-efficient and passive buildings. ACCESSORIES The structure of the window enables installation of internal as well as external accessories. A patent-pending system of profiles enables the installation of the awning blind under the dome of the flat roof window, thus protecting the blind against damage as a result of strong winds etc. INSTALLATION RANGE The type C flat roof window is suitable for roof pitches between 2 and 15 degrees. AVAILABLE SIZES The wide range of sizes available has been matched to standard skylights, enabling the quick and easy replacement of an existing skylight for a new window. FAKRO DEC flat roof window is electrically opened with wireless Z-Wave system
Highly energy efficient roof window FTT U6 | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTT U6, for energy-efficient construction and passive buildings roof windows. Dedicated for roof pitches 15 to 70 degrees. The glazing units are installed to the specially designed sash frames. The sashes have widened frames when compared to standard windows. Such a structure minimises the phenomenon of thermal bridges and better window insulation. The pivot window with hinge situated above the centre of the window height, so even a tall person can comfortably stand at the open window. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when sash rotated through 180 degrees. High quality pine wood, glued in layers, vacuum impregnated. Double coated wood with ecological acrylic lacquer in natural colour. Increased resistance to burglary - topSafe system. A wide range of accessories. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Highly energy efficient roof window FTT U8 Thermo | FAKRO
|FAKRO FTT U8 Thermo, for energy-efficient construction and passive buildings roof windows. Dedicated for roof pitches 15 to 70 degrees. The glazing units are installed to the specially designed sash frames. The sashes have widened frames when compared to standard windows. Such a structure minimises the phenomenon of thermal bridges and better window insulation. The pivot window with hinge situated above the centre of the window height, so even a tall person can comfortably stand at the open window. Easy cleaning of the outer pane and operating the awning blind with the use of blocking sash bolt when sash rotated through 180 degrees. High quality pine wood, glued in layers, vacuum impregnated. Double coated wood with ecological acrylic lacquer in natural colour. Increased resistance to burglary - topSafe system. A wide range of accessories. Certificate PASSIVHAUS for FAKRO FTT U8 Thermo The window with innovative structure, designed to be widely used in passive construction, offers very good overall heat-transfer coefficient for the whole window, guaranteeing significant energy savings. Warranty: 10 years warranty period for window, lifetime – glazing until hail resistance warranty.
Fisufor Plug
|Overlapping prefabricated bed joint reinforcement consisting of two parallel longitudinal wires (that are) joined by a central wire. The central wire forms a truss structure and is welded on (in) the same plane along the inner side of the longitudinal wires. It has an innovative design that enables the (performing of the) overlap between reinforcements without the need for any further manipulation, keeping the same nominal width of the reinforcement in the overlap area. The ends of the pieces have a specific geometric plug-shaped configuration which enables the 250mm overlap to be performed without the need to cut the wires. Also, the transverse wire is crushed in said area so that minimum mortar beds can be ensured.
|Overlapping prefabricated bed joint reinforcement consisting of two parallel longitudinal wires (that are) joined by a central wire. The central wire forms a truss structure and is welded (soldered) on (in) the same plane along the inner side of the longitudinal wires. It has an innovative design that enables the (performing of the) overlap between reinforcements without the need for any further manipulation, keeping the same nominal width of the reinforcement in the overlap area. The ends of the pieces have a specific geometric plug-shaped configuration which enables the 250mm overlap to be performed without the need to cut the wires. Also, the transverse wire is crushed in said area so that minimum mortar beds can be ensured. It also has spacers on the transverse wires which permit the control of the bed joint thickness. It also includes some devices, called SAO, placed at both ends of the pieces which permit visual verification, after the execution phase, that the amounts of wall reinforcement correspond to those of the design and that the overlap length complies with the regulations.
|Metallic elements made of stainless steel with the primary role of clamping and retaining the masonry wall to structural elements. They permit free movement in the two directions contained within the plane of the wall. The anchor consists of two parts, a socket that is mechanically fixed to the structure and an omega that engages the grooves of the socket and whose ends are embedded in the ends of the masonry wall. The anchor is characterized by its great resistance both to traction and to compression as well as by including a SAO device.
|Structural post made of 2 mm galvanized steel sheet, to be placed between floor-slabs to increase the masonry wall rigidity. It consists of three parts, two ends and a central part formed by a folded sheet where the GEOANC omegas that connect the masonry wall to the post are inserted. This joint permits a differential movement between the masonry wall and the structure. The telescopic design of these posts permits their placement without the need for welding, as well as the absorption of any slab irregularity.
Goggle, bicycle rack single sided, 5 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund
Goggle, bicycle rack double sided, 10 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund
Goggle, bicycle rack single sided, 10 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund
Goggle, bicycle rack double sided, 20 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top.
Goggle, bicycle rack wall mounted 5 bicycles
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: Erik Österlund.
Goggle, bicycle rack single sided, 5 bicycles and leaning bench top
|The Goggle bike rack is characterised by galvanised hoops fastened to horizontal bars. The hoops are constructed from pairs of circular metal sized to hold a bicycle wheel. A range of rack alternatives is available, making Goggle a uniquely versatile system. The hoops can be attached to a base plate, a single bar, a double-sided rack, or secured to a purpose-built structure for a decorative effect. The ground-mounted single-sided version is also available with a wooden ledge along the top. Design: erik Österlund
Mobilia, bicycle shelter, start section
|The Mobilia bicycle shelter is contemporary in style and architectural in scope. Several can be installed in a row to form a longer length, or placed back-to-back to create a double structure. Made from sheets of UV-resistant polycarbonate, the roof was designed with the same considerations as a modern building. The gradient encourages rain to run off and the design avoids deep gutters that trap leaves. The steel parts in the frame are C4 treated, zinc-electroplated and powder-coated. The frame and bicycle wheel holders can be bolted to a pre-cast concrete base for easy assembly. Design: Sydväst Architect
Mobilia, bicycle shelter, extension section
|The Mobilia bicycle shelter is contemporary in style and architectural in scope. Several can be installed in a row to form a longer length, or placed back-to-back to create a double structure. Made from sheets of UV-resistant polycarbonate, the roof was designed with the same considerations as a modern building. The gradient encourages rain to run off and the design avoids deep gutters that trap leaves. The steel parts in the frame are C4 treated, zinc-electroplated and powder-coated. The frame and bicycle wheel holders can be bolted to a pre-cast concrete base for easy assembly. Design: Sydväst Architect.
Revet, bicycle shelter, 5 bicycles
|The Revet bicycle shelter is a purpose-built enclosure with plenty of room for bicycles. The easy-to-assemble prefabricated structure is built with a durable roof wooden roof that curves downward to create a wall. Several structures can be combined side-by-side to create a bigger shelter with room for more bicycles. Revet offers a value-for-money shelter with the potential to be extended according to specific requirements. Design: Bengt Isling.
Revet, bicycle shelter start section, 10 bicycles
|The Revet bicycle shelter is a purpose-built enclosure with plenty of room for bicycles. The easy-to-assemble prefabricated structure is built with a durable roof wooden roof that curves downward to create a wall. Several structures can be combined side-by-side to create a bigger shelter with room for more bicycles. Revet offers a value-for-money shelter with the potential to be extended according to specific requirements. Design: Bengt Isling.
Seagull, bicylce shelter single sided, 10 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén.
Seagull, bicylce shelter double sided, 20 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén
Seagull, bicylce shelter single sided, 15 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén.
Seagull, bicylce shelter double sided, 30 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén
Seagull, bicylce shelter single sided, 20 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén.
Seagull, bicylce shelter double sided, 40 bicycles
|Like the wings of a bird, the roof of the Seagull bicycle shelter is made in an aerodynamic shape that appears to be lifting in flight. The overhead structure is crafted in streamlined supporting struts attached to a central girder and bolted to round supports. The roof is available as a single structure for sheltering one row of bicycles or as a double-sided design that stretches across two rows. Seagull is available in standard lengths of four, six and eight metres. Design: Kristofer Hansén.
800 Slim Task Chair
|Chair with soft castors, height adjustable and 5-star swivel base with sync-meccanism.Structure made of die cast aluminium stove enamelled, polished or chromed. Seat shell made of printed polyurethane and metal frame, with back side made of plastic material, lacquered or covered with Camira® or Kvadrat® fabric or leather Pelle Frau®.
805_Slim Conference low Chair
|Chair with height adjustable, 4-star swivel base and tilt mechanism (or fixed). Structure made of die cast aluminium stove enamelled, polished or chromed. Seat shell made of printed polyurethane and metal frame, with back side made of plastic material, lacquered or covered with Camira® or Kvadrat® fabric or leather Pelle Frau®.
807_Slim Conference medium Chair
|Chair with height adjustable, 4-star swivel base and tilt mechanism (or fixed). Structure made of die cast aluminium stove enamelled, polished or chromed. Seat shell made of printed polyurethane and metal frame, with back side made of plastic material, lacquered or covered with Camira® or Kvadrat® fabric or leather Pelle Frau®.
812_Slim Conference high Chair
|Chair with height adjustable, 4-star swivel base and tilt mechanism (or fixed). Structure made of die cast aluminium stove enamelled, polished or chromed. Seat shell made of printed polyurethane and metal frame, with back side made of plastic material, lacquered or covered with Camira® or Kvadrat® fabric or leather Pelle Frau®.
454_Biplane 120x120 high table
|Square high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
465_Biplane 140x140 high table
|Square high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
487_Biplane 200x105 high table
|Square high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
491_Biplane 240x105 high table
|Rectangular high table with structure composed of 4 legs in die-cast aluminium with painted finishes, connected by a shelf. Top and shelf available in enamelled scratch resistant mdf thickness 22 mm. A strong grasp of form and composition has given life to a collection of tables characterised by great flexibility in terms of shape, size and range of uses. The project derives from the idea of creating a broad and differentiated range of designs. The legs in die-cast aluminium are fixed both to a central base and to the table top forming a solid structure. The number of legs may vary as a function of the dimensions of the top, available in different shapes and finishes.
MB-45 storefront single panel
|<p><b>MB-45</b>&nbsp;is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<b>&nbsp;MB-60</b>&nbsp;and<b>&nbsp;MB-70</b>&nbsp;window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door&nbsp;<b>MB-45S</b>.</p>
MB-45 two-winged door opening outwards with fixed window
|<p><strong>MB-45</strong> is a modern aluminium system intended for designing elements of architectural exterior and interior enclosures that do not require thermal insulation, e.g. various types of partition walls, windows, manual and automatic sliding doors, swing doors, vestibules, display windows, ticket box offices, showcases and spatial structures.</p> <p>The characteristic feature of this system is its close connection with<strong> MB-60</strong> and<strong> MB-70</strong> window/door systems. The system versatility and attractiveness are additionally enhanced by the possibility to choose from several solution variants in the case of various structural details, e.g.: sealing of the lower door leaf, sealing of the sliding and swing doors, shape of glazing beads and shape and height of the door threshold. This system is also connected with the structure of mortise door <strong>MB-45S</strong>.</p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
MB-86 AERO fixed windows
|<p>The new&nbsp;<strong>MB-86</strong>&nbsp;window and door series have been designed to offer outstanding insulation properties. It meets the increasing requirements from the legislative and general market demands for the enhanced energy saving construction of new windows and doors. Offered in three varieties&nbsp;<strong>ST</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>SI&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>AERO</strong>&nbsp;it is the first aluminum system to employ silica aerogel, the nanoporous material that has a very high proportion of free void volume compared to conventional solid materials. Its high pore volume, low solid content, and torturous path amorphous structure give rise to low values of thermal conductivity. Therefore the system features the industry leading thermal performance. In addition it also features exceptional rate of profiles inertia that allows for greater windows in size and weight.&nbsp;<br></p> <p><strong>Features and benefits:</strong></p> <ul><li>large selection of profiles</li><li>newly shaped, extra thick thermal breaks</li><li>multi component central gasket</li><li>glazing strips with additional sealing option</li><li>glazing up to 67,5 mm enabling all types of two chamber glazing, acoustic and security, anti burglary glazing</li><li>large, wire-free glass areas</li><li>appropriate for variety of hardware including concealed hinges</li><li>water draining available in both traditional and concealed options</li><li>highly energy efficient from 0,57 W/m2K</li><li>clean, sharp lines of narrow extruded aluminum framing</li><li>multitude of finish options</li></ul> <p></p> <p><br></p>
ParQube APS
|Parqube APS is an Automated Pay Station for parking systems that has been designed for users' simplicity. The 15" LCD display screen and ergonomic layout guide users through an effortless payment, with the flexibility to accept all of the most popular payment means available (cash, credit card, debit card, etc.). The ParQube Automated Pay Station grants the highest level of security against unauthorized access by operating a strict audit control of all transaction income and money change within the station. The cabinet has a strong and robust internal and external structure. All components are designed for simple and rapid maintenance, thanks to a modular layout that also allows extensive flexibility to accommodate future requirements. Assembly is carried out to the highest standards, leveraging a valuable experience gathered during thousands of installations worldwide.
|Sahara System contains 2 profiles. Sahara 1 is an economical narrow aluminum profile characterized by a refined but simple shape which makes light framing for door filling. Its subtlety and slender line cause that it perfectly emphasizes the materials of fillings, in other words, their colour, structure and surface beauty without dominating the door. It is ideal for interiors arranged in minimalist, marine, or even boho or vintage styles. Sahara 2 is an economical narrow aluminum profile having a rounded handle. Its subtle and simple shape creates light framing for door filling, while its slender and elongated line curiosly emphasizes the filling of the doors providing only a delicate complement to them. The system is ideal for minimalist, marine, boho, vintage, retro or classic interiors. Main advantage: • Popular, light and quiet sliding door system. • Door options: with uniform panel, combined of various materials or with an imitated partition with a decorative batten. • The buffer strips with short and long hair protecting from dust and damping sounds. . • The special anti-jumping function which prevents the door from falling out of the bottom track. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Mechanical lock and electronic lock options are available. Available options: • sliding doors • sliding door with divisions • pivoting doors • pivoting doors with divisions • slanted doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
|Aero is a frameless system which allows us to use a cellular board or another panel with the thickness of 28 to 38 mm as the door. Its major advantage is the total lack of profiles around the door the edges of which are finished with PVC veneer. The panel thickness and completely undisturbed door surface cause that visually the door looks very solid at the same time presenting the beauty of its filling material, mean the wood structure lines and surface texture. It is a perfect option not only for modern, minimalist and ascetic interiors but also those stylish with a touch of classics. Main advantage: • A light structure, without profiles • Possibility of using as an entrance door • Possibility of mounting and concealing the top track in the crevice of the wall or ceiling. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. • Big range of door thickness. • Hidden sliding mechanisms and invisible fastenings of the bottom track Available options: • Sliding doors • Hanging doors Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
Interior doors
|In its wide offer Komandor has also hanging doors which are both practical and aesthetic. The system of hanging doors is an ideal solution if we want to separate two independent spaces from each other and at the same time keep a comfortable passage between them. In such a case hanging doors become passage doors and allow us to use the space as it suits us, make it larger or smaller, as needed. They are available in single and double system. Single system – simple, slender in shape of aluminum profile in anode natural allows use only one filling in the door. As the door materials are visible from both sides, the best option would be glass or chipboard. Double system – classical aluminum profile with natural anodizing, designed to the use different fillings on each side of the door, what gives higher range of design options. Door opening is facilitated by an aesthetic handle being an integral part of the system. Main advantage: • A light structure, without the bottom track, with sliding mechanism in the top track. • Possibility of using as an entrance door with width of up to 1.5 m. • Possibility of mounting and concealing the bottom track in the crevice of the wall or ceiling. • Possibility of flexible arrangement and the use of different fillings on both sides of the door. • Mechanical lock option is available. • The pneumatic closing mechanisms provide for gentle door closing. Available options: • Hanging doors • Corner hanging doors, outer Contact details: Phone: +48 48 332-17-05 e-mail: komandor@komandor.pl
IN-WALL PL3-E Electronic operating plate for concealed cistern
|PL3-E - Electronic stainless steel operating plate for concealed cistern with automatic or manual dual flush Compatible with: 890090200 In-Wall BASIC TANK - Concealed cistern with dual flush (6/3 L) 890090020 In-Wall DUPLO WC - Concealed structure for toilet with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890090120 In-Wall BASIC WC – Concealed structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L) 890090800 In-Wall DUPLO SMART WC - Concealed structure for Smart Toilets with dual flush cistern 890090700 In-Wall DUPLO WC FREESTANDING - Concealed free-standing structure with dual flush cistern (6/3 L)
M48 AREA FLOOD Floodlight
|An LED professional floodlight for sport structures, traffic underpasses and outdoor car parks characterised by its particularly high lighting performance. The number of LED modules may vary from two to four depending on the level of performance required. Option of replacing any of the LED modules without having to make any manual electrical disconnections as there is no wiring between the modules. Easy and quick ceiling-mounted installation thanks to the bracket kit accessory - to be ordered separately. This allows the bracket, which acts as a template, to be fixed to the ceiling. Then the product is fitted sideways onto the bracket and secured with safety screws.
|Extruded polystyrene URSA XPS is an excellent thermal insulator that offers the following advantages: Its closed cellular structure means very low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation levels. URSA XPS has excellent mechanical properties, with a resistance to compression of 300 kPa. Zero water absorption makes URSA XPS a superior choice for roof insulation – flat or pitched.
|Extruded polystyrene URSA XPS is an excellent thermal insulator that offers the following advantages: [LIST] Its closed cellular structure means very low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation levels. URSA XPS has excellent mechanical properties, with a resistance to compression of 300 kPa. Zero water absorption makes URSA XPS a superior choice for roof insulation – flat or pitched. [/LIST]
|Extruded polystyrene URSA XPS is an excellent thermal insulator that offers the following advantages: [LIST] Its closed cellular structure means very low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation levels. URSA XPS has excellent mechanical properties, with a resistance to compression of 300 kPa. Zero water absorption makes URSA XPS a superior choice for roof insulation – flat or pitched. [/LIST]
|Extruded polystyrene URSA XPS is an excellent thermal insulator that offers the following advantages: [LIST] Its closed cellular structure means very low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation levels. URSA XPS has excellent mechanical properties, with a resistance to compression of 300 kPa. Zero water absorption makes URSA XPS a superior choice for roof insulation – flat or pitched. [/LIST]
|Extruded polystyrene URSA XPS is an excellent thermal insulator that offers the following advantages: [LIST] Its closed cellular structure means very low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation levels. URSA XPS has excellent mechanical properties, with a resistance to compression of 300 kPa. Zero water absorption makes URSA XPS a superior choice for roof insulation – flat or pitched. [/LIST]
|Extruded polystyrene URSA XPS is an excellent thermal insulator that offers the following advantages: [LIST] Its closed cellular structure means very low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation levels. URSA XPS has excellent mechanical properties, with a resistance to compression of 300 kPa. Zero water absorption makes URSA XPS a superior choice for roof insulation – flat or pitched. [/LIST]
Stone Tile. Travertine Bianco
|Natural Stone (Travertine) of light beige color stripes structure. Formed by precipitation of calcium carbonate. Main mineral is calcite. Its aesthetics and color tone make this stone an ideal product for interior design and applications in bathrooms, kitchens, countertops, showers, etc. Its enormous physical-mechanical performance adds to this stone an added value that allows designers to apply this product in any of their designs without fear of maintenance. Travertine Bianco has been the product chosen by the most distinguished Architects and Interior Designers in the field of Natural Stone floorings and Luxury Hospitality Tino Collection standard surface finishes are: Polished, Honed, Domus and Sandblasted. Tino offers this product in any format and finish desired by the customer. Check maximum size per finish. For other finishes, please check availability and sizes
1.1.1 SEPARATION WALLS - Twin frame - Single cavity
|Partition made up of two Pladur® plasterboards screwed onto each side of a free, twin frame of galvanised steel and set apart a variable distance (10 mm minimum). Both structures are built on Pladur® studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements). Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
1.2.1 SEPARATION WALLS - Twin frame - Split cavity
|Partition made up of two Pladur® plasterboards screwed on each side to a free, twin frame of galvanised steel and set apart from each other a variable distance (minimum spacing of 10 mm + thickness of the middle plasterboard). Both structures are built on Pladur® studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements). Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
1.2.2 SEPARATION WALLS - Twin frame braced - Split cavity
|Partition made up of two Pladur® plasterboards screwed onto each side of a double, braced structure of galvanised steel and set apart from each other a variable distance (minimum spacing of 10 mm + thickness of the middle plasterboard). Both structures are built on Pladur® studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements). Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
1.3.1 SEPARATION WALLS - Mixed partition with base wall
|Mixed partition made up of two independent Pladur® linings, both braced on each side by a supporting wall (to be determined by the design). The final thickness of the mixed partition is determined by the base wall. Each lining is made up of a structure of profiles of galvanised sheet steel, built on studs (vertical elements and channels (horizontal elements), on whose interior side, according to the free-standing height, the studs will need be braced with brackets attached to the core of the studs and the base wall, leaving a space between the structure and the wall of a minimum of 10 mm. On the exterior side of each lining structure, one or two Pladur® plasterboards are screwed on. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
2.2.1 LININGS - Semi-direct MF
|Semi-direct lining made up of a structure of galvanised sheet steel profiles over Pladur® furring fastened directly to the support wall, to whose exterior a Pladur® plasterboard is screwed. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, watertight joints, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design.) Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
2.3.1 LININGS - Independent T-47 / PL-75 + PL
|Independent lining made up of a structure of galvanised sheet steel profiles over T-47/T-45 profiles vertical elements) and Clip U track (horizontal elements), on whose interior side, the profiles need to be braced using standard reach brackets, leaving a space between the structure and the wall of a minimum of 10 mm. On the exterior side of this structure, one or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed on. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, watertight/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for Clip U track, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
2.3.2 LININGS - Independent M-46 / M-70 / M-90
|Independent lining made up of a structure of galvanised sheet steel profiles over Pladur® studs and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements), on whose interior side, depending on the height to be covered, the studs must be braced with brackets that attach to the core of the studs and the support wall, leaving a minimum space between the structure and the wall of 10 mm. On the exterior side of this structure one or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed on. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, watertight/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of the Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
|Partition made up of a Pladur® plasterboard screwed to each side of a galvanized steel structure, over Pladur® studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements). Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, watertight/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of the Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
|Partition made up of two or more Pladur® plasterboards screwed to each side of a galvanized steel structure, over Pladur® studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements). Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, watertight/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for floor and ceiling channels, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of the Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE
5.1.1 SPECIAL SYSTEMS - High rise - Minimum distance between profiles
|Partition made up of two Pladur® plasterboards screwed on each side of a double, braced structure of galvanised steel and spaced a minimum of 10 mm apart. Both structures are built on Pladur® studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements). Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
5.1.2 SPECIAL SYSTEMS - High rise - Variable distance between profiles
|Partition made up of two Pladur® plasterboards screwed on each side to a double, braced structure of galvanised steel and set apart from each other a variable distance (minimum spacing of 10mm). Both structures are built on Pladur® studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® channels (horizontal elements). Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
|Partition made up of a structure of galvanised sheet steel metal profiles 90 mm wide and 0.7 mm thick, with Pladur® CH-90 studs and Pladur® E-90 studs (vertical elements), spaced 600 mm on centre, and Pladur® J-92 channels (horizontal elements). Toward the inaccessible side (hollow area) a partition face is created enclosing a Pladur® CH plasterboard 25 mm thick with E-90 first and last studs with CH-90 studs in between, having, there being between both materials a continuous band of Pladur® intumescent acoustic sealant On the accessible side of this partition, one or more 15mm thick Pladur® F plasterboards are screwed on. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design) except on the inaccessible side of the system. Core of each Pladur>® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements
|Partition made up of a structure of galvanised sheet steel metal profiles 90 mm wide and 0.7 mm thick, with Pladur® CH-90 studs and Pladur® E-90 studs (vertical elements), spaced 600 mm on centre, and Pladur® J-92 channels (horizontal elements). Toward the inaccessible side (hollow area) a partition face is created enclosing a Pladur® CH plasterboard 25 mm thick with E-90 first and last studs and CH-90 studs in between, having a continuous band of Pladur® intumescent acoustic sealant between both materials. On the accessible side of this partition, one or more 15mm thick Pladur® F plasterboards are screwed on, including joint treatment. Afterwards a self-bearing lining is applied, consisting of a structure of profiles of galvanized steel sheet metal on Pladur® studs and channels (horizontal elements), on whose interior side, depending on the height to be covered, the studs must be braced with angular pieces that are attached to the core of the studs and the Pladur® CH partition, leaving a space between the structure and the partition of a minimum of 10 mm. On the exterior side of this structure one or more Pladur® plasterboards are screwed on. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc., with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), except on the inaccessible side of the system. Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
1.3.2 SEPARATION WALLS - Mixed partition with Pladur wall
|Mixed partition made up of two independent Pladur® linings, both braced on each side by a Pladur® partition wall. Each partition is made up of a structure of galvanised sheet steel profiles, built on studs (vertical elements) and channels (horizontal elements), on whose interior side, depending on the free-standing height, the studs will need be braced with brackets attached to the core of the studs and the Pladur®, partition, leaving a space between the structure and the partition base of a minimum of 10 mm. On the exterior of each lining structure, one or two Pladur® plasterboards are screwed on. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, resilient/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on floors and ceilings, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the project). Core of each Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
C.02 : Lam. Safety & Security - Window - C2C Stratobel Security
|At first glance, this glass looks like an ordinary pane of glass, but it is far from ordinary. Designed to provide a high level of security to protect people and goods, this new range of protection withstands physical assaults from theft, attacks, firearms and explosions. Since these glazings are often heavy and thick, we have developed two versions with thinner and lighter structures with the same level of performance: the Stratobel Security Thin family uses chemically-tempered glass, Stratobel Security XThin PC family employs polycarbonate sheets as a component of laminated glass. Used in isolated glazing (Thermobel Stratobel Security), these 2 structures offer a thinner and lighter double glazing unit.By using a tough transparent plastic with a more complex structure(multiple thick layers of glass and interlayers) than the regular Stratobel range, these glazings provide maximum protection which is suitable for banks,retail outlets, prisons and the like. By using a tough transparent plastic with a more complex structure(multiple thick layers of glass and interlayers) than the regular Stratobel range, these glazings provide maximum protection which is suitable for banks,retail outlets, prisons and the like.
Purmo Kon
|The Purmo Kon convectors have a discreet elegance combined with a very good heat dissipation. The steel structure is powerful and solid which makes Purmo Kon an ideal source of heat in public environments with large glass panels and open plan solutions. To obtain an elegant pipe installation, the purmo Kon is equipped with an integrated valve, complemented by valve insert and thermostat to create a comfortable indoor climate.
K2 Talk - 600x1200
|The inspiration source for K2 Talk is obviously the traditional trestle only the height has been stretched and added a very simple table top in 25 mm MDF with linoleum or laminate. The result is a standing table that is highly suitable for educational institutions as the creative area where the students work in groups as well as in the cafeteria as a place where expectations for the next school dance are exchanged and where the students drink coffee to prepare for the rest of the day. But K2 Talk might as well be placed at work as a breeding ground for spontaneous small meetings and intuitive ideas. Combine the K2 Talk with for instance the K2 High and allow the thin steel and round edges of the chair to create a contrast to the stabile structure of the table. The standard colours of the K2 Talk are a black linoleum top and a black base or the same in white but it’s possible to create individual solutions by for example giving the base a more vivid colour and keeping the top neutral.
K2 Talk - 600x1800
|Download pricelist and brand book: www.jensenplus.dk/download The inspiration source for K2 Talk is obviously the traditional trestle only the height has been stretched and added a very simple table top in 25 mm MDF with linoleum or laminate. The result is a standing table that is highly suitable for educational institutions as the creative area where the students work in groups as well as in the cafeteria as a place where expectations for the next school dance are exchanged and where the students drink coffee to prepare for the rest of the day. But K2 Talk might as well be placed at work as a breeding ground for spontaneous small meetings and intuitive ideas. Combine the K2 Talk with for instance the K2 High and allow the thin steel and round edges of the chair to create a contrast to the stabile structure of the table. The standard colours of the K2 Talk are a black linoleum top and a black base or the same in white but it’s possible to create individual solutions by for example giving the base a more vivid colour and keeping the top neutral.