Bathtub with Shower USA 17

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  • Description This bathtub object uses manufacturer specific information, much of which is typical for the US market. The hardware selection is generic, but heights are adjustable to coordinate with tile finishes etc. 3D detail set to "Simple" has a significant effect on the tub geometry, but not the hardware.
  • Keywords Bath Bathtub Kohler K505-6 Mendota
  • Uploaded by Ransom Ratcliff
  • Upload time
  • License Public Domain Dedication 1.0
  • Version ArchiCAD 17
  • File size 236.3 KB
  • Downloads 25257 downloads


  • Jimmy Dingo
    Jimmy Dingo 1432905217
    non si scarica!
  • Aaron Hoopes
    Aaron Hoopes 1526415733
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